Prepare for Serious Civil Unrest, Terror and War

By Greg Hunter’s 

World renowned geopolitical and financial expert Marting Armstrong just gave one of the most important warnings in his career on a few days ago.  On the upcoming November Election, Armstrong said, “Look, the computer says Trump should win.  I don’t know how the hell they allow that to happen.  They have to trap Trump into a war or they kill him–one or the other.  These people are unconscionable. . ..  We are looking at serious civil unrest regardless of who wins in November.  Neither side is going to accept it.”

Armstrong also said, “If there is a big war, the US will default on its debt. . .. I am very concerned they will start WWIII before the end of the year and maybe by September.”

FBI director Christopher Wray has been warning on several occasions of hacking attacks and terror attacks here in America and elsewhere that could take down your water, banking, power and food supplies.  Couple those two together, and there is a real need to prepare for what experts say is coming in the not-so-distant future.

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  1. Randy Hitt

    hi Greg,
    yeah so I’m thinking that Martin has to be right.
    I think that everything that’s happening since the debate is just an attempt to distract us from the hell they plan to unleash to keep from being destroyed forever this November at the ballot box. Dictatorships, especially the shadow kind like we have here don’t ever relinquish power voluntarily and if they don’t stop the election they will be cast onto the ash heap of history so they can’t even let this September 10 debate go down. In order to claim legitimacy Harris has to be ahead in the polls when they make their move so I am going to spend a lot of time on my knees praying for divine intervention.

  2. Anthony Australia

    Keep up the good work and giving the good word Greg!
    I am still perplexed about the lack of coverage about the severe flooding across the globe, with heavy damage in China & Vietnam. People there are suffering from Covid, then economic crisis and now climate disruption.
    There are also volcanic eruptions and earthquakes including here in Australia, a continent that has no fault lines whatsoever.
    Yes it is all prophesied in scriptures but there is a responsibility to call out the engineers of this brutality.
    RFK Jnr is at least voicing his concerns.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for reporting it here!!!

    • Anthony Australia

      Michael & The Exorcist: “I Saw Her Crawl Up A Wall” | Fr. Dan Reehil

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi AA,
      On a foreign site, I saw where the 3 Gores Damn was in danger of collapse and that all flood gates were wide open causing catastrophic flooding down stream

      • Anthony Australia

        Right you are G500.
        They are complicit in this crime against their own citizens .
        Plus they have been hoarding water from the Mekong that normally flowed out to sea, passing through numerous countries that for centuries relied heavily upon as their lifeblood.
        Sponsoring a Hydroelectric Power System in Laos hasn’t helped either.

  3. Katy Bar

    Word has it that the Globalists (knowing that Trump is going to win the Presidency) are now targeting Two(2) Big Nuclear Power Plants on the East Coast of the US (which includes Washington DC) in order to Take Down the Power Grid and Shut Down Wall Street, Banking along with Food and Water Distribution!! Thus, Creating the Havoc and Civil Unrest Necessary to “DECLARE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY, Marshall Law and a Suspension of the Election” (so that Commie Kamala and China Tim can then lead our Nation into WWIII (which the Globalists need to Reset the Monetary System and Consolidate Their Power over the Entire World). Obviously to Start WWIII Before the Election the Globalists will need to blame the Nuclear Power Plant Bombings on Iran!!

    • Ken Yu

      The Globalists physically attacking US Power Plants (say with with a hijacked passenger plane) will find it pretty hard to crack open the thick reinforced concrete reactor, but it may cause enough of a radiation contamination leak (if they aim for the spent fuel rods) to have a National Emergency Declared. One Thing Is Certain, the Nazi Leader of our Globalist Enemy (and Russia’s Globalist Enemy) Klaus Schwab Has Recently Declared: “Get Ready For A Comprehensive Cyber Attack That Will Cripple Computers Worldwide (which these Globalists hopefully believe will be “Sufficient to Create the Very Frightening Scenario” that puts the US into a “State of Marshall Law”!! The Globalists need to make their Cyber Attack so Devastating that it will look “small” in Comparison to their recent Covid Plandemic Attack (and note that they have recently “Successfully Tested their Cloud-strike Weapon” (which crippled computer systems worldwide)!! When A Nazi Enemy Threatens You – “YOU BETTER LISTEN AND PREPARE”!!!

      • Ken Yu

        Err – “The Globalists need to make their Cyber Attack so Devastating that their recent Covid Plandemic Attack (COVID 19) will look “small” in Comparison”!!!

        • Paul

          As much that has been presented through the years on Usawatchdog, to have a conversation with the general population in regards to these subject matters, we come across in their minds as doom and gloomers without much optimism. Frustrating
          To have to live in such different realities.

          Paul from arkansas

    • Marie Joy

      Decent people will NOT survive this. As a civilized people we have become too soft and weak to defend ourselves. IF you cannot do what is necessary, you and yours will be slaughtered. A strong people would have acted strongly before today. Most of us fall under drugged up, dumbed down, fat, and lazy, snd chronically ill. Most of these chronic illnesses were given to us purposely. Stand or die.

  4. michael burton

    Isaiah 41:13 For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, The One saying to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I will help you
    Philippians 4:6-7 6 Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus.
    Psalm 27:14 Hope in Jehovah; Be courageous and strong of heart. Yes, hope in Jehovah

  5. Katy Bar

    Scott Ritter exposes the Reality behind Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive : “NATO INVADED RUSSIA FOLKS” (and the NATO Nazi’s are simply thrilled about being back on Russian soil (with the help of the Demon Rats in the United States who are supplying these Nazi’s with mercenaries and very sophisticated equipment. Totally disregarding the fact that many American families lost loved ones Fighting These Same Nazi’s in WWII!!

    • Ken Yu

      I thought NATO was put into place at Great Expense to the American Taxpayer (More Then a Trillion Dollars) “TO PREVENT WAR”!!! This NATO WAR MACHINE must be Shut Down by Trump IMMEDIATELY!!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      My parents families both lost people in WW II.
      Momma isn’t happy and I know Dad is spinning in his grave. These people are evil supporting other evil. I boggles the mind that any politician here would support Nazis. But never underestimate the banality of evil.

  6. Ken Yu

    Martin Armstrong’s Socrates Computer Program has been accurately forecasting the things that are unfolding before our very eyes. And it is now saying “Be Prepared for Violence and Voter Fraud” especially with the Flood of Illegal “Trojan Horse” Aliens. And, it is not just the Presidency at stake here, many Republican Governors (like DeSantis) have failed to address the Illegal Alien Issue (By Not Having Voters Prove That They Are Citizens as the Supreme Court has Ruled) and will lose their job in November and it will be their own fault!!

    • Katy Bar

      Martin Armstrong is Predicting that 2024 will be the Last Election Uniting the 50 States into One Government!! He says the US will “Break Up” into Three (3) Autonomous Pieces (with Individual States Choosing to Alien about either California, New York or Florida)!! And each Autonomous Region will likely have their own currency (no longer the United States Dollar) probably a currency that has been recognized as being money for thousands of years (like gold or silver). So although the “Paper US Dollar” may become as worthless as Confederate Money, US Silver and Gold Coins will most likely become a common medium of exchange between the three(3) Autonomous Regions the USA breaks up into!!! So what someone needs to ask Martin Armstrong is what happens to people who are now living on Social Security or US Government Pensions???

      • Ken Yu

        If the Demon-rats Know What’s Good for Them “They Won’t Create Civil Unrest and Rioting when Trump is Elected”, as many of these Demon-rats are now living off Social Security, Welfare and US Government Pensions. These supposedly “Woke Demon-rats” Better Wake Up to the Fact that Trump (and RFK Jr as Attorney General) will “Help to Preserve the Union” (and by keeping the 50 States together “Under one Federal Government”, these Demon-rats won’t will find themselves “penny-less” which is what is likely to happen when the United States of America Dissolves into Three(3) Separate Nations. Do these Demon-rats really expect the Three(3) New Nations that are formed when the USA Collapses “To Guarantee Their Social Security, Welfare and Government Pensions when “it was their actions” that contributed to Downfall of the Republic (that was Generously Providing Them All Their Benefits)???

      • Ken Yu

        Katy – One “Good Thing” about the Dumber-of-the-Rats Rioting (to disintegrate the USA when Trump is elected) is Exactly For The Reason “That It Will End Social Security, and Welfare, and Government Pensions for these Dumber-rats”!! Because, when the US Government is gone “It Won’t Be Necessary to “Reduce Our Life Spans Any Longer” or “Just Outright Kill Us with their m-RNA Plandemic Jabs” (to keep Social Security from going Bankrupt)!!! That’s the only “good thing” I can see about the USA being broke up!!!

  7. Carol Bolt

    Hi Greg, Nice to see you on again. I did se you were back a bit ago and it made my heart glad. I love Martin Armstrong telling us what is really going on. I am sure he is spot on. I am praying Trump wins the election. I have no idea what is going to happen as the Dems do so much to lie cheat and steal everything. Its pretty scary watching what they do. Even if Trump does get back in the Dems have went scorched earth on the country. How is Trump ever going to fix such a mess they put things in? Keep Praying Everyone!

  8. Katy Bar

    Globalist Demon Rats are feverishly working to take away Trump’s ability to call up the Military to put down their planned attacks in November by “Trojan Horse” Illegals upon American Cities and Infrastructure which is necessary for the Globalists to bring about the National Emergency and Marshall Law they need to Cancel the Election!! So, it may take Patriotic “Minute Men” under the Leadership of the Commander and Chief of the United States of America’s Armed Forces to once again save our Republic like we did in 1776!! So, dust off you shot guns folks, as you may soon be called upon once again to “Save Our Republic” !!!

    • Katy Bar

      There is also talk that the Globalist Demon Rats are feverishly working to begin taxing the appreciation of of our stocks (even if we have not sold them)!! But these Demon Rats are already doing this to our Homes (taxing them every year for their “supposed appreciation due to the expansion of the money supply by these same greedy politicians”)!! My Father bought our home for $10,000 dollars in 1954 and today we children are paying $10,000 dollars “EVERY YEAR” in Property Taxes (simply because the Demon Rats in Government have Inflated the Money Supply “making it simply look like our home is getting more valuable each year”!! When Trump gets voted into office as President this year and “Eliminates Taxes on Tips” for Service Employees, he should also give equal consideration to the Rest Of Us Americans and “Fix the Taxes On Our Homes”!! Stop the taxes on our homes from increasing every year (as our homes “Are Not Getting More Valuable Every Year” but are in actuality wearing out and in major need of repairs (making them “Less Valuable Every Year”!!!

  9. Ken Yu

    Lets remember to count the over 200 Bush, McCain and Romney Aides Who Recently Endorsed Commie Harris and China Tim for President and Vice-President – AS ALSO BEING “DEMON RATS”!!

  10. Katy Bar

    The Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCE) is Jay Powell’s favorite inflation indicator (it measures the changes in the prices of goods and services purchased by consumers in the U.S.). If the PCE Report that comes out on Friday Aug 30, 2024 is dovish enough it could lead to a 50 basis point cut in interest rates at the September 18 FOMC meeting, creating significant volatility (and buying opportunity) in both the Gold and Silver markets. If Gold breaks to the upside, it can surge to $2600 and Silver could reach $35 -$40 dollars per ounce. But, if Gold breaks to the downside it is likely to reach $2150 to $1985 and Silver could fall to about $26 per ounce!! So “keep your powder dry” and seize any gift horse you are given by the Fed!! Remember just the Israel-Lebanon war alone “has the potential to push the two mighty precious metals to new all-time highs”!! So any pull back (if we get one) “should be looked upon as an Opportunity to Buy Even More”!!

  11. Ken Yu

    The way the Evil Globalists Finagled the Kill Shots “TO LOOK SAFE” was to do a “Short Term Study” (where the people who took the Covid Jabs “did not die during the period of analysis”)!! This way, the Globalist paid researchers could conclude that the “Covid Injections were Safe”!!
    However, if say 90 percent of the participants Died After One Year (they would not be recorded in the study) and therefore, the Obvious Risks of the Jab could be covered up!! Well, an Alarming New Study (over a longer time period) has Revealed that “Deaths from All Causes are Soaring Dramatically” among those who have received Covid m-RNA shots (compared to the unvaccinated)!!!

    The discovery was revealed in a study by an Italian team of researchers led by Professor Marco Alessandria of the University of Turin and Dr. Alberto Donzelli, M.D. of Italy’s Independent Medical-Scientific Commission.

  12. H. Craig Bradley




  13. Joshua

    I have been following for 10+ years. There was writing on the walls then; it pains me to now see 10 years ago as a “simpler time.” But here we are.

    My respect and admiration for your work is immense. I especially appreciate that you have faith in a higher power. Alas, darkness has crept into His world. We are nearing a point of no return—if not already past it.

    It is with URGENCY that I share a recent revelation concerning all of God’s children. I understand this is not going to be an easy truth to swallow. But if I cannot reach you, then there is no hope for shining heavenly light on the sinister reality that we occupy.

    I am very sorry, Greg. Donald Trump is not who you believe he is. Donald Trump is no less a globalist than Kamala Harris.

    One simply needs to view our geopolitics through the lens of professional wrestling to see that politicians on BOTH sides are characters reporting to a singular leadership. How convenient that media is complicit.

    “We the people” picking divisive sides and being consumed emotionally is to this leadership’s benefit. We are too busy fighting amongst ourselves to see who the true enemy is.

    Yes, the devil has recruited many. And by design, the Democratic Party appears the side of evil. But if we simply take one more step back, the picture of “good vs evil” within the existing system is simply evil. Conservatives are being tricked to think their ideals still have hope for salvation within the broken system.

    Sadly, there is zero representation outside of illusion. Insiders from all sides have been cleverly thrown under the narrative bus when needed in order to maintain enough realism in what is otherwise a parody of reality. Take RFK Jr.’s book about Fauci. None of it has been refuted, and if true…Fauci is a criminal beyond compare. But still Fauci walks free and no less “authoritative” within the system. Nonetheless, RFK gets to appear a figurehead fighting “against” the broken system when in fact he is a member OF that system.

    I pray this will make sense to you, Greg. I pray He will give you the strength to see what I’ve seen and act accordingly. I pray that I am not alone in this last chance for humanity. I pray for us all.

    • Greg Hunter


      I do know Jesus is the only answer, but Trump is much better for the near term than Kamala. If you really want your comment to have some weight, then use a real full name. Own your words. Jesus did. Jesus never preached anonymously.


      • Galaxy 500

        I have read Joshua’s post several times.
        I honestly don’t understand how a Christian can come to these conclusions with the stark contrast between choice.
        Trump is not perfect but he is a good man. Biden, Kamala and the rest are demonstrably Evil… with a big E.
        It’s not a contrast / choice between the lesser of two evils but it is truly a choice between Good and EVIL.
        Just as you are a foot soldier in YHWH / Jehovah’s Army, my guess is you are at least a Captain if not Commander, Satan has his foot soldiers and Joshua is one of them. There can be no other way to look at this. He even took the Name of one of YHWH’s famed warriors as a nom de guerre.

    • Geoff Jetsom

      Joshua, how does your recent revelation concerning all of God’s children and not including Trump or RFK Jr and the fight for their life, liberty and their right to fight for our, we the people’s pursuit of happiness even while still, Fraudci walks free and no less “authoritative” within the system. Nonetheless, RFK Ir. gets to appear a figurehead fighting “against” the broken system when in fact he is a member OF that system and your not Josh? Who’s the fraudster here?

      I pray this will make sense to you, Josh. I pray that your higher problem with God will give you the strength to see what I’ve seen and act accordingly. I pray that I am not alone in this last chance for inhumanity bur not humanity, whose salvation is assured, yet both in the hands of a loving God. As you, I pray for us all.

      “They hated me without cause.”​—John 15:25

      The Source of Hatred
      The Bible reveals that the ultimate source of unjustified hatred is Satan. He has been an adversary of God’s people from the beginning. Jesus identified Satan as “a murderer from the beginning” and “the father of lies” (John 8:44). By instigating hatred and persecution, Satan aims to discourage and destroy faith.

      However, Christians are encouraged to remain steadfast. Jesus assured his followers that they would be blessed when persecuted for righteousness’ sake (Matthew 5:10-12). This promise provides hope and strength to endure trials.

      Hope and Honesty
      In the face of persecution, Christians are called to maintain their integrity and hope. They are reminded of Jesus’ words: “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you” (John 15:18). This shared experience with Christ is a source of comfort and solidarity.

      Moreover, Christians are encouraged to respond to hatred with love and honesty. By doing so, they reflect the character of Christ and bear witness to the transformative power of God’s love. This approach not only strengthens their faith but also serves as a powerful testimony to others.

      Moving Forward
      In today’s world, where division and hostility are prevalent, the message of hope and honesty is more important than ever. Christians are called to be beacons of light, demonstrating the love and truth of God in their interactions with others. By holding fast to their faith and principles, they can navigate the challenges of persecution and contribute to a more just and compassionate world.

      A New Era of Hope
      As we navigate these “last days” of a dying system, Christians can find solace in the hope of a new era. This hope is not just a distant dream but a promise rooted in God’s Word. The Bible assures us that God’s Kingdom will bring about a world where “righteousness is to dwell” (2 Peter 3:13). This vision of a new world, free from wickedness and suffering, aligns with the aspirations of many, including the founding fathers of this once great country.

      Despite the challenges posed by wicked men of today, Christians can look forward to a time when God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10). This hope provides a powerful motivation to remain faithful and to continue sharing the message of God’s Kingdom with others.

      This perspective, inspired by the teachings found in Gad’s word or even here in Greg Hunters creation of That allows any comments fit to print or guests to espouse. To permit the love of our brothers and sister’s, that aims to provide encouragement and insight for Christians facing unjustified hatred. By understanding the spiritual roots of persecution and embracing the hope offered by Christ, believers can find strength and purpose in their journey, even in these challenging times.

    • Galaxy 500

      Yes, the devil has recruited many…

      What’s he paying you? Because if you can’t tell the difference between these two choices, you’re either on the side of evil, or in a facility for the mentally retarded.
      So I ask again, what’s the pay like? I don’t think those 30 pieces of silver are going to get you as far as you think.

  14. Galaxy 500

    Wow… they are suing to keep West off the ballot in PA but Dems are forcing RFK Jr to stay on ballot in WI and MI.
    And Kamel-tow is hiding in the basement. How bad a candidate do you have to be that you are less popular then the dementia patient that poops himself? That would be Kamel-tow

    • Ken Yu

      Kamala who will bring Price Controls, Higher Taxes, Government Censorship, and Social Programs for Illegals (all paid for by Printing Additional Worthless Dollars Out of Thin Air) will be enthusiastically supported by the Duumb-a-rats who will make sure they vote at least TWICE for “Commie” Kamala and “China” Tim !!!

      • Galaxy 500

        I have some neighbors that are life long Dems and they have a Trump sign in their yard. They are retired and were living life large until Beijing Biden decimated their quality of life. But then they voted for Trump in 2016 because Hillary scared them

    • Ken Yu

      It is sad that these Nurses (supposedly medical professionals) were felled by the Shot (unlike Trump who was not taken). Perhaps Trump was saved because he will now be working “to save people” (and not continue to “unthinkingly” Jab old people, mothers and children to death (as many brain dead nurses are still doing while happily dancing in the hospital isles) !!!

      • Jerry

        Over 700mil bioweapon jabs have been administered in the US along. Sadly we are at the point of no return.

        • Greg Hunter

          Don’t give up Jerry. Never give up.

          • Jerry

            I will not give up Greg, we have Jesus on our side, at this point this is our (mine) strength. This sad reality is literally unfolding right before our very eyes; it’s hard to witness such things.

            • Galaxy 500

              Remember the Word…
              “Seek and ye shall find”
              “Ask and ye shall receive”
              “Knock and the door shall be opened”
              Why I am telling you this?
              Because our GOD, YHWH, expect you to actively participate. He will be us but we are required to act. We must vote Trump. We must be prepared as the Pharaoh’s dream told of upcoming famine, so does this site tell you of the upcoming storm.
              So Pray hard, calling upon YHWH by name, with prayer in HIS SON’s name Jesus. Names are powerful.
              Act as hard as you can.
              Prepare as hard as you can.
              Seek the Lord our God, YHWH

  15. Yolanda Beryl

    Douglas Murray rips into The View over ‘softball’ Kamala interview
    Sky News Australia Aug 28, 2024
    Author Douglas Murray has ripped into The View after the program’s “softball” interview with Kamala Harris earlier this year where the Vice President shared her views on the border.

    “How can I describe The View to non-Americans? It’s like Britain’s ‘Loose Women’ but less cerebral,” Mr Murray told Sky News host Rita Panahi.
    “It’s a very unfunny funny light daytime show.”

    • Katy Bar

      Ever listen to the “Word Salad” Commie Kamala Tosses when interviewed? Like, I’m going to take care of all the illegal aliens and provide them with $150,000 dollars so they can buy a home and I will put them on Social Security, give them free Health Care and even allow them to vote for me this November even though they are not citizens but I will also finish Trumps Wall to keep out all the criminal illegal aliens that are creating so much crime in America. I fought hard against crime when I was District Attorney in California. As DA I released all those who only robbed $950 dollars but I made sure I locked up all the blacks “for life” who were caught with an ounce of weed. So as you can see I am not soft on crime. I also hired 49,000 IRS auditors to go after all the people who did not pay taxes on the cash they received but I will exempt service workers from paying taxes on cash just like this administration has done for Hunter Biden. As for the Palestinians, I believe they have the right to live free and unmolested in their Homeland, but I also support Israel’s right to kill every Palestinian they believe is a threat to them. As for those people who say I have a Forked Tongue they must be censored for spreading false information and although I totally believe in the Constitutional Right of Free Speech those MAGA Trump supporters should all be sent to FEMA Camps (like Hillary says) to be re-educated or guillotined. I will lock up all the people speading misinformation the same way they are doing in England “for spreading mis-information about those innocent Muslims raping and killing English women and children”!! My Mother always taught me to believe in Peace, and we all know that Peace is the absence of war, Peace is Peaceful and we should all be Peaceful except when it comes to Iran. I will go to War with Iran the same way Biden went to war with Russia because War is how you get Peace!!

      • Ken Yu

        Commie Kamala is “A Scatter Brain” and even the New York Times is now calling her “Vague to the Point of Vacuous”!!
        *** In Other Words “A Total Idiot”!!! ***

      • Ken Yu

        Kamala says “with one fork of her tongue” to the Protesting Palestinians living in America :”What has happened in Gaza over the past 11 months is Devastating, Desperate and Heartbreaking”!! So I Ask All You Palestinians “Who Live in America” to Stop Your Protesting and “Vote for Me” (Because I Care)!!
        Then, Kamala says the next day “with the other fork of her tongue”: “I will always stand up for Israel’s right to Kill All the Palestinians they feel Must be Killed”!! (Is this because the Palestinians living outside the US in Gaza can’t vote for Kamala in the upcoming election or simply because she believes in discrimination)??

  16. Dirk Gherkinson

    Forget Hypersonics: China’s Cruise Missile Threat is the Stuff of Nightmares Story by Brandon J. Weichert • 15h •

  17. Galaxy 500

    Demons and their minions protect each other but for just being at Capital Jan 6 or praying at a Baby murder factory, the righteous are put in jail for years

  18. Galaxy 500

    You are being called.
    Never forget though, that many are called but few are the Chosen.

  19. Led Skeletor

    We smell a rat.

    99% of Murdoch Family’s News Corp Employee Election Contributions Went to Democrats!!

    Fox News [News Corp] is the equivalency of that FAKE, CONSERVATIVE BASHING, IDIOTIC LEFTIST WORM show “The Colbert Report”. Funny, leftists think Colbert’s outlandishly foolish depiction of conservationism is real, leftists don’t get the joke.

    $10 billion in annual revenues pretending to be the conservative voice of America.
    FOX is gone!! Addios Amoebas.

    In the words of the great Lili Von Shtüpp: “You’re finished. Fertig! Verfallen! Verlumpt! Verblunget! Verkackt!”

    Indian Chief Mel Brooks: “Auf Wiedersehen!”

  20. Justn Observer

    Greg, the question repeated….’was it just plan incompetence?
    Hard to believe the list of things asked were anything but providing a window and allowing the attempt on DJT life.

  21. Custom Z

    I stated stacking Gold/Silver some years back, after the 2008 real estate crash.
    I started going to prepper websites and I was dismayed to see that most preppers said the same thing – “you can’t eat gold and silver”.
    Nobody ever said that you can eat gold & silver. Nobody ever said that was the reason to stack gold & silver.
    Here are the biggest reasons to stack metals:
    1 – Your Mortgage. If the economy ever collapses and you lose your job then you are in danger of being kicked out of your home. The mortgage company will certainly not accept a case of toilet paper or a box of ammunition as a mortgage payment. But odds are they will accept gold/silver. You can stay in your home, where all your preps are, while everyone else is being kicked out of their homes.
    2 – Property Taxes. Failure to pay Property Taxes is another sure way to lose your home. Again, the Tax Office will not accept barter items as payment for your taxes but they will accept gold/silver.
    3 – Items of High Value. In an economic collapse no one will have everything. You might have lots of food and water but then you find out you could really use a motorcycle or a ham radio or some vital medication. The guy who has what you need might not need any more vodka or batteries but he could sure use some nice shiny gold so he can stay in his own house.
    4 – Bribery. There’s an old saying: “Always have enough gold to bribe the border guards.” Or checkpoint soldiers. Or police guarding the food/medicine warehouse. In case of martial law it’s certain that the universal language of ‘bribery’ will be spoken. Soldiers are no different than anyone else.
    The point is, don’t overlook this vital resource just because someone once said “you can’t eat gold or silver”. There will be plenty of uses for these eternal forms of exchange.

    • Galaxy 500

      Custom Z,
      Like you, I have heard the silliness that you can’t eat gold and silver. These are a store of wealth to be used as a medium of trade and as insurance as their value can’t be printed. Forget what the fools are telling you about eating gold. We both have a good stockpile of food. There will be trade as no one person has everything. Farms need to sell/trade their excess. Bills come due etc
      Yes, you need to be as prepared as possible.
      Food, water, first aid, communication, Pew-Pews and their favorite snack… lots and lots of snacks preloaded into mags, then cans and cans LOL.
      Transport, tools.
      You understand and I do as you are going to have to deal with the collapse of the system and Bills are going to still come due.
      If you have assets outside the system like Au & Ag you will be in a better position than most. Don’t forget Cu clad Pb. That gonna be worth its weight in gold.
      I pray that YHWH keeps us safe until it is time for us to be called home

  22. Justn Observer

    Greg, totally predicted this would escalate to home invasions…
    as will the murders, kidnapping, rapes once the stores close and the easy picking are gone.
    U.S. is already a banana republic…as is its BS ‘selection’ election process.
    As the DJT assassination probe indicated…’they’ murdered how many conservative candidates on ‘their’ way to the selection election in Mexico.
    Time one considers what state they live in ….and its stand your ground laws and whether the ‘government’ of your state is TRULY a pro-2nd Amendment state…hopefully with a permitless concealed carry law like the one DeSantis signed a year ago….because someday soon…if all this is not arrested…you will see the Union divide and a civil war over the basic rights of family, self, and local cultural and social beliefs.
    That said, last night and the one before, the gardens here took a freeze hit, on Aug. 28th. only after a killing freeze on June 19th. Certainly not in a lot of areas…but shows the Grand Solar Minimum speculations gaining merit in many areas of the world. Add the coming food shortages and supply chain issues and the store closures…the door to door raids may not soon be just for money and expensive items to sell.
    Wake up calls everywhere… time for thoughts on Location, Location, Location

    As one of your commentators has opined often… Ammo up ! lol
    Yes, Mary, maybe now that the home invasions have started people might consider that….AND…having bodyguard for your children so they are not kidnapped…especially in those ‘de-funded the police’ states and cities.

  23. Custom Z

    A few unusual preps/barter items
    – Fingernail Clippers
    – Reading Glasses
    – Sunglasses
    – All forms of soap: Bars, Liquid Dish soap etc.
    – Musical Instrument items: Guitar Strings, Sax Reeds, any grease or oil your instrument may need
    – A wood-burning stove and a big ol’ stack of firewood
    – Personal (Sex) Lubricant (you know you’ll need it)
    – Epsom Salts, it has a thousand uses
    – A vehicle that gets really great gas mileage, like a scooter
    – These aren’t all that unusual but Coffee, Coffee, Coffee and lots of good, high-quality sipping booze

    • Galaxy 500

      Great Ideas
      Glasses cheap now and a great trade item for people that need them
      Sunglasses ditto

      I would add sewing supplies needles thread, patches, buttons zippers
      Cheap alcohol… yes, I have some private stock of Glenmorangie, Remy Xo, Whistlepig, etc. but don’t under estimate the trade value of cheap 200ml bottles of vodka, bourbon etc $2-$3 bottle
      Every man after a trying time wants a drink, even a cheap one.
      Musical instruments- wonderful idea and strings, picks lubricants and cleaners- good idea
      Wood burning stoves and wood. Heck yes…
      K-Y gel … dude, I don’t know about this one, those things have lubricated themselves for 20,000 years
      Epsom Salts yes
      Vehicle with good gas mileage… yes. But I think you need some that can carry things besides the driver
      Coffee coffee coffee Dbl Hell Yes and coffee creamer/sugar
      I have vacuum sealed bags inside another bag that I vacuum sealed in. Let’s not forget tea tea tea
      You have some great ideas a good plan
      LP gas in 20/30lb tanks
      Unleaded No alcohol gas with seafoam/stabil in 5 gallon cans
      Oil in 5 quart containers

      Campstove fuel in 1 gallon cans
      Seasonings salt/pepper/etc
      Books, both fiction, school books and how to books
      Pens pencil paper
      Thank you for the wonderful post

      08/29/2024 •
      A few unusual preps/barter items
      – Fingernail Clippers
      – Reading Glasses
      – Sunglasses
      – All forms of soap: Bars, Liquid Dish soap etc.
      – Musical Instrument items: Guitar Strings, Sax Reeds, any grease or oil your instrument may need
      – A wood-burning stove and a big ol’ stack of firewood
      – Personal (Sex) Lubricant (you know you’ll need it)
      – Epsom Salts, it has a thousand uses
      – A vehicle that gets really great gas mileage, like a scooter
      – These aren’t all that unusual but Coffee, Coffee, Coffee and lots of good, high-quality sipping booze

  24. Prospector

    The U.N. is evil.
    What does the devil want ??? To UN do , UN make UN create all that is good.

    Steven Crowder
    BREAKING: Self Described “Globalist” United Nations Legal Affairs Official Says He’s “Not Sure Institution is Going to Survive” Second Trump Term; Reveals Colleagues “Terrified” of His Reelection; Admits U.N. is ‘95% useless’ at Primary Function of International Peace & Security

    “I am the definition of a Globalist.”

    “One of the objectives of the UN is to create an identity of a global citizen…It’s a threat to the absolute power of the United States.”

    “I’m not sure the United Nations as an institution is going to survive a second term by Donald Trump…They want America first.”

  25. Prospector

    This is happening NOW with things still working.
    Venezuelan gangs taking over. ? Illegals get free stuff , the displaced renters GET NO HELP AT ALL. Police show little concern.

    Video: Armed men at troubled Aurora apartments
    New video has surfaced showing alleged gang violence at an apartment complex home to some migrants in Aurora. FOX31’s Vicente Arenas speaks with a couple whose vehicle has been hit with bullets, and they spend each night closing several locks on their doors.

  26. Prospector

    Warn your children. Happened at least twice. ILLEGALS , not ‘ migrants ‘

    San Diego FOX 5
    Group of 20 migrants attempt to enter CA school bus picking up students in ‘scary’ scene:

  27. Son of a Marine

    “You shot the bad guy!” -The Waco Kid (Gene Wilder) to Obama look-alike, Sheriff Bart

    Tired Obama thinks “Blazing Saddles” is G-d’s battle plan for the Trump Presidency, rather than Mel Brooks’ prescient satire of cowboys, imbeciles, and Revelation 12.

    It takes a military leader to order an assassination attempt, not just a Fink!


    • Ken Yu

      Do you think Fink to protect his $10.5 Trillion Dollar Blackrock Investment Fund (and its many investments in Green Energy) had anything to do with the Trump assassination attempt?? Fink had Thomas Crooks, the gunman who shot at Donald Trump in a Blackrock ad and Fink also owned a big percentage of the HECO power plant (at Kahe Point in West Oahu, Hawaii) that was instrumental “in burning out the long time residents” to make way for his development of one of Blackrock’s Smart Cities???

      • Katy Bar

        The assassination attempt on Trump was another Neocon coup attempt to thwart the legitimate transfer of power in the United States and install “a puppet by force” who will obediently take orders from them. Now that Trump has actually felt the bullet these Neocons had marked for him, I hope he will finally release all of the JFK assassination files “unredacted and naming names”!!!

    • Laura & Lars Parsons

      This film made in 1960 Copenhagen Demark depicts what could happen when even mother nature turns against the war mongers manipulation of such!
      From the borders of the west, where fear held sway! Of standing armies at each others throat’s! Communist held eastern Europe and half of Germany in it’s tight grip, the old Soviet Union. Came Reptilicus now REMASTERED! WHERE FEAR COULD BE CUT WITH A BUTTER KNIFE AND THE SLAV’S IN EAST EUROPE WOULD HAVE GLADLY WELCOMED SOME PUTTER! BUTTER, TO BE ABLE TO SLICE INSTEAD OF THEY’RE HARD EARNED TAX MONIES GOING TO IMAGINARY MONSTERS OF THE BIG BAD WEST!!
      Rådhuspladsen Nordisk Film+ REMASTERED 720P

      Lefties losing it: Kamala’s speech to teens mocked
      Sky News Australia 564,525 views Aug 29, 2024
      Sky News host Rita Panahi has mocked Kamala Harris’ speech to teenagers, accusing the Democrat nominee of speaking to them like they are “overgrown toddlers”.

  28. Marie Joy

    THEY have to pull some kind of stunt before November 5 or Trump will win.
    Unless WE develop our backbones they will win.
    Will it be WWIII, Civil War, cyber catastrophe, Biological, Chemical, radiological,… The possibilities are endless.
    Aurora, CO has Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes. I’ve seen videos of men coming in the complex, breaking doors, people moving out. It’s getting bad out there.
    Like minded people need to come together. Soon.
    I would like to move to a Stand Your Ground state but…

    • Won Witness

      This Old Man believes your last sentence represents so many peoples thoughts..

      As time is short some may not have the time, energy or money to move.
      (or shelter in place)

      Is there a site anywhere to match like minded peoples help each other ?

      A place where a cash strapped small farming family could offer a small piece of land and food for up front advanced payment by a city refugee ?
      A place where a big city dweller and arrange a safer house agreement with suburb dwelling empty nester(s) with spare rooms

      A national “craigslist” (Greg’s List?) for God fearing Freedom loving people to help each other with prep, supplies, knowledge, or just plain “community barn raising” free dinner dance afterwards type items.
      Local Curches are great but for interstate migrations or shelter what other options might be tried ?

      • Seer

        Greg has my email. Strong community in Canterbury New Zealand. I have residency left CA and FL early 2023 too risky. Have rural modern setup. You can get a travel visa or work visa. Can help apply. Time is of essence – must prepare!!

        • Greg Hunter

          I am staying in the USA. Jehovah put me where I am now, and I am settled here. Thanks for your kind offer.

        • Galaxy 500

          New Zealand is not a free country. Isn’t your leadership, your government oppressive and fascist?
          I remember their draconian decrees during Covid.
          I think the situation isn’t as ideal as you think

    • Galaxy 500

      Like mind people do need to take a stand against evil. We are under the yoke of tyranny and the banality of evil. Only when good people resist does change happen

  29. Marie Joy

    Will sanctuary cities and states fall first?

  30. H. Gee Longwells

    30,000 Russian Soldiers ‘Storm’ Kursk; Ukraine Army Chief Admits Key Failure
    Times Of India 38 watching now Started streaming on Aug 28, 2024
    Latest report suggests that Russia has redeployed approximately 30,000 troops from southern Ukraine to the Kursk region to counter Ukraine’s offensive. Ukrainian Army Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi confirmed the redeployment, noting it was part of Russia’s strategic response to Ukraine’s advances. While Syrskyi did not specify the number of troops redeployed directly from Ukraine, he stated the operation in Kursk has seen “some success.”

    Russian Spy Chief Issues Nuclear Warning About US
    Story by Mandy Taheri • 11h •

    Russian Sukhoi fighter jets attempt to intimidate a USAF SR-72 Darkstar,
    somewhere over the Pacific 🆑ool!

    Trump Live! Watch 45th President & JD Vance Address Nation From Michigan August 29th 2024 What the GOP ticket has planned for America.

  31. Dave Milne

    Col. Douglas Macgregor : US Foreign Policy Delusions
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom199,054 views live on Aug 28, 2024
    Col. Douglas Macgregor : US Foreign Policy Delusions

  32. Svetlana Stalin Mooney

    Zelinsky caught with pant’s DOWN
    The emperor has no clothes and is buck naked!
    Zelinky’s culture of lies, brought down that first F-16, not Russia!
    ‘Stop Lying…’: Zelensky Aide ‘Exposes’ Military’s F-16 Crash ‘Sham’ | Russia-Ukraine War Times Of India 29,056 1 hour ago
    Ukrainian MP Mariana Bezuglaya, from Zelensky’s own party, slammed the military for not telling the truth regarding the F-16 jet crash that killed the pilot too. Bezuglaya said F-16 jet possible crashed after being hit by a Patriot missile.

    LIVE | Russian Missiles Shoot Down Seven Ukrainian Aircraft, Destroy Airfields Amid Kursk Blitz Times Of India Started streaming on Aug 28, 2024
    Russian forces have launched a series of devastating attacks against Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region, claiming to have destroyed multiple aircraft and military vehicles. With air and ground strikes reported, tensions are escalating as both sides face significant losses. Russian reconnaissance reports confirm the elimination of Ukrainian assets, but the full impact remains unclear.

    All this death and destruction because Obomber didn’t like THE FACT the LGBQRSTV+ wanted to adopt russian children or babies and Put’s said no and didn’t allow it in Russia either too. Sorry Buttajgheg!
    So Obomber snubbed Putin by not attending the Russki winter Olympics and Obombski went one further and gave old blue eye’s Nuland and slow crook Beijing V.P. O’Briben the go ahead to take over the Ukraine train wreckAND HERE WE IS!
    On the Eve of Detraction
    @James-nl6fu 1 year ago
    This is based on a real “incident” near Cuba In 1962. An American destroyer pursued a Russian attack submarine so aggressively. The Russian commander fired a nuclear torpedo at him. By some miracle, they “disarmed” the warhead just in time. That could’ve started the 3rd world war!
    WHAT IS GOING on Obombervich?

  33. Galaxy 500

    When you’ve lost CNN as a Demoncrats, you really suck… and Kamel-tow does.

  34. Galaxy 500

    Yes, Kamel-ala had to save the people from prosperity and low food and gas prices. The Demons in charge hate it when we prosper

  35. Jive

    Brother Greg,
    Short and sweet I bought a power bank you recommended and already used a few times when power was out for short periods. It was great plugin in the sound system and a lamp plus a fan. I wonder what the neighbors were thinking?!? lol

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Jive
      Which one and how long did you use it? What did you thing ?

    • Greg Fluke

      I KNOW I WAS THERE! WISH I HAD SOME OF GREG’S GOODIES AND IT WASN’T LOND AGO WHEN HURRICAN BURLE CAME UP FROM TEXAS AND PARKED ITSELF OVER DETROIT, where basements were flooded and power lost. BEFORE GOING OFF INTO Canada, I know because I feel asleep in the basement while on and woke up to two feet of water, when I splashed down from the basement spare bed, ugh! At least the water was clean, not sewage and that water came all the way from Africa to my basement! Don’t underestimate sweet Jesuses Mother nature!
      If only I would have seen this! I could have been slightly prepared, maybe?

  36. Galaxy 500

    Kamalunist… er.. ah… Communist hate a free and fair government… Kamel-tow and company. These Demons hate all that is wholesome, all that is good and they hate Christ and His Chosen most of all

  37. Gloria Ramirez

    Trump is now stabbing his pro-life supporters in the back.

    • Joe Kevorkian

      Move to a red state Gloria.

    • Jerry

      He’s got to get elected, did he not say something to that effect or I am thinking of someone elese???

    • Galaxy 500

      No he hasn’t
      More misinformation.
      These things are states rights, which Trump made possible.

  38. Galaxy 500

    The FBI and the SS aka Gestapo but called the Secret Service here lately. I mean openly planning and carrying out a brazen assassination attempt on a former and likely reelected President… what else could they be?

  39. Galaxy 500

    Just saw this … D E I. Didn’t Earn It.
    This woman didn’t and she help 6 others cheat to best out qualified candidates. Because why should merit matter when you have melanin and lady bits?

  40. freedom

    Lets see if Greg is interested in TRUTH
    Christopher Strunk deceased, he prepared legal filings with the state of New York and Texas that Kamala Harris is not eligible to hold office of vice president and president.
    July 12, 20241:20 pm

    Amicus by Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee/
    Christopher Earl Strunk, Trustee
    October 08, 2020
    State of Texas et al v. United States of America et al, Case No. 1:18-cv-00068-ASH (S.D. Tex. 2018)

    Citizen Files Lawsuit Against Kamala Harris for Illegal Status as VP Candidate
    Sept 1, 2020

  41. wayne hardin

    “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

    8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
    9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
    10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
    11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
    12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
    13 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
    14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.

  42. Justin Thomas

    If anyone wants to speak anonymously-that’s thier right. End of story.

    • Greg Hunter

      Don’t confuse free speech with anonymous speech. Thery are not the same.

    • Galaxy 500

      Why would you think this?
      You have Freedom of Speech from Government censure in the public square BUT there is no freedom of consequence.
      And in case you missed it, Greg owns this site, not the government. So you are here by Greg’s leave and permission.

  43. Galaxy 500

    These children should not be in public schools…
    The minimum that should be required for public school is an 87 IQ. If you are non verbal, act out etc… sorry my children should have to deal with it.
    School is for education not child care

  44. Galaxy 500

    This guy hate the US Military…He claimed false honors, somehow was allowed to retire before deployment and make the US Military less effective. $300 a gallon biofuel where Naval use is measured in tons per hour…

  45. Marie Joy

    Man charged Trump? and was brought down. I did NOT see a weapon. 8/30. Looked like a rally. Apparently, no injuries. I didn’t see Trump. More info later.

    • Marie Joy

      It looked like a long haired, bearded crazy person. It took several of our people to take him down and escort him out. Trump kept talking while the fracus was happening.

  46. Katy Bar

    We are Repeatedly Told by the Demon-rats that: “WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY”!! But are not Democracies supposed to be where “People Have the Right to Vote for Who They Choose”?? What kind of Democracy do we have “When We Don’t Even Have the Right to Select our own Candidates” (who are Either Shot At (like Trump) or Actually Assassinated (like JFK) or Denied the Right to Compete( like RFK Jr.). Instead, our Candidates are simply “Installed For Us” (by a Small Group of People who have Appropriated Unlimited Power over the Population) the way Kamala was (by the Deep State)!! This is NOT DEMOCRACY – THIS IS TYRANNY !!!

  47. Galaxy 500

    So the State will not protect us, the tax payers, but they will protect law breakers…

    We need to vote these cretinous politicians out and then bring them to justice

  48. Galaxy 500

    The socialist Demoncrats in Germany, what we used to call Nazis, are losing and seek to bring down the righteous

  49. Galaxy 500

    Much harder to cheat if you have to count each paper ballot

  50. Dave Milne

    Trump *UP* in recent polls, Kamala trying to back out of debate?
    Depressed Ginger 1 hour ago

  51. Lisa

    Dear Greg,
    I hope you are feeling well. Martin is my favorite interview and I have been reading him since Sinclair was posting his letters. I sense the end is near, especially with his latest. I can tell he is madly trying to get out a wake up call and I am praying for his health and longevity as well as yours. You both are gems.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Lisa!!

    • Eugene ''Earl'' James

      End is near indeed. To making lies, spewing lies and demonizing innocent hardworking people to justify a possible genocide and wrap it up below the bucket pretending it did not happen. Year, this is the end indeed. And transhumanism is shit.

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