Left Will Push Violent Revolution Against Trump – Larry Klayman
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
Renowned Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch USA, predicted that the crap would hit the fan after Donald Trump was sworn into office. He was correct. Now, Klayman says, “Just in the last few days, we have had Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters and Hakeem Jefferies, the Minority Leader in the House, threatening to go into the streets for violence. We can expect violence, but right now, what they are testing are these federal judges. . . . The Democrats have gone forum shopping in leftist states, I don’t even call them liberal anymore . . . and they are enjoining every one of President Trump’s major executive orders. It’s an outrage. It’s illegal, and I don’t think President Trump should obey those orders. I think they are illegal. Trump says he’s going to obey the orders, and I don’t think he should. . . . Trump should not obey the orders. That is the fastest way to get it to the Supreme Court, and that is not to obey the orders. They will be at the Supreme Court lickety-split.”
Klayman says, “The President has the right to intervene to see how that money is being spent. If he finds fraud, waste and corruption, it should be turned over to (AG) Pam Bondi to prosecute. What they found so far is $50 million worth of condoms for Hamas, all kinds of money going to terrorist organizations and you name it. It’s beyond the theater of the absurd. It’s criminal. Trump pointed out at his press conference today that there are likely kickbacks. . . . There are trillions and trillions of dollars, and that is just what has been wasted in the past.”
Klayman also says the pardons from President Biden for his son and family are illegal. Klayman contends, “These so-called pardons are null and void. . . . The pardons were illegal for two reasons: He (Biden) did not have the mental capacity to grant them, and they were not specific. They did not say what people were being pardoned for. I just pardon you for any crime. You can’t do that.”
Klayman thinks the fight with the Left is a lot worse than most people think. Klayman explains, “We are going to be in a violent revolution, potentially in short order. . . . The Left is pushing too hard right now, and they are going to start the violence like they did with Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Look what happened in Philadelphia when the Eagles won the Super Bowl. Lawless, leftist thugs burned down Broad Street. . . . This is a situation that can only spin more wildly out of control the more Trump pushes. . . .It’s getting to a very dangerous phase. . . The Left wants us dead — they really do. They want to have complete control. Now that control has been taken away from them in an election, they are not going to go quietly. If they don’t get what they want in court, and they probably won’t, they are going to be violent, and this could ratchet up more and more.”
There is more in the 58-minute interview.
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Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with renowned lawyer and government corruption fighter, Larry Klayman, founder of FreedomWatchUSA.org as he updates us on what he sees coming as Team Trump uncovers massive fraud with government books.
After the Interview:
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VIDEO: Leftist Reverend Asks His Congregation To Get Violent For Jesus & His Kingdom, Misinterpreting The Word Of God
THE GREAT AWAKENING CONTINUES! The Popularity Of Top Rapper Kendrick Lamar’s Song “Not Like Us” Proves The World Is Aware Of The Pedophilic Kingpins In The Entertainment Industry
Good movie but the way the bible says it is even better.
Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist | Full Action Drama Movie | Kevin Sorbo, Neal McDonough
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FDA Lab Uncovers Excess DNA Contamination In COVID-19 Vaccines
It’s all going to come out, and people injected will be terrified! This makes me sad.
Ed Dowd on Chris Martenson’s most recent update said the same. If Bobby Kennedy gets confirmed, this will all come out.
Martin Armstrong said he has never endorsed a political candidate until recently with newly elected Florida Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna who Armstrong says is the real deal. She is spearheading the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations. We have to give these people a chance because we are already seeing others like AG Pam Bondi also from Florida going after corruption in Blue States.
It seems headline should say, left will get violent against the americans elected president and the will of its people. Trump stated their coming after us. Bring it on. We have the rule of law again and a pissed off majority.
The woke left Mob would last maybe 3-5 seconds in my Neighborhood and that’s about how long it would take to locate them !
“For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.”
That’s a great reminder Anthony.
Thank you.
Gives me heart that the MURDEROUS PIG Netanyahu will suffer the same fate as Mussolini, and be left hanging on a meat hook in full public view, once the full scope of his crimes against Humanity are examined.
God does not allow perpetrators of genocide to move on quietly into the night, as your reminder perfectly underscores.

Ray, North Haven, Australia
One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”[a] 13 This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith 14 and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth. 15 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
Titus 1:12-16
Ray, what would you do if the Cretans raped and murdered your children and burned down your home? Blame the victim and champion the ungodly?! Or are you a Cretan, too?
If Hamas wants to stop the “genocide” it is causing, they should stop conducting warfare from densely populated areas. You hate Jews so much, you can ignore this battle strategy? As far as the “Genocide” goes with Gaza. I agree, but it is the fault of Hamas. The terror group conducts military operations in densely populated areas as a battle plan. This is a well-documented Hamas strategy. There is no real debate on this. If Hamas wants to cut down on the “Genocide,” then it can step out Infront of its civilian population and take on the IDF head on with the civilian population at their backs. The Prophet Mohamad never gathered his family or civilian women and children around him and went into battle—ever. Last year, CNN was interviewing a top Hamas leader about this issue, and he stopped the interview: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/asked-about-civilian-deaths-in-gaza-top-hamas-official-ends-cnn-interview/ar-AA1oZSis
The “PIGS” are Hamas oinking with murder of their own people as a PR stunt.
Hi Greg,
At this point, I am not interested in who’s “fault” all this is.
As I pointed out in my reply to “Friendly Neighbour” (which may look as if it is a reply to you…..sorry, it isn’t directed toward you), both sides have committed terrible atrocities against each other over the past 60 years.
Your comment about me “hating Jews” is disappointing in the extreme, given what I have stated here over many years.
Gerald Celente made a thought provoking point recently, when outlining the sheer scale of obliteration of the buildings and structures in Gaza:
“Look, there’s a Hamas hiding in that school…… BAAANG…..GOT HIM…..HA, HA”!!
“Look, there’s a Hamas hiding in that hospital…..BAAANG…..GOT HIM…..HA, HA”!!
Look, there a Hamas hiding in that shopping centre…..BAAANG….GOT HIM…..HA, HA”!!
I couldn’t give a continental about where anyone is hiding Greg…….that isn’t an avenue toward fixing things in my view.
What I do find myself concerned with, is when people who TRULY BELIEVE IN THEIR HEARTS that they are Christians, find reasons and the ability to completely justify a genocide of their fellow humanity.
Verily I will tell you, if Jesus were alive in the flesh with us today, there is NO WAY he would pat Netanyahu on the back and say “You’re going good old son……those Hamas, they’re hiding in civilian areas, so keep up the UNMITIGATED SLAUGHTER, it’s all good with Me. See you at the banquet later on tonight”.
Fair Dinkum……come on mate.
Have an honest think of how Jesus Himself might make comment here on USAWATCHDOG.
I reckon he’d support my line of reasoning over yours / Friendly Neighbour.
I believe His greatest teaching was “Love your enemy”…….not blow the living sh*t out of them with bombs until you have achieved a genocide (Oh…..and build a new Middle Eastern Riviera atop the graves of 100,000 innocent people)
Your friend,
Ray, North Haven, Australia

Yes Ray,
and one sure way to get this to stop is to remove from the Hamas Charter the phrase “Kill all Jews” as a stated goal. Jesus talks to me too, and I like to give BOTH sides of any story. It’s called the truth, and Jesus likes that. “100,000 innocent people” dead caused by Hamas conducting war from tunnels and densely populated areas. You cannot ignore this fact! You got to get your enemy to stop killing you first. More truth and not ignoring the truth.
Peace be with you Brother x

Greg, I have been becoming a reader of this site, which has lots of good information.
Unfortunately, your “analysis” of the Gaza situation is poor and also irrelevant to the subject of this article. Hopefully you will not advocate the USA attack Iran
The 10/7 incident was an obvious stand down by Israel. If you do not see that, you are not a credible person to I.
No, it is NOT. You just do not like the truth. Palestinians are the victims of Hamas.
Fair Dinkum……
The capacity for people to see things as complete black and white never ceases to amaze me.
Over the past 60 years, both the Jewish and the Palestinians have done terrible things to each other. ALL UNGODLY ACTS.
Yet, you will pound your keyboard at me and make comment as if only one side has sinned horribly, and the other is a symbol of lily white purity?
Fair Dinkum……”the ungodly” are those who commit the ungodly, and genocide is just that.
God NEVER cheers on a genocide…..get your head around that.
I’ll happily define a Cretan for you:
A Cretan is someone who sits there and says “Ohhhh……how HORRIBLE was the holocaust of the Jewish people during WW2”, then completely looks the other way, and says “meh……it’s justified” when it comes to the holocaust of the Palestinian people in 2024.

Ray, North Haven, Australia
You continue to ignore some BIG facts, I’ll post this again:
If Hamas wants to stop the “genocide” it is causing, they should stop conducting warfare from densely populated areas. You hate Jews so much, you can ignore this battle strategy? As far as the “Genocide” goes with Gaza. I agree, but it is the fault of Hamas. The terror group conducts military operations in densely populated areas as a battle plan. This is a well-documented Hamas strategy. There is no real debate on this. If Hamas wants to cut down on the “Genocide,” then it can step out Infront of its civilian population and take on the IDF head on with the civilian population at their backs. The Prophet Mohamad never gathered his family or civilian women and children around him and went into battle—ever. Last year, CNN was interviewing a top Hamas leader about this issue, and he stopped the interview: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/asked-about-civilian-deaths-in-gaza-top-hamas-official-ends-cnn-interview/ar-AA1oZSis
The “PIGS” are Hamas oinking with murder of their own people as a PR stunt.
Also, it is in the Hamas charter to “Kill all Jews.” Yet another pesky fact on the road to Palestinian victimhood. Hamas and sympathetic Palestinians who elected them to power are NOT victims. They are combatants that use women and children as human shields and PR stats. Shame on anyone for not calling this out!!!!!!!
There are lots of Jews in Israel who have already accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, by the way.
How did I get roped into this?
I was exposing Vaccine atrocities not the Mideast situation ;which our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ will try sort out again, hopefully they will not turn their back on him another time!
BREAKING NEWS: Rand Paul Lists Example After Example Of ‘Wasteful’ Spending By USAID
It has come to light that the whole “Abortion Issue” was Contrived by Demonrats who Brainwashed Women into believing it was “A Woman’s Right to Kill the Child Within Them”!! These Evil Demon Rats Manipulated the entire Abortion Issue, counting on Dumb and Gullible Women (in the Entire Women’s Movement) to Advance their Population Control Eugenics Program (making it into “Women’s Rights Issue”). It was all part of the Globalist’s Evil Agenda with Bill Gates’ father and the Rockefeller Foundation as the Evil Demons Originating the Worldwide Demoncide (that Slaughtered so many Millions of Helpless Innocent Children)!! Now Bill Gates following in his Father’s footsteps is trying to make his Vaccine “Clot Shots” a National Healthcare “Right” to be Embraced by both Men and Women dumb enough to believe that the “Clot Shots Erasing Their Immune Systems” are not part of a Worldwide Eugenics Program” (having the carved in stone stated Goal “To Kill Off 99% of the Human Population on Earth)!!!
As a Catholic, I am wondering why Pope Francis’ Modified Post-Vatican II Catholic Church is working with the November 22, 1963 – Founded Communist Democrat RINO Party to destroy our Constitutional American Republic. Can anyone here – on Greg’s courageous USAWatchdog.com site – explain this to me? As Catholics, where can we turn and what should we do? We now have no place to worship or to educate our children.
Don you might be a Catholic another might be a Baptist and another a Pentecostal but if you break it down to the lowest common denominator we’re all Christians first the other names are just headings, division titles. Who do we turn to ? Our Lord Jesus Christ our savior and our Heavenly Father and precious Holy Spirit
You can worship the Lord Jesus Christ in your
anywhere you happen to be you can read your Bible out loud to yourself so you hear the WORD OF GOD and let Holy Spirit comfort you and guide you into all truth.
Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart.
Don, I am not Catholic. This is very sad. I was so disgusted to see the Pope working with the wrong people. One would think he would know better. I am Anglican so it upsets me too. Open your Bible and go by that and teach God’s word. That is always a resource.
Just ask yourself, why do I want to run back into a burning house?
The catholic church is now and has been a “dumpster fire” of perversion and pedophiles…tolerated, hiddened, and promoted by the so-called pope(s) and holy see since pope John XXIII. As a former Catholic and still a believer in Christ; I haven’t lost my faith, but I have put this abomination out of my life.
The Catholic Church would not have been a target of infiltration if it had not been the one bulwark against the forces of evil. Bella Dodd testified decades ago to the number of infiltrators brought into the Church. They then brought in the pedos and kept them there for decades in order to destroy people’s trust in the Church. Do not judge the Church by the last 50+ years.
Find the priests who still practice the Catholic faith. They exist. Look at the Roman Catholic Institute, novusordowatch dot org, Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI), True Restoration dot org, Traditional mass dot org.
The pope is a pedephile and smuggler of .children..he is even worse some say..he eats them.. ..I gave up being a Catholic ..I wish I remembered where to send you to follow up but I can’t ..maybe search around on X..
You cannot preach here in Parramatta.
“Fauci Going To Jail?” – BOMBSHELL Investigation EXPLODES As AGs Prosecute Fauci For COVID Cover-Up
Don, we have to defend the Catholic Church and our faith while fighting the communist invaders in the Vatican. Don’t abandon it.
Belief in Religion and where we could turn and what to do in order to Worship God Almighty can be compared to believing in “God Crypto”!! One can choose to believe in Bitcoin (which can say be compared to Judaism) or Ethereum (which can be compared to Catholicism) and so on and so forth!! John 14:2 “In my Father’s house there are many mansions”!!!
I Corinthians 1
Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloe’s household, that there are contentions among you. Now I say this, that each of you says, “I am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos,” or “I am of Cephas,” or “I am of Christ.” Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?
Great show Greg . Larry’s amazing he tells it like it is so calmly and leaves you with no questions. Stay prayed up and over all in authority and be ready for Big Trouble and not in Little China but in the USA. I plead the Blood of Lord Jesus Christ over the USA, Pres Trump, his entire family and friends. Elon & family, Robert Kennedy Jr and MAGA & all the children and all others. pray

Thank again Greg and great to hear about Larry’s law suit against the CCP my husband got myocarditis and the cancer came back and his vision was damaged.
Here’s the big problem even if you’re honest and not a leftist commie. Once you get into any position of authority or fame (judge, politician, musician, Hollywood star), you get approached by people who want to control you. The boys from Langley. Someone from Tel Aviv. A Soros operative. Maybe someone representing China. And they make you an offer. Here’s $10 million dollars tax free in an offshore account, now just do what we say. No? Well, we know where your family lives…and where your kids go to school. Guess what? Now you’re going to do what they say.
Go get them Pam!
“It Stops Today”: DOJ Sues New York, Governor Hocul, And NY AG Letitia James Over Licenses For Illegals
I guess it helps that Pam has no kids Cheri.
Hear, here!
Dear Greg
I have been overwhelmed by what God has shown me what the Bible says. please go to biblically.com and open my Bible’s pages that are underlined and telling us exactly what is coming.
Countering the Democrat’s Judge shopping for injunction’s to block The people’s desire to get the swamp drained.
Before an activist judge block’s via injunction, the department of justice can restore the neccessity of the sueing parties to post a bond.
1. this saves the taxpayer from footing the bill for the cost of the suit.
2. The financial cost of blocking/delaying the cost cutting is very high.
3. As the DOGE defunds the corrupt backdoor funding of the left via USAID, etc, they are very unlikely to have the funds to get a trillion dollar bond to cover the dammages of lost taxpayer savings when they loose the case.
Just because Biden’s DOJ suspended a bond requirement (because they wanted suits to advance their schems) , Dosen’t mean the new DOJ can’t return to this proper function to stop activist’s who can’t afford to pay for the dammages their suits caused via delay’s.
Greg, I appreciate all that you do and the need to help your sponsors which allow you to be a messenger of the Lord for all of us, but please do not hype the bird-flu which is a huge hoax and an even greater pay-op than Covid was. Again, you are the best and I appreciate all that you do.
I am not hyping it but the Lying Legacy Media sure is–Why! Be prepared for anything.
Chris Martenson also says the same as Larry Klayman that the Left will probably turn violent. They will not give up power easily.
As Chris says, welcome to the second American Revolution!
BREAKING NEWS: President Trump & Elon Musk Take Multiple Questions from Reporters in The Oval Office
Forbes Breaking News Feb 11, 2025
President Trump signs executive orders in the Oval Office, with DOGE’s Elon Musk alongside him, and both take questions from reporters.
Can America Handle The TRUTH? Trump USAID Cuts with Eric Weinstein /Piers Morgan Uncensored 662,445 views Feb 11, 2025
Now that President Donald Trump is back in America’s driving seat, his plan to slash spending, particularly to foreign countries, is moving ahead practically unencumbered. The United States Agency for International Development aka USAID now sits squarely in the crosshairs of MAGA, with questions like; “Where is our money going?”, “How does this help America?” and “Why weren’t we told about this?” being shouted rather than whispered. Conversely, there are those who wholly support USAID and say the influence it affords the US is invaluable.
Piers Morgan dives deeply into this issue, joined by Harvard mathematician and physicist Dr Eric Weinstein. former USAID head and national security adviser to Donald Trump, Ambassador John Bolton, commentator and Babylon Bee contributor Ashley St Clair and Sunday Times columnist Matthew Syed.
Trump is cutting off their money. No money…no violent protests like we saw last time. I’m already noticing hand made signs instead of the pre made signs of the past.
Exactly – they are cutting off their money.
The last fight(1st term) Trump and the American people had their hands tied behind their back , no more! This fight will be totally different.
The average person is 100% agreement with what this administration is doing. Taylor Swift was booed and Trump cheered at the Superbowl.
They might bite off a lot more than they can chew!
Trump and Musk are cutting off a lot of wasteful inflationary money spending yet Government spending is still rising – https://assets.zerohedge.com/s3fs-public/inline-images/govt%20spending%20jan%202025.jpg?itok=LKKxV31r – So much more needs to be done to take money out of the economy and subdue inflation!! The Banksters Strategic Plan was to “take money out of the economy by creating Bitcoin” (to divert some of the excess money “they were printing out of thin air” into a “Black Hole of Nothingness”!! Thus keeping their money printing Ponzi scheme going a while longer. Problem is, their Strategic Plan worked out so well” that now they fear all that massive amount of Bitcoin money can come rushing back out into the economy creating a surge in inflation, and God forbid that money going into Gold & Silver (that they have been suppressing to keep people hypnotized into thinking “there is no inflation”)!! Trump obviously does not want to see massive inflation either, so I think he has devised a way to Keep all the Money now in Bitcoin from Coming Back Out into the Economy creating Inflation on his watch By Creating a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve!! By the Government buying Bitcoin and keeping the price of Bitcoin rising “people will not be tempted to rapidly unload their Bitcoin money” into the Economy or into Gold & Silver!! Thus by strategically raising (or lowering the price of Bitcoin) Trump can Manage the Money Supply!! He can quell Inflation by raising the Bitcoin price (which will take money out of the economy) or he can quell Deflation by lowing the Bitcoin price (which will put money back into the economy)!! So if I’m right about this we should Buy Bitcoin (if we see inflation continuing to increase) and Sell Bitcoin (if we see deflationary forces taking hold)!!! Now, if we can find an investment that will benefit when Bitcoin is Bought, and benefit when Bitcoin is Sold (like ABIT for instance) we will be in a cat bird position to profit in Both an Inflationary and Deflationary Environment!!!
Very interesting – you know during the California Gold Rush the people “who consistently made money ” were those who sold the picks, shovels and gold sluice pans to those looking to make a fortune!!!
Larry is the MAN!
And I believe he is correct that the Leftist Communist Demoncrats and their lackeys…
Our tax dollars were used not to educate our children on American Greatness but to inculcate them with the groomer’s hate of their own country, the USA.
tks larry greg
It’s never about what is best for the country, it’s always about the “message.”
What a wonderful interview. Biden debit cards are going to run out of money in March. USAID funds to media will be gone. MS-13 and Tren de Aragua gangs are being booted from free apartments. Mentally ill loonies are going to go crazy. But we will be OK. Be aware of your surroundings. Watch for people lurking around ATMs. Avoid large crowds blocking intersections.
Greg, some good nuggets as well as coming PARDON WARS not unlike what Mr.Klayman suggests. Some good commentary by Atty. Mark Meuser.
Cautiously optimistic but all going on and not quite as it seems. And yes…Bragg is back !
As a Canadian – I have to ask a few questions why would Canada willing join the ever growing nightmare that is the US. Trump can make all kinds of statements, and his desire to acquire Canada, to really only to rob us of are resources. You have to also ask, if the US (Trump) will treat Canada in such a disrespectful way what do you think they will do to their own citizens? Canada may not have a big army but you don’t want to p#@$ off 40 million Canadians – because life will not be roses and wine for the US after any invasion, or take over.
Hey Wayne,
Why will Canada stop disrespecting the US and stop taking $200 billion a year from us taxpayers?
Hi Greg, thanks for the reply – I know what Trump has said about the 200 Billion ( in the bigger picture that’s chump change for the US). Canada buys way more from the US (excluding Oil and Natural gas) so on net the US benefits. The US could have way worse neighbors – I fined it odd Trump isn’t interested in annexing Mexico…the US has already acquired large portions of Mexico ( now California ) in the past. Canada is not the problem we happen to be a convenient political distraction for now. The US has way bigger problems looming then what is occurring to your North.
You might want to get used to that (51st state) or you can be owned be the Chinese. I wouldn’t count on the Mounties.
That Canada talk reminds me of the North American Union that was talked about several years ago.
yes, that 8 lane interstate from mexico to canada with illegals driving semis with no borders.
Come on man! The British and Dutch navies will defend Canada and Greenland.
Greenland might have a tad longer row to hoe unless maybe Canada and UK jump in.
POTUS DJT gets it…and he also gets ‘the stupidity of endless wars’ which only funnels profits before, during, and after to the ‘investment’ class of the world elite…while the masses get the death and maming, and the taxpayers get the debt.
AND yes, the U.S. is broke, and tired of being the ‘cash cow’ to keep the NATO, UN, and Club of Rome, AND their pay to play counterparts = BRICplus in the GR$$N Zon$.
But the repo agents at the BIS Central Bank will likely have a bit of a hard time collecting some of the U.S. ASSETS.=
That said, Russia, China and India ARE no slouches either….so thinking, once we get past the forced acceptance of ‘ideologies’ and religious cults divisons’, POTUS Trump’s Rodney King’s can’t we all just get along might just be a better route to go.
Accepting each other’s cultures, and having them, enriches life….who would all want to be the same = boring if nothing else. In many aspects, our diversity makes life, food, the arts, architecture much more interesting and adventuresome. Wouldn’t it be nice if people just stopped using ‘slavery’, whether gulag types or economic ones as a ‘tool’ to keep a two party caste system and ‘economic’ cheap labor market system viable?
Hey, I get the Canada and Greenland thing…but…then NOTHING is free. and your areas are rather large so don’t expect the U.S. any longer to send the sons and daughters to defend your soil, or snowfields. So, many just best the U.S. brings it’s forces and equipment home from EU. and let those centuries of endless wars back and forth carry on. And by the way, who was it again that created the Israel problem? Who’s idea was the Balfour Agreement? (UK ?) and who voted to make Israel its own nation? (UN ?)
AND who was first to stick their nose into India politics? (UK ?)
and the Kibre Pass, and Saudi Arabia with their Lawerance of Arabia gambit? Then too, the Crimean War? that also ended with how many senseless tens of thousands of deaths over nearly the same territory as today?
Has the world learned nothing?
The most popular baby male name in England is Mohamed. I would not want to count on the British for anything.
Canada’s best route still might be the Canadian Mounties.
The Mounties?
Is that Gay strip team?
Yes – led by Trudeau.
Might want to check out big Oil & Gas operations in Alberta to see the actual foreign country in charge of the resources. I think Trump is slowly pulling back that curtain. Its more obvious who owns the high-end real estate in BC; there’s a clue.
This re-juggling of properties reminds me of the game “Monopoly”!! Why doesn’t Trump offer to Give Canada: New York, New Jersey, California, Oregon, Minnesota and Washington State and in Return get for the US: Yukon, The Northwest Territory’s, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nunavut!!! We won’t have to change the American Flag and we can re-name the Hudson Bay to: “Bay of America”!! https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Breakup-USA-Canada.jpg
The Demon Rats would just love to make New York and California part of Canada so that when WWIII Starts they Won’t Get Bombed With Nuclear Weapons (because Canada will Immediately Declare Neutrality)!!
it’s going to end up where USA Canada and Mexico will be ONE REGION of 10 GLOBALLY called North American Union , ,, , South America will be the South American Union
our currency will be called the AMERO similar to the EURO for the European Union
these will represent the 10 horns of the RED DRAGON
each region will be ruled by a king . . . there will be 10 Kings in JUDGMENT of MYSTERY BABYLON and support the beast for 1 hour to destroy her
Greg. I always watch Judicial Watch with (Tom Fittan. Not sure of the spelling). They have done good work over the years. I like how they made Fani Willis pay them money. lol
In my opinion I cannot see Trump or Musk paying any attention to the forces trying to stop what they are doing about showing the World what fraud has been done on America. People should be aware that this is happening in other countries as well. I am in Canada and can see how it is the same thing here. We just don’t have a President Trump to point it all out. I think God is watching and listening and things only go so far before that entity steps in. Love your reporting Greg.
What are you talking about? DOGE is just getting started and Trump IS pointing this all out. Your country is a failed state with a 90% fully vaxed rate. Thanks for supporting USAW!
Absolutely correct Greg. We are one big failed mess. I can see many reasons to join America. US has a lot of freedoms Canada does not. I love Trump and it is so fascinating watching him upset the Dems over and over again every day.
You have to get control away from the demons that run the Canadian government. Lot’s of good people in Canada but you are not being led by any of them. Praying for Canada.
what would happen, Carol, if we had Musk do to our system in Canada, what he is doing in the U.S.A. Trudeau would be strung up like Mussolini, withall his liberal buddies plus the effects senate. That we tolerate our governmental system speaks loudly to the myopia of voters. Canada eh?
Maybe condoms for Hamas is not a bad idea, we don’t want them to breed to make little terrorists…………just a thought……….
Or the Globalists running USAID didn’t want any competition from Hamas as they screwed around with babies and children !!
We should “ALL” pray for Trump’s well being and safety, 37 trillion in debt, add in the unfunded billions ” off the books” you could say, All the BRIC’s countries should be turning their worthless US Dollars into “GOLD” …..just a thought…..
Just thought it was an interesting snapshot:
I arbitrarily picked a date in early February, 2000.
When you look at the current level of the Dow, it is easy to think “Wow”, as it sits at 44,000.
It was somewhere around 10,500 back in early 2000. So the Dow went up 4.2 times over that period.
Gold was somewhere around $280 in early 2000, and is currently around $2,900.
That’s a multiple of 10.4.
And that’s with ongoing suppression…
Trump is CIC of the second-to-none US military and CEO of the vast security state apparatuses. If the Left engages in an uprising he is FULLY capable of putting it down!
If he sits on his thumb and does NOTHING (again) like he did when Antifa & BLM were waging open warfare against America…then he is either complicit in treason or deserves to be overthrown.
I’m SICK of the EXCUSES! Sorry MAGA, but blaming “Blue State Governors” isn’t cutting it anymore!!!
He’s been in office less than a month and in his last Admin he was surrounded by traitors. Please tell us all what you are doing to combat this?
What is hilarious with Paul’s comment is that the American people overwhelmingly voted against the Blue States because we have seen how those governors have ruined their States. Gavin Newsom is a feckless joke.
Chris Martenson posted a video where a Palisades fire victim who’s house burned down, confronted Gavin Newsom. He interrupted by saying he was on the phone with President Trump. She tells him to put the call on speaker so she can hear Trump’s voice to verify he was actually talking to Trump.
He then switched the conversation to his call log shows he tried calling. So it went from he’s talking to the President to i’ve tried calling. “That sums up BLUE STATE GOVERNANCE” along with the incompetent and bureaucratic LA Mayor.
Blue States should just leave the Union and form their own.
Where were you when were crushed under Biden’s administration?
Count the days since Jan 20. He doesn’t even have his team together yet but Trump has already started much needed change.
If Trump plays by the crooked rules of the Democrats, he is cooked. And he knows it.
He will not play by their rules. The conflict will go to ruler against ruler. When there is violence in the land with ruler against ruler, this is the last stage before Babylon USA is destroyed as defined by Jeremiah 51:46
46 And lest your heart faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land; a rumour shall both come one year, and after that in another year shall come a rumour, and violence in the land, ruler against ruler.
When there is violence in the land caused by ruler against ruler, get out of the USA as fast as you can. It will be destroyed soon after. You really don’t want to be part of the destruction that is coming to Babylon USA. Read Jeremiah 50 and 51.
Col. Douglas Macgregor on Government Waste & Fraud, Spending Cuts, Debt Crisis Risks, Gold & Bitcoin
Natalie Brunell 73,480 views Feb 11, 2025, Most Popular Episodes
In this conversation, Col. Douglas Macgregor provides a critical analysis of the Trump administration’s performance, particularly in domestic and foreign policy. We cover:
Pervasive corruption within the government
The inefficacy of institutions like USAID
Challenges facing the Department of Defense
The need for significant budget cuts, especially in defense spending
Potential for economic collapse also explores the potential
The importance of gold and Bitcoin as safe havens, and the implications of the new Treasury Secretary’s policies
Why he urges listeners to consider the long-term strategic goals of the U.S. and the necessity for profound changes in governance and fiscal responsibility. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHVslMWQ-4M
I agree completely with your guest. President Trump should ignore the radicals that are trying to hinder him doing performing his legal obligations as President of the Executive Branch. We can’t have radical judges over step their authority.
There is a heck of a lot of money being wasted in illegal manners. I am willing to guess there are hundreds of billions in wasted taxpayer money. We will be utterly astounded with what will be found in the future. What we have seen so far is a train wreck!
People must go to prison for the theft and corruption.
The left better be careful what it wishes for. We ‘normals’ outnumber and outgun them, and many of us have military training. They can’t possibly win a shooting war. They want to bring the inevitable fight to us, it’s their funeral. Can’t come soon enough for me.
Cause Unknown?
“Ben Christman dies at 21: UNLV offensive lineman previously played at Ohio State, Kentucky”
I see Silver is beginning to move up in price, and it is completely logical (if you consider Trump has now decided “not to make pennies any longer”) because as can be seen in the following chart the “Current US Dollar” has now effectively become “THE NEW PENNY”)!! https://www.richdad.com/MediaLibrary/RichDad/Images/charts/usd-purchasing-power-1913-2008.png
So what this means to all us Americans is The $100 Dollar Bill “is really The NEW Dollar”!!
Hence, a one ounce Silver Coin now selling for only about 33 “Current Dollars” is effectively only about 33 cents an ounce in terms of the NEW DOLLAR the Fed has now successfully achieved in bringing into existence (by exponentially expanding the money supply since getting their charter in 1913)!!!
As you point out the Reset of the US Dollar has come!!! The “New Dollar” is the One Hundred Dollar Bill!! The only thing left to do now is to “revalue” an ounce of physical Gold (most likely to the price of Bitcoin – overnight)!! According to Andy Schectman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arNtycCz6kc revaluing Gold to $146,000 dollars per ounce will in One Stroke Totally Eliminate the US National Debt (and Trump can do it Instantly by simply telling the Fed “Do It”)!! As for poor Stan, he may actually see Gold at $1,460 (But in the “NEW DOLLAR”)!!!
Here is where Gold is going: – https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fa48badfe-0289-4fcb-a5a6-99ad94cb8210_1050x1207.png
Here is where Silver is going: – https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ff0f8e461-3edc-4c67-bb19-f3d634f328a7_1050x1207.png
God Bless this man…
Former White House adviser Stephen Bannon predicted that “a lot of people are going to prison” after President Donald Trump’s Justice Department investigates the Democrat lawfare and political coups waged against the 47th president.
My wife is a Federal Employee. I’ve been in the dog house for over a month.
She went from euphoria thinking her ‘Kamalabdula’ would win, to now blaming me for each “newstory” she reads on MSN. I told her to let it all play out, Que Sera Sera. I told her not to believe anything from the MSM as they are running everything President Trump says out of context and as if every word President Trump says is from a Dictator. These newsstories each are being proven as fake news days or weeks after the MSM reports them.
And that dang Federal Employee gossip-ping back and forth, Henny-Penny the sky is falling crap back and forth.
Like it is my fault that someone in the government is actually looking for the fraud, waste and abuse? I laugh out loud. Audit the whole dang thing, I want to see every penny accounted for and justified as necessary (just like the IRS does to us). Especially I want to see long prison sentences to politicians and federal employees that have willfully broken the laws and made $ illegally, especially embezzlement, extortion, racketeering and theft.
Let it play out!
Since the dawn of time, people have understood that man against woman was not fair…
These evil doers hate women
Wonderful interview. And, really quite alarming as to the threats to our President, VP, and Elon.
I’m going to share my theory. If the ‘bad guys’ do, try to decapitate the Executive. They may try what I call The Mass Approach and try to physically overwhelm the Secret Service (SS) with bombs, mines, gas, grenades, rockets, etc… There are reports the Cartels have acquired weapons from Ukraine, bought and paid for by the USA. This transfer may actually be a feature – Not a quirk. Elements of the CIA, etc…may be involved.
Even with new leadership the SS may Not be able to cope with an in-your-face direct assault.
Perhaps this on the radar…The Super Bowl SS recruitment commercial would indicate Trump knows the lethal threats are quite robust and are now in preparation.
My father after WWII was a Counter Intelligence Corp (CIC) agent. I know for a fact how he was ordered, in 1963, to protect JFK from, “bugs and bombs.” He was not Secret Service. The CIC core mission does Not include Presidential Protection. Someone within the Army (a patriot) had gotten wind of an ‘Inside Job’ and tried to protect JFK.
That’s why I believe Larry Klayman is correct. It could be unprecedented, scaled violence…EVERYTHING is on the table.
Larry Klayman is fantastic. Anything that he does to publicize the evil legal monopoly is a benefit to everyone. He is one of the only reliable sources of honesty on the legal system because law school graduates, as a group, always refuse to discuss their flawed legal system. As I said before, anyone who can support him should do it without hesitation.
Even with all that praise, his citizen grand juries will not accomplish what most people might want. In most of the US, only a government judge or a government prosecutor has the power to convene a grand jury, but Kansas, along with Oklahoma, Nebraska, North Dakota, New Mexico, and Nevada allows citizens themselves to call one. But there is no prescribed method to invoke a police action or an enforce a penalty, rendering it useless except for some possible bad publicity and unwanted violence.
Larry’s Citizen Grand Juries cannot be expected to put any of the criminal deep stators in jail. He held a citizen grand jury at Columbia U and found Obama guilty – but that was it – nothing else happened. In an unrelated citizen jury, Bundy got himself killed. Personally, I have never been able to find a citizen grand jury that has been able to enforce a penalty and the Pro Se legal groups that I have belonged to do not even talk about them.
The only type of citizen action that I’ve seen work was the method that citizens used in Springfield, MO. It would lead to violence and get you killed if you tried it. It is not a solution and those who try it in these modern days will spend eternity wishing that they did not cut their lives short on earth.
The Worst Kind Of Citizen Action – Springfield, MO
2.7 F’ing Trillion!!! Why is this not a big deal
Can you Imagin the positive effect this would have on our bond market, dollar and economy?
We keep seeing people say that Trump isn’t doing anything. He has done more for America in 3 weeks than Biden did in 4 years. Trump learned from his first Term that you can’t work with these Demons.
It would have a massive impact…
You know the old jokes about $600 toilet seats and $2,000 hammers in military procurement… that graft was too slow.
Now they just send billion dollar invoices to Treasury and they get paid without scrutiny.
Like you ask, what would nearly 3 trillion do if we had applied to our debt?
Or saved for a rainy day?
What was this money used for?
To undermine American freedom, to destroy the Republic, to finish bankrupting America.
Saving the dollar would be good, raising our credit rating? Fantastic. Financial security? Naw… why would the Demoncrats want that?
“He has done more for America in 3 weeks than Biden did in 4 years.”
Agreed but Trump was given a mandate to cleanup the mess that Biden and the Deep State made. Credit also to Pam Bondi who comes from my State of Florida. She is on fire and dropping the hammer on States that want to disregard federal laws and house illegals.
Good Morning.
You are right. Pam is slashing and burning the evil doers. But Pam is only there as part of Trump’s team. She wasn’t my first choice as AG but she seems to be following Trump’s lead so far.
Thought she was off base on some of her 2nd Amendment thoughts but then so are many people.
Praying Bondi, RFK Jr, Tulsi, and Musk continue to clean house.
These Federal Activists Judges need to be cleared out as well as the Soros DA
“It will end badly.” – Pope Francis
“Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm.”
Psalm 105:15
The Magnificent Seven. At the end, there are only three…
Ultraviolet (2006) Movie: Produced by Team Fauci and Bioweapons Gates?
Les Misérables: Sans chanteurs
Coming soon:
A third angel followed them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand, 10they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. 11And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name.” 12This calls for patient endurance on the part of the people of God who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus.
13Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”
“Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”
Revelation 14:9-13
Thanks Greg for ALL your great news and commentary. I hope you go to the White House for your turn on the News media panel section.
I am sorry to ALL that were deceived by their evil government. God blessed me to be defiant with it. Knowing my government as I do from service experience, I knew what they were up to and I warned all loved ones & friends. Alas, I have one friend and one relative left. Unfortunatuly, we don’t live close to one another so…alone again…naturally!
The Pulitzer Prize for Dis-honest Journalism should be awarded to the Western Press “as they have a ton of Blood on their Hands” (constantly Promoting Wars and the Death of Millions)!!. To comprehend the sheer magnitude of the Evil that has Consumed the American Press (and the European press) with their Constant Cheering On of Endless Wars and Constant Bloodshed one must question “Who is Behind All This?? Who is Paying the Press to Promote War and Promote all our other problems??? Musk has found out – it’s USAID !!!
I hear the pain in your comment.
Hold fast to your faith in God , the most wonderful friend you will ever have x
Alone Again, Naturally…….a beautiful, beautiful song by THE GREAT Gilbert O’Sullivan

Ray, North Haven, Australia
Greg, have you seen Trump’s tax plan? it’s no good for the average Joe, just the ultra wealthy. The guy is turning out to be a fraud, as he campaigned on promising big tax changes for the middle class, for everyone.
His proposed plan doesn’t even include his no tax on tips election scam. Additional funding needs to be found to implement that.
And what about him being the President of peace? No peaceful person would keep sending money to Israel.
As things stand, by the time his term is up, the Republicans won’t stand a chance in 2028.
He’s looking like he’s a liar and a fraud. Taxes and war funding is a major deal breaker to most that voted for him.
His popularity is going to nosedive…
He’s only been in office 3 weeks. What is your source for this, by the way?
Hi Robert,
All of us here like fact. Please provide the receipts.
Is this supported by facts and reason or do you just pull it out of your neither regions?
I cant find anything supporting your post
They need money to start the revolution. Where is that going to come from? USAID used to fund all that? Notice the city riots they threatened haven’t happened yet. No money.
Let’s see how many of you are still supporting Trump at the end of the year. Obviously, no one cares to do even basic research on him and if they did, they would have to feel like fools if they helped put him in office.
This is not a promotion or defense of the other side. Both parties are corrupt and it defies common sense that the masses haven’t been able to figure this out by now. That being said, it is even more shocking someone with the defects of a Trump could have been considered for a high public office, never mind the presidency. If anyone ever needed evidence of how dumb downed the American public has become, this is it.
Thomas Jefferson is quoted to have said “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” and I couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, by the time you finally understand this, it will be too late. Your fates are already sealed and there is nothing you can do about it. Forget hope for the best – just plan for the worst because that is what is coming and it is coming faster than you think.
Your hubris is comical,
You have posted this before and keep pushing the date out. What a FOOL.
Damn Tyzzie,
This is satire right? You claim Trump is clearly, terminally flawed as opposed to Beijing Biden and Harris the Harlot.
Dude, what facility for the criminal insane are you being held in? I mean your grasp of reality is tenuous at best.
At this point I don’t think the Trump Cult will ever be capable of seeing Trump for the Judas Goat he is.
Mark my words: MAGA will be cheering for another ruinous war and a total police state before Trump’s term ends.
The extreme level of censorship here at USAWD is indicative of the MAGA mentality!
Reply to Doc Tyz’dale,
Let’s dive back in together if you knows what I means by no means!.
You Tyz you, I can definitely set you straight mate, with what you wrote above!
When it comes to the teachings on respecting your leaders and you should be praying for them, because disrespecting them won’t get you anywhere or them, him or her and just might undermine any good they quite possibly could accomplish!. God’s word the Biblia teaches that it’s important to pray for those in authority to ensure a peaceful environment where you, me and others, can carry out our ministry, or service!
Here are some scriptoria’s:
1. 1 Timothy 2:1-2: Encourages prayers for kings and all those in authority so that they may lead peaceful and godly lives, meaning us, most importantly.
2. Romans 13:1-2: Emphasizes the need to be subject to governing authorities because they have been placed there by God. Good or Bad!
3. Titus 3:1-2: Advises believers to be obedient and ready to do good, slandering no one, and being peaceable and considerate.
These scriptures align with Christ Jesus’s mission to respect and pray for leaders, understanding that this creates a favorable environment for preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom.
I hope this helps clarify things for you Doc! Would you like to explore more on this topic or anything else, feel free to ask? You can’t go wrong on USAWachdog.com!
Just remember doc, pray for PEACE and SECURITY and the FREEDOM to KEEP IT!
If you can think of a better way for prosperity, pray about it and start being peaceable yerself! Doc, Mate!
Greg, as Mr. Schlanger says, while all the media narrative is spun and confetti thrown , much goes on the people are not aware of. More high politics and manipulation of elections goes on behind the scenes in Romania. Will Trump and Elon have to buy Romania ? lol And ANOTHER 1200 pages of JFK documents just found hidden away by CIA yesterday?
They are corrupt. They are thieves. Here they stole and hid 20 Billion dollars… in CA that would be a misdemeanor.
Here is your AI in action…
Arrest of man 6 hours away that photo doesn’t even come close to match
John 12:23
And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.
Jhn 12:24
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
Jhn 12:25
He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.
Jhn 12:26
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
Jhn 12:27
Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.
Jhn 12:28
Father, glorify thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, saying, I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again.
Jhn 12:29
The people therefore, that stood by, and heard it, said that it thundered: others said, An angel spake to him.
Jhn 12:30
Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.
Jhn 12:31
Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.
Two points: 1) there is NO “left” in US politics–it simply isn’t allowed; Schumer, Waters, etc. are only comparatively slightly-less right-wing than a lot of Congress; and 2) violence, IMHO, is exactly what TPTB WANT, so they can lock away the dissidents indefinitely, per NDAA 2012, which contains a clause saying that a “suspected enemy combatant” is anyone whom the POTUS SAYS is one, & so can be “detained” and in throw-in-jail-and-throw-away-the-key forever, no pesky habeas corpus getting in the way. It’s unConstitutional, but you don’t get to argue that in court if you’re not allowed into court in the first place. And Schumer voted for this, in 2012 & 2013.
Here’s the VIOLENT REVOLUTION against your local bank branch:
Major banks have now closed more than 1,000 local branches last year… as experts reveal bloodbath to worsen in 2025.
The face of evil. For those that think you can reason with the unreasonable . You can not reach a meaningful, lasting compromise with zealots.
Many have tried over the last half century to do so with leftists, communists, the climate prophets and moslems. It all failed. My father told me when deviants were being normalized, that the ultimate goal was to normalize pedophiles. Damn, he called that one.
Here is a story of “Westernized” moslem bragging about murdering Jews. And don’t think they hold Followers of Christ in any different regard.
Anyone here from KY that is voting for evil, pawn of China, and hater of America, Mitch the Turtle McConnell?
He is senile, infirm etc.
Ask your Governor to pressure him to step down.
Mr Klayman is 100% correct about not letting these left-wing-lunatics that are destroying this country off the mat after they’ve been taken down. This is a fight for the life of our freedom, liberty and common sense in this country.
This is a serious life and death struggle for the sovereignty of our nation.
Amen, Clyde. And we have to help
To The Bravest Woman I Know
Serious food for thought. What happens when country or society collapses ?
Excellent first hand account of what really matters when things go sideways.
It Couldn’t Happen Here… Right? | Grunt Speak Live
Popp and Toxic Male welcome special guest Z, who grew up in Georgia (the country) as the Soviet Union fell apart around him. He sees some interesting parallels in western countries today.
COLORADO — Semi Auto Gun Ban , SB 25-003 , vote held over to Friday 2/14/25
Rocky MT. Gun Owners
How do you destroy a free people?
You Rob the Treasury and use the plunder to undermine the culture of freedom.
Does anyone think CNN and the rest of the Legacy Media has any gravatos left? Any reputation of honesty? I put out there that Greg’s broadcasts have more REAL viewers that CNN prime time. I mean really. Who uses CNN for anything other than comic relief?
Here DOGE has identified half a Trillion dollars in fraud. How much of our tax dollars actually went to benefit the American people? How much does a well run government need to protect us and operate? It seems about 10% of what they are stealing from us as taxes.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Liberal Global Establishment Would Rather Commit Nuclear Suicide With WWIII Than Admit The Ukraine War Was A Massive Mistake
by The Alex Jones Show February 13th, 2025
Investigative journalist and Bilderberg expert Daniel Estulin joins Alex Jones to break down how the Russian-Ukraine war peace talks will unfold under Trump’s leadership.
Legendary comedian and Jewish actor Jon Lovitz declared that Israel is in safe hands with President Donald Trump in the White House.
I am disgusted with Canada Right Now!
Created the WORLD HUB of Crime
KINGPINS & Asian Money Laundering.
From Moose on the Loose on youtube.
With people like this on our side, you don’t need enemies…
Greg. message from x-oreGONE journalist who ran for Secretary of State there, now comfortably moved to Montana =
Come Together? Probably Too Soon
Go JD Go!
How come we tax payers never benefit from this largesse ?
Corrupt to the last drop… to the last every thing.
Cocaine Mitch has to go…
Intense Combat As Russian Army Assaults Ukraine’s Last Stronghold
Patrick Lancaster
717K subscribers
154,900 views Feb 13, 2025 Russian Army Assaults Ukraine’s Last Frontline Stronghold – Intense Combat & Drone Warfare
Breaking News:
The Russian army has launched a full-scale assault on Belogorovka, the last major Ukrainian stronghold in this critical frontline sector, LPR Lugansk. In this exclusive combat report, I document the relentless shelling, kamikaze drone warfare, and fierce ground battles that define this intense military confrontation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dh5CCluSkc
Experience a Ski Village in RUSSIA!
An AMERICAN & Who else?!
Take a Tour NOW!
EXPAT American 2,924 views Premiered 6 hours ago
Immerse yourself in a Russian Ski Village and see what it has to offer! How are the slopes, the food, the rooms, the streets, etc. How does this compare to your country? How do Russian people compare to your people? Would you vacation here with your family or friends? Would you ski here? Is Russia a scary place? Welcome to Krasnaya Polyana!
No Taxpayers pay fur Trumpster. . no credit too, lying media talking head!
Hungary Prime Minister Viktor Orban on USAID, Trump, Immigration, NATO, and the Russia/Ukraine War Tucker Carlson Premiered 3 hours ago
Hungary’s Viktor Orban is by far the longest serving head of state in Europe, and by this point has been vindicated on pretty much everything. So when he says that going forward it’s Ukraine, not Russia, that may be the biggest threat to the west, it’s worth paying attention.
Zelenskyy drone strikes Chernobyl and blames Russia.
Sorry A$$hole but Beijing Biden has left the building.
This shows Zelenskyy is truly insane and needs to be put in an asylum
【Aero India 2025】Russian Su-57’s surprising flight display
Hitotsuboshi / Aviation Channel ② 35,709 views Feb 13, 2025 ケンドリヤ・ヴィドゥヤラーヤ・エアー・フォース・ステーション・イェラハンカ
I went to Aero India 2025, which was held at Yelahanka Air Base in southern India from February 10th to 14th, 2025.
This video shows the flight demonstration of the Russian Air Force’s Sukhoi Su-57 Felon, which took place on February 13th.
This is the second time that the Su-57 has appeared at an air show outside of Russia, following the Zhuhai Air Show in November 2024.
Aero India 2025 also saw the US Air Force’s F-35A, F-16, B-1B, and KC-135 participate, making it the first time that the US Air Force and the Su-57 came face to face. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cZEF6TyD4k
To the cheers of the crowd waiting breathlessly for the highly maneuverable 4th generation and thus cheaply made unlike the dodo bird (Raphus cucullatus) extinct and flightless bird, premises of the $200 million dollar F-35 boondoggle that millions of taxpayer monies can’t even keep flying long enough to be effective in it’s tasks goes to show and reflect on the woke US. failure at true peace and security of common sense in military expenditure of a grifting military industrial complex president Ike Eisenhower warned us about!
Fighter Pilot Reacts to Russian SU-57 Performance at Zhuhai Airshow
Max Afterburner 1,912,667 views Dec 8, 2024
Fighter pilot reacts to the SU-57 Felon flying in the Zhuhai, China airshow. How did the Russian fighter jet perform then?
Helicopter crew in collision with plane may not have heard key instruction from tower, NTSB says Story by GARY FIELDS and TIM SULLIVAN • 3h •
VIDEO: Trump Roasts Biden So Hard, Even PM Modi & White House Journalists Burst Into Laughter Riot
During a joint press conference with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Donald Trump was asked about his views on President Joe Biden’s competence. In response, Trump sharply criticized Biden’s leadership, calling it an example of “gross incompetence.” He contrasted his tenure with Biden’s, emphasizing that his administration had driven significant economic growth and strengthened global alliances. Trump implied that these achievements had been undermined under Biden’s presidency. His remarks drew laughter from the audience, highlighting the ongoing political rivalry between the two leaders. The moment further reinforced Trump’s campaign narrative as he continues to challenge Biden’s record ahead of the next U.S. elections. The exchange also put Modi in an unusual position, witnessing U.S. domestic politics unfold firsthand.
You asked how much missing funds would they find. Remember, Dr Mark Skidmore found $21T missing at HUD & DOD. The sums will be ginormous and the deep state doesn’t want to lose it’s fat hog to source the pork. This is going to get very serious and dangerous. I believe that if the digging keeps going, it will find that EVERY member of Congress on both sides of the aisle are compromised by accepting unreported funding or engaging in impurity with underage girls and boys and there is a file on every one of them. The swamp is a sceptic tank that needs flushing. The stench will be strong.
Keep on keeping on. You’re doing good.
Man from uncontacted tribe emerges from rainforest, signals to villagers
Story by Andrew Paul • 3h •
Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” This verse is often cited by Christian Witnesses as a sign of the “last days” or the end times, of the age of lawlessness and extreme wickedness!
They believe that we are living in the “last days,” a period that began with the world wars, marked by numerous neverendingly continuous wars, famines, earthquakes, and increased lewdness’s. They see the spread of the good news as a critical part of these events leading up to the end.
Regarding the recent contact with the remote indigenous tribes in the Amazon, this event can be seen as part of the “witness to all nations” mentioned in Matthew 24:14. The contact with previously uncontacted tribes highlights the ongoing expansion of human interaction and the challenges that come with it, such as the risk of diseases and cultural clashes.
For Christians, these developments underscore the urgency of their mission to preach and make disciples of all nations, as they believe these are signs that the end is very, very near.
What say you, boo who?
LIVE: Tucker Carlson’s Big Revelations After Trump-Putin Phone Call | World Govt Summit | Hindustan Times 37,158 views Streamed live on Feb 13, 2025
Following a phone call between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, Tucker Carlson is expected to reveal details, Trump stated the call with Putin was “lengthy and highly productive,” and that they agreed to begin negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. Watch the video to know more.
_______ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cy7hen7xblI
The Ukraine War is Over! Europe’s Top Professor Reveals What Happens Next!
Cyrus Janssen 130,810 views Feb 14, 2025
Glenn Diesen joins the show today to discuss the Russia Ukraine War, how it ends. Where does Russia and Ukraine go from here? We then expand our conversation to discuss Trump and what his presidency means to the world. We discuss the rise of China, the great tech battle between the US and China and the future of our multipolar world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQrbIRJQ2zk
Who’s Going to be Left Holding the Bag?
U.S To Send Army To Russia If Peace Deal Fails: VP JD Vance’s Direct Military Action Threat To Putin
Vice President JD Vance has issued a stern warning to Russia, stating that the U.S. will consider sanctions and even military action if President Vladimir Putin refuses to negotiate a peace deal for Ukraine. His remarks followed what former President Donald Trump described as a “lengthy” phone call with Putin, during which both leaders reportedly agreed to begin peace negotiations. Speaking to The Wall Street Journal, Vance emphasized that “economic tools, of course, military tools of leverage” remain on the table to push Russia toward a settlement. He added that a potential deal could “shock a lot of people.” Vance is set to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Munich, a meeting that European leaders will closely watch for Trump’s stance on the ongoing war. As the conflict nears its third anniversary in February 2025, the world awaits how the U.S. will influence the peace process between Russia and Ukraine. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/u-s-to-send-army-to-russia-if-peace-deal-fails-vp-jd-vance-s-direct-military-action-threat-to-putin/vi-AA1z3nja?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=HCTS&cvid=6a98168eb2654f59bbca1ffca21310e7&ei=6
Ukrainians captured the best Russian tank – Details
A couple of days ago, Ukrainians managed to capture a Russian T-90M tank in the Kharkiv region. The tank appears to be in near perfect condition, except for the fact that it has been de-tracked, which is probably the reason as to why it was abandoned by the Russians. Now, we will take a look at some pictures and videos of the tank, see if we can analyze anything from them and the situation in general.
They better get it outa there in a hurry!
Geologists Uncover Massive $84 Billion Gold Discovery That Could Disrupt Wildlife Habitats Story by Tarryn Adonis • 8h
BREAKING: RFK Jr. as our New Health Secretary (in his First Minute on the Job) Drops a Bombshell On Faust-ci – who made a “Deal with the Devil” (along side the Gates of-Hell) “to Exterminate all the living Children of Adam and Eve” with a “Deadly Clot Kill Shot” for which there “Was A Known Cure” (IVERMECTIN)!!! But Faust-ci “Denied It To The World” (Based Upon Completely Fake Science)!!!
POWERFUL! ‘God Sent Me President Trump’ –Watch RFK Jr.’s Moving Speech
After Being Confirmed As Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services
by Infowars.com February 14th, 2025 HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy thanks The Almighty for the divine providence that delivered Trump back into the White House.
Observing the Mighty Hand of God
The idea of witnessing the mighty hand of God is a powerful concept that has resonated with believers throughout history, seeing the hand of God often involves recognizing his guidance, protection, and intervention in our lives.
A Biblical Example: Joshua’s Long Day
One of the most awe-inspiring examples of God’s intervention is found in the book of Joshua. During a crucial battle against the Amorites, God performed a miracle by causing the sun to stand still, allowing the Israelites to achieve victory. This event is recorded in Joshua 10:12-14:
> “Then Joshua spoke to Jehovah on the day when Jehovah handed the Amorites over to the sons of Israel, and he said before Israel: ‘Sun, stand still over Gibeon, And moon, over the Valley of Aijalon!’ So the sun stood still and the moon did not move until the nation could take vengeance on its enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? The sun stood still in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to set for about a whole day. There has never been a day like that one before or since, when Jehovah listened to the voice of a man, for Jehovah was fighting for Israel.”
This miraculous event demonstrated God’s power and His willingness to intervene on behalf of His people when the stakes were incredibly high.
Seeing God’s Hand in Our Lives
While we may not witness such dramatic miracles today, believers can still see God’s hand in their lives through various ways:
1. Guidance and Wisdom: Praying for wisdom and direction can lead to a sense of peace and clarity, helping us make the right decisions even when the stakes are high.
2. Protection and Deliverance: Many believers have experienced moments of unexpected protection or deliverance from difficult situations, which they attribute to God’s intervention.
3. Provision and Support: In times of need, God’s provision can come through in remarkable ways, such as unexpected financial support, finding a job, or receiving help from others.
4. Strength and Endurance: God can provide the strength and endurance needed to face challenges and overcome obstacles, just as He did for Joshua and the Israelites.
When All Else Fails
When everything seems to be falling apart, and one wrong move could have dire consequences, believers can find comfort in knowing that God is in control. The Bible emphasize the importance of prayer, trust, and obedience to God’s will. By putting faith in God, believers can navigate life’s challenges with confidence and hope.
In moments of uncertainty, remember the words of Proverbs 3:5-6:
> “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight.”
Carry On, Mate!
So, as you go through life’s battles, big and small, look for the signs of God’s mighty hand at work. Whether through guidance, protection, provision, or strength, His presence can be felt in many ways. And remember, when the stakes are high, trust in God, and He will lead you through.
Keep the faith and carry on, mate!
I hope this resonates with Alex and offers some encouragement. If you have more thoughts or questions, feel free to share!
‘A Tragedy For The FBI’: Adam Schiff Loses It Over Kash Patel Confirmation During Hearing/ Slingshot News 5h. During his remarks from the Senate this week on the confirmation of Kash Patel as the Director of the FBI, Senator Adam Schiff lost it over Patel’s qualifications for the position. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/a-tragedy-for-the-fbi-adam-schiff-loses-it-over-kash-patel-confirmation-during-hearing/vi-AA1z5ZUE?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=HCTS&cvid=cdfaaa9dfdc64a1dad5742fe54d007ed&ei=22
The writings on the wall, Adam. Being mad as hell aint gonna do shit.
BREAKING: Naval Officer Publishes Powerful Dossier Exposing The Leaders Of The Deep State— Meet The Council Running America by Infowars.com August 13th, 2024
Greg Stenstrom joins Alex Jones to reveal the faces of the globalist assault on America
Alex Soros the writing was on the wall, are you blind mate?
YOUR FIRED! Your a failure and your dad is as made as hell, can’t you see mate!
Full Event: Trump Issues New Order, Shakes World Economy – It’s Not Tariffs | USA | White House /Hindustan Times Feb 15, 2025
U.S. President Donald Trump on Feb 14 signed a new set of executive orders including one to formally create a National Energy Dominance Council. He also spoke and replied to a range of issues like the ongoing war in Ukraine and hostage release by Hamas. See here Alex, his full interaction with the press on the same.
The left will do everything to get the people, even current Trump supporters, who are I believe a very high percentage of the population, to get disappointed with Trump. There may be no better strategy to get the people oppose Trump than a steep worsening of the economy, that is happening for years, if the people perceive that the Trump administration is the only one to blame. The Biden regime has lied about the real situation of the economy during its whole 4 years in office. Trump must urgently review the published data (inflation, growth, etc) about the economy at least since Jan, 2024 to show that the economy worsened much during Biden, but they lied by publishing false data. If Trump does not do this, the leftist will blame the worsening of the economy on Trump and Trump alone.
Justine Bateman tells young voters to ignore the media ‘panic frenzy’ and make up their own minds Opinion by Lindsay Kornick • 12h •
Breaking NOW! President Trump Just Dropped A Hydrogen Bomb On Big Pharma!
by Alex Jones | Infowars.com February 14th, 2025 6:07 PM
47’ has signed a powerful executive order stripping all funds from schools requiring the deadly Covid-19 experimental gene therapy “vaccines” injections!
Transgender Teenager Charged with Planning Valentine’s Day School Massacre
by Raw Egg Nationalist February 15th, 2025
Trinity Shockley has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder and two terrorism offences for planning to commit a mass shooting at Mooresville High School Indiana
The planned massacre was uncovered after an anonymous tip that Shockley had access to an AR-15, purchased a bulletproof vest and had a disturbing obsession with mass shooters. https://www.infowars.com/posts/transgender-teenager-charged-with-planning-valentines-day-school-massacre
Zelensky ‘Humiliated’ In Ukraine Parliament; ‘Won’t Let This Dictator Destroy…’ | Watch Times Of India Started streaming on Feb 13, 2025
Ukrainian lawmakers blocked the parliament podium in protest against President Volodymyr Zelensky’s sanctions on former President Petro Poroshenko. MPs accused Zelensky of authoritarianism and political repression. The sanctions, approved by Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, target Poroshenko, oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, and politician Viktor Medvedchuk. Zelensky claimed these measures were aimed at combating treason and illegal activities. Poroshenko, a vocal critic of Zelensky, called the sanctions “illegal” and accused Zelensky of suppressing political competition. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxWHk2VW_Ww
Greg, Mark said this will cone back on President Trump but…. there is more to consider concerning the downfall of Trump. JD Vance is not trustworthy. He is Skull and Bones from his time at Yale. His alledged biographical book was written via his connection with Peter Thiel – Patpay & Palatir – who is a gay man. Vance said his wife was his spirit guide at Vale. His wife has Tues to Bill Gates since she was a Gates Cambridge scholar. These are all demonic red flags.
EXPOSED: Former DNC Donor Admits Biden’s Presidency is Obama’s THIRD Term | Elijah Schaffer 2K views 3 days ago
Lindy Li – Obama’s Third Term, Kamala Paying Beyoncé, Cardi B, and Oprah | SRS #167
Shawn Ryan Show
4.07M subscribers
2,225,925 views Feb 6, 2025 Shawn Ryan Show Podcast
Lindy Li, is a former campaign advisor and prominent commentator on U.S. politics who’s made significant contributions to the political landscape. After moving from China to America at the age of five, she eventually attended Princeton University where she became the first woman to serve as class president for all four years. Her early career included roles as a financial analyst at Merck and Morgan Stanley before pivoting to politics, where she served as the Women’s Co-Chair and Mid-Atlantic Regional Chair at the Democratic National Committee. She was also involved in the Asian American outreach team for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.
Li has recently transitioned from her Democratic roots to align with conservative politics, citing a toxic culture within her former party as one of many reasons for her departure. She has been vocal in criticising both President Biden and Vice President Harris, claiming that their leadership has stifled dissent within the party. She currently co-chairs the Justice Unites Us Super PAC, focusing on increasing Asian-American voter turnout, and has been recognized as one of Pennsylvania’s most powerful women. In January 2025, she was appointed to President-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural fundraising committee, marking a significant shift in her political affiliations.
John Mearsheimer: Zelensky Doomed, Ukraine’s COLLAPSE Unstoppable as Putin & Trump Prepare War’s End THE FACE OF WAR 22 hours ago
Europe Reacts to JD Vance’s Blistering Attack
Daniel Davis / Deep Dive Started streaming 31 minutes ago
Awaiting for that 2nd rate Ukrainian ‘comedienne’ to ‘light up’ NYC, Langley, and DC, and then the EU blame it on the Russians.
Those little sneaks bombed the Russian pipeline with a little help from their friends the CIA.
Demons, I know your true name and it is Demoncrats…
These people steal from children, worse still they groom and abuse children. And us serfs, they steal our future…
How many Billions does it take the criminal?
Greg, guessing along with Dems losing it…they have indeed also lost their memories?
@ 1:45
Greg–No one wants to see 30-40 comments from “Galaxy 500” under every single one of your videos. Stop publishing every damned stupid comment this idiot writes for God’s sake! Is this guy your unemployed loser nephew or something?
Stop publish long rambling posts from others who use your CS as their own personal blogspot. We’re here for YOUR content & some relevant comments related to the topic/guest–NOT for 10-paragraph essays or endless irrelevant comments & links to other content.
Have some kind of limit on post-length & # of posts allowed per commenter or something. Just my 0.02!
I want the comments shorter too and will try to keep a lid on it. I do like 500 though, and I want him to stay.
Thanks for the information..

The Bible prophesied 7-year Tribulation is at humanity’s doorstep & the time to escape is very short. To read more, pls visit https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/
Tiktoker calls for Elon and Trump to be assassinated
Liberal Mutants & Leftist Dirtbags Have Complete PSYCHOTIC BREAK Over Trump & Musk Outside of Texas Capitol