ISIS Only Understands Gunfire-Karl Denninger

Karl_Denninger_Interview_Financial_Crisis_2012By Greg Hunter’s 

Financial analyst and writer Karl Denninger says forget about President Obama’s promise of “no boots on the ground” in the fight with the Islamic State.  There will be boots, and Denninger explains, “Air power has never won a war, and it never will.  You can bomb people until you think you bomb them back into the Stone Age, and they just go hide.  You destroy their infrastructure, and they just come back out.  The only way you take territory is to go and take territory. . . . The real problem is we, as a nation, have looked the other way while a number of countries in that part of the world have armed and trained terrorists.  I will include on that list Saudi Arabia.  In the classified sections of the 9/11 Report, there is some pretty damning evidence about them being directly involved . . .  in the murder of 3,000 Americans on our soil.  That is not yet in the public, and it still is not in the public more than 10 years later.  There have been enough people talking about it that it is no longer in the realm of tinfoil speculation.  We can state we can be reasonably certain that this is, in fact, what happened, but these are our so-called best friends.”  Denninger goes on to say, “You have a group of people that don’t have the kind of political debate that we have in this country and most of the free world.  It is a very different view.  It is a medieval view.  It is a view that you used to see in 1100 A.D.  They understand one language, and it’s gunfire.”

On the possibility of wider war and economic fallout, Denninger says, “War is bad for the economy.  What does war do in the general sense?  War takes production out of the economy and diverts it to blowing things up which sounds great except for one thing–it raises people’s stress levels.  It depresses confidence, and most importantly, in today’s world, it damages international trade.  Remember, this is always the argument from the globalists and that is if I trade with you, you are less likely to shoot at me.  Well, there is another side to that and that is if I trade with you and build my economy trading with you and then we start shooting at each other, that trade gets disrupted and goes away. What does that do to my economy?”

On the ongoing Ukraine crisis, Denninger says, “Whatever we thought they could possibly get by tampering with the Ukrainian political process, and we did and they did, when you knew that Russia had their only 12 month deep water navel port in Crimea, is utterly ridiculous.  How did we come down that road?  Strategically, this is an impossible goal.  You are poking a bear that is eventually going to wake up and bite.  He doesn’t want to bite, but you backed him into a corner and expect them to give this up.  It’s not going to happen.”

On whether the economy is getting ready to crash or take off to new highs, Denninger says, “How do you take off?  Where is the consumption base that forms 60% of our economic output?  We have a small percentage of the population that has done extremely well with this so called reflation.  However, we have everybody else who has done very poorly.”  One of the biggest drags on the economy will be further implementation of Obama Care in 2015.  When next year comes around, Denninger says, “The worst of this impact will come after the elections in November.  I think coming into 2015, you are going to see a major deterioration in the employment index.  That’s bad news for the economy as a whole.”  Denninger thinks we could be headed for a 1930’s style depression and adds, “The longer that the Fed stays involved in their manipulation of market rates, the more likely it becomes. . . . The problem with the Fed and fiat currencies is, in nominal terms, you can prevent the deflation.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Karl Denninger of

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview:   

Denninger wrote a prophetic book called “Leverage” in 2011.  The subtitle gives an excellent description.  It says, “How cheap money will destroy the world.”  Isn’t that what’s happening right now?  If you would like to buy a copy of “Leverage” please click here.  There is also lots of free content on       

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  1. allen ols

    greg……(tooo funny) we will give’em back HOT, DIRTY, AND EMPTY, bahahahhh, that is rich!!!

    John Williams, and Rob kirby say, hyper-inflation, Karl D. says stagflation. this will be interesting.

    For me, these analyst’s need only be 80% accurate in their future predictions, of events, to keep me on my toes.

    very good interview.

  2. Oracle 911

    Hi Greg
    Well it is about ISIS/ISIL, which is successor of the Mudjaheddins.
    The very 1st group was joint project of the Saudis, Qatar and the US gov/CIA and it was used against the CCCP. This joint project was later renamed as Al Quaeda and then ISIS. To tell the truth Saudis and Qatar backed the Al Quaeda/ISIS until a year ago when it was aimed at Syria, but then it was re-aimed at the Saudis and Qatar and the rest of the Middle East by the CIA and the Mossad (well they do everything to protect Israel, so it is plausible). The Saudi and Qatar backing ended in therm of finance and manpower about a year ago and the re-aim happened about 6 moth ago (see the statement of the Saudi king about ISIS and how they moved the army on the Iraq Saudi border).
    Why they stopped the backing? Just one word: China. Which strangely want a secure land route for its resources from Russia and ME and extremists in pay of CIA don’t make things secure.

    Just my 2 cents
    Oracle 911

    PS: When will be the next interview with Jim Willie?

    • Jerry

      You’re dead on. Its about China and nothing else.

      • allen ols

        This is Huge: Chinese Renminbi Becomes Directly Tradable with the Euro

        by Simon Black
        Sovereign Man

        The Chinese central bank, People’s Bank of China, issued a press release announcing the authorization of direct trading between the renminbi and the euro on the inter-bank foreign exchange market.

        This is huge. The euro is the second most traded currency in the world, after the US dollar. The European Union is already China’s biggest trading partner and this is a major step in further increasing trade and investment ties with the EU as there is now a direct exchange rate between the two currencies, without the need to use the US dollar as the conduit.

        The renminbi is quickly marching down the path of internationalization as the Chinese currency is now directly exchangeable with the US dollar, Australian dollar, New Zealand dollar, Japanese yen, British pound, Russian ruble, and Malaysian ringgit.

    • allen ols


      YES sir u are correct!!

      • Desert Rose

        ..the US will get its butt kicked. LOSERS.
        Just like ‘Nam, and the rest.
        The NWO is waaayyy too dumb to beat out China & Russia combined.
        Nat Rothschilde is hawking taxi service in London. What does that tell us?

        So, how do we make Congress & Senate accountable for all this?

        • Silence is Golden

          “The NWO is waaayyy too dumb to beat out China & Russia combined”……
          Newsflash…..China and Russia are part of the NWO.
          Consider the meaning in the literal sense… will be a NEW…WORLD ….ORDER….(from West to EAST). 😉

          • allen ols

            S I G;

    • Ken Multitaski

      Anyone seriously concerned about these matters needs to first understand the deep connection between the Wahhabi sect and the House of Saud. Even the brief Wikipedia article on Wahhabi movement will open door to a much deeper understanding of the historical precursors, and ‘Western levers’ which actually date back to the British colonial era. What we see today is just the icing on the cake.

  3. allen ols

    new report on sanctions……

    The US has been the driving force behind implementing sanctions against Russia, but President Obama’s pattern of failed foreign policy is repeating yet again.
    The sanctions against Russia are backfiring on the US.
    We at Casey Research were the first to state that the sanctions were not going to play out the way Obama had intended. As I’ve stated in these missives, the Russians are playing a complex game of chess; Obama is at the table, but he thinks he’s playing Connect Four.
    Consider this example: France needs Russian natural gas. Total SA has just announced that the company is seeking financing for a gas project in Russia, in spite of the current sanctions against Russia. What’s the catch?
    Patrick de la Chevardière, CFO of Total SA (which is France’s largest energy company), has publicly announced that Total is looking to finance its share in the $27-billion Yamal LNG project using euros, yuan, Russian rubles, and any other currency but US dollars.
    “The effect of US sanctions was that Yamal LNG will be prevented from raising any dollar financings,” de la Chevardière stated in London at a news briefing.
    Checkmate to Obama.
    Total SA is relying on the Yamal project, which is expected to start in 2017, to provide a big chunk of the company’s production growth.
    How big is Yamal?
    Really big. Proven reserves are equivalent to over 800 million barrels of oil-equivalent.
    Are American Companies Even Paying Attention to the Sanctions Against Russia? No
    ExxonMobil, America’s largest oil company, has been drilling a well with Rozneft (Russia’s largest oil company) in the Russian Arctic offshore.
    According to the rules of the sanctions against Russia, ExxonMobil shouldn’t be doing any more work with the Russians in Russia. Do the sanctions apply to ExxonMobil? No. ExxonMobil is still drilling the well with Rozneft in Russia.
    ExxonMobil got the equivalent of a hall pass from the US government to complete the well, using the excuse that it’s environmentally safer to complete the well than to allow the Russians to do it alone…….more on link…..

  4. Sam Grant

    Hi Greg.
    Interesting article with Karl Denninger. Lately, I’ve been visiting his website more and more.
    What is noteworthy about the vast majority of your guests is they are all saying it’s a MATHEMATICAL certainty our existing financial system will fail. There is no doubt about that now. There is in fact 0% chance of the existing financial system surviving.
    But the question that is begging to be asked now is, “Post collapse, are we going to participate in forming a new financial system that DOESN’T work solely for the benefit of the governments, banks and large corporations, or are we going to keep up the status quo and let the Powers That Shouldn’t Be herd us into yet another “all for them, none for us” system? I think all we contrarians need to be looking that far into the future and start taking action on it. Otherwise, yet another group of big, wealthy, old, faceless white men (the type we’ve seen in photos of yore) are going to sit down and re-do it FOR THEM (again)! But this time, the world will be one giant gulag. Prepping for the collapse is absolutely necessary, but prepping for post-collapse is even more so IMO.

    • Greg Hunter

      Good point Sam. Yes sir, there is consensus on the collapse scenario. That is for sure. Thank you for commenting.

    • allen ols

      It is called Justice, or Just-us at the top of the food chain.

    • Charles H.

      Sam Grant,

      Bingo! Those Powers That Shouldn’t Be are holding the resources and authoritarian cards. The militarization of police and National Guards, with spying – sure gives cause to worry that America will go into one, big Stalag.

    • Silence is Golden

      You raise an interesting point my friend.
      The failure of one system logically implies by necessity the implementation of an alternative.
      That being said it follows therefore…..
      That the agenda of the elite and so called self appointed rulers includes pushing the envelope to ensure removal of all remaining sovereignty (via the political Zionist movement). The ultimate aim is to implant the ideal of a One World Government where living in a safer world without wars and conflict is paramount. One Global Social Welfare State where every human earns their existence thanks to the NON- Elected Government. If you are non-compliant you will not be fed.
      Yes the destruction of the current monetary / financial system is beyond doubt… A Certainty.
      Participation is through your survival only. You have no say in the matter.
      Nothing different to the current system that served its masters well.

    • Old Dog

      Mr. Grant.
      A clear-sighted perception that, perhaps, many have not thought through.

      What are people stockpiling food, medicine and ammo for?
      Survival, yes, but to live in what condition?
      Isolation? Anarchy? Totalitarianism?

      Someone told me they were moving to the mountains to hide away.
      What are they running from?
      Financial collapse? (Is it possible to escape that?) EMP attack? WWIII? The Government (is that possible)? NWO?

      What are they running to?
      So, one has stockpiled food for 25 years.
      You survive — for what?
      Just looking out for “yourself” for 25 years, shooting anyone who comes near your “stuff” or “messes with your life”?
      Doesn’t sound like a wonderful life or society to live in, to me.

      Many want to criticize the government and its evolving police state.
      Many want to criticize the elite and their overriding self-interest in preserving themselves at the cost of destroying everyone else.
      Is not that self-preservation — “just me” mindset driving the agenda of the “survivalists”?

      Who is planning for rebuilding society after the fall?
      Who is organizing a force, a voice, a people-power to speak up NOW to the “powers-that-be” and act to circumvent what is being predicted?

      I don’t hear that voice.
      I hear people saying “it’s inevitable” and throwing up their hands.
      I hear people condemning the sheeple for being asleep and “doing nothing,” but I don’t see these people doing anything either but “protecting themselves.”
      “Hey, I know the sh– is about to hit the fan and all those dumb sheeple out there will get what they deserve. I got my food and I got my ammo. I’m ready.”

      Ready for what?
      Living in a world full of people who care only about themselves — whether it be elitists or survivalists?

      Matthew 24: 11-12
      Any many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray.
      And because of the abounding of lawlessness, the love of many shall become cold.

      “Lawlessless” — the moving away from the truth of God’s Word (Genesis to Revelation) and the teachings of Jesus Christ: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

      verse 13: But he who endures to the end shall be saved.

      Who is “he”? The one who endures in the Love of Christ and steadfastness in God’s Word, obedience to His laws and His love. That one shall be saved.

      For the loveless, Lawless world is on a collision course with God.
      vs 21-22: For there shall be then great tribulation, such as was not from the beginning of the world till now, no, nor may be. And if those days were not shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but because of the chosen shall those days be shortened.

      Mankind is on a course to destroy itself, but God will intervene.
      But God is not returning for the “just-me” people.

  5. Jerry

    Greg, I love karl Denninger but I don’t think his economic principles apply in our current economic situation. In normal markets conditions, absolutely. But when you have a market that is controlled by a shadow Banking Cabal that has its puppet arm up the sleeve of our “so called republic”, controlling not only the Federal Reserve Banks, but our Court Systems as well, what do you have? We all know the answer to that question.

    The bigger question that everyone wants to know is “WHY HASN’T THE SYSTEM COLLPASED ALREADY’ ?? The short answer is, the parasite (the Banking Cabal) that has attached itself to the host (our financial system) is not done gorging itself on our resources. The Federal Reserve Bank ( who is the City of London Corporation) is pumping cheap money into the system right now through QE, in order to sustain it until they are finished draining every last resource they can get their hands on.

    Greg I recently learned that the Banking Cabal was directly involved with the mortgage scandal ( by way of the Depository Clearing Corporation) that caused the housing markets to collapse in 2007. They created an artificial bubble by pumping cheap money into the housing market, drawing profits off the top as it expanded until they were done, and then collapsed it. And now their doing the same thing with the Stock Market with QE. Its all artificial. Ask Karl Denninger why he thinks Gold and Silver prices continue to be suppressed? There’s no way it can be normal market principles when you see the demand world wide.

    One last thing. Take a look at this picture for a minute and let it soak in.
    Who do you think, the Banking Cabals next host will be, when they’re done draining our blood and treasure? Follow the money. Or should I say follow the Gold train? Right now its heading East.

    Thanks Greg for your diligence.

    • allen ols


      U SAID;

      The bigger question that everyone wants to know is “WHY HASN’T THE SYSTEM COLLPASED ALREADY’ ?? The short answer is, the parasite (the Banking Cabal) that has attached itself to the host (our financial system) is not done gorging itself on our resources. The Federal Reserve Bank ( who is the City of London Corporation) is pumping cheap money into the system right now through QE, in order to sustain it until they are finished draining every last resource they can get their hands on.

      Greg I recently learned that the Banking Cabal was directly involved with the mortgage scandal ( by way of the Depository Clearing Corporation) that caused the housing markets to collapse in 2007. They created an artificial bubble by pumping cheap money into the housing market, drawing profits off the top as it expanded until they were done, and then collapsed it. And now their doing the same thing with the Stock Market with QE. Its all artificial.

      CORRECT !!!!!

    • AL HALL

      Jerry: Your picture- been happening now for sometime. Saudis know the USA is going to default on their debt- China also knows this- been known for at least a decade. USA can not be trusted- so new friendship and partners are formed.
      You should realize the Catholic church is behind much of this with the banksters. Look up and study Jordan Maxwell – – this is Project Camelot site- lots of great info here. Jordan is extremely knowledgeable on the occult- hidden truths from history. worth your time.


      • Jerry

        You are so right. This interview needs to be seen by anyone wanting to know the truth. Like I’ve said before, who do you think the money changers were, that Christ drove out of the Temple? These people have been at it a very long tine, moving from one civilization to the next. Like Lucifer said in the garden of Eden “you can buy anything in this world with money”.

      • NC

        Watching Jordan Maxwell…..thanks much!

  6. Chip

    OT but a must see video on Ebola for all my fellow USA Watchdog followers…

    • West Tejas

      This Ebola virus is bullish for Liposomal Vitamin C and Nano Silver 10ppm solutions. I’m upgrading them to a strong buy .

      On a serious note, check out this video from 60 Minutes about how Liposomal and Intervenous Vitamin C cured someone with Swine Flu that was on life support and given up for dead:

      • Bob Loblaw

        Thank for the heads up on Liposomal Vitamin C. Might be the only option if Ebola keeps spreading. Can’t rely on the US gov’t if it becomes an epidemic in the States.

  7. Randy Connare

    When are people going to learn. Terrorism is a creation of the CIA as well as a media fiction (MSM). We have to understand America didn’t look the other way, we armed ISIL out of Bengazi and other places. More threat means more Fascism. We have to understand that Sheriff Arpaio has completed a multi year investigation, is currently working with the highest levels of our government to show Obama is not a US citizen he was born in Kenya installed by the Bank Cartel and he and the previous 3 Presidents are Traitors implementing Globalism to allow Banksters control of a global currency.\
    You should call these people like Mr. Denninger who unwittingly go along with this terrorist debate. Might as well debate liberal and conservative values. The bankers don’t care they own it all. Get to the heart of the matter. The US doesn’t have stupid monetary and fiscal policies. It has globalist trying to end America……please Greg is THE only story. The economy collapsing, terrorism, the police state are all subsets of the real story!
    Keep Charging we need you!

    • AL HALL

      Randy- So true brother. Amb. Stevens in Benghazi was murdered by H. Clinton and Obama because he won’t do the gun-running for the USA any longer. They were shipping weapons through Libya to turkey and Syria- arming ISIS. I know this from the day after it happened – info from a CIA friend.
      Your comment about ” Obama is not a US citizen he was born in Kenya installed by the Bank Cartel ” is true. Henry Kissinger was Obama’s handler and was brought up through the CIA- his roll is basically one thing from day one = to destroy the dollar and thus America, spend us into oblivion was what was said. The collapse is coming- it was postponed now 2 years because of Obama’s first failure in Syria. This ISIS thing is all a set-up to get back into Syria- another false-flag event by the CIA. This is a false flag event planned for the USA- I have not rec’d date or place yet.
      We live in a massive corrupt country now- fascist lead- banking cabal and military industrial complex gang. We were warned, but still people sleep.
      The new collapse is scheduled for Sept-Oct 2015- so I’m told if plans hold together!!


      • NC

        Good intel. There is an old preacher I just found Lindsey Williams who said he has know elites since oil pipeline days in Alaska in the 70s.
        He is on YouTube and has said the same thing you heard. Collapse scheduled for Sept 2015.
        Does your CIA guy know anything about Obama arrest?

  8. Aziz JAAFAR

    I do not accept this speech that says that muslims deserve bombs because they are muslims.I am muslim and I have nothing to do with the saudi arabia,this terrorist State supported by all the US governments since at least 1945 because of the oil.Although America did create this monster named “ISIS”,I will not pretend that all the Americans are evil and deserve bombs.It’s totally stupid because I know that most of the Americans are decent.

    • Greg Hunter

      As are most Muslims. I think he was referring only to ISIS and terrorists.

    • NC

      amen brother! This war against Islam is a sham. Americans are waking up! Our government created ISIS. Any thinking person can not be against Musilums .
      The government of the US has been hijacked by international banking cartel. but the Patriots in America are rising up to stop this!

  9. Galaxy 500

    It appears that Karl.understands terrorists

  10. Jerry

    Greg I want you and your readers to take a look at this chart.
    This is what a market looks like just before a major correction. There is no way on gods green earth the dollar index should be this high in an economy this sluggish. This is clear, unbridled manipulation.

    • Silence is Golden

      The “FIX” is in….until its not.!!!

    • Chip

      Cleanest dirty shirt?

  11. Gene

    I disagree that the government of the United States, “has looked the other way while a number of countries and entities in that part of the world have armed and trained terrorists.” There have been numerous reports over many months that the US government has armed and trained such people in Jordan to fight in Syria and that they now have become a substantial part of what is called “ISIS”. Mr. Denninger himself recognizes that the US government was arming them from Benghazi.
    Now we are told by the Media that ISIS is in America preparing to carry out terrorist attacks here. Since we already have a pervasive surveillance state, these people can easily be identified and neutralized. Evidently, the US government is not disposed to do that.
    So, an essential component of the problem posed by the thing called “ISIS”, is political. If those in power in Washington actually desired to protect the American people from this threat, we would be protected. And if the US government should no longer support ISIS, but rather should provide meaningful assistance to the armed forces of Syria and Iraq to crush this thing, it could be destroyed without putting the lives of young Americans in jeopardy as “boots on the ground”.
    But without political change in Washington, ISIS will persist, it will attack us right here in America, and American soldiers will be sent to fight and die in Syria and Iraq. All of this is now preventable, but the psychopaths in Washington will not take the necessary steps.

  12. vincentg

    I have to agree with Karl on his view of Stagflation.
    Since the Fed will be controlling the money what they will accomplish is a ever shrinking economy with constant and increasing inflation. ( Stagflation )

    Run away inflation assumes that the Fed will loose control of the economy.
    I don’t think that will happen so easy as this is not Zambezi.

    A famous line said long ago was let them eat cake.
    At today’s price of cake I don’t think that line will work in the near future.

    One thing I miss is Karl’s Videos that he used to do years back.
    Karl is a excellent voice of reason in this jungle we call civilization.

    It’s nice to see him once again.

  13. allen ols


    u said;

    Terrorism is a creation of the CIA as well as a media fiction (MSM). We have to understand America didn’t look the other way, we armed ISIL out of Bengazi and other places. More threat means more Fascism. We have to understand that Sheriff Arpaio has completed a multi year investigation, is currently working with the highest levels of our government to show Obama is not a US citizen he was born in Kenya installed by the Bank Cartel and he and the previous 3 Presidents are Traitors implementing Globalism to allow Banksters control of a global currency.\


  14. Jerry

    Sorry Greg for posting to much, but this looks like a version of the Empire strikes back.
    The western cabal trying to collapse Russia’s economy by pushing oil to $60. a barrel.
    What’s next?

    • Charles H.


      Somehow I don’t think OPEC will allow such a manipulation. Wiggle-room, the US has: but no blank check – not any longer.

    • Chip

      Oil prices have been dropping since we started the sanctions. But demand is down also. I think if the price of oil goes as low as the article suggests that it will hurt shale play in the US which needs $90+ per barrel to remain profitable…

  15. Craig

    Hi Greg, the people of this country are shocked and all up in arms over the “beheadings” of two or three journalists, which rightly so. The fact is that Saudi Arabia REGULARLY beheads people. ONE A DAY on average! Where’s the outrage, Americans? Saudi Arabia OWNS the U.S. It’s no different that the Don of a Mafioso and his hit man lieutenant. We do S.A.’s bidding. Always have, always will. They have the money, we have the army. Also, right after 9/11 when all air traffic was shut down, a few plane loads of Saudis and bin Ladens were flown out of the country when not ONE other airplane was allowed to take off.

    • NC

      If you noticed it was literally illegal to download the first beheading video. People around the world did so only to find it was a complete fake. Our media doesn’t report this but the rest of the world did.
      The international banking cartel installed Obama, he is not a US citizen. Look up Mike Zullo on YouTube. He is the lead detective on the birth certificate issue. No working with the highest levels of government to arrest Obamo.

  16. allen ols

    Jimmy Carter says he would have defeated Reagan had he been more ‘manly’

    It is impossible for that piss poor politician, to move into the category called, “a man”, even.

    • Paul from Indiana

      Brother Al, this just goes to show that Carter, despite all his supposed Christian posturing, has an insufferable ego and to this day, hasn’t gotten over the fact that he blew the Presidency and set the country back. He comes across as a bitter, vindictive old man. It’s sad, really. I voted for the guy. It’s the last time I ever voted Democrat. Best always. PM

      P.S. You might offer ol’ Jimma one of those cans of bacon. That might cheer him up!

      • allen ols

        P f I.

        so true, he is more bold now that obamba, lower poll numbers. He sees obamba as the newest worst president.

  17. Brad

    I had to stop listening when Denninger basically said all the the turmoil in the ME is self inflicted as if western corporate interests are not the driving force. Denninger is an imperialist and as such is part of what is driving western civilization into the ground. It wouldn’t be hard to guess Denninger is heavily invested in the industrial war complex, big oil and certain hedge funds banking on financial corruption. Drop this guy!

    • Flying Bear

      I totally agree with you. Plus, his statement ” They understand one language, and it’s gunfire.” Here’s a big FU to Denninger who probably rejoices at the killing of innocent people in that part of the world.

      • Chip

        Must be the brad and bear troll hour…

      • Charles H.

        Flying Bear,

        “A big FU” – based on “PROBABLY” ??? I think that’s enough help for everybody here to figure out where you are coming from.

  18. Oblivion

    JIMMY CARTER: ‘I Could Have Wiped Iran Off The Map’

    Business Insider
    [email protected] (Hunter Walker)
    3 hrs ago

    Former President Jimmy Carter marked his 90th birthday Wednesday with a lengthy interview on CNBC Meets where he discussed his one term in office and the one thing he would have handled differently — the Iran Hostage Crisis.

    Carter suggested Operation Eagle Claw, a failed 1980 attempt to rescue the hostages taken by Iranian revolutionaries at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, could have been successful if he committed one more helicopter to the mission.

    “I think I would have been re-elected easily if I had been able to rescue our hostages from the Iranians,” said Carter. “And everybody asks me what would do more, I would say I would send one more helicopter because if I had one more helicopter we could have brought out not only the 52 hostages, but also brought out the rescue team, and when that failed, then I think that was the main factor that brought about my failure to be re-elected. So that’s one thing I would change.”

    Operation Eagle Claw was aborted after three of the helicopters taking part in the mission experienced mechanical problems.

    Carter also said he believed he would have been re-elected if he took military action against Iran due to the taking of the hostages. Though he argued he “could have wiped Iran off the map,” Carter said he thinks avoiding war was the “right decision.”

    “I could’ve been re-elected if I’d taken military action against Iran, shown that I was strong and resolute and, um, manly and so forth,” said Carter, adding, “I could have wiped Iran off the map with the weapons that we had, but in the process a lot of innocent people would have been killed, probably including the hostages and so I stood up against all that, er, all that advice, and then eventually my prayers were answered and every hostage came home safe and free. And so I think I made the right decision in retrospect, but it was not easy at the time.”

    • lastmanstanding

      Want to know what really happened during Op Eagle Claw, read Inside Delta Force by Eric Haney. He was there.

  19. jimha

    I quit watching near the beginning when he said that Saudies were involved in 9/11. Really and this is a smart guy?

    • woody188

      It is the official mythology that the 19 accused hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Doesn’t matter some were later found alive and well. The State is infallible.

    • NC

      Please be aware of H.Res 428 sponsored by many members of the House. This is to declassify 9/11. 28 pages are still classified. Go to YouTube and see Congressman Massey (KY) press conference after reading the classified docs. In part he said ” I was absolutely shocked” The American people have no idea what 9/11 was and how the patriot act has destroyed the Constitution.
      We have been sold out for last 4 presidents who want to bring in the new world order.

      • allen ols

        NC We have been sold out for last 4 presidents who want to bring in the new world order.
        soooo true!!!!

  20. Doug Williams

    So, this guy is saying, bombing Germany back to the stone age did not work in WW 2 ? ( Someone tell the WW2 vets and quick.) I thought Harvery Organ was wearing a tin foil hat, this guy is wearing a bigger one and more shineir. They say, you should hear one good joke a day ! Some times coming to your web site makes my day.

  21. Galaxy 500

    Obama says he is.standing behind Israel. No.wonder Israel, Japan, and our other allies have a severe twist in their sphincter. Obama was standing behind the head of the VA and the Secret Service directors right before he gave them the ax.

  22. Financial market storm brewing as 2014 winds down

    LONDON Wed Oct 1, 2014 1:54am EDT

    (Reuters) – After a year in which world markets have sailed effortlessly through wars, invasions and geopolitical ferment, a storm of their own making may well be brewing.

    Investors have mostly held their nerve as headlines lurched from a new ‘Cold War’ in eastern Europe to conflict and Western intervention in the Middle East, the threatened breakup of the United Kingdom and secessionist risks in Europe.

  23. Sambo

    Great interview Greg, Carl is always a man full of knowledge and is always such a great guest and is so worthy of the upmost attention, Great prospective of the events of the global times where the worst patients of the insane asylum are running the global show. You always do a great job of informing us and I personally think his information is of great value. Murder ,Mayhem, Calamity and calumny is about all our present leaders of the (not so free world) seems to be interested in. All but at last we shall all reap what we sew and in due time they shall reap their own. Fear not

  24. allen ols


    from keith barron, KWN;

    Now just imagine what would happen if we get the first case Ebola in the United States where someone gets infected by another individual who is traveling. What do you think that would do to commerce in America? What do you think that is going to do to traffic at the malls, movie theaters, or attendance at schools?

    People may not realize this but there is nobody attending school in Sierra Leone right now. It’s not because the schools are closed, it’s because everyone is scared to death of coming in contact with this thing. I have talked from time to time about an exogenous event that comes out of left field that is going to rock the global economies and financial markets. This Ebola crisis has the potential to set up another 2008-style crash.

    So far the U.S. government has been very slow to react to this crisis and the problem is this is a very serious situation. I am a trained scientist with a PhD and I think most people who are trained in the sciences certainly understand the severity of this crisis. All it’s going to take is one individual walking down the center isle of an airplane who is hot and sweaty and making contact with individuals on a crowded plane and then we have multiple people infected. They can then infect a whole bunch of other people and this could potentially get out of control.

    I can then see the front page of the Wall Street Journal saying, ‘America in lockdown.’ Unfortunately I think this is going to happen if there are not serious measures which are immediately taken to avert this disaster from spreading. I cannot stress enough to KWN readers around the world how much this Ebola crisis scares the hell out of me. This Ebola is horrible, nasty stuff.”

    • Chip

      scary thought allen…

      • allen ols

        Our slippery govmnt, ie langley are behind this i feel, it is a control issue.

  25. jc davis

    Carl has a very Stable mind. His Message never changes, yet I feel I have learned something every time he speaks.

  26. jc davis

    Any man with fake dollars can buy a lady of the night. A Man of charter will follow his heart. Then make the best choice. Yet in life the mistakes are sometimes our biggest blessings. So what will happen? I don’t know.

  27. Jeff

    ” The real problem is we, as a nation, have looked the other way while a number of countries in that part of the world have armed and trained terrorists.”…….. Lost me there Greg. Other countries ? 9-11 just Saudi’s ? ( Sorry jimha, you need to read up). Luckily you have some informed commentators here to clear the fog (BS)……. ” America in lockdown ” ….. been predicting this for 3 yrs now. Have lots of bets (money) on this with friends (clueless, sorry)….. At any time when things are not going well (falling apart) for the Nobama this will be the choice. Lockdown, martial law and NO ELECTIONS. Not yelling, just making a point so everyone remembers and prepares…………………………..Wasn’t going to bring it up but since Al Hall did…. “You should realize the Catholic church is behind much of this “. One of the most evil, corrupt entities in the world. Just like I say the US is the Great Satan……. Not saying the people or members are…. But leaders ? Without a doubt. For those of you deep in scripture…….” you will know them by their fruit”……..You don’t really want me to list all the vile things the catholic leaders have done do you ? As far as our US leaders, I would need years and volumes.

  28. Jeff

    Allen Ols “Now just imagine what would happen if we get the first case Ebola in the United States where someone gets infected by another individual who is traveling. What do you think that would do to commerce in America? What do you think that is going to do to traffic at the malls, movie theaters, or attendance at schools? ” ……..I have thought a lot about this. I know I will never get in a plane again. I know this administration uses the same tired playbook over and over. This is a rehash of the swine flu “crisis” only bigger. Fear is their favorite tool…… First we create havoc and chaos wherever we choose. Then comes the death and destruction, usually with bombs. But since we have so many imaginary enemies worldwide we need a plague to spread around……Yes, I believe we (Great Satan) introduced it. Hell, we spent millions getting the patent on it……….. So what the hell, as long as you’re buying gold, guns and butter, might as well short SPG, UAL, and CCL.

    • allen ols



  29. allen ols


    voice of Dale bohannon;

    this video is of CDC, grave liners, or casket liners, in madison georgia. The owner of the field, let the guys roam, and look at and get inside these liners. The owner of field speaks also.

  30. Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

    Hi Greg
    Another interesting week in politics!
    Its official “No brainer’ has a serious contender as the most incompetent, irresponsible and ill-informed leader in modern times.

  31. Emeth

    To be safe, buy government bonds and stamps,
    so says superman –
    Start at … 15.35 minutes.

  32. Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

    Hi Greg
    Regarding the recordings of Carmen Segarra #536 that have been floating about.
    Is this lady for real!
    I have two words for this – TOTAL SHITE
    If you are going to go to the trouble of researching any of this wouldn’t it be wise to first do a little bit of ground work and ask the question “who owns the Fed”. I shouldn’t need to but I will answer this myself. The Fed is owned by a cartel of private banks including Goldman Sachs. Not one single share has ever been owned by the US Govt. Therefore to talk about the Fed regulating the likes of GS etc. and investigating conflicts of interest within these banks is farcical. The Fed by its very ownership is a total conflict of interest and has no desire to protect the US economy from anything. It is in the business of squeezing money out of the main street population and concentrating it in the hands of of a select group of oligarchs. Furthermore the conflicts of interest involving the staff and CEOs of these Banks that own the Fed and the Fed itself are legendary so I won’t even bother to go there! Indeed these people are often one and the same.

  33. Lore

    The gentleman’s geopolitics are thoroughly muddled. ISIS is a Langley asset. Millions are dead because of PNAC.

  34. Jerry

    You might find this somewhat interesting. My son still has contacts he does business with in Canada. They recently told him that many businesses in Canada will no longer accept the dollar for payment. And then I hear from zerohedge that Canadians are told by their Banks not to bring their currency inside the United States. What do you think is up?

    • Greg Hunter

      I think this is what happens just before bankruptcy.

  35. Gemma

    Mr Hunter: please read The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin. Your guest’s explanation as to why the Federal Reserve was created fell short of the mark.

  36. Lori

    Why are we going to have a ground war to protect Muslims from other Muslims?
    Muslims have been in constant sectarian conflict for over 600 years …. why is this our problem? If anything it is the problem of those in the Middle East (and other Muslim lands) and their nearby neighbors, namely Russia and eastern Europe and India and China. Why aren’t these place putting “boots on the ground”?

  37. Robert

    Denninger is an affront to anyone with a noticeable brain;
    Firstly Denninger’s comprehension seems defective at best, he has never been to the middle east(obviously) and simply spews the filthy propaganda of the corporate media and the administration concerning the Muslims, which is mostly propaganda.
    The budget deficit for this year is about 4 trillion dollars, and of this officially 800 billion is spent on national defence and 250 billion on homeland security. The real military budget is much greater than this because these figures do not include all associated costs.
    Do you realize how many American jobs depend upon the military budget just in weapons production, let alone keeping soldiers themselves employed? If the US curbed it’s military budget stopping weapons productions(manufacturer employees being laid off) and bringing the troops home to join the ranks of the unemployed, the economy would immediately collapse! One of the few things stimulating the economy since 2008 has been this expenditure and this demonstrated in the fact that the US has maintained a perpetual state of war to avert bankruptcy!
    The rest of his opinions demonstrate only marginal merit and are not worth mentioning; he is the worst quality interviewee you have had!

    • Greg Hunter

      Robert, where is all that money coming from to “stimulate” the economy?

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