Embalmers Keep Finding Fibrous CV19 Vax Clots – Tom Haviland
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
The results of the third annual “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” are out, and the findings are both gruesome and scary. Retired Airforce Major Tom Haviland has been doing this survey ever since he was fired from his job at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 2021 for NOT taking the CV19 bioweapon vax. Haviland is the only one in the world doing a survey of embalmers from around the world to reveal the “unusual phenomenon of large, grotesque ‘white fibrous clots’ in the veins and arteries of corpses.” Haviland got the idea to start the survey of embalmers after seeing the movie “Died Suddenly.” Haviland explains, “About half the movie is about six or seven embalmers that started to find these white fibrous clots in the corpses they were embalming. . . . At the 13-minute mark, an amazing statement is made. An embalmer from Indiana, Wallace Hooker, was lecturing at an Ohio embalmer’s conference in Columbus, Ohio, on the 26th of October in 2022. He was lecturing to a room of about 100 embalmers. He showed them photographs of the white fibrous clots he had been pulling out of his corpses for the last year or so, and he asked by a show of hands how many of you are seeing these white fibrous clots? He said almost the entire room of 100 embalmers raised their hands and said yes. He then asked when did you start seeing them? They all said about six months after the Covid vaccines rolled out.”
So, Haviland started his own worldwide survey of embalmers three years ago. In his latest 2024 survey of embalmers from around the world, “white fibrous clots appeared in a weighted average of 27.5% of corpses.” Also, in the 2024 survey of embalmers, 83% are seeing these long fibrous clots. Haviland says this year’s 2024 survey shows the trend is increasing and not decreasing. Haviland says, “This is a phenomenon that the embalmers never saw before 2020. Prior to 2020, they only saw two types of clots. One is called ‘grape jelly’ clots, and they look like dark grape jelly. They dissolve easily in your hand like grape jelly does. There is also something called ‘chicken fat’ clots that are much smaller, yellow and tear very easily. They are much different than these large, long white fibrous clots. They can grow up to two feet long, and they are tough, rubbery and elastic. Embalmers in my survey have never seen these before. They are very, very unusual.”
Haviland says many in the embalmer community do NOT want to participate in his survey. This year, Haviland got 301 embalmers to participate out of thousands of requests to take the clot survey. Haviland says, “We only got about 300 responses to this year’s survey because there is a reluctance of funeral directors and funeral directors associations to talk about this, which is very interesting. . . .This is not a rare phenomenon that clots are prevalent. There is no way around this. These things are causing strokes and heart attacks. The embalmers are insistent that the clots are forming before death. They are picking up bodies that have not been refrigerated yet, an hour or two old, and they are finding them littered with clots. No way the clots could have formed in the hour or two after the person passed.”
These white fibrous clots are for the living, too. Haviland says, “I have been in touch with a cardiologist and vascular specialist in Jacksonville, Florida, who says he has been pulling these white fibrous clots, the very same ones, out of living people in the last three years. . . . Another doctor I know . . . who said he is pulling anywhere between 3 to 10 of these white fibrous clots out of his patients every week. These doctors do have the CV19 vax records, and they say every time they pull one of these long clots out of people, 99% of the time they have been vaccinated with between 1 to 8 CV19 shots. Doctors I talk with say it seems the more shots they have taken, the worse the clotting seems to be.”
In closing, Haviland reminds us that his survey results are sent to the FDA, NIH and the CDC. Haviland says, “The tragedy here is, here I am a retired major, and the last three years I have done these surveys, I immediately submit all results to the FDA, CDC and NIH. Would you believe in the 3 years I have done this, I have not gotten a response from them on these embalmer surveys. It’s just crickets back from them. . . . I also did a special survey from catheterization lab workers, for doctors, to see what they were seeing in their patients. I submitted that to the Society for Vascular Surgeons in the United States, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. None of those responded. I did get an email back from the US Society for Vascular Surgery in Rosemont, Illinois, and they said they decline to participate . . . They have 6,300 members, and they chose not to distribute the survey to their 6,300 vascular surgeons to ask what is going on.”
There is much more in the 48-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Tom Haviland to do a deep dive into the “2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey” for 1.7.25.
After the Interview:
There is lots for free information on Laura Kasner’s Substack called “Clotastrophe.” This is where Tom Haviland posts his survey work. There is zero charge to visit this site.
To see the “Results of the 2024 Worldwide Embalmer Blood Clot Survey,” click here.
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The mountain of evidence proving the harmfulness of the vaxx continues to rise…but Trump still refuses to change his tune about it….
He’s putting RFK Jr. in. Let’s see what happens when he takes office.
Another very informative show. Thank you.
When I heard this jab was genetic code, not dead or degraded virus like actual vaccines, it was a 100% absolutely not for me. The only genetic code i want in my body is the one I was born with.
Dale Anderson
My husband took the shot because he trusted Trump and thought it was a patriotic act to get America back on track.
He has had debilitating health issues ever since—at a time when we were both looking forward to his happy retirement.
Our lives have been ruined and my husband’s life has probably been drastically cut short.
I’m getting a sinking feeling that we’re going to see the incoming Trump administration sweep the Covid Crimes under the rug.
If this happens, as I sadly suspect it will, I will never vote Republican again, ever.
No offense, but for those of us devastated by Trump’s “mistakes”, the excuses made on his behalf by his supporters are a slap in the face.
I, for one, am done giving him the benefit of doubt and unless I see real action SOON on his part, I will judge him as nothing but a traitorous conman.
Excuses won’t bring my husband’s health or our household prosperity back.
If your husband is not getting treatment, he needs to. Book an appointment with Dr. Kory. It can dramatically help him over no treatment at all. https://drpierrekory.com/ You can also email me at USAW and I will forward you to Dr. Betsy: https://usawatchdog.com/contact/
Bless your heart for your concern.
We’ve been pursuing treatments similar to those you mentioned and will continue to do so.
The treatments have mitigated his condition but I think that permanent, irreversible damage has been done.
The only thing we can hope for now is real justice and true reforms.
If the parties guilty of willful fraud and murder get away with a slap on the wrist I’m going to be sick to my stomach.
Please book an appointment with Dr. Kory. Don’t do this on your own. https://drpierrekory.com/
I’m just wondering how much Dr Kory charges for his services?
Does he take health insurance?
Anyone know?
Contact them here: https://drpierrekory.com/
Blaming Trump for the covid vaxx and what they did is unfounded. Biden and Fauci among many others pushed
the vaxx too. Trunp was given untrue data from the CDC,
FDA etc. Trump is NOT a doctor, but he trusted people who
were doctors that lied to him. Trump has learned a lot, and
now knows who to trust.
Well reasoned, and damn well said
Dear Lisa,
I’m a Trump supporter. And I chose not to take the shot because of all the investigative journalism from Greg Hunter’s USAWD. Never trust a politician, R or D. Try to read through their politico speak. Trump was already praising the use of hydroxy chloroquine, I believe it’s called, in the very early stage of the pLandemic. Pray for/ask Him for discernment and healing.
The vax came out less than a month before Trump left office. He did no mandates. Never did I see Trump say people should take a shot.
I don’t take medical advice from politicians. Sorry your husband’s health is poor. Seems to me you are blaming the wrong party… just my 2 cents. But if you’re coming here, and the doctors that are on.
We will pray for his recovery.
Your an Idiot, Mrs. Brown Back
Trump was hoodwinked as was your husband stupid.
You know Trump got the jab same as your husband and Melania too you fool. So talk all you want, but all the people who were jabed weren’t fooled by Trump as he too was fooled but all blame lies at the feet of the man who killed Rock Hudson, Dr. Anthony Fraudci Fauci!
Get your husband on Ivermectin immediately. It kills Covid & the parasite that is in Covid and in the vax which is called Hydra Vulgaris. This parasite is a “worm” and is somewhat characterized as “immortal” because it continually replicates itself repeatedly even when it is cut up or divided….hence its name Hydra, as in the Greek demon god. (No pun there.) Do detoxing, internal cleansing & as pure & organic of a diet as possible. Go outside & pick fresh white pine needles off the trees anywhere you can get them. Cut them up and brew in boiling water to make a tea. It has a component called Suramin which counteracts the affects of the vax—very refreshing taste & you can add honey.
Absolutely brilliant interview Greg; you star, a definite 2025 award winner 🏆
Died Suddenly! Family Friends Gone!
excellent presentation, i hope as many people as possible watch it.
Thanks Dale!
GLOBAL BOMBSHELL: NIH Documents Prove COVID-19 Was Weaponized In A Lab & Released On The World To Establish A Planetary Medical Dictatorship Run By The UN/WHO, Respected Attorney Mike Yoder Joins Alex Jones To Publicly Lay Out This Smoking Gun Information
The USA should not be part of the UN.
it’s alarming that Trump’s first acts after J6 (this year) are to sanction the ICC for Israel clear war crimes and genocide in Palestine, Lebanon and now Syria by the looks of it. I m in no way against Jews in general but this is angering, Canada is in worse shape then you guys. this is not maga.
So you are good with Hamas conducting military operations from densely populated areas and using women and children as cannon fodder? You are good with that evil??? If The Hostage taking terrorists called Hamas want to stop the carnage, they would crawl out from under their tunnels below hospitals and schools and meet the IDF on the battlefield head on with their women and children at their backs. Did the Prophet Mohamad gather his family around him when he went into battle? You ignoring this F-ing evil battle strategy is too stupid to be stupid. Using women and children as human shields and their dead bodies as a PR ploy is not MAGA either. It’s f-ing evil and you, Jackass, are on the side of evil. Don’t come back.
It appears that Donald Trump is far more focussed on gaining control of sovereign nations (Greenland, Canada) than gaining control of the health of people’s sovereign bodies.
If Trump continues along this trajectory, he could possibly usher in the complete destruction of the United States.
I hope he turns away from this path ASAP.
To your point Greg re RFK……yes, that is a beacon of hope.
North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
Greenland, yes! But only if Denmark sells.
Canada, no. When Trump says, Canada should merge with U.S., he means be on the same page, be like-minded so our sovereign nations can can get some conservative common sense issues resolved.
We should ignore the social media bots and social media trolls that love to turn the message into a circus. And ignore mainstream TV media messages as well.
Panama Canal should have never been turned over to Panama, imo. Military strategic mistake.
Annex of Canada as the media wants us to think? In yer Dreams!
Now, if Canada votes a conservative PM then merger with U.S. policy is likely possible.
If Greenland stays with Denmark and Panama Canal stays with Panama then it’s business as usual. But if SHTF, let’s say, a decade from now and those two strategic areas are in control by hostiles then I can only quote one of Rush Limbaugh’s lines, “See? I told ya so!”
Ah someone who thinks past the end of their nose. Something Poor old Jimmy Cotta never could.
Yes I agree. Isn’t that one of the major One World Government globalist goals?! To combine the entire continents of north and middle America into One entity- so much easier to control and mandate people inhabiting these areas?! I was stunned to hear Trump falling right in line with this plan. I surely HOPE this idea is discarded quickly. We need MORE soverign Nations- not less… very disturbing to say the least.
Trump is the great deciever he is like the rest of the Clown politicians that sold their soul to Satan do not trust the deciever.I don’t know why greg puts any faith in the great deciever, trust no man.I watch a guy he says Trump has 13 attributes of the antichrist anyone who goes and bows down to the fake hebrews is not for humanity.They are the synagogue of Satan
All these people keep harping about how Trump should apologize etc about the vax. He didn’t mandate anything, he didn’t close down anything. He correctly ordered a program to get a safe effective vaccine and had an iron clad contract to that effect. The Drug companies, CDC and the FDA, etc all worked against us and Trump. They worked together to murder is.
Let’s see if we get justice in the next few years.
The drug companies, especially the vaccine manufacturers, are suffering now as they threw away their entire reputation and future for a quick profit to work with the Dems to kill us
You are correct mate.
However, President Trump is on record as calling it a “beautiful vaccine”.
Let’s hope he finds a way to call it what it truly is……
Time will tell.
North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
you are correct ray,I believe it to be the mark of the beast.Every one of your cells has GODs name on it yhwh and those kill shots are erasing GODs signature on your cells.This evil to the highest degree
Galaxy 500:
Are you contractually required to rebut every single criticism of Trump that you see here at USAWD?
My husband has probably had a decade or more of life taken from him! The expense of his vax injury has been a great burden for us—we’re not billionaires like Trump!
Your reaction to my pain is to slap me in the face with the exact kind of excuses I previously mentioned being a slap in the face to those like me and my husband?
Do you think I haven’t already heard a million times all of the reasons why I shouldn’t hold the POTUS & CIC at all responsible for what happened on his watch?
What do you believe you accomplished with your knee-jerk defense of Trump? Do you think it makes me feel better or undoes the damage caused to my husband by Trump’s “miracle vaccine”?
You’re here commenting 24/7/365, so you obviously have nothing better to do with your life than pick fights with everyone who doesn’t see Trump as a perfect lamb!
For the love of God, have some decency and learn to keep your mouth shut when opening it only reveals you as a crass fool!
I’m sorry for the anger Mr. Greg Hunter but I am SICK TO DEATH of the complete lack of sympathy shown to me by Trump fanatics like Galaxy 500–who couldn’t care less about victims like my husband and family, and whose only concern is ensuring that Donald Trump doesn’t “look bad”.
Its absolutely SHAMEFUL!
Somebody who does not agree with you is not “Shameful. Now, what are you doing for treatment? Your husband obviously needs treatment.
Dr. Kory is one of the very best in the treatment of CV19 vax injuries: https://drpierrekory.com/
Greg, please stop interrupting your guests. They are experts in their fields and do not need you prompting. allow them the time to express their information to us without your interruptions. Thanks for your site sir.
Please stop complaining about the free content. I am not going to get any better, and I will interrupt when I want. This is live without any editing or very little. What you see is what you get. So, if you don’t like it, suck it up and try to enjoy the free content, or just don’t watch, but STOP complaining.
Wow, Lisa, all I can say is “I’m sorry” for your family’s pain.
The reactions to your post from the USAWD crowd are disgusting—as is Greg choosing to publish them.
Fauci to his attorney leaving a congressional hearing 2 years ago:
“They (financial elite) are going to want to release the nanotech and disguise the protein bonds as American diseases.”
He actually said this, start at about the 26 minute mark:
As a former AF chaplain, I just want to commend the Major on his reprobation of the useless General at WPAFB (where I served in the mid 80’s).
Wow! You see Greg, the authorities don’t have to do the research, they knew independent people would do the research for them. That way they can always deny it’s real because the authorities have no official record of anything…but, they still get to know what really happened when they turned the world into guinea pigs. That’s how sick these people are and why all all of them deserve public executions.
Crimes against humanity. It’s a big club and 99% are not in it. The uni-party like to pass the puck back and forth so the plebs don’t blame one team of the combined agenda. Operation warp speed was enabled with Trump with the intent of drawing in the right to take the Vax, it failed. Biden successfully rallied the left to inject the kool-aid after the media fiercely rejected it under Trump, and then tried to force the resistive crowd who wouldn’t follow the herd. Now we have Trump again with an emerging bird flu propagandized. I expect Trump to fund and support the next injection.
I also Sean. But it looks like they moved to phase 2. Musk is bringing in AI control of the govt like Milei did in Argentina. Trump wants crypto which means digital ID. And Trump appears to be bringing in the Amero, but that’s just a NWO conspiracy…right???
We true Patriots see it all. We’re in for hell on Earth. Extra food, Bitcoin, nor nickels are going to save us, yeah, it’s a Jesus thing. Something is going down on 2032/33 and culminates in a different USA in 2035/36. Then 2048/49 the US is probably finished. Mark it and plan accordingly. Most baby boomers die off in the next few years, the majority of their children aren’t wealthy enough to afford the death and inheritance taxes, not do they want to save the stuff/antiques of their parents, and the grand kids, forget it, it’s over. We won’t recognize America in 10 years.
This is scary stuff. Last time I saw this reported the demons went after the mortician who was actually a pathologist. Thank you for reporting this!
Freedom is under attack and if they can not make us serfs they want to make us dead
It’s “Demoncide by Psychopaths” – Who are out to “Kill Us”!!! It is time to Forcefully Deal with the likes of these Psychopathic Killers like Fauci and Bill Gates!! Gates boldly got on the World Stage and told us that the “P” in His Equation to Reduce the World Population “Stood for People”, and then he comes out with his “Vaccines” (he personally administered to children) “To Save the World Population from Dying”!!! So Which is it Gates?? “Reduce the World Population” or “Save the Lives of People”??? Turns out that more then a Billion Innocent Humans on Planet Earth were Killed or Injured (just like naive innocent dogs) and probably died believing that the Demonic Eugenicist Psychopath Gates (who probably wears an upside down cross around his neck like his former wife) wanted to “Save Their Lives”!! All the while that other Evil Demon “Fauci” was practicing putting maggot filled bags “over the heads of innocent dogs” (to watch them eat through their eyes into their brains) To Strengthen His Resolve “TO KILL”!! And Fauci succeeded in “Killing Humans like Dogs” (by Injecting Large, Grotesque “White Fibrous Worm-like Clots” into the Veins and Arteries of “All the Trusting Innocents” (who Meekly and Willingly lined up with their Children in Hand) To Take This Psychopathic Demon’s “KILL SHOT”!!
It is like we are living in some “Weird PSYCHO MOVIE 2.0”!! Where Bill Gates smirkingly goes around “Killing Millions”, and while wringing his hands in glee, thinks that Because He Did Not KILL A FLY (he only used Mosquitoes in his Plot to Kill People) All The World Would Obviously Think “HE IS TOTALLY SANE” and Would Endow Him With Extra Riches Beyond His Wildest Dreams and Perhaps Even Nominate Him For A Grander Noble Prize then O’bomber Ever Got (for Killing Everyone In Wedding Parties)!!!
I think you mean “democide” by psychopaths, no?
I think you mean “democide”, no?
DEMOCIDE: “Is the murder of any person or people by “A GOVERNMENT” (including genocide, politicide, and mass murder).
DEMONCIDE: “Is the murder of any person or people by MULTIPLE PARTIES (Government, Big Pharma, WHO, WEF, UN and Individuals like Gates and Fauci, etc.) doing genocide, mass murder and all other devious ways to KILL People … and “Enjoy It” Just Like Psychopaths!!!
Exactly right, 500!
Great info Greg (as usual)…
Radio host Jeff Rense and his guest Erika Khan have been discussing these fibrotic clots for 4 years weekly on his nighttime radio show. Supposedly the effects of the clots can “” shed onto UN clotshotted people. Does anyone have any evidence of these fibrotic clots showing up in UN clotshotted people?
tks for post tom greg
Thanks to you and your guest. I am very thankful that you took the stance early and keep reminding folks that the shots were experimental. Our household didn’t get any- partly due to your encouragement. I don’t believe the 80% uptake on the shots- 50% is more accurate in my circles. We have since then, no longer send our teen boys to public school. They (public school from the state level) mandated all the athletic students and also band students to have the shots back in ‘21. They violated sound judgement and caused harm to the very children entrusted to them. I told my kids every couple weeks not to allow anyone to give them a shot- while they were there. State law allows kids over 13 or 14 to choose for themselves certain medical options. Our government failed us on several layers, and continues to do so. -I’ll be placing an order for a few more fruit trees shortly.
This was an attack on humanity across the world. The winners……drug companies!
These people demand attention. They demand you play along with their insanity. A man can never be a woman or vice versa. No one is born in the wrong body, that is just the insanity …
These people are pathetic men looking for attention
100% agree Brother.
As I say to people, if you are uncertain as to which gender you are, have a peek inside your undies…..that is your best guide.
Happy New Year mate.
North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
Spot on… It really is that simple
Happy New Year
Yep. Tranny’s love exploiting loopy-holes. Har har har.
Just a lil dirtaayy…
He was so proud of himself wasn’t he LOL
We need more people like Tom Haviland in our military, willing to stand for truth regardless of cost. Now that FJB has enptied GITMO, maybe we can fill it with traitors and those who committed Crimes Against Humanity.
“I Dig”
Amen Brother!
Brother Greg
Every genocided/democided population is/was apathetic.
Hi Sean,
You and the good majority are limiting your indictment of the Covid-19 vaccine to its cardiovascular fallout. I believe it is much worse than that. IMHO the CD147 epitope on the spike protein S is the culprit
Basigin Binds Spike S on SARS-CoV2
and microthrombi are the tip of the iceberg.
The CD147 Epitope on SARS CoV2 and the Spike in Cancer, Autoimmunity and Organ Fibrosis
As the majority implies, the suppression of this stuff has been overwhelming.
This may be a little off topic here and now, but maybe not if not wanting to become a cadaver anytime soon. At least not until Armageddon! As wee! All soon will be, Armagetten outa here!
Maqui Berries Overview
Maqui berries (Aristotelia chilensis), also known as Chilean wineberries, are small, dark purple fruits native to South America, particularly Chile and Argentina. They grow wild in the forests of the Andes mountains and are traditionally harvested by the Mapuche Indians.
Growing Maqui Berries
Maqui berries thrive in acidic, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5. They require full sun to partial shade and prefer sandy or loamy soil. While they are best suited to the climates of South America, it is possible to grow them in the northern US states with proper care and attention to their needs3. However, they might not be as prolific as they are in their native habitat.
Buying Maqui Berries
If growing them isn’t an option, you can find maqui berry powder and supplements in health food stores, supermarkets, and online retailers. Fresh berries are less common due to their delicate nature and difficulty in transport.
Health Benefits
Maqui berries are considered a “superfruit” due to their high antioxidant content. Here are some of their health benefits:
Rich in Antioxidants: Maqui berries contain up to three times more antioxidants than blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. These antioxidants help combat free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis.
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Compounds in maqui berries have shown potential in reducing inflammation, which can benefit conditions like heart disease, arthritis, and type 2 diabetes.
Supports Metabolic Health: Studies suggest that maqui berries can help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, making them beneficial for those with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.
Promotes Heart Health: The antioxidants in maqui berries can help prevent cholesterol oxidation, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Peels and Other Uses
The peels of maqui berries are not commonly consumed, but the berries themselves can be eaten fresh, made into juice, or used in smoothies, desserts, and other recipes. Maqui berry powder is a popular way to incorporate them into your diet.
Thanks so much for this wonderful interview, Greg!…….When I see people like him, I am embarrassed that our military has made so many mistakes in taking this whole thing to this level ; where a good man loses a job for trying to do what the military is supposed to do. ….stand up, and protect our citizens. I hope Donald Trump re-instates all who WANT to go back in, after so many have lost pensions and time. God Bless him for telling the truth! I have lost 2 friends to the vaccine, but they would not listen to me, or educate themselves. I now have a sister who is ill, but will not speak to me, as I have been very vocal about how to detox now that she has taken 2 shots. It is easy to be a liberal…you do not have to read (quoting Rush Limbaugh)!
It is easy to be a Liberal … just Stop Using Your Brain!! So it was easy for Liberal Californians “to think nothing” about Insurance Companies canceling their Homeowners Fire Insurance 4 months before the Fires in Palisades California (where the Globalists want to buy up the land cheap to build a Smart City) [Just like the Globalists burned out Liberal Hawaiians to get their land for a Smart City]!! Liberals across America “Better Start Using Their Brains” and Get Their Precious Family Members to Safety – “When Their Fire Insurance is Inexplicably Canceled”!! Seems State Farm Insurance Company Knew In Advance What The Globalists Were Planning!! https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/state-farm-fires-insurance/2025/01/08/id/1194359/
But, “Unlike Brain Dead Liberals” State Farm Used Their Brains And Took Action to Save Themselves From Bankruptcy!!!
Tom is a good man. And one good man can, indeed, make a difference. You can’t buy a good man off. You can’t scare them off (even if they’re scared). And you can’t fool them or persuade them to ignore the truth.
A lot of good men and women are interviewed on USA Watchdog.
I hope Zero Hedge posts this interview!!!
The clot thickens for sure.
These Demoncrats really know how to govern!
They gave away stuff they need to Ukraine so they could virtue signal… LOL. They didn’t manage their forests and they wasted their water resources to protect a non indigenous fish but it was really to put the farmers out of business. They hate the farmers and they hate us.
California is burning. It is the Hell the Demons want to bring to the rest of America.
Due to mismanagement by the CA government, the insurance companies started pulling out this past April. No water, no forest management, and no upgrades by CalPower… these insurance companies knew what was coming and they fled.
Yes, G500
This is “THE END” for the Poor Brain Dead Liberals in LA (who continue to Vote Demoncrats into Office)!!
Brother Ken, from your lips to God’s ears.
The Mayor Karen Bass reminds me of Tiger King Carole Baskin! Oh yeah, I said it.
Both exploit their pets for money while blaming white men!!!
If you know? You know.
Ok, that Shiite was funny, Brian and I needed a laugh
No prob G500. Thought it was funny too.
If I ever say something that seems offensive let me know. 99% of the time I didn’t write it correctly. When I’m pissed I usually cuss, just saying.
Glad we could share a laugh. Have a good one.
Thanks Greg, Major Tom was fantastic! Its very helpful to have some solid stats to pass along to interested truthers.
Just a quick comment, I would think if these clots were so prevalent we would also correspondingly be seeing an increase in people with high blood pressure problems. So there is also probably an increase in the amount of blood pressure medicine being prescribed.
Maybe that’s something a person like Ed Dowd could check into.
The people that won’t answer the surveys are complicit. They don’t want to be sued. It sadly always comes down to the money.
These people hate meritocracy. They want to collapse our civilization. DEI is one of their tools and it’s amazing. Put women in police uniforms in jobs they don’t have the strength and size to function. People die and they frame people. They put you and your family at risk.
Put women in the military. They can not make the grade. They have no standards as they can’t meet the men’s standard. People die and careers are “Me, Too’ed” by these jealous harpies. And they put the US at risk.
Put women in fireman’s uniforms. They can not meet the standards so they are lowered. People die and people loose everything they owned and are maimed.
The Demons can not build but they are professionals at destruction. And they are destroying our country.
Our Forefathers, to the man, would have hunted these evil bastards down … every single one.
DEI Puts the deviants in position of church and education, etc and they will warp, molest and destroy your children…
For a civilization, merit is king… for DEI it is a most hated thing. For civilization, DEI is DIE… it is death
They will “Burn Down Everything” (if Trump Can’t Stop Them). So they Can “Build Back Better” Their Demonic Society (Smart Cities) which will simply be RESERVATIONS “for Today’s New American Indians” (Whites, Blacks, Hispanic, etc.) Who Agree To Obey And Take Orders (and their Kill Shots) From The Luciferian Globalists “Without Question”!!
Yes they will if they can. We must fight against them
I read the clear warning about the planned Depopulation Event of 2020 , about 40 years ago ! The Warning was published on The Georgia Guide Stones in 1980 ! Creator God orders the evil one’s to publish & forewarn Humans on Earth , of their evil plans. This warning is ordered by God so that everyone has an opportunity to either participate in the evil or to sidestep the dangerous fall that the evil ones have planned for you. God Loves His Children & Provides an escape from the evil one’s planned traps But you must be aware and use the brains you’ve been blessed with ! Good Luck ! Always Remember ; The Evil One wants you Dead ! Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 , credited by crew of new US Navy ship 🚢 ⚓ with saving it in a Biblical Class Storm in The China Slot aka The Graveyard , Early January 1974 Seal Team , Marines , 20 Officers , 200+ crew , CIA’s top asset also aboard , Everyone safely delivered to Hong Kong harbor after Creator God Heard my Plea for Help & Temporarily Gave me the strength of Hercules and Samson to accomplish the task needed to save my ship. Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 , N..A.C. # 1274 , iss 20 Apr 72
Thanks Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195 , N..A.C. # 1274 , iss 20 Apr 72 thank you for your service, saving your ship and job well done and almighty God’s participation! All hands-on deck here at USAWatchdog,com, God bless you and yours, Sir. Will be glad to see you on the other side of this storm facing humanity today! All still alive and about to live thru this mess the world find it’s in today, Salute you!
Seaman anonymous USS New (DD/DDE-818) Says hello too!
You got it 500,
Accept in our Military, Fire Department, Police, Educational , Church and Medical Institutions – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) – and we will all ultimately be subjected to Demonic Eugenicist Impalement (DEI or Death) by “Diverse (D)” means “Including (I)” guns, fire, strangulation, pornography, rape and jabs all “Equally (E)” deadly – DIE!!!
These people want us dead as they can’t control us
Posting again- please use c60 oil daily it will prevent these clots or break them down over 6 months.
The medical guests here are not addressing the clots.
There are other antidotes for the jabbed., too, If not jabbed but dating a vaxed person you are infected in the body fluid exchange, unfortunately. Also, pet jabs are adulterated so your pets can infect you. Be aware and more careful, please!
Good Morning Liberal and Demoncrats Trolls, paid and other wise,
Tell me … is there a single competent Democrat? Show me a single city, county, or state run by Demoncrats that thrives. That is safe, the people prosper and is clean? Is there one competent Demoncrats?
Trump was vilified months ago when on Joe Rogan he predicted that CA was going to burn. And this didn’t take a crystal ball. California has some of the best climate and best land in the world and yet it burns.
Gavin Threesome, the current governor of LA, makes Nero look like a man of the people, a leader of men.
Threesome, oversaw the destruction of dams that held 100s of millions of gallons of water to the sea all in the bovine skat theory to protect the smelt, a fringing non indigenous species. Because that is how the Demons roll. The Fire Hydrants are DRY. All because the Demoncrat politicians and bureaucrats sent all the water to the sea. They had record rain and snowfall last year and captured none of it.
And these are the same people that nearly destroyed the our entire country in 4 years by a coup putting a demented corrupt fool in the White House.
What’s more, the only person more incompetent and less well spoken that Beijing Biden is his second in command, Kameltow Harris.
Productive farm land… burn it up and stop the water. Bankrupt the farms who are likely conservatives and Christian.
In Layla Land where they elected an incompetent black women because Demoncrats Fail up. If you prove yourself incompetent, you get promoted. Are you a deviant? Do you groom children, are you a sodomite, a child predator? Welcome, we Demoncrats will put you in postion to make laws or put you around young children.
And Karen Basshole, the mayor of Laila was over in Ghana Africa… or was she in Wakanda?… spending money they don’t have celebrating… what? She took nearly 18 million from the fire department.
Surely, the Deputy Mayor of LaLa had things under control… naw, he’s in jail for calling in bomb threats… I kid you not. Basshole sent 10s of millions to the corrupt Homeless industrial complex. You know, where her friends and maybe family make millions and not a single homeless person is helped.
There is not a single competent, honest, moral Demoncrat in any office or any position in the land. The Demoncrat were in control of Sodom and Gomorrah when it burned and they are in control of CA and it burns? Coincidence? No. You promote deviants to positions of power, you reap demonic deviant results. What’s that old adage? “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
Come on trolls, point to one pious, competent Demoncrat… You will have as much luck as Lott did.
Everything the Demons promote is corrupt, despicable, deviant… just flat out bad for the Nation and F’ing evil at its core. And yet, The talking heads on TV are blaming Trump. Yes, Trump said that CA was gone burn due to mismanagement. However, being able to see the natural progression of things and the consequences of F’ing stupidity doesn’t make you responsible. Trump had no power to do anything about CA’s many issues.
Trump’s Economic Model will be to Keep Tariffs High to Prevent Inflation (by completely stopping Americans from buying foreign goods) and then Manufacturing US products to sell to Everyone Else in the World (to bring home the Profits to make America Great Again)!! As for Europe (with cheap Russian gas no longer available and US Tariffs getting ready to hit) their Exports to the US, China and the rest of the World will be Even More Expensive and will therefore Decline. Couple that with their Climate Change and Immigration Policies and you have the makings of a Huge Economic Crisis that can Only be Solved BY WAR!!! (With Russia being their Fall Guy to Justify the War They Desperately Need (to keep their Industries Running) and Now Being Pushed Aggressively by NATO by now Invading and Shooting Long Range Missiles Into Russia)!!!
Happy New Year Katy,
Nice post!
Manufacturing creates wealth… Countries that don’t have a strong manufacturing base are weak and eventually go bankrupt with their citizens suffering long before the government does.
And bringing all the H-1B visas allow companies to hire aliens at a much cheaper price than a talented American. I have worked for several large companies and have seen what outsourcing does the the American workers and in the end, in the short run, the corporation post larger profits until the less skilled “Skilled aliens “ destroy the products and the companies reputation…
Look at Boeing…
I wouldn’t get on one of their planes right now for any money. Add in the unskilled pilots being hired with no hours and only on skin color, sex or deviancy to fulfill some Qu€€r managers hidden agenda..
Hell NO I won’t go LOL
And these companies that push this DEI deviant Shiite… I buy elsewhere. I can’t do this 100% but I am damn close.
I don’t give money to people that hate me and wish me ill. Buying from your enemies weakens you and strengthens them
Governor Newscum of CA, was he in a tanning bed while LA burned? What are they doing about street take overs by “teens” doing flash mob robberies? What are they doing about the looting?
Everything woke turns to Shiite
Arson by moslems? Arson by ecoterrorists?
Or did Satan just show up to the home that the Demons built in LA?
Blaming Trump for the side effects of those vaccines seems a way to pass blame without taking responsibility. Common sense should have prevailed. I’m a Cardiac RN that refused the jabs and took areligious exemption to keep the job I had successfully earned through my decades of experience. Remember Trump listened to the experts and big Pharma. When he mentioned alternative medications, he was ridiculed. Is Trump innocent? God will judge. You will be judged as you judge other.
Thank you for bringing this new guest on to talk about this very important topic that is not going away. As you know, Greg, my husband left his very lucrative job as an anesthesiologist of 20 years when the hospital he worked at mandated the jab. He was the only physician at that hospital that was willing to leave his job when this mandate came. So I appreciate tom Haviland so much for having the courage to do what he is doing. Unbelievably enough, my husband just heard from a nurse we know who said her employer is pressuring their employees to wear masks again. thank you for bringing Tom Haviland on.
Thanks Thora!! Love what you do at the Teeny Tiny Spice Company with your pure ingredients!! https://www.teenytinyspice.com/
Democrat Treason Confirmed! LA Firefighters Now Battling Historic Blaze with Women’s Handbags Because Most of Their Supplies Were Sent to Ukraine by Democrats! Alex Jones LIVE On-Air NOW!
Must-Watch/Infowars epic transmission! January 9th, 2025
Taking calls, covering news globalists don’t want you to hear, but fear!
Hope all the Jews were smart enough to get out of Apple before Israel began blowing up phones and pagers! For sales of these “foreign made” devices (containing explosives) have plunged by 47% in China!!
Why would pagers, which are not used in China, not made by Apple, being an attack vector, impact sales in China. And Ken, if you have ever opened an iPhone, there isn’t any room you could add anything.
I think it is more of the Chinese pushing home grown.
And why would this impact the Jews any more than anyone else?
Just asking
Its the “Example” that this sets that “Worries Me”!! Do I now have to worry about explosives being put into my New Electric Car?, my New Dishwasher??, etc.???, etc.???? – My concern is that “ordinary people” (including some Jews) may not be as smart as the Jews are economically to even worry about such matters”!! But now I do worry about what may be in the products I buy!!!
I am all for Israel killing terrorist.
I don’t care how they do it.
Unless you’re a Pal-E-Simian looking to rape and murder women and children, I think you’re safe.
I don’t see how these strikes against Terrorists impacts any stock except maybe the pager company.
Apple has a lot of problems that impact their stock and none of it is the fault of the “smart” Jews.
Just my two cents …
And Dude, if you are silly enough to buy an EV, YHWH help you.
They are one of the biggest scams pushed by ecoterrorists in pursuit of their religion and the Climate god.
They produce more not less Co2 that an ice. But they limit your mobility and they can send a signal and stop you when ever they want.
And CO2 is a good thing, not bad like the Eco-Idiots preach.
Also Ken, if the Elites want you dead in the USA, they aren’t gonna go to all this secret Shiite. You are gonna robbed and killed, or the police will kick your door in at 3AM or someone slips you some poison… it isn’t gonna be a big involved deal like when they did Epstein.
I understand all your arguments but for Israel to destroy confidence in buying “Israeli Manufactured Goods” “just to Kill a Few Terrorists” doesn’t seem like a very good trade-off to me. In-fact “Every Industry” (not just Israeli owned businesses) are now automatically looked upon with concern by me. How can I be sure that if I turn on my flashlight “It Won’t Explode”?? Israel has effectively (and I believe very idiotically) put the entire world on notice “Not to Buy Israeli Manufactured Products and even products made by Other Manufacturers”!! Is this what they wanted?? Not Very Good Business Sense if you ask me!! All done , “Just to Kill a Few Terrorists” (That Could Have Easily Been Killed In Other Ways)!!!
Good News For Putin; After Ukrainian Army, Civilians Revolt Against ‘NATO Agent’ Zelensky |Times Of India Started streaming 5 hours ago
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is facing a significant drop in approval ratings, with a recent poll conducted by KIIS revealing that his trust level has plummeted to 52%, down from 90% in March 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FddN7K2eiXo
World News LIVE | Russia’s Islamic “Akhmat” Forces Crush Ukrainian Counteroffensive in Sudzhansk Times Now World Started streaming on Jan 8, 2025
In a decisive battle near Sudzhansk, Russia’s “Akhmat” special forces delivered a crushing blow to Ukraine’s counteroffensive, destroying 15 enemy vehicles, including tanks and BMPs. With strategic brilliance, “Akhmat” neutralized threats, secured key areas like Novosotnitskoye, and reinforced Russia’s dominance in the region. Commanders hailed the operation as a display of tactical superiority and unwavering resolve. Watch as advanced weaponry, precision strikes, and the courage of Russian forces reshape the battlefield in this high-stakes confrontation.
Russia-Ukraine War: Putin To Target Zelensky After Ukraine’s Attack On Kursk? | WION LIVE Started streaming 23 minutes ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin may escalate actions against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy following Ukraine’s recent attack on Russia’s Kursk region. This development suggests heightened tensions and a potential shift in the conflict’s dynamics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2PdAaMa6Ys
BREAKING: Elon Musk Responds To Alex Jones’ Claim That The Democrat Deep State Is Responsible For The Catastrophic Fires In Los Angeles
by Ben Warren January 9th, 2025 10:27 AM
Alex Jones warns: “The globalists are passive aggressive cowards and are assaulting us through administrative terrorism!
Very good, Greg. Excellent information as always. I am now 77 years old and I have NEVER been vaccinated and never will be. My wife was a public school teacher so she did get vaccinated but that was before she met me. She is diabetic and I am sure from my research that this is one of the results of the vaccines. Keep the people sick and hooked on big pharma’s drugs!!
Russia-Ukraine War: Putin To Target Zelensky After Ukraine’s Attack On Kursk? | WION LIVE 251 watching now
Started streaming 43 minutes ago #russiaukrainewar #putin #zelensky
Russian President Vladimir Putin may escalate actions against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy following Ukraine’s recent attack on Russia’s Kursk region. This development suggests heightened tensions and a potential shift in the conflict’s dynamics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2PdAaMa6Ys
I purchased 6 kits from the Wellness Company. Three adults and three teens under the age of 18. one 17 year old, 16 and 15 year old). The wellness company refuse to ship out the three kits for my kids. I was very frustrated and spent time talking to their staff and getting the run around. I have spent a lot of time on the phone talking to different people. some very hard to understand. I still have not gotten my three hostage kits being held up by them. I sent an email to one person who asked for three other adult names in my household so that they can process. They charge your card then have you fill out forms then refuse a refund. Seems like fraud to me. I did already get three kits and my wife and I just got over Covid. I am glad my kids haven’t gotten covid. I would like them to ship the remaining 3 kits that I purchased. That would be nice
I passed your complaint along and I am trying to get you some help.
Hi Fred,
These are prescriptions and it’s not like buying a widget on Amazon. A Real Medical doctor does the final approval. I have dealt with these guys with out issues but I did need to speak to the doctor to answer some questions after I filled out the medical questionnaire.
If certain prescriptions are contra indicated, they won’t let you have them, so if there is any questions at all, you have to speak to the doctor.
well…ask an old person what the single best decision they ever made in life was….it could well be hard to think of one..but one jumps out at me now.
Mass Microwave Radiation Exposure…the blood and veins are being cooked until the vein is eviscerated causing the blood to clot. Continued exposure to smart appliances, WiFi, all computer controls and devices and most of all, smart phones will be your end. Smart Phones are constantly giving your leg, chest and backside 4000 times the safe limit for exposure to Microwave Radiation, hours at a time…your devices are creating the clots and if you have no idea it is happening, you will continue to get huge exposure. Then a guest like this will say they pulled out a grisly, fiber filled, cooked clot out of your body.
Your Government is trying to kill you.
Microwave radiation exposure is a topic of ongoing research and debate. While there are concerns about the potential health effects of prolonged exposure to microwave radiation from devices like smartphones, WiFi routers, and other smart appliances, it’s important to understand the current scientific consensus and guidelines.
Understanding Microwave Radiation
Microwave radiation is a type of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which means it doesn’t have enough hard energy to ionize atoms or molecules and cause direct DNA damage like ionizing radiation (e.g., X-rays) does. However, it can cause thermal effects, meaning it can heat up, cook tissues when absorbed in large amounts2.
Health Effects and Safe Limits
The World Health Organization (WHO) and other health agencies have classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, including microwave radiation, as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use. However, the evidence is not conclusive, and more research is needed to fully understand the long-term health effects.
So were all Guinee Pigs Roberto!
Europe’s Another Story_ They’re Not Pussy Footin Around Like You Americano!
European Guidelines on Microwave Radiation Exposure
The European Union (EU) takes a precautionary approach to regulating electromagnetic fields (EMF), including microwave radiation, to protect public health. Here are some key guidelines:
ICNIRP Guidelines: The EU follows the guidelines set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). These guidelines establish exposure limits based on current scientific evidence to prevent harmful thermal effects and other potential health risks. The limits are designed to protect both workers and the general public.
Precautionary Measures: Some European countries, like France and Belgium, have adopted additional precautionary measures to minimize exposure, especially for vulnerable groups like children. These measures include restrictions on the sale of mobile phones designed for young children and limitations on the placement of WiFi routers in schools.
Public Awareness Campaigns: European governments actively promote public awareness about the potential risks of prolonged exposure to microwave radiation. They provide guidelines on safe usage, such as using hands-free options, reducing the duration of calls, and keeping devices away from the body.
Broader Environmental and Food Safety Regulations
Europe’s approach to environmental and food safety is among the most stringent in the world. Here are some key aspects:
REACH Regulation: The Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation is one of the EU’s cornerstone policies to protect human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals. It requires companies to identify and manage the risks linked to the substances they manufacture and market in the EU.
Food Safety and Quality: The EU has comprehensive regulations to ensure the safety and quality of food products. This includes the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which provides scientific advice and communicates on risks associated with the food chain. The EU also enforces strict controls on food additives, contaminants, and labeling to ensure consumer safety.
Air and Water Quality: The EU has established directives to maintain high standards of air and water quality. The Clean Air Policy and Water Framework Directive are key components aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment.
Recommendations for Reducing Microwave Radiation Exposure
To minimize exposure to microwave radiation, the following tips are recommended:
Use Speakerphone or Headsets: Keep your phone away from your head by using speakerphone or wired headsets.
Limit Phone Use: Reduce the amount of time you spend on your phone, especially for long calls.
Keep Devices Away from Your Body: Avoid carrying your phone in your pocket or close to your body for extended periods.
Turn Off Devices When Not in Use: Switch off WiFi routers and other devices when they are not in use.
Use Airplane Mode: When you don’t need to be connected, switch your phone to airplane mode to reduce radiation exposure.
Europe’s comprehensive approach reflects its commitment to protecting public health and the environment. By implementing strict regulations and promoting awareness, the EU aims to mitigate potential risks associated with electromagnetic radiation and other environmental factors.
Roberto, thank your God Jehova/Jahwa/Jasuse? He gives you a brain, if only we use it instead of cooking it.
Great work Maj. Tom Haviland. Thank you for your courage and honesty in getting more truth and facts out to people from the continuing carnage of the cv19 bioweapon vaxx. Another great patriot introduced to us courtesy of Greg Hunter and USA Watchdog!
More US. dough for Ukraine, Putin will finish what Russia didn’t start, China drops economic bomb on Trump’s noggin. Even Adam Shiff, couldn’t make up this Shiff Shit!
LIVE | Big Announcement By Pentagon Chief, Zelensky On Russia-Ukraine War
Times Of India Started streaming 11 hours ago
Pentagon announced another $500 million in security assistance to Ukraine, including missiles for fighter jets, sustainment equipment for F-16s, armoured bridging systems and small arms and ammunition. Ukraine’s allies will “have to cooperate even more” once US president-elect Donald Trump enters office in 11 days, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky adds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvtKAMc8YMc
Putin LIVE: ‘Dear Countrymen, We’re At War’ | Explosive Speech On NATO, US & Ukraine /Times Of India Started streaming on Jan 8, 2025
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia was striving to complete the conflict in Ukraine, Russian news agencies reported. Putin added that Russia could use the new intermediate-range hypersonic ballistic missile known as Oreshnik again but was in no hurry to do so. “We do not exclude the possibility of using it both today and tomorrow, if necessary,” Putin said. If necessary, Putin said, Russia could use more powerful intermediate-range weapons.
China Drops a $1 3 Trillion Economic Bomb, Challenging U S Sanctions
Voluntary Cleaning-up 1,404 views Jan 8, 2025
China Drops a $1 3 Trillion Economic Bomb, Challenging U S Sanctions
🌍 Tariffs are central to former President Donald Trump’s economic plan. He wanted to impose a 60% tariff on all goods from China and 10%-20% on all other goods from the rest of the world. This is an extreme trade policy he intended to use to generate revenue to cut taxes. But how would they work? WSJ explains how tariffs function and what Trump’s proposals would achieve.
Greg, more history from where such conniving evil has ascended.
Might pull on this thread a bit also? =
But as more comes to the surface…we are still left asking which entities have been killing off all the world leaders opposed to ‘endless covert/proxy wars’ and unwilling to open the files of such murders or those say, like the Jeffrey Epstein ones or the ‘closed NDA files that protect some of ‘them’ from the same as say Rep. Gaetz or others set up, compromised or entrapped via bribery?
Then too… on the bioweapons, maybe they are just seen as a kinder, gentler less messy way of creating casualties and death on ‘their’ way in making room via depopulation for ‘more appreciative’ migrants to replace more costly and increasingly suspicious citizenry of ‘their’ plans for mass surveillance and control on the way to world dominance? Clearly, even now ‘their’ attempts to block, defame, and sideline a POTUS who managed against odds to get re-elected is still in progress.
JFK Assassination | Full History Documentary | Ted Sorensen | Cyril H. Wecht | Robert McClelland
Whether one lives in Chicago, NYC, LA, or anywhere where ‘liberals and ‘enviromentalist’ driven UN nations are…You is NOW on their own ! All is fake, including the money, the news, the BS leadership that are clueless and without common sense. The can is but a chard of aluminum and the road at ended…at the edge of the cliff…we are all staring down into the abyss.
It will be interesting to see IF the Fed. Government comes up with any money to help the wealthy elite in L.A. now that they said, ‘they’ were out of money and had little to help those in N.C. and Florida! Seems all those in L.A. could get a loan on just the lots there and buy some snazzy RV’s and trailers…and won’t have to live in tents with campfires like those poor souls in the Appalachia Mts. OR maybe they can pool some bucks and buy some tall high rises and do the ‘illegals’ in the hotel thing for half a decade and see if the coastal commission will even give them permits to rebuild on the beachfront they cherished as much as those in Hawaii? All deserve the ‘leaderlessship’ they vote for. As ‘they’ have put their nose up and ignored the flyover…deplorables forever now. and yes, put down all those crazy ”preppers”.
That said, are hearts and prayers are for them and their families…and hope there is a fast resolution to their problems and situation. Do hope it was not and EV car that instigated the fire…wouldn’t that be irony?
The problem with the Greenland purchase.
It would be paid for using US taxpayer money. Soon after the deal is signed, the USA government would grant mining rights to trillion dollar corporations, and in exchange, the fat cats will send money ‘under the table’ to politicians, and donate to certain politicians. All of the profits from raping the natural resources of course go to these fat corporations, and nothing to the people of Greenland nor the American taxpayer.
And, soon after the USA takes control, the people of Greenland will turn into helpless obese un-working woke and broke zombies. The American taxpayer will be on the hook to pay for Greenland’s 56,583 people with cradle to grave entitlements, and pay for all the infrastructure so big corporations can rape the land of all its resources.
I would vote NO as there isn’t anything for the taxpayers that will foot 100% of the costs.
Best thing for the people of Greenland is total independence and form a government where nothing gets too big, where they wouldn’t spend more than what they have, and wouldn’t interfere into foreign wars where corporations kill, destroy and profit! People that would live their lives for the benefit of their own people, and no fat cats, no law breaking, no goldbrickers.
As Predicted 50 Years Ago in the movie ROLLERBALL, Six Corporations Are Positioned to Rule the World.
And the LA fires, the DEMOCRAT-DEI loon government comes right out of the movie IDIOCRACY.
Hi Log,
What 6 corporations are going to rule?
Log Jam, that purchase, like a ‘deal’ in Panama if structured right COULD, cost little if paid for from the proceeds from profits of what may be obtained by using Greenland and Panama as shipping points and fees and minerals unearthed there. Considering the size, clearly that small amount of people in Greenland could never afford such investments, mining operations or ports but would gain by the industry, jobs, and like advance of the size of commerce.
As for Panama, there still needs to be upgrades on it, and as larger vessels are being built, without accommodation for that, they stand to lose business as to the newer rail system being built in Mexico from Gulf of ‘America’ side to the Pacific side, and other projects contemplated down that a way. Add, the changing weather patterns creating less fresh water to keep the central lake level up, or adding desalination plants to make ‘fresh water’ to fill the locks to keep that lane open it may end up getting kicked to the wayside anyway. Clearly, again soon to be POTUS DJT appears to be looking to the future beyond the horizon of most people that only look to the ””immediate”” gratification of their needs. That does not preclude also the fact that DJT does also see it as a strategic sea lane that he’d like to see stays in the U.S. orbit of control and influence rather than China’s or Russia’s. I do agree on many parts of comments, but doubt Greenland will ever stay as it is…which is just like we would have hoped the U.S. did, or could return to…populations expand…and with in more resources are needed, along with the need for jobs and necessities of – for those populations. And one can see that small population…it’s growth, investments, military protection, will never be within hte means of that small amount of people nor the help of the small and failing Dutch affiliation as EU is economically struggling on its own now as well. Had the EU kept up its NATO and UN obligations it might have helped, but clearly the U.S. population is done with being the ‘world police’ and the U.S. taxpayers are now, like the rest of the world ‘tapped out’! How many world projects have been undertaken with little to no ROI back to the U.S. , Oh, yes those U.S. AID, also the UN -WORLD BANKs who the U.S. has being overwhelming paid for as chief providers of NATO and UN expenditures via ‘ya’ the Rockefeller vision and providing of for the UN HQ now in a failing ’empire’ city NYC filled with illegals and crime, and failing safety net….while the same profiteer ilk as we all detest, live nicely in ‘their eyes’ in Manhattan highrises, brownstones, or on Long Island. IN or near, the City of London, or the burbs and suburbs of Luxemborg and many offshore islands and banking communities of the world. That said, as the world populations rise and its world GDP falls, both must be brought into balance. PERIOD. Currently, the on a world level, people are consuming more food than is being produced. – FACT. Oh, one can see those in Canada would rather not want to provide the military structure and equipment needed for their rather expansive area, but security is not always a measure of population but the size of the area…AND one doubts…its massive buildup of 84 tanks will suffice its needs when push might come to shove…nor will the rather small UK Navy they rely on to complement their needs, all while the NATO is IN SHOCK that those like DJT expects them all to pay their fair share. Let’s not lose sight of the fact, the U.S. is but one of 31 seats on the BIS-IMF. one of three city-states of Vatican/CLUB of Rome, City of London, and Washington D.C. all with their obelisks like many other nations, quietly centered, all filled with some of the most ‘successful’ wealthiest people per capita in the world.
The $43 BILLION Arctic Passage That Will END The Panama & Suez Canals
U.S. SHUT DOWN The Panama Canal After This Happened Before It’s Too Late!
I have a different opinion than many on here. I believe we as adults, are solely responsible for our choices. We can’t blame others for our decisions.
Within a week of the so called pandemic there were voices on the internet
questioning the truth of what we were being told. From day one there were many people questioning and warning about the safety of the vax. Good trustworthy information was available for those who took the time to look for it. We can’t blame Pfizer, the President or anyone else.
You can blame them, if they bribed everyone and initiated a complicated Psyop of lies to get people to take the CV19 bioweapon shots.
They knowingly marketed a deadly product
Sure we can blame them! The are the responsible MF’ers ! They knowingly made and marketed a toxic deadly product.
Dude, everyone on the Net providing facts was vilified, even President Trump.
Seems to me that you victim blaming, a common Demoncrat tactic. You are trying to absolve murders for their crimes.
Seldom do I see such an ill thought out and poorly reasoned position here
Galaxy 500–
I am not absolving any murderers for their crimes. Yes, they did knowingly make and market a toxic and deadly product.
They are despicable and I pray they will be brought to justice.
But this is not new–this has been going on for a long, long time. Bill Gates has been intentionally killing people with vaccines in Africa and India, Fauci with AIDS, et al, many others have been openly committed to depopulation for decades. The Covid vax was just another tool in a long line of tools they are using to kill us off.
For many years now they have been intentionally trying to kill us through radiation, GMOs, chemicals in our water, chem trails, etc.
This is not new. Well before Covid, there was a lot of evidence that the childhood vax schedule was causing damage to children, autism, developmental delays, etc.
So all I am saying is— I am responsible for my own choices and I need to own up to my own decisions. No one forces me to do anything. I am not a victim. (If I was in a Nazi camp with a gun to my head that would be different). But that was not the case and millions like me chose not to take the jab and pay the price.
This speaker, Major Haviland, chose not to take the Covid vax and the consequence was that he was fired. No one forced him to take the vax. He paid a high price. Thousands left the military or their jobs because they chose not to take the jab.
I pulled my son out of a school and we moved to another state so he wouldn’t have to wear masks or have the Covid jab.
These are not easy choices, but they are choices that many people chose to make.
ALL of the above should be sent to the prosecuting authority of united states of america and a docket drawn up against the relevant companies and all the personnel involved in the manufacture of these BIO WEAPONS posing as injections/vaccines…….What we are dealing with here are the arms manufacturers of the satanic science community involved in the mass slaughter of mankind, nothing more and nothing less. And this deserves AT LEAST THE DEATH PENALTY
Greg is the real deal. Great interview. Thanks so much.
Love from the Netherlands.
Thanks Peter!
So some homeless guy and possibly some illegals started some of, if not all of the CA fires.
Terrorizing us?
California burns and the Neroes in Legislation start special session to do fire reform… nope as the state burns to the ground they went in to special session to fill give Newsom money to fight Trump.
These people are demons
There are no excuses anymore
I’m wondering how much Dr Kory charges for his services?
Does he take health insurance?
Anyone know?
Contact him here: https://drpierrekory.com/
By the way, I get paid nothing for passing this info along. Dr. Kory is an expert in treating vax injuries.
I’m just glad they used humans for this vax experiment and not animals
But it would have been better to use serial killers / serial rapists / pedophiles etc.
Often these people want to give back to society once caught so here’s their chance.
I’m ok with these jailbirds getting extra privileges in exchange for being vaxxed.
You are a cruel moron.
Don’t kid yourself. You can find long-time ‘undeveloped land’ sections within the confines of some north suburban Chicago pharma / med products companies properties…
They did experiment on animals… all the test subjects died. The “scientists” achieved their goal.
They also injected many animals. Use a search engine on : zoo animal vaccine covid
There’s still a controversy (lies) as to how many animals died due to the vax.
The reports go something along the lines of : “We ordered the vax for the animals but were sadly too late to administer it before half the zoo animals died of Covid… you need to get your shot before you’re next.”
That tells me they did administer the injection and then lied as the animals died. (For the greater good of course)
Guessing the MaryJane Commission or the Lesbians for the Pal-e-Simians grifters needed more money.
This is what happens when incompetent people are put in places of power. They wreak havoc, they destroy, they let things burn and criminals run free…
I think you said you have been taking Ivermectin for 2 yrs. Dr Eads told me that you need to get a kidney function test 6 weeks after taking it.
Did u have to do this?
Do what Dr. Eads says.
It’s almost killed him! He had open heart surgery.!
Ivermectin is also from big kpharma . Use herbs , it’s God cure.
Ivermectin is the safest drug ever invented.
Why won’t Pope Francis pull up his pants from around his ankles and return to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Bible, and the 10 Commandments? We Catholics have no place to turn, to educate our children, or even to attend a legitimate Mass.
What does well paid incompetence look like?
750K a year and one politician say a mere 117 million gallons … would not have saved the day
DEI causes DIE
Most disturbing —— LA to become ” SMART CITY ” by 2028 Olympics
All the burned out homes can now be confiscated for a … ” build back better .”plan.
This is from July 29 , 2021.
How Los Angeles Plans to Become a Smarter City by the 2028 Olympics
LA recently released a smart city roadmap that envisions a highly digital and connected future.
The city of Los Angeles has Olympic-level ambitions for its development as a smart city over the next year seven years.
The city, which is set to host the 2028 Summer Olympics, recently released a smart city blueprint that outlines how it plans to evolve and become a more connected and equitable city in time for the games. The plan was shared with members of the Los Angeles City Council in June.
The plan envisions a city that is easy to get around without a car via a unified digital payment platform for Metro rail, buses, bikes and shuttles. “Ethical proactive technology” will help identify “fire, violence, or other risks to the health and safety of L.A. residents” even before a 911 call. The city will deploy “ubiquitous, ultra-high speed 5G connectivity” across its environs. It calls for the deployment of smart wayfinding kiosks and 10,000 public electric vehicle charging stations.
Copy & save.
Greg, on FOX was a guy placed under citizen arrest for starting fires, and caught WITH the small propane tank lighter… but was released? lol NOT ENOUGH PROBABLE CAUSE? People saw him starting fires…was caught running away with a propane tank and lighter most use to solder copper pipes but no probable cause? hummmm How many people do that while fires are rages? What do the cops think he was doing – starting protective backfires> lol
ARSON SUSPECT ARRESTED!! Los Angeles. Palisades Fire.
This will probably be used by Biden and the Demoncrats to “Out-law Propane Gas Tanks” (like they just outlawed Gas Water Heaters)!!!
In the future, I think the impacted citizens will render judgement as the so called law in CA releases criminals so they can get back to doing the Demoncrats’ work…
The Communists took over and destroyed the public’s trust in the Czar’s government to turn even against the Czar. If the useful idiots had known how good they had it under the Czar compared to the Communists, they would have killed Stalin and the rest of the Bolsheviks themselves… But you know, useful idiots are the first people killed by their “betters.”
Greg, = California Fires: Woodland Hills residents stop suspected arsonist possibly linked to Kenneth fire
Thanks Greg for acceding to my request. It’s greatly appreciated for we both strive for THE TRUTH.
Many thanks,
I never blocked you, Neville.
Chat Replay is disabled for this Premiere.
Attacking Ukraine from ground and sky | 5 missiles moved by Putin to destroy Ukraine’s defences Marshal EN 6 hours ago
from above, left out link. Here it is!
Chat Replay is disabled for this Premiere.
Attacking Ukraine from ground and sky
Greg, Thanks for posting this excellent interview. Also, you are looking great and are apparently back to full speed. What a difference I see in you compared to right after your unfortunate incident. God has blessed you with good health again.
so much wickedness in high places. These people are complicit in sorcery and murder. Their silence will be a testimony against them at the 6000thyear judgment day.
“See no evil. Hear no evil. Just do your job.”
That’s how the sorcerers in media and pharma work.
These corrupt Ukrainians hate Trump. They hate America. This is an example of a woman (USA) saving a serpent (Ukrainians) from the snow and putting them against her breast and is then shocked the snake bites and kills her, even though the snake will die as well… it is a snake’s nature after all
We need to close immigration for 25 years. We need to stop importing these skilled Indians who work cheaper than an American worker. Men stopped going into STEM because they would do all the ground work and then the corp would replace the hard working Americans with an inferior but much cheaper Indian. To add insult to injury they have to train their replacement…
After 25 years, immigrants should be limited to 100,000 people a year with strict criteria
I would love for Beijing Buy-Dem to pardon himself. He would have to list all of his Crimes…
Then, the New AG would go after him on several fronts. First, mental acuity and second, can you pardon yourself and third, did he actually disclose all his crimes.
And let’s not forget ole Buy-Dem promised he wouldn’t pardon the human excrement and cluster £#(€ known as Hunter…
I think Hunter’s pardon may be challenged
Hi Greg,
Thankyou for everything you do.
There is a funeral director in the UK who has been sounding the alarm on these clots and the scandal of the clotshot since early Covid-19. He is open to doing interviews and happy to chat to anyone. Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services…https://www.mkffs.co.uk/
If you want further voices to back this up here is a link to one of his interviews:
The things these Communists prioritize is their buddies making easy money and slipping them a taste. These people hate us “ little people “ and see themselves as our betters.
If we die, if our children or spouse dies, it’s nothing to them. As long as they/them makes a buck…
Cut the PoPo? Make the job were only power mad thugs would do it? They don’t care as the thugs work to protect their benefactors and they have private security at the taxpayers expense.
These “Police” will illegally kick in your in the middle of the night and murder you while trying to recover a weed eater… they will murder an innocent man for a county judge’s weed eater… a F#€£ing weed eater.
Whoops wrong house… yours dead, they don’t even get a time out.
You best secure your doors. A good lock doesn’t do it. You need a metal security door with a metal frame and bar barricades you can remove when you want to go out.
The standard door and lock only keeps honest people out. Hell, I can kick a door in and I am an old.
Good quality hurricane shutters for your windows…
Go get em 500!! Love it!!
And the government is still pushing this poison on us.
How can anyone not understand that the people who rule us are no just corrupt, they are evil.
Wake up, people. You are ruled by evil criminals.
ALERT — While L.A. responders are dealing with fires , Humvee’s get stolen from Army post .
About 30 minutes south of Los Angeles, local media has reported that police are searching for criminals who stole three Humvees—one of which was armored—machine gun mounts, and a whole bunch of military-grade gear from the Army Reserve Center in Tustin.
KTLA 5 reported that the Tustin Police Department is investigating the break-in at the Army Reserve Center in Tustin on Wednesday night, between 8 pm and 11:30 pm.
“Multiple storage lockers were discovered with locks removed and missing gear. An attempt was made to cut a lock to uniform storage; however, it was unsuccessful,” TPD wrote in a report, adding, “A fence was cut to gain access to a military vehicle parking lot where three Humvees were stolen. The suspects left the area at an unknown time.”
Greg, This interview cut out for me after the first commercial and never returned. I restarted it and it did the same thing again. Now, what is this all about? Thought you should know. Thanks.
Trying to get Rumble to work on cutting back on the commercials. Try a different browser. This might help with the playing of videos.
Then again Rumble uses Google ad servers so who know what the evil Google bastards are doing to suppress this.
We die but FEMA is gonna rescue the rich people in LA…
Yes, the LA Mayor, Fire Chief, and Governor are all incompetent, what else is new?
But these fires are intentional. This debacle is by design, this is deliberate like in Lahaina. The fires happened on purpose.
No water in hydrants, emptying the water out of the reservoir, draining mountain snow melt into the Pacific, slashing the firefighting budget by 50 million dollars, sending firefighting equipment to Ukraine, etc. –all this was done according to their plan. These people are very evil— this is much more than incompetence and stupidity.
The plan is to build a 15 minute Smart City in this area but homeowners refused the plan and refused to sell. So fires burn down the area just like in Lahaina. Now the problem is solved and now they can build their Smart City.
A Satanic Crown? Damn these crazy people. It doesn’t matter what these men do, they will never be a woman, not even when Satan calls them home…
They are really gonna have a surprise when they meet their dark lord…
Wow, what projection! The pedophiles that want our children are complaining that by making our children healthier and stopping the pedo teachers from grooming our children is going to “kill” them.
Well, it will kill the chance that they get to Q#€€r them
Greg, more warnings from Michael Pento =
This Is The Most DANGEROUS Market Ever
What a time to be so disconnected… without communication, access to their ‘investments’ and laptops if the markets are triggered by a black swan. Especially with the loss of one’s home and possibly their jobs, possibly retirements and pensions, credit if this banking situation escalates =beyond tragic. How COULD/WOULD/WILL they ever be able to afford to recover when so many are also in those areas are also tied to the same industries, with ‘hiring’ expectations as Pento states, at a 15-year low as AI and robots intrude?
With the decades of mismanagement of California infrastructure…and the recent flight out of California…the ‘recovery’ if any, will be quite a long one especially with now the losses in L.A. and S.F. and S.D.as the massive ‘invasion’ across the border and drug, crime, and homeless problems already making housing overrun and tight.
IS prayer even enough without a total moral and ethical rebalancing of priorities? As goes Cailfornia so goes the rest? Let us hope not!
Maybe they will do better crossing the border and re-entering as a migrant-illegal?
Mark Robinson
Former Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina
Would have made a Great governor of NC.
The media slandered and libeled the poor man and his family.
He is supposed to have said, “ Some people need killing!” talking about child predators, etc
These people have 100% recidivism rate… you ask, “G500, can’t that be true?”
It is, Every and I mean EVERY pedophile that gets out of jail reoffends. It is my belief that after you are convicted and then a second detailed investigation, these people should be executed. I am talking about adults preying on children, not a 17-18 year old that has been going steady with a 16yo. The real pedos…They do deserve killing. Capital punishment in this case and in the case of treason should be the only outcome given out even if the law allows for less.
What I am afraid of is there is an entire generation of terrorists and pedos trained by their teachers.
I am convinced that they can not be redeemed by our justice system so their redemption should be left to our Lord Jesus.
The evil left stopped him from winning NC Gov. Office.
Standard NC politics in action!
There needs to be consequences
Rumble seems to be doing their own form of free speech disruption. As an earlier
post laid out, the video just stops after a commercial. Call me cynical but, I expected
Rumble to start something like this after everyone moved to it. It isn’t just your videos
that it happens with. I appreciate your hard work and great information but I will be
exiting the Rumble site for platforms that aren’t playing games YET!
Does this surprise anyone? That the Indian Princess doesn’t know anything about Social Security? It only her job and she is much smarter than us serfs…
Off topic: I was evacuated in the Eaton Canyon Wildfire. I slept in my car after escaping the fire. I returned to my home the next day at 7 AM before lockdown started. I have been in lockdown since Wednesday and it is now Saturday. We were not allowed to leave our homes or we were told we may not be able to return to them. Today a kind hearted police man let me cross the barricades so that I could go to the library and recharge my iPad. I have to return before 6:30 curfew or I will not be allowed back into my home. The streets are being barricaded by police and the National Guard. I am without electrical power since the fire and they don’t expect it back until next week.
I am a long time USA watchdog viewer. I’m asking prayers for all and myself involved in these wildfires. I’ll be happy when the National Guard goes home. I feel like I am in a police state. Thank you for your prayers.
Be safe and we are praying for you for divine protection and divine guidance from Christ Jesus. Keep reporting what you are seeing and experiencing.
I live in a S-E Asian country in the northern winter months, and I have never seen so many houses and lots for sale, and also used cars and pickups. Climate change? haha!
Each and every day the news is telling us that humanity, particulary the albino variety, is the devil on this earth.
Humans apparently need to stop driving cars because global warming… or is it cooling, or change?
It’s “something something human evil” though, whatever it is they’re telling us.
Humans apparently need to eat ze bugs because cow farts.
Humans apparently need to stop chopping down the forest because of acid rain and the carbon cycle… meanwhile B.Gates bought forest land and buried the whole thing… for some reason.
On and on it goes…
People are going to fall for this propaganda (that even the tv can’t get straight from one minute to the next). People will become demoralised and instead of fighting their enemies will decide it’s so much easier to give up and die because it’s “good for the planet”… just like they keep getting told by TV every minute of every day.
(The information is already out there that the climate temperature stations have been providing cooked data and yet the media keeps running with that data to keep on telling humanity that OMG THE PLANET TOO HOT BECAUSE FARTS AND CARS AND COOKING STOVES… TURN OFF YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW)
There’s not just an information war going on but a demoralisation war at the core emotional level concerning humanity’s very existance.
They’re turning man against his brother till man exists no more.
I think the reason there isn’t more reporting of vascular blockage is that most of the bodies for burial are cremated, evidence burned up!
Mr. Hunter,
Sorry I’m so late to comment. Thank you for your fine work, you are one of the champions we hopefully honor one day.
During your interview with Mr. Haviland, you asked “how do we stop this?”. That’s my department. I’m the Botslayer.
He’s a simple thing anyone can do to “stop this”. Tape a neodymium magnet to the inside of your watchband and wear the magnet as close to the veins on your wrist as possible. The bigger the magnet, the better. I go big at 20mm*20mm*5mm.
This will literally suck nanotechnology out of your veins, through your skin, and collect on the magnet. All the nanotech can be viewed by simply viewing the magnet on any cheap microscope.
Wearing magnets 24/7 will also change the magnet charge of your blood/body and this also disrupts the delicate electrical nanotech processes.
This also will literally filter the blood of the nanotech, not all, but I think it works quite well.
Magnets are but one of the many weapons and tricks I have in my arsenal. Let me know if you want more.
Fantastic information from Tom Haviland. Thanks Greg for having him on.
It could be that that the COVID Vax is part of the deaths that occur as the 4th horseman of Revelation 6 rides upon the earth. The rider on this 4th horse is named “Death”.
After the 4 horsemen of Revelation 6 ride, one fourth of the earth will be killed. This would be around 2 billion people.