DOGE Reveals Mind Shocking Fraud Propping Up Economy – Ed Dowd
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of is back with an update of a report on “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025.” It was not just heavy government spending on illegal immigration, but “mind shocking” fraud that has been revealed with DOGE (Department of Government Efficiency). Investigators have uncovered $115 billion so far with many hundreds of billions more to be exposed. Dowd says, “Both sides of the aisle are probably going to have problems. The DOGE revelations are mind shocking. The clear way in which the government was spending money through NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and people taking kickbacks and profits along the way is going to come out. There may have been theft along the way. What business does Stacy Abrams have getting $2 billion for an NGO? This doesn’t make any sense. It’s going to be shocking, even shocking to me. I knew there was rot in the system, but the mind blowing way the NGOs were used to facilitate the illegal immigration just blows my mind. The 10 million plus illegals that came in over the last four years, you just don’t wake up one day in Central America and say I am going to the Darien Gap, and go to the Mexican border and then meander my way into the interior of the US without a tremendous amount of aid along the way. NGOs facilitated that and probably took their cut. What was the all-in economic cost of the goodies they got once they got here? Plus, the NGOs spent and what the government spent themselves to facilitate this, it’s not hard to imagine $50,000 to $100,000 all-in cost per illegal. . . . This is the all-in cost up and down the entire economic food chain. . . . It was anywhere between $500 billion to $1.5 trillion depending on the illegals. It was an illegal project funded purposely, and it was very logistical. It was not something that just happened overnight.”
The result, says Dowd, was the US economy was propped up when it should have already tanked. Now, all this spending on this illegal invasion is going away. Dowd says, “When we wrote our report, we were surprised on how fast DOGE would get to work. . . . This is why our thesis is playing out a little quicker than we thought. . . . The housing market was on fragile ground the last year or so. It was held up by illegal immigrants supporting rent prices. So, as that unwinds, we think there will be a mini 2008–2009 housing issue. Housing prices are going to come down, and that is a big driver of consumption in the economy. That needs to happen because home affordability is off the charts.”
Dowd also see a recession coming as the government downsizes, illegal alien funding gets cut and illegals continue to self-deport. Dowd says, “Consumer confidence has taken a nosedive recently, and you can see why. There are 10 million to 15 million illegal immigrants worried about their gravy train coming to an end. So, they may be holding back on their spending. There are millions of government employees worried about their jobs. Then, you have the NGO networks that employ about 6 million people. So, you have about 20 million to 25 million people that are in the workforce . . . worried about where their money is going to come from, and that can cause consumer spending to slow down.”
There is good news with the spending cuts, according to Dowd, and that will come in the form of lower interest rates in the bond market. Dowd still likes gold as a core asset and does not see Trump tariffs as inflationary. Dowd says the problems with tariffs are “overblown” and are a negotiation tool to get fair trade for America around the world. Dowd sees “deflation” and possibly a short but “deep recession” coming before inflation. A possible black swan event is an intensified war in Ukraine and no peace deal along with the EU getting deeply involved in a war with Russia. This could be a plus for the US if it stays out of the conflict. Dowd says, “There seems to be war drums beating in Europe, and capital will flee to the US. Martin Armstrong says all the gold movement coming to the US is because of a coming war, and of all the theories on this, that makes the most sense to me. I am not predicting war, but that is a geopolitical risk out there. That is one of those ‘black swan’ events. Another ‘black swan’ event is a Bank of Japan currency crisis and, also, something going on with Iran and the Middle East. . . . Black swan events add to the risk, and those are hard to predict.”
There is much more in the 50-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, as he talks about massive crime and fraud that President Trump will stop and give way to a “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025” for 3.22.25.
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After the Interview:
If you want a copy of Dowd’s new report called “Danger of Deep Worldwide Recession in 2025,” click here.
There is lots of free information on Dowd’s website called
You can order Dowd’s updated book called “Cause Unknown” by clicking here.

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Greg your shirt and tie look great with the back ground.
thanks Greg, Mr.Dowd is a practical,common sense guy.Right now there are so many different things going on in the world NO ONE could”predict” our immediate future.So many What ifs.For now we just need to pray, and use wisdom is trusting what we hear.I personally feel trust in Mr.Dowd.
off topic, but why the heck do so many people go to Rumble for your videos, then complain, when all anyone has to do is go to Your site?
The Biden administration has been caught by DOGE which right out of the box has been caught in MASSIVE FRAUD, THEFT, MONEY LAUNDERING, TREASON and more.
With a small window of time a lot has been found and DOGE needs to keep
AUDITING the rest of the departments.
It is something any true tax paying citizens have every right to demand after all,
with all the stealing, WE THE TAXPAYERS are on the hook for this THEFT and
egregious spending. I think this has gone on for decades since JFK created USAID back in the 1960’s. This will uncover massive waste and stealing. There will be big changes
once we get to the bottom of this cluster. Claw back money and assets of the thieves!
Claw back the money and assets of the Demons from both Political Parties (Schumer’s $80 million and Pelosi’s $700 million come to mind as very ripe for some immediate RICO “Claw Back” Actions!!
Here is some Good News: Mississippi lawmakers have just removed their State Income Tax!! Mississippi now joins Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, Texas, and Wyoming in eliminating this Predatory “Marxist Commie Concept of Direct Taxation” that gives Government the Legal Right to Know Everything we do, Track us and/or Imprison Us (which greatly Reduces our Incentive to even Work, or Invest, or Innovate)!!
You can’t make this stuff up, if ever a country was intent of omitting financial suicide
AACrime is that country.
It is plain to see that AAcrime qualifies for BANKRUPTCY and indeed I dare say
INSOLVENCY…..The demons that have been running the joint have made certain that their nests were feathered good and proper…Ed has acquitted himself very well on his lucid explanations of the financial affairs of AAcrime exposing giant fraud and outright theft of AAcrimes treasury. The illegal wars ,the funding of Ukraine’s illegal war against Russia ,The Covid scamdemic,t and many many other heinous crimes which will see AAcrime JUDGED SEVERELY BY LORD GOD CREATOR.
May all GOD FEARING and honest americans survive the holocast about to be unleashed at sometime in the not too distant future.
It is Sunday be sure to attend Mass today and pray for forgiveness
Ed,,,If you have time please research pediatric cardiac arrest cases in usa,,,I did a little research and found around 339 cases in 2008 and in 2016 it was around 23,514 cases,,, It appears to have increased with all of the increases in childhood vaccines including hpv vaccines for girls,,,(7000% increase) in out of hospital pediatric cardiac arrests,,,,USA is the most vaccinated pediatric country in the world,,,I checked Nigeria the least vaccinated,,both using out of 100,000 and Nigeria was rated at almost zero pediatric cardiac arrests,,,I checked childhood cancer rates same time periods Nigeria cancer rate for pediatrics was 7.21 per MILLION and 15.3 per 100,000 USA for 2016,,,Its hard to find data but what i found shows out of hospital cardiac arrests for 2024 USA around 25,000,,,, I never ever heard about cardiac arrest in kids growing up,,,,also infants and SIDS there is some data indicating that happens after getting vaxxed and it is non-existant in countries like Nigeria,,,maybe someone can look into this,,I know all of the above is not heard of with the Amish or Mennonite communities,,,,,,maybe someone can dig further on this subject,,,,,whats really bad is childhood vaccines don’t leave your body when you magically turn 18,,,they are with you for life,,,could be another reason all of the sickness and cancer and then anyone getting the c19 injections just adds more fuel to the fire,,,Maybe Ed or Karen could look into this further,,,Thanks Greg and Ed,,,,,yes the economy is in the toilet !!!! And Wars and Rumors of Wars,,,,where have we heard that ?
Great interview, Sir. And $2 billion to con artist Stacey. A simple audit and she will be headed to jail.
I want to know if the legal process to give these grants were followed. We know from O’Keife that they didn’t follow procedures and just tossed the gold bars off the Joe’s Titanic. Like those pardons signed when ole Joe was no where near.
Those should be prosecuted too.
Greg, really think the crazies… the violent Antifa communists slugs… they are going to try to peacefully burn and shoot us into submission. There is a new Sheriff in town. I think they are going to FAFO. They will go after the weak, infirm and old… And it still is going to go well for them.
Greg, The ‘progressives’ are but puppets, and NONE of their antics are new or their own, just like Biden, just reconstituted gibberish and plagiarism of the past.
75-Seconds of History to Show “Progressives” They’re Just Useful Idiots for Elites
By the way…. UPDATE on 2A and MAGA responses by DOJ Bondi seemingly late moves that had to wait until the ‘continuing resolution’ passed. Defunding ATF and replacing the head thereof, and moving those agents harassing the store owners and law abiding ‘offenders?’ to other duties at the border and chasing illegals and gangs. Might see the defunding of those attorney’s and there ‘lawfare suits’ against the 2nd Amendment in the state cases as well, if this analysis is correct.
When this blows up it will be of Epic proportions
In GOD I Trust
The interest on the Debt will be close to a Trillion Dollars this year.
US Debt closing in on 37 Trillion
The rot that DOGE is finding in the Government is worse then a homeowner finding that termites have completely eaten away the major supporting beams in his home!! At least when a homeowner takes steps to solve his termite problem it doesn’t result in Reckless Acts of Violence by Demonic Psychopaths in the neighborhood who have been making their living “spreading termites and selling new homes”!! An innocent homeowner “simply taking steps to fix his home” should not get attacked verbally or physically by Evil Demonic Entities (and then be awoken at midnight to see his Tesla on the driveway being Torched by Demonic Evil Psycho’s)!!
Dowd: “You can’t touch entitlements”
Me: You can and should fix entitlements
“Entitlements” are the biggest budget item. This is a joke. The government has proven that they cannot efficiently manage anything.
The pharmaceutical monopoly keeps prices high and outcomes poor. Medicare can and should be streamlined to allow for both allopathic and non-allopathic prevention and treatments in a free market among health practitioners and research. My rough guess is that 50% could be cut out of Medicare and everyone would be healthier, happier and live longer. In terms of Social Security, that can be phased out by putting it into the hands of private investment houses – similar to 401K’s. SSI should not be paid to anyone who has not paid into it, which investment houses have to do to stay solvent.
I think it depends on how you define “touching entitlements” , the entitlement expenditure can be cut dramatically just by cutting fraud including removing payments to illegals without even stepping into the more politically contentious entitlements of the legally entitled. At this point there are good reasons to keep the focus on the fraud, anything else muddies the argument. Trump is still peeling of support from the Democrat politicians are straight lying about DOGE cutting money and services to ordinary Americans. It is not possible to have the more nuanced argument at this time, as even small cuts would support their completely unfounded statements. Especially as the economy will get worse before it gets better. Legitimate entitlements will also fall when the economy improves, and financial incentives, deregulation and tax cuts also make working more attractive.
President Trump has stated that Canada rips of America by $200billion/year and has also stated that other countries, indeed the whole world, have also ripped-off America by unfair tariffs and trade practices. Considering that the U.S. dollar is the world’s reserve currency, doesn’t the U.S. currently create $1Trillion dollars every 90 days, out of thin air, by printing? Doesn’t America pay for Canadian oil and energy using U.S. fiat currency printed out of thin air? Indeed, hasn’t America paid for Canadian oil and foreign goods with fiat currency printed out of thin air for decades?? NOW WHO IS REALLY BEING RIPPED-OFF???? Instead of accepting U.S. fiat currency dollars that are printed out of thin air for payment, or used as a measure of determining trade imbalances, I suggest that Alberta Premiere Danielle Smith, the future Prime Minister of Canada, and other foreign nations consider payment for oil, energy and other goods, in GOLD, SILVER, and other tangible assets, instead of a U.S. fiat currency created out of thin air!!!!! What say you?
Exactly what BRICS is all about – FAIRNESS IN TRADE BETWEEN NATIONS!! It IS COMING (And Trump’s Tariffs won’t stop it)!!
I am the 1st post, for the 2nd time 😀
That a 3 point goal Bill
Anyway, the Hush Cash is drying out, birds will start to sing. Stoping the cash flow, the grease, will make some components to squeak. We will see those bad cogs in the machine popping out.
Well Meet Again: Episode 4 to 6
Dame Penmarric 7K views 8 months ago
Classic British repertory acting, great camera work, insightful script writing. And no CGI which is no loss to the storytelling.
Enjoyed back in the 1980s, actually lived in the 1940’s and you can enjoy” today”?
Yes, because it is very hearting! Good & bad!
World War two drama, it’s 1943 and the American Air Force has come to Market Weatherby, a small East Anglian town. The war weary British and the brash American GIs sometimes clash, but friendships are also forged. Especially between Civilian doctor Helen Dereham (played by Susannah York) whose husband was sent fighting to, in Africa and the commanding officer of the nearby USAAF base, Major Jim Kiley (Michael J. Shannon).
War is sometimes harder on the folks back home, you’ll experience. In more ways than was won! Are you prepared?
(Mark 13:19-23) Coming after the abomination of desolation: The great tribulation.
“For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be. And unless the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, whom He chose, He shortened the days. Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, He is there!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand.”
Tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation… nor ever shall be: Jesus said that this will be the most awful time in all of human history. When we consider the massive calamities humanity has suffered through the centuries, this is a terribly sobering statement.
Be prepared! If world war one was bad and two even worse. The Book of Revelation describes this terrible time were living in even now, or is just proceeding? When God pours out His wrath on a God-rejecting world, is the worst time in all human history! Before then and in future!
___________Do you get it?
Things sure are coming at us fast these days. Another (returning) great guest. On a little different tangent, i have questions about the auto pen in the presidency. Trump has made it an issue for a reason. Everyone keeps saying past executives have used it liberally, but i don’t believe that is the case. Is it possible that Trump actually wants this to go to the Supreme Court? And is it possible that the court could invalidate everything signed by auto pen? If I’m not mistaken, the first congressional legislation signed by auto pen was Obama signing an extension to Patriot Act. Indeed all electronic signings have gotten ahead of practical and past legal practice. How can i get on an online mortgage provider and mortgage my house anew and not have to go before a notary? Title thieft comes to mind. I bought a smaller new tractor with financing and did all the paperwork online and went and picked it up in another state with a simple drivers license- no notary. I guess this cuts close to home as i have had a rash of credit card attempts in my name. I just froze my reports in all three credit reporting companies. It was actually much easier than i would have guessed. If this isn’t a concern for any of you, just wait for AI to mature.
If an “auto pen” is used to sign “a rub out order” to get rid of a Demoncrat Attorney “who may spill the beans on the rest of the Demon Rats” Who Goes To Jail For Murder???
Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Dowd. Well Mr Michael Voris,who has fallen from grace due to a morality clause in his contract, was investigating the Roman Catholic Bishops and others in their transportation of immigrants via airports and the huge sums of money being funded through NGOs attached to prominent billionaires who were using tax payers’ money for this,never their own money!
Here in the UK we are preparing for war with Russia and blaming all our government problems and incompetence on Russia , after all our Prime Minister has already had to crawl to President Trump will little avail so even our dim Prime Minister is well aware that the insults heaped on Mr Trump by him and his team have a cost and of course we plebs will pay the price.
The Euro is toast and real money is fleeing Europe along with mobile art assets and the gagging rhetoric from our political elite is war,war and war and we plebs will bleed for this group of gargoyles. A real revolution is needed right now.
USAID money from American tax payers flowed into the media in Europe and particularly here in the UK where it fed the BBC ,to lie ,lie and more lies. Bringing in yet another corrupt government here in the UK,what a surprise! American tax payers must be furious.
I find it a bit funny that at the time of this post, 30% to 31% Trump to Biden in terms of corrupt presidents. We all know what Biden was but what info do those that post the 30% have on Trump? Do tell, I mean this with all sincerity.
First few days, Biden was in the lead and Trump was 1%. Trolls have distorted this.
A Hong Kong-based company has agreed to sell most of its stake in two key ports on the Panama Canal to a group led by US investment firm BlackRock!!!!!!!!!!!!! ….. The deal includes a total of “43 ports” in 23 countries around the world, including the two canal terminals.
CK Hutchison, founded by Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing, is not owned by the Chinese government. But its base in Hong Kong means it operates under Chinese financial laws. It has operated the ports since 1997.
BlackRock (Deep State) gave Trump a major assist regarding the Panama Canal.
Could Nemos be right? Son of perdition?
Pull Stargate project out of your memory hole.
If you don’t know, the Stargate project is supposedly a 300 billion plan to join AI and mRNA vaccine. Biden looks like angel comparing to this .
Didn’t Trump campaign on a promise to protect us from the Big Tech and Big Pharma monsters? And yet here we are, month 2, and he is announcing major promotion of them and alliance with them. He was supposed to take on the Big Tech juggernaut and the Big Pharma juggernaut, right? Instead, we see them joining forces and Trump climbing into bed with them. The only way things could have gotten worse after Biden is if Big Tech and Big Pharma merged, and that has just happened, with Trump’s immediate backing.
They have been “throwing gold bricks off the Titanic” whose demise was long ago engineered for quite some time.
Banana Republics have better legal systems than we do… And now we find that SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts is figuratively sleeping with Boasburg, KJB, Horowitz (IG), and other Trump hating judges.. we already know that ACB hates Trump and Kavanaugh is wishy washy…
Our Congress needs to take up the hard work of impeaching the activist judges and at a minimum SCOTUS John Roberts who is compromised 6 ways from Sunday… What a joke!
IF you have food and power when others do not, hide it or they will all be at your door.
Respiators for air quality, wild fires, volvanoes and more. Read the directions.
Traitors should swing.
Bitcoin is one more fiat currency that will tank when the grid goes down.
Wood and woodstoves.
tks for post ed greg
Ed, I love your content and very intelligent and valuable analysis. Please get a real microphone, there’s significant echo in the room you’re in and it makes it hard to understand you.
Greg, thanks for this interview.
Greg, last night at a birthday party, I met someone who retired from working for the government. He held many positions and just placed a bid on a lakefront home listed for one point seven million. I never asked how a former government employee can afford that. Our conversation came around and he stated that imagine if the government that is supposed to have our best interest in hand, deposited one Billion with a B in every citizen’s account, instead of supporting wars, waste and fraud, we would still have funds left to cure diseases. We talked on and I told him of your site. Something to think about when talking waste and fraud.
One Billion dollars for each American is nice!! And this former Government employee probably retired on disability with back problems getting his fair share. Because One Billion dollars is equal to Ten(10) tons of Gold for each American!! But Fort Knox only contains 8,600 tons of Gold (which is just enough for each Congressman and his wife to get their Ten(10) tons of Gold each) and they would likely be greedily shoveling it off the stinking Titanic as quickly as possible (before the US sinks under the waves)!!! This is why Trump must “immediate audit” our Fort Knox Gold!!
I personally want to thank Ed Dowd for all he has done for Americans! he showed tremendous Courage by speaking out about the covid-19 vaccine and the results that he could see. he uncovered it for the rest of us to see as well which became vital to those who were trying to make a decision which way to go on the vaccine. he also has provided some of the very most valuable financial information. I personally pray that God blesses him in every way and protects him each step on his path!
Thanks Greg
Shame Ed did not comment on silver
Dry powder came in handy to pay for my wife’s cataract surgery $6,000 for both eyes.
Ed Dowd – Cliff High – Bill Holter my top 3 best folks to interview
Wow!! One ounce of Gold for each eye. What better way “to see” what Gold is worth!!
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Secret Memo Warns Canada Is on the Brink of Economic and Social Collapse.
Budanov Told Ukraine President Blow-Up All Nuclear Power Plants If Ukraine Loses War
Kyrylo Budanov is the Intelligence Chief of Ukraine (appointed in August 2020 to direct Ukraine’s subversive military operations against Russia)!! And this “monkey with a hand grenade” is recognized as a “European Hero” by the Evil Demonic Psychopaths in NATO!!!
This is the greatest show on earth. So they can run a fake tally of covid deaths and infections. On a score board but not the so called $ saved. BS Its all a scam for fools.
How many people have been indited? Zero How many will be indited? Zero Its just bullshit for fools. Just like the fake astronaut landing. No one is going to jail and the people will never see a dime of that money. They are setting up the digital prison BEAST
System STARGATE. The devil runs Israel and the USA WAKE UP! lol Low IQ drivel
B’Rock Hussain working to destroy America
Greg, a very large puzzle with many pieces, or the back side a tapestry with many colored threads for sure. Christians being attacked or killed across the world with little to no mention or concern IN THE MEDIA. Then we have this struggle making sense of the Jewish factions, of which believe in what or on which side, whether its about religion, or regional ancestry, or Judeo-Christian vs. Catholic vs those that are neither – atheists? with many in the wider banking cartel that also at odds as there are inside Israel itself. YET, then there is the German, seemingly less Christian views at odds in Europe, the Pro-Catholic, as well as the breech there by Protestants as to some views, while there were others…unconcerned of either…who went the way of the Illuminati, not really Catholic, Christian, or Jewish but rather just atheist, Gnostic, or secular philosophies that moved away from religions and more into the more political realm of socialist and communist bent, USING evolution vs. creation for a start…as a means of breaking thru the wall of any religious beliefs, with it underpinning of most all morals and values, That said, there are strong considerations that lead to the Skull & Bones roots are German, that the ‘death head’ was a symbol used by the NAZI, that they pursued the ancient sites for the lost biblical knowledge, There is also those that see the irreverence by the church now to the true teachings of Jesus Christ. and those that notice the use of obelisks, and where they have been placed, in the center of the Vatican, in the center of the INNS OF COURT in UK, and in front of the White House as well as many other sites around the world…not unlike old totems of ‘their’ turf, all the while the ‘secret societies’ with their similar oaths and rituals of denying Jesus Christ.
Thinking back, I remember an interview by Tucker Carlson of Rod Blagojevich =
Kamala’s Corruption, & the Real Cause of the Democrat Party’s Spiral into Insanity
and a very insightful reveal near the end, @ 1;14:00 about the killing of Christians and how casually it can be used/seen as but ‘political fodder’ for winning elections? =
Then one needs to consider/wonder if it is more than that…but a real goal in the ‘secular’ world of dominance and WEFer control…as that NO ONE will ever bow to ‘them’ as being god or giving up ones’ natural God given rights…while there are still people with a belief in GOD…and the morals and values instilled as a result.
So then, what is behind D.C. being of such masonic design, there also is a shrine to Albert Pike in DC, an obelisk = George Washington Monument so prominent placed, not unlike Cleopatria’s needle inside the City of London and many other world places of prominence?
As referenced previously, three Egyptian monoliths were transported amid the nineteenth century to New York, London and Paris. Every one of the three is called Cleopatra’s Needle, despite the fact that they don’t have anything to do with Cleopatra and were at that point over a thousand years of age in her lifetime.
Should we be happy or concerned that WHO was/is in charge of the world food standards? Could ‘they’ be behind those opposed to RFK jr. and his plan to MAHA?
AND , IF TRUE…why so little of this story ever in MSM/LLC?
The more recent revelation about the Bosnia-Serb-Croatian conflict is but a mild reux of the EXTREME hatred and war between the Catholics, Jews, and Christian Orthodox in that region of the world THAT MAY STILL BE behind the killing of Christians today, including the assassinations of leaders on both sides, with the DEPTH of the animus between them lost to history especially in the shallow teachings in public schools today!=
Love the content, but please make it shorter.
Greg Trump stopped shipments or arms and aid to Ukraine for only one week and then resumed the. Trump is not the president of peace he is a pawn of his masters that run Israel. Hes also been bombing the crap out of Yemen and theres a media blackout in the United States. He also started sending 2000 pound bombs to Israel, even Biden wouldnt send these bombs to Israel. Hes going to do Israels bidding and go to war with Iran. Its all smoke and mirrors and I was Trumps biggest supporter his first time around. The economy is collapsing. Elon is implementing an AI control grid digital gulag and Trump will launch more mRna poison shots to continue the world depopulation agenda.
You express our worst nightmare!! Hopefully our waking hours “will not” be filled with 2000 pound bombs going off all across the Middle East. But Trump may find it is the only way “he can wake the dead” back to life!!
Please be calm. Slow down.
Remove the emotion and stress
from inner fear. Calm speaking please.
Manufacturing in the USA is very expensive. It’s more a disguise to bring big sums into the USA for safety and keep the US Dollar from crashing.
Build up your immune system.
Do meditation and be in nature.
Maybe yoga and tai chi or some walking …… golf, tennis, etc. Love your family and pets. Laugh and enjoy life. Live in the present and now.
This is a yin yang universe formula there will always be something opposite of good going on – get used to it – accept the reality and empower yourself in this knowing and treasure yourself. in the lifestyle of pureness of being – being pure – living in the flow of the divine and trusting the divine and all will come to you and be in you.
That was a spectacular comment /sage piece of advice.
You are my teacher.
As the tempest approaches, you are steadfast within yourself, within this Universe and within this perception we haphazardly attempt to label as “reality”.
Thank you for your refreshing, inspirational contribution to these discussions.
My thoughts and best wishes be with you.
Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
Thank you so much Greg! God Bless Us Everyone!
This is the evil we are fighting. They are entrenched and must be rooted out.
“Follow the numbers and the data shows 50% of the Injunctions against Presidential Administration’s since 1963 have been against the Trump Administration. The numbers do not lie, this is unprecedented Judicial Lawfare.
The Lawfare is being conducted by Judges, who in any normal world would self-recuse themselves in seconds. Activist Judges seem to know no boundaries of ethics, especially when family members are losing their paychecks from the money laundering operations exposed by DOGE.”
Have you noticed that the Demoncratic Party hasn’t changed in 200 years. Have you listened to them? They have gone from “Who is going to pick the cotton?” Directly to, “ Who is going to pick the Produce?” And “WHO will build the houses?”
The Demons just seek to enslave and ensnare another underclass. Plus if they pay these people slave wages and get them to vote that can take over the country.
These judges overstepping their authority for the sole purpose of subversion need to be removed and brought to social desolation… ie shame and ostracized. They should be disbarred and dishonored
And John Roberts is one of them. I pray these people are brought down by YHWH and that HE exposes all of them. That HE smites them one and all
Greg The Bottom Line Please! Again, please, get someone who understands just what every past, present and future government officials and their employees would do to ensure that their present cradle to grave care never ends, not just here in the good old USA, but the world over as well. That would have to include everyone starting at the city, county, state and even before getting to their respective national and international levels. The mere thought of losing everything, for every one of them would have to be beyond the simple lefty looney nonsense we are presently having too put-up with at present. Having to get a life of a real meaningful job worth their present pay would be a most interesting topic to explore. Especially in light of their present choice of creating chaos by way of WW3.
How do you live with Demons (when they are like Genetically Engineered Rats that can Light Fires)!! Now we have to simply get accustomed to waking up in the middle of the night “smelling smoke” and finding the cheese in the rat trap “On Fire in our Living Rooms”!!!
Two Huge Demands Putin Requires Lt Col Daniel Davis
Daniel Davis / Deep Dive Mar 23, 2025
The presentation argues that Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown significant restraint in Ukraine, countering Western narratives that portray him as irrational and destructive. The speaker suggests that Russia has avoided targeting key infrastructure in Kyiv and other major civilian areas despite having the military capability to do so. Instead, Russia has focused on military targets and a methodical battle strategy aimed at demilitarizing Ukraine.
The presentation highlights that Putin has expressed a willingness to negotiate, even offering opportunities for Ukrainian forces to surrender. However, substantial casualties have already occurred, with estimates suggesting over a million Ukrainian soldiers killed. The speaker also emphasizes that any potential ceasefire or resolution would require significant concessions from Ukraine, including territorial recognition and constitutional changes.
A major obstacle to peace, according to the presentation, is Ukraine’s unwillingness to acknowledge Russia’s control over occupied regions such as Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, as well as Crimea, which Russia considers non-negotiable. The issue of protecting ethnic Russians in Ukrainian-controlled areas is another major sticking point, with Russia potentially requiring Ukraine’s demilitarization or autonomy guarantees for Russian-speaking regions.
Additionally, the presentation discusses the legitimacy of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, arguing that Russia does not recognize his authority due to postponed elections. It suggests that negotiations will be difficult unless a new election is held in Ukraine.
The speaker claims that Trump could broker the best deal for Ukraine, but warns that Zelensky faces political and even physical risks [From the West, the Soros group?] if he agrees to territorial concessions, given opposition from nationalist groups [AZOV?] in Ukraine. Ultimately, the presentation argues that unless major compromises are made, the conflict will likely continue, with Russia prepared to push further into Ukrainian territory if its conditions are not met.
Department of “Education?”: Left Wing Slush Fund! SMART? NO_! VERY STUPID
Jesse Watters Primetime 3/22/25 FULL END SHOW HD | BREAKING FOX NEWS March 22, 2225 ACB Global Report 1,120,840 views 16 hours ago THÀNH PHỐ NEW YORK
@aligrotts6400 2 hours ago
Pilosi doesn’t think about our children, she thinks about her pocket, her pocket, her pocket.
@Louie-p6n 13 hours ago
The Dems Look Mentally Disturbed These Days
Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 3/23/25 | BREAKING FOX NEWS March 23, 2025 ACB Global Report 1 hour ago
Exactly. make sure to keep paying taxes and getting into debt to survive. It is my belief americans should be reimbursed at least $100K each. At least. I suppose I’ll take the possible $5000 check… what a joke. it is going to take a lot more incentives for me to keep investing in the US.
Assassination of John F. Kennedy_ Charlie Kirk & Roger Stone of, Stone Cold Truth
Wikipedia • 1 day ago 278K views _ John F. Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.What We’ve Learned So Far From The JFK File Dump, or at least what Comey’s daughter couldn’t get to in time!
Assassination was a circus show. Kennedy went underground , in shadow gov.
” A CBDC is currently being tested in Brazil, and it turns out that it has hidden backdoor features that would actually allow the government “to freeze people’s funds and adjust their balances at will”…
”Here in the United States, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco has posted a job listing for a “Senior Crypto Architect” to work on the development of a digital dollar.”
The job description specified that the Federal Reserve seeks a technologist to “perform central bank digital currency (CBDC) research and development.”
The expert will work to “ensure the Federal Reserve is well-positioned to design, develop, and implement technology to support a CBDC as may be required by the Board of Governors.”
A war or black swan event could be the push to bring in CBDC.
Could you imagine how wealthy Americans could have been if that HUGE waste of monies (our taxes) were actually used to improve our country such as high speed trains across the country etc. just use your imagination, and then it becomes a real major crime against us and hopefully now all those thieves will be punished to the full extent of the law.
I hear all about freedom of religion. This has been greatly misunderstood. Our Founding Fathers wanted people to be free to choose any Judo Christian religion not Satanism. Sorry and this was protection from a “Federal Religion”, it doesn’t even stop a “State” imposed religion based on my reading.
I believe that the death cult know as islam should be banned and Satanism should be banned and both punished by life imprisonment … yeah, I know. I feel capital punishment should be given to pedophiles and drug dealers.
I really have some outlandish views. I believe the illegally crossing the border should be a high felony punishable by life imprisonment and that US citizens knowingly hiring one gets the same. These illegal entry laws are weak so that the Democrats and RINO Elites can have cheap household servants and lawn care.
There should be no citizenship theft the so called Birthright Citizenship which is not and never was a thing. It is one more part of the elite’s elaborate plan to replace us. Another part of this multi pronged attack on us is to bankrupt us. The illegal alien invasion was part of that end. They destroyed American jobs and the middle class by lowering wages. Carpenters were paid well until the illegal invasion. If you and your team could build a house well, you guys would earn a great living. Now, if you work on one of these jobs sites you aren’t getting paid what you deserve because most there are illegals being paid a pittance. Growing up in a lower middle class neighborhood, I had neighbors that were tradesmen among other things. A lot of families had the Father working and the mom stayed home and they still had a good life. The Elites pushed “Feminism“ to white women and welfare to black women.
Welfare destroyed the black family. Relationships are hard. Why be a family when you can be paid to push out babies. Oh, and you don’t have to raise them or take care of them. If they are feral, it’s all the better. And if they are men… they hate men and work to destroy their own male children. It’s hard to believe they fell for it. And black women didn’t even get 30 full pieces of silver for betrayal.
And white women, like Eve, took the apple again. Instead of bonding with a man, having and raising a family… marry a man that’s doing well, have a child that may or may not be his and then leave after a few years taking half of what he worked so very hard for.
Women were sold this deviant life style and latched on.
All of this weakened families and America the Beautiful.
Men were vilified for being masculine and male children were drugged to make them more docile and more manageable. And throw in women hating their sons and they feminize them, confuse them and the new thing for 2020s is to give your son female hormones. It’s a vile thing for a mother to do to her child. It evil in the best case… is there a best case?… and utterly Satanic at its worst.
The same people that thinks it’s cool to execute a baby born while they are trying to kill it are the same people pushing gender mutilation. But this time, they have so perfected their inculcation of our children thru our so called Department of Education that most of our kids are severely screwed up.
They have been so thoroughly inculcated and corrupted that some believe a “woman” can have a penis and a “man” can have a vagina. These sick people reveal in the destruction and rape of our children. And they are the “teachers.”
We have a generation or three of women that absolutely hate men and after having the fairytale wedding become disillusioned with their marriage. Marriage is tough and a successful one even tougher.
We men were slow to learn. But most of the young men are checking out and going their own way. Marriage is such a sucker bet these days no man should enter into such. Even a prenuptial isn’t the protection it used to be.
So looking at the state of the American family is pretty much in the same state as America. We are not totally destroyed but we are wounded. Trump is doing a good job of fixing America. He needs both our help and our prayers.
As far as fixing the family, only prayers can do that. And fixing it so that marriage is not such a one side deal and not so profitable for women to check out. You shouldn’t be able to take what people sweated for decades to earn just by marrying them. Sorry it isn’t fair. Nor is forcing a man to pay for a child, often not his, for 18 years. If she wants to keep a child, that her decision and hers to pay for.
And so ends this rant..
The Nation while injured isn’t moribund. The current state of marriage is close to death. And if it goes, our nation will surely fail.
Welfare should end as should no fault divorce. If a man or woman wants to leave without reason, no problem you leave with nothing. No equitable distribution. You commit adultery, you are forced out with nothing. You frame your mate trying to get over on the system… you lose and you get jail time.
We need to get back to the basics
Satan is alive and well…
How is this allowed?
I’m sure they if they caught me doing fraudulent things, I would be arrested, indicted, tried, and jailed.
When does that happen all these fraudsters they’ve caught doing these things y’all talk about.
Spending is higher, now, than it was under Biden last year.
DOGE is a smoke screen, Elon is the biggest welfare queen on Earth, and Trump is going to continue to increase spending and debt.
Trump’s spending on the Covid Scam still stands as the worst single act of fiscal irresponsibility in history.
My guess is that he’ll manage to create another “emergency” which will justify even worse fiscal insanity.
Please report the truth Greg!
Interesting reading concerning the unconstitutional PREP Act.
The NC Clinic workers forced a kid to get a Covid death shot for a payday. They got bonuses for shots. Forcibly gave him the shot without parental permission or the kid’s permission and some how an act of Congress can make this assault not only legal but shield than from liability from any criminal offense
The PREP Act is completely unconstitutional. As I wrote about last week. At a minimum the U.S. Supreme Court should rule this law unconstitutional because it attempts to eliminate Judicial Review, State laws, and 5th and 7th, Amendment Rights. – Dr. Joseph Sansone
Why would you inject someone with a vaccine against their will?
Because you are so sure the vaccine contains a wonderful, health-giving potion
Because it does not cross your mind you are committing a crime. Even if there was nothing in the syringe that you were injecting, STILL sticking a needle in someone is battery. Injecting them with a gene therapy could change their life’s trajectory and is even more of an attack on someone’s bodily autonomy
Because you think you are shielded from all liability by the PREP Act, but only after injecting the vaccine
Because you are being paid per injected dose
Because they are a child and therefore, you can!
Because you are “just following orders”
Greg,” despotic judges deep state judicary and judges trying to stop Presidents agendas” …@ 6:40 and @
AM STARTING to believe that the ‘deep state’ are those that are part of the illuminati – and here in the U.S. those cadre that took their pledge to the SKULL & BONES seriously?
THAT SAID, who are one is said to be one of the alleged arsonists of Tesla in Salen. Oregon… indicated to be ADAM LANSKY? @4:44
reported to be a ‘creative producer’ at Conservatory of Arts and Sciences said to be in TEMPE, ARIZONA? =
who might that be =
CRAS is celebrated to be aligned with some of the left’s shall we say, less appreciative POTUS DJT musicians ?
During 2024, CRAS graduates worked on nominated projects for the Who’s Who of international stars, including Beyonce, Post Malone, Chappell Roan, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, Childish Gambino, Usher, Chris Brown, Eminem, and more.
There is still no transparency. Nobody is arrested , prosecuted or goes to jail.
I don’t know Greg, I’m starting to get bad vibes that this administration won’t touch the truly important issues relating to health and justice for all Americans.
It’s only been 2 months.
ArkMidnight Saturday Night On U.S. Radio
Now Here on Rumble 3/22/2025
Topic: The Intelligence Briefing /Assassins Still In Power
9pm-12am Central Daylight Time USA FAST FORWARD to Large o0:00 Mark
Or the Little 107:15 Mark . You’ll figure it out!
3 hour, every hour new topic… Jolly Good!
In 1998, the Marine Corps placed females at Camp Geiger, North Carolina for integration in Marine Combat Training. At times, platoon size reached 100 entry-level female Marines—3 times the size of all-male platoons. When the company was in the field, male and female platoons would coordinate training together.
The leadership was thrust into a no-win situation with heaps of problems.
After being in the field for 12 days, many female Marines developed urinary tract infections due to a lack of hygiene.
Leadership also discovered prostitution in the ranks—with female Marines accepting money for sex with male Marines while in the field.
This failed experiment was not widely publicized.
Ed raised an excellent point, cutting all this fraud will be deflationary. I occurred to me that the DOGE “dividend ” purpose is not to just the obvious political benefit. It will put money back in the hands of the working people and will counteract the deflation, I believe it to be a necessary counterbalance.
War in Ukraine, Analytics. Day 1118: Is the World on the Brink of a Third World War? Arestovych privateer station 1,500 views Mar 22, 2025
In today’s war diary, Nikolai Feldman and Alexey Arestovich discussed the main news on the 1118th day of war:
The US government is going to bring down the power grid.
Wood and woodstoves.
Seeds, fertilizers, clean water sources
Clean, unpoisoned food
The ability to protect it all.
Figure out who you can trust.
We have friends who won’t eat leftovers.
I suggest you cook all your food and put it in the freezer or can it. Raw chicken, for instance, is not edible but, if you cook it, freeze/can it if you don’t have power, the chicken is edible without cooking it. Canning is better than freezing, long term.
Wood and wood stoves.
Bring like minded people together.
We’re walking into a Holy Crap era.
Love to all Patriots.