Cartoons Explain Fed Chief’s Actions

By Greg Hunter’s 

The folks at Reachwest News Networks (RNN) had some really interesting cartoons, this week, explaining the words and actions of Fed Chief Ben Bernanke.  Bernanke hinted this week at more money printing (QE3).  There is also a new lecture series where Bernanke is basically bashing gold and a gold standard.  The two cartoons are entertaining and poke some fun at the Fed Chief, but they also contain facts and analysis I think are pretty good.  The two video cartoons you are about to see are from this past Monday and Wednesday.  (Before we get to the cartoon, click here for some background and analysis on Bernanke and his gold comments from fund manager Axel Merk.)  Enjoy:

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  1. Troy


    Is not the FED buying up to 61% of the Nations debt at present?
    It will be a thousand year Reich 😉

    Nothing to see; Everything is Fine; Quit being a Doomsday Fear Monger 😉

  2. peter

    It would appear that the political establishment believes that the Mayan calendar is correct and that the world will end in December. This is the only explanation that I can see makes sense based on their senseless and reckless behaviour.

    Thanks for the summary of the important news each week.

    Great reporting

  3. JILL

    61% ????? OMG…Make Madoff head of FED. At least he as a track record of running a sucessful Ponzi scheme

    • Greg

      What is even more frightening is that this story was met with a great big yawn from the MSM. The dollar is in a tailspin. Is there any wonder why gasoline is $4 a gallon? Thank you Jill for your comment.

      • Troy

        Who owns the MSM?

        Not going to happen.

  4. Greg

    Thank you Dave for posting this comment. It is a good one!

  5. rolf

    bring back the OTTOMAN EMPIRE

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