Biblical Intervention Against Evil Alpha Predators – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s 

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny says things are so evil and out of control that the only way to stop evil from killing off mankind and destroying the planet is a Biblical intervention must happen from the hand of God.  Polny’s recent best-selling book called “Revelation The Good News” is helping people understand the spiritual and physical fight happening now between Jesus and Satan in what many are calling “The Last Days” or “End Times.”  Polny says, ” If God intervenes, nobody in their right mind is going to miss what is about to happen.  The prophecies are saying everything goes dark.  So, the internet goes down.  TVs go down and the news media, everything goes dark.  The entire world goes dark for a period of time.  Could this happen in September?  There is a huge probability that it can.  Can it happen in October on the Elul (29) cycle (Oct 2nd)?  There is a huge probability.  Could this happen before the election?  Again, a huge probability. . . . This is God’s plan, not mine.  What I am telling you is God is going to intervene before or into the election because these people are alpha predators, and they will not stop.  They will not stop—period.  They have proven to us what they can do in 2020, and now we know what they will do.  So, we do need a Biblical intervention or nothing changes.  I do want to tell you prophecy tells us God is going to intervene on the world.”

Polny says the only way you can explain all the crazy things happening now is clear.  Polny says. “We are living in Biblical times.”

Polny also contends, “We are not going to have World War III, at least not yet.  WWIII is in the future, and we are stepping into a window of divine favor.”

Polny also predicts bad news for the US dollar, and a sudden downward revaluation is coming soon.  Polny says, “The dollar has to crash because if it does not, nothing is going to change.  They used the dollar to build Babylon.  The financial system is how they control anybody and everybody.   This includes elections, politicians and presidents.  Everything is controlled by the Federal Reserve that is not federal and has no reserves.  I believe the dollar will lose one third of its value overnight.  Again, there is a big probability that it happens in September or October.  If it does go down overnight by one third, that will break the bond market or collapse the bond market.  It will also suddenly collapse all mortgages.  It will be the complete and utter destruction of the financial system.  This is fulfilling prophecy, and that is ‘The brothers of Goliath (the BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China).  They stand in glee; we will cripple you.’  They will ruin the credit of the US.  So, the financial credit system of the United States will be destroyed by the collapse of the dollar when the BRICS attack.”

Polny also predicts gold and silver prices will go much higher this year as well.

There is much more in the 1-hour 16-minute in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny, author of the new book called “Revelation: The Good News” for 9.7.24.

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After the Interview:

You can find free information on

To order Polny’s new book called “Revelation: The Good News, Understanding God’s Timeline into 2030 and Beyond,” click here.  (Remember to use the promo code USA to get 50% off.)

If you want to see Polny’s free power point presentation called “September 17-23 Surprise 2024,” click here.

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  1. Anthony Australia

    God bless you Greg!

    • Anthony Australia

      Interesting how religious differences can be pushed aside when money and power are involved.
      B = Christianity
      R = Christianity
      I = Hinduism
      C = Communist Atheism or in secret Buddhism and Taoism with a Confucian background.
      S = Christianity

      • Galaxy 500

        There hasn’t been any to stress the relationship. Remember OPEC…
        Also, India has a high % of moslem which is a recipe for disaster

    • Anthony Australia

      Bret Weinstein On IgG4 and Covid Vaccine as Bioweapon

      • Kit Lee

        “The lies (told about the Covid Jab) then and now are mind boggling. The people who continue to lap up the lies about the (C19 Vaccine) are beyond reach. The poison unleashed (by the Kill Shot) into the population will be with us for (a very) long time.”
        – Edward Dowd

        • Paul

          We need a biblical intervention. I hope it is targeted accordingly.

          Paul fro arkansas

    • Truth

      UN sessions are scheduled for sep/22/2024 and sep/23/2024

      • Jeffrobbins

        Very interesting because the BRICS have a summit sep. 22 thru 24. Some people expect them to formally announce the “Unit”. Presently ‘they’ say it will be 40% gold backed, 60% member currency backed/convertible. The actual transfer system is supposed to be block chain. It should set the internet ablaze if true. Gold and silver are Gods money- smart to have some.

        • Galaxy 500

          Do you believe you could demand your 40% gold from China, South Africa, etc? And Blockchain hasn’t proven to be as secure as supposed. And it will become less secure over time.
          But having gold and silver in your possession… that advice is golden

      • Art Simpson

        RE 6:8 war and 1/4th the earth killed is due.

    • Anthony Australia

      Proof Tucker is OWNED? Tucker BANS Stew From Major Event!

  2. Justn Observer

    Greg, DNC vote sifting plan already in place…is the warning here along with the very dangerous SAVE ACT set to go…
    People need to wake up !

    • Jim Frikkie

      Justin Observer,
      Looks like Marko Elias Brothers and Jack Assets’backward’s Smith, had the video removed? Figures! If somebody doesn’t stop that pair on the ground, they’ll be no sacred ground, the United States to walk on!

  3. Don Doerr Sr.

    The Church is an important component of these dangerous times.
    At first many Catholics felt guilty for questioning the authority of Pope Francis, but he is questioning the authority of Jesus, and it is Jesus to Whom we must then answer. The Church, like America under the Antichrist Obama, is under siege. We must help to preserve the Church, not help Francis to modify or even undermine it. What saddens true Catholics is that most of their bishops and priests are following Francis to protect their positions and pension plans. They are afraid to speak up. Those who do speak up are being punished. The True Mass must once again Reflect the 1st Mass – The Last Supper – and we must once again be guided by the Bible and the 10 Commandments.
    “WILL YOU ALSO LEAVE ME? – Jesus asks all of us.
    The Church is, of course, only one component of the threats facing America, but each segment of the Threat is consubstantial.

    • Dan Fournier

      I’ve just published an 81-page report on the infiltration and subversion of the Church:

      Pope Francis: the Freemasonic Antipope, a New World Religion for a New World Order. May God intervene to help us all.



    • Michael

      Mother Mary, in her many apparitions abd especially those at La Salette, Akita, and Fatima, warned of the apostasy that you describe in the Church leadership and called on the faithful lay Catholics to hold the faith independent of the Church leadership when leadership abandons Christ and Christian morality. We must pray the rosary daily and must hold the true faith even as the leadership abandons it. I would strongly recommend the book ‘Revelations: The Hidden Secret Messages and Prophecies of the Blessed Virgin Mary’ by Xavier Reyes-Ayral. This book provides a comprehensive review of Mother Mary’s apparitions and associated warnings. If people do not repent and return to God, the most challenging of times lie ahead.

    • Galaxy 500

      The Pope has forgotten the Face of Christ and no longer believes the Word.

      • Blackie Green

        The Pope is a Satan worshiping pedophile!

  4. Marie Joy

    I, strongly, suggest we, all, learn to can our food, bake bread with and without an oven, and, in general, learn to do without modern conveniences. Youtube can be a great teacher. Years ago, I knew a family that canned their garden produce on an outdoor stone fireplace they made. It was two? feet high to make lifting heavy, and hot, pots easier.
    I want to teach the family how to can. We’ll see. It should have been taught before now but…

    • Anthony Australia

      Couldn’t agree more MJ. We have regular Sunday baking days and enjoy it immensely. Mooncakes on the menu today and way cheaper than paying $10 each.
      YouTube is great for learning; I fondly remember phoning relatives for advice and sharing recipes, that was before mind controlling predictive programming.l consumed them.

      • Anthony Australia

        Couldn’t agree more MJ. We have regular Sunday baking days and enjoy it immensely. Mooncakes on the menu today and way cheaper than paying $10 each.
        YouTube is great for learning; I fondly remember phoning relatives for advice and sharing recipes, that was before mind controlling predictive programming consumed them.

    • Susan Russo

      Yes Marie, I am in the process of picking my Concord grapes and making jam.

    • James

      Marie Joy, Please do a detailed investigation and research as to the origins of the word Vatican , small hint it isn’t from Latin , it was much earlier, but if you ever find the true origin , well what you do from there will be of your own volition .

  5. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Great report and testimony, Greg and Bo.

  6. Ed Mustafo

    The next Fed meeting is on the 17-18th of September so if they cut rates we could see a knee jerk higher in the markets at first but then a sharp sell off the following week for the markets and the U.S. dollar maybe around the 23-24th ? Full Harvest Moon on the 17th . Interesting timing.

  7. Robert Dziok

    “King Dollar” goes down the toilet = “World Evil” goes down the toilet.
    “Flush and Repeat” as needed.

    • Galaxy 500

      While I agree that the current US govt is evil, the normal people of the US are not.

  8. Cliven Bundy

    Danny Haiphong 178,437 views Streamed live on Sep 6, 2024
    Brian Berletic of The New Atlas ( / @thenewatlas ) returns to the show to discuss Ukraine’s deteriorating situation on the front as Russia makes huge gains despite embarrassment in Kursk. How did this happen? This stream answers this question and looks ahead to where this conflict is heading, both on the battlefield and in the larger geopolitical arena.

    LIVE | Orban Exposes West In Most Explosive Interview | Russia-Ukraine War | NATO | Hungary | Putin
    Hindustan Times Started streaming 18 hours ago
    Speaking at the 50th TEHA Forum in Cernobbio, Italy, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán highlighted the Ukraine-Russia conflict’s exposure of Europe’s military weakness, calling for strengthening the EU’s defense capabilities either within or outside NATO. Orbán, the current rotating president of the Council of the European Union, emphasized the need for communication, a ceasefire, and then a peace plan to resolve the war. He expressed hope that former U.S. President Donald Trump, if re-elected, could help garner international support for his peace mission. Orbán defended his ‘interference’ in the U.S. election, citing U.S. meddling in Hungarian domestic affairs. He also criticized the EU’s green deal and red tape for hurting competitiveness and opposed EU-imposed migration policies, backing national decision-making on the issue. Orbán’s controversial remarks underscore his unique position within the EU and his alignment with Trump’s foreign policy approach.

    BREAKING NEWS: Trump Holds Surprise Press Briefing Where He Again Attacks E. Jean Carroll
    Forbes Breaking News 107,035 views Sep 6, 2024
    Former President Trump holds a press briefing following an appeal hearing for the E. Jean Carroll verdict.

  9. Shirl

    WOW…Praise Almighty Father God Lord Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit !!! AMEN

  10. George MUBAREK

    Jesus said that “no man knows the Day or Hour”.

    • Greg Hunter

      Yes George, but we will know the season. We are in the season on end times.

      • Blackie Green

        So, what are you doing about it?

        • Greg Hunter

          I am broadcasting to ungrateful lackeys like you for free. What are you doing about it? Anonymously trolling me and my readers and viewers?

          • Cosmo

            Bravo, Greg!
            Love your spunk!

          • Laz

            GREG IS BACK. Prayers Answered.

        • Kevin jaegli

          Ive been closely watching the propaganda collapse as ukrain front lines collapse and begin to disentigrate. Now it seems, mass propaganda in isreal is also collapsing and we start to hear and see that isreal has been actively conducting genocide and is wanted to face trial in the international criminal courts. Churchill was correct when he said:”the first victim of war is the truth. “. it is very sad that so many were fooled into believing ukrainian and isreali lies. Now both nations are at risk of permanently dissolving when all they needed to do was negotiate honestly and strive for peace. Nobody learns anything from Alexander the Great, Napoleon or Hitler. You cannot force the world to accept raw lies for long. The truth will come out. For Napoleon it was denial of winter in russia. For Hitler the lies were abominable slaughter in camps and an exhausted army. For ukrain everything is a fake nato puppet war. For isreal 187000 dead palestinians are starting to be noticed in media leaks day after day. A deluge of crimanal acts will soon be revealed and myriad indictments begin. Isreal will never survive the fallout from their current behaviour. Sadly it will end in Nurembourg again. OR the hague. zelisky will face the same charges as milosevic. netanyaho will face similar charges that were read to mengele and goehring.

          • Galaxy 500

            Hi Kevin
            Truth was the first victim in your post and Israel was the second.
            You wrote,” For isreal 187000 dead palestinians”
            Are you getting these numbers from Hamas? Criminal acts revealed? Like Hamas hiding rockets in Schools and hospitals? Murdering unarmed women and babies?
            Israel will survive. Israel is at war against the terrorist which is every one in the Gaza Strip. Palestinians train their preschoolers to be suicide bombers. Evil people in the UN will no doubt bring charges against Israel and no one cares.

        • Galaxy 500

          Hey Greenie,
          He has prepared his heart for our Lord Jesus and he has prepared for societal upheaval. What have you done?

    • FarmerJ

      That was a hebrew idiom for the feast of trumpets. His people were to not be kept off guard because they knew he was coming back in that generation (within 40 years) and that it was the last days and end of the age as repeated so often in the NT. Daniel even had a 490 year timeline that was ending first century.

  11. dave bravehart

    LIVE: Elon Musk Joins Trump in Fiery Debate with Kamala Harris
    Tesla US Started streaming 4 hours ago #Trump #Harris
    Join us for an in-depth discussion on whether Kamala Harris stands as a formidable candidate against Donald Trump.

    LIVE | Russia Attacks Ukraine Parliament Premises; Explosions Rock Kyiv, Zelensky’s Base Hit
    Times Of India Started streaming 20 hours ago
    Russia launched a massive drone attack on Kyiv, with debris found near Ukraine’s parliament building. Ukrainian forces claim to have shot down 58 out of 67 drones in the overnight assault. The attack, using long-range Shahed drones, caused damage but no casualties. This marks an escalation in Russian air strikes on Kyiv.

    America’s New Nuclear War Plan: Time to Panic? | Amb. Jack Matlock, Col. Larry Wilkerson, Ted Postol
    Dialogue Works 23,102 views Sep 7, 2024 Interviews
    -Dr. Ted Postol, MIT Professor Emeritus and one of the world’s leading experts on nuclear weapons
    – Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson, retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff of Secretary of State Colin Powell
    -Ambassador Jack Matlock, a scholar of Russian history and culture who was President Reagan’s choice for the crucial post of ambassador to the Soviet Union
    -Colonel (ret.) Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schreiber, Senior Research Fellow at the WeltTrends Institute for International Politics in Potsdam, Germany
    -Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard of the Swiss Armed Forces, consultant on military-strategic affairs
    -Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute founder

  12. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg,
    Are you still sending email notifications about new interviews?
    If so, I am not receiving. I am making a fresh expresso and will have some yogurt as I watch.
    We love Bo!

    • Greg Hunter

      I just checked it went out last night around 10:30 pm central time.

      • Galaxy 500

        Hi Greg,
        I didn’t get it. I am going to sign up again. Being on the e-Mail list is more important now than ever.

  13. Bob

    worldwide event in the latter half of September? That is a big call. Would not surprise me if it does happen with all the other nonsense going on. Strap in, it is getting wild.

  14. Sally

    Sabina Wallace of nonvaxed420 says we will be invaded by the Chinese this year…either by direct attack or by illness she did not know.

    • Galaxy 500

      They have been coming across the Southern border for years. Really in high gear now, thanks to Beijing Biden And Kamala the Communist.

  15. Galaxy 500

    The FBI knew about and likely interacted with the demon possessed child. The mother called and warned them…

    • Earth Angel

      Yes, We are hearing about this school shooting nonstop every day on the local news channels here in Georgia, BUT.. A good friend of mine made an interesting point when he asked me “How come we continue to hear about this shooting daily- yet NOTHING is being reported on the attempted assasination of President DJT ?”( from only a few weeks ago?! ) Absolutely NO REPORTING or INVESTIGATION of THAT CRIME!… A pretty stark contrast, huh?! Where’s the OUTRAGE on THAT ONE by the LLM?!

  16. Katy Bar

    God has “A Very Profound Sense of Humor”!! How do I know?? Well isn’t it funny how God allowed Bribe’n to Call Out to the Entire World (To Flood The Border) resulting in an Illegal Alien Chart that Trump turned To Look At (and thus Saved His Life from the Evil Demon Rat Globalists Planned Kill Shot)!!! And, look how God (by allowing many Demon Rats to die of the Globalists Covid Plandemic Kill Shot) messed up the Evil Globalists plans to “Vaccinate The Entire World” with their Extremely Deadly Monkey Pox Shot (smiling on how he prevented the Demons from Exterminating 8 Billion People)!! Now, I wonder “What Other Laughs” God Has Planned to Mess Up the Evil Plans of the Immoral Sexually Deviant Commie Globalists (who routinely sexually abuse, then roast Babies and eat them at their Bohemian Grove Celebrations)?? One Very Big Laugh I see coming is that God will keep Gold rising, and Silver following so the Evil Globalists “Will be Forced to Dump their Bank and other Stock Holdings To Cover Their Massive Short Positions (especially in Silver)”!! And another Big Smile will come on seeing The Value of all the Paper US Dollars the Globalists have Robbed and Schemed to Accumulate Over the Years go to ABSOLUTE ZERO!! However the “Biggest Belly Laugh Of All” will come upon Seeing “Mortal Human Beings” Actually WINNING OVER SATAN by Sending His Top Demon Sporn Globalists here on Earth “On One-Way Rocket Ride Directly Into The Hell Fires of the SUN”!!!

  17. Brianroy

    The fall of the USA probably will NOT be until Friday, April 13, 2029, if the Apophis asteroid is the Biblical one that will crash into the Mediterranean Sea on Day 1290-1291 of the Tribulation Period, when AntiChrist enters the Temple and declares “Anochi Elohim” / “I am G-D”. We lived through great unrest as a nation, and survived Nixon’s Watergate hearings, his stepping down August 8 1974 and his PARDON by President Ford on September 8 1974. From 1970 to 1974 the world changed for many of us in suburban America, where we had to lock our doors. Now, it will be shooting imported foreign terrorists with machetes and guns breaking into our dwellings, but the end is not yet.
    In Revelation 8:11 there is an important asteroid that is revealed when the 3rd Trump of Revelation 8:10 is sounded, and immediately seen in the English and Russian multi-translation
    “And the name of the star is called WORMWOOD [in Russian: “Chernobyl”]: and the third part of the waters became Wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter [read “radioactive”].”
    The Apophis asteroid is slated to enter within the orbit that communications satellites at high altitude geostationary transfer orbits have. These are listed by the European Space Agency as being roughly 22,236 miles or 35,786 kilometers as their limit. In contrast, Apophis will enter a lower orbit of 19,000 miles or 30,600 kilometers. Because the moon will be drawn closer to the Earth at this time, the gravitational pull will likely alter the course of Apophis 99942 toward the Earth also, and there will be a Medium Orbit missile launch attempted shoot down / break up of the Asteroid which will fail and send it down like a Chernobyl rock, probably just south of Crete.
    If the USA is the Mystery Babylon that is RICH in trade and so forth for the Kings and Merchants of the Earth to Wail over in grief in Revelation 18, then it needs to be able to CONTINUE. This is why I will disagree with so many who predict an utter destruction or collapse, when the Bible tells us it is temporary until it is destroyed in a single hour some 3 1/2 years (in my understanding) after the Tribulation Period begins, and transitions to the Great Day Of The LORD or the Day of the LORD’s Wrath, if you will. Trust the Bible FIRST, and require we ALL conform to what GOD says in it to us. My perspective, my opinion.
    If the above is the case, the TRIBULATION PERIOD and the reveal of AntiChrist will NOT happen until mid-September 2025, with the 2 Great Witnesses teleported or stepping through some kind of wormhole in time in Jerusalem 26 1/2 days after the “between the evenings” 7 year Peace Treaty is signed by AntiChrist and others. The United States can have a Depression and rebound, give away states to China, Russia, Mexico, but still be intact enough at say 37 states, just for an example, to still be mystery Babylon and have a rebounded thriving economy at that time.

  18. Galaxy 500

    This is what Kamala offers America…
    Where elites thrive and the little people starve and suffer…

    • Ken Yu

      Everyone needs to see the Presidential Debate between Trump and Commie Kamala (before it is removed from YouTube)!!

      • Galaxy 500

        It was hilarious…
        Trump v. Kamala the Kommunist and the less than Moderators. A 1 v. 3 and Trump wiped the floor with them. Kamala is truly an idiot. She is proof of the old adage, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you (add sex act that rhymes with know here 😉 )”
        She is corrupt, she will do anything for power and absolutely anything to retain power.
        We know that Beijing Biden and his wife don’t like Kamala. Rumor has it the “Dr… no not a real doctor” Jill absolutely hates Kamala. We also know Biden isn’t controlling anything, and I doubt Kamala is in charge of anything more important than the distribution of closet space.
        So you have to ask, “ Who is really pulling the levers of power?”

  19. P Hester

    Greg, I’m so glad you’re healing so quickly. I look forward to many more interviews to come. But I won’t be listening to this one. I always boycott the polny interview.

    • Greg Hunter

      Then why come here and say anything? Sorry you did not like my free interview with a best-selling author.

    • Jerry

      Out of curiosity, what do you not like about him? I am genuinely asking.

  20. Richard Longacre

    The UN Summit on the Future is being held on 22-23 September. Their goal is to sign/agree to the “Pact of the Future”. This is the largest sovereignty stealing “Treaty” in history and may well be the “Covenant with Death” starting Daniel’s 70th week (final 7 years).

    I expect this Treaty to be ratified either on 2-3 October on Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), or 23 October on the last day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles ) where we also have the 4 gas giant planets aligning in a square around the earth. I am expecting major events from this planetary alignment like tidal events, massive earthquakes, volcano eruptions, plasma storms, mud floods, floods, and a bunch more to happen globally.
    I also am looking at 5 November stolen election day where we have another solar eclipse as well for the signing of this Treaty. I guess we will all know soon enough. .

  21. Susan Russo

    Your survival of a heart attack was for this, Greg. Bo’s prophecy is in alignment with your connection with Jesus and our Father, Jehovah. You came to this through the possible death that may have been, with our Creator. Your life has been given a ministry in time that equals the Creation.
    If life here prevails, the survivors will not be either or, only of this victory, and I say that will be Our Glory.

  22. Rod Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr Greg Hunter
    Is Our Ultimate American Patriot
    GOD himself saved Trump to Win in November
    Stay Well my Brother

  23. Galaxy 500

    A buddy just emailed me a screenshot of a hat he just bought…
    It say… “The Hoe is just as bad as Joe” with both “E”s stylized.
    Damn, gonna buy on ASAP.
    Greg, if you had a USA Watchdog Hat, T-Shirt and maybe a hoodie, I would wear it around town. I had a T-Shirt but I wore it out

    “If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything”

    • Kit Lee

      G 500 – Get the Hat (and the Song)!! Now moving up to Top Spot in the South!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Oh, Wow… hadn’t seen that. Thanks for the laugh

        • Kit Lee

          G 500 – Did you see this?? It’s “very much” to the point!!!

          • Galaxy 500

            Aw, Kit… ROFLMAO
            “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!”
            What a creative genius these people are.
            Thank you, Kit. It these trying times laughter is as essential as scary black rifles

  24. John Maskell

    Thanks for having Bo Polny on. You have great guests Greg . I hope you’re health is improving because you look good on every interview . Thank God that you pulled through . All the best John . PS, whatever happens to us in the future , they will never divide us in our creators eyes ! We shall be placed in God’s garden among nature and beauty . We never die my brother , we are immortal .

  25. Mark Benassi

    Check the reading for September 23 for Elul 20 which is the same day. Deuteronomy 29:9-28. It is all about God’s final judgement and the choice the Jewish people must make to follow God or not.

  26. War Monger

    The fate of all Western civilization…

    • Katy Bar

      To KEEP OUR REPUBLIC (the Founding Fathers gave to us in 1776) WE MUST IMMEDIATELY PUT “TWO YEAR TERM LIMITS” ON EVERYONE WHO TAKES A JOB IN GOVERNMENT (TO SERVE OUR NATION LIKE A SOLDIER DOES)!!! And at the end of their “Service to our Nation” we should “Automatically Claw Back Under the RICO LAWS ” All and Any Ill Gotten Wealth (that they may have Surreptitiously Accumulated During those Two Years of Service to their Nation (All Money Beyond their Normal Salary)!!! “Our Representatives” (if they Patriotically Want to Serve our Nation) Need To Understand That When They Give Two Years of Service To Their Country “IT IS NOT FOR PRIVATE GAIN”!!!

      • Ken Yu

        “OUR REPRESENTATIVE” Trump served for four(4) years and is now seeking to serve another four(4) years!! But that’s OK!! Because so far in “Serving Our Country” Trump has “Lost a Billion Dollars of his Private Wealth”!!! So, it is not so much “The Years of Service to Our Country that Matters” but the “Economic Loss our Representatives are Willing To Give Up” IN SERVICE TO OUR NATION!!!! And as the Bible says: “You Judge a Man by his Fruits”, and to willingly “put ones life on the line for your Country (like many Patriots have)” is “One Big Damn Fruit”!!!
        As for Bribe’n’s “Non-service to our Country” Making Himself Wealthy “by Hurting our Nation” (with his Open Border, Oil Pipeline Shutdown, Etc., Etc., Etc.) he has been removed! Athough we have a policy of “not locking up” those who step into the ring to “Serve our Nation” we “SHOULD NOT ALLOW THEM TO LEAVE” WITH “TRUCK LOADS OF ILL GOTTEN WEALTH” That They Accumulated by “NOT SERVING THE INTERESTS OF OUR NATION” (but the Interests of Foreign Nations and Rich Globalists)!! Therefore, Our Nation should use the “RICO LAWS” To CLAW BACK “All THE MONEY” Bribe’n Surreptitiously Accumulated While Supposedly Serving Our Nation!!!

        • Kit Lee

          Although we have had a policy of “Not Locking Up” those who step into the ring to “Serve our Nation” – THAT POLICY WAS NOT APPLIED TO TRUMP BY THE DEMON RATS!! Therefore, It looks like God Almighty has slyly opened up the way for us to actually lock up all the Criminal Demon Rats and RINO Republicans who have taken bribes under the table from various Nations (from China to Israel) and thus SAVE OUR NATION “UNDER GOD’s PROTECTION” With Liberty and Finally Justice (not Just-Us) For All!!!

        • Galaxy 500

          You are correct… Trump amassed his fortune in business and real estate. Trump served us… at great cost to himself and even donated his salary to charity.
          To contrast this, Bribin Biden and Communist Kamala, who amassed their fortunes thru bribery and other unsavory means at the expense of the people … at great loss of freedom and fortune for We the People.

  27. Richard Longacre

    Silver is the most undervalued asset in the world today.
    Silver is mined out of the ground at about 7/1 to gold (7/1 S/G Ratio) not the 80-90/1 S/G ratio we have been led to accept (i.e. Spot Prices) by manipulation of fraudulent paper/digital/derivative markets (i.e. COMEX).

    When this manipulation ends (and it will end as Mystery Babylon (USAinc) loses control of the world) the “true S/G Ratio” will be recalculated/revalued globally by necessity to something closer to 7/1 S/G (16/1 S/G ratio was the norm for hundreds of years but that was the true mining ratio back then).

    Today gold is at ~$2,500 and silver at ~$28.
    Gold is holding steadily at this all-time high (not counting for inflation).
    Gold is 3X its 1980 high while silver is only at 60% of its 1980 high (again, not even accounting for inflation since 1980).

    When this old system of silver (and gold) manipulation ends the price of both in USD terms will be multiples higher, especially as the purchasing power of the $USD drops to zero.

    Officially the FED tells us our dollar is worth $0.03 cents now but it is more like $0.01 cent already.
    Before the FED was created in 1913 an ounce of gold was worth $10, so, $20 USD fit into 2 ounces of gold.
    Now $5,000 USD fits into 2 ounces of gold. This is a 250X increase (or decrease in purchasing power).
    This means that in reality the USD has lost 99.6% of its purchasing power since the FED created our fiat (by decree) debt based system so don’t laugh when I tell you it will go to zero.
    Every single fiat currency ever created in history (Thousands of them) have failed and gone to zero and so will the USD (they are simply stealing that last 0.4% that is left still and preparing us for their total life control system cashless CBDCs).

    In 1913 a silver dollar (made out of 90% pure silver) would buy 10 cans of Cambel’s soup (or $0.10 cents each can).
    Today that same silver dollar that sells for about $36 USD will buy you between 25-35 cans of soup (So 2.5 to 3X increase in purchasing power of 90% silver coins).
    You can get about ¾ of a single can of soup now for $1 USD fiat currency.

    The only way to protect yourself and your family financially through what is coming (I believe very soon) is with physical silver and gold (along with zero debt, stored up food, water, weapons, and the rest of the self-sufficient/prepping tactics).
    At this point with gold being at an all-time high I only recommend silver because silver will outperform gold probably by 4 or 5 to 1.
    I also at this point only recommend USA Constitutional silver (pre-1965 90% dimes and quarters) and maybe some newer US minted silver eagles.

    BTW: An old 90% silver dime sells for about $2.40 right now so you can buy 2 cans of soup with it (So it has doubled in real purchasing power).
    Gasoline was $0.25 cents a gallon when I was young (Pre-1965) and now it is $3.00+/gallon.
    That same 90% silver quarter is worth about $6 now so you can get 2 gallons of gas for that same 90% silver quarter (So it has doubled in real purchasing power).

    The choice is yours. This is not a get rich quick thing but it can help protect your wealth and future purchasing power as our nation and the world work through this fiat currency (and gold and silver) revaluation and global hyperinflationary depression already in progress.

    • Katy Bar

      Just Three(3) “Silver” War Nickels [1942 – 1945] has as Much Silver in them as Four(4) Silver Roosevelt Dimes. So having just 3 War Nickels tucked away in your cookie jar is like having 8 cans of Campbell’s Soup stored away on your emergency food storage shelf (that won’t ever expire or go bad)!!

      • Ken Yu

        War Nickels “Were Always the Better Buy”, even way back in 1942 when you got just as much silver (for 15 cents in 3 Nickels) as you got in 4 Dimes (costing 40 cents)!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        The collectors value is higher than the melt value

        • Ken Yu

          The US Dollar collapse has been accelerating over the last 24 years as can be seen by the gold price on the following chart!!
          The fed lowering interest rates may push the price of Gold down by about one hundred dollars but as can be seen in the above chart the US dollar has now “broken below its expanding downward wedge”!!!

          • Kit Lee

            Have not heard from Stan lately, who has been selling Gold “short” since it hit $1200 per ounce, and has recently shorted more Gold at $1700 per ounce. I would like to know if he is now shorting more Gold at $2500 per ounce?? The reason I would like to know is because I use Stan’s pronouncements about how he is selling Gold short “as a contrary indicator” to buy even more Gold for myself!!!

          • Galaxy 500

            Regular 1964 and before 90% silver coins are a good buy

    • Nat

      Thank you, Richard! I agree.
      “He who has ears let him hear.”

  28. Carol A Bolt

    I like Bo as he has a good perspective on what may be and what has happened in the past. Good to see your doing interviews again Greg. Take care and relax when you can. God Bless. Pray for Trump. I’m pretty sure God is right there with him. No matter what evil throws at him they are constantly being undermined in the most comical ways. I love it.

  29. Perl Baily

    Teachings indicate that the current system of things will continue until the end, with people engaging in everyday activities like marriage. The end will come suddenly, and Babylon the Great, representing false religion, will be destroyed by global forces. These events are described in various scriptures, including Matthew 24:37-39 and Revelation 17-18.

    The System of Things at the End
    The Bible indicates that the current system of things will continue until the end times. Jesus mentioned that people would still be living their everyday lives, including getting married, right up until the end. In Matthew 24:37-39, Jesus says:

    “For as the days of Noah were, so the coming of the Son of Man will be. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:37-39, ESV).

    This passage emphasizes that life will seem normal to many people until the end comes suddenly, like a thief in the night.

    Global Forces Attack on Babylon the Great
    The Bible describes Babylon the Great as a symbol of false religion and its eventual destruction by global forces. Revelation 17:1-5 describes Babylon the Great as a harlot sitting on many waters, representing peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages. Revelation 18:2-3 further describes her fall:

    “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast. For all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxurious living” (Revelation 18:2-3, ESV).

    These biblical passages. They emphasize that the end times will be marked by significant events and conditions, but everyday activities like marriage will continue until the end. “What Is the Sign of ‘the Last Days,’ or ‘End Times’?” The Bible describes events, conditions, and attitudes that would mark the conclusion of the current system of things. “When Will the End Come? What Did Jesus Say About the End Times?” Jesus’ warning was to keep on the watch because no one knows the exact day or hour.
    While we cannot know the exact day or hour of the end, we can recognize the season or general time period. This concept is found in several passages in the Bible.

    Times and Seasons Matthew 24:32-33:
    “Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door.”
    Here, Jesus uses the analogy of a fig tree to illustrate that just as we can recognize the changing seasons by observing nature, we can also recognize the approach of the end times by observing certain signs.
    1 Thessalonians 5:1-2:
    “Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.”
    The Apostle Paul reiterates that while the exact timing is unknown, believers should be aware of the general period or season.
    Acts 1:7:
    “He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.’”
    Jesus emphasizes that the specific timing is under God’s authority, but He also encourages vigilance and awareness of the signs.
    Recognizing the Season
    The Bible provides various signs that indicate the approach of the end times. These include:

    Increased lawlessness and moral decay (Matthew 24:12)
    Wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6)
    Natural disasters (Luke 21:11)
    Global preaching of the good news (Matthew 24:14)
    Symbolism of Seasons
    In the Bible, seasons often symbolize different phases of spiritual growth and divine timing. For example, Ecclesiastes 3:1 says:

    “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

    This verse highlights that God has a specific time and season for every event and purpose.

    While we cannot know the exact day or hour of the end, Jesus and the apostles encourage us to be observant and discerning of the times and seasons. By recognizing the signs and staying spiritually vigilant, we can be prepared for the coming of the Lord.
    In summary, the Bible teachings indicate that the current system of things will continue until the end, with people engaging in everyday activities like marriage. The end will come suddenly, and Babylon the Great, representing false religion, will be destroyed by global forces. These events are described in various scriptures, including Matthew 24:37-39 and Revelation 17-18.
    _____________ALWAY’S be PREPARED COMRADE!

    Scary Price Drop! It’s GAME OVER For Gold & Silver When This Happens? – Rafi Farber Money Sense 3,576 views 4 hr’s ago Sep 8, 2024
    Scary Price Drop! It’s GAME OVER For Gold & Silver When This Happens? – Rafi Farber
    All sub-indices, including precious metals, have fallen over the past five years, but gold has risen. Gold has also outperformed major commodity sub-indices over the past 10 and 20 years and most individual commodities, many of which have delivered negative returns in recent decades.
    Global financial analyst Rafi Farber emphasizes that gold is hitting a key resistance level and could rise faster than other commodities, especially during a Keynesian-style recession. According to him, commodities typically fall hard during a recession, while gold declines much less. Due to its reputation for being a safe-haven asset, gold tends to perform well during a recession. For example, when the stock market collapsed in 2007, investment demand for gold spiked and continued to rise, and gold doubled in value between 2007 and 2011.
    From a technical perspective, Farber predicts gold could soar to around 5,000 dollars by the end of this year when central banks resume money printing. He advises that this may be the final chance to acquire precious metals before their prices surge in what he calls the “slingshot” marking the endgame. According to the Bank of America, gold has surpassed the euro to become the world’s largest reserve asset, second only to the US dollar, representing 16% of the reserve pool.
    Based on macroeconomic factors, Farber underscores the 10-year minus 2-year yield curve normalization as a key indicator of an impending Keynesian-style recession, similar to past events in 1990, 2001, and 2008.
    Consequently, he believes that once the Fed starts cutting rates in response to liquidity problems, the 10-year minus 2-year and the 10-year minus 3-month spreads will rise rapidly.
    Benchmark 10-year Treasury yields fell to a 15-month low on Friday before paring back in choppy trading as August’s payrolls report failed to signal the size of an expected Federal Reserve interest rate cut later this month.
    During the interview, Rafi Farber explained that reverse repos have fallen below 300 billion dollars. Farber notes that in 2024, 446 billion dollars in net bill issuance led to 403 billion dollars in reverse repo drainage. He predicts reverse repos will hit zero by October, signaling the start of a final Keynesian-style recession. Analysts said investors may have pulled their money from the reverse repo market and placed cash in the overnight repo market, where banks and financial firms such as hedge funds borrow short-term cash using Treasuries or other debt securities as collateral.
    With challenging bond auctions and reverse repo balances dipping below 300 billion dollars in early August, the US Treasury will likely find it increasingly difficult to replicate its previous strategies to ease pressure in bond auctions in the future.
    However, Farber warned that with 66% of bank reserves used for repos, the ratio could reach a crisis point at 83%, similar to 2019. He predicts this disruption will occur in three to four months as reverse repos dry up, accelerating the timeline.

  30. Pete+only

    Regarding the possible sudden decline of the U.S dollar, the BRICS countries, (for which IRAN is now a member), have been negotiating with one another on a payment and banking system that respects the needs of each country as well as between BRICS countries, and this very likely means that the U.S dollar will no longer be used going forward for 2/3 of the global population and the 84 more countries willing to join the BRICS countries in the near future.
    This would then explain the hesitance of Iran to retaliate against Israel, for which the U.S is aligned with, if they already know that the U.S and its allies will soon be greatly weakened economically. The war in the Ukraine has already used up most of the west’s conventional missiles, ammunition, and other military equipment.
    Let’s face it, the CIA and the U.S military machine (the Deep State), has over the years caused countless political and economic turmoil around the world which has caused undue harm to hundreds of millions of people’s standards of living, and for them, the BRICS represents better fairness in the money it is going to receive for it’s goods, from bananas, to pineapples to minerals, and countless other things.
    The internet could be taken down, with Russia or China being blamed, especially if the Deep State believes no amount of cheating could get the Dems back in office.
    We certainly do live in Biblical times. May God be with us.

  31. John

    There was nothing great about 9/11!

    • Ken Yu

      And nothing great about 1/6 either!! Watch out for the Globalists planning something on the 10/17 (right before the election) as they sometimes like to add their chosen dates together!!

  32. Richard Gould

    Greg, excellent as always. Bo knows the Bible, possibly as well as I do , and is spot on in what he is saying. We, the people who follow and obey Jesus, our NOW ruling king, have been told that the end is VERY close. The faithful slave, who represents Jesus on the earth NOW, has told us before that the end is close; never before had they told us VERY close. I openly state, and have proven countless times, that I can answer any question about the Bible using the Bible to answer such questions. How can I do that? Because I have the original and more comprehensive version of the Watchtower library which is directly from Almighty Jehovah’s (Psalms 83:18) organization. This is what Jesus told us in the Bible; John 17:1 Jesus spoke these things, and raising his eyes to heaven, he said: “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son so that your son may glorify you, 2 just as you have given him authority over all flesh, so that he may give everlasting life to all those whom you have given to him. 3 This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. 4 I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do. 5 So now, Father, glorify me at your side with the glory that I had alongside you before the world was.
    6 “I have made your name manifest to the men whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have observed your word. 7 Now they have come to know that all the things you gave me are from you; 8 because I have given them the sayings that you gave me, and they have accepted them and have certainly come to know that I came as your representative, and they have believed that you sent me. 9 I make request concerning them; I make request, not concerning the world, but concerning those whom you have given me, because they are yours; 10 and all my things are yours and yours are mine, and I have been glorified among them.
    11 “I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, watch over them on account of your own name, which you have given me, so that they may be one just as we are one. 12 When I was with them, I used to watch over them on account of your own name, which you have given me; and I have protected them, and not one of them is destroyed except the son of destruction, so that the scripture might be fulfilled. 13 But now I am coming to you, and I am saying these things in the world, so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves. 14 I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.
    15 “I do not request that you take them out of the world, but that you watch over them because of the wicked one. 16 They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. 17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. 18 Just as you sent me into the world, I also sent them into the world. 19 And I am sanctifying myself in their behalf, so that they also may be sanctified by means of truth.
    20 “I make request, not concerning these only, but also concerning those putting faith in me through their word, 21 so that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you, that they also may be in union with us, so that the world may believe that you sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you have given me, in order that they may be one just as we are one. 23 I in union with them and you in union with me, in order that they may be perfected into one, so that the world may know that you sent me and that you loved them just as you loved me.
    I walk in the Holy Name of Almighty Jehovah God and am a Witness for Him as are more than 8.5 million others world wide which is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy about the end times. — We have been told that the end is VERY close, so I would suggest you think deeply on what I am tilling you AND that you share it with Bo…. or not, of course.

  33. Richard Gould

    And one more thing; Jesus DID NOT die on a cross. The Romans NEVER used crosses to execute criminals; they used a single upright stake which was called a torture stake. Go ahead and google this; did the Romans ever use crosses to execute prisoners?
    However, the cross was a very dear symbol for the pagans of the first through 4th century and the priests of that time adopted and mixed pagan teaching into what Jesus taught them. Another lie was that you have a soul inside of you that is immortal and leaves your body at death, BUT, the Bible teaches that you are a living soul; a living person: Or “a living soul.” Paul is here quoting from Ge 2:7, where the Hebrew word neʹphesh is rendered “person” or, according to the footnote, “soul.” This Hebrew word literally means “a breathing creature.

    • Galaxy 500

      Wow Richard. Anyone that relies on a Google search for accurate information on religion, especially on Christ, is rather pathetic…
      My Christ died on a cross… Period… Full Stop

      • June Bug

        Did a deep dive on the internet, wher there is abundant info.
        Found this though that put it in a nutshell.

        The Greek word we’re referring to is likely σταυρός (stairs). This word is often translated as “cross” in English, particularly in the context of the crucifixion of Jesus. However, its original meaning in ancient Greek was more general, referring to an upright stake or pole1.

        Over time, the term came to be associated specifically with the cross used in Roman crucifixions. There’s some debate among scholars about whether the stauros used for Jesus’ crucifixion was a simple upright stake or the more familiar cross shape1.

        The Romans only needed two nails and one stake and the greek term for the Greek word you’re referring to is likely σταυρός (stauros). This word is often translated as “cross” in English, particularly in the context of the crucifixion of Jesus. However, its original meaning in ancient Greek was more general, referring to an upright stake or pole1.

        After weighing the evidence, the Roman army would use the more efficient 2 nails instead of three and one pole instead of two. That’s one of the many opinions that makes sense to me too and seems to be the conclusion of all the evidence and the fact the pagans were using and wearing the cross long before Jesus’s birth, NAILS it fer me! Excuse the pun.
        Whether or not the j w’s own it I don’t know, but maybe you could ask your brother Rich. Some people think Jehovah was on that stake and sent himself not his son to die for us, or both. It all could be confusing like politics.
        Thats why makes it all possible here because of moderator Greg and wife keep it somewhat peacefully, where free speech is possible, and the truth will set us free, and the truth will ultimately come out the wash of USAW. We’ve come a long way as babies here on! There’s a war coming that will go everywhere, thank God it’s his war. Don’t forget there’s only two sides, good and evil and those that are standing on the promises beware you don’t fall!

        • Galaxy 500

          Hi June
          I did a deep dive in the Bible. Sorry for your disbelief but Jesus was crucified on a Cross

      • J.B.

        Oop’s, G500, that’s [stauros], not stairs, stupid spell check!
        The Greek word we’re referring to is likely σταυρός (stairs).

    • Galaxy 500

      But really, wouldn’t expect much from a JW. Wouldn’t expect you guys to know and follow Christ.

      • Kit Lee

        At least they got the name right “Jehovah”!!

        • Galaxy 500

          Amen, Jehovah is the One True GOD. The God of Israel. My God, Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

    • Brianroy

      When Christ was crucified, He was nailed to a Cross, and suspended upon the Cross; the Cross being lifted up by means of a rope and pulley.

      In the Syriac of Ignatius’ letter to the Ephesians, .9., Ignatius clarifies this to us, writing:
      “And you are prepared for the building of GOD the Father,
      and you are raised up on high by the instrument of Jesus Christ, which is the Cross,
      and you are drawn by the rope, which is the Holy Spirit;
      and your pulley, is your Faith

      The drawing up of the Cross, by rope-and-pulley, was accomplished by means of metal stakes that were driven mid-way into the Cross; and protruded above the heads of those crucified on literal a literal cross.
      “For the antenna, which is part of the Cross, the ends are called horns; while the mid-way stake of the whole frame is the Unicorn. His Cross is then, by this virtue and in this manner, “horned”. He is both now pushing all nations through Faith, bearing them away from Earth to Heaven; and will then push them through Judgment, casting them down from Heaven to Earth.”
      (Tertullian, Against Marcion, Book 3, Chapter 18)

      Again, in “An Answer to the Jews”, Tertullian explains:
      “For even in the ship’s yard — this is the name by which the extremities are called, which is a part of (the Cross), — the central pole of a mast is (called) a ‘unicorn’. In fact, by this power and in and in this manner (is) the Cross ‘horned’.”
      (Tertullian, An Answer to the Jews, .10)

      The connection point of the beam that the crucified were to carry to the unicorn stake, which was pre-driven in the ground, suggests a re-use of the same poles in which the connection point was where the mid-way stakes began, and perhaps were either wedged or bolted secure. The rope & pulley lifted a hanging crucified one, pre-nailed at ground level through the wrists and tied into place, then taken up by some kind of rope & pulley crane by contracted civilian artisans attached to the Roman armies, then lowered into the slot, where the cross beam is then pushed in home & bolted / “fixed with pins.”

      • Galaxy 500

        Thank you for the backup

  34. Galaxy 500

    Look what they have done. Now, think where Kamala will go if they can round you up and you can do nothing about it. That a significant % of Americans can resist is the only thing that keeps these communist bastards from running roughshod over us. They are being illegals here to terrorize you so you unarmed people will scream, “Take all the guns” when it is already illegal for these people to have guns. Just like it is illegal to rape, rob and murder you and your children.

  35. Coal Burner

    I am a hard core BS sifter and I love to watch Bo Polny Taking the time to prepare here and about to hit the go button.

  36. H. Craig Bradley


    Its been some time since you last had Bo Plony on talking about the theme of the “Last Days”. I recall that Bo previously forecasted that Donald Trump would be reelected in 2024 (” God’s Intervention”) and we would have some extra time to prepare for the 7- year Tribulation which begins according to Bo’s Timeline, in 2029.

    So, the first 3.5 years (2029-2033) after Donald Trump would seem like good times and there could even be an economic spurt, but look-out when reality hits hard during the last 3.5 years. Times that would Try Men’s Souls.

    Believers would be imprisoned or persecuted for simply speaking-out. (Free Speech is essentially gone in England and Europe today and is being suppressed here at home, as well ). I believe this time, it will eventually come but exactly when remains the big question.

    My feeling is new, a big war would first be required to cause the U.S. Dollar to drop in international value by that much (-25%), especially if we lose it. I agree it could happen but as yet, I am not seeing the conditions necessary to bring it on.

    Remember that the standard of living in the U.S. would fall precipitously in such a financial calamity and not return to prior levels. Needless to say, civil unrest would be off-the-charts. ( Martin Armstrong has forecasted a sharp rise in civil unrest in Sept, about now ).

    A major global Dollar devaluation would also destabilize society and destroy our system of government. Again, not something I can imagine happening at this juncture. However, these days, anything is possible.

  37. Coal Burner

    Guys: I want to point out that the Rothschild “City of London Company ” is represented by a dragon. It shows up yearly on the Coins of the King of England. The red painting of the new insane King are all behind the evil WEF and the Europeans that still think we are their Colony. They want to tax us especially after we are making noises about not defending them any more. “The Globalist Government tax!” The UN disarmament attempt.

    I had a work friend who grew up in India. He believed in the one true God. Straight from the passage Bo read. He told me his religious sect of more than a million people descended from King Cyrus. He said they were forced south over the last 2500 years +/_ And they are under the same constant attack as everyone else in India by the Mislims. He even claimed they were the first to believe in God according to their records.

    • Galaxy 500

      I think the Israelites would dispute their records LOL

    • H. Craig Bradley


      Just because its the “Last Days” of the U.S. of A or the U.S. Dollar internationally or our position as #1 since 1945 Does NOT necessarily mean its the end of the world elsewhere. The transition to a multi-polar world without a dominant America is a difficult path or transition for the West but in the end, the World will continue on. It always does even following the collapse of the Roman empire.

      • Galaxy 500

        Hi Craig,
        You are comparing a localized event, the fall of the Roman Empire, where most areas created enough resources to survive to an Epic Global crisis that will dwarf the Great Depression.
        Most areas in the so called Free World (yeah, I know… what an F’ing JOKE… the UK took Orwell’s 1984 and made it a “How to” guide with the Satanic Forces in the USA skipping tight down the Road to Perdition not far behind) will starve and there will be a collapse of “polite” society as feral humans that the Demons have allowed to infiltrate into America wipe out those that are unprepared

  38. Randy Doubosiff

    The word of the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet against Elam in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah, saying,

    35 Thus saith the Lord of hosts; Behold, I will break the bow of Elam, the chief of their

    36 And upon Elam will I bring the four winds from the four quarters of heaven, and will scatter them toward all those winds; and there shall be no nation whither the outcasts of Elam shall not come.

    37 For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies, and before them that seek their life: and I will bring evil upon them, even my fierce anger, saith the Lord; and I will send the sword after them, till I have consumed them: 20 22 stealth fighters where sent and ready to go! I think you you do not under stand.

  39. Randy Doubosiff

    GodJesus is very Angry with Iran and They will bring the four winds to destroy their evil deeds!

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Randy,
      What do you think YHWH thinks about the Sodomites in charge of our once great nation?
      France, Germany, Canada…
      Yeah, the entire population of Iran worships Satan as do all followers of Moe-Ham-mad. The Coran is a vile book of hate.
      We have a chance to take back our country by VOTING for Trump.

      • Katy Bar

        We will have PEACE ON EARTH when the Tree Persons in One God Arrives on Planet Earth!! Not the (Moe-Larry-Curly) or (Moe-Ham-Mad) Comedy Teams we keep getting saddled with – who can’t sit down and have an Intelligent Discussion WITHOUT CONTINUALLY SLAPPING EACH OTHER IN THE FACE!!!

        • Galaxy 500

          The end will come when YHWH looks over and Jesus and say, “Son, it’s time” and not a second until. There have been many times throughout history were people thought it was the End of Days. Even the Apostle John thought he lived in the End of Days and he lived with and was taught by Jesus our Messiah.
          I have my spiritual house in as much order as I can. Trying to get things set up for financial and societal upheaval.
          We had relative peace in the 70s and we can have it again. As far as Peace on Earth… the entire Earth, that will only happen when Jesus our Savior returns. But peace is not off the menu for us until the Lord Jesus returns.

          • Kit Lee

            G500 – The “End of Days” occurs for everyone by about the age of 90 (on average)! That’s when they Finally Achieve Getting Their Rented Peace Of Earth (but only “a small piece” about 3 feet wide and 6 feet deep)!!

    • RW

      Angry with Iran? THEIR evil deeds? For goodness sake take your first red pill. It’s 2024

  40. Galaxy 500

    These are feral creatures…
    They are not civilized. They are given housing, money and food yet they kill and eat our pets… they are savages. In the material world, outside of steadfast friends, all I have is my dog boy. If they hurt or killed my boy… well… I don’t think I would be in the right frame of mind… I believe I would, as Greg puts it, “get Medieval on their ass.”
    This is all done by design. This isn’t a mistake or an accident. They are seeking to make you afraid by putting violent criminals in family neighborhoods where they can ply their trades… you know… Rape, Robbery, Repression and Murder. They made Columbus, OH 25% Haitian overnight…
    You people that read Greg’s site are not Stupid (excepting the trolls and Jew haters that pop in and maybe 1 more that is always attacking one particular person)
    You people that read Greg’s site are not Stupid (sorry went off on a tangent). The entire time that they are dumping feral humans that hate and exploit us, the Demons are yelling for “Gun Control” by which they mean the Demon’s Brownshirts get the guns and you get none. They are terrified that we will rise up against this oppression.
    So tell me, if you area suddenly had a population increase of 25% of illegal, violent unemployed savages … what is your quality of life going to be? Your children’s… especially at school. If you need government services, especially emergency services … police, fire, hospital… are you going to even get some to pick up the phone?
    Remember gang… The Hoe is just like Joe…

  41. Kathleen Mckeon

    Dear Greg,
    I have loved your work for what seems forever and am grateful you are here, thank you for being you.

  42. Frank S.

    Thanks for having Bo Polny on again, Greg. I believe Pres. Trump is divinely appointed to resume his presidency, and that we will have 3 1/2 years of peace and prosperity before all hell breaks loose.

  43. Mandy Blaxland

    Thank you Greg and Bo.
    I ordered the book today, bless you Bo for making the book more affordable.

    I love the work you both do.

    Mandy in Sydney Australia

  44. RJH

    Here is something happening on 9/23/2024, could be big trouble

  45. Tommy

    Relax and just let it come. No one knows the time. But in the meantime buy gold, survival food and water and hide in your bunker.

  46. BDS

    When it goes quiet and people rejoice, the cabal goes quiet with the biggest nest egg ever. Only to hunker down and not to be noticed until all present generations pass. It will start slowly, they will never relinquish power IMO.

    • Greg Hunter

      This is why Jesus comes back. They WILL relinquish power. You give these weasels too much credit.

  47. Galaxy 500

    Claiming it’s the Jews… Really?
    Dude or Dudette … Do you somehow think Christians … well, so called Christians … Do evil Shiite?
    I pity you. For your hatred of God YHWH’s people will lay you low.

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Greg,
      You must have taken down the hatred.

      • Greg Hunter

        I did! Thanks for pointing it out.

  48. Led Skeletor

    Rat in the Hen House….
    Neocon Dick Cheney just maybe running the United States from an undisclosed Multi-Billion Dollar Taxpayer Funded Quail Blind during Joe Biden’s AWOL three years of misery. Dick took over the emperor’s porcelain throne of the 4th reich’s holy roman empire after the croaking of frogman Henry Kissinger.

    Anyone else analyze vocal tonality? It is a hobby of mine. Beast of Burden Kamala sounds like a Puerto Rican whore with a clothes-pin clamping her nose. Cheese Not a BRAT, Cheese a TRAMP. The always out her cartoonish little mind AOC sounds like a five year old spoiled Brooklyn brat, and what comes out of her mouth sounds like a “Free Everything To All That Don’t Work” LSD trip.

  49. Jerry

    J Harper, you are right. The truth is literally right in front of us, you must search and I do mean SEARCH. You will uncover ‘truths’ that will keep you up at night. Blackrock and State Street are publicly traded entities whose stock is owned by each of the two corporations. Vanguard, a privately held corporation who also holds Black and State stock. All three of these corps hold each others stock; it is amazing as to what other entities stock they have acquired and the level of control they poses.

    • J Harper

      Jerry, did you learned on the background of the owners of such entities? That will bring chills to your spine.

  50. Blumhagen

    This is a Dinosaur in the room….

    13 years ago Fukushima, Japan was hit with a tsunami. This tidal wave caused 4 NUCLEAR plants to go into meltdown. THIS IS ONGOING TODAY, 13 years later.

    There is no fixing this…every species on the planet will die, except the plants.

    Get the sobering news here. He mumbles, so turn it up. He is the only reporter on this ongoing horror story.

  51. Cary Ray

    Kamala and her handlers stole the nomination from Brandon and from all Democats, yet they expect us to believe in retrospect that they didn’t steal the 2020 election. I find it obnoxious that at the last debate, the moderator-shill asked Trump, but not LGB, if he would accept the results of the election if he loses. If they have the gall to ask him again, I hope they can summon enough of the appearance of professionalism to ask both candidates. Inquiring minds want to know if Kamy would do the American people writ large what she did to Democrats voters. We all know the truth, but the question should be asked anyway. Furthermore, how can she be a legit presidential candidate when she’s not a legit Democrat nominee? Invitiate.

    • Katy Bar

      Jim Willy says Kamala “was not born in the US” and therefore should not be running for President of the United States!! I guess (if she was asked about it) she would say: “If I’m elected by people who were not born in the US wouldn’t that make my Presidency “legal” – Ha, ha, ha – ha, cha, cha”!!! Is it any wonder then (as “Border Czar”) she allowed millions of Criminal, Insane, Murdering Illegals into our Country and had them bused into “Critical Key States” where Sanctuary Cities Were Set-up so the Illegals could not be arrested for their crimes, rapes and murders committed as we await the November Election !!

      • Kit Lee

        “COMMIE-la your FIRED”!!!!
        Donald J. Trump

  52. Jerry

    ***Greg, perhaps this should be posted at the top, your call.

    This report from SGT about the border is very bad. Everybody needs to view this ASAP and send this out, I promise you all it is a hard watch. We are in serious trouble.
    This report brought anguish to my heart! Its all about the children!

    Jim Houck and Dr. Lee Vliet.

  53. Norma June Bloomberry

    Vladimir Putin ‘almost’ used nukes in Ukraine as intelligence chiefs warn of ‘threat to world order’ Story by John O’sullivan • 6h •

    Monday Live: Next Globalist Pandemic Will Be ULTRA DEADLY After mRNA Jabs Wiped Out Billions Of Human Immune Systems /The American Journal
    September 9th 2024 A sinister eugenicist agenda is upon us and is insanely evil!!

    Judge Rules Against Residents of Massachusetts Town Who Allege Verizon Cell Tower is Causing Illness /by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. | The Defender September 9th 2024
    Plaintiffs who alleged a Verizon tower near their homes is making them sick must seek relief from the Federal Communications Commission, not the court system, a judge ruled. Plaintiffs say that’s impossible.

  54. Chuck

    Greg, your program is so interesting. The way the info is presented, your down home analyzing, the printed ads, your humor. Bo is always interesting as usual

  55. Justn Observer

    Greg, as we sit and mark time waiting, wondering about what Mr. Polny had to say, might we all ponder along with these…and wonder…might the plan be to go tohu vohu pronounced toe-who voe-who…back to WASTE AND DESOLATION and start over, AGAIN !
    = example = Genesis =
    The Text is that of the Authorized Version of 1611 as published by the
    Revisers in their ” Parallel Bible” in 1886.
    There are NO ALTERATIONS in the Text beyond what can be affected
    by a variation in the character of the TYPE. Hence, there is nothing that
    affects the ear when reading it aloud; but only that which meets the eye
    in order to call attention to important facts and truths.
    All ancient readings and new and amended renderings are confined to the
    margin; which, for this purpose, extends to one-half the width of the page.
    There are no minute English or Greek ” superior” letters to confuse the
    Text ; or to perplex the reader when searching for the corresponding number
    or letter in the margin.

    Then also we have this musing =
    The following information was first published on December 21, 2014 in “Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now” (2014), a book and website by David Chase Taylor. =

    and recently some interesting comments from Mark Levine ? =

  56. Charles Badal

    Greg, unless I misheard, you made the comment that the Assyrian people no longer exist. I’m guessing that you meant to say the Assyrian empire, which collapsed around 500BC.

    In fact, the Assyrians, a Christian people, still exist in great numbers, and are spread out throughout the U.S., Europe, and West Asia, the result of a great diaspora from their homeland, which was based in what is now Northern Iraq.

  57. Katy Bar

    As the Election approaches Trump is in Extreme Danger of Another Assassination Attempt by the Evil Demon Rat Globalists. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could use “Cloning Technology to Produce An Additional 100,000 Trumps” (who can give their lives for their country) and Present the Commie Globalist Weasels with an Unending Supply of Patriots (who will make their evil lives as difficult as possible)!! But, then again “We Don’t Need To Use Cloning Technology” as we have Millions of MAGA Patriots alive today who will willingly step up (if the Evil Demons try to get Trump AGAIN)!!!!

  58. Galaxy 500

    Satellite Phone store anyone? Anyone in Cali… LOL

  59. Darth Vader Ginsbug

    Illegal aliens now killing and eating household pets and the natural wildlife in US cities. None of these poor defenseless refusegees angels have gone to jail. Law enforcement won’t touch it. It is now up to the homeowners to defend their pets and livestocks.

    If I, a legal citizen working taxpayer, was to kill a duck in a city park the DNR or local law enforcement officer would slap the cuffs on me. I then, because I have assets, would be hit with a steep fine, and the judge gives me 30 to 120 days in the cooler because I am white, straight and have assets.

    Illegal alien kills and then eats a residents pet cat, ON CAMERA, the cops arrive and call the local Humane Society to remove the animal carcass.

    Tell the illegal aliens to obey Agenda 2030 and EAT THE BUGS on their way to self deporting themselves. They made the trip to here, they can walk back.

    What the zück, this 50 tier legal system has got to go!! Things are only ILLEGAL if you are white straight males with assets, only then the laws are enforced?

    The whole universe awaits for tomorrow nights political slaughter.

    • Galaxy 500

      These illegals get thousands in benefits we don’t get

  60. Galaxy 500

    Moslom shoot Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus … You can’t make this Shiite up

    • Katy Bar

      It was bad enough that the Evil Demonratic Commies paid Doctors and Nurses to Shoot “us” with their “Kill Shots” (killing millions), but now they are paying Muslims to come to our country to Shoot “Jesus” (and his “Mother Mary”)?? Nothing seems to be too outlandish for these Evil Demon Rats. We must make these Demons experience just what it feels like to also “be Shot” (not with a Bullet or a Jab, but by putting them on a Space X Rocket and Launching them (carried live on all the world’s TV stations) directly into the Hell Fires of the Sun!!

      • Ken Yu

        The Demon Rats have allowed the Illegal Aliens in to Kill Us and Our Pets (so as to create the Chaotic Conditions Necessary so they can declare Marshall Law, Cancel the Election and keep Commie-la installed as our Dictator)!!

  61. Affinia Realtors

    According to Richard Lami, the St. Louis PD won’t lift a finger to intervene against the crack & fentanyl pimps, hos, thieves, and their trash camped next to the 55, but they have all the time in the world to gaslight me with helicopters and carstalkers after church and to spy and to steal shit from my home when I’m not there.

    What kind of “Promised Land” is THAT, “Patriot” Freemason retards?!

    • Galaxy 500

      What in the world are you posting about? Sounds like paranoia a bit. The PD, the PoPo, all of them… Their job isn’t to protect you, it’s to protect the government and people in charge.
      Take action against them via legally if they are violating your rights?
      You wrote, “What kind of “Promised Land” is THAT, “Patriot” Freemason retards?!” What does this even mean?
      What kind of “Promised Land” do you want? If it is freedom and prosperity, vote Trump.

  62. Galaxy 500

    The Newest Nazi Party in Germany sold out German citizens for Turks and other moslems… their country is being destroyed along with the long storied German history… all going down the toilet

  63. Katy Bar

    With a collapse coming what is Bill Gates doing? He is currently selling his stocks and buying farm land. But, how is he going to use that farm land 1) some think to grow food (like potatoes), others think that 2) he is really planning to use those farms to put up Solar Panels and become the American King of Energy (as the oil, gas and coal industries are shut down by the Demon Rats). If it is option 2 we better expect the Silver price to rise a lot!!!

  64. Marie Joy

    Get away from cities.
    Get away from people who want to harm you, regardles of how close, to them, you are. is a good place to find out what’s happening. is for radiological information and products. With their knowledge you can build your own shelters, have radiation detectors and more.
    Decades ago it took the bad guy 5 seconds to go through 2 doors to get to me.
    We all need to FORTIFY OUR HOMES. Doors, windows, all access points. Look at how violent some people are.
    CC, heavily.
    Nice/indecisive people will NOT survive this.
    Get in better shape.

    • Galaxy 500

      Marie Joy,
      Sorry you violence visited upon you. Good advice.
      Most homes are easy for evil to get inside. Can you offer any companies to harden homes?
      And I thought you might have left off one of the most important of all … but I think CC means Concealed Carry. Always and heavily so.
      Springfield Armory and SigArms are good choices along with old S&W revolvers … the preHillary hole ones. Roger makes nice 22LRs
      I like the K frames, L frames and the sturdy N frames Sam is great to deal with

    • Katy Bar

      Now Every American needs to build a “steel-reinforced concrete bunker” inside their homes (as a safe place to hide and fire back from) for when the Demon Rats send their Illegal Venezuelans with AK47’s “To Take Over Our Homes”!! COMMIE-LA won’t even have to give her Illegals $25,000 toward a Down-payment on a new Home, instead the Commie Demon Rats plan is to Simply Give Their Illegals the Absolute Right to take over and steal “FOR FREE” the Homes of all the Legal American Citizens!!!

  65. Blair Phillips

    Dear Greg,

    I watched this short link about 3 times in a row and I was thinking that you need to see this thing. It was on Citizens Free Press and it’s a video from RFK Jr. Finally someone in the political world is talking about the real issues! I was thinking of you and all you’ve done to bring the truth to your viewers. You gotta see this thing because it’s an out of the park homer. The title of the video is “Powerful New Video From Bobby Kennedy”. It will gladden your heart!

    Thanks for all you do. I hope your recovery is going well and that you are behaving yourself. I had triple bypass surgery so I know that it takes time and how tired you can be but this too will pass!



  66. Jay Astred

    Kim Jong Un vows to ready nuclear force for combat with US
    Story by • 15h • 2 min read
    rth Korean leader Kim Jong Un said the country will “exponentially” increase its nuclear arsenal to be combat-ready against the United States and its allies, state media KCNA reported Tuesday.
    Kim said on Monday that the nation must prepare its “nuclear capability and its readiness to use it properly at any given time in ensuring the security rights of the state,” KCNA reported. He was speaking at an event to mark the country’s founding anniversary.
    A professional engineer designed this nail clipper for seniors all over the Worl
    A professional engineer designed this nail clipper for seniors all over the Worl
    He added that a strong military force was necessary to counter threats posed by the
    US and its “followers.”
    Moreover, he has been protesting a new defense guideline between the US and South Korea meant to integrate American nuclear weapons with South Korea’s conventional ones to counter North Korea.
    Kim blamed his growing weapons arsenal on these developments on Tuesday.
    The North faces “a grave threat” because of “the reckless expansion” of a US-led regional military bloc that is now developing into a nuclear-based one, he said.

    China set to trigger ‘global meltdown’ as internal crisis threatens the West
    Story by Harvey Jones • 11h •

    Bill Gates says the world is facing two options: A ‘major war’ or another pandemic in less than 30 years Story by Eleanor Pringle • 9h •
    30 YEARS? What is this guy shooting in his arm NOW! More like 30 day’s OR MONTHS, Will, Bill!

    One scripture refering to likely times or season is from Matthew 24:34, where Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” This verse is part of Jesus’ discourse on the end times, where He describes various signs and events that will precede His return, DURING A TIME SPAN OF ONE LAST GENERATION OF THIS OLD SYSTEM AT THE END of THE AGE.
    According to interpretation of biblical prophecy, the “great crowd” mentioned in Revelation 7:9, 14 refers to those who survive the “great tribulation.” This group will come out of the tribulation and will be granted eternal life on a paradise earth aS THEY at LAST WASH THEIR SINS IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB CHRIST Yesus, Jesus, Englander’s.

    The great tribulation is described as a period of unprecedented suffering and turmoil that will occur just before the end of the current system of things. This period will culminate in the battle of Armageddon, where God’s forces will defeat the forces of evil. Those who remain faithful to God during this time are believed to be part of the great crowd that survives and enters into God’s new world of righteousness.

    From a broader Christian perspective, the great tribulation is seen as a time of intense persecution and suffering that will test the faith of believers. It is often associated with the rise of the Antichrist religious’ system including the so-called Christendom riding on the beast of Babylon the great as a woman prostituting herself to the nations, governments of the world. In he final battle between good and evil as these nation states turn on her and devour this wicked religious system, marking the beginning of the worst time on earth and forever more, it’s ferocity never to be repeated, the great tabulation. Of the Tribulation!

    In my view, the concept of the great tribulation and the great crowd highlights the importance of faith and perseverance. It serves as a reminder to remain steadfast in one’s beliefs and to find hope in the promise of a better future, despite the challenges and trials that yet may come on the face of this planet, called earth!
    Genesis II (1973) | Alex Corde, Mariette Hartley

    • Katy Bar

      Here is how I interpret Jay’s Biblical quote above: “From a broader Christian perspective, the GREAT TRIBULATION will be a time of Intense Persecution and Suffering that will Greatly Test the Faith of all Patriots and Believers in God’s Commandments”. This Great Tribulation will be associated with the rise of an “Antichrist Religious System” (where Demon-rats Openly Worship Satan at all Major Festivities from the Olympics to NFL Games), and they will joyfully ride the “Beast of Babylon” (otherwise known as the United States of America which was “Sadly Stolen by the Satanists” between the JFK assassination and 9-11)!! This Beast of Babylon has now transformed itself into a “Completely Queer LGBTQ+ Nation” Prostituting Itself to All other Nations and Governments of the World “FOR MONEY”. Literally “Calling Out To The Entire World” (as Bribe’n did) that “ALL COME UPON HER” (to take her down)!!. In the Coming “Final Battle between Good and Evil” all Nations of the World “Will Unite Like a BRIC and Throw It At The Prostitute” (to Cast Out of the Beast all the Evil Satanic Demon Rat’s who have Possessed Her). Putin is trying to hold back “And Not Cast the First Stone” (for it will Mark the Beginning of the “WORST TIME ON EARTH” (Putin knows “THE FEROCITY OF THE NUCLEAR BATTLES” these Evil Satanist Demon-rats are so urgently Seeking to Unleash upon Russia and other Nations in the Middle and Far East (who have simply been trying to resist “Being Possessed by Satanists”). However, with the Nuclear War that seems inevitable Civilization on Earth will Rapidly Degrade into a Total MAD MAX “Radioactive Wasteland” (the Psycho-Satanic Eugenicists so Urgently Desire)!!. The Worldwide Nuclear War Will Be So Devastating it will Never be Repeated Again because the few Mutated Low IQ Survivors (who somehow manage to survive the Nuclear Holocaust) will Be TO DUMB to Create “ANOTHER GREAT TRIBULATION” !!!

  67. Lew Q. Pue

    Economic Bomb! China Exporters Stockpile $500 Billion in Chinese Yuan Crashing Dollar! We Love Africa Sep 10, 2024
    Chinese exporters have stockpiled a record $500 billion in 2024 after settling trade payments with other countries. The local currency could rally hard if China’s exporters decide to convert the $500 billion stockpile into the Chinese yuan. This puts BRICS member China in the spotlight as it could dictate the direction of the forex markets pushing the Chinese yuan ahead and challenging the US dollar.

    Will the US eventually adopt the Yuan as a trade currency? While it may seem unlikely, this is the direction the world is moving in. The dollar is gradually losing its dominance, and Chinese exporters are capitalizing on this shift, accumulating $500 billion.

    This trend could significantly alter the global trade currency landscape, placing the Yuan at the forefront. However, will this be enough for China to fully replace the dollar with the Yuan?

  68. War Monger

    Videos: Springfield Residents Give Inside Scoop On Haitian Takeover

    Isn’t multiculturalism great?

  69. Galaxy 500

    Weston Scientific ad? Everyone around there could use some now

  70. Galaxy 500

    This is the mind and face of evil. Evil needs to be confronted and then brought to desolation. Look at this fat disgusting pig…

  71. Arn Handler

    Col. Larry Wilkerson: U.S. Strategy in the Middle East & Ukraine: Ideology Over Facts?
    Dialogue Works 28,290 views Streamed live 13 hours ago
    Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson’s last positions in government were as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff (2002-05), Associate Director of the State Department’s Policy Planning staff under the directorship of Ambassador Richard N. Haass, and member of that staff responsible for East Asia and the Pacific, political-military and legislative affairs (2001-02).
    Before serving at the State Department, Wilkerson served 31 years in the U.S. Army. During that time, he was a member of the faculty of the U.S. Naval War College (1987 to 1989), Special Assistant to General Powell when he was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-93), and Director and Deputy Director of the U.S. Marine Corps War College at Quantico, Virginia (1993-97). Wilkerson retired in 1997 and began work as an advisor to General Powell. He has also taught national security affairs at the George Washington University.

    Truth Exposed: West Wants $26 TRILLION in Ukrainian Rare Minerals in Exchange for Weapons & Debt
    Lena Petrova 174K views 2 days ago

    The West Has Just Sacrificed Ukraine
    Sebastian Sas 121,763 views Sep 9, 2024 The West Has Abandoned Ukraine
    Olaf Scholz is reportedly working on a peace plan that implies that Ukraine should cede the occupied territories to Russia. The West is in deep financial problems and is exhausted militarily.

  72. A.H.

    The West Has Just Sacrificed Ukraine
    Sebastian Sas 121,763 views Sep 9, 2024 The West Has Abandoned Ukraine
    Olaf Scholz is reportedly working on a peace plan that implies that Ukraine should cede the occupied territories to Russia. The West is in deep financial problems and is exhausted militarily.

    Col. Larry Wilkerson: U.S. Strategy in the Middle East & Ukraine: Ideology Over Facts? Dialogue Works 28,290 views Streamed live 13 hours ago
    Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson’s last positions in government were as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s Chief of Staff (2002-05), Associate Director of the State Department’s Policy Planning staff under the directorship of Ambassador Richard N. Haass, and member of that staff responsible for East Asia and the Pacific, political-military and legislative affairs (2001-02).
    Before serving at the State Department, Wilkerson served 31 years in the U.S. Army. During that time, he was a member of the faculty of the U.S. Naval War College (1987 to 1989), Special Assistant to General Powell when he was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-93), and Director and Deputy Director of the U.S. Marine Corps War College at Quantico, Virginia (1993-97). Wilkerson retired in 1997 and began work as an advisor to General Powell. He has also taught national security affairs at the George Washington University.

    Truth Exposed: West Wants $26 TRILLION in Ukrainian Rare Minerals in Exchange for Weapons & Debt
    Lena Petrova 174K views 2 days ago

  73. Katy Bar

    A Hyena “cat eating” Smile like the following: is probably right now on Commie-la’s face as she is told by the Lying Main Stream Media “That She Won Last Nights Debate with Trump”!!! Likely based upon COMMIE-LA’S PROMISE to give ALL Her Illegal Alien “Non-Citizen” Voters a Free $25,000 Dollars toward a Brand New Home (in addition to the $40,000 Dollars in CASH they are already receiving from the Demon-rats every year)!! Trump to Guarantee His Win In November “Needs To Steal Commie-la’s Thunder” (like Commie-la Stole his “No Tax on Tips” Idea). Trump Needs to IMMEDIATELY ANNOUNCE THAT HE IS GOING TO GIVE “”ONLY TO AMERICAN CITIZENS”” $50,000 DOLLARS TOWARD THE DOWN PAYMENT ON A NEW HOME – and – ALSO GIVE “” TO ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS ON SOCIAL SECURITY “” A MINIMUM PAYMENT “”EQUAL”” TO WHAT COMMIE-LA AND HER DEMONRATS “ARE RIGHT NOW GIVING TO THEIR ILLEGAL NON-AMERICAN VOTERS”!!

  74. J.B.

    WAR of TERROR!
    Pepe Escobar : Russia, China, and Global Cooperation [Needed NOW!]
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom
    Ukraine drone attack on Moscow kills innocent woman, 10,000 Ukraine and NATO mercenaries surrounded in Russia! Over 750 not just 50 high tech drone warfare students and Svenska and Polska teachers and possible Yankee specialist’s AMONG THE DEAD!

    Full Video | Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.) 463K views 3 weeks ago
    The No Limitations Podcast Last Man Standing, Blenheim Partners’ Gregory Robinson speaks to Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.), Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense.
    In a thought-provoking discussion, which will no doubt generate significant debate, Douglas provides a commentary on the state of leadership in the wider world today. He turns to the major flush up’s and more . . .
    The Colonel is on fire in this one and says it like it is.

    @VenomLD50Med 3 weeks ago
    Those of us who got to serve under him before he retired, know how great of a man he is. West Point Grad. but down to earth officer and was a troops officer. Not a political suck ass and yeah and that creates real problems for you past Bird. People here who call him a traitor, can go eff themselves. Especially if they haven’t worn the uniform. I keep reading posts calling him crap like that, yet they never served; especially during war time in a combat MOS. Personally I commend him the other officers and NCOs, who are finally speaking out about the hegemony. Meanwhile US Citizens suffer, we face potential loss of USD as the main currency, and 35 trillion in debt. Plenty of money for war and illegals though, just not for our folks. The people that call us against it all traitors, just believe everything told by MSM and our honorable government, instead of people who actually put their asses on the line who have had enough. McGregor is a rock-solid guy.

  75. JB.

    @VenomLD50Med 3 weeks ago
    Those of us who got to serve under him before he retired, know how great of a man he is. West Point Grad. but down to earth officer and was a troops officer. Not a political suck ass and yeah and that creates real problems for you past Bird. People here who call him a traitor, can go eff themselves. Especially if they haven’t worn the uniform. I keep reading posts calling him crap like that, yet they never served; especially during war time in a combat MOS. Personally I commend him the other officers and NCOs, who are finally speaking out about the hegemony. Meanwhile US Citizens suffer, we face potential loss of USD as the main currency, and 35 trillion in debt. Plenty of money for war and illegals though, just not for our folks. The people that call us against it all traitors, just believe everything told by MSM and our honorable government, instead of people who actually put their asses on the line who have had enough. McGregor is a rock-solid guy.
    Full Video | Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.) 463K views 3 weeks ago
    The No Limitations Podcast Last Man Standing, Blenheim Partners’ Gregory Robinson speaks to Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.), Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense.
    In a thought-provoking discussion, which will no doubt generate significant debate, Douglas provides a commentary on the state of leadership in the wider world today. He turns to the major flush up’s and more . . .
    The Colonel is on fire in this one and says it like it is.

  76. Katy Bar


  77. Ken Yu


  78. Kit Lee

    Things are getting Very Hot in the Middle East as Israel’s Attacks Grow Larger with Full Western Backing (as they want a Nice Big War before the November Election)!! Turkey has now called on All Islamic Countries to “Form An Alliance Against the State of Israel”!!! Such an Alliance Against Israel “Is In Actuality An Alliance Against the West” as all Western Nations and NATO have Pledged Unwavering Support for Israel!!!
    SO A MAJOR WAR Is On The Horizon Folks!! IT IS TIME TO HUNKER DOWN AND STOCK UP ON ALL CRITICAL SUPPLIES (along with your Gold and Silver)!!!

  79. Katy Bar


  80. Susan Russo

    With time restraints, we recorded the debate last night and will watch it tonight. I have looked today at a few snippets, and it is the same old, same old. Any truth is slapped in the behind. This country is GONE if…..
    I have for a while done my best to live my life as if it is my last, giving courtesy to all that may be blindsided, including a brother.
    I listen to those who put down this election with “it does not matter who wins, the whole system is corrupt.” I beg to differ, the consequences will not be able to be ignored. In the migrant issue I watched Kamala debate with Trump, she denied the eating of dogs and cats. If this goes the wrong way, all those who are living with blinders on will wake up and know it is too late.
    God help us!!!!!

  81. Martin L.


    “As a good patriot I wanted to give you this warning for the last time to deter you from participating in alien sins. You must know I only desire the best for you all, rulers and subjects.” -Martin Luder, 1543

  82. Prospector

    THE DEEP STATE DID 9 -11 -2001

    Judicial Watch sued and won release of Pentagon camera footage from 9-11.
    What do you see ?

    In order to help address 9/11 conspiracy theories,
    @JudicialWatch sued for and obtained the Pentagon parking camera footage of AA#77 hitting the Pentagon.

  83. Justn Observer

    Appears Greg Mannarino’s news about his sister’s recovery was as ‘inspirationally spiritual’ as yours! Praise Jesus. Clearly without any other explanation.

    As this is such a circle-back not to just CAF, and PH’D Skidmore, but to Kirby and so many other guests you have presented to the viewership here for how many years now, And as it has been shown, when ANY political leader opposes ‘the swamp’ let alone attempts to ‘expose’ the swamp, strange but predictable events across the world occures…NOT just in the U.S. And clearly, the many ‘agencies’ kick in and depose those that threaten ‘their’ off book, derivative system put in operation many decades ago. Not just the U.S. but a consortium of world leaders and a pay to play system to keep the masses confused and in the dark. As one POTUS said, ‘if they knew what we are doing they’d hang us.’ The same machinations that our founding fathers hoped to break free from, to not be involved in foreign entanglements, and to create a truly independent nation, with God Given rights…and a Constitution with a NEGA TIVE Bill of Rigths…not of rights and privileges that the GOVERNMENT affords the people by law, or pleasure or cronyism, but of Rights the GOVERNMENT has NO right to interfere with. NO authority to interrupt or abridge…one’s freedom of speech, assembly, religion, privacy, to protect oneself, family, state, nor the right to keep and bear arms against those that hope/attempt to do so. That was their premise, the premise that those who involved themselves in such acts like the Treaty of Verona, and Global Governess , or ‘their’ world domination agendas MUST take down if ‘they’ ever hope to successfully make it APPEAR the U.S. Constitution failed, so ‘they’ can affect their age old plan of a ONE world CORPORATE government rather that a government of, by and for the People.

    IT IS WHAT IT IS, but one can only say,,,,this problem is NOT just a U.S. problem, ALL nations MUST clean up their own ‘swamps’ and those that are part of the ‘world deep state’ stakeholder elites, their puppets, and pay to play dictators, drug and arms dealers, and sex and child traffickers. PERIOD
    Yes, Jesus and all nations believers of what or who ‘their’ Creator is…that for LOVE, the sanctity of life, of moral values must stop ‘them’ from using their ‘beliefs’ as a weapon/tool of division to forment hatred and conflicit. The same of the rest of the tools they use. There is BUT one question of all the chaos and conflict = QUE BONO !

    It sure is NOT the masses, the people that are slaughtered in the fields or ‘theater’ of war, those being affilicted by drugs, and nor those suffering the deaths, rapes, abuse and missing children, many that are going hungry, and freezing in the winters.

    As for today – 9-11, it was a day of loss, not unlike those lost at Normandy, at Pearl Harbor, and the many via the Gladio ops in EU and other parts of the world. Think of who and where the ‘wealth’ of the world is stored and controlled from…NOT the U.S.! Although, yes the U.S. is part of the it….the BIS, IMF, FED with many of all now part of, or ‘toying with’ joining the BRIC, which is being used to disrupt the current system and collapse it so ‘their’ NWO- one WORLD digital system can get installed as a ‘solution’ to the problem the world elite stakeholder HAVE created.

    IS DJT a saint, not hardly, but although there are likely some strings as well as ”’warnings”’ zinging past his ear to remind him of JFK’s opposition…hopefully, until the People get their act together…and stop sitting on their hands, hugging their 491K, and admit they are part of the problem…let’s hope, it WAS a miracle that DJT turned his head, and HE might have a plan that we do not turn this nation over to a full blown atheist socialist/communist one.
    with that link and the ‘possible’ implications…is it any wonder why 30 PLUS intel and other and other events have been so intent on DJT not getting back into office and like JFK, exposing and ‘trying’ to upend the ‘swamp’ system of systems that use ‘their’ dependent and duped taxpayers of the world for ‘their’ enrichment as well as ‘the soul-diers’ ‘their’ human resources to capture the natural resources of other nations and the use of ‘slave wages to extract them? Much funded by drug, arms, sex and child trafficking at that! And once that stops…so, as Clif High has said, the money to keep the bribery and ‘their’ system of cronyism STOPS.
    As for some other truths that might be considered…as for BLM….
    lets go along with this…and then just ask the black people how much ‘they’ intend to pay in ‘reparations’ to those they held in captivity for how many years? as well as those of UR, and older Mesopotamia, that held Jews captive there?
    As we see those that control education, and what people are allowed or ‘led’/entrained to believe…as well as the ‘revisionist’ history of those that win the wars and destroy the prior cultures and history…and take control of the ‘money tables’ and currency and flow of commerce and merchants, shipping and the commodities thereof…control the ‘human resources’ of those nations they overthrow or infiltrate.
    We ARE dealing with a problem started eons before the first page of the bible was ever written. And for those that scoff at Clif High…they might revisit his views…which is not any indictment against the teaching of Jesus, but only an exposure of a much older history of the earth, the civilization, and if one might entertain such like the Book on Enoch, the far wider view of the Universe, ALL OF WHICH is a Creation of God, the father. Try to not just view the larger forest than just the trees, but the land the forest than might have been a desert before the first seed of those trees dropped and took root! Thinking of just the earth, really is small and puts a limit on just how Great God IS!
    But, here we be…another day…another 24 hr news cycle…of distractions and deflections… of petty left-right, blue-red, white-black, straight-gay, old- young, man-women ISSUES. Most all propaganda, gas-lighting- BS but meant to entrain and entertain, all very short on critical thinking and certainly with very, very little about those of the very upper of the upper 1$ who’s names very few even know…let alone those that OWN the media, or the Corporations that control them across the world.
    UNTIL one gets a hold of the fake news and the fake history used to control the mindset of the GOVERN – MENT … and those than use it for their… RE LEGIONING of the minds into separate camps or opposing legion of thought to dash against each does not see why BABYLON needed to disperse the people and confound their languages…to break them up into small and ‘managable’ groups…better-easier to control and keep the secrets unto themselves…

    • Ken Yu

      Mannarino makes a good point!! – After the Fed brings our Money to almost Absolute ZERO!! they need an excuse Other Then Themselves To Blame It On (And It Seems THEY HAVE CHOSEN “NUCLEAR WAR WITH RUSSIA” AS THE EXCUSE TO BLAME IT ON)!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Never mind, wrong person…Greg M isn’t person I was remembering…
      Greg, if you can just delete both this and my previous comment.
      Can’t remember guy from 2008 +/- a few years pushing silver… oh well

  84. H. Craig Bradley


    Political slogans are a funny thing, as they often mean different things to different people. They are eye-catching and vague all at the same time. Remember Obama’s campaign slogan in 2008: “Vote for CHANGE”.. Well, the same goes with our “Joy” economy today.

    Again, it means quite different things to different people depending upon your personal values and political leanings. Slogans mean what you want them to mean, often times.

    For example, a slogan posted at the Corps of Engineers District Office in Portland, Oregon (1985) read: “Mission First, People Always”. Its amazing when you can “have your cake and eat it too”. Desert anyone?

    • Galaxy 500

      Thanks for posting link on Bill Os site. I disagree with Bill about Harris not being as corrupt as Prez Harding… Kamala is orders of magnitude more corrupt.
      I don’t know about you but I can’t take much more of Kamala and Biden’s “ JOY.” High inflation, future job growth looks bleak, Banks on verge of collapse just like the US Military which doesn’t have any weapons stores or even spare parts and ammo.
      Yes, Beijing Biden and Communist Kamala make Prez Harding look like a rank Amateur of corruption.
      Kamala took a page from Hidin’ Biden’s 2020 campaign where Biden wasn’t close to winning, didn’t win and yet still waiting as put into the White House. Kamala took over Biden spot on the 2024 ticket by illegal coup just like the one that installed SLO JO as President.
      Every vote for Trump is needed. Those that sit out and don’t vote for Trump are voting for H3… Hidin 304 Harris

  85. Guardian Angel

    Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.

    2 John 9-11

    • Galaxy 500

      I know my posts are somewhat hard to understand sometimes…
      Can you advise why you posted this? Purpose and meaning? Because without posting 7 and 8, it loses its context. Which is very important in this case… anything Bible related should have enough verses to show context.

      7 I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. 8 Watch out that you do not lose what we[a] have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. 9 Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. 11 Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.

  86. Ken Yu

    Commie-la Harris once boasted about how she extended “protected status” to over 100,000 Haitians (who are currently eating our dogs and cats), which seems appropriate in the eyes of Commie Demons who currently give “protected status” to their Rats that traffic in (and eat our children)!!

    • Katy Bar

      The Demon rats bring us Voodoo Economics to “Kill our Economy” the same way they bring Voodoo Haitians to “Kill our Pets”!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Katy, you are correct. These Demons bring nothing but misery.
        The Demons want to kill our economy as a strong economy makes both the people of the country and the country strong.
        The Demons want to kill our pets (our Fur Babies) as they give us joy. Demons hate our joy.
        AND… most of all, the Demons want to KILL us. These Demons and their master hate Christians.

    • Galaxy 500

      Ken, it would be one thing if these were productive civilized humans beings. However, as they, the Elites, want chaos and lots of it, these 100,000 feral humans fit right in with the plan.
      Along with the hundred of thousand plus of military age criminals being allowed to cross the border every month. Crime is up… when it is even reported. They rape, rob, steal and murder. They kidnap OUR children and sell them. And these are the Dreamers that Demons are flying all over the country. These feral human’s dreams are regular citizen’s nightmares.

  87. Marie Joy

    You cannot vote your way out of tyranny.

    • Katy Bar

      Yes Marie – Exactly why our Founding Fathers gave us the Constitutionally Protected Right to Own a Gun and the Legal Right “To Use It” Against All Forms of Tyranny, from Monarchs Taxing Us Too Much On Tea – To Illegals Today Breaking Into Our Homes To Expropriate All Our Possessions (even our children which they routinely traffic in to sexually assault “and actually roast and eat at their Bohemian Grove Celebrations along with cat and dog horderves dipped in a worm pate’ for the Haitians among them)!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Marie, if voting didn’t matter, they would spend billions and they wouldn’t cheat. If you don’t vote Trump in Nov, you will be one of the reasons we lose

      • Marie Joy

        I agree. My point is that I expect this will get kinetic.

        • Galaxy 500

          As do I. Marie, we have power mad corrupt people that have seized control. I do not believe that they can win. But then they didn’t win last either. The cheating this time will be, by the nature of the numbers, so over the top, so in our faces, that even the average Demoncrats will know that it was stolen if they pull it off.
          Most Christians are not going to allow their wealth, land, Bibles and guns to be stolen by the Satanic Minions currently in charge of our government.
          So while I don’t not believe that Satan will win 2024 as I know Trump is YHWH’s Chosen candidate. However, the Demons are starting the cheating now. So IF the Minions claim false victory and attempt the steal in 2024, I believe that people will not allow the steal. That is what I believe will drive the Righteous forces of YHWH to a kinetic solution. Evil will have denied the Righteous all other solutions

  88. Galaxy 500

    This is why I am not a Republican. RINOs doing evil Shiite against the common man
    Mike Johnson is a despicable

  89. Galaxy 500

    These people in the Beijing Buy-Dem Hoe-bag Harris Administration, the Elites… they HATE us. They ESPECIALLY hate Veterans… well, all but the treasonous men in dresses

  90. Galaxy 500

    Tampon Tim’s America…
    Explain to me why a sane Governor would send mentally ill male predators to a female prison? This is patently absurd. What about women’s rights? If you are going to do this insanity, why segregate prisons at all?

  91. Galaxy 500

    Just like the 304 that sue Trump and win but appeared to have lied… the clothing she vividly claimed to remember weren’t made for several years after she claimed it happened…
    Here’s another gold digger…

  92. War Monger

    Evil ‘Alpha Predators’?

    You decide…

    • Galaxy 500

      Feral humans… what we are witnessing is Social Darwinism in action. White people voting themselves off the island as it were

  93. Justn Observer

    Greg, as to the commentor’s links above of the possibility of the expansion of the wars in progress, combine with all the nations facing collapsing GDP, jobs, and banking problems needing more funding/debt to keep the world debt based system afloat…AGAIN, Que Bono/
    A Practical Guide to Getting Rich off of WW3

  94. Justn Observer

    Greg, can more answers be found in Genesis?
    Ancient Egyptians & Human DNA’s Big Surprise | Traced: Episode 6

    When one considers this finding/consideration of a possible ‘new Rosette stone’ being found, least there to be considered…it is interesting that the new genome studies/finding see little exposure in the wider MSM or political discussion. EXCEPT the fact that now ‘some’ seem to hope to muddle it all by ‘their’ using/manipulating/destroying/hiding it all via altering the world’s DNA historical record with jumbling it with ‘their’ mRNA? And if this leading to new information the DEBUNKS the DARWIN EVOLUTION theory, who would not benefit from that?
    Add, to this the tectonic plate shift theory
    and the later more recent shifts of population centers…


    ONE MIGHT BE MINDFUL…AS TO THE DEAGLE REPORT…AND MAYBE LOOK AT THE BOTTOM LEFT CHART = Solar Cycle F10.7 Index and hover your curser over the
    hmmm…maybe we need a bit of Nehemiah in us…and tell the ‘supposed’ leadership…ENOUGH of it all! Take back our schools, our cities, our country and stop the endless wars!
    Why America Has ABANDONED Its Christian Origins
    We all are a Creation of the same God

  95. Nanna Banana Bellson

    Sky News Australia
    Sep 12, 2024
    ABC’s moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis have come under fire over their “erroneous, opinion-laden, and totally out of place” fact-checks during the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

    ‘The Megyn Kelly Show’ host Megyn Kelly claimed the presidential debate between the two candidates on Wednesday was a “three on one pile on”.

    “Nine times out of 10, their fact check was BS, it was made up, it was a lie or it was an opinion which had no place at a presidential debate,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray.
    “There were so many that you, as a moderator, if you wanted to get into the fact-checking business, you absolutely could have called her [Kamala Harris] out on. That, in my view, would have been inappropriate at a presidential debate, but if you’re gonna do it to him[Donald Trump], you have an obligation to do it to her.”

  96. Nanna Banana Bellson

    Sky News Australia
    782,416 views Sep 12, 2024
    ABC’s moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis have come under fire over their “erroneous, opinion-laden, and totally out of place” fact-checks during the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
    ‘The Megyn Kelly Show’ host Megyn Kelly claimed the presidential debate between the two candidates on Wednesday was a “three on one pile on”.
    “Nine times out of 10, their fact check was BS, it was made up, it was a lie or it was an opinion which had no place at a presidential debate,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray.
    “There were so many that you, as a moderator, if you wanted to get into the fact-checking business, you absolutely could have called her [Kamala Harris] out on. That, in my view, would have been inappropriate at a presidential debate, but if you’re gonna do it to him[Donald Trump], you have an obligation to do it to her.”

  97. Norman Greenjeans

    ABC Faces Major Backlash for Rigging Debate Against Trump!
    1,950,593 views Premiered Sep 11, 2024
    Donald Trump and MAGA supporters have criticized the moderators’ performances in the first debate between the former president and Kamala Harris, which aired on ABC on Tuesday night.
    David Muir and Linsey Davis fact-checked and corrected Trump four times, but they did not correct Harris once, AP reported, during the event in Philadelphia in which the candidates sparred over the economy, abortion, foreign policy and immigration.

  98. Ustuss Truss

    New poll spells ‘very bad news’ for Kamala Harris as ‘sugar high’ begins to end
    Sky News Australia 1,326,665 views Sep 11, 2024
    Filmmaker Ami Horowitz says the polls are trending against US Vice President Kamala Harris now that the “sugar high” is over.
    “The polls are trending against her now that the sugar high of her replacing Biden is over,” he told Sky News host Danica De Giorgio.
    Mr Horowitz said a recent New York Times poll revealed some “very bad news” for the Harris campaign.

    • Katy Bar

      As the “Sugar High” begins to wear off Kamala begins to emphasize her support for the policies of Dick Cheney and George Bush who gave us 9-11 !!! And it seems to have worked, as she has now gained the support of many Criminal Diehard Deep State Neocon War Hawks (the very people who planned and carried out 9-11, the Iraq War and Afghanistan Invasion ) and who are now proudly throwing their full support behind Kamala Harris for President. Chief among Commie-la’s new supporters is former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney along with a bunch of Bush-era neoconservatives like Bill Kristol, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and many staffers for the late former Republican presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.
      Commie-la is laughing hysterically about her gaining a new Right-wing Fan Club of over 200 Republican staffers (who worked for George W. Bush, McCain, and former Republican presidential nominee, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah)!! I hope Democratic voters are not so dumb as to not understand that a vote for Kamala “is a vote to keep the Deep State Neocons in power” (who brought us 9-11, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and are now intent on bringing us into a Nuclear War with Russia)!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      I don’t think we have ever seen a “real” poll on Kamala-ala. it is hard for me to believe that her support is more than 25%

  99. jnOT SO swift?

    Linsey Davis ABC Moderator LOSES JOB After She Gave Kamala & Her Team DEBATE QUESTIONS In Hotel Room! Life With Recklezz 214,105 views Sep 12, 2024

    Kamala Harris LOST IT & SCREAMS At Joe Biden After He Said She CHEATED In DEBATE & He LOVES Trump Life With Recklezz 11 hours ago

    Taylor Swift’s Ignorance Just Backfired with Co-Host Megyn Kelly
    The Rubin Report 553,576 views 19 hours ago
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of him and special co-host Megyn Kelly talking about how young Swifties going through puberty are put in actual danger of getting unnecessary top surgery and gender-affirming care because of the ignorance of Taylor Swift.

    ‘Get The Hell Out Of Here’: Polish MP Tells Blinken | Russia Gives ‘Proof’ Of UK envoys Spying editorji 100’s watching now Started streaming 75 minutes ago mats
    As West readies to arm Ukraine with Storm missiles, Poland far-right is fuming, Poland far-right leader Grzegorz Braun has this stern message for Blinken.
    His message comes as experts believe Poland will be targeted by Putin. Reportedly, attacking Poland is one of the retaliator option for Putin if Kyiv gets missiles.
    BBC reported that Russia plans to attack weapons supply base inside a NATO nation like Poland. Reports suggest USA, allies are close to giving missile-use nod.
    If US allows its weapons to be used against us why can’t we do the same Putin said. We can supply the same grade weapons TO NATO adversaries: Putin. Steamer missile nod to Kyiv, Russia revokes mandate to 6 UK diplomats. Six UK diplomats were spying: Russian intelligence in a statement.
    Will Blinkin Blink?

    • Galaxy 500

      Hey, I can’t find where AB c fired the moderator. Don’t know about the rest but if I check the first and it appears wrong, I stop

  100. Galaxy 500

    When the Truth just slips out…
    Every one know Kamala prostituted herself for a political appointment.

  101. Justn Observer

    Greg, Jimmy Dore, Catherwood and Candace Owens all suspended yesterday? ! The ‘censcored’ truther club grows larger! lol
    The ‘crossover ‘ from radical left looking for a new place more centerist and por-U.S. is growing…as the masses are awakened. The days of the MSM and ‘influencers’ and ‘disruptors’ is near the end. Only the ‘low information’ voters or those bribed or just to entrained are left…and those who’s living is tied to the payola of endless war…and the profits in drugs, arm, child and sex trafficking. One has to believe the We the People who want MAGA….is way greater than 50%…and certainly even those in the battleground states have to see the lies and manipulation. OR they bring a whole new meaning to STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!

    • Katy Bar

      Speaking of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME, has anyone noticed that Kamala has been bringing in (over the last three and a half years) “Blood Sucking Haitians” and Settling Them in Many Many Small Towns Across the United States (so as to “Normalize” the Drinking of Blood in the weak minds of the low IQ Libtard and Morally Perverted LGBTQ++ Communities across America)!!! Our Nation was founded “To Get Away From the Blood Drinking Kings and Queens of Europe” who are Still Proud of their Ancestry and Blood Lines to Count Dracula the Impaler (the latest King in England “likely to Normalize the Crown’s Demonic Infatuation with Blood Drinking recently displayed “A Blood Red Portrait of Himself ” for All the World to See!!!

  102. Laura Parsons

    Putin Warns NATO Will Be ‘At War’ With Moscow If Ukraine Fires Long-range Missiles At Russia Hindustan Times Started streaming 8 hours ago
    Putin Vs NATO Live | Putin Live | Putin Live Warning to US | Russia Vs Ukraine Live
    Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sep 13 warned NATO nations amid the ongoing Ukraine war. Putin said that the West allowing Ukraine to use longer-range weapons to strike Russian targets would mean NATO would be “at war” with Moscow.

    • A_Friend

      Laura, that is what the Globalists want. A huge 3rd war to blame and cover their actions. Of course they will give heavy weapons to the Ukraine comedian in chief.

      “By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Make War”

    • Katy Bar

      As we get closer to a Major War with Russia the US Military is going to Need Many Young American Fighting Men to Die to Protect Ukraine’s Borders (a Nation that is not even in NATO)!! Does the US need to get out of NATO “so American Boys to protect our Borders?? Problem is, as we can see from the DMED Military Database (in just the 10 months of 2021 after the US Military Jabbed is Men and Women in Uniform with the Kill Shot) All Causes of Morbidity and Mortality Increased by 1100% over the previous year!! Now that’s a whopping 5000% increase folks – which is nothing less then “Self Inflicted Genocide”!!!!

      • A_Friend

        Well Katy, you are watching the plan in actiom. Vaxxx our armed forces to cripple them, also sent them overseas on many fronts and nobody is “guarding the fort.”

        This is when the Migrants come to play. Offer citizenship by joining the military and deploy them in the US.

        Now you have true patriots fighting outside and non patriots that have no emotional connection, controling the population of the US.

  103. H.G.Longwell

    The plan: STOPA TRUMP! Allow Kyiv to strike St. Petersburg deep inside Russia with British supplied Storm Shadow missiles, provoking Russia to respond into British US. supplied NATO Poland. Thus bringing in direct neo-conflict, Russia NATO and the dual Anglo-American world super power, up to the brink of nuclear confrontation. Which could snowball; if Russia decides using a small scale tactical nuke on a western European NATO nation. If and in any way feels that it’s sovereignty threatened by the new world, old world disorder! Thus making a snowball’s chance in hell Washington would respond in kind at and in any way retaliate with Russia, knowing full well they’ll be no sacrificing of New York or Washington for any European capitol and would be off the table in a nuclear exchange with say even Britain. But the prize of an election postponed would be worth it all, let alone the risk. To stop Donald Trump, from becoming El Presidente’ ! WHAT COULD GO WRONG?
    Watch the Following Very Carefully/The Writing is on The Walz!

  104. Larvae McQuininski

    L.P., PEACE on EARTH or NO EARTH at ALL!
    The Deep State Neo-Conmen & Woman [Like Liz Cheney, H. Clinton Tori Nuland] Are losing their, not our war mind you with Russia and they’re Lawfare warfare with Trump, is lost and even the rigged polling numbers cant hide the fact Kamala is a fraud and will eventually talk! They’re selection election gang, the Andy unWiseWAKE UP! Seven Days In May (1964) Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, Fredric March

    Neil Oliver: It’s us or them! 121K views 2 days ago
    ‘…the establishment are abusing the very nature of democracy…’
    @moiragoldsmith7052 2 days ago
    If you are not allowed to say ‘no’ and/or not allowed to ask ‘why’, then you know it is an abusive situation.

    “I Don’t Know If Trump Will Be Allowed To Become President” – Eric Weinstein
    Chris Williamson 429,518 views Sep 11, 2024
    Chris and Eric Weinstein discuss the future of Trump’s presidential. Why is Eric Weinstein hesitant about Trump being elected as president? Who is running the United States according to Eric Weinstein? What is the “rules-based international order” according to Eric Weinstein?

  105. James Hall

    Greg, you need to research mud floods in the USA, This is a growing topic.

  106. Rick

    Another great show with the Analyst of Time! I hope you are getting plenty of rest; and all glory to our Heavenly Father for seeing you through the surgery!

  107. Galaxy 500

    Wow… you kill off your customers for profit and you don’t sell as much in the future…Who knew?

  108. Justn Observer

    Greg, for those that don’t think bus. news and reports generated to run the markets are not ‘rigged’? @17:00
    Clearly, an ‘admission’ that John Williams Shadows stats has been right all along? lol
    By the why, wonder how he is and where he thinks we are about now.
    It would be good if people actually watched the whole video as it has lots of nuggets to consider.

  109. Galaxy 500

    A plague upon China… naw, it’s meant for us

  110. Marie Joy


  111. Felix Leitner

    Bill Maher on Harris
    Trump vs. Fake News CIA project Mockingbird media

  112. Justn Observer

    Greg, On the way of a searching for the who how why of the insanity of this ‘progressive’ wok movement, therein lies a sub-story as to the formation of the ‘deep state’ (the tripartite powers of the public, private, and SECURITY states).
    If nothing else a great source of books to assemble if one chooses to research to find who is running the U.S. and the rest of the world. First, start with the wealthiest of those within one’s own country and start connecting them with those of other nations and ancestry and combine those with the puppets the employ to head up the countries to do their bidding.
    The USA is an oligarchy: This scholar explained how in 1956 =
    If nothing else a great source of books to assemble….

    This series full of nuggets one might find interesting –
    A book one might like to indulge in? =
    ‘ American Exception seeks to explain the breakdown of US democracy. In particular, how we can understand the uncanny continuity of American foreign policy, the breakdown of the rule of law, and the extreme concentration of wealth and power into an overworld of the corporate rich. To trace the evolution of the American state, the author takes a deep politics approach, shedding light on those political practices that are typically repressed in “mainstream” discourse.

    In its long history before World War II, the US had a deep political system—a system of governance in which decision-making and enforcement were carried out within—and outside of—public institutions. It was a system that always included some degree of secretive collusion and law-breaking. After World War II, US elites decided to pursue global dominance over the international capitalist system. Setting aside the liberal rhetoric, this project was pursued in a manner that was by and large imperialistic rather than progressive. To administer this covert empire, US elites created a massive national security state characterized by unprecedented levels of secrecy and lawlessness. The “Global Communist Conspiracy” provided a pretext for exceptionism—an endless “exception” to the rule of law.

    What gradually emerged after World War II was a tripartite state system of governance. The open democratic state and the authoritarian security state were both increasingly dominated by an American deep state. The term deep state was badly misappropriated during the Trump era. In the simplest sense, it herein refers to all those institutions that collectively exercise undemocratic power over state and society. To trace how we arrived at this point, American Exception explores various deep state institutions and history-making interventions. Key institutions involve the relationships between the overworld of the corporate rich, the underworld of organized crime, and the national security actors that mediate between them. History-making interventions include the toppling of foreign governments, the launching of aggressive wars, and the political assassinations of the 1960s. The book concludes by assessing the prospects for a revival of US democracy.’
    Reviews =
    “A gifted student of history, Aaron Good digs deep into its underbrush of confusion to bring out lucid insights into the American Empire—and the reasons for its behavior. This work again reminds us of the pernicious impact of intelligence and security forces and their role in undermining our integrity as a country.”
    —Oliver Stone, author and Academy Award-winning director, producer, and screenwriter

    “Aaron Good has written a penetrating and highly original study of American exceptionism—the systematic overriding of law, often for the sake of national security. Recognizing that the records-based methods of academic historians are insufficient for an era of covert action agencies and plausible deniability, he surveys facts, normally suppressed, about the increased role of criminality in political activity, citing specifically assassinations, the ‘October Surprise’ of 1968, and the crimes of Watergate. He also critiques and advances on the efforts of previous thinkers like C. Wright Mills to conceptualize what he calls the tripartite state—’comprised of the democratic or public state, the national-security state, and the deep state.’ This is a valuable and much-needed book, an unparalleled synthesis of the emerging new critical perspective on American hegemony.”
    —Peter Dale Scott, English professor emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley and author of Coming to Jakarta and The Road to 9/11

    “In The Untold History of the United States, Oliver Stone and I countered the dangerous myths of unbridled American rectitude and imperious exceptionalism. In American Exception, Aaron Good takes this a big step further, producing something we might call untold social science, a work that brilliantly illuminates the deep political forces that have animated the American empire throughout its volatile, troubled, and often violent history.”
    —Peter Kuznick, professor of history and director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University

    “Why does the US wage war and project coercive machinations abroad no matter the party leading Congress or the president in office? Good offers a piquant, rich, and memorable answer by excavating the hidden faces of power within the American state—or rather, states, each defined by their embedded interests, public countenance, and corporate stakeholders that operate in the hidden spaces of the national political economy. There is no triumphalist narrative here, only a grim but necessary recounting of how financial and security interests shaped US foreign policy at every turn across the past half-century.”
    —Sean Yom, associate professor of Political Science at Temple University and senior fellow in the Middle East Program at the Foreign Policy Research Institute

    IF NOT…one might at least consider the summary of sorts =
    Criminality of US empire and deep state = the last of the series

  113. Galaxy 500

    Where is the guy that was saying New Zealand was a bastion of freedom…
    Freedom my ass…

  114. Galaxy 500

    They actually expect us the believe it was an “accident “…

  115. Galaxy 500

    If you ever thought this guy was ever reasonable or on “our” side…

  116. Earth Angel

    I beg to differ with the statement in the introduction synopsis that the brothers of Goliath (BRICS nations) will ruin the credit of the United States! The bought and paid for US government stooges spending like drunken sailors, Wall Street, and their central banking fiat money credit systems have already done a stellar job of that for the last 40 odd years. Let’s be honest- We don’t need the BRICS countries to sink us- we did that to ourselves. : (

  117. FastEddy

    Warp Speed Trump is Only in A.I form ..iT Unleashed VAXULA along with Friends and Foes ….Return Bible Money to people TRUMPS Y’all Belong in The DUMPS…The Mighty CHERUBIM will Dry Up The Swamp….But Brother Bo is Correct about Father GODS Money it endures forever it saves the Flesh but Not The Soul ..Its all VANITY ..Push CODE for 50% of Make $$$$ off The LORD Sleep Well for Now

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