Intel Agencies Caught in Massive Voter Fraud – Dr. Jerome Corsi

By Greg Hunter’s 

Dr. Jerome Corsi has a Harvard PhD in political science.  He has written more than 30 books with many of them becoming best-sellers.  Dr. Corsi’s latest project is about voter fraud.  Corsi says he can prove Donald Trump really did win in 2020.  There were also countless down-ballot thefts in 2020 and in 2024.  Dr. Corsi and others have uncovered a grand scam that dates back to the early 2000’s that has cheated people into office that actually lost.  The architects of the steal can be traced back to U.S. intel agencies.  Dr. Corsi created a website for this project called and explains, “ is named after the David and Goliath Bible story.  This is when David picks up five smooth stones from the brook, and they are the exact ones needed to kill Goliath.  That’s what we are aiming to do is to kill this Goliath of voter fraud.”

The voter fraud is hidden in the voter rolls that every state government maintains.  Corsi says, “You look at state records, and there might be 12 million records and there might be 2 million false records.  They look legitimate until you really analyze them, and then you realize they are duplicates or clones.  If you send out people to canvas them, there is nobody there.  They are falsified and hidden in the data base.  It’s like a card marking scheme. . . . They did not use the algorithms in the 2024 Election for President because we were on the lookout for it.  The down-ballot elections (House, Governor and Senate) used these algorithms, and they cheated.”

Corsi estimates they cheated 20 House Democrats and 5 Democrat Senators into office in 2024.  His group is already bringing cases in places like Florida.  Eventually, the Trump DOJ and FBI will prosecute this sort of voter fraud embedded in every state election data base.  Many state election officials do not even realize this sort of fraud is embedded in their systems.  Corsi believes this complicated voter fraud algorithm was planted by U.S. intel agencies.  Dr. Corsi says, “There is no task more important.  If we don’t have legitimate voting, nothing else really matters because we will have lost our freedoms.  If the intelligence agencies have decided to run our elections, I think we are going to find out how much lying they have done to us. . . . There could be treason charges in this, and there should be treason charges in this.  Whoever figured this scheme out and put it in, committed treason because they took away the legitimacy of the vote.”

The President was recently briefed about this voter fraud scheme.  Dr. Corsi says this is now a top priority of the Trump Administration.  Trump has long contended that he won the 2020 Election, and Dr. Corsi says his group and the data it has uncovered can prove Trump is right.  Corsi says, “If we don’t fix this, we will never have another fair election.  If we don’t fix this, we have lost our democracy, we have lost our freedoms.  We were very close to losing our freedoms as it was.  If we would not have found these algorithms and exposed them, I don’t think Donald Trump would have won in 2024.  They can steal as many votes as they need to steal an election.  The only limitation is when they have to steal so many, it becomes apparent.  If you go to, you can see all the data for free.”

There is more in the 57-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One on One with Dr. Jerome Corsi where he uncovers election fraud and treason done by our own intel agencies.

After the Interview:

To keep up with the progress of the massive voter fraud uncovered by Dr. Corsi, go to

To donate to fund election integrity by Dr. Corsi and his group, you can make a tax deductible donation by clicking here.   ( is a 501 c3.)

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  1. The True Nolan

    Dr. Corsi makes an absolutely fundamental point! Any objective observer has known for years that the elections have been rigged. It is only by hard work and the grace of God that Trump has made his way to the White House. No matter how excited we may all be to see the massive steps he is taking to wipe out the corruption in our government, unless the elections can be made honest once again, all the hard work will disappear with the next election. Celebrate our political victories over the entrenched traitors, but remember that regardless of what battles we win, the only way to win the war is to stop the election fraud.


    • Greg Hunter

      I agree and Amen!

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