Donations Button
By Greg Hunter’s
During the past few months, I have had several people either comment or email asking if there was a way to support the site with a donation. I have installed a “Donations” button at the top of the page just under the banner in the black bar. I want to keep the site subscription free, and an open place to get real news and exchange ideas, but I also have expenses. If you want to help support the site financially, I would greatly appreciate it. However, you are under no pressure to do so. I value all of the visitors equally. Thank you very much for your continued support. (Click here if you want to go to the Donations page.)

Congradulations Greg. I have never donated to anything online before,However as i see it id buy you lunch any day.Good luck to you and yours, and thanks for your GODLY giving you have been doing.
jc davis,
Thank you very much for your financial support, and for your participation on this site!!!
Happy to support “our” watchdog, Greg Hunter!
Thank you George Too for your kind words and support.
Greg, A small price to pay for the TRUTH!! Thanks Again for the effort you put in to your website!!
Thank you Bob G. and Kevin for your kind words and support!!!
I was hoping to first to donate, but I see, not the case. Keep up the
good work and take care. Kevin
It is an honor to help.
Thank you Greg.
A donation will be on the way! Thanks for the great work Greg!
Thank you in advance!!!
Hi Greg,
I just donated to your site, albeit not as much as I think you deserve. I wish it could be more, but being a recent college grad with some student loans to pay off, I really couldn’t. The quality of content you provide is second to none, especially with your somewhat recent addition of video interviews. I’ve been a fan of yours since 2010 and plan on being a dedicated follower for several years to come. Trust that as I pay off my debt and start investing in precious metals as you suggest, I will contribute more. Thank you very much for what you do! No one else is as honest or insightful. Keep it up!
I greatly appreciate whatever you donate to this site! THANK YOU my friend!!!! Your debt is the top priority though. I thank you for your kind words and support!!!
Anytime Greg! And I know you visit Missouri often. If you should ever find yourself in Kansas City, let me know! I’d love to buy you lunch!
Thanks Nick!