Intel Agencies Caught in Massive Voter Fraud – Dr. Jerome Corsi

By Greg Hunter’s 

Dr. Jerome Corsi has a Harvard PhD in political science.  He has written more than 30 books with many of them becoming best-sellers.  Dr. Corsi’s latest project is about voter fraud.  Corsi says he can prove Donald Trump really did win in 2020.  There were also countless down-ballot thefts in 2020 and in 2024.  Dr. Corsi and others have uncovered a grand scam that dates back to the early 2000’s that has cheated people into office that actually lost.  The architects of the steal can be traced back to U.S. intel agencies.  Dr. Corsi created a website for this project called and explains, “ is named after the David and Goliath Bible story.  This is when David picks up five smooth stones from the brook, and they are the exact ones needed to kill Goliath.  That’s what we are aiming to do is to kill this Goliath of voter fraud.”

The voter fraud is hidden in the voter rolls that every state government maintains.  Corsi says, “You look at state records, and there might be 12 million records and there might be 2 million false records.  They look legitimate until you really analyze them, and then you realize they are duplicates or clones.  If you send out people to canvas them, there is nobody there.  They are falsified and hidden in the data base.  It’s like a card marking scheme. . . . They did not use the algorithms in the 2024 Election for President because we were on the lookout for it.  The down-ballot elections (House, Governor and Senate) used these algorithms, and they cheated.”

Corsi estimates they cheated 20 House Democrats and 5 Democrat Senators into office in 2024.  His group is already bringing cases in places like Florida.  Eventually, the Trump DOJ and FBI will prosecute this sort of voter fraud embedded in every state election data base.  Many state election officials do not even realize this sort of fraud is embedded in their systems.  Corsi believes this complicated voter fraud algorithm was planted by U.S. intel agencies.  Dr. Corsi says, “There is no task more important.  If we don’t have legitimate voting, nothing else really matters because we will have lost our freedoms.  If the intelligence agencies have decided to run our elections, I think we are going to find out how much lying they have done to us. . . . There could be treason charges in this, and there should be treason charges in this.  Whoever figured this scheme out and put it in, committed treason because they took away the legitimacy of the vote.”

The President was recently briefed about this voter fraud scheme.  Dr. Corsi says this is now a top priority of the Trump Administration.  Trump has long contended that he won the 2020 Election, and Dr. Corsi says his group and the data it has uncovered can prove Trump is right.  Corsi says, “If we don’t fix this, we will never have another fair election.  If we don’t fix this, we have lost our democracy, we have lost our freedoms.  We were very close to losing our freedoms as it was.  If we would not have found these algorithms and exposed them, I don’t think Donald Trump would have won in 2024.  They can steal as many votes as they need to steal an election.  The only limitation is when they have to steal so many, it becomes apparent.  If you go to, you can see all the data for free.”

There is more in the 57-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One on One with Dr. Jerome Corsi where he uncovers election fraud and treason done by our own intel agencies.

After the Interview:

To keep up with the progress of the massive voter fraud uncovered by Dr. Corsi, go to

To donate to fund election integrity by Dr. Corsi and his group, you can make a tax deductible donation by clicking here.   ( is a 501 c3.)

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  1. The True Nolan

    Dr. Corsi makes an absolutely fundamental point! Any objective observer has known for years that the elections have been rigged. It is only by hard work and the grace of God that Trump has made his way to the White House. No matter how excited we may all be to see the massive steps he is taking to wipe out the corruption in our government, unless the elections can be made honest once again, all the hard work will disappear with the next election. Celebrate our political victories over the entrenched traitors, but remember that regardless of what battles we win, the only way to win the war is to stop the election fraud.


    • Greg Hunter

      I agree and Amen!

      • Tom C.

        Donald Trump and a highly compartmentalized team are destroying the Deep State as we speak. The DS is being Blitzed. They are being hot hard and fast from every angle and are in disarray
        USAID is/was their slush fund. It has been shut down.

        • Anthony Australia

          BREAKING: Bill Gates Issues A Major Threat To President Trump, Elon Musk, & America— The Globalist Depopulation Boss Openly Told ABC’s “The View” That If USAID Continues To Be Investigated / Dismantled, A New Pandemic Will Kill Millions

          MUST-WATCH NEXT-LEVEL INTERVIEW: Dr. David Martin Issues An Emergency Warning To President Trump & The People Of The World

        • Galaxy 500

          Trump and his team are serious about taking this corrupt bastards down

          • Tom C.

            Galaxy, yes they are. It is well planned and compartmentalized. They’re hitting them again and again to keep them off balance and in disarray.

        • Katy Bar

          Next on the list Trump needs to go after both Blackrock and the Fed!! As both are working to Crash the US Stock Market and Economy (and make Trump into Herbert Hoover 2.0)!! Blackrock is now buying PUTS (preparing to scoop up additional Trillions of our Wealth) thinking a “Crash is Certain” (with the Fed’s help)! Warren Buffet is running scared and is getting into Cash (probably thinking ordinary people are crazy buying “at the top of the market”)!! However, the American People have “intuitive smarts and faith in Trump” who with his Tariffs “will bringing in a lot of Cash to America” (which is Just like the Fed Printing Money) and by thus increasing the domestic money supply with foreign cash (and additionally eliminating the Federal Income Tax for the American people) “TRUMP CAN BOOST THE ECONOMY”!! The only way the Fed could Crash the Economy for Blackrock would be to Raise Interest Rates on Consumer Loans and Credit Cards (however Trump can “Stop the Fed” by simply fixing Credit Card and Consumer Borrowing Rates (to perhaps 5%)!! This will effectively “Remove the Fed’s Power to Crash the Economy” (and thus Trump has the power to make the Economy and Stock Market “BOOM”)!! Resulting in Blackrock losing a Fortune on its Put Positions and the Fed being Neutered (as it fights in the Courts to hold on to its Banking Charter)!!

          • Robert Messina

            Kati , , from your text to God’s eyes that Day will make me Happy
            I will also like to see the week that I see no chemtrails followed by another week and so on
            He who controls the weather controls the world and it seems they are an evil bunch . . . rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places where we fight with the whole armor of God

            • Anthony Australia

              Hi Robbie, this is an issue that annoys me the most.
              I can’t believe people not seeing it for what it is. They are out in force on Sunny days before there is rain forecasted.
              Dane Wigington & Deborah Tavares are trying to expose the pure evil.

            • Anthony Australia

              MUST SEE: Woman Confronts Chemtrail Pilots With Absolute Proof of Heavy Metal Contamination Under Flight Paths!


        • Obbledy

          Confirmed my suspicion…..
          There was NO WAY Trump won the swing states and voters went BLUE downballot….no way,that alone seemed obvious to me yet not even “right wing”media or commenter’s bothered to point that out…..

          • Galaxy 500

            No way that happened without Hanky Panky

      • David Gordon Dunne

        They are all going down now. Their ship is sinking. Watch all the rats snuck out of the Country with their false IDs, set up off shore accounts, new identities and already have paid off the Governments they are going to live. They will disappear. I know bad people hide in the Country I live in. Cash speaks.

        • Anthony Australia

          In the last financial year, the value of the RBA’s gold reserves grew by 22 per cent to $9 billion. Since then, the price has climbed another 30 per cent, which would bring the value to approximately $13 billion.

          Regretfully, in 1997, then-Treasurer Peter Costello approved the sale of the majority of the RBA’s 247 tonnes, claiming “gold no longer plays a significant role in the international financial system.” That decision has proven costly as those reserves would today total AUD $36 billion.

          The Reserve Bank now holds less gold than Romania, Uzbekistan and Venezuela – but at least we still hold more than New Zealand, which has none.

    • Thomas Colopy

      Dr. Corsi presentation IS Good News……I never believed Roy Cooper won North Caroline.Did YOU note what Roy Boy did for Western NC………..ZERO.

  2. d

    The beast won’t let it be proved…we are in a dangerous moment – they would rather go scorched earth (like hitler) than see defeat.

    • Greg Hunter

      And then you have to factor in Jesus and Jehovah. You are giving these weasels way too much credit. These people are stupid. Romans 1 21-22 says so. Don’t fear stupid. What happened to Hitler? You get my point.

    • Anthony Australia

      The Elite’s 2025 Plan EXPOSED! [This is d for Diabolical]

    • Galaxy 500

      As the Angles and as Jesus said, “Fear Not”

    • Doug

      Illinois has the same problem. Lived my life here 40 plus years.
      The democrats always “win” the elections.

      I would love to know the years we ever had republican leadership.

      This is so important because not only are they stealing our money, they are
      stealing the will of the people and it’s treason. They are trying to
      move the US to a communist country. We owe this to our children!

  3. Paul Seward

    The urgent question is can the fraud be proven and corrected before the 2026 election.

    • Katy Bar

      Proving the fraud is secondary – Trumps immediate goal must be to “Outlaw Mail-in Ballots”!!!

      • Katy Bar

        If the Globalists (go scorched earth like Hitler) and begin dropping a few Nukes on American Cities (or burning them down like in Hawaii and California) rather than see their total defeat!! We should not make the same mistake as last time (and NEVER Allow An “OPERATION PAPER CLIP” to take place again) where the Globalists are Forgiven and then Placed into Positions of Power within our US Government (Just to “STOP THESE GLOBALISTS FROM BURNING DOWN OUR CITIES”)!!! We must Stand Firm Against SUCH EVIL (and Root Out These Demons like Rats that are currently destroying our Homeland)!!! Don’t ever think “feeding these Demon Rats some goodies” will solve the problems they are causing!!! LIKE RATS THAT HAVE INVADED OUR HOME THESE GLOBALIST DEMONS “MUST BE TOTALLY ELIMINATED” (AND SHOULD NEVER EVER BE ALLOWED “EVEN ONE POSITION” WITHIN OUR US GOVERNMENT)!!!

        • Ken Yu

          Was this a threat??? Bill Gates (World Humanitarian Graciously Looking To Save The Human Population From Extinction) warned President Trump (who is cleaning up USAID that funnels money to the Gates Foundation) that there is a good possibility a deadly virus may now hit the US during Trumps Term in Office (that could kill millions)!!!

  4. John Leigh

    Election fraud has been going on for many decades. Many feel JFK won through fraud,
    and Bush beat Al Gore because of fraud. Democrat Beverly Harris of Black Box Voting has been on various talks shows exposing this for years. It would be good to have secure elections but I don’t know if it will ever happen.

  5. Donna

    PLEASE start with WASHINGTON STATE! Our state went to mail -in voting years ago and was probably the first to be corrupted.

    • Lady Au Stackers United

      I visit Washington state every summer. It’s landscape is gorgeous. But it’s political landscape is sketchy. Plenty of conservative voters there. It’s not so liberal as one would think when talking to folks. Mailbox voting should end and when it does I’m sure your next Governor will be a Republican.

    • Lady Au Stackers United

      I visit Washington state every summer. It’s landscape is gorgeous. But its political landscape is sketchy. Plenty of conservative voters there. It’s not so liberal as one would think when talking to folks. Mailbox voting should end and when it does I’m sure your next Governor will be a Republican.

  6. Matthew Gibson

    Thank you for the great reporting.
    Breaking News On your network!

  7. Graham Leadbeatter

    Law enforcement look for statistical improbabilities to help them solve crimes. When they discover that a particular crime has many improbabilities, they declare them impossibilities and they go and make an arrest. The 2020 election was full of statistical improbabilities. Trump won all 3 bellwether states, but somehow lost the election. Trump won 19 of the 20 bellwether counties (the one that he lost being a suspicious result in Washington state) but somehow lost the election. Trump’s Pennsylvania lead on election night was over 700,000 votes with Biden needing a to win more than 77% of the outstanding vote to win in a “toss up” state. And whaddaya know, he did. Put that together with the Michigan graph spike and you have a statistical impossibility. FBI, go make the arrest.

  8. Rusty Morgan

    Lefties Losing It: Jamie Lee Curtis’ crazy fascism rant mocked Sky News Australia Feb 5, 2025
    Sky News host Rita Panahi has reacted to actress Jamie Lee Curtis “mouthing off” and comparing the treatment of trans people to fascism.

  9. Don Doerr Sr.

    I pray that the Democrats do not do to President Trump what they did to JFK on November 22, 1963 when this New Communist Democrat RINO Party was formed, allowing LBJ to sacrifice 58,000 American lives in Vietnam; Jimmy Carter to give away our Panama Canal despite all the American lives that were sacrificed during the construction; and Crime boss Joe Biden to treasonously throw our Borders open to Criminal Illegal Invasion; and so much more evil that confirms that the New Democrat Party is not the “Loyal Opposition.” I often think of Ashli Babbit and Laken Riley and do not understand why the New Democrats have not been prosecuted for these murders.
    Ironically, it is, in large part, Dr. Corsi’s writings and radio interviews that have convinced me of the above facts. Think how tragic it is that even our FBI has become Hillary’s KGB. I have never seen America – and my Catholic Church under Pope Francis – so tragically decadent.

  10. Anthony Australia

    @Ray North Haven. I always admired Keating but my favourite was big Malcom Fraser who supported the wrong Footy team but had a heart of Gold.

    • Ray

      Hi Anthony,
      Big Mal wasn’t my fav, but he did come in under tumultuous times, with a divided nation after the events of Nov 75 and rampant late 70’s inflation.

      Bob Hawke for me…….a man of the people, a real Aussie larrikin with the mind of a steel trap.

      Hope all is well mate.
      Don’t forget to focus on the beautiful things in life.
      Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

    • Tim

      How a out the FED? Created in 1913, Wilson! Done under secrete! Jakel Island GA. Rothschild said, Give me control of a countries money and I care not who makes the laws! They have Created all of the problems in this country! Retired congressman Ron Paul knows all! Trump should keep his mouth shut about all stuff.

      • Fantasy

        How out the Palestinians? Create and funds a terror organisation to infuriate from within. Then have them blown to smithereens and take over the beautiful strip of land by the sea.
        Just like the way these pilgrims took the America’s.

  11. Chance the Gardener

    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance, It is the illusion of knowledge.

  12. Irene

    Oregon is a big time vote cheating state. The gov election was so obvious that is was unfair.

  13. Tzvi

    Democrats agree the fix is in!

    You can get a free copy of Votescam the stealing of America ( 1992) on archive. (dot) org…written by 2 it to all your Less than conservative friends…once we can agree on a problem, maybe it can be fixed.

  14. Greta Anna Detloff

    America’s ‘Marriage Material’ Shortage
    Adults are significantly less likely to be married or to live with a partner than they used to be. By Derek Thompson
    Perhaps you’ve heard: Young people aren’t dating anymore. News media and social media are awash in commentary about the decline in youth romance. It’s visible in the corporate data, with dating-app engagement taking a hit. And it’s visible in the survey data, where the share of 12th graders who say they’ve dated has fallen from about 85 percent in the 1980s to less than 50 percent in the early 2020s, with the decline particularly steep in the past few years.

    • Won Witness

      Feminism has born rotten fruit.

      Men have had enough the MGTOW (Nen Going Their Own Way) movement is now mainstreme.

      1. Today’s ladies ? have an exagerated opinion of their beauty due to positive social media feed back like, “you go girl you can do way better”
      2. Today 75 % of divorces are initiated by Women (85% if the woman has a college degree) (frequently thinking they can do better (again exagerated self worth from social media feedback)) .
      They frequently scan the “hunks” on dating apps and compare them to the poor slob husband who busts his ass working long hours to provide a roof and all it takes to raise a family.
      Divorce leaves that man stuck with a damaged family, alimony and child support for children disadvantaged by the trama.
      But there is a coming Justice, for these feminist marriage busters. By God’s design, Men select young fertile women for the continuation of our species. And a 30 or 40 year old divorcee with kids just isn’t as attractive not to mention she already has demonstrated a poor dedication to the commitment a marriage requires and are left wondering where the “good men” are, oblivious that she just divorced a “good man”.
      Modern Feminist Women think they are a catch because of their high salaries (having put work before marrige) but that’s a woman’s point of view neccesitated by valueing a Provider. Men are providers by design and don’t wan’t a woman who mirrors Masculine provieder behaviors. Men seek Feminine behaviors Supportive, helpfull, appreciative, a loving/peaceful home those are desired by men.
      Sadly too late now, many women realize the “you can have it all” femminist doctrine has left them deprived of the Family that God designed her for. She may find men will date her, provide a nite of intamacy, but will not commit to anything as those men will just move on to the next “date”.

      ( B.T.W, I’m NOT a bitter divorced male, We were Happily Married for thirty eight years until death did we part last year. God gave me a good woman, and one is enough for this lifetime)

  15. Galaxy 500

    Damn Greg,
    What a great interview! Dr. Corsi Brings it!
    Thank you.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks 500!! I agree, Dr. Corsi killed it.

    • Earth Angel

      Yes, I believe it was Dr. Corsi who also exposed the big lies of John Kerry about his being awarded the Purple Heart medal which he claimed to have won during the Vietnam war with the Swift Boat something or other group. I can’t recall the details- but I remember Jerome Corsi being instrumental in calling out that liar too. Dr. Corsi is a courageous man of honor and truth! Great guest to have on.. Greg always brings it too!! ; )

  16. Galaxy 500

    It is bough amazing and amusing to see people call Trump and his family evil after 4 years under the most corrupt criminal administration in American history. When it comes to to Evil, the Biden bin Harris Administration is the GOAT! They are the Greatest Of All Times when in comes to corruption and evil against the American people!
    And the ner’do’wells and paid trolls come here and say Trump is evil.
    Trump is not perfect. But what he has done so far to cut waste and to reduce fraud from an accounting standpoint of simply fantastic!
    We were praying to be delivered from the evil globalist that want to destroy American exceptionalism and our way of life. I felt like we were 1 election away from oblivion. 1 election from the abyss. I was praying for YHWH to deliver us from evil and protect Trump.
    Ner’do’wells come and say Trump is a globalist or this or that all the while Trump’s actions Prove the opposite.
    Trump is going to go after the corrupt in our election but first he needs an honest FBI and Justice Department.
    How many of these compromised complainers voted for a Dem or a RINO?
    How many of us are writing and calling our Congressman telling them to approve Trumps Cabinet picks? I am. People complain but do not do a damn thing to make things better.

  17. Galaxy 500

    I have watched the DC plane crash many times.
    The Blackhawk headed straight at the airliner like a bullet for over a minute. No evasive action was taken.
    Was this a deliberate Terror action by the DEI Lesbian pilot? Funny how they didn’t release its name until her social media was wiped. But the good news is that nothing is truly erased. That data can be recovered.
    And Mayor Pete was warned about adding more flights and not having this major airport fully staffed. Mr Run a Train BootyJudge did so anyway because he’s an expert. Ok, this is a Christian site so I can’t tell you where Petie’s expertise lies but I assure you you can not guess accurately.
    And when good footage is released showing the Blackhawk making NO ACTION to dodge the airliner, the deep state arrests the leakers…
    The deep state was happy to just give the public the grainy Washington Monument video from two miles away showing the Blackhawk heading toward the plane for more than a minute but the clear video showing no evasive action… we were not meant to see this mass murder up close. This was not an accident

  18. Galaxy 500

    Asking the Demoncrat trolls here…
    Isn’t this intersection? Calling for people to declare war on the government?

  19. Galaxy 500

    Where is the footage from inside the Blackhawk? Something really terrible must have gone one inside this Warcraft for it to head directly at this aircraft for a long period of time and take no evasive action

  20. Bob

    Man, this is disgusting. I got really pissed off listening to this. These democrats are the party of treason and perversion

    • Kit Lee

      Agreed – they are Demon Rats!!

  21. Shirl

    Great guest with explosive information and an Excellent interview Greg! Thank you for sharing.

    One thing, if I remember correctly, Dr Corsi was railroaded and nearly derailed several years ago…he hung in there against all odds…They tried to coerce him into a false confession with a promise to release their attempted trap that they outrageously propagated upon him in trade for his cooperation of false testimony that they ultimately desired against President Trump. Unreal. I was wondering how he was doing as he refused to give false testimony, publicly spoke of it and was vindicated. Glad to hear he is using his Ohio born sharp mind and is still at it…Amazing!!!

    The 3rd World deep state tactics need to be rooted out of America once and for all, including the Stealing of Elections as Dr Corsi articulates or we are ALL doomed.

    The Treasonous criminals ALL need to be stopped immediately if not sooner!

    Pray up for President Trump’s Almighty Father’s continued protection and favor, Amen.

  22. Wilson

    I know that Arizona has major elections fraud.

  23. Neville

    Luke 12:2-3 New Living Translation (NLT)
    The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!

    Read Luke 12
    More accusations against the people that think they are running AAcrime.
    We are AT THE END OF THE AGE when all that the above stands for WILL AS OUR LORD JESUS SAID SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS.
    Congratulations to all who have come forward to expose one of the biggest frauds in the history of AAcrime Thank you dr Jerome Corsi for airing this crime against not only
    we the people BUT OUR LORD GOD CREATOR.
    This was a trust which the criminal element of AAcrime thought that they would get away with but it will be off TO PURGATORY for them!!

    Cheers Greg and DR Jerome

  24. RDW

    I’ve been a firm believer that the voter roles are hopelessly corrupted. I’ve heard all sorts of experts with all sorts of answers, but there remains no action. Dr Corsi has the algorithm, Jovan Pulitzer has the paper, Mike Lindell had the machines, but has maintained that hand counting is the solution. All rowing a boat to one destination, but not rowing together.

    First thing to acknowledge is that this is not necessarily voter fraud. Take it to court and you’ll have a hard time to figure out who and then prove the criminality. Its not fraud, its maladministration. There need not be any criminality in the voter roles, just that they’re not maintained to the intent of the laws. It may be a better plan.

    Omega4America claims they have the technology to analyze the voter roles. They can find invalid voter registration. They have done this in many states. For example, in PA they have found 1.4 million voters that are invalid registrations. Some are double, some have bogus addresses, some are dead, some have moved out of state or out of their district, some have invalid dates. They also can take it down to the voter, their claimed residence, and their voting record. Their technology makes it accessible on your phone. Seems like a lot of the grunt work has been done. Unfortunately, I don’t know if they are working with anyone, or going it alone.

    In the end, nothing will happen. There is only about 8 more months until it will be too late to scrub the roles. After that, we’ll be looking at midterms. As long as everyone is rowing in different directions and looking for donations, there will be no near term solutions. I hope I’m wrong.

  25. Charlene Bliss Beyer

    Greg, Thank you for once again putting a hero on! Dr. Corsi has been fighting the good fight for decades. This is so timely. USAID shut down. Funding source exposed. Truth exposed. The root of corruption must be exposed, criminals prosecuted and restoration established.

  26. Stan

    If any of you have been wondering where I am, I will tell you. The Gold market has gone against me due to rogue traders in London and New York. These disgusting people have decided to artificially prop up Gold. I’ve had to hide assets and hide myself from certain debt collectors. It has not been fun. My friend at JPM let me store my Bentley in his garage so it will be safe from creditors. However, I strongly believe I will be correct on Gold and it will drop to $765. I still maintain all my Gold short positions and have added more recently.

    • Ken Yu

      We have been warning you to get rid of your short positions in Gold since it was at $1700 and your stubbornness has now affected poor Bentley –×1024&w=gi&k=20&c=3RNuBZdAbENksXqFztr65PlX9Cqt1IAoMXUDszZo3Os=

    • Robert Messina

      I understand because I thought I was right and the market went against me years ago
      at the time I had a love for money and increase gain
      I was double minded which means I had a singular desire for loving my Savior as well as a singular craving to gain financially
      but the problem was I had Both desires at the same time and I had learned in the great loss that I should focus on my love towards my savior and not allow the love and craving for wealth to rule my path
      no man can have two masters . . if we either love God we will hate Mammon and vice versa

    • Steve Bice

      Let us know what Ken, Kit, Katy, George, Phil, et al have to say.

      Blast from the past:
      Stan 01/08/2021 •
      Paul: Don’t be a fool here. Gold is in full blown crash mode. Days of selling above $1500 are limited. Next week could be a 400 dollar decline. Wake up! And save all your dumb charts. They are meaning less. Finally, hold your dollars – don’t let them go!

      Stan 11/28/2020 •
      $1700 Gold by end of year. Waterfall decline in January. The world awakens to the fact that US Dollar is King. Cheers

      Stan 11/29/2020 •
      Paul: The Blood Bath in Gold has not even begun yet.

      Stan 11/29/2020 •
      Paul: The 2020 Gold crash has just started and like the 2013 crash it will be huge. I called the last crash and I’m calling this one. All your charts and other info are worthless.

      Stan 11/30/2020 •
      Paul: Looks like your support levels failed. By the way, I shorted more Gold today

      Gold Price 11/30/2020: $1,777.39

      Gold Price 01/07/2021: $1,916.69


      • Spot on


      • Paul

        Poor Bentley having to live in a garage is beyond sad!!!

        • Steve Bice

          Oh, the. humanity!
          You’re a good sport…

      • Stan

        Very funny. You won’t be laughing when my target of $765 is hit. I may be a little late on this call but I will be correct!

        • George

          Gold will fall to $765 (when Hell freezes over)!!

      • Ray

        Excellent work Steve…..excellent work.

        The dribble that Stan has offered up over the years regarding gold prices (not to mention his “wealth” and Steve Wynn personally removing him from a casino after he “broke it) is beyond ridiculous.

        Now he doth protest: “These disgusting people have decided to artificially prop up Gold”.

        He seemingly has ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM however with the disgusting people who artificially prop up the value of the blood soaked US dollar and rancid stock market.

        Fair Dinkum……the temerity of the man to even post here.

        Note to Uncle Vlad……mate, have you got a spare hypersonic that you could aim toward a hidden Bentley? Thanks champ 😎

        Again Steve, well done in reminding everyone here of the UTTER DROSS that passes as financial advice from Stan.

        Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

    • Earth Angel

      This story sounds ridiculous Stan but if its true- sorry for your woes. I really hadn’t been wondering too much about where you were and if gold should drop suddenly to $765 an oz. it will give us quite a chance to load up before seeing it meteorically rise again. Whooo I wish I had a chance to buy in at such a price, but even at where I’ve bought in over the past dozen or so years- I’ve seen some nice gains. Thanks for the tip and best of luck to ya! ; )

    • Kit Lee

      Now “don’t do anything rash” like jump off the George Washington Bridge (as you once said you would do if Gold ever got to $2,000)!!!

    • Katy Bar

      Just so you know – Gold has broken out to the upside once again!!
      And based upon previous moves of about $300 to $400 upon a breakout Gold is most probably heading up to about $3100 in the next few weeks!!
      (In My Opinion Stan – You Should Be Buying Calls not Puts)!!!

      • Ray

        Forget calls & puts Katy.
        If Stan should be buying anything, it’s a copy of Economics For Dummies !!!
        Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘🐊

      • Phil

        Stan “is probably buying Calls” – the reason he “probably” comes on here at the “exact moment” Gold Breaks Out Upward “is to put the General Public “On the Wrong Side of the Market”!!! And With Gold Now Breaking Out “SILVER CAN”T BE FAR BEHIND”!!!

  27. David Bain


    Hovde ran against Tammy Baldwin for US Senate for the State of Wisconsin in the last presidential election of 2024. Wisconsin is not that stupid to vote for Tammy after the last 4 years under Biden. It’s always the final voting tabulation of bags of mail-in ballots from Milwaukee County and that corridor in southeast Wisconsin, that puts the Democrat over the Republican.

    I believe Scott Walker (former Governor) about 10 years ago, lost under the fraudulent Milwaukee last minute mail in ballot scheme. Madison Wis could be involved as well.

    I believe Vohs is a RINO!!!!! or could be under some kind of deal (whether coerced or threat or bribe) to obstruct the election process. Something does not smell right in the Wisconsin State election process!

    From my chair.


    • Cheese head

      100% agree!

      No way Baldwin or Gov Evers won both are disgusting.

      And the sheriff of Dane county (Madison, WI) has decided he will not report illegal prisoners to ICE.

      Absolute fraud!

  28. Keith

    Absolutely a great informative interview Greg! Thank you Dr. Corsi for your diligence pursuing the core truth about this insidious national election fraud. I hope you are able to also find grounds to likewise analyze whether there is similar vote counting fraud algorithms at work within that most progressive state (MA) where you obtained your well earned PHd! I strongly suspect there is – we need to feel that our vote actually counts and is not undermined by weasel algorithms!

  29. MrG

    I wonder if those who corrupted the databases with these algorithms have the ability to make their code disappear and go back to normal with the push of a button like nothing ever happened when the investigators get too close. I seem to remember supervisors after 2020 sneaking into network sever rooms and plugging flash drives into the computer systems after they were told not to touch anything. Which also brings up was the code installed locally or over the internet.

    • Ken Yu

      Most likely those who corrupted the voting databases with their algorithms to make Trump a loser in 2020, have also corrupted the Silver market database to make the Common People losers!! Musk and his investigators need to dig out all those behind this manipulation and throw them in jail, so we can once again have free and honest elections and a free and honest Silver market!! Ten ounces of Silver is mined for every One ounce of Gold – So the price ratio should also be “Ten to One”, therefore Silver should be selling today at one-tenth the price of Gold or $270 Dollars per ounce!! Dr. Silver (Bill Holter) gives his take on the silver market here:

  30. Lisa

    Certainly explains the down ticket in NC.

    • Earth Angel

      The 2020 results of both Georgia Senate seats are also questioned by many and should be looked at under a microscope, along with Sec. of State Raffensberger who I do not trust. Also Brian Kemp, whom I have wanted to trust, but remains a puzzle to me. Sometimes he makes choices which do good things for the people of the State. I have never understood the cowardice shown by his not taking a harder stand against obvious cheating in what would/should have been President Trump’s landslide victory in 2020. At least DJT has been returned to his rightful post this year- with 4 years prior wrecking ball Obomba’Biden Harris mess to clean up after. Looks like he’s wasting no time rolling up his sleeves and getting started on it. Like him or not- he’s a pretty amazing man.

  31. Along Came Jones 1945

    Wednesday LIVE: Panicked Democrats File Articles Of Impeachment Against President Trump In Desperate Attempt To Stop DOGE Bringing Down The Deep State! This Is An Absolute Must-Watch/Share LIVE Edition Of The Alex Jones Show!
    by The Alex Jones Show February 5th, 2025

    Trump Forcing Zelensky to Hold Peace Talks With Russia But Zelensky Just Wants Nukes by Sean Miller February 5th, 2025
    The Ukrainian ruler does not appear to be happy about the war coming to a close, something brought on by President Donald Trump.
    According to Piers Morgan who interviewed Zelensky the Ukrainian still wishes for nuclear weapons. Morgan’s interview is titled ‘Zelensky: ‘We Want NUKES!’ Plus: ‘Tucker Carlson

  32. Jeanette C Jennings

    I hope this group looks into the 2020 election in Mesa county in Colorado. Tina Peters tried to prove the election was stolen and she is now sitting in jail for it. She couldn’t get a presidential pardon because these are state charges. She did not deserve the treatment she got. She was trying to do the right thing.

  33. Richard Gould

    The Holy Name of Almighty God; AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. The Most Holy Name Jehovah is in the King James Bible just 4 times, BUT, it is in the original manuscripts more than 7,000 times; WHY? Also, the name Jesus means: Jehovah is salvation”. – Go ahead, goggle it. Why do the so-called ‘Christian churches’ (now numbering more than 41,000 DIFFERENT sects) demand that those who attend such a divided (divisions are noted in the Bible as being a work of the flesh; NOT of the Spirit) group use Bibles that are NOT accurate? Because Jehovah God will not let those who teach lies (designed to control people through fear) to use His Holy Name. An example; hell DOES NOT EXIST, and I can prove it, easily; Please email me if you have questions. I can answer any question about the Bible using the Bible to do so. Any help I can provide is always free.
    Please carefully note this; Jesus speaking; John 6:44 No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him… This is what our NOW ruling King Jesus has ordered us to do; Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them . . . , teaching them.—Matt. 28:19, 20. – Why are we ordered to teach the Bible? Because the best possible method of learning ANY subject is by TEACHING it! Ask any teacher about this. I learned this from my wife, who taught math in the public schools for more than 27 years. Her first year was hard, as she did not know what she was doing/HOW TO teach! The second year and on she was very good at her work. The same was true for me with my first Bible students, but I got much better fast as I experienced the benefit of teaching the Bible in order to LEARN the Bible AND THUS BEING ABLE TO ANSWER ALL OF THE STUDENTS QUESTIONS!

  34. Dave Milne

    Clinton Haiti USAID Ties Come Back To Haunt
    by Jon Bowne | February 5th
    President Trump’s decimation of USAID and the future investigation into the receipts must have the Clinton’s in a full-blown panic.

  35. Fred Daake

    Having been a database “hobbyist” for the past fifty years, I can say that the only solution to the problem that Corsi described is to use to a 100% paper/manual system.

    Banking programs and businesses accurately utilize tabulating software with databases. But it takes a professional team to properly manage them plus a team of well meaning, capable auditors to test their accuracy on a regular basis.

    Due to the political nature of election systems, it is not possible to provide that type of control over election machinery, so the only viable solution is to use a manual system that everyone understands and is easily audited by anyone.

  36. kev jaegli

    sadly, if the d.o.j. gets this investigation it will be a gigantic hunter laptop joke. or a durham inquiry years late and dollar short with no remedy. the corrupt deep state scum loves searching for ukrainian fraud so much it has thousands of buracrats that never find anything but the fact they need medical and dental benefits and a pay raise and as for fraud we are ubderstaffed snd under-paid so searching is taking much longer than anticipated. its just a money laundering scheme.

    • Galaxy 500

      There is a new sheriff in town, a NEW DOJ

  37. Les L

    Maybe this is why Trump went to the CIA and told everyone to get out, this could clean out congress and senate as well as all the states and every other public election platform.
    Les L

  38. George Berwash

    Bill Gates Issues A Major Threat To President Trump, Elon Musk, & America
    by February 4th, 2025 Gates’ comments come as virologist Peter Hotez threatened in December that Trump admin would face new pandemics.

  39. 'a' simple horseman

    WOW!!! What a story!!!! Thank you so much for bringing it to us. I’m looking forward to watch how this discovery progresses. The big question will be, “who wrote all those codes and algorithms and God knows what else??” What a genius scheme. Thank God there are some out there that can see patterns and do some serious math. This is a HUGE story! I live in Washington state. This whole thing now makes a lot more sense in what we here have been put through. “Eastern” WA by the way, it matters.

  40. Doug

    If we had honest elections, the democrats would be like the dinosaurs-extinct !

    • Galaxy 500

      Isn’t that the truth

  41. Mick

    google Clinton Curtis and watch his testimonial about election rigging software..

  42. Thomas Wigand

    Greg, great interview. Methinks that Mr. Corsi is bringing the receipts.

    THAT SAID, I believe that you were too quick to absolve Dominion (et als.).

    I’ve long thought that tainted voter rolls provide the “inventory” for votes to be manufactured to achieve intended outcomes (the will of the voters be damned). Kris Jurski in Florida has done much on this, including how “registrations” are manufactured and then disappeared from voter rolls.

    It is likely that the intelligence community is involved. I suspect that in their planning and execution they incorporate backup systems and redundancy.

    So while Mr. Corsi may well have identified one form of fraud that enables the manufacture of fake ballots, I’m not convinced that there isn’t also (simultaneously) “all electronic” mechanisms for fraudulent voting (especially now that many jurisdictions are going to “touch screen” machines) – and that as part of that the Dominion / ES&S and/or Smartmatic machines aren’t also compromised.

  43. Justn Observer

    Greg. these go together like peas and carrots =
    Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio

    Will Trump Save the Economy and Drain the Swamp? | Jim Rickards

    The more/longer the ‘RESISTANCE’ hamstrings POTUS Trump for getting a handle on the WORLD economy, including fair trade = a more balanced trade without excessive amount of deficits…and the stupid wasted expenditures of war…and the waste and abuse of socialist , fascist, and utopian ideological agendas, IN a concise and structured manner of execution…the LESS likely not just the U.S. economy but the WORLD economy will face an extreme credit and economic collapse of not JUST the BIS but the BRIC systems. We have learned that BRIC was a ‘creation’ of the multinatinal banking elite…to ’cause’ a banking structure problem so likely, the ‘they’ WEFer?= participating IMF crews could impose a ‘solution’ for the problem ‘they’ the pay to play, to set up a world surveillance, and ‘social credit’ payment and currency system?

    Luke Gromen: ‘Devalue The Dollar First’ | Why DOGE Without Dollar Weakening Would Be ‘Catastrophic

    One can hardly wait for DOGE to look into the ””’investments”” and possible ‘kickbacks’ of the IMF?=

    Which, if all the other people of the many nations are the real ‘ pay to play banking Wurlitzer that most of those ignorant of how the Central bank and UN operate /dance to. So, stop blaming POTUS DJT! All the world G -whatever leaders are ””in on it””, and so ‘WHY’ should ‘they’ think the U.S.A. should get the sole blame, and the U.S. taxpayers the most burdened with the debt of. Just add this to, as the big daddy of USAID! Wait until POTUS Trump shuts down all the of shore numbered and UN-named accounts. And by the way, as the millions of people found ‘funding’ from ‘somewhere-someone’s and all those drug flow across the borders to be sold…and kill tens of thousands…. just where does, how does all that money go where? SURELY not just a few gold bars and stashes of cash in closets? Funny the Border Guards never seem to catch any going the other way with duffle bags of cash – hmmm

    Billions of dollars in – and never find their way out of the U.S. ? How about all the child and sex trafficking and exploitation money – where the heck does that all go and never seem to show up?
    Billions upon billions, along with all the billions fraudulently applied for and taken during the ‘plandemic’ and not one high profile case or bank account found? But, then just where do all those ‘campaign’ donations come from? Thinking the DOGE has a ‘target rich’ environment in D.C. and the state capitals?

    Anyone care to protest the actions of the IMF…NO, it is not in the hands of Christine Lagarde in the EU lately, nor is the HQ in Europe as it seems some want the people in the U.S. to think? IT appears to have been hiding in Washington D.C. for some time –
    700 19th Street NW, Washington, D.C., U.S.

    and the current Managing Director that replaced Christine Lagarde now is Kristalina Georgieva of Bulgaria
    ‘who also served as Acting President of the World Bank Group in 2019.[8] At the IMF, Georgieva has helped steer the global economy through the COVID-19 pandemic, providing $1 trillion in liquidity and reserves,[9] integrating climate considerations into IMF policies ‘ AND ALSO ‘Georgieva’s professional ethics were called into question during her tenure at the World Bank Group, due to a 2021 independent inquiry, led by former US Attorney for Washington D.C. Ronald Machen and the law firm WilmerHale, which found she manipulated the World Bank’s Doing Business report. The investigation found that Georgieva instructed staff to alter data to inflate the rankings for China and Saudi Arabia.[11] Her leadership of the IMF has also been criticized for being pro-authoritarian and inexplicably providing forecasts of economic growth in Russia based on cherry-picked economic statistic releases following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[12]’
    Her Deputy Director of IMF is Gita Gopinath
    HER RESUME’ CONTAINS IN PART = ‘ In October 2018, Gopinath was appointed chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).[13] As part of her initiatives, she co-authored the “Pandemic Paper”, an international plan on how to end the COVID-19 pandemic that set globally endorsed targets for vaccinating the world. This work led to the creation of the Multilateral Task Force made up of the leadership of the IMF itself, World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO), and World Trade Organization (WTO) to help end the pandemic and the establishment of a working group with vaccine manufacturers to identify trade barriers, supply bottlenecks, and accelerate the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines to low-income and lower-middle income countries (see also: Economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic).’

  44. Friar Ken Tuck

    An inspiring tale with a touch of inspiring modern-day hopes and dreams. . . …
    Back in the day, in a land not so different from our own. There arose a leader who embodied the spirit of a legend. This leader was hailed by many but branded an outlaw, yet a figure who championed the hopes and dreams of the common people.
    In the bustling city of Nottingham, where the divide between the wealthy elite and the struggling masses had grown wide, the citizens yearned for a change. They longed for a leader who would stand up to the corrupt officials who hoarded wealth and power for themselves. The Adventures Of Robin Hood (1938) Full free Movie
    Enter our hero today, a charismatic and brave individual who had spent years witnessing the hardships faced by ordinary people. Inspired by The Adventures of Robin Hood, our hero decided to take action! With a merry band of loyal supporters, each skilled in their own right, they set out to restore justice and equality to our land.

    Their first mission was to reclaim the stolen wealth that had been unfairly taken from the people. With cunning plans and unwavering determination, they outsmarted the corrupt officials and redistributed the wealth to those in need. Families who had struggled to make ends meet suddenly found themselves with enough resources to thrive.
    But the hero’s efforts didn’t stop there. They knew that true change required more than just redistributing wealth—it meant creating opportunities for everyone. The hero worked tirelessly to improve education, healthcare, and infrastructure, ensuring that every citizen had the chance to succeed.
    As word of the hero’s deeds spread, hope blossomed across the land. People began to believe in a brighter future, one where fairness and compassion reigned supreme. The hero’s vision of a better society inspired others to join the cause, and together, they built a movement that couldn’t be ignored. TRUE PEACE & SECURITY= Prosperity!
    In the face of adversity, the hero remained steadfast, always ready to defend the rights of the people. Their courage and conviction became a beacon of hope, reminding everyone that even in the darkest times, a single person could make a difference.

    And so, in this modern tale of Robin Hood, we find a story of resilience, unity, and the unyielding belief that with the right leader and the power of the people, we can create a world where everyone has the chance to flourish.
    — May this story inspire you to believe in the possibility of positive change and the power of collective action with the right individual. The right man at the right time and his merry men in tights and women and children not in rags, this time is now.
    To make America great and healthy again and you have his word on it,🌟!
    Watch in BlueBay out there in Ravishing Technicolor

    • Candy Crowley

      Dear Friar Ken,
      A Revolutionary, a Class Traitor, and a Movement-?
      Would it be just to wonderful, unbelievable but spectacular to quite possibly believe that a Robin Hood of today could be our own president Donald J. Trumpa?
      Would I be so naïve to hope and pray, that our King Richard the Lion Heart is our Christ Jesus of Nazareth and upon his return will take the enemies of team humanity by the sruff of they’re necks and exiling them out the country to live out their day’s in their own inhumanity, of their iniquity?
      Now that’s a $64,000 dollar question that can’t be answered now, at least? But then!

    • Kit Lee

      Recently some “robbing hood” stole $49,000 dollars worth of eggs (not from the elite but a store owner) and kept it for himself (not handing it out to the Public to relieve their economic problems)!! Many “robbing hoods” are out looting the Public for personal gain (and not from the Elite)!! The “real” Robin Hood needs to jail all the fake “robbing hoods” and loot the IRS offices of their personnel and send them to the border to protect America (with those guns Bribe’n gave them) and then Totally Eliminate the Income Tax Theft (these little robbing hoods) were robbing out of peoples pockets since that big Demonratic Robbing Hood began the quote “Income Tax” way back when the Fed was created !!!

  45. Galaxy 500

    Satan has perverted YHWH’s Church set up by Jesus, our Messiah.
    This evil person wraps herself in the facade of being a follower of Jesus all the while she perverts the teachings of YHWH and destroys her flock, dooming them to an everlasting punishment.

    These Satanic creatures and their organizations should be careful audited and the American taxpayers funding of illegals should stop today.
    I thank our Lord Jesus that I was allowed to see HIS servant, Trump, start the process of dismantling these anti-American institutions.
    Call your Congressman and demand that Trump gets his team approved

  46. Cancer Survivor

    Food gained by fraud tastes sweet, but one ends up with a mouth full of gravel.
    Proverbs 20:17

    I emptied my neighbor’s donated RoundUp sprayer last spring, washed it out with water, and I used it to clean my tuckpointing while appropriately covered with a hat, goggles, N95 mask, gloves, long sleeved shirt, and full-length pants. A month later, a painful, stiffening tumor appeared on my the middle knuckle of my left middle finger, and it grew larger and more and more painful. Cancer is scary because it is so deadly – now killing more people every year than all of the wars combined. A free clinic nurse ordered an x-ray and a paid doctor examined the tumor and x-ray results in St. Louis. So, I have documentation of all this, but they offered no course of treatment. So, I made and applied true Exodus 30 anointing oil directly to the tumor daily, then several times a week. Over the next six months, it stop growing and caused it to shrink from a bulbous tumor to a pain-free spongy mass that has stopped growing. I can feel that the turbocancer bomb has been diffused with this amazing Biblical healthcare. All five ingredients fight cancer, and together they pack a real slapshot to the goalie crotch of Team B.O.B. (Bush-Obama-Biden) who have been pushing carcinogenic gyphosate onto your dinner plates since 1980. I was not exposed to any other unusual chemicals during this past year, so I am living proof that exposure to glyphosate is carcinogenic AND that cancer can be beaten with true Exodus 30 anointing oil.




    Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.
    1 John 3:8

  47. War Monger

    Woman Confronts Chemtrail Pilots With Absolute Proof of Heavy Metal Contamination Under Flight Paths!

    Chemtrail operation exposed by activist.

  48. Galaxy 500

    Why are the Demoncrats so enamored with evil criminals? Why do Dems protect criminals at the expense of their honest taxpaying constituents?

  49. Michael McCammack in Indiana

    Thanks Greg
    Great news that I hadn’t heard before. I will be praying for quick and astounding results.
    We the people need the light to shine, and our eyes opened to all that has been done to us.
    I realize just like the clot shots, many will reject the truth, but the truth must be told.
    Jesus is Lord and moving! Thank GOD!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Many took these shots because they trusted their doctors and the FDA/CDC.
      All that trust is gone now.
      I took flu shots every year. Since all the Covid nonsense, you can not trust the drug companies to make a real pure vaccine. I will not take another shot from these guys period. Praise YHWH I listened to Greg

  50. Keith

    Dr. Corsi’s information is very significant! What a key guest to interview, Greg. But don’t be too quick to assume Dominion voting machines are not part of the scam. Cheating can be happening on several levels; I would expect crooks to have multiple cheating plans to be sure they get the results they want. I have long thought that election results in the U.S. did not reflect the political and moral views of most Americans.

  51. Galaxy 500

    How do these buffoons keep getting elected?
    Funny, I misspelled buffoon and spell corrector put baboon… good thing I caught that… the Baboons would have sued for slander.
    This bald headed conehead wannabe hates white people.

    • Galaxy 500

      And her buddy, Al Green, not the singer,
      Is promising to file articles of impeachment… no reason except to raise money. Al says he and fellow Democrats plan is to show people where they stand…
      Oh my gosh… Trump is doing common sense reforms and all the Demoncrats have is DEI, Negativity, and a stand against Common Sense. These people are exhausting. Every one is tired of this stupid Shiite except a subset of the Alphabet people and the Democrats groomers and bureaucrats

  52. Walker Ran

    I had a premonition the war was over by September, and that the Ukrainian people will learn the truth regarding the war, and demand justice for the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians were needlessly sacrificed so that Zelensky could become a puppet billionaire along with hundreds of parasites from the USAID/CIA/DC ilk. I seen ‘Z’ at a public hanging in a Kiev street.

    Russia will rebuild the newly acquired Russian speaking Ukraine. The US Taxpayer will be on the hook for the rebuilding of old Ukraine. Trump will try to get EU and Nato nations to help with the costs to rebuild, but these nations will all be in a deep recession. So it will be the US taxpayer (the ‘John’ of last resort) to pay the entire bill for the rebuild —- this rebuild will be a huge profit for a few world corporations but will not benefit the average American one iota.

    • Seer

      Claw back $ can pay everyone back and others responsible can pay . Russia will rebuild the Russian areas. Country may be broken up so nothing remains called Ukraine.

    • Galaxy 500

      I predict that the Big “Z” and his retinue will not survive the year

  53. Tim

    Trump and his team either get this right and eliminate this systemic Election Fraud before Nov of 2026 or he will be rolled a second time. I don’t think he is going to let that happen, but the evil perpeTraitors are not going to go quietly in the night. We all need to pray for wisdom for him and his safety, regularly, and that of his entire team, and not get lulled into a false sense of security because he is in office. Evil always regroups and tries to come back. No quarters…

  54. Marie Joy

    What percentage of Americans think our American government is genocidal?

    • Katy Bar

      As long as the US National Security Memorandum 200 “Remains in Effect” (to reduce the World’s population by 2 Billion People through War, Famine, Disease, and Any Other Means) the percentage of Americans who think our American Government is Genocidal is without a doubt 100% !!!

  55. Galaxy 500

    Jesus keeps having these people out themselves.
    And praise YHWH, Newsom is preaching the religion of Climate and telling his backers they can’t build the homes back. He just killed any chance of being elected for any office again.

  56. Galaxy 500

    If you don’t think that physical cash is King and that Bitcoin reigns supreme…
    When to my local bank yesterday morning and they were having “internet” problems. Come back in a few hours they said… I did and they are still closed .
    The web says Temporarily closed but the good news is I can drive 30 min to an open branch…
    If this is truly an internet issue … think about it.
    Biden and his fascist pals can turn that spigot off anytime they want. How does your Bitcoin work then.
    Just a thought as this branch is closed until further notice. Gone are the days a Bank can work with just the lights on and ledger cards like when I was a kid.

  57. Galaxy 500

    We knew there was fraud but Celine most of the bureaucrats were Lazy Democrats, they didn’t look to stop the fraud as I am guessing a bunch is illegal aliens, their fav demographic.
    I used to say, “A Billion her and a Billion there, soon you have real money.”
    Sorry guys, that was just updated to “100 Billion” instead of Billion

    Damn, these people running these government offices are lazy, unmotivated, worthless scum

  58. Gerry

    we here in Ontario, Canada are far from perfect as the province elects liberals who put Trudeau in, however, in order to vote you must bring I.d. to the voting place and mark your ballot. your name is crossed off the list. we don’t seem to have voting problems except for the stupidity of voters.

  59. Prospector

    The following short story , posted by CITIZEN FREE PRESS , seems to explain how the swamp draining is happening. It is worth a read for the picture it paints.

    We’re in,” Akash Bobba messaged the team. “All of it.”

    Edward Coristine’s code had already mapped three subsystems. Luke Farritor’s algorithms were tracing payment flows across agencies. Ethan Shaotran’s analysis revealed patterns that career officials didn’t even know existed. By dawn, they would understand more about Treasury’s operations than people who had worked there for decades.

    This wasn’t a hack. This wasn’t a breach. This was authorized disruption.”

    “The beautiful thing about payment systems,” noted a transition official watching their screens, “is that they don’t lie. You can spin policy all day long, but money leaves a trail.”

    cont. –

  60. Prospector

    BREAKING: Musk Says His DOGE Team Uncovered $100 BILLION in Medicare and Medicaid Waste After Gaining Access to the System

    In a bombshell revelation that could shake the foundations of American healthcare, Elon Musk, leading the charge under President Trump’s newly minted Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), has uncovered what he describes as a staggering “$100B of taxpayer money” wasted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).”

    The Gateway Pundit.

    Another line from the EKO – Override story.
    “The administrative state was built over decades,” a senior advisor explained, watching new patterns emerge across the displays. “Built to resist change. Built to outlast presidents. Built to preserve power.”

    He paused, tracking a particularly interesting data flow. “But they never imagined this. They built walls against political attacks. Defenses against media exposure. Shields against congressional oversight.”

    “They never prepared for algorithms that could map everything. For personnel pre-positioned everywhere. For a president who counts every week like it’s his last.”

    The numbers tell the story: In Treasury – networks mapped, waste exposed, systems rewired At USAID – decades of hidden flows revealed, power structures dismantled…”

  61. Rod Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Great Video
    These people must be sent to Prison
    Thanks Greg for sharing

  62. jackie colson

    Sm Brown from Nevada was cheated out of his senate seat……

  63. Galaxy 500

    So the Gay boy want the Gay Man in Charge…ROFLMAO

  64. Tim

    Stalin said, I don’t care who votes, I care who counts the votes! Nuff said.

  65. Guido Proquo

    🔴 LIVE: Lavrov’s Most Explosive Speech Yet – How Russia Is Fighting Western Imperialism | CLRCUT Started streaming on Feb 5, 2025
    Sergey Lavrov delivers a hard-hitting speech on the Special Military Operation (SMO), exposing the West’s deception, NATO’s aggression, and the global shift away from Western dominance. The Russian Foreign Minister outlines how the US, EU, and NATO have fueled the Ukraine conflict, manipulated world politics, and tried to maintain their collapsing global empire.

    Lap-dogs general David Howell Petraeus and president Bill Clinton, under the ever present auspice’s of the CIA ……?
    Sergey Lavrov was pointing out what he sees as a “double standard” in how the West treats similar situations differently. He mentioned that the CIA’s NATO supported Kosovo declaration of independence without a referendum, calling it an act of self-determination. However, when Crimea held a referendum to join Russia in 2014 after Tory Nulands Maidan cookie coup, the West rejected it, citing violations of territorial integrity.
    In essence, Lavrov is arguing that the West is inconsistent: they support self-determination for Kosovo but insist on territorial integrity for Crimea. He believes both situations should should have been treated equally under international law if not for the CIA lap-dogs.
    Does that help clarify things a bit?

    Here’s a summary of the main points Sergey Lavrov covered in his spooky speech, put into my own woids:

    Western Influence and Conflicts? Lavrov argued that Western nations are responsible for stirring up global conflicts to maintain their dominance. He called the West an “empire of lies” and accused them of dividing team humanity into hostile blocs.

    Neo-Con Colonialism and the Global South? He criticized the West’s neo-colonial attitude, of no gratitude. Particularly their efforts to gain support from countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America regarding the situation in Ukraine. Like Biden’s puppet masters letting Japan dump all the waste water from the Fukushima Daichi nuclear power plant meltdown, into the pacific ocean. Simply for Japan’s condemnation of Russia on Putin’s special operation in the Ukraine and who knows how much US. taxpayers moneys have gone into greased palms in those countries as well and especially Ukraine it’s selfie! I’m sure Haiti didn’t get any of that money. Maybe Hillary did though, ya thunk!

    Multipolar World Order? Lavrov stressed the importance of a multipolar world order where nations from different regions can achieve independence and equality. He emphasized that Russia supports the idea of true democracy in international relations.

    “NATO’s RECKLESS Aggressiveness?” Lavrov warned about NATO’s activities in Russia both military and civilian and with NATO’s constant drills that simulate nuclear strikes inside Russia, which inadvertently COULD trigger a nuclear response from the Kremlin gremlins. You don’t poke the Russki bear NATO’R, ESPECIALY during one of heightened tension’s, during one of your terroristic civilian targeting. CAUSING their thinking, the Russian’s that is. Maybe that this attack, could follow the big enchilada? Lav’ruff ruff, also mentioned the formation of military-political alliances in the Asia-Pacific region as a cause for concern especially of their new mates China and Kim Dong Un of North Korea. But then all’s fair in love and war eh, Lavy baby, cakes?

    UN and International Law? Lavy reaffirmed Russia’s commitment to international law and the United Nations’ role as a central coordinating body in global affairs. Lavrov argued that the UN should be the primary forum for resolving international issues.

    “Western Sanctions and Promises?” Lavrov dismissed Western sanctions and promises as unrealistic and unfulfilled. He claimed that these actions only prolong the conflict in Ukraine and do not contribute to a peaceful resolution to the rootin tootin.
    Ouch, that hoit!

    Kosovo and Crimea? Lavrov highlighted what he sees as a double standard in the West’s stance on Kosovo and Crimea. He pointed out that the West supported Kosovo’s independence without a referendum, calling it an act of self-determination, but rejected Crimea’s referendum to join Russia, citing territorial integrity.

    These points capture the essence of Lavrov’s speech and his main arguments against Western policies and actions. I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further clarifa’fiction, feel free to arsk.

    You wont find any concrete evidence to support the claims that the Biden administration fast-tracked the approval of Japan’s release of radioactive nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant as a direct response to Japan’s stance on Russia’s special operation in Ukraine.

    However, it’s true that the U.S. and Japan have been working closely together on various strateulear radioactivegic and security issues, including their responses to global events. The relationship between the two countries has been strengthened under the Biden administration, with a focus on cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region and countering threats from China and Russia.

    It’s possible that the timing of the approval and Japan’s condemnation of Russia could be coincidental rather than a direct quid pro quo. These decisions often involve complex negotiations and multiple factors.

    • Ken Yu

      Hopefully with Trump now in office, the Russians and Trump can work together to build a More Just International Order!!

  66. TwoQuide

    What exactly does territorial integrity mean?
    Territorial integrity refers to the principle under international law that nation-states should not attempt to promote the secession of a part of a country or seek to annex a part of another country. Essentially, it emphasizes the importance of maintaining the existing boundaries of a state, except of course, if under Biden’s puppet masters in the United States proper. This principle is meant to ensure that the territorial borders of countries remain intact and are respected by other nations, except again the USofA.. It is often referenced in discussions about sovereignty, independence movements, and conflicts involving disputed territories.

    When people hold a referendum to break away or join another country,
    it means that the citizens of a particular region or territory are voting on whether they want to become independent from their current country or join another one. A referendum is a direct vote by the electorate on a specific proposal. Here’s a breakdown of what happens:
    A proposal is put forward, typically by political leaders or groups within the region, to either break away from the current country and form an independent state, or to join another existing country.
    There is usually a campaign period where supporters and opponents of the proposal present their arguments to the public, explaining the potential benefits and drawbacks of the change.
    Eligible voters in the region cast their ballots in favor of or against the proposal. This vote is often conducted under the supervision of national or international observers to ensure fairness and transparency.
    The results of the referendum are announced. If the majority of voters support the proposal, the region’s leaders may proceed with the necessary legal and political steps to implement the decision.
    If the referendum result is in favor of breaking away or joining another country, the region must undergo a complex process involving negotiations, legal adjustments, and international recognition. This process can vary significantly depending on the circumstances and the involved parties’ willingness to cooperate.
    Referendums on such significant issues often attract a lot of attention and can be contentious, as they involve questions of national sovereignty, self-determination, and international law.
    I hope this helps clarify what a referendum for breaking away or joining another country means! Don’t try dying in your attempts. Blessed are the peacemakers, what does that mean fur the peace breakers? Let me know if you have any and all questions?

    • Galaxy 500

      Tell that to the Southerns? They sought to peacefully leave the Union and had illegal taxes heaped upon them.

    • Galaxy 500

      Sorry but you don’t get to take 1 square inch of America

  67. Movin On

    🏖️RUSSIA is like WHAT?!🇷🇺Drive from the SEA to SNOW Capped Mountains❄️in MINUTES with an AMERICAN!🇺🇸
    EXPAT American 5,403 views Premiered 15 hours ago
    Did you know Russia has beaches? And did you know you can drive from the Black Sea to Russian European Ski Villages in less than an hour? Come see what both of these places look like and the journey in between with an American and his family! Also see what their Olympic Park looks like and what a Russian restaurant looks like!

    Canadian Family Receives Temporary Residency in RUSSIA!!
    Countryside Acres views 26,152 views 8 hours ago
    Thank you all for your love and support on the journey we call life!
    Hank Snow*********

  68. k.lane

    Bernie Ecclestone: ‘Donald Trump is the best thing that could happen to the world’
    Story by Oliver Brown • 2h •
    At 94, Ecclestone still projects an aura perfected during his 40 years as Formula One’s all-powerful impresario. Just as A-listers and heads of state would once genuflect to this diminutive figure on a race grid, the staff at his local pizzeria have memorised his preferences, right down to his favourite cushioned chair in the corner. Not that he is in formal mode tonight. He has just flown in from London, having accepted an award reflecting his six-decade contribution to the world’s most cut-throat sport.
    It’s a 11 minute read, but moving ahead.
    As such, his expectations on Trump’s return to the White House are high. “Forget the word, ‘President’. He’s the chief executive of USA Limited. He’s running the country like a company. It’s for the shareholders and for everyone in that company. People who work there, he tries to look after.” There are parallels, certainly, between Trump’s pushback against diversity initiatives and Ecclestone’s repeated demands for his more activist drivers to stick to sport. “That’s what a good chief executive does. Trump wouldn’t be won over by, ‘My auntie or my great-grandfather did this.’ He picks people for what they are, not for what they’d like to be.”
    Ecclestone, approving of Trump’s attempts to eliminate the “woke c–p” across US federal agencies, defines wokery as “people trying to make themselves look like what they’re not”. Portraying the re-election as a turning of the tide in this sense, he says: “He wants people to be honest and up front. He doesn’t want them to keep hiding behind something or saying things that aren’t honest. If he has got something to say, he says it. If it happens to upset somebody, that’s how it goes.” That sounds very much like a certain “Mr E”? “Yeah. You call it as it is.”
    ‘Trump is a good dealer… Starmer doesn’t know what he’s doing’
    In discussing events in the United States, it feels apt to explore his perspective on the re-election of Donald Trump. After all, Trump’s instinctively autocratic style, coupled with his disinclination to take no for an answer, has its similarities with Ecclestone’s own. “Trump is the best thing that could happen to the world,” he declares. “As I’ve said right from day one, he is a dealer. He puts it like this: ‘OK, you don’t want me to do this? Well, this is what I want you to do. So, let’s do a deal. I’ll back off a little, but you have to wake up.’ He’s a good dealer.| There’s more on his personnel relationship with Trump.

  69. Railroaded

    Ukraine’s Slow Death March w/The Duran’s Alexander Mercouris
    Daniel Davis / Deep Dive 11 hours ago

  70. George Berwash

    The National | Trump’s threat to annex Canada ‘is real,’ Trudeau says
    CBC News: The National Feb 8, 2025
    Feb. 7, 202 | Justin Trudeau calls Donald Trump’s threat to annex Canada ‘a real thing’ motivated by this country’s resource wealth. Elon Musk sets his cost-cutting sights on the Pentagon. Plus, New Orleans sees intense security as Trump heads to the Super Bowl.

  71. Thomas Argyle

    Ambassador Andrei Kelin’s interview with James Mates, Europe Editor of ITV News
    Russian Embassy in London 9,717 views Feb 7, 2025 Key talking points:
    • We are prepared for a very serious conversation [on peace in Ukraine]. We have laid out our position and we are sticking to it. We are also on the offensive, which makes our position stronger. A lot now depends on what happens in the coming weeks and months.

    • Not many [in the West] are realising the root causes of the [Ukraine] conflict, and without eliminating the root causes of the conflict, nothing is possible.
    • There is a question of the legitimacy of Mr Zelensky, because since his powers expired last May, it is very doubtful that if he signs anything it will be legitimate.
    • We are winning now. Ukraine is definitely losing. Also those countries in the West, including the UK, are losing the position and the case they have tried to fight for, I mean, by supporting Ukraine, by being directly involved in this conflict.
    • Everyone should remember what happened during the Second World War and the role of the Soviet soldiers who liberated Oswiecim [Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp] and Europe.
    • If there is something serious to discuss, I’m sure it [Russia-US summit] will happen. I cannot say when, why and how, but the general mood is for high-level contacts.

  72. T.Argyle

    VIDEO: Ambassador Andrei Kelin’s interview with James Mates

  73. Jim Porteous

    Nigel Farage slams Labour’s ‘COWARDICE’ on elections | IN FULL
    Daily Express 71,369 views Feb 6, 2025
    Reform UK leader Nigel Farage said his party was “blooming angry” at the cancellation of local elections in nine council areas.
    Speaking at the press conference in Westminster, he claimed the decision was a result of “the connivance of a now terrified Labour Party… and Conservative-led councils who, of course, want to keep the money rolling for at least another couple of years”.

    Gutfeld! 2/7/25 FULL END SHOW | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP February 7, 2025
    @sueelliott4793 3 hours ago (edited)
    Its Saturday evening here in NZ, Happy day everyone. Not only Commie-la, but they were all on the take, many a true word said in jest.
    HonkeyKong101p 4 hours ago
    Now we know who paid for the stacks of bricks during the riots

  74. Will Robinson

    “Days of THUNDER” Steve Bannon on Trump 2028, Elon Musk Feud & Jail
    Piers Morgan Uncensored 560,740 views Feb 6, 2025 13 products
    One of the most famous figures within the ranks of the MAGA movement carrying Donald Trump aloft is Steve Bannon, who managed to climb the ladder and enter the arena of public discourse in explosively dramatic fashion. Having served President Trump in his first term as well as a controversial prison sentence, Bannon has been in lockstep with the US President’s highs and lows, and has learned a few things along the way.
    Piers Morgan speaks to Bannon on all things MAGA; Trump’s Re-election, Elon Musk’s global influence and the future of America to name but a few topics. Get ready for an interview that’s as personal as it is political.

  75. Galaxy 500

    This organization, CFP, gets all your credit and debit card transactions… All your financial info. And they are not on your side. These are the guys that can whisper into the bankers ears to debunk you.
    The CFP shouldn’t exist and was not appropriately approved of by Congress

    Last week, President Trump fired Rohit Chopra, the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

    Rohit Chopra was a toxic Biden holdover who previously threatened banks that refused to give credit lines and loans to illegal aliens.

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the DOJ warned banks and lending institutions in a joint statement in October 2023.

    “The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Justice Department today issued a joint statement that reminds financial institutions that all credit applicants are protected from discrimination on the basis of their national origin, race, and other characteristics covered by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, regardless of their immigration status,” the CFPB said in a statement.

    “The CFPB and Justice Department are issuing this statement because consumers have reported being rejected for credit cards as well as for auto, student, personal, and equipment loans because of their immigration status, even when they have strong credit histories and ties to the United States and are otherwise qualified to receive the loans.” they said.

    “Fair access to credit is crucially important for building wealth and strengthening household financial stability,” said CFPB Director Rohit Chopra. “The CFPB will not allow companies to use immigration status as an excuse for illegal discrimination.”

    The DOJ’s Civil Rights Division Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke warned banks that they may be violating federal law if they don’t give illegal aliens loans.

    “Lenders should not deny people the opportunity to take out a loan to buy a home, build their businesses or otherwise pursue their financial goals because of unlawful bias and without regard to their actual ability to repay,” said Kristen Clarke. “This guidance reminds lenders that denying someone access to credit based solely on their actual or perceived immigrant status may violate federal law.”

  76. Galaxy 500

    These people and their organizations have incestuous relations…

  77. Galaxy 500

    These are the wonderful illegal aliens that are such a gift to the American people.
    These people are not your friends and they surely don’t see themselves as Americans. And the Demoncrats have feed their hatred of America and its citizens.
    Every illegal is a criminal. They entered America illegally and they either stole someone’s ID to work or worked under the table and didn’t pay taxes.
    Think of all the resources taken from Americans citizens in schools to teach illegal in a myriad of languages.

  78. Marie Joy is President Trump’s site. His posts are always interesting. You can sub to many on this site. It is more on point (so far) than most Youtube.

  79. Tammy

    How do we know that they didn’t use the algorithm on Trump in 2024 because they wanted him in? This has to be considered. We assume they didn’t use it because they were afraid they would be caught, but how do we know?

  80. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg
    Can you believe how in your face these Satanists are?
    Perversion of the Most, Holy… the Prayer Jesus taught us to pray to YHWH…

  81. pap

    the dominion election machines are as clean as whit snow eh Greg…
    bs let us remember what happened on election day in AZ. oopps the machines couldn’t read the thousands of ballots… That’s only one case.

    • Greg Hunter

      Not what I said Pap. Everyone lost those cases because it was not the real problem. I don’t love Dominion but we need to fix the state system first.

      • pap

        Hello Greg,

        You know as well as I, that those Judges are guilty of Treason for throwing out the cases that were brought. They are corrupt just like the Tina Petters Judge. Tina Petters caught them in the act of wiping election records. The evidence is real.

        I really like and appreciate what you do. But having experienced the vote steal first hand, knowing full well putting my ballot in door #3 was like ripping up my vote before submitting it. They knew who to target had how many (question is how did they know this..) Because the voting machines are connected to the internet real time.

        The only way to fix it is to eliminate the machines, go back to precinct level paper ballots counted the same day at the precinct and turned in no later than 10pm.

        By the way did Corsi show you actual proof of his alternate election roll lists and algorithms that were used. Can you explain to the average Joe how the algorithm works. Telling a story is one thing proving it is another. It’s tough to decompile an algorithm from machine language. I pray he gets his day in Court and has an honest law abiding Judge.

        Last Thing,
        I’m having “Weekly Review Wrap Up” withdraw syndrome.
        I know there is a lot (4x) the new as before. It would be nice to see you in live action again.

        br, pap

  82. Colorado Dreaming

    I have no access to social media. Can someone contact Elon Musk and tell him that we the taxpayers need to claw back the monies sent by USAID to pay for Chelsea Clinton’s wedding and home. Also, we need all monies clawed back that were sent to the Clinton Foundation for whatever. Lawsuits need to be filed against Samantha Powers and other heads of USAID past 10 Administrations. Elon and team has only looked at recent most Administration.
    How about clawing back all monies for Climate Change too!
    We need some symbolic victories!

  83. Justn Observer

    WHY when there is a ‘downturn’ in the economy it is ALWAYS the private sector jobs that go. That is it just fine to lay off, fire and companies go out of business…. BUT…. the ‘government’ thinks there is a LAW and contracts they keep them from being laid off, fired, or departments downsized or eliminated?
    Personally, do not see anything in the Constitution that ‘protects’ government jobs, federal or state? Like at the end of wars, the military is ‘downsized’ and some units mothballed….so who are the Democrats that are screaming about ””their”” budgets are immune from being cut by DOGE? Time the Senators and Representative to get back to work, and cut their staffs, and do the work themselves and spend less time on the street screaming and running around looking for media cameras? They were not elected to provide ‘sound bites’. …BUT….as to ‘sound bites’….
    The latest ‘SOUND BITES’ PROVIDED BY GOV. PRITZER = HIS WARNING TO POTUS Trump, coming after ‘his’ people may be less about the illegal immigrants and MORE about his wide family and friends ””’investments”’ in gender issues?

    Then too, if DEI is to be fair, wouldn’t fair be more like ‘equal representation’ based on a ratio of ‘representation’. So, why would the Biden admin. be complaining about such when so many LGBT’plus’ is massively wacky as a percentage of population? Approximately 5.5% of U.S. adults identify as LGBTQ, with recent data suggesting this number may be increasing, particularly among younger generations. Gallup’s latest poll indicates that about 7.1% of adults identify as LGBTQ.

    IT APPEARS ‘someone’ has decided there needs to be more of them…even if ‘they’ have to ‘create’ them? And looking at many of the USAID items exposed lately, that is a ‘world-wide’ plan in the making?
    Likely the Gov. and many of ‘his’ type State Gov’s and Democrats in Fed. Government and agencies want to ‘STOP’ Trump but NOT for the IMMIGRATION problem but might be using that, rather than bring a spotlight on another few know many including the Pritzker family as so tied with ? =

    Would be remiss if one did not point out who Biden’s envoy to Ukraine was =
    Penny Pritzker
    ‘Penny Pritzker was appointed by President Biden as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery. In this role, she works with the Ukrainian government, the G7, the EU, international financial institutions, international partners and the US private sector.[4]

    During her first visit to Kyiv in her new role, Pritzker met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the prime minister and government officials, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and American business’
    The Verkhovna Rada by the way is a single party unicameral parliament does not seem a very ‘DEMOCRATIC’ Democracy, that the Democrats crow about as protecting. But then, the Pritzker family roots are there in Ukraine so one might suppose as long as ‘their’ guy is the leader…the hell with Democracy?
    Or…maybe Zelensky is ‘more their TYPE of people’ ?

  84. Bill Holder

    I wonder, instead of voting to leave the nation, what about voting to eject those sections that are screwing our nation.

    • Kit Lee

      Eject them to their Commie Paradise (Cuba) to be Court Marshaled (by Just -Us Patriots) and then buried at Guantanamo or used as fish bait to catch Atlantic Salmon (as Demonrat Bribe’n gave the Japanese the OK to dump even more Radioactive Plutonium into the Pacific)!!!

  85. Dave

    WOW this video clip showing election fraud is really truly shocking. Dr. Corsi is very very good. Thank you

  86. Coal Burner

    Dear Greg and Mr Corsi;
    Some of those down ballot thefts in 2020 and 2024 were in New Mexico! We don’t count much and Democrats, the hard core ugly type have a grip on the throats and voting machines in NM. So no one outside bothers to look. The exception on voting in a state full of republicans cannot elect one Republican to congress. Neither can we elect a Senator after the two most worthless do Nothing Senators in the US Senate. They don’t live here or comeback here for anything but elections and not much then They Are DC Swamp-rats kept there by the Dem machine here in NM while they do zero for the people or businesses here in NM.

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