A Period of Great Uncertainty – Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com 

Almost everything you see and hear with the Lying Legacy Media and the government is a lie.  Just this past week, the Biden Administration backtracked about employment as it was widely reported, “US economy added 818,000 fewer jobs than first reported in year that ended in March.”  A huge miss or a huge lie–take your pick.  Other big lies we have been told in recent years:  “Trump is colluding with Russia,” “Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation,
and the “CV19 vax injections are “safe and effective.”  That is just scratching the surface of the lies we are told on a daily basis.  The lies, which people realize are becoming preposterous, are adding to the public’s lack of confidence in everything, including the economy. Martin Armstrong says, “We are in a period of great uncertainty. . .. When people are uncertain, they don’t spend.  They save.  That’s what happens in a depression and a recession. . .. So, if you have no confidence in the future because of all this crazy stuff going on, what do you do?  You don’t borrow, and you pull back and say let me see what is going to happen.”

Armstrong says another big lie told to the public is the approval rating of Kamala Harris.  The so-called polls say Harris is running neck and neck with Donald Trump in the presidential race.  Don’t believe it.  Armstrong says a recent data dive on his Socratees computer program shows, “Kamala’s approval rating came in around 10.5 %.  (A second confidential source says Kamala’s approval rating is 8.5%.)  Confidence in government is 7%.  So, how can Kamala possibly be 40%, 50% and 60%?  It’s illogical. . .. The polls are really propaganda at this point.  They were propaganda back in 2016.  They all said Hillary would win, and she would sweep Trump under the carpet.”

On news RFK Jr. suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump, Armstrong says, “I was always pushing RFK Jr. to be Attorney General.  I think I got his eyes to light up when I said if you take the Attorney General job, you could even indict Pfizer.”  Armstrong says the Trump camp is seriously considering RFK Jr. for AG, and Armstrong says he has been in contact with top Trump advisors.  We will see, but we do know RFK Jr. is going to be a part of Trump’s Administration.

On Trump winning in November, Armstrong says, “Look, the computer says Trump should win.  I don’t know how the hell they allow that to happen.  They have to trap Trump into a war or they kill him, one or the other.  These people are unconscionable. . ..  We are looking at serious civil unrest regardless of who wins in November.  Neither side is going to accept it.”

On gold at $2,500 an ounce, Armstrong says it’s not about inflation, it is about the fear of a US debt default.  This is why central banks are buying.  Armstrong says, “If there is a big war, the US will default on it’s debt. . .. I am very concerned they will start WWIII before the end of the year and maybe by September.”

There is much more in the 54-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong as he gives his analysis about unpayable global debt, world war and the 2024 Election for 8.24.24.

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  1. Mike

    I am happy to see you are ok
    God bless you and many more years
    Just an FYI:
    I have Stage 2 Prostate Cancer using Dr. Makis Ivermectin protocols.
    50% of my cancer is gone after 6 weeks
    God willing maybe you can interview Dr Makis in the future
    Wishing you a blessed day

  2. Bob

    Greg, we were scammed by Ivermectin… it does work to remove spike protein, but at the expense of Fertility… its very serious, they scammed us on BOTH sides…. Dr Mike Yeadon came out and said he was taken totally by surprise…. and only was recently alerted to what its been doing. Subvertedly he was talking about Mukullen and others like him were on the payroll to promote…. Heres the title of the video of him talking about it…. Dr Mike Yeadon Ivermectin Anti-Fertility Bombshell "One Of The Most Violent Fertility Toxins

    • Greg Hunter

      Dr Yeadon has been receiving lots of flak for saying this from people like Dr. Betsy Eads and Dr. Pierre Kory. YOU HAVE NOT BEEN SCAMMED. That’s a LIE. Some say Dr. Yeadon has been threatened or compromised. This was ONE study and there have been hundreds of studies on Ivermectin. Dr. Kory wrote a book on Ivermectin https://www.amazon.com/War-Ivermectin-Medicine-Millions-Pandemic/dp/151077386X Dr Kory is much more of an authority that Dr, Yeadon who is NOT an MD. Dr. Kory has successfully treated thousands for vax injuries with Ivermectin. Dr. Yeadon has not treated ONE PERSON.

      • Ken Mazel

        Absolutely correct Greg, the study used rabbits I believe and Mike Adams went over the dose levels given in the study and found they were way over dosed.

      • Galaxy 500

        It was only a matter of time before Elites realized that they couldn’t stop Ivermectin so now, after their Horse Paste Psych opp fail badly as people that took ivermectin were helped greatly, that they now subvert those that are / were respected.
        If you see what has happened to Trump and the Government Goons show up and threaten to make an example of you and your loved ones… Greg, few would stand against this like Trump.
        I personally attest to the benefits of Ivermectin with respect to being around those that are shedding. Ivermectin and Weston Scientifics 2700 have made a big difference in my life. You need these things if you are around the dying… and that is what these poor people that took the shots. They are slowly dying from not side effects but the intended effects of this bioweapon.

      • Earth Angel

        Yes when I heard this on Mike Adams show I had to wonder what kind of awful threats they made against Yeadon to get him to make such a ridiculous statement about ivermectin. It has been used for decades and PROVEN safe and effective for a wide range of parasitic and viral situations. I was sorely disappointed in Yeadon for flip flopping on his original statements. Glad to see you coming back looking good and healthy Greg. I include you in my prayers often, and yes, the list is long. ; )

      • Todd Kavanaugh

        I’m late to the party on this forum, but I hope you will include my comment.

        Regarding Dr. Yeadon’s curious warning on ivermectin, I already had concerns about him, in spite of his overall opinions, post-2020.

        Yeadon’s statements are particularly strange considering ivermectin’s developers were awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015.

        Most people are not familiar with Yeadon’s professional background, except for his Pfizer role.
        Yeadon worked several years for The Wellcome Trust, which is a HUGE and notorious eugenics, transhumanism-oriented medical research foundation in the UK.

        According to journalist-researcher Whitney Webb, The Wellcome Trust is “second only to Bill Gates in its ability to influence events during the COVID-19 crisis and vaccination campaign…”
        This is an important and eye-opening read.

        Whether Yeadon has been “threatened or compromised” as you said, is anyone’s guess.

        But this is a person who became fabulously wealthy, over the years, due to his professional affiliations with the deceptive enemies of humanity.
        I’ll just leave it at that.

        I’m very glad you are doing so well, Greg.

        Todd K.

    • Galaxy 500

      The only thing that has really been proved to destroy fertility is the mRNA bioweapon. Sorry you bought into to the stupidity. Greg isn’t for sale like others. He gives the unvarnished inconvenient fact driven truth.
      Ivermectin has been out in the public for many decades. It has been studied. There are no evidence this effect fertility BUT there is much evidence that the SHOTS do.
      This is a psych opp as ivermectin is one of the few treatments that the fools that took these shots can take to give them a better quality and longer life

    • Katy Bar

      Bob if you are worried about Ivermectin killing your sperm cells (along with the parasites and worms it is very good at killing) then simply follow “Dr. Zelinsky Protocol (Bill Holter has provided lower down in this comment section). The Zelinsky Protocol can be achieved very simply by just eating a Beef hamburger (for Zinc) topped with sun soaked Mushrooms (for Vit D), a sliced Tomato, Onion and some Capers (for Quercetin) and a glass of Orange Juice (for Vit C)!!!

    • Mike

      I watched Dr Mike Yeadon’s video and he did not point to any credible study or research indicating his anti-fertility Ivermectin claims. Taking crazy large quantities of anything can be harmful. I guess he was compromised by $$$$, or he/his family were threatened. It was only a matter of time before a prominent individual would align with the dark side. The bottom line is that the drug has been used in Africa for 40 years and hasn’t affected their fertility.

      Yeadon’s statements have created unnecessary angst in an already ginned-up public – he bases them on a RABBIT study (below). He knows that animal studies, especially ONE animal study, never directly correlate to humans. Again he is basing his conclusion on only one rabbit study. Billions of livestock & Pets are consistently given ivermectin globally including 10s of millions of people annually (Logically we would have seen a depopulation decades ago if Yeadon’s hypothesis was correct)

      If Yeadon has such serious concerns about ivermectin, why would someone with his expertise wait 4 years to express them?

      The bottom line is that the drug has been used in Africa for 40 years and hasn’t affected their fertility and numerous research studies show ivermectin an anti-cancer

      Something smells


  3. Susan D

    So happy you are on the mend. I’ve missed your interviews! Glad you are taking the time to heal.

    • Greg Hunter

      I am Slowly working my way back. Thanks for caring about me!!

      • Rob

        Greg, have you heard about Cardio Miracle? G. Edward Griffin is a big fan of it and I also take it.

      • timmy taes

        Hi Greg,
        I didn’t know you were sick. I hope you are feeling better.

  4. Really Awake

    Good interview. Marty really deserves credit for Trump & Kennedy getting together. Marty worked really, really hard behind the curtain on this one. Trump’s chances this November just went up substantially. Of course, The Deep State won’t take this laying down. The chances of WW3 have also now increased. There are evil people who would rather see billions die if it stopped Trump in his tracks.

    It’s a good thing that Jehovah and His Son, Jesus, have the final say in world events. That doesn’t mean the Four Horsemen won’t ride, but it just means Christians have a genuine hope to get through these last wicked days.

  5. Katy Bar

    The Satanic Demon Rats are in a panic and really running scared now that RFK is joining the Trump Team, because they know that RFK as Attorney General will immediately begin to lock up all Deep State Neocons who are now desperately trying to Start World War III “Before the Election” (when Trump and RFK will take over the reins of power)!! Normally Only Congress Has the Power to Declare War, but these Globalist Neocons “Are Circumventing Congress” by deploying “Private Mercenary Armies to Attack Deep into the Russian Homeland (Hoping Against Hope That Putin Launches Nuclear Weapons at America and Kills Both Trump and RFK, and if Putin “Won’t Do It” these Totally Evil Satanic Demons Will Probably Do It Themselves (and blame it on Russia) JUST LIKE THEY BLEW UP THE WORLD TRADE CENTER AND BUILDING 7 and blamed it on some Saudi’s!!!!

    • Anthony Australia

      It’s all kicking off Katy.

      MIDDLE EAST TINDERBOX Israeli jets launch ‘pre-emptive’ strikes at Hezbollah in Lebanon as terrorists fire 300 rockets back sparking WW3 fears

      • Ken Yu

        WORD OF WARNING!!! People living in Israel better begin looking for a Safer Place to Reside (before everything gets blown up over there) and people living in Europe also better begin looking for a Safer Place to Reside. As both England and France are now arresting “anyone” who has an independent thought!! So Americans “SHOULD NOT TRAVEL TO EUROPE” from now on (as Europe is “NO LONGER A SAFE PLACE TO EVEN VISIT!! Who would have thought that both Britain and France would lose its historical Freedom Loving Roots and descend into Total Totalitarian Commie States (using Gestapo Tactics in a desperate attempt to stop Free Speech) and are now out to imprison “anyone” (including visiting Americans) who may criticize the Current Government (in a desperate bid to hold on to power)!! These former Free Western Countries have now embarked upon the most Tyrannical Commie/Gestapo Tactics and are Imprisoning Every Person who may simply express an opinion not supporting governments policies!!

      • Katy Bar

        We need to Pray to God that those trying to start WWIII can’t do it this Incredibly Evil Thing before the Election of Trump this November (who has a Very Clear Vision of what is Good for America and a Logical Plan to Achieve It Rapidly). Simply Listen Below To What Trump Plans For US (and it Does Not Include War)!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0rKwzBrzEM
        Now compare what Trump will do beginning in 3 months with what the Demon Rat Globalists have done to our United States (with their Open Border, the Shut Down of Oil and Gas Production, the Destruction of our Manufacturing Base and Loss of Jobs (then Outright Lie to Us about Employment Gains, where the US economy actually had 818,000 fewer jobs than they reported), etc., etc.!!!

  6. Ted

    you look great Greg so glad to see you again

    Thank you for years of incredible news coverage and all the amzing interviews you have done

    Always looking forward to your videos


  7. Cytek

    Greg you are looking great. Thanks Greg for getting Martin on. Here is a link to Cliff High’s latest data which says something starts 27th or 28th and lasts 4-6 weeks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqj519XfogA

    • Paul

      Surveillance, censorship and propaganda are the three pillars of authoritarianism.
      Information, organization and leverage are the counter-pillars for citizen power. And the Internet provides the best and most appropriate infrastructure for strengthening all three.

      Thanks you Martin and you Greg for contributing in these efforts.

      Paul from arkansas

  8. Brianroy

    Have you noticed that for the Presidency of the United States that the Constitution no longer applies? Obama was NOT a United States Natural Born Citizen, having a claim to 1 US parent, some say his mother (actually a CIA surrogate, his mom being the daughter of the Subud Cult leader of Indonesia) was a US Citizen, but others ay Frank Marshall Davis was the father while Kenya’s Parliament and News Media claimed a Kenyan birth of Obama on their soil when he first became a US Senator and up to his POTUS election, while his Kenyan grandmother affirmed a Kenyan soil birth for 2 years after the 2008 election.
    Kamala was born on US soil to alien parents whose nationalities were India and that belonging to Jamaica. Kamala had no dlgates going into the Convention, she simply stole Biden’s nomination and assumed his delegates forcibly. So what is next? Will it be a DNC and CIA Media hope that a European leader or a Chinese National simply step in to the DNC in 2028, and proclaim themself President of the United States, no election needed? In 2024, Kamala is just about there now. Have a judge like Merchan falsely convict Donald Trump and Kamala will call it a forfeit, NO 2024 election needed. Just swear her in on Mao’s “On Practice And Contradiction” come January 20, 2025, and who needs a Constitutional Republic anymore? She’ll step aside as her Chinese masters come in and order it dissolved, apparently.
    Our hope is in the LORD Jesus Christ to grant us His Peace and deliver us by whatever means He guides us to do. Preferably peacefully and with His intervention that is so preternatural that we cannot be blamed for it or those events that grant us deliverance.

    • David Milne

      Brian, to add to your [preternatural] speculation?
      “to grant us His Peace and deliver us by whatever means He guides us to do. Preferably peacefully and with His intervention that is so [preternatural] that we cannot be blamed for it or those events that grant us deliverance.”
      I had to look it up, it’s meaning;
      [ˌpredərˈnaCH(ə)rəl, ˌprēdərˈnaCH(ə)rəl]
      beyond what is normal or natural:
      “autumn had arrived with preternatural speed”
      I think it is what what Clifford High call’s, the Woo Factor . . . . . . .?

    • boswell

      YES!!! This has been buggin’ me since “O” got a pass. If you get away with robbing a bank, does that make bank robbery legal? They all talk about “The Constitution”, but this NEVER comes up? They are violating it just by running. We need the highest standard for the highest office. Under the current “system” even Prince Harry’s child, born in California could qualify! How do you think George Washington would feel about a “royal” becoming president? Sheesh! Here is the best article explaining the nuances importance of the Natural Born Citizen requirement… http://puzo1.blogspot.com/2009/04/article-ii-natural-born-citizen-means.html

      • Galaxy 500

        I agree and our forefathers would have a dim view of people violating our laws and then have a child here to steal citizenship .
        They should not profit from a criminal act and that child should not be a citizen

  9. Ken Yu

    The Supreme Court Just Ruled: “People Need Proof of Citizenship TO VOTE” (This Needs to be Implemented Nationwide)!!! Also Trump Declares 10 year Prison and Death Sentences for those who take part in Harming our Children (i.e. Big Pharma and the Neocon Warmongers Better Start Worrying) !!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Ken, there really should not even be a question about this. And there should be severe penalties for voter fraud. 10 years at hard labor.

  10. Jane Hill

    Thanks Greg for having Martin Armstrong!
    We need accurate polls!

    • Kimberly

      Applies to local and state elections, not federal! The steal is on.

  11. ursel doran

    Armstrong on the government’s, plural around the world, censorship!

  12. Maria dasSantos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Armstrong. From the former “democracy” that was the United Kingdom.

  13. Mike S

    Thanks Greg and Martin.

    We need to be praying fervently. fasting whatever it takes as this is ultimately a spiritual battle.

    Lord the force that saved Trump the first time was You, not a coincidence! And we believe he’s anointed by You, and please hear our prayers of faith that You WILL intervene against all the enemy’s schemes!
    And bless and protect Greg and all his guests and their families!
    In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    • Neville

      You got that right sufficed as to say DEMOCRACY does not EXIST IN ANY COUNTRY
      LEAST OF ALL AAcrime!!!
      The only place you will find DEMOCRACY is in the DICTIONARY !!!
      Have a happy day all now that we have sorted out that one…….

    • Galaxy 500


  14. Dwight Branson

    Thank You Greg and Mr. Armstrong, It has been too long since I (we) have been fully informed on world events. Great interview! God Bless You All.

  15. Dominic John Cavanagh

    I’m so happy to see you back Greg!

  16. David Larsen

    So great to see you back in the saddle again!

  17. Mike G

    If Harris becomes POTUS it will show the world one of two things. America has become idiocracy or America has been stolen.

    • Greg Hunter

      Don’t give up. Fight!!

  18. Neville

    Hi Greg,
    Regarding your heart attack, may I ask you what sort of medical treatment do
    you receive , HOMEOPATHIC or allopathic ?
    Either way I may be able to give you some good advice to prevent the recurrence of
    having that awful attack.
    From one who has gone down that road 5 times .

    • Greg Hunter

      I had bypass surgery and have gone mostly to a plant-based diet with very little sugar and salt.

      • Anthony Australia

        Great news Greg. I have been Vegetarian for two years, off alcohol for five years and gave up smoking 15 years ago.
        Feeling great not only in my body but also my mind and spirit.

        • Greg Hunter

          Fantastic, Anthony. I am following you!!

          • Anthony Australia

            Might be time to have an Aussie on your show Greg.
            DEFEND MARIA ZEEE At All Costs: DEBANKED: WEF Tied Australian Bank BANS Maria Zeee’s Account

            • Earth Angel

              Love Maria Zeee Anthony! Great truth telling interviews she does. Do you know if she has had any recent information about Attorney Reiner Fuellmich who was thrown in jail in Germany for doing a deep dive into the Corona Virus and subsequent lethal vaxx campaign scandal? I followed his Corona Investigative Committee’s work and subsequent People’s Court hearing on the matter. I heard he was being treated very badly, kept in solitary confinement, practically starved , tortured, etc. (sort of like Assange was) I do hope this courageous man has been rescued somehow, or released. Does anyone know anything about what has happened to him since?

        • timmy taes

          Anthony Australia: I thought every Australian drank… a lot. Well, your initials are “AA.”
          Glad you are feeling better.

      • Jo Silva

        Yeah Greg!! Plant based saved my life!! There are so many exciting meals ahead of you!! My brother had quadruple bypass, has gone plant based & is off all medication AND reversed his type 2 diabetes!! Good luck!
        PS…there are tons wonderful whole food plant based cookbooks on Amazon

        • Laura Christman

          And don’t forget about getting cookbooks from your local library too! Saves a ton of $ when all you find appealing might be a few recipes.

  19. John Maskell

    Greg, you’re looking good and healthy . So glad you pulled through , a true fighter in every respect . All our love , John and family .

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, John, for the kind words of encouragement!!

  20. Civic Chick


    What we need now is a fair-and-free election miracle. Can’t sleep anymore this morning after listening to Martin Armstrong and knowing what I know after working my FL primary at the county supervisor of elections office. All Floridians for Trump must rise up now and demand paper ballots, to be present at signature comparisons of VBM (vote-by-mail) ballots, and to be present for hand counts at the precincts.

    But they won’t.

    A contributing factor to our relatively new, sane county school board reverting to crazy is the result of emboldened conservatives of the Steven Crowder ilk having hurled gay invective at a regular-looking (not a Dylan Mulvaney type) gay school board member solely based on his orientation. Thus they elicited sympathy for the candidate, and he was overwhelmingly reelected.

    He even garnered many GOPer votes. I know because of the color coding on the ballots.

    But more worrisome, however, is the issue of illegals here on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Large numbers of illegals have gone from having expired foreign ID or no ID and no green card at all to now having legit Florida driver licenses!

    The Lord works in strange ways, indeed. If the publishing industry hadn’t been screwing me over, I’d not have taken a job at a gas station chain and SEEN WITH MY OWN EYES AND HEARD WITH MY OWN EARS THAT THIS WAS HAPPENING.

    The everyday indie or GOPer or Dem in support of a constitutionally sound America has no clue.

    Maybe they speculate, but doing so has no tangible effect. Seeing it, though, invader after invader, is devastatingly real and crystallizes the problem in a way like no other.

    No “official” or official agency that I’ve contacted here in Florida cares or has bothered to respond.

    I’m sure illegal-vote colluders, who are mostly embedded in bureaucracies (such as the supervisor or board of elections offices), have themselves filled out ballots so as not to spark suspicion on sight (accents in names, shaky English handwriting) of the inner envelope return information.

    What is the solution to stop or lessen cheating? We can demand from the forces now jerking us around that we receive paper ballots, that there be no machines, no internet connections, and many human witnesses to EVERY part of the election process, but we know we won’t get cooperation. These are not our representatives, they are our blatant enemies.

    My only hope is that divine intervention will prevent the steal. I suppose I could say, “Why else would God have saved Trump?” but I can answer with, “Because he earned a save.”

    So I’m not expecting God to step in to save the republic, especially when so many so-called patriots don’t have the guts for what it will actually take to do so.

    I don’t want to be an Eeyore, but I’m unable to turn what I’m seeing into something positive.

    VOTING is CRUCIAL! Barring illness or other tragedy, God forbid, not a MAGA soul should sit home on Election Day.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you, Civic Chick, for giving us your street reporting of what you are seeing and anticipating in November!!

      • Civic Chick

        Thank you for letting me post it. God bless you and yours!

  21. Roger Stamper

    i am happy for you come back tks you both

  22. Steve Carter

    Good to see you back Greg. Get plenty of rest and you will be 100% soon. You are in my prayers.

    Steve Carter

  23. mike

    I would stick to 2 interviews a week and no WNW. We all know how screwed up everything is and its less stress talking about how screwed up the world is.

    • Greg Hunter

      Not able to do that but working up to it. Hesrt surgery is a process to get over.

      • Galaxy 500

        Hi Greg,
        Please take care. I would rather have one report a month than you to over extend yourself. Build up to it. Please take the time that YHWH has blessed you with to work back to your good health! Praying for you and yours as much as I pray for America and our President Trump.

      • timmy taes

        Greg, Seeing you on video again is great, but please don’t overtax yourself and keep those emotions in check. None of us can change what is coming. We aren’t in charge. We know Who is.

  24. Jeff gerst

    Trump could be in jail.

  25. Da Yooper

    A good & timely interview Greg & Martin.

    Looks like it is going to be an interesting fall . Get prepared to HUNKER DOWN folks.

  26. Wayne Todd

    Best line at 24:49 mark (Kamala) “she doesn’t understand economics, or how to spell it” …LOL . I know we here in Canada are even more worse off with PM Turdboy, who is a mentally ill ( Narcissistic Sociopath) tyrant. But I really fear for my family that lives in the US. No one is going to agree with the election results. God help you.

  27. Al

    Speedy recovery Greg .
    God bless my friend.

  28. Russ 2

    Thanks Greg and welcome back.

    RFK Jr — DOJ would be a bad choice simply due to his stand on the 2nd Amendment and the Attorney General‘s influence over the next SCOTUS pick. So no, DOJ would be not good. However, considering his stand on vaccines and drugs in general, HHS being upstream from the FDA would be in his wheelhouse. HHS influence with FDA would also have something to food security — https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/rfk-jr-donald-trump-will-end-war-small-wars-save-nations-food-supply-chain — With RFK Jr’s passion regarding vaccines, FDA is definitely in his wheelhouse and HHS is the parent org. But not DOJ. Yes, RFK Jr is a lawyer, so are many citizens and politicians who may be more in sync with Trump. Trump cannot allow another bad pick to sit as his AG.

    I was a little bummed to hear that Florida may go to KH due to ease of getting a driver’s license and simplistic rules regarding who can vote. DL and a street address is pretty easy to come up with and then the food-fight begins and lawyers get to work.

    In-person with paper ballots and the count is done by midnight — that’s the way to go,

    Thanks again, good to have you back.

    • Point of Know Return

      You might be misguided in your info about RFK Jr and the 2nd Amendment.
      He’s a hunter with a gun license in his home state of NY. He’s very much a Constitutionalist. As for AG, that might make me actually vote for 45 in the swing state of Wisconsin. I am one of those votes (as is my wife) that left Trump to campaign for Bobby. The AG position would be poetic justice for what has occurred in his family.
      Meanwhile, Greg, it’s awesome to have you back. Yes, we sometimes don’t see eye to eye on some subjects, yet I have always respected your passion and drive for the truth. It’s a rare thing in the media, so I’ve always respected that. God has his hand on your ministry. Yes, your show should be considered as such. We serve a Father of truth and are commissioned to exposing the darkness.
      As for this interview, I would have to say that I was always a bit lukewarm to Martin, yet now understand him better and have a new level of respect for him also. His dates are correlating with new data from Clif High’s data sets. Although they don’t know each other, it appears that their programs are tracking very similar info. It’s interesting.
      And those who listen closely, Martin did mention that Trump was in on all things “vax” and I think that topic wasn’t explored deeply enough. If Trump comes clean on his mistake of kowtowing to the big pharm industrial complex and owns up to his part in the scam, he might possibly get my vote.
      Again, welcome back and easy does it!

  29. Dennis Greiner

    Good to have you back Greg. Thank Jehovah for Answering your prayers and blessing you So you can get back fight for humanity exposed more of these Evil ones. Can you try to get and interview with Jim Willie the golden jackass? I have followed him for years and 90% of his predictions have come true! I think your audience would love him.
    I hope Bo pony or Bill Holter is up on deck I would love to hear there point of view on what’s going on!
    Thanks again D

  30. Johnny Nobody

    Courtesy of billholter.com

    “45 seconds of sanity”


  31. Johnny Nobody

    Sorry guys, got one character wrong. Try this:


  32. Michael

    It’s really good to see you back, Greg.
    Look, there is an outstanding explanation of all today’s goings on. If you read the UN website, all is laid out.
    There is a report detailing everything with reference to pages on the UN site. I went off screen then returned a few minutes later and have not been able to recover it. Still trying.
    Martin hit one thing but his reason was not as accurate and simple as it is. We will all be accountable for our nation’s debt. property rates will be increased to levels nobody can afford. Govt, UN already buying up real estate.
    We will have to turn in everything we own, homes, cars etc.
    same time UN will have solutions that we actually have to accept. digital ID, digital currency and they are already running ads promoting the wonders of q5 min cities and getting guaranteed money.
    only hitch to get food, currency and housing? Take a Vax.
    Notice every country is building mrna vaccine production factories. some countries already have enough bird Vax for their entire nation’s populations.
    Martin comes short and in minutia.Bottom line is everyone needs to dyand firm and say no to any and all UN solutions.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for adding this, Michael.

  33. Michael

    Here is the link with info that will explain all, blow your mind AND has details of where to find it all on the UN Website. No opinions or predictions, just THE plan that WEF,WHO UN and those running our natiions behind the scenes are all activating by upping censorship laws, forcing citizens into insolvency, rapidly on large scale build new vaccine production factories. 1 B is a max for world pop though Agenda 2030 is more aggressive at 500M. your show is missing this huge price, formerly Agenda 2021, Agenda 2030 makes clear most of today’s events. Food and soil contamination etc.
    what if one political party promised to stop all Chem trails??? How huge and easy would that be?
    Why has it not registered with govt platforms or people being polled to add that question and see how it ranks in level of importance? if we don’t end them. and we are seeing massive levels of this metallic garbage in us composed to just a rew years ago, it will end us efficiently. CHECK THIS OUT

    • Prospector

      Michael, you are soooo right ! While we are all distracted by the many current events / politics , the U.N. and its global partnerships , NGO’s , and multinational corporations are advancing their plans for total control. —- PEOPLE MUST STUDY THE U.N. , and what its real power players believe. It is ANTI – Christ at its core, and this is NOT hidden.

      Examples :
      ( Alvin Toffler wrote ” Future Shock ” )
      The globalization of business and finance by advancing Third Wave economies routinely punctures the national “sovereignty” the nationalists hold so dear….” ” The Consitution of the United States needs to be reconsidered and altered… to create a whole new structure of government…” The Tofflers say fundamentalist, biblical Christianity is “both dangerous and regressive.” Beliefs in nationalism, patriotism, and an exclusive God, “give birth to violence or repression.” Only when these “Dark Age” menaces are swept away can “advanced wealth creation” by the elite be achieved. Newt Gingrich Mason, member of both the World Future Society and the Council on Foreign Relations, wrote the forward to Alvin and Heidi Toffler’s Creating a New Civilization.
      ( Good old neo-con Newt … LOL )

      .”To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” – Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

      “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

      “This New Age will be. A new heaven on Earth will be. Preparations are being made now, and out of chaos will come the beginning of peace on earth, a New Order for Mankind.” John Randolph Price Planetary Commission.
      ” ORDER OUT OF CHAOS ” is what they do !

      “The Final Act of the Uruguay Round, marking the conclusion of the most ambitious trade negotiation of our century, will give birth – in Morocco – to the World Trade Organization, the third pillar of the New World Order, along with the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund.”

      Maurice strong ( U.N. environmental leader ) was quoted as saying,
      ” Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? ”

      Most will not study this because it takes some WORK. And work is a four letter word.


      ” My people perish for lack of knowledge ” – Hosea 4 : 6

    • Jerry

      Michael, thanks for putting this link in the comment.

    • Nick Reynolds

      Thank you, Michael,
      That is the most eye-opening comment I’ve ever read. Keep spreading it. I am.

  34. Joy N.

    Thanks for the information..
    The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity’s doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

  35. Rick

    What’s the possibility of a false flag that allows the Democrats to declare Marshall Law and nullify the election?

    • Earth Angel

      My sense is that they won’t need to do that because they fully plan to rig/steal another election. Look how the legacy media is already LYING blatently about Camel-a’s poll numbers! Neck and neck with Trump or surpassing him by a couple of points?!.. Really?..Please! Only brain dead numbskulls out there would believe THAT. Yet they’ll push these lies nonstop- until she’s cheated in again by corrupt election officials running the show and /or the millions of illegals they let in and signed up to vote for her. I’m still praying for a divine miracle again for Donald Trump, J.D.Vance, RFK jr, and the rest of majority of Americans ( I even saw an interview recently where former ILLINOIS Governor Blagovitch (sp?) came out in support of TRUMP! ) so we can have some sort of survivable future. Please dear God, come to our aid in our time of greatest need and thwart the evil that has befallen us. Amen.

  36. Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

    What a delight I got when I clicked to see if there was anything on….Martin Armstrong.
    He is right about how people don’t spend/save. I purchased the Eco Flow Max 1600 with Solar Panels. I want to be prepared for if or when the grid goes down. I have it setting up against the wall in the living room so I can plug even my Refrigerator/Freezer in. Then I was thinking about how I was going to cook my food. I have a grill outside. So, they had microwaves on sale at Wally World so I bought a portable to store out in the garage.
    I have already purchased Christmas gifts for my family. I figure a little here a little there. Then you are not out all the money in a month or two. I am saving as much as possible in cash.
    Still keeping you in my prayers and have healing angels beside you.

  37. Rod Brumley Lt.’Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr.’Greg Hunter
    The Ultimate American Patriot
    Thanks for all you do for America my friend
    There will be another attempt on President Trump and the war in the Middle East will expand as well as Ukraine and Russia is already expanding
    Stay Well my dear friend

  38. Frank S.

    Acc. to Revelation, we’re promised 3 1/2 years of peace and prosperity before the heathen regain control. To me this signifies a Trump victory and a full term in office.

    • Earth Angel

      I sure hope you are right Frank. Another globalist/marxist stolen presidency and the American experiment is done.

  39. Don Doerr Sr.

    As a young man, I first met America through Dwight David Eisenhower!
    Now I have seen it deteriorate to the antichrist Obama and then to the Pope Francis -blessed Team of Kamala Bear Harris and Tampon Tim Walz, both members of the Communist Democrat RINO Party established on November 22, 1963. I see little hope for America, especially given the Open Border Criminal Illegal Invasion of the Evil Kamala Bear. Watch for her Terrorist Activities before and after the November, 2024 Election….

  40. Rich

    Their setting up the steal that’s all the polls are for

  41. Mike

    Why does the national debt keep increasing?
    Answer the question, “who benefits?”
    The people who earn interest on the national debt.
    That would be the banker cabal, who forced us to use debt notes borrowed into existence.
    Why would Congress agree to keep increasing the national debt?
    They are controlled via bribes and blackmail from the banker cabal.
    We need a new financial system with non-interest-bearing treasury notes.

    • Prospector

      After a debt crisis, the USA will be TOLD by UN – IMF – World Banks / Brussels that it must ” Restructure ” its debt like 3rd world countries were told in the 80’s and 90’s.

      Vast areas of natural resources , forests , minerals , water ( hello Great Lakes ) etc. will be traded off to the globo-banks for collateral. Natural resources may well be the backing for any new money system. The U.N. revolves around old earth centered religion , so it does fit in their minds. Seek and you will find this is not a new idea.

      This might be the ‘ Build Back Better ” long range goal.

  42. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg,
    Another great interview. Thanks for having Armstrong on.

  43. Donna

    So very glad to see you back and looking great, Greg! Thanks for having Martin on, and thank you for everything you do. Take care of yourself, my friend. Love you!

  44. Susan R

    Your interview with Martin Armstrong is perfect right now to open the door to where we are at. The conversation about Trump and RFK Jr.’s best position as Attorney General sounds great, I will pray for him.
    I know you are still in recovery but you look 100%.

  45. Trinacria

    Greg: Wow, you are back!!! It is so great to see you as I had been very worried and wondering what happened. I am so sorry as to your ordeal, but God the Father saw you through. You are such an important part of this fight against the globalists as you help wake up so many people out there. Given all that you went through, you look and sound great, but I sure you will till be cautious and slowly take you time getting back to 100%.
    Rest assured you are in my prayers.
    On the political front, what concerns me of course is the cheating by the Demonrats and especially a report that came of recently by Rasmussen estimating that 3% illegals voted in 2020. I am a naturalized citizen (born in Italy and naturalized during my junior year in college). I would never even consider voting if I were not a citizen. Doesn’t bode well for the health of our nation to have lawless people here. What country would allow this. only the USA it appears thanks to the lawless Demonrats. Could any of us go to Mexico or Guatamela or other countries and vote??? of course NOT. Sad state of affairs.
    Finally, what a pathetic display at the DNC. So juvenile!!! They have no policies only hatred for Trump and you and me.

  46. Prospector

    Frequent USA Watchdog guest Alex Newman ( LIBERTY SENTINEL . ORG ) has done lots of the homework on the U.N. and its evil origins and intent.

    The @ wef and @ UN are destroying #farmers and #agriculture to reach their “net-zero emissions” by 2050 goal. If they succeed, we will experience mass food shortages and an unprecedented crisis. Here’s what you must know:

    The Global War On Farmers and Humanity – June 29 , 2024
    47 minutes.

    The United Nations building sits on the old blood soaked grounds of the former N.Y. slaughterhouse , meat packing district. ” Spirit cooking ” ? anyone ?

    • Katy Bar

      WAKE UP EUROPE!! It was mostly Russia who “Saved Europe” by defeating the Nazi’s in WWII. Unfortunately, Europe has once again been taken over by “A New Breed of Nazi’s” (lead by Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum and his Gang of Young New Leaders (SS Storm Troopers) Who Have Infiltrated Many Western Governments, and just like Hitler did in WWII Schwab’s Henchmen Have Now Invaded Russia For A Second Time (to Start WWIII)!! But this time around, the European Population has little hope that Russia will sacrifice its people once again “to save them” (and with Trump in office Europeans should not expect any help from the US in Liberating Europe (from the Nazi’s lead by Schwab, who they idiotically allowed to take over their Governments)!! THIS TIME AROUND “EUROPE IS ON IT’S OWN”!!! EUROPEANS WILL HAVE TO FIGHT THIS BATTLE “WITHOUT HELP FROM THE US OR RUSSIA” (AS BOTH THE US AND RUSSIA ARE UNDER SIEGE BY THE NAZI GLOBALISTS “AND ARE HAVING A DIFFICULT TIME JUST FIGHTING FOR THEIR OWN EXISTENCE”)!!!

  47. Prospector

    One final post on the U.N.

    You MUST understand where their belief system comes from. Search the terms , Alice Baily , Lucis Trust , and ‘ Earth Charter ‘ .

    “The Masters are working according to a Plan… which will demonstrate a large measure of world unity… marked by universality… “The Plan is concerned with re-building mankind… As human beings begin to take the higher initiations… the true nature of the divine Will will be grasped…” Alice Bailey 24 books published by Lucis Trust The Beacon Sept-Oct 1975 pp. 145-148

    These people are nuts, but we must understand our enemy.

    The Hunger of Eve “no worldly peace can prevail until the self-centered members of the planetary body either change or die, that is the choice.” “We, the elders have been patiently waiting until the very last moment to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity…” “We’re in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse “Death.”
    Barbara Marx Hubbard World peace and environmental movements.

    Alex Newman on Rumble . com 2 days ago.
    Mariusz Skrobała talks to Alex Newman, award-winning journalist, owner of a media organization “Liberty Sentinel”, host of the show “Behind the Deep State”, author of “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death”. Alex Newman is also a speaker at the ReAwaken America Tour


  48. Jim Frikkie

    How to Survive an Exploding Electric Car
    Electric cars have always seemed like the wave of the future. Countless movies have made us yearn for cars that run on batteries and can be charged from the owner’s home. What we weren’t prepared for is the possibility of these cars exploding like cell phones. Should you pour water on it? Are you safe when the fire is out? Why can it be more dangerous to be a passenger?Questions or concerns?

    • Katy Bar

      A battery that uses SILVER can charge faster, hold more energy and “BE LESS LIKELY TO OVERHEAT THAN CURRENT BATTERIES”. Current Tesla batteries that uses Lithium, Iron and Phosphorus can power cars for only about 270 miles per charge (compared with about 358 miles for batteries powered by Nickel and Cobalt). But because Nickel is gotten from Russia and Cobalt from the Congo (using children to mine it) these “Better Batteries” have been ostracized for political reasons (but “should be the ones” you use for Emergency Power during a Power Outage)!! The Lithium, Iron, Phosphorus batteries Tesla uses “for political reasons” also lose power when the temperature drops below freezing and they take longer to charge (from 30 minutes to as long as 12 hours).
      Silver Solid-state Batteries (don’t have a liquid electrolyte) and thus are not only lighter then Lithium, Iron, Phosphorus Batteries but store more energy and also charge faster “In As Little As 9 Minutes” while also being “a lot less likely” to ignite.
      Silver (now selling for only $29 dollars per ounce) is the metal catalyst that will revolutionize Battery Power for humanity. So don’t discard those Silver coins you own “they are very valuable”. In fact, Silver Solid-state Batteries store up to 10 Times More Energy than the current Tesla Lithium-ion batteries (which are inferior to the Silver Batteries for power use). Silver Solid-state Batteries offer drivers a cruising range of 400 to 500 miles before it’s time for the next Nine(9) Minute Charge.
      Now don’t discount the Gold coins you may own (for although Gold is well known for its chemical inertness) Gold also exhibits “Very High Catalytic Activity” when it is deposited as metallic clusters on an oxide support!!!

  49. Marie Joy

    The long term intent of communism is to kill every person on earth. Some, like royal families, want only 90% dead so the remaining 10% can serve them but our deaths are the main game. I do not see how couch potato/computer potato Americans can survive this.

  50. Marie Joy

    One way to contact President Trump is

  51. Ken Barnett

    Glad you are back, and recovering.
    Trump should make RFK jr., the head of the CIA.
    Would love to watch those fireworks.

  52. Marie Joy


  53. Robert Messina

    you look great Greg so glad to see you again
    Trump with RFK Jr as AG is like living in Florida where we don’t even need a winter coat . . . but I am surprised that what I expect to happen before election was not even mentioned . . . I expect a national emergency that will require martial law . . NO Election . . .and the neocons will carry out their agenda as planned

  54. Prospector

    It appears to be true. It will be a bumpy ride from now on.

    The Regime Strikes Back: Secret Service Rips Away RFK Jr.’s Protection After Endorsing President Trump

    Gateway Pundit Aug. 25

    The Biden Regime is striking back against RFK Jr. after he endorsed President Trump.

    The New York Post reported Sunday that the RFK Jr. will no longer have Secret Service protection because had suspended his candidacy, despite the fact he remains on the ballot in 40 out of 50 states.

    • Katy Bar

      Both RFK and Trump should not be together “in one place” very often, as the Insane Deep State Demon Rats will most likely use any means possible to try to Kill “Two Birds with One Stone” using either a Missile, Drone, Truck Bomb, Kamikaze Lear Jet or even a Laser Beam from Space (like they used on Hawaii) to get rid of the people giving them problems!!!

    • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/do-biden-latest-dance-craze-thats-turning-heads/

      With the Secret Service conspiring to assassinate their protected, I think RFK will be OK

  55. Therand 1984

    glad you are back sir

  56. Michelle from Pennsylvania

    Hi Greg, Glad you are back! God DEFINITELY had a hand in you medical situation (you were and still are being watched over!). It is amazing that your open heart surgery was probably just over a month or so ago (not know the date) and you look and sound great! This is not making light of knowing that you are still in recovery! Thanks for having Martin Armstrong on! My husband and I (who are followers of Christ) listen to the interview earlier today(also listen to your weekly news wrap-up last week). Just to comment, I knew that Kamala’s approval number had to be just around 10 percent, and the lying mainstream media was pumping the propaganda! Take care and God Bless!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Sister Michelle!!
      Brother Greg

  57. Jeffrey

    Always good to have Martin Armstrong on! Continued prayers for your healing Greg! Stay strong in Christ!

  58. Saeed


    Hi Greg, please take extra virgin olive oil to keep your heart healthy. Also, vitamin D3/K2 combo to keep calcium out of arteries, and put it in the bones.

  59. Dr. Tyz

    It’s not hard not to see what is coming but people still will get it wrong and Armstrong is no exception. Make enough predictions and of course you will get some things right so there is nothing special about what he says.

    The big problem I see is how people pick sides and defend whatever that side/party/candidate says when in reality, both sides are corrupt which has led to where the country is today – on the verge of total collapse.

    As I have said for many years, the two parties should have been abolished as both are bought and paid for by special interest groups. They have no loyalty to the people they were elected to serve, but of course you believe you are only one election away from setting things right. Unfortunately, ignorance and stupidity do not win the day but that’s where you’re at, a society that has been dumb-downed to not see what’s right in front of you.

    Going forward, the elitist, technocrats/PTB are in total control and it is too late to stop them from their ultimate goal which is to destroy the US and the several other countries aligned with it. Don’t believe me, you won’t have long to see if I’m right as what is coming is right around the corner. Enjoy the coming holidays, they may be your last.

    • Greg Hunter

      Great inspirational message of hope–Not! This is why Jesus is coming back, but you have no Jesus. You are holding tight to a black hole of nothingness. Jesus said, “There would be no flesh left if the days were not shortened. So, for the sake of the elect the days shall be shortened.” Be the elect and not some hopeless downer holding on to a black hole of nothingness.

  60. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Great report Greg.

  61. Jonathan



  62. Bill Holder

    Dr Zelenko, might rest his soul, he treated all patients with simple items…

    ..so you need Vitamin D, then you need Zinc, which is the bullet. And then to form a functioning gun, you need Vitamin C and quercetin…

    I know it works because I took care of my wife with COVID and I never caught it.


  63. michael harder

    What was the interview that Martin refered to that was to do with the Iraq war and was a former CIA officer? Thanks

  64. Galaxy 500

    In 2020, the Demons stole the election and put Americans into poverty. Imagine another four years under Bidenomic on steroids. Kamel-tow is a communist and a childless cat lady.
    You have a choice. There are two people that have track records. Very little inflation and good wages, a strong respected America under Trump. Out of control spending, inflation, lose of jobs, wages not keeping up with inflation and the destruction of the middle class and veterans under Beijing Biden and Hidin’ Kamel-tow Harris. With Harris running the border, what did we get? Millions more criminals crossing the border raping, robbing and murdering citizens.
    The choice has never been clearer! A vote for Goodness and a return to Sanity for Trump OR a vote for Satan to continue to control our government (Harris).
    And let’s be clear, sitting home on Election Day is a vote for chaos, a vote for Satan.

    • Eugene ''Earl'' James

      Why won’ t you try Independent? No matter who wins, they will keep blowing up the Middle East, and will try a war against Iran. Project 2025 is NeoCon bull crap to justify that war.

      • Galaxy 500

        I am a registered Independent. Earl why don’t you try sanity and Trump? Just a thought. And did you miss the whole no new wars under Trump. And Trump isn’t signed on to Project 2025. Trump has his own plan

  65. Bill Holder

    As far war, this September we will see an emotional release in language. The polls are garbage, not to be trusted. The Dems knows it, we all know it.

    I bet the elite/swamp/deep state is running some form of computer simulation, looking for a way to stay in power. When their simulations tells them that is game over, they will start to bring down the house.

    All they need at this point is to release some of the truth, some on the lines the Vaxxx was designed to kill people. That will bring a massive civil unrest and declare an emergency to suspend elections. What about an Israeli false flag event?

    We are primed and ripe for any event to unglue the population. However, it has to be done in a fashion that does not point to any Central Bank.

    • Katy Bar

      Bill Holder presents “A Very Interesting Idea” that I simply never thought of!! That the Elite/Swamp/Deep State may use the “Truth About The Kill Shot” to “Create The Massive Civil Unrest They Need To Justify Declaring the National Emergency” Necessary “TO SUSPEND THE ELECTION” and “KEEP COMMIE KAMALA” and “CHINA TIM” IN POWER”!!!!

    • Ken Yu

      Bill makes a lot of sense, the Demonrats probably ran a Computer Simulation that tells them the Only Way They Can Win is by “Blaming the Covid Deaths on Trump”!! Which makes a lot of sense because Kamala is now out lieing (just like a Commies do) that “250 Millions Americans Were Killed By The Jab” (Does Kamala Actually Think the American People “Are So Dumb” They Won’t Realize That She Is Saying Two(2) out of Three(3) Americans “DIED OF THE JAB” ??? But, these Evil Demon Rats ARE DESPERATE!! And their “Obvious Next Move” will be to LINK ALL THE “IMAGINARY DEATHS” TO TRUMP (because he was the one who signed the Emergency Authorization for Pfizer to do the Jab’s)!!!

    • Katy Bar

      The Lying Demon Rat Commie Kamala will probably Next Say “Oh! I Made A Mistake”, “I Got The Number Wrong” – and then say: “BUT ISN’T ‘ONE LIFE’ JUST AS IMPORTANT AS TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION LIVES”?? And Then, continue to direct the Loss of Life due to the Kill Shots upon Trump!!!

  66. Justn Observer

    Greg, the life of a key WEFer who thinks we should own nothing and be happy?
    One does wonder how many tours or drops of blood ‘they’ have endured as they profit endless war to endless war.

    • Bill Holder

      Justn, you will be surprised the reason behind of the endless wars from these Merchants of Death.

      The answer to all the questions, when all start to make sense, it will be revealed during the Great Awakening. During that time most people will refuse to kmow the truth; it is that ugly, more painful than giving birth. However, after the pain we will life more free than ever and all biases, hates, animosities, and all in between will be eliminated.

      I am ready to leave all behind and start new, are you ready to give it all up and start new from scratch?

    • Justn Observe

      One wonders when, why the people do not directly confront the wealthiest among the ‘shakers’ of the world as to what – who gave them the ‘right’ to use banks and people’s money, especially in ESG planning to ‘shape’ the world in their view. INVESTING in stocks and commodities is one thing…but people that use the stock market/options/hedge funds that tend to manipulate the market more like a gambling/wager derivatives gambling scam should be more regulated…maybe more HEAVILY taxes on those gains…as they appear to more ‘gambling winning’ than earning on investments. WHAT IS the government take on lottery winning when taken all at once? vs winning over time?
      and would it not be nice if all ‘INVESTMENT’ PROFITS from war products were TAXED to support the TOWER2TOWER FUNDS, GOLD STAR FAMILIES, AND MEDICAL COSTS AND DISABILITIES OF ALL THOSE SENT INTO HARMS WAY using them?
      These links are NOT to disparage anyone…but seems there is ample profits being made using stocks, the money put in banks for ‘savings’ NOT bail ins, to be used to offset losses and debt incurred by ‘others’ decisions that are not necessarily in the best interest of the investors or those using banks and their operations as a ‘safe haven’ for life savings and a payment clearing system which ‘evolved as a ‘method’ of currency exchange – ‘legal tender’ in lieu of Constitutional ‘ God’s ‘ money as defined in the Constitution itself. But then, the government itself benefits as IT with the FED uses the same system as a means to skim/steal wealth via inflation by ALLOWING entities to print money endlessly as war itself without any backing of the currency as Congress itself has shirked its responsibliltiy of using its Constitutional authority to ‘take the country to war’, leaving it up to the whims of others.
      It does appear that ‘some’ are NOT going along with the plan of OWNING NOTHING AND BEING HAPPY, while the ESG and WOK everyone else to?


      The Ukraine situation seems to have gotten more bleak for the Biden-Harris neo-con/NATO penetration into Russia? Sounds like Russia now has U.S. operatives captured /or soon to be to be held and treated as spies =

      Maybe Madelane Albright quote was just ‘their’ reality and truth…
      Of course, the children of vast amount of people who think this way are usual never in those ‘conflicit zones’ nor are they trafficked or put in sex slave market are they?
      No, they live behind glided walls and gates, and fly high or cruise over/past ‘the deplorables’ in their private jets or on their yachts, on their way to the next Bilderberg, Jackson Hole, Aspen, or Davos gig!

      • Katy Bar

        Russia will probably put the American “Mercenary” Soldiers they captured “On Trial before the World” and “Sentence them to Death by Hanging” which will then be shown and Broadcast Worldwide on TV!!!

  67. Dan

    As it right well should be for I don’t believe that the 17th nor the 16th Amendments were properly ratified by 3/4 of the States. Thus they are Law that never was, null and void.
    Prior to the 17th Amendment, U.S. Senators were chosen by their respective State Legislatures and these U.S. Senators then voted for a President and a Vice President. The man with the most Senate votes was to be President and the man with the second most votes was to be Vice President. (there was none of this picking someone as a “running mate” who will likely Pardon the criminal who happens to get elected by popular vote)
    We can keep our local elects honest, and perhaps even know the person we are voting for, however National Elections are open to all kinds of fraud and deception.
    It is high time we put an end to them.

  68. Jeffrobbins

    Mr. Armstrong always is a good interview, but this might be the best one he has ever done with Mr. Hunter. And there are a number of really good comments as well. As a sanity tip for all the readers, with all the election drama it’s important to remember that often times people of questionable character will project their shortcomings and failures onto others. Case in point is the recent attempt to call conservatives “weird”. Who ever came up with that is a moron. It’s the same as calling everyone grandparents “weird”. The weird people are the ones that don’t know if they are a man or woman or need to be in a fur suit. I really believe that the play book is to try to get folks mad as hell or hiding in fear, while ‘they’ offer wisdom and insight to lead the way forward. I saw one of the earlier comments about ivermectin causing infertility and that might be an another example of what i am saying here, but i haven’t looked into it. We need to keep our wits about us.

  69. Jim Frikkie

    Monday LIVE: Dems Panic As Scientific Polls Show RFK Jr. Endorsement Gave An Instant Bump Of 5-10 Points To Trump And Has Triggered A Mass Exodus Of Democrats To The Republican Party! Posted an hour ago
    Also, Alex Jones confirms federal, state and local governments gearing up for massive civil unrest and black swan events! Corruption never before seen!

  70. Prospector

    Not quite that big , but it shows escalation. Short clip.

    9/11 type attack on Russia. A high-rise building is attacked using a drone…
    The Russian agencies are accusing Ukraine for it.

  71. Prospector

    Some channels are CENSORED today as this happens right now.

    Russia has let fly.

    LTC Steven Murray
    The Russians are in FAFO mode right now…


    Since early morning and as of now, the Russian Aerospace Forces have been carrying out massive missile strikes and kamikaze UAV strikes on military and energy facilities in Ukraine.

    The strike map is published on the enemy’s resource.


  72. Chuck

    Congrats Greg. I noticed you recent interview with Martian Armstrong was re-posted on Zerohedge.com.

    • Prestitute Media Junkers

      Alt., media and even CIA project Mockingbird brained fake news, mainstream media. Have been picking up on it, having heard it myself all day. As I’m a total news hound junkie! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNYWl13IWhY

  73. Galaxy 500

    Wow, Vicki sure sounds like she is in on the plan to kill Trump, doesn’t see?


    • H. Gee Longwells

      How did this once lovely young woman turn out to be such a Witch? Her adoptive mean drunk Mum, Hitlery? Or the big arse husband? A neo-conman and Warlock himself. Or the dark art’s & op’s Morlocks of the intell community?
      Gives a unique insight into the fascinating overlap between the witch’s belief and the vast range of fairy lore that held sway for the past centuries and throughout the land today as the woke, broke and disgusting LGBQXYZ+ bully’s.”

  74. Dale Anderson

    I would like to know what Martin’s computer says trump’s approval number is.

    • Greg Hunter

      Armstrong says Trump should win by a record margin. Of course, there is all the cheating but, listen to the interview he was saying 60%.

      • Don Fereiri

        “Trump should going to win”?

        Is that English?

        • Greg Hunter

          You search this site to find one mistake? You are a sick shallow jackass and you are not going to make it.

  75. War Monger

    Former Democrat campaign worker speaks out after attending Democratic National Convention…


  76. War Monger

    This is one dumb and dangerous Marxist bitch…


  77. Galaxy 500

    You really should not have to sue the Demons to clean voter rolls…

  78. Lauran F.

    Greg………so good to have you back, and also one of my favorite people, Martin Armstrong!….I refused to take the jabs, but got Covid, and took Ivermectin to speed the healing. It worked, and the sad thing is that I cannot sell it verbally to most people. So glad that so many are being helped by it.

  79. Ed

    Hey Greg, very glad to see you regaining strength. One little thing that keeps bothering me is your insistence to call God by a name rather than as Jesus instructed his followers. Our FATHER. So, I did a little research, here is what I found.

    Hope this is helpful.

    • Greg Hunter

      You are going to be bothered by this, but Charlie Campble is an idiot. God’s name is Jehovah–period. Look no further the PS 83:18 in the KJV. The name of God in the Bible is Jehovah or Yahweh. Jehovah has been cut out of the Bible thousands of times because they don’t want you to say this name. https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/bible-study/why-is-jehovah-one-of-gods-names.html#:~:text=Jehovah%20%28or%20other%20forms%20of%20it%2C%20like%20Yaweh%29,Testament%2C%20started%20using%20this%20form%20of%20the%20Tetragrammaton.

      You can also still find the actual name of God in three other places in the KJV making it four total times: King James Version of the Bible (Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2; 26:4)

      In English, God’s name is Jehovah. Try praying to Jehovah in the name of Christ Jesus. It’s a powerful combination.

      Father is a title and not a name.

      This is like calling me reporter.

      We will have to agree to disagree on this point.

      By the way, show me in the Bible where Jesus said to only call God “Father”?

      • Katy Bar

        If the “Main Stream Media Scribs Of Old” were able to “Censor Out The Actual Name of God From the Bible” … I would like to know “What Else They Censored Out”???

      • Mark

        Dear brother-in-Christ Greg!!!
        First I, along with so many others are very thankful you are still with us, and that the Lord answered your prayer to “not take you”.
        That said, you look and sound well, but probably are in need of more rest in order to “not over-do it” so you can gradually build your stamina back up, so that hopefully you will be stronger and feel better than you have in a long while now that the arteries to your heart are no longer blocked and you have almost no scar tissue!!!! Praise the Lord for His mercy!!!!
        However, my dear brother Greg, in all fairness to Charlie Campbell, another brother in Christ, I must point out the unfairness of your comment regarding his work whose website was linked in a comment by someone by the name of Ed.
        It is obvious from his website that he is anything but “an idiot” and to simply “write him off” as such is beneath the high journalistic standard that I, and many others believe you hold yourself to.
        I cannot help but conclude that you simply commented below your professional standard, though from a deeply personal level, which I can fully understand especially in light of all that you have been through.
        As always my dear brother in Christ Greg, may the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to be richly with your spirit for “God has not given to us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sober mind”.
        And again, we continue to uphold you in prayer with thanksgiving to the God (YHWH) and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua) for your continued healing and strengthening so that you may continue to discern and report the facts of unfolding events in order of their importance and to continue to provide a platform for your guests to provide truthful, timely and relevant information as you have so faithfully done for these many years now, which was especially valuable in saving lives during the so-called “pandemic”.

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Mark! Good advice. Only one new post a week until I get stronger.

    • Jay Vernon McGee

      Ed, hope this is helpful and inspiring!
      In English, God’s name is Jehovah. This name carries profound significance and is deeply rooted in the scriptures. When you pray to Jehovah in the name of Christ Jesus, you are invoking a powerful combination that aligns with biblical teachings. This practice acknowledges the unique roles of both Jehovah and Jesus in the divine plan.

      Father is a title, not a name. Just as calling someone “Reporter” instead of their actual name, like Greg’s actual name would be impersonal and less intimate. Referring to God solely as “Father” without recognizing His actual name Jehovah, might miss the personal connection that His name offers.

      We may have different views on this name and matter and that’s perfectly okay. We can agree to disagree on this point.

      Regarding the Bible, Jesus did emphasize calling God “Father” in several instances. For example, in Matthew 6:9, Jesus teaches us to pray, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.” This highlights the intimate relationship we can have with God as our Father. However, Jesus did not explicitly state that we should only call God “Father” and not by His name, Jehovah. Like Greg points out, in fact. The Bible encourages us to know and use God’s name. For instance, Psalm 83:18 states, “That people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”

      In Matthew 23:9, Jesus says, “And do not call anyone on earth your father, for you have one Father, and he is in heaven”. This verse emphasizes the unique and supreme position of God as our heavenly Father, distinguishing Him from earthly titles and roles.

      Ultimately, the use of God’s name, Jehovah, and the title, Father, both serve to deepen our understanding and relationship with Him. Each term brings out different aspects of His character and our connection to Him.

      • Ed

        I appreciate your post, and yours and Greg’s point is well taken. I would only say that I understand the difference between name and title, it is out of respect that I refer to my own father as Dad,NOT by his name Bobby.I would think the creator and father of All creation would be deserving of such respect and reverence. Now,this is just my opinion on it and please understand, NO disrespect is or was ever intended.
        Greg, I subbed to your YouTube in 2010. In all this time , I probably disagreed with you maybe five times.

        • Mark

          Dear Ed,
          My father’s name is Albert. In all of my life I have never called him anything other than “Dad”.
          Now the New Covenant agreement which has been enacted upon the better sacrifice of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and simply states that “I will impart My laws upon their hearts, and upon their mind I will inscribe them; and they shall by no means each teach his fellow citizen and each his brother, saying, Know the Lord; for all will know Me from the little one to the great one among them. For I will be propitious to their unrighteousnesses, and their sins I shall by no means remember anymore” can be summed up in that which the Lord Jesus spoke in His prayer recorded in John 17:3 “and this is eternal life that they may know You the, only true God and Him Whom You have sent, Jesus Christ”.
          So that now, having fulfilled all righteousness with respect to the putting away of sins through His once-for-all, one-time sacrifice of Himself, He, as the Seed of Abraham has been “exalted to the right hand of the Majesty on High” and “received the promise of the Spirit” (Acts.2:33,Gal.3:14,19,22) which Spirit He became in resurrection as a life-giving Spirit (1Cor.15:45, 2Cor.3:17, Jn.7:37-39) so that any and all who “come under the hearing of faith” concerning THIS RIGHTEOUSNESS which has come into being through HIS FAITHFULNESS (Rom.3:22) and believes ON HIM Whom the Father has sent, receiving the reconciliation which God is offering to the world on the basis of the perfection of His Son’s sacrifice of atonement (2Cor.5:16-21), becomes “born from above” or “born again” (Jn.3:3-6) by the Spirit of His Son sent forth into his heart which cries “Abba, Father, Daddy!!!, Papa!!! -(Rom8:15, Gal.4:6) and is immersed in that same Spirit into His One Body of which we are members one of another IN HIM whether of Jewish or Gentile lineage according to the flesh, or whether of “slave” or “free” social status, or whether of male or female gender (1Cor.12:1213, Rom.12:4-5, Gal.3:27), so that we as the “many abodes” which comprise the Father’s house (of which He “went away” through death and resurrection to prepare a place for us (so that where “I am, you also may be”- Jn.14:3) may know WITH ONE ANOTHER FOREVERMORE the JOY of THAT LOVE in THAT GLORY which the SON HIMSELF, THE ONE IN WHOM THE FATHER OF GLORY FINDS HIS DELIGHT, (Matt.3:17,17:5, 1Pe.1:17) HAS KNOWN IN HIS BOSOM FROM BEFORE THE FOUDATION OF THE WORLD (Jn.1:18)!!!!! WOW, brother Ed and brother Greg and all who come here to read and post!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT?????!!!! TALK ABOUT BEYOND WHAT WE COULD ASK OR EVEN THINK!!!! WE LITERALLY, BY THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON SENT FORTH INTO OUR HEARTS ARE LITERALLY BORN FROM ABOVE INTO THAT MOST HOLY AND INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP WHICH THE SON HAS KNOWN “IN THE BOSOM OF HIS FATHER”(THAT PLACE OF MOST HOLY AND DIVINE INTIMATE AFFECTION) “FROM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, SO THAT WE COULD KNOW WITH ONE ANOTHER FOREVERMORE THAT SAME JOY OF THAT LOVE IN THAT SAME GLORY WHICH THE SON HIMSELF, THE ONE IN WHOM THE FATHER OF GLORY FINDS HIS DELIGHT HAS KNOWN “IN HIS BOSOM” (Jn.1:18) FROM BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD!!!! WHICH WAS THE “JOY SET BEFORE HIM” THAT JESUS WAS WILLING TO “ENDURE THE CROSS, DESPISING THE SHAME” AND THE VALUE WHICH JESUS CHRIST THE SON OF GOD AND NOW LORD OF ALL RECEIVED IN EXCHANGE FOR THE PRICE WHICH HE PAID IN HIS BODY OF FLESH ON THE CROSS OF CALVARY 2000+ YEARS AGO AND WITH HIS OWN SPOTLESS SINLESS BLOOD!!!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT???? (AND FOR WHICH HE WILL RECEIVE A FULL RETURN ON HIS INVESTMENT), NOT LOSING EVEN ONE WHOM THE FATHER HAS GIVEN TO HIM!!!! FOR HE IS “THE GOOD SHEPHERD OF THE SHEEP” WHO “LAYS DOWN HIS LIFE FOR THE SHEEP” AND “LEAVES THE 99 TO FIND THE ONE LOST SHEEP” AND “CALLS HIS SHEEP BY NAME”!!!!!WOW!!!!HOW AWESOME IS THAT DEAR BROTHER GREG AND ED AND ALL WHO COME HERE TO READ AND POST??????!!!!!!

          • Galaxy 500

            Dear Mark,
            I never called my Father anything but Father, Dad or Daddy. But my friends called him, Mr Galaxy. And I never called my friends father, Dad.
            There is only one that gets to call YHWH “Dad”. It’s his ONLY begotten Son.
            Just saying…
            And there is power in names. When you pray for someone you call out their name unto YHWH and ask in the Name of His Only Begotten SON, Jesus.

      • wayne hardin

        My Bible says.
        Matthew Chapter 6
        9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
        10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
        11 Give us this day our daily bread.
        12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
        13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
        And people want to say it used to say Father Jehovah .
        And ask me to prove it never said it .
        NO disrespect is intended !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        But please show where it did say it .
        I want to pray the right way .!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        I know Gods name is Jehovah.
        Please show me where Jesus said to pray to Father Jehovah .
        It the Bible not what a man said .

        No Joke .
        Wayne Hardin

        • Greg Hunter

          Unfortunately, dark powers have managed to cut the name Jehovah out of the bible thousands of times. You can still find the actual name of our God in the Bible in Exodus 6:3; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2; 26:4.

          My Bible scholar friend of mine says when Jesus said, “Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be they name” it was originally followed by “Jehovah.” That was cut out of the Bible as thousands of other references to Jehovah were cut. This is a huge spiritual scam.

          I pray to Jehovah in Christ Jesus name every day. It is a powerful combination demons and satan do NOT want you to use. ask yourself WHY!!!


    • Esme Watson Binghamton

      Dear Ed,
      The Scriptural Basis for Using “Jehovah” and “Yahweh”
      The Divine Name in the Scriptures
      The divine name, represented by the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), appears nearly 7,000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures1. This name is rendered as “Jehovah” in many translations, including the renowned American Standard Version and often overlooked New World Translation, as well as countless ancient buildings new and modern, manuscripts, articles & books, movies film and television and the most famous scene of all from the movie, “Raiders of The Lost Ark”, of the covenant!

      The pronunciation “Yahweh” is also considered by many scholars to be a more accurate representation, closer to the original Hebrew. However, the exact pronunciation has been lost over time till unfortunately thy, Christ’s Kingdom comes. But fortunately, the way the world is falling apart so fast now, shan’t be to long a wait now, eh!🛐

      Importance of Using God’s Personal Name
      Frequency and Significance: The divine name is the most frequently occurring name in the Bible, highlighting its importance. For example, Psalm 83:18 states, “May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth” King James.
      Personal Connection: Using God’s personal name fosters a closer, more intimate relationship with Him. Just as using someone’s personal name rather than a title can create a sense of familiarity and closeness, using “Jehovah” or “Yahweh” can help believers feel a more personal connection to God.
      Scriptural Mandate: God directed Bible writers to use His name. For instance, Joel 2:32 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved”. This indicates that God wants His name to be known and used by His followers.
      Historical Evidence: Ancient manuscripts, such as those found in Qumran, contain the divine name, showing that it was used in everyday language and worship.
      The Use of “Jehovah” and “Yahweh”
      While “Yahweh” might be a more accurate pronunciation, “Jehovah” has been widely accepted and used in many translations, maybe because it sounds more English than Hebrew, to the continental European as well. The key point is not the exact pronunciation but the recognition and use of God having a personal name. This is similar to how people use nicknames or shortened versions of names, like “Tom” instead of the full, more formal “Thomas”. That sometimes creates a sense of much more familiarity and affection, that’s most important.

      Refuting the Argument Against Using “Jehovah”
      Some argue that since the exact pronunciation of God’s name is unknown, it should not be used. However, this perspective overlooks the scriptural emphasis on the importance of God having a name, wither Yahweh or Jah, Jehovah. The Bible encourages believers to know and use God’s name, regardless of the exact pronunciation. The focus is on the personal relationship and recognition of God’s unique identity!

      Since Charlie Campbell brings up The JW’s in his article you provided Ed, “Is God’s Name Jehovah?” I went o the horses mouth so to speak, jw.org and found this information on the divine name helpful. it covers just about all the bases!
      Have a blessed rest of your day or night, where ever in this bad old world you reside. Esme, “Esmerelda”

  80. Robert Dziok

    Israel just seized the Crypto-Currencies of ALL Palestinians! Article reported about on 8/26/2024 by HalTurneRadioShow.com. Got Physical Gold and Silver? And in your posession? GOD’s money for thousands of years!

    • Ken Yu

      This shows that if you don’t have your money physically in your hands “It Can Be Seized” using some made up excuse (like it was done to “Counter Terrorism”)!! https://www.thestreet.com/crypto/news/binance-israel-palestine-crypto-hamas

    • Robert Dziok

      Bank of America (BOA) just advised it’s clients to buy Gold. This was just reported with document by Greg Mannarino on his Youtube channel.

  81. Gabby Mayse

    Tulsi Gabbard – Who Actually Runs The US Government?
    Chris Williamson 5,058,662 views Aug 5, 2024
    Tulsi Gabbard politician, military veteran, former U.S. Representative.
    Our elected officials are supposed to be in charge of the country we live in. But the more we learn about the inner workings of government, the less that seems to be true. So, who is really running the show, and what will the future of America look like for those who truly hold the power?
    What was Joe Biden actually like behind the scenes? Why RFK Jr’s campaign didn’t succeed with the party elite? The reason that Elon Musk’s X platform was so important during Trump’s assassination attempt, the truth behind Project 2025, Tulsi’s thoughts on Kamala Harris as presidential candidate and much more…

    The Crooked Democrat Machine?
    Rudy Giuliani: What Happened to America’s Mayor?
    Phil in the Blanks 316,939 views Aug 21, 2024
    From standing atop the rubble in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to being indicted and filing for bankruptcy. Dr. Phil sits down with “America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypml3tbncV8

  82. Galaxy 500

    While Limp Kemp declares he is on the side of the righteous, he does evil…
    This POS should be ostracized and shunned. He should be investigated and then tried for his part in the overthrow of the duly elected president Trump in 2020. Kemp is a viper.


    • Katy Bar

      That goes for New-scum and Her-ass too – https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1339127084/photo/vice-president-kamala-harris-joins-california-governor-gavin-newsom-in-campaigning-against.jpg?s=1024×1024&w=gi&k=20&c=nL0jSsRFOCVd6lLHMDEKrJ5vLFO3L9eqJUwH1-5UX48=
      All Vipers need to be thrown into a Hellish Pit (from which they cannot escape)!! Like the Sun for instance!!!

    • Earth Angel

      Its both heartbreaking and disgusting to realize the governor of your State is working against your freedoms. I knew Kemp was compromised when I heard he had been invited to speak at one of Klaus Schwab’s WEF meetings. That was the punch to the gut. Raffensberger our Secretary of State has been a real embarassment too. These guys are real cowards, letting the people of Georgia down when we need courageous leadership the most. I wish they had shown resolve in holding the line against tyranny like Texas, Tennessee or Florida is doing. Especially proud of Texas and the work the Texas AG is doing there. Georgia should be doing the same. That said, Kemp was the better choice between he or Stacy Abrams- who would have been a total disaster. Having Abrams for a governor would be about like having Harris as a president. We can only hope they aren’t able to cheat that #*%c* in again this November like they did in 2020. Georgia is TRUMP COUNTRY!

  83. Nanna Banana Bellson

    Democrat Lunacy?
    Lefties losing it: Kamala tries to speak without an autocue
    Sky News Australia 2,487,358 views Aug 22, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to Vice President Kamala Harris trying to answer questions from reporters.

    @couchrider6228 2 days ago
    I’m 62 yr. & live in rural Al. When I was a young man almost everybody here voted Democrat. But that’s not the case anymore in fact I know very few who will even consider voting Democrat. TRUMP 2024
    @JB-hq9bj4 days ago
    I can never vote Democrat again. They seem to have lost their minds. TRUMP 2024

    ‘So much gaslighting’: Sky News host blasts Democrats at DNC
    Sky News Australia 312,076 views Aug 22, 2024 Power Hour
    This week on Power Hour: Why Trump’s campaign is set to soar, Democrats veer “too far left”, RFK Jr set to endorse Trump, the Obamas “gaslight” at the DNC, “brainwashed” women are supporting Kamala, and anti-Israel protests in Chicago erupt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cQwClFLrj0

  84. Led Skeletor

    Move over prostitution…. During the biden administration, lawlessness has become the number one occupation in America. More people “earn a living” by stealing in America than any other occupation. Why this isn’t the number one story in the MSM says the MSM doesn’t care about the law.

    It is to the point where they’re going to call in the National Guard to follow everyone around as they shop inside stores in every racially diverse city. WHY THE every racially diverse city? THAT IS WHERE IS MAJORITY OF THE CRIME ARE COMMITTED!! MSM will then run the racial profiling story full hilt, and all supporters of the law, especially white people, will become SUPER-RACISTS, even more that they are shamed today.

    Babysit the crooks, or let’s bring back the hanging judges. The problem is we don’t have 100 million extra law-enforcement people to police the other 275 million people. Even if we did, the judges and local governments will just let the felons out “Scot free.”

    I’m expecting complete inner city business collapses sooner than later.

    If 75% of the inner city people are stealing, I say lock them all up!! A safe, civil, law abiding society comes first. No, instead they want to give the death penalty to anyone that wrong thinks the DEI-BLM-LGBT plus sizes BS. Upside down Planet of the Apes.

  85. Laura Parsons

    VIDEO: FDA Board Confesses to Testing Unsafe Products on Children
    by Infowars August 27th 2024 They said they have to approve it to see what it does.

  86. Galaxy 500

    Can you believe this? The Mayor of Chit-Congo can’t keep local stores safe so they close and leave town. And some how, His Honor (laughable true) the Mayor is gonna open stores of his own. Plus they aren’t paying their bills on time. So who is gonna sell stuff to a bankrupt city where you may not get paid and if you do it a year later…

  87. John

    Looking forward to you having a new guest instead of regurgitation.

  88. Galaxy 500

    Break our laws, get a green card, drive a van for Amazon and hit and run giving citizens brain damage and get let out the next day. When the revolution starts, these judges doing this stupid Shiite need to be tried and then hanged at dawn the next day.

  89. Mary

    Ha,Ha…. you are here with the rest of us. God wants us to endure this, and we will! Blessings and love to all! God is good!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      I am happy to be here. In want to see Jesus come back. Jesus said, “There would be no flesh left if the days were not shortened. So for the sake of the elect the days shall be shortened.” Be the elect!!

  90. Coal Burner

    Hey Greg: You are looking great. Rested and full of energy! Martin is good to start with. Thanks You both for what you do.

  91. Tom Grier

    what has been sickening me lately is the fact that Wikipedia lists Jared Kushner and Peter Thiel, major Vance supporter and founder of Paypal as Bilderberger participants. At this rate, is Trump really to be trusted?

    • Greg Hunter

      Wikipedia is NOT a source. I could not use it as a source while I was at CNN in 2007. They would not allow it because it is unreliable. It’s a small world at the very top.

  92. timmy taes

    WW III is almost a certainty. The Anglo-American elites want war. The USA and the UK are in debt traps. Only war can get them out.
    The next two months will be very dangerous for us all.

  93. timmy taes

    Martin needs to clean his room. What would his mother think?

  94. timmy taes

    If Trump wants to really clean up DC, he should read; well, Trump doesn’t read; Trump should watch the 5.5-hour documentary on Huey P. Long. You can look it up on YouTube. Huey used the National Guard against his opponents. Huey played hardball politics.

  95. Becky

    Welcome back, Greg! So glad you are doing well. We missed you! Martin Armstrong is my favorite guest!

  96. Phil

    Relieved and thankful to see you back, and BEST WISHES/PRAYERS for continued recovery !
    I believe this observation needs to be shared with AS MANY VOTERS as possible.

    DO NOT MISTAKE Harris’s hiding from the press (even friendly as it is) and shallow vacuous responses to ANY inquiries on POLICY (rambling about GOALS and Rainbows, NOT PLANS !) as resulting from being Ditzy or Stupid, copying Trump, or reversing her previous beliefs – she WANTS you to think that !
    FLASH- She is following the Vladomir Zelinsky (Ukraine) playbook ! Say WHATEVER it takes to everyone and anyone (PARTICULARLY TO MSM viewing low information VOTERS) TO GET ELECTED ! AFTER THAT, all your “positions” will be DROPPED faster than Joe Biden’s used undies ! And THEN you can (WILL !) do EVERYTHING you REALLY planned to do ALL ALONG ! ZELINSKY got elected PROMISING to work for PEACE — UNTIL he TOOK OFFICE ! Same plan here, because NO MATTER what the fund raising RETURN ADDRESS says, BOTH their REAL CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS are in Langley VA, and the specialty there is REGIME CHANGE –by ANY MEANS NECESSARY !
    Stay Blessed, Stay Healthy, and stay AWARE !

  97. Jim P

    Martin and Greg,
    Re: Your comments about neocons’ obsessive fear and hatred of Russia.
    Until a few years ago I was able to find, on the web, narratives that AlexanderI refused to sign the Congress of Vienna, and that Talleyrand, Metternich, and their neocon ilk of that time were extremely upset with him (and Russia).
    Now, all that I can find online are narratives that:
    1. Alexander was ‘OK’ with the outcome of the Congress
    2. He even helped to draw new borders in Europe
    3. They all parted happily for 99 years without a major war and plenty of pink unicorns.
    Has anyone heard the former narrative I mentioned?
    Thanks, and Cheers, Jim P

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