Left is a Vicious Wounded Tiger, They Want Us Dead – Larry Klayman

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

Renowned Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch, has been fighting government corruption and winning for decades.  Today, the fight has turned into an all-out war and fight to the death.  Klayman explains, “Bottom line is we have been in a war, but now we are at red alert.  The fact that Donald Trump has been reelected the 47th President of the United States with the popular vote and an overwhelming landslide in the Electoral College, the Left is on the run, but it’s stung.  It’s like a wounded tiger.  It’s vicious.  It will fight back. . . . You are going to see the Left in the streets, ultimately.  It will probably be in days, if not weeks.  You are going to see a repeat of what we saw with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, radical Palestinians and others.  They are going to be coming for us.  Frankly, and this sounds extreme, we saw the assassination attempts . . . . and Kamala Harris and Biden calling Trump Hitler, calling them garbage and calling us garbage, they want us dead.  Let me repeat that.  They want us dead. . . . They are like rats leaving the ship.  The time to peacefully and legally crush them is now.”

Klayman also sees that things may not stay peaceful.  Klayman points out, “It’s only a matter of time because they are whipping up the hatred right now against all of us garbage men.  It’s only a matter of time that he (President Trump) may have to declare martial law to reestablish order here.  I hope it doesn’t get to that.  But he (the President) has that authority as well.  So, I want people to realize that there may be a calm in the storm right now, but the communists, the atheists, the radicals and the Left are coalescing.  They are plotting, and they are planning.  This is like the ‘Force’ in ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Darth Vader.’  They intend to come back anyway they can.  If they can’t do it peacefully and legally, which they can’t, they are going to get violent, and we better be prepared for that.”

Klayman also points out that President Trump cannot turn America around without the help of millions of patriots.  Klayman says, “He needs us to back him.  We need to fight for him if necessary.  Here’s the scary thing.  God forbid, but I don’t think this is the last assassination attempt.  I think there will be more. . . . This kid that took a crack at Trump in Butler, we don’t know what his motive was today. . . . We’ve never gotten the truth about anything.  We don’t know who killed John F. Kennedy.  Even Bobby Kennedy Jr. does not believe that Sirhan Sirhan killed his father.  Martin Luther King’s family does not believe that James Earl Ray was the assassin of Martin Luther King.  It was probably Edgar Hoover the FBI Director. . . . We don’t know anything about the two people that tried to assassinate Donald Trump because our government is corrupt to the core, and that is why the Left is going to resist.  Our government needs to be reconstituted.  Embedded in government is the Deep State, and it is more powerful than the President.”

Klayman is appealing to the incoming Trump Administration to make him the Czar in charge of picking judicial appointments.  Klayman says too many RINO judges were put on the bench during Trump’s first Administration.

Klayman is also representing Laura Loomer in a $150 million defamation lawsuit against HBO and Bill Maher.  Klayman is also the lawyer of record on many other groundbreaking cases.  Klayman also talks about the need for donations as the 2024 Election cycle took donations away from FreedomWatchUSA.org.  Klayman makes an appeal for badly needed funds so he can continue his work for “We the People” against government corruption.

There is much more in the one-hour in-depth interview.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with renowned lawyer and government corruption fighter, Larry Klayman, founder of FreedomWatchUSA.org as he lays out the evil that criminals on the Left and RINO’s are planning for America.

FreedomWatchUSA.org desperately needs your financial support.  To Donate, click here.

After the Interview:

To Donate to FreedomWatchUSA.org so Larry Klayman can hire more attorneys to fight for the rights of all Americans being attacked by tyrannical dark forces on the Left, click here.

There is lots of free information and updates on legal action on FreedomWatchUSA.org.

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    Not sure I understand…does the appointment of Senate majority leader (at THIS time) mean the freshmen (new) senators d.on’t have a voice for who speaks for them? I’m a little concerned about our senate… PRAYERS

    • Katy Bar

      We should all be a lot more concerned about the Courts (that the Democrats are controlling and using “to attack their political enemies” (like Trump, Alex Jones, etc., etc., etc.)!! Larry Klayman suggests that it is only a matter of time before a President like Trump decides to declare martial law to Re-establish Order in the current Just-Us System. Most people don’t realize that the Federal Courts are STATUTORY (not Constitutional) and therefore the President has the power to Shut Down All the Democratically Controlled Federal Courts. The only court that a President Cannot Shut Down IS THE COURT CREATED BY THE CONSTITUTION (The Supreme Court of the United States of America) all other Courts Exist at the PLEASURE of the Government)!!!

  2. Greg

    Awesome interview Greg. The only thing I disagree with Mr.Klayman is these communists aren’t a wounded tiger, rather rats.

    • Brian Ciarallo

      Dear Greg,

      I believe you should have on your show
      Russell J Gould…he holds the title 4 flag and is the Postmaster General of North America!!
      President Trump knows and has met with him and a new system is definitely on its way…WOULD BE NICE TO SHARE SOME REAL “TRUTH” WITH THE PEOPLE!!

      But I would bet that wouldn’t probably not happen..,just saying’
      God Bless 🙏

    • Mark Goff

      I prefer they are labeled vermin


    I saw much of this happening in the 1970’s. I have put some of it on here. The ONE WORLD GOV. is coming, and it is coming SOON. We now have the CFR that is in control of this Nation and working hard to make a ONE WORLD GOV. If we read the Bible, it tells us that we will be in a ONE WORLD GOV. condition when Jesus comes for us in the final days. WE ARE NOT FAR AWAY.
    What is happening today is ALL in the Bible and just like we are having these things happen, it is there. I am 90 but I know I am getting closer to Heaven each and every day as I read the news and what is happening today in this world we live in. I have traveled the world about 40 to 60 years ago, and I have seen a lot at that time. I have kept up with a lot of the world things today. GET READY CHRISTIANS, WE ARE SOON, GOING HOME.


    • mustang

      Yes, we are going *Home. I follow War & Scripture since 1959, 6yo. (65)years, add Prophecy.
      Khrushchev on bw-tv “film” said, “we will destroy you from within”. I was already delivering the Steel City newspaper (1959-1968) with three older brothers.
      The Globalist Agenda is to Destroy God’s Creation, hated, mocked, deleted, replaced, & forgotten, explains “everything”, every Motive. We witness a Full Spectrum attack, Acts Of War with our $$$, with the Jab/5GDNA BioWeapon, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection-geoengineering to poison air, water, soil, farms, livestock, wildlife, aqualife, birds, bugs, butterflies, “to save the planet” from “us”! – Mind Kontrol on The March- boots on our neck!

  4. Edgar J Hartman

    Nice to see you earlier tonight 👍

    • Greg Hunter

      I wanted to push this out early because I thought this was groundbreaking. Klayman and Freedom Watch need some donations.

      • mustang

        “You buy solar panels, and WE Block The Sun”. Who is smarter than a 5th grader?

    • mustang

      Amen. The Brutal Truth. They want us dead! …and use our fortunes, blood, sweat. and tears. We will continue, as our founding fathers, we give our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor to say NO, not without Peaceful- non-violent resistance, or defending the innocent and our families from YOUR VIOLENCE.

  5. Rod Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr. Greg Hunter our Ultimate American Patriot
    Thanks for all you do for America
    This interview is exactly the kind of video that keeps Americans in the know. I can’t agree more with Larry
    In GOD I Trust

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, LTC Brumley!!

  6. Frank S.

    I’ve always thought Pres. Trump should prepare for, then follow through with, proclaiming martial law the instant he’s sworn in on 1/20/25. He can lock up everyone listed on the Brunson lawsuit, as well as restricting MSM to broadcasting only factual information (vetted through DOGE, and other watchdog agencies). Then look to conducting trials. Any judicial, military or law enforcement officials who refuse to participate will also be jailed. The Secret Service should be replaced with US Marshals, too.

    • richard s.

      I was a Deputy US Marshal ’77 – ’84. N/Dist Illinois and N/Dist Ohio. it was a scum outfit then, and a political animal house. told tales (15 years ago) to a more recently departed Deputy. he said it was the same. I have no idea if it has ever improved. scum.

  7. JLMichaels

    The last of the finishing touches for all out nuclear war are being put into place. A mere civil uprising I would consider as a routine fact of life. This coming nuclear war will end all that and more. Yet, who would care to listen to an old retired tactical taction seeing everything being put into place. Your guess of all hell breaking loose in the next few weeks is spot on.

    The dust ups in the Ukraine and Middle East are providing the perfect cover to make this all possible.

    • Galaxy 500

      Trump is elected and nuclear war is averted.

      • Ray

        Hi Galaxy,
        Let’s hope so.
        However, Trump……IF he is seated as President, doesn’t take power until January.

        In the news today (at least over here), are as yet unconfirmed reports that Biden has green lighted the use of long range US missiles for Ukraine to fire into Russia.

        President Putin will have to consider how to react to this.
        He has stated previously that if there is an existential threat to the existence of the Russian nation moving forward, he will reserve the right to use any and every weapon in Russias’ arsenal.

        The possibility of nuclear war remains in play in my estimation, as long as senile Joe Biden is President, and the NWO operate his puppet strings.

        Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

      • Kit Lee

        We will be lucky if Nuclear War is Averted “Until Christmas”!! Breaking News!!! The Deep State Neocons in US and NATO have just launched a Barrage of ATACM Missiles Deep Inside Russia to Get WWIII Started Before Trump Takes Office. We all need to Pray to Jesus that Putin can hold off his Neocons (until we Celebrate Christmas one last time)!! As Putin’s hard Line Generals Want To Begin Exterminating the US and NATO “RIGHT NOW”!! [Which will work very nicely for the Evil Eugenicists, Who as Klayman says: “Want Us Dead “!!!

  8. Cheri Rodriguez

    The Left really does want White, heterosexual, Christians dead. Best example in the U.S.: The Weather Underground. Their plan was to eliminate 30 – 40 million Americans who couldn’t be “re-educated.” Say what you want about The Confederacy and The Ku Klux Klan and guys like Strom Thurmond and George Wallace. They never wanted to murder tens of millions.

  9. Marie Joy

    Traitors act with impunity.
    Trump cannot do it alone.
    What happens after Trump?
    “They want us dead.”
    The ad for this was for a movie about Assassins trying to murder Hitler.
    The left are all being wound up tight.
    There is insurance for gun owners.
    Communists never give up.
    It will come to KINETIC civil war.
    Growing food inside and outside is increasingly important.
    What happens after Trump?

    • Galaxy 500

      These guys are great

    • richard s

      there are several breeds of super quiet and super friendly chickens. (almost like pets) you can have a tiny coop in a garage to keep a few. a chick grows into a hen in 6 months and gives you an egg every other day, for YEARS. safety, ventilation, and cleanliness are a must. don’t keep rooster as they will alert neighbors.

  10. Harvey Ackermann

    Great interview.
    BTW you are still in my prayers. Hope you are doing well.

    • Greg Hunter


      Thanks for the prayers and for your support of USAW!!


  11. Country Codger

    Larry Klayman is the real deal. PERIOD!!!


  12. Diana Brown

    Excwllent interview. Larry Klayman is the real deal. Thanks Greg!
    I miss your weekly update perspectives …without guests….

  13. Fred Daake

    There are very few people with Larry Klaymans understanding of problems with the injustice system. I certainly would like to see him working with Trump to approve judges. Anyone who can support his group financially would be doing a good deed because most people have no interest in the problems of injustice.

    I see the major problem with the legal system as the legal training required by the cabal. By the time a lawyer emerges, they are brainwashed into a ritualistic game that worships judges as being more powerful than the Constitution.

    After several years of pondering this problem, I think that the only solution to this predicament is to simplify the legal system, remove all requirements for cabal based “license” approval, and allow any citizen to compete with AMA Cabal lawyers.

  14. Clyde

    Mr. Klayman has been fighting the good fight against these black-robed-Marxists and the Il-legal system for a very long time. It would be good to have him as part of the Trump administrathen to assist in taking down this massive, corrupt deep-state-boondoggle for We the People.

  15. Maria dasSantos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Klayman utterly sobering and awakening,Civil War is here and now and the security services are NOT on the side of us plebs across the West never mind the USA!
    ” The only thing that BLM Democrat usurpers and senior GOP/Pentagon/CIA globalist hegemonists have in common is a hatred of Trumpopulism” , that means all Trump voters.
    We here in the UK are in the den and the Swiss based WEF are throwing more hatred our way. Had the “dubious ” pleasure of attending a council meeting in Southport UK last week and these vile and repugnant gargoyles in their secure seats did NOT hold back in their suppression of so called democracy and utter contempt for us mere voters and tax payers .It was a Caligulan sight to behold indeed.I would encourage all Brits to take a night off and go and watch their local bear pit in action who are just bin emptiers anyway!But the cronyism and nepotism is well worth the visit to see what your vote bought. A revolution is near at hand.
    Security Services breaking laws with impunity you know Communism is here and now.

  16. David

    There is absolutely no provision in the Constitution granting the President or the government the power to declare martial law. Article 1, Section 8 grants Congress the power “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.” To do that the militias of the various states would have to be reconstituted; the militia is the original and true Homeland Seurity mechanism. Again, Martial Law is a non-starter and a violation of the founding documents and the President’s oath of office.

    • Greg Hunter

      If the Left goes off the rails then something will be done. I don’t think Trump is going to allow billions more in damage to cities in the USA.

      • David

        We already have the laws on the books to prosecute these assholes, up to and including charging them with treason. If Trump needs more muscle, then he needs to equip, train and organize the militia, which is also provided for in Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. Martial law is simply not permitted, and if Trump attempts to implement it, he will touch off a genuine civil war. Trump can also direct the DOJ to indict and arrest any governors and attorney generals who allow lawless insurrection to happen.

    • Scott

      2007 National Defense Authorization Act provides this….

      • David

        The 2007 NDAA is contrary to the letter and the spirir of the Constitution and is thus null and void. If the Constitution is nullified by acts of Congress, then we have no agreement that is binding on WE the People, and the Union is toast.

  17. William Mitchell

    Klayman is brillianr

  18. Roger Stamper

    tks for post larry greg

  19. Stephen

    His comment “Bottom line is we have been in a war” Yes, could not agree more. It seems to me the many have been either blind to this or in denial. Also seems the many are now waking up to this unconventional war. The MSM lying to us every day. Big tech censoring our voices. Social media controlling the information flow. They are the combatants. Trump winning was a major victory in this battle. Musk buying twitter was another major victory. This war is far from over. Unless we have a complete revamp of election integrity, we will continue to have election corruption.
    Thank God for the brave men like Greg Hunter and others like him getting the word out.

  20. Gustav Skurdal

    People, even lawyers it seems, DO NOT understand the constitution or how the states vs States work, The States, capital S, are corporate States under the corporate United States Democracy which is Washington D.C., and foreign from the fifty sovereign states, small s, which is a Republic of We the People. Both are foreign from each other. In rc Merriam,36 N.E, s05,141N.Y. 479, 485 (1894), affrmed 163 U.S. 625,631,16 S. Ct. 1073 (1896) (Emph. Add.) (“The United States goverrrment is a foreign corporation with respect to a state”); Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. $ 1785; Stoutenburgh v. Hennick, 129 U.S. 141 (1889). See also 28 U.S. Code {i 3002 (10). (15) (a)(b)(c) and Salonen v. Farley,82 F. Supp. 25,27 (ED Ken. 1949). One cannot hold a common law court, Republic, while operating in the corporate States, Democracy, for no U.S. Court need to acknowledge it. We are foreign!! Therefore, we need to operate through the Foreign Judgment Act by filing document via the Secretary of State, then calling up authenicated, and filing those in federal courts to enforce, via comity, our foreign judgment. The Supreme Court would acknowledge this since they hold we are foreign. You cannot act in an administrative capacity in a democracy to enforce a foreign judgment from the Republic. Why cannot people understand this.

    • Galaxy 500

      Doesn’t sound like true. Almost sounds like a page out of the Sovereign Citizen playbook

  21. Gustav Skurdal

    Also, People holding a common law court must know the law and understand due process of law. Most people having made such judgments have been denied by federal courts because they failed to use due process. Their judgments sounded prejudicial cause of anger. If we could get some lawyers to actually work for us rather than for the foreign corporation controlled by the King of England and the Vatican, maybe the People could actually get justice to be enforced, but most lawyers are the problem of what we are facing in this country.

    • Galaxy 500

      A nation of laws needs lawyers

    • Stephen

      I think they do understand it, but violate it anyway due to lack of being held to account. I am hoping that will change with a new DOJ. And I have confidence in Trumps appointments.

  22. Galaxy 500

    Good Morning Greg,

    Can you hear them crying out, “ Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!”? I can hear as they storm the old man’s home.
    “Ve are only following orders”

  23. Galaxy 500

    They want us dead! Make no mistake. That is fact

  24. Susan Russo

    This got my highest attention. I am a student of ascension, the spiritual kind so I tend to analyze from that level and found this introduction of Larry Klayman grabbing my attention. He sounds like he operates from firm morales with the highest intentions. It has been standard for a long time to question intentions of anyone on this level. Our current moment in history has been declared the “End Times” and this can mean corruption is embedded. I voted for Trump and pray God will use this vessel to bring His rule back.
    Each of us are responsible for the “chip” of God (our soul) that we carry and for those who choose to enable anything that destroys that “chip” of God are casting votes for Satan.

  25. Richard Gould

    What is the MOST corrupt government on earth? Everyone knows it is the US government which has unlimited funds because of the fraud called the dollar which is created out of thin air with nothing backing it. Evolution is another BIG lie. Evolution denies the Creator; Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18). DNA PROVES the Creator. Every single cell in your body has an about 6 foot long ‘code’ (known as dna) that allows the cell to reproduce perfectly time after time. You know how small a cell is, so how small IS that coding to fit into your cells?? AND, since there are many different types of cells in your body, there must be different coding for each different type of cell. After all, there is not going to be the same coding for a brain cell as there is for a skin cell.

    • Galaxy 500

      Most corrupt government on earth? You confuse us with China, or the EU , UK or Maybe Australia.
      Psalms 83:18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth
      I fail to see how that fits the DNA thing. Man along with the rest of YHWH’s creation on Earth change and adapt, you could even say evolve over time. It is the way YHWH designed things to be.
      And just as things evolve, our government is changing back to the way and to where we should have been 4 years ago.

      The only thing more corrupt than government is some of the so-called religious cults like the JWs and their “Elders”, the Morons and the Vatican. Satan is alive, well and running these cults.

      • Ray

        The government of the United States Of America is 1000 x more corrupt than ANY Australian government.

        That’s an IRREFUTABLE FACT, Galaxy my friend.

        Old mate Johnny Nobody made a comment above which I am beginning to think you might want to read again and consider.

        Something about taking the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

        Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

        • Greg Hunter

          The whole barrel is rotten no matter what Western country you are in. 90% of Australians were forced to get vaxed. We are all on the same side here my friend and Brother.
          Brother Greg

          • Ray

            Heartily agree Brother.
            I thank you for that reply.

            I would gently caution all of us not to confuse governmental overreach (so called vaccine “mandates”), with government corruption.
            An example of what I would term government corruption in the US, would be Nancy Pelosi amassing a huge fortune, well outside of what is received as a salary as Speaker Of The House.
            Or the gigantic amount of $$$$ that went missing from the US (was it Mark Crispin Miller that told us about that…..can’t recall?).

            Anyway…..regarding so called vaccine mandates.
            Because most Australians (and possibly Americans) do not even understand the meaning of the actual words in the English language, 99.9% do not know the LEGAL DIFFERENCE between the words “mandatory” and “compulsory”.

            I do, and my intelligence helped me push aside “mandates” like a cob web in the corner of my kitchen.

            As I have stated here before regarding so called vaccine mandates, when my boss tried it on at my workplace in 2021, 19 of the 20 employees took the vaccines……the one that didn’t was me.

            When he came into my office and closed the door to ask me when I was going to have the vaccine like everyone else, I immediately cut him off (politely), and handed him the business card of my lawyer.
            I asked my boss if he knew the legal difference between “mandatory” and “compulsory”.
            He admitted that he didn’t, so I said he should feel free to call my lawyer into our office, and he would outline it clearly……at his expense, not mine.

            He backed off big time.

            No vaccine for Ray.

            Two of our employees went to hospital after their shots…..one, who is only 40, to this day has heart arrhythmia that they cannot get back to normal after 3 years.

            Agreed though Greg, as you say, the whole barrel of Western nation governments are rotten to the core.
            That is why I again warn….. that Uncle Vladimir might just decide to remove the tumour from the planet, and turn plenty of western cities into glass car parks, if the imbecility doesn’t stop soon.

            I know we are all on the same side Brother, and I am thankful for that much at least.

            Unfortunately, “our side” has become repugnant in the eyes of many, many nations across the world, who are sick of our continued war mongering, decades of destruction and unmitigated financial BS.

            Jesus did warn us.


            Brother Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🇦🇺

        • Paul in oz

          Brother Ray … hopefully you see this and hopefully Greg would vet and interview retired AF Colonel Towner Watkins … he exposure of Operation Gladio, a combined effort of the CIA and NATO which has been disrupting governments worldwide for decades. You can follower he on X. The extent of her research and fact documentation is unparalleled.

          • Ray

            Hi Brother Paul.
            Thanks for the tip mate……I will check her out.
            Keep throwing out the left jab mate.
            Ray 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

        • Galaxy 500

          Hi Ray,
          Sorry, not gonna buy that for a dollar. I still have guns and your not so corrupt government disarms your people.
          And perhaps we can cover Isaiah 5:20 Again LOL

          20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

          I have always found it interesting that they people that tell me about my plant have an entire forest in their eye.
          Very respectfully

          • Ray

            All good Galaxy 😎
            Just so you know mate…..and please REMEMBER this for future reference:

            Gun ownership IS LEGAL in Australia.

            Many of my friends here in Canberra own them.
            The so called “disarming of the people” after the 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania was for gun owners who did not want to register their ownership.
            Again…..owning a gun in Australia is legal, you just have to have it registered.

            Now……I am off to see a movie in a cinema, where I am quite confident I won’t have my brains blown out be some imbecile with a gun.
            I might even go down to the local school as well…..pretty safe environment there as well old mate.

            I am glad Trump will be your new President. Your country has done well in bringing him back.

            Best wishes be with you always.

            Regards, Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

        • Galaxy 500

          But arguments about whose government is the worst is a subjective thing. And My Government just got significantly better

          • Ray

            Your government will get “significantly better” as you put it, when Donald J Trump is seated as President.
            Right now, America is governed by an imbecile who has advanced dementia, and is looking to spark off WW3……so I do not see how it is any better than 3 weeks ago.
            I hope Trump is seated as President in January.
            It will be good to see America turn a corner.
            Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

  26. Galaxy 500

    The Swines are coming home to the pigpens.


    The Communists (the real ones) in Austria better dig up some coal and cut some wood. It’s gonna be a lone winter. Actions have consequences and they have reaped the whirlwind

  27. Galaxy 500

    This despicable, disgusting, little man predicted the internet would have no more impact on the world than the fax machine… LOL. And the little man’s accuracy has not improved much since then. He has been given awards… not won or earned them…
    The Demons always accuse good people of what they are doing in the shadows. Nothing the Beijing Biden/ Ho Harris administration has put out has been accurate. Yet the Krug-Chub claims it’s Trump


  28. Galaxy 500

    Even the Vietcong had uniforms. Hamas are terrorists hiding among women and children who support the terrorist

    • Johnny Nobody

      The Vietcong hid among villages – among Vietnamese civilians North and South who supported them. Robert McNamara belatedly admitted that the premise for US intervention in Vietnam – to thwart a Chinese / USSR communist proxi-war – was mistaken. The Vietnamese had been fighting for many years to free their country from the yoke of French colonial rule.

      During the conflict, the US routinely carpet-bombed farms and villages with Agent Orange from the safety of their B52s at 40,000 feet. Tell me that represents ‘meeting your enemy on the field of battle’?

      Matthew 7:5 NKJV
      “You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

      • Galaxy 500

        They also had a standing army complete with underground bases, supply chains, etc.
        That being said, we never should have been their.
        To me, the entire Gaza population are Terrorists. Why do you think their Arab Brothers will not take them in? Because they are evil, malcontents. Jordan took in ole Arie the Fat and his tribe. Arie returned this kindness by trying to assassinate the King of Jordan and take over the Kingdom.
        The Gazains teach their feral children hate as they suckle their mother’s teat. They can not be saved

        Isaiah 5:20
        King James Version
        20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

      • Greg Hunter

        “Johnny MORON Nobody”
        Now I know why you post anonymously. It’s because you are stupid and a liar. The Vietcong (VC) fought in the jungle. The VC did NOT surround themselves with women and children like Hamas. Hamas fights from densely populated civilian areas and a battle strategy. They want a high body count. The genocide is caused by Hamas. You agree with this strategy. Don’t comment again– moron.

  29. Russ 2

    Thanks Greg, first time I’ve heard Larry Klayman — very informative.
    President Trump’s cabinet picks are outstanding imo. Each one has a bone to pick with their respective departments which is probably one reason they were selected.
    Newt Gingrich: This Is ‘Most Reform-Oriented Cabinet’
    Another reason they’ve been picked is because Trump was stabbed in the back too often during his first administration so this time he’s selected people who by and large will be loyal. That said, the jury is out on Marco Rubio, but we’ll see how that works out. The rest of his picks are allies and should work well for him.

    Hope Klayman’s $150 million defamation lawsuit for Laura Loomer against Bill Maher & HBO goes well. No love loss here for either HBO or Maher, however in a post election world where Trump won big, HBO might want to think about the jury pool and their chances at trial.

    As to what Maher actually said, the quotes are in an article at:
    The problemic words are, “ Maher added, “We did an editorial here a few years ago … it was basically, who’s Trump f*cking? Because I said, you know, it’s not nobody. He’s been a dog for too long, and it’s not Melania. I think we may have our answer this week. I think it might be Laura Loomer.” That does sorta imply that Maher has evidence and that it’s a statement of fact in spite of the “may have our answer” and “I think”, blah blah blah; the statement stands. The fact that Maher and HBO never corrected the record or apologized is damning. Either would have sufficed to kill the lawsuit.

    Now that the lawsuit is official, they’ll either settle for big dollars or HBO/Maher want it to go to trial. Might be interesting, I don’t see how they have a winning hand, but I am not a lawyer and I’m unfamiliar with how a jury will treat comments made in a late night monologue.

  30. T

    Everyone has to and needs to watch two shows if you want to know the truth about what’s going on in our world because until you watch these two shows you will end up giving away you’re soul and you want even know it. (Europa the last battle ) and (stew peters occupied ) if you want to save your family and friends and yourself please watch these.

  31. windcatcher

    The far left Marsist Democrat Party (not to be confused with democratic) are the insurrectionist against the American Constitution and should be charged with Treason.

  32. Prospector

    Here we GOOOOOO !!!


    President Biden approved Ukraine’s military to use U.S.-provided long-range missiles on targets inside Russian territory, the New York Times reported Sunday, citing unnamed U.S. officials.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has previously said that such an escalation would constitute an act of war. He has yet to react to Biden’s announcement Sunday.

    Of course this comes just days after the global cabal held its G – 20 summit.
    The strange quiet after Trumps election is about to end.

    AP – In Rio de Janeiro, Biden will meet with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to promote workers’ rights and clean economic growth, the White House said. He will also attend the Group of 20 summit of world leaders to discuss global challenges like hunger, poverty and climate change.

    ( G -20 in context , their own words. )
    2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.” | Herman Van Rompuy, EU President

    • Katy Bar

      Blackrock is heavily invested in Ukraine so it is likely making “Big Donations” to those in Control of the Biden Administration to “Protect its Investment” by firing US Missiles into Russia!! https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/ukraine/zelensky-is-a-puppet-of-the-neocons-last-ukrainian-standing-please-turn-out-the-lights/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=RSS

      • Kit Lee

        I hear that Biden and a bunch of Deep State Neocons have conveniently gone on trips to South America (right before they launched US ATACM Missiles deep inside Russia) probably thinking they will be safe from all the Fallout Radiation by being in the Southern Hemisphere when Russia responds to their insane attack on his homeland and rightfully responds by bombing the US and NATO back!! But what Biden and the Deep State Neocons may have forgotten is that in “Asymmetric Warfare” Russia does not have to bomb the United States but may simply “Target Biden and the Deep State Neocons right in South America” where they think they are safe (like Obama did to Wedding Parties when he was in office to get the Terrorists)!!!

  33. Catherine Cronin

    HE didnt answer the question you asked about the Brunson Case before the Supreme Court. Is this a high possibility? I certainly hope so.

    • Fred Daake


      Like yourself, I wish that that Brunson case was a sleeper bomb about to explode. They should be commended for the energy and money they put into it.

      However, their two cases were dismissed last year by the US Supreme Court and they are dead. The court did not give a reason but most followers of the law who I know said that the case asked for a solution that the Supreme Court does not have the Constitutional authority to provide. One other comment about this – law schools teach worship of their cabal. Brunson case cannot possibly fly if it asks the justices to betray the Godfather.

  34. Marie Joy

    Patriots need to quietly come together.
    Have your head on a swivel, especially women.
    Expect street violence blamed on Trump groups and more J6 setups.
    Set up cameras in and around your home.
    Keep your distance. Don’t allow yourself to be provoked.
    They will bring out the military to harm us.
    Expect Lawfare.
    J6ers never expected the crap that would fall on them.
    Expect the worst.
    Trump needs our help.
    Expect more attempts.
    They will come after him and his people in a thousand ways.
    Big Pharma advertised 24/7 on TV.
    Is Bobby in danger?
    Grow inside and outside.

  35. Marie Joy

    We are past protesting.
    They will never stop.
    Bitchy is Better.
    Fauci is a mass murderer and should be prosecuted for Genocide.
    The Democratic Party is now the communist party.
    Please call it the communist party because that’s what it is.
    Recommend Jerome Corsi videos and books.
    WE will, likely, have to become more active, quietly.
    No protests. They don’t work on rabid communists.
    The long term intent of communism is genocide, yours and mine.
    WE all need to be in better shape for what’s coming.
    What happens after Trump?
    Email or call your politicians and express your opinions.
    I have stopped watching all TV shows with known communist sympacizers,

  36. Katy Bar

    BREAKING NEWS!!! Biden Authorizes The Start of World War III “Before Trump Takes Office”

    • Rodster

      Hopefully Trump calls Zelensky tells him not to use LR missiles on Russia. I’m optimistic Putin won’t use nuclear weapons on Ukraine because that could escalate quickly. However that is something the Neocons in both parties are hoping for.

      The other wildcard is that Putin shows restraint as he awaits a Trump presidency, Zelensky fires long range missiles inside Russia and Putin is overthrown by his Neocons and then all hell breaks loose.

      That is what Martin Armstrong is worried about!

  37. Felix

    love this guy a man full of integrity,like he said the judges are rotten if you look at history it’s no different than our luciferian controlled government.I like trump but he is just another controlled clown a very good actor,why did he get 100 million donation from Miriam adelson .Why is it always Israel first and not America first,this country was infiltrated decades ago,its all deception look to the savior of the world, put your faith in no man

    • The Seer

      Did you see the mason handshake Trump gave the masked imposter Biden at their meet??? Says it all.

      • Greg Hunter

        Are you sure about that? Really??

  38. Blake Simmons

    In his latest email alert to subscribers, Gerald Celente blasted Christian Zionist Trump supporters and said that the Trump administration is going to create “Hell on Earth “.

    I guess we won’t be seeing him on USAWD anymore…

    • Greg Hunter


      Gerald said Kamala would win the White House–NOT!! That is so far off. especially for a “trend researcher” that it is too stupid to be stupid. I have a total loss of confidence in Mr. Celente and instead of doing trends, in my Constitutionally protected opinion, he is now doing propaganda. The people I put on got it right.


      • Rodster

        And Paul Craig Roberts has also been blasting Israel as well over the situation in Gaza and in the M.E.

        • Greg Hunter

          You just have to tell both sides and many only promote Demons like Hamas and Hezbollah.

          • Rodster

            Understood! But Dr. PCR takes it a little too far by calling Israel, Satan’s Chosen People.

            • Greg Hunter

              Agreed. Jesus was a Jew, and I love Jesus and therefore, as a Christian, I am compelled to love Jews.

              • Fred

                That is one of the reasons was love and support you Greg. We love America, Israel and Trump.

              • Galaxy 500

                I agree Greg.
                How can you love YHWH and not love his chosen people?

                • Katy Bar

                  That is the reason some people don’t want us to speak the name Jesus anymore (so we won’t love the Jews)!!!

  39. Prospector


    The steal goes on in four Pennsylvania counties.

    As a Senate recount plays out, at least four counties are ignoring an order from the State Supreme Court that undated or misdated mail ballots cannot be counted

    The landscape, however, is different. In at least four counties Bucks, Philadelphia, Centre and Montgomery local election officials are acting in open defiance of a ruling from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that arrived weeks before the election. The court found that mail ballots that are missing the date on the outer envelope, or have the wrong date, cannot be counted for this election — NY Times 11/17/24

    Why aren’t PA police making arrests ?

  40. John

    Read Chapter 9 of Dr. Ardis’s new book to see how they have done it.

  41. Led Skeletor

    Is Biden and his NEOCON handlers so delusional that the entire world has to be destroyed because Camela lost and Biden got thrown into the trash heap of history?
    2 billion deaths coming?

    Biden/Neocon’s blew hundreds of billions $$$ and thousands of Ukrainian lives, it is important that they double down, betting the entire planet on on a “Hail Mary” defeating Russia BEFORE Jan 20th.

    Watch the Axis-MSM will have a pissy fit the day Russia begins destroying western military manufacturing targets after each time Russia gets bombed. Small targets in Europe destroyed in the begging, escalating to American targets destroyed and a major European city vaporized. And then soon after the whole shit-and-kaboodle goes up in a single afternoon!!

    Movies: “The Day After” and “Threads”

  42. Galaxy 500

    The EPA, The FDA, The CDC…
    Along with the MSM have been gaslighting us for more than 80 years


  43. Galaxy 500

    It’s important to put your money where mouth/mind/heart is. I believe in these guys and their mission

    You donated $25.00 USD to Freedom Watch, Inc.

  44. Jeffrobbins

    To those with family or friends in some type of post election shock- Trump derangement syndrome. My youngest daughter has been very stressed following the election- she knows both mom and myself voted for Trump. She sent mom a number of videos, mostly tic toks with some whacked out concern about women’s freedoms being gone. It sounded to me like ‘they’ want her/ younger adults to believe Trump will bring in some kind of Sharia Law- a real dictator. I can’t say i totally relieved her concerns, but i went after the financial part of the story. And it is this; Trump looks to me as the guy tapped to come in and oversee the bankruptcy of America- some kind of financial reset. I told her about the trillion a year in interest, and all the hidden debt not reported and about the exponential function of it all. This may sound a bit out there, but the things we have witnessed are either by the hand of God or a psychological operation to paint Trump as a man of the people who can’t get a fair deal. In either case his mission is to wright the ship, of which our national finances are front and center. The man of the people angle isn’t so far fetched if we think about who will endure hardship, who are the people that keep society going, and the ones with the guns. She seemed to calm down a bit and im sure some time will help. Maybe some of you have one of these less informed folks around. I might add, we just had dinner with some friends and their oldest daughter was even worse than ours- said she didn’t want to get out of bed for a couple days. We could be witnessing some new type of mental illness with all this- digital schizophrenia. And I’m being serious.

    • Lady Au Stackers United

      Digital Schizophrenia. I like that! I’m gonna keep that one in my mental dictionary of new terms 👌

      Wondering if Digital Schizophrenia is in the DSM-4 codebook manual for diagnoses of mental illnesses and disorders 🤔

  45. Justn Observer

    Greg, why was Biden smiling at his meeting with POTUS-elect DJT….maybe because he knew what he or his handlers had in the works…just as many expected?= that ‘they’ were instigating a shooting war with Russia before DJT takes office?

    Also, I saw at the meeting in Peru, looking down the table there sat 3 seats to Biden ‘s left, no other that John Podesta.. = In his current role as senior advisor to President Biden, Podesta oversees the disbursement of $370–783 billion in clean energy tax credits and incentives authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.[5][6]

    On January 31, 2024, it was announced that Podesta will succeed John Kerry as top U.S. climate diplomat…..and
    MAYBE. why the meeting there, other than Mexico, is not PERU the second largest producer of silver? and China has been pushing for ports there to help export what commodities from South America?
    looking down the past list, lower page are others of interest that are or were on the TRILATERAL COMMISSION…if NOT in public office, Rockefeller Fellows=
    and others in the ‘revolving doors’ of public -private group when NOT in official government elected or appointed positions or military /intel…or their wifes or otehr family members.
    older established members one would have to have lived under a rock not to notice=
    IS THE WEF JUST A REGIRGETATION OF DAVOS MAN and ‘stockholders to Stakeholder’ ?

  46. Shirl

    Mr Klayman is a man of integrity and I feel his honest assessments are combined with worst case scenarios because the American Communists have Infected and polluted our We The People’s Gov. that we all need to seriously become more attentive to!
    I’m So very relieved President Trump was elected in a “Swamp The Vote “ LANDSLIDE over the establishment selected Komrade Kamellala!!
    Pray up Speak Out Stand Up Take Action.
    PS: I have noticed too Gerald has been out there for whatever reasons…his Komrade Kamellala pick, not that he actually liked her or favored her, was in fact – waaaay off! He was most recently out there calling Trump’s Cabinet picks and his others “war hawks” or something similar…sheesh! But yet Again polar opposite of reality! He is also asking for donations? For what, Lord only knows…

  47. James Hall

    You’re late to the party, I had you on this 10 years ago, this is a major topic, keeps weight off and protects the heart and more. X22 is finally mentioning this.

  48. Thomas J Grier

    According to Freud heterosexuality is an emotional disease called the Oedipus complex Don’t you think gays are a little sick and tired of having het behavior shoved in their face 24/7? And no I’m not an atheist. I saw God in 1970!

  49. Won Witness

    Mailed A check this morning to Freedom Watch.
    I haven’t contributed to Larry Klayman since the Clinton Whitewater stuff.
    So I hope it helps cover all the good work we owe him for over the years.
    Thank you Larry !.

    • Greg Hunter

      Fantastic!! Thank you.

  50. Les L

    C N N
    Communist News Network
    He’s not the only one who thinks that way, He should have added MSNBC
    Main Stream Neo-Nazi Broadcasting Company.

    • Greg Hunter

      Good one! “MSNBC = Main Stream Neo-Nazi Broadcasting Company”.

  51. Lady Au Stackers United

    With Old Uncle Joe visiting the Amazon Rain Forest, it’s easy to see what narrative agenda will play out. They’re going to say the bad Republicans don’t care about the environment and prefer polluting our lands and water, that Republicans don’t care about reversing adverse weather patterns brought on by the bad bad decisions of the Republicans. Hello? JFK Jr has been on the bandwagon sounding the Trumpet regarding water pollution from Big animal Ag lobby and USDA for a long time before he jumped onto The Trump Train. I believe the Social Justice crap the Left has tried to spoon-feed down everyone’s collective throat has died and won’t work this time – too much of an awakening has occurred. But they will try a solid agenda that everyone can or could relate to like environmental issues. We (conservative voters) generally do not subscribe to the thought of Extreme Environmental ideology, but rather we subscribe to Conservation of the lands and waters of our nation. Of note, big animal Ag and the factory farming business causes more harm to the environment than driving an automobile. Big Ag and factory farming has contributed to the clear cutting of the Brazilian rainforest, but I’m sure Uncle Joe loves his beef steak probably imported from Brazil grilled to perfection. The latter sentence subject preceding this last is my pet peeve.

    Conservation = Balance

    • Nancy Fries-York

      Correction: Meant to type RFK Jr….

    • Lady Au Stackers United

      Typo correction: RFK Jr

  52. RK


    Please have Larry on more often as a regular guest. Curious to see if you can get Martin Armstrong back for his analysis post election and Dane Wigington for geoengineering; Skies are being sprayed and poisoned in GA 24/7 since the election.

    • Greg Hunter

      All are coming back.

  53. mustang

    Amen. The Brutal Truth. They want us dead! …and use our fortunes, blood, sweat. and tears. We will continue, as our founding fathers, we give our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor to say NO, not without Peaceful- non-violent resistance, or defending the innocent and our families from YOUR VIOLENCE.

  54. John Maskell

    What a straight talker Mr Klayman is and a very intelligent speaker . I’m looking forward for the next interview Greg . We could do with him here in the UK as our country is sinking faster than a lead balloon ! It’s getting harder and expensive in the UK . The cost of house insurance is up by 40% from 2 yr ago and to eat out for special occasions is ridiculous . A large glass of wine is around £9 and a steak (sirloin ) meal is £30 plus . My brother had his 60th birthday and the cost of a traditional pub meal for two cost £130 for a 3 course with 2 drinks each. A two bedroom house in the southeast of England is £300,000 , perhaps cheaper up North but the market is cooling because buyers are stumped with higher interest rates for mortgages . Just a few examples of prices in the UK . You’re looking good by the way. I hope and pray for you Greg as we love and respect the news that you bring to us all, John UK .

  55. Arvind

    Hi Greg,
    How does one send you an email?
    The email I sent to journalist@usawatchdog was returned as ‘blocked because there is no such user here’.

    I just called 1-800-375-4188 twice from Canada to inquire on behalf of someone residing in the US. The message said the number is not assigned. Is the number for the US only or is it an outdated number?


  56. Obie Waan Kanoble

    Info Wars Has Morphed!
    ajnlive.net Don’t miss what’s happening
    People on X are the first to know.
    alexjoneslive.network and Rumble

  57. Marie Joy

    It’s time to make sure your have all your birth certificates and important papers, just in case. In emergencies keep those papers in double Ziplocks attached to you. We don’t know how bad these surprises are going to get.
    Peace and love to all Patriots but I don’t expect peace.

  58. Marie Joy

    In war, more people die from infection and starvation than die from bullets.

  59. Lori

    I have trouble getting these videos to play without multiple ads. Rumble interrupts them about the 10 minute mark with commercials. Sometimes the interview doesn’t continue afterwards so you have to start over. This means you get 2 more ads. Very frustrating. I still have trouble if I try reloading the page. More ads! Can anything be done about this? Maybe I don’t know how Rumble works? Help!

    • Greg Hunter

      I have been complaining to Rumble about this. I will complain some ore with this comment that I will send them.

      • Lori

        Thank you Greg. I think you have the best interviews . I always learn something.

  60. Galaxy 500

    Biden and company is sure free with our money. But they never give it to us. Just their foreign buddies

  61. Galaxy 500

    Does it get any more in your face than this?
    This is like Hamas going into Israel, murdering women and children, kidnapping and raping and are then shocked when Israel will not accept a ceasefire.
    Yes, the Dems counting votes are no different than Hamas as a trustworthy partner in peace. I mean they scream, “From the River to Sea” and somehow libtards here think they don’t want all Jews dead. How quaint… If people constantly commit atrocities and tell you they will murder you and your children (which is what the libs are telling normal Americans), why would anyone not believe them? These are the by any means necessary people…

  62. Slobo Dubrovnik

    Nova Audicija – Mima Sis –
    Before the west embraced being woke, broke and disgusting, The east made fun of a man in drag, from Serbia with love!

    Morning Joe Hosts Meet with Hitler…Sorry, Trump, Kamala Paid Oprah $2.5M & RFK vs Vaccines

  63. Justn Observer

    Greg, appears from what Bix Weir reports, THETA beta test going well, so soon it should massively expand the bandwith of the internet…especially in rural and overused areas. Might be a great cure for the sports events that recently being overwhelmed?
    So, as to the ‘ads’ problem…one can participate in that software, earn theta credits = THETA FUEL, https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/theta-fuel/

    I am not in THETA, just am interested in the technology of it. Once up, people may be able to download their content, much like You tube, live stream or vids, without ads? so maybe a way to bypass all those interruptions of ads is on the way? other than the one’s the content providers, and podcasters, etc wish to share like you do now.
    Best if you contact Bix or Clif for a better view as to the workings.

    OF their page-
    Theta is a Layer 1 blockchain and decentralized infrastructure for Video, AI & Entertainment use cases.

    Theta is a “dual network” consisting of two complementary subsystems, the Theta Blockchain and the Theta Edge Network.Theta proof-of-stake blockchain provides payment, reward, staking and smart contract capabilities, while the Edge Network is responsible for the compute, storage and delivery of video streams, AI tasks, and other scientific, simulation and financial modeling use cases. There are two native cryptocurrencies on Theta blockchain: THETA, the staking and governance token, and TFUEL, used as gas for all transactions and on-chain smart contract interactions. The next-generation Edge Network, Theta EdgeCloud, is the first hybrid cloud computing platform built on a fully distributed architecture, set to launch later in 2024.

    Theta’s Web3 infrastructure enables media companies to drive incremental revenues, user engagement, and new Web3 business models. Theta Video API and Theta Web3 Theater are turn-key decentralized video API for developers offering significantly lower costs for video transcoding, storage, and content delivery, powered by patented Digital Rights Management technology.
    Theta blockchain also underpins the ThetaDrop NFT marketplace in partnership with Samsung, Sony, American Idol, The Price is Right, Taste of Home, and other leading brands aiming to disrupt the digital collectibles industry.

  64. Marie Joy

    Where’s Fauci, these days?

  65. Sheila Simmons

    Trump names Dr. Oz to lead Medicare & Medicaid.

    Oz was a terrible promoter of the Covid PsyOp & Trump’s killer ‘vaccine’!

    Dr. Mehmet Oz has promoted transgender ideology for toddlers, endorsing “cutting-edge” gender surgeries for kids.

    He also supported parents who groom and pediatricians pushing child transitions.

    During a “regular well-baby exam,” a pediatrician suggested to the mother that her baby boy was transgender.

    Dr. Oz remarked that the child “sparkles” as a girl and asked, “Do you remember when your parents thought you were a boy?”

  66. Ray

    Cool Brother,
    I posted a note back to you under the Rickards interview..
    Keep throwing out the left jab mate.
    Ray, Canberra, Australia

  67. WD

    No truer words were spoken. They want us dead. They want us dead!!
    I have said this for the past ten years!!! There is no doubt ever.
    No truer words were ever spoken….

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