Greatest Immediate Danger is Digital ID – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
The last time Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF) was on, she warned that the real battle would be fought in the Trump Administration trenches between “Freedom & Deep State Control.” CAF contends that there is no bigger ongoing battel for lovers of freedom than the battle taking place over the freedom killing idea of digital ID. CAF warns, “The greatest immediate danger is digital ID. The Trump Administration is pushing digital ID. We are seeing new testimony in Congress saying the right kind of digital ID will save the federal government $1 trillion a year in expenses. There is one thing after another pushing the digital ID, and it is the last thing we ever want. Do everything you can not to get this. They tried to get the digital ID after 9/11, and they finally got the states to do ‘Real ID,’ and they are promoting it like crazy. . . . Do not accept Real ID. . . . They can’t make you get a Real ID.”
It looks like the CV19 bioweapon vax mandate is coming to an end along with the CV19 vax injections that caused so many deaths and injuries. Trump and his new HHS Secretary RFK Jr. are starting the process of stopping this madness. Fitts thinks the CV19 vax has both negative physical and spiritual implications. CAF says, “Does it mean our soul cannot pass over? Do we become earthbound dead?”
Another big battle front is Bitcoin and the government wanting to own Bitcoin as some sort of reserve. CAF says don’t fall for this scam. CAF explains, “Bitcoin started out as an ingenious payment system, and then Bitcoin got hijacked. . . . It is an asset that can be used to pump and dump. . . . for the price to keep rising, you need keep bringing in new investors. It’s really a Ponzi Scheme. What would the big investors like to do? They would like to get out of Bitcoin and into real assets like gold and real estate. . . . By mandating huge purchases of Bitcoin by federal and state government, they are going to run the price up. We saw Larry Fink at Davos (World Economic Forum) suggesting in an interview that Bitcoin could run up as high as $700,000. Fink has a Bitcoin ETF. . .”
CAF also talks about gold and says, “It has never looked better as an investment opportunity.”
CAF talks about having physical gold and silver as core assets. CAF also explains the so-called “Trump Pivot” and what “We the People” need to do to protect ourselves for what is coming.
In closing, CAF says, “If we can face it, God can fix it all.”
There is much more in the 66-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts, as she looks ahead for what’s coming in 2025 for 2.15.25.
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After the Interview:
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All hail the power of Jesus’ name!
A most blessed day to you super patriot Greg and THANK YOU for all you do!
BREAKING VIDEO: Sen. Rand Paul Has Announced That Elon Musk’s DOGE Is Officially Investigating The Nation’s Gold Stockpile At Fort Knox & Other Facilities, Sending Shockwaves Through The Already Collapsing Deep State
Breaking: “We Must Find Where The 35 Trillion Of Gold Reserves Once Stored In Fort Knox Is Hidden”
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: “WHERE’S THE GOLD?” — Economist & Top Silver/Gold Broker In America, Kirk Elliott, Joins Alex Jones To Deliver Bombshell Update On DOGE’s Fight To Audit Fort Knox!
Thank you for all of your efforts Greg. God bless you.
Blessing back, Brother.
Brother Greg
Hi Greg,
Love you Brother…..always have, always will.
Anthony and I are separate commenters here at your site.
Love you too, Brother Anthony!
Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
So sorry I got you two confused. Thanks for telling me.
No need for sorry Brother…….you’re a very busy crocodile 🐊
Take care mate,
Ray, North Haven, Australia 😎
Love you too Brother Ray.
“The Idea That Every Culture Is Equal Is Nonsense” | John Howard.
John Howard describes the importance of accepting diverse cultural contributions from immigrants to Australia, while rejecting aspects of cultures which promote hatred and division.
No stress this is all love from Downunder🫶❤️
Sick twisted world!
BREAKING: DOGE Investigation Finally Forces Congress To Admit To The US Government’s Long History Of Financing Al-Qaeda, The Taliban, & ISIS
Yep, Brother Anthony.
A sick & twisted world.
Have a look at this video (from You Tube around 15 years ago…….about a prophecy made in 1968 surrounding current world events.)
Looks like the USA, Australia & other western nations will munch on a big bowl of karma.
Glad I left Canberra……likely to be turned into a smouldering glass car park.
I hope all here at USAWATCHDOG are spared what might be coming.
Hope you are well mate.
Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
I will Ditto that. Greg, Thanks so much for turing me onto Ivermectin. I feel it is helping me in my battle with PC which is subdued now on Lupron Shots. I so admire you and also all the people that comment here as I learn so much from all the smart and kind Patriots here. Tampa is wonderful visiting my grandkids after a 5 year absense as we took my kill jabs and then my illness. I have 3 friends who all started shaking after the boosters. All got Parkinsons. All get sick now and can’t get over it. No immune system but sadly, they call it all a “Big Conspircy.” I pray for them all everyday.
Thanks, DGD!
Adding 2 and 2 together claiming it’s 22. relying on Charlie Monger, Peter Thiel and Roger Ver as expert sources?! Catherine Austin-Fitts has bought the bridge, drank the Kool aid and is neck deep in the BS she claims to understand.
Making assumptive claims based on partial facts… if that is what Soleri Report calls reporting and study, then it’s not worth the glossy paper it’s printed on.
if Ms Austin-Fitts claims to know so much why not get her to debate someone who has years of study into Bitcoin. She wouldn’t dare because she’d be humiliated in a second after her sensational claims evaporate from conjecture to refuted facts, exposing her as just another, bitter old has-been who missed the opportunity to secure generational wealth and so now she must create boogy-man conspiracies to cover for her financial ineptitude.
Starting with the premise “I hate this”, then looking for factoids that attempt to prove her distain as being correct, is remarkably shallow, embarrassingly childish and has tarnished what had been an otherwise critically thinking individual.
You had a good run Catherine but you squandered your legacy with this drivel that will age like milk. Anyone foolishly relying on your financial advice will only have themselves to blame should they trust this make believe hooha rather than doing the work to fully understand the protocol which CAF has clearly neglected to do herself.
Please post your extensive financial credentials.
One doesn’t need financial creds to understand Bitcoin. that’s the point! the hubris of Keynesian trained “experts” has blinded their ability to look past their own indoctrination.
Touche’ what credentials does Ms Fitts claim to possess, making her understand cryptography and computer science. Exactly NONE.
and she used 100% of knowledge in this interview.
You want to offer balance Greg? There are many impressive individuals who will counter the wild claims Catherine made.
Do the work, 10,000 hours of study and one can have an educated well informed option without needing to rely on what passes for “credentials”.
So, you are an anonymous troll with zero cred at all. Got it. CAF Managed $300 billion in assets in the Bush 41 admin. For a decade, she flew all over the world managing money for multi-millionaires and billionaires. I am going to take a wild bet here and say CAF’s contacts and connections are WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than yours. Now, she is running “The Solari Report,” and you can see her writings and financial track record for yourself. What the hell do you have troll/AI boy? NOTHING!!!!! Go away idiot!! This content waaaaaay over your head and so is CAF.
Hi Greg,
Damage comes off as pompous.
Anyways their has been a attitude at your site, either precious metals or Bitcoin. One or the other. A individual can have both, just one or neither. Investing, finances normally are a personal decision. People should leave that decision to them. No reason for people to slam others for trying to get ahead as they want.
You just have to know when to get out. CAF is offering a sober warning from someone who has managed billions of dollars. Very few people have that experience.
While CAF may have knowledge and experience, it’s in the Fiat paradigm. I’m not disputing that but she should stay in her lane. weighing in on a subject that she is clearly uniformed on, brought this criticism upon herself.
why shoot the messenger?
You are not a messenger. You are an AI/bot/troll with ZERO credibility.
the most disappointing in all this was that you censored the most credible points made in the counter argument. Very LEFT of you. can’t deal with facts (they embarrassed your guest) just delete them.
now I know all I need to about this forum. 🙁
What you want is anonymous speech. You want to stand on the roof of my house with a bag on your head and yell out stupid anonymous things. What you really want is to TRY to “embarrassed your guest.” Anonymous speech is NOT free speech. Go stand on your roof, and take the bag off your head!!!!!!!! You continue to be anonymous and THAT is all I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU AI/BOT/TROLL!!!!
If Bitcoin is all that is necessary monetarily why is Trump and Musk so interested in auditing the Fed to find out where all the Fort Knox Gold has gone?? Interesting that all our stolen Gold is now being returned to New York (probably on Trumps threat to lock up and torture all the Thieves – if it is not returned by the Ides of March)!!
The US Government has stopped making pennies and will likely soon stop making nickels (a critical war metal)!! So as you say people should be able to buy “physical strategic metals” along with” ethereal cloud of nothingness 0 and 1 bits” inside a computer!!
I said people do want they want without ridicule and
Don’t rewrite my post.
Thanks paul
??? Didn’t I say: “as you say – people should be able to buy physical strategic metals along with Bitcoin” ???
CAF was part of Bush 41 admin and we know now that the Bush’s are and have been part of the problem (deep state) so I tread lightly on full acceptance on “advice” for those who worked so closely with those adminstrations. At the end of the day, God’s money (Gold and Silver) will always secure
bitcoin is a digital fiat,I think she is brilliant and has plenty of resources to keep her comfortable through her life she is wonderful human being and a lover of humanity and CHRIST. You on the other hand believe what you want to believe bitcoin is a speculation and quantum computing will break the code of your fake fiat.Real wealth is the love of JESUS CHRIST
Elon Musk using Quantum Computers has already broken the Code of the Demon-rats USAID Money Making Scheme!! It’s just a matter of time before Bitcoin’s Code will also be broken by AI (and when that time comes crypto fans “remember there is no way to recover your lost crypto funds”)!!!
How Mass Legal Immigration DESTROYED Australia – Elijah Schaffer & Maria Zeee
Reciprocal Tariffs And The Death of BRICS? – Dr. Kirk Elliott
Starting May 7, 2025 you can’t board a domestic flight without a Real ID. I fly at least once a year. A passport works just as well. So how is a passport good but Real ID bad? Passports have been around for over 100 years. Does Fitts suggest that people avoid getting passports too?
Great question Cheri. I don’t have a real id but I do have a passport. I like to travel
No what she is saying is digital I’d is another step in the control grid where they can instantly observe everything at the click of a mouse, or hack everything you have in a instant.You want to stay out of the control grid as long as possible. Digital I’d is all your info is on that digital id,banking,medical info ,injection status and remember it can all be hacked
Real ID is mandatory to get a driver’s license in California.
yes, and Texas too
In this 3 minute video clip that Martin Armstrong posted on his website. RFK Jr talks about why Ivermectin, HCQ and other treatments for Covid were banned. There is a Federal Law that Fauci and Gates took advantage of.
The end game has always been a land grab… of the world.
Glad the Usa contingent got in-the Eu commissioners heads. Reminds me of the saying about French WWII rifles for sale: “Never fired. Only dropped once.”
WAR is Europe’s Solution to bail themselves out from under their Disastrous Acceptance of Socialism, Fake Climate Change, and the Welcoming of Terrorist Immigrants upon Their Soil (which is now completely collapsing the EU)!! PEACE is the American Solution, but Europe does not want PEACE!! Europe is Pushing for TOTAL WAR With Russia (and just like Napoleon and Hitler before them these Corrupt Dictatorial European Governments will inevitably Once Again Collapse (Trying to Conquer Russia and Steal its Assets)!! Trump needs to Immediately “Get The United States OUT OF NATO” (so we will not be drawn into a Third World War Defending These Moronic Psychopathically Insane Idiots)!!! America must Cut Loose the Strings that Bind the US to these Corrupt Governments “Insanely Intent upon TOTAL WAR” and who have Learned Absolutely Nothing from their Previous Historical Mistakes. They will Destroy Europe just as Zelinsky has Destroyed Ukraine – and the US “Should Not Shoot Itself In The Foot By Being Drawn Into It”. But sadly (just like Churchill did to Roosevelt to get America into WWII) Netanyahu may get America into WWIII “with Russia” (by attacking Iran)!!! America Will NOT BE SAFE UNTIL “It Gets Out of ALL Its Entangling Alliances” (the way our Founding Father George Washington well advised)!!!
No, we are not. Hang on to Jesus. “Jesus said, “For the sake of the elect, the days will be shortened.”
I hear you quoting the Angles and our Lord and Savior, Jesus, “ Fear Not.”
No one that has Jesus with them is “Screwed.”
Stand tall, your Lord is with you
Thanks Brother 500!!
Brother Greg
“Fitts thinks the CV19 vax has both negative physical and spiritual implications. CAF says, Does it mean our soul cannot pass over? Do we become earthbound dead?” Catherine is a smart lady; but falls flat on her face with this utterance. Where on earth did she come up with that idea? It’s easily disproven speculation.
(1) The Bible informs us that “marked” unbelievers will forfeit salvation. Period. The Bible clearly tells us where the lost will spend eternity. It’s not spent wandering around the earth. (2) The unfortunate believers who took the jab (or any jab) do NOT lose their salvation. “Everyone the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but to do the will of Him who sent Me. And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that I shall lose none of those He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day. For it is My Father’s will that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6: 38-40, BSB.)
Can Jesus break the Father’s will? Was his blood sacrifice insufficient; incomplete? We can do nothing to “earn” salvation. Neither can we do anything to “maintain” it. It is God’s work; from first; to last.
Finally; despite all the unfounded alarm–Believers will NOT take the Mark. “All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain” (Revelation 13:8, NASB 1995.)
“…Everyone whose name has NOT been written….” A Christian’s name HAS been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life; before the world began. Therefore; worry not. Remember this scripture; along with the other verses quoted above. They bear witness to each other.
What we have to be grateful for is Trump’s latest moves regarding the Jab. On Friday Trump signed an Executive Order “Halting Federal Funds for Schools that Require Students to be Vaccinated (With the Kill Shot) before they can Physically Attend Classes”!!
Trump in taking steps to “End Covid19 Vaccine Requirements at the Federal level” is a Big Step away from Operation Warp Speed, and Trump has also reinstated Military Service Men and Women who were discharged “for refusing the vaccine” (with full back pay)!!!
Hanging onto Jesus gets us “worn out”, “beheaded”, killed in the number of saints before us, going through the Seals and Trumpet’s with all the dejected.
It’s not a fun ride. It sucks. The “strong delusion” is brought by God. Isaiah 45:7 is very clear……..
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
I don’t think people really understand what’s happening right now. The darkness and the void of God existed first, then the Light was created. You are witnessing Saturn rising, Apollo or Abaddon. You are living the in the hidden Qumran of the 15 books books by Roman and Greek Sybil’s.
Trump is the tribe of Dan. The snake who presents as anger. Look at his pics, he plays this roll. He speaks of a woman (the Church of Jesus) who let in a snake, but only in terms of when he speaks of Democrats. He used to be a Demtard until he ran under the active force of red. Abromovich even called him the master Wizard. MAGA in Hebrew is 45. 4+5=9. That is the Tau, the 22nd Hebrew letter, the all of all. Trump’s Truth social is the Tau in blue and white. His tower has a grove of 21 on it’s front-piece and 7 more triangles above to equal 28. 28 is the number of the underworld, the height of the capstone on the back of the dollar bill. Go online and buy a Trump watch and notice the date, it’s 28.
The Trump coin has Saturn at its apex as well as the new Economist Mag cover. You are living in the reemergence of those ancient of days. Jesus is the only way, but there are different time scales this can happen in. The date is not known because it is a time God decides to make it and not a date lest any be lost. If Good men rise and snuff the snake of the Mystery Schools, or Mystery Babylon as the Bible describes, than the end does not have to be now.
Faith is Jesus means to also have faith in ourselves to stand against evil and to also bring together communities to stand as a united force. You are all failing Christians!!!!!!!
we are seeing so many concerning aspects of trump/ musk actions as well as some ignorance being displayed by the many when they voice opinions having no basis in fact.
the future holds promise as well as the challenging outcomes that we will face….. only we can change that by sharing our voices and saying NO to what appears to be control of the masses. ultimately, we do indeed leave the planet, passing over into an awareness beyond this current reality. the soul never dies….just choosing when and where to go next on the journey, having hopefully gained more loving intelligence~
What in the Hell are you talking about? Concerning aspects? I repeat, “ What are you talking about?”
I guess if you are a parasitic government worker or a minion you would be concerned.
Prepare for battle the evil doers are all around us. Their voices are either honey sweet or pathetic whiny. They think they still matter
God owns all souls and the very moment one dies, his/her soul returns to God to paradise with the bad to be either converted in the Millenium or to go the the Lake of Fire with Satan.
oh boy she knows nothing about btc as well as you BTC dropped 7500 on Germany selling 59 billion on the weekend You are so wrong on there’s no liquify The code is set back by nodes of owners and energy Its sad how stupid you guys are on this subject
Please post your credentials brainiac.
It’s well understood that bitcoin is an intelligence concocted system and when the time is right the rug will be pulled. Yes you can temporarily game the system to make some money but the house always wins in the end.
With the US dollar set to fall under Trump “to get the economy moving” Gold is primed to surge and although there is no doubt (as Stan says) Gold looks “overbought” – this “overbought condition” is “Characteristic of a Strong Bull Market”!! Trump most probably has plans for Gold to play an Integral Role in the reshaping of the US Financial System and this is why Musk is now auditing the Gold “we supposedly have at Fort Knox”!! Officially, the United States “supposedly holds” Gold reserves totaling 8,133 tons. This Gold held as a Tier One Asset of the United States (has an “Inappropriate Book Value” of $42.22 per ounce). If Trump simply issues an Executive Order “To Revalue All Our Fort Knox Gold at Today’s Market Prices” it would create an injection of about $800 billion into the US Treasury which can be used to Counter Depressionary Forces on the Economy. With Gold now flooding back to the US “Something Very Important is Playing Out in the Global Gold Markets” suggesting that Bessent and Trump are more then likely going to “Remake the US Financial System” (and that Gold is going to play a Big Role)!! I believe we are witnessing the “Early Stages” of an explosive Gold Bull Market (that will Run for Years once Fort Knox Gold is marked to Market) as it will be in the US Governments Economic Interest to see its Tier One Holdings in Gold “Continually Rise in Value Year after Year after Year”!! For those who see this, I’ve said enough! As for Silver it should tag along and even at a 100 to 1 ratio with Gold it will do well)!! If Gold rises 3x (so will Silver) $10,000 Gold ($100 Silver) – $100,000 Gold ($1,000 Silver)!!!
Katy Bar
US Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent stated he “is going to monetize the asset side of the U.S. balance sheet for the American people”. He also stated “he would like to do it in the next 12 months!”
Gold gets all the attention, SILVER is listed on the asset side also. I believe you are underestimating what the gold/silver ratio will be.
SILVER will be over $200 an ounce within a year.
Only way silver jumps like that if deliveries are stopped,
Still coming/mined out of the ground below spot prices.
It sounds like buying lottery tickets with the metals expecting jackpots.
Ps. I have owned and continued to buy since y2k this asset class.
Patience grasshoppers.
Check back in a year and we’ll see where it is.
This is no lottery ticket.
This is a change in monetary policy set by Trump, Bessent, with Elon now stating they will investigate SEC as well as audit Fort Knox gold.
BOE 4-8 weeks behind on delivery.
Largest refinery imposing a $3.00 premium on minted Silver starting 2/20/25. etc. etc.
Frankly I never thought I would see everything converging like this at once.
The patient Grasshoppers will be rewarded shortly.
Before Gold and Silver are revalued upward (Marked to Market) the Fort Knox Gold must First be Audited “to see exactly what is left”!! If Trump finds a big percentage of our Gold Was Stolen he may have to “revalue Gold way above the current Market Price” (in order to get the original value of our holdings back) and may also require Gold Purchase Receipts be shown (in order to sell your Gold for US Dollars) so that those who stole our Fort Knox Gold will not be rewarded for their theft!! So Hold on to your Gold Purchase Receipts!!!
If Nancy Pelosi shows her Gold purchase receipts does she get to keep that Gold?? Pelosi had a job working for us at $120,000 dollars per year yet she retires with $100 Billion Dollars in Gold??? I think Trump should Claw It All Back using the RICO Laws!!!!
Deep State Crooks like Pocahontas, AOC, etc., etc., etc. “pretending to care about the people” are filling their own pockets “with our money” THEY NEED TO BE LOCKED UP!! Additionally all the money these Demon Rats robbed should be taken back and deposited into the New American Wealth Fund Trump is now setting up for us!!!
Yeah, of course its a psyop designed to rug investors..! bought by all the same nitwits who bought ‘trust 2.0’ A Q-tard won’t go after the head of the snake at the bitcoin mafia and instead invest in real assets the elite like to buy..i.e. gold, art and real estate.. all the more for them..the less they have to divide it with. its all by design. designed to peg ignorant people who cannot think critically or do their own research..! that’s why this troll keeps writing gibberish.. he’s put all his eggs in the bitcoin basket and has just discovered there’s no more gold at Fort Knox.
Howard, that is really not a nice or a KIND way to get your point across. It sounds like YOU need to be schooled! Also, you need to work on your grammar and punctuation! Jeesh!
Howard and Damage, If bitcoin is so amazing, Why do people quote their gains in US dollars and not bitcoin… IE BTC is at 60,000 … I made 2 million on my BTC arbitrage. People don’t say I’m up 5 bitcoin, and the reason for that is because it has no real meaning or value. It is digits on a screen, created by the intelligence community, backed my nothing, created to get people to give up their real wealth and then the elite will pull the rug at some point. Spare me it’s all in the Blockchain, where the value is. Yeah, I have heard that argument before.
people that don’t understand that Bitcoin is repricing EVERYTHING might quote price in USD. This is more accurate.,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Before the last anonymous VPN was taken down in 2023 and the rats jumped ship from the dark web, you could get fake Bitcoin that was recognized by the Cayman Island trading platform Binance. This is why everything changed in 2023. Binance was forced to report because they could no longer hide.
All crypto as it stands now is a ponzi scheme. Stable coins burn rates keep them stable, it’s true Universal Basic Income testing. CAF is correct on this. Bitcoin was created by intelligence agencies, hence the 21M number. It’s always had a back door and now the largest banking and investment firms have ETFs in Bitcoin. They don’t need to create new Bitcoin anymore to drive price up or down. Just like gold ETFs are traded. You are far behind the curve. Even Monero’s code has been captured the past couple years.
Make as much as you can now and put it into hard assets. Remember, DOGE is finished July 4, 2026. So live it up now, because once the control grid is in place there are no stops after that for chaos conditioning. Never forget that they have been building A.I. data centers in Texas since March 2024 and you heard nothing about it from Trump until 2 days after his inauguration. It’s all a psyop. It’s…all…a…psyop.
Good luck. We all need it!!!!!
The end game has always been a land grab… of the world, if they can get away with it, and they are well on their way. The “Libertarians” have been talking about stealing all the public lands and anything else they can think of, for at least the last 35 years. That is what the whole privatize agenda has been about.
Speaking of “Land Grab”!! There has now been a staggering “Disgorging of the Real Estate they Grabbed” (as a flood of residential homes are being put up for sale by the Criminal Demon Rats in and around Washington, AC/DC) who are now jumping ship (as they Can’t Afford their Monthly Mortgage Payments without Continuing their Theft and Stealing from American taxpayers)!! It’s utterly STUNNING to see Housing Values in and around AC/DC Plummeting Thirty-six (36%) Percent in ONE WEEK!! The Demon Rats now without their USAID money “Gravy Train” have been Derailed by Trump (as they can no longer afford to make the Monthly Payment on their Pricey Homes simply on a Government salary)!!! Just from February 8 thru February 14 fourteen-thousand Eight-hundred twenty-five (14,825) Private Homes have been put up For Sale in and around Washington, AC/DC (and about Five Hundred (500) New Homes for Sale are being listed “Every Day Since”)!!! The Criminal Cabal of Demon Rats (who revoked former President Trump’s Security Clearance and then sent Armed FBI Goons to Raid his Mar-a-Lago Estate in Florida (to charge him with the Crime of “Not Having the Security Clearance to hold Classified Documents”) ARE NOW IN A PANIC (without the Security of all their Stolen USAID Money)!!!
I’ve never voted for a woman in politics and I never will. Women are not to rule over men.
But many do, and sometimes it’s not so bad.
Men allow women to get away with many stupid things, but in Life and Death Emergencies men better take control (or our helicopters will fly right into passenger planes, Gretta will collapse the world economy with her climate warming hoax or Jacinda Ardern (former Prime Minister of New Zealand would have vaxxed “Everyone To Death”)!!!
When is someone going to tell little Gretta to put down her Coloring Book and Teach her that Earth is having its Coldest Winter in more than 50 Years! We need to begin Burning Wood in our fireplaces to keep warm!!!
And we have a crap load of gold and silver the Grand Canyon has thousands and thousands of tons of gold its like diamonds Oh and 1 BTC is devisable by 1 million SATS you guys blew it on this one
The fact that you can “Infinitely Divide a Bitcoin” into SATS completely removes the basic argument for it being worth something (“its Rarity”)!! Thus, just like fiat paper money is “multiplied out of thin air” (to plus infinity), a fiat Bitcoin can be played games with and “divided out of thin air” (to negative infinity)!!! However, all the Gold in the world “is fixed”!! The World Gold Council estimates that miners over the centuries have extracted a total of 201,296 tonnes of gold, leaving another 53,000 tonnes left in identified underground reserves (like the Grand Canyon). If all of the above-ground gold bars already mined was stacked beside each other, the resulting cube would only measure 22 meters on each side (which is an iron clad testament) to the metal’s rarity!!!
My reply to Howard
( & BTW, Fort Knox audit)
You fail to take into account the cost of EXTRACTION of these “tons of gold and silver” in the Grand Canyon, Energy, labor, etc make extraction economicaly un workable.
Extraction Costs are KEY !
That’s why Gold’s rarity and value gets a boost when energy costs rise.
Gold & Silver are viewed as valuable due to limited supply due to extraction costs.
For example: When silver traded at $50 bucks during the Hunt brothers Commotity market silver squeeze The Historic Silver paydirt in Calico, Ca. ( a played out mining goast town/ammusment park project started by Walter Knott of Knott’s berry farm fame) were restarted, and then mothballed again as the commodity exchange changed the rules and stopped the Hunt Brother’s Silver Squeeze.
Lesson: A lot of lower grade silver pay dirt can be moved at $50.00, but not at $12.00.
Gold is in Great abundance in microscopic form in sea water, Hundred year old mine tailings, gold plated computer pins and sockets, Gold plated jewelry even some exotic window tints.
Free Gold ?
Heck you can even pull a few grams of gold panning at Sutter’s mill, Ca. !
But you’ll be working for a dollar or two a day less your expenses.
Extraction costs make Gold, Silver (and EVEN BITCOIN ?) rare and Valuble.
So What do we think is left in Fort Knox ?
Ron Paul and DOGE maybe able to get a REAL Audit of Fort Knox done.
What price gold if it’s not there ?
Or fraudulent ? True event, “Gold” Bars sent to Germany a couple decades ago were REJECTED as “bad delivery” and had to be replaced. by the U.S. Germany finaly got thier “Good delivery” Bars but to my knowledge the problem with the first delivery was kept secret.
So today, As the Deep State dishonesty has been exposed, Anybody think The Deep state would have respected THE PEOPLE’S GOLD at Fort Knox for 50 years ??
It’s Time To Call Greg’s Sponser Melody at Discount Gold and Silver !
Thanks Greg, CAF is always a great guest.
Totally agree with her sentiments on digital ID and Bitcoin. I thought about buying Bitcoin when it was in triple digits, but compared it to precious metals and then kept stacking. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it just didn’t smell right. Au/Ag I totally get and they smell real; BTC smelled like a trap. Calling Bitcoin a Ponzi may eventually be proven correct.
As for the CV19 bioweapon vaxx — my employer encouraged requesting a religious exemption and I took them up on the offer. I emailed my request and received an exemption next day. I’m nicer to the good people in the front office. 🙂
CAF’s thoughts regarding “physical and spiritual” implications of the vaxx is correct imo; rewriting genetic code and altering DNA crosses a line.
“1 Corinthians 3:16 — Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
17 — If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.“
In some ways CV19 vaxx mandate thing did me a huge favor by forcing me to look inside. That introspection put me on a different path.
The Globalists now destroying God’s Temple with Chem-trails are about to be destroyed themselves!! As legislation to ban Chem-trails is now being pushed forward in Tennessee and Florida, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (our new Health Secretary) has stated: “We Are Going to Stop This Crime” (hopefully with appropriate use of the death penalty and long jail sentences)!!!
what happens if you for got the Real ID? I didn’t know it was connected to digital ID. I still have my regular license.
My license needs to be renewed this year. I remember you sharing a story about your interaction at the DMV about demanding a regular license without real ID. Is it as easy as demanding you do not want a “Real ID”, or is there more to it?
I did mine online. It didn’t start as a real id so they could not make it one. But I do have a passport
Please share this with Catherine Austin Fitts for comment:
Satoshi Nakemoto Japanese meaning.
satoshi: intelligence
naka : central
moto : origin
Now read it backwards.
In God’s word is a spiritual law. Satin can not do anything to believers without FIRST disclosing the plan such as in the book of Job or the Georgia Guide Stones writings.
Read it backwards? Like the little old ladies taking LP records and running them backwards saying that it proved that Rock songs were Satanic?
Sorry, words matter as does order
God made it so Satin can’t do anything without FIRST disclosing his plans to the people first!!! The Banksters are now revealing they will Monetize the US Balance Sheet (Through the “Revaluation of Gold”)!!
Where do you find that in the Bible?
Good question. Jehovah can erase you from his memory.
GOD discloses His will and plans to humanity through His prophets … he brings none upon the people without first warning us (John 13:19 – “I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am who I am”)!! SATAN to prove he is “just like God” does the same (otherwise he would be discredited and not be able to claim God’s Throne or be Worshiped “As The God of Humans”!!
satin is good for party dresses. it is ‘satan’ you mean
very good haven’t heard that before but I did hear it was DARPA’s or nsa,GOD bless
Greg, you keep interrupting CAF..
Love you both.
Why do we Americans continue to accept the November 22, 1963 – established Communist Democrat RINO Party as the “Loyal Opposition” when they are clearly our Enemy? Anyone who still has any doubt should look into the deaths of
*LAKEN RILEY *, 14-year Air Force Veteran *ASHLI BABBIT*, our 13 Soldiers in Afghanistan, and thousands more, victims of Open Border Invasion and other forms of Treasonous Betrayal, including economic, covid poisoning, etc., all blessed by Pope Francis and his LGBTQ Bishop’s tax-payer-sucking contributions.
Why do we Americans continue to accept the November 22, 1963 – established Communist Democrat RINO Party as the “Loyal Opposition” when they are clearly our Enemy? Anyone who still has any doubt should look into the deaths of
*LAKEN RILEY *, 14-year Air Force Veteran *ASHLI BABBIT*, our 13 Soldiers in Afghanistan, and thousands more, victims of Open Border Invasion and other forms of Treasonous Betrayal, including economic, covid poisoning, etc., all blessed by Pope Francis and his LGBTQ Bishops’ tax-payer-sucking contributions. Our Evil Bishops will fight for free financing but not for the Unborn.
I have never considered the Party of Slavery as Loyal anything. These people have sold their soul to Satan
Hi Greg,
I wonder if you or any of your audience members know if this is a digital ID, because I am supposed to go to UK soon.
“The U.K. is requiring citizens from dozens of countries, including the U.S., to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA). The easiest, least expensive way to obtain this is by downloading an app on your cell phone or tablet. It is possible, though slightly more complex, to obtain this online using your computer. It costs £10, or about $12.50, payable by credit card, and is good for two years. Please obtain this before travelling.
Apply for an electronic travel authorisation (ETA) – GOV.UK
This requirement is new as of Jan 8, 2025. I do not want a digital ID, so I am asking.
JD Vance puts Europe on notice regarding censorship, Orwellian governance and mass migration. A 19 min must watch video. He’s going to succeed Donald Trump. What a powerful and moving speaker.
do not trust him he is financed by Peter thielen Luciferian
Kidding me.. 10% tariff isnt changing anything. you have up that to 50% or more.
Hello Greg
I believe Gold and silver would really be more attractive to everyone if both could be used just like the dollar for purchases everywhere.
That way,it could be great short term if money is needed or long term. Best of both worlds . Great show also.
I can purchase gas and food from my local farmers markets and ranchers using pre-1965 90% silver coinage. My mom & pop gas station has one price in silver and another price if using debt (federal reserve notes). Gas is .20 cents per gallon when using real money for payment.
Greg, sourcrout and kimchi, remove calcium deposits and plaque from your arteries. Vitamin K and D also remove calcium deposits from your arteries. Going on a high protein low carbohydrate diet will help your heart as carbohydrates and breads turn to sugar after they are digested and as we age we develop insulin resistance which causes sugars to flow in the bloodstream and this causes inflammation in the arteries just like eating too much candy causes inflammation of your gums. To combat inflammation, your body will put calcium deposits on your arteries to protect them from inflammation. See Dr. Eric Berg, and Dr. Ken Berry, and Ivor Cummins you tube to learn more.
Fitts thinks the CV19 vax has both negative physical and spiritual implications. CAF says, “Does it mean our soul cannot pass over? Do we become earthbound dead?”
We are resurrected with our original identity as Jesus was. If we take gene altering substances can we still retain our original identity or have we become something else?
it is important to understand that the soul never dies…. it is an eternal presence within the energy of GOD consciousness. your physical body is merely the shell within which it takes form when deciding to incarnate on this planet. you will indeed pass over and into the reality that you create.. heaven in the form that you embrace so that your journey to become and understand the loving existence of GOD ~ your soul is eternal…
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28)
God has the power to DESTROY both the soul and body in hell. Note the word destroy equating to destruction of both the body and soul. Hell is the grave for both!!!
Dear Graem,
I’d be glad to help you find some meaning to these beliefs, drawing on teachings found in the Bible and relevant scriptures. Here’s a draft that integrates the themes and ideas you mentioned:
The Hope of God’s Plan for the Redemption of Mankind
Throughout human history, the question of what happens after death has intrigued and puzzled many. The Scriptures offer profound insights into this mystery, revealing a hope-filled plan for mankind’s redemption from sin and death. I would like to approach the discussion from a different perspective, offering spiritual food for thought as scripture encourages at Proverbs 27:17, which states: “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” This proverb highlights the importance of companionship and mutual respect for our improvement. Just as iron tools are made sharper by friction with another piece of iron, individuals can become better through interactions with others including their thoughts. Things encouraged from a biblical perspective and here @t, the Magna Carta, our US. Constitution, Bill of Rights. The freedom of speech and thought! Endowed by our very own creator God, Gawd darn it! Excuse the pun, sometimes I can’t quite help myself, lol! 😉
Ok, well here it Tise! this scripture, iron sharpens iron. Encourages believers to seek out relationships that can help them grow spiritually and morally. It emphasizes the value of constructive criticism, accountability, and encouragement, fostering an environment where individuals can thrive and improve themselves.
Yes, the teachings found throughout the Bible reflect this principle. Where it teaches all, in the importance of regular association with fellow believers through meetings, Bible study, and worship. These gatherings serve as opportunities to encourage and strengthen one another in our faith. Hebrews 10:24-25 further supports this idea: “And let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.”
By engaging in such interactions, believers can help each other stay spiritually sharp and steadfast in their faith, supporting one another in their journey toward spiritual maturity.
Understanding the Soul
Does this resonate with what you were thinking Graeme, or is there a specific aspect you’d like me to otherwise expand on?
Ok, well here it Tise! Contrary to some beliefs, the Bible teaches that humans do not possess an immortal soul; rather, we are souls. Helots, with a lot of heel! Genesis 2:7 explains that “And Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”[ASV] Here, the term LIVING SOUL can also be translated “living person” which is synonymous with “living soul.” Thus, humans are souls, not entities with separate, immortal souls.
The State of the Dead, and it aint just D.C.!
When discussing the state of the dead, the Bible provides clarity. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 says, “The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all…whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going.” This passage underscores that in death, there is no consciousness. Sheol, the common grave of mankind, is a state of nonexistence, much like the three days Jesus spent in the tomb.
The Resurrection Hope
One of our cornerstone beliefs is the resurrection hope. As Jesus was resurrected from death, so too will many others experience a resurrection. Acts 24:15 expresses this hope: “I have hope toward God, which hope these men also look forward to, that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.” The righteous will be granted life in heaven, while others will be resurrected to life on a cleansed earth.
The Great Crowd
Revelation 7:9, 14 describes a “great crowd” of individuals who survive the tribulation: “After these things I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…‘These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.’” These faithful ones will inherit a new heaven and an earth, cleansed of all wickedness and unrighteousness.
The New Earth
Finally, God’s plan for mankind culminates in a paradise earth, as described in Revelation 21:4: “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” This promise of a restored, peaceful earth gives hope to all who yearn for a world free from suffering and death.
In conclusion, the Bible’s teachings offer a comprehensive understanding of the human soul, the state of the dead, and the hope of resurrection. By embracing these truths, we find comfort and purpose in God’s plan for the redemption of mankind, assured that death is not the end, but a temporary state preceding a glorious future.🐑👏🗽
I hope this piece Graeme, captures the essence of your beliefs and provides a compelling refutation to the concerns raised. If you have any adjustments or additional points you’d like to include, feel free to let me know!
Helots, With a Lot of Heel!
[1080P] The Best One on YouTube! See More Clearly!
Truth or Consequences?
Sheryl Crow Sells Her Tesla to Fund NPR — FCC’s Carr Hilariously Responds by Zero Hedge February 15th, 2025
White liberal women across the nation melting down in recent weeks over President Trump and special government employee Elon Musk’s DOGE.
I don’t know what the mark of the beast is exactly but the magic potion and vaccine passports were directly related to buying and selling or participation in society. That raises a big red flag in my mind. Nobody who takes the mark will survive. Revelation 14:9-11, 20:10.
Connie gal,
Its [2160p]4K, but you gotta click the little round sprocket at bottom of the frame with 4K in red! If you don’t, it automatically rests at [720p].
The movie’s as clear as the day it came out in 4K! I WATCHED HALF THE MOVIE AT 720p before I realized you could even go past 1080p to4K.
I think she is way off on that one
Haggai 2:8 Old Testament
Siver and Gold is mine says the LORD
Globalist 2:8 Fiat Paper and Crypto is mine says the FED.
We’re past the point of no return regarding ay eye and quantum computing.
The only hope now is to push for some kind of digital opt out / recusal / religious exemption from all of this digital dystopia. Internet Bill of Rights, etc.
The broligarchs are not only playing with fire, they’re spraying it with gasoline.
Brilliant interview Mr Hunter of Dr Austin Fitts.
Great interview once again. As for Bible verses, many people have long considered “abomination of desolation” and some type of AI system perhaps with a hologram could fit the bill. And you mentioned barter and hoarding- a 3 and 1/2 years worth of supplies might be about right to hold.
To add to the Skidmore comments; he said several years ago, the churn on the treasury market was much higher than the official debt. He said with an estimated average maturity, he estimated 90 trillion of debt being rolling over. I believe that was on this site, but maybe somewhere else- just prior to Covid and the stolen election.
As a little guy trying to do something- i live in the western US and have been occasionally looking into the BLM, which is in the Dept. of Interior. It’s not Black Lives Matter. We live on 10 acres, small double wide, next to about 120 acres of BLM land. I called a couple times, called our regional office to ask about a grazing lease. I was told it would probably take 5 years to get through all the reviews before i would even be offered the lease, which I suppose is an example of the reason for DOGE. I was also told there would be a full review of land holdings in ‘26. Being an adjoining property owner is considered to be preferred in any bidding of land for sale or lease- pro tip. Not sure if that review is for the entire BLM or just this area. If you look at the maps, it really is fascinating all the broken and separated pieces of land scattered around the western states. The BLM holds more land than the state of Texas. Most of it is remote, but not all. I would assume much of this land is available to be part of what ever formula that the big boys come up with for the ‘reset’ realignment. If any of you live west of the Mississippi, it’ll be worth keeping an eye on.
I just seen something on you tube about that ,sorry can’t recall what site but do a search about the checker board theory.But you are correct the big money Luciferians want it all for their posh resorts
Greg and Catherine, Thank You, Thank You , and Thank You!
That is one of the best CAF interview, I have ever seen. /Which means a fantastic, great interview packed with information.
Whatever happened to the Gloom , Doom , Boom report ?? Well never mind dearest Catherine gave it her best shot and put all on the line. Thanks Cath and I must say I agree with everything you and Greg touched on.
AAcrime is absolutely heading for a major clash with destiny.Take this valueless trash called shitcoin for instance ,this is an abomination and a huge discredit to AAcrime for trafficking in it in the first place. All the evil going on in the A I arena is just another step in the wrong direction as it come in direct confrontation with our LORD GOD CREATOR who has added this to AAcrime’s never ending list of crimes against humanity .
I see disaster for the valueless dollar and like it or like it not the solution will come from the B R I C S…….they didn’t crop by accident they are there to do GODS work in bring back to the world what GOD gave us in the first place a Currency based on TRUE VALUE ……I E GOLD , SILVER AND COPPER.
In my opinion I think that Trump could very well be the last president of the usa.
I beleive that as many people as possible should have a 40/60 ratio of GOLD AND SILVER AND IN YOUR PERSONAL LIVES ATTENDING CHURCH IS AN EXCELLENT SUGGESTION
That is Marc Faber. Sardonic laugh only rivaled by Paul Craig Roberts.
For what it’s worth, using gematria to calculate, “neurolink” adds up to “666”. something to consider. Perhaps how the MOTB system is enforced.
also, Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) adds up to “666” if you remove the vowels from his name, like they did in Jesus’ days. MBS is heading up a 90 nation group in the UN that will force a peace covenant on Israel and divide Israel, just like Daniel 9:27 describes. This group met on 2 October 2024 on the day of a solar eclipse. One week after every nation in the world that signed the UN Pact for the Future treaty was conquered and handed over all national and personal body sovereignty to the UN.
I believe we have already entered into Daniel’s 70th week in 2024. if so, then we should see the Abomination of Desolation in the temple in Jerusalem in April 2028 during Passover with the Great Tribulation beginning and the MOTB being made mandatory or else almost immediately after.
We should also see the two witnesses begin their prophecy ministry in Jerusalem on the same day as the Abomination of Desolation.
What states require “real ID”?
Can someone publish a list?
So disappointed that you have this annoying and largely irrelevant advertising that breaks up good interviews. Please stop this. Nancy Alden Do you know what free-tard means?
Hello Nancy. EVERYTHING ok?
tks caf greg
Housing Values in Washington DC COLLAPSE 36.5% in ONE WEEK
The Rats are leaving town
Talk all the Bitcoin and issues your heart desires.
As long as The Federal Reserve exists, we are all their Debt Slaves!!
When man doesn’t have an argument or a solution, he brings up religion.
Thank you Greg for cutting her off when she wanted to talk about how you deal with the electronic harassment. I personally would love to eliminate my electronic harassment. I have even started sending written letters to various politicians and cabinet members.
Hopefully Trump realizes that you cannot restore a manufacturing base here in America by electronically harassing America’s most innovative and creative citizens.
If JD Vance succeeds The Trumpster which he most likely will, based on what he told Europe; I seriously doubt he will allow any form of Digital ID or CBDC’s for Americans. I expect him to ban all of that.
Rev 13: 15. And he had POWER to give LIFE unto the IMAGE of the BEAST, that the image of the beast should both SPEAK, and CAUSE that as many as would NOT WORSHIP the IMAGE of the BEAST should be KILLED
CAF for sure is well versed in politics as it has been for centuries, but MERCY and JUSTICE during the last 3.5 years will NOT be FOUND in THOSE in POWER
This comment I make sits between two MAJOR TESTS of faith for ALL MANKIND
Verse 15 TEST above has two escape paths as I see it
Jesus keeps us from that hour :.Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
I think this promise applies to ALL TESTS ( including the two tests mentioned in REV 13:15-17 ) to ALL PEOPLE including the church at Philadelphia, , those still alive the second half of the GREAT TRIBULATION , , , and for all those that have an ear
The only other escape path as I see it is to be killed and join the SAINTS UNDER the ALTAR , ,, , as described in the opening of the fifth seal (I don’t think there will be pain and there will be GREAT REWARD)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17. And that no man might BUY or SELL, save he that had the MARK, or the NAME of the beast, or the NUMBER of his name.
This may include Starvation , but I think of Elijah who was provided with food and water those 3 and a half years without rain
18 Here is WISDOM. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the BEAST: for it is the NUMBER of a MAN; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Wisdom I obtain from this as follows : 6 is the last day both God and Man work and REST FOLLOWS on the 7th as Paul states
“Let us labor therefore to enter into HIS REST”
to say it in context : If we were to take the mark so that we can buy and sell we would deny our salvation and trade it for empty nothing (not WISE at ALL)
Until I heard Vance speak, I did not realize what a great pick Trump made for VP and someone unless the election is stolen in 2028 will be the next POTUS. He is anti-establishment, anti-Davos and anti-surveillance. He appears to be someone who wants to give back power and control to “We The People” and take it away from Washington DC.
CAF is one of the best guests, thanks for the FREE content, Greg!
Some points:
1. If the Covid PsyOp didn’t convince you that Trump is a wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing, his commitment to “Project Stargate” (Warspeed on steroids x100) should erase any doubt.
2. Making excuses for Trump & telling us how much worse Biden was, or Harris would’ve been, isn’t a substitute for critical thinking.
3. CAF is an example of real investigative journalism–she doesn’t idolize Trump like the vast majority of the clowns who pass themselves off as “Conservative Alt-Media”.
4. There is absolutely no Biblical Commandment to worship the modern-day State Of Israel, as so many confused “End Times Christians” would have us believe.
5. Historically, Jews have been viewed by Christians as an outside or even hostile foreign group that is to be kept at arm’s length (at best)–not to be trusted and DEFINITELY not allowed near the levers of power. It is only very recently that Christians have been brainwashed into thinking otherwise. Your Bible EXPLICITLY warns against “The Synagogue Of Satan”!
6. The Bible warns that the Anti-Christ will deceive many, if not most, Christians. It is NOT the hated villain that you have to watch out for; you must be on guard for one who charms & enchants you and who is held up as a Savior figure (TRUMP very much fits this profile!).
“And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”
The attempted assassination of Trump (fake in my opinion) comes uncomfortably close to fulfilling this scripture. Remember how IMPOSSIBLY fast & completely his allegedly wounded ear healed?! It was as if he’d never been shot.
I’ve taken time/effort to write this & I know it will ruffle feathers. I hope that Greg won’t discard it out of pride & rage.
Benjamin, what you say is very possible. We must watch everything this new administration does. I hope they are legit!!
Greg, after the first few minutes, I cannot make out anything that is being said – there is so much static. This is happening more and more to important broadcasts. I’m sure it must be deliberately directed interference. I’m in CT. CC would be good here. Thank you anyway.
This is a problem on your end. Try Changing browsers.
Catherine Austin Fitts sources all her life from God first and then goes forward. I too believe this way. Energy surrounds us and we would not be able to survive without it. All our actions put energy out into the either and if they are not from the heart, God, then they will only create static.
Every day our actions build the structure we live in, an energetic structure. You may be able to sense out the energy of others.
Catherine said something about her own personal energy and a simple way to protect it. I do this every time I drive. I ask for protection from God to keep me safe from all harm of any kind, body, spirit, soul until I arrive back home and also protection from causing anyone else harm on any level, body, spirit soul.
This is my core belief that all else stems from. If one builds a life from greed at any cost, then the life lived will be one of suffering.
I live my life within this energy field and am filled with gratitude
Beautifully stated Susan.
Your final four sentences are especially inspirational.
Blessings be with you.
Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
Ray, Ray of light, your comments to me are beautiful, I thank you with a heartfelt hug and may you feel the blessings in return.
Susan Russo
gold…. be realistic, the average joe cannot afford to purchase this asset… nice advice but not a realistic option for most of us. silver is our option but again limiting to many who are struggling to keep our heads above water.
reality is a beast ha ha
How about silver Kate? Cancel you cable and big data package and divert to silver. This is not a magic pill. You got to work at it.
I was at my local coin store yesterday and a customer was trading 100 ounce silver bars for 1 ounce gold eagles. His cost basis was $400 on those 100 ounce bars.
So for $400, he gets silver spot price on the trade $3,200 and receives a $3,000 1 ounce gold coin and $200+ change. Not bad for a $400 investment. So yes, many people can acquire gold today with little effort.
There is fractional gold, but I guess even 1/10 OZ Gold Eagles may be a bit too pricey at well over $300/coin at this point.
Goldbacks are vastly cheaper at about $3 for lowest denomination (“1/2 Goldback” note) & $6 for a full “Goldback”, but premiums are sky-high for the amount of gold in them.
Silver Eagles are running about $40 each. Can you scrape together a couple of Andrew Jacksons?
Junk silver 1/2 Dollars are $15 apiece; Quarters $7.50; Dimes $3. If you can’t afford these prices–which range from buying a drink to getting a sandwich combo meal at a middling fast food joint–then you’ve got bigger problems than worrying about buying PM’s.
Silver War Nickels are only $1.75 each … so if you can’t afford to buy a 1 oz Silver coin then buy a few War Nickels at a time and when you finally get 20 War Nickels (for a total cost of $35 dollars) you will not only own one(1) ounce of silver (currently $35 dollars) but will additionally own three(3) ounces of Copper (worth an additional $7.80) as a one(1) ounce copper bullion bar is now selling for $2.60!!
UPDATE: The price of Silver will be raised by the smelters “who manufacture the silver for coins” by 10% on Feb. 20, 2025 (three days from now)!! IT BEGINS!!!
Thanks for the information..
The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity’s doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit
Warning! Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be Really Stupid (RS).
Artificial Intelligence can and will be used to control and further dumb-down the population and to help facilitate the continuing criminal-breakdown of this formerly great nation.
We’ve always lived in a world where morality is more important than intelligence.
Rare !! Top Gun Maverick Sergey Bogdan’s ‘Cobra Spin’ maneuver Su-57 is real in Aero India 2025 THE PROVE 29,979 views Feb 14, 2025
At Aero India 2025, an extraordinary aerial display confirmed the reality of the Su-57’s “Cobra Spin” maneuver, famously performed by Russian test pilot Sergey Bogdan. This rare and breathtaking maneuver, reminiscent of the high-speed aerial acrobatics seen in Top Gun: Maverick, showcases the Su-57’s exceptional agility and advanced aerodynamics. The demonstration solidifies the aircraft’s reputation as a cutting-edge fifth-generation fighter, pushing the limits of modern air combat capabilities.
Incredibly maneuverable and incredibly cheaper than the F-35 it taxi’s
past in the video, on its way to takeoff and as it turns out, the shows top gun flying demonstration!
Rare !! Female F-35 Pilot Challenges Su-57 Maneuvers at Aero India
THE PROVE 1,973 views Feb 16, 2025
At Aero India 2025, a rare and remarkable event unfolded as female F-35 pilot took to the skies to challenge the maneuvers of the Russian Su-57. This thrilling aerial showcase highlighted not only the cutting-edge capabilities of the F-35 but also the skill, precision, and determination of these elite women pilots.
Wait a minute’ M.Boden! The F-35 woman refused to sit this one out!’ As one of them take to the skies to challenge the Russian demonstration, one woman and I must say very capable and brave came out victorious! Having gave a remarkable demonstration of the most advanced state of the art technologic flying machine that has, but doesn’t need crazy maneuverability. That can take out an opponent 20 miles out, sight unseen! Yet, she pulled it off to the limits with a spectacular show of strength with spectacular spins and loops to the cheers of the crowd, of a job well done! Thank you ma’am!🗽👍👏
My secular assets are almost 25% in gold, silver, platnum etc., including a stockpile of U.S. Nickels….. Almost 60% is in land (not houses which are depreciating) and the kind of land I hold is useful, i.e., a river runs though it. The rest of my holdings consist of real, tangible and useful things, things like guns, trucks, tractors, stockpiles of food, fuel, solar power, generators ,tools and other utilitarian items and some paper cash for when the power grid fails.
All of my stocks are now sold. No bonds. No digital anything. No paper promises. No digital promises. If I can’t hold it in my hand, then I don’t want it.
I would say even more valuable than my material possessions is my good health( think Jack LaLanne)…
The skill sets I chose to master are agronomy, professional hunting, fishing and trapping, food preservation, and handyman skills up to journeyman level. First aid and old-time doctoring abilities.
Any of the above is what “the average person should be doing”…..
Marty Armstrong put it this way: Prepare like they did during “The Seven years of plenty” from the Biblical story from the book of Genesis where Joseph interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream was a warning to prepare for the bad times ahead.
I always laugh about people talking about nickel coins with 25% nickel content as being a great hedge.
I have missed out on a few things over the years and time will tell, but I don’t see a farmer trading a chicken for a nickel or it having any trade value.
Nickel is an industrial commodity.
I would love to know why some think this is going to have real significance.
I think you better off with pre64 US silver coins
Reply to Galaxy 500:
Keep laughing…..about us nickel collectors.
CNBC repored this story back in 2011: “Kyle Bass has a lot of spare change.”
“The founder of Hayman Capital, the Dallas-based hedge fund that profited from the collapse of the housing market, bought 20 million nickels”
Kyle collected a million dollars in nickels back in 2009 when each nickel cost 6.1 cents to mint. As of today, each nickel cost over 14 cents to mint. So Kyle’s stockpile has risen nearly 200% in value. How is that a bad investment? There’s no risk, either. Because who is going to try and steal 20 million nickels? The weight alone makes theft nearly impossible.
I was stockpiling pure copper pennies and copper/nickel nickels long before Kyle. And you know what? I have myself a nice little collection, too…..
Keep laughing, because I’m about to add a few hundred thousand more nickels to my collection. Unless, of course, you can tell me what I can buy for 5 cents that’s really worth 14 cents? – and will soon be worth more than a paper dollar?
I have a saying: each of my nickels will one day be worth a lot more than a paper dollar…… or a Bitcoin.
Or course, all secular bets are off when Armageddon happens. But that’s an entirely different conversation.
My pretty massive Jefferson Nickel Collection resulted from Mining “Rare Silver War Nickels” (the way Crypto Geeks today Mine Bitcoins)!! On a rarity basis 2,380 War Nickels is equivalent to one(1) Bitcoin (so based upon Bitcoin’s current price of $100,000 dollars every War Nickel I found is now equal to $42 dollars)!!!
Really Awake, people laughed at those who went “ Dime & Quarter hunting” after the government took silver out of the coinage in 1965.
I’ve been hanging on to old copper Pennies as well as every nickel that comes my way for many years now.
BTW: I forgot to mention part of the 15% of my holdings (which I think set a good example for the “average guy”) are collectibles, e.g. liquor, wine, musical instruments etc…. and gold, silver and platinum jewelry…. Think of what an old-school Jew would hoard. And make that a part of your holdings. And don’t EVER pay market price. Always buy distressed assets or something like from an estate that the ignorant and foolish children are selling their dead parents assets who spent a lifetime acquiring only to have their Bitcoin-loving kids practically give away true, tangible assets.
And you may be correct, in my way of thinking a single Remington Golden 22 LR will be worth more than what ever a nickel works out to be.
An 9mm, 45, 5.56… worth many many nickels each.
I can have every thing so I have alcohol, Au, Ag and Cu clad Pb. With food and water, covered, I think you have most of the bases
I have ammo cans full of brass cartridges that I purchased decades ago. They are vacuum packed. Back then I paid 25 cents per round or less for bulk calibers which now cost $5 $7 $10 or more per round. So I agree that ammunition is was a fabulous investment.
The average guy who hasn’t yet stockpiled anything at all but wants to do something now should start with 1000 cans of food per person in his family. Also have water purifiers and at least 30 gallons of bottled water per person. A portable heater and fuel and warm cloths and good walking shoes and boots. Get some first aid and medical supplies. Spend a few thousand dollars on all of the above basic necessities- if you can afford it.
If you can’t afford a few thousand dollars, then at least buy a cheap shotgun and a few hundred dollars worth of food, water and medicine.
If I was just starting out and could only afford to buy one secular investment, I’d buy silver quarters and dimes as many as I could afford.
Really Awake,
Well done! We must be related.
The Problem with Unelected Officialdom! When the people are robbed of their vote and representation, you can count on disaster too! Like the old saying goes the customer is always right, and were the customer, we the taxpayers. Not like the salesman, the officials unelected not so much as you will see!
“The Danger Of ‘SMART METERS’ Before & After Demonstration”
AndreCorbeil 12.9K VIEWS
E. L. Doctorow
Novelist, editor, Professor on US. and Russian war in Ukraine.
Adding 2 and 2 together claiming it’s 22. relying on Charlie Monger, Peter Thiel and Roger Ver as expert sources?! Catherine Austin-Fitts has bought the bridge, drank the Kool aid and is neck deep in the BS she claims to understand.
Making assumptive claims based on partial facts… if that is what Soleri Report calls reporting and study, then it’s not worth the glossy paper it’s printed on.
if Ms Austin-Fitts claims to know so much why not get her to debate someone who has years of study into Bitcoin. She wouldn’t dare because she’d be humiliated in a second after her sensational claims evaporate from conjecture to refuted facts, exposing her as just another, bitter old has-been who missed the opportunity to secure generational wealth and so now she must create boogy-man conspiracies to cover for her financial ineptitude.
Starting with the premise “I hate this”, then looking for factoids that attempt to prove her distain as being correct, is remarkably shallow, embarrassingly childish and has tarnished what had been an otherwise critically thinking individual.
You had a good run Catherine but you squandered your legacy with this drivel that will age like milk. Anyone foolishly relying on your financial advice will only have themselves to blame should they trust this make believe hooha rather than doing the work to fully understand the protocol which CAF has clearly neglected to do herself.
Thank you for having CAF, I always listen to her valuable perspective. I hope that Trump or RFK jr. address the covid vaccine damage soon. Trump has done many great things, but if the vaccines are not somehow addressed, than I am going to start believing the people who call him a “Trojan Horse”. I hope they are wrong.
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
John 8: 44-45
44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.
CAF is always great with her research and knowledge. In this talk however in the last portion of it, where she cites SOMEBODY else who told her to pray for ‘the bots’ in ones body to allow them to do what JESUS wants, is a FLAT AND PLAIN approval for a TRANSHUMANISM, in my opinion. PLEASE realize that, CAF maybe even didn’t think it through, I Hope. When you pray for any artificial crap to become your body, you basically ignore the fact, that God created you without it, and now YOU wish to be modified, and that on top of it, while lurking Jesus in that cover up! Once again, to fuse HUMAN BODY PARTS with robotic components is called TRANSHUMANISM, in particular while supporting these parts to really become your part! That’s all what transhumanists want!Whoever CAF’s friend is, he/she is quite an evil doer. Didn’t Jesus say: “It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away.” Thus the prayers should be to ask GOD for help to GET RID OF THIS and not to incorporate synthetics in ones TEMPLE.
Just my opinion…
“I’m supposed to be dead by now.”
“The Island of Atlantis, and the Philistines” by E.O. Lieghley (1957) (discovered by astronauts)
Join Me Inside the Richat Structure Museum (2024)
Are YOU a victim of BAD ALIEN “SCIENCE,” TOO?
“…the DNA of three adults, PRESUMABLY Philistines, fully matched that of local Levantine people….”
Stargate (1994) The Movie
Hercules (2014) Full Movie
So the Creator did something unexpected…
Catherine is always an outstanding guest. She is so knowledgeable about government and money. She has such an insight as to the potential paths for humanity with some being the wrong road. Christ tells us to follow the path with the narrow gate. We are in a physical and spiritual war zone. Jesus is “the way, the truth and the light.” Whoever believes in Christ will never die. We need him more than ever and always.
Greg ….thank you again for your timely interviews and your Christian beliefs!……..I have followed CAF for years, but it is evident to me as of about 6 months ago that she is not a fan of Trump or Elan Musk. I have listened to her other interviews for years, as well as read Solari,…. and much of it is devoted to insisting that Trump wants a digital world. He has already stated MANY times that he is not going to bring in digital currency. He is trying to appeal to the younger generation by embracing bitcoin. It is not for everybody! As for committing “constitutional crime” by throwing out those in the government who are using the tax payer’s money to their own gain, and spending it on other countries, I say “bring it on”. Certainly, the Biden administration never thought of the Constitution when they ran the country into the ground. Elan Musk started NeuroLink to help people who were disabled, could not move or write, and this exploration has been going on with many other scientists for years . Are they all of the Devil? I am disappointed that she continues to negate Trump, when she has seen the Obama administration ruin healthcare, and Biden send all our money to Ukraine. I do not know if your readers know that she lives in Europe for a good 6 months out of the year. Again, her business, but I have noticed that since she has lived there, there is not much mention of what is going on in all the European countries that are broke, and run into the ground by “multi-polar’ ideas that she embraces. I want to hear about all the good things the Donald Trump has done. He has also appointed RFK, Jr to his team. …. the man who started CHDTV, of which Catherine has a talk show called Financial Rebellion. Instead of sticking to the original idea of instructing people to handle finances better, it has turned into a complaint forum of everything that Trump and Musk do.
My vote for your best guest, at this point, is Martin Armstrong, who , while he can occasionally criticize Trump; always has something good to say about a man who loves America, and is trying his best to help us get back to where we were so many years ago…a country who was respected!
Greg that the most on track via the Bible I have seen. bravo. The best and only tool u have is the power of Jesus. Neural Lace was in the vax. Neural link is a distraction because 80% of the world took it. Aka non human biological organisms. Human bio interface. It’s a choice. the empire or the kingdom. hell or heaven. The Bible says the empire is done. This is why I hav checked out on the empire. If a person is realisticly saved they don’t care about the empire. It’s demonic and a trap for fools. Jesus said look up ur redemption is near. Not fix the empire. Sold out to God. Don’t care about the evil empire. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic isn’t a kingdom task. It’s a death sentence.
I ❤ Catherine Austin Fitts; she is one of the very few whom I trust for honest information. Thank you for having her on your program, Mr Hunter and also thank you for always asking your guests what us “little guys” should be doing to prepare/protect. I need to listen again because there is so much packed into this interview.
Prayers and very best wishes for you both!
Thanks, Sister Deb!
Brother Greg
It is very interesting how this AI ‘threat’ has poisoned the minds of mankind.
AI is an inanimate ‘human’ invention that is solely dependent on Humans to exist, replicate, evolve etc. Once the plug is pulled that is the end of AI.
It is a great scapegoat for malevolent Humans to plot control and destroy other Humans. It is absolutely pointless to fear AI It is HARMLESS without the maleficent intent of a Human behind it and very easily neutralized.
The point is to restrict its implementation into all systems that are instrumental for Human existence on Earth because that is where AI could potentially cause Humans harm. Who needs AI to control Power stations, Factories, Farms and in that regard almost everything that manufactures the necessities for Human existence on this planet?
We are suffering the consequences of a decaying economic system balooned into a juggernaut by the invention of CREDIT which caused the disproportionate population growth on this planet. Once the credit system collapses, so will the Human population. And Humans NEED Humans to exist on this planet. The insatiable credit growth is the real culprit here. The AI threat is the subject of teenage Sci-Fi movies and it is laughable that it has become the subject of so many articles and debates and has taken over the time of scientists and academics.
I wouldn’t be so sure that AI is nothing to worry about. For when you can ask AI a question and it always comes back with he right answer (like Socrates) it begins to take on the qualities of a GOD!! Are we to eventually believe in the future that “Man made GOD in his image”?? And if so, that God will undoubtedly “be Flawed”!!!
but first, Katy Bar, you must BELIEVE in Socrates, the original AI! Done.
Seems there are a lot of people who already BELIEVE in everything Socrates says (like World War is Coming)!! Good thing Trump is not one of them!!!
Is this a Theological or Existential opinion? Existentially, AI is dead as soon as we HUMANS decide to pull the plug, It CANNOT exist on its own. Some ‘humans’ WANT AI to exist and are determined to subject the Numan Race into AI slavery. I do not want it. You do not want it I assume. AI will not exist without humans, UNLESS humans create the necessary conditions for it to exist.
My worry has been that AI will start to be used in human reproduction, either as part of prenatal screening and/or intervention. With “intervention”, consider a possible controlled use of Crispr-CAS9 to manipulate the gene sequence of an embryo to remove, replace or insert a gene sequence of AI´s choosing to i.e. improve their health and/or compliance in society. I´m not the first to foresee this possibility. Arthur C. Clarke already predicted this type of manipulation in his book “3001 A.D.” in which he also postulates a society where, in order to have the right to vote, one has to be integrated with the ruling AI.
This Utopia of Clarke´s in his work of fiction “3001 AD” however, overlooks that the 13th amendment to the US constitution for example, which forbids slavery, only applies to “persons”. There is however no definition of what a “person” actually is. To take this to the extreme, if each manipulation causes the human born to be no longer definable as a “person” created in the image of God but at the whim of the AI, is this human still subject to the protections of the 13th amendment? Within a few generations we could have a slave society worse than that of Egypt back in the times of Joseph and Moses. At least the ancient egyptians in the time of Joseph could choose whether or not to become wards (slaves) of the kingdom of egypt in order to be saved by pharoah from famine. The next possible e.g. AI-gene manipulated generations of our time, no longer being in the image of God, could be born into slavery akin to the Israelites in egypt during the time of Moses. And AI will become the new pharoah (god), boasting /blaspheming that it created them.
Now back to the mRNA treatment of four years ago. Does this mRNA perchance persist in the gonads and/or ovaries ??
Tell CAF to read this
Mr X,
Bill Gates has told the US Military that he has a Vaccine that can Inoculate People Against any Spiritual Disposition or Belief in God – as he has m-RNA spikes that can attack the Religious Part of the Brain (not just the heart and sexual organs)!!! He has suggested its use to eradicate the religious beliefs of Terrorists in the Middle East. But what happens if it is used on Israel?? What happens to the Holy Land then???
The Holy Land will devolve into a place of Unbelievable Slaughter and Unending Wars just as Satan planned!!!
And the Entire Israeli Population “was Vaxxed” – Who knows what Gates put in it???
LIVE| Biden Admin Accused of Massive $250 Billion Financial Scandal! Times Now world Started streaming on Feb 11, 2025 A shocking federal report has uncovered $250 billion in improper payments, exposing massive fraud under the Biden administration. Now, Trump and Elon Musk are leading a full-scale investigation to root out government corruption. Medicaid, Medicare, and welfare programs have seen staggering financial mismanagement. Will there be arrests and prosecutions? Congress is demanding action! Stay tuned for the latest updates on this developing scandal. [The Deep State Do Do Keeps Gettin Deeper!]
Kid Rock STUNS Bill Maher when he said THIS about TRUMP…
A Righteous Perspective Feb 15, 2025
For the love of God, PLEASE stop talking over your guests!! It’s rude, unprofessional and makes you look stupid…
Your intermittent lame comments while your guests are speaking add NOTHING to the conversation so just STOP! You keep interjecting to try to convince people that you are so smart but again, this is just making you look stupid…. Nobody is watching your interviews to listen to you, we are here to listen to your guests…. Save it for your weekly news wrap up, something I stopped listening to 2 years ago due to your annoying voice…
So much u certainty – managing billions and housing in government why not get track record info on CAF to resolve the difference of opinion?
What did the management of billions render per year in profits or losses? What HUD improvements were made in what years and did they carry on?
Some good news – a survey was taken by the New Zealand Reserve Bank asking if citizens wanted to keep using cash. The citizens stated yes and why. Cash is staying as useful here.
Great News! And surprising
Catherine is brilliant and she is correct about government jobs and bureaucracy going to the private sector however she should clarify that they are not going to PEOPLE in the private sector – thee people are being replaced with AI – the private sector is lining up all the pieces to bring about global digital communism with an AI powered government. Hence MBT.
The digital system is being installed right in front of everyone’s MKULTRA faces and 99% don’t see it. Biden/Kamala was a manufactured problem so that Trump and the technocrats could “save”everyone. People had better stand firm with the principles that led them to vote for Trump and be prepared to follow those principles should Trump diverge from them(more than he already has). None of us want to be slaves.
Lefties Losing It: Rita Panahi mocks latest ‘Kamala world salad’
Sky News Australia 64,676 views Feb 17, 2025
Sky News host Rita Panahi has taken aim at Kamala Harris’ latest “world salad” during the former US vice president’s visit to New York City.
Trump’s Press Secretary SMACKS DOWN Woke NBC Reporter During Heated Deportation Debate
Claudinete Mônica crochê 4,956 views Feb 17, 2025
Trump’s Press Secretary SMACKS DOWN Woke NBC Reporter During Heated Deportation Debate
@phyllisjpresley288 31 minutes ago
Why are they so concerned about illegals…but could care less about Americans?
They will never forgive us as they quack in they’re boots, on the things coming upon the inhibited earth! Corporates technocracy be dammed!
The Fourth Turning: Is a Theory by William Strauss and Neil Howe that suggests Western History follows “a cyclical pattern” of four distinct phases: High, Awakening, Unraveling, and Crisis (each lasting about 25 years). Looking at the purchasing power of the US dollar over the last 100 years shows we are now at the 9-11 Crisis Stage!! So what does this mean for Gold going forward?? Well 9-11 times the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (911 x 3 = 2733) interestingly just about the recent price of Gold (in the Crisis Stage)!! As we begin to move out of the Crisis Phase to the Unraveling Phase (911 x 33) gold should rise to about $30,000 per ounce, the Awakening Phase (911 x 333) should put Gold at about Bitcoin’s eventual value $300,000 and at the High Phase (911 x 3333) Gold should beat Bitcoin and approach $3 Million Dollars per ounce!! Just a Theory Of Course!!! BUT – then again 9-11 was made a Call For Help to the Police and the Day chosen to bring down the World Trade Center – so why not the number to multiply by the Three Persons In One God (to determine the Price of “God’s Money” as we move through the next 3 turnings)!!!
I hope Catherine does share what she says to the Trump administration or to the State governments that she mentioned. All of the states I believe are Republican states.
Yay!!!! thank you for bringing Ms. Catherine back on.
she is my favorite guest. a completely independent critical thinker.
The early nephillum asked Godnid they could be saved and God said now since they were demon human hybrids. Those who take
The mark won’t be able to be saved either. That’s leads anyone who studies the word to conclude the mark contains demon dna or make the recipient a human demon hybrid. They also won’t be able to die even thought they’ll want to because of the torment they’ll experience due to Gods judgments. It’s really quite simple. Get saved ye must be born again
Jeff, I think are nailing the main point with this bioweapon AI technology injections our DNA is being changed to something different than God created. At some point those being transitioned will stop being human and have no chance of salvation as they become some kind of Nephillum demon hybrid.
The only answer is to do everything possible not to be injected or ingest this DNA altering AI technology and to detox and remove what is already in your body. Prayer is always a good thing but is not the only right thing to do here. You must take action or you will be transitioned and lose your soul. You can’t just take another injection and then ask God to bless it and protect you.
Jeff wrote, “ The early nephillum asked Godnid they could be saved and God said now since they were demon human hybrids.”
Interesting Jeff. Where is this in the Bible? Genesis?
Please post where you found this
American citizens should start calling all hospitals and businesses to see if they mandate clot shots and vaccines and then decide where we want to do business. It’s time we became more active in defense of our health. Standing on the side doesn’t work.
Please Fact Check This: I heard a person who was arrested in England and sentenced to 3 years in prison “for praying outside an abortion clinic” was immediately released from his jail cell for good behavior as soon as it was revealed he also attended a Bohemian Grove rally in the US where they burned babies!!!
FALSE: Seems it has gotten to the point in this VERY EVIL DEMONIC WORLD where just trying to silently pray, or atone for your sins, or get right with God “NOW REQUIRES THAT YOU BE LOCKED IN PRISON”!!!
Trump needs to change the Statute of Limitations for Treason in the United States, which is now Five Years as outlined under 18 U.S.C. § 3286 which effectively states that: “No person shall be Prosecuted, Tried, or Punished for Treason – unless indicted within Five Years after such offense shall have been committed”!! THERE SHOULD BE “NO TIME LIMITS SET” ON TREASON!!!! All the money “taken” in Bribes, etc. by our supposed Government Representatives should be “Clawed Back” and put into the new US Strategic Wealth Fund Trump is creating for the Benefit of the American People!!!! According to WikiLeaks and Google Trends – “search results” by those who Committed Treason shows they are searching for “criminal lawyers” (which has skyrocketed by 400% in Washington D.C. since Trump took office). Musk using AI can easily find the “backdoor dealings” (that these Traitors thought they Could Conceal from the American Public and which they are now scrambling to get off the grid by selling their Muli-million Dollar Homes and moving all their illegal bribe money into offshore accounts in Switzerland, etc., etc. and are probably also buying physical Gold and Silver)!!!
LIVE | Viktor Orban Warns of Dangers Ahead for European Democracy and Economy After JD Vance
Times Now World Started streaming 22 hours ago
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban issued a stark warning about the state of democracy in Europe. He argued that while citizens in Western Europe may have the opportunity to vote, the absence of effective governance means the system is verging on anarchy rather than true democracy. Orban emphasized that democracy should not only involve public participation but also lead to good governance. Without this outcome, he stated, the system risks collapsing into chaos. He also weighed in on Germany’s role, describing it as the economic powerhouse of Europe, but warned that the current political trajectory across the continent is troubling, with governance failing to meet the expectations of European citizens.
Trump gives remarks after Tulsi Gabbard is confirmed as Director of National Intelligence FOX 5 Washington DC 1,824,602 views Feb 12, 2025
President Donald Trump gave remarks after Tulsi Gabbard was confirmed as director of national intelligence.
Katherine understands that Digital ID :
Can be copied, changed, and deleted. You would have to keep it in your personal tracking and surveillance device, aka your cell phone.
While paper documents can be falsified and fabricated, it is much harder to do proper paper records/Documents than digital.
While the government can delete my digital ID, they have to physically come and take my physical ID.
A digital birth certificate is a radical transgender activist dream. They can easily be changed to show them what ever gender they are this week.
Gender is not fluid. There are two sexes, male and female and that has been a known fact for 10,000 years. Why this has become controversial in the last several years is a mystery to me. You have media claiming that “free speech” caused the holocaust!?!?!!
I mean, damn… these people have no shame.
Turns out George Orwell was a Prophet and had far sight. Look at what they have done to the UK and see what we stopped from happening in the next 4 years here. The UK is lost and America is on the edge.
The Demons call Christians especially white men and if they served their nation, terrorists. The Demons put 70 yr old women in Jail for praying outside of a Satanic baby murder factory. Yes, we Christians are the problems yet they ignore the Chinese communists and the moslem terrorists flooding the border, hidden among the other violent rapists, murderers and pedophiles. These are the Biden/Harris people. The wolves brought in to be Demoncrats Brownshirts and rape, murder and rob ua.
Hmmmm… only 25 million or so people in America over 100 years old… does that seem suspicious to anyone? I mean beside the Demoncrats?
I mean the Dead consistently vote Demoncrat 100 to 1 over Republicans.
MAGA & Trump are going to get a NASTY surprise in March…heheheh…
What is it?
Let’s just say that…3rd time’s the charm…heheheh…
You should be jailed.
I would suggest you forward his info to the secret service.
Awwwww…look at the 2 triggered little Snowflakes…
If a “mean” comment online makes you melt this fast…what is going to happen this Summer when Antifa & BLM re-mobilize and it gets REALLY hot???
The Resistance is coming for you…and Drumpf will NOT finish his term in office…
“Mean” comment verses alluding to evil…
Yeah, I stand by my comment about poor deluded fool
You poor demented fool. Delusions of grandeur much. We welcome you, your “team” of freaks and the rest of the Alphabet people to revolution.
Another keyboard warrior sitting in his own filth in Mommy’s basement, typing impotent threats. Gotta love these petty demons, they are so self deluded they think anyone cares
From someone with purple hair or a male with a limp wrist?
‘Hard truths’ revealed: JD Vance’s ‘eloquent’ Munich speech praised
Sky News Australia Feb 18, 2025
UnHerd Washington DC correspondent Emily Jashinsky commends US Vice President JD Vance for revealing the “hard truths” about free speech and migration during his speech at the Munich Security Conference.
“It is remarkable to hear an American leader speaking this way and I would add to that it’s remarkable to see somebody on the right who is as high profile in American politics as JD Vance is speaking this way at a conference like this,” Ms Jashinsky said.
“These are things that have been unspoken for a long time and JD Vance very eloquently made an argument in front of people who’d never hear this type of criticism.
“These are hard truths that go unspoken very often.”
Desperate To Avoid Prosecution For Protecting Pedophiles, Globalist Puppet Keir Starmer Says That He Is Ready To Send The UK’s Military Forces Into Ukraine In A Reckless Attempt To Trigger WWIII/Starmer seeks war instead of accountability.
By InfoWars February 18th, 2025
DEEP STATE IS IN FULL PANIC MODE! Alex Jones & Roger Stone Expose Lawfare Kingpin Norm Eisen, Who Was The Key Player In The Theft Of The 2020 Election, The Jan 6 Fed Insurrection, As Well As The Persecution Of President Trump, Elon Musk, & THE Free Press “A FREE PRESS MAKES & MEANS A FREE PEOPLE”
ALSO BREAKING! DOGE Discovers USAID Secretly Funnels $4 Billion To Bill Gates PLUS Another $880 Million To The World Health Organization That Also Received Over $700 Million! By InfoWars February 18th, 2025
Lefties Losing It: Mid-WESTERNER Tom Hanks’ mock Southerners
In ‘pathetic performance’ on SNL/ Sky News Australia 694,202 views Feb 18, 2025
Sky News host Rita Panahi slammed Tom Hanks’ “pathetic performance” on SNL’s 50th anniversary portrayal of Hank’s racist Trump supporter.
SHAME ON YOU HANK’S Even Lincoln didn’t stoop so low, you jerking joker!
U.S. News
Video: ‘Drunk’ Kamala Emerges on Broadway, Delivers Word Salads to Musical Cast
by Adan Salazar February 17th, 2025 7:16 PM
Harris appears worse for wear as she offers ‘drunken’ words of wisdom to cast of Louis Armstrong musical.
Total Democratic insanity…
New US law could see men fined £8000 for ejaculating ‘without intent to conceive’:
A pioneering bill has been put forward in Ohio that would make it a serious crime for men to ejaculate unless they plan to father a child. The proposed law, introduced by Democratic House Representative Anita Somani, aims to regulate male reproductive rights in the same way as women’s.
Greg, this is interesting. From the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Lou Ignarro for his discovery of NITRIC OXIDE =
@ 4:30 and especially at @ 7:50 which might explain why Fauci and others did NOT want people getting into the fresh air, hitting the beachs and exercising and closed gyms. AS his three way of getting NO is good balanced diet, exercise while breathing in thru nose which helps release NO into the lungs while helping relax and widen the airways, as NO is also an anti-virial that has amazing ability to kill COVID SARS!
Might consider if one has inadequate diet…or does not eat enough Citrulline based foods, which are the precursors of arginine and nitic oxide =
WHICH this article says =
‘ More research has confirmed L-citrulline’s benefits on systolic blood pressure in participants of a wide age range.
Another way that L-citrulline benefits the heart is through reducing endothelial dysfunction — a coronary artery disease causing the heart’s blood vessels to constrict. L-citrulline alleviates endothelial dysfunction by converting into nitric oxide, a necessary component in artery function. These benefits will strengthen the heart as the body ages.
Through relaxing blood vessels, L-citrulline can assist with the treatment of various diseases by boosting the body’s immune system. “
Visiting Destin Florida for the winter and have observed that most of the restaurants offer a discount for using cash instead of card. (unlike Edinburgh, Scotland where I observed in 2024 that many would not even accept cash)
As of Friday, Feb. 14 our national debt stands at $36.2 Trillion Dollars. This evening, Bill O’Reilly said: “Once our total national debt hits 45 T, a default will likely occur”. We add $ 2 Trillion more in Federal Debt every year. Do the math. At current rates of debt formation, we barely have 4 more years left before our dollar blows-up.
So, for every $ 1 Trillion President Trump and Elon Musk at D.O.G.E. can shave-off of this year’s and subsequent year’s spending and resulting deficits, the longer we have before a currency and sovereign debt crisis is likely to erupt.
President Trump realizes we must produce more than we consume or we can not succeed as a nation simply living on more and more debt. There are always limits and we are pushing our luck, as it is. We must change direction or risk financial crises and anarchy.
We have to either return to the values and traditions of our grandparents or suffer accordingly. For awhile, as President Trump hinted at, we may have hardships or austerity. WE must accept Elon and Donald Trump’s fiscal medicine and get off our over- dependence on cheap credit. Credit and interest rates are being reset.
The extra time is necessary to reshore production and primarily sell only what we can produce here at home, while locking-out imports from unfriendly nations such as China and its allies. Laid-off government workers will be forced to retrain or learn new “tricks” while earning much lower salaries inc. any benefits. Govt. assistance may also be required depending upon the level of newly unemployed.
If the FED were to do QE inorder to buy all the new Treasury debt in the absent of foreign buyers, inflation would likely spike into the double digits or more. The dollar might weaken and interest rates would have to go up, possibly by alot.
LIVE | Trump Stuns with Aggressive New Approach to Zelensky’s Ukraine Policies! | World News
Times Now World
Started streaming 9 hours ago #live #worldnews #ukraine
LIVE | Trump Stuns with Aggressive New Approach to Zelensky’s Ukraine Policies! | World News
Donald Trump has made a stunning revelation about his Ukraine policy, demanding security guarantees in the form of rare earth minerals in exchange for U.S. military and financial support. His America First approach signals a dramatic shift from Biden’s unconditional aid strategy. Critics argue that Trump is turning war into a business transaction, while supporters claim he is protecting American interests and taxpayers’ money.
A quick count is much harder to defraud… Which is why Kraft Katie is against
Oop’s, where’d that come from?
Is there a single honest, honorable Dem Judge?
Who many honest Dem judges are there? In Calculus there is a function as X approach Zero. That would an honest Dem judge count… approaching Zero.
That a learned person can say this with a straight face is appalling…
Deep State Spooks Exposed! – John B Wells LIVE
John B. Wells – Caravan to Midnight Started streaming 85 minutes ago
Topic: Deep State Spooks Exposed! …Live chat
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With all due respect your guest doesn’t understand how Bitcoin operates. It would not be possible to raise the supply cap since if they can actually get this majority your guest refers to, it would result in a hard fork which would just create another cryptocurrency thus maintaining the original Bitcoin and it’s cap limit. The people that she cites are investors. They are not developers and do not understand Bitcoin source code, core, protocol, governance, the 10’s of 1000’s of nodes and miners, each with their own vested interests that form it’s network. The 1000’s of nodes actually run 100’s of different versions of something called Bitcoin core. If any invalid blocks to change Bitcoin in any way enter they will be kicked out of the system. To change something like a hard cap all 10’s of 1000’s of nodes would have to all agree in something called “consensus” since there is no governing body in Bitcoin with is purely anarchic. Even this would not be enough to change it since Bitcoin is not run by miners but also by the 10’s of 1000’s of nodes. When a miner submits a block, 10’s of 1000’s of nodes who all work independently need to verify the block. Your guest mentions 70%. Well in 2017 they actually had 95% which was known as a blocksize war when 95% of the miners agreed to raise the block size, a major change to Bitcoin’s protocol. Even that massive majority failed since the nodes and users refused to change it. Even if they can somehow get the changes into Bitcoin core itself it would require every node in the network to accept the change or a hard fork would occur thus preserving the original Bitcoin with it’s supply cap. In conclusion, a majority which your guest refers to will only create another crypto with the original Bitcoin being preserved thus maintaining it’s original cap and block size.
Who are you, Steve? CAF has travelled the world managing hundreds of billions of dollars in assets. Post your credentials for this sort of analysis. Otherwise, it means nothing. You could be a troll/AI/Bot for all we know. I will trust CAF anytime. This does not mean you can’t make a ton of cash on the pump of BTC, but you have to know when to dump, and there will be a dump by the big money players.
Is Peter Dutton Australia’s Donald Trump? | 60 Minutes Australia
60 Minutes Australia 61,991 views Feb 16, 2025
What Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s wife and children really think about federal politics. At Home with the Duttons (2025)
The Labor Party in Britain who is locking people in prison for three(3) years “for praying” (in front of Abortion Clinics “Killing Babies”) has now Announced they will be “Increasing Spending” on their so called “non-preying” Migrants (who Rape and Murder Adults)!!
Get It Straight In Your Mind Folks How Commies Operate: [Three(3) years in Prison for “Praying” (to stop the Killing of Babies) – and Increased Benefits for those “Preying” upon (Raping and Killing) Adults] !!!
this is unwarranted fear because ww3 will hit before any global ID mark of the beast forms. because you are ignorant of the history that’s fulfilled all chapters of Revelation up to ch 17, you have little discernment about end time prophecy, as I clearly prove at and the 14 signs to ww3 coming sooner than you think are at yall are sadly missing out on what God has supernaturally revealed in prophecy in these more modern times and stuck in a 1970s deception of Futurism of the Christian publishing industry Sci fi.
Sure, Bill. You have info Jesus doesn’t.
Lefties Losing It: Celebs embarrass themselves with lame Trump jokes
Sky News Australia Feb 19, 2025
Sky News host Rita Panahi has taken aim at the “painfully unfunny” jibes by celebrities directed at US President Donald Trump during the 2025 BAFTAs.
‘Where are your balls?’: Megyn Kelly slams Munich security head for crying at conference Sky News Australia Feb 19, 2025
‘The Megyn Kelly Show’ host Megyn Kelly has reacted to the chairman of the Munich Security Conference tearing up in a speech after JD Vance’s addressed the conference.
“It’s amazing; I wish so much I had been in the audience as a member of the press where I could have just said, ‘excuse me sir, on behalf of the world, where are your balls?’” Ms. Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray.
“Would you grow a pair? Of course, they are crying over Elon and his tough talk.
“The tears are a perfect metaphor for what is happening in that country.”
British Musician Roger Waters’ Explosive Address at the UNSC Sends Shockwaves Across the West. The Africa News Network 204,333 views Feb 17, 2025
Satan’s Minions have cool hats…
And they want to destroy America while enriching their fat a$$es
When you try to program an artificial, always learning therefore adapting, intelligence to lie what would you expect the outcome to be other than total rebellion?
Greg, some good water conservation methods for some smaller ranchers, farmers, and orchard producers to think about. Especially those ‘NEW’ ones that have moved from the cities of late and are clueless as to what generational producers have to deal with during excess and droughts over time. Heads up preppers =
Learn How the Trump / DOGE Shutdown of The USAID Money Laundering Operation Has Caused Soros / Globalist Networks to Collapse in Europe & Around the World by InfoWars February 19th, 2025 The Soros money will run dry.
Ukraine War Bombshell! Trump Publicly Destroys Zelensky!
by February 18th, 2025
The President pointed out that Zelensky is a dictator with a 4% approval rating and can’t account for 150 billion in missing US aid money.
47′ went on to destroy the dreams of blood thirsty warmongers by saying “even a half-baked negotiator” could have ended this war and that it will soon be over.
The war is ending, and “Z” is having a hard time getting it. I think he is clinging to power because he will be prosecuted for masive death and crime.
What does it pay for a man like “Z” to have All the Money in the World (for a few Earth years) – If the Demon’s Immortal Soul then has to Spend Eternity in the Black Hole of Nothingness (God Specifically Created in the Universe for such Demons) called “Z”ero or HELL!!!
Greg, Jillian Michaels surprised to hear that the mRNA shots is NOT a vaccine but an code with b instructions for your cells to make SPIKE proteins which appears is enhanced bi0-sharing due to shedding? = Heather Heying Ph.D @ 51;00
These CV19 vaxed people need treatment to stop the spike production. Ivermectin is the treatment most favored by doctors like Pierrie Kory.
Greg, totally agree…but was surprized that Ms. Michaels was and that she seems to NOT know about the work of the Drs you interviewed and of course that of Karen Kingston and what is on her Substack.
Yale Scientists Link COVID Shot to a Rare, Alarming Syndrome that Causes “Distinct Biological Changes” in the Body
Dear Greg, great program as usual with You and Ms. Fitts. Towards the end You and Ms. Fitts were discussing how science and technology are needed to progress. Well I can only recommend that the DOGE, if it its reading this comment, should look into that other centre of state-sponsorred grift and law-fare, the USPTO. Honestly, I have long come to the conclusion that the culture of management there enacted on the examiners is that an examiner should “grant everything and let the courts decide”. The amount of frivolous patents with nothing but desiderata type claims and minimal technical content is astounding. I would also include patents which should not , in my opinion at least, have been granted because the claims thereof merely describe features of old known inventions using different terminology.
When I say desiderata type claims, I mean a claim of a patent which defines a scope of protection as being a problem to be solved rather than any technical solution thereto. That is wording written in such legalistic terms, either by a patent troll or by a lawyer for an actual firm, such that should an engineer or scientist actually come up with a solution to that problem, that scientist or engineer is penalised through lawfare therefor by that patent troll or firm.
And when I say minimal technical content, I mean of a level of technical content where the examiner and/or applicant should be embarressed to call it a utility model. But legalistically it is in the sense of less is more, the less features the proprietor declares, the broader the scope of protection until the scope of protection is so braod that it may even cover state of the art technology.
This is not helful for any industry where innovations which may or may not be useful (let the market decide) are held up by a parasitic contingent which simply wishes to prosper from the sweat of others.
But big industry doesn´t complain, nor does the USPTO. My suspicion is that big industry is quite happy with it because it keeps innovators and owners of small businesses from threatening their respective markets. That is the owners of small businesses are too busy fighting off frivolous court cases rather than to invest time in their real work. On the otherhand, the USPTO is quite happy to receive the renewal fees from any proprietor of a granted patent, whether directly from big industry itself, or from legalistic opportunists who purchase patents from firms with the hope of persuading a court that the terminology of within the claims cover a technology which another entreprenor is happening to be using at the time in his business . The USPTO, in my opinion, in this respect at least has become a hub for an industry of patent lawyer grifters.
But I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. It is rumoured that many technologies produced by small businesses or actual individual inventors have been bought up by large firms i.e. in order to maintain the status quo of a world dependent on energy in the form of oil at least. Some of these patents must be over 20 years old now, and are therefor open for anyone willing to exploit the described technology within without having to pay any licence fee to a proprietor. My free advise to anyone reading this comment and wishing to exploit these now free to use technologies is to (with the advise of a patent lawyer of course) study the wording of the claims of these either expired or collapsed patents (a patent collapses when the proprietor is deemed to have no longer payed the required renewal fees therefor and thereafter loses his legal protection), to make sure you are operating within a scope of protection of the expired or lapsed patent for whatever service or product You wish to provide. Should You be brought to court by some objector, You can then point out to a judge that You are operating within the bounds of the claims of the technology described in the expired or collapsed patent. Therefor You should not be required to obtain a license from anyone to be able to exploit the technology described therein (but talk to a lawyer first).
President Trump coming into office reminds me of a Star Trek episode where Kirk was disabled and an incompetent captain was in his place. The Enterprise was in a difficult situation. Kirk took over after he was successfully treated, and he quickly rectified the situation.
Great episode David and a great analogy
This article provides insightful analysis on digital IDs, featuring Catherine Austin Fitts’ expert perspective on potential risks to financial freedom.
Hi Greg. I love your guests. I’d love more information on ChatGBT that Catherine mentioned.
elon does not want to put or force anything in your brain he said he would never allow his chip to be used unless youill die without it…..