Dollar is The Weak Spot for US-Paul Craig Roberts

Paul_Craig_Roberts-323x346By Greg Hunter’s   (Early Sunday Release)

Former Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says all U.S. financial policy revolves around propping up the dollar.  Dr. Roberts contends, “I’ve always said the whole system is rigged.  It’s a house of cards, and the weak spot is the dollar because they cannot print foreign currencies for which to buy dollars.  So, if there is a worldwide run on the dollar, they lose control then.  In the meantime, they have all these things they can do to counteract the direction of the markets, and I expect them to continue doing that.”

So, if propping up the dollar is the top priority, then suppressing the gold price is a close second.  Could the COMEX or LBMA simply run out of metal sold below mining cost?  Dr. Roberts says, “Well, a lot of people think that, particularly people who think there is no gold left in Fort Knox or in the New York Fed.  They think all that has been lent out and used up.   If they’re right, then the policy they have in naked shorts in gold to drive down the price just increases the demand in Asia for more bullion.  If that is true and they don’t have a way to make those deliveries, then they are producing the crisis for themselves by holding down the gold price.  Whereas, if they let the price rise, it might temper the demand for gold in Asia and remove that problem.”

Dr. Roberts goes on to say, “The reason they want to hold the gold price down is they are afraid of its impact on the dollar.  The reason why they had to suppress the gold price is they had to protect the dollar from quantitative easing (QE) because they were printing trillions and trillions of new dollars.  This was worrying people around the world who hold dollars because the dollar was increasing, but not the goods and services in the American economy.  So, when the gold price took off, the Fed said this endangers QE because if the dollar is declining in value relative to gold, it must also be declining in value relative to other currencies.  Once the exchange rate starts collapsing, we lose control.  So, we’ve got to suppress gold.  I don’t know which side of the equation will play out first.  I don’t know if they will run out of gold to deliver to India and China, or people will say this is a rigged scheme and we are just not participating anymore.”  Roberts adds, “Again, I don’t know how this will play out, but we keep seeing developments that indicate that people are not content to play in rigged markets.”

On the Ukraine crisis, Dr. Roberts says, “Putin is saying, look you are pushing too far.  Because we are reasonable doesn’t mean you can walk all over us.  Don’t get the idea that because we (Russia) haven’t slapped your face that we are going to permit this forever.  You are being very, very aggressive to somebody who can stand up to you, and we are prepared to do that. . . .So, that is the message that he gave.”

On the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Dr. Roberts says, “We have lost control.  We now have a new enemy that is our own creation.  Not only that, but now the Taliban says it is uniting with the Islamic State.  So, after 13 years, we couldn’t defeat the Taliban, and we are going to bleed to death over there.  We are already bankrupt and busted, and we are talking about carrying this fight on another 30 years.  Who’s going to pay for it?  The Americans working part time jobs at Wal-Mart?  Do they think they can print money for thirty years and the world won’t flee the dollar?”

On the U.S. dollar, is the world getting ready to dump it?  Dr. Roberts, who holds a PhD in economics, says, “I think on the whole, that there is a risk that it could be dumped all at once, but it’s going to be dumped anyhow, even if slowly, and it’s already started.  When you see the Russian/Chinese agreements and the Russian/Indian agreements, what you are witnessing is people moving away from using the dollar to settle trade between one another.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. 

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview: 

Dr. Roberts is a prolific writer, and you can get his analysis and articles for free on his website  Dr. Roberts has zero advertising, and if you would like to help him keep the site running, you can donate by clicking here.

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  1. M.Rados

    I am not a troll. This is a great interview.. Thank You.

    • Greg Hunter

      M. Rados,
      OK, thank you for your comment, but I don’t think anyone would think you are a troll for saying something nice. Thank you for saying it here, and I hope you come back.

  2. Jerry

    Great interview as usual Greg. PCR was at the top of his game.
    Greg, after reading this article:
    I’m going to have to change my theory about “how” the collapse of the dollar will take place. It appears the Banks are involved with the transition to the RMB right now on the inside behind closed doors, even though its not reported by the MSM. I think one day soon, we may very well wake up to the news that the transition has already taken place, and that we will be issued some new form of currency for domestic exchange. As dossal as the American people are right now with government programs and the like, I don’t think there would be much resistance to it at all. Its just a thought. What do you think?

    • Greg Hunter


      I think people will finally wake up to financial devastation but it will be too late to do anything about it short of revolt and that is not going to happen. The general population is too stupid or distracted to know what is being done to them.


      • allen ols


      • Ron

        They are both Greg … stupid and distracted … just look at a football game on TV …. painted faces, jersey’s, cheese on the head, beer helmets etc … they have to travel to and from the game dressed like that …… yes, stupid and distracted

      • Matt

        No doubt Greg. As i walk into a cafe,bar or at work,it is the continued meaningless chatter of meaningless topics. Folly at best. Were screwed,toast,stick a fork in it.

      • Paul from Indiana

        If this is the plan, they figure the normalcy bias is in their favor. I have posted this before, but I will repeat (with Greg’s forbearance): I don’t go to sleep without a full tank of gas in each vehicle. Best always. PM

    • David Brown

      Go to You Tube and type in Jim Willie. He makes the assertion that a “blood red dollar” is being developed for America. He uses a four letter, word to describe it, but he seems to swear by its development.

    • Silence is Golden

      I concur…in fact I said exactly that the same thing not long ago in response to your Bloomberg posting.
      ” Blind Freddy saw that one helluva subtle move. Its called transition to the new world order and its been in train now for well over two years”…. and the game just took on a new set of rules.
      You are free to change your theory on how the dollar collapse takes place. Just keep in mind that slow and steady wins the race. Just as the FED has destroyed the Dollar over 100 years……it is not meant to be obvious. “We cannot have panics and bank runs in this advanced economy. We are superior to that defunct process”….aren’t we ?

    • Michael Harvey

      Jim Rickards quite clearly pronounces that the IMF has been and is in the process of creating a new reserve currency notably the Special Drawing Rights (SD R’s).
      Jim states that he wouldn’t be surprised to see it come into force as early as April 2015.
      My words below
      The level of monopoly money being printed by the Federal Reserve is not sustainable and is ultimately destroying the economy and confidence of the populace.
      US cannot be the worlds reserve currency if the Fed’ is leveraged 77-1.
      The IMF’s leverage is 3-1, China is 20 years away from being a reserve currency as the tools for such a system cannot come about with China being a communist state.

  3. coalburner9

    This may be your best yet!

    It certainly was the best interview I have seen with PCR!

    I agree especially with his last analogy. We have crossed the Rubicon! It will a long 500 year grind before we see the heights again. Sadly most of us never realized we were at the top when we were. I wonder if we will look back to 2007, 8, or 9 as the year the New World came ashore, this time from the Far East! I forget which oracle said that money and power flows like a river. Well, it does not wait for anyone and the future survivors will get on their boat and ride. The New World Order is not going to happen, that is the good news bitter for elites that miscalculated and puked into their dinner plates.

    • allen ols

      The Next Financial Panic Has Already Begun

      from Western Journalism:

      The chickens are coming home to roost in Europe and the United States, and the next financial crisis has already started.

      We just don’t know it yet.

      Why are gas prices plunging? Why is the stock market correcting? Why is the Fed worried?

      The answer is slowing economic growth, all over the world. Western societies have built up mountains of debt that they don’t have the will to pay back. Their economies could probably handle the huge debt service load if they decided to do so, but their populations don’t have the will to pay.

      Read More @

  4. David Brown

    As to the Washington Post, journalist David Ignatius has been accused of being a CIA mouthpiece. How he may have come to be “employed by them is anyone’s guess. His father was a former Secretary of Navy.

    Nice to have connections.

    I’m not sure as to Bob Woodward’s CIA “employment.” He did serve in the Office of Naval Research after college graduation.

    Nice to have connections.

    Source on both men is Wikipedia.

    With every guest you interview, the more sure I become the collapse is within a year.

    I know you plan on a Harvey Organ interview soon. I would be curious to know if he is being harassed by the US and Canadian governments ? Is being harassed?

    The last interview you had with him was probably the investment tip of the year. Little reason to ask why his site was abolished.

    Thanks, Greg?

    • Silence is Golden

      Show me a financial writer that is employed by the MSM that is not “Owned” by the CIA. PCR put that definitively.

      • David Brown

        The two men are not financial writers, but they are paid to write.

        I doubt financial writers are influenced by CIA operatives. They take their cue from editors, who in turn take their directions from a little higher in corporate America.

  5. Ed Perkins

    Mr. Hunter,
    You’re to be commended for offering some excellent interviews.
    I watch many of them.
    My favorites have been those with Paul Craig Roberts and Jim Willie.
    Recently, I watched, watched again, and watched a third time your interview with Harvey Organ. His arguments are compelling even though I agree with “Adask’s Law” that Organ may be be too apocalyptic and his timeline too short.

    So what would set your site apart from the many interview sites on the net? What would have me and other watchers looking forward to every interview, watching, and taking notes?Simply this – note your interviewees’ predictions, follow up on them, and, in future interviews, ask your subjects about their prior predictions. If you’d hold your people accountable, I think you’d do us, your readers, and your contributior interviewees a service.

  6. Simple American Soldier

    I’m just a regular US Army guy tuning into this debate, but this commenter is off base by suggesting that we take a back seat to Russia. As Patton said, we have never lost a war. I would suggest that we actually never lost a war that we committed to win because Vietnam history suggests that the public withdrew their support at a critical time when we needed to be all in to achieve victory. Anyway, we need Russia to understand that we are the most formidable fighting machine that the world has ever seen and we will prevail if Russia insists on a stand up fight. I can assure you that we are the worlds pre-eminent force. In Texas they say dont mess with Texas. Putin needs to understand that he better not mess with us because in a war with an evil empire like Russia, babies will die and they will be Russian babies incinerated by napalm or fried to a nuclear crisp. Are they that stupid ?

    • lastmanstanding

      Young man, thank you for serving those of us in the United States of America that support you and pray for your safety every day.

      They don’t give a damn about you. wtfu and reread what you wrote above. My Vietnam buddies stood in the rain of agent orange and they were told that they were safe…they are angry, they are shit on, they are left for dead. You are no different to those at the top.

      Your last couple of sentences saddens me.

      • 2015

        Don’t thank this man for anything. Get your head on straight and stop supporting these murderers.

        None of these ghouls deserves any respect. They deserve to have their children removed from their custody, and themselves put in jail.

    • Brian Stemmerman

      Babies will die and they will be Russian babies. Had to reply, you need medication. Why are you guys so fired up to kill other humans. The government does not take care of you when you come home. You are not fighting to protect me or my family or any one on this message board. Deep down, I think you know that. Wars are easy to start, ending a war is the hard part. All this country needs is a rational foreign policy. Treat others with respect and you will have peace and a growing economy.

    • Bill

      Soldier, do some research, were the ones trying to pick a fight, not Russia, this isn’t our fathers USA!

    • Joel Medina

      The United States has not declared war since World War II, and has not won a “conflict” (not war) since. Has the US won the Afghanistan and Terror Wars. Russia has stated that it would use nuclear weapons in defense of Russia. If the US/NATO went to war with Russia, not only would Russians, Americans, and Europeans die, but all human babies around the world would die. Watch some of Greg’s past interviews with Dr. Roberts. Are the governments of the US and its NATO Allies that stupid to threaten Russia?

      • woody188

        Truth be told, Russia actually “won” WWII. The USA came in at the end, took all the glory, and wrote the western history books giving the USSR only a minor nod. The USA did defeat Japan, but Germany was broken by the Soviets and Hitler’s arrogance.

        • Greg Hunter

          Woody 188,
          Hitler killed 27 million Russians and LOST!!!! The Russians are tough. That is their history.

    • Silence is Golden

      Your patriotism is misplaced. Russia is not the perpetrator of evil.
      They are participating in relieving the world of the evil construct that has plagued humanity on both the Eastern and Western Fronts.
      As much as it pangs me to say this… Look to your own backyard.
      The propaganda machine has performed above expectation. Sad reality is that a greater proportion of the population share common values and ideals with you.

    • Gardener1

      @Simple American Soldier

      You might want to re-check your facts. America has not won a war since 1812.

      If you were to delve a bit deeper than 6th grade social studies, you would discover that Russia actually and definitively defeated and polished off the Germans in WWII. At the great loss of some 25 to 35 million Russian lives. When the Russians arrived in Berlin days before the allies got there, they fairly well destroyed what was left.

      After that the US has had a long list of ‘peace keeping’ operations and ‘military advisement and support’, bombing the hell out of people all over the world and sending in mercenary private contractors for covert operations and underhanded dealings. But we don’t call them wars any more, haven’t you noticed? The last one we did call a war – Vietnam – the US was defeated miserably.

      You might also wish to note that the Russians not only devastated the German army in WWII, but also crushed Napoleon in the previous century.

      My good man, you grossly overestimate the prowess of the US and its unwanted global intrusions, and you underestimate the grit, determination, nature, and history of the Russians.

      Books are your friend. Read some.

    • HTC

      Russia isn’t going anywhere, God still has to place the hooks in her jaws to pull her into a conflict with Israel. We know how that ends and it isn’t by the AWESOME and unstoppable US military…..

    • Chip

      SAS, ask yourself “who is the aggressor”? How many countries has Russia bombed in the last five years? The USSA needs to STOP its aggressive interventionist policies around the world. We are FLAT A$$ BROKE!!! We need to close our borders, fix our infrastructure, downsize our government, deregulate and simplify and reform the tax code, and lastly address the problems with our entitlement programs. WHY so much focus OUTSIDE these areas? WAKE UP!

    • Dale

      The US lost Vietnam after being involved for nearly 10 years. The US has lost in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. The loss in Ukraine is on going.

      Russia has never been defeated when invaded. Russia, like the US, Israel, France, Pakistan, India, and perhaps some other nations, has a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying anyone. If you are fantasizing about a war with Russia, you need treatment.

      US has a defense budget 12 times larger than Russia, with troops in 150 nations and bombing in 7 Muslim nations. The net result has been, per bin Laden’s plan, to bankrupt the US and fail in every military venture since Vietnam.

      Hubris and arrogance will not win wars, tho it will start them.

      US foreign policy, since JFK was assassinated (he had an executive order to withdraw from Vietnam) has been a cluster fuck. Reagan built up the military and tripled the debt. Bush II built up the military and more than doubled the debt.

      The result has been:
      enormous debt
      loss of respect worldwide
      chaos and sectarian violence in Afghanistan, Iraq, LIbya, Syria, and Ukraine.

      Those serving under these conditions are like the German soldiers serving under Nazi rule: brainwashed, abused, used up, discarded. You are no different.

    • AussieObserver

      Simple as in Simpleton???? Russia could gobble you up in a second.. they won the last world war remember! If you are a typical American.. all is lost for you, mate! bye bye!

    • 2015

      Soldier, you ought to be ashamed. You are a coward. I disavow you and your soulless statements. You ought to be tried on war crimes.

      You ought to get real courage and defend those here at home from the cronies in Washington, counties and cities.

    • standup4sumptin

      It’s obvious you have not had your “awakening”. It can be an amazing roller coaster ride. However, you may not have enough time. It took me 5 years to finally learn enough and accept reality. Good luck.

      “I’m completely awake, the Veil of deception has been removed, I see with clarity and purpose”

  7. allen ols

    PCR, right in there with Kirby, Williams, Willie, egon, celente.

    Waited from 2 till 4 sunday aft. no PCR, so went to a country location to put in 30 ft drainage pipe, came back, and you have early addition. 🙂

    Russia was wise during Syria confrontation and then Ukraine, and then sanctions, and Putins patience is waning.

    We have an imbecile-in-charge, and whoever voted for him bears responsibility for the stupid-in-charge.

    “When one changes currency into dollars, the other party has to change the dollars into their currency, ie 2 FEES” WOW!!
    I DIDNT KNOW THIS!! I thought is was one fee.

    Jerry, SIG, oracle, paul, jeff, silver doc, mark, art, al, DID U KNOW THIS, someone should have said this b 4.
    PCR says TROLLS slander him, lol I have G500 trolling me. lol
    tks greg, good stuff,
    I challenge everyone here at usawd to match my 50 bucks a month for one year, for support for this site; or at least 10 bucks a month.

    al ols

    • Silence is Golden

      Have to admit that I thought the 2 way conversion fee was a “given” (well known and accepted). Then again dealing with this stuff repeatedly over the years does create an automatic discounting of non-essential info….for me at least. I don’t normally take things for granted. Thanks for bringing some level headedness and equality to the table here Allen. Did you also know about payment and collection fees for international wire transfers on top of the conversion fees ?
      The USD has been a nice little earner for the BANKS in many nefarious ways.

    • rezo

      Simple american soldier . You are an idiot , just an idiot and yes a SIMPLE American soldier.Poor fool

    • Matt Jaymes

      SAS: Thank you for your service, but no one – NO ONE – wins a nuclear war! Besides, I don’t care if we are the most formidable fighting machine ever. I think its high time we put childish things away and started building much more commerce, business, science and education “platforms” as opposed to nuclear platforms. Are we that small minded that every problem has to have a military solution? I hope not, we’ve done that – to death.

  8. Jeff

    Great interview as always, Greg…….. This is not only about gold manipulation but oil and other commodities tied to the dollar. Last week I said the oil manipulation was all about the futures market and less about Saudi pumping extra oil they don’t have. Today I read about the copper market that like so many other commodities doesn’t represent true market value. They are all tied together and all lead to the same source……..Here’s the article. Read my comment at the end as again it always leads to the same conclusion…….. [ ]

    • standup4sumptin

      When the only tool (U.S. military) you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

  9. mark

    Dear Greg,
    Thank you for having Dr. Paul Greg Roberts on again and on early (Sunday) release no less!! I love his demeanor as he just can’t seem to contain himself from outright laughter at the absurdity of those who in their arrogance and hubris are just blindly pushing their weight around as if everyone should just bow to Washington’s direction. Meanwhile, the world stands off and watches the insanity of a once great nation’s leadership self-destruct into oblivion. I personally do not take Dr. Robert’s laughter as insensitivity to the grave consequences of such bankrupt policies by our counterfeit leadership, no, not at all. Rather his laughter to me shows the contempt that he, as an elder statesman, whose wisdom and knowledge of the inner workings of these governing institutions is detailed and intimate, holds for the foolishness and absurdity of those who in their blind arrogance actually think they can get away with such lawless recklessness. This reminds me of the incident where the disciples were instructed by the Sanhedrin not to teach in the name of Jesus to which Peter and John responded that “whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God , you judge; for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19-20) which when reported to those gathered there was quoted in response: ” Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth have set themselves, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord and against His annointed ” (Psalm 2:1-2) which continues, ” Let us break apart their bonds and cast their ropes away from us. He who sits in the heavens LAUGHS; the Lord has them in derision ( worthy of ridicule, held in contempt with mirth). Then He will speak with them in His anger, and in His burning wrath He will terrify them: But I installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain.” (Psalms 2:1-6). May the grace and peace of our soon coming Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit Greg. Fear Not, for, ” I am the First and the Last and the Living One; and I became dead , and behold I am living forever and ever; and I have the keys of death and of Hades.” (Rev. 1:17-18)

    • J.C.Davis

      With a tear in my eye I respond to this post. I don’t leave long post because brilliant people like you do it for me. THANK YOU MARK.

  10. Paul

    Greg … As Dr. Roberts explains the US can’t print foreign currencies to strengthen the dollar … however the US can “ask” its partners to print more of their own money (like Japan is currently doing and Europe is about to do) to strengthen the dollar … suppose the US is successful in this strategy to strengthen the dollar … what it will simply mean is that the entire world paper money supply will expand in an exponential manner … and the limited supply of gold, silver and other commodities will just be worth that much more paper fiat … if they keep this up one day an ounce of gold will be worth 10 trillion or 100 trillion fiat paper (dollars, yen, euros, etc.) … so who in their right mind is ever going to sell their gold or silver for trillions of pieces of worthless paper ??? … the answer is “they won’t” … what will happen is the people who own gold and silver will only trade it for “real physical commodities” … all the fiat paper of the world will become “Zimbabweized” … people will not measure wealth by trying to become millionaires or billionairs because counting thier wealth in worthless fiat paper money will mean nothing … instead they will become “stackers” … and the people with the biggest stack of silver or gold coins will be considered the wealthy ones … all those who cling to the notion that fiat paper is wealth will eventually begin to burn it in their fireplaces to keep warm.

    • Silence is Golden

      Creating more debt to repay existing debt does not resolve the issue of DEBT.
      They will merely hope to buy more time.
      A crash/reset/gold backing is inevitable.

  11. Kabous

    I absolutely always listen when Dr. Roberts says something. He has an exceptional understanding of what Washington & Co are doing to the world and other world events. I was wondering when Greg were going to get him on the show again. Thank – From South-Africa(the most under rated country in the world) 🙂

  12. CrazyCanuck

    “… because they cannot print foreign currencies for which to buy dollars.”

    Ahhhh, but being the puppetmaster of the Western world, can they not simply use their “influence” to insist their minion countries do so? When a country like Germany finally stands up to them ( given the financial and geopolitical consequences of following an “America first ” policy ) , THEN the current world order may shift significantly .

  13. gdw

    The US military industrial complex (that Eisenhower warned us about) finally has the perfect business plan: provide advanced tactical weapons and technology to BOTH sides to maximize profit$.

    The Rothschilds have been funding both sides since the Napoleonic wars, look how rich they are now.

    The Rockeffers and the Rothschilds sure have been really quiet lately, you’d think with their tremendous influence and considering the spreading Ebola threat to all their investments they’d be a little more vociferous? … unless they are orchestrating it?

    And look who else got to sleep in the Clinton White House:

    Listen to the last 3 minutes and ask why NOT A WORD FROM THE UN, or Hillary? (sarcasm):

    youtube: The Rothschilds Exposed 3/3

    They own the banks too, get it yet?


    I wonder when the ‘cannon fodder’ (as Kissinger refers to our soldiers) gets it?

    Understand the problem and your already on your way to fixing it.

    Check out the last 30 seconds of 2, then watch the whole thing:

    youtube: Obama and Rockefeller 1

    youtube: Obama and Rockefeller 2

    Do you think the US taxpayer funded NSA, DOJ and DHS are working for the benefit of the US citizen and up holding the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights?

    Our US military (being defunded, demoralized and weakened) are now fighting against an enemy that is trained, funded, given tactical weapons, infrastructure and support (and probably top secret planning) from our own federal government?

    … and now being exposed to Ebola by the thousands.

    John Kerry Struggles To Admit U.S. At War With ISIS

    Until a critical mass is reached that understands the above videos and who the actual enemy really are, don’t expect things to get better anytime soon.

    (…and the Knesset too?)

    Know Your Enemy (Part 71 – Israeli Supreme Court)

    youtube: Slave Queen
    by TruthNeverTold

  14. woody188

    My biggest worry is the Ebola outbreak will be used as cover to round up dissidents/political opponents and silence them. They will move them to the FEMA camps claiming they are infected. Being moved to the camps will be the equivalent of a death sentence as one will virtually be guaranteed of contracting the disease either from contact with actual Ebola victims or via mandatory injections.

    • Chip

      Molon labe…

  15. J. C. Davis

    P. C. R. said you cant put sanctions on countries that don’t use your currency. Statement this generation will learn the hard way. Thank you Greg.

  16. Matt Jaymes

    Here’s a mathematical equation expressed in simplest terms:

    Paul Craig Roberts = Beacon of truth, shedder of light, bastion of honor and integrity
    Washington, D.C. ≠ Paul Craig Roberts

    Keep up the good work Greg; somehow, someday we’ll get our country back. I don’t know how it ends, but it begins by telling the truth!


  17. Donna C

    Greg, I never laughed so hard at things that are just not funny. Roberts has a low-key manner about him — while he’s throwing a verbal cinder block. That laugh of his is disarming too, just snickering away at human folly.

    At one time there was a man like him on every block in the country. I really miss all the sage elder talk. Your site fills the void. My workday ends at 4 a.m. and this is the first one I check out.

    The whole Russia thing is on a slow burn. Putin’s watching a fireball (us) though. Why blow your own money and waste your own people when our leaders are destroying us for him? Roberts is so correct, we used up all our goodwill and our welcome. When you lie and endanger your OWN people, who around the world would trust their fate to us?

    I’m not saying that Putin is on a white horse. We’ve been pretending for a long time to be a cut better though. Okay, we did not gulag, starve, and mow down millions of people (at least not here), that’s true, but imagine all the people that moved here from Russia and the former Iron Curtain countries — you know, the whole freedom thing? What a hangover they must be having. They’ve seen ego freak despots, can quote every chapter to the surprise ending.

    I believe it was Mike Rosecliff that told the Hagmanns to watch a WW II movie from the Russian point of view. He says: Our war version is so sanitized. Watch what a real war is all about — Stalingrad, now there’s a serious battle.” They ate rats, bark, each other to survive.

    If it is true that we helped to crash their ruble and wreck their economy 20 odd years back, I hate to contemplate the pay back. Putin will wipe up what is left after Barry. That whole dollar thing will be just the very tip.

    Fear not.

    • CrazyCanuck

      …Okay, we did not gulag, starve, and mow down millions of people
      Quite true that Stalin and Mao did very, very nasty things to their own people. However, America has always sold the narrative they are the shining white knight bringing justice and decency to the world. I would submit however, that the country forever at war, forever involved in other countries business under the guise of USA ‘s “national interests” has been directly or indirectly responsible for millions of deaths worldwide — many of them civilian.

  18. Larry W. Bryant

    == Can a Tanka Disable a Tank? ==

    call it Iraqnam;
    like its namesake (Vietnam),
    this tribal warfare
    feeds off its growing cancer,
    obscuring moral outrage

    — Larry W. Bryant (20 Oct 14)

  19. Max

    I enjoy listening to PCR.
    It’s a reminder of the quality of people
    that used to run this country.

  20. Paul from Indiana

    It is possible that no one really has the guts, out of fear of the repercussions, to call the US on the dollar, and that things just limp along as they are. This is the Catherine Austin Fitts “slow burn” idea. Either way, the so-called run/collapse scenario or the CAF “slow burn” proposition bring about the same end, and it’s only a matter of how long it takes. Sometimes volcanoes blow suddenly and powerfully, but more often than not, they just bleed off the pressure gradually. But it’s still a volcano. Best always. PM

    • allen ols


      Even the European Central Bank has started discussions on the possibility of including the renminbi as one of its reserve currencies.
      On Tuesday the UK also became the first country besides China to issue a sovereign bond in renminbi.
      This coincided with the issuing of 180 million renminbi of corporate bonds by China’s ICBC in South Korea. Another first.
      It’s very clear where the trend is going. All these news items are pieces of the same puzzle.
      The US dollar’s throne is shaking as it’s losing its importance and status as the preeminent currency in the world. Renminbi is on the way up.
      The whole existing order of a single ruling currency is currently being challenged.
      A new financial era is coming.

      Submitted by Simon Black, Sovereign Man:

  21. Aziz JAAFAR

    Great Paul Craig Roberts,as usual.Good Greg Hunter.

  22. allen ols


    Martin Armstrong says;

    The greatest problem with prosecutors in the USA, they are totally ignorant of the implications that result from their attempt to win at all costs. Attacking foreign banks and threatening them to be disbarred from conducting transactions in US dollars is driving the world into a no choice situation where we will see a one world currency sooner rather than later. Prosecutors think they can have power, but all they are doing is destroying the world economy. Transactions will need to be done in any currency other than dollars.

    The demands on Standard Charter may force up to 8,000 small business operations in UAE alone to be shut down. This is turning into throwing out all small to medium-sized companies as large banks only deal with big companies. Job growth comes from the small to medium-sized companies and they are the ones being wiped out.

    • Silence is Golden

      In a word….”Fascism”.

      We were all misinformed to believe that Globalisation was good for the country and its people. It gave rise to the TNC’s who seek to ensure monopolistic powers in business and government. The Globalists with their Babylonian agendas, were democratically elected only to evade the process of Democracy and internally elect governing people to the highest positions of power. This way they ensure that the people do not have due process in how they will eventually be ruled by these unelected criminals who seek world dominance and a return to feudalism.

  23. allen ols

    this is karen hudes and she grills GEN DEMPSEY; Just listen to 3 min mark to 6 min mark; I thought very interesting.

  24. Andy

    good interview Greg, couldn’t agree more with PCR, America has lost or is fast loosing its respect in the 21st century. Hopefully Americans will have a long hard look in the mirror to see the deceit and manipulations currently within their country and in the next presidential elections vote in someone with backbone and a strong moral compass to get the US back to its roots again … for the sake of the USA and the rest of the world.

  25. robert h siddell jr

    As to the decline being slow or sudden, it will PROCEED AS IS UNTIL some revelation of some huge NYC crime (all gold stolen, derivatives collapse, etc) or Wash DC stupidity (a military attack, inspired race war, Ebola pandemic, BRICS et all dollar rejection, etc) becomes known and THEN A SUDDEN COLLAPSE of Wall Street, Main Street, DoD overseas bases, foreign imports, etc.

    • allen ols


      Art Cashing from the floor of wallstreet;

      Despite trillions of dollars from the Fed, the economy staggers along barely above stall speed. Talk about pushing on a string.

  26. Bruce

    Let US drop The ¢RAPI$TO¢RA¢Y!

  27. Rock

    Always great to hear from PCR. Thank you Greg for this fine work and for your continued efforts to bring the real news to the front.

  28. Saint Lawrence

    I dont think the “countries” and their puppet governments really affect much,
    other than the propaganda and hot air and other tailpipe exhausts that the
    populace, who are bankrupt, breath. Thanks to this site and the fact finders

    We know that there is no money velocity in USA.

    We know that the plutocrats and oligarchs are offshoring trillions, facaded in Corps., Foundations, trusts, organizations, syndicates…. billionaires pockets.

    We know that the borrowed money, national debt, end up in the military-industry pockets.

    Printed money, QE Zirp Reserves ==> stock & bond & derivative market,
    ends up in billionaires pockets.

    Very safe place – Billionaires pockets.

    Real goods report from the tangible side

    Baltic Dry Index went from 1847 on this day last year to
    (BDIY:IND) 944.00 this morning. We appear on a downramp to
    a stop sign.


    Latest earnings results disappointed investors, short of expectations.
    ETF s’ are debt bubbles….
    China’s thermal power output recorded a downfall

    Any of you Northern Watchdoggies noticed that Alaska pipeline is at 30 percent pressure and 25 percent volume?

  29. Troy

    Hi Greg! Always enjoy your interviews. Seems any country with the power to print money can never run out of gold, so long as people will accept printed money in exchange for gold. The key thing to look out for is lack of gold for sale at any price. When a country runs out of gold, and it cannot get more in exchange for printed money, a major threshold is crossed. Governements must aggressivley take over gold mines and private gold reserves. This will extend the game. Until these more aggressive options are played out, a major revaluation in gold is unlikely. Would be interesting to live in a world where people no longer exchange gold for paper. Until then, what can you do besides get some gold, and hang onto it. Same as it ever was. Peace Greg! You are a GREAT MAN!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Troy.

    • J.C.Davis

      Always enjoy your postings. As I see it the U.S. already controls the mining companies by influence, and regulations. Influence threw manipulation of the gold market has allowed a large transfer from the east to the west. All I am saying is the game is rigged the way the oligarchs want it . Hope the sun shins bright on the islands of Hawaii. Don’t be a stranger.

  30. allen ols

    Rattlesnake Logic….

    After the Boston bombing the news media spent days and weeks
    trying to determine why these men did what they did. They
    want to know what America did(!) to make these brothers so
    angry with us. They want to know why these men were
    not arrested before they did something so terrible.
    The media is in a tizzy about this new era of
    homegrown radicals and about why and how they can live among
    us and still hate us.

    A friend of mine from Texas explained it all to me: “Here
    in west Texas, I have rattlesnakes on my place, living among
    us. I have killed a rattlesnake on the front porch.
    I have killed a rattlesnake on the back porch. I
    have killed rattlesnakes in the barn, in the shop and on the
    driveway. In fact, I kill every rattlesnake I

    I kill rattlesnakes because I know a rattlesnake will bite
    me and inject me with poison. I don’t stop to wonder
    WHY a rattlesnake will bite me; I know it WILL bite me
    because it’s a rattlesnake and that’s what
    rattlesnakes do. I don’t try to reason with a
    rattlesnake or have a “meaningful dialogue” with
    it…I just kill it. I don’t try to get to know the
    rattlesnake better so I can find a way to live with the
    rattlesnakes and convince them not to bite me. I just
    kill them. I don’t quiz a rattlesnake to see if I can find
    out where the other snakes are, because (a) it won’t tell
    me and (b) I already know they live on my place. So, I
    just kill the rattlesnake and move on to the next one.

    I don’t look for ways I might be able to change the
    rattlesnake to a non-poisonous rat snake…I just
    kill it. Oh, and on occasion, I accidentally kill a
    rat snake because I thought it was a rattlesnake at the
    time. Also, I know for every rattlesnake I kill, two
    more are lurking out there in the brush. In my
    lifetime I will never be able to rid my place of

    Do I fear them? Not really. Do I
    respect what they can do to me and my family?
    Yes!! And because of that respect, I give them the
    fair justice they deserve….I kill them…
    As a country,
    we should start giving more thought to the fact that these
    jihadists’ are telling the world their goal is to kill
    Americans and destroy our way of life. They have just
    posted two graphic videos on the internet showing them
    beheading Americans. They are serious. They are
    exactly like rattlesnakes. It is high time for us to
    start acting accordingly!

    I love this country.
    It’s the damn government I’m afraid

    Look who’s new in the White

    Arif Alikhan
    Assistant Secretary for Policy
    Development for the U.S. Department of Homeland

    Mohammed Elibiary
    Homeland Security Adviser

    Rashad Hussain
    Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic

    Salam al-Marayati
    Obama Adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs

    and is its current executive

    Imam Mohamed Magid-
    Obama’s Sharia Czar from the Islamic Society of North

    Eboo Patel-
    Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood

    This is flat-out scary!

    The foxes are
    now officially living in the hen house…

    Now ask me why I am very

    Do you feel OK with this?

    How can this
    happen, and when will we wake
    We are quiet while our Country is being drastically


    Go to bed tonight…sleep

    • Jerry

      Sad but true Allen.

  31. Solomon

    Thank you for having PCR on again. A mature voice of reason in a world controlled by evil souls and managed by selfish and wayward children in adult bodies.

  32. Jerry

    Just like quick sand under our feet, the dollar is slowly giving way to the RMB with banks all over the world including CITI. What really makes me sick is, these are the same bastards we had to bail out with our tax money, and now look what they’re doing with it.
    The people in this country have been sold out by the bangsters, that much is clear. What I’m wondering Greg , is with transactions going on behind closed doors with the Chinese, will we wake up one day with a new domestic currency? No big announcement, just here it is.

    • Silence is Golden

      That is the harsh reality Jerry.
      No amount of repeating will lessen the pain.

    • Paul from Indiana

      Jerry, electronic currency may be the feature that enables this kind of switch. You know more/better than I, but it’s worth a thought. Best always. PM

    • wd


      Thought about what you said. Ebola has been known for over 25 years,,, and just now its becoming a threat?!?!?!

      Doesn’t make sense at all….

  33. allen ols

    John williams on SHTFdontsaywedidn’ and usawd video;


    Since 2010 John Williams has repeatedly warned of a coming hyperinflationary event that will leave the United States decimated. With the loss of purchasing power of the U.S. dollar will also come disruptions to the normal flow of commerce, including domestic supply chains.

    As the dollar breaks down, you’ll also likely see disruptions in supply chains, including shipments of food to grocery stores. People should consider maintaining stockpiles of basic goods needed for living, much as they would for a natural disaster.

    I have a supply of goods and basic necessities in case something terrible happens-natural or man-made-that will carry me for a couple of months. It may take that long for a barter system to evolve, which I think is what you’re going to end up with; at least until a new currency system is reorganized and you get a government that’s able to bring its fiscal house into order.

    It’s an effect we saw happen in Greece several years ago when debt levels got to such levels that no one was willing to lend the collapsing nation any money. This led to a widespread breakdown – people were fighting for food, life-saving medicines were unavailable, power regulators almost shut down electricity to the entire country, and barter networks sprung up because money was simply not available to the average person.

    What became valuable in Greece is exactly what you might expect – physical assets.

    The price of precious metals sky rocketed on the streets of Greece. Those with food were able to barter for other services. And those with specialized skills were able to trade their labor for essential goods.

    The situation was dire, but with the U.S. and Europe eventually offering up billions of dollars in bailouts a complete collapse was averted.

    This left many people with the impression that no matter how bad things get, there will always be a bailout.

    But what happens when America experiences a similar crisis? Who will have enough money to bail us out? Which country will be willing to cough up trillions of dollars to support the U.S. financial system and economy?

    • A. hall

      Alan: You are mostly correct. But keep in mind- the elite’s(bankster) that are doing the destruction now will be the ones that will make the changes to a new system. SAY NEW WORLD ORDER!
      When the collapse happens- they are to blame- put them in jail and hang them

      • allen ols

        I am all in, tks.

    • Silence is Golden

      Almost time for a Military Coup…nothing else will stop these maniacal SOB’s.

  34. Matt

    Agreements past, ,present and forthcoming.

  35. J.C.Davis

    Site: Tick Tock said the clock. 17.9 trillion and counting.

  36. NZ 76

    Another great interview with PCR. Thanks Greg. PCR’s clear and unbiased view on what is really going on in the Ukraine and the Middle East (and why) is sobering. The fall of the house of cards which is the US petrodollar/reserve currency is clearly imminent, and who knows exactly what that will bring. But it won’t be a happy ending, at least for a very long time, and after a very hard and disastrous chain of events. I can’t help but wonder how the world would look like today if nukes were available during WW1…

  37. gutzer53

    Gregg, Have you heard any speculation on why these nurses got ebola and the family members who this Liberian were staying with did not get it. Maybe I’ve reading this web site to long, I look at everthing as some kind of conspricy or just not what it seems to be. Any thought’s Gregg?

    • Greg Hunter

      I simply do not know. So sorry.

      • Orion

        It is my understanding, as informed by Fox News in Dallas, that Mr. Duncan became much more ill whilst in the hospital, vomiting and bleeding profusely at imes. He was therefore much more infectious than he was when he was at home. The nurses and staff at Tx Presbyterian Hospital were also not properly trained on how to care for Ebola patients and likely becaeme infected because of exposure to bodily fluid spills and poor protection methods.

    • J.C.Davis

      Gutzer 53
      I find it a puzzle that the country is not screaming for these answers. That leads me to the only answer available. Conspiracy.

  38. Paul

    Greg … All of us should remember that any strength in the dollar is really just “a false flag” meant to scare people into selling their gold and silver … we must realize just what will make the US dollar stronger against other world currencies … for the bankers to make the US dollar stronger all the worlds fiat currencies will have to be printed “at even a faster rate” then the FED prints US dollars . What does this mean?? … it simply means that “all” the fiat currencies of the world will have to be hyperinflated to make the US dollar stronger … and therefore … all physical commodities including gold and silver will then be priced higher in terms of fiat paper money. The one thing that will be bearish for gold is if all governments of the world cease to print extra paper money to pay for all their wars and bailouts the bankers and world wide military industrial complex need to stay solvent. In summary … a rising US dollar means that all fiat currencies of the world are being hyperinflated relative to the inflated US dollar and gold and silver will do well (only if a falling US dollar is accompanied by less fiat printing by other nations then gold, silver and other commodities will likey fall in price) but a rising US dollar price in a world that is printing fiat at a faster pace then the US Fed is “extremely bullish” for gold and silver.

  39. Jerry

    Greg this is what happens when you go against the backers of the US Petrodollar.
    Add this CEO to the list of dead bankers that the cabal has senselessly murdered in order to save the petrodollar. Things are really getting desperate now, as the financial structure continues to crumble.

  40. blamb61

    What if gold keeps going down and it seriously hits the fan. Food shortages. I wouldnt trade food for gold then (no one would). You would only trade it for some other life sustaining asset or some comfort type asset.

  41. Anderson

    PCR is an oasis of truth in a vast desert of lies and deceit.
    Thank you Greg for this terrific interview.

  42. allen ols

    at 4:45 sec evelyn de rothschild reveals in 2007 that pensioneers and more would face problems how to feed their famlies.

  43. Silence is Golden

    Ever since the news came out that the Ebola virus was transferred to the USA and Spain I was immediately sceptical about the containment protocol. I am by nature cynical and have learned to question non-conforming facts.
    I have since mandated myself to uncover as much as I can about this Ebola development as I can. I am inching closer to the truth and this piece is providing clear / unbiased opinion on its genesis.
    I implore you to read it thoroughly.
    Save it and print it. It needs to be disseminated to as many people as possible.
    This is a crime that cannot go unpunished if it is found to be true. This will shake the nation to its core and justify/ratify the concerns that have been raised by the public.

  44. bob

    sorry, we live in a house of idiots. conspiracy? i don’t think so. you think for a second that bill gates gave millions to cdc and not expect a return and has been knowing to say we need to reduce the population. gates is big on vactines. just the things that paul said about we created an enemy. the millitary industrial complexe we were warned about. putin is no dumby. yet we just keep up our s h i, arrogance. this is a interview that should make the listeners really sit up straight and start paying close attention. thanks greg

    • standup4sumptin

      Silence is Golden-

      You will find this 2008 post on The Daily Paul interesting.

      I’m a truth seeker as well, however, I always have some salt handy…

      The AIDS virus: Made in the USA?

      • Silence is Golden

        Thanks for the link. I have known about the manufacture of AIDS for some time.
        It is very clear to me the intention of the ruling elite (the Club of Rome, The Vatican, The Committee of 300, Bilderberger Group) is to decimate the population of the Earth.
        Whether this is achieved by spreading mutating viruses (AIDS/Ebola), Leaking Radiation into the atmosphere / ground water or genetically modifying food crops, which ultimately are ingested/consumed with the intent to alter the auto immune system to such an extent that prevents it from serving its purpose of fighting off diseases. Any attempts to seek cures or vaccinations would only then expedite the process (laden with harmful virus).
        It is genocide by policy.
        Wars do not do sufficient destruction to the menace that is plaguing the world (Humans) according to the Elite.

  45. Dan

    Wish you would have asked Roberts about Martin Armstrong’s contention that the percentage of foreign exchange used for “international trade” is VERY small when compared with the overall total amount of USD held around the world by countries, central banks, multi-nationals, etc. And that as Armstrong KEEPS saying, there isn’t any place to run to start PLOWING large amounts of dollars into, without collapsing the USD and causing an implosion of the entire world economy. As he keeps saying, China doesn’t have the “plumbing” (systems) for a absorbing all those USD (no depth of bond mkt, currency mkt, even equity mkt to compare with US), and no real assurance of respect for private property ownership in china as in US. Add to that fact, as Armstrong keeps saying every chance he gets, that there is a HUGE pending SHORT SQUEEZE coming in the USD because of huge amounts of USD dollars borrowed by foreigners for purpose of paying low interest rates and then investing in emerging mkts to get higher rates….once USD interest rates go up, if and when then do, these borrowers will be scrambling to unwind their investments, and pay back their USD loans ….all creating MORE, not less, demand for the dollar.

    It doesn’t seem like we ever get closer to the truth, because you either don’t know the issues, or don’t care to push your guests enough to discuss adversial points of view.

    At this point, I don’t give a damn about ideologies. And I doubt anyone else is going to care either, when the SHTF, and most of us are wiped out. We need to follow sane and well calculated strategies to insure that as much of our savings remains in tact, as we have families and futures to protect.

    ANYTHING you can do to push these types of debates and get the real facts out in public and then debated by qualified persons is appreciated.


  46. Klemens

    on German Televison SWR they talk open about the crash!
    So retten Sie Ihr Geld – How to save your money
    thats new! that they talk about a complet crash!

  47. Jeff

    I know this is not the discussion but it all ties in with perception and the dollar…….. Today had to be the most manipulated, unfundamentally (word?) ramp up I’ve seen yet. Some one’s desperate.

  48. allen ols


    story of radical taliban, seeing christ, and fleeing islam.

    Clark Slone
    September 16 · YouTube ·
    Opening my heart!

    Clark Slone – Christ Is The Answer – Italy
    Clark Slone, missionary with Christ Is The Answer – Italy, speaks about what is going on in Italy. He also talks about a revival among Muslims in Greece and the challenges the churches in America face.

  49. Liberty Scout

    A bit off topic but related.

    The push for a gold standard as a savior for us.

    It depends who has it – controls it, and it has been tried and failed in an era of corruption.

    Our productivity should be exchangeable any way we agree to

    This has led me to question some of your guests motives.

    For instance:

    On Karen Hudes & The REAL 2nd Species: PSYCHOPATHIC BANKSTERS

    This man really hits a home run and you should have him on.

    Jason Erb, founder of

    I’m blowing the whistle on World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes
    February 27, 2014 by FauxCapitalist

    This man is sharp. Please consider his words.

    Then apply his world view to folks like Hudes, Willie, Schiff, and even Ellen brown.

    etc. FOFOA comes to mind.

    I disagree with this austerity gold standard plan,

    I believe in real incentive and free exchange for us, by us.

    Now is the time to question everything in a time of self interest and dare I say deceit.

  50. laura

    Here’s a clip from the comedian,Tim Hawkins… “The Government Can”

  51. laura

    here’s the link, sorry

  52. Liberty Scout

    Further more, I would like to critique Martin Armstong.

    I like his cycle theories.

    It is a view to the past.

    However, it does NOT account for Human Action, our ability to adapt and change.

    So what he is essentially saying is this system, in some form, will go on, because capital flows etc. He too leans toward gold and austerity. PAIN for most of us.

    Again, I disagree, and believe we can change and are going to change out of necessity, and can affect that change if we dig deeper. monetary reform for us.

    End usury and privilege, and we WILL adapt worldwide. It can be a new era folks.

  53. Jeff

    This article I just read is one of the very best……….. [ ]

  54. tsuki

    I am glad that PCR said that Putin was not a dictator. He is now under pressure by the right wing nationalists (Liminov, Dugin) because he did not go into eastern Ukraine and take back Donetsk, Luhans’k, Kharkiv, all the way to Odessa and possibly to Tranistra.

    Regime change in the Russian Federation would be very dangerous. I think the Chancellor Merkel realizes this. She has a personal relationship with Putin and knows that the West cannot put Ukraine back together. I am happy that she has taken charge.

  55. dee garmon

    Thanks for bringing one and only PCR back, there is no one else can take his place.
    We sure like to see him again sooner than later along with Jim Willie and John
    William. Finally, we sure hope that you will invite Gerard Celente again!

  56. Angie

    Russia is a bully and will push their ways across the world due to the USA’s weak leadership. Anyone believing that Russia is a victim or a “poor thing” needs their head examined. We are too week to go to war, we are economically and morality broke as a nation. Russia is going to push as will China.

  57. Agent76

    Jul 24, 2014 Berlin Woke Up, Now What About Your City?

    In this video Luke Rudkowski travels to Berlin Germany to cover the expanding and growing resistance moment. This event took place on July 19th and brought together over 5,000 people from all over Germany. This is a video of the people there and the message they have to you.

    The Federal Reserve Explained In 7 Minutes

  58. Wm Moulyn

    I forgot to mention that Craig Roberts is excellent as well

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