Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for my family, my country and the great folks participating in this site.  Have a wonderful and happy day!!!  Peace.  Greg Hunter

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  1. Fnpmitchreturms

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Greg, It is now time to take a breath and re-ingivorate our pursuit of the money changers who are milking our economy for every dollar they can before we collapse. I hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, Mitch bupp

    • Greg

      Thank you Mitch for your support and kind wishes. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!!

      • Thomas G. Brown

        Hey Greg-

        Best wishes to you and your family during this Thanksgiving Holiday. I continue to enjoy your articles everyday and use your work as one of the models for my own writings.

        • Greg

          Thank you Thomas!

  2. sensetti

    Thank you for your hard work

    • Greg

      Thank you for your support and kind words!

  3. steve

    Greg, been busy today going to family gatherings. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving day with family. And thanks for all your efforts and opinions on this site.

    • Greg

      Thank you Steve! Have a nice weekend!

  4. Larry W. Bryant

    == But: No Thanks Are Due to Congress’s Stupor Committee for Its Chasing of UFOs (Uninspired Fiscal Operations) ==

    Come Red Monday, we should start figuring out how to RECALL every member of Congress for having sold us out over a myriad of Thanksgivings. — Larry W. Bryant (25 Nov 11)

  5. Taylor

    We all certainly have much to be thankful for…but thankful TO Whom?..;)….Ephesians 5:20
    giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

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