Chaos is Coming – John Rubino
By Greg Hunter’s
Analyst and financial writer John Rubino has long warned of a massive financial crisis. With unstoppable wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, Rubino says one thing is for sure, “Chaos is coming.” Rubino explains, “This does not get fixed easily, and to the extent this gets fixed at all, this gets fixed via chaos. Prepare for a really interesting decade. This is going to be unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes. Not since the Great Depression, nothing like this has happened.”
This all feeds into what Rubino calls the “shrinking trust horizon.” Rubino points out, “When everybody is lying to you, you reach a point where you only trust your city councilman, or your mayor and your local farmers. . . . So, you just don’t put any stock in what your doctor tells you. You stop taking the vaccinations they tell you to take. . . . You stop doing the . . . statins for high blood pressure and cholesterol. You stop doing that because you don’t trust those people anymore. . . . Starting with the “weapons of mass destruction,” which the government lied to us to get us into a multi-trillion dollar war in Iraq, it’s been one big lie after another. In 2016, there was Trump/Russia collusion. . . . It turned out to be Hillary Clinton opposition research. With the CV19 pandemic, it was just lie, after lie, after lie. . . . Now, you have what is going on in North Carolina and Tennessee after Hurricane Helene. People are figuring out they are being lied to one issue at a time. . . . You’ve got a whole new set of people watching the government screw up and behave incompetently or corruptly, and they are learning they cannot trust the guys in charge anymore. So, the trust horizon is shrinking everywhere you look.”
There are so many parts of the economy that are quietly facing huge trouble and big losses. Nothing could start a total all-sector market crash faster than an attack by Israel on Iran’s nuclear sites. Rubino says, “There you go. That could be the thing that sets everything off. Bombing nuclear weapons facilities or a nuclear power plants is one of those things that has so many unintended consequences. Iran would have to respond to that in a serious way. It’s possible that China and Russia would step in on the side of Iran. . . . Then you get something much bigger. . . . I think the financial markets would respond to that. Oil would go to $150 a barrel. That would crash the stock market. Then you get all the other dominos falling: commercial real estate, residential real estate, government bonds, derivatives and everything starts blowing up. That could be the catalyst for a market crash much bigger than 2008 and 2009. This would be something we have not seen since the Great Depression. We are not far from that. I think Trump said he thinks Israel should bomb Iran’s nuclear facility. . . . Biden is the demented figurehead for the neocons who want WWIII because they think they can win it. Chaos is definitely coming, but I am hoping it is survivable chaos, and I am not sure that it will be.”
There is much more in the 48-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer John Rubino and his new enterprise called for 10.08.24.
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After the Interview:
John Rubino is a prolific financial writer, and you can see some of his work for free at
There is even more cutting-edge original information and analysis if you subscribe.
You can also support John Rubino at the snail mail address below:
PO Box 953
Carlsborg, WA 98324
(Please support the truth tellers.)

Chaos is well and truly here. Love you Greg and thanks for having such a wonderful concise discussion.
Prayer’s for the Floridian residents

Please LLM Propaganda networks, stop promoting the Psyop.
‘Hurricane Helene Devastation Leads To Conspiracy Theories | 10 News First’
The establishment always show their ignorance to the awakened people.
This is done by symbolism through signs, flags and images.
When there is a major manufactured disruption there’s always a telltale sign beforehand.
Watching the Katy Perry performance at the 2024 AFL Grand Final I thought it was less Demonic that of Kiss in 2023. How wrong I was,; the overhead spider cam view of centrepiece arrangement gave it away, only once I had seen what Hurricane Milton looked like from a satellite view.
9:30 minute mark.
Getting silver is one way to prepare
“All Out War on Christ” – Cliffe Knechtle on America’s Problem With Christianity & God
And it’s “All Out War” on the First Amendment that Hillary Clinton and John Kerry are now Publicly Calling for the Destruction Of!! With Killary additionally demanding that Americans (who dare to use their Constitutional Right to Free Speech) to be criminally charged, prosecuted and locked up!!!
After they take away our Free Speech and “lock us up” because we don’t believe in Total One World Censorship … they will then take away our Freedom of Religion and force us to believe in A One World Religion!! But to believe in the God (of our choosing) is just as important as having the right to Freedom of Thought!!!
Julian Assange – The CIA Tried to Assassinate Me
Good morning brother Greg, I was praying this morning for the restoration of your health and that of your brother Greg Mammarino. I am grateful that your heart and Greg’s M have had your health restored. Thank be to GOD.
It pains me to hear that 2 friends seem to have ended their relationship. Both of you are believers. I have heard Greg M express regret about the beak in the relationship. He does not seem to understand the cause of the break in this relationship.
As Christians, we live by a different set of laws. If I could have privately contacted you I would have. Both of my friends named Greg understand the only limitation on God’s forgiveness. As a brother, I ask you both to reconcile before your go before your judge Jesus Christ.
Can you imagine the joy of your heavenly father when he sees two brothers named Greg reconciled? can you imagine the treasure you will bestow on me in heaven? Please help me to be a Peacemaker.
God bless both of my brothers named Greg.
But look out brother some people don’t want
them to reconcile .
And will call you nasty names .
Keep on praying / I will join you in this noble
and loving matter .
Wayne Hardin
Thanks Brother. Love is the answer, even if they are your enemies.
Chaos planned from 2001, via NASA document, 35min talk available via FB (sorry, I didn’t know how else to copy/paste this amazingly honest discussion from 2023):
She is my hero!
Greg, some weeks prior to your getting sick, the notifications for USA Watchdog started coming through with my having to cut and paste the link. Now I am not only cutting and pasting to get your website but there are multiple adds. There are usually two prior to the show starting and then throughout there are multiple advertorials for just a bunch of junk. Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid this or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
This is Rumble and I have been complaining about it.
Try using browser. I seldom experience ads.
I use uBlock Origin on my browser and I get NO Ads anywhere I go. I hate Ads.
What makes this coming chaos even worse is that the Leftists and Globalists with the help of the government has done their best to divide the nuclear family along with church and religion and replace God with Daddy and Mommy centralized government.
Chris Martenson interviewed this NC resident as he now tries to help those in need but the government is now getting in the way.
During the Great Depression you had neighbor helping neighbor, churches helping the downtrodden and people in general having a strong belief in a higher power. Today in North Carolina, you have neighbor trying to help neighbor, Elon Musk wanting to help those hard hit in North Carolina and the government giving stand down orders with threats of arrests. Meanwhile F.E.M.A. used its funds to use that towards migrants. And the head of F.E.M.A. was caught shopping at a high end clothing store while people in NC are suffering and trapped and presumably dead.
“The nine scariest words in the English language are: “I’m from the government and i’m here to help”. – Ronald Reagan
‘The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’
George Orwell, 1984.
“Catastrophic World Events” – Randall Carlson: Freemasons, Extinction Events & Planetary Defense
A steady interview. Preparation direction/trajectory will be influenced by individual circumstances. … Personal hearty agreement with interview ending priority suggestion advice.
Parallels/paraphrases Jesus admonition Mt. 6:33 ‘But, first, seek ye the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and, all these things shall be added unto you.’
A refutation to advice placing profit/prosperity priority 1.
Thank you, Mr. Hunter. Health and peace to you.
If unrest across our nation is great enough.
Nation wide Martial law can be declared (before trump is elected).
Then would put this nation under Joe & DefSec Austin.
Then our Constitution, Bill of Rights & laws can be swept aside.
THEN they can install the socialist dystopia (for us) they want.
The Biden/Harris Administration has Just Backed Down on their Declared Proposal for a Nation-wide Martial Law Implementation (Before the Election)!! Which would have Infringed on All Americans Financial Privacy by Requiring that Bank Transactions in Our Personal and Business Accounts for over $600 Dollars be Sent to the IRS. Likely Designed to Gather the Additional Tax Revenue Needed to Bring More Illegal Emigrants into the US to Vote Demon-rat-ic this November!!
Thanks, Greg….John Rubino smart guy with positive attitude and good financial advice.
Great interview, God bless,
Here in the UK and Europe CHAOS is HERE and NOW with our idiot neocons all out for war .If this is ever over the next generation of neocons need to be taught a lesson.
Karine Jean-Pierre Caught LYING About FEMA Funding Migrant Resettlement
Holy crap Greg. Are you starving? What’s with all the two minute plus commercials that I can’t skip?
If you need money that badly then just charge us $5/month but don’t make us listen to stupid videos we have no interest in. I’ve followed you for years but couldn’t watch any more after the fourth one came on and I was forced to listen to useless drivel.
Bad form and bad format. Hope you lose this quick. We’re all inundated with bullshit. We come here for some refreshing truth. Not more bullshit.
This is a Rumble thing. I am complaining about it to management.
I was listening to a Doug Hagmann/Steve Quayle interview a few days ago on Rumble. Same thing! Ads every few minutes, it was insane. Mr. Hagmann pointed out the same thing, the problem is with Rumble and he was trying to get Rumble to fix whatever is going on with their platform. Personally, me thinks there’s sabotage afoot outside of Rumble. Happens when you guys are telling too much truth. Thank you, as always, for your hard work, great interviews and diligence and commitment to bring us the truth. Prayers for you and your family, Psalm 91 to keep you under God’s protection.
Hi Greg,
Just FYI, many Rumble podcasters having similar bombardment of Ads issues, hagmannpi is one that is also complaining. They also have a Brighteon account that they upload their content videos to which is free from bombardment maybe you can set up alternate platform. I don’t mind a few Ads, but there is a limit. I do buy products from your sponsors. Thanks for all you do to keep us informed!
Use a VPN.
Greg, is the ad thing a regional thing? From my altitude and PNW area…usually 2 ads pop up, and within 4 seconds a ‘skip’ button appears which cancels them. No big deal, click on start, 4 sec click skip, second ad-4 secs click skip, then just sit back and enjoy a FREE interview with GREAT guests with FREE truthful, insightful, information and their perspective based on their knowledge base of expertise.
Informative and Entertaining. IF those and yours of your supporters keep the lights there and at Rumble…unless its a ‘content’matter’ of what YOU ‘d rather not be affiliated with, probably not worth your time hitting on Rumble…all is good.
Not a podcast to be found that does not have em.
Keep up the great FREE interviews Greg!
I plan to stop watching your show.
I can no longer skip through the annoying ads like in the past.
I have ZERO interest in the products being pitched.
I’m sorry it is just too annoying.’
You advertise your vendors which is fine. This new forced additional ad format that can’t be skipped/fast forwarded is unbearable.
I have historically made it a point to watch your show every week. But I will stop watching unless the prior “skip after 5 seconds” format is brought back.
This is a Rumble issue and out of my control. They told me today that are working on trying to make it better. Whatever that means.
To those who have ad issues with Rumble, it’s either your internet service provider messing with you or the browser in which you are using. This is NOT Greg’s fault.
Use Brave as your browser and a VPN. I do not experience any of these issues, most are having.
Hoping this helps.
You don’t need to listen to the entire commercial. If you are on a laptop, look at the bottom right side of the video and select “skip ad” after the 5 second countdown clock ends.
The other comment I would add – – if you aren’t willing to listen to a few commercials to hear 45 minutes plus worth of the insights Greg / guests provide….well then…what can I say. I gladly would wait that long for what Greg / guest provide 2+ times a week…. Thanks Greg..
Me too, I have no problem waiting a few minutes for what Greg/guest provides 2+ times a week – for free!
Try using browser. I seldom experience ads.
Yes…that is what I Do.
What excellent information! Greg brings..
Please Do not make him feel bad!
I go directly to Greg’s website and watch there. Never any ads (except Greg himself about his sponsors). Maybe try that instead of on rumble
Get an Ad Blocker. I have one and never get any ADs anywhere I go. It is not Greg’s fault.
Where does this belief come from that Trump is going to reform the system? He’s endorsed every RINO neocon in the party for the last four years and surrounded himself with lobbyists, corporate vampires, and deep state swamp creatures. Trumpers are going to be crying in their MAGA hats when Trump 2.0 turns out to be another tragically lost opportunity. Trump is a stage performer. He has no interest in governing whatsoever and he’s going to hand over that job to Jared Kushner and a tawdry assortment of RINO neocon perennial losers.
Versus what alternative?
Whatever Trump is or isn’t, he’s better than the alternatives. He can give us more time/life than we would have with the Cacklers.
Boots on the ground information . From North Carolina . Body count likely being downplayed by MSM. Caller calls in and offers eyewitness account of alleged FEMA blocking aid. Bat Cave NC , area.
Podcaster is Terrance Popp , former military , doing shows over ten years. DEMONITIZED by U Tube if that is any hint about credibility. Show is two hours long, so budget your time , but well worth it. ( Direct Link first )
Hurricane FEMA
Also has a Rumble channel – REDONKULAS / Live from the Lair / Grunt Speak Live
Unlike MSM , he reports facts. Then , when he offers OPINION , he says so , plainly.
High credibility score, since social ” scoring ” is now a thing.
Dear Greg, Censorship is physically impossible because information can’t be separated from reality nor destroyed. My research on information physics confirms this. Suppression of information is a waste of time and money, because laws of physics won’t allow it.
It all comes down to what functions and what malfunctions. My research explains how and why information is a physical entity consisting of bits. The information deficit paradox: Disinformation to obtain the undeserved for competitive advantage consumes the energy which would have been needed to obtain the undeserved. Only systems (government) which uses optimal information can function. All global risks are caused by information deficits.
Sounds mystic Dude. Thought is information and it not a physical thing.
The “ Federal Government “ is the disaster !
tks john greg
The personal, financial and business decisions which individuals made over the course of their lives are really going to matter as we enter the climax of a world at war, a world in turmoil, a world becoming more wicked by the day.
Choices matter. Perhaps some choices don’t matter when the good times are rolling. When Ronald Reagan was president, the margin for error was much more forgiving for me in every aspect of my life. Nowadays, that margin of error is razor thin. Bad choices compound into a bad situation much more easily now.
Where I live, who I married (or didn’t marry), the business deals I now make (or don’t make), my healthy eating choices and exercise program (or lack thereof), in short every decision I make today is less forgiving – if it’s the wrong one.
Just look around and see how one bad decision can ruin entire families. A current example of a bad decision is moving to a place like Florida unless you are ready to lose everything in a natural disaster. And take Tempa, for example, where CENTCOM is located. Do you really want to live next door to U.S. Central Command when WW3 happens? CENTCOM is a primary target, and so are YOU, if you live there.
Choices matter. Truth matters. Truth especially matters in a wicked, wicked world wherein socioeconomics, geopolitics, climate change, public education and every aspect of life are based on lies, lies and more lies.
Lastly, but not least, is what kind of skill sets do I have? My skill sets are really going to matter going forward. For example, being a Certified Master Gardener will be a better skill to have than a liberal arts teaching degree. Education and experience matter. Can I produce my own food, water, medicine, utilities, clothes and do I have a job skill that other people will need?
There isn’t much time left and very little margin of error.
Read the Bible daily and pray for God’s wisdom.
I like John, but I believe he is wrong about a few things here. We must punish those who have done all this treasonous evil. If we don’t they won’t stop and will gear up again the very next time they have a chance. They will determine there is no downsize of committing this evil. He should have mentioned Bitcoin, because it is not going away and will be the backbone of our economy in the future. There will only be a maximum of 21 million BTC ever made, so every millionaire will not be able to have 1 Bitcoin because of the scarcity.
I am in South Venice, FL, with my 2 dogs. Unable to evacuate. It’s much too hard for me to do alone and will be turned away without crates for dogs (I can’t afford them). There are no chairs or cots and there’d be too much to carry by myself…and the matter of no crates.
However, I just turned 69 on Oct 5. I am very tired (took care of little bro w/Down syndrome by myself for 7 years, used up retirement money doing so, etc.). I am right with Lord Jesus and not afraid. I am sorry that I had to make a decision that affects my dogs, too, Kimba is 12 (pit mix) and Midget is 7 (Chihuahua mix, very brave). They both had hard lives before I took them in, and I don’t think they’d fare well at all without me.
I ask that you all pray for those of us who will drown. Make it be quick, Lord, and allow our souls to escape the mortal coil asap. Especially allow the dog’s souls to escape their bodies quickly. I hope they will forgive me for brining them to Florida.
I promise to do everything I can to help from heaven so that we have MAGA/MAHA in the United States for eons.
God bless everyone. So sorry I can’t vote for Trump now, but I will do what I can from heaven to stop the steal. Know that this is a manufactured weather event.
Good night…
The Constitutional Republic our Government is formed by, says we elect our servants to serve “We the People” and this is not happening. These individuals, entities what have you are there to serve “We the People”.
If they are involved in activities subverting “We the People”, then they are committing acts against the Rule of Law and are voluntarily doing this, then the BLIND JUSTICE of our Rule of Law should have these individuals arrested immediately, and the consequences be administered. They did this to themselves. No one else. They are responsible for their own actions, No one else. Let the Laws of Justice come upon them in the name of Jesus!
If we run a red light, we are subject to the consequences of the rules in place.
Why our Law enforcing officials are absent in carrying out their duties for “We the People” is my question???
We are on our own!
The LAW Enforcement is MIA isn’t it… unless you have a certain political affiliation … they you are punished for make believe infractions
To roughly quote Bill Holter, “The Second Coming can’t come soon enough.
For many Republicans living in Florida “TODAY WAS THEIR LAST DAY ON EARTH”!! Hurricane Milton about to hit Florida “Looks Like One Big Giant Tornado” that the Demon Rats “carefully guided and manipulated to hit Mostly Republican Tampa and thus create “Thousands of Dead Republicans” who can then be used by the Demon Rats to Vote for Kamala!!! These Evil Demon Rats are probably smirking and wringing their hands in glee just waiting in Happy Anticipation to make all those Many Dead Republican Bodies “Provide the Swing Vote Needed” for COMMIE KAMALA to Win Florida!!!
Folks, stop kidding yourselves:
Both Kamala & Trump are anti-American stooges who are nearly 100% aligned on every issue of importance–including censorship (remember Trump attempting to ban so-called “Anti-Semitism”?) & WWIII.
Also, I can’t BELIEVE that Greg & John are still pushing Qanon BS about Trump, Flynn and the ‘White Hats’ taking down Hillary and other members of the ‘Deep State’…these two knuckleheads already forgot that Trump never had any intention of “locking her up” …they forgot that Trump, Flynn & the ‘White Hats’ did NOTHING against the ‘Deep State’ when they had power!
If you can not see a difference between Trump and Kamala, I question your ability to discern. You say they are aligned. That is poppycock .
Greg, you have to know how important your reporting is when you see people posting things like this. Propaganda this funny needs its own laugh track. Keep up the GOOD work Brother.
TY I feel sorry for people having such unreal beliefs. God Bless! Poppycock was a good word to describe it.
The media, the new wave church’s (notice the small “c”), every evil creature on this planet is trying to divide the Chosen. They can not overcome us if we stand with our Lord, Jesus. But YHWH requires us to act on his will. We must oppose this evil by voting
Prepare for an interesting decade? Do we even have that long ?
A decade? nay, don’t see it, but that’s just this simple man.
two good Christian men. An honor Truth tellers God Bless
Mr. Greg Hunter

Our Ultimate American Patriot
Thanks for all you do for America
Stay Well my Brother
I highly recommend Discount Gold & Silver – Melody Cedarstrom is wonderful to work with. I continue to accumulate Silver and Gold
Rod Brumley Sr
Thank you for the advice
It’s not a two party system that the dems would go after the repubs and the repubs go after the dems. It’s a one party system and for this election coming up, Trump is more on the side of the people than any election for the last few decades. Trump is more Constitutional than most everyone in government.
Let’s get one thing straight can we?
People are NOT figuring anything out
They’re still too busy being in their happy place drinking their happy juice con the Convid work at home gravy train.
Rubino explains that everything will start blowing up here in America “if Iran Is Bombed” and then goes on to say he thinks Trump believes “Israel Should Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Facilities”!! Which will bring on many Unintended Consequences (like a stock market crash, along with commercial real estate, residential real estate, government bonds and derivatives blowing up) leading to a Great Depression Is this why Jewish-American voters in Seven(7) Key Swing States “largely prefer Demon Rat Kamala Harris over Donald Trump”?? Don’t the Jews believe Trump When He Says He Does Not Want War??? The poll was released Wednesday by the Jewish Democratic Council of America (conducted in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Nevada from Sept 26 – Oct 2) it showed Donald Trump getting only 26% of the Jewish Vote!!!
Katy, the reason these Jews are not voting for Trump is because they are “Orthodox” Jews “WHO BELIEVE IN FREEDOM OF RELIGION”!! The “Orthodox Jews” see Trump, his Daughter and Son-in-law to be “Non-Orthodox Jews” who believe in the NOAHIDE LAWS, whereby according to a 12th century Jewish sage (Maimonides) the Jewish people are “Commanded to Kill non-Jewish People” (who do not agree to abandon Christianity and Renounce Jesus, along with those who believe in Islam who must renounce Mohammad). However the believers in Mohammad are given “more of a pass” because they unlike the believers in Jesus are “Not Idolators” (ascribing three persons to God) . Under the Noahide Laws “Everyone Must Agree to be Governed by Jewish Law and Create a “One World Religion”. As for those who Refuse to Renounce Jesus or Mohammad (They Will Simply Have To Be Exterminated)! Now, I don’t think Trump is “so religious” as to want to follow Noahide Law “To The Letter”, and that is why I am voting for Trump over Commie Kamala. But according to the poll you presented Katy it seems many Orthodox Jews just don’t want to take a chance with Trump, and are therefore voting for Commie Kamala!!
Ken, I don’t think those words mean what you think they do. I know some Orthodox Jews and we have discussed believing and many things. These are the people that live by the Old Laws. They are voting Trump. The Jews not supporting Trump are liberal Jews. No, I don’t know everything, everyone, etc but I worked for a Jewish own company for 12 years.
Where did you get this from?
G500, I have no idea how the Noahide Jews interpreted the writings of their Jewish 12th Century “sage” Maimonides” to require that they kill those who won’t renounce Jesus in favor of their God. All I can say is that as a Christian if I denied Jesus “only once” (or perhaps up to three times like Peter did)) I believe Jesus will still look upon me with Mercy. So I will call out Jesus’ name before I die (whether it be before some accident or I’m being put to Death by Noahide Jews for Blasphemy) and deep in my heart I know I will be Saved by my God Jesus!!
Amen, Ken.
Ken and G500, I think the “Noahide Jews” falsely ascribe the “Human Trait of Jealousy to their God” and therefore if someone believes in Jesus or Mohammad, etc. they consider it “Idol Worship” (and that these people “Must be Killed” if they don’t believe in “Who They Consider the Correct God” (who incidentally they tell us “Does Not Believe In Murder”)!! So, something “Is Not Kosher” with these Noahide Jews (whether they consider themselves Liberal or Orthodox)!! However, I Do Believe their 7 Noahide Laws “Are Very Reasonable” and “I Do Agree With Them All”!! I just don’t want to have to Give Up My Belief in Jesus (just because these Noahide Jews happen to think I’m an “Idol Worshiper for Doing So” and therefore “Must be Put to Death”)!! The One True God (If He Is The True God) “DOES NOT BELIEVE IN MURDER” and so I think the Orthodox Jews (who Don’t Believe in Killing the Christians) Have it Right and correctly allow for “Freedom of Religion” (just like in our American Constitution)!!!
Thank you for the information. I don’t know these people and to be honest, never heard of them. They sound like the Jewish version of Moslems… those that worship Allah, Satan’s other name
G500, All Religious Leaders Must Be Able To See “HOW GOD LOOKED UPON MAN”!!
When GOD looked upon Man he Stipulated:
1) You Don’t Murder Them!
2) You Don’t Steal From Them!
So We Can’t Have Religious Leaders Going Around Saying CERTAIN PEOPLE CAN BE MURDERED AND STOLEN FROM!!! Like what the Noahide Jews in Israel are doing to the Christians because “THEY BELIEVE IN JESUS” (or some other religion) and therefore Can Not Be Allowed to Live (inside Israel or Outside in Greater Israel)!!
Ken, Are we Required by the Noahide Jews to do Three(3) Acts of Denial (of Jesus Christ) [like the Apostle Peter did as described in all four Gospels of the New Testament] because we Believe in “Three Persons in One God”???
Wow,,, hard pass. For me
And yet Peter was forgiven and built the Church
Stragedy? Rubino didn’t necessarily misspeak. He had two concurrent thoughts and his brain accommodated.
I can’t imagine anyone here is unaware of how dire the moment is. I do appreciate this conversation very much as it is one I cannot have with hardly anyone in my life. This reality we are living in commands us to acknowledge and prepare for it, yet my brother is making reservations to fly off to London for vacation with his family! I cannot oppose him on even the smallest point, or he lets off a volcano of anger. It is educational to experience this blindness and know because of it all those like my brother may perish for not having any defenses ready. Who knows who of us here will survive, but we have means to.
Greg’s work to educate us is God’s work.
Proverbs 9:10
10 To be wise you must first have reverence for the LORD. If you know the Holy One, you have understanding.
We KNOW the “One True God” is against Murder (so why all the Wars)?? We also know the One True God would also want All People to live in Peace in his Holy Land (so why is it that the Noahide Jews won’t allow Christians to live in Israel)?? Don’t we American Christians allow Noahide Jews to live in America!!
You know the answer. We live in a fallen world.
Zechariah 12:2-3
2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem.
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.
Greg, insane hacking tool that corrupt politicians, people like Diddy and others should be concerned about.
@1:04:00 =
Ryan Montgomery – #1 Ethical Hacker
How wide rangeing? See a person in a crowd, a someone in a store or parking lot, in a movie, or doing an political ads….just take a good pic … submit it….and depending how deep a search you specify….might be something THEY shared or was seen on a camera or wifi link they do not even know pops up. Might be some old facebook, myspace, instagram…surveillance vids… things you did not even submit but in something someone else posted you were in…at a meeting, party or event, zoom, etc. Sounds like about all devices connected via wifk, from home survelliance, iphones, laptops, refers, cacuumes, robot devices, IOT or maybe hackable via China servers?
Likely, most ‘illegals’ connected via phones or devices to get government assistance/downloads for payments etc too? Might be easier to ‘find these people’ than they know?
IMO, with any of the ‘supposed’ peoplel at those diddy parties shared vids —they might as well just put a fence around LA !
About 10-15 years ago a casino lost millions due to an internet connected fish tank thermostat…
Nothing in my house is connected to net unless I am there and need it to. I don’t need my fridge etc getting an internet STD
I’m sure I am not the only one as I have seen other posts where we cannot access your work. The powers that be clearly don’t like what your product is. Don’ t you and other products like yours thinkit’s Time to tell YouTube where to go ?
Greg is on Rumble. YouTube didn’t like him talking about the Kill shots
“Something big is coming soon.”………….
During the 2008 Great Financial Crisis the Monetary System faced a Significant Challenge and the Fed in a Gigantic Effort to contain the financial crisis Printed Huge Amounts of US dollars. In March 2020, the Monetary System was Once Again Facing a Crisis and Huge Amounts of US dollars were Created to deal with the problem driving the Purchasing Power of the US dollar Even Lower
In March 2024 Gold (Anticipating another Round of Money Printing) broke higher than its Highest Price Ever (which is a very Clear Indication that IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME before Silver also Breaks Higher then its Peak Price!!
So the Day Is At Hand Folks (Romans 13:11-12) to Cast Off the Works of the Fed (the US dollar) and Put On the Armor of God (Gold and Silver) which will Bring You SALVATION from the Evil Atheistic Forces of Darkness (Who have Brought Our US dollar to the ZERO POINT OF NOTHINGNESS)!!!
Chaos isn’t coming. It’s already here.
God moves in mysterious ways…
Israeli soldier group warns Netanyahu ‘red line crossed’ and threatens to stop fighting!!!
You believe Biden had a coherent conversation with Bibi? And you believe the military is turning on Bibi?
Sorry, not buying this for a dollar
I think the US Military “has already turned on Biden” and told him: “We will not send any long range missiles to Ukraine as that will start WWIII”!! But for “Public Consumption” they are simply saying “they don’t have enough to spare”!!!
You may be for but Austin is not. He is a China boy.
And it is true that we have beggared ourselves weapons wise. Praying you are correct
It’s been in the shadows since the Obama
GERALD CELENTE: Prepare for a Very Wild, Wild Card
Be on the lookout for a false flag event that will be a spark that “officially” ignites WWIII
It is good to finally see a reporter ask a serious question to a Demon Rat Puppet (even though it will be totally ignored)!!!
Like assassination? Like the Bird flu…
They are working hard to fly those flags aren’t they?
This is all moot.. The current US debt is $35.690T, this year’s deficit is $2.2T, debt:GDP of 125%, interest on the debt exceeds defense. This is unrecoverable.. We’re way beyond parties and personalities.. The US government and nation are dead men walking.. It’s just a matter of time and compound interest before the entire rotten structure collapses around us..
If the Deep State can cheat Kamala into office, watch for some kind of contrived emergency followed by martial law and suspension of the USC.. That will lead us to 1790 France.. Eventually the current USA will be divided up like Yugoslavia..
Climate and geography go a long way toward the forming of a people.. It is ludicrous to think that a small city on the east coast can concoct one-size-fits-all legislation for a people spanning 7 time zones. My interests are far different from people in Seattle, WA. I think it was Martin Armstrong who said the US will be divided into 3; I think we’ll divide into 4 along with Hawaii returning to its monarchy. Time will tell. For now, invest heavily in precious metals (God’s money which has never failed), long term storage food, water filtration, ammo, tools and solar- if you can afford it.
God’s money? That’s our salvation
Jesus is our salvation first and foremost.
Amen, Brother!
And that is all we have in the end. The Loving GOD, YHWH, used his only begotten SON, Jesus, as our Salvation.
We are unworthy and yet we are Loved!
hang them all
Lets start with Bill Gates and make sure Trudeau is also on the Gallows. These two puppets of the Globalist WEF have put a rope around their own necks!! Trudeau is now trying to tell the world that Climate Change is what caused all the Worldwide Inflation we are now seeing!!! !! This Psycho “Loony Tune” Puppet of Klaus Schwab probably knows that it is “his buddy Bill Gates” who is Creating Climate Change by putting Geo-engineered Particles into the Atmosphere to Block the Sun (and our Solar Panels), and by doing so is Seeding the Atmosphere with water droplets that turn into Thunder Clouds (that the Globalists can then use to create the Hurricanes they need as an Enforcement Tool to get People to Obey!! Trudeau also likely knows that H2O (water vapor) put into the atmosphere (by Commercial Airliner Jets transporting the Globalists all around the World to their Climate Change Meetings and their Bohemian Grove get-together’s) is just as much a “Greenhouse Gas” as CO2 (carbon dioxide) and that pumping this water vapor (H2O) into the atmosphere (even by simply burning “regular aviation fuel” in jet engines) is holding the heat and warming the Planet!! So these Evil Globalist Eugenicists are trying to Outlaw Human Life by making CO2, H2O and Sunlight (The Three Foundation Blocks of All Life On Earth) “ILLEGAL” – the same way they want to make the Three Persons in One God “ILLEGAL” (by fully embracing the Noahide Jews Viewpoint (that All Who Believe in Jesus are “IDOLATORS”, and if they Don’t Voluntarily RENOUNCE JESUS “They Will Simply Have to be Killed”) which Klaus Schwab and his Globalists have no problem with (as they out to Exterminate 99% of Humanity) and will use the Noahide Jews as their “Judas Goat” to help in their Extermination Plans for Humanity!!
Let’s try our Congressman first before we worry about Canada LOL
After a short trial.
Trump said he would jail people for their speech against the Israel genocide of children in Gaza or whatever is considered antisemitism. He also said he wants a war with Mexico and to bomb Iran. We have fist amendment to expression.
What??? Moray… this is nonsense.
But then you know that.
Friends don’t let friends…
I lived through the 1930’s and spent time in the USMC protecting this Nation. I see all that has went on in the years since, and it is unbelievable. We are going through some more very tough times and people have NO CLUE how to prepare for it but it is coming, and coming SOON. He is coming.
The shirt says, “I’m voting for the outlaw and the hillbilly”. That said, I don’t think anything less than profound commitment by all will save us.
Yes, I have older neighbors that I will be driving them to polls. They were. too proud to ask so I asked them.
Be active this time
Meanwhile, the Elk Fire in Wyoming is burning down 600,000 acres.
Not a word.
Watch North Carolina / East Tennessee be forgotten like an East Palestine train wreck.
Hawaii fire ? Lahaina ?
Distraction at the speed of the 15 min news cycle
It seems the only people in Florida, who have working phones, have satellite phones.
Power back on within 24 hours in
Naples, FL and phones working.
The NHC NOAA maps are exaggerated so the hurricane was
more north than depicted. It costs people so much to board up and evacuate per these maps prior to arrival of the wind and rain. Then to take down plus loss of 2-3 days of running their businesses. Less tax income so gov loses again. Good will prevail.
Latest meditation reading:
Global DEEP recession has started. Will last a long time. Hunker down and support each other and live from your divine soul within in union with all that is real, holy and everlasting.
Thanks John for very informative interview where straight talking was the order of the day.As for the elections my best advice is stay away as the electorate are the majority and amongst them there is someone who will lead them and his name IS JESUS CHRIST.
So Neville are you saying not vote this election?
Do you take your name after Chamberlain?
Surely you aren’t telling people to sit this one out?
I heard FEMA is NC / TN / FL is checking voter registration before they approve this $750 Loan…
It has to be an emergency and if you are not the right flavor.
DEI in FEMA is DIE in NC, TN and FL
They don’t go to where there are blocked roads
They confiscated donations from the public to keep them from reaching the needy
They have barred private helicopters and threatened to arrest pilots
OH, and Joe Buy-Dem says to stop talking about weather modification
Can you believe FEMA bought 1,000s of electric chainsaws? For Disaster Relief? Where there isn’t electricity?
Beet the buying Agent got a promotion
I had to go to the Doctor Monday. Normally, there is a mix of political signs at least the two Presidential campaigns. I did not see a single Harris Balls sign but I did see 2 Biden signs LOL
No one likes Harris
Greg, yours is the only program where one can find great heroes like Dane Wigington and lurid scammers like this big nose.
The Feral Reserve is cutting rates to get Commietoe elected!
And trust your local city council and mayor? What is John smoking? They are just as bad as any other politicians. Where I live they lie all the time and are continually raising our taxes for their cronies like the public employee unions and firms with city contracts. They don’t give a flying fig about anyone else.
Nobody would survive a siege of a large American city for long by any means. Most everyone is dependent on existing (centralized) infrastructure ( clothing, food, medicine, water, sewer, electricity, garbage disposal, etc.).
High density (multi-family) urban and suburban residences or large housing projects would become tombs, like the pyramids of Egypt.
Our cities would become Hell in any kind of protracted “war”, conflict, or EMP. It might not really matter how well you prepped beforehand either. Mobs of hungry and desperate zombies would be roving about and pillaging.
Your very survival would depend more upon the ability to hide ( basement secured safe room ) rather than confront every band or group of armed marauders that wanders through your neighborhood or area. More remote rural areas would be relatively safer and easier to defend, but if there is a road, anyone can reach/find you. ( *Some did, e.g. Argentina, 2001 Financial Collapse with extreme civil unrest ).
Concealment and/or evasion is the key to surviving a holocaust. The majority are not even close to shifting quickly over to full and complete independence from modern living, except possibly the Amish.
The old (Socialist) Latin American Model is again repeating with monetary stimulus, higher govt. spending & debt, more regulations, higher taxes, depreciating currencies, primarily led by Brazil and the Real. Unsurprisingly, economic growth in Latin America is now stalling-out with rising unemployment. Will the U.S. soon Join the Party by electing Democratic socialist Kamala Harris? Probably.
Prepping means you can hold-out longer than the next guy or the totally unprepared but not indefinitely. Adequate preparations gives you better odds of survival in the intermediate term. However, if the “cavalry” does not eventually come to the rescue then you are unlikely to make-it, regardless of how well stocked you were before the crisis/war erupted. Moreover, “lone wolves” may quickly get picked-off.
Our Federal government and politicans have studied what happened during the Argentina Depression & Financial Collapse from 1998-2002, yet after nearly 20 years, we have done nothing about our own national preparation for the next crisis. We are driving our car at night towards a deep canyon with no bridge and can’t seem deal with it at all from a practical point-of-view. Short sighted America. Fall of Rome v 2.0
* REF:—06-13-03.pdf
” The most safe and secure elections ever. ”
Afghan Who Plotted Election Day Massacre Worked For The CIA: Report
The Afghan national who was arrested Monday for allegedly plotting an Election Day terrorist attack worked as a security guard for the CIA in Afghanistan, NBC News reported citing sources familiar with the matter.
Oct. 10 – The Federalist
All this weather stuff, done purposely is so they can have a climate lockdown.
After this election, Depopulation efforts will go all out.
Expect catastrophes to keep you from voting.
IF you don’t vote, they win.
VOTE, in person, if you can.
Right again plus it plays into their false religion of Climate
Attacks on red states are to stop you from voting.
For God’s sake and your own, VOTE.
I believe Trump is our only chance. He’s not perfect but he’s better than communist kamala and her mass murdering cohorts.
That is correct these guys and gals in charge are looking to be the GOAT of evil
You weren’t harping they weren’t going to cut rates, you were screaming that they weren’t going to cuts and don’t believe anyone that says otherwise. Maybe you need to have guests on that don’t agree with everything you think. No one knows everything.
I said they could not do it without having big inflation. Look what happened to inflation. It’s up. Look what happened to the 10-year Treasury–It’s up. You think they are going to cut again? This .5% rate cut backfired bigtime on the Fed. Now go away.
Greg said if rates were cut, it would damage the US Dollar value and what little confidence left plus inflation would heat up… He said it would be stupid to raise rates. Greg, didn’t say the government people, especially Powell was smart. By this move, he likely finished us off. Regardless, it shows Powell it’s a political hack
Douglas Macgregor Interviews On How US Is Risking NUCLEAR WAR
ALERT!!! – – Bob Moriarty reports this Seismic Event – Was a NUCLEAR EXPLOSION (set off by Iran in the Iranian Desert as a Warning to the Militarists in Israel) “NOT TO ATTACK IRAN”!!! Here is Bob’s full report:
I don’t think that is going to scare Israel. It will likely lead Israel to go for the ultimate goal of total destruction… nuke them til they glow.
But I don’t see any one else reporting. Remember when NorKo said it was nuke and it wasn’t?
Where ever each of us are at, we really need to look at very basic living requirements as high ground to somehow incorporate into our lives. Food and water are big of course, but we should wonder about a multi-year process and that means producing things and having skills. We’re having a trial run this weekend- having our pastor and his son come out to catch a few of our catfish. It’s the first ones to be harvested (2 plus years old) and I’m curious to cut up a couple and see the meat, see if they have been eating the gold fish, so on. It would take too long to explain, but, for the couple months following the election, the financial markets and more importantly the banks look very risky to me. I plain to hold a bucket full in cash- at home-i do like the PMs, but a liquidity event is what i think is most likely. Part of my thesis expects a ‘take down’ by some shadow organization. It could present a fantastic opportunity to load up on stuff.
Great advise Jeff, trying to buy property from my family with a creek feed 13 acre pond but no luck yet.
I am running out of time
Try to run a business without a bank.
Customers payments in checks or wires.
Payments to suppliers and employees.
If the banks go down so do the all the businesses. No transportation, fuel or food. This is the quagmire of business people. Easy for employee to get out of banks, impossible for any meaningful business.
Paul from arkansas
So as people are told to pull more money out of banks- Risky it only accelerates its weakening position.
Sure it’s good for the individual but is terrible for society that depend it’s services of home, car , business credit line loans. I could close my accounts and business, lay-off everybody and live comfortably, but how about 60 people who depend on us. Is this better for a community.
Paul from arkansas
I agree Paul. Banks are a necessary and have been necessary for more than half a Millennium.
Banks and fiat currencies are faith based.
Jeff isn’t talking about having no money in banks. But Paul, only a fool has no money at home, significant money. My Bank fails, the FDIC is broke, how much am I gonna lose?
The Demons have made the banks, currencies and country weak. I didn’t. And Banks are not a suicide pact. And in Cypress, where the EU raped the small customers while letting those who could leave the country pull out their funds while if you were stuck in your homeland you could pull out $50/day is how it will go here.
You as a small business owner will bear the brunt of a bank failure.
I understand your concerns and to be honest, we need a plan forward. The only plan I see that doesn’t require my death and or subjugate is Trump.
Make no mistake… they are planning their second coup as the first one worked so well…
These people are F’ing evil and they are in your face about it…
Wow, Making small town America Hati again…
Good golly gee wow… these people are either bonkers, don’t know how to act in public or think we are all NPCs.
Can you believe how out of touch the burning tire sniffer is?
These vets say a C-17 was filled with supplies for a Kamala Harris photo op in North Carolina, but none of the supplies went anywhere
Shawn Ryan Show
I heard, these Demons are evil
It’s my understanding that after watching and viewing this presentation in the link below this gentleman was later targeted by German authorities and then arrested while in the process of making another video on this subject matter. I watched his arrest and detainment during the second video while being disrupted by law enforcement.
Within days he was then killed while in police custody for bringing this information to the public’s awareness…
These people are dripping evil…
This isn’t hyperbole… this isn’t opinion…
This is fact
Univision hosted a “Latinos Ask” town hall with Kamala Harris on Thursday night, and it was about as airheaded and disingenuous as you’d expect. Here was one word salad from the first five minutes — remarkably in response to a question about the two hurricanes that just decimated the southeast of the country:
Leadership is about understanding the importance of lifting people up, understanding that the character of our country is such that we are a people who have ambitions and aspirations, dreams, goals for ourselves and our families, and are entitled to have a leader who then invests in that. … The two visions [for our country], simply put, are that one is about the future, and the other is about the past and taking us backward. And I do believe that the American people are ambitious and aspirational about an investment in the future in a way that we are optimistic while being clear-eyed.
That’s a lot of ambitions. After one voter observed that Harris was never elected to be the Democrat nominee but just magically became such when “President Biden was pushed aside,” the vice president naturally drove home the point for the umpteenth time that Donald Trump is the “unprecedented” threat to democracy. Funny she brought up Trump and democracy because the former president actually made an apropos comment about the topic earlier the same day, telling the Economic Club of Detroit: “Our biggest threat to democracy is stupid people.”
Demon-rat-ic Leadership is about understanding the importance of “Lifting People Up” (With Hurricane’s and Tornado’s) to produce As Many Republican Dead Bodies as Possible (so they can be used to Vote Demon-rat-ic in the Coming Election)!!!
These people want us dead
ONE dead Republican is effectively TWO votes for Commie Kamala!!
Just like John Rubino is warning of a Massive Financial Crisis, we have Martin Armstrong also predicting “A MARKET SHUTDOWN and PRICE CONTROLS”!!
Greg, I was surprised by the media response of my county sheriff and a county official over the mine accident at the Molly Kathleen Mine in Cripple creek Colorado. They started it saying how the Colorado governor and the Biden administration were reaching out to give any help needed. They were really going overboard, I thought, trying to say all the political leaders showing their concern. I’m in a republican county – Teller- so I thought politicians are really worried here in Colorado and nationwide.
I missed this but looked it up. Thank you for the post
John Rubino talked about the possibility of a “hot” civil war in America.
I remember it going semi-hot from the night Donald Trump was elected until the night the Democrats cheated him out of the Presidency.
The 2020 BLM & Antifa “riots” were quite war-like.
And Conservative ‘men’ with their loud talk & gun collections were COMPLETELY AWOL–they were cowards who hid under their beds as Communist Terrorists burned down cities and victimized innocent people.
Trump, in particular, was a YUGE DISAPPONTING COWARD who surrendered to BLM & Antifa thugs–even though he was CIC of the US Armed Forces!!!
The 2nd American Civil War was fought from 2016-2020:
The Communists ROLLED OVER Conservatives, who sat around cowering & waiting for their RINO COWARD leader Trump to do something about it.
The truth hurts, doesn’t it?
If Trump was a RINO, then they would not be trying to assassinate him ore jail him with dozens of felonies against him. Get a grip on reality.
Man you are looking better every broadcast, Dude!
What was the point of Sara’s post? Is she on Kamel-ala’s staff and knows she hasn’t got what it takes, just like Kamel-ala.
Nothing she said had any passing connection with the truth.
I expect the Na Nama boo boo thing at the end of her childish post… LOL.
YHWH bless you and yours and keep Y’all safe. Because a storm is coming and Sara’s friends will be trying to burn us out
Thanks Brother 500!
Brother Greg
Sara, so disingenuous… What would you know about Truth after that post. I mean damn, Lady… well maybe you don’t deserve that title but as a Southern Man, I will extend you this unearned title.
Trump doesn’t do local policing. You realize that no President does right? And Trump a coward… Wow.
And no I did not cower under my bed but then I don’t live in a Demon run Shiite hole like you.
Yes, Terrorists burned down your Demon-Run Demon-owned and Operated Shiite holes. Your Leaders let their own citizens be murdered and the cities burned, and local businesses being destroyed .
Your people Sara, not ours. You are irrational. The 2nd American Civil War hasn’t started yet and when your Demon buddies start it… Well, I don’t think it will go like you plan. But then if you can not define a woman and you think women can be men and visa versa. You think Socialism is cool and that you will be in charge… Right… Go play in traffic
Kyle Rittenhouse did the damage.
Maybe look him up on Tinder.
These people are not like us, nor do they think like us… This murder should be executed but he will be released and kill again…
These Demons are proud of their evil…
All the democrats and hollywood sickos need their hard drives checked.
Let’s make it a meme.
“Check Dem Hard Drives”.
They fired the American aviation programmers. They fired the American engineers and hired Indian … They went DEI and the company DIEs…
These guys running Boeing went from very profitable to Screw everyone and make extra short term. Like their Space business is to DEI for. No, Shiite… it will F’ing kill you and has wasted 100Bill on a Moonshot that the only part that will work is being done by SpaceX
Take it easy on the sponsors….
How human blood types, alien abductions and the coming global genocidal apocalypse are interconnected and related.
Damn some people in comments love to hear their own voice. Thank you Greg, so happy you are better and enjoy John Rubino being on.
Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. MMM> What does that Mean?? ARE YOU RAPTURE READY?