Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025 – Ed Dowd
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)
Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of PhinanceTechnologies.com is back with a new report called “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025.” The new report shows how a weak economy was propped up under the Biden Administration and how a crash, this year, is inevitable. Dowd says, “What we are going to have going forward is the reversal of deficit government spending, which was juicing the economy with illegals. Some of them got jobs, but a lot of them got benefits. They got housing accommodations. The NGO system was flush with money to facilitate this massive, purposeful logistical operation. People don’t understand that the net legal migration in the US is one million a year. That’s one million people a year. The last four years, we brought in 10 million to 15 million people. That is a new economic variable, and it distorted the economy. It never got us into expansion territory, but it papered over a lot of the ills we were seeing. Trump’s policies are going to reverse that all out. . . . The velocity of money under Joe Biden really started to rise. . . . Illegal immigration is very inflationary. . . . In the fourth quarter, the velocity of money is already rolling over. The Trump effect began the moment he was elected. We’ve seen self-deportations. We have seen new tenant rents plunge, and that’s what has been holding up the housing market.”
How bad is the economy going to get? Dowd predicts, “We are seeing a recession in 2025. The rest of the globe is already starting to roll over. It’s going to be a worldwide recession. There is going to be a mini housing crisis. Housing has been stagnant for the better part of the year. There is no transaction volume, and nobody can afford homes. We are hitting the 18-year housing cycle. The last housing cycle was in 2007, and you add 18 years and you get 2025. . . . The economy for the middle-class is going down. . . . As time goes on, we are going to see GDP numbers go lower and lower and lower. . . . It’s kind of a perfect storm for the Trump Administration. There is no way to avoid the pain.”
When can we expect things to get better? Dowd says, “This is much like Ronald Reagan in his first term. He was elected with -2% real wages. This was the same phenomenon going into the 2024 Election. So, we are going to have a recession . . . Then, Trump gets his policies, and he has a very short window of opportunity to get all of his policies enacted. If he does, we will be booming on the other side of this.”
Dowd still likes gold and thinks rates will begin going lower, which means locking in rates now will be a smart play for many. Dowd says, “Gold is good long term.” Dowd also thinks AI is over-bought and is in a bubble and points out, “There is no money on the other side,” of the AI boom. Dowd thinks AI tech will crash just like the internet bubble in early 2000. Dowd thinks, “AI prices are too expensive, and they will collapse at some point.”
There is much more in the 51-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, as he talks about his new report called “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025” for 2.8.25.
After the Interview:
If you want a copy of Dowd’s new report called “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025,” click here.
There is lots of free information on Dowd’s website called PhinanceTechnologies.com.
You can order Dowd’s updated book called “Cause Unknown” by clicking here.
Dowd’s work on compiling data on deaths, disabilities and injuries caused by the CV19 bioweapon/vax is all free at his website called HumanityProjects.info. You can see the data by clicking here, and you can donate to the HumanityProjects.info by clicking here.

Yes it is a time of suffering and madness. Ltd hear our prayers.
Yes it is a time of suffering and madness. Lord hear our prayers.
Australians are starting to realize how much things have changed. We’re less happy, mental health is declining, property prices are skyrocketing, the cost of living is soaring, and families are shrinking.
It wasn’t always this way. Australia was on
Housing Prices Near Beijing Fell 90%, While Xiamen’s Rich Struggle to Afford Fuel for Luxury Cars
CDC and Autism Spectrum Disorders OMG!
That’s a shame because Aussies have been known to be happy and very cool people.
Is the great Australian dream broken beyond repair?
No!!! Hang on to Jesus!! Never give up!!
Thanks Greg!
With all my might ☺️
Gerald Celente has also been calling for an AI bust. He also likens it to the 2007 housing bust.
Health care, grocery stores and auto repair companies is where business do well in recessions. Always opportunities for the nimble.
New car prices are out of control and astronomically high. Car repos are way up as well as auto insurance. Grocers like Aldi’s and Walmart will continue to do well. As you noted so will repair shops because if people can’t afford an estimated $500 emergency bill; I can’t see them buying new cars and forget electric vehicles.
New vehicle sales are slow to non existent, coupled with the high cost of production and interest rates. 25 percent of sold f150 sold since Covid are delinquent in payments.
Best Buy’s now are in construction equipment with home building way down: builders are dumping equipment and rental yards equipment stagnant in rental yards.
Bottom feeding has started in this business.
Great video
Greg Hunter thanks for all you do – you are the Ultimate American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thanks, LTC Brumley!
WHY when there is a ‘downturn’ in the economy it is ALWAYS the private sector jobs that go. That is it just fine to lay off, fire and companies go out of business…. BUT…. the ‘government’ thinks there is a LAW and contracts they keep them from being laid off, fired, or departments downsized or eliminated?
Personally, do not see anything in the Constitution that ‘protects’ government jobs, federal or state? Like at the end of wars, the military is ‘downsized’ and some units mothballed….so who are the Democrats that are screaming about”” their”” budgets are immune from being cut by DOGE? Time the Senators and Representative to get back to work, and cut their staffs, and do the work themselves and spend less time on the street screaming and running around looking for media cameras? They were not elected to provide ‘sound bites’ …BUT….as to ‘sound bites’….
The latest ‘SOUND BITES’ PROVIDED BY GOV. PRITZER = HIS WARNING TO POTUS Trump, coming after ‘his’ people may be less about the illegal immigrants and MORE about his wide family and friends ””investments”’ in gender issues?
Then too, if DEI is to be fair, wouldn’t fair be more like ‘equal representation’ based on a ratio of ‘representation’. So, why would the Biden admin. be complaining about such when so many LGBT’plus’ is massively wacky as a percentage of population? Approximately 5.5% of U.S. adults identify as LGBTQ, with recent data suggesting this number may be increasing, particularly among younger generations. Gallup’s latest poll indicates that about 7.1% of adults identify as LGBTQ.
IT APPEARS ‘someone’ has decided there needs to be more of them…even if ‘they’ have to ‘create’ them? And looking at many of the USAID items exposed lately, that is a ‘world-wide’ plan in the making?
Likely the Gov. and many of ‘his’ type State Gov’s and Democrats in Fed. Government and agencies want to ‘STOP’ Trump but NOT for the IMMIGRATION problem but might be using that, rather than bring a spotlight on another few know many including the Pritzker family as so tied with ? =
Would be remiss if one did not point out who Biden’s envoy to Ukraine was =
Penny Pritzker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penny_Pritzker
‘Penny Pritzker was appointed by President Biden as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery. In this role, she works with the Ukrainian government, the G7, the EU, international financial institutions, international partners and the US private sector.[4]
During her first visit to Kyiv in her new role, Pritzker met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the prime minister and government officials, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and American business’
The Verkhovna Rada by the way is a single party unicameral parliament
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verkhovna_RadaWHICH does not seem a very ‘DEMOCRATIC’ Democracy, that the Democrats crow about as protecting. But then, the Pritzker family roots are there in Ukraine so one might suppose as long as ‘their’ guy is the leader…the hell with Democracy?
Or…maybe Zelensky is ‘more their TYPE of people’ ?
as you are aware the paper gold silver certificates are a Ponzi scheme leveraged 275 to 1. Haven recall reading where one of the board members asked how long are we going to continue this Ponzi scheme and everyone kind of just went quiet. this Ponzi scheme should be shut down and all investors should be paid out which will be impossible with physical gold and silver but they can take currency instead. Can you ask Martin Armstrong who would be responsible for these redemptions. I guess this whole money at a thinner Ponzi scheme was orchestrated by the money managers Rothschilds but my fear is they’ve got it delegated to institutions that could file bankruptcy and not have to pay out. wouldn’t this just be lovely to have them pay back the money they stole get rid of paper certificates and then we could all set our currencies to physical gold and silver which would be transparent and verifiable. I think that would solve our monetary crisis don’t you?
China’s current Economic Crisis has created Massive Money Printing along with Record-low Interest Rates. This is “Designed to Create Massive Stimulus” (and of-course Inflation) which will only Strengthen the Chinese People’s “Desire to Own Gold”!! This bodes well for Gold’s Continued Ascent into the mid 3,000’s over the Next Few Months (and it will only take a short time for Silver to Make a Corresponding Catch-up Move)!!
I’ll be shocked if silver does not go to over $200 an ounce by the end of this year.
The US financial system faces Drastic Shocks due to its Out of Control Budget (which Musk is trying to put controls on) and High Interest Rates the Fed recently put on the Debt we are carrying. This means Trump needs to force the Fed “to Lower Interest Rates” (at least twice this year) otherwise the Economy will Tank. Eliminating the Federal Income Tax should bring some temporary stability as it will provide the “necessary liquidity” the economy needs to avoid a crash. If the Fed does not immediately cooperate in lowering rates Trump may simply have to issue an Executive Order “setting Interest Rates at 5% or lower”. This “kicking the can down the road” with reduced budgetary waste and putting money into peoples pockets will probably result in more Price Inflation (in both the Gold and Stock Market) but at least Trump will avoid being labeled Herbert Hoover 2.0!!!
Unrealistic in today’s corrupt system.
Gold jumps 51.00 dollars today, silver rises 0.30 cents. Gold rise today 170 to 1 silver price.
9-1 out of the ground.
Hang in there. Stan?
Agree 100%
In 2024, the breakeven costs per ounce of silver for several prominent silver mining companies are as follows:
SilverCrest Metals Inc.: $18.65 per ounce
Pan American Silver Corp.: $26.45 per ounce
Fresnillo PLC: $25.40 per ounce
Hecla Mining Company: $28.28 per ounce
First Majestic Silver Corp.: $28.85 per ounce
Endeavour Silver Corp.: $29.43 per ounce
Brokers make 10-15 percent profit to retail buyers
Until it cost to mine an ounce of silver of 180.00 dollars, then 200.00 is conceivable
Article speculates Trump will oversee Gold revaluation at 10,900 with a 1:10 Gold/Silver ratio.
Ron Paul for
Fed chairman.
One thing for sure about the vaccine status of people- insurance companies should be the ones wanting to know and having a direct financial reason for knowing. How long until a health or life insurance co. denies coverage for the vaccinated, or there is an extra rider? – like a smoker- Im sure the dems will want legislation ‘protecting’ consumers and forbidding some difference in rates based on whether or not someone got the poison.
I see where Cliff High has recently predicted that vaacine deaths will start peaking this summer, and he says it will really cause the public to get riled up against the Fauci led criminal syndacate. I pray he’s wrong about the deaths, but right about the Fauci NORMY awakening. Thanks Greg for warning many of us about the clot shot early on. Ivermectin and hydroxochloroquine. Don’t forget about vitamin D, zink, and vitamin C in high doses to build up our immunity.against the Fauci and company’s created viruses.
Those who avoided taking the Jab sadly need to be made aware of the fact that Totally Evil People (like Bill Gates and his Demonic Eugenicist Buddies) Unconscionably put their “Killer Hydro-gel Clots” (that Funeral Directors have been pulling out of the cadavers of the Vaxed) into the blood of the Non-vaxxed (through the Food Supply)!! Dr. Ana Mihalcea in an interview with Maria Zeee explains that the same Synthetic Hydro-gels in the Pfizer and Moderna Clot Shots that clog up the arteries have been put into the Meats and Dairy we all eat. The Beef Hamburger or glass of Milk, etc. that we and our children are eating every day “Has Purposely Been Tainted with Synthetic ‘Growing’ Hydro-gel Poison” by the same Demonic Psychopathic Killers that put them into their Covid Kill Shots. “OUR FOOD SUPPLY HAS NOW BEEN TAINTED”!!! And, these Synthetic Hydro-gels have the unique property “TO BEGIN GROWING” when subjected to frequencies emitted by our computer routers, cell phones, self-reading electric and gas meters, etc., etc. and these “Growing Hydro-gel Clots” cannot be removed from the body by simply taking Ivermectine!! So, all you people Who Thought you Saved Yourselves and your Families (from the Psychopathic Eugenicist Demons “TOTALLY INTENT ON KILLING US”) by Avoiding the Covid Jab were “Sadly MISTAKEN”. These Evil Satanic Demons “Have Completely Violated Everyone Of Us by Contaminating Our Food Supply” and Every One of Them “Must Be Rounded Up” (from Gates to Fauci, etc., etc., etc.) Tried For Murder and EXECUTED)!!!
Instead of Demonizing Gates and Fauci, perhaps people should carve their faces into “Mount Rushmore” for looking out for Humanities Welfare with their Clot Shots!! As there is a probability they put the Clot Producing Hydro-gels into our blood vessels to “Save Humanity from Being Raptured” (figuring Space Aliens probably have “Food Safety Laws” whereby “they can’t sell contaminated humans” into the inter-galactic meat market)!!!
Is “Trafficking in Children” exploding because they are “less contaminated”???
To prevent all this “Trafficking in Children” is probably the reason why Bill Gates “is still recommending giving the hydro-gel vaccines to infants” (who actually don’t need to be vaccinated as they are born with very strong immune systems)!!
You actually believe Trump saying: “The Vaccines are Safe and Effective” is because it was purposely designed to keep the Space Aliens from eating us and that all the “Sudden Deaths” must just be accepted (as Collateral Damage)???
I guess since “I took the Shot” I want to believe it was helpful in some way!! And as you explained above Katy “they are now putting the worm-like clots right into our food supply” and yet, I don’t hear Trump or even RFK Jr. saying a word about that as being a bad thing!!!
You need treatment George. Book an appointment with Dr. Kory: https://drpierrekory.com/
George: For his “Service to Humanity” do you believe Trump will Award the Nobel Prize to Bill Gates???
Mr. Dowd is always an excellent guest and lets the numbers fall where they may.
It would be interesting if the insurance industry has seen a trend of an increase in car and truck accident’s.
It would be interesting to see if there are other accidents such as industrial.
The insurance industry has reported a significant increase in v ax deaths and medical issues.
These are the faces of TRAITORS:
Totally unhinged and corrupt to the core.
Great interview with Ed Dowd. Love listening to Ed and you. I said to my wife three days ago. They need to investigate these shots in all aspects of pilots, Boeing assembly, jet engines exploding….planes whipping apart in the air, the recent accidents, airline mechanics, control towers etc, etc. horrible. God bless you Greg. I always look when your on.
Mr. Greg Hunter and Mr. Ed Dowd are both legends, CHAMPION!
Thanks Kim, you are very kind to say this!!
Could you book Paul Craig Roberts as the next guest? what about Wayne Jett, we have not heard from him in a while like John Williams from Shadowstats.
Great discussion gentlemen. Mr. Dowd you are a math genius. Aloha from O’ahu.
Mr. Hunter and Mr. Dowd. I enjoy viewing Steve Wallis the Canadian. His latest video drop in that 4 person RV in 1970’s hippie style, is genius. Check out the pink flamingo planted in the snow.
Aloha, friends.
Greg. My comment is product-related. I had a Berkey gravity system for 9 years, but had to clean the ceramic filter because it became “gummy”. Saw you demonstrate the actual Dry Element system. Purchased 6 months ago. Great tasting water. Filters work up to 2,500 gallons. Thank you Dry Element & Greg for this superior product!
Thanks Janie!!! Clean water is a must today.
tks ed greg
Thanx for posting this interview, worth a second listen. Great job!
Agree with VAX bioweapons and ensuing morbidity. BUT Have to be careful with all UK datasets – particularly in health. Too much political interference from our Marxist government.
The Washington Post just reported last Friday that the “Marxist” United Kingdom has just demanded that Apple create a “Back Door” for them to retrieve all the content any Apple user “Worldwide” has uploaded into the Cloud. Such Marxist Tyranny is what inspired the Birth of the American Revolution in 1776.
As John Adams effectively said back then, and as we should be saying today: “I will to my dying day oppose, with all the powers and faculties God has given me, all such Instruments of Slavery on the one hand and Villainy on the other as this Outrageous Request for ‘All the Cloud Data in the World’. It is the Worst Instrument of Arbitrary Power, and the most Destructive of both English and American Liberty and the most Fundamental Principles of Law, that could ever be found in English law …”!!!
Thanks for posting this important history lesson and updated news and analysis!! Keep going.
I, also, suggest reading _Art of the Deal_. I just read it for the first time. A recurring theme is to make an outlandish offer to bring everyone to the table. There is probably much more insight to be found about how POTUS work.
Catastrophes are either God made, or man made with the difference being harder to know these days. The sum of directions taken will eventually lead to lose or gain. Ed’s reports are for those who initiate these moves on the macro level.
The intent behind whoever initiates is usually not intended for the lower classes, but for those who are driven to squeeze the masses, the pulp that will be used to print new wealth.
This is a cannibalistic inbred motive to devour those determined to be of the lesser human levels.
There are some who do devout themselves to helping those in need and this process uses the opposite of the wealth seeking ones by imploring donations for charities.
We need to educate the people of this world that by caring for each other we will not war with each other, to see the needs of others as our needs.
This would erase all motive for war. Unfortunately, we are blessed only with this state of being in God’s kingdom.
100 Billion dollars to people without SSN. How in the heck can you get Social Security payments without a SSN.
Brothers and Sisters, these evil Demoncrats and their RINOs conspirators have been stealing our wealth for decades. It’s hard to believe that no one thought to ask for the receipts. Trump hit a home run with Musk and Vivik agreeing to run DOGE.
Praise YHWH for this boon.
Dowd is correct about a recession. We have had governmental malfeasance for decades. No one was watching what the minions of Satan where doing not in the dark of night but during their 9-5 jobs as members of a kleptocratic bureaucracy
And there was great rejoicing…
Great show, as usual, guys!
However I have but ONE complaint, & that is the promotion of Tamiflu, which is a VERY dangerous drug. It should be pulled off the market!
I have witnessed firsthand, a close friend of my daughters went scary psychotic on me, after a single dose. There have been suicides linked to this drug as well. Please, everyone who is reading these comments, do your due diligence, research & keep your loved ones safe.
May also cause cataracts, according to Dr Bryan Ardis.
“Data suggest Tamiflu use could induce sudden deterioration leading to death especially within 12 hours of prescription. These findings are consistent with sudden deaths observed in a series of animal toxicity studies, several reported case series and the results of prospective cohort studies. From “the precautionary principle” the potential harm of Tamiflu should be taken into account and further detailed studies should be conducted.”
One family’s experience with tamiflu. Comments are interesting!
Dee, As a Triage RN, I 100% agree.
A Pediatrician I worked with told me he would never give it to his own children.
I use Elderberry tincture in the winter months, works great.
Making Groomers Great again????
I will never donate another dime to these cretins.
Merkley, Members of Congress SLAM Elon Musk’s Illegal Takeover
Senator Jeff Merkley 286,882 views Streamed live on Feb 4, 2025
Senator Merkley joined his Congressional colleagues to speak [Lies!] out against Elon Musk’s illegal [Illegal?] invasion of our democratic institutions. [Invasion? Another Lie!] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4h4YVoM3Mw
LIVE | Senator Kennedy Mocks Democrats Over Elon Musk, USAID Freeze And Government Spending | CNN-News18 Started streaming on Feb 7, 2025
Republican Senator John Kennedy slammed Democrats for their outrage over Elon Musk and the freeze on USAID funds. Using his trademark humor, Kennedy likened their reaction to a ‘prison riot.’ He meticulously dissected federal spending, backing Musk’s call for budget cuts while calling out wasteful government spending. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbOjbgEGXNY
The Man of The People! @bretmannix304 2 years ago
Robin Hood didn’t rob from the rich and give to the poor, he robbed from the corrupt government and gave it back to the people who were unjustly taxed. A small distinction, but one that changes the entire narrative. @Cadinho93 2 years ago
“Men, if you’re willing to fight for our people, I want you!” Robin ‘of Locksley’ & Donald J. Trump! TO SAVE a NATION!
The Adventures Of Robin Hood (1938) Full free Movie
Enter our hero today, a charismatic and brave individual who had spent years witnessing the hardships faced by ordinary people. Inspired by The Adventures of Robin Hood, our hero decided to take action! With a merry band of loyal supporters, each skilled in their own right, they set out to restore justice and equality to our land, starting with an audit.
Then their first mission was to reclaim the stolen wealth that had been unfairly taken from the people.
How bad is the economy going to get? Dowd predicts, “We are seeing a recession in 2025. The rest of the globe is already starting to roll over. It’s going to be a worldwide recession. There is going to be a mini housing crisis. Housing has been stagnant for the better part of the year. There is no transaction volume, and nobody can afford homes. We are hitting the 18-year housing cycle. The last housing cycle was in 2007, and you add 18 years and you get 2025. . . . The economy for the middle-class is going down. . . . As time goes on, we are going to see GDP numbers go lower and lower and lower. . . . It’s kind of a perfect storm for the Trump Administration. There is no way to avoid the pain.”
When can we expect things to get better? Dowd says, “This is much like Ronald Reagan in his first term. He was elected with -2% real wages. This was the same phenomenon going into the 2024 Election. So, we are going to have a recession . . . Then, Trump gets his policies, and [he has a very short window of opportunity to get all of his policies enacted. If he does, we will be booming on the other side of this.”]
IF HE DOESN’T? It will be all up for grab’s and that means chaos, chaos out of the worse hell of the last 4 years that came to fruition of a stolen election of the sheeple peoples stolen votes.
The customer is always right Washington and were the customer, the people and the people know what’s best and Donald J. Trump our robbing Robin Hood is going to get all of his policies enacted and prove it! We need all the help we can get in reducing spending and getting our hard earned money back. Because we can’t continue at this pace! Every business goes through an audit and were not being audited by a usual auditor but by an auditor appointed by the president of these United States and Trump was anointed by us the sheeple people and I think they will find some of our money’s was well, maybe well spent? But I’m also pretty sure he’s going to find some of our moneys being stolen and it’s being wasted and that’s an insult to every taxpayer in this country and the poor it was stolen from denied a helping hand instead of the five finger discounts of lying thieving politicians!
BREAKING FOX NEWS Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo
February 9, 2025 Vlog Channel Tr 1 hour ago
@ProJoe-xb5ie 1 hour ago
AOC when are you going to help your grandma fix her house up from the last hurricane we had over here in Puerto Rico, her drywall’s falling off the ceiling and you’re going to tell me you can’t help her fix her home up with all the money you have [STOLEN?] shame on you AOC you’re a disgrace to Puerto Rico!
Ukrainian “Vampire” Captured By Russian Army & Turned Against Ukraine
Patrick Lancaster
714K subscribers
80,582 views Feb 8, 2025 #DroneWarfare #RussiaUkraine #UkraineWar
🔴 Captured Ukrainian ‘Vampire’ Drone: Russia Turns It Against Ukraine | Exclusive Frontline Report
In this Ukraine war frontline report, I show you how a Ukrainian military drone, the Vampire, was shot down, captured, and re-engineered by Russian forces to be used against Ukraine. Watch as Russian soldiers launch the drone, now renamed Oryol, with an anti-tank mine and deploy it in real-time. I document how a Ukrainian drone captured by Russian forces has been modified and redeployed in battle. As drone warfare 2025 evolves, both sides adapt their strategies, with Russia using a captured Ukrainian drone to carry anti-tank mines against its original operators. This exclusive Patrick Lancaster Ukraine war report provides firsthand footage from the battlefield. Stay tuned for the Ukraine war latest news on how Russia-Ukraine war drones are reshaping modern conflict. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzoCZtgikhY
What do you think about this captured Ukrainian drone now being used by Russian forces? Comment your thoughts below! 👇
Another very important show Greg, thank you. I also very much love your advice about health, ivermectin, your guests like Dr. Kori and so on. There is another colossal thing killing Americans and making them sick, fuzzy headed, fat, causing sperm counts to fall by 80%, etc, etc. That’s the adulteration and intentional poising of our food, and they’re even putting addictive substances in some food (just like big tobacco has done for decades). Big food and the pharma cartel along with our so-called federal health departments are raking in hundreds of billion$$ by making Americans sick. The extent of this intentional poising is colossal, would take a book just to list all the crap they put into pretty much everything Americans eat and if it’s not reversed soon it’ll destroy 10’s of millions of our youth and lead to a total collapse of the nation.
Regarding getting healthy and boosting immunity, one things I’m big into is gut health and I’ll link a site for great probiotic products.
Call your congressman and demand they approve RFKs nomination
Heard on another channel this morning:
The reason for the rush to colonize Mars is that there might be someone there willing to buy the ever increasing amount of our treasury debt.
all the NASA crap and space exploration is fakery,they are only in low earth orbit.There is a water barrier over earth atmosphere, NASA is a slush fund for there evil agenda
I sure miss your weekly updates… 🙁
Norm does in 5 days what compassionate Demoncrats wouldn’t do in 4 months…
Why? Because “those” people that need help might be Trump supporters.
Never forget what we are fighting for. These Demoncrats are evil. Every single one supporting the Demon’s agenda are inhuman monsters that seek to groom and destroy children. They want abortions to be sacrifices to Baal.
Remember when you were told abortion were legal but would be rare? Remember when they said they weren’t coming for your children? Remember when they said they cared about the American family and worker?
Yeah, all of that were big, bald faced lies…
It’s very easy to tell the Demoncrats are not serious people. The female version of this would be for females to be charged with every menstrual as that is an egg not being fertilized.
Ejaculation and menstruation are not the same as abortion. These evil bastards stay away at night dreaming up ridiculous things to throw against the wall to see if they will stick.
On Judgement Day, they evil twits are going to be shocked
I had a friend years ago, YHWH rest his soul, that told me our nation had an infection and it needed to be excised. I believe he may have been correct. Our so called countrymen are doing more harm to us than our enemies. They must be stopped
I remember in my youth, he was known as “Randy” Andy. It means he couldn’t control his carnal urges.
If there is evidence he was one of Epstein’s pedos, he should spend his last years in jail.
So a woman that laughs at getting urinates on
Calls or Lovely Classy First Lady a Harlot
These people have no shame
Oscar Wilde did indeed have a way with words and wit, often attributed to him: “If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they’ll kill you.”
It captured his unique blend of humor and insight into human nature. Wilde believed that humor could be a powerful tool for delivering difficult truths in a more palatable way.
Yet now comedy is officially back, with the removal FROM POWER of the deep stater puppet master’s, from HELL. JUST REMEBER WHAT OSCAR HAD TO SAY ABOUT it! ALONG WIT YOUR COMEDY AND WIT, CARRY THE weapon of truth,t marching along!
Got any other quotes or literary gems on your mind besides just your skull? 📚✨ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff58W_m2ipk
@landvogt3450 7 years ago
I love this song! Greetings from Germany.
@piorunekk 13 years ago
I’m from Poland and I wish I was in Dixie! Aww, dreams 😉
@georgebowie609 4 years ago
I’m an Upstate NewYork’er and just love this song. The pride and traditions of the South is a major part of America!!! I just wish a song like this could bring humanity together.
@m1a2abrams52 4 years ago
When this was recorded the civil war veterans were in,
they’re late 60’s, 70’s and 90s. Away up North and Away down South!
LIVE: Trump Reveals 1st Putin Phone Call, gives 2nd Shock to Zelensky In 2 Days| Hindustan Times Started streaming 15 hours ago
The U.S. President made a significant revelation about his Russian counterpart. Donald Trump confirmed to the New York Post that he has spoken with President Vladimir Putin. However, Trump did not disclose how many times he has spoken with Putin since taking office. When asked about the number of phone calls, Trump gave a cryptic answer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uxRuQ-rlyQ
Sorry for all those son’s dead, but very sorrowful for the woman left behind and those never to marry and never to forget.
SO, SAD BEYOND WORDS Men will never learn peace till KINGDOM COME! With a Rod of Iron, our prince of peace will keep peace. You have his word on it! READ it DAILY!
You got to hand it to those Slavic women; they could be mighty wicked! Just ask our first lady! They’re kinda cute too, wouldn’t you say?
Halt! Hurrah, Hurrah, Hurrah! Are those the boy’s cheering?
Wonder why?
Not really, well it’s good for recruitment! What a way to go!…..?
Reply to DriveWay Sorrow,
Sky News Australia Feb 10, 2025
US President Donald Trump has reposted an interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In the video, President Putin was seen discussing how US politics have affected Europe.
Putin said Europe was willing to “carry out any order” from Washington under the Biden administration.
“They just don’t like Trump, they fought him actively, really interfered in political life, in the election process in the United States,” Putin said.
I’d like to see um take this one down! I dare them!
love ed Dowd a smart dude but I don’t agree with government CPi calculations or even private economists they all drink the same koolaid, when the lying government tell you its 3 percent inflation its actually 13 percent.Inflation will stay high because the Luciferian money changers will keep creating shortages like eggs with the chicken flu it’s all lies.When they killed so many innocent Americans with con job 19 they offset deflation with shortages to keep prices high.Americans are struggling when insurance companies can just raise your rates for whatever reason they want,they are another crime syndicate.I don’t trust trump he is a snake just a different type,he will be the great deceiver, he is owned like all the other presidents.I heard a podcast that all u.s president s come from the same bloodline
Fact Check: The US Government CPI is just as much a rip-off of the American People as the US Dollar is a rip-off of foreign Nations. Trump incorrectly calls out the BRICS Nations saying: “I will impose 100% Tariffs on you, for using the US as a Sucker”, when in actuality the BRICS nations “Have Been the Suckers” (for accepting ever worthless fiat US dollars for their real consumer goods)!! The US is now getting Actual Real Products and all the Foreign Nations get in return is “Inflated Ponzi Fiat” printed out of thin air that is now approaching Zero in Purchasing Power)!!
In a way the BRICS provided a great service to American Taxpayers as Trump is now taking very forceful steps to actually “Restore Constitutional Money” (that is, back the US Dollar with Gold and Silver once again)!! Gold is already being brought back to the US and the reason “is not to avoid tariffs”!!! Trump is very likely planning “To Pay Off Our National Debt” by simply making “an accounting change” – all Trump has to do is “re-price” all the 147,300,000 ounces of gold at Fort Knox from the current $34 dollars per ounce to say $100,000 dollars per ounce (the same as Bitcoin) which will instantly give Trump an extra 15 Trillion Dollars that he can then use to 1) pay off the National Debt or 2) put into a US Sovereign Wealth Fund for the benefit of the American People or 3) some combination of debt reduction and investment!!!
Katy, Ken, et. al: The “real” price of gold based on actual supply rather than a contrived number based on spoofed supply at a ratio north of 200:1, paper to physical, would be north of $560,000 per ounce.
The market is pricing gold based on a presumptive supply of roughly 1.5 trillion ounces, versus an actual physical supply around 7.5 billion ounces. (When including the under-reserved ETF’s the ratio is likely higher still.)
Peg it at $500,000 and adjust from there.
Reality is foundational to stability. Soon enough, this will become common knowledge again.
(As an aside, silver is likely north of 500:1. Sit down, take your heart medicine and run the numbers at a gold to silver price ratio of 15:1 to get a physical market-based silver price. Yikes!)
an item is worth what you can get for it, on a rainy day. Or what you have to give to get it.
The issue is that people are buying it, and think they have it. What they own is paper…a claim on something that doesn’t exist.
They have purchased an IOU, that cannot be fulfilled.
They are being cheated…and the cheat will be exposed when physical demand overruns the paper market.
Then we will see what we can get for it…
Response to an “X” post:
Distortions create wealth plays.
Fictitious supply has spoofed the price discovery mechanism for precious metals dating to the Volcker years.
Estimates of ratios of paper to physical range from 200:1 or higher for gold and 500:1 or higher for silver.
Price changes due to restoration of equilibrium pricing based on actual physical supply have nothing to do with inflation. Purchases from 1980 forward have arguably been at below market prices. The markets have been spoofed for decades.
It will reset to “real” value when derivative supply is eliminated, and will be both a wealth gain and an accounting adjustment.
When 99% of COMEX (paper) supply is eviserated by demand for delivery of physical gold (silver), price will race to a new equilibrium.
The gain is real, since current prices are wildly suppressed.
We get one shot at this. Don’t miss it…
Just to further clarify:
We can’t have it both ways.
We can’t say that gold price is (only) an output of the amount of dollars in circulation, and then ignore that “paper” gold supply destroys the real ratio of dollars in circulation to physical gold.
The value of gold (silver) is masked by a fraudulent price discovery mechanism that in effect ignores the trillions of dollar created out of thin air (by destroying the $/gold ratio). Without the paper supply, the gold price in dollars would adjust in keeping with a constant fixed value relationship with the quantity of dollars.
Without real supply numbers…not so much.
Distortions cannot last forever; over the long haul, the market always sniffs them out and adjusts accordingly.
This is one adjustment we don’t want to miss…
Regarding revaluation of gold:
Again, the experts miss the elephant in the room.
The reference point they use is the market price of gold…which is not the “real’ price based on available physical metal.
The “experts” are so programmed, they miss the obvious. The currently priced golden emperor has no clothes.
Kill the COMEX, let gold (and silver) reprice based on actual supply and then revalue gold.
The real price could be 170 times higher, and the potential $800 to $900 billion referenced below turns into trillions.
If we’re going to revalue gold, why don’t we use real numbers?
What novel idea…
If the market is the bedrock for rational policy, why not set it free and use a real price?
Paper gold is just a form of price setting by government fiat. If you’re making up a number, any number will do.
Free gold, let the market decide and release the value. Kill the COMEX.
Gold miners cost on gold was high side in 2024 was 1388.00 , low cost 885.00. When countries add their royalties 50-80 dollars an ounce. Add profits to that. And that’s where we are. Since not all countries have accumulated gold, their countries commodities will be their backing. Rubber, cocoa, oil, coffee, nickel, etc …and their they get their drawing rights.
Generally precious metals are a hedge against inflation -mining costs and currency devaluation. Not so much speculative for investment. Otherwise frustration and disappointment is guaranteed. Long haul or
Take your profit when you can
Very, very possible. Let’s keep watch!
I like Ed Dowd. He’s one of the good guys. But I actually agree with Marty Armstrong and his ECM (Economic Confidence Model). The actual turning point in the global economy was last May. The global economy is turning down into 2028. Some countries will have a very painful recession and others an acute depression. Cost of living inflation will continue. And here is the key point: government debt (including government bonds) will be at the center of the crisis this time. So, if Marty is correct, a lot of good guys (and those who listen to them) will get destroyed when they rotate into government bonds…..
This time it’s going to be a Sovereign Debt Crisis….. I repeat: A Sovereign Debt Crisis…. U.S. Government Bonds at best will only be a trade and NOT a place to run and hide.
Furthermore: the world is going to WAR… including the breakup of the United States and Canada. There will be a total realignment by 2032. What’s coming isn’t just a terrible economic downturn. This is a whole different ballgame.
War and a Sovereign Debt Crisis. Only those who make the right moves at the right time (timing is everything) will survive what’s coming. And what a lot of smart, good guys don’t understand is worldwide capital flows. And understanding capital flows is where Marty Armstrong shines brighter than any other…. U.S. Dollars, U.S. Debt, U.S. Stocks, U.S Real Estate, U.S. Energy are all trades…. And timing those trades right will make a very big difference. To borrow a phrase from 1969 ABC Sports: the thrill of victory, and the agony of defeat. Don’t be like the skier who gets his timing all wrong and suffers the agony of defeat…. a near perfect metaphor I borrowed from the sports world: https://youtu.be/P2AZH4FeGsc?si=9knn-TUytrNrvhs-
ABC’s Wide World of Sports. Loved that program!
“Barack Obama”
is a foreign alien
actively trying to destroy our country.
-J.D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy, p. 192
Athletes emulating Trump &
Trump Says success will unite America again!
Fox News Bret Baer interview 1,515,902 views 11 hours ago
Super Bowl Arena Breaks Into Thunderous ROARS for Trump, Taylor Swift BOOED
‘America is BACK’🇺🇸 Benny Johnson 6 hours ago
‘Zero lies detected’: Donald Trump makes ‘comical’ swipe at Meghan Markle
Sky News Australia 75,852 views Feb 9, 2025
US President Donald Trump has revealed he will not be deporting Prince Harry from America, despite questions about how the Duke of Sussex secured his visa due to his past drug use.
President Trump also took a swipe at Prince Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle, calling the Duchess of Sussex “terrible”.
‘Brad vs Everyone’ podcast host Brad Polumbo reacted to President Trump’s “comical” remarks about Meghan Markle.
“Zero lies detected,” he told Sky News Australia. “What a wild thing to say, but he’s not wrong.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLDN-8fmDW0
‘Natural revolution’: Taylor Swift booed at Super Bowl 2025
Sky News Australia views Feb 10, 2025
Writer and broadcaster Esther Krakue discusses the contrasting receptions US President Donald Trump and singer Taylor Swift received at Super Bowl 2025.
“It’s really kind of a natural revolution,” Ms Krakue told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.
“I never thought in my life I would ever see Taylor Swift get booed.”
Half a TRILLION dollars illegally spent in expired programs in just the last year! Half a F’ing TRILLION dollars
Great idea to add cv vaccine status to considerations re. recent air crashes. Should also be considered re. car/other vehicle crashes.
These airplane incidents are likely due to DEI. I have family members who are commercial pilots. If you knew what I know you would never get on an airplane again.
”Shut The F*ck Up!” Tucker Carlson vs Piers Morgan
Piers Morgan Uncensored 2,035,733 views Jan 29, 2025
Tucker Carlson’s career has taken many twists and turns, and he himself admits he’s faced no small amount of failures. But Carlson is now supremely thankful for all of them. His rocky road to success has led him around the world, and today it brings him to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for a long discussion With Piers Morgan.
Together the two attempt to put the world to rights. Their discourse ranges from the second term of President Donald Trump, the attempts on his life, the Biden Administration, wokeism, western civilisation, World War 2 and freedom of speech. They agree, they disagree, but most of all, they learn.
____________ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRO2NvIWCEY
This guy has turned his nose up against gold in every interview for the last few years. So any of his followers have missed the entire price run-up. I refuse to watch this one or any future interviews.
I really appreciate Greg keeps asking him though, keep up the good work with your other guests!
Dowd said Gold was a core asset. He also said it is a good long-term hold because inflation and money printing.
Gold and Silver are a must. Just like Pew-Pews and Cu clad Pb.
I have watched this interview twice. Once on my phone and once on the big screen…
Ed delivers sobering commentary about the coming troubles. People need to prepare
Thank you for having him back .
Great interview by the way 😉
Thanks 500!! I agree!!
The C.D.C. has created a patented, weaponized, ‘gain of function research’ version of EBOLA.
Globalist Bill Gates gave $50,000,000 to fund this madness.
Here’s the proof:
The USA has been in a depression for decades now. The only reason you don’t see the soup lines of the 1930s is because of Government handouts such as food stamps, welfare and EBT cards. The USA has been one big Ponzi scheme lie.
by InfoWars February 10th The globalists strike back with viral fears.
Canada as the 51st State? The Agenda TVO Today 282,859 views Jan 7, 2025
Incoming U.S. president Donald Trump likely has at least some Canadians wondering, what if we did become the 51st state? How would our lives be different? Could we maintain our distinctive and different customs?
For insight into this hypothetical, we welcome: Laura Dawson, executive director of the Future Borders Coalition, a self-described bi-national organization promoting a cohesive vision of the U.S.-Canada border based on the principles of efficiency, safety, and security; Jeffrey Simpson, for more than three decades, the national affairs columnist at the Globe and Mail, and author of eight books; and Kathleen Wynne, 25th premier of Ontario, now teaching public policy at the University of Toronto’s Victoria and Trinity Colleges.
Kevin O’Leary and the 51st state | Front Burner
CBC News CBC/Radio-Canada is a Canadian public broadcast service.
279,134 views Jan 20, 2025 Front Burner | Daily Podcast
Donald Trump says he would use economic force to annex Canada.
Canadian celebrity investor Kevin O’Leary makes the case for joining an ‘economic union’ with the U.S.
I wonder what leery O’Leary thinks about his AI project now that those China students have blown-up the get rich with AI out the park creating the best AI cheaply and free. The AI horse is out the barn and Kevin hopefully continues to be free never to be corralled into the Oligarch barn ever again! Sorta reminds me of J.P. Morgan whom resembles Kevin or did, blowing up Tesla’s free energy antenna that he financed for fear Tesla was cutting the power cord to the electric company that Tesla created in the first place. Replacing the cord to the company with no need for the energy company, but free energy tapped into from the ionosphere to every home place or business for free and no need of billing! Now thats economic freedom Kevin. But we’ll never see that eh. Because absolute power corrupts power company’s absolutely and lets hope AI will stay open and free, thanks China!
Adding Canada to the US will result in more then the addition of just One(1) State to the US – as French Quebec will definitely want to be “An Independent State” and many other provinces in Canada would also want to be “Independent States” – so we may actually see up to 6 New States Joining the United States to avoid Trumps Tariffs !!!
US and Russian warplanes appear together for first time [since 2003]
Story by Talker News • 4h •
These pictures are worth a thousand words and the planes over a cool hundred million!
Dog fight anyone?
Battle for the skies: From Russia’ Su-57 vs US’ F-35, stage is set at Aero India
ANI News 31,799 views Feb 9, 2025 FIGHTERJET
Russian Su-57 fighter aircraft at the Aero India Air Show in Bengaluru. This is the first time that both Russian and American fifth-generation stealth fighter aircraft are present at the Aero India. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8r0Gwgms4A
Aero India 2025: Russian Sukhoi Su-57 vs American F-35 | Battle of dominance|Breathtaking manoeuvres
ANI News Started streaming 8 hours ago
Rumor has it the F-35 was pulled from the demonstration flight yet here it is, or is it?
Speculation now is pilot was under orders not to show all it’s capabilities? Politics’?
Air show opens with US Air Force as special guest
AP Archive 64 views Jul 21, 2015
US. Air Force invited and accepts, Russian airshow invite! (19 Aug 2003)
Did the U.S. provoke Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
ReasonTV 19,175 views Feb 8, 2025 Soho Forum Debates
Antiwar.com’s Scott Horton and The Free Press’s Eli Lake debate U.S. foreign policy and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qsj_UiSUc8
VIDEO: Trump Blasts Hamas, Putin | Dares Hamas to Save Gaza From US, Reacts to Call With Putin
Oneindia News 335 views Premiered 12 hours ago
U.S. President Donald Trump delivers a strong message condemning Hamas and Russian President Vladimir Putin. He challenges Hamas to take action to save Gaza from U.S. intervention and shares his reaction to a recent phone call with Putin. Watch his bold remarks on global conflicts and his stance on the ongoing geopolitical tensions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_VxWSTwAwU
Revealing The Global Military Footprint & Super-Powers Hegemony
Paul Newman’s Genius Statement ✔ | The Geopolitical Double Standard
Greg, from friends on the street in L.A.,they do not believe having the Olympics there is now possible…to much footdragging, obstructions to POTUS DJT to get needed things done. With all the clearing – cleaning- engineering – totally corrupt permit process…and lack of funding…and mis-spent funding that there is. IT would take a TOM CRUISE ‘MISSION IMPOSSIBLE’ for the rebuilding and building and planning for the OLYMPICS to happen. BETTER IT JUST GO SOMEWHERE ELSE IF THEY REALLY EVEN WANT AN OLYMPICS ! ADD the housing and hotels with all the displaced, where would the ‘tourists’ even stay? and with all the blue state ‘sanctuary cities’ and ‘their’ housing and budget and crime problems…thinking it will have to go to a RED state that is NOT planning a summer of resistance as the DEM political leadership is spending most of ‘their’ time conjuring up ‘insurrections’ and protests. AND we know how ‘their’ ‘summer of love’ protests end up !
Two private jet aircraft just collided on the ground here in Scottsdale, Arizona resulting in least one dead and some injuries involved.
Is this another case of jabbed brain fog with the combination of D.I.E. social engineering?
Elon Musk: “America’s WORST Disaster In 300 Years Is About To Happen NOW!”
Elon Musk Fan Zone 1.33M subscribers Join 18 hours ago
Breaking News: “In a Major Step Toward a Cashless Society” – Trump directed the US Treasury Department to “Cease Minting Pennies” – are Nickels next??? These metal coins will now likely be “horded” by the Public and collectors alike!!! Although Trump has said he would not allow “CENTRAL BANK” Digital Currency “he has opened the door for “Regular Banks” to produce their own Digital Tokens!!! Now we must ask: “Will Trump also stop Metal Coins (like US Silver Dollars) from being produced”?? If so, they will then likely acquire “Numismatic Rarity Value” in addition to the Metal’s Actual Worth!!!
It is all theatre, and it’s first class Broadway stuff. Certainly better than the amateur dramatic production of the previous four years.
I think we will see a partial return to sanity, the question is, is it a one step forward two steps back routine to stop us rebelling?
Just when you think you can’t be surprised by the Dems Malfeasance you find this…
We didn’t have funds for real disasters in FL, TN, NC, CA but we have 60 million a week in FEMA to send to NY Prime Hotels to house F’ing illegal aliens
Maybe my prayers that YHWH, The ONE TRUE GOD, smite these evil doers that seek to delay YHWH’s appointed Leader (Trump) from saving our country…
They really don’t want honest people looking at where the money is going.
Please pray for America/Trump to prevail and that these evil doers be laid low.
“ The 76-year-old congressman was delivering a five-minute speech sharply criticizing the Trump administration for what he claimed was an overreach involving access to sensitive Social Security data through the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), spearheaded by Elon Musk…”
Damn… I really dislike and distrust the FBI these days. Any one that trusts the old FBI is an idiot
Galaxy, the old or new =
a world full of lies and half-truths =
As I was saying…
I understand how hard it is to loose weight. I also understand that exercise, cutting back on food intake. I have gained 20 lbs in the last 2 years.
And let’s face it, Americans like the “easy” button.
Remember speed as a diet drug in the 60s/70s?
Enter Ozempic, a highly dangerous drug with many side effects was given out like sugar pills for weight loss.
This is one of many examples of why Drug companies should not be allowed to advertise to public.
People are getting osteoporosis/ osteopenia, going blind, I think I recall hearing about nerve damage.
Eat less, walk more…
Of course also in the news is the 500 lbs wrapper trying to claim gross morbid obesity is like being LGBTQxyz. Even the company that made the car says she is likely 100-200 lbs over the safe weight limit for the seat depending on model.
To me it’s laughable that she in sue but then there is a reason that ambulance chasing lawyers have a deserved bad reputation. And the poor Lyft driver lost his job because he told the female polar bear sized fat a$$ the truth, that she would fit.
Galaxy, many need to self-evalutate as well as seek advice from MD’s
‘much’ is metabolic disorders of many causes, including poor food, poor food choices, lack of activity. Clogged arteries included as is blindness as a result.
The #1 Mistake People Make with Supplements!
Dr. Ford Brewer also has some good advice and things to consider – having treated may strokes and heart attacks in emergency in a hospital. He was amazed to find he himself was at risk and when on a journey to fix is clogged arteries…reducing the plague to a level of 20 years younger with proper diet and exercise=
How I Cleaned Out My Arteries In 1 Year
WHEN ONE CONSIDERS ONE OF THE #1 RISK OF COVID VACS…to elderly overvweight…MIGHT part of that be ‘clogged arteries’ at the start, making the CLOTING in smaller arteries and veins easier and more dangerous as well as possible ‘inflammation’ caused by the jabs themselves? Maybe some of the guest Doctor’s interviewed could address this at some point?
Left-wing Radicals Hate America
This country has been torn apart at the seams by left-wing-radicals that have ZERO regard for our Constitutionally-guaranteed Rights and Freedoms. Their radical-ideology is heavily influenced by the same Marxist propaganda that is akin to the Marxist-insanity that we’ve seen pushed on other failed nation states. These brain-dead, left-wing-lunatics are seeking the total transformation of this nation into a communist totalitarian dictatorship.
Ed Dowd’s latest interview with Chris Martenson on Big Pharma and their accountability.
These people have no soul