Massive Power Outages Coming to East Coast
By Greg Hunter’s ( Sponsored Post)
Here we go again. It’s another extreme storm disaster that looks like it will knock the power out for millions of people on the East Coast. It’s all because of Hurricane Debby. This is why I have been warning for months that people need alternative power generation to keep things like lights and refrigerators going when the power is cut off. Who knows how many millions of people will be without power and how long will it be dark.
Satellite Phone Store has some ideas that will help you survive the blackouts. With their help and guidance, you can face anything with lifesaving power options.
There is more in the 8-minute video below to explain how easy it is to ride out any power killing storm. You can contact them at or
Let Greg Hunter of (in an 8-minute video below) show you how easy and effective cutting edge solar power generators can be from Satellite Phone Store and
After the Post:
Get the solar powered generator you need at or
(You can also plug this into any 110 outlet. So, it can always be fully charged and ready to go when you need it.)
Live tech experts and salespeople are standing by to answer your questions during normal business hours. Call 1-941-841-0844.
(Programing note for I am shooting for a Friday post to update you on camera of my progress from surgery and talk a little about some of the news that is important.)

Anyone care to bet if this storm is being steered to affect red states?
Yes, thought the same thing. Also, the forward motion speed is very slow – causing catastrophic flooding.
Prepare in every way you can, however what if you are poor and don’t have the money to even buy a small generator? Well, at a minimum you could simply buy a small 700 watt inverter ($50) and bring your car battery (or if you can afford to, buy an extra car battery for about $150) into the house in an emergency “so you can have some light” when the power goes out (re-charge this spare battery with your car during the day). This obviously will not save the food in your refrigerator or freezer but you can do like the American Indians did and just put the meat and vegetables from your refrigerator/freezer into a big pot and simply “slow cook all day and night on a low flame”. The food in the pot(s) will keep fresh for weeks on top of your gas stove (or over a continuously burning wood fire the way the American Indians did it)!!
I wish that they would steer a hurricane into West Texas, we need the rain.
They are evil. Would never do anything for a good cause.
Hello Greg: You are in our thoughts and prayers. You are an exceptional journalist and you communicate the truth which we desperately need.
We wish you and your family our best and looking forward to your return. God bless you!
Thank you Mark for your much needed prayers & Blessings.
“. . . put the meat and vegetables from your refrigerator/freezer into a big pot and simply “slow cook all day and night on a low flame”. The food in the pot(s) will keep fresh for weeks on top of your gas stove . . . ”
Thank you, Katy. Information like that helps us people who wouldn’t realize what to do with our cold and frozen food. I considered drying some of the refrigerator/freezer food in a grid down situation.
I am sure Hurricane IAN was steered into Florida in 2022 to punish anti Biden comments and red state. Steering storms is very old technology, since the 40’s.
great to see you back, brother Greg. really missed you, hope you are doing good, your brother Chuck.
I think it is targeted to red states. I’m in Florida, on the Gulf Coast, South of Sarasota and Nokomis.
GREG: What surgery? Are you OK? Sending prayers for you and your loved ones. God bless you. We miss you. Heal, heal, heal!
Targeting the Red States with weather weapons is now common knowledge to many people, less known is the fact that the Globalists have developed other types of weapons (like producing “Heart Attacks” in people (especially in those who support Trump)!! It seems “More Then Coincidental” to “Me” that when the Globalists decided to take out Trump with a bullet “they also decided to take out Trump Supporters” (like our own Greg Hunter) with their Heart Attack Weapon”!!! However, thankfully by the “GRACE OF GOD” Both Survived!!! But, it does not mean the Demonic Globalists won’t try again!! So, Greg and Trump must remain on HIGH ALERT until the Deep State Demons are rounded up and put away or “Given Their Own Medicine”!!!!
Praying for you, Greg! God is still in the healing and restoration business.
Looking forward to seeing you again……we’ve been missing your broadcasts as such a crucial time in our nation’s history. Blessings, healing and joy in the midst of it all to you and your wife.
I can’t believe the MSM LLC are refusing to report the floods in many parts of the world. Increased exposure to the fraud of climate change that’s being caused by weather manipulation and HARRP weaponising technology.
Get well soon Greg❤️🙏
Covid Vaccine Inventor Blows Whistle: ‘mRNA Was Designed To Depopulate the World’
The Evil Globalists now in control of the US, English, Australian and New Zealand, etc. Governments believe that we ordinary folks were born “only to serve them” and if we have other thoughts, then we have no place in their New World Order and must be exterminated with their m-RNA shots or by Nuclear War!! It is time to turn the tables on these Evil Demons the same way Jesus did!!!
Kamala’s VP pick of “Commie” Tim Walz says it all, her plan is to SABOTAGE America!!!
Dear John Duffy, 08/05/2024 • Jackie Dawson Reply
Covid Vaccine Inventor Blows Whistle: ‘mRNA Was Designed to Depopulate the World’
Yes John,
Get a load of the real deep state creep Kamala is, TOO!
Diabolical: Kamala Says ‘Reduce Population’ to Save Children During Green Agenda Rant by Adan Salazar August 9th 2024
Harris’s telling Freudian slip comes back to haunt her, after stealing nomination from Joe Biden.
Following the startling admission, a White House transcript edited her remarks to reflect she meant to say “pollution,” but many felt she’d already let the cat out the bag!
Yup, “Hotsee Totsee,” Kamala’s Just Another Little Nazi!
Maybe dumb and stupid but evil conniving smart, changing population to pollution! My EYE! They’re all Jack Kevorkian NOW! They’re the inhuman pollution, with no trust in a higher power whatsoever. So, they take things into their own hands that only a higher power should be trusted with, means the poor and disadvantaged must pay. “Don’t hurt the olive oil and the wine, Revelation 6:6” meaning don’t hurt the RICH! Is indeed intriguing. We’ll do a deep dive into its meaning and explore some related scriptures later on, so keep out a keen eye for.
Scene: A vision of the last days, where scarcity and abundance coexist in a world teetering on the edge of tribulation. Just like on the sinking Titanic, lock the fools out in steerage. More room in the lifeboats for the Hotsee Totsee, sons & daughters of the spurious!
___________Did you know?
The classical Latin adjective spurius started out as a word meaning “illegitimate.” In the days of ancient Rome, it was sometimes even used as a first name for illegitimate offspring (apparently with no dire effects). There was a certain Spurius Lucretius, for example, who was made temporary magistrate of Rome. In less tolerant times, 18th-century English writer Horace Walpole noted that Henry VII “came of the spurious stock of John of Gaunt.” Today, we still use spurious to mean “illegitimate,” but the more common meaning is “false” (a sense introduced to spurious in Late Latin). Originally our “false” sense emphasized improper origin, and it still often does (“a spurious signature”), but it can also simply mean “fake” or “not real.”
We’ve missed you Greg!
Thanks be to God that he has you doing well
In this world of darkness and deception we need truth teller’s like you!
In a world where telling the truth is a revolutionary act, you’ve been sorely missed!
Looking forward to your return
And as always Glory be to God
In Jesus name
Always your brother in Christ!
Thanks to another champion for humanity,
Deborah Tavares
Future Summers = Blistering – a tool at Climate Central to see how HOT in YOUR CITY
Electromagnetic Electrification of the Atmosphere ALONG with Weather Warfare
Thanks AND NO THANKS to this nifty new tool from Climate Central, you can not only find out what temperatures your city is expected to average by 2100 — you can compare that projected weather to current conditions in other metropolises.
Blink twice if your okay.
Blink, Blink.
HA HA I like that as I been checking daily too. So glad to see you back Greg, Goodness knows so much going on and now they say the markets are tanking. So I need to hear from you and our economist friends who come on and explain to us. Guys like Martin Armstrong, etc. Take care and rest when you can Greg.
Hi Greg, I bought the ‘beast’ Ecoflow Delta Pro a few years back – I had a foldable solar panel to go with it. Just this last week I added a solar tracker mount that follows’ the sun – great! ‘ also added extra battery and a diversification – a dual fuel gas/propane Ecoflow and and another triple panel and I got extra back up connectors for everything – YES THE SALE HAS BEEN FANTASTIC HERE IN IRELAND – so glad to see you’re an Ecoflow guy too. Best wishes.
Brother Greg,
our kind of Dr., in route
Minute of Margin: Restoring Balance to Busy Lives – 180 Daily Reflections (Pilgrimage Growth Guide)
Swenson, M.D., Richard A.
encouragement, healing, and rest as you deal with time management, stress, and busyness.
From the Back Cover: Prescriptions for peace. Fatigued? Swamped? Irritated? If you feel under-rested and overwhelmed, steal a minute to reflect and revitalize. In 180 daily readings, Dr. Richard Swenson addresses the need to close the gap between rest and exhaustion in our overloaded lives. Dr. Swenson’s unique suggestions will help you slow down, simplify, and change your perspective on what really is, and what isn’t, urgent in life. A Minute of Margin offers help and encouragement––“prescriptions”––for restoring harmony in our everyday lives. By re-establishing leeway between your schedules and your limits, you’ll be free to live more “peace-full” lives.
Remember Greg, you are Loved-dje
Take care of yourself, Greg, and don’t overdo it. I know you are very passionate when speaking on world events. Just take really good care of yourself and don’t overdo. Eager for you to return to the airwaves when the time is right for you.
that’s funnu@
Great to see you posting again Greg.
We missed you and your outstanding news and commentary. Thank you for all the years you have been posting
Thanks for the info. The We must be prepared for any situation that the global elite have planned for us. Whether it be the fires in California or the destruction of food manufacturing plants we can’t depend on the government for help because most of our elected representatives have deep pockets. They have sent most of our munitions to the Ukraine and the elite are actively preparing for war. If we get defeated it will look like we are the bad guys because the victor of any war writes writes the history of it whether it is accurate of not. Thank God for the Second Amendment.
Hi Greg:
I am SO glad you are back on the air. I was getting worried about you, thinking maybe you were getting threats for being so outspoken about things like the bio-weapon shots.
Your voice is a welcome breath of fresh air. Keep telling us the truth as you see it!
Geena Gador
Nova Scotia, Canada
Surgery? Geeze, Greg, recover well. Here is another contribution. I am quite sure I speak for many when I say I missed you. Ease back into the saddle and enjoy!
Fred C
Dear Greg-so glad to see your post! We have missed you very much and are looking forward to your Friday night post. Sorry to hear you had surgery and pray for a speedy recovery for you! Suz
I missed you..I’m old and thought,,,oh well,,he’s busy….thank you
Greg, it is so good to see you back. We all missed you.
Take care and God bless you.
Heez bahk !!!!!
Peter from Summerland BC Canada.
Missed your posts Greg, glad you’re on the mend. God is Good.
Great to hear from you, Greg! We’re all looking forward to seeing you again soon!
May God speed your healing.
Greg, We know that God is in control of all of this. He protected Trump from the assassin and he is protecting you and providing for your recovery. God Bless You.
When Trump wins, they plan to use the 14th Amendment to say he cannot be president because of the “insurrection”. When that happens, civil war is expected. I have seen the hate in my neighbors faces.
Stock up on everything and hide it.
How will we know the red from the blue?
Tampax has been selling feminine products for years that contain cancerous materials and the products have never been removed from the shelves, Why?? Women should not use tampons at night or for longer than eight hours (due to a greater risk of toxic shock syndrome, a deadly bacterial infection that can cause organ failure and death if not treated). Is this lack of concern (to remove these cancer causing materials) due to the Evil Globalists not valuing “Women” in general? It seems very likely, because Massachusetts (in House Bill 4750) will now be removing the name “Mother” and “Father” from Birth Certificates. So we have now actually reached the point in our Demonic Queer Society where a “Mother” is now merely “a person who gave birth”, while a “Father” is simply known as “the other person” (who helped in the birthing process). So Children now born into the Globalists Current New World Order will be brought up having gender-less “persons” with “no identity” taking care of them and raising them to adulthood. No longer can Children say Mommy or Mother or say Daddy or Father. And the next step the Globalists have planned is to have Robotic Borgs bringing up children in the future “born in test tubes”. So you Women out there (who are so concerned about your rights and gender equality) better think twice about where this is leading. For Eventually “Women Will Have No Rights” because the Globalists will have effectively “Erased You As A Mother” to the point where You Effectively Do Not Exist Any-longer In Their New World Order (now being rapidly thrust upon us). So “All You Gender-less Persons Out There” (with no identity) better begin To Wake Up to the fact that your “Supposed Representatives in Government” are actually right now planning for you to become a “Person”. Where “All Gender-less Persons with No Identity” can then be drafted as Soldiers (to fight and die in the Non-stop Wars these Evil Government Politicians need (to bring in the Big Bucks and Bribes that will Make Them Filthy Rich)!!.
It’s good reading that your health is improving, Greg. I missed reading your regular stories.
All the best,mate.
Katy, hopefully we can all escape this polluted world, at Tish’a B’Av (August 13 2024).
– one of several articles on that site that sounds plausible – if not Tu B’Av (August 19 2024)
Both dates are from the Hebrew Calendar year 5784.
I know we shouldn’t put dates on expected future Events, but it helps to remain positive.
Hope to see you all “Up Stairs”
Olaf V – Australia
Kamala Harris probably picked Tim Walz as her VP “because the Commie ordered Cancerous Tampons be placed into all Men’s Restrooms!! Additionally our “Boarder Zar” Kamala probably also wanted to show the American People that she is in favor of “Walls” (just not on the Border)!!!
From the last book of the Bible the book of Revelation, future tense. “Babylon the Great Has Fallen! God’s Kingdom Rules!”
The events leading up to and including the fall of Babylon the Great, which is depicted as a symbol of false religion and opposition to God’s Kingdom. Here are some key points:
Symbolism of Babylon the Great: Babylon the Great represents a global system of false religion that has misled people and opposed God’s true worship.
Rising of the People: During the last days, people are depicted as rising up against this corrupt system. This includes a growing awareness and rejection of false religious practices and teachings.
Divine Judgment: God’s Kingdom, under the rule of Jesus Christ, executes judgment on Babylon the Great. This judgment is portrayed as swift and decisive, leading to the complete destruction of this symbolic entity.
Establishment of God’s Kingdom: Following the fall of Babylon the Great, God’s Kingdom is fully established, bringing about a new era of true worship, peace, and righteousness.
The book of Revelation emphasizes the importance of remaining faithful to God’s Kingdom and rejecting false religious influences during these critical times
“Babylon the Great Has Fallen! God’s Kingdom Rules! ”describes the rising of the people during the last days as a reaction to various forms of oppression, including economic hardship and tyrannical governments. Here are some detailed points:
Economic Hardship: The book highlights how widespread unemployment and economic instability lead to social unrest. People struggle to meet their basic needs, which fuels dissatisfaction and anger towards the ruling authorities.
Tyrannical Governments: Governments are depicted as bloodthirsty and oppressive, using their power to exploit and control the populace. This includes acts of violence, corruption, endless war and the suppression of freedoms, which further incite the people to rise up.
Social Unrest: The combination of economic hardship and oppressive governance creates a volatile environment. People begin to protest and rebel against the authorities, seeking justice and better living conditions.
Divine Intervention: The book of Revelation suggests that these events are part of a larger divine plan. The rising of the people is seen as a precursor to God’s judgment on Babylon the Great, symbolizing the end of false religious systems and the establishment of God’s Kingdom.
These themes are woven throughout the narrative to illustrate the moral and spiritual decay of Babylon the Great and the eventual triumph of God’s Kingdom
Olympics opening ceremony demonic symbolism.
Welcome back Greg!
When I didn’t see your updates in my emails I thought we lost you. I’m so thankful to God that you’re ok. Just make sure to not over do it. The news is crazy, but the craziness will still be there tomorrow. Take care of yourself and I look forward to when you recap on all of it.
Praying for your speedy recovery.
Cheers, Annie
Thank you Annie, I’m working on it.
Prayers for your recovery! I ordered and received my new Eco Max Flow 1600 with Solar Panels 400 watt. I am ready if power is lost. It is charged and ready to go.
Can the President’s Working Group Save the Financial Markets?
maneco64 4 hours ago
The question is, who’s the president? Joe, Kamala? No they’re just puppets.
Whom among the working group? Mike Morell, Alex Soros, Hillary, Ron Klain? Obomber’s woman Jarret or Rice cakes? Or pipe dreaming pot head himselfie Obomber? Now way José Jiménez, Fictional character! NO! It’s, George Step’on’all’of’us!
Take Yer Pick Folk’s! The real toxic mushroom cloud that now hangs over the fate of mankind. WW3! Pray fer Peace, MAGA!
Greg, could you take the W out of Now Way?
sorry you are going thru trying times in this fallen world. Glad to hear you’re recovery well. I’ve notice so many of my subs turning to the Lord for answers.
Here’s a channel that studies end times, type-ology, fore shadows the appointed times God made for His children to learn from. I hope you you find peace and joy as I have. prayers to you and yours. dr.barry awe
The wife and I have been praying for your quick recovery. The world went totally wonkie since your absence.
Thank you Steve & your wife for the prayers, I need them.
Hal from Texas:
I, along with many others, am delighted you are still among the living.
Your period of “isolation” had enabled you to become closer to our Lord
and Savior. I am sure you sensed his hand over you during your ordeal.
Yes I did, Hal, and that is an understatement.
#1 Take care of yourself!
#2 Take care of yourself!
Take your time we will be here whenever you are ready.
Economist Warns Warren Buffett Deliberately Triggered Stock Market Crash — Major Collapse Imminent
Infowars.comAugust 5th 2024
Dr. Kirk Elliot breaks down the major market upheaval taking place and what comes next –?
It! The Terror From Beyond Space
The Federal Reserve may have just decided the US election
Story by Ben Wright • 9h •
Greg – Just rest and relax and take as long as you need to fully recover, we’ll be here..
Very glad to see you back my friend.
Rep. Raskin Announces Plan to Deny Trump Presidency Using 14th Amendment, Prep For ‘Civil War Conditions’ by Jamie White August 5th 2024
This is what election interference looks like.
Elon Musk weighs in: “That’s a crazy thing for him to say.”
Iran “Plans Revenge Attack From Underground Missile Silos”, Allies Urge Israel Not To Push Response CRUX 188,783 views Aug 6, 2024 IRAN
Iran has banned its airspace for civilian aircraft ahead of its widely-expected attack on Israel. Iran has issued a notice to pilots and aviation authorities to avoid its airspace as the government threatens to strike Israel, The Wall Street Journal reported. Officials in a multinational US-led coalition have been preemptively warning Israel to respond too strongly to an Iranian attack, the Kan public broadcaster reports. Meanwhile, the US is still working to determine when Iran will retaliate against Israel to avenge the killing of Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh. Defence analysts say the US may not have seen any indications of an attack because Iran may not be planning to launch its missiles from mobile launchers. An Iranian MP has called for the killing of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu as revenge for Haniyeh’s assassination.
“Katyusha Rockets” Rock US Iraq Base In “Twin Attacks,” Austin Slams “Dangerous Escalation” | Iran CRUX 115,660 views Aug 6, 2024
As Washington braces for an attack on Israel, at least five US personnel were injured in an attack against a military base in Iraq on August 5. Two Katyusha rockets were fired at Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq, one of which fell inside the base, two Iraqi security sources said. Hours later, on the morning of August 6, another attack on Ain al-Asad was reported without details about new possible casualties. Meanwhile, Iran’s Mehr news outlet reported that two American soldiers were killed in the attack. The US said that the attack by Iranian proxies on an Ain al-Asad airbase housing US troops in Iraq marks “a dangerous escalation”.
🚨Entire Internet BUZZING after ABC Host BLOWS UP on Byron Donalds Take of Kamala Harris Trump Debate /kevin_24x7 294K views 1 day ago
FULL REMARKS: JD Vance speaks in Philadelphia ahead of Kamala Harris visit | LiveNOW from FOX 10K views 2 hours ago
Iran Seeks Russia’s Help For War With US, Israel? Pezeskian Says “Strategic” Partner “Top Priority” CRUX 124K views 8 hours ago
Stay strong Greg,wishing you all the best pal.
Breaking News!! “COMMIE TIM WALZ was chosen to be Kamala’s VP . According to Alex Jones this Demon Rat (Tim Walz) is the guy who wants to cut off our son’s penises and will become President of the United States when they get Kamala out of the way!!!
Ms Disinformation (the Boarder Zar who says she isn’t the Boarder Zar) is making a Commie (who says he isn’t a Commie) her “Vice” President (who doesn’t simply want to cut off the penises of our sons but also wants to cut off the breasts of our daughters)!! This pair of Giggling/Queer Psychopaths (brought to us by a Demonic-Rat Party) should be running to get into the nearest Insane Asylum (not the White House)!!!
Hi Greg, this time last year I was prepping by lifting an Ecoflow battery up one flight of stair. The pressure across my heart wouldn’t balance. I could not find a comfortable position to rest and recover. I took a radical decision and had a cold shower, I thought it would kill he or cure me. It cured me, and after a few weeks in hospital to get a good formulation I am now on the mend. I would say 5G interrupted a healthy sleeping pattern.
Best wishes to you and your recovery!
I been checking in frequently, to find you missing.
William Mount mentioned your situation.
I see that you are back in the last couple days.
You are one of my adored truthers. I felt the loss while you were gone. Much Love, Sending energy heling.
You are in Gods grace.
Urgent: JPMorgan Predicts More Selling to Come (It’s Not Over Yet)
Steven Van Metre 1 hour ago
Dearest Greg
Have missed you so much. Have checked every day for you. Was getting so concerned. Knew something serious must be going on. Thank you for reaching out to us. You have become like family to my son and myself. Appreciate your integrity, self sacrifice, honestly, humility and love for Jesus. Praying for your recovery. Blessings to you, my brother.🙏
Greg so glad you are back. Everyone missed you. We said prayers for you and also America, Israel, Jewish People and Christians.
Scott Ritter: Russia’s GLOVES ARE OFF as NATO Makes Fatal Mistake, Ukraine in Trouble Danny Haiphong Aug 6, 2024
Scott Ritter SOUNDS OFF on Senator Lindsay Graham’s assertion on Face the Nation back in June that the US and NATO are waging war in Ukraine over resources. The former UN Weapons Inspector dives deep into the real reasons behind the US’s hostile Russia policy and provides a stark update on the battlefield in Ukraine that should give anyone pause who supports this West’s basis for the conflict.
Is The Fed Trapped? Inflation, Debt, and De-Dollarization Challenges – Daniel Lacalle Kitco NEWS Aug 6, 2024 Stagflation
Jeremy Szafron, Anchor at Kitco News, interviews Senior Economist at Tressis & well-known author Daniel Lacalle to explore the looming threat of stagflation in the US economy. Lacalle discusses how persistent inflation, slow economic growth, and rising unemployment rates mirror the economic stagnation seen in Japan and Europe. He gets into the challenges facing policymakers and the potential inefficacy of traditional monetary tools in combating these issues. The conversation also touches on the strategic importance of gold, central bank policies, and the global economic implications of de-dollarization efforts.
Brother Greg,
You’re looking STRONG mate.
My best wishes, and those of my family be with you as you make your recovery from surgery.
The love and protection of Christ is with you.
I will always remember, and be grateful that it was YOU who led me back to Him.
That chain that I sent across to you a couple of years ago……please put it on Brother……even for just a day.
Looking forward to your wrap on Friday 😎
Keep throwing out that awesome Hunter left jab.
It’s crispy, it’s beautiful, and it HITS HARD.
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘😎
Hi Greg, hope your recovering well.. I’m interested in knowing if you preach what u teach.. and did you use IVERMECTIN 1.87% in your recovery? You see, I was in a near death accident myself recently, I ended up in ICU with all them machines that like to go “beep” But once they had drained my lungs and reinflated etc etc (I was pretty much coherent the whole time) – I immediately told the staff in the ICU not to put a single thing in the vein line without specifically telling me what it is! (which angered them alot!) The only thing I agreed for them to put in was a little liquid paracetamol to help with the awkwardness more than pain of the drain tubes into my lungs..But my lass made sure she brought me in my 1.87% horse paste, my 1% Ivermectin liquid (for injection only) Our own made Colloidal Silver, and a gallon of fresh lemon juice daily and our homemade HCQ – I was out of ICU within 24 hours and into a room. I drank alot of our Colloidal Silver and HCQ to make sure I wasn’t getting any of their shedding and any other chit. I immediately asked the head nurse to remove the vein line as I wouldn’t require anymore pain killer thank you very much (not even wen they removed the drain tubes!) – They told me I was hours from death, and that I wouldn’t ride any of my bikes again for at least 6 months! (I had broken every rib in several places front and back, punctured lungs, ruptured diaphragm, ton of internal bleeding, dislocated shoulder and smashed hip. I was out of their hospital within 3 days… and I was out riding my bicycle to the top of the biggest Col here within 2 weeks of the accident happening. I was totally healed by 5 weeks! I went for x-rays and check up 2 days after getting out of hospital and they couldn’t believe I was the same person they x-rayed 1 week earlier!! This is just 1 small testimony that I have experienced myself with Ivermectin 1.87% (and our other protocols – Colloidal Silver ; Lemon juice and water, HCQ , clean diet NO REFINED SUGARS!) – and not 1 medical person asked me, whilst in hospital…. or at any clinic for check ups.. what I did as they sure hell knew I wasn’t taking their chit! When I was discharged from the hospital, they gave me upteen prescriptions for quite a few different antibiotics.. I told them they are wasting paper.. as I would NEVER take any of their chit, NOTHING!! But I thanked them for doing the necessary procedure to save my life (drain my lungs and reinflate) – My wife, who was told they can do no more for her as her breast cancer had spread everywhere… and lymphatic etc etc… told it was over… he is now cured of that by taking the exact same as me…. and still has her breasts etc etc as we refused everything they wanted to do!! So Greg, I hope like us, you also preached what you teached sir… and got the miracles we go too!!! Best regards from Mallorca, Spain
Bank of Japan Wimps Out a Week After Raising Rates. Credibility Shot.
maneco64 24,915 views 7 hours ago
PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order | Dr. Robert Malone
misesmedia 237K views 5 days ago
“Malinformation is information which may be true, but causes the receiver, the recipient of that malinformation, to become more distrustful of the government. I guarantee that you all have heard a bucket load of malinformation over the last couple of days.”
Victor Davis Hanson: “Anything That Didn’t Kill [Trump] Made Him Stronger”
The Daily Signal 45,443 views 18 hours ago The Daily Signal Podcast
In an interview with The Daily Signal, renowned historian Victor Davis Hanson discusses the updated edition of his bestselling book, “The Case for Trump.” Months before the 2024 presidential election, Hanson offers fresh insights into the remarkable political comeback of Donald Trump.
EXCLUSIVE: Bilderberg Expert Daniel Estulin Exposes What’s Really Happening in War Between Israel and Iran Sean Miller | Infowar August 7th 2024
Major war is sparking between Islamic Iran and Jewish Israel.
Sure do miss you Greg! Prayers are all around you. God bless you and heal you completely and quickly.
I would love to donate to you and hope to be able to do so before much longer. You are a valuable and treasured source for many of us. (Many medical expenses this last year – so I’m financially stretched – however, I do have endless prayer time.)
God bless you and keep you in His loving care.
Greg, I hope your recovery is happening at warp speed.
I have followed your website for years, and it has helped me immensely.
I think it is quite important to familiarize yourself with the work of Omega4America in regard to voter fraud.
See the videos at
Furthermore, I expect to watch the election on your website, as I did in the past election. I think we are screwed. We have to get the omega4America message out to people in the swing states.
Please take a little time and review the video listed on their site and advise your followers. It might make a good interview for you.
See the videos at They tell it all
Ask your followers to contact their Senators and Representatives, and advise them what these people have developed. We must prevent the election from being stolen again. Trump has some very smart people with him, but, he needs to know about this technology.
My best regards and wishes for a quick recovery.
Missed you, Greg! I love your channel. I’ll never forget what you said about the shots and the mainstream media and your frustration at the big blank on reporting – “This is the biggest story since the birth of Christ!” Must have been three years ago now when you said that. It really struck a chord with me. So glad you’re back with us in this information ‘special operation’. God love you, Greg x
I had the chaplain pray for you again in today’s weekly Bible Study. Get better. We all love you and miss you!
A Fed Rate Cut Will Not Solve Our Economic Problems
by Connor O’Keeffe | Mises Institute August 7th 2024
Many establishment-friendly economists and political figures are dismissing concerns that the surge in unemployment and resulting scare on Wall Street represent a recession.
However, some are clearly worried.
4.9 magnitude earthquake shook Texas
On the night of July 22, an earthquake shook Hermleigh, Texas, generating enough seismic activity for San Angelo residents to report feeling it.
WW3 on the brink as ‘all-out war’ could break out in Middle East after Iran revenge attack/Story by Chris Hughes • 16h •
Exclusive-South Korean nuclear weapons would fracture US ties, defence chief says
Story by Hyonhee Shin and Josh Smith • 8h •
A.I. Predicts World War 3
Today, we’re mapping out a realistic simulation of a modern nuclear war. Which nation would strike first? How many billions of people would die? And what kind of society would emerge on the other side?00:00 A.I. Predicts World War 301:37 ONE WEEK BEFORE THE NUCLEAR ATTACKS02:25 THE DAY OF THE NUCLEAR EXCHANGE06:07 ONE MONTH AFTER THE NUCLEAR WARQuestions or concerns?
Lefties losing it: Tim Walz caught in embarrassing lie
Sky News Australia 355,347 views Aug 8, 2024
Sky News host Rita Panahi has slammed Tim Walz for repeating a “disgusting” lie” about JD Vance.
The joke insinuates the Republican vice-presidential candidate engaged in sexual acts with a couch, which has since been debunked.
“If a Republican did that, I would say the media would come down on them like a ton of breaks but there’s been really not much response to that,” Ms Panahi said.
Gershkovich, Whelan Freed in Russian Prisoner Swap
Putin Greets Russian Prisoners Freed in US Exchange
6 Ways the Media is ABUSIVELY Lying to America
Glenn Beck 40,304 views Aug 4, 2024
Politicians have lied forever. But now, our supposed “friend” and “ally,” the mainstream media, is pushing the lies too. Glenn lays out how the media’s lies are actually a form of mental abuse. Glenn reads an article from The M3ND Project, which provides resources for people hurt by abuse, that lays out 6 kinds of mentally abusive lies: black lies, white lies, half-truths, broken promises, forgetting, and denial. “Hard to know if that was an abuse site you were reading from or an internal Democratic campaign strategy memo,” Glenn’s co-host, Stu Burguiere, says. And just like any abusive relationship, the media’s goal is the same: “power, money, status, or control.”
You are on my prayer list.
Thanks Eddie! No hard feelings from me.
No worries. Keep pointing people to the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only Truth.
Great to see you back Eddie 😎
Hope you are well mate.
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘🍺
Folk this is happening!
Scott Ritter –
Russia does NOT want Ukraine. Russia does NOT want NATO in Ukraine. Russia does NOT want Ukraine entered into EU.
Russia WANTS the territories that have traditionally been Russian speaking and customs, perhaps 20% of Ukraine.
USA/EU WANTS the war to go on up until most of the Ukrainian men have died, that way there will be zero resistance for the complete resources raping of Ukraine.
After the last Ukrainian man that can forced to fight is dead, the USA/EU WILL happily screw its own working taxpayers and send $10-$20 trillion over to Ukraine to rebuild, all so that a few hundred GODS OF THE PLANET can reap tens of trillions off of Ukraine’s natural resources.
The USA/EU will happily screw their working taxpayers and drive up the National Debt to bankruptcy levels. But, notice how God referred to his Homeland, calling it the “Kingdom of Heaven” (not the Republic of Heaven or the Democracy of Heaven)!! Most likely because “A Kingdom is the Best Form of Government” because in a Kingdom there is just One God to worship. But in a Representative Republic taxpayers have to support hundreds of supposed “gods” (each trying to be worshiped as GODS OF THE PLANET they all try to reap tens of Trillions of Dollars for themselves)!! Obviously, it is way cheaper to worship and support just One God!!!
In CT, we lost power today for a few? hours. It’s been rainy, on and off, for a few days.
Is U.S. Dollar Becoming an ‘Unhinged Paper Currency’? ‘It’s Worst It’s Ever Been!’ – Art Laffer Kitco NEWS 4,995 views 54 minutes ago Aug 8, 2024
Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, interviews Dr. Arthur Laffer, Founder & Chairman of Laffer Associates and Former Economic Advisor to President Reagan and President Trump. Laffer says the U.S. dollar is moving towards becoming an “unhinged paper currency.” He discusses de-dollarization, the implications of the weaponization of the U.S. dollar, and the competing global payment alternatives gaining traction, including Bitcoin and gold. He also shares his thoughts on Bidenomics and the failed policies of the current administration.
Is U.S. Dollar Becoming an ‘Unhinged Paper Currency’? ‘It’s Worst It’s Ever Been!’ – Art Laffer Kitco NEWS 4,995 views 54 minutes ago Aug 8, 2024
So glad to hear you are on the mend , Greg. We all look forward to when you can ‘ get back in the game.’
First of its kind MEGA – EARTHQUAKE warning issued by Japan after todays 7.1 magnitude quake. Valid for the next seven days.
NBC News – Dana Griffin. // NHK News Japan.
You can learn about earthquake predicting ( yes, it is possible ) on the Dutchsinse channel on you-tube or Twitch —–
Dutchsinse called the Fukushima quake TWO days earlier on March 9 , 2011 after a 7.2 quake hit that we now know was a ” foreshock ” of the March 11 9.0 earthquake.
Skip ahead to 8 minute mark.
The Japanese Meteorological Agency has issued a megaquake advisory after Thursday’s quake, as part of the Nankai Trough Earthquake Extra Information protocol. It has also lifted all tsunami advisories.
Megaquake advisory issued (19:15 JST)
( Picture of warned area )
Nankai Trough quakes occur every 100 to 200 years along the plate boundary between Suruga Bay in Shizuoka Prefecture and the Hyuganada Sea in Kyushu.
The Japan Meteorological Agency is calling on people in areas of the Nankai Trough quake’s expected hypocenter to take disaster prevention measures. It says the possibility of a mega earthquake is higher than usual. It is asking people to take prevention measures in accordance with information provided by the central and local governments.
Harris Campaign caught faking crowd size with AI?
Depressed Ginger 34,660 views 1 hour ago
2024 US Election coverage with Donald Trump and Kamala Harris
Walz, by the way, failed to send in the National Guard in a timely fashion after the George Floyd incident, which is why parts of Minneapolis ended up burned to the ground in the 2020 summer rage of love. Other actions by Walz that voters need to know:
– Fueling the George Floyd riots with his actions and rhetoric
– Calling Trump supporters “fascists” after the recent assassination attempt
– Championing extreme LGBT trans surgeries and abortion laws
– Overseeing $250 million in covid fraud
– Being Nancy Pelosi’s top “yes man” in Congress
– Promoting open borders
Walz also used to work for Israel Defense Forces (IDF); is a proud member of Antifa; and signed into law legislation allowing illegal aliens in Minnesota to obtain drivers’ licenses!
Kamala Harris picked radical pro-riot Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as running mate
08/07/2024 / By Ethan Huff
Who realy picked that idiot? Obomber probably. Hā ha! What was thought of as the perfect deep state boot licker and Trump attack dog, will have to go now instead of Kammy? Has been Kamala won’t make it out the convention as the presidential pick. The only sophisticated and much more intelligent and better looking boot licker in waiting is Witless wonder,Witmer herselfie! Will she replace the Kamala Dream Team? Or will Michelle step up to the plate and Oprah announce the next president of these once united states of Amerika Michelle Obama at Milwaukee?
So, stay tuned fer the upcoming undemocratized Chicago unconventional Democrat convention! Where the fight of the century for selected President and Kamala gets the boot for Michelle and no wit, Witless!
Yes, USAWatchdog has the biggest bite! We give you the real unvarnished comments! If it bleads it leads and were all in unchartered territory here, thank you Mr. Obomber! So hang in there. Or old ben Franklin said, we will all hang separate!
Our kind of town?
Beautiful scene gives me goosebumps, this made me cry with joy. We miss you Frank! Frank Sinatra a good Jersey Boy calling Chicago his kind of town! Back when it was our kind of town! Chicago can use a Robin & 7Hoods more than ever nowadays!
Including SAMMY!
I was living in Las Vegas when Sammy passed away. They shut off the lights on The Strip for eight minutes. When JFK was assassinated, he got only ONE minute.
Hope you are doing well. You are in our daily prayers.
Thanks Harvey. Getting better every day, but it is a process.
Greg, the data surveillance is stepping up?
huge rural farm and ranch land grab underway. The farmers and ranchers might need to force those corporations behind this…PROVE they have the ability to supply enough copper and SILVER to make ‘their pipe dream’ viable BEFORE the farmers and ranchers lands are taken. Add the struggle getting the open pit lithium mines up and running…this looks like a 2050 agenda 21 boondoggle…
… with economic and financial status of all nations…the likelihood there is even enough wealth to complete the proposed MUTLI-TRILLION dollar projects is doubtful.
Texas was a “Nation” (its own individual country) before it joined the USA. Seems the time has now come for Texas “to disassociate itself from the USA” and become its own Independent Country once again!! This way “Texas” can close “their border with Mexico” (to stop all the human trafficking and the expanding fentanyl deaths!! Then, if the Mexican Cartels “continue to invade the new Texas Nation”, Texas can simply Declare war on Mexico “and Take It Over” (more then doubling its land size and gaining many silver mines to boot which can furnish all the Silver necessary for their new “Texas Silver Dollar” which will be competitive with the BRICS (precious metal based) currency!! When other States within the US see what Texas achieved, they may decide to become part of Texas or become their own Nation. States in the Northeast could link up to form a New York Nation, but they will need to invade and take over Canada to get the Precious Metal Mines necessary for their new “New York Silver Dollars” (to remain competitive in a world where “precious metal based currency is the only money in use”)!!!
While waiting for this Nation Building to take place ordinary folk should be accumulating Silver coins with their “Soon to be Extinct US Dollars” which will soon have virtually zero purchasing power left (just like the Confederate and Zimbabwe Dollars before it)
And lets this time around lets put “a King in Charge” of these newly formed Nations (Trump would be a good “King” for the New York Nation and Elon Musk a good “King” for the Texas Nation!!!