Bonds Next Killing Field of Investments-Tom Cloud

Greg Hunter’s 

Hard asset expert Tom Cloud has more than three decades of hard asset experience and more than 2,000 high-net-worth clients.  Cloud says the rich are putting “45% of their wealth into hard assets” like gold and silver.  Cloud says his clients “. . . fear there’s going to be a new currency . . . they know gold will win no matter what.”  Cloud’s clients think the dollar’s days are numbered as the “petro currency.”  When oil is traded globally in other currencies, Cloud says, “The dollar is going to fall off the table, everybody agrees on that.”  Cloud thinks that could happen in less than “18 months.”  When the dollar plunges, interest rates will spike, and Cloud predicts, “Bonds are the next killing field of investments.”   Cloud is confident, “Gold will double in less than 4 years.”  According to Cloud, supplies of physical precious metals are beginning to get tight, “especially silver bars and U.S. Silver Eagles.”  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Tom Cloud of  

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  1. justin king

    Hi Greg,-Thanks for finding Tom at a pivotal time in history for gold/silver. He answered several questions I,ve had for months. I had forgotten that gold had gone up,while silver had gone down in the 2008 crash. That info alone was worth the viewing.-Good points made/good interview.

    • Greg

      Thank you Justin and Allie for the comments and kind words.

  2. Art Barnes

    I think Mr. Cloud sees a big rain coming don’t you? New currency, he and his high end client’s think its a strong possibility, maybe this is why the FED is easing to infinity to just hold it together as long as it can because the FED knows it coming as well. Greg, the simple fact is that the United States will be in war before it lets itself become a banana republic with worthless paper money. I don’t say that because I want a war, its just that I know the elite and our paid for leaders won’t go down easy. There is not enough gold in the world for the elite to go to and try and save their wealth, they will opt for war to try and stop it. This can’t turn out pretty for the middle and lower class who will have to fight it and live with the aftermath.

  3. tsuki

    Hi Greg,

    Great interview. I listened yesterday and today, a lot of information in a well structured interview.

    I have a question for you about silver transfers. I read last week-end that 2.4 million oz of silver was transfered to the UK by the Comex.

    Was this a paper transfer, from on ledger account to another, or was it a physical move from one country to another?

    Any insight would be appreciated.

    Now off to calculate my hard assets ratio. 🙂



    • Greg

      I honestly do not know what if anything was transfered. Lot’s are asking for delivery, that is for certain.

  4. A. Hall

    Greg: Mr. Cloud is mostly right, but I believe he is to conservative on his time frame for the metals to rise. All of my expert friend believed it would happen before the end of this year- the dollar would be dead. Because Syria is behind the set schedule to be over-thrown, the New World Order Gang of elite’s have slowed things down some. Now looking at Spring for dollar collapse, but no one knows for sure.
    But one can’t buy just gold. My experts told me 7 years ago to buy 90% junk silver first- this will be barter coinage when the dollar collapses. Get both.
    When ever this happens- start now to get out of anything paper- remember – I was told this phrase, ” If it’s printed on paper, it only worth the paper it’s printed on”. SO TRUE THESE DAYS!


    • Greg

      Thank you Mr. Hall,
      Pastor Lindsey Williams says the same thing and I think it is good advise!

  5. Mickey

    You have old elites & the off spring elites who are torn at how to keep their wealth & power & do not have the wisdom of the elders, all hell could break lose if the old die off befor the SFHTF, it sounds nuts but think about it!? Also why are the CB’s of the world net buyers of gold? Not silver, they use paper silver/gold to build funds/profits for their primary dealers/agents (JPM,GS,HSBC + 1)
    for the Fed thru manipulation in all markets.?!

    What a damn mess!
    Thanks Greg, I need to get back here more, I have miss some great reporting!!!

    • Greg

      Thank you Mickey. Drop by anytime!

  6. Jones sabo paying down treat

    But wanna comment on few general things, The website pattern is perfect, the content is really good : D.

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