Global Monetary System, As You Know It, Ended – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted in late March “something epic is going to happen on April 21st.” Something did happen that had never happened before. Oil went to $0 per barrel, and the contract for oil expired at around -$37 per barrel. Polny says, “That is a more important event than the stock market. There is one specific reason because oil is attached to the dollar. It’s a petro dollar. So, that event triggered the end of the United States monetary system as you know it. The stock market would have to go to zero to be as important as the event of oil going to zero. Oil was the marker that is attached to the dollar, the paper monetary system. That is far more critical because that event told the world that the paper monetary system as you know it ended on that date.”

Polny also predicted that after April, there would be a “new era of time that would be Biblical.” That, too, has happened in our shutdown Covid 19 world. Nothing looks like it will ever be quite the same. Now, Polny predicts that what is coming is a “Great Awakening.” Polny explains, “Between May 31st and September 18th, that is expected to be a major world transition point where God’s Hand is seen upon the earth. . . .We might want to call that time point the ‘Great Awakening.’ Somewhere in this time point, people are going to realize the lies, deceptions and what has been going on in this Earth, and there is going to be a mass awakening.”

Polny says gold and silver are going to be volatile but will continue to steadily move upward in price over the next few years. Polny also says, “I believe we are going to see the fall of the U.S. dollar, and I think we will see hyperinflation on this Earth. We will see the U.S. currency begin to hyper-inflate. I also think before this period ends on September 18th, we should start to see a gold backed monetary system to repair the damage that has happened. . . . God’s timing is going to cause gold and silver to explode. I think that is going to tie into a gold and silver backed monetary system. I think we are going to see the start of that before the 18th of September.”

Polny thinks the stock market will have another leg down to “around 15,000 on the DOW, if not lower, by June of 2021.” Polny also says, “The markets are finished. We have only seen the start of a recession, and the next thing coming is a worldwide depression. So, what we have seen in the markets is only a warmup. We are in a recession going into a depression. This is the third seal of revelation which is a rebalancing of the financial system as we know it. The rebalancing specifically relates to gold, silver and paper. The world has been using a paper based monetary system that is, in essence, backed by nothing. You might want to say it is backed by good faith and confidence, but I don’t see much faith and confidence in this world anymore. . . . We are going to have a gold rush, and it is going to be epic.”

Polny thinks silver will go up much higher on a percentage basis because all the new innovations and technology will require silver as a critical component. Polny says “That means prices for silver will skyrocket.”

Polny thinks there will also be great deceptions and attacks on Christians. Polny predicts, “The whole agenda is to get rid of Christianity.”

Polny does not want to see people be deceived by evil. He says a “great deception is coming.” Polny says it will ultimately come down to choosing Christ as your Savior or renouncing Christ altogether. Polny says there is only one right choice.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with cycle analyst Bo Polny of

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  1. eddiemd

    Proverbs 16:16
    16How much better to get wisdom than gold!
    And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver

    Luke 4:16-22
    16 So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. 17 And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:
    “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
    Because He has anointed Me
    To preach the gospel to the poor;
    He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
    To proclaim liberty to the captives
    And recovery of sight to the blind,
    To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
    To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

    20 Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 21 And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” 22 So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. And they said, “Is this not Joseph’s son?”

    Jesus Christ of Nazareth. All the eyes were fixed upon Him. All bore witness to Him. Marveled at the gracious Words that proceeded out of His mouth. He speaks to you. He has not changed. He is the Anointed One. The Holy One of Israel. Almighty God in the flesh. He will heal you. He will bind up your broken heart. He will set you free from the law of sin and death. He will give you Eternal life. My Strength. My Shield. My Fortress. My Deliverer. My Salvation. My God. In Whom I trust. I will call upon Him. So shall I be saved from my enemies.

    The Day of Pentecost.

    Acts 2:14-24, 36-39
    14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words. 15 For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. 16 But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

    ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
    That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
    Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
    Your young men shall see visions,
    Your old men shall dream dreams.
    And on My menservants and on My maidservants
    I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
    And they shall prophesy.
    I will show wonders in heaven above
    And signs in the earth beneath:
    Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
    The sun shall be turned into darkness,
    And the moon into blood,
    Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.
    And it shall come to pass
    That whoever calls on the name of the Lord
    Shall be saved.’

    22 “Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves also know— 23 Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death; 24 whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it.

    36 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

    37 Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”

    38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”

    Call upon the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Messiah. Repent. Be Baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. And you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is the promise to you and your children.

    • eddiemd

      Mark 10:46-
      46 Now they came to Jericho. As He went out of Jericho with His disciples and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging. 47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
      48 Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
      49 So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called.
      Then they called the blind man, saying to him, “Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you.”
      50 And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus.
      51 So Jesus answered and said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you?”
      The blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.”
      52 Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.

      And he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth. He cried out. Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me! Be quiet they told him. But he cried out louder. “Have mercy on me”!

      Jesus stood still. Jesus commanded that they call him. Jesus Christ will stand still for you. He will hear your cry! He is near, passing by. Call out to Him.

      He threw aside his garment. He had no plans to return.

      Jesus Christ of Nazareth says to you. “What do you want Me to do for you?” That I may receive my sight. That I may be made whole. That I may be your disciple. That I may worship you in Spirit and in Truth. That I may know You, the Truth.

      • Jacob Ladderston

        WOW! Sunday school! Thanks Greg, Thanks pastor eddiedmd and thank God almighty whomever you are!!!

        • eddiemd

          You are welcome.

          Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Someday you will know Him. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.

          He is the Messiah.

          • Janet Hotchkiss

            Mlmfrom what I have heard.. Trump has taken over the US Federal Reserve.. the money of the reserve is being used by Trump. To shore up our economy.. with 4 stimuless checks the money being spent goes into the US Treasury.. and is then backed by the gold standard.. the last stimulus is to repair the much needed infrastructure.. raids. Rail systems, bridges, public facilities.. as the money it spent. It goes to the peoples bank.. making the USA money system stable.. anyway that’s what I have heard and it makes more since to me.. there are more people working on this than most know..
            I guess the next year will unwind to reveal the truth…many changes.. not all are bad

            • Graham

              From what I’ve read he’s also taking Hydroxychloroquine and zinc. He’s no fool and has good àdvisers. God speed!

            • susan

              I so hope you are absolutely correct about everything. It is what I pray for.

            • Occasnltrvlr

              Wow. I mean, really, just…wow.

              • William Stanley

                Well done! Thanks for the laugh.

        • eddiemd


          Thanks for your comment.

          It will be glorious to be in the presence of the Lord. Jacob, you will have the opportunity to worship the Almighty God before the throne for Eternity. Our minds cannot imagine what it will be like.
          He has called you, Jacob. He died for you. He loves you.

      • eddiemd

        I wrote the first two comments before watching the video presentation by Mr. Polny.

        I have to disagree with Mr. Polny.

        It is all about Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is the Truth. He is the central figure of the human race. The Alpha and the Omega. The Name above all Names. The Beginning and the End. Messiah. He is the chief Cornerstone. The Almighty God in the flesh. He is not just “a god”.

        Call upon Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is near. Today is the day of Salvation. He will never lie to you. You can trust in Him. He will dwell in you. Seek Him with your whole heart.

        1 Kings 8:56-61
        56 “Blessed be the Lord, who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised. There has not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised through His servant Moses. 57 May the Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers. May He not leave us nor forsake us, 58 that He may incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, which He commanded our fathers. 59 And may these words of mine, with which I have made supplication before the Lord, be near the Lord our God day and night, that He may maintain the cause of His servant and the cause of His people Israel, as each day may require, 60 that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no other. 61 Let your heart therefore be loyal to the Lord our God, to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, as at this day.”

        Romans 10:1-13
        10 Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. 2 For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

        5 For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law, “The man who does those things shall live by them.” 6 But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ down from above) 7 or, “ ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ ” (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8 But what does it say? “The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the Word of faith which we preach): 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. 13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

        It is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Way. The Truth. The Light. He will set you free. Keep your eyes upon Him. Today is the day of Salvation.

        • Jacob Ladderston

          I always heard he was the son of God? Does that make him a G0d too? Like, I’m human like my Dad? So there two Gods, right. But only one Almighty, Jesus? I don’t know Eddie. Something’s fishy.

          • eddiemd

            No worries Jacob.

            Jesus loves you. He died for you. He is the Messiah. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He is the Great High Priest.

            He will manifest Himself to you if you love Him. That is His promise.

            Isaiah 53

            • Gord Carpenter

              Eddie md, how can you expect poor Jacob to love Jesus if he doesn’t even know him.

              Jacob you first have to see that you are sinful – like all humanity – and that you need to be clothed in the righteousness of Christ. That is why Jesus stated “You must be born again.” He was talking about all humanity. We can not live up to the moral code : the 10 Commandments – and so we are transgressors against a Holy God but Jesus gave himself up for us by being the sacrificial lamb to die in our place.
              So repent of your sins and trust in the finished work of Jesus alone. Then find a good Bible believing church not one that preaches the “prosperity and health” message. This is pure poison and satanic.

          • Beverly

            Jesus is the Son of God the Father who lives in Heaven. God the Father is an actual being of flesh, just like Christ is an actual touchable being after He was resurrected. Christ was looking to His Father in Heaven, to try to be just like Him, because Christ knows how perfect and all powerful His own Father is. So, God the Father sacrificed His own Son, just like God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac , as a test. But, Abraham didn’t know it and he was willing to obey God even to that extent, so he and his posterity have been the “chosen” people. God has made promises to Abraham and He will keep those promises. But, God the Father is a separate being from Christ and is immortalized flesh and touchable( if we are worthy of course).

            • paul ...

              Beverly … When “God the Father” said: Let “Us” Make Man in “Our” Image … it sounds a lot like a Congressional Order being given to be implimented!!

              • Beverly

                God the Father is in charge and when He made this planet He did it with the help of Jesus. Jesus is the Chosen One of the Father, and God the Father had a reason for creating this earth. His reason has to do with helping His Son build up His own Kingdom. This earth is like and inheritance for Jesus because He is the One who suffered and died for everyone on the planet. So, Jesus will inherit this earth when all is said and done. But, God the Father oversaw the whole creation. It’s hard for us to know exactly how Adam and Eve were created, but they were created in the image of God, which means that God has a body of flesh and bones. Jesus looked like His Father— Jesus did everything perfectly because He was trying very hard to be JUST Like His Father. Since we know that Jesus is the Son of God, then His Father has to have a body that has been immortalized or resurrected. We can’t say for sure how God the Father became an immortalized being, but we know that He is all powerful.

            • eddiemd

              What are you talking about?

              Are you a follower of Rob?

              • Charles H

                1 John 5:7 “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”

                Though this should lay to rest any dispute concerning the “trinity’ of the true God, or the triune God: in order to get a following – some put a wedge in between the Father and the Son. The “bear record in heaven” indicates that they all speak with the same authority.

          • paul ...

            Jacob … Nothing fishy about it … it may help your understanding to think of “God” as a God-overnment with 3 branches … like the US Government where Congress (is the Father that Makes the Laws i.e. like Thou Shall Not Steal), the Chief Executive (the Son of the Father implements the laws i.e. like overturning the tables of those stealing) … and the Judiciary (the Holy Ghost judges the rightness or wrongness of the laws i.e. like stealing a few bucks from the IRS may really not be stealing according to the Holy Ghost as you are stealing from crooks to begin with)!!

            • Tin foil hat

              Wow, I like your interpretation. I really like it since I have never looked at it as the way you describe it. Perfect!

          • Rob

            Hi Jacob! Here are two links with hundreds of scriptures to help you understand the true relationship of our Father with His Son Jesus:


            Please remember we are only allowed to derive truth from Father’s Word and not man’s ideology!:

            Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be found true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy words, And mightest prevail when thou comest into judgment.

            • eddiemd

              It is Rob again peddling false doctrine. Interesting that you speak about man’s ideology…

              He denies that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God in the flesh. Such a pity.

              • Rob

                Amen Jesus is a mighty God but His Father is greater than all as the Most High God:
                John 10:29 My Father, who hath given them unto me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.

                • eddiemd

                  Jesus is the Almighty God in the flesh. Someday you will know the truth. Not just “a mighty God”. This is something that the Holy Spirit and Jesus Himself needs to reveal to you. I cannot.

              • J.D. Clampett

                eddie, thanks for your insight!
                Who is this, that “we,” may seek this LORD’S name?
                15So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.
                16Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD.
                17Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish:
                18That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
                ◄ Psalm 83:15-18 ►
                King James Version

                • eddiemd

                  JW cultist.

          • eddiemd

            Be magnified oh Lord!


            • Bob Lamb

              John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

            • J.D. Clampett

              1 CORINTHIANS 8:5 KJV “For though there be that are called …
              gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,) 6But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.
              Jesus isn’t the Almighty Land Lord!
              Is this is why they say the most the most important doctrine of Christendom, is the least understood?
              One thing I do understand, Jesus said he was the son of man and son of God.
              From what I understand so called Christians have been fighting over this doctrine for thousands of years. Sometimes wars. Maybe they aren’t really Christians because Jesus said to Pontious Pilot, if he wasn’t the son of God he and his followers would have fought, not to be taken.
              To me that says it all. Don’t worry if you can’t wrap your head around this doctrine and don’t persecute those you can’t either? I think that’s what you meant, what you said to Jacob Eddie.
              Not to worry about it? In fact Jesus said not to worry about anything! Right?

              My two cents and I got a lot of cents!

              • Bob Lamb

                Christ gave a lot of warnings, he did not say not to worry about anything. There are many many scriptures that support that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are 3 distinct individuals.

                Christ prayed to the Father numerous times.

                Christ said the Father was greater than him.

                Christ said he had not yet ascended to his God/Father (right after his resurrection)

                The voice of the Father proclaimed, “This is my Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” Jesus’s baptism and the Holy Ghost descended on him in the form of a dove.

                He prayed that we could be one with Him like he is one with the Father (one in purpose not entity obviously)

                Voice of the Father declared Jesus was His Son at the Mt of Transfiguration

                There are a lot lot more.

                There is a lot of evidence that The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are one in purpose but separate distinct individuals. They form the “Godhead” a term that is in the Bible.

                • eddiemd

                  Rob, I mean Bob,

                  Teachers of false doctrine will have a harsh judgment.

          • Occasnltrvlr

            The Church resolved the Arian heresy some sixteen centuries ago.

            If you’re sincere, do some homework.

      • eddiemd

        Acts 3:2-16
        2And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of them that entered into the temple; 3Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms. 4And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us. 5And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.
        6Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. 7And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. 8And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. 9And all the people saw him walking and praising God: 10And they knew that it was he which sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple: and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that which had happened unto him.

        11And as the lame man which was healed held Peter and John, all the people ran together unto them in the porch that is called Solomon’s, greatly wondering. 12And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk? 13The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied Him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let Him go. 14But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; 15And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses. 16And His Name through faith in His Name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by Him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.

        In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Walking, and leaping, and praising God. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus Christ, Almighty God in the flesh. The Holy One and the Just. Prince of Life. Faith in His Name.

        Not in silver and gold.

      • Charles H

        The blind man’s coat was EVERYTHING he owned – and it pictures that there be nothing in this world one should not forsake to come to Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, people hold on to the false things they were taught – like Baptism, or Church membership, or ‘good works’, and then tack-on a profession – thinking they are good to go with God. They are not.

        To “call upon the name of the Lord” is NOT some procedure: it is a purpose of heart that only faith and repentance can enable. In John 6:63 Jesus Christ said: “…the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” So a person’s belief and trust must come from and conform to the Holy Bible; as faith from or admixture of any other source FORFEITS the acceptance of God.

        Anyone will gladly drink what is actually pure water. But put just a drop of poop in it – nobody could probably tell. People would look at it; it would seem perfectly fine: and they would trust that it IS pure water – but you’d know the difference. Cold and clear they’d swallow it down, and think it strange you wouldnt take it.

        God has given the world the Water of His Word in the Holy Bible. Man has no right or license to adulterate it in any way. So God has set forth His terms for the constitution of faith which He can respect: the Holy Bible and only the Holy Bible. Too many have drunk from poluted sources.

        And Repentance, like the blind man who cast off his coat to come to Jesus Christ is the God-ordained mechanism to declare and permanently forsake all the pollutions, falsities, and error – that are not the very, true, and pure Word of God. Man must come unto God on God’s terms – and if it isn’t in the Bible: you are holding on to damnation. And God can’t respect such half-heartedness. That blind man left all behind to get to Jesus.

        • eddiemd

          It was everything he had. He never looked back.

          • Charles H

            Yup, everything.

        • eddiemd

          Mr. Charles,

          I mentioned the coagulation disorder to you in a previous discussion and taking a low dose aspirin (81-162mg chewable).

          Is aspirin the cure? Certainly not. It shuts off cyclooxygenase which keeps platelets from clotting and possibly propagating a clot. It is anti-inflammatory. It is cheap and available.

          This is a very informative source in general. Recommended.

          • Charles H

            Thanks, Eddie. I’ve been following Dr. Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity. Blood clotting is symptomatic in this COVID-19. The ‘loading exposure’ has a lot to do with whether the virus will overload your system before the antibodies can react, and the HCQ with zinc and arithromycin gain the time for your body to fight – if used early. I’m sixty-six and my wife fifty-nine – so I hope to aquire enough of these items to have on-hand. Mexico has had the HCQ on shelves without prescriptions for forty or more years as people go to the beaches well into the tropics here. But because of the virus: the government here has swept all supply into their Social Health System – it has become ‘unobtainium’. It isn’t a matter of “IF” we will get this virus: just when.

          • Charles H

            I won’t call you ‘doc’, if you don’t call me “Mr.” Charles is fine; or even brother.

            • eddiemd

              Sounds like a deal.

          • eddiemd

            Interesting the number of cases in the Navajo rez. Certainly could be a result of the flea markets in almost every town.
            I lived and worked in Tuba City, Ganado, and Pinon. I also worked at the Phoenix Indian Medical center.

            There are some specific genetics that have occurred in both the Navajo and Hopi over the past 150 years. The Navajo were nearly wiped out by the Trail of Tears and the remnant of the people were reduced to a few thousand. Since then the population has reached 200,000+. There unfortunately has been reduced genetic diversity with families intermingling.

            I noted a high number of HLA-B27 associated autoimmune disease in the men and women with increased autoimmune disease in particular rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Associated with the RA was an increased use of immunomodulating drugs such as methotrexate, steroids, humira, etc….all immunosuppressive.





            It is thought that the arthritic syndrome is triggered by exposure to certain pathogenic GI bacteria such as shigella, E. coli,

          • Beverly

            Eddie and Charles,
            One reason why blood clots form, is because of candida or fungus living inside each blood cell. You’ve probably heard of yeast infections and how women can get them. Well, so can men and we can all have yeast growing in our colon and in our blood cells. The yeast makes the blood cells sticky and so they stick to each other a lot more easily and can make clots. To get rid of this problem, stay away from sugar, use colloidal silver to kill it, use MMS to kill yeast, use diflucan if you want a prescription. But, doctors don’t talk much about “candida” at all. This is a big problem in most Americans and especially those who have diabetes. Stay away from sodas and too much sugar of any kind in general.

            • eddiemd


        • Occasnltrvlr

          “So a person’s belief and trust must come from and conform to the Holy Bible; as faith from or admixture of any other source FORFEITS the acceptance of God.”

          This is not true.

          First, consider the first two centuries of Christisianity. They did not have what we now call the New Testament, so it is not possible that their belief came from it.

          Second, consider that the Church is “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone”, but there are no writings whatsoever from 10 of the apostles, or from Jesus.

          If there are no writings of 10 apostles or of Jesus himself in the Bible, and they are the foundation of the Church, then you’re saying that if someone’s belief comes from them, and not from the Bible, then that person isn’t accepted of God?

          As the Bible itself says, the faith was taught and learned orally, and through practice. Today, that is called “Sacred Tradition”, and is an integral part of the Church.

          Quite the contrary, these following admonitions were written before there was a New Testament:

          “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our
          Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every
          brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition
          which he received of us.”

          “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other
          gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto
          you, let him be accursed.”

          • eddiemd

            What are you talking about?

    • Rob

      Amen! Jesus was quoting this passage where Isaiah was prophesying the year of vengeance that takes place after 7 years of tribulation:

      Isaiah 61:2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

    • Arthur Barnes

      Thank you, I needed to read those words of our Lord again, I had forgotten in the mist of this incredible virus stuff just who is in control. Thank you again. Your brother in Christ.

      • eddiemd

        All good.

    • Liz

      Thank you. What a blessing you are to post this.

  2. fido

    This guy is sooo impressive. I predicted long before, “something” important would be happening May 13 and it did….my cat had a furball.

  3. Anthony Australia

    Ripper Greg, thanks so much. I’m warming to Bo.

  4. JC

    Let’s hope that as Bo says, a great awakening is coming, especially when you think about this latest post by G.A. STEWART at The Age of Desolation site.

    ‘Steve Watson’s article discovering a 2012 European Union funded comic book about a global pandemic is the give away that this is connected to Nostradamus’ Pagan Sect of New Infidels and The New World Order.’

    ‘Let me also point out the connection of that comic to the bizarre rituals at the 2012 London Summer Olympics.’

  5. Country Codger

    Excellent interview.
    Bo, using YHVH’s calendar May 31st is Shavuoth (the wheat harvest); Sept. 18th is Yom Teruah, also called “The Day and the Hour that No Man Knows” (Sound familiar?) October 2nd is the beginning of Sukkot, also called The Feast of the Ingathering. You did not mention Sept. 27th (Yom Kippur=Atonement) or October 9th Shemini Atzeret or The Eighth Day. Just keep them in mind.

    Oh, they are not aliens they are fallen angels disguising themselves.
    Lo Iyrah!!!

    • eddiemd

      Interesting. Thanks.

    • paul ...

      You know … those fallen angels (and giants of old) used to eat men … lets be careful that this harvest of a billion souls is not part of a great deception to fill up their meat freezers (I don’t see anything growing on the Moon or Mars) … so they must be farming their food somewhere (Earth) … perhaps the alien (human sheep) herders are what the Georgia Guidestones are really warning us about … the aliens have been watching over us with their flying saucers for years … allowing the herd to grow to 7 billion … it’s now probably time to bring us to slaughter (as all farmers do) … what can we do about it?? … well we could break the lock-down, stop wearing masks and try to get infected by the Corona Virus … perhaps the aliens won’t eat infected food (like we won’t eat pigs infected with the swine flu)!!

    • James-alan

      Bo is not using the correct calendar. Genesis tells us that God appointed the sun the moon and the stars to determine his feast days (seasons). The Bible no where authorizes Easter as one one of God’s high days. Using the sun, moon and stars, Passover falls in mid May, making Pentecost around July 4th.
      Christianity was invented by Constantine and is based on the sun. Don’t confuse scripture with man’s invention of Christianity.
      Bottom Line: this is all BS. It is strong delusion.

      • Beverly

        I’m afraid as well that Bo is being mislead. We are going to see Russia invading Europe, starting with Turkey and the Dardenelle Straits. When Europe is overcome, then they will be on the East Coast of the U.S. This is of course, if the people of the U.S. don’t repent and get wicked people like Bill Gates and Fauci and many others out of their high places. People of the U.S. can’t afford to be apathetic anymore. If we don’t cleanse our country, then we are in for some VERY bad times. We are supporting the United Nations as a nation because we are the home of the Federal Reserve. So, as long as this nation supports the U.N., then we are asking to be cleansed by God. The U.N. is Satan’s foundation for a global Satanic government! If people think the U.N. is a good thing, they are totally deceived and misled. The U.N. is evil and we have to withdraw our support from that as a country. We have to get a new financial system going though, in order to do that, so we are not dependent upon the Federal Reserve bank anymore. This is going to take the men and the people of this nation stepping up and speaking out and just refusing to be turned into Communistic slaves like the Chinese people are.

        • Greg Hunter

          Maybe you are misleading people? Good people can disagree.

          • Beverly

            Yes, good people can disagree and I’m not saying that Bo is a bad person. Sure, I have said that Russia will invade Europe. Interesting that we don’t hear anything about Russia in the news lately. Why? I have my beliefs about Why.
            The World Health Organization is a formation of the U.N. We’ve known for a long time that the U.N. is evil. Talk to Wayne Jetts, one of people you interviewed. He knows all about this stuff and I know that what I say about U.N. is not misleading.

        • Freebrezer

          B – Russia conquering the USA east coast …. Please! Their economy is the size of Italy … you need to look east to where the real threat lies, China all 1.4 billion of them vs. Russia at 0.14 billion.

      • Roger Foulmoth

        James-alan, I agree on Easter. But there are no atheists in fox-holes or on battle-ships, one step beyond. . . …

      • Occasnltrvlr

        You oughtta stop getting your history out of comic books, there, pal.

  6. Maria das Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Polny.
    How can your heart not leap with joy on the very mention of God?So many other commentators have suggested the same as Mr Polny, with their complexities ,as with Mr Polny’s insight,beyond my comprehension.
    Meanwhile Dr Nouriel Roubini shows the theft and lies in this secular world,!+Mail
    The money and assets go where?
    Here in the UK a little awakening is occurring.
    So many deep commentators are now not present on the YouTube that it is now not worth using,like our news agencies its days are severely numbered.So a central site for good commentary has gone and the comments are now lodged in individuals own websites,just like you Mr Hunter.Dare I ask,how did you know all those years ago?

  7. JC

    All that UFO and alien stuff has been covered extensively by G.A. STEWART. There are serious apocalyptic implications to be aware of. Buy the book and you will have access to his latest update on that subject.


  8. PCP

    April is always an event month.
    4 4 44 44.

    • paul ...

      Starting with April 1 …

      • paul ...

        What does 4 4 44 44 mean?? … should I be adding up all the 4’s to get 24 … then add the 2 and 4 to get 6 … where six(6) months out from April 1 brings us to September 1 (and thus your 4 4 44 44 predicts September as an event month??) … exactly where Bo predicts gold will go over $3000 in his cycle chart … !!!

  9. Self Exiled

    The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History.

    • Self Exiled

      The point of this video? Not to create animosity nor give an audience to hateful statements from people who, because of their own apathy, in part created the world we now live. The point of this video is to make anyone who cares to pull together and stop the down fall as best as they can. To be good to one another and stop blaming everybody else for our own short comings. To heal ourselves so that we can heal others. Not as separate parts, but as a whole sum of Humanity!

    • Diane

      Good one SE

  10. H. Craig Bradley


    Only a fool thinks he can time a market successfully. Sure, one may see a future trend but the timing is on its very own. Consequently, I would NOT bet my money of Bo’s predictions or forecasts, period. He is merely giving us his opinion and Greg desperately needs guests to return to keep up his “ratings” or to remain relevant at all here on this site. Just saying.

    • paul ...

      But H. Craig … Greg had Jim Sinclair on giving his opinion on how gold would skyrocket … and people betting their money on his stock and his seeing a future trend … are making some nice money right now … !!!

      • H. Craig Bradley


        “Making money, right now”. Yep, on paper. You don’t make a dime until you close the trade. All talk. Show me the trade confirmations first.

        • paul ...

          H Craig … Here are just “some” of the speculative buys and sells I made over the last week …
          (Note: this is gambling money I used (not investment money) … my long term investment money goes into physical gold and silver!!)

          Filled Buy 4400 TRX Limit 0.66 — — 09:45:40 05/11/20

          Filled Buy 2043 TRX Limit 0.6623 — — 09:45:40 05/11/20

          Filled Buy 400 TRX Limit 0.66 — — 09:45:39 05/11/20

          Filled Buy 200 TRX Limit 0.66 — — 09:45:39 05/11/20

          Filled Buy 2957 TRX Limit 0.66 — — 09:45:39 05/11/20

          Here are some of the Sales I made (booked a short term $2,000 dollar profit in one week )!!!

          Filled Sell 500 TRX Limit 0.8649 — — 10:39:14 05/18/20

          Filled Sell 5000 TRX Limit 0.86260 — — 10:34:05 05/18/20

          Filled Sell 1000 TRX Limit 0.86 — — 10:30:02 05/18/20

          Filled Sell 100 TRX Limit 0.8601 — — 10:30:02 05/18/20

          Filled Sell 500 TRX Limit 0.86 — — 10:30:02 05/18/20

          Filled Sell 10 TRX Limit 0.86 — — 10:30:02 05/18/20

          Filled Sell 3390 TRX Limit 0.86 — — 10:30:02 05/18/20

  11. al

    A perfect segue would be Mark Taylor. We are living history!
    Yes, Silver is the best anti-bacterial (virus killing) component on Earth next to fire! Silver will be a lot more important in the near future than anyone thinks. Thank you Covid19 🙂

    Trump’s re-election is WRITTEN IN STONE! The deep state loses either way. It’s the election or their heads. They lost and they know it! Which is why the Enemy Media and the deep state are throwing a daily childish tantrum.

    Very interesting thoughts by Bo…
    After TRUMP’S SECOND TERM what’s left of the deep state will try to use Trump’s movement to pervert it by using the Vatican/Muslim/Government “inclusion” angle. Interesting. The alien angle is also quite intriguing and whether real or not, they will try to use a god like entity to try and gain the power they lost. Could that be the third beast with a face like a man spoken of in Rev 6:7…? Could it be alien? False Worship? Both? Don’t some aliens depicted in movies and “folklore” look human like? Yet they are creatures.

    The rider on the black horse depicted in Revelations 6:5 represents famine and hyperinflation, where it states that a day’s wage, a denarius, worth about 1/10th ounce of silver, would buy less than a Quart of Barley which is less valuable than Wheat.
    The rider on the black horse has been galloping around Countries like Venezuela and Zimbabwe for years! Once it hits the major Countries like in the EU or USA, Hyperinflation will go wild which will bring on starvation (famine) to those who allow themselves to be deceived.

    Out of all the guests you have Greg, Bo Polny is the most intriguing and thought provoking guest.

    Thank you and God Bless you for all you do Greg

  12. D. Havelock

    You Can’t Keep A good Woman Down!
    Coronavirus War Room (with Dr. Judy Mikovits) by Dr. Paul Cottrell
    •Premiered May 15, 2020

    • Beverly

      D. Havelock,
      I totally agree! I believe Judy Mikovits is the one person who is actually coming out and telling the truth about retroviruses and what can and is being transmitted all over the world. The CDC knows that terrible things can be transmitted by coughs and sneezes, but this information was never used like this before. She is against using the vaccines as they are currently being produced(the MMR being a combination of 3 diseases that overwhelm), and knows that vaccines as they are will mess up people’s immune systems and make them unable to deal with deadly stuff. That is why Bill Gates is so Pro vacccine—he wants to reduce the population of the earth and wants to use vaccines to do it. Everyone needs to listen to as much Judy Mikovits as they have time for and can squeeze into their schedules.

    • AndrewB

      WOW! I have listened to the first 1 hour 22 minutes of the interview you linked to. Judy Mikovits appears to have perfect recall – amazing, instant recollection of dates, timelines, and people. A rare gift. Needless to say, much of the scientific discussion – doctor to doctor – went over my head but the sincerity and devastating conclusions she draws are clear as day. Many thanks for posting the link. I’ll get to the remainder of the interview later today.

  13. Paul Anthony

    Just trying to figure out why Trumps time as potus is up at 2023 why a year short of two terms?

    Defiantly we are in a new era of time since April. That truth is right in front of us. Bo has my attention

  14. Ronnie

    ALIENS landing did it for me.
    Let’s be honest, “The business of America is War and War itself.”
    Yours truly, President of the United States.
    ( Pick any on you like since from 1776)
    Right up to the point of planet earths extinction!

    • Freebrezer

      Ronnie – let’s be honest …The business of any country is and war itself … this up to WWII. America is no different.

  15. Just sayin...

    So all those children that have been turned off religion because of the child abuse will burn in hell and the ‘good Christians’ that turned a blind eye will go to heaven? Let’s be honest, only a small amount of those that profess to be Christian will make it.

    • Greg Hunter

      Not true. Anyone who believes in Christ will make it. Look at the story of the “Good Thief” on the cross.

      • H. Craig Bradley


        Remember too the Parable of the 12 Virgins. Half of them did not have sufficient oil in their lamps to wait-out the darkness until dawn. When the Bridegroom finally arrived, they were unprepared and missed-out. You have to pass muster and being a nominal or complacent Christian or Catholic probably won’t get you in the Pearly Gates.

        In addition, there are a number of specified sins that will disqualify many souls from heaven ( Those who practice them will NOT inherit the Kingdom of Heaven). So, do not be deceived ( Jesus’s exact words in this verse). Just Saying, again.

        So, if you are lukewarm, Jesus said “I will spit you out of my mouth”. Most American “Christians” are definitely lukewarm believers. Too many compromises on the Road to Perdition. They probably won’t make it into heaven, according to my Bible.

        The message is be prepared at all times because the Second Coming of Christ will be like “a thief in the night”. Moreover, “neither the Son of Man nor the Angeles in Heaven know the day nor the hour, but only the Father in Heaven”.

        • Just sayin...

          I agree. Catholics have to get out before it is too late. Catholicism has strayed from the teachings of the bible. This probably explains many of the perversions that stem from it.

          • Charles H

            Exactly right.

            • William Stanley

              I suspect that Js listens to you and much appreciates your support. It seems that he was always a devout Christian, although he didn’t always recognize that fact.

              Your ministry continues with increased vigor. What an interesting turn of events!

          • Occasnltrvlr

            You’ve never really studied any of the Catholic faith at all, have you?

      • J.

        Greg, you may want to also consider these Biblical scriptures;

        Matthew 7:13-14
        Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

        Luke 13:23-25
        Someone asked him, “Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?” He said to them. Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the master of the house has risen and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, open to us,’ then he will answer you, ‘I do not know where you come from.’

        Matthew 7:21-23
        “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

        John 14:23-24
        Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me.”

        John 3:8-10
        “The person who lives a sinful life belongs to the devil, because the devil has been committing sin since the beginning. The reason that the Son of God appeared was to destroy what the devil does. Those who have been born from God don’t live sinful lives. What God has said lives in them, and they can’t live sinful lives. They have been born from God. This is the way God’s children are distinguished from the devil’s children. Everyone who doesn’t do what is right or love other believers isn’t God’s child.”

        • Greg Hunter

          Why? What are you saying?

          • J.

            Why . . . because I felt you, and others, would benefit from the Biblical Scriptures, and “I” am not saying . . . Holy Spirit/Biblical Scripture . . . is saying.

            God Bless!

            • Greg Hunter

              Well don’t be ashamed “J.”! Use a real name if you are so proud of Jesus and the Bible.

      • paul ...

        Just sayin … Stated another way … anyone who does not follow Christs example does not make it into Heaven … otherwise we will be in Heaven with Hillary, Bill Gates, Hitler, Jeffery Dahmer, Stalin, Mao, etc., etc., etc.!!

      • Jose Gallardo

        The thief on the cross repented but the truth is evil people who don’t repent will not be saved and neither will Christians who fall away into apostasy and don’t repent.

        God bless, don’t know your religion but the Orthodox faith is the Church I recommend.

        • Greg Hunter

          You mean you recommend the religion where they hide pedophile priests and stopped justice and abuse of children from being done? You mean you recommend the faith led by a man who says “Christ was a failure on the cross”? I could go on but you are being lead by a pope that says atheists can get into heaven by “doing good.” I was a Catholic most of my life and I saw how they handled the pedophile priest crisis. I like Catholics. The are good people and the 5 pillars of the Catholic faith are rock solid. My big problem is with management.

          • Nick-Dog

            I am a practicing Catholic and well-trained Catholic historian.

            Everything you say with respect to the “management problems” of the Catholic Church is absolutely on point. No argument there. I agree.

            That said, it’s still Christ’s Church, and there was treachery and scandal in it from the beginning, starting with Judas Iscariot and carrying on through the present day. Acts of the Apostles and the rest of the New Testament are absolutely clear on this.

            I have several friends who have lost their Faith because of the scandals, people with deep theological training. While I totally respect the need to get away from scandal and scandalous priests/bishops/leaders, it would be a mistake to miss the forest for the bad trees (of which there are too many).

            That said, the Catholic Church is still blessed with some phenomenal holy men on the local level who feel as you do with respect to the management and see it for what it is.

            As far as leaving the Church goes, I definitely don’t judge, per se, but on a purely theological philosophical level….Protestantism or Orthodoxy doesn’t make sense. Peter and his successors have all authority as outlined in Matthew 16: 19. This authority was accepted in the early Church, political in-fighting and scheming notwithstanding.

            Regardless of the circumstances, when one goes outside the domain of Peter, the level of authority in spiritual matters basically diminishes.

            This means that even if Peter’s successor is a socialist or worse, well, I must respect the office even if I don’t respect the man or errant teaching…and I will leave it at that.

            I say the above as one whose best friends are Protestant and whose Faith inspires my own. They know my feelings, but I love their deep faith and accept them as they are and simply pray that we will all be in one Church in Heaven.

            God Bless, Greg

            • Charles H


              The Matthew 16:19 verse applies ONLY to Apostle Peter: it is transitory, ending at the close of apostles lives. NO body can have two heads and be said to be viable. The nature of Authority is there is a finality of authority in ONE. So either the authority of God resides in a succession of sinful men; or it resides in the Divinely Inspired and Preserved Holy Word of God: the Holy Bible.

              The Roman Catholic Church by claiming Apostolitic Authority commits two errors: alledges authority above the Word of God the Holy Bible – which forfeits God’s blessings; and introduces errors and a body of extra-biblical heresy. Man is NOT to add to or take from the Divine record: and Apostolic Succession provides to do just that. And it is God Himself who commanded this to never be done, both in the Old Testament and the New.

              • Nick-Dog

                Sorry Charles, but what you say is not historically the case in the early Church, nor is it theologically accurate.

                The books of the Bible were defined by a spiritual authority well-after Peter…centuries after they were written.

                Only a God-given authority could do that with accuracy, and this is brings us to main problem with Protestantism/Orthodoxy–a lack of clearly defined spiritual authority that can defiine what is worthy of belief or unworthy of belief.

                How many sects of protestantism are there? Which one is right and not apostasy or heresy? Theologically they declare or assume to have a monopoly on the truth but were formed by separation when there is serious disagreement.

                We also see that Jesus uses the plural form in Luke for example when speaking to Peter about not allowing him (and arguably his successors) to be sifted.

                Another consideration is that the theology you take for granted as the understanding of the Incarnation and the Holy Trinity took centuries of debate in the early Church to receive clarity….debate that was ultimately settled with deference to “Peter.”

                God Bless Charles.

                • Charles H

                  Respectfully, Nick-Dog,

                  History, written and interpreted by man is not the authority on the Holy Bible. That God Almighty chose to put the progressive revelation of Himself in written form is an unapproacjable mystery. Man, being God’s creation – has served like a radio: to faithfully reproduce the signal of Inspiriation of the Holy Spirit – not only in the formatting, but the organization also. Inspiration and Preservation by God, through the languages and centuries of time make the Holy Bible a supernatural and supernaturally attended item. It has been and continues to be out of man’s hand – except to be perverted and subverted when appropriated illegitimately.

                  The fact of apostasy and heresy are NOT adequate incrimination against the Bible; but against sinful man.

                  And the Luke 22:31,32 verses of Peter’s sifting is direct and not inclusive of authority: but deals with failure and abandonment of faith. Do not procees to a foregone conclusion by interjecting meaning that isn’t there.

                  THE spiritual Authority is the written Word of God, the Holy Bible. It is above man as it proceeds from God Himself and is superintended by God Himself the Holy Spirit. Don’t look at man’s problems and condemn the Bible. Everytime man organizes – the pot goes bad, sooner or later.

                  And, again – history and the commentary of man can add NOTHING to the Word of God. Truth is self-evident and self-explanatory; once you break free of the chains of organized bondage.

                  I hope this helps.

                • eddiemd

                  Come out of the Babylonian church. Worshipper of graven images.
                  Trust in Jesus Christ. Not in popes, priests, and bishops. It is the house of satan disguised with pomp and ceremony. Church of the dead.

        • eddiemd

          The orthodox and the roman Catholics. Both with stellar histories of compromise and corruption.

          Those are the institutions that I should avoid at all cost. Part of the end time one world religion.

        • GRitchie


          Just a small correction to your post. The two men that were crucified with Christ were really robbers according to the Greek. They stole by using force. A thief today is someone who steals secretly. Some earlier versions of the Bible like the KJV has thieves because that was what a robber was called back then. Today robber and thief have different meanings.

        • Charles H

          No, Jose…

          The spiritual adoption of sons (Hebrews 12) has no release. Once one is saved: no one can take them out of the Father’s hand – John 10:28,29. True born-again believers may apostasize: but they never lose their salvation – they are “sealed” with the Holy Spirit (2Cor. 1:22). Forget the hocus-pocus of some sinful human being praying intercession for someone else’s sin. And can you explain how Mary got all messed up in this very thing?

      • Beverly

        Sorry Greg, I have to disagree. Yes, believing in Christ is the VERY foundation of Christianity. But, there are Christians out there who know about God’s laws and believe in Christ, and yet rebel against those laws. They know they are doing evil, but they just do it anyway. Maybe they think, Oh well, Jesus will save me. Well, those people will eventually be resurrected, yes, and in that sense they are saved. But, people who rebel against God’s truth and commandments, knowing that what they do is wrong, will have to pay the price with their own suffering, unless they REPENT and STOP DOING the wrong things they have committed.

        • paul ...

          You mean to tell me I’m going to be in Heaven with Hillary, Hitler, Jeffrey Epstien, Bill Gates, Jeffery Dahmer, Stalin, Mao, the Bio-weapon Scientists, the Banksters, the Warmongers, the Pedophiles, etc., etc., etc. if they simply REPENT???? … who invented this “get out of Hell free loophole” … the Pope?????

          • William Stanley

            paul …,
            It looks like this comment is directed to Beverly. Did you intend that? If so, it seems inapposite.

          • Beverly

            I’m not sure if your comment is directed towards my comment or somebody else’s. Murderers will be sent to a hellish spirit prison. Good people will not be there with them.

      • SolarGuy

        I hope all is well sir.
        I’ve been watching your weekly news wrap ups and interviews for over 5 years. You do a great job and I appreciate the hard work.
        I just want to interject here for a minute if I may please….
        What do you mean by “calls on the name of the Lord”?
        It says in scripture (Romans 10:13) , (Acts 2:21), (Joel 2:32) that anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved…. however “calls“ doesn’t mean simply believe in, or cries out to the Lord. The word for “calls” in Greek or Aramaic is much more involved.
        Even satan knows Jesus is real. So one could say satan “believes” in Jesus as he knows Jesus is real and that He exists. We all know however that the enemy is NOT saved.
        It says in scripture that people will call on Him Lord Lord, and Jesus will say “I never knew you” (Matt 7:21-23). It even says some will say they cast out demons in His name, and Jesus says He never knew them.
        In Luke 6:46 Jesus says “Why do you call me Lord , Lord, and don’t do what I say”
        We are to follow Jesus, in His ways, we are to have a heart like Jesus, we are to have eyes like Jesus so that we see others as He sees them. There is to be fruit from a life that is rooted in Christ.
        As for the theif on the cross, he realized who Jesus really was. He knew Jesus was the Messiah. The theif
        said to the other criminal that they (the two theives) deserved the punishment but Jesus didn’t. So that theif was confessing his sin and also was confessing that Jesus was Lord. And Jesus knew the heart of the theif was legit and that’s why the one theif was told by Jesus that he would be with Him later that day in paradise.
        We can’t do anything to gain salvation on our own, salvation as you know is a gift from God. It doesn’t cost us anything but cost God and Jesus a lot.
        Keep up the good work.
        Fear Not!!!!


        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Mario. Good stuff brother!!!

  16. Rodger Pape

    Love listening to Bo…Thanks for having him on Greg.

  17. JC

    This was an interesting hour with Greg and Bo, covered a lot of ground. God, gold, silver, aliens, Satan’s demons and more!

    • paul ...

      You know … for gold to get to $3000 by September (only about 100 days from now) as Bo predicts … it has to move up by $12.50 per day over the next 100 days … and silver (moving up at a 10 to 1 ratio) will mean it moves up by $1.25 per day over the next 100 days … putting the silver price at about $142 dollars per ounce by September 1, 2020!!!

      • paul ...

        This is going to be very bad news for Stan … but will bring smiles to our faces!!

        • paul ...

          I’m smiling right now Stan … seeing Gold up $18.34 and Silver up $0.56 and the NY Exchanges have not even opened yet!! … GOLD … … SILVER …

          • Stan

            Paul: Like how my boys smashed it down?

            • Greg Hunter

              Your “boys” are crooks illegally dumping counterfeit paper metal on the market.

            • paul ...

              Stan … Ever think you were a creation of men and not of Gods?? … the Bible says a very intelligent gave a directive: Let’s make Man in “Our” Image … and so man was build (like a robot that looked just like them … the same way the Japanese make their robots look Japanese) … however the advanced being(s) that made man didn’t use computer chips and metal the way the Japanese do … they were experts in creating “biological computers” … and they made their biological computers with the ability “to learn from experience” (but it seems many defects exist in our world … as many humans have a very hard time learning from experience) … Bo says we will soon have a massive recall … the robots men create “are simple minded creatures designed to take strict orders and do exactly as they are told” (they have no soul) … but the Creator of Man wanted something unique … a biological computer that could think for itself (and have it’s own soul “by Using it’s God Given Brain” … but in your case Stan … you are due for a recall … as your brain remains frozen!!

          • JC

            paul… Bob Moriarty ( says it’s time to buy silver.


            • paul ...

              JC … With silver at a 5000 year low … I think everyone but Stan would agree … it is tine to buy silver!!!

  18. Marius

    Hi Greg and Bo,

    Thank you for another wonderful interview.

    These time lines are very interesting. These two books may be of importance during these times ahead:

    The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan And The Desire of Ages

    I do agree with some of Bo’s views in particular as he said this is not about microchips and marks. Is it not rather that of worship and to whom you pay homage?

    This issue was brought into prominence before and here are some articles that were published in the Catholic Mirror:

    Many people speak of the Mark of the Beast, and this is what the Bible says about it:
    {14:7} Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
    Revelation {14:8} And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. {14:9} And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive [his] mark in his forehead, or in his hand, {14:10} The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: {14:11} And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. {14:12} Here is the patience of the saints: here [are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. {14:13}

    The commandment that ties this together is found in Exodus {20:8} “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. {20:9} Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: {20:10} But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates: {20:11} For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is,] and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.”

    This seems to be the polarizing issue to come to the fore.

    Joshua 24:14-15: “Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. {24:15} And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that [were] on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

    Please do ask some of your guests their views on this aspect in future interviews.

    Thank you and do keep up your good work.

    • Anthony Australia

      Thanks JC

  19. Jose Gallardo

    BREAKING COVID-19 antibody testing in Spain estimates ~5% infected

    -Those in quarantine trended toward a higher infection rate than those working (6.3% vs 5.3%)

    -Higher rate of infection in those OVER age 60 (6.1% vs 4.8%)

    Challenges the idea that lockdowns protect the elderly.

    Peter Wilke

    • Self Exiled

      Thank You. Confirmation of my thinking.

  20. Jose Gallardo

    Gates owns stock in the test kits and Novartis is currently working with the Gates Foundation on Covid. In 2001 Novartis filed a case against Abbott in which they were granted in part and denied in part. In 2003 Novartis filed a patent infringement claim against Abbott and lost that case….. These two companies have HISTORY and are obviously competitors and not “friends”. Is there any wonder why there are “problems” with the Abbott test given Gates ties to Novartis??

  21. JungianINTP

    – Smell that Smell –
    Fauci Lied
    People Died

    Masks Don’t Protect
    He First Proclaimed
    Masks Do Protect
    He Later Exclaimed
    Confused or Conspired?
    Ignorant or Inspired?
    Narcissism’s Drive?
    Globalism Contrived?
    Whatever the Case
    Perfume can Tell
    Spray in Place
    Smell that Smell!
    Six Feet Apart Fails
    Windy Room Prevails

    Smell that Leftism!

    Smell that Marxism!

    Smell that Globalism!

    Smell that Pseudo-Science!

    Smell that Smell!

    Smell that Coming Poop,
    Pee, Sexual Fluids and
    Rotting Flesh of Bolshevism

    Smell that Smell
    If or When
    Winds Win!



  22. Jose Gallardo

    Is a Vaccine for coronavirus even feasible? Or necessary? Why are they pouring so much money into the development of a Vaccine this is likely to be ineffective by the time it arrives on the scene. This is the Unicorn of all Vaccines right, the one they’ve tried to create for SARS not only without success, but it never made it past animal testing…… well, because they died. Even the Scientists that worked on that Vaccine have cautioned against this.

    It’s a good thing they’re going to skip the animal testing and go straight to guinea pigs in the form of humans.

    I mean.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    But really, the biggest issue is this, it’s a treatable Virus. So why do we need a Vaccine?

    It has a greater than 99.9% survival rate. So again, why do we need a Vaccine?

    Do you not see the problem with this?

  23. Julia

    I have only read the introduction but I agree whole heartedly with Mr. Polny. The goal is to get rid of Christianity. I am reading a book “To the Victors go the Myths and Monuments. The History of the First 100 years of the War Against God and the Constitution, 1776-1876, and Its Modern Impact” by Arthur Thompson. He is going through the history of America and how the removal and adulteration of Christianity began during and right after the Revolutionary War and continues to today. This includes changing words of the Bible, destroying doctrine, fake Pastors, infiltration of Denominations and destruction of the Christian States. I am looking forward to interview!

    • Beverly

      You have chosen a very powerful book to read. Hurray for Art Thompson!! What a genius he is. I agree—the Deep State(this includes the United Nations) just wants to rid the world of Christianity. They are persecuting Christians in China with the approval of the Pope. The Pope is a Communist and does not care about Jesus. He cares about a New World Order with the Catholic Church being in charge.

  24. Jerry

    Here’s my thought.

    In the coming days, it will not be possible to survive what is coming without the gift of the Holy Ghost that you receive through covenants made with our lord Jesus Christ. Only the powers of heaven can deliver us now, from the evil that has seized control of our world. This is going to end only one way. With the complete destruction of Lucifer’s empire on earth, and with it, the slave system he has built through the banks.
    Get your house in order.

  25. John Shipp

    The death of Pharaoh Tutmose was March 17th, and there are Egyptian Frescoes showing dead soldiers in the water associated with his death. He was the one caught in the Red Sea chasing the Israelites. He is the only Pharoah whose death date we know.
    Regardless of my comment I still think Bo Polny is on the right track if the time line is a little out.

  26. Fatima Message

    Beware – GREAT DECEPTION here! None of this matches Our Lord’s description of the Tribulation/Chastisment contained in Mathew 24, Mark 13, or Luke 21. The first part of the Chastisment will be man made (financial disasters and plagues and starvation and revolutions and wars) followed by natural disasters(earthquakes, Volcanos, tsunamis, cities destroyed, etc.) Then God steps in to Save the elect. Beware!

    The sun has entered a time of Grand Solar Minimum(GSM). The results:
    1. The solar energy is decreasing allowing more galactic cosmic rays(GCR) to enter solar system
    2. GCRs cause lower level cloud formation and weather changes Colder times Causing crop failures and starvation which lead to riots and revolutions and wars
    3, GCRs heat up silica magma Under Earth’s crust causing volcanos, earthquakes, tsunamis
    Scientists have known about this GSM for decades but demonic elements have confused mankind.
    IF mankind had prepared for this GSM things might have been different!
    Scientists also understand that our sun is now capable in producing events that caused the Great Flood that wiped out Noah’s civilization (Read Prof. Robert Schoch‘s book ‘Forgotten Civilization: The role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future’). A solar outburst, a micro nova, is described in the Bible and termed ‘The Day of the Lord’ and in Catholic prophecy as ‘TheThree Days of Darkness.’ Catholic prophecy has also instructed us on how to survive this ‘harvest’ time for the GOOD. No evil will survive this micro nova. The ‘miracle of the sun’ at Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917 was a depiction of this micro nova. Our Lady warned in the apparitions of Akita in 1973 of ‘Fire falling from the sky’ destroying most of mankind. Read 2nd Peter chapter 3 for a description of the ‘Day of the Lord.’ Our Lord has had us pray for 2000 years to be “delivered from the EVIL one” and for “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” God’s Kingdom will have not one trace of evil WILL in anyone that survives and enters it. Beware of false prophets!

  27. Darrell Dullnig

    IMO, Mr. Polny should either specialize in precious metals, or specialize in scriptural interpretation. Mixing the two the way he does results in a somewhat less than credible presentation; rather unfocused, to say the least.

    • Doug

      I fully agree Darrel! In fact the scriptures speak of many false prophets! For tellers of events and such. I do not buy into any mans so called direct line to our maker.
      Treading on dangerous ground filled full of vanity.

      • paul ...

        Darrell and Doug … What’s more dangerous … is to throw the silver baby out with the scriptural bath water … don’t let the cloudy bath water make you fail to see “a coming exponential rising demand for silver” … especially since silver (unlike gold) is widely used as a commodity in so many industrial applications … the Corona Virus is reducing both gold and silver supplies this year (as Worldwide National Lock-downs are shuttering down mines) … but the shut-downs will have a “more potent effect upon the silver price” then upon the gold price … because silver is needed (more then gold) for a great many industrial applications … and the only silver supply available to industry will be those silver one ounce coins “we have a lock on” and won’t surrender until they pay us “the right price” for them as listed on the US Debt Clock ($2830 dollars per ounce) …

        • paul ...

          Darrell and Doug … For a “much simpler and clearer analysis” (that separates the Church from the State of the Market) … listen to this … … and make important note of “the bearish engulfing pattern we just got” … we could be in for a very severe stock market fall “greater then 35%” (within a very very very short period of time)!!!

          • GRitchie

            Not sure what you mean when you say within a very very very short period of time. To me this means days not weeks or months. I believe more than likely the stock market may decline significantly this fall especially if the virus returns but probably not before then unless something else unexpected happens. We had three good positive days after that bearish engulfing pattern which is not what a bear wants to see. Looks like we may be still heading higher.

  28. Stan

    Folks, you are living it the best economy ever with the most rock solid monetary system. We are going through a little bump in the road right now. Be patient. History is littered with the carcasses of people who bet against the Dollar.

    • paul ...

      Stan … Betting against the dollar is a no brainer … especially when Governments print up unlimited Zimbabwe amounts of fiat currency … while God’s silver supply on planet Earth “is limited”!!!

    • Beverly

      You have got to be kidding! How can you believe that and want to follow this site? This is not just a bump in the road. These are major events happening here and you better get prepared or get ready to die if you don’t.

    • eddiemd

      Mayor of Munchkin City. Stan.

      I sent this video to family members when Trump was elected.

    • Charles H

      Stop trying to load people here. Things work until they don’t. The Dollar paradigm will go like a rocket; but explode like the Challenger.

    • Occasnltrvlr

      Stan, if you are even 10% as knowledgeable as you portray yourself to be, then you know full good and well that the world’s monetary system, led by the US Dollar, is a complete and utter sham.

  29. eddiemd

    Steve Linick

    Obama man, never Trumper, lifetime swamp man, crooked attorney\

    My experience in the Army is that you can never trust the IG. They are the enemy inside the wall.

    His newly minted Wikipedia. Propaganda website written for the least informed sheeple. Always in the top 5 search results for google. That is all you need to know.

    • eddiemd

      Distraction from the real news. #Obamagate

      What does the deep state have on Lyndsey Graham? More scandal.

    • eddiemd

      Trump finally cleaning up the swamp.

      The media propaganda playing this 24 hours. Something is up. State Department covering up the dirt in Ukraine. Biden and his kid. Linick should have been investigating Biden.

      Whatever happened to Nuland?

      Where is Schiff?

      Never trust anyone inside the embassies in foreign nations. They are all dirty. Down south in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru…crawling with the NAS and CIA. Narcotraficantes.

      • Charles H

        AG Barr seems to be willing to give all the big brass a pass.


    I would like to give a short update. The hundreds of locomotives that used to be parked east of Tucson, AZ are now gone. They have been replaced with hundreds of car hauler rail
    cars. I guess this means they won’t be needed in the near future.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Steve for the reporting!

    • Occasnltrvlr

      But, then, what of the locomotives?

  31. Julia

    Great interview! I will be watching the time lines. I wonder Mr Polny if you would consider adding the Kabbalah and Chabad to the list? In order to join the Chabad you have to deny Jesus and New Testament. The Kabbalah is what the Catholic Church adopted/absorbed/overthrew the Church during the Renaissance. Thank you.

  32. Rich

    D. Paul Walker, Bible Student and Teacher
    Answered Apr 2, 2019 · Author has 2.5k answers and 189.5k answer views

    Ezekiel 7:19 KJV They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity.

    Ezekiel chapter seven is a reference to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the day of his wrath.

    James 5:1-3 KJV Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. 2 Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. 3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.
    James 5:7 KJV Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

  33. Pete M

    Spirituality will save us in the end, but first you need to believe, and coupled with some reasonable knowledge, we will be saved.

    Part of this knowledge is knowing who the enemy is, and believing that current markets are no longer true, and corrupted all the way.

    I do want to elaborate a bit on Bo’s take on the price of silver.

    Over time, it holds its value well. In the mid to late 1960s, my parents would send me to the corner store to pick up a loaf of bread which cost one quarter. Today, that same quarter (if it was made of silver), could still buy a loaf of bread. As well, a pizza cost about $1.50, or 6 quarters. You could still buy a pizza with those 6 silver quarters.

    About 70% or more of the silver that is mined today, comes as a biproduct from other minerals, and this, coupled with the fact that there has been virtually no drilling and exploration taking place for the past 10 years means there is less of it around, let alone being shut down because of the so called virus.

    As well, the current physical Silver to Gold ratio for production is 8 ozs of silver to 1 oz of Gold, but yet it takes 114 ozs of silver to purchase an ounce of gold, so which item has more potential to rise versus the other?

    Bo brings up a good point that Silver has some very important industrial qualities especially when it comes to use in new technologies, and is actually why it is consumed while Gold is hoarded.

    Hi Ho Silver!!! and never lose the faith…Thanks again Greg for getting the truth out.

  34. Kim M.

    Amazing interview! So much information! Will have to review this video several times to take it all in. Time line summary is needed and would be very helpful. Thank you Bo for all your work and willingness to step up and put yourself on the line. You are very appreciated. Thank you Greg for stepping up and making this impactful information available. God bless!

  35. Mike

    I will. Listen to this 2-3 more times as I believe mr Polny will be proven correct once again, I feel I need a little clarity on the mountains – 3 yrs is not a long time frame. Can you shed a little more light Thanks. Mike

  36. Charlie Amos

    This is too spooky for words! Last night I had a dream that mirrored Bo’s pretty much! I dreamt that Gold became part of a new reset announced on Mon 21.9.2020 (after Sept Fed Meeting) and gold was $4,000 and silver $65!!
    I do hope so.
    The silver price should be circa $70 anyway, adjusted for inflation since 1970’s so at GSR of average of 62 for last 65 years, it does not seem too way out – especially as Bo says it too!!!

  37. Stan

    Wait until 200k comex contracts are dumped at 3am eastern time…when u Gold Bugs least expect it. That should wipe the smile off your faces.

    • Greg Hunter

      So you are down with criminal manipulation of the markets? You are just a crook and a troll?

      • Rodster

        No Greg, he’s just a troll and the class clown. Making stupid comments to encourage emotional responses is just plain “trolling”.

      • Charles H

        Just a “pump and dump’, Greg. Stan pumps the Dollar party line, then dumps a little observation or agreement. Just a fixture of propaganda. Perhaps even assigned to this site.

    • paul ...

      Why do I do what I do for you Stan? … I guess because (like Christ) I’m trying to give you “sight” (as to the truth about money and gold) “to cure your blindness” … and make you “see again” … most of us here on Greg’s site are following in the way of the Lord (awakening others out of their slumber) … perhaps by our combined efforts … we can save you and the rest of humanity to one day meet the Father of all Truth and Light … but you are a tough “nut” to crack!!!

  38. regaleagle

    Forget a return to “normalcy”……who wants it or needs it anyway. God Almighty in his infinite wisdom is trying to show us this world is full of evil……but that there is also joy in hope for a better world to come…….coming to a neighborhood near you soon. It won’t be like anything anyone living today has ever experienced before……..and most probably not anyone that has ever lived on this earth. But history does have a way of repeating itself with humans…….until we get some Heavenly intervention for those who are believers. The intervention for those who are not believers might be just the awakening they really needed…….a miracle instead of a nightmare. I must admit after listening to this interview that a feeling of joy and hope swept thru my heart and soul. Thanks for having Bo back on to shed some light into this time of darkness. My fears have almost vanished, Greg.

    • R J Wolf

      Thanks Greg, very well executed. You and Bo did an outstanding scripture lesson. I can’t help but wonder something else that would be truly EPIC. Seeing HRK and BHO doing a perp walk in a jump suit with bracelets assigned to San Quentin for 20 years. Now, that would be EPIC!!!!!! Hey Bo, any leads from the man upstairs???

  39. JC

    Ok, since Bo mentioned Satan’s demons…

    Meet Barbara Ferrer, The Social Justice Warrior With No Medical Background Leading LA’s COVID Response.

  40. Bill the Cat Guy

    Bo Polny makes so many bad predictions that he isn’t worth listening to. Wasn’t silver supposed to go sky high in April of this year?

  41. Tell the Truth

    Greg, Bo has never mentioned anything about aliens or new technology devised of silver before. Suddenly, he’s mentioning these things, including “secrets revealed”, and $600’silver! He has always said he doesn’t know events, but cycles! So why now is he seeing aliens merging with the Vatican, US, Islam? Did you know that Clif High, whom you haven’t had on since 2017/2018, has been forecasting these events to the exact words for more than 20 years?? All of these specific events are in his Webbot reports – all of them! I hope these are true visions from God as Bo says, or else it’s plagiarism!

    • Greg Hunter

      First of all Bo does not like to talk about price points. So the “$600” silver price is Clif High’s and only his. Ponly never mentioned this price, just that the silver price would go way up. Plenty of other people have made this prediction, including Jim Sinclair recently here on USAW.

      Here is a letter I sent to Clif High today after he inferred that Bo Polny downloaded his work:

      “I talked to Bo about this and he says he did NOT download your report. Bo uses what he calls Daniel’s Timeline and quotes the prophet Isaiah all from the Bible which I know you do not read. I do not think you guys are approaching this in the same way, but you may be coming up with some of the same predictions.

      Did you listen to our interview?

      Did you watch Bo Polny’s free power point presentation he gave me to put on USAW?? He says he worked it for 2 weeks on it. Here it is:

      Are you telling me he got this from you??? This is 32 pages of high production value with Biblical references on every page.

      I would never put stolen work on

      I think you are a great guy and you do very good work, but I am having a hard time believing that Polny’s Biblical cycles, dates and specific time points are being stolen from someone who does not believe in God or Jesus.



      Now go pound sand and play in the street with your totally absurd and false claims that Polny stole Clif’s work and posted it here on USAW.

  42. Rachel

    Hi Greg,
    Thank you for bringing us this interview that explains world financial upheavals from a biblical point of view. Bo Polony has put a lot of work into this for out benefit. Here is another viewpoint from well explained market analysis view by Alasdair Macleod where he sees a total dollar collapse by year end. Turbulent times ahead!
    Paul I wonder what your debt clock will say then about the price of gold.

  43. Pete

    Mathew 24:5
    “For many will come in my name saying , I am Christ, and shall deceive many”
    I’m still a skeptic of Bo but don’t want to piss off Greg because he is a true Bo believer. Not saying Bo is a bad guy. He seems like a wonderful person who loves Jesus. Just not buying what he’s selling. Good luck to everyone.
    P.s. Bo said Dow 15000 in April. Now he was spot on because oil crashed and a Dow went up.
    Pss Greg you must be pissed. Bo says no Rapture coming.
    We are all like minded people here with gold and silver. We are probably all conservatives if we need labels. Gold going up. Duh. End times. Duh. Bo Polny knowin* exactly what happens? Baloney.
    Psss. Greg please ask Bo (and yourself) do people who die go right to heaven? Curious thanks

    • Greg Hunter

      Polny never impersonated Christ. You are not buying what he is selling because you got this presentation for free. Maybe you should check yourself and look in the mirror to make sure YOU are everything Christ would want you to be.

    • Beverly

      When people die, there is a pre-judgement I guess you could call it. Depending on what people were taught and the knowledge they had of God and the Commandments, and how they chose to react to what they were taught—-these will be factors in this pre-judgement— kind of like a near death experience, where they have a life review before they come back to life. So, people can progress in the Spirit World and become better in a spiritual sense, but it is much harder then because they don’t have a body anymore. We make better spiritual progress when we overcome evil when we are in the flesh. Jesus has said that a man must be born again of the Water and of the Spirit. He told this to Nicodemus. He was telling Nicodemus that in order to be with God, we must be baptized to show God that we are serious about being Christians. This has to be done by immersion(since it is symbolic of an earthly birth when we were surrounded by water in the womb). Then we have to be given the Holy Ghost or cleanse our hearts to the point where we can receive the Holy Ghost into our lives. Our baptism and our choices on whether we were serious about being a true Christian, will be the deciding factors of whether we will put into a Spirit Prison or a Spirit Paradise.

      • eddiemd

        Can you provide the reference for “pre-judgment”?

        Progress in the spirit world? Is that like the witch of Endor?

        Spirit prison or spirit paradise?

        • Bob Lamb

          Christ said, Today thou shalt be with me in paradise”

          1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
          19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

          1 Peter 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

          • Beverly

            Thank you Bob for providing those scriptural references. And, Eddiemd, if you are reading this comment then I would ask you to consider what all those spirit people are doing while they are dead. They’ve got to be doing something, and I would think if they have found more of the truth on the other side of the veil, then they are doing what they can to be on Christ’s side. And really, all Jesus wants for all of the people on the earth, is to live a happy eternal existence. Unfortunately, this won’t happen for some because they will never want to change. They will keep believing in Satan’s way of doing things–force, not choice.

            • eddiemd

              You are deceived. I have read many of your comments. Such a pity that you have no idea of what you are talking about. Wake up before it is too late. I cannot help you. Only Jesus Christ can help you.

              Spirit people? Is that the witch of Endor?

              • Occasnltrvlr

                Hear, hear!

        • Charles H


          It is a derivative of a ‘works salvation’. “… to show God we are serious” is the key of performing works. Also there are two resurrections: one to corruption, and the other incorruption. In Eternity, where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched – is not spiritual: but eternal corruption. Moses turned aside to see a bush that burned with fire but was not consumed: this is the picture.

  44. Zen

    Notably the NWO trolls are silent when you interview clowns such as;
    Bo Polny, Steve Quayle, Marc Taylor.
    Who do a better job of trashing your site and damaging the valuable message of your many quality guests and interviews.

    • Greg Hunter

      Aren’t you one?

      • William Stanley

        Mr. Hunter:
        Good catch!

  45. Ralph Baumgartner

    Moderator: Please relay this message to Greg Hunter. I have a couple of printouts which would definitely be of interest regarding the rising value of silver in the near future as per Bo Polny’s perspective. All I need is Greg’s snail mail post office address to send copies to.

  46. Mike R

    He’s taking credit for ‘something epic is going to happen on April 21st’ with oil going to ‘zero’. Gimme a break.

    The ‘great awakening’ is a nice vague one too.

    I think everyone has already figured out that the corona virus over-reaction, is something that was not warranted, and that lockdowns are doing more damage, than the virus will ever do. And everyone knows the Dems are big fat liars, and most of our government is corrupt, and that gold and silver will go up, when the dollar is falling.

    Everyone’s ‘awake’ but nobody is doing one damn thing about what they are seeing right before their own eyes, which is that all freedoms and liberties are being stripped away. And everyone is just rolling over, and accepting it. You can’t be anymore ‘awake’ that we are now, as we know more about everything than we have ever known, and know everything we need to know, to act now, and take back our country from the criminal cabal. But nobody wants to do that. Nobody wants to rock the boat, loose their 401K. Or loose their comfy home in the ‘burbs, or lose their phat pension if they are union, teachers, firefighters, cops.

    Predicting or ‘forecasting’ vague stuff is meaningless because most people are unwilling to act upon all the warning signs. Even preppers don’t get it. pretty much the only thing to do is leave the country now while you can. “prepping” wont help anyone.

    • Greg Hunter

      You have to give Polny credit for making some very big spot on calls. Oil going to $0 is “epic” and NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE in the history bof markets. It happened on April 21st just as Polny predicted something “epic would happen.” Polny also called the top in this market on Feb 9th and said it would go down 35% to 40%. It went down 38%. That’s also pretty specific. I could go on but what’s the point for a Polny hater. You are welcome to your own opinion, but you are not welcome to your own inaccurate facts that are nothing more than hating and discrediting this guest with your opinion.

      PS Polny also predicted that after April we would be in a “New era of time that would be Biblical.” Unless you are stupid you have to realize everything has changed. Polny MADE TAHT CALL ON FEB 9th here on USAW. That too was specific and came long before the pandemic was realized or the lockdowns started. That too was specific and not “Vague.”

      Finally, you are welcome to go someplace for free information and analysis.


      • Mike R

        I posted about the Covid Pandemic on another forum, on January 26th. Everyone was well aware that corona virus was going to sweep the globe by then, and so Bo caught what others like myself observed.

        Saying something big is going to happen on a certain date, with no specifics as to what it is, really is not a hard thing to do. You can pretty much find a whole lot of things that can be called ‘epic’ that have occurred since the virus lit up the internet, on multiple days. I was aware of Bo long before you had him on here, and he was just taking all sorts of pot shots for all kinds of things, and then later changed what he ‘meant’ in hindsight. I think its a an over reach, to say Im a hater of the guy. I think he is just full of a lot of BS, as many people tend to be, who get air time on the internet.

      • Lazlo

        This has been an epic ride so far… Bo knows. Some really don’t want to give Bo the credit he clearly earns, over and over with amazing calls. Thanks Greg and Bo.. Fear Not!

    • Occasnltrvlr

      Mr. R, I am no aficionado of Mr. Polny, but, absolutely, yes, what happened on April 21st with regard to the price of oil was unequivocally “epic”.

      Think back to the teachings of the 1970’s & 1980’s, and you’ll recall that by this time (2020), crude oil was supposed to be as rare as hen’s teeth and as expensive as gold.

      But, on April 21st, 2020, if I were to pay for delivery and had the facilities to take it, I could have made a great profit just by being willing to accept delivery of crude oil.

      That WAS epic, and it is disingenuous to deny it.

      Nonetheless, I agree with your frustration that predictions and knowledge are meaningless without actions.

  47. Tom

    “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” ― Malcolm X

  48. Stan

    You saw this same insanity and speculation at the top of the last Gold bubble. Here we are again.

    • Greg Hunter

      Do you cut yourself?

    • paul ...

      Stan, Stan, Stan … we only are “at the beginning” of a new gold bubble that is likely to run 7 years … remember back between 2008 and 2011 when Gold rallied over 300% … will Silver rallied over 600% (this was just after the Credit Crisis) … did you see silver rocket up 600% yet due to the current COVID-19 global economic crisis?? … no Stan … we are not yet at an insane speculative top … and when we do get a top … it is likely to be profoundly larger than the 2008-09 Credit Crisis event … and that is why we gold and silver bugs believe this is an incredible opportunity (that is just beginning) … remember Jim Sinclair’s stock TRX was $5 to $7 dollars per share back in 2011 (today it is at $0.80 cents) … does that seem to you to be an insanely overvalued speculation at the top of a gold bubble????

      • paul ...

        Not that I’m suggesting you should buy a penny gold stock Stan … you are safer buying and holding physical gold coins … as gold (or silver) coins can never have a Gates/Fauci controlled government “shut it down” (because of a Plandemic)!!!

    • Mike R

      Hey Stan. $1769 Gold. Just like I said, it is going to keep going up and up.

  49. Clap Clap the Clapper!

    Self Exiled,
    The second most dis’honest, 3 lonely minutes in “Tellthevision” History, to no one!
    CNN Finally Asks James Clapper A Real Question and He Literally Disappears.
    If anyone leaked the content of these conversations, that would be a problem, yes?’
    Kelen McBreen | – May 14,
    Greg, did Gina disappear too?

    • Greg Hunter

      Clapper said Obama ordered the investigation into Trump a few years ago on CNN. That is going to be their defense. Obama made me do it.

      • Paul Anthony

        I saw it is well- Clapper is corrupt but he’s not stupid as most criminals are. That statement he made is in permeant Print and video. Trials and hearings he’ll use it as “I as just following orders all along”. We knew this the day he said it though – Wheels of Justice is always slow. And here we are. #Obamagate

    • Self Exiled

      I saw that also, or the remake of it. I caught the hesitation in the production.

      • Self Exiled

        I remember now. I watched it on U tube and saw the hesitation between the answer and the question.

  50. Tom

    The true and real unemployment in the U.S. is 25%-50% and the stock market is going up.

    Hello…..Wake up you brainwashed sheep, this market is not real and just of matter of time and things will get very ugly….

    Gold is the money of Kings.

    Silver is the money of Gentleman.

    Barter is the money of Peasants.

    Debt is the money of Slaves.


    • paul ...

      You won’t find this any religious book … but when I use my God given brain … I just see things that seem obvious … like we do not have a “Kingdom” in Heaven … Our Heavenly Government “has Three Branches” … A Father (Congress) … A Son (Chief Executive) … and A Holy Ghost (the Judiciary) … and as we make the sign of the Cross we touch the Brain (the Father) … the Heart (the Son) … and the Left an Right shoulder (like a scale measuring wrong from right)!!

  51. Leo

    Good interview I have never heard that angle before and did go to his web page and downloaded the power point so as to keep up with events. I did buy gold a few years back when it was 1200. I was concerned that what I had in the banks could disappear overnight and especially when the banks view of you as a creditor and not a depositor. I had this dream that same time frame; I was walking through a field and found a gold krugerrand and closed my hand on it I was thrilled to have found it but when I got to the other side of the field and opened my hand it had turned to a dirt ball. The next morning the Lord took me to the scrtipures : Ezekiel 7:19 Gold will not deliver and be as something thrown into the street on the Day of the Lord.

  52. Jennifer

    Hi Greg,

    Regarding Bo’s comment regarding the oil market going negative on April 21st or so… I agree with him that this was a major and significant event, but it was not the day that the financial system died, as he said. In August, when the Repo market started to fail is when the financial system started to fail. As I had said to you back in February or early March when only 100-200 people had died globally from the pandemic…I said that the coronavirus was a red herring for the financial system failing THEN!! When the economy was shut down IS when the financial system broke!!

    Just as I had told you then, Jim Sinclair told you this past week… that the virus happened just as the financial system was breaking, at a most “fortuitous” time for the financial system. There is a reason he uses the word “fortuitous”…but I will just leave it at that.

    As a commodity trader for over 40 years I can tell you that oil going negative was a very significant event. It indicated that the market did not perform and that it was broken.
    Now, since China colludes and strategizes with both Russia and Iran was China involved with their efforts to pressure the oil market in order to break the banks that finance the heavily indebted frackers as an act of “war” against us? And will they then attempt to break the Comex in the inverse as well, again hurting banks that heavily short it?
    If they should attempted to take delivery of gold on the Comex they could break that market because there isn’t enough supply to meet a large delivery notice. Gold would then do on the upside exactly what oil did on the downside.

    Because of all of the money printing which is going to continue, this is bullish for gold. Yes, I agree with Bo on gold for obvious reasons. All the technicals and fundamentals are wildly bullish for gold right here and right now.

    • Greg Hunter

      Good stuff Jennifer. Thank you!

  53. Ray

    Enjoyed that interview…….thanks to Greg and Bo.
    Had to smile towards the end, at 56:47 when Bo mentions Moses getting off the Ark.
    Darn…….gotta get me one of those silver De Loreans that Noah allowed Moses too bring on board!
    Looking forward to the changes Bo speaks of……..may they sweep the filth off this planet in a big way.
    Ray, Canberra, Lap Dog Nation.

  54. JC

    So the Federal government is stocking up on riot gear, including disposable handcuffs. Interesting.

    THE FEDERAL government has ramped up security and police-related spending in response to the coronavirus pandemic, including issuing contracts for riot gear, disclosures show.

    The purchase orders include requests for disposable cuffs, gas masks, ballistic helmets, and riot gloves, along with law enforcement protective equipment for federal police assigned to protect Veterans Affairs facilities. The orders were expedited under a special authorization “in response to Covid-19 outbreak.”

  55. Jerry

    The cat is out of the bag.

    Whether this is truth or not is another subject, but the central global planners are clearly planning on stretching this pandemic out to accomplish their goals. I doubt seriously there will ever be a return to what was once called normal

    • Jerry

      The second wave has started.

      This past weekend, I watched people all around me throw caution to the wind, going to parks and restaurants thinking it’s all over. But guess what? This let us out of our cage moment is a setup for the real thing that is coming under the guise of pandemic-x. A new strain

      • Jerry

        There’s nothing like a trial run. You know what they say practice,practice,practice.

        Look deep into the participants of this drill and you’ll see why President Trump has no choice but to go along with the plan. The swamp is more like an ocean. It’s a global event Greg. You have to think bigger than banks and markets to understand the depth and breadth of this global reset. It involves not only the scientific community, but every major industry on the planet.
        The economic collapse is a means to an end for them and no one person can stop it.

    • GRitchie

      That article was over two months old. A lot has changed since then. The virus turned out not to be the big bad wolf.

  56. Self Exiled

    MUST WATCH!!!!!!!! Obama-Appointed CDC Chair Doctor

    All records regarding this panel, and all references to Dr. Carol Baker, have been scrubbed from the National Meningitis Association’s website, as well.

    They have since made their video private. It was once hosted here:

  57. Jimm

    It’s amazing that something very obvious was missed and not mentioned…until now.

    The negative oil rates happened on April 21. We all saw that, yet missed it was on 4/21.

    4-2-1 anyone?

  58. paul ...

    Just as I was saying … with 7 billion people in the world who will all be dead in 100 years … it means on average 70,000,000 people die of old age every year … and what the Fauci/Gates people are doing is counting some of these people who die of “natural causes” as Corona Virus deaths even when postmortem tests have been negative … the Big Pharma Cabal is manipulating the data … classifying deaths as Corona cases to fit their fake curve (the same way the Bankster Cabal fixes and manipulates the price charts of gold and silver) … and for money and greed they have shut down our Nation and world economy … Fauci told Trump 1 to 2 million people could die of the Corona Virus if he does nothing … when Fauci knew all along he could easily manipulate 1 to 2 million deaths as due to “his virus” he funded the Chinese to develop out of the normal 70 million people who die each year (of other causes and old age) … we are now dealing with a Criminal Big Pharma Cabal (who wants to make money selling vaccines) … along with a Criminal Bankster Cabal (who wants to make money by printing it out of thin air) … and a Criminal Military/Industrial Cabal (who wants to make money by having continuous wars) … the unbound desire for Fiat Money Is The Root Of All Evil!! … we need to take back control by making their fiat money worthless (by buying God’s gold and silver and putting monetary control back in our hands)!!!

    • paul ...

      Then we have Demon-rat Cuomo telling us we need more ventilators so doctors can make $47,000 dollars every time they put someone on one (and the turnaround time is only about a week before they can put another person on for another $47,000 dollars) … and Cuomo’s brother is on the air feeding us “false information” … saying take Tylenol to lower your fever … when we need a high fever to “boil the virus and kill it” … lowering a fever simply allows the virus “to live” … and continue to spread throughout your body … … simply cool the brain down with a wet rag if concerned about brain damage from the heat!!!!

      • paul ...

        Everyone loves Cuomo … he sounds so “fatherly” … and having only the best interests at heart for the people … yet … behind the scenes … this Demon-rat passed a law to make it MANDATORY for “everyone ” to take that Perverted Psychopathic “god” Bill Gates’ vaccine (even those with conscientious or religious reasons to abstain) … it’s all part of the “Great Deception” … where a “false god” (Gates) wants to pin prick and rape the entire world with his “1 inch metal pecker” and inject into us his vaccine semen (likely with a sterilizing agent included) in order to “Save the World” (by reducing Earth’s population to 500,000) … the Bible warns us of a “False god” … who will claim to Save the World” … if we use our God given brains even a little bit … we can easily figure out that the “False Messiah” claiming “To Save the World” … “is Bill Gates” (especially since his transgender wife wears an “upside-down Cross” surrounded with a “Corona” of rubies … a very well known Satanic symbol)!!!

        • paul ...

          And if you don’t believe Gates is the False Messiah … “May the Farce be With You”!!!

          • paul ...

            Look WHO is heading up the Corona farce in America (Fauci) … the Globalists always get off on playing word games (hotdogs for boys , pizza for girls, … and Fauci for the Corona farce)!!

    • GRitchie

      You need to check your data concerning number of deaths in the world per year and the age groups. Much less than 70 million dying of old age each year. More like 35 million assuming age 65 and up is old age.

      • paul ...

        Seems simple enough … if the 7,000,000,000 people who are alive today in the world … are all dead in the next 100 years … that’s 70,000,000 deaths a year “on average” … if you assume every one will be dead in 65 years … the “average” deaths per year would be over 100 million people … but the point I was making was … Fauci and Gates just have to pay off the doctors to make some of these “normal” deaths look like they were due to the Corona virus … an bingo we have a plandemic … I bet many doctors are “being paid off” to list “auto accident victims” as Corona Virus deaths … keeping the death numbers “high” … increases the likelihood for a mandatory nation wide vaccination program … bringing in trillions in profits to Big Pharma and royalties for those like Gates and Fauci who hold the patents on the virus they created and had released!!

        • GRitchie

          Yeah, it seems simple to someone who is simple minded but if you actually do the research like I did you will see that 70 million people do not die each year. It is only 57 million (2017). And that all of them did not die of old age as you stated. 25% of the deaths each year are people under the age of 50 which is not by anyone’s definition, old age. Do some research next time instead of just guessing. You will have more credibility with some of the other so-called facts you state.

          • GRitchie

            And if you count all 40 to 50 million abortions per year, then the majority of people never live to get to old age.

  59. B Gor

    Hi Greg,

    As you know, it takes two sides to make a market – the bid and the asked.
    On the morning of 05/18/20, Kitco’s web site shows that Kitco is bidding below the spot silver price for most of the silver one ounce rounds that they sell.
    If there was an anticipation of a skyrocketing price of silver, one would expect them to bid a premium to spot, would you not?
    https: //online. kitco. com/sell/gold-silver.html


    • Greg Hunter

      So you believe the fake spot price is true price discovery?

    • AndrewB

      B Gor,
      As of Monday 18th May at 17:30 EST, Bullion Star are offering spot PLUS 10.03% for Silver Eagles. Applying your logic – is this a sign of a “skyrocketing price of silver”? Perhaps it is . . .

      P.S. I am not an agent of BullionStar and have not dealt with them.

  60. Dave

    Bo’s theology, as far as I can determine it, is wrong. With due respect he is just another “prophet” in a long line of prophets throughout Christian history. One is free to believe him or not. The problem is many Christians who believe that a particular prophet or pastor has special inspiration end up becoming disillusioned when that person is wrong in their predictions. Bo has moved the ball on his earlier prediction for April. Common occurrence with (sorry) spurious prophets. The end result for some believers is that they become jaded on not just “their” prophet but Christianity in general. I saw this again and again in the Southern Baptist and other churches I shopped. Test the spirit and be on guard against falling prey to deception.

  61. Stan

    GTFO of Gold now!

    • Greg Hunter

      Not even the criminal short selling will sink gold now.

    • paul ...

      Err … Stan … that should read “Get The (poor) Fellow Out of (his) Gold Shorts now”!! … before Golds coming seasonal rise!! …

  62. AL

    Wow! That was a blast from a firehose into my little teacup. I first heard about Bo on your channel, and I’ve been following him all along, but this really pulled lots of loose ends together. I felt impressed years ago to get my money out of the retirement funds and various paper promises, but then, I really didn’t know what I was supposed to do with it. T his gave me the answer: Arcs of Safety.

    Also, I have felt impressed for some time that God’s people ought to go ahead and let go of the old world and start preparing to move into the new one. Even if you can’t start moving out yet, at least start packing up. One particular area of concern for me has been the food/medicine systems……maybe “machine” would be a better word for it Not only is the financial system of the world evil, so are the agribusiness, medical, educational, and all other systems; yet, I find that good Christian people will defend them viciously. The reaction you get from some Christian people can be very surprising if you mention changes. You can get your feelings hurt.

    But even many people who really want to see the Kingdom of God come on the earth do not realize how thorough the changes will be when they happen. In both the flood and Neb’s statue, the destruction of the old was absolute. In the flood, the old world wasn’t just washed. It was OBLITERATED, and if you continue reading the story of Daniel, in Daniel 2:35, the Stone strikes the statue and doesn’t just break it, it crushes it, and then, the wind comes along and blows all the “chaff” away. All the last little remnants of the old world are gone. Then the Stone cut out without hands grows into a mountain that fills the whole earth. We’re not going to rebuild on the old foundations. We have a better foundation.

    I think people will feel pain to the extent that they hold onto the old world. God’s going to prize our fingers loose from the old world, but the harder we hold on, the more painful the prizing loose will be.

  63. Rick

    I look forward to standing straight and firm and declaring my faith and hope in Jesus Christ.
    Matthew 10:22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
    Romans 10:9 Jesus is Lord

  64. Paul ANthony

    Its a good interview. I watched it three times and followed with the PDF

    My only plan is to store food. Buy as much silver in ounces that I could weekly afford. (Though I all ready have some) Pray. Make sure I am right with the Lord Daily. Read the Bible Daily. Pray and help others daily. Try to help others to look up and not have fear.

    There are lots of people in fear and my pastor does a 30-40 minute live stream every morning at 8:00AM to talk to our congregation to help ease fear

    Anyway is welcome to join the Live Stream Tuesday – Fridays at 8Am if you need some pick me up or encuragement

    God Bless Greg – God Bless Bo


    Paul Anthony

  65. donna s.

    really enjoyed this interview with Bo. I am however going to have to listen to it a few times as there is so much information. It will be interesting to watch how this unfolds in the coming weeks and months.
    Thanks to you and Bo for your time and work

  66. JC

    POSTSCRIPT (05-18-2020) to 05-15-2020 update at The Age of Desolation site

    Harry Vox Spills NWO Scenarios Rockefeller Foundation (2014)

    We are being played.

  67. Bill's Stilled!

    General Flynn investigation ‘has tarnished Obama’s legacy’
    •May 17, 2020 Sky News Australia
    WOW! Aussie media cover’s something our corporate bought and paid for media is afraid to even mention! What’s the problem?
    The problem is, the American cowboy is emblazoned in our memory, a common heritage by the way. We share with our Australian cousins, the stockman. They still affect much of the way we dress, the songs we sing, the way we talk and the way we think.
    They are perhaps the most American and Australian of us all. His restlessness, his optimism, his spirit of independence, are the very qualities that mark our nations.
    His place as one of our greatest heroes is secure. Much of it is due to the myths that surround him, but much more is due to what he really was and to his credit today, still survives. Perhaps our greatest fascination with him comes from the fact, more than we realize, there is a little bit of the cowboy, jackeroo, ringer and shearer, in us all. The hard nut to crack, so rare in all human history and condition. The in your face leftist wants to destroy. The Anglo-American world super power. You could include Russia too. Yet their fascist love for the Muslim brotherhood and the communist control of China, then the world. Reveals a sickness that will not be part of the great crowd that survives the tribulation. For it is written;
    ◄ Revelation 7:14 ► New International Version
    I answered, “Sir, you know.” And he said, “These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

  68. Stan

    Paul: It is over for Gold. Gold is down on a day like today? Ha ha ha. Even Macys is up today and they are on the verge of bankruptcy.

  69. Jerry

    Well Greg,
    Where is our justice now?

    I’ve read the documents, even a country lawyer could have enough evidence to file indictments but yet Barr says NO! The next decision by Trump will be a career one. If he lets this go, I’m going to call B.S, and say he’s been bought off. Barr needs to be fired…..NOW! He evidently is part of the deep state, and has no desire to take this on.
    I’m tired of waiting. President Trump needs to make an executive decision NOW or loose his base. It’s just that simple.

    • Charles H

      Nailed it again, Jerry!

      Bought off or scared off – it amounts to the same. I said years ago – I have to see it to believe anyone above Barr’s pay grade gets punished.

    • Jerry

      Lou Dobb’s gets it. We’re screwed.

      No justice. No peace. Thanks to Barr the flood gates for further deep state crimes have swung wide open. A few of your guest have talked about a new age of prosperity and the the return to the rule of law. Right now I’m not seeing it. What I am seeing is more debt, more lies, less freedom, and the building of a police state the likes the world had never seen, while at the same time, the deep state shadow government roams free with impunity.

      Like I said, get your spiritual house in order. If you have any fundamental understanding of the scriptures, you know what happens biblically when nations become wicked, and Lucifer fills the halls of justice with his followers. Price cometh before the fall.

      • eddiemd

        The beginning of the end. Syria. Damascus.

        Israel will annex the Jordan valley. Very soon.

        It will trigger the Palestinians and Jordan.

        Everything is in place in the MENA. The coronavirus is the sideshow part of the three ring circus; Syria, coronavirus, China.

        We are getting very close to something. The only truth we can trust is Jesus Christ. He is the Truth.

        Just look at the comments here at this website. Mockers, scoffers, deniers of Jesus Christ as Almighty God, false doctrine followers; I give credit to Mr. Polny and Steve Quayle. They bring out all kinds of demons. Deception, Babylonian doctrines, worshippers of graven images, witch of Endor divination, cultists…very sad. Jesus told us what was going to happen 2000 years ago.

        There is going to be persecution of believers in Jesus Christ. No doubt. It is already accelerating.

    • Occasnltrvlr

      So, you mean those military tribunals AREN’T happening? (You know, the ones you insisted were to begin over a year ago.)

      And, you mean those clandestine arrests of high-profile perpetrators AREN’T continuing? (You know, the ones you revealed had begun in some Midwestern location.)

      I guess those all must be contingent upon Clif High’s Global Coastal Event. Sorry if I misunderstood.

  70. Pete M

    The silver/gold ratio is now 100 to 1, down from 114/1 just last week.

    Will need to keep an eye on this trend.

    Is it just my imagination, or is there hardly any physical silver and gold right now to purchase of any amount, and the premiums have easily doubled from several months ago?

    Oil prices have tripled in the past month alone. Yes it was very cheap to start with, but paper money’s purchasing power seems to be declining more and more lately.

  71. M P Chapman

    Good Afternoon Greg, I greatly appreciate your guests and their views on the importance of Americans saving in silver and gold and the miners as our govt and our FED debase the dollar and cut our purchasing power by all the money printing and credit creation going on. BUT, the Haggai 2.9 that Bo quoted at about 14.45 plus in the interview DOES NOT speak about the latter rains being greater than the former rains, but it says “The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of Hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the Lord of Hosts.” The Latter Rains and the Former Rains are covered by the Prophet JOEL, in Joel 2.23b “for He has given the early rain for your vindication; He has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before”. Both of these Old Testament prophets wrote about the future events of the world, the “end times” when the LORD would pour out His Spirit on all flesh. As to times and dates, Jesus said to His disciples as they tried to guess the date of His restoration of the Kingdom to Israel, (ironically on Ascension Day), in Acts 1:7 “He said to them “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority.” And in I Thessalonians 5:1-2 Paul wrote to the Believers in Thessalonica, “Now concerning the times and the seasons brothers, you have no need to have anything written to you. For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.” Pegging dates to the prophecy of Daniel, and tying that to President Trump, I am skeptical of that. Jesus Christ said in Revelation “Surely I am coming soon!” We cannot know the “soon” as an exact date. We are to obey the Scriptures, and trust Jesus Christ for our salvation. (John 1.12, Eph 2.8-9, Rom 3.23, Rom 6.23, Rom 5. 1-8. IJohn1.9). Gold and Silver are Biblical monies of exchange, and Constitutional Money in the USA. That our govt and FED have debauched the currency will inexorably lead to currency debasement and hyperinflation, as so many guests you have had on have told us. To protect ourselves and be in a position to help others, we must buy gold and silver now. But, we should encourage others to read the Scriptures daily in order to know Christ and enjoy Him forever, not to know the date of the collapse of world systems or currency debasement leading to currency collapse. God wants us to deal in “honest weights and measures”. Thank you Greg.

  72. Cole

    I knew Barr wouldn’t do anything. This doesn’t bode well.

    • Greg Hunter

      I find it very curious one week he says it’s a serious criminal i9nvestigation and the next he’s not going all the way to the top.
      I don’t get it. Why does he bother making statements?

      • Self Exiled

        Greg: many interviews ago, about the time of the death of father Bush; I posted that Trump may have made a deal with the Bush, Clinton crime families for the protection of his family: stating that Barr was appointed as part of the deal to keep the peace between them. I can not find my statements. I can not remember for sure but I think you may have commented, about my speculation. I will keep looking, but this may be the case and would explain the counterbalancing act in this political situational drama. The ties between the CIA and the crime families runs deep, which I’m sure concerned Trump and still does.

        • Self Exiled

          This would explain my observations of Bar’s extreme uncomfortably, almost painful facial expressions and shuffling in his posture and statements.

      • David

        They, including Trump, make strong statements to make us think we, the common people, are in charge. One day, I think, the curtain will be pulled back and we will be shown there has been no real country since November, 1963.

      • Cole

        It seems ominous to me. I know the Lord is in control, but it seems the entire world is unaware of the evil except for a few. Trump was tried and impeached in the house on false charges brought in part by the last admin. Sometimes I wonder if he had been impeached in the Senate as well if we would have this Pandemic.
        I’ve also noticed all media platforms are thwarting free speech. I’m so thankful for this oasis in the desert.

      • Jerry

        It’s not hard to figure out. Barr is with the deep state.

        At this point I say burn it all down. They’re crooks top to bottom. The justice department. Congress. All of them.

        • lightning

          I’m beginning to think Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could sacrifice children on live TV on a stage in front of a thousand people and Barr would shrug his shoulders.

          It should be clear to EVERYONE now that:
          1) There is a permanent unelected government that truly runs America
          2) They were involved in 9/11 and responsible for the deaths of 3000+ Americans in the towers, and the lives of Americans and others in the Middle east wars that sprung from 9/11
          3) The unelected government controls the elected government who are hysteric shills on the left and soy boy wimps on the Republican side
          4) the pandemic and lockdowns are essentially martial law “light”
          5) they are crashing the economy as it suits their purpose

          I will repeat what I said months ago. Barr will go down as the biggest traitor of them all for failing to do his duty to the constitution and rule of law. He’s a fixer and nothing more than a criminal in a 3 piece suit.

  73. Vicki

    I knew it too! I believe that I even posted that sentiment on this site before . Only the 95%ers ever go to jail! I’m only surprised the news didn’t come out AFTER the election. Anyone that is surprised doesn’t understand the system. government workers never go to jail, they are allowed to retire with pension and then go work for the private company part of the deep state. All the upper government employees are part of the deep state or controlled by it. Nobody should be surprised.

  74. Self Exiled

    Watching protests on Al Jazeera in Hong Kong and fighting, wrestling in their legislature, so much for social distancing and masks. Good luck NWO, Like herding cats.

  75. foggygoggles

    Boffo interview, although I am still waiting for someone to provide a strategy for those who have been stacking for years, and once the proverbial SHTF. Accumulation has been easy enough. What’s equally important is unwinding one’s position. Would appreciate your putting this issue to Morgan, Sinclair, Holter, Kirby and Polny. Thanks for a great interview, and thanks to Bo for providing critical information to us all, and for free!

    • Occasnltrvlr

      Mr. Goggles, I am certainly not amongst the esteemed you mentioned, nonetheless I’d like to reply in regard to your question, concerning post-SHTF.

      I know of two things.

      First, there is simple resale (currency may fluctuate wildly, so be it). As of now, the major online sellers are also buyers, and locally there are commercial buyers. But, of course, this recourse may or may not exist post-SHTF.

      Second, there is one’s local community. It is, I think, wise to live in an area where goods are locally produced and services are locally available, among people who share an appreciation for the intrinsic value of PM’s. Absent this, resale seems to be the only viable solution.

  76. Self Exiled

    Trump taking hydroxychloroquine.

  77. Liz

    Safe Havens. Has any one looked into these? What do you this Greg??

  78. Self Exiled

    Another Pandemic? Two Trailblazing COVID-19 Researchers Dead In A Month

  79. Self Exiled

    Wake up, America. Before it’s too late. I say: Wake up, world before it is too late.

    “Toto, We Ain’t In ‘Flatten The Curve’-Land Anymore…” Sums it up!

  80. Clint D.

    If the USA is the Babylon spoken of in Revelation 17, Jeremiah 50, 51; there will be no place of safety within the boundaries of the USA. This is clearly defined in the Bible.

    The only certain safe haven is defined in Daniel 11:41.

    • Greg Hunter

      I don’t think so Clint. I could be Mecca. Show me where America or United States is named in the Bible.

    • Occasnltrvlr

      Consider that the Apocolyse is not written from a temporal perspective.

      Hence, thinking of Babylon in temporal terms, specifically as necessarily being a physical location, is specious.

      Consider the root of the word. It lends to spiritual confusion.

  81. Didier

    This is May 21, the day important news would be released, according to Bo Polny. This is just out : “The lawsuit will identify six major Wall Street firms that have engaged in financial activities which violate US laws. The dollar size of the questionable transactions are substantial – tens of trillions of dollars toward $100 trillion.”

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