Gold, Kamala, Trump, Control, Cash, Murder & Water – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), gives her take on gold, Kamala, Trump, control, cash, murder and water.  On gold’s rocket rise, CAF says, “Gold is very important.  We divide gold into two positions:  Your ‘core’ position and your ‘investment’ position. . . . Right now, gold looks phenomenally attractive as a core position.  It is also attractive as an investment position.”

Why the big move up now?  CAF says, “Part of it is the incredible monetary policies and the monetary inflation coming from the central banks.  The other is too many people are watching government implode in a variety of different ways, and people are saying I want a core position in gold.  We are also seeing the BRICs . . . and seeing states in the US move to put gold and silver in a position to be used as a currency.  So, we are watching people put monetary reserves in gold and monetary liquidity in gold.  That is happening steadily, and more and more people are saying they need a percentage of their assets in gold. . . . We are in a long-term bull market in gold.”

On Kamala Harris, the operative word is “meltdown.”  CAF says, “Kamala is in, what we call in a campaign, a ‘meltdown.’  If you look at the current meltdown, I am baffled because why would somebody with her characteristics be made the nominee?  You are talking about major donors putting major money behind her.  Why would they spend that much money if there were serious holes in her vetting and she is inclined to melt down this way?  It’s kind of baffling.”

On Trump, what is the first thing he should do if re-elected?  CAF says, “He should stop the poisoning of the American people.  This is one of the reasons we did this issue on water.  The American people are being poisoned. . . . I travel a lot by car.  I see deterioration in the air, in the water, in the food–they are being poisoned.  And, of course, the big one is the CV19 vaccines.  Vaccines are poisoning Americans.  There was just a big ruling against putting fluoride poison being added to municipal water supplies.  One of the things you can do is to march down to your city or county and tell them to stop wasting money on putting poison in your water.  If you reverse that, it is one important action you can take.”

The Deep State and central bankers want total control of your money and your life.  Fitts says this is why she started pushing the use of cash instead of digital transactions.  She calls it “Make Cash Great Again.” . . . If we don’t fix the finances from an actuarial standpoint, they are going to continue to delay benefits or lower life expectancy, and that is what they are doing.  They are balancing the books by lowering life expectancy.”

One way to lower life expectancy is to inject people with a so-called vaccine that is really a bioweapon that murders and disables people.  That is exactly what happened with the CV19 vax, and the deaths or murders are still piling up.  CAF says, “You can cut back on the fraudulent rackets, or you can cut back on the people.”  They are cutting back on the people by any measure.

There is much more in the 54-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts, for 10.19.24.

To get a “Medical Emergency Kit” or “Contagion Kit” from The Wellness Company and get at least $30 off, click here. 

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After the Interview:

There is a lot of free information on

To see three videos of central bankers talking about taking total control with CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), click here.

You can get way more cutting-edge analysis from Catherine Austin Fitts and “The Solari Report” by taking advantage of the “special offer” featuring “Water” in the latest issue.  You can click here or call 1-731-764-2515 and talk to a real human.

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  1. Anthony Australia

    CAF is a real beautiful person, super smart and honest.

    Gold & Silver just made record high closes and even Bank Of America has now put this statement out;
    Gold is the ‘last safe haven’ as Treasurys face risks from soaring US debt,

    • Anthony Australia

      *Record highs in AUD
      Gold $4,056.36
      Silver $50.25

    • Suzie

      Greg, very concerned with your absence, trust that things are well and we are praying for you and your family – God Bless!

      • Greg Hunter

        Posting new material in a few minutes. No worries and do not fear. Thanks for your prayers!!

    • Melanie W Naylor

      I am randomly posting this comment all over the internet at sites I care for.

      3mg Iverheal which is 12 mg Ivermectin, has cured, ended, the searing pain I’ve endured, on and off, after a breast biopsy 20-years ago. I did not have cancer. “Calcium deposit.” It has been 12-months since I took the Ivermectin. One dose. I can arrive at no other conclusion, at this moment. All the women describing their experience of breast biopsy are writing the same experience here! Searing pain up to their shoulder and neck and feel “movement” in their biopsied breast. Migrating, growing (?). Think about that. They feel something moving around. I’ve been coughing out what appears to be a parasite for 10-months. I have no lung problems or coughing. Never have. Ten-months into Ivermectin and it is down to the exact spot of the biopsy and clip. Only the left biopsied breast…………….SEARING pain, maybe worse ever felt, briefly, and now it is cured. I don’t expect anyone to be able to explain the whole 20-year experience to me. I have come to my own conclusion. But it is possible the parasite had nothing to do with the biopsy. It was only coincidence. That’s possible. I only want to inspire some hope for other biopsied, chipped women. The secret to Ivermectin….. IS…. a hot blow-dryer for itch, IF you itch. Do not scratch!!!!! Grab the hot hair blow-dryer. I only itched around waistline, front and back, myself. Had I blow-dried after after shower, around waist front and back, I may never have felt any itch.

      • EcuadorExpat

        Glad you are posting this. Yes, ivermectin definitely cures cancer, as show in multiple studies outside the USA.

        I might add that in Europe research is showing that an appropriate protocol of lithium heals, prevents Alzheimer’s and definitely benefits those with Parkinson’s.

        Americans, your government is trying to kill you.

    • EcuadorExpat

      Years ago I asked James Sinclair that if gold went to $3,000 would an ounce of that gold purchase more than an ounce of gold at $850.

      He gave me a one word answer. “NO!”

      Everybody wants to talk bull market which means making money and getting rich. But the increase in the price of gold only indicates the devaluation of the dollar. It is the only “sound “ money that can be used as an indicator of the true value of the dollar. Unfortunately, the gold market is a small market, and has been manipulated by the bankers/traders using illegal naked shorting to suppress the price of gold (and silver) to game the system.

      So all they needed to do was get the SEC to look the other way from their naked shorting and they owned the economic system of the USA and pretty much everyone else.

  2. Anthony Australia

    Buckle Up! October’s Shift Could Change America Forever! – Bo Polny & Clay Clark

    • Frank S.

      Thanks for that link, Anthony, Considering the show was filmed on 10/15 and silver rose $3 by the end of the week to its highest price in 12 years, I’d call that prophetic!

    • Mike myer

      ot so much theater,if they can convince ignorant people that it’s close,they can cheat 2- 3 points, but not 13 points

  3. Don W.

    You did an excellent job of the interview and who you did it with. She does an excellent job of telling it like it is and we need more of these people telling the TRUTH. We are against the ONE WORLD GOV. and even President Trump mentioned them in an interview he just did. I started investing in Gold when it was about $1,600/oz. because I could see this coming. Get out there and get-er-done, today. This Nation is in need of some real people that know what they are doing and it is NOT Kamala or the demoflat party.
    I lost my oldest SON because of the shot poison because he leaned to that party and had a lot of med problems in his life. He had CF and had a double lung transplant at age 26. We also we told three times, before he was ONE year old that he would NOT live through the night. But the shots did him in at age 62.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Don.

    • LoriQ

      @Don- I am very sorry for the loss of your son. The jabs did so much damage and I think these evildoers are just getting started. God is the only refuge.

      • Katy Bar

        They are not “Just Getting Started”!! The “Evil-Killers” started over Sixty(60) Years Ago when they “Killed JFK” and are now trying to “Kill Trump”!!
        JFK said: “There is a Plot in our Country to Enslave every Man, Woman and Child. But, before I leave this High & Noble Office, I intend to “Expose this Plot”!!
        – President JFK November 1962
        We are like Children “with a task at hand” but all we do is call upon God for help!! [I Think God Like A Good Father Won’t Help A Child With A Task At Which He Feels Such A Child Can Succeed In Doing On Its Own – In-order To Help Develop That Child Into A Competent Adult]!!!

  4. andyb

    the reason the polls have been phonied is that the steal will be more acceptable if the sheep feel that the election is close. Remember that Hillary was up by 6-8 before election day and that Trump was heading to a landslide before midnight. The only hope we have is that Trump can build such a lead that no amount of “mysterious” ballotsor counting shenanigans can occur.

    • Paul

      You always bring top talent to your news station.
      Paul from arkansas

      • Greg Hunter

        Thanks Paul!

  5. Colleen

    Elon Musk said to Tucker Carlson that the elites are backing Kamala because they are afraid if Trump gets into office, the Epstein book of names will be released. Elon thought especially Bill Gates was concerned. I’m sure P Diddy and Epstein had /have lots of bedroom videos to share. No wonder they’re all shaking in their boots!

    • Anthony Australia

      God see all.

  6. Fred Behnken

    Harris is not a candidate. She is a straw man( woman if you must). The elections are completely rigged. They could put Bozo the Clown in her place. It wont change anything. Some one will pick the usefull idiot they want. The elections use voting machines that are designed specificcaly to fool people into thinking they are voting. In reality voters are just gulliable actors. People need to stop watching the game show and start playing for keeps if they plan to survive and have a future.

  7. Dave

    Say, did anyone figure out what country Fauci escaped to?

  8. Pam

    KH got where she is because she slept with the right man/men. She failed the bar exam the first time she took it. When she got the job as DA and AG she had staff that did the actual work. Why her? Who else? There are no good options in the democrat party. And she will do as she’s told because she has no ability and no ideas of her own.

  9. George

    Nothing wrong with those medications Greg . Clif High says however that the money behind this company according to Clif is supporting the other side. Just what I should just reach out to cliff for his opinion. I believe he isn’t supporting it because we’re the money you spend is going. The good doctor may or may not be aware himself. Just for your info
    Many patriots that follow Clif heard this also .

    • Galaxy 500

      So Cliff High says it, it must be so?
      Is there evidence?

    • Galaxy 500

      Doesn’t Cliff still say Jesus is ET and not the Son of YHWH?
      Please post a link if you have it of Cliff saying this company is supporting the “other” side. I would like to take a look


      George I read the same thing on American Intelligence Media that Mit Romney is the big money 💰 behind the meds they give you the problems then make money on the answer💰 💰 Love of 💰 money is the root 🌲 of All evil. Also look at the money behind some people that they have in important places that people will listen to, they take a Average person for the face then marry them and become their puppet master so nobody will think to look behind the curtain so no one will see them Obama – Bill Airs 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 (didn’t actually marry him or did he) Kamala – husband 💰💰 last Supreme Court woman – husband 💰 💰 Candace Owens – husband & father in law huge money 💰💰💰 big British PILGRIM SOCIETY money 💰💰💰. Did you ever listen to what little 👑 says he calls US the Colony his colony? They have never let us go we have been used as what Pres Teddy Roosevelt called speak softly and carry a BIG STICK we have been USED AS THE PILGRIM’S BIG STICK. Look at all the Americans that have DIED for their (WEALTHY ‘S) power, money, oil, drugs, mansions, cars, air planes. It’s a disgrace. We have just been their tool. Lord 👑 JESUS Christ will be coming soon when HIS FATHER sends HIM and no amount of money 💰💰 will save them or anyone depending on the worldly things. Lord Jesus Christ was given a name above ALL named His Father said. Only LORD JESUS CHRIST saves. Lord Jesus Christ came to Earth 🌎🌍 to save mankind around 32AD and said HE would be back in around 2000 years ( read the parable of the Good Samaritan that’s Lord Jesus) well 2032 is coming up and Martin Armstrong says Nov 22, 2032 is a very important day I’ll be 82 that day maybe I’ll be in Heaven maybe we’ll all be in Heaven and we won’t have U-haul’s behind us. It will just be you and me standing NO kneeling before the Lord of Glory Lord JESUS Christ for every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD of ALL.
      Get right or get left choose you this day.

      • Katy Bar

        When God created us he gave us brains (which he expected us to use) and not have call upon Him to solve every problem we may encounter!! Instead of Christians and Gun Owners staying home and Not Voting (which statistics show they tend to do) why not use the brains God Gave You and Vote For Trump (who he saved a number of times) to answer your prayers and solve your Nuclear War problems, Killer Vaccine Problems, Border Problems, Deep State Problems, Child Trafficking Problems, etc., etc., etc.!!!

        • LINDA J CREAN

          My family has voted 2 times for President Donald John Trump and it will be 3 times as of next week. We vote for LIFE every election we are totally against abortion. Lord Jesus Christ said Choose life so that you and your family may live.

  10. Randy

    I see you will not post my posts> Sad> to be in the Bastardized American Christian Religion!>> that why your nation is go>go>gone!> and you helped IT!> Enjoy

    • Greg Hunter

      You say nasty condescending crap. Jesus did not talk this way.

      • Max

        Amen Greg!


    • Napoli

      Valid point, USA is Sodom Gomorrah with 85 percent Caucasians mixed with bastard DNA from central and S. America. Is there any other country that gives wealth and transfer jobs to communist countries, esp China, Vietnam and Thailand. Which country did BLM start from?

    • Napoli

      Valid point, USA is Sodom Gomorrah with 85 percent Caucasians mixed with bastard DNA from central and S. America. Is there any other country that gives wealth and transfer jobs to communist countries, esp China, Vietnam and Thailand. Which country did BLM start from?

  11. Chris in Arkansas

    Going back to cash will actually save you money, especially when paying for repair services and restaurants. Recent garage door replacement: saved $35 by paying cash. Restaurants: a LOT of them are adding 3-5% for paying by card. Look closely at your receipts. Pay cash! Car repair shops – many are adding 3-4% for using cards. Plumbers, electricians, etc. Even paying your utility bills – my electric company charges a $3.00 “convenience fee” for using cards. Even debit cards. I just drive down and pay them in cash when I am doing grocery shopping. Right there that is $36.00 a year I don’t have to pay them. Paying cash saves us about $100/month on average. It really adds up! Also, I want to see each state move precious metals to be exempt from sales and income taxes.

  12. P Hester

    CAFitts is one of my favorite guests. The fact that she still frequents this platform is a testament to her strength. Some of us longtime listeners remember how she was treated a few years ago. By no fault of her own, of course. Nearly brought to tears because…why? I never did understand that one. A bad day? Power over others? Hopefully forgiveness was requested. Whether it was granted or not…time will tell.

    • Greg Hunter

      “P,” Catherine and I are the best of friends.

  13. Rod Brumley, Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr. Greg Hunter
    Our Ultimate American Patriot
    Thanks for all you do for America
    I highly recommend Melody Cedarstrom from Discount Hold and Silver – I’ve purchased from her. – quick ship and good prices
    I continue to accumulate Silver especially pre 1965 US Dimes, Quarters and Half Dollars . Remember this is the best coin for Barter purposes.
    Stay Well Greg
    Trump 2024 – I’m thinking DJT wins in a semi landslide
    Kammy the Clown and Tampon Timmy are a Disgrace to America

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank LTC Brumley!! I Never get complaints on Melody at Discount Gold and Silver!!

    • Ricky Bobby

      I suggest Volunteer Precious Metals. Franklin Sanders, a personal friend of CAH, started it and his sons now run it. Look up Mr. Sanders, a legend in the freedom community.


      George I read the same thing on American Intelligence Media that Mit Romney is the big money 💰 behind the meds they give you the problems then make money on the answer💰 💰 Love of 💰 money is the root 🌲 of All evil. Also look at the money behind some people that they have in important places that people will listen to, they take a Average person for the face then marry them and become their puppet master so nobody will think to look behind the curtain so no one will see them Obama – Bill Airs 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 (didn’t actually marry him or did he) Kamala – husband 💰💰 last Supreme Court woman – husband 💰 💰 Candace Owens – husband & father in law huge money 💰💰💰 big British PILGRIM SOCIETY money 💰💰💰. Did you ever listen to what little 👑 says he calls US the Colony his colony? They have never let us go we have been used as what Pres Teddy Roosevelt called speak softly and carry a BIG STICK we have been USED AS THE PILGRIM’S BIG STICK. Look at all the Americans that have DIED for their (WEALTHY ‘S) power, money, oil, drugs, mansions, cars, air planes. It’s a disgrace. We have just been their tool. Lord 👑 JESUS Christ will be coming soon when HIS FATHER sends HIM and no amount of money 💰💰 will save them or anyone depending on the worldly things. Lord Jesus Christ was given a name above ALL named His Father said. Only LORD JESUS CHRIST saves. Lord Jesus Christ came to Earth 🌎🌍 to save mankind around 32AD and said HE would be back in around 2000 years ( read the parable of the Good Samaritan that’s Lord Jesus) well 2032 is coming up and Martin Armstrong says Nov 22, 2032 is a very important day I’ll be 82 that day maybe I’ll be in Heaven maybe we’ll all be in Heaven and we won’t have U-haul’s behind us. It will just be you and me standing NO kneeling before the Lord of Glory Lord JESUS Christ for every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD of ALL.
      Get right or get left choose you this day.


    Always great information from outstanding guests Greg does it again

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks EH!!

  15. Herb Gardener

    Tried early voting Wednesday – OMG!! Line a block long, no parking. Gonna try again every day, Crossville isn’t that big!! Folks are truly motivated this year. heard on the radio today – Crossville TN had 2101 early voters on Wed – first day. Crossville total population is 12,836. About 16% turnout on the first day! of course, this is all voters – all parties. But I’d bet a buck that most of them are Trump voters. This is a very conservative area.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the street reporting, Herb!

  16. Anita

    Trump can not stop the poisoning. Only the individual can mitigate it by the choices they make. Many chose to walk away from a job rather then take the jab, as an example. Cathrine needs to listen to Edwin Vieira and then consider what someone like Duans Wigington says. Like she said, she looks at things from only 2 aspects. That leaves her very short sighted. Ones must look at things from all angles. Also Trump did not do the ‘lock downs’, the states did. Trump was, in 2020, between a rock and a hard place, damned if he did & damned if he did not. And then there is the all important Biblical view, What God said would be, & the majority have little understanding of His word. While others take portions of it and blow it out of proportion not understanding the season we are in. I will say Catherine is learning. But she is a day late & a dollar short, as many are. But at least they are starting to see the bigger picture. Mean while the clock continues to tick towards the end of this age. It is not a reset but a transition.

  17. Bluesman

    if you want to understand the technology they are and will be using to enslave you, go to targeted Justice dot com
    I have to run from their technology every single day in my crappy little moldy old motorhome.

  18. Olaf V

    Thanks Greg & Cathrine – Great info!
    1 Thessalonians 5:3. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
    21st September 2024 – last month.
    Nuclear WAR?
    Malachi 4:1. For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
    2. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
    Not long Folks! See you in Shimini Atzeret!
    O.V. Australia

  19. Eileen

    Thank you both for this interview. Both of you have been my Teachers and Friends for over two decades!

  20. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Great report.

  21. Mark Cregan

    At about 9:44 Catherine talks about Biden being incompetent to be president by reason of diminished faculties. It is worse than that. Recall that after he had his latest bout of “Covid” he came back 6″ taller. Pics of him talking to Nettyahoo clearly show this along with pics of him walking with his wife. He was swapped out for an indeterminate amount of time and none of the staff or Kamala noticed? And the press is complicit too. Not buying it that only mental degradation is involved.

    So Catherine is correct, this is theater. But it is also subversion and treason. Who is in charge of what and when are open questions and we should all remember this and be very worried.

  22. Akdave

    I’m so glad you’re back and healthy brother!! You can’t have this lady on often enough. Pray be peaceful and be prepared. Thanks again.

  23. francis m reps ; former marine. and dad of 7

    CAF is quite smart; and Greg Hunter is good hearted and smart and sincere. Trump does try ; but has some limits and is surrounded by people who turn on him. Two thousand years ago Christ was murdered by a Tribe who considered themselves as “Chosen”. Chosen for What?. When will Humanity wake up. Is it going to take the Orthodox Christian Russian President to save Humanity ?.

    • Galaxy 500

      That would be YHWH’s Chosen

  24. Linda Siddiqi

    Thank you Greg! CAF is always amazing & a wealth of knowledge.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for your kind words of support, Linda!

  25. William R Nicholson

    I woke up this morning with Clint Eastwood’s famous line in my mind …… ” Go Ahead ; Make My Day ! ! ” …… Now , it makes sense as I see Catherine Austin Fitts on screen & Her Reputation …… Go Ahead Catherine ! Say Make My Day ! ! You’re bulletproof as Truth Is The Best Protection ……… You’re Aligned With Truth & that’s been proven over Decades ….. Keep Stepping , on those small turkey necks , crunching beneath your feet …… Nick , NavyBlueSmoke , LST-1195

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Nick!

    • Katy Bar

      Unlike the Democrats, Clint Eastwood would immediately know the difference between a Lying Khameleon and a Precious Chameleon Diamond!! He would not be fooled by her remarkable change of color from Brown to Black (because a real precious Chameleon Diamond can change color from “dark” Green to “bright” Orangy Yellow) and Kamala simply adding that “yellow” Commie (Tampon Tim) to her ticket will never match the striking effects of a “real” Chameleon Diamond (that Glows and is Phosphorescent under short wave UV light) whereas Kamala under the lights “spontaniously breaks out into laughter”!! So lets all “Make Our Day” on Nov 5th (at the voting booth) as we fire off our Mag(num) votes and “Make Good Triump Over Evil”!!

      • Ken Yu

        Actually the Lying “Khameleon” should be “Barred from Running for President Under the 14th AMENDMENT” which says: No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold Any Office (Civil or Military) who had previously “Taken an Oath to Support the Constitution” and then Proceeded to “Engage in Insurrection or Rebellion against the United States of America”!! “KAMALA AS BORDER CZAR GIVE AID AND COMFORT TO AN ILLEGAL ARMY OF ALIENS INVADING THE SOVEREIGN TERRITORY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”!!!

        • Katy Bar

          Ken, According to the Democrats Kamala “Is Not Engaging in the Destruction of the United States” (by bringing MS13 gangs “God’s Children according to Pelosi” into the United States and allowing Mexican Drug Cartel Gangs to bring in drugs and traffic in children)!! ACCORDING TO THE DEMOCRATS THIS BEHAVIOR “IS NOT A VIOLATION OF THE 14th AMENDMENT” because as Border Czar Kamala is “laughingly doing it” with so much JOY (Jettisoning and Obliterating us Yanks)!! While Trump who built the Wall to keep the “Invaders Out” and Simply and Legally (Protested a Rebellion Against the United States through Voter Fraud to Steal the Reigns of Power) is the one “being accused” by the Demons (the ones who are Actually Destroying America) of Violating the 14th Amendment??? On November 5th lets Stick the Treasonous Demons JOY Stick right up their *** (where the Sun don’t shine) and make America America Again (AAA)!! And let’s do it with JOB (Join to Outmaneuver the Buggers)!!!

          • Galaxy 500

            Hi Katy
            Let’s steal the Demons joy.
            Trump 2024

            Then let’s have many trials and after the verdicts, if found Guilty, a quick public execution

  26. Seer

    6 ads first 27 minutes?
    Rumble is ruining sites.
    In recent meditation for
    friend first words: Deep
    So, prepare whole heartedly!
    If you can move to southern hemisphere please do.
    Soul over mind, Seer

    • Greg Hunter

      I have complained and sent them comments from folks like you. They have told me they are working on it.

    • SJ

      Just watch the videos on Greg’s website not rumble and there are no ads

      • Gordon

        That’s helpful.

    • barb

      I use the ‘Brave’ browser… no ads. I’ve used it since around 2007 ish.

  27. David Gordon Dunne

    Greg, I am doing better now but started those Lupron Shots for two years as that PSA just keeps creeping up. All good now and my friend John T said a new Tech is evolving specificaqlly for prostate cancer where targeted super high sound blasts simply blow up all cancer lingering and hiding around the Prostate bed after it is removed so it is available in CA now but I can’t afford that and the price will come down in two years. I love CAF. She is so smart like a computer. It seems she talks over your questions but it is her brain is so fast, she has the answer before you finish. I can do the same thing with math problems someone is spitting out at me. A gift from God and she is too. Greg, You look so healthy now. Bless it be to God. I don’t understand about the Norway 3% and you say 25, 30% and relates to what cash? Also, I have not left anywhere for 15 months since my little bastar- prostate was taken out but finally we went to Bangkok to see my Marine now Contracter/Project Mger and it was so much fun. He showed me the tumor they removed from his heart. It was a small orange size and since only 3 or so of these in the whole world a year and the fact they had to flip his heart over and take hours to slowly peel it off, by all estimates he should have died on the table but God answered my prayers. I got a bug from his Fiance and now back home with pneumonia. I can’t believe it but on 2,000 of Amxy a day now. Since we took my kill jabs, we have not been home for 4.5 years as first that block on travel and then my cancer so we are going to Tampa then Lou for 6 months in Dec. We are so excited. God answered my prayers again. I truly think God sends his protection and armour to those who surrender to him. I and yes you are living proof Brother. God Bless all of these kind and smart people in here and God Bless you Greg, your family, KATs too. Last point, the Jewish population with their wealth control out Govt and Country. We the people do not. I don’t want WWlll anytime soon. I want my kids and grand kids to grow to be old and happy. RFK and Gen. Flynn/Col. Macregor and others will have his back as well as Elon.

    • Tin foil hat

      Stay away from sugar, any fruit juices from the supermarket, oatmeal, rice, noodle and bread. You should eat only meat and vegetable (do not marinate with soy sauce, any sauce or salad dressing from the supermarket – use pink salt, garlic, wine and natural herbs only.)

      Drink only tea (especially green tea ) and black coffee. If you can get natural raw milk from the farm, you are in luck. Otherwise, stay away from the supermarket milk.

      If you could fast (if you were overweight, do it gradually in order not to release too much toxins from the fat too quickly), exercise and eat right, you can beat cancer with or without Lupron Shots.

  28. Robert Moffett

    Why have gold mining shares done so poorly? I bought an index fund of metal stocks in 2011 and they are still down 35% while the market has soared.

    • Greg Hunter

      Make sure you possess the actual stock certificates. Be patient.

      • Galaxy 500

        He said he had Index funds. I don’t thing those will issue stocks cert…

    • Trinacria

      Robert: you bring up an excellent point. The mining companies and their shares have not made the same move as the actual physical gold and silver. There has been some movement in the share price. Some, not all of the big companies have done ok, but many have still stagnated. I think the reason is that the actual metal does not have any risks nor carries any debt, whereas the mining companies have debt and therefore more risk. Stay patient, I think they will soon move up as well to some degree.

    • Den

      Robert: This has been a huge topic in the space. Find Alister Macleod on substack because he has excellent perspectives on why physical gold prices are up and some of the junior mining stocks are down.

  29. Irene Elliott

    hi Greg, enjoyed the show with you and Catherine and learned a lot. She really has a heart for humanity! Anyways, I just wanted to let you know as a sister in the Lord that the ending that you courageously spoke to encourage people to find Jesus is just so needed for people to hear all around the world like it did tonight!!! Thank you brother!! I thank God always for you and your family and to take care of your recovery. Irene Elliott, blessings, for He is the true great Jehovah Jireh, etc… and together we win this global war. Amen

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you, Sister! I am very happy to bring people to Jesus.
      Brother Greg

  30. Scott

    1988 was the first time I heard a US government official state that the way to fix Social Security and Medicare was to shorten life expectancy. I have been trying to warn baby-boomers that this was the preferred option of the DC elite but people can’t bring themselves to accept this reality. I congratulate Ms Fitts on bringing this issue front and center.

    • Ken Yu

      Shortening Life Expectancy does not have to be done simply with a Covid Jab. The Deep State Government can start a World War and then draft “older people” (like Zelensky did in Ukraine) and simply get them all killed fighting in “Wars for Foreigners” all across the Globe (but never here in America to Stop the Current Invasion on our Southern Border)!!

  31. Prospector

    Passing this along.. All I can say is Emerald Robinson seems to be a VERY credible non-MSM reporter.

    @EmeraldRobinson on X : October 19 , 2024
    BREAKING: 3 national security sources confirm that a nationwide 9/11 style cyberattack against America is widely expected by the intelligence agencies on (or near) Election Day.

    • Katy Bar

      It is easy to see that our US Puppet (Israel) will be used to bomb Iran just as the BRICS Meet To Destroy The US Dollar in two days and Bring Down the US Banks who have been short selling Silver!! Then “The US Neocons” will say the Iranians blew up our Electrical Grid in the US in retaliation (just like the US Neocons blew up Nord Stream)! Blaming the US Electrical Grid False Flag Attack “on Iran” so the Neocons Can Declare WAR and a NATIONAL EMERGENCY” that will obviously “REQUIRE THE SHUTTING DOWN OF THE COMING US ELECTION” (because the voting machines fixed to elect Kamala won’t be working)!! This will thus leave Kamala (the current “acting” President) as our “Official President” until Elections Can Be Held Once Again in the Future “When Marshall Law is Lifted” (IF EVER)!!!

        • Katy Bar

          Greg, As you point out “Someone must have had “A Jesus Moment” and Panicked Within the Bribe’n Administration” and thus released some Very Very Top Secret Plans (that Iran would soon be Attacked) to both China and Russia whereby China’s President immediately put on his Military Uniform and Begins Telling his Troops to “Prepare for War”, North Korea immediately blows up bridges on the border with South Korea saying it is “Preparing for War”, Russia Immediately Moves to Take Down “All The US Banks” who have been Shorting Silver by saying “it will begin to ADD SILVER to its Strategic Monetary Reserves” (which will probably spike the Price of Silver to $150 Dollars per ounce in very short order and Bankrupt All The US Banks holding short positions in Silver i.e. like Bank of America (which Warren Buffet is bailing out of), along with Chase, Wells Fargo, etc.,, etc.!! So now the US and NATO Neocons are “Upping the Ante” saying they will now give Nuclear Weapons to Zelensky in Ukraine (Who Will Insanely Nuke and Take Out Moscow)!! It is “Time to Stop All The Madness” and “Stop all these Wars”!! Otherwise We Are All Going To Die!! Electing Trump Will Stop These Wars (and this is way the Psychopathic Neocons in Washington AC/DC are So Intent on Starting WWIII “NOW” (before Trump is Elected)!!! I hope I’m completely wrong in this analysis, but “That’s the way I see it” and I think only Jesus can save us now!!

          • Galaxy 500

            Where are you getting the info on the banks shorting silver?

            Silver shorts appear to be nearly a 2 year low.
            Plus if they said they were adding silver but were actually shorting it,,, that a material statement and anyone impacted by that statement would be able to sue plus face government sanctions.
            Personally I don’t believe anything is gonna happen at the BRICS meeting to be concerned about
            LOL … And no one in the White House’s is talking to Jesus. They all need to be but Satan is their master

            • Katy Bar

              G500, I’ve been listening to Dr. Kirk Elliott – go here to listen to him for yourself:
              He begins with the Banks at the 72.30 mark and speaks about Silver “skyrocketing” at the 82.20 mark!! Looks like Silver can by next year be “way over” $100 dollars per ounce!! Hopefully the world will not be in the middle of a Nuclear War by then so we can enjoy our profits!!!

              • Galaxy 500

                Thanks, I will check that out but shorts appear at a low which while he may say it in a video I am hoping that he shares where he sees it at…
                I am flawed, I need facts

      • Galaxy 500

        I don’t really think Israel is anyone’s puppet.
        And I don’t think Israel has shared any real plans with us since Obama sold out Israel to Iran.
        PS Iran has earned a few Jewish nukes with all the terrorism and murder of Jewish civilians.

        • Katy Bar

          G500, Not just Bribe’n but Trump also “did a number on Israel” by moving to get the US out of Afghanistan (which would have made attacking Iran in a pincer attack from the East that much easier)!! But that is the subject for another time!!!

          • Galaxy 500

            Trump was trying to negotiate but he left office before reaching a deal. You know when Trump left, we were still in Afghanistan?
            Trump was great friend of Israel

        • Ken Yu

          When Israel throws a few Jewish nukes at Iran for all the terrorism and murder of Jewish civilians don’t you think Iran and their allies Russia and China will then throw a few nukes back at Israel?? Many Jews are not taking any chances and are getting out of Israel “before any Mushroom Clouds start rising over Tel Aviv” and many are even fleeing to Germany (a place where Jewish civilians were previously murdered) “for safety”??

          • Galaxy 500

            No I don’t. There is nothing in it for them to do. Plus. Israel has about 300… enough to do a lot of damage to both of them.
            So a bunch of Jews are moving to Germany to be prey upon by the moslems?
            Last thing I read the Jews were leaving both France and Germany for Israel.
            I also don’t believe that YHWH is going to allow Israel to be nuke. The Bible leads me to believe that .
            I will have to check out the emigration numbers

  32. Cheri Rodriguez

    It’s not baffling at all why so many are backing Harris. They hate Trump. I told one black lady at work that she’d vote for Idi Amin if he was running for president. Her response—“That’s right, because he’s black.”

    • LoriQ

      Oh my, that is just insane! I swear, I believe our nation’s collective IQ has fallen under 60 in certain regions of the country. There is absolutely no reason, logic or critical thinking skills used by the rabid amongst us. The ramifications are terrifying!

      • Ken Yu

        I bet all those “Rabid Amongst Us” have Pearly White Teeth (from drinking all that Fluoridated Water which the Globalists put into our water supply to reduce the American IQ down to 60 or below)!! When it comes time to defend ourselves from the Attacking Rabid Hoards when Trump is Elected some Patriot may say: “Don’t Fire Until You See The White’s of Their Teeth”!!!

  33. Roger Stamper

    tks greg and caf

  34. Marie Joy

    Better to die because of something you did rather than something you didn’t do.

    • Greg Hunter

      Don’t die, turn to Jesus and live forever.

    • Katy Bar

      The Chinese don’t want to die because of doing something “like buying US Treasury’s” because they know the money they give to the US will then be used to build more weapons for the US Military to then “use against them” by the Neocons trying keep Taiwan “separate from China” (when Taiwan “has always been a part of China”)!! In a few days the BRICS Nations will meet to announce the creation of a new UNIT of Currency (backed by Gold) to put the Ponzi US Dollar Criminals in their place!! So the US will now have to create its own Fed UNIT (a CBDC backed by nothing)!! They will be call the Fed Unit the FU (as that is exactly what they have been telling the world since 1971 when Nixon removed Gold backing from the US dollar)!!

  35. Jazames

    It’s time for the ropes no more votes neither side can run a fair clean election already there’s fraud in Georgia with the dominion machines kicking back a ballot 4 times from trump to Kamala same thing is happening in Texas add all the absantee ballot stuffing amd illegal voting it’s looking like 2020 all over again the cheat abc steal is in maybe time to vote with ropes and lead

    • Kit Lee

      All “White” People should be voting for Trump (and this includes all White Democrats) because the Official Policy of the Democratic Party is to call all White People “Supremacists” (forcing racial divides in America rather then it being the melting pot of diverse peoples and cultures who will normally try to get along with one another)!!!

      • Katy Bar

        If the Gun Owners and Christians (who have a History of NEVER VOTING because they think both Party’s Suck) simply get off their collective asses and “Vote for Trump on Nov 5th” THEY CAN SAVE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA “WITHOUT EVER HAVING TO FIRE A SHOT” OR “PRAY THAT JESUS WILL GET HERE IN TEN(10) DAYS TO FIX EVERY THING”!! The Demons “Can’t Steal This Election” (even with all the millions of non-citizen illegals they brought in to vote) if the Gun Owners and Christians Simply “GET OFF THEIR ASSES AND VOTE”!!!!

  36. Swrichmond

    “My job is to be outside”

    major crush!

  37. Ken Mazel

    Hi Greg and fellow USA Watch Doggies.
    Silver is still just @ 60% of its all time highs here in the US so after your other prepping of course it’s a good by IMOP. Check around for best prices but pre 65 90% US coinage is still a great deal. Dimes provide the most divisibility for barter etc. Be blessed!

    • Cheri Rodriguez

      Bill Holter says he hates 100 oz Silver bars. So what does he do with them, throw them in the trash? I mean come on, banks and countries stack 400 oz Gold bars. Are those stupid to own too? Yeah, I get it. If you need some eggs from Mr. Farmer, you’re going to want to have some junk Silver. The 100 oz Silver bars will buy you a house.

      • Galaxy 500

        Maybe Bill can split those bars between us and we will take the burden of disposal

  38. john geis

    Thank you for informing me of the medical kits. I have ordered mine!

  39. Becka Ecka

    Genocide by poison vaccine is to kill the PRIORITY CREDITORS.

    We the people are the asset. The Incorporated, (not public) private company called US GOV. is not American and they are in bed with the banks and are killing the inheritors who are now waking up to their true status .

    We all have to wake up, fast, to the facts that we have been illegally conveyed to a status of dead, lost at sea (maritime) incorporated, without rights or status (as living souls) through the BIRTH CERTIFICATE SCAM.

    let’s have some.research on the root of the problem…
    much appreciate your insight Catherine, but you are missing the whole ground floor for your theories.

    Legal vs. Lawful.
    Maritime vs. Land Jurisdiction.
    dead vs. living.
    slave vs. free man

    that’s the issue.

    The administration has conveyed you (personage) to the wrong jurisdiction and voided all rights and ownership.

    Let’s start there please.

    look into the extensive research and proof in this at and Anna Von Reitz

    • J.

      Becka, … doesn’t work for me.

      “This page isn’t working redirected you too many times.
      Try deleting your cookies.

    • Galaxy 500

      What Birth Certificate scam

    • Anthony Australia

      You are a smart awakened cookie Becky.

      Yes, all based upon maritime admiralty law!
      CITIZENship – Birth Canal

  40. S W

    Why Kamala?
    Conditions For A Color Revolution
    1. A semi-autocratic regime.
    2. An unpopular incumbent.
    3. A united and organized opposition.
    4. The ability to quickly drive home the point that voting results were falsified.
    5. Media to inform people about the falsified vote.
    6. Opposition capable of mobilizing thousands of demonstrators.
    7. Division among the regimes coercive forces (police-military).

  41. Steve

    You and Catherine always have great discussions. I would like to add a point of clarity — at time mark 6:15 – 6:32, Catherine states that the background checks for security clearances are thorough. While this is true for your run of the mill contractor and/or government employee, this in no way reflects reality for politicians at the national level. The sole act of winning a political appointment gives politicians a “free pass”. Here are some specifics:

    A) Members of congress do not receive or obtain security clearances, regardless of their committee assignments or sensitive positions. (Source: “Do Members of Congress Have Security Clearances?” [1])
    B) Presidential appointees may indeed receive classified briefings and access to sensitive information, but they do not undergo security clearance investigations. Presidential candidates, for instance, receive some classified information without needing further background checks. (Source: Politics Stack Exchange [2])
    C) During presidential transitions, temporary security clearances may be initiated for key personnel in advance of Election Day, as provided for by law. However, this process is distinct from traditional security clearance investigations. (Source: Government Executive [3])

    Bottom-line: national level politicians do not undergo traditional background checks and security clearance investigations. Instead, they may receive classified information and access to sensitive positions without undergoing the same scrutiny as federal employees or contractors.
    Unfortunately, I am forced to conclude that circumventing the established procedures is one of the major causes of leaks.


  42. Diana Brown

    Brilliant interview Greg. CAF is a treasure. Her approach is one of sound fiscal responsibility and common sense.Here locally, merchants give 5-8% discount if you pay by cash. Its the only way to go.
    I appreciate that you bring her to your platform on a regular basis. Thank you.

  43. Jack Flores

    I wonder how many of this people really passed the Bar exam. The Rick Singer college admissions scam showed how easy it is to fix a test. I suspect a whole parade of these people were just shoehorned in.

  44. Prospector

    Connecting Dots. See my post above on Emerald Robinson.

    Security conference on ” Critical Infrastructure ” to be held in Atlanta on Nov. 6 – 7…..
    with a LIVE EXERCISE NOVEMBER 5 TH — ( Election Day !!! )

    2024 Homeland Security Critical Infrastructure Conference

    AFCEA Atlanta

    Homeland Security Conference on Critical Infrastructure
    November 6-7 , 2024
    >>> with a large scale cybersecurity exercise on November 5, 2024 <<<

    Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association International (AFCEA), established in 1946,[4] is a nonprofit membership association serving the military, government, industry, and academia as a forum for advancing professional knowledge and relationships in the fields of communications, information technology, intelligence and global security.

    • Earth Angel

      WHAT!! On Nov. 5th 2024.. Election Day?!.. A cybersecurity EXERCISE?!! This STINKS to HIGH HEAVEN. If there is any election malfeasance again (as in 2020) or any sort of ‘grid down’ situation on that day- we will know EXACTLY who instigates it. Sadly, its no surprise to me if Atlanta appears as a major player in this. A homeland security critical infrastructure conference? Head’s Up Everybody. Oh, WOW.. Thanks for the info. Prospector!

      • Katy Bar

        Yeah! A Cyber-security EXERCISE will be held on Nov. 5th 2024 “ELECTION DAY” (just like a Terrorist Plane-jacking EXERCISE was held on 9-11 for the “WORLD TRADE CENTER TAKE DOWN”)!! and a PANDEMIC EXERCISE was held before the COVID KILL SHOTS WERE LAUNCHED UPON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!! Now Just How Stupid do these Demons Think We Are (even with all the fluoride they added into our baby water)??

      • Prospector

        Why wait !!! It has begun . The cheat is dead , long live the cheat.

        Wisconsin Election Agency Confirms System ‘Outages’ On First Day Of Early Voting

        Zerohedge – 10/23/24

  45. Richard

    Water is important to our health as well as sunshine. Please take time to research Dr. Jack Kruse and his work on water, sun, and magnetism .

  46. Prospector

    Great news everyone ! Lying legacy media says ” It can’t happen here . ”

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly a month out from Election Day, the head of the nation’s cybersecurity agency is forcefully reassuring Americans who have been swept into the chaotic churn of election disinformation and distrust that they will be able to feel confident in the outcome.

    State and local election officials have made so much progress in securing voting, ballot-counting and other election infrastructure that the system is more robust than it has ever been, said Jen Easterly, director of the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. As a result, she said, there is no way Russia, Iran or any other foreign adversary will be able to alter the results. – Associated Press Oct 2.

    ” forcefully reassuring Americans ” , umm , like ‘ vaxx is safe and effective / ?

    ( What’s that saying about it not being official until it is denied ? )

    • Earth Angel

      Yeah we know it won’t be Russia, Iran, or any other foreign adversary doing the dirty work- it’ll just be one of the domestic alphabet agencies as usual- right?!


    WHEN will someone have the guts to address the real issue with Kamala Harris. She IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN and is therefore not eligible to be VP or President. Same goes for Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Dr. Shiva, Bobby Jindal, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz. They all are eligible to be members of any other elected office but not VP or President. The fact that Americans do not understand this issue blows me away. Very simply in the days of our founders this is how a person was considered a NBC and nothing has ever been done to change that.
    1. The natural offspring of a legal U.S. Citizen Father.
    2. The natural offspring of a legal U.S. Citizen Father and Mother.
    3. The natural offspring of a legal U.S. Citizen Father and Mother, born on American soil.
    NONE of the people above fit into any one of these qualifiers for NBC status. In the days of our founders natural born citizen was transferred from FATHER to children. If the father was a US citizen (no matter where the child was born) the child is a NBC US citizen. Every person listed above did not have a father that was a US citizen. Kamala’s father is still not a US Citizen.
    WAKE THE HECK UP PEOPLE. You are handing our country over to the enemy because you are afraid of being called a name.

  48. Michael

    Just finished watching CAF. Can’t figure her angle. Amid all her complaining she has yet to tell me anything I don’t already know, yet she bashes the only guy who can change it. Don’t trust her anymore. She’s not working for our best interest. Really wish you’d cut her out of the mix.

    So happy you’re doing better, July and August were very dark without your regular messages. Keep getting better, life’s short.

    • Greg Hunter

      CAF is a national treasure and right now she is traveling around the US to give instruction to States for financial transaction security to fight digital currency CBDC. So, thank you for your support, but I have to disagree. CAF WILL be back.

      By the way, CAF said Trump will be better for the country than Kamalla, and she will vote for him along with other GOP candidates.


  49. Galaxy 500

    Another Great Interview Greg!

  50. Trinacria

    Greg: first of all, you are looking very good, I am so happy for you; in fact, from seeing you on screen, I would have never believed that you had bypass surgery. Continued good health to you!
    Thanks for interviewing CAF – she is such a wealth of knowledge. One thing I would appreciate is a more detailed explanation of the “missing money” that she and Mark Skidmore talk about. Does this have anything to do with the $2 Trillion or so (what’s a few billion here and there…..sarcasm of course!!!) that Rumsfeld what talking about a day or two before 9/11 ?
    Here are some specific questions…can someone help shed light on this:

    1. WHO is responsible for this stolen money….well over $20 trillion at this point?
    2. When did it start?
    3. How is this being done? (I assume X dollars are being taken each year).
    4. What form is this in? Can it be all cash in offshore accounts?
    5. I am sure offshore accounts are involved….where are they? probably multiple countries.
    6. I am sure this involves kickbacks from defense contractors and related lobby firms.

    We know that the Pentagon doesn’t have a prayer of a chance of passing an audit. The abuses, such as dumping fairly new jeeps off aircraft carriers is legendary, so they could get new ones, even though none were needed.
    I would really help the public if we had a much clearer view of this. I have been researching this, but the picture isn’t that clear.

    Thank you and take care. Much good health Greg, the movement needs you!!!

  51. Pamela Hankins

    I don’t think Katherine is nearly as clueless about why Kamala is where she is as she seems to be. I think she is just being cautious about what she says, because she has to be sure she can back it up with documentation and facts.
    And cash? What good is cash when it can be washed away with everything else? Did people with cash on hand have it stuffed into their pockets? Probably not. And what could they spend it on when all the stores were washed away as well? I understand what she is saying about cash, and I agree, but in a flooding situation like the one down south, you can see that simply ‘having cash’ is not a solution in itself.
    Further, as millions are trying to ‘save our Country’ they, while claiming to be Christians, have ignored the fact that the Scriptures tell us what will happen. There will be a global dictatorship run by the last dictator during the Tribulation period that is coming very soon. We are seeing the framework for it right now. God told His people what would happen with the first world dictator, Nebuchadnezzar, that he would conquer them; that this was His judgement on them and not to resist, (Jeremiah 27-30). Why should we fight for this world, when we are not of this world? Jesus is the only way out, the only escape. Yet keep harping on preparation and cash, and politics. Don’t be surprised when none of our efforts work. Throughout the past 20 years I have had every stash of food, ammunition, guns and the like stolen. We now have a storehouse of food, but I consider it as a provision for others after the Rapture. Others, who did not know to get their own as a hedge for a little while. No one, according to the Word of God, will escape during that time. Either they will worship the Beast, or they will die. To plan for a way of escaping the System is foolish, they will not let that happen – Rev 13:15, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”

    • Olaf V

      Pamela, Shimini Atzeret (the 8th Day) or in our Calendar – 24th October 2024.
      SUKKOT is Feast of TABERNACLES [Evening of 16th till evening 24th October 2024]
      Exodus 22:29. Thou shalt not delay [to offer] the FIRST of thy ripe FRUITS, and of thy liquors: the FIRSTBORN of thy SONS shalt thou GIVE UNTO ME.
      30. Likewise shalt thou do with thine oxen, [and] with thy sheep: SEVEN DAYS [SUKKOT] it shall be with his dam; on the EIGHTH DAY (Shimini Atzeret) thou shalt GIVE IT ME.

      It was the 8th Day was when Israel CIRCUMCISED their SONS foreskin FLESH.
      When we will have our FLESH removed for immortal bodies. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53.
      OV. Australia

  52. Joe

    I counted over 10 advertisements while watching this video. Over 10! This is beginning to sound more like corporate news media than independent journalism. Why watch this if you get an ad every five minutes?!?!?!

    • Greg Hunter

      The site is free and I use rumble as a player. This is a Rumble problem, and I have no control over the adds except one I put in. I can put up a pay wall and you can spend $30 a month if you like?

      Oh, and there is this too:

      Help me get rid of these terrible adds that make this site free.

      By the way, you are welcome for the free content.


      • RK


        Please tell everyone on your next interview to come DIRECTLY to YOUR website:, utilizing as a browser, not using any other browser, and bypassing Rumble site entirely, hence eliminating any unnecessary ads.

        Additionally if those that don’t read comments, or just like to gripe, remember, Greg does this for FREE!

        I do not experience any ads using Brave and having a VPN also helps. Fellow Watchdoggers, please start there, and you’ll see the change.

    • J.

      Joe, here is a simple solution.
      Use browser.
      Then go to USAWATCHDOG.COM, and watch Greg’s videos.

      I experience ZERO ads.

    • pap

      yeah Joe I agree, rumble is add nauseam. I quit watching a particular pod cast show on rumble because of so many adds + half the time when I would press ok to skip the add, it failed to go back to the pod cast… Here it’s the same but at least Greg’s podcasts works… Knock on wood for Greg’s WatchDogUSA, also the other pod cast didn’t have any way to let them know. So I just quit wasting my time there.

  53. John Maskell

    Great interview Greg . You are looking good and I hope you’re health is improving . Talking about health , my dentist said I had suspected mouth cancer . This is the worst news that no-one wants to hear. I felt sickened to the core ! I felt cheated because I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol , I’m not vaxed , I’m not over weight and my diet is really good . I know cancer does not care ( it will take anyone ) but why me ? Then I remembered what you said when laying in a hospital bed suffering from severe pain . Pray to Jesus our father . I did and my prayers were answered by our lord. Last week I was told that the diagnosis was wrong and it was defiantly not cancerous . My life has been totally changed and the power of praying is as real as the air we breathe . Thank you Greg . You have my up most respect , John ( UK )

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother John. Happy you are well, and Jesus and Jehovah love you very much!!! Tip: Ivermectin fights cancer. Some doctors I know recommend Ivermectin twice a week. (9 mgs per 100 pounds according to Dr. Kory and Dr. Betsy)
      Brother Greg

  54. Old Rancher

    I went to Lowe’s this afternoon to pick up an item or two and watched a guy get out of his car and immediately put a mask on. I saw him after I went in at the key making machine with the mask on. Perhaps he was a TB survivor … yeah, maybe so … hmmmm.

  55. Joe Wong

    Catherine Austin-Fitts is AWESOME on this video !!!

    However, Scumilia Harris’s campaign contributors (aka BRIBES), the Private Western Central banks, and Blackrock’s Larry Fink are running the USA into the ground by – DRIVING that train, and are HIGH on cocaine, Kamala Harris you better – watch your speed= trouble ahead, and trouble behind, and you know that notions just crossed her mind !!!

    Also BOIL your water before you drink it, and you should be fine as well, and be careful for the CHICKENS you are eating, because they are 92 percent chemicals and only 8 percent flesh !!!

    Then you wonder why the people in Ohio are eating CATS !!!

    Have a nice weekend, since poultry birds or fowls do NOT have an immune system.

  56. Really Awake

    First and foremost we Americans are being dragged into WW3… You do what you want, but my priority is readying myself for a Biblical event – something right out of Revelation.

    Secondly, Donald Trump isn’t the same man he was 8 years ago and neither is his campaign and the people who surround him. For example, this time around Donald Trump has a lot more Zionists on Team Trump who put their country, religion, culture and race first – and not America first. Just look at Trump’s recent statements about how Israel should bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. What do you think will happen then?

    Should North Korea’s nuclear facilities be bombed, too? And how about Russia? And China?

    Maybe North Korea should have been bombed long ago when Clinton or Bush or Obama or Trump was President. Back then there was a much better chance of not getting into WW3. Right now the aforementioned enemies of Washington are all in alignment – just like Marty Armstrong has pointed out. So, once Israel bombs Iran do we really expect Russia, China and North Korea to sit by and wait their turn?

    Not hardly.

    Thirdly, America will never be great again, because it’s too far gone. At best America breaks up into three separate regions before Washington drags the entire country into WW3. But don’t hold your breath, because WW3 will come first in all probability.

    Forthly, don’t worry about digital currency and digital ID, because America isn’t going to make it that far before the Big Crash & Burn….

    So buckle up.

  57. Lauran F.

    Greg…….I have always been a fan of CAF, but she has been too hard on Trump on other interviews and stations, and has flat out on CHDTV said that she did not know who she would vote for in the election. I hope that she understands that Kamala and her VP are both Marxists. She has chosen to live in Europe part of the time, and has changed many of her views since moving there. Trump Loves America and the Dems hate America. Trump is not perfect, and when he was elected, he honestly thought that the president of the US ran the country. We now know that the powers that be did not want him in; and that they are trying to destroy anyone who is around him out of fear he will not be so naive this time around. I am glad that she appeared this time to temper her reaction to him. You are a masterful interviewer, and always bring out the best in everybody you have on. So glad for your good health, and recovery!

  58. Justn Observer

    Greg and CAF always interesting!. and don’t doubt that the old NAZI elite original plans are not still in play? as ties with those rat-lined into the U.S. and inserted into the U.S. government agencies and industry, media, and holly-wood persist. One question is…are some of the billions being sent out/back over to the EU/NATO just NAZI money being returned back not unlike that which exited Germany at the end of the war thru banks and multi-national corporations? Yes, generational wealth passing back and forth thru banking ‘houses’ not unlike those of the old world order hoping to be the NWO…once they eradicate that upstart Republic that Declared its Independence from them…and their incessant endless wars and pickering of relatives and distant relitives of those days fighting over who’s ancestry was the successor of the HRE? as ‘they’ use re-legion and those leader to ‘ordain and coronate and lend/impose legitmacy to the monarchy and which then the monarchy uses its political, military, and wealth to support those religious leaders who CONtroll the mindset of ‘their’ exoteric followers/believers while hiding the esoteric underpinning of the leadership.

    SS Assets Saved in Global Conspiracy =–EU.html

    Gold, in ounces…really is how useful as exchange of currency for everyday needs?
    IF it goes to what some predict, seems even an ounce or two to get across a border will be extreme and out of reach for most to acquire to attain? Then one considers the uses of it compared to silver and copper…for production of technological goods if civilization is to continue on beyond the 18 to 20th century… and the fact that ounces of silver might be much closer to everyday exchange needs in $50 to $100 increments rather than gold at how many thousands per ounce? Of course, we also are seeing that ‘they’ might WANT to take paper currency completely out of circulation to help force people into the use of digital credit and CBDC. What better way than to panic or herd people into gold, where people use up their currency/cash to attain the gold, which then they can impose an ‘unrealized’ capital gains tax on…or make -AGAIN- its holding or use illegal? And silver also, if they make NON-sovereign coins, bars, buffalo silver a ‘strategic metal’ that needs to be confiscated, especially in times of preparation of war…or rebuilding strategic national interests and to advance tech, the grid, and infrastructure and defense such as a new strategic dome to dispel hyper speed ballistic missiles? How much larger might that grid and supply depot of how many interceptor missiles or ‘death ray type lasers cannons’ might the needs of such commodities like silver, copper, and non-corrosive gold plating might that take be?
    The advancement of weapons is beyond the old use of the old HE, SP, and Nuclear tipped missiles, strategic or tactical which in the event of their use, deny not just terrain and infrastructure and killing off personnel and civilians, but the use of much of the land for crops and access to needed natural resources, so more likely ‘they’ would rather use bi0 and chemicals to degrade the populations both military and civilian and of course the use of drugs and poison foods do weaken the resolve and capabilities of a nation’s people, their social safety nets and ability to have an effective military to protect itself once sufficiently infiltrated. ADD that all to a time ‘they’ know we are entering into natural earth cycles’ of which ‘they’ have the ability and ARE manipulating…to cause ‘heightened effects’ they can also use…with a high degree of deniability to most of the citizenry who still think it’s all juar ‘conspiracy theory’…with very few states EXCEPT those like Tennessee who are pushing investigations and legislation of weather modification, and one can see many regions of the world are at risk as well, and are being threatened by TPTB to go along with ‘their’ pay to play…or suffer devastation, loss of natural resources, collapse of safety nets, production and supply of food sources and those commodities that promote sufficient supply of energy, fertilizers, at the same time they are attempting to do away with the combustion engine and force very expensive conversion to ALL ELECTRIC freight, transportation, tractors, trucks, and trains beyond the financial compliance of most smaller companies, farms and ranchs.
    ALL goes back to control nations with access to energy, people with food. and of course, as you and CAF point out ‘their’ plan to deny access to the system of system of commerce…currency…for the everyday convenience of exchange for everyday needs and wants with less a need to store and barter especially for perishable goods and medical supplies of those not compliant of ‘their’ wishes.
    The adage that an average human can go about three to four minutes without oxygen, three to four days without water, and three to four weeks without food. But then come the caveats, as to medicine needs, warmth, and security of all those provisions of which all are inner dependent for survival as to ones location and their SOC proximity.
    The enemy will strike when it is MOST convenient for them, and the least for you. Thus, waiting for ‘them’ to move first…is not a good strategy. Either re-locate, flank or advance upon them before ‘they’ are set for ‘they’ spring the RESET’ ‘they’ are preparing for ? = ALERT! FDIC’s Friday Night Bank Failures BEGIN! New 50% Payment for Uninsured Depositors!

  59. pap

    Love the interviews, but I sure do miss the weekly wrap ups. I’ve been listening to them for 10+ years, every Friday… Seems like the week is missing something without them…

  60. Michael

    Figured you’d say that. Don’t get me wrong and I’m a TN boy, but voting for my man Trunp over (it pains me to say her name in a manner you won’t censor) Harris is voting for Trump over the Devil. What these people have planned for this country is unsayable.

    Just tell her to ZIP IT on Trump and I’ll go with it, for you.

  61. Jak

    In an interview on KWN this weekend, Gerald Celente says Kamala will win the Presidency.

    • Greg Hunter

      I’ll take the other side of that bet.

    • Marie Joy

      Let’s hope it’s too big to rig. Does the current vice president (Kamala) certify the election? If so, we’re in big trouble

  62. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg
    I just spoke to a good Friend and in closing out our conversation, he pointed me to Psalm 37. I had to admit it wasn’t one that I was familiar with. Damn, it’s a Great Psalm

    Psalm 37
    New King James Version
    The Heritage of the Righteous and the Calamity of the Wicked

    A Psalm of David.

    37 Do not fret because of evildoers,
    Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
    2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
    And wither as the green herb.
    3 Trust in the Lord, and do good;
    Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
    4 Delight yourself also in the Lord,
    And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
    5 Commit[a] your way to the Lord,
    Trust also in Him,
    And He shall bring it to pass.
    6 He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
    And your justice as the noonday.
    7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him;
    Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
    Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
    8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;
    Do not fret—it only causes harm.
    9 For evildoers shall be [b]cut off;
    But those who wait on the Lord,
    They shall inherit the earth.
    10 For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more;
    Indeed, you will look carefully for his place,
    But it shall be no more.
    11 But the meek shall inherit the earth,
    And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
    12 The wicked plots against the just,
    And gnashes at him with his teeth.
    13 The Lord laughs at him,
    For He sees that his day is coming.
    14 The wicked have drawn the sword
    And have bent their bow,
    To cast down the poor and needy,
    To slay those who are of upright conduct.
    15 Their sword shall enter their own heart,
    And their bows shall be broken.
    16 A little that a righteous man has
    Is better than the riches of many wicked.
    17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken,
    But the Lord upholds the righteous.
    18 The Lord knows the days of the upright,
    And their inheritance shall be forever.
    19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time,
    And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
    20 But the wicked shall perish;
    And the enemies of the Lord,
    Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish.
    Into smoke they shall vanish away.
    21 The wicked borrows and does not repay,
    But the righteous shows mercy and gives.
    22 For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth,
    But those cursed by Him shall be [c]cut off.
    23 The steps of a good man are [d]ordered by the Lord,
    And He delights in his way.
    24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
    For the Lord upholds him with His hand.
    25 I have been young, and now am old;
    Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,
    Nor his descendants begging bread.
    26 He is [e]ever merciful, and lends;
    And his descendants are blessed.
    27 Depart from evil, and do good;
    And dwell forevermore.
    28 For the Lord loves justice,
    And does not forsake His saints;
    They are preserved forever,
    But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.
    29 The righteous shall inherit the land,
    And dwell in it forever.
    30 The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom,
    And his tongue talks of justice.
    31 The law of his God is in his heart;
    None of his steps shall [f]slide.
    32 The wicked watches the righteous,
    And seeks to slay him.
    33 The Lord will not leave him in his hand,
    Nor condemn him when he is judged.
    34 Wait on the Lord,
    And keep His way,
    And He shall exalt you to inherit the land;
    When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.
    35 I have seen the wicked in great power,
    And spreading himself like a native green tree.
    36 Yet [g]he passed away, and behold, he was no more;
    Indeed I sought him, but he could not be found.
    37 Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright;
    For the future of that man is peace.
    38 But the transgressors shall be destroyed together;
    The future of the wicked shall be cut off.
    39 But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;
    He is their strength in the time of trouble.
    40 And the Lord shall help them and deliver them;
    He shall deliver them from the wicked,
    And save them,
    Because they trust in Him.

    • Rodney

      My go to read on days I’m at the end of myself with all this madness around.
      It does calm the mind and soul.

      • Galaxy 500

        I wish I would have found it earlier.
        It’s a great comfort

  63. Galaxy 500

    Awwww… even a crack house crank doesn’t have 55 extra poisons

    These guys need to be arrested today, tried Monday and after the verdict Monday afternoon, hung Tuesday at Noon (Televised)

  64. Leslie

    I think the whole planet is bring poisoned NOT just Americans
    I for one do think there are too many people on this planet
    From the cave man to WWII there were only approximately 1.5B people
    Since WWII over 6B people have been born
    It’s too many people in such a short time
    But it’s education that’s the key not vaxxes

    There is NOT enough food and water etc for such a people explosion
    Every decade water become less

    Plus with AI coming into play in the next decade or two there will NOT be enough jobs for people
    Then most people will only survive on the UBIs they will introduce
    Then they’ll have total control over the masses of the world
    We must stop breeding as hard as that is to swallow if people and the planet is to survive

  65. Marie Joy

    One way or another, they will steal it, cause violence and force Martial Law on us.

  66. In Cog neato 4 now

    MY simple way to daily fight a central bank digital dollar.

    (And wondering, did anybody Tip Donald Trump at Mc Donald’s drive thru yesterday ?}

    I Always pay cash whenever possible but most importantly,
    I ALWAYS TIP in CASH. generously, even if service is less then good. Why ?

    Because those young minds on thier first jobs will learn the value of a cash economy.
    I always tell them “this is NOT a tip for IRS reporting because I’m thanking you for saving me the inconvienience of having to put this change away”.

    • Earth Angel

      I think Trump was actually buying THEIR meals- but it would be nice if someone did give him a campaign or legal fund contribution- at the drive thru window! ; )

  67. Lyle Curtis

    Great interview, CAF is one of your best guests.

    I think she ruffles feathers by reminding people that Trump presided over some very destructive policies and she bursts the bubbles of those who view him as the Savior of America.

    Y’all should be grateful that she is honest enough to give it to you straight!

    For me, Trump has far too many black marks on him to ever support or vote for him ever again.

    I won’t be voting for Komila either.

    I’m sitting this one out because I refuse to continue voting the “lesser evil”…acceptance of this has led to America’s destruction and I won’t be an accomplice to it ever again!

    • Greg Hunter

      You are an idiot. Good luck paying for more illegals and unrealized capital gains.

      • Jennifer Smallin

        Revelation 14:11. …”and they have no rest, day nor night, who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receiveth tue mark of his name.”.

      • David Gordon Dunne

        What is so wrong with people like Lyle? I think many like him have a screw loose as I have friends that talk like this and since they are friends Greg, I speak my mind like you do, no pussy footing around and that is another reason I admire you so. The facts show Trump has been the greatest President since Reagan. He was not perfect and got misled by those around him but this time he has RFK, Gen. Flynn and many more that have his back. Greg, I responded to Tin Foil and that response was based on actual life experiences and real data but I never saw it up? The information I post tied to prostate cancer can save lives and I have made so many aware of how to combat and fight this awful cancer. I have friends now with it and their PSAs are moving up yet they were told by teir Doctors to just watch it. Watch it and you will die from it.

    • Katy Bar

      Lyle – I understand how you feel. When Trump got in he put a limit on our School and Property Tax deductions ($10,000 max). When Biden got in he opened the borders allowing illegals to flood into our schools and drive up our School and Property Taxes way beyond $10,000 and are now proposing to tax “unrealized” gains. So there does seem to be a Coordinated Effort by “Both Party’s” (along with the Fed) to “Bankrupt the American People”!! Perhaps there is “No Lesser Evil” as you say but Trump is not totally crazy like the Democrats. Perhaps Americans should simply forgo “Owning a Home” and remain mobile (like buying and living on a boat and only save precious metals rather then paper currency) sort of like what the “Pirates of Old” did (and instead of putting your wealth in a corrupt Bank, simply bury it on your own Treasure Island somewhere where it can’t be “Bailed In” by the Criminals In Control Of “Our Supposed” Government!! However, since I will be given the opportunity to choose between the “lesser of two evils” on November 5th, I’m going to choose Trump as the one who will HOPEFULLY (with the Help of Jesus) do “Less Damage” to Peoples Lives!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Lyle is a paid shill. He is trying to sow doubt.
        And his writing is gibberish, no facts, he just got hurt feelings

      • Galaxy 500

        Trump limited the property tax deduction used by the evil overlordss. These taxes are a malignant hate against the people.
        It required my state, my people to pay more. The taxpayers up north should not be able to shift this burden to me. They/people in your state/city should hold your government accountable for the waste.
        What you saw as a Trump affront actually stopped your government’s crime against me, a taxpayer in another state.
        Please don’t not dismiss this as a personal attack. I am not attacking. I have nothing but respect for you. I know you to be a good person and while we may disagree on some things, the important ones, like Christ, we are in lockstep.
        Just my two cents. Your states/cities leaders were able to get a modicum of acceptance from the people by saying that it was “tax deductible” .
        I think we should redo the entire personal tax code so it fits on a few 8×11 pages in a 12pt . <>
        Lesser of two evils. When did good become the lesser of two evils? Trump is not perfect and he trusted people “as who would do great evil against their fellow citizens merely for power and money “

        • Katy Bar

          Thanks for your input G500. I agree Trump can’t be perfect “But He Is The Best We Have”!! Things get complicated for me to decipher at times but as Patriotic Americans at least we come together in times of trouble to explain our differences (hopefully setting an example for others)!!

    • Won Witness

      Lyle you said
      “I’m sitting this one out because I refuse to continue voting the “lesser evil”…
      I say your silence is support for the Greater Evil,
      and WORSE, disrespect for those who fought for your freedom.
      They died so you could vote but you Sit this one out.

      At least you’ll understand the consequence when your silence allows total government censorship that will make your silence permanent.
      And all of us forced to sitting the next one out.
      When the flame of liberty is blown out. You should blame yourself and others like you.
      I will.

  68. James Sellars

    CAF suggested that there are only two reasons for the COVID jab. Okay but there is another reason. Profit! The conclusion then is how to stop this? If we don’t hold them accountable they will try it again, for profit! That’s how you tell a crook! I say ‘no illegal gains from crime can be allowed.’ Pay back what you earned through crime and we will try to be mercyful.

    • Seer

      NZ info incorrect there are other
      legal rights here that supersede.
      Huge awakening and have own countrywide radio app called RCR. Weekly coffee groups.
      Suit filings. Pretty active people and many have their own farms and livestock. Plus, so far south from n______ fallout……

  69. War Monger

    CNN Panelist Says White People Should Be “Held Accountable” If They Don’t Vote For Kamala

    I want to be held accountable… I’m ready and waiting.

  70. War Monger

    Bergen County, N.J.

    Victor Chitay, an illegal alien from Guatemala, was arrested for raping a child under 13 multiple times.

    A citizen of El Salvador was arrested in Ramsey. He was a previously removed MS-13 gang member.

    Illegal alien from Guatemala, Melvin Zacarias-Esquivel was living in an apartment over a Colombian restaurant. He was arrested for rape of a pre-teen.

    Diego Buri-Mora was arrested for criminal sexual contact and child endangerment after inappropriately touching a child while she was sleeping. He was placed on immigration hold.

    Marlin Aidee Cervantes Santos was arrested for 2 counts of endangering the welfare of a child. Her boyfriend is being investigated for sexual assault and attempted murder of a young child. She was placed on ICE hold.

    Daniel Alexander Alvarado Rivas was arrested for robbery, unlawful possession of a handgun, and aggravated assault. He was placed on immigration detainer.

    Beiker Aguilera was arrested for robbery and unlawful possession of a gun. He is from Venezuela and was placed on immigration detainer.

    Essex County, N.J.

    Illegal alien wanted in Brazil for murder

    ICE removed an Albanian national, in the U.S. illegally. He is wanted in Albania for exploitation of a minor.

    Patricio Loyola Morea was arrested for aggravated sex assault on his minor child and aggravated criminal sexual conduct. He has an immigration detainer.

    Paulino Garcia was arrested for harassment-striking/offensive touching. He is from Honduras and was placed on immigration detainer.

    Victor Yanca Rojano was arrested for simple assault. He is from Ecuador and has an immigration detainer.

    ICE arrested an illegal alien from Mexico who had been previously deported and was wanted in Mexico for manslaughter.

    Mercer County, N.J.

    A previously removed 28-year-old citizen of El Salvador was arrested. He was previously convicted of handgun possession in Mercer County Superior Court, with a previously removed MS-13 gang member. He was discovered in possession of a loaded 9mm handgun during the arrest.

    A citizen of El Salvador was arrested in Trenton. He was convicted of driving under the influence four times and assault by auto two times.

    Monmouth County, N.J.

    A citizen of Brazil was arrested in Long Branch. He was wanted in Brazil to serve a 10-year sentence for drug trafficking and association for trafficking.

    An illegal alien, Bani Mezquititla, pled guilty to raping, torturing and strangling a cat to death. His sentencing will take place in June.

    Ocean County, N.J.

    Francisco Ignacio Rosales-Flores, an illegal alien, was arrested for second-degree luring a minor.

    Noe Ricard Velasquez was arrested for multiple accounts of aggravated sexual assault of a child under 13, criminal sexual contact, and endangering the welfare of a child selling photos. He was placed on an immigration detainer.

    Marvin Echeverri Ciro was arrested for threat to kill. He was placed on an immigration detainer.

    Roman Perez was arrested for DUI, aggravated criminal sexual contact, and endangering the welfare of a child. He was placed on immigration detainer.

    Carlos Martinez-Borja was arrested for unlawful possession of a weapon, burglary, and assault. He was placed on an immigration detainer.

    Jorge Avila-Colin was arrested for unlawful possession of firearm. He was placed on an immigration detainer.

    Burlington County, N.J.

    A citizen of Brazil was arrested in Riverside. He was wanted in Brazil to serve a five-year, five-month sentence for attempted murder.

    Atlantic County, N.J.

    A previously removed citizen of Guatemala was arrested in Hammonton. He was convicted of driving under the influence and knowingly exhibiting false government identification.

    Allegheny County, PA.

    Brayan Salvador was arrested for criminal attempt homicide after he struck multiple people with a hatchet hammer. Jail records indicate he is a citizen of Mexico.

    Illegal alien Saul Rivera-Ramirez was arrested for DUI and vehicular homicide after he allegedly killed a man in a drunk driving crash.

    Indiana County, PA.

    Elias Lopez Jimenez pled guilty to homicide by vehicle. He was also driving without a license. He struck an oncoming vehicle, killing a man, and fled the scene. PA Dept of Corrections indicates he is a citizen of Mexico.

    Cumberland County, PA.

    Cosme Marin-Ponce, an illegal alien from Mexico who was previously deported was indicted by a grand jury for illegal reentry by a deported alien and failing to register as a sex offender.

    Dauphin County, PA.

    Pedro Navarro-Sanchez, a citizen of the Dominican Republic, was arrested for rape of an unconscious victim. He was placed on immigration hold.

    Angel Cortez-Sanchez, a citizen of Mexico, was arrested for tape of a child. He was placed on immigration hold.

    Onassis Tejada-Arias was arrested for corrupt organizations employee. He is a citizen of Dominican Republic and placed on immigration hold.

    Luis Rosa-Hernandez was arrested and held as a federal prisoner. He is from the Dominican Republic and was put on an immigration detainer.

    Yeury Antonio Jimenoz-Sanchez was arrested for rape and placed on immigration hold. He is from the Dominican Republic.

    Francisco Hernandez-Hernandez was arrested for murder and illegal possession of a firearm. He was placed on immigration hold.

    Pedro Gonzales was arrested for assault. He has an immigration hold.

    Luis Navarez was arrested for burglary. He has an immigration hold.

    Milton Jair Badillo was arrested for simple assault and placed on immigration hold.

    Armando Contreras Lara was arrested for assault. He is a citizen of Mexico and was placed on immigration hold.

    Oseas Froilan Gomez-Tebalan, an illegal alien from Guatemala was indited for illegally reentering the U.S. He was previously removed in 2017.

    Nelson Miguel Ortiz was arrested for DUI, fleeing, and resisting arrest. He was placed on immigration hold.

    Diego Alfredo Maldonado was arrested for retail theft and placed on immigration hold.

    Cosme Marin-Ponce was indicted by a grand jury for illegal re-entry into the U.S. and failing to register as a sex offender. He was previously removed after he pled guilty to indecent assault of a minor less than 13-years-old.

    Jose Arnulfo Argueta was arrested for DUI. He was placed on an immigration detainer.

    Lancaster County, PA.

    Lisandro Prieto-Sandoval was sentenced to serve between 17-64 years for rape of a child, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse with a child, and more. PA Dept of Corrections indicates he is a citizen of Mexico.

    Luzerne County, PA.

    Jose Rodriguez was arrested for manufacturing and selling “ghost guns.” Reports indicate he is a repeat felon and arrest records show he is a citizen of Cuba.

    Monroe County, PA.

    Bader F Alzahrani, was on student visa from Saudi Arabia. He stopped attending university and was reported missing. Police found a backpack belonging to him with a journal that seemed to indicate he planned to wage a war and said “f*ck each and every Jewish person.” He was also arrested for stealing a school bus from Livingston New Jersey. He pled guilty to stealing the bus and sentencing is in September 2024.

    Northampton County, PA.

    Jose Torres Gonzalez charged with two counts of attempted homicide, aggravated assault, and weapons charges after he shot at cars on a highway. PA Dept of Corrections indicates he is a citizen of Mexico.

    Chester County, PA.

    Cesar Martinez-Degante was arrested after a stabbing incident. PA Dept of Corrections indicates he is a citizen of Mexico.

    Octavio Duran-Zavala, was charged with drugs/narcotics violation. PA Dept of Corrections indicates he is a citizen of Mexico.

    Albert Torrealba Jordan and Keiver Guilarte Camp, illegal aliens from Venezuela, were arrested for stealing $2000 in merchandise from an Ulta store.

    Enrique Lopez Gomez was charged with third-degree murder for killing a 21-month-old toddler. The child had been beaten to death—blunt force trauma to the stomach and ruptured intestine. Gomez was placed on ICE hold.

    Montgomery County, PA.

    Freddy Remigio Mendieta Pando, an illegal alien from Ecuador, was charged with first-degree murder in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania for the stabbing death of 23-year-old Karina Torres. Pando, who was the victim’s ex-boyfriend, had previously been charged with domestic abuse and was subject to a protective order filed by the victim. Despite being in the country illegally and having a pending criminal charge for the domestic abuse, Pando was not held in pretrial custody.


    Isaias Alcala-Gonzalez was sentenced to prison for aggravated indecent assault of a 9-yr-old child and corruption of a minor for incidents that took place in 2022. PA Dept of Corrections indicates he is a citizen of Mexico.

    Brayan Alejandro Gonzalez-Paez is an illegal alien who was awaiting a deportation hearing. He was driving unlicensed, uninsured and 70-80mph in a 35mph zone. He lost control, struck a tree and killed his 2 passengers—one was a 3 yr old girl.

    Delaware County, PA.

    Elifeo Agustin, an illegal alien who spoke no English and was previously convicted of DUIs and deported in 2020, was arrested for a 3rd DUI.

    Philadelphia County, PA.

    ICE removed a citizen of El Salvador, Angel Anibal Alvarado Benitez, wanted there for his role in death squad killings.

    ICE removed Jorge Chavez Montoya, a citizen of Peru with a final order of removal, from the United States to Peru. He was a convicted felon.

    8 suspected ISIS terrorists from Tajikistan were arrested by the FBI in Philadelphia, New York, and L.A.

    ICE agents arrested six Russian nationals across the nation including Philadelphia. They are suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS.

    ICE arrested Ramon Campidelis-Correia, an illegal alien from Brazil. He is wanted in Brazil for homicide and drug trafficking.

    Frederick County, MD.

    5 illegal alien MS-13 gang members were arrested for the murder of a 15-year-old boy whose remains were found in a state park.

    Caroll County, MD.

    Xiang Liu and Hongdong Liu, illegal aliens from China, were arrested for a fraud/theft scheme.

    Cecil County, MD.

    Two illegal alien 18th Street gang members convicted in 2021 murder in racketeering case.

    Hartford County, MD.

    A 17-year-old MS-13 gang member from El Salvador murder a woman b strangling her. Despite being listed on the gang registry, Biden’s DHS released him into the country.

    Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez was arrested for the murder of a mother of five. He is an illegal alien from El Salvador. He was taken into custody in Oklahoma and will be extradited to Hartford. He is also wanted in El Salvador on murder charges. He also assaulted a 9-year-old girl and mother during a home invasion in Los Angeles.

    Kevin Mauricio Guzman-Martinez, an illegal alien from El Salvador who was previously deported was apprehended by ICE. He is an MS-13 gang member.

    Baltimore County, MD.

    MS-13 gang member convicted of illegal firearm possession. Localities ignored ICE detainers.

    Illegal alien from El Salvador convicted of accessory to murder in 2016

    Howard County, MD.

    Pedro Acevedo-Ibare was arrested for rape, assault and kidnapping. He abducted the woman at knifepoint from her bedroom while her children were sleeping. He took her to a wooded area and raped her.Howard County will not honor an ICE detainer on the monster.

    An illegal alien from El Salvador, Luis Portillo-Henriquez, was apprehended by ICE. He was previously convicted of sexually assaulting a minor in Baltimore. He had multiple prior arrests.

    ICE apprehended an illegal alien from Honduras, Nahun Ventura Ortiz-Isaguriz. He had been convicted of distributing “poison” in Maryland neighborhoods. He had been removed twice before. The Howard County police department refused to honor an ICE detainer in August 2023.

    ICE apprehended an illegal alien from Chad, Hisseine Bomgo-Tchouli. He had been convicted of accessory to murder, drug charges, possession of a gun, and more. ICE issued a detainer and Howard County refused to honor it placing him back on the streets. ICE tracked him down and will process him for deportation.

    Montgomery County, MD.

    Jose Roberto Hernandez Espinal (20), an illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested after he robbed two women as they were having lunch on a trail. He then threatened them with a machete and raped one of them. He had also raped a 15-year-old on the trail a few days before. He entered the U.S. illegally as a child. He had previously served a sentence for armed robbery but sanctuary county Prince George’s released him, ignoring an ICE detainer.

    Illegal alien from El Salvador working as a church teacher arrested on charges of rape, sex abuse of a minor and 2 counts of third degree sex offense

    Illegal alien from El Salvador, Ties to MS-13 gang, previously been arrested 8 times and was deported in 2017

    Connection with a hit and run accident that killed a man

    Illegal alien charged in the death of Jacques Price.

    ICE apprehended Madai Gamaliel Amaya, an illegal alien from Honduras who was previously removed. He was convicted of rape.

    Gerber Luis Sanchez-Centeno, an illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested for murdering his girlfriend. He was wearing an ankle monitor at the time of his arrest.

    Prince George’s County, MD.

    An illegal alien from Nigeria was apprehended by ICE. The man had a long history of sexual assault including rape of a minor. He was given a 20-year sentence with all of it suspended and he was put on probation instead and released into the community.

    Illegal alien from El Salvador charged in connection with the murder of 2-year-old child

    Previously been charged with multiple sex crimes against children

    MS-13 member previously been arrested 17 times since 2005 and deported 3 other times

    Guatemalan illegal alien arrested by ICE after he was released by Prince George’s County. He was previously convicted of sex abuse of a minor, child abuse second degree-custodian, assault second degree, sex offense third degree, and sex offense fourth degree-sex contact.

    Illegal alien from Honduras previously been charged with child sex crimes

    ICE arrested an illegal alien fugitive from Colombia wanted there
    for homicide.

    ICE arrested a Colombian fugitive who is a leader of a violent criminal organization. He is wanted in Colombia for homicide and arms trafficking.

    Charles County, MD.

    ICE apprehended an illegal alien, Henry Argueta-Tobar, a 19-year-old Guatemalan convicted of raping a Maryland resident. The Charles County Detention Center refused to honor an ICE detainer and previously set him free. ICE tracked him down.

    ICE apprehended an illegal alien from Honduras, Evin Obdulio Ponce-Guillen who was convicted of assault.

    • Sheryl Brewer


      Please please please put a limit on post length!!!

      Why do you let people like War Monger post these kind of RIDICULOUSLY long and distracting messages???

      No one is interested!!!

      • Roag Ardmore

        I disagree,
        If boring, not of any use. Just scroll by!
        There’s to many thoughtful comments like that.
        What with so many thank you Greg’s yet are still encouraging and little snippets that’s boring, Sherl!

  71. name

    ‘Now hear this, you foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see, Who have ears but do not hear.

    God bless, Greg Hunter, family and friends.

    Voltaire quote – “It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.”

    Fight the good fight till the end. The rewards of this world will fall away but the true reward is with Christ Jesus.

    • Galaxy 500

      Amen… stand fast. Hold the line. Jesus will not forsake us

  72. Half-Matter Wallace


    During your CAF interview, CAF doesn’t think Trump recognizes US sovereignty, but your Alex Newman interview says Trump does want to retain US sovereignty.

    Which person should we believe?

    • Ken Yu

      Believe Trump!! He recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of the State of Israel. So is Trump now all of a sudden not going to recognize our own US sovereignty???

  73. War Monger

    Tucker Carlson’s Interview of Vladimir Putin

    Conducted February 8th, 2024

    • Joshua

      Dear Half-Matter Wallace,
      If you haven’t heard yet, President Trump had at least TWO Attempted Assassinations since July 13th. ///That should be a YUGE clue for you to kickstart that one brain cell going to figure out such a basic question. Good Luck! ////

      One other tip: Don’t rely on others to do your thinking for you, THINK for yourself 🙂

      • Galaxy 500

        Let’s hope half-wit Wallace figures things out.
        Thousands of local businesses are closing due to bankruptcy
        And yet Trump makes “mean” tweets and doesn’t believe in US sovereignty
        I really think half was typing Half-Wit and spell check gave him “matter “
        Unless he means half-“grey” matter… yeah
        That would also be apropos

  74. Steve

    hmm war will push gold up

    • Galaxy 500

      Hmmm also pushes up death and poverty

  75. Coal Burner

    Dear Greg
    Please take note of this video.

    Document s of major cloud seeding in New Mexico where the flood happened the other day. Silver Iodide seeding. Biggest flash flood since 1901. seven inches of rain in the desert. We are in drought and they poured out a flash flood on Roswell. Deal between NM and Texas.

  76. Coal Burner

    One more thing, what country is CAF camping out in?

  77. Shirl

    Great interview Greg!

    She’s says, “ it’s baffling!” and asks “why?” Regarding Conrade Kackles…

    It’s obvious deep state plant machinations just like planted-in compromised homo Obozo was and compromised Quid Pro Joe Xiden was…President Trump, BTW, was never “ their” choice or on their compromised list of stooge puppets….quite the opposite hence all of the wailing weeping and gnashing of teeth by the evil treasonous freaks!

    Recently Candice Owens and Judge Joe Brown discussed this in depth that is sure to enlighten those “baffling” questions. They will have more to follow on this too. Highly recommended for those with “baffling“ questions on the inexplicable.

    For a link to the recent discussion with Candice and Joe on this simply search YouTube or Rumble – I believe is where I happened to catch this the other day and be prepared with your ears open.

  78. Marie Joy

    The steal appears to be on.

  79. Galaxy 500

    These guys and gals … they pee on us and tell us it’s raining all the while doing that Kamala Kackles…
    When Judges do evil, rule against us so blatantly…
    Who brings them to account? Isn’t it time? Time for justice?

  80. Shirl

    Here’s is a link to the Candice Owens and Judge Joe Brown I mentioned in the post above…found it at another website!

    Enjoy and Discover the inexplicable “BAFFLING” questions that CAF asks and wonders “WHY” out loud repeatedly.

  81. Stephen Ryals

    Can you name one policy DJT will implement that will change anything significant?’
    For Good= NO
    Can you name one policy KH will implement that will change anything significant?
    For Good =NO

    It doesn’t matter its entertainment. NWO will not be stopped. Fighting it is against GODS will. He says it will happen. DONE
    Jesus could have fought back and not went to the CROSS.
    So, what are you really fighting for and why? Does it matter? = NO
    Did Trump do an executive order to fix the voting system= 4 years = NO Ya fired

    • Greg Hunter

      Why don’t you go lay down and give up some place else. Stay out of the way and hide some place safe.

  82. Marie Joy

    Can the people/companies manipulating weather be sued? They have wreaked havoc and killed many.

  83. Michael

    Bit Coin is the ultimate fiat currency.

    • Ken Yu

      Bit Coin the ultimate currency?? What if the BRICS at their meeting this week stipulate that from now on Gold (that backs their UNIT) will sell for twice what Bit Coin is selling for?? That will set the Gold price at about $150,000 Dollars per ounce!! And Silver (which normally trades for about 2.5% of the Gold Price) will then be priced at $3,750 Dollars per ounce!! Making “Silver the Ultimate Currency” and us Stackers 100 times richer!!

      • Galaxy 500

        No internet and bit coin is worthless

  84. Wayne Simmons

    2 points:

    If Kamala really is at a single-digit approval rating, Trump should be up 10-15 points in the polls. The fact that it’s a toss-up indicates that either Greg’s “source” is full of horse-manure or that Trump is an embarrassingly weak candidate.

    Greg also claims that “a source” tells him that Trump is going to reverse course on his “beautiful miracle vaccine” after he’s elected. More horse-puckey if you ask me & I’ll believe it right after he locks up Hillary!

    God-bless CAF for retaining the courage & integrity to speak the truth about Lockdown Don!

    Also, Greg, buddy, you were AWFULLY quiet when CAF reminded you that FASAB-56 happened on your hero Trump’s watch!

    Y’all should change your slogan from “Make America Great Again!” to “But What About Kamala?!”…bunch of Goobers!

    • Won Witness

      “Disparager Alert !” Remember to Vote Early !

      Posts like Wayne or Lyles, or the others earlier..
      just keep showing up here with the same old theme under a different poster name.
      AI bots ? actual True beliver’s of the media lies?
      the format is generaly the same;
      1. pick one or two Trump Faults. ( I’d love for them to find one good thing kamala has ever done)
      State that is why they can’t vote for him.
      But understand They are not talking their Vote. They are undermined YOUR VOTE for him ! hoping you’ll stay home.
      If they are bots thats all you need to know.
      If they are people they are, well, you can pick the words.
      From now on any similiar post I see get’s the code words
      “Disparager Alert !” Remember to Vote Early !

      • Galaxy 500

        Hi Won,
        I laughed when I saw disparaged alert…
        It was especially funny as none of Wayne’s “points “ were anything that Trump had control over . The shots came out 37 days before he left office .i am sure Fauci was send all the VARS data to Trump .. LMAO

    • Ken Yu

      FASAB-56 Is a resolution that allows companies to alter and misrepresent their financial statements “if it is deemed to be in the best interest of national security”!! Sort of like what Bribe’n was trying to prevent the American people from doing on their IRS Tax Forms (misrepresent their financial statements deemed to be in the best interest of their own personal security)!!! Now if we claim to believe in “Equal Justice” in this Country then FASAB-56 should apply to both Corporations and Individuals!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Wayne
      Not one to argue facts with a paid shill…
      Trump locked down nothing
      And he did a Big Beautiful Contract that offered penalties… that didn’t reach market until December 14, 2020… 37 days before the Weekend at Bernie’s ole Joe in. Why should apologize for something that isn’t on him. I notice how the Dimwits, halfwits, nitwits and unwit (disingenuous paid trolls like yourself check all these boxes) are screaming for him to apologize. Men (I am sure you are not familiar with real men) … Men do not apologize for transgressions THEY DID NOT COMMIT… that is a weakness liberal thing brought about by weakness of the sphincter muscles due to the regular damage they receive from friends and family.
      FASAB-56 For the dimwits like Wayne that think this is a gotcha… FASB stands for the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is the independent, private- sector, not-for-profit organization based in Norwalk, Connecticut…
      Not something the President has any sway over. I am familiar with FASB because accounting is my thing.
      Happened on Trumps watch… you fail to understand so many basic things. Like Presidents are not Kings or Emperor . Oh, and it is no longer run as a rule making body. It’s another Demon filled and run joint.
      You’d be right at home Wayne.
      I would ask you what Kameltow has done in the last almost 4 years.
      But then Komrad Kameltow and you both ride the short bus the the Kommies for Kameltow rallies… right along with your siblings, Dim-wit, half-wit, Nit-wit and your sister Clodpoll.

      I have often wondered what the pay is for such poor reasoned, poorly argued and poorly written bovine excrement. Obviously it doesn’t appear to be based on eloquence or reason. So what is the 30 pieces of silver equivalence for the tripe you produce? If you use more than 3 colors of a crayon do you get paid extra?

      • wayne hardin

        You are a fake .
        Keyboard warrior is a term that refers to a person who makes abusive or aggressive posts on the internet, typically one who conceals their true identity.
        You talk out of both sides of your mouth .
        Jesus out one side / and nasty vile garbage out the other .
        GROW UP .
        There is no way you talk to people like that face to face .
        You would be in the hospital / or grave yard .
        There are some facts for you.

        Wayne Hardin

        • Galaxy 500

          I am a fake… right says the guy with TDS… Wayne, I really hate to admit this but I am an ass in really life. If you are spreading that manure around you posted above in person, I am sure you hear people snickering…
          Jesus on both sides, I just find it harder to suffer a fool the older I get.
          When you spout nonsense am I supposed to compliment you?
          You made two (2) points. One about President Trump allowing a civilian accounting organization to pass FASB56…IT passed on his Watch like he had veto power over it. I pointed out that Presidents don’t get a veto or even a vote.
          Your other point was Trump was never going to apologize and I pointed out that Covid shots were. released 37 days before he left office. He didn’t make the vaccine, he didn’t over see the drug trails, he wrote a contract that should be used to end these evil drug companies. Why do you think Trump owes you or anyone else an apology. Let me guess , “It happened on his watch”. I don’t see that he owes me apology.
          And you think the Media polling on Komrad Kamel is closer to reality than Greg’s sources. She ran against Biden in 2020 and was so unpopular, unliked and etc that she did not win a single delegate… NOT 1.
          Trump events pulls tens of thousands of supporters. Kamel events pulls tens yes small multiples of tens . Kamala Walz has to bus people in. She has to pay actors to pretend to men in commercials. She pays people to show up to her events. She pays people to post about her glory.
          Love this comment…
          You would be in the hospital / or grave yard …
          And I am sure you’re the man to do that right?

          • wayne hardin

            I made no points about trump / harris
            or anything else that you are talking about .
            My point in grow up and quit calling people
            childish names and leave the Vengeance to
            the Lord .
            I could be the man if you called my sister
            a name to my face .
            Just grow up man .

            Wayne Hardin

    • Justn Observer

      Wayne. I do not remember Greg or Mr. Armstrong ever stating what DJT’s numbers were/are? Only that Biden-Harris in the low digits. That the mainstream pollsters say it is a toss-up or very close IMO is a ruse…to keep the perception that it is so…so there is some deniability should ‘someone’ choose to again rig certain states elections…and of course when it ‘appears close’ and moving this way and that…with all the billions in the pot from donors/supporters…that the elections ”’being seen as so close”’ only enforces the need to spend those billions on advertising and on polls- right? IF they did report either one was so far ahead…the ””win”” is in the tank….why/who would bother donating…or even bothering to watch? Others ARE invested in certain policys they hope to make profits from….war is one, green agenda, and of course…the globalist agenda…so expect skullduggery and chicanery = fake news! lol
      CAF, however did not say DJT ‘started the policies that FASAB-56, but that those policies were put into use as an ‘accepted’ formal accounting structure…the report of such is clearly in her Solari report =
      On May 23,2006, BusinessWeek published the article “Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules (Kopeki, 2006). In the article Kopeki writes that at least since the Carter era the President had the ability to waive standard business accounting and securities-disclosure obligations required by the SEC. However, an entry in the Federal Register revealed that in 2006 President Bush delegated the authority to waive financial reporting to the Director of National Intelligence.
      So, the point is….NICE TRY on trying to dump the problem of ‘hiding’ spending and off book accounting on DJT ! LOL IN FACT, more likely Clinton used those same ‘accounting techniques’ to ””’balance the budget”’ he was given ‘credit for’ at the same time his admin and bankers were ‘rigging’ and took down the wall that had kept the banking investment and hedge fund crews from using the market as a casino we see today? with Clinton’s signing the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act,
      and of course, ‘those same people’ forcing and shutting down BROOKSLEY BORN who was trying to stop the fraud and corruption those ‘derivatives’ were causing.
      Brooksley Born , The Warning =
      might also want to see who Barney Franks is standing with in discussion of how he should address the changes in that repeal with …none other than Obama !
      @1:o7:31 =
      AS to ‘LOCKDOWN DON’, those decisions were made by Governors of the states. Only shutdown POTUS DJT initiated at the FEDERAL level were flying restrictions into the U.S. from overseas…of those that might be bringing in the virus. But, WAYNE, if you have any FEDERAL LAWS signed into law by DJT forcing States or cities to shutdown other than those the PENCE-FAUCI-BIRKS crew recommended the States do…please post those since maybe there were federal laws passed many are not aware of”?

    • Galaxy 500

      You can bet that the MSM watches Greg. Yet not a single one of them have ever refuted his numbers.
      Just a thought…

  85. Galaxy 500

    ****Regarding Wellness Company ***++
    Anyone who has a FSA plan thru their employer, just a note that my FSA covers the Contagion, Medical and First Aid kits. So I get to use my before tax dollars…
    I urge you to see if your plan covers as this is a great deal

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the tip, 500!!


  86. Skip

    Catherine: The covid shots also have to be continued to support the testing by which they get the DNA information of everyone necessary to complete the human genome projects before the decrease in population that is desired .It is a last chance.
    Also, it is more than just those trying to save or fix what has been broken vs those watching an election show. There are also those who have done the breaking and want to do more breaking. They have to be identified. It is the same group that wants to remove and destroy heritage America and its European and Christian culture now globbed together as being White.
    More than supporting a party or person, it requires exposing the Zio-Masonic group that is against old Americans and Europeans.
    Thanks for all that you do.

  87. War Monger


    Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO arrested on sex trafficking charges.

    • Shiloh1

      That place was always the creepiest part of any shopping mall.

  88. Red Sox

    The USA is akin to China, Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, or Russia where everyone is treated as slaves and seen as animals— exploited. The entire world is bing replaced by the communist bastard breeds. Did you know the man who owned the most BLACK slaves was a Nigerian?
    The teachers in all the schools are bloody commies.

  89. Prospector

    BIG story , gets very small MSM coverage.

    Over 20 world leaders head to Russia for BRICS summit as Putin tries to rival west

  90. Prospector

    Coffee and a Mike Show on Rumble . com
    Bracken and Yon have made many good calls , well in advance.

    Michael Yon, a war correspondent, author, photographer joins Navy Seal, author, historian Matt Bracken to discuss who will be installed in the next election, precious metals including gold, break up of America, George Soros, famine, genocide, Ireland, FEMA, and much more.

    • Shiloh1

      Thank you, i usually catch them on the Colonel Steven Murray show. I watched recorded Rumble version on my work laptop, apparently blocks those pop-up ad interruptions, unlike my cell phone. Mike also has a listen-only option when interview shows up on his site, good for the dog walks.

      Yes, financially the country is toast. Y = e to the x power, the compound interest function.

      I thought their examples of dime-sized gold coins (1/10 ounce) was interesting for traveling-concealment purposes.

  91. Slide

    Dr. Ana Mihalcea and Karen Kingston did an interview with and you can counteract the democidal forced bioweapon nano tech heavy metals with EDTA enteric coated (or Liposomal) and Liposomal vitamin C. I got from in USA,Inc because these items are scarce in the nazi gulag formerly known as Canada. Dr. Ana did before and after micrographs including dark field images to prove efficacy. Doctors here refuse to prescribe ivermectin or HCQ. Their new oath ” DO MAXIMUM HARM!” The Hippocratic oath like our “Constitution” seem to be a thing of the past. The sheeple are painfully slow at waking up which is extremely frustrating. The nazi liberals just WON in our Maritimes even when mass murderer nazi liberal Castrudeau is proven to have murdered over 100,000 Canadians with his genocidal bioweapon!! Source: UK YouTube Presenter Dr. John Campbell using “government of Canada” data!

    • Jordon Hackney

      False’deau say’s he is cooperating with people in his liberal party who want him out.
      Don’t buy it! He buying fer time. He’s trying to waite out the US. election and the great reset or whatever you want to call it, how bout tribulation?
      Whatever, he doesn’t want to be out of office before the whole wide world house of cards falls apart. Then he’ll have the excuse to stick around for the sake of the nation. So don’t count him out.

  92. Prospector

    Wisconsin Election Agency Confirms System ‘Outages’ On First Day Of Early Voting

    @EmeraldRobinson on X : October 19 , 2024
    BREAKING: 3 national security sources confirm that a nationwide 9/11 style cyberattack against America is widely expected by the intelligence agencies on (or near) Election Day.

  93. Prospector

    Large Boeing Satellite Suddenly Explodes Into Pieces
    > Oct 22
    A Boeing satellite belonging to multinational service provider Intelsat mysteriously blew into pieces in geostationary orbit over the weekend.

    According to an official update, an “anomaly” caused the satellite — dubbed IS-33e — to be destroyed, resulting in what the company calls a “total loss.”

    “Migration and service restoration plans are well underway across the Intelsat fleet and third-party satellites,” the update reads.

    It’s unclear what exactly caused the satellite to break up. The US Space Force announced it was “tracking around 20 associated pieces” but “observed no immediate threats.”

    • Galaxy 500

      Boeing has been building crap. Their planes are unsafe, their space capsules are not human rated and their new SLS rocket has fatal flaws.
      They replaced their very specialized and experienced US Aerospace engineers and programmers with cheap Indians that had no experience. Then add in the D-E-I that should really be DIE and you get stuff that blows

  94. Colleen

    Maybe I missed the information somewhere along the line but I’m wondering if you were planning to do an election night coverage as you did in the past with Gerald Celente? I hope so, as I’m counting on watching your presentation if it is on the Internet.
    I’m still praying for your improved health

    God speed,

  95. Jeffrobbins

    If she is right and it’s hard to argue, a depopulation scenario is very very bad on every level. Our/ my best defense is growing some animals and food on our place, having interactions with our neighbors, and learning new things and teaching our kids. One new thing i learned recently is the term “governor general”- type that in an internet search for Canada and read what they do. The Prime MInister is just a pretty boy, Mary Simon is the person behind the curtain. Then ask- Why is the king or queen of England on some of Canada money? Australia’s money? It’s a fascinating study. That could be a whole show itself.

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Jeff, it really shouldn’t be a surprise as to why the British Monarchs are on their former colonies/territories of the British Empire. I remembered when they both gained independence.
      Canada didn’t gain its independence until April 17, 1982 and Australia in March 3, 1986
      They are proud of their history?
      You lost me on why this would need study? The royals have been both money for the two centuries

  96. Fredo Does Fishing


    • Prospector

      WOW !! Just like Rumsfeld said the day before 9-11 that Pentagon was missing 3 Trillion , then BOOM , all was forgotten.

      ” Since mid-2023, CISA identified Iran as an advance cyber threat, citing intelligence from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) who is headed by Avril Haines, a former deputy director of the CIA under Obama and Biden. ”

      ” I’ve reported extensively on these kinds of deceptive and ill-founded allegations in several addenda from my August 31, 2023 article titled Cyber Attack Crisis which predicted a large-scale cyber attack on U.S. infrastructure that would be blamed on either Russia, China, or Iran. ”

      Special Measures during a National Security Incident
      An election-related cybersecurity incident – whether authentic or staged – could effectively put the United States under a state of declared National Emergency.

      Should such an incident occur, it is very well possible that nationwide tensions could ensue, putting the country into a state of uncertainty or even chaos.

      Of particular note was a very recent (September 27, 2024) Directive 5240.01 issued by Department of Defense which authorises the military to assist local law enforcement to use lethal force on Americans during domestic disturbances.

      Moreover, such a cyber event could be used as a justification to delay the confirmation of the winner of the 2024 Presidential Election on the grounds that foreign interference may have compromised the election’s integrity.

      Continued here :

  97. Justn Observer

    Greg, one might make note…to VOTE early while one can….the weather is a changing fast.. Don’t let the weather be the decider of whether one gets to the polls…do it now… as they say….JUST DO IT ! Snow and cold on the way –

  98. Shiloh1

    John Kass long-time Chicago metro writer self-exiled from Illinois on election:

  99. Won Witness

    To all who prep,
    FDA Chicken recall, LYSTERIA in my stored foods ?
    (I just dodged the pack date bullet by a month).
    Amazon notified me of a RECALL of a bucket of long term STORAGE FOOD.

    The food bucket in question was on page 50 of 400 pages of pictures of FDA recalled food items. Also found (on pages 42 and 46) items I’ve also stored away but were not mentioned as I probably purchased those elsewhere.
    Heres the FDA’s Recall link;
    1. had I purchased these items 1 or 2 months later, I would have stored away death by food poinsoning.
    2. After viewing the 400 pages of pictures, I was stunned how many common food items I immediately recognized and often bought.
    Healthy or Deadly choice ? What a difference a sell date can make !
    3. It is clear to me the Contamination of our Foods via weaponized lethal faster acting mrna or other “nasty things” Is a grave risk.
    Poisons placed by either terrorists- border crossers that mask themselves as cheap labor in our food processing facillities, Evil global elites or even our die hard deep state have shown they want us mrna vaxxed, (future dead).
    Now mightbe agressivly destroying our food chain, (now dead).
    My takeaway and precautions:
    Like voting early, Prep early. Like a fine wine a year or 2 of age will prove their worth. By buying and storing long shelf life foods, any issues hopefully will be known before you chose to eat them. Try to store a variety of vendors and foods there is safty in variety.

    Know always, the following can’t be recalled and endures forever,
    Prayers to God stockpiled in heaven.

    • Galaxy 500

      Thank you for the heads up. I missed this!

  100. Word Salad

    Tell Karen Harris to stop talking like she is plugging her nose. Talk about being boogerheaded.

  101. War Monger

    I’m voting for the Devil…

    Unhinged Karen Confronts Homeowner on Porch for Displaying Trump Sign:

  102. Frank S.

    Hi Greg, Here’s the first look at the “BRICS note” unveiled at the conference to compete with the USD.

  103. Galaxy 500

    These evil has-beens are everywhere…
    Just like the others that made claims against Trump…
    These people need to be punished… harshly

  104. Galaxy 500

    There dreams are our nightmares. The illegals being spread all over rural America and in Republican areas. The bring violence, crime, vermin and bioweapons with them. Yeah, rare as lethal…

  105. Prospector

    “””” Republicans need to ” tone down ” the rhetoric “”””””

    REALLY ????

    James Carville calls on Democrats to take up arms against Trump regime if Kamala loses

    It is truly mind blowing how certain elements of our society are ramping up the vitriol ahead of this election. There is apparently nothing to which they won’t stoop in their drive to divide.

    Democrat political operative James Carville, who reminds me of the male equivalent of Cruella Deville, says Democrats need to “take up arms” if Trump wins.

  106. Shiloh1

    This is a new Marc Faber video with his famous laugh, like Paul Craig Roberts, it’s not about anything good –

  107. War Monger

    Before you think it can’t get any worse I’d have to say it can get much, much worse.

    The forces of evil from all over the world are now positioning themselves like half starved buzzards just waiting for America to quit moving so they can begin the feast.

    The only hope America has is in divine intervention.

    You have no one in the U.S. government or anywhere else in the world that is brave enough to even offer you help. The Jewish female president of Mexico who was just magically elected out of nowhere didn’t even bat an eye in her first two weeks in office while 1,247 Mexican civilians were brutally murdered by Cartel violence. Most folks had never heard of this woman before the election in Mexico. Another fruitcake named barry obama had a similar success story.

    Yes it can get worse. much worse. Your corrupt government can now order the military (consisting now mostly of blacks and illegals) to authorize the use of lethal force to kill American civilians on U.S. soil.

    Let that sink in…

  108. Prospector


    The BRICS Summit in Russia just finished

    Here’s a thread covering everything you need to know that happened ⬇️

    (🧵 1/13)

    I am still looking at this. Do your own research.

  109. Galaxy 500

    Wow These are the people that Wayne and the other Kamala supporters want running things another 4 years… Because of FASB56 … ROFLMAO
    Or a vaccine that Fauci and Co was in charge of and said it was “safe” that was shipped 37 days before Trump was pushed out by what I believe was an illegal coup. Trump didn’t do the lockdowns, Trump didn’t approve the vaccine… Trump didn’t change the definition of vaccine… Trump’s error is that he didn’t believe these people wanted us dead.

  110. Galaxy 500

    On the silver front a buddy brought over 100gr bar that can be broken into 10 pieces which he paid $60/troy oz for.
    I showed him some Pre1965 “Junk” silver US coins ($1.50 face value is roughly a Troy oz) selling for $34 per $1.50 face /$22.xx per $1 face value.
    These coins a recognizable by any American. It’s a know commodity .
    Why waste your money on unknown stuff when Discount Gold and Silver Trading can sell you real silver eagles etc… might not have that “cool” factor but it does have the value factor

  111. Randy Best

    Dear Greg-Please bring back the WNW.

  112. Justn Observer

    Greg, if true, seems a curiously odd day / election day, for OUR military to schedule a large-scale cybersecurity exercise on November 5, 2024”?
    AFCEA Atlanta

    Homeland Security Conference on Critical Infrastructure

    November 6-7 , 2024

    with a large-scale tabletop cybersecurity exercise

    on November 5, 2024

    AFCEA Atlanta is proud to announce our Fourth Annual Homeland Security Conference is back for 2024! This will be a multi-day event focused on critical infrastructure, with a pre-conference cybersecurity exercise open to registrants who want to observe or participate.reg, if true = seems an odd day to pick to due such ‘exercises’ ?

  113. Marie Joy

    Come together, if you can.
    Americans, everywhere, are in mortal danger, especially now.
    Our American woke military will be on American streets soon.
    Vote early, if you can but VOTE.

  114. Galaxy 500

    The BRICS meeting didn’t end the US dollar.
    “Russian President Vladimir Putin made it clear at the summit that the BRICS nations are not outright rejecting the US dollar but are preparing alternatives if access to it continues to be restricted. “

    What people fail to understand is that the US GDP after all of the demonic shift of our mfg jobs overseas is still over 25% of the entire world GDP. Likely it’s higher as much shenanigans is done to these numbers by our government to reduce ours and raise others. Just like CPI, Unemployment, Crime Stats and Money Supply…
    Not real numbers.
    While BRICS could do without us, it would damage their economies and it would force the USA to reopen mfg here. Which is what needs to happen immediately. A manufacturing economy creates wealth for its nation and its people.
    Rule of law matters and of all the countries listed, Russia probably has the “best” legal system.
    Don’t tell me how we have rule of law when Trump was forced to pay a demonstrably lying harlot millions and the J6 are being tortured and held in illegally and in abeyance of crimes.
    Those that want to argue about China, which could stop exporting tomorrow under decree of Xi. Tens of millions if not hundreds of millions would starve to death in a year. The American dollar and dumba$$ American consumer keeps the Chinese from starving.
    Russia, has pretty much gone it alone for a hundred years. Because of Beijing Biden and his Bro the Obama used the US financial services and systems as weapons all the while pouring untraceable bank notes to terrorists.
    So Buy-Dem made Russia stronger and help them financially. Joe even bought oil from Russia while vilifying them in the press.
    I am heading out to vote today.

  115. Galaxy 500

    Just like Biden’s body double… yeah, you don’t grow 3-6” Taller at Joe’s age heck… this stops with the end of puberty not with the onset of senility… Zelensky is an actor and not a very good one.

    What kind of leader would be Nazi approved? And why are we giving Nazis money and missiles? America’s Greatest Generation fought this great evil. And our Nation was diminished by the loss of every one of these heroes. Now those that great men are swiftly passing from this realm to their just reward. Of the 16.4 million that served in WWII, as of this year, less than 65,000 remain.
    America seems to have forgotten the sacrifice we made as a nation and the personal sacrifice every WWII serviceman. We are resurrecting and resupplying this great evil at a time when citizens and veterans are homeless and go hungry…
    This is what you get with Komrad Kamala and Tampon Tim. More taxes, less freedom… you will own nothing, you will eat bugs and you will be happy… at least that is what TPTB think.

  116. War Monger

    Open Letter to American Catholics

    Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,
    former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

    Dear Faithful American Catholics,

    I am addressing all of you, a few days before the Presidential Election that will call millions of American citizens to the polls.

    Even in conditions of relative normality, the exercise of the vote is your moral duty, through which you cooperate in the first person in choosing the person who will lead the Nation for the next four years.

    But in this coming electoral round – just as in 2020 and indeed much more so – you are not simply called to choose between two candidates who happen to be on different political sides but who both nevertheless have the common good at heart in compliance with the Constitution and the Law.

    No; in this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery.

    On one side we have candidate Donald J. Trump, who, despite serious problems in his positions – especially in the matter of abortion and assisted procreation – has as his objective the common good and the protection of the fundamental freedoms of citizens.

    In Donald Trump’s America, every Catholic can practice their Faith and educate their children in it without interference from the State.

    On the other side we have a candidate and a party that promotes everything that directly opposes the Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church.

    In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics – but also Protestants – are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State, which arrogates to itself the right to lead them astray from an early age in both body and soul.

    Trump’s America can become great and prosperous again. Harris’ America is destined for invasion and for moral, social, and economic destruction: the most ferocious dictatorship.

    Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dense with indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards.

    In your courts, criminals are acquitted and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged. In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients.

    Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences.

    They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters.

    And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists.

    But what until yesterday was dismissed as the result of conspiracy theories is now admitted by the government itself.

    They take away your sunlight; they poison you by seeding the clouds; they overwhelm your villages and your fields with deadly hurricanes; they kill your livestock and dry up your crops with induced droughts and devastating fires.

    They aim to control the entire food sector, to force you to eat only what they make available to you. This is what the Agenda 2030 calls for, which has been imposed without any vote by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

    In these four disastrous years of the Biden-Harris administration, we have had a puppet in the White House and a corrupt and incompetent Vice President who has never stopped lying and deceiving voters about her past and her future.

    Power is managed by the criminal deep state – whose names and faces we now know – that is responsible for the destruction of your great Nation.

    And to ensure that the crisis is endless, new war scenarios are continually opening up, in conflicts that no one actually wants, except for those who make enormous profits from them, sacrificing human lives and compromising international stability.

    You have seen what the Democrats, that is, the woke far Left, have been capable of in four years. Imagine what they will be able to do if, instead of Biden’s numerous stand-ins, his Vice President is elected – in the most scandalous and unimaginable fraud – with her entourage of LGBTQ+ Ministers, rigorously woke, sold out to China or the World Economic Forum, sponsored by George Soros or Bill Gates, manipulated by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

    At that point, dear American Catholics, you will not only have to go to a different rally – as Kamala would like – in order to say “Christ is the Lord”, because saying that will be considered hate speech, and praying in front of an abortion clinic an act of terrorism.

    Do not think that these are remote hypotheses: wherever the woke Left takes power, it establishes the most vicious, anti-human, and anti-Christian dictatorship that humanity has ever known. And we know that every time the Left has come to power, it has never left through democratic means.

    Donald Trump and Kamala Harris: we are not talking about two visions that are a bit different but still part of the normal political back-and-forth.

    No; we are talking about two diametrically opposed and irreconcilable worlds, in which Trump fights against the deep state and is committed to freeing America from its tentacled grip, while on the opposite side we have a corrupt and blackmailed candidate, an organic part of the deep state , who acts as a puppet in the hands of warmongers like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs.

    Their program is that of the Global Left, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately the program of Vanguard, BlackRock, and StateStreet.

    Their agenda is dictated by the financial oligarchy that controls humanity to the detriment of the people: an elite that operates not only in the United States but also in Canada, Australia, Europe, and wherever politics is held hostage by their investment funds and their pseudo -humanitarian organizations dedicated to the obliteration of Western Civilization.

    Behind these people – by now we should know this – are people devoted to evil, united by the satanic hatred against Our Lord Jesus Christ and those who believe in Him, mainly against the Catholic faithful.

    We want Christ to reign, and we proclaim it with pride: Christ is King! They want the Antichrist to reign, whose tyranny is made of chaos, war, disease, famine, and death.

    And the more emergencies and crises planned and created by the globalist elite increase, the more that elite has a pretext to impose new limitations, new restrictions of fundamental rights, and new social controls.

    Joe Biden, the current “President,” is a servant of this subversive elite and widely blackmailable for the scandals and crimes committed by himself personally and also by his family, beginning with his son Hunter. His “Vice President,” Kamala Harris, is equally subservient to the same deep state.

    And the Democratic Party, to which they both belong, is the expression of the woke ideology that plagues all the parties of the global Left.

    Candidate Donald J. Trump, while certainly taking some serious critical positions that a Catholic cannot agree with, represents for us, dear American faithful, in this specific historical moment, the only possible choice to counter the globalist coup that the woke Left is about to implement definitively, irreparably, and with incalculable damage for future generations.

    Voting for Donald Trump means firmly distancing ourselves from an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and anti-human vision of society. It means stopping those who want to create a hellish dystopia that is even worse than the one announced by George Orwell.

    And it also means – do not forget – giving him our vote of confidence, so that President Trump knows that the massive vote of Catholics and Christians that brought him back to the White House must become the premise for a more incisive commitment to the defense of life from conception to natural death, the traditional family, the right of parents to educate their children, and to the defense of the Christian Faith and the cultural identity of the Nation.

    I repeat: the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan.

    For a Catholic, there can be no question: voting for Kamala Harris is morally inadmissible and constitutes a very serious sin. Nor is it morally possible to abstain, because in this war declaring oneself neutral means allying oneself with the enemy .

    People around the world are beginning to understand the threat that looms over them and their children’s future, and you Americans have understood it too. But even if this time it will be more difficult for the deep state to repeat the fraud of 2020, you must not think that it will resign itself to defeat so easily.

    Let us therefore prepare to prevent possible attacks and civil war scenarios from being used to impose martial law and new restrictions, after the attempts on his life from which President Trump providentially escaped.

    But let us not forget, dear Faithful, that human energies alone are powerless in the face of this infernal display of forces. We proclaim that Christ is King – this means that Our Lord must return to reign, and the first way to make Him reign is by obeying His holy Law and living in His Grace.

    Let Christ reign in your hearts, in your families, in your communities, and throughout the entire United States of America: this is the only way to peace, harmony, and prosperity for your Nation.

    Think of how many of you Catholics there are in the United States! Vote without hesitation, and pray that Our Lord will enlighten American citizens in making their choice and grant victory to those who, at least, have no problem proclaiming that Christ is Lord.

    May God bless you all, and may the Virgin of Guadalupe, she who is the Patroness of the United States and all the Americas, and Saint Michael the Archangel, protect you.

    Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,
    former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

  117. War Monger

    Joe Rogan Experience #2219 – Donald Trump

    Donald Trump is currently the 2024 Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party. He previously served as America’s 45th president, and is also a businessman and media personality.

  118. Galaxy 500

    This dill pickle needs to be voted out…
    Let him go fight and send his children


    [email protected]

    • Greg Hunter

      It’s probably a browser that is blocking your access. Try this and tell me if it works: (Tech Note: If you do not see the video, know it is there. Unplug your modem and plug it back in after 30 sec. This will clear codes that may be blocking you from seeing it. In addition, try different browsers. Also, turn off all ad blockers if you have them. All the above is a way to censor people like

  120. Jason

    Greg, i have been following your work for years. And i would like to continue to do so.
    And i understand you deserve to earn income from your work.
    But my experience lately is that your platform cannot handle the traffic, or advertising, or something… or maybe its the evil ISPs just defrauding us again…
    Whatever the technical cause, i cannot get through a complete interview. The system does not appear to be able to get back to the interview after all the ads.
    Thought you should know.
    Take care, and thanks for your work!

    • Greg Hunter

      It might be a browser problem you your end. The site is the same as it ever was. Thanks for the heads up.

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