Democrat Party Going Extinct – Martin Armstrong
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is back with some important new predictions. But first, long before the 2024 Election, Armstrong’s Socrates computer correctly predicted a Trump landslide. Armstrong also predicted the GOP would win the House and the Senate while the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) were telling us all how popular Kamala Harris was and how she would take it all in 2024. Armstrong said Kamala’s real approval rating was around 10% (not 50%), and the Dems and the LLM knew it but lied anyway. Armstrong’s Socrates computer program also predicted Joe Biden would pardon his son Hunter, even though Biden, the Dems and the LLM repeatedly told us there would be no pardon of Hunter.
This is where it get’s interesting. Armstrong says, “You have to understand, it wasn’t for Hunter. . . Yes, my computer (Socrates) was showing Biden would pardon Hunter, and it was basically showing the collapse in the rule of law, and this is what this is about now. . . . All the corruption started in 2014 in Ukraine. . . . By pardoning Hunter all the way back to 2014, it means he can be compelled to testify. How much money did you get out of Ukraine? Where did it go? Did it go to the Big Guy? . . . . Hunter can’t be prosecuted, so he can’t claim the 5th Amendment. He could be thrown in prison for contempt of court for refusing to testify.”
Armstrong was held in prison for a record seven years for contempt of court. Armstrong says the law says the sentence should only have lasted 18 months. Still, Hunter could be thrown in jail. Armstrong says Joe will pardon many more, such as those involved in the J-6 prosecutions like Liz Cheney or people like Anthony Fauci, overseer of the CV19 bioweapon vax. Armstrong says, “The computer has been showing, and we published these reports at our November 2024 conference, that this is most likely the final nail in the coffin for the Democrat Party. . . . The pardons will have a real detrimental impact on the Democrat Party. It’s going to basically make the Democrat party look like a bunch of thieves and crooks. . . . The Democrat Party is going extinct.”
When asked if we are still going to war with Russia, Armstrong said, “I hate to say this, but yes, and the (Socrates) computer is never wrong.” Armstrong fears dirty tricks, such as a false flag in Europe, that could get it going and blame the Russians for something they did not do. They want to do this before Trump takes office. Armstong says he is still recommending a big food supply, gold and cash. He is also predicting that government wants to do away with paper money and do all digital so they can track everything. Will this work? Armstrong says no, but they are going to try anyway.
Armstrong says even though Trump is looking good here before he’s sworn in, he’s going to have a tough four years. Armstrong says, “What I have heard is that they are planning on a major protest for his inauguration. They want to make it so bad that he has to call out the National Guard, and then they will say, see, he’s a dictator. I am concerned. I do not see four years of bliss in the Trump Administration. The computer says from 2026 on, it does not look good, particularly going into 2027 and 2028. This may be our last election. . . . This is a war now with the Deep State. They are not going to take this lightly. . . .They are going to try to obstruct Trump anyway they can. . . . You are taking the trough away from all the pigs, and they are not going to have anything to eat. They are going to fight for their very lives.”
There is much more in the 1-hour and 9-minute interview.”
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong where he gives his analysis on Trump winning and Biden pardoning everyone for 12.7.24.
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Fire all deep state people.
Fire? How about execute?
Only after a trial. All the crime will be easy to prove
Could Armstrong deflect questions/not answer/shift, change topics any more than he did? Vague, evasive on every direct question repeated by Greg Hunter. Armstrong, what’s REALLY going to happen and WHEN that you know that you didn’t answer?
Absolutely! I’ve posted the similar comments before after watching an Armstrong interview on USA Watchdog. Armstrong is evasive and never directly answers a question. I find it infuriating and I don’t know why Greg doesn’t tell him to stop dodging. He tried to force him to answer a question directly. No Go. Is it on purpose so he doesn’t divulge the same information given to his paying customers? Hard for me to believe that’s his normal modi’s operandi. That and his constant throat clearing when he speaks is unnerving. Answer a direct question with a direct question and stop the useless drivel.
David and Deb,
I bring top people like Armstrong who are in demand all over the world. Did you catch how many livestreams he sold at his conference just after the 2024 election? 100,000 at $1,500 per stream. That does not count the $2,750 that 500 people paid for the in-person conference. Armstrong came on USAW for FREE to educate you on what is going on. He spent more than an hour with us and revealed more data that he sells for huge money. You seem very ungrateful for this content that you can’t get anywhere else. The real “Useless drivel” is your ungrateful comment. You should be getting ready for war–a big one.
Agreed! People don’t realize what an amazing track record has over the last 4 decades. His computer’s record is unmatched and like he says, Governments from around the world are his clients because he is unbiased.
Also people need to realize that his giving a specific answer may clash with his paid Socrates subscribers. He does answer questions.
Lastly the man is doing this for free. He doesn’t need the money and he does many interviews every week. How about we cut him a break?
Martin Armstrong always gives us good information. keep him coming on the show
Martin is the same in pretty much all his interviews. Yes, part of him evading questions is because there is a paywall to some of this information. Although, if you read his free blog you can glean a lot of information out of it.
Martin will also answer the question he thinks the interviewer SHOULD have asked but didn’t.
The thing is the computer model cannot say the exact day when things might happen. It shows the larger trend in motion and dates when things could blow up but there is no 100% certainty. We can see the war coming. We just don’t know the day when it will expand and be decalred by NATO. no person nor computer can tell that date.
Some questions are not easily answered, absent further information and my guess is M Armstrong doesn’t desire or have leisure to lay out all the background info, in order to provide a full reply. So, take from it what one can, and be grateful. Negative comments reflect more on the commenter, than the subject 🙂 Stay positive !
Greg. Excellent interview. Question…could we get the facts on why BlackRock and Vanguard are buying loads of bitcoin now? Why? There hast to be a plan. They are invested heavily.
Would appreciate it. I don’t own any, however, what is their master plan? Thank you. Mike
Many years ago I listened to Max Kaiser the bitcoin guru on Russian TV. When bitcoin gets to 200,000 many bitcoin investors will be millionaires and some will be billionairs. They will diversify into other non paper assets and the likely big winner will be silver. Do not worry about what black rock and vanguard are doing just buy as much silver as you can. They don’t understand bitcoin investors and how we think about the future of fiat currencies. Black rock and vanguard are buying the wrong asset they should have bought bitcoin years ago when it was cheap. If you hold 100,000 bitcoin which you purchased years ago for 17c you have many hundreds of millions of dollars to diversify into silver. Times this with 5 other bitcoin millionaires and a couple of billionaires doing the same operation of buying silver all at the same time the LBMA will be cleaned out within a week. Silver could reach a hundred dollars an ounce within a month. So just keep on stacking and you will be rewarded.
Black Rock and Vanguard will not buy bitcoin unless they can control the crypto market via the futures and ETFs.
I think the real problem facing bitcoin is not the likelihood of being financialized but the speed of its algorithm. One of the known quantum algorithms with strong super-polynomial speedup, compared to best known classical (non-quantum) algorithms, had already broken the widely used RSA and Diffie–Hellman encryption protocols in 1996.
In 2019, Google AI and NASA announced that they had achieved quantum supremacy with a 54-qubit machine, performing a computation that is impossible for any classical computer.
I believe bitcoin’s algorithmic authority will be challenged by the advance of quantum computer within the next 5-10 years, and it will become as untrustworthy as an ordinary sidewalk ATM.
Greg please get Karen Kingston on or Dr. Malone to talk about this as they are truly bringing another scamdemic by January but this vaccine is far worse than the last one!:
Listen and learn about the great deception. Satan is real and will be defeated.
The “Club of Rome” has planned on countries such as Syria to kingdom #7 and Ukraine to kingdom #5 since the 1970s which is when this map was drawn up of the 10 kingdoms talked about in Daniel and Revelations!:
Here are hundreds of verses that clearly prove America is the harlot riding her UN~beast described in the book of Revelations:
okay one thing I don’t understand that Mr Armstrong said. he said that only about 20% of the people that vote in elections are thinking. how can you have a direct democracy if that’s the truth?
Twenty (20) percent is pretty high and is probably “sufficient” to make for a Better World – under our current Representative Government only the 1% “do all the thinking for us”!! Remember when Gen. Wesley Clark told the American people how It Was Decided by the One(1) Percent to TAKE OUT FIVE(5) COUNTRIES IN SEVEN(7) YEARS. The One One(1) Percent (like Dictator Trudeau) made the Decision (without asking the Other 99%) to TAKE ALL THE OIL FROM THE ARABS AND ALL THE MINERAL WEALTH AND RESOURCES FROM AFGHANISTAN!!! With Trump and the MAGA Movement thinkers we believe Killing People in War and Stealing IS IMMORAL!! However, the One(1) Percent are once again trying to Steal the Wealth from Ukraine using War but their ultimate prize and top goal is to Steal all the Wealth of Russia!!! The One(1) Percent need to do away with all the Religions that say Thou Shall Not Kill, Thou Shall Not Steal, etc., etc.!! Only SATAN will be accepted as the God of this World!! So even just “one in five” saying NO to the Demonic Evil one(1) percent can throw a monkey wrench into their Plans To Take Over The World and Everything In It and leave the 99% with NOTHING and EATING BUGS!!!
Leaving us with Nothing and Happy to Eat Bugs will result in “Deny,” “Defend” and “Depose” being written on many many more Bullet Cartridges (as a day seems to have arrived when the Common People are now beginning “to take matters in their own hands” and are “Sanctioning the One(1) Percent” (who love to Sanction others)!! Trudeau upon hearing that an Insurance CEO “was gunned down” on the streets of New York “HAS ABSOLUTELY PANICKED” and He Immediately Ordered “ALL GUNS” be taken away from the Canadian People!!!
“When the People Fear the King or Corporate/Government Elites You Have Tyranny – When the King or Corporate/Government Elites Fear the People You Have Liberty”
Thomas Jefferson
(Founding Father Of The United States of America)!!!
From the Word of Almighty GOD: “We Are Not Supposed To Indiscriminately Kill People” (meaning we should not be Killing Defenseless Women and Children PERIOD in War or with Kill Shots, etc.)!! By the Word of the MEN at the Nuremberg Trials: “It was determined to be a Crime For Anyone (Even in War) To Indiscriminately Kill Women and Children (FOR ANY REASON – BY ADVERSARIES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE CONFLICT)”!! By the Word of SATAN: “You Are Free To Kill Anyone You Want – For Money, Land, etc., etc. (or Just To Have Fun Killing and Raping Women and Children)”!!
I think he is implying that independent voters really have to objectively analyze the candidates. Hard line D’s and R’s voters thinking patterns are somewhat restrained by party dogma and will vote for their respective teams no matter what.
Fire them, search all their government computers and other systems… charge, prosecute and punish
Dem party going extinct? NO! Decades ago when the word ‘liberal’ turned into a dirty word when they gained too much power and went power mad with every insane idea that could dream up.
That’s the time they rebranded themselves ‘progressives’ and said – NO we are not those liberals.
They will rebrand & redefine as we know they like to play with word and build up their power again.
Difference now is whole States have a majority & the media still support them.
Granted the media itself is dying (which is good).
I think you are on the right track. It’s really not the Democratic Party but whatever group of sub-human useful idiots on that ticket the so-called deep state criminal cabal wants to do their bidding. The down ballot fraud and the number of votes that a brain dead V-P got proves the danger of this country being taken down is still the major threat. So many signs will be flashing on whether Trump is serious or beholden to the same group of thugs, just different names and/or goals. My first one is will he do anything thru DOJ, FBI, CISA and others to clean up the entrenched voter fraud on the federal level. If they maintain the status quo you will have, maybe not the ultimate answer, but it will be close to confirming voting is manipulated to remove any of the electorate’s true desires on a regular basis. If not already.
IF the Dems did go extinct, the RINOs would just change hats
Some already have look at Liz Cheney and other so-called Republicans who endorsed Kamala.
Love you and your lifetime of reporting. Howver these windbags you present have been predicting mayhem for years, none of which has occurred. Greg find some new guests/talent. Thanks.
I think I need to find some new grateful commenters. I bring top people like Armstrong who are in demand all over the world. Did you catch how many livestreams he sold at his conference just after the 2024 election? 100,000 at $1,500 per stream. That does not count the $2,750 that 500 people paid for the in-person conference. You are too stupid to be here. Go away and do not comment again. You are not going to make it, by the way.
Greg , don’t hold back on Fat Albert. Tell it like it is .
I think Albert is a bot. Is there a way to know?
Thank you, Greg, for featuring Martin Armstrong as often as you do! He’s an absolute economic genius and an all-around good guy! Yes, we need those links that you requested. There are rumblings that Rep Mike Lee is wanting to privatize social security again and bending Elon Musk’s ear about it. The Mormon church is clearly providing him with a financial safety net so he has no need for his SS while most of us could not survive without it. Please ask Martin next time about this diabolical gov’t move to take everything from U.S. citizens!
Do you have a source or a link about the Mormon church providing him a financial safety net?
LDS church doesn’t and won’t give money to anyone, to say they’d support Lee is hogwash. In the Celestial Kingdom of heaven, streets are paved with gold…want in on it? Join the church and be faithful, you’ll own the universe. Worldly wealth…less than chump change.
Bravo Greg! I couldn’t agree with you more there. People like Albert have blinders on and should seek to inform themselves elsewhere. People like him don’t deserve listening to you and your high caliber guests. I’m very grateful for what you’re doing. You’re an outstanding Journalist and Interviewer. May God bless you and your family abundantly. Greetings to you from Switzerland.
Greg, 100,000 x $1500 is $150 million. That can’t be right.
Armstrong’s conference was a global event and unless he’s lying, (and he’s NOT) you heard him say live stream was 100,000 for his last conference. the $1,500 number is on the Armstrong Economics website and it’s the cheapest option:
It took Martin Armstrong to reveal that the masked gunman who gunned down an Insurance Company CEO in front of a busy New York City hotel – had “Deny,” “Defend” and “Depose” written on the bullet casings found in the street. This was “retribution” (and probably the start of the Public Taking Their Fate Into Their Own Hands” by Extinguishing the Corrupt Deep State from the Top Down”). According to Martin Armstrong: “Insurance Companies are the Number One Consumer Fraud rip-off of Americans (every day of their existence), and they (get away with it) by Greasing the Palms of Politicians To Be Exempt From Consumer Fraud.” [They charge you insurance on the Value You Pay “brand new” but when you Put in a Claim they DEPRECIATE THE PROPERTY or Item you have Insured With Them (yet they continue to charge you monthly premiums on the Original Price) – ask yourself this simple question: “Has an Insurance Company ever reduced your Car Insurance Payments in Proportion to the Depreciation they Claim (when an Accident Occurs) as it Gets Older??? THAT IS CONSUMER FRAUD !!! and of-course our Bribed politicians DO NOTHING!!! Well, if our Politicians Still Want to Continue to do Nothing (the PEOPLE – probably like the gunman above WILL TAKE ACTION!!! This is probably why Bribed American Politicians are trying so hard to take away all our guns (like Trudeau has just done in Canada)!!!
I once looked at removing comprehensive coverage from my car insurance (an older used car) and carrying only liability (required by most states). Liability only covers damage to the other guy if you are at fault. The difference was so minor as to not be worth dropping the comprehensive. The liability coverage was about 90% of the premium.
Senor Katy Bar,
Can you give your opinion on this?
Regarding “parameter”
If this parameter or dead hand does exist, it means, that if Rusia turns into a failed state then the proper individuals with access to disable it when needed, won’t be around.
I don’t know enough about geopolitics but would hope someone in the right position would realize this hard truth because if something can go wrong, it will go wrong.
We “the common people” are locked and trapped below deck on the US Titanic and the Evil Queer Neocons (dressed as women) are steering the ship right into a WWIII iceberg before we can get a new Captain into the steering room to change course! These Queer Neocons think that by dressing as woman “they will escape our fate”, but the Dead Hand will come for them Where Ever They Are as the Entire Atmosphere of Planet Earth will be Radioactive for 1000’s of years!!!
I am amazed at how disingenuous these paid trolls are. Greg, they think they can give you a compliment and then get you to being on the KKKarl Roves? I have to admit I would love to see you interview some of these Satanic Minions and ask them the hard questions…
Because of your guests, I am healthier than I would have been. Because of your guests I am prepared of social and economic hiccups right up to upheaval.
You don’t give the Jew Haters a platform to mislead the Choosen.
Armstrong is a great guest
Well said and thank you.
Trudeau will be letting Bill Gates block the sun for the next 5 years in Canada. Ministry of Environment. Bye bye life on the planet.
Follow the money!! Who benefits the most by blocking the Sun and cooling the planet?? Oil and Gas Companies!!!
This is the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants what must soon come to pass. He made it known by sending His angel to His servant John, 2who testifies to everything he saw. This is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.…Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction.For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.…
They were short on Hunters yrs of graff and being a bagman. It will come out and Cheney and Fauci can be charged with treason there is no pardon for that. It isn’t going to be the way many think it is. If 2020 is found to be fraudulent it is all off the table and Trump has said numerous times they have it all. If that is true and I have no reason to think otherwise game over for them.
All federal crimes are pardonable by the president. Treason is a federal crime.
You cannot pardon a crime for which a person has not been charged. There has to be a criminal charge! Blanket pardons? That will have to go through the Supreme Court. And although you can argue that is what happened to Nixon, no one wanted to challenge that particular stunt by President Ford. I think this time is different.
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and encourage with every form of patient instruction. 3For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.…
Democrat (Commie) Party is defiantly faltering… However the “deepstate party” that is pretty well a large part of both parties is likely doing fine… The zionist minions and their jew bosses still own and controls most everything important, including the governments…
They are not going to give up, or even loosen the grip they have on our necks and balls. They are “hell bent” to burn it all down either way…
If they don’t succeed to enslave what they don’t destroy of humanity… they know they will be hunted down and hung by the neck or far worse if they fail.
It’s now a DO… or DIE situation for THEM… and US.
Wow… you wrote “ The zionist minions and their jew bosses still own and controls most everything important, including the governments…”
It is the Jews is it? You’re pathetic if you believe this. Are their rich Jews? Sure. Are their evil Jews? Sure. Are they in charge? No.
Good luck, Terry. Life is hard. More so when you believe this stupid nonsense.
I Honestly believe that you and the rest of the paid troll are attempting to get a bunch of your antisemitic BS posted so Greg can be flagged as another crazy anti Jew site.
We don’t hate Jews here. We are Christians and our Lord and Savior is a Jew.
The Israelites are YHWH’s people.
It’s the Democratic (DEMONs) and Republicans Against Trump (RATs) that must be Identified and Brought to Justice (No Matter Their Religion or Nationality)!!
Funny you should mention “James Bond”. Ian Fleming really did the American public a real service by revealing the truth through fiction. I have the complete 007 movie series on blue ray, and I would highly recommend watching (or re-watching) the movies.
Truth is stranger than fiction. And right here and now the truth is so strange that you probably wouldn’t believe me if I just wrote down the tip of the iceberg.
Perhaps, I’ll throw a few things out there in a future comment. Keep in mind that all of the evil machinations revealed in the James Bond movies ( e.g., space weapons, bio weapons, economic warfare, genetic weapons, vaccine weapons) are all out-dated. The latest evil that’s going on in top secret facilities is astounding.
The opening of the first four seals in Revelation Chapter 6 (i.e., The Four Horsemen) isn’t going to be like anything that’s happened in the past. In other words the plagues, the famines, the wars, the inflation, the earthquakes, floods, weather, the economic destruction, the government’s evil medium of exchange (money) and the massive slaughter of human souls is all going to culminate into the greatest die-off in history…… And the means to accomplish that great slaughter is accomplished by all of the new top secret weaponry, the blockchain, the devious modern medicine and all the Dr. Evils who have created the most insidious and destructive inventions that even surpass Ian Fleming’s nightmare scenarios.
Jesus said that no flesh would be saved if Devine Intervention didn’t put an end to the slaughter of mankind.
Mankind now has the capacity to wipe out all flesh on earth. Just 100 years ago mankind didn’t have anything that could extinct mankind. Now in 2024 it’s totally different. And that’s why I think we are in the Last Days and nearing the Glorious Revelation of Jesus Christ and Jehovah’s Kingdom.
I really, really like Marty, but Marty is basically a secular man. And he has little to no idea on Jehovah God’s timeline. Furthermore, Marty’s choice to live in Tampa Florida right next to CENTCOM is a major error in judgment. CENTCOM and all of Tampa- Saint Pete will be GONE and turned to dust when The King of the North and The King of the South begin to slaughter each other.
Get your prepping done.
R.A., I came across a really eye-opening site which explains how humanity has been deceived in the changing of God’s time reckoning from the original SUN, MOON & STARS being our DAY, MONTH & YEAR, to a Calendar that completely negates God’s MOONS (Months). The Hebrew Calendar of today works out the MONTHS from a NO MOON, where the “REAL” NEW MOON, is a FULL Moon. As you may know, at the crucifixion, there was an eclipse Matt.27:45. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
Mark 15:33. And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour.
If one looks at the Hebrew Calendar and look up Passover (, and you will find that the DAY is a FULL MOON Day. Most people don’t see the significance of this anomaly, but you CANNOT have a FULL Moon and an Eclipse happening. Nisan 14 (Passover) can ONLY have an ECLIPSE when the MONTHS of the Hebrew Calendar BEGINS in a FULL MOON!
Many people brush this error aside and think it is “NIT PICKING”! – NOT SO!!
The bible has MANY Predictions in our FUTURE with references to an event happening with a DATE Stamp, of a DAY of a CERTAIN Month.
After a lot of study I found we HAVE a PREDICTION where MANKIND is going to have a WORLD-WIDE Killing spree (NUCLEAR WAR?). This would occur on the 24th Day of the 9th Month! We are at present (8th December 2024 – Gregorian Calendar) – but in GOD’S Calendar it is the 23rd Day of the 8th Month.
Now there is a PREDICTION in Haggai 2:20. And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth [day] of the month, saying,
21. Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will SHAKE the heavens and the EARTH;
22. And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, EVERY ONE BY THE SWORD OF HIS BROTHER.
Next Month (The 9th Month in God’s Calendar) the DAY of this EVENT (Nuclear War?), is on OUR Calendar (Gregorian) is 7th of JANUARY 2025!
Check out the site that discloses GOD’S Real Calendar –
If this is CORRECT (God’s Calendar), and the DATE of World War Prophecy is TRUE, we have little time left, to get ourselves a BUNKER, or get raptured on the 8th DAY of this NINTH Month!
Exodus 22:29. Thou shalt not delay [to offer] the first of thy ripe fruits, and of thy liquors: the firstborn of thy sons … SHALT THOU GIVE IT TO ME.
30. Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen, [and] with thy sheep: seven days it shall be with his dam; ON THE EIGHTH DAY, …THOU SHALT GIVE IT TO ME.
If the Rapture is a SHORTENING of our time (Mark 13:20), and the DAY of redemption is on the 8th DAY, (Of that 9th Month) then we can avoid WW3 by just 16 days (On 22nd of December 2024) (I am in NO WAY affiliated with this site)
This is all conjecture, on my part so the best we can do is PREPARE.
* The 8th DAY has many references to being in God’s Presence.
If it is WRONG, then we still have 12months grace!
Thank you Greg for letting me post this reply.
Reply to Olaf:
I find Biblical chronology fascinating. Thanks for the info.
I think that we all need to pray for Donald Trump. The globalist all hate him so he needs to fill his cabinet with the right people. I think that Pete Hegseth is a little young and the senior officers may not have much respect for him, but I don’t think that he will force vaccinate the whole military and give away our weapons to Ukraine so we won;t be able to defend ourselves. Since I am retired military I not going to say this is treasonous for the current Secretary of Defense to do so. I’ll just say that he was not using good judgement.
I also read Mr. Austin’s citation for the Silver Star. The Silver Star is given for “Gallantry in Action” and I can’t even tell he was subjected to enemy fire.
If Pete Hegseth is not confirmed maybe a couple of good alternatives would be LTG Mike Flynn or COL Douglas Macgregor. I’m sure that the senior officers would have respect for both of them and they would do our country an outstanding job.
I agree Robert! Repent, Pray and Hang on to Jesus and Jehovah!!
The earth is run by Draco’s. The elite = Draco’s. The elite worship Moloch, thus you have transgender and child sacrifice. The aim of the Draco elite is to kill most of the human population. About half the population are clones. No one is putting out the whole story.
The CIA is an instrument of the Draco’s. The human population is flying blind.
One of the James Bond bad guys was named Draco….
Martin Armstrong a great guest…..Thanks, greg
Half the population is clones? ROFLMAO
Megan Kelly is saying what I have mentioned here before that the Deep State and the RINO’s want to keep Trump’s Cabinet picks from being confirmed.
If Trump can pull it off, and “Save The United States of America” we should engrave his face on Mount Rushmore with the Founding Fathers!!!–
AAcrime has built up insurmountable KARMA that it is now only a question as to much longer our LORD GOD CREATOR will keep HIS FURY reined in!!!
Trump has’nt even got back to that cesspit in the not so white house and has caused enough consternation to last the rest of his probable 4 years in that joint.Its not really a case of new brooms sweeping clean ,I think that there is a large measure of vindictiveness being unleashed .
Vindictive? It’s just justice Chamberlain . Let me guess. You want peace above everything else including us keeping our nation ? Peace in our time, right?
Trump is going to call in Rotorooter to help clean out the cesspool and we are going to help
Take away the Welfare and Food Stamps from the millions of Illegals the Demon Rats brought into our Country and we can see “A Real” Jan 6 Protest in Washington DC. What Trump needs to do NOW is make it perfectly clear to these Illegal’s that: “If They Are Caught Doing Violence” – They Will NEVER EVER BE ALLOWED TO “LEGALLY FILE FOR CITIZENSHIP” IN THE FUTURE!! (As for those demonstrators who commit violence and are US citizens, they should get “a MINIMUM of Ten(10) Times the Jail Time the J6’ers got for Simple Trespass”!!
Without the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment, and Patriots such as Greg Hunter, there would be no Constitutional American Republic. We are now hanging on a thread with the enemy – the November 22, 1963-founded Communist Democrat RINO Party and their NBC-CBS-ABC -CNN, etc. deviants (Read George Orwell’s “1984”) telling the lies that are even blessed by Pope Francis and the Teacher Unions.
I agree Don, but Trump willing changes things. Never give up.
Greg , it looks like the deep state has released even more ” hounds of hell ” on Trump . Especially his cabinet picks . They will continue to fight till the end . I sure hope Jesus doesn’t take the day off .
Trump is responsible for his cabinet picks.
Trump isn’t responsible for the outlandish claims being made about his picks.
You have to give the Dems credit, they put Bidens picks in, even if they were mentally ill men in dresses.
Trumps own party is fighting him. These Congressmen who vote against Trumps picks need to get the Scott Presler treatment and primaries out.
These people should be shunned and ostracized
We know these men by their deeds:
If Trump does half of what he says, there is no doubt he will be placed among the Great Men of History who worked to make our Nation “A More Perfect Union”!!–
Mr. Greg Hunter the All American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
He certainly called the election
Results correctly.
In GOD I Trust
Thanks Rod. Are you doing ok?
Hey Greg… I have been watching and recommending your videos for years… Not quite sure why you muted me on Rumble… I may not always agree with you but it does not mean that I don’t appreciate or haven’t agreed and commended most of what you say.. So, don’t take it personally, because I don’t agree with many other video creators. According to the freedom of speech we are fighting to preserve, that is, and should be OK. If hit a nerve that is causing you great discomfort, I am sorry it had that drastic effect.
Personally, I think all those financial guru investment expert types that make their riches from nothing more than moving their wealth around, are a big fat nothin burger… with little sound advice on politics. After years of listening to them I have come to the conclusion that they are no more correct than a broken clock. Perhaps yours is a mutually beneficial relationship… I have no idea. Times are tough, so what ever pays the bills is fair game to keep doing what you do. That is most important and I’m glad that you are… Just my opinion for what it’s worth Greg
I am not here to offer free content and then you treat me like a punching bag. Why do you think it’s your job to say nasty things about me or my guests? If I banned you it’s because you said something nasty, untrue or both.
She/he/it just accused you of misleading you audience for profit Greg. I take great exception to this. Add that to Terry’s above post of “the evil Jews are running the entire world” it really is too much.
Galaxy reading thru the thread here and I agree. Blaming the Jews is so stupid. Keep on telling the Truth and be Blessed.
Armstrong says even though Trump is looking good now “he’s going to have a tough four years” especially once his Tariffs take hold and “Inflation Skyrockets for the American People” (and the shortages due to war “if it can’t be prevented” will add to the Tariff Inflation to Come)!! Trump can do what Greenspan “jokingly recommended” during the Regan Administration to get productivity up and bring wage price stability: Just artificially revise down the real inflation figures (so that workers and Social Security recipients only get a 2% increase in their checks) and workers will automatically get productivity up “by working longer hours” holding 2 (or 3) jobs!! Greenspan’s comment was hilariously funny to the Banksters back then [,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ ] “Because It Was TRUE”!!! [Laughter!!!!]
That’s not what happened the last time.
Hi Katy,
Funny how we had low inflation and higher wages better jobs with those tariffs you are concerned about. Fear not.
We need to bring industry back to America. We need to build everything we need plus enough to export. Manufacturing builds wealth for the workers, the company and the country
Greg, hope people here watched the link last interview of Eric Weinstein previously. The after that one should view and consider that one of Eric Weinstein did about one year ago…concerning those around Jeffrey Epstein at listen starting @16:00 =
Eric Weinstein – Why No One Can Agree On The Truth Anymore
then there is some about the NEO-CON warmongers that is exposed by Erik Prince of Blackwater = which covers alot about how ‘they’ used and threw Blackwater under the bus…ie the State Dept…Obama and Clinton and crew back then and even how when he gave them bids for their services they turned him down at first because his bids were too low…and he needed to up them 60% so they could get some off the top.
Erik Prince – The Rise and Fall of Blackwater
Then too…we still have the ne0-cons and what some might deem zionists in the Biden admin…stirring the pot to leave a mess for DJT…in Ukraine, Israel, and now Syria…which x-cia analyst Larry Johnson goes through the machinations of Syria recently…
which are now seeming heading us into a nuclear war as reported by a panel this am = HOW CLOSE TO WW3? SCOTT RITTER, COL. LAWRENCE WILKERSON, MAX BLUMENTHAL,TED POSTOL & MORE! including Dennis Kucinich which among other things suggest the current House of Representative to start impeachment of Biden and Blinken and Sullivan now…to get the awareness that they have gone beyond the War Powers Act …and must stop all funding immediately to stop/slow any more going into Ukraine…and to put DJT on notice as well…that the We, the people voted to stop/end the wars…and not let the in house Rino’s or Neo-cons push him into the ‘set up’ the extreme Zionist…that are going way beyond being Pro- Israel…but may be using the U.S. to advance ‘their’ the progressive leftist agenda. =
When one at least CONSIDERS some other reflections…alluded to in the above Eric Weinstein interview above….and the concerns some have about ‘some’ of his picks….
and some of his older ties with like Wilbur Ross, being around some of the Jeffrey Epstein crowd, though he does not appear to be on the flight list to Epstein Island…it is clear he had a strong legal mentor, which IMO DJT learned from as to part of his MO of how to put his adversaries on defense as part of his ‘art of the deal’. Of course, that person was hovering around lots of political personalities. For the ‘red scare’ in Hollywood, to visits with Reagon… Then when one sees some of DJT donors..and the reason he gave for NOT releasing the JFK files, that some might still be alive? Well, one in that list provided in a vid report on X CIA ANALYST Larry Johnson’s site…has just died since he was POTUS#45, and that person’s relation is now a donor to POTUS #47. So, ALONG above, DJT should immediately release the full JFK files AND the full Jeffery Epstein files…which might give clarity as to who was in ‘that club’ and what they might have been up to…as far as enticing, or compromising people to go along something started MAY BE since the JFK-RFK assassinations IF IN FACT this vid might be true…and they just continued on…like many serial murders that got away with the first act…which helped set up the Deep State…along with Carters help by instituting the SES… senior executive service = the un-elected stay behind embedded spider web in the organs of gov’t. NOT unlike the ‘stay behind force ‘they’ set us after ww with the GLADIO operatives…
Don’t know that THIS is true… but sure eye opening =
Might do an interview with Larry Johnson at some point?
and maybe Wayne Jett as to his book AND the who that set up both sides of EU part of WW , with the funding of the NAZI and Russians…and the planning by those he said were meeting at Cafe Vienna? all while the Dulles Brothers and Fosters son, Avery became a ‘Catholic cardinal’ about the time of the rat-lining? Way more about those days in a book THE BROTHERS by Stephen Kinzer. when one also sees who were pro-nazi of the British Royal family…and those SAXON ties back to old Germany/Netherlands…Prince Bernard , Prince Phillp…= the Bilderberg area, BIS set up and those involved with that…one gets the point…a glob of unwinding to do since that originally was set up for ‘war reparations’ and since evolve into a wider SWIFT central banking system being used to coerce non-compliant nations against the wishes of the EU…BASEL-BIS, BRUSSELS – NATO, HAGUE-NETHERLAND WEFer orbit. Would seem CAF, spending so much time thereabouts, and working for Dillion – Reed, might be more aware of the influences there.
All included…there are many zionists that are in full support of the jewish people and their faith as Judeo – Christians and all they suffered and were put through, and then there are ZIONISTS with a much deeper agenda. and then there are people who have manipulated world events like Kissinger, and others…those that funded Zelensky and the AZROV. all circling back to now…. the U.S. getting manipulated into a war with Iran, Russia, Syria…etc QUE BONO / is enriched by war?
AS for Mr Armstrongs point on prepping up with 2 years and more than just food =
What Just Happened to America
Amazing to me that a guy of Armstrong’s caliber doesn’t understand Bitcoin and equates it to CBDCs. CBDCs are a centralized currency controlled by a central authority. Bitcoin is the antithesis of this which is why the central bankers hate it so much. He goes on to say the money supply needs to grow with the population. This is Keynesian economics and what we have had all along. It’s why governments are able to print to infinity and fund all kinds of mal-investments including endless wars. The money supply doesn’t have to expand with the economy. You have a choice, expand the money supply units causing each unit to become worth less, which is what has enslaved humanity for the past hundred years, or limit the supply and allow the value of each unit to expand naturally. This is what Bitcoin promises and is true capitalisms. It’s also what the founding fathers envisioned with a sound money system. The value can go up forever which rewards the workers and savers. The present system penalizes savers and causes the monetization of things like real-estate where people try to store value in anything except the inflating currency. He then goes on to state how you can’t have a currency dependent on the power grid because during the hurricanes the electronic money didn’t work. This argument is absurd. Once the power comes back on, the money is still there and the system starts right back up. If he is envisioning a prolonged period without power like an EMP attack, guess what, your gold and silver won’t help either because now you are talking Mad Max world and it’s God, guns and food that matter. Brenton Woods failed because the dollar was “backed” by gold and the US cheated and printed way more dollars. Bitcoin isn’t backing anything. You can also lie about how much gold there is. Does anyone know how much gold the US has? Maybe someone does, but it isn’t you or me. You can’t lie about how much Bitcoin a country has. It makes no sense to think we are going back to trading gold and silver in a digital age. That said, if we aren’t having a digital age, say goodbye to 90% of the population.
Do you really think you know more than Martin Armstrong? I don’t. That said, you do make some good points.
I don’t claim to know more than Mr. Armstrong. I just know what I heard him say. A lot of people think the money supply has to expand with the economy and population, but this is against Austrian economics and what the founding fathers believed in. Gold and silver are hard money because they are difficult to produce, but not impossible and their supply does increase each year at a small percentage. This means they are good at measuring value of work or things (gold better than silver). Bitcoin is the first commodity in history where the supply will never increase past a set number making it harder money than gold. It’s amazing to me how many people who want to see justice in the world, a system that is fair and where inflation isn’t taxing everyone to death , also hate Bitcoin. Bitcoin is in the same spirit as gold, just better.
More than 1600 Tech Scientists Signed a Letter Calling Crypto a Sham!! As there is “No Recourse” – if 1) your bitcoin exchange gets hacked (you lose all of your money), if 2) your bitcoin wallet gets hacked (you lose all of your money), if 3) you forget your login credentials (you lose all of your money), if 4) there’s a bug in the code of your smart contract (you lose all of your money), if 5) someone successfully hacks the blockchain security (you lose all of your money). Trusting in such technology does have dangers!! That is why people like me “who does not trust the fiat system” nor some Bitcoin computer code “that can’t resolve security issues with my money” instinctively turn to God’s Money (physical Gold and Silver one can hold in ones hand)!!!
Look where Paper Fiat Money Created by Men (with Criminal Intent) has gone: [you lose all of your money]!!
Go ahead and Ask Socrates: Most likely Socrates will tell you that Bitcoin and all Crypto Stable Coins were Created by Men at the CIA, etc. (with Criminal Intent), and when the Next Generation of Quantum Super Computers comes upon the scene in 2032, and into the CIA, Chinese, Iranian, etc., etc. hackers hands, guess what .. [you lose all of your money]!!
Then there is God’s Money: [Always Safe and Protected for All Time]!!!
* Don’t forget to add- 6) if the power grid goes down (you are unable to retrieve all (or any) of your money. For me, I like the idea of actually holding something in my hands and in my possession; like cash or better still precious metals and Goldbacks!.. By the way GB’s have a new FLORIDA ISSUE that is absolutely gorgeous and have added some new small and large increments for even better trading ability. LOVE IT!!!
RE: With Bitcoin, “The value can go up forever which rewards the workers and savers.”
How is that not a Ponzi scheme or a bubble?
It is…
This is the Mother of all Ponzi schemes
Having started with precious metals at y2k, pre-year 2000 and since, nothing has remotely compared to our Bitcoin investments.
It’s all a ponzi without another buyer to what your selling. By the way musical chairs is always playing. As readers know
Paul from arkansas
Good luck on your investments Paul. Last time I bought Bitcoin it were less than a buck and I bought $100 worth to use in a financial transaction.
If I had bought more I would have had a submarine…
Madoff’s clients made money if they got out … before the government came to claw it back.
It’s not something I would buy.
You don’t know the difference between value in scarcity and a Ponzi. Why is gold valuable?
So stable coins (like tether) purchase billions in US treasuries. so your activities on the crypto exchanges end up supporting US government debt and lead to billions in profits for Wall Street. Yeah, Bitcoin is the anti-dollar (lol), Tell me about it…
Hi Greg, great interview!..
The actor who should play Martin Armstrong is Robert Picardo who played the doctor, an Emergency Medical Hologram, in the television series Star Trek: Voyager.
The first time I saw one of your interviews with Martin, I very nearly posted a comment saying “Voyager want’s it’s EMH back’!” The resemblance between these two guys is uncanny.
Greg, ran across these economist – beyond the PALE = the curreny system is WORSE than Marxism already and has banks have highjacked the industrial base and MAGA doubtful ?= the derailing then decline of the U.S. economy, its cause and who and how =
Richard Wolff & Michael Hudson: Karl Marx and the Fall of the West
other slices to consider aswell =
J O,
Don’t underestimate the Power of repentance, prayer and Jesus and Jehovah!!
Greg, totally with you there…but it also takes a combine conscience effort by all, to help turn things around and repent and remake and align with the will of God, and use one’s free will one is given to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. We don’t get a free ride…no luke warm time now…people need to pick a side….road back or continue on this road to perdition. At the Cross road keep going or turn and head towards that narrow gate in the distance. HE did give us a choice- right?
Armstrong recommends a big food supply, gold and cash (what about silver??). It goes without saying that Tariffs are going to have Dire Affects on the Future Ability of the US to Source all the Critical Metals it Will Need to Re-Industrialize America. Electronics and High-Tech will be a fundamental pillar of any Re-Industrialization Effort and Critical Metals are going to be Needed (over and above what is currently consumed by our Military for National Defense). So Tariffs may Severely Hinder Our National Security!! Russia “Is Already Beginning to Stockpile Silver”. Critically Important Metals like Silver, Copper, Lithium, Tin, Cobalt, Platinum and Nickel need to be stockpiled by Trump along side the Gold we now have stockpiled at Fort Knox!!! Instead, Trump is focusing on Stockpiling Bitcoins??
The rare earth commodity gallium is being used as a trade war with China. China is going to stop exporting gallium to the US if Trump puts tariffs on goods.
Gallium is highly used in electronic devices . China holds 98% of gallium through mining in their country . Unless it’s found elsewhere , the price of electronic devices ( phones etc) will sky rocket .Anyone using a backdoor to get it for the US will also be banned . The Adapt 2030 channel was covering this .
We have plenty of deposits. We just haven’t mined any due to the environmental wackos that don’t want us to use petroleum, natgas or nuclear…
I recall that they found an a$$load in Montana plus there is a bunch in TX and other state
I remember seeing an educational event about Co2 and the environment about 20 or so years ago. It ended up and I was voluntold to assist caring stuff to this obese woman’s car. It was a Tahoe … I asked as to why she was using such a gas guzzler and “co2” maker and she advised me that she did more for the environment in a day than I would do in my life time.
That is how these people fly private jets and big luxury limousine and eat steak all the while expecting us to walk/peddle to work, eat bugs and own nothing… they are our betters after all, right?
China is not the only source of these materials.
China is not our friend.
Do you think they would allow us to stockpile?
Beijing BuyDem emptied our Helium stockpiles and petroleum…
Greg Look up AMOS 8:11,,,,Old Testament.
Might want to look at more than a single verse:
Amos 8
8 Thus hath the Lord God shewed unto me: and behold a basket of summer fruit.
2 And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit. Then said the Lord unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more.
3 And the songs of the temple shall be howlings in that day, saith the Lord God: there shall be many dead bodies in every place; they shall cast them forth with silence.
4 Hear this, O ye that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail,
5 Saying, When will the new moon be gone, that we may sell corn? and the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsifying the balances by deceit?
6 That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shoes; yea, and sell the refuse of the wheat?
7 The Lord hath sworn by the excellency of Jacob, Surely I will never forget any of their works.
8 Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the flood of Egypt.
9 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day:
10 And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day.
11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:
12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it.
13 In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst.
14 They that swear by the sin of Samaria, and say, Thy god, O Dan, liveth; and, The manner of Beersheba liveth; even they shall fall, and never rise up again.
I have lost all hope for our country and survival despite Trump being in office. God needs to intervene, some how, some way.
Never give up, Mike! Pray and hang on to Jesus.
YHWH did intervene. Trump was in easy shooting distance and lived only thru an act of YHWH.
Amen to that!!
God has intervened so many times I have lost count. I swear he has his hand on Trump protecting him all the way. God tries in his own way to save us all. For me Prayer works. Never give up never bow down before evil. Help is on the way in God’s own time and ways.
Another fantastic interview with Martin. He is a master truth teller.
Thanks Greg
Thanks Harvey!
Armstrong fears dirty tricks on Trump!! But look at the dirty trick just played on the Canadian People!! Canada’s Trudeau after “Attacking the Truckers” (who were simply Seeking Freedom from the Kill Shots) is now “Attacking Every Canadian” (Seizing All The Canadian Peoples Guns)!! Trudeau first started out by outlawing “specific gun categories” (just like the Demon Rats in the US are now doing) but Trudeau has now “In True Dictatorial Fashion” confiscated “Every Citizens’ Gun”, saying that:”He alone has decided” to send all the Canadian peoples guns to Ukrainian (to protect “Dictator” Zelensky)!! Trudeau (who loves Dictatorships) has shown he has absolutely no respect for Democracy or for Canada’s Constitution (that he was elected to respect and abide by) and which clearly gives to The Canadian People the Inherent Right to Vote on any such “Dictatorial Gun Confiscation”!!!
Canadia don’t have any gun violence’s compared to big brodher US. .
Me thinks Terd donut is ah feared of the sheeple! He must be planning on staying a long time like his mum’s boyfriend Fido Castroted did in Cubana!👺
The WEF knows “good looks” will trap most Women into accepting DICKtatorship putting an end to their LIBtardy!!
Dean Martin & Robert Mitchum
babyidontcare23 182,388 views Jun 13, 2010
Dean Martin & Robert Mitchum
Do you see the resemblance? Trump is old enough to be part of this era lost.
Old Hollywood, excuse the expression but holds true. It was a time when men were men and men were real men. They were our hero’s, despite the hard times and world wars they were our greatest generation, our parents or grandparents and they did it all with a smile and a sense of self-deprecating humor! Thats why we loved them and knew no matter, they would always give us a fair shake. Not like the ilk today that the Trumpster promises to free use of their propaganda of lies, innuendos and intrigues. We were the good guy’s and not the ugly American and we never lost a war, and we knew why. Because we never stooped to being scum like the Nazi’s we defeated, brought over in operation paper clip and they taught us well!
Here’s our breath of fresh air and why he will be our next president, because we know if we were ever brought before him for some wrongdoing, he would give us to a fair shake. Can any of the deep state elites or they’re media whores say that to us in the face? No because they think they’re better than us, we the sheeple. I think not and we don’t have the liver for them, but maybe a heart.
Let’s just hope this spanking Trump just gave am, will wake them up.
Woke, but not broke busted and disgusting!
How bout some 5-card stud anyone?
Trump: The Art of the Insult | Biography, Documentary
Best Documentary 642,078 views Oct 26, 2024 ÉTATS-UNIS
Donald Trump used The Art of the Insult to brand political opponents and bash the media all the way to the White House. Trump dominated the news with a master plan of political incorrectness, hurling insults like Lyin’ Ted and Crooked Hillary. In this film, Trump emerges as a marketing genius and performance artist who, despite being a Manhattan billionaire, captured the hearts of middle America.
Directed by Joel Gilbert
Robert Mitchum Dick Cavett 1971 Archy L 1M views 7 years ago
See the resemblance? If not, you just don’t understand. . . .
First….America did NOT defeat the Germans….Russia did.
America helped, with the lend/lease program….but Russian bodies absorbed the bullets, her land absorbed the bombs, and her vast landscape absorbed precious resources of Germany.
Second….in “old Hollywood”, not all men were men, which is why places like Palm Springs became a place to go….away from the prying eyes where they could live as they truly were(Rock Hudson would be an example).
The point being, it’s time to lose all of the old myths and fables….it’s time to be honest and realistic.
America has ALWAYS had liars, cheats, and thieves running the show. American government has ALWAYS lied to its citizens. The Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, JFK, the Gulf of Tonkin, 911, and the list goes on and on.
You should never be proud of your country going to war, unless they are defending their OWN borders. You are ruining a generation of young men when you tell them to kill another man on his own soil. Read Smedley Butler, he explains it pretty well.
It’s time for honesty…..or things will NEVER change!!
Such valuable information from Mr. Armstrong. Thanks so much, Greg, Has Armstrong ever joined with Catherine Austin Fitts to discuss global economics and USA’s status/future? Can you arrange such.? As you know, Catherine is a highly respected expert on geopolitical and financial trends- with great advice. Would be very interesting to hear the two of them.
Trump, Macron, Zelenskyy meeting and handshakes in Paris before Notre-Dame Cathedral reopening PalmBeachPost Dec 7, 2024
President-elect Donald Trump met with French President Emmanuel Macron and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for a trilateral meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris. The leaders held their meeting before the reopening of the Notre-Dame Cathedral, after a 2019 fire devastated the French landmark.
Great interview. Thanks guys.
Great interview. Thanks chaps.
Rob Schmitt Tonight 12/7/24 FULL HD | BREAKING NEWS TRUMP December 7, 2024
Amanda Maria 4 hours ago
With the entire film industry known as the hollywood bubble now in freefall mode along with the woke media….one major development going on now involves more to do with the George Clooney backlash and the george clooney fired situation in a very similar scenario to the robert de niro fired decision by warner brothers…..this all comes in the wake of george clooney becoming so unlikable by the general public to the point that his recent comments he made backfired on him all together. Even those like Bill Maher and Sunny hostin want nothing to do with George Clooney at this point. Check it out.
Great and shocking interview. Thanks Greg. I’m glad your health has been restored, great blessing.
Thanks “Dave,” and Merry Christ mas!! All the glory goes to Jesus and Jehovah!
I’ve been wondering for years how and why we all allow this. I cannot for the life of me understand how we all allow them to murder our children, mothers, fathers, friends, everyone naive enough to believe anything they say. And all I do is type and gripe. We are all a very stupid/apathetic people, including me. I’m a sick grandmother. What’s your excuse?
Staying away from people would be one way to avoid trouble and sickness. Problem is, not everyone can do that. for radiation info and products.
Still… Grow inside, outside, window sill, basement, attic with grow lights, fertilizers, bone meal and more. Look at gardening videos on Youtube. Start yesterday.
Organic, heirloom seeds. PLANT EVERYWHERE. Easy to grow stuff.
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, rhubarb, asparagus. I don’t like rhubarb and strawberries but I love strawbewrry rhubarb pie. Must be the sugar.
Look at the old men growing fruit trees on Youtube.
Save a life… Your own.
Grow chickens in the basement/attic/kitchen. Open your minds to save your lives.
Get egg layers when they’re a week old. Easier that way. Search hatcheries.
My father had Rhode Island Reds (hens) before WWII.
Learn about healthy chicken feeds on Youtube.
Chickens eat table scraps. Learn more on Youtube or buy a book or go to the library.
RE: “I’ve been wondering for years how and why we all allow this.”
I dunno about you, but I’ve no super power to control others.
“Allow” has nothing to do with it.
Ya say you’re a grandmother… when did, ‘not allowing’ ever stop a teenager or a 2yr. old from throwing a fit? Same thing.
Anyway, I’ve been thinking (if your religion doesn’t forbid it) that guinea pigs might be better than chickens. Easier to keep & fed. Maybe, more fun, too?
457K subscribers
173,336 views Dec 4, 2024
With both Hollywood and the media now in full on panic mode after receiving endless backlash from the general public….one major development going on now involves more to do with Ben Stiller after he was recently cancelled by a major hollywood studio after his hypocritical comments turned away so many of his supporters and fans…..this comes shortly after the robert de niro fired situation along with the george clooney backlash and also serves as another example of the hollywood bubble falling apart.
Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Armstrong a very sobering interview.
‘Pathological liar’: MSNBC hosts called out over coverage of ‘crack-loving’ Hunter Biden
Sky News Australia Dec 7, 2024
Sky News host Rita Panahi has analysed the “far-reaching pardon” US President Joe Biden has issued for his “degenerate, crack-loving” son, Hunter.
Ms Panahi also called out “pathological liar” MSNBC Rachel Maddow and her “equally batty” colleague Joy Reid over their remarks on the Hunter Biden pardon.
“Rachel Maddow … here she is saying in 2020 pushing another lie, saying that Trump was considering pre-emptively pardoning his children – she thought that was a travesty, but Biden pardoning his son is perfectly natural and good,” she said.
“And Maddow’s equally batty MSNBC colleague, fellow anchor Joy Reid; well, she’s also had a rather dramatic change in attitude to presidential pardons.”
Martin also explained in a different interview recently with Kerry Lutz how to get rid of the IRS in a practical way. Bitcoin…remember, Martin said there will always be an underground economy.
No power? You got bigger issues than you can’t use digital currency!
Bitcoin LOW power wallet devices can probably suffice as long as Internet (Starlink?) Access can work.
Martin with all due respect a lot of people WILL benefit greatly in the near term at least with crypto. Allowing them maybe to buy generators. 2 years of food. lots of junk silver, hoard cash,etc.
May God bless and protect Greg and ALL his guests and their families!
Mike S, might consider powering your devices with a solar generator…and tying into the starlink or THETA network or using your sattelite phones via those ways as well ?
Might ask Clif High or Bix Weir on that ?
Hi Mike ,re crypto communications it won’t be so much problem from the power point of view ….it will be the satellites which carry the signal which will be affected and in any event…..When our LORD JESUS returns this crypto crap will be HISTORY …..Remember
But according to Klaus Schwab, at least “THEY WILL BE HAPPY”!!!
…makes the Democrat party look like thieves and crooks….there is no looks like, they are nothing but thieves and crooks and have been for decades.
…makes the Democrat party look like thieves and crooks….there is no looks like, they are nothing but thieves and crooks.
Can anybody explain to me how Bitcoin is different from The Tulip Bulb mania of the 1630’s? Which has been described as, a rational bubble.
The difference is that the Tulip Bulb Mania did not scam “All The People on Planet Earth (the way Bitcoin has)! The Tulip Bulb Mania was “Limited to the Netherlands” (a small Nation in Europe with only about 17 million citizens)!! The current World Population is 470 times bigger then the Tulip Mania Crowd of 1630!! Sort of like how the US Money Supply was only $7 Billion dollars at the start of the 20th Century and now there is literally 1,900 Times more dollars in existence. There is So Much Worthless Paper today that Biden can easily give Billions and Billions of dollars to Ukraine (to “stop” Russia from claiming their ancient land in Crimea and the Donbas) and give Billions and Billions to “help” support the Jewish Peoples claim to Jerusalem “as their ancient land”!! Monies well spent by our Criminals?? In any case, Bitcoin will be used to take away Everyone’s Money (“We Will All OWN NOTHING” but Bitcoin – and “We Will Be HAPPY” When We See Our Bitcoin Is Worth a Trillion “Worthless” US Dollars
When I look at that graph of the US Dollar – I say to myself: “I’m Working For Nothing”!!!
Don’t count how much US Dollar Toilet Paper you have squirreled away as your “Indicator of Wealth” – instead Count your Wealth by the number of Silver nickels and Silver dimes you own!! Warren Buffet is really a poor man (with Billions of worthless paper dollars) compared to a beggar on the street with a few silver coins in his pocket!!
Yes Ken,
WE ALREADY OWN NOTHING (be it Cash or Bitcoin made by Men)!! When Klaus Schwab and the Globalists look at this chart: – THEY SEE TOTAL SUCCESS AND A JOB WELL DONE!!!
All that is left to us at this point is to convert whatever spare Cash or Bitcoin we have saved for future purchases into God’s Money (Gold and Silver)!!
‘OUT OF LINE!’: Trump assassination attempt hearing devolves into shouting match /Fox News 285,145 views Dec 5, 2024 Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe spars with GOP Rep. Pat Fallon.
He was absent because he didn’t want to be near the head shot plot!
🔥HOLY CRAP BAT MAN! Biden MISTAKENLY walks family into TRAP | Exclusive with Alan Dershowitz Stephen Gardner of Taming Wall St. 958,795 views Dec 4, 2024
Call 800-807-2143 or go to… – You can receive a safe and up to $7,500 in free silver! Stephen Gardner and Alan Dershowitz walk through all the ways Hunter Biden may have gotten off, but is now subject to strict control as a witness or he goes to jail. Check out all books by
🔥Dan Bongino WARNS Trump about Sabotage mission!
336,950 views Streamed live on Dec 5, 2024
Great interview Greg . Mr Armstrong has called many hits with his software . The information is excellent . One of the best at predicting future outcomes . No wonder that his popularity is in high demand . He would be a great leader in my eyes but I know that he does not want to be a politician , too much corruption and blackmail I suppose . Many thanks John UK .
Excellent interview, Martin is one of my favorites.
Thank you Greg!
Pray up, we the people want peace, prosperity and the power returned to WE THE PEOPLE!
Assad flees Damascus: What to expect now in Syria | DW News
DW News Dec 8, 2024
President Bashar al-Assad has reportedly fled the capital Damascus to an unknown destination, after rebel forces entered the city, meeting little resistance.
The insurgents have declared the city free from Assad’s rule that lasted for decades, less than two weeks after launching their lightning offensive. Citing senior military officials, Reuters reports that the Syrian army command has notified its officers of the fall of the regime. Syria’s Prime Minister Mohammed al- Jal-ali has announced he is ready to cooperate in a peaceful transfer of power with any new leadership chosen by the people.
Syrian President Assad was forced out of Damascus by rebels and his plane went down near Hom. Assad is feared dead. There is no confirmation of a crash at this time.
Finnerty 12/7/24 FULL HD | BREAKING NEWS TRUMP December 7, 2024
A terrific truthful news channel Newsmax. Thank god.
The best content! No holds barred… Honest reporting! More Power to your program!
I love this newscaster, he tells the truth and he’s funny
FINNERTY rocks. Thank you. Keep exposing the loser democrats.
The winning margin by Trump this time was too big to rig or cheat.
“Maga Base Has Changed” – Cenk Uygur REVEALS His New Position With Trump
Valuetainment 563,069 views Dec 6, 2024
The PBD Podcast dives into a heated discussion with Cenk Uygur about uniting left- and right-wing populists to challenge the establishment. Cenk shares his insights on political realignment, tackling corruption, and the challenges of bridging ideological divides while maintaining convictions.
Bill O’Reilly: TRUMP’S 2ND TERM PREDICTIONS, DEMS RESISTANCE, MEDIA MELTDOWNS Jillian Michaels 283,665 views Dec 5, 2024
Unfiltered and unapologetic, legendary journalist, political commentator, and best-selling author Bill O’Reilly goes hard!
The Age of Disorder: O’Reilly asserts that Donald Trump could end what he calls “the age of disorder,” but how? Critics argue Trump himself embodies chaos. Jillian challenges O’Reilly on this paradox, exploring how Trump might navigate a second term Democratic Resistance: From sanctuary cities opposing deportation to progressive leaders combatting Republican policies on immigration, the environment, and LGBTQ+ rights, the left vows to “fight back” against Trump. O’Reilly unpacks the ideological battle and its implications for America’s future.
The Sanity of the Democratic Party: O’Reilly calls for the Democratic Party to return to “sanity.” What does a sane left look like? From Hollywood to mainstream media, he critiques the cultural and political shifts within the party and proposes potential leaders like Joe Manchin, Gavin Newsom, and Josh Shapiro. But who, in his view, has the best shot at uniting the left? His Private Advice to Trump: In his latest book, O’Reilly explores key lessons for America’s leaders. What does Trump need to do in a second term to become “a great president”. 50 Years in Media: With half a century of experience, O’Reilly shares his take on the collapse of legacy media, the decline of MSNBC and The View, and why corporate media veered off track after George W. Bush’s presidency.
The Global Stage: From the Russia-Ukraine conflict-the worst bloodbath in Europe since World War II-to America’s ongoing wars, O’Reilly discusses whether Trump or anyone else can lead the nation to peace. This episode is a masterclass in straight talk. Whether you’re a fan of Bill O’Reilly or a skeptic, you won’t want to miss his straight talk take on the state of the nation and the world.
Is Bill a neo-con man in sheep’s clothing? Tell us what you think.
“S R,”
Bill thinks J 6 was real and that tells me he’s a weasel. Bill also took the CV19 shots.
Thanks Greg, he sounds like he could throw Trump Unda, da bus? Whenever he, Trump loses his, “O’Rielly’s ” narrative”.
With friends like that, who needs enemas!
Trump also took the CV19 shots and talked about it on staged with Bill O’Reilly. What are you saying? And no I didn’t take the CV19 shot
tks martin greg
Michael Saylor wants the US Government to sell Gold for Bitcoin
He believes this move can make the US the biggest capital market in the world
The Donald Trump administration is looking at establishing a strategic Bitcoin reserve for the country
First of all AAcrime does not have any gold reserves of any meaningful quatity and my guess IS THAT THEY DON’T OWN AN OUNCE…..LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE IN AAcrime IT’S ALL A PACK OF LIES LIKE THE WARS THEY STARTED…..
The idiot saylor is giving you the heads up ……..BUY as much gold as you can at current fire sale prices …..YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
A new question to ask him:
Should world leaders be required to periodically scientifically confirm
their true identity with DNA samples, iris scans etc?
Continually losing internet.
Hindustan Times on Youtube confirms Assad death in plane crash near Homs.
Greg, some more unwinding events =
Lawrence Wilkerson Reveals: Ukrainian Army FLEES EN MASSE After Being SMASHED To Pieces By Russia =
Syrian opposition fighters storm the Syrian presidential palace in Damascus =
A short =
Richard this is Greg Hunter and I deleted you entire comment. No email, or I do not post. Repost without email if you want to get your thoughts out here.
NWO will not be stopped. Jesus didn’t die on the cross to save your 401-k. The Bible says to come out of the world not save it. Useless information
Jesus did not tell us to lie down and do nothing either. Just what do you think is holding back evil? Hint: “The elect Jesus said the “Days shall be shortened” for. Why don’t you spend your time praying instead of trying to make everyone who does not agree with you feel stupid and lost?
It’s not useless information to all. Yes, Jesus didn’t come to save your 401k. And there is nothing worth saving here except people. On the other hand, he is right about praying, and your post is your opinion, and you are entitled to that whether we agreed or not. This guy tells people to go away, they are not going to make it, they are stupid, moron etc. Maybe he should listen to he’s own advice.
I have two questions: What is the end game for these neo-cons after they destroy all of these countries?
Does Trump know what a false flag is ?
Reply to Lori
Lori, this is the end game. MOTHER RUSSIA!
From Russia With Love?
SYRIA IN TURMOIL: Shocking Escalation You Won’t Believe! | Larry C. Johnson & Scott Ritter Dialogue Works 266K views 1 day ago
Larry’s Got, The Real Skinny!
Anglo-American trained sons of ISIS rebels, make way for pipelines thru Syria. To head off Russian gas, oil to Europe. Cutting off the Russki’s at the pass. Since Jim Crows slow Joes handlers, took out the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Baltic to Germany expect, the war to end all wars. Russia will easily take out any pipelines out through Syria too. Just retribution? No, just. All’s fair in love, warfare and lawfare!
Yup, Donaldo the Trumpa’sario said. “There was never much of a benefit in Syria for Russia, other than to make Obomber look really stupid” and the deep state western NATO globalista’s, look even stupider, Don Sr.. For over 15 years the neocon men and women, tired of not being able to put pipelines through Syria, to cut of Russkian gas and oil pipelines to Europe, without having to blow-up NordStream 2. Yet when they busted a nut taking it out, cutting Europe and the British tier of the Anglo-American dual world super power in shambles. But heck, the ugly American dog’s day, the Yanks got to make a killing on they’re natural gas shipments by boat, while and as Europe went down the crapper!
So Putin aint worried Don, he’s got his new hypersonic Oresnik multi tipped non-nuclear capable precision strike, pipeline melting meteoric Rod’s of God, 5-card stud up his sleeve. So the house of Saud and George, now Alex Soros’s wet dream of pipelines through Syria and Turkey to Europe, sorry. Will never even start to be built! Shocking? Yes, of course. Just ask best bud, Elon, Don. If you don’t believe it or not! NO PIPELINES THRU SYRIA, WANNA BET! It will never be done, Put’s holds, the Rod’s of God hypersonic cards! KABOOWIE!
So do the job we the sheeple gave you and make peace or you’ll all be fired! By the way, tell Macaroni to go eat crow, if he don’t like it. Or face those Rod’s of God where the sun don’t shine!
Yes, thank you No Mo. But after Russia will be China, then what? Do they want to rule the world from Brussels/Washington)? What is their end game or do they have one yet?
” Armstrong says Joe will pardon many more, such as those involved in the J-6 prosecutions like Liz Cheney or people like Anthony Fauci, overseer of the CV19 bioweapon vax.”
Cheney and Fauci are both DEAD at the hands of JAG at GITMO, Cuba. You CAN’T make this stuff up!
E W,
I am not sure this is a legit source. Nobody else reported this.
realrawnews is a satire site
About Real Raw News
Real Raw News tried to bring light to topics often ignored by others.
Real Raw News is owned and operated by Michael Baxter, a former mainstream journalist and former English teacher. I can be reached at [email protected] I delete all trollish email without reading them.
All content on Real Raw News is written by Michael Baxter
Photographs displayed on are believed to be in the public domain and are used for illustrative reasons only.
Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.
Real Raw News has a comment section. Comments do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Real Raw News or its publisher. Real Raw News actively discourages violence of all types.
Is there any way each message would get a date and time stamp?
(or perhaps a sequential number).
I don’t have time to read them all at once and come back later and
don’t know where to start again. Sorry if I missed something
on this. Thanks !! I do enjoy your website with all the good
authors / reader comments.
Good interview Greg
I wonder would Martin consider bitcoin ( as well as other forms of crypto ) a modern day tulip bulb mania?
Thanks Greg, another good interview with Martin Armstrong — very timely.
In other news: ”US Bill Would Reverse ATACMS Order”
Basically, US .mil is doing the job of firing ATACMS from Ukraine into Russia — we are at war with Russia. The bill above will be waiting on the next congress to have enough horsepower to pass it.
Thank you Greg for another great interview with Martin Armstrong.
This is the about the forth interview with him since Oct 7th 2023 without any examination of the Middle East situation, is this a taboo topic for you and/or Martin?
The Democrats did NOT become extinct !!! They re-branded themselves as DEMOCROOKS instead of Democrats !!! THIW’s.
A story says Assad has been given asylum in Moscow.
This war in Ukraine is all about the $$$’s. Forget about Freedum & Democracy !!!
This war in Ukraine was started back on February 22, 2014 when Victoria Juland did a regime change coup in Kiev (now kyiv on that day, while passing-out cookies on Maidan Square.
Thanks, for all your hard work, bringing us these interviews. It would be interesting knowing the true scope of Martins computer model, it sounds pretty impressive, but any model will become less accurate the more chaotic things get, small things can dramatically affect outcomes. I am trusting that God is in this fight.
I am watching with interest from from the UK as our fate is tied to yours. I tend to agree that the Democrats look like they will implode they keep doubling down on failing strategies without taking account of the changed landscape. I think all parties have an expiration date if they fail to evolve with the people, the republicans are in the process being transformed, so they are growing stronger and changing with the people.
Clearly the deepstate will try to create chaos after Trump is inaugurated, lets pray that they have been sufficiently weakened that it burns itself out rapidly.
Dear Greg and Martin: Great interview! I will have to listen more than once.
NM cheats through the algorithm. Just like Klayman said about the battle ground states.
Democrats lie, cheat and steal. Yes they murder too. That is who they are.
That is who and what they are
God Bless Martin Armstrong and protect him always. He is filling a dangerous role to help spread Truth. If he were a brother or uncle, I would cook him Sunday dinner often.
Martin says this is the last election and that says a lot!
All the thieving has reached an end and the consequences coming are………………………
God Bless everyone here and protect us always.
Greg, interesting report =
UnitedHealthcare CEO’s HIDDEN SCANDAL Just Got EXPOSED
BUT BUT BUT was not deny and delay instigated and part of the Obama ACA plan all along?
to shorten the lives and care of those elderly useless over age eaters?
This oncologist says he’ll refuse all medical treatment once he reaches 75 =
Blood Baath 11,572 George Galloway 2 hours ago
What happened today in Syria is a death blow to the Palestine resistance. The lifeline from Iran is closed, the Silk Road is mined. From tonight Israel is in a state of war with Syria!
A strategic Victory of Unimaginal Defeat. . ..Israeli Tanks on the Move!
To take the American Peoples minds off the gathering Vaccine Holocaust the Neocons have accelerated their Regime Change Efforts in the Middle East (toppling Assad) and Israel along with Turkey are now moving in tanks and troops to seize Syrian Oil Wells!! However, the Big Prize remains Iran’s Oil and Gas!! Last weeks “false flag” attacks conducted in Iran shows a “Hot War in the Middle East” looks Very Likely SOON (before Trump takes office)!! Therefore, we should all be prepared for Oil Supplies to soon be Severely Disrupted (which will cause a Huge Spike in the Price of Oil and a rise in Precious Metal Prices!!
This is the Buy-Dems chaos and destabilization.
Busboy did Iraq and Afghanistan
Big Daddy BRock did the Ukraine
Hildabest did Libya and Syria
Buy-Dem did Afghanistan, Ukraine and Syria
All these people do is destroy, destabilize and murder
Greg…………your interview site is the best there is!. The trolls here who make commentary on Martin Armstrong that is negative, as in “people who just move their money around” do not really want education, they want ice cream! They have no idea who these well known people are, their credentials, or their backgrounds. They are an insult to you and to us. We watch you to gain knowledge of what is REALLY HAPPENING. Every person you interview has a background on POLITICS, as well as MONEY, and the two are intertwined. Give it right back to them! I do not think they even listen to what is being given to them. We appreciate you so much! God Bless!
Rumble just popped-up on my screen: A new offer for “Rumble Premium” for those who want “add free” videos. They listened to your complaints. Sure reminds me of the progression with Cable T.V. Maybe Twitter X next? How about you stream from your own server to your readers and control the distribution? You can charge a subscription too. Is it possible?
The trend today for online viewers who don’t like ads is they must pay extra skip them (Amazon Prime, Paramount + streaming, etc. )Nobody has more ad interruptions than Rumble either.
Apparently, from recent revelations, the inside polls for the demon-rat party showed that Harris was always behind. They lie all the time, no surprise, nothing new.
PS: I love how Armstrong calls her “Camilla”.
The RAT part of the Demon-ratic Party are the “Republicans Against Trump”!!!
Does anyone know about the Paul Armstrong indictment for defrauding investors? A bit concerning I would say.
Framed. MA blocked from presenting evidence of his innocence while they stole is
funds!!!! Are u a troll?
David G. I recall Martin was Lawfair victim #1
I Remember when that happened. I believe the government wanted him to share his computer program with them after he made some spot on predictions. He refused to do so and then was perhaps just another American to be “lawfaired” by a tyrant judge. Only when the supreme court was going to look into his prolonged incarceration did the judge release him. This was in the 80’s I was following a business station program hosted by a guy named Buzz Schwartz / money radio on KBLA ? radio L.A, CA. Martin was a frequent guest and always had the good info even way back then.
“old people – We don’t have to read about it, We were there !
Greg says, “That’s why Jesus Christ has to come back as He can’t be bribed”
Priceless & precious…….is Greg.
Greg, no need to ‘imagine’ the what the skill of a shepherd named David with a sling going up against a Goliath might have been =
Professional level 10,000+ hours
Thank you Greg for all your information and the guest you invite. I can’t seem to access the video interviews, maybe I need to change browsers to see if it works. Just wanted to encourage you and the audience to continue praying for the U.S., Donald Trump and his team. The four years ahead are going to be tough but if the Church cooperates and does not shrink back, we can see victory for this period. We as the church have the authority to stand against the gates of hell, we must persevere and God will help us. The church has much to do, especially in the great commission. The real church has not yet reached its full potential to do the greater works of John 14:12, God is waiting for us to step up. God bless you Greg and be blessed.
Typically, it is a browser problem. Big tech censorship at play? Thanks for supporting USAW. The video is there by the way even if you can’t see it.
BREAKING FOX NEWS Life, Liberty & Levin
Fatıma’nMutfağı – asil mutfak-Dec 8, 2024
The Biden Mobster Family and Why They’re Worried
Russia-Ukraine War: Trump Urges Putin To End War, Calls For IMMEDIATE Ceasefire In Ukraine | LIVE WION Started streaming 90 minutes ago
Prince William, Donald Trump Meet At Notre-Dame Cathedral Ceremony | Paris, France | U.S | N18G CNN-News18 Started streaming on Dec 7, 2024
US President-elect Donald Trump met William, Prince of Wales, after the ceremonial reopening of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on Saturday and called him a “great man, great beard!”.
The duo shook hands and held a brief interaction at the ceremony. They met after the event for nearly 40 minutes at the British ambassador’s residence in Paris. Prince William met Trump at the door and said,” Great to see you”.
‘Deranged’: TV host blasts Barack Obama’s ‘bitter’ post-election address
Sky News host Danica De Giorgio has blasted former president Barack Obama after he delivered a “deranged” and “bitter” address regarding the US election.
Mr Obama claimed the election proved democracy is “pretty far down on people’s priority list”.
“Maybe Barack, it has got something to do with your DEI pick for office – Kamala Harris,” Ms De Giorgio said.
“It’s truly breathtaking how irrelevant this guy is.”
When are they going to do a movie about Greg?
Can a president pardon a person whose crimes allegedly occurred prior to that particular president even having taken office ? i.e., can a current president pardon anybody they choose, for any crime ever committed at any point in history ? Is this what the Founders intended ? It seems to me that equity requires that no president can pardon a crime that occurred prior to that presidents’ having taken the office ? Ex post facto ?
These Politicians love playing God (who can forgive all the crimes we did in the past and all the crimes we will do in the future)!!! Which simply encourages people who are friends with these “Political Gods” to do evil in spades!!
As you know, it doesn’t work that way
Joe Blob ought consider pardoning Gary Webb for writing the song “MacArthur Park”, and quit leaving cakes out in the rain.
Martin is correct, war is coming. The only question is the sequence of events that precede the war and its timing.
The waking of the bear on February 24, 2022 was the first major milestone leading to direct war with Russia. On this date, Russia started its “special military operation” within Ukraine.
I think the Russian bear will launch directly against the USA when it has taken all the territory to the former Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia. This is based upon my understanding of what Daniel 7:5 says. I estimate this to happen by early to mid March 2025.
If you can get out of the USA or any of her territories before the nukes fall, this may very well save your life. If you can’t get out before and if you survive the initial attack, get out of the USA before the fanners come as written about by the Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 51:2.
Get Right with God via true repentance. He will guild and lead you. With what is coming all of us are going to need His guidance and His help. We are in the last decade before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s going to get rather dicey for the world in 2025, especially for those within the USA.
Biden Admin attacks Russia via Syria…
Satan’s minions really trying to start WWIII
There will be consequences
Yes, Greg, let’s get Martin on again before WWIII. Here in the USA, it is difficult to conceive of a limited WWIII engagement. It is puzzling to try and understand what war with Russia actually means here on these shores. While it’s great to have 2 years of food set aside, our worst enemy is NOT Russia. We are watching the end of Syria, falling into the path of the greater Israel project, and we KNOW the scurrilous Democrats would rather destroy this country than to cede power. Martin is a voice of reason in the wilderness…I’d love to hear his thoughts on the drone invasions being reported around the US.
Would they like fries with that?
If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned. And if at another time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be built up and planted, and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do for it.
Jeremiah 18:7-10
Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.
3 John 1:11
The words are a little different
Jeremiah 18:7-10
King James Version
7 At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it;
8 If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.
9 And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it;
10 If it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.
11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.
Mr. Armstrong is always a great guest. So many moving parts to the big stories, it’s hard to keep up with everything. He didn’t say, but does he have a read on which way interest rates are supposed to go? -maybe in the pre-interview? I had thought recession on deck with lower rates trailing behind, but that is also wishful thinking.
Donald Trump hilariously trolls Jill Biden after she was caught looking at him ‘lovingly’ in Paris Sky News Australia Dec 8, 2024 Sky News All Stars
Joe Biden has not had a good week.
Despite being only weeks away from stepping down as President of the United States, Joe Biden is still being humiliated on the daily and this time, it’s by his own wife.
LIVE | Putin’s Surprise WW3 Warning After Syria Collapse, Message To Trump
Times Of India Started streaming 68 minutes ago
In his first public appearance since the collapse of Syria’s government, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a defiant message to Ukraine and the U.S.-led West, asserting that no one will ever be able to conquer or break Russia. He emphasized the strength of Russia’s military, the courage of its soldiers, and the nation’s unwavering spirit. During the event, Putin honored several servicemen with the title of “Heroes of Russia” for their bravery and sacrifices.
Greg, Monday morning reality for Syria some good and some bad depending on how things and the Iran situation goes via there direction concerning BRIC and their desire to build their nukes? =
Scott Ritter : How Syria Fell
US and British up to their eyeballs backing what is going down in Syria…and a warning to DJT he is being walked into another quagmire by those surrounding him?=
Larry Johnson EXPOSES: US’s DARK PL0T In Syria! Next Move Could Push The West Into DECLINE =
Claims NATO is Preparing to Use Romania as the Trigger for the West Officially Declaring War on Russia / by InfoWars December 9th, 2024
Post-coup Romania may be the trigger for world war.
The Awful Covid Truth Must Be Dealt With
by Jon Bowne | December 9th, 2024
Arrests need to be made immediately.
WWIII HAS ALREADY BEGUN: Gen. Michael Flynn Warns That Biden Admin Has Officially Triggered WWIII & Is Attempting to Escalate The War Ahead of Trump Taking Office — Flynn Breaks Down How NATO & CIA Are Starting Wars All Over The Planet, but Warns, Everybody Should Have Their Eyes on China
by December 9th, 2024 2:30 PM
Flynn breaks down the overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria and how it portends further conflict in the Middle East and beyond, exactly what the establishment and military-industrial complex wants before Trump takes office in January.
Greg, did things just get worse with the collapse of Syria?
Pepe Escobar : Russia’s Next Move.
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : The Geopolitics Of Syria’s Civil War
QUESTION: if Iran now cut off from supplying supporting HAMAS, LEBANON, SYRIA…can or will they divert those weapons- drones – missiles to support Russia and the BRIC+ alliance for their help and support to step up nuke aspirations…as well as now IRAQ going nuclear as well? it also ‘appears’ that there was ‘material support’ of a terrorist org. by elements of the U.S.? Who authorized that if true? Blinken, Sullivan, State dept or CIA? MORE blanket immunity and pardons on deck? Good grief…beyond hypocrisy! Really causes one to re-think 911 and the players in that all over again?
Great interview. People shouldn’t pooh pooh Martin. He is very wealthy and has a great computer that tells us a lot. I loved the interview Greg. I was scared that the polls might be right. The one I followed was Rasmussen and they always got it right. I think the Dems have gone scorched earth just to try to sabotage Trump. This is my second time listening. Last night I read so many comments I started to fall asleep so have to hear it again. I agree with what Martin is saying. I think Trump is walking into one huge mess. But he is smart and will probably handle things. Did you see how all the leaders shock his hand and smiled and welcomed him back in. I think the world is relieved to have a common sense leader once more. I hope he turfs all the people who oppose him though.
Greg, just as a matter of note … there were over 300k MORE ballots put out in Orange County CA than registered voters??????? =
Do you believe believe that the Bible prophesies a time when there will be a false proclamation of “peace and security” before sudden destruction comes upon “Babylon the Great,” symbolic of the world’s false religions. This event marks the beginning of the great tribulation, during which a “great crowd” will emerge and be granted true peace and real security and freedom and prosperity, under God’s Kingdom through Christ.
The Cry of Peace and Security
In 1 Thessalonians 5:3, the Apostle Paul warns: “Whenever it is that they are saying, ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape. You can bet your bottom dollar that this is a future global declaration of peace and security by political and religious leaders, creating a false sense of safety and stability. This deceptive proclamation will precede God’s intervention in human affairs.
Babylon the Great
“Babylon the Great” is described in Revelation as a symbol of the world’s false religious system. Revelation 17:5 identifies her as “Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.” This entity encompasses all false religions that have opposed true worship and has misled humanity. Babylon the Great will be destroyed by these such same political powers as part of God’s judgment, marking the start of the great tribulation.
The Great Tribulation and the Great Crowd
The great tribulation will be a time of unprecedented distress, as described in Matthew 24:21-22: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.”
During this period, a “great crowd” of faithful individuals will emerge. Revelation 7:9, 14 says: “After this I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands… These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
True Peace and Security Under God’s Kingdom
Yes, my fellow citizens of the dual Anglo-American world super duper power and
citizens of the BRICS nations, flush with gold and resources. That true peace and security can only be achieved under God’s Kingdom aand not in crypto, but ruled by Jesus Christ. Isaiah 9:6-7 describes this Kingdom: “For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us; and the government will rest on his shoulders. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of his government or of peace.”
Put Your Hand In The Hand In The Man From Galilee
You can look forward to a time described in Revelation 21:4: “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”
Imagine the dramatic shift from the false sense of peace and security declared by the world’s leaders, to the true peace and security provided by God’s Kingdom. The destruction of Babylon the Great serves as a pivotal moment, ushering in the great tribulation and the emergence of the great crowd.
In this new world order, governed by Jesus Christ, people experience genuine peace and security. The earth is transformed into a paradise, where suffering, pain, and death are no more. Communities thrive, and humanity enjoys endless opportunities for growth, learning, and joy.
The cry of “peace and security” marks the beginning of significant prophetic events, leading to the destruction of Babylon the Great and the great tribulation. However, you can find hope in the promise of true peace and security under God’s Kingdom, where the great crowd will experience everlasting life and harmony.
New York c.1899: Restored To Life in Amazing Footage
glamourdaze 2,074,888 views Feb 4, 2024
Time travel back 124 years to experience a typical day in New York city in these AI restored early films made between 1886 and 1904. Colorized and upscaled to 4K 60fps using deep learning AI.
Now you’ll know why, they called it the “Gay Nineties”!
Then jump to when those kids were in their 40’s and fifty’s, 50 years later!
Civi War Days
Internet ERUPTS over Trump’s friendly moment with Jill Biden
Fox News 10 hours ago
LIVE: Trump’s Big Public Address To Putin On War, Drops Hints On In-Person Meeting ‘Soon’ | Times Of India Started streaming 2 hours ago
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump shoots a huge message to President Vladimir Putin over the Ukraine war. Citing hundreds of thousands lives, Donald Trump urges President Putin for an immediate ceasefire and to start negotiations. Trump said the world is waiting and it is time for Putin to act.
34 years ago Iran was just weeks away from having their own nuclear weapons.
Remember we all learned the word “Centrifuges” from the MSM reporting during the Iran/Iraq War? How Israel became so frightened that they demanded UN immediate action to destroy Iran.
How much longer can the UN Coalition, the Zions, the NeoCrats and the CIA Dark State continue to get away with that recycled excuse?
Gee, in 34 years we’d hope Iran would finally have produced at least one weapon to justify the trillions wasted. Just how many more decades will the west use this as an excuse to do what ever they want?
They could very well be following this playbook that was very instrumental in the eventual takedown:
Bloody Sunday, January 9th 1905 | What is the truth?
The Romanov Royal Martyrs
When the Christian crown and the protection it provided was taken away with the murders, the church was wracked by violence. about 10 years later a parallel state-approved church was finally erected. It constituted a liberal clergy and the Communist atheist bosses that controlled it.
These were the Christians that when they asked themselves the hard question of “do we apostasize or do we bleed?” chose not to bleed by joining the new atheist-controlled church. The trappings were the same, but the holy spirit had left. The loyal church then went underground, into exile and into the gulag by the tens of thousands. These are your modern Christian saints.
“You REAP What You SOW!” MEGA PANEL On Assad, Fauci & Jay-Z
Dec 9, 2024 13 products
Piers Morgan Uncensored tagged products below. Learn more¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOorQZtcY48EUooHb-vlRJETaA40paeYJq6DkB_xqpNk9tewdNzh8EzY
Three huge stories are the focus of tonight’s Uncensored. The fate of an entire nation, Syria, has dramatically shifted over the space of a week, with the dictator Bashar Al-Assad apparently fleeing to Russia, the fallout from Joe Biden’s pardoning of his son Hunter is heating up as Donald Trump is set to pardon January 6 defendants, and rapper Jay-Z has found himself in the centre of a shocking bombshell allegation echoing the Diddy scandal.“You REAP What You SOW!” MEGA PANEL On Assad, Fauci & Jay-Z
In July 2019, NYU Professor and economist Nouriel Roubini critiqued the lack of a useful purpose for Bitcoin as follows:
“Crypto currencies are not even currencies. They’re a joke…The price of Bitcoin has fallen in a week by how much – 30 percent. It goes up 20 percent one day, collapses the next. It is not a means of payment, nobody, not even this blockchain conference, accepts Bitcoin for paying for conference fees cause you can do only five transactions per second with Bitcoin. With the Visa system you can do 25,000 transactions per second…Crypto’s nonsense. It’s a failure. Nobody’s using it for any transactions. It’s trading one sh*tcoin for another sh*tcoin. That’s the entire trading or currency in the space where’s there’s price manipulation, spoofing, wash trading, pump and dumping, frontrunning. It’s just a big criminal scam and nothing else.”
“Disease X Outbreak”: Here It Comes! Right On Time To Disrupt Incoming Trump Administration & Plunge World Deeper Into Crisis! Humanity Faces A Triple Threat From Globalist Death Cult: WW3, New Plandemic & Staged Race Wars! Must-Watch/Share LIVE Edition Of The Alex Jones Show Posted 2 hours ago
Alex Jones is LIVE right now taking your calls and covering the news globalists DO NOT want you to smear!
Greg, next time please would you be so kind to ask Martin for a crude oil evaluation:Historically a relation Gold ounce price: Barrell crude oil of 20 was said to be frecuent or say 135 Usd per barrell or so currently would not be out of reach maybe next year 2025. -we are now at 68 or so Usd per barrell WTI
Scott Ritter: The Fall of Assad and its consequences in Syria and Beyond
Dialogue Works 7 hours ago
Palestine & Hamas gone, Gaza eviction accomplished? The agony of defeat!
The Father’s Will, not my own.
Don’t listen to the haters, it’s always a great show with Martin Armstrong! While I do hope Socrates is wrong about the war with Russia, I won’t hesitate to get prepared any way I can. I hope you’re recovery is going well.
What does all these stories have in common?
American Hero Daniel Penny Speaks Out for the First Time Since Being Acquitted of Criminally Negligent Homicide in the Death of Jordan Neely (VIDEO)
Dem Rep. Jim Clyburn Says Trump Has Every Right to Pardon January 6th Protesters (VIDEO)
Corrupt NY Attorney General Letitia James Refuses to Drop Civil Fraud Case Against Trump
Buying 1500 from Weston and it works on 220 v overseas, too!
MA has been 100% accurate and so far my remote viewing confirms. The Kaz globalists though are continuing their agenda so slow progress ahead.
Even the voices in ole Joe’s head call him out…
The Biden Crime Family just can not stop can they?
Hello Greg,
I do like much of what Martin Armstong says. I have to disagree with him when saying that Putin is not a communist and that communism fell. Marxism Leninism is alive and well has infiltrated many parts of our society successfully like a cancer in our government institutions and beyond. For instance, in reading the KGB defector literature such as Anatoly Golitseyn the goal of Russia with Gorbachev was that the fall of the Berlin Wall and the introduction of Glasnost and Peristroika were planned in advance so that they took the advantage of lulling the west to sleep. For example, when Gorbachev announced the staged fall of the Soviet Union he promised to destroy several hundred tanks which never happened and they were mothballed and are being used in Ukraine.
Communists infiltrate both sides of a conflict. That way they always have a stake in the winning side. They are good at this. In addition though a scissors strategy the communist secret structures have placed their agents on the right and left aka Hungary, Poland and Romania. Caught between two false fronts, the West is shaken without understanding the mechanism. The right now gets the stigma of supporting an openly aggressive Russia, while the left gets credit for “defending Europe.” To invert all narratives is the game. We are led to confuse friend with foe, to lose our bearings through disassociated thoughts. What mind can persevere through the disinformation, the treachery, and the resulting muddle?
Most people can’t imagine Communists are in each party and that some disguise their views and create with phony antagonism “thesis – antithesis – synthesis”. Only those understand who do some research on their own, who realize by themselves how it works. How easy it is to manufacture false ideas and plant them on every side like land mines ready to detonate! And so we enter the crisis of ideological inversion in which left becomes right and right becomes left. Here is the heart of an attack which paralyzes all rational thought. The public does not understand how fragile everything is. Russia and China are on the brink of ruin, yet play their cards with expert skill. The West deludes itself.
What will happen next?