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New Fear Campaign for Bird Flu Vax – Dr. Peter McCullough

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Dr. Peter McCullough is a renowned cardiologist who has been fighting the government CV19 vax propaganda from the beginning.  Dr. McCullough is on record saying “The CV19 vaccine did not help a single person.”  Now, Dr. McCullough is fighting a new false government narrative on the Bird Flu.  They just held the “International Bird Flu Summit” near Washington D.C in early October.  At the same time, they were holding a Bird Flu summit in Arkansas for veterinarians.  So, the evidence says, they are planning on a new pandemic.  Dr. McCullough, who monitored both summits, says, “This is what we learned.  Bird Flu is spreading around because it actually came out of a lab.  It came out of the USAD research lab in Athens Georgia. . . . Bird Flu has been around for a hundred years, and the current version is very mild.  There have been just over 10,000 animal deaths, yet, they have intentionally culled or killed tens of millions of healthy chickens.” (more…)

Chaos is Coming – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino has long warned of a massive financial crisis.  With unstoppable wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, Rubino says one thing is for sure, “Chaos is coming.”  Rubino explains, “This does not get fixed easily, and to the extent this gets fixed at all, this gets fixed via chaos.  Prepare for a really interesting decade.  This is going to be unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes.  Not since the Great Depression, nothing like this has happened.” (more…)

World at War with Criminals Controlling Weather – Dane Wigington

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says Hurricane Helene is the latest crime the climate engineering cabal put on the people of Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Florida.  The storm was no accident, and neither was its path.  Wigington says, “You see, these events are being ramped up to even more catastrophic levels.  Finally, and thankfully, people are waking up to what is being done to them.  More are waking up to the fact that these storms are being steered.  This is patented technology.  We can and are recording the transmission activations. . . . Those transmissions are posted on the homepage of  There are plenty of other storms (that are steered).  We recorded other hurricanes, too, such as Ian, Harvey, Michael and Maria.  This is not new, but the level of damage in this case (Helene) is.” (more…)

From a Bunker in Israel, American Empire is Over – Charles Nenner

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner has been warning of a huge war cycle.  The Iran missile attack in Israel that rained down 180 missiles on the Holy land, “is just the beginning,” according to Nenner.

Of course, America and everybody else will be involved in this war, and Nenner says don’t expect America to come out on top.  Nenner says, “I don’t know how big this war is going to be because everybody is going to be involved.  Israel is not going to sit on its hands like last time because this cannot continue.  I guess Israel will go for the enrichment of the uranium places and attack Iran whenever they are ready. . . . I don’t vote in the United States because I am Dutch, but if Trump were in, this would be over in an hour.” (more…)

FL Attacks Vax, FluMist Dangers & Trump Tried to Stop CV19 Vax – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax from the beginning.  She was one of the first to warn of the dangers and called this CV19 “vaccine” a bioweapon.  Kingston predicted death and injuries from the CV19 vax such as heart attacks, auto-immune disease, blood clotting and turbo cancers that are all still happening in great numbers.  Now, Kingston joins us with updates on the battle of getting the mRNA CV19 vax removed in Florida.  Kingston also has warnings on a new product called FluMist nasal spray and the possible dangers associated with it.  Finally, there is new information on President Donald Trump’s effort to stop the rollout of the CV19 vaccine and how Big Pharma and the government thwarted that effort.   Finally, we learn more about President Trump’s contract with Pfizer that strips it of its liability shield and makes it NOT part of Warp Speed.  Today the CV19 vax has been called a “bioweapon” by many experts.  Kingston begins with Florida’s CV19 battle to get the mRNA vax removed from the shelves in that state.  (more…)

UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunters 

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” has been warning of plans by the United Nations for total tyrannical control of your life.  This past weekend at UN headquarters in New York City, all countries sealed the deal to hand over your freedoms to these demonic monsters.  Newman explains, ” This is probably the most important story of the decade.  Every world leader was there.  Joe Biden was there.  Almost every world leader on the planet was there.  Every president, king and dictator were all there, and they are all signing what the UN calls the “Pact for the Future.” (more…)

Massive Unrest in 2024 No Matter Who Wins – Bill Holter

By Greg Hunter’s

Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter says the latest .5% rate cut by the Fed shows something is very wrong with the economy.  There were some big reported problems a few months ago with the yen carry trade blowing up and 63 banks hiding $500 billion in losses.  Now, billionaire investor Warren Buffett is selling off millions of shares in BofA stock, inflation has surged, along with business bankruptcies in America, and total household debt and federal debt has hit new all-time highs.  This is just scratching the surface of the financial problems that are already here.  The world is wrestling with unpayable debt everywhere.  So, why the big rate cut now when the Fed says the economy is going great? (more…)

Deep State Knows It Cannot Cheat Kamela In – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s 

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong predicted less than a month ago that there would be another assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, and the Deep State was going to do everything possible to start a war with Russia.  He was right on both counts.  All the chaos, debate fraud and push for World War III comes down to the Deep State knows it cannot cheat enough to put Kamala Harris into the White House in November.  Forget the phony polls where they all say Kamala is running neck and neck with Trump.  Armstrong says his “Socratees” computer program shows Kamala’s real approval rating is around 10%, and all his computer models say Kamala is going to lose big in November no matter how much they cheat. (more…)

Threat of WWIII is NOT Fear Porn – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle is sounding the alarm on the increasing possibility of nuclear war between NATO and Russia.  Quayle says, “The threat of nuclear war is not fear porn–it’s real.”  Quayle is not alone because for the second year in a row, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists says, “A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight.  2024 Doomsday Clock Statement.”  Today’s escalation is caused by the fact that NATO is contemplating allowing Ukraine to fire long range missiles deep into Russia. 

Now, breaking news that the Biden Administration did give the go ahead to fire long range missiles into Russia from Ukraine.


Biblical Intervention Against Evil Alpha Predators – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s 

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny says things are so evil and out of control that the only way to stop evil from killing off mankind and destroying the planet is a Biblical intervention must happen from the hand of God.  Polny’s recent best-selling book called “Revelation The Good News” is helping people understand the spiritual and physical fight happening now between Jesus and Satan in what many are calling “The Last Days” or “End Times.”  (more…)

Sliding Towards Chaos – Signs are Everywhere

By Greg Hunter’s

Every week there are new signs we are sliding towards chaos.  Is this what they want?  Look no further than the underreported mess that is Ukraine.  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in a stark warning just last week, said, “The West is playing with fire,” and he made a chilling WWIII warning directly to the USA.  Now, Lavrov has said that the West is “asking for trouble” by considering Ukrainian requests to loosen curbs on using foreign-supplied weapons. . . . He added, “Americans unequivocally associate conversations about a Third World War as something that, God forbid, if it happens, will affect Europe exclusively.”  Lavrov went on to point out nuclear war will not be contained in Europe, but it will affect everybody everywhere. (more…)

The Last Days are Dangerous Days – Jonathan Cahn

By Greg Hunter’s 

Nine-time, best-selling author and renowned Bible expert Jonathan Cahn has written a new book called “The Dragon’s Prophecy.”  Cahn, who is a Christian, says many signs foretold in the Bible have happened or are happening now.  Cahn says, “It says in the Bible that the end times or ‘The Last Days’ will be evil and dangerous times.  You look at the Book of Revelation, you can see it, and all nations are going to be involved.  . . . How do you know we are in “The Last Days”? (more…)

Prepare for Serious Civil Unrest, Terror and War

By Greg Hunter’s 

World renowned geopolitical and financial expert Marting Armstrong just gave one of the most important warnings in his career on a few days ago.  On the upcoming November Election, Armstrong said, “Look, the computer says Trump should win.  I don’t know how the hell they allow that to happen.  They have to trap Trump into a war or they kill him–one or the other.  These people are unconscionable. . ..  We are looking at serious civil unrest regardless of who wins in November.  Neither side is going to accept it.” (more…)

A Period of Great Uncertainty – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s 

Almost everything you see and hear with the Lying Legacy Media and the government is a lie.  Just this past week, the Biden Administration backtracked about employment as it was widely reported, “US economy added 818,000 fewer jobs than first reported in year that ended in March.”  A huge miss or a huge lie–take your pick.  Other big lies we have been told in recent years:  “Trump is colluding with Russia,” “Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation,
and the “CV19 vax injections are “safe and effective.”  That is just scratching the surface of the lies we are told on a daily basis.  The lies, which people realize are becoming preposterous, are adding to the public’s lack of confidence in everything, including the economy. (more…)

Survival Products You Need – USAW Sponsors Have Them

By Greg Hunter’s 

I cannot say enough good things about my sponsors.  It’s not just because they help support, but they do it with integrity and with products you need to help you survive and thrive in the turbulent times we live in. (more…)