President Trump Set Them Free – Gary Heavin

By Greg Hunter’s (Updated 1/20/25)

(Breaking: President Trump has released ALL J6 prisoners in 35 states held at 75 federal prisons.  Gary Heavin reports that the J6 prisoners must be released by midnight 1/20/25.  Heavin and his volunteers are standing by at all 75 prisons to help the released J6 political prisoners.)

There has been much controversy over the so-called J6 participants in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2020.  The Lying Legacy Media (LLM) and the Deep State call it a “violent insurrection.”  Donald Trump supporters call it a setup, psyop and frame job of people protesting a stolen election.  Martin Armstrong contends the real theft of the 2020 Election happened because Democrats needed an excuse to suspend the rules of election integrity in Congress and push Joe Biden into the White House under emergency rules.  Armstrong says, “Videos Prove January 6 was an Inside Job.”  Hundreds have been imprisoned under weak and concocted legal cases, where witnesses were tampered with and evidence was destroyed and “lost.”  President-elect Donald Trump promised in his 2024 campaign to give a blanket pardon to the people sitting in prison for the crime of exercising free speech and protesting a rigged election on January 6, 2020.  Will he pay off on his campaign promise?

Former “billion-dollar franchise owner,” and now, philanthropist Gary Heavin wants to help all J6 prisoners when released and hold President Trump to his promise.  Heavin and his wife Diane started a record-breaking string of women-only fitness franchises called Curves International.  The company reached 5,000 franchises in 5 years, a feat that took McDonald’s 25 years.  Since Heavin sold the company in 2012, he has concentrated on helping people in dire need.  Just a few examples include flying doctors and supplies to survivors of the Haiti earthquake, and again in Haiti with Hurricane Matthew in 2016.   Most recently, Heavin flew rescue missions for survivors of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina.

Heavin is known for using his money and skill as a pilot flying rescue missions with his personal helicopter and other aircraft.  Heavin says, “Donald Trump has promised on numerous occasions to set the J6 prisoners free on his first day in office, which is going to be Monday.  There are going to be some consequences in pardoning these people because the prisons are literally going to be putting these people out on the street with no notice to the families and no resources.  We are talking about 300 incarcerated prisoners that are in 75 prisons in 35 states across this country.  Many of them are a long way from home and a long way from resources.  I am working with a variety of J6 freedom groups to meet those needs.  So, we have set up over a hundred volunteers to be at every prison on Monday when these people are released.  We are going to make sure they are warm, they’re fed and they have a hotel room.  We are going to connect them to their family and figure out how to get them home.”

Heavin will be personally flying some of the J6 prisoners home on his private jet, and that’s not all.  Heavin says, “I have organized private aircraft to be available on Tuesday. . . . The ones beyond driving distance, we are going to fly them home.”

In closing, Heavin says, “This is an imminent moment right now.  Trump’s mantra from his first term was ‘Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up,’ and, of course, we know what happened to that.  The mantra today that begins his second term is ‘Set Them Free, Set Them Free.’  This is literally a litmus test where we are going to discover whether Donald Trump is going to keep his promises to the American people.  There is a huge movement right now where millions of people are watching his actions.  Is he going to do what he says he’s going to do?  We had a little bit of confusion this past week when J.D. Vance was asked about the J6 pardons on FOX News, and he foolishly complicated it and said some will be set free and some won’t and all this other nonsense.  My inside information is he (Vance) got his ass handed to him over this whole thing.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with philanthropist, entrepreneur and Christian pilot Gary Heavin for 1.18.25.

To help with the needs of the J6 prisoners, go to 

After the Interview: 

To help with the needs of the J6 prisoners click here:

For more on this story, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote an excellent post on this subject called “Trump Must Not Flunk His Litmus Test.”

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  1. Anthony Australia

    Thanks for the interview Greg, at least you haven’t been co-opted.

    EXCLUSIVE: 2025 & THE GRAND PSYOP! – The Hijacking Of Alt Media & How To Fix It with Jeff Berwick

    • Anthony Australia

      US Suspends EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak After COVID-19 Evidence Uncovered By House Committee.

      • Katy Bar

        For all the “Supposed Intelligence” of the Younger Generation of Eugenicist Demons – they were “So Impatient to Concur the World” that they made themselves Way Dumber Then Their Evil Fathers Before Them (Who Knew to “Kill Us Off Gradually” by Placing Deadly Chemicals into our Drinking Water and Processed Foods)!! Now these Moronic Modern Day Eugenicist Demons have destroyed all the years and years of previous work by Older Eugenicists “To Kill Off Humanity” (because even though the New Generation of Eugenicists “Have Killed Off A Billion People with their Kill Shots – they have made Six Billion Relatives still alive into “Fierce Enemies” of their “New World Post Industrial Cyborg Order”!!!

        • Anthony Australia


          • Katy Bar

            Official Data released by the Czech Republic confirms that All Cause Mortality (ACM) is 50% higher with the Satanic Moderna Kill Shots than with the Satanic Pfizer Kill Shots!! Actually: “We Are DYING in a Time where Satan doesn’t Hide Anymore” – “As People have been Blinded by the Demon’s Rats”!!!

    • Andrew de Berry

      Love you Greg. Great interview. Of course Trump will keep every word of what he’s promised! Stay safe. Jesus wins.

    • Paul

      as fast as the news is going these days. Consider the thought in addition to your great speakers you have on to give a daily news service,
      Does not need to be long
      instead of your time rehashing with with comments when you have had on your last speaker.

      Food for thought

      Paul from arkansas

  2. Anthony Australia

    Jim Willie: GESARA Is Coming! Trump’s Military Is Ready & The Elites Are Terrified! (Video)

    AMANDA GRACE | Prophetic Warnings Ignored: What Happens When Leaders Defy God

    GLOBAL BOMBSHELL! Respected Former UK MP Says MI6 Is Covering Up Ukrainian Children Being Kidnapped For Sex Slavery & Organ Harvesting After They Are Smuggled Into England

    • Brian L

      Gesara and Nesara is Q BS. Stop with the nonsense. Wake up dude.

      • Anthony Australia

        Woke up decades ago G500, Sam, Stan & Brian.
        The whole world is a theatrical circus.
        One does not listen to things that sweeten their ears only, because doing this will not help you understand and join the dots.
        God is in charge not freaks with political or business power.

      • Saeed

        I believed Q-anon in the beginning years ago, until I realised it was a CIA psy-op…like Al Qaeda, Al Baghdadi, Al Jowlani, etc.

        • Katy Bar

          I believed in the Democrats years ago, until Johnson killed JFK. Now we have Biden giving last minute “Preemptive Pardons” to Psychopathic Criminals Fauci and the Entire Jan 6 Committee (headed by that Lizard Cheney)!! “Preemptive Pardons”?? did you ever hear of such a thing??? Pardoning the entire Jan 6 Committee tells me that all the people “These Jan 6 Committee Criminals” locked up must be “Post-emptively Freed” after spending an Unjust 4 Long Years in Prison “For Trespass”!!!

          Notice how Bill Gates was NOT “Preemptively Pardoned”?? Does Biden know Trump is giving Gates a “Special Deal”??? Warp Speed II (for his mRNA Polio vaccine)????

          • Ken Yu

            The Supreme Court made it very clear that a Pardon “carries an Imputation of Guilt and Acceptance of and Confession of it”!! Whereas Amnesty “is noncommittal and tantamount to 5th Amendment silence on the issue”. So every Biden Pardon means: “The People Pardoned “Are Guilty of High Crimes and/or Misdemeanors!!!!

        • Coal Burner

          I never believed it. I saw a bunch of the crap lies and quickly realized it was “phoney balonie”. I know good American Patriots who were sucked into this pile of propaganda.

          Second: J 6 lie and trashing innocent people cannot be forgiven. The people that set up this trap and violated hundreds of citizens Constitutional Rights must be punished. They must pay, if possible here in earth as well as in hell.

          I do not want Liz Cheney off the hook either. But Pelosi, and the fbi, many of the Capitol Police, and other so called “security traitors” committed treason against the Constitution. The punishment for that is what they deserve. One of many points no one has admitted is that the officer that committed suicide must have felt the guilt of violating the Constitution to off himself. He was a better man than hundreds of government treasonists involved.

          • Katy Bar

            Coal Burner,
            Add to the above Bribe’n lies the Inflation Reduction Act (America’s Largest Spending Package in History) “supposedly designed to Combat Climate Change” but instead Created our Current Highly Inflationary Environment!!!

  3. Robert from Alabama

    At many businesses in our area they are asking for donations to help out with the L. A. fire. I hope that Gavin Newsom isn’t distributing the money. My wife and I donate more than 10% to Church and charity but we don’t trust the elite. We remember Bill Clinton asking for donations to help during the Haitian earthquake that were added to donors’ telephone bills. We believe that very little money reached Haiti if any at all. Since Gavin Newson is cut from the same globalist mold as the Clinton’s we will probably donate to a group like the Salvation Army or Samaritan’s Purse. Also, can you believe that Hillary Clinton received the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Go figure………

    • Raspberries

      allegedly Samaritans purse spends a lot of donations down near the border helping migrants. maybe find a church in the fire area and contribute directly.

      • Brian L

        Yep. Donations today are a joke. Our taxes go to things we would never support as well as our donations. Corruption abounds.

    • Marti Baker Girl

      Two points Robert, you are spot on regarding the money not reaching the Haitians. A friend of mine who is from Haiti but has been a US citizen for over 30 years does missionary work there. Told me years ago the Hattians hate the Clintons because they used their plight to put money in their own coffers. None if any reached the Haitians unless the Clintons have dual citizenship and call themselves Haitian.
      As for the Salvation Army, I started out as a teen volunteering for them and was very supportive until a few years ago when I found out how Woke they have become. Very much into supporting the transgender movement and this can be found on their own web site, but not something they broadcast I suppose for fear of losing Biblical practicing donors.

    • dave

      From missionaries in Haiti I heard that NO money solicited by the Clintons EVER reached the people.

      • Anthony Australia

        I still remember the Hilary Clinton speech about breaking through the glass ceiling.
        We live under a firmament and baloney that we landed on the moon was absolute fraudulent.
        Now Trump praises a man who wants to send rockets up so we can live on Mars’s is criminal.
        The only thing they want to do is enslave us within the metaverse and hook us up to Neuralink.

        • Greg Hunter

          So, you are totally defeated before Trump even takes office. Let’s see what he actually does in office.

          • Anthony Australia

            No I am following God.

            • Cassie

              AMEN brother!

          • Anthony Australia

            VIDEO: Trump Talks About How Elon Musk Has Taken Space Exploration To The Next Level & Says, “We Have To Be Protective Of Our Geniuses”


    • Brian L

      Robert from Alabama. Don’t give them a #$%$#$% penny. God doesn’t donate Mercy to people that need to learn a lesson. The fact that everything is abuzz about L.A while North Carolina got nothing, should tell you everything. They voted for Biden and Kamala. Let them burn.

    • I Dig Au

      Robert –
      The Salvation Army went woke years ago. Do some research on those grifters before giving them one cent.

  4. No Thanks

    Trump BETTER RELEASE ALL of the J6 Political Prisoners not some 250 of them or some b.s. nonsense.

    • Kit Lee

      Trump better release a lot more then 250 J6 Patriots (especially since they have already spent 4 years in prison for “trespass”) while the known terrorist working for Pelosi (Ray Epps) continues to walk free!!

      • Sharon

        Trump promised when he ran again for second time that he would release all J6 Patriots if he won the election. Now that he did, he better go through as he promised and we’re all watching to see if he does. Otherwise, this would be another broken promise and a big black mark on his record.

        • Sharon

          Thank you President Trump for releasing the J6 Patriots as promised. Off to a good start.

    • Brian L

      Yep. They charged everyone with violent entry. They even charged people with violence against police if the guy was standing next to someone who hit a cop. The whole thing needs a blanket pardon and blanket clemency for those still not arrested. No one would have been there that day if Trump didn’t tell them to show up and then tell them to march on the Capitol. Those people are heroes. The country had a stolen election, clearly evident then and more so now, and they are the only Americans that showed up to do anything about it. Long live the J6er’s and long live the Republic.

      • Greg Hunter

        please show me the video of actual Trump supporters (not FBI or Antifa dressed up as Trump supporters) hitting police. Show me the video. There aren’t many.

        • Brian L

          It happened Greg. But what I was saying is that there are people in prison charged with hitting a cop because they were standing next to someone in the crowd that actually hit the cop. FBI or Trump supporter I don’t know, but it was because they were standing next to someone. That’s how corrupt the whe charade is.

          The guy that committed suicide in prison had pled guilty to a 9 year stint, but because he pled guilty they were going to tack on more charges because he was standing next to someone who was hitting a cop with a flag pole. So he killed himself rather than face 40 years. Other people are in prison for hitting cops even though the cop testified in court they never got hit. The whole thing kangaroos and bananas.

          I don’t come here to make stuff up. Anyone can look up what I say and find true sources. I live by the Golden Rule, so I always keep it real.

          • Greg Hunter

            It happened then show me the proof. Identify the people involved. I have not seen a sing video of cops getting hurt by Trump supporters–period. If the deep State Dems had a video like this, they would play it day and night on all Lying Legacy Media. Who was the person hitting a cop with a flag poll? Where is the sourcing? Your opinion is not a fact.

          • Galaxy 500

            It didn’t happen. That is Demoncrats propaganda. And your buddies, they murdered unarmed people.

      • Charles

        J6ers were released on DJTs first day in office.

        • Brian L

          1-21-25 at 9:10 PM

          Stay informed like us

          Over 20 still in DC Gulag

          Jeremy Brown not being released

          America needs to fight for Jeremy Brown

  5. Jill Herendeen

    If you want to know about stolen elections, interview Bev Harris, or Jonathan Simon. In 2020, the Dem primaries were stolen, too–if not, no way would Biden have been a candidate in the first place. See Theodore de Macedo Soares’ data, here: Of course, THE reason those protesters have been in jail is NDAA 2012, passed by Congress & signed by Obama (saying HE would never invoke it, as if that made it perfectly OK), in which ANYONE whom the POTUS SAYS is an enemy combatant IS one, & can be locked away indefinitely w/out trial or being charged or habeas corpus etc. A profitable state of affairs for a privately-owned, for-profit prison system, as well as a dandy way to quell dissent.

    • Brian L

      You are correct. But you miss an important point about society. No one cares anymore. The experiments where people had to hurt others because a person in authority told them to, only 20% declined. That was in the 1960s and 1970s. People are worse today. But it tells us this, only 20% of people actually think for themselves. All elections are stolen. That’s the real dope.

  6. Really Awake

    I agree with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

    “Trump’s litmus test awaits him on the Oval Office desk. The litmus test is the pardon for every one of the wrongly indicted and wrongly prosecuted January 6 Trump supporters–which means all of them–who attended the rally and were persecuted for doing so. If Trump fails to immediately issue a full and unconditional pardon to all, he will lose the support of MAGA Americans.”

    I say that if President Trump doesn’t pardon every last one, then he’s once again failed his truly genuine supporters and instead threw them under the Washington D.C. Bus. I watched President Trump in his first term sit there while his best supporters got attacked and taken out by the Deep State, e.g., General Flynn.

    The presidents on Mt. Rushmore defended their friends. In his first term President Trump let many, many of his supporters down. Let’s hope that after gaining ten years of experience with the Swamp Creatures, President Trump has finally learned his lesson and does what a truly great president would do. Because I don’t see how President Trump makes America great again unless he, himself, is a great president.

    And, yes, I admire President Trump. Just staying alive over the past ten years was a major achievement. I know there are people who want Trump dead. Trump is an amazing man. And I hope he can dig down and come through for the J6 political prisoners.

    • Marti Baker Girl

      One thing that has bothered me about Trump has been his silence for 4 years about these victims of lawfare. Additionally, after Julian Assange almost gave him the election with Wikki Leaks, he never spoke up for this man who rotted in prisons, nor Snowden who came forth to expose the Swamp. Once elected, he threw one of his most ardent supports, Judge Roy I believe his first name was, a staunch Christian in a southern state who got derailed by phony allegations because he dated a younger teen when he got out of the Army back in the 1940’s or 50’s. The Swamp gave him a thumbs down and Trump dumped him like a hot potato in his run for Congress. If he does not grow a backbone in this matter, then he too is a part of the Swamp.

      • Greg Hunter

        Let’s see what trump does in his second term. Your points are well made and well taken.

        • Domenico Gillo

          Anyone who thinks that Trump or Vance are there to save or help Americans are sadly mistaken.
          America is a FASCIST country and NOTHING is going to change.
          Lock her up …….. LIE
          JFK files declass ……..LIE
          Warp Speed …… Death jab pusher

          • Greg Hunter

            But you are good with 4 years of Biden and crew? I guess you voted for Kamala? That said, Trump did make some big mistakes, but he did a lot of good too. We got 500,000 dead Ukraine solders that we would not have had with Trump in office. That’s just one thing.

          • Michael Myer

            you watch,Trump is not a politician as we’ve seen ,shame on you for tour filthy words about america

          • Anthony Australia

            Felon=Trump=Sheeple Americans =Trump Doesn’t put his hand near the Bible. WARNING USA Military Veterans Expose Human Depopulation Plan


            • Greg Hunter

              So unfair that you quote a lawfare case with 34 felonies and zero fines and zero jail time. Total made up premise with zero facts. If you watch the video, you will see Judge Roberts started the swearing in of trump before he was ready. Simple oversight because the intention was there as Melania had two Bibles in her hands.

              • Anthony Australia

                I’m searching for the Anti-Christ and the followers Greg. Won’t always be in the most obvious place, master of deception remember.
                Peace my brother.

            • Galaxy 500

              You criticize us. Trump is doing a lovely job. Tell me do you criticize your communist leadership there in the former penal colony?
              That case you cite will be overturned as they violate several precedents of Law to even charge Trump.
              Don’t call us when Chinese becomes mandatory

          • Galaxy 500

            You sound angry. Were you prevented from illegally crossing the border. Trump didn’t mandate the Covid crap and I am weary of the trolls pushing these lies.
            Trump order officials to come up with a plan in 15 days to release JFK, RFK and MLK. Trump has done more for America in one week than Obama and Biden did in 12 yrs.
            Sorry your side and I am sorry that you aren’t capable of free thought.
            One thing you are correct on is Trump didn’t weaponize Justice department like the Dems did in 2016 but guess what. You guys have violated so many laws … those chickens are coming home to roost

        • Galaxy 500

          I don’t remember Trump tossing Moore aside. I do remember the alphabet people and their allies lying and slandering Moore.

          “Roy Moore Was Banned from the Mall but Won His Defamation Suit
          A jury in Alabama awarded the former Senate candidate more than eight million dollars. A lawyer for the defense says that the case reflects a worrying trend.”

      • Really Awake

        Reply to Marti Baker Girl,

        I could add to your list of President Trump’s failures. It’s actually a pretty long list; however, suffice to say that I want President Trump to succeed in his second term. I highly admire a man who can survive the vicious attacks by his enemies. I’ve watched President Trump endure for over ten years what most men could never withstand. And I highly admire Trump’s skills…

        I guess it all boils down to what Alex Jones keeps saying every day how President Trump is the best shot we got…..

        On the other hand: I know how Satan works. And I’m not going to get into discussing all that. But I will say this much: The biggest issue Trump has is Satan will be right there in Washington D.C….. because Satan OWNS Washington.

        I don’t like discussing the spritual warfare, the unseen realms or Satan’s tactics. I prefer to keep the conversation a secular one. And President Trump has his hands totally full with just the secular issues.

        I wish nothing but the very, very best outcome for President Trump. And my secular view basically mirrors Alex Jones’ opinion on this matter.

      • Brian L

        Marti. Yep. We will know by the end of February.

    • Kit Lee

      Has Trump finally learned his lesson?? Why so cozy with Bil Gates????

      • Greg Hunter

        “Keep your friends close and enemies closer.”

        • Anthony Australia


          • Greg Hunter

            Trump? Let’s see what happens when he get in office.

          • Brian L

            Trump is surrounded with billionaires and yes men. We will know in the first couple months. Then the midterms is another marker. I don’t think Trump supporters really understand what’s happening and about to unfold before their eyes.

            Pam Bondi ruined Zimmerman’s life. Pulte ruined many Americans lives with a 900 million ponzi. Trump’s other picks are just as terrible.

            Like I said. First couple months, then midterms. I’m rooting for America no matter what though.

            • Greg Hunter

              You sound like a defeated loser.

              • Michael Myer

                he sure does,Trump is not the man you hear about on the fake news,don’t be a fake American brian

                • Brian L

                  Oh Michael. You have no idea. I appreciate your stance, but your knowledge lacks. It’s okay. We are on the same side, I am just beyond platitudes.

                  Best to to you.

              • Brian L

                You have no idea where or what I’ve been through.

                Judge not my friend. Time will tell. I’m a fighter for truth, not a side.

                I voted for Trump 3 times. I want America first. I may be more weary, but on your team.

                Lol. God Bless.

                • Greg Hunter

                  No Brian I don’t, but you are an anonymous commenter. Own your words.

        • Ranger

          Yet, not a soul will speak of Abolishing the Federal Reserve. The exact cause and reason we have all the problems we have.
          Of course, it’s understandable why.
          Lincoln and JFK tried.
          We saw what the Bankers did to them.

          • Brian L

            Ummm…….I agree with you, but Lincoln wasn’t alive. Fed was created in 1913. Just saying. It also created the BS District Courts that shouldn’t exist. We need a lot of rope. There are generations that need to hang.

          • Kit Lee

            Pushing to hard (like Lincoln or JFK did to put controls on the Pharisees from developing nuclear weapons)!!
            Trump “must maneuver more intelligently” through the Deep State Swamp of Lobbyists and tread more lightly then both Lincoln and JFK when dealing with the Banksters (for although Trump has been tied to a Legal Cross for some years now – “He Has Not Yet Been Nailed To It”!!

      • Really Awake

        Reply to Kit Lee:

        Bill Gates, indeed. One of Satan’s Primary Servants for sure.

        Alex Jones is on this. And I trust Alex. Alex won’t let the public down if President Trump makes the wrong decisions.

        Here is Alex Jones taking about this very important development on Trump and Gates….

        • Brian L

          Alex Jones in the 90s lied about Bill Cooper and smeared the only man that actually taught people how to fight back against the NWO, with paperwork and receipts and actual lawfare. Cooper even created an intelligence network called CAJI and brought people together to create a militia.

          Jones has never done any of that.

          They are all talking heads unless they are unifying people. Never forget this!!!

          • Anthony Australia

            Bill Cooper along with Phil Schneider and Fritz Springmeier are saints. Infowars like them all is an industrial monstrosity hell bent on making money.

            • Brian L

              Bill Cooper is the only “Truth Teller” that told people how to fight back. All the others are fake. They want money without giving you solutions to fight back. Never forget that.

              • Anthony Australia

                Fritz Springmeier & Deborah Tavares are pioneers too!

            • Christian


              I was wondering about you An-Tony.

              Okay. In my book you are okay.

              But I’m still calling you out when you post nonsense!!! Nonsense I tell you!!!


              Have a blessed day homie. Stay away from termite hills and Vegemite and enjoy a 4X beer for me. I actually like 4X beer. Australia was a lot of fun to visit.

              Much love to you brother from another mother. Across the pond.

              Take care.

    • Katy Bar

      Really Awake,
      Why does Trump need to keep a close relationship with the “Devil” Gates (who’s killed about a Billion people already, and wants to kill many Billions more)??? Some say: “It is because Trump likes to keep his enemies close”!! How about Trump instead acting more like Jesus who “whipped and pushed away from him” those in the Temple who were evil (rather then cordially sitting down with them for a three hour dinner discussing with them new ways the Pharisees plan on making money and getting them all excited about the potential possibilities)!!!

      • Really Awake

        Reply to Katy,

        Gates is a bad, bad one. No doubt about that. I hope President Trump doesn’t think he can turn Gates and bring him on Team Trump – like Elon Musk..

        There are going to be a lot of good people watching very, very closely how this relationship develops between Trump and Gates… I’m not too worried, yet. I tend to believe that Trump is considering taking Bill Gates out of the picture. Permanently. Only time will tell. I have no inside information. I’m totally out of the political game.

        • Michael Myer

          I believe your right

      • Ken Yu

        Perhaps, Trump having already been “Hung On A Cross” by these Devils (like Christ) has moderated his stance somewhat toward the Demons out to Kill and Bury Him (because he knows he won’t be able to rise in three days like Jesus Christ did) to continue his work here on Earth!!

        • Kit Lee

          Trump doing “Everything in One Day” removes somewhat the possibility that the Deep State will still try to Kill Him (As Killing Him “Now” Achieves Nothing)!!!

      • Brian L

        I really never agree with you, but you nailed it!!!! Keep your enemies close is nonsense. Enemies belong in jail or dead, hence “enemy”. We are going to know in a few months about Trump. My opinion, it doesn’t look good, not at all.

    • Brian L

      Wow! I don’t usually agree with what you say, but this has me saluting you! You are absolutely correct. They were there because he asked them to ‘protest’, not rally, but protest for him. He better make it right or I am done with him. The Founders would have never left there men on the field. He now has the same position. He had better come correct.

      • Kerry Burns

        Yes, and why didn’t Trump accompany the protesters to the Capitol?

        • Christian

          It’s a long convoluted story.

          But know this, he never admitted fault, and he let everyone go.

          We finally get to go home……….
          We finally get to go home.

          Praise God ALWAYS!!!!!!

          • Katy Bar

            A Convoluted “Good Ending to this Story” would be for Trump to “hire Gates” to produce a vaccine that attacks the “Evil Part of the Brain”!!!
            Bill Gates has already explained to the US Military that he knows how to attack “The God Worshiping Part of the Brain” with his vaccines (and from the looks of all the evil things going on in the world (it has probably already been used)!!! Trump may be figuring “he needs to keep vaccines” to inject the masses with an mRNA (God Shot) that attacks the Devil Worshiping Part of the Brain and make society Moral Again!!!

            • Brian L

              You don’t know what you’re talking about.

              You spent your life commenting on pages reather than living the reality.

              You have YouTube knowledge rather than life experience.

              I feel sorry for you. We’re are you? I’m back in Maryland next month. I will come visit you.

              You need a huge wake up.

              email me
              [email protected]

              text me
              667 270 0025

              This email and number is good for one week. Then I go live another life.

              Take advantage while I offer.

              Much love Brother!

  7. Irene

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for having this gentleman on explaining all about the j6 prisoners. They have been in my prayers for 4 years. Yes, he must release them all. God Bless you for explaining it all to us. A wonderful man who has taken this responsibility and has a plane to pick them up. God is watching and smiling.

  8. Virginia

    Wow, seeing Trump sworn into office has been a long haul. He worked his heart out and deserves all the accolades possible. The powers that be are to be on his coattails, making every turn as difficult as possible. It is a test of endurance for us to squelch the communist point of view entrenched in our culture. Listening to some of our senators speak during the confirmation hearing was astounding to hear what came out of their mouths. Anyway, I’m Going to keep the cheer and look forward to Monday, 1/20/25

  9. P.T.

    Thank You Dear Greg and Gary for this informative and extremely important information/interview!!!
    God Bless You Both.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks P.T.

      • Brian L

        Yes. Thank you Greg for having Gary on. I still remember years ago when he put out that civil war movie and his son got poisoned. They have been in the fight for a long time. You too. I remember you on YouTube with that brunette lady all those years ago. God Bless you Greg.

  10. Dave Scrimshaw

    j. d. Vance became a protégé of Peter Thiel, a PayPal co-founder – a kingmaker in Silicon Valley. When Vance ran for Senate, Thiel funded his run with a $15 million donation.

    • Brian L

      Yeah. Things aren’t going to play out the way MAGA thinks it is. The billionaires are now openly part of the government, they aren’t hiding it anymore. People really don’t see what’s about to happen. Armstrong’s computer correctly predicts 2032 as a huge change. America will not be the same 2035/2036, and then again 2048/2049. Enjoy what time you have left…and yes, you can mark this and hold me accountable when those years come. I didn’t make it up, it’s in the numbers of Creation itself. Math doesn’t lie. I found equations that match Armstrong’s computer output perfectly. That’s why I trust Armstrong. He’s really smart.

      • Greg Hunter

        Do you always quit before a fight starts? Let’s see what Trump does AFTER he takes office. Are you a bot/troll?

        • Michael Myer

          that’s right,,he just got another number of numerous roadblocks thrown in his way by scumbag biden

        • Michael Myer

          exactly right, I think Trump showed his cards to much already,he’s not a stupid man ,I believe he will do some good things to destroy a bit of evil,,the evil side has a stronghold strangling our america,,we don’t know what will happen if God’s timing is now to punish the whole world for its sin,we can only ask for mercy and hang on

        • Christian

          I didn’t quit Greg. I warned.

          Do you want to know the math?

          I will show you.

          This post isn’t an afront to you. I respect your work and time.

          My question to you is in full respect of you.

          I’ve been the fight a long time Greg.

          I said nothing about Trump. I spoke about billionaires taking over and making policy.

          I gave dates based on the back of the Dolar Bill.

          I will show you more. Buy what you want by 2032. And in 2035/36 everything changes.

          • Greg Hunter

            You are giving these weasels too much credit and Christ Jesus and Jehovah not nearly enough. I do NOT fear these weasels.

      • Michael Myer

        God has the timetable and events already scheduled, mankind’s thoughts are meaningless

      • Michael Myer

        negative nancy,give Trump a chance,he couldn’t do worse than we have if he tried,not every man is a liar,we’re used to bottom feeding scum bags funning our country,,
        God has a plan and that’s what it will be vut I think he gave us Trump for a better future

        • Brian L

          Mayan timelines 13 x 20 = 260
          1776 + 260 = 2036

          The letters of the 10 Commandments is 620
          Pilgrims landed in 1620
          1620 + 620 = 2240

          2240 is 6240 in Masonic years and the year 6000 in Hebrew years

          God’s Jubilees are 120 cycles of 49 years

          The Sun worshippers use a 52 year solar cycle

          Masons put Creation at 4000 BC

          52 x 120 = 6240, which is 2240 AD

          The year 6000 on the Hebrew calendar is 2240 AD

          Things are not what you think i. this world.

  11. Marie Joy to contact President Trump

  12. James Hall

    Class action lawsuit 20 billion

  13. Paul Anders

    Shame on the White Hats for allowing these people to rot in prison.
    Absolutely disgusting!

    • Brian L

      There are no white hats. Q is BS!!! Everyone chose their paychecks and pensions over God and Country. We are screwed.

      • Paul Anders

        I assure you there is an opposing force, otherwise we’d of all been toast long ago…

        • Christian

          No Paul. They all have chosen their pensions and retirement funds over yours and their own childrens future. Wake up dude!!!

  14. Neville


  15. Mike S

    Thanks Gary and Greg for highlighting this need!

    Your doing God’s work: folks who know they’re part of His Kingdom, and as such this work will bear fruit! (John 15:5)

    May God Bless and protect Greg snd his guests and their families.

  16. Rodney

    We want them free and pardoned and will accept no less.
    There are those as well that fully expect those responsible for this setup to be dealt with accordingly.

  17. Bernd

    The United States Corporation (est. 1871) is a criminal masonic entity. The many crimes and crime families associated with the history of this organization didn’t happen by chance. All agents and presidents of the US Corporation serve an evil purpose. The former Democratic Republic of the United States before 1871 must be reestablished to diminish the power of the (privatized) British Empire power elite and the City of London in the world. All masonic activity has to end.

  18. Seer

    Greg, Can you confirm Ron Paul and GH also had a givesendgo account advertised earlier for J6rs? Just want to be sure it isn’t a scam this other account. Thanks!

    • Greg Hunter

      I never had a Give Send Go account for anything!!! I also do NOT have a telegram account for donations either. Some fraudsters are impersonating me and there.

      • mike

        seems to be alot of scammers trying to impersonate! glad to see your staying away from the WNW, keep the heart strong.

  19. AC9IM

    Why is anybody complaining about anything when “God” is in charge? Do you have a comment Greg? Hmm?

    • Greg Hunter

      Do you have a name? or are you just another bot/troll?

    • Katy Bar

      We will see “God” in action Tomorrow – acting through Trump who has vowed to Declare A National Energy Emergency as soon as he takes office on Monday (to Dramatically Increase Energy Production, Generation and Supply) and thus Lower Every American’s Energy Bills (from gas for our cars, oil and gas to heat our homes to the electricity to power our lights, refrigerators, computers, etc., etc.)!!!

      • Katy Bar

        Hmm? GOD Did Better Then I Expected AC91M!!! GOD had Trump designate the Mexican Cartels and Gangs as “Terrorists”, Shut down Asylum and Refugee Admissions, and ended Biden’s Catch-and-Release. GOD also had Trump Declare a National Emergency at the southern border and Ordered the Defense Department to move Military Resources and Troops to the Border. GOD also had Trump sign an order to Federal Agencies to Deny Birthright Citizenship to children of unauthorized immigrants or temporary visa holders. GOD also had Trump issued Executive Orders making it a policy of the Federal Government to recognize Only the T wo(2) Sexes that he made: Male and Female. God also had Trump promise to restore the Rule of Law and “End Weaponizing of the Just-Us Department”. GOD ALMIGHTY (beyond my expectations) had Trump “On His First Day in Office” Enact 42 Executive Orders, Memoranda, and Proclamations, and additionally GOD had Trump sign 115 Personnel Actions and more than 200 Executive Actions to “PUT THE WHIP” to all the Satanic Demon Rats now Burning, Injecting and Killing Us (and Our Precious Children) in every way possible”!!!

  20. Tom Breukers

    great guest, thank you Greg.

  21. Vincent A Mc Cooey

    Gary Heavin was a great guest, would you believe Greg, that was the third interview I’ve seen with him in as many days and I hadn’t heard of him before. He was on with Mike Adams the other night and earlier in the day on The Alex Jones Show. I certainly hope all the J sixer’s are released and pardoned too. I’m still out about Mr Trump as to some of his picks, like Mike Rubio, Elon Musk, Mike Huckabee and a few others. I do not trust any politicians, we are in perilous time as you know Greg. I will and always put my faith in Jesus and the Holy spirit. God Bless Greg and look after yourself. Kind regards Vince in London.

  22. Roger Stamper

    tks gary greg

  23. Shirl

    Whoa…the PEARL CLUTCHING…AGAIN, s i g h…..some peoples kids….BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  24. Don Doerr Sr.

    The Communist Democrat RINO Party (Founded on November 22, 1963) instigated and planned the January 6th Riot using the Hillary lead and corrupted FBI. These Obama-Hillary stooge-controlled Crime Boss Biden-Kamala Bear treasonous perpetrators then murdered 14-year Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbit, the only person to die on that Treasonous Day! Please copy and share this worldwide!

  25. Point of Know Return

    This is also one of my benchmarks with Trump, especially since “Lock her up” never happened, which is one of the main reasons he got my original vote in 2016. Between this, not coming clean about Warp Speed, record national debt spending (to be outdone by Joey B.), hosting a fundraiser with the Log Cabin “group”, and telling a Christian audience that he doesn’t see why he needs to repent for anything he’s done, all were markers of the fruit of his actions and words. Even though he suspended his campaign, yet was on our ballot, this is why I still cast my vote for RFK, Jr in Wisconsin. His campaign rhetoric did not match his actions in the first administration. I would not be shocked to see a part two of that, yet I’m praying to be wrong. If Trump asks for forgiveness on all of this, it would be certainly be welcomed and show some humility for what he had done. We have entered a time when the exalted will be humbled and the humbled will be exalted. I’m with your prior guest, Mark Taylor, that this country needs some serious repentance and it has to start at the top.

  26. Andrew de Berry

    Love you Greg. Great interview. Of course Trump will free every last one of them. Jesus reigns.

  27. Raymond j Jones

    i sincerily hope 47 will keep his word he has done more good than 50 years worth of presidents combined but he seems to miss the target on doing the right good stuffkinda like bondi she had a stalker problem and wants to use that to get red flag laws in 1.8 % of the population will be stalked so are we to allow 1.8% of the population be protected with a law that infringes on 100% of the population 2a rights i dont think so the red flag laws are a miles wide brush that a women scorned could use against her soon to be x boyfreind husband or that the left could use against any one the decide they dont like like…this is for 47 to answer directly did you like being charged 92 times with bogus charges that had no merit this is were i see the red flag law going corrupt people useing it to swat their opponents /enimees or folks just useing it for revenge true or untrue you know this will happen …..and these rights shall not be infringed …..i trust you to do the right and correct thing 47

  28. Larry Brunson

    I had thought about passing on this interview but I am so happy that I took the time to listen to this man. Please, please, please bring him back on again. What a great Patriot..

  29. Susan Russo

    Gary Heavin illuminates God’s divine energy and does his Son’s, Jesus, work on earth.
    The takeover of humanity by evil is beyond even some of the smartest of us to see it’s true face of Satan.
    A president who is senile is the perfect puppet to use by evil and I know those who have the educated credentials to expect respect, mouth Biden’s words like swords.
    This fight will not be over any time soon. Trump will, God be willing, put them at bay, but once he is gone the battle rages on. The best he can do is light up the world with relief from the darkness. There are currently many fires raging where I would least expect.
    This has to be a group effort where each one of us carry this light everywhere we go. It does not have to be at the tip of a sword, it can be by kindness, forgiveness and knowing firsthand how to be a Disciple.

    • Greg Hunter

      Amen Sister Susan!!!
      Brother Greg

    • Brian L

      It’s too late for that Susan. The cheek was already turned years ago. It’s time to fight and bring judgement and justice. No more playing nice. Playing nice has gotten us nowhere. Our youth are cutting off their sex organs!!!!! Nice is over!!!!!!

      • Arm-a-get-on

        Trump turned the other cheek for the last time (in the nick of time). Now, it’s Fight!, Fight!!, Fight!!! – It’s Arm-a-geddon for the Evil Globalists!!!!

        • Katy Bar

          According to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, “Armageddon” is prophesied as “the Location of a Gathering of Armies for a Battle During the End Times” (which is variously interpreted as either a literal or a symbolic location). I believe the location of “Arm A Get Um” has Now Been Revealed To Us as being “both literal and symbolic” (Butler, Pennsylvania, USA where the Armies of the Demonic Deep State did Battle with God’s Representative here on Earth and Trump “Gave Them The ARM” and effectively said “GET UM”!!!

          • Michael Myer

            wholy cow now your reaching,Armageddon is in Israel, and the army’s fight against Jesus and his saints,and they will fail miserably

      • Susan Russo

        Brian L,
        There is an abundance of evil here on this earth and choosing the right person to lead us is important. This evil is saturated in our biosphere, our bodies, our higher learning, oceans, politics, MSM, food, land erosion, child porn, drug culturing, parental rights withdrawal, industrial sabotage and pharmaceutical poisoning and much more.
        The powers that wage war are Satan and God. The results are dependent on each of us and the choices we make every day. No matter what we choose will yield either a win for Satan or God.
        We cannot distance ourselves from this war in any way.
        If what I said here encourages one to lean into God, a vote for Satan has been removed.
        To enter into war on a battlefield where humans kill humans is a vote for Satan.
        The energy balance between peace and war is where we all need to spend time in meditation. What we find there will reveal our specific road map.

  30. Rich

    The last 4 yrs are some of Americas darkest days time to open the jumbo can of wipe a– and take the traitors to Getmo

  31. Grady McShadi

    Russia Expands War on NATO: Danish F-16 pilot ‘Killed’ in Big Strike on Ukrainian Training Center Oneindia News 16,782 views Premiered 12 hours ago
    A Danish F-16 instructor, Jepp Hansen, has been killed in a Russian missile strike targeting a Ukrainian training center in Krivoy Rog. This marks a significant escalation in the ongoing conflict as NATO support for Ukraine continues to intensify. With Russia condemning Western arms shipments and attacking vital military infrastructure, the question remains: will NATO continue its backing, or will this deadly strike change the course of the war?
    >NATO F-16 instructor arrives in Ukraine
    >Goes out with friends, or at least he thought so at night.
    >Friends? Book him a Ukraine prostitute.
    >Russian hackers track the location?
    >Russian MoD sends in missiles?

    Actually Jepp Hansen, the lust struck pilot mistook a honey trap, for a honey pot. Was he after some sexual union, but got a missile instead? Talk about a bad date night! Next time… Danes in Ukraine, for Dames. Stick to flying and watch out for Iskander, Rod’s of God super Hyper-sonic missile strikes that are always on target and remember. Ukrainians have divided loyalties, a reason Zel closed down the Orthodox church. You’ll never know who your real friends or enemies are over there. Russian or Ukrainian. Which our dough-boy’s back in WW1, didn’t seem to worry about over there, over there!
    Be Proud Your Boys in Line!

  32. John Maskell

    What an interview Greg ! Mr Heavin has a good honest nature and seems like a true loyal guy. That is hard to find these days . You covered some really hard topics and this man delivered . Regarding the vax (here in the UK ) , the number of the injected which had 2 shots and a booster is between 75% to 80%. People are dropping like flies . The amount I know who are vax injured is horrifying ,but they don’t link it to the bio weapon shots. I remember in 2021 when the NHS VAERS yellow card vaccine reaction numbers were published each week and reading the deaths , blindness and heart/stroke attacks. It was appalling . I will never forget this Greg . Mark Crispin Miller does his weekly death count and the UK and USA is the highest per country . The UK is in serious trouble and the numbers are not slowing down . I hope Trump sticks to his word Greg and we haven’t been played . Stay safe and well , John UK.

  33. Justn Observer

    Greg, nice you took the time to get this interview and information out to more people. Who would not agree that people going to a rally should not be ‘targeted’ and ‘hlple that were being shot with rubber bullets, tear-gases wrongly might have reacted in self-protective ways…or that those invited in, and even given a tour by the Capital Police, including the opening of doors to do so should have never been charges let alone put in prison. Those that did use force, did damage property, did injury others or police… that MAY be another issue by a case by case basis. But from many hours of vids … that appears to be very few. Compared to the many who are now said to be in 65 different prisons?
    AGREE with Marie Joy, above = one SHOULD express their views at =

  34. I Dig Au

    Thank you for introducing us to another great patriot.

  35. Prospector

    Raymond Jones comment above is correct and shows valid cause for concern.

    Kinda like this. SAY IT AIN’T SO Mr. President !!
    Bill Gates meets with Trump and they want to accelerate his vaccines?

    WTF is going on here?

    Tell me this isn’t real.

    @CommunityNotes ? DEBUNK THIS PLEASE. thanks.


    ( As I said some time ago , I will be very hard for Trump to admit any issues with the ” Big Beautiful Vaxxines .” Still waiting. )

  36. Louisville Sluggo

    -Mr. (Alien) Bill

    Signs (2002) Trailer #1

  37. Eric

    Hi Greg, It has recently come to my attention that some like rhino Republicans are saying there are not enough airplanes to deport the illegal aliens from the invasion. The thought occurred to me … There are untold airplanes flying over our skies spraying nano sized aluminum and other poisons on us. As Commander in Chief Trump can immediately stop those flights and have all those resources of areal spraying put to deporting the illegal aliens. NO MORE LINES ACROSS OUR SKIES UNTIL EVERY ILLEGAL ALIEN IS DEPORTED !!!

    • Kit Lee

      Excellent Idea Eric – No more lines in our skies – and no more lines at our borders!! A “Double Win” for the American People!!

      • Katy Bar

        And put all the IRS Agents on “Unemployment Lines” – Then give them new jobs “Enforcing Our Borders (With Those Guns Biden Gave Them)” and begin “Auditing” (extracting money from the Terrorist Drug Gangs who never paid taxes to us “Gringos” from day one)!!! We US “Gringos” have had enough of these Mexican Terrorists and Trump has now En “Gulf”ed Mexico (and will be sending special military forces to take out the Terrorists in the “Gulf of America”)!! And as for those Panamanians who gave the Panama Canal “we Gringo’s built and paid for to China” – “WE ARE TAKING IT BACK”!!! Jesus “turned the other cheek” for only so long – then he got out the whip!!! It’s Time, It’s TIME to finally get “ALL THE DEMONS OUT OF OUR TEMPLE” – And Make The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA “Sacred Ground Once Again” (A Land of Milk and Honey where Freedom Rings from every Mountain Top and Where “In God – We Trust”). God’s Plan Is To Make Our Nation “Not Only Great Again Here On Earth” – But “To Expand The American Dream Beyond Earth” and make New Homes in Heaven – First on Mars, and Then On To The Stars”!!!!

  38. Justn Observer

    Greg, while all wait to see what happens with the J6ers, is anyone looking into the DJT executive order package to see if DJT and team has a plan to repeal all these programs and funds Biden set in motion? and are his ‘new be’ tech friends are for him doing that…or will work AGAINST any actions to do so?

    Just a wad of old concerns many have ignored or forgotten?
    Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton, a key U.S. pathogen research facility, because of its prior work researching coronaviruses.=
    Rosendale moves to strip pathogen research funding from Rocky Mountain Laboratories • Daily Montanan

    One might also ask, why would an CIA covert ops specialist like Cofer Black
    be in Ukraine, a place where bio- labs being there…is ‘conspriacy theory’ and also on the board of cancer immuno therapy concern? IS he there to cure or ‘possibly ‘create’ them. Why would anyone want to HIDE cancer suppressing drugs or therapy? hmmm

    In January 2016 Black became an independent director of publicly traded biotechnology company Northwest Biotherapeutics (NWBO), a Maryland-based development-stage biopharmaceutical company developing cancer immunotherapies.
    Yeah, one might get a tad squeamish seeing DJT getting too friendly with those like Gates, and the merry band of tech. generals like BEZOS and the others with such large public-private ties and access to such DEFENSE AND DARPA funding?
    Guess Prayer is for when one is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Do hope DJT is not the main character of his SNAKE poem. lol

  39. Diana

    All you genius’s have forgotten hindsight is 2020. but according to you Trump is imperfect as are you. People make mistakes when the whole system is broken and you and your prior silence helped to create this mess. So maybe since you were cowards by complying along the way to be accepted, keep your job or whatever your reason then perhaps you should stop whining and clean up your house first.

    • Greg Hunter

      So, you are a Kamala voter or a bot?

    • Won Witness

      Diana, I’m knockin down your straw dog argument right now !
      “you and your prior silence helped to create this mess”

      Joining the people’s convoy to Washington was not silence.
      Participating in an anti vax Defeat The Mandate for Police and Fire fighters rally in L.A. was not silence.
      Going To Sacramento, Ca. To protest forcing mRNA bioweapon on children entering California Schools was not silence.
      Fighting hard to make sure this election was honest and supporting the Canidates who would fight the Swamp was not silence.
      The people WERE NOT SILENT ! They were CENSORED.
      Try looking at reality, not your comfortable imaginary land where truth, thought, and action are valued.
      My house is not in need of cleaning not sure about yours.

      • Rod M Brumley Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

        Greg Hunter is our Ultimate Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
        DJT kept his promise and I knew he would.
        In GOD I Trust

        • Galaxy 500

          Amen, Sir

    • Michael Myer

      where did that come from,we’ve been under satanic influence for the past 8 years and especially hard the last four,Trump is for america,and I believe he is a christain, although likely a baby christain I hope God uses him mightily. we’ve been shown what happens to a nation that pushes God out the last four years ,it’s time to establish rightousness as our goal and never forget we’re evil men can take us

    • Galaxy 500

      Clean our house?!?
      You guys are party of pedophiles, corruption and murder. You guy are the party or darkness and evil. Satan’s party.
      Me thinks you should address the plank in thine own eye before you point out the splinter in ours.

  40. Prospector

    So FAKE and transparent. Another PSYOP — Be Afraid !

    Elbert County Georgia
    Bird Flu Detection Shuts Down All Poultry Sales in Southern State.
    ( WOW , a whole 1 case. )
    A case of bird flu has been identified in a commercial poultry operation for the first time since the onset of the current outbreak in 2022.

    Do you know what else Elbert County Georgia is famous for ?
    The location of the GEORGIA GUIDE STONES.

    ” Keep Humanity Under 500 Million ” , is what the first command said.

    • Katy Bar

      I’m not blind or seeing Peaceful Dreams “just yet” (as I refused the Jab) but “GEORGIA (Home of the Covid Bio-lab and the Guidestones) IS ON MY MIND”!! With Those Smiling Eyes at the Georgia Bio-lab and their (Syringe Holding) Arms “REACHING OUT TO ME” – All Day Through!!! “NO PEACE – I’ll FIND”!!!

  41. C spokane

    I have been working in several different prison systems across the country and the last 4 years have been tragic in the influx of the amount of drugs and violence in the system. especially for the men. I propose the j6 folks would need counseling, drug treatment, and mentor/ support for them when they leave and a half way house if needed. it’s not getting any better.

  42. mike

    give him at least a month people- see how maga he is , he’s not even in yet to see if promises are kept.

  43. RK

    Curious what the 200 executive orders President Trump will be signing tomorrow. Hopefully restoration and an end to thr he’ll we’ve had to endure the last four years.

    My biggest concern, and what others have commented about is DJT being chummy with Gates about “vaccines”… Lord, please give DJT discernment. Hear our prayers Jesus.

  44. Irene

    President Trump just signed their release……look on truth social.

  45. The True Nolan

    Let us remember that the rot goes deep, deep, deep, into the bureaucracy. Removing the upper level appointed managers and agency heads is good, but until the Deep State bureaucrats are removed and PUNISHED, we will be in danger.

    “In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless, we have a tyranny without a tyrant.” — Hannah Arendt, On Violence

  46. wayne hardin

    There are very few people like Gary Heavin .
    I recall when he took his planes put food and water on them took them to haiti .
    Got off the plane and unloaded it him self .
    Not caring what color or what they believed or anything else .
    He saw the need and helped .
    If we all did that there would be no need .
    Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
    Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

    Wayne Hardin

  47. Felix

    great interview greg,i already donated through gatewaypundit. Love this guy he is a straight shooter and speaks truth about the crimes against humanity and American Patriots my heart breaks for these Americans. The demonrats have become the party of satan,their is no truth in their souls and yes trump better do what he says he’s going to do. but I have no faith in him but I will give a little time.The world is a stage.GOD bless America and find your way back to the savior of the world in JESUS CHRIST amen

  48. Won Witness

    For Four long years,
    Those seeking a fair and free election and a just hearing of irregularities as part of the ratification process were blocked and jailed and the true insurrectionists held a shame j6 political trial to force upon us a false narrative.
    If you ever prayed for these imprisoned victims,
    Or feared to protest after witnessing how for the last 4 years you could be persecuted for speaking truth on election theft, mRNA lies
    etc. It’s time for justice not lawfare.
    I clicked the link, I Donated.
    I Donated and thank God for the few good that stop the evil.
    Who could be more worthy of help putting their lives back together ?

  49. Endtimes Watchman

    The late Nancy Pelosi was responsible for the imprisonment of J6 patriots. She met her fate with a noose around her neck at GITMO.

    Lady Jezebel and her entire family (husband (was poisoned), daughter and son-in-law) have all been tried and executed at GITMO.

    • Olaf V

      Please quote where you got your information! I haven’t seen anything on the Internet.
      Olaf from OZ

  50. suzanne wilhelm

    It was just reported that Biden Pardoned Dr. Fauci, Gen. Mark Milley and others. The list will surely list other folks who should be charged with crimes against America.

  51. Rodster

    Biden just pardoned Fauci, Cheney and a bunch of other real criminals. Trump needs to pardon the J6 Patriots. It was not and never an insurrection. It was all a lie perpetrated by the Legacy Media.

  52. Rodster

    Bill Gates is a very bad actor on the global scene.

    “Bad News that Trump Is Teaming Up with Bill Gates”

  53. Faith

    “I Believe In The Rule Of Law, But…” – Biden Pre-Emptively Pardons Fauci, Schiff, Cheney, Milley & More”
    Monday, Jan 20, 2025 – 06:37 AM

    Just as many suspected would happen..

    Sickening. Preemptive pardons? How is this legal?

    • Michael Myer

      he has gotten away with absolutely nothing, God saw his whole life and he will be judged accordingly if it’s God’s will,,I shudder at his eternity if what we’ve seen is what God has seen

  54. RK

    One last F*** you to America by Obiden.. fauci, j6 scam committee, milley pardoned instead hours of office.

  55. RK


    2025 WEF is taking place in Davos next week with the theme “Collaboration for the Intelligent Age”, discussing “divisions in the global economy, the impact of technology and efforts to combat climate change”. They’re also focusing on “dealmaking, deregulation, and threats to global trade”.

    Climate change is man made, as evidence by the LA fires akin to that of Hawaii with structures burning yet trees remain in place, 30 degrees below normal for the SouthEast with possible snow in Texas, Louisiana, Georgia and Florida, constant aerial spraying and the misty “fog” referenced by Dane that has been happening quite frequently as of late.

    Maybe time for a Dane and Alex collaboration for an interview? That would be a homerun!

    Keep up the GREAT work!

    • Prospector

      RK , Thanks for the alert about Davos globalist evil coven gathering next week.
      Hopefully , Alex Newman and LIBERTYSENTINEL.ORG will give an update on it.

      We should all remember that Henry Kissingers student Klause Schwab ” predicted ” a cyber pandemic that would disrupt everything…. worse than Covid. And , of course , be an opportunity for them to implement further draconian control grids …… for your safety !!

      They have even held mock cyber attack events called ” Cyber-Polygon. ”

      Digital I.D. and and end of cash money being prime goals.

  56. Gene

    While the political prisoners have languished for years, the real crooks are now being pardoned by the lame duck (Fauci, Milley, Schiff, Cheney, etc.) Why? This reminded me of the parable of the unrighteous steward (Luke 16): To gain favor with others after his master would dismiss him, he summoned his master’s debtors and fraudulently reduced their debts. Jesus said, “The master commended the dishonest steward for his shrewdness, for the sons of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than the sons of light.” Luke 16:8.

  57. Geoff Day

    Monument interview, Greg. Inspirational

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Geoff!

  58. J Miller

    Other Mantras for this season …

    Treason, Treason

    Hang ’em, Hang ’em

  59. J Miller

    your comments about the clot shots

    … don’t forget that on top of all their other crimes against humanity …

    That satanic pipeline needs to be cut off right now
    … and that includes the flu shots and all the other shots that have MRNA and spike proteins and snake venom and all the other junk they put into our shots.
    …and they should STOP GIVING INFANTS 10 OR 15 SHOTS TOGETHER
    … Didn’t we just get one shot a year apart when we were young?

    Dear Lord … JUDGE THEM!
    Thank You Lord

  60. Coal Burner

    15 million votes was the minimum that were illegal, made up votes that Trump lost by in 2020! It is the worst case of Treason that the Government has done since the Waco Murders. And J 6 was worse.

    Perfect description: “Reign of Terror”, “Biden’s Reign of Terror” Thankfully it is over and he will be slobbering in a Dementia home soon. The other Tyrants need their punishment. Cheney, Milley, Pelosi, the AG and many in the fbi from the top down, committed treason.

  61. Stephan

    We here in Europe now have a problem.
    Is it Messiah I, or is it Messiah II, who has cut the lifeline of an entire continent.
    We all like both (and Israel is great)!!!

    • Justn Observer

      Stephan, might find this helpful? These by Jews of World Jew history…as found in the actual scripts, and archeology findings and facts found thousands of years before the time of Jesus. One would think actual sites, stone formations and architecture speak as loud and with more authority then ‘remembrances’ written centuries after the fact, that may or may not be polluted by overzealous religious or political influencers for their own ‘re-written and bias history of events.
      Hard to dispute what is where things ARE, and where things are not nor align to some of ””scriptural timelines”’. Like the Rus history that glosses over the Kazarian and pagan religion’s, coversions to Judism and some areas later ‘conversion’ to Christian beliefs, then from Orthodox to Roman ‘catholic’ Christian teachings. When one considers much of the writings found thousands of years before Jesus, were not even deciphered until mid-1800’s, much of what is ‘known’ / ‘believed’/ taught has led to much confusion and speculation especially when one considers the ‘forces’ behind those ‘doing the educating or entrainment’ OR as is called… re-legioning of the masses. Not unlike what we see has been occuring in the current ‘ ivy league’ and grand private universities used to ‘ control the access ‘ to the pathways of higher learning, which then are used to also guide the paths as to who rises in the leaderships of religious and political realms in most cases of the ‘world elite’ pay to play ruling class?
      Might be worth the walk so to speak, =

  62. Justn Observer

    Greg, as to ole Joes warning about oligarchy’s taking control? Thinking that warning is a tad late? =

    • Kit Lee

      Take Heed of the Bigger Threat:
      Ole Joe “warns Americans” about a Trump/Musk “Oligarchy” (taking control in the US)!!
      Elon Musk “warns the Entire World” about that ole garlic breath Klaus Schwab “Ol Garlic ky” (taking control of the World!!

  63. Prospector

    If you have been following @Matt_Bracken48 this should not be a surprise.
    First it was pallets of bricks showing up just before riots happened.
    They are here. That’s a very expensive supply operation. That is just one that got caught. How many made it ???

    Bust involved tens of thousands of bullets
    Per a statement made to the Cochise County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page, the busts involved two cars that were headed east on Interstate 10 from the Phoenix area.

    What we know:
    According to the statement, crews seized 10,000 rounds of .50 caliber ammunition, and 19,640 rounds of 7.62×39 ammunition.

    Officials identified the people in the two vehicles as three asylum seekers, one of whom is from Cuba, and an American citizen out of Texas.

    What they’re saying:
    “The vehicle containing the 7.62×39 ammunition was interdicted by the Pinal County Sheriff’s office. Still, the second vehicle containing the .50 caliber ammunition was located by CNTA investigators at Motel 6 in Benson,” officials with CCSO wrote.

  64. William

    1500 J6 incarcerated were pardoned today by President Donald Trump.

    • Greg Hunter

      Another promise kept! Amen!!

      • Christian

        1791 Stormtrooper on YouTube

    • J6 Prisoners/Hostages

      Thank You LORD!

  65. Providence Evidence?

    Donald Trump Inauguration 2025: FULL VIDEO (swearing-in ceremony, inaugural address, performances)
    NBC Chicago Jan 20, 2025
    Watch the full Inauguration Ceremony of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President JD Vance, including the official swearing-in, inaugural address, a performance by Carrie Underwood and more.


    Jimmy Kimmel Reacts to Donald Trump’s Inauguration

  66. Robert Dziok

    RRN ( just posted 1/20/2025 an article that Michelle (“Big Mike”) Obama was arrested by the Military and is in GITMO. RRN has stated it’s sources are Trump’s inner circle and the Military. Claim by RRN that articles satire is said by RRN to be for legal reasons only and that RRN stands by it’s articles and sources. In one article RRN had to reveal it’s source and that source was Steve Bannon. Top level no nonsense career Military are often mentioned in articles and would not allow such to be done for some three years articles posted if not true. Also involves national security. RRN and it’s author are often under attack by various means.

    • Galaxy 500

      So Michelle is in Gitom? ROFLMAO
      My Gracious, some people will believe anything

  67. Jay Dee Reedy

    Can civil lawsuits be brought against people like Liz Chaney?

    • Greg Hunter


    • Shiloh1

      Also Krybaby Kinzinger!

    • Christian

      Most people are going to be so happy not to wake up in a another day of a Groundhog Day moment that will just want to live their life and not spend another day or dollar in court. The road to this pardon for J6 has been a fantasy for so long it still has yet to register as real for so many. To spend years in limbo with nothing to look forward to except another day of looking over your shoulder and hoping to eat changes people. It’s not that the fight gets taken out of them, it’s that they realize the fight of life is to live it spectacularly ever day.

  68. Marie Joy

    Promises kept.
    -4 degrees at the moment. Hope everyone is ok.
    Beautiful January 20, 2025. Busy, Busy Day.
    The last 4 years have been horrible for America. Just horrible.
    I think the J6ers have really been treated terribly in jail.

    • Christian

      What about the ones on the run for 4 years that lost all their friends and family and aerospace careers and spent years in the woods and under bridges and abandoned trailers/houses, picking up odd jobs for cash to eat? Who slept in trash bags in hammocks to stay warm and slept on laundromat floors to keep from freezing. Not everyone went to jail. They are out there. Never forget the true Freedom Fighters on J6.

      • Ken Yu

        Unfortunately freedom has its costs. Those who ran will not be getting government compensation checks “for wrongful prosecution” like the J6’ers may, but at least they didn’t have to spent 4 years locked up behind bars praying and hoping that Trump would be elected and free them (which is worth something)!!

        • Christian

          You don’t get it. Running from the FBI is a prison in itself. There is no reprieve and you have to live your life with a different name. Family, friends, job, all is gone. All is gone. Make no mistake. Those on the run have been in prison also. You have no idea what you are talking about.

        • Christian

          I had no one or organization sending me money for commissary or giving me a place to sleep. I slept under bridges and in the woods next to roads as I traveled West. People in prison had people giving them money, I had nothing.

          I worked odd jobs to eat and spent my nights in camp sites next to train trax that woke me up every few hours. The nights were so cold I had to sleep in bathrooms to not freeze to death.

          There were times I stole 2 hotdogs from 7-11 because I hadn’t eaten in 2 days. I even stole shoes from Marshalls for other homeless people. I stole $50 flipflops from Kohl’s to give to a homeless guy.

          You have no idea what you’re talking about.

          Not every prison has walls!!!!!

          • Ken Yu

            I SEE YOU!!! – YES Christian, you were very wronged in having to go through the hardship and extraordinary tortures you describe (just to protect yourself – “From Being Taken Hostage by Demons”)!! There has to be some way “to make restitution and help you get back on your feet again”. Perhaps, setting up a “Go Fund Me Account For The Hostages In Prison Without Walls” to help you and the other Hostages (who were forced by the Demons to live on the run for the last four years)!! If anyone else “has a viable solution for making restitution in some way for this grievance problem” please please let your ideas be known!!!

            • Kit Lee

              Perhaps Credit Cards can be Issued to the uncaptured American Hostages (on the run from the Pelosi/Cheney Deep State) the same way Credit Cards were issued by the Biden Administration to the Illegal Aliens running from their Governments!!

            • Katy Bar

              Perhaps Gary Heavin and his volunteers who stood by at all 75 prisons “to Help the released J6 political hostages” can reach out to Christian and help him out in some way!!!

  69. Galaxy 500

    I said that the Biden family was an organized crime family. I was told I didn’t know what I was talking about. I was called a conspiracy theorist. Forget all the in your face, demonstrable facts, people said I was crazy. You do not pardon your entire family if they are not criminals.
    Thank you, my Lord YHWH, for hearing your unworthy servants prayers. Please snit those that seek to destroy America from within and help us become a strong nation that follows you and your Son, Jesus.
    Trump wear the Royal Purple tie. The same color as the Emperors of Rome. Trump is our anointed leader.
    Glory be to YHWH in the Highest

  70. Don Doerr Sr.

    January 6th was a Conspiracy orchestrated by the November 22, 1963 – formed Communist Democrat RINO party controlled by the Antichrist Obama and his Hillary-lead FBI infiltrators. Only the Democrats murdered on January 6, ending the life of 14-year Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbit. If you doubt any of this, do the research.

  71. M.Boden

    Kursk Frontline: Massacred Civilians Found as Ukraine Soldiers Retreat
    Patrick Lancaster Jan 21, 2025
    Kursk Frontline Massacred Civilians Found as Ukraine Soldiers Retreat – Shocking War Crime Allegations
    In this report, I document the discovery of massacred civilians in the basements of the village Russkoye Porechnoye, located in the Kursk region of Russia. As Ukrainian forces retreated under fire from the Russian army, I witness firsthand the aftermath of the conflict – bodies of civilians left in distressing conditions, some showing possible signs of torture and possible executions.
    The Russian army recently regained control of the village, only to uncover the remains of innocent civilians. Russian forces said, “Some of the victims appear to have bruises, while others appear to have perished from an explosive device thrown into the basement” and yet others cuase of death was not seen. These disturbing findings raise serious concerns about potential war crimes committed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces during their retreat and time controlling this Russian village.
    This report is a call for further investigation into these allegations, as these deaths must not go unnoticed. The evidence collected in Russkoye Porechnoye must be thoroughly examined to determine the truth behind these civilian deaths whatever it may be.

  72. Michelle from Pennsylvania

    PRAISE GOD! Thanks! and prayers to Gary and his whole team and everyone released!

  73. Erika Patton

    Why did Trump refuse to place his hand on the Bible while being sworn in?

    Not a good sign…

    • Greg Hunter

      That’s is not exactly what happened. Trump did not “Refuse.” It was just clumsy, and Justice Roberts jumped into it before they were set.

  74. Candy Crowley

    Joe Biden Tribute “GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN!”
    Sky News Australia Jan 21, 2025
    Sky News host Danica De Giorgio labels outgoing President Joe Biden a “potato” who was “propped up by stage mum, Jill Biden”

  75. Shiloh1

    Hi Greg and Gary. Really appreciated the interview – and the happy update!

  76. -paul Burgerkling

    ‘Utter shambles’: Do Dem Elites Really Hate Each OTHER?
    Sky News Australia 599,506 views Jan 21, 2025
    Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer has reacted to outgoing President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris being booed at President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

  77. Richard Gould

    What is THE Truth? Not A truth, but THE Truth? Can you answer that question, or, are you confused, perhaps? Most people are, confused that is. Why? Because Satan rules this world; Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.” What is Satan’s biggest claim to fame? Satan is the father of the lie.
    John 8:42 Jesus said to them: “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I have not come of my own initiative, but that One sent me. 43 Why do you not understand what I am saying? Because you cannot listen to my word. 44 You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie. 45 Because I, on the other hand, tell you the truth, you do not believe me. 46 Who of you convicts me of sin? If I speak truth, why is it that you do not believe me? 47 The one who is from God listens to the sayings of God. This is why you do not listen, because you are not from God.
    AGAIN: What is the Truth? Jesus told us; John 17:17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. 18 Just as you sent me into the world, I also sent them (his footstep followers) into the world.
    Politicians lie ALL of the time? Why? Because they are put into power by the father of the lie, Satan; Satan rules! Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.”
    Make no mistake about this; time is NOW very short. We have been notified that the Great Tribulation is VERY close! When that starts, the door to salvation will be much harder to open!

    • Greg Hunter

      Stop posting you email! This makes work for me.

      • Galaxy 500

        This is a JW requirement to brainwash the feeble minded. He has to put it out there.

    • Katy Bar

      The Demon Rats are now in a Great Tribulation because God handed over power to Trump (the same way he handed over the power to do good to Jesus 2000 years ago) to give the Deep State/Pharisees a bunch of problems!!!

      • Ken Yu

        I hear Trump (who just completely destroyed Schwab’s WEF Agenda) is going to California next to get Newscum!!

  78. z

    500 Billion project to build MRNA vaccines with AI Larry Ellison softbank and Open AI founder. Ellison is pushing MRNA Vaccines with OpenAI to attack cancer.

    open AI to heal cancer with MRNA vaccines
    what about HCQ and Ivermectin ?

    MAGA upset with TRUMP pushing MRNA vaccines with Ellison
    MRNA Vaccines to Cure cancer ? They are full of shit.

    LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds First Press Briefing Since Inauguration – 1/21/25

    • Anon

      Under Covid, the government pretended they “cared” about the people. It’s because they “cared” that they ordered lockdowns. It’s because they “cared” that they destroyed the global economy and turned the planet into a totalitarian police state. It’s because they “cared” that they developed the “free” vaccine.

      Now… it’s because they “care” that they’re supposedly “healing” cancer. (The cancer THEY CAUSED WITH THE FIRST ROUND OF POISONS under the auspices of the covid vax)

      They’ve put in a change of the guard with Trump and Kennedy (Just a new set of actors in the theatre).

      And now they’re having this “health push” “for the children”… but the health push is merely more injections of the same poisons as before… and why… because they “care” about the people.

      It’s just another psycological operation (PsyOP) dragnet trying to get all the former covid dissenters and their kids injected.

      They’re using the carrot instead of the stick to inject you this time.

      They want you to trust them. Because they care. Same MO.

      Trust God before Trump.

  79. Justn Observer

    Greg, did POTUS DJT disallow the warrentless search and surveillance act /section 703? which is reported Tulsi Gabbard has done a 180 on?
    Reported by X – CIA analyst Ray McGovern, Gabbard WAS against it, but has waffled?
    Judge Napolitano = Totally against the 4th Amendment =
    Ray McGovern : Tulsi Gabbard and Warrantless Spying

  80. JK Gatto

    God bless Gary Heavin !!!! Thank you for having him Greg. Love you for this.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks JK!

  81. Justn Observer

    Greg, the prayer breakfast sure seemed to be headed up by a pastor straight out of the likes of those with athiest beliefs using the Scofield Bible as a means to ‘infiltrate’ churches to expand Marxist ideology ?
    Not say’n that that church is, but every church has does have some odd fellows and ‘fellow travelers’. But one needs to use discernment when allowing oneself to be ‘influenced’ by some ‘church’ leaders or gurus etc.
    As the OBAMA slogan states, ‘ FORWARD ! ‘

    @ 40:00= SCOFIELD was a reported con man related to a Marxist communist group in the Lotus Club =

  82. douglas martens

    this is exactly what is needed. surrounding the persecuted with our own lives and donations. it’s what we would want done for us, and these people stood in the gap for us. we owe them.

  83. Justn Observer

    Greg, Pam Bondi for AG goes rubber legs on being a staunch advocate for 2nd Amendment? Appears she is open for some restrictions and stronger redflag laws? hmmm = another wolf in sheep’s clothing? First we get ‘warrentless searches, then red flag, take their guns first and ‘maybe’ give them due process to get them back? Don’t be to mesmerized by all the shiny EO’s as you feel your 4th Amendment rights along with a silent retraction of your 2nd Amendment from your back pocket. Is Pam Bondi a trojan horse? Guess we are about to find out…as DJT is a one termer now…and does not matter to him, he’s rich and and as we just saw….the ‘they’ now can get away with murder, past present and future. Might as well just pre-pardon all within the D.C. area at this point?
    Pam Bondi On The 2nd Amendment Here’s What I Found

  84. Phil

    Just wondering how people feel now on Trump.
    Now investing in AI & Stargate, & the chap stands their next to him clearly stating that using AI they can create individual Cancer vaccines using MRNA technology.
    Is this the golden age inversion you hoped for, or are people really going to wake up & realise The Golden Age is the Millennium Reign of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Trumps is a charlatan & fake saviour, do not be fooled. He fooled you once, shame on him, if you allow him to fool you again, shame on you.
    Love from a concerned Englishman from Dorset

    • Greg Hunter

      I think this is awful. I told everyone NOT to take the CV19 shots. I also said DO NOT listen to Trump on taking the CV19 shots too.
      No way I am going along with this crap.

      • Phil

        Good for you Greg, as you have often shown & always use Fear Not, in your round ups. God Bless you & your family.
        True to form you have called that part out all along & said Trump never confessed to getting this part well & truly wrong. For me it proves he is a charlatan. Seems to me your power system is as rotten to the foundations like it is here in England. No sensible man would rebuild a home on that.

        • Greg Hunter

          Let’s see what happens when RFK Jr. is confirmed before we start calling President Trump a liar. It’s only been 2 days since he took office.

    • Anon

      American Politics have done a 180 degree spin.

      Trump is doing all the right things to gain the trust of former dissenters and malcontents.

      But if the ONE thing he won’t do is discuss these injections then that suggests the vaccines are the macrocosmic pinnacle pivot of all that we see happening in the overall political theatre.

      Everything revolves – even to the point of turning from left to right politics – around getting that injection into everybody.

      Consider how Musk is also involved with politcs now considering his Neuralink technology.
      Consider also that Bill Gates (Who has been a POLITICAL figure for years now since Covid) has a patent on a technology – a cryptocurrency – that is paid to you if you perform certain tasks.

      How would THEY know that you’re “performing tasks” if they don’t have some kind of neurological link into us that knows we’re doing it?

      Having us all chipped and networked into the internet of bodies is the final ultimate control of everything. Trump said years ago that 5G was… crucial… for what? Linking everybody into the internet of bodies… ultimate control.

      This is what it’s all about now and has been since 2020.

      THEY are going to be watching and listening to every thought you’ve ever had – they’re going to USE us as walking computers to augment THEIR agenda – We will be their property and slaves unable to ever rebel.

      Bioteq Human Re-engineering :

    • Book of Revelation

      AI and Stargate not good.

    • Frank Caridi

      IMO, the Golden Age is Lucifer’s version of the Lord’s Millennial Reign.
      Matthew 24:24 comes to mind when I hear the term “Golden Age”

  85. Cleft Cleaver

    ‘Guilty’: Biden crime family exposed
    ______________Sky News Australia Jan 21, 2025
    Former president Joe Biden has been accused of “proving” he is “corrupt” after his last-minute decision to issue pre-emptive pardons for his family members.
    Joe Biden pardoned his siblings James, Frank and Valerie, as well as Sara Jones Biden and John T. Owens – the spouses of James and Valerie.
    New York Post columnist Miranda Devine told Sky News that Hunter Biden’s laptop held “evidence” of “influence peddling” that went on when Joe Biden was Vice President.
    “I mean, it was a family deal, and that tells you that has to be an admission of guilt,” Ms Devine said.
    “They’ve gotten away scot-free with it, but at least the American people now know that Joe Biden was corrupt, and that’s I guess his legacy. He’s proven it with his final pardons.”
    Aussie Granny’s know more about American corruption then 60 Minutes and Leslie Stahling! Why don’t we have an honest media here in the states! Looks really dodgey!

  86. C.C., C.C. Rider

    ‘Non-binary nufties’ in ‘meltdown mode’ over Trump declaring there are only two genders
    Sky News Australia Jan 22, 2025
    Sky News host Danica De Giorgio reacts to the “non-binary nufties” who are in “meltdown mode” over President Donald Trump declaring there are only two genders.

  87. Shirl

    Evidently the DC cesspool has refused to fully comply with President Trump’s executive pardon order for ALL of the political prisoners due to “home rule” assertions.
    “Are DC Prisons IGNORING Trump’s J6 Pardons?!” Glen Beck and Senator Mike Lee 12 hours ago:

    >>>Call your representatives “REPEAL DC HOME RULE” the outrageous end around and corruption must stop, especially that which has been polluting America’s Capitol City.
    Thank you for helping in advance.
    Pray up Stand up Speak Out Take Action

  88. Katy Bar

    One thing Trump “did not do “on Day One is End the Ukraine War. And according to Martin Armstrong Trump is going to have an extremely difficult time navigating peace in Ukraine because the EU “needs war” to keep their Economies from going into Depression and NATO “needs war” to justify its Existence!! Armstrong says: “It gives me no pleasure to share this forecast but the Socrates computer model (that has not yet mislead) is “still predicting” World War III is coming by 2027 (where the financial implications will be fully felt by 2028)!! Seems to me that for Trump to turn things around and “Stop WWIII from happening” he is going to have to 1) Help Europe Economically and 2) Abolish NATO!!!

  89. Ken Yu

    Was that all that was needed?? Just have Trump speak of a GOLDEN AGE???
    Now all of a sudden we have “Gold Breaking out to New Highs” – IN EVERY CURRENCY!!

  90. Milk Man

    After meeting with Bill Gates, Trump transition team sidelines 2 key figures disclosing vaccine truth

    Trump & Tech Overlords team up to push $500 billion AI/mRNA vaccine scheme called “Stargate”

    • Stephan Reisig

      After Bill Gates has already killed so many people in large parts of the world, he is still treated with respect and a new president still bothers to have an intimate dinner with him to quietly go over the various killer jabs (?) And to top it off, two key members of RFK Jr. are sidelined while Dealmaker Trump negotiates with this mass murderer Gates. We should not breathe the same air with such an abomination of a human being, but he should be arrested acutely, locked up and the key thrown away afterwards. Any contact with this abomination should become punishable, but one could say that that is not “democracy,” is it? Unbribed psychologists could tell Trump that BG is already living in such an extreme stage of psychopathy that talking is absolutely pointless. Every second BG is alive will result in even more deaths ! BG is a great danger to everything that lives.

  91. Space Lee Sprockets
    Billionaires, tech titans, presidents: A guide to who stood where at Trump’s inauguration
    Updated 11:04 AM EST, January 21, 2025
    Putin Captures Ukraine’s ‘White Gold’ Mines: New Shock For Zelensky After Trump Threats | Russia War
    Hindustan Times Jan 21, 2025
    Russia’s capture of Ukraine’s lithium mines, valued as Europe’s “White Gold,” has sent shockwaves across the continent. These deposits, vital for electric vehicles and renewable energy, hold 500,000 tons of untapped potential. Experts warn of a major setback to Europe’s green energy ambitions as Ukraine’s resources fall into Russian hands. What does this mean for Europe’s reliance on renewable energy and Ukraine’s economic future?

    • Greg Hunter

      I think Big Tech was afraid what they were endorsing with Biden Admin. All these BIG players simply did not like their future under Dems and Puppet Kamala.
      Look no further than Tech Billionaire’s whistle blowing on the dark future proposed by Biden hacks in a meeting before the 2024 election:

      • Katy Bar

        The Evil Bribe’n Criminals were trying to steal Socrates away from Martin Armstrong!!!

  92. Tom Thumster

    Trump Issues Powerful Ultimatum To Russia! Elon Musk Attacks Sam Altman’s AI Stargate Exposure Proposal! Absolute Must-See /The Alex Jones Show January 22th, 2025
    LOADED for Bear, with bombshell news, exclusive intel globalists DO NOT want you to fear. . . . . . . .

  93. Slobodon Slobstich

    BREAKING: Trump Makes Good On His Promise To Purge The Deep State: 51 Spy Agency Swamp Rats Have Been Stripped Of Their Security Clearances & Criminal Investigation Has Been Launched Into Their Anti-American Activities
    by January 21th, 2025 6:14 PM
    47th President is striking back against the seditious Deep Staters who tried to put him in prison — tune in to learn what’s coming next!

    • Katy Bar

      Fifty-one (51) Desperate Deep State Demon Rats can’t easily do any more damage to America now “Without Security Clearances” (and they are beside themselves)!! – These Desper-rat’s must now be put into cages and given to Bill Gates (who probably already discussed with Trump using these Vermin for “Experimental Vaccine Testing” of his new Polio Shot). Bill Gate’s testing his new Polio Shot on these Rats will be “Well Deserved Contrition” for all the Evil these Vile Deep State Vermin have Inflicted upon the American people over the last four (4) years!!!

  94. Cliven Barnsworth

    LIVE | Putin Explodes at Reporter Over NATO Question – ‘Are You As Dumb As This Table?’ | Putin LIVE CLRCUT Started streaming 8 hours ago
    In a heated moment, Russian President Vladimir Putin loses his cool when a reporter asks about Russia’s potential attack on NATO. His response? A sharp insult: “Are you as dumb as this table?” Watch as Putin lashes out in this tense exchange, shedding light on his frustration and the rising tensions between Russia and NATO. Don’t miss this intense moment from the press conference!

  95. WW3 News & Views

    Ukraine Generals Flee From Collapse, Trump Demands Settlement | GRAVITAS LIVE
    WION Streamed live 2 hours ago GRAVITAS
    Facing battlefield challenges and desertions, Ukraine is holding military commanders accountable. Two generals and a colonel have been blamed for the loss of territory in eastern Ukraine, which was captured by Russian forces last spring. Public pressure against the military leadership is increasing, while Donald Trump calls for a settlement with Russia.

  96. Prospector

    Patterns emerge.
    This is from yesterday.


    “I was out with OMG with James O’Keefe in the California desert”

    They found “an unlocked Syrian phone”

    They gave the phone to a military friend and found a terror cell was communicating trying to get to San Diego, California as quickly as possible

    Large ammo supply bust being hauled by illegals – 2 weeks ago. Arizona sector.

  97. Justn Observer

    Greg, biden prisons resisting J6 PRISONER release?
    Apparently, the J6 prisoners have been had to endure what is known as ‘ THE DIESEL ‘ treatment …a form of mental torture used in many ‘political’ cases to break down subjects and their families moral and psyche not unlike what is used on terorists as well as ‘whistleblowers’ who they do not want their testimony heard or believed.
    Jan. 6 Prisoner’s Dad Shares His Son’s Story Moments Before He’s Released Thanks to Trump’s Pardon

  98. Don Doerr Sr.


  99. Richard Lyons H.

    5 MIN AGO: Katie Hopkins FIRES BACK After Donald Trump REJECTS Keir Starmer on Live TV! Voice of United Britain Jan 22, 2025
    Just moments ago, Katie Hopkins delivered a fiery response after Donald Trump’s shocking rejection of Keir Starmer on live TV. The bold remarks have set social media ablaze, with viewers divided over this intense political drama. What did Trump say that provoked such a heated reply from Hopkins?

  100. Prospector

    Davos: WEF Elites Call for More Globalism

    WEF update

  101. Kay Lane

    RUSSIA OUTSIDE MOSCOW! Rewind of My Trips to Murmansk Region and Republic of Karelia! Baklykov. Live / Russia NOW Started streaming 4 minutes ago
    While waiting for the beginning of Road Trips in 2025 where I will continue exploring more and more cities of Russia, let’s rewind my past trips to Murmansk region and Republic of Karelia – Teriberka village, Murmansk, Olenegorsk, Monchegorsk, Apatity, Kirovsk, Kandalaksha, Kem, Belomorsk and Segezha.

  102. sarajohns

    promises made and kept by Mr. 47. YES!

    Vancey is a goober idiot. They needed a VP, another Pence. Man looks like a damn idiot most of the time.

    no body voted for that Ohio clown, people like me voted Trump! and RFK!!
    Go Trump!

  103. FARC Ejército del Pueblo

    Thank you Andrew Un-Wiseman and Jack[In the Box]Smith, for your efforts to save our republic as we’ve know it and possibly western civilization itself and as Donald Trump in his inaugural address, has admitted to himself. That he’s also, even been beginning to believe it himself, that God has spared him!
    To Make America Great Again, the worlds biggest comeback kid short of that other most famous Jew, Jesus the Christ!
    P.S. Judge Juan Merchon, we can’t wait for your retirement to the warm clime of your native land of birth! THERE’S MUCH HERE TO BE ACCOMPLISHED!
    LAW-FARE not WARFARE /LOVE not WAR Lawyers that work for a living, not government lawyer welfare through law-fare from taxpayers hard-earned money’s!

    • Jenny Jennings

      Boris Johnson Agrees farc, says Donald Trump will become the first US President to be convicted of a felony! Thanks to you all, lawfare cutthroats!
      All credit goes too, the LGBQK+ transgender men in tights, fighting against girls in sports and stealing the gold, silver & bronze they trained their whole lives fore! Thank you and good riddance and please buy a jockstrap and compete with real men only!

  104. steven

    Trump is starting up with the cancer vaccine. How evil is this guy?

    • Greg Hunter

      I got to tell you I am shocked he is doing this with the CV19 Bioweapon still on the market.

      • Jerry

        Greg, why are you shocked? At this point we all know what happened to include Trump. He still has not said a word about the bioweapon and at this point does it even matter? He recently had a “lunch” with with Bill Gates, perhaps enough said?

        • Greg Hunter

          Maybe. Let’s see what Trump does. This is day 3.

          • Katy Bar

            Almost Biblically – Trump has risen in 3 days (effectively from the dead) – to become the Saver of “His Chosen American People”!!

            • Greg Hunter

              There is only one Savior and that is Christ Jesus. Trump works for Jesus and Jehovah.

            • Jerry

              I got to say Katy, really interesting comment!

            • Galaxy 500

              How do you figure that?

  105. James

    Israel closes barn door since horses are gone: Israel Passes Thoughtcrime Law Banning Doubts Over Official Narrative Of October 7th Attack –

    Jonathon Pollard was calling BS on the official story from the get go as were others inside Israel. As the Mossad mottos goes, “by way of deception do war”

  106. Scotland Forever

    Why Irish-Americans Dominated American Politics?
    Money Doubts 460 views Jan 21, 2025
    Out of the 45 people who’ve served as President of the United States, 22 of them have had Irish ancestry. Almost half of all U.S. presidents ruled for over 50% of the country’s history. That’s wild, especially when you realize the Irish make up only about 10% of the U.S. population. Most of them are Catholic too, which makes this even more surprising. How did Irish Catholics—immigrants in a Protestant-majority country—end up dominating American politics?

    • Anthony

      So we give more money to Ireland than any other nation? And they get all of that aid at the start of the year rather than in quarterly payouts like every other recipient? Any almost every member of Congress has a handler employed by the Ireland lobby? And Ireland is allowed to ethnically cleanse Ireland of all non-Irish? Scottie, you mistake puppets for puppet masters.

  107. Gary

    So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
    John 8:31-32

  108. M.Boden

    Wow! BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Intimidates Journalists at Davos
    by Kelen Mcbreen January 23rd, 2025
    Fink tries to bully reporters by snapping pictures of them as they asked hard-hitting questions.
    Thug bodyguards assault journalists on camera.

  109. Celeste Steinereit

    After seeing Larry Finks poor performance with these two reporters from Canada and Australia, on Finks stroll thru Davos.
    Makes you wonder what has happened to our media in the US?
    The Lou Gordon’s, The Phil Donahue’s, The Dan Rather’s!
    I didn’t know anything about Fink, [How Come?] So, I Wikied him and this jumped out at me!
    “The U.S. government contracted BlackRock to aid its recovery after the 2007–2008 financial crisis. Fink’s longstanding relationships with senior government officials have led to questions about potential conflicts of interest regarding government contracts awarded without competitive bidding.[3] BlackRock’s contract led to relationships with Obama’s first Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and other members of the Obama economic recovery team.[16] In 2016, Fink aspired to becoming Hillary Clinton’s Treasury Secretary.[17] Blackrock also hired many former executive branch appointees to its firm,[18] strengthening its association with the federal government. [18”
    Yup, Laurence Douglas Fink has been the real president since 2009, not Hillary’s George Soros, nor his son Alex now… and of course not Barry! But it’s been Fink all the time and along! The power behind the thorny throne! The real puppet master, that’s got everybody on a string?
    The Mike Morell’s, John Brennans, James Clappers.
    The real scum; “Lighthouses, John” scene.
    Connell’s warning to John is both moving and prescient in the era of Trump and the rise of the fascist globalist reset movement and wars around the world. Where are today’s “lighthouses”?
    Larry Fink’s worst nightmare comes true…..?
    Yup, you Can’t Keep a Good Man Down, like John Doe!
    The “lighthouses”, Are Back?
    Trump think’s so and so do I! At least I hope so!
    Anything’s better than Finks performance at Davos, who didn’t have enough of anything to say a word to anybody. Well, you better say something with hope in it mate. Your time to speak up is starting to run out and you’re going to be left behind. Hopefully not to pick up the pieces, but you may still be the hope of the world Larry. Problem is, I don’t think you know it, yet.

  110. Prospector

    The globalists always rolls out the newest anti-freedom control agendas in the Europe / Australia / Canada first, then they try it in America.
    Trumps push into crypto-currency must be watched carefully, too.

    Once DIGITAL I.D. and CBDC digital currency are in place FREEDOM IS LOST !
    They will identify and track you, but , they will ” allow ” you to use a nickname online.
    If you get out of line ….. you get shut off like so many Canadian Truckers, remember ?
    This is the start of a worldwide China-style social credit & tracking program.


    Davos –
    Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez calls for the end of anonymity on social media by forcing them to link all user accounts , FORCE DIGITAL I.D.

    Today, I would like to advance three ideas. Three measures that I will propose to all European leaders in the next formal council meeting that will take place in Brussels.

    First, I propose putting an end to anonymity on social media. In our countries, no-one can walk the streets with a mask on their face, or drive a car without a license plate. No-one can send packages without showing an ID, or buy a hunting weapon without giving their name.

    And yet, we are allowing people to roam freely on social networks without linking their profiles to a real identity. This is paving the way for misinformation, hate speech and cyber harassment. Because it is facilitating the use of bots, and it is allowing people to act without being held accountable for their actions.

    Such an anomaly cannot continue. In a democracy, citizens have the right to privacy – not to anonymity or impunity. Because with those two social coexistence would be impossible.

    That’s why I believe we must push forward the principle of ‘pseudonymity’ as the functioning element of social media, and force all these platforms to link every user account to an European Digital Identity Wallet.”

    ( The TYRANT always claims to be protecting you. Every time. )
    ” One social media user, one real ID. This is the only way to really ensure that minors do not access inappropriate content, that people who commit crimes are banned or prosecuted from social networks.
    Safeguards like content moderation and fact-checking are both legal and moral requirements that must be followed by all.”

    That’s why I think we have to fully enforce the Digital Services Act, making it clear to big companies that its provisions are non-negotiable, and strengthening sanctions for those who do not comply.
    ( COMPLY peasant – WE know what is best for you !! )
    ( I am John The Savage , I will not comply. )

    See also : Biometric Update . com
    Digital identity in developing nations
    With UN Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 calling for legal identity for all by 2030, Biometric Update is taking a special in-depth focus on digital ID projects in developing countries with daily coverage of biometrics-based national digital identity projects.
    Note here all the countries that are lining up for this BS.

    And people used to wonder what a MARK OF THE BEAST system would look like, wonder no more.

  111. Lauran F.

    Greg…thanks for introducing us all to this wonderful patriot!…I wish people would get off Trump’s case. People do not understand the political world, and what it really is. We could very well have been handed Kamala on a plate, had not the billionaires and rich, such as Musk, assisted in putting him in. He has been in 2 days, and people are already in a twist. If he does one third of the stuff he has promised, it will be a miracle, as the US has been in trouble for a long time due to the socialism we thought we had gotten rid of. The most important thing he needs to do right now is get rid of the millions of illegal criminals coming into this country day after day expecting free lunches. We are BROKE because of it.
    The J6ers are now out, and Trump is focused on getting us back economically and keeping us out of the next war. Musk is not the devil!. His intensions are good, and just let him work. NeuroLink may help the millions who are unable to walk or move.
    So what if Trump suggests a new cancer drug???? If people are so stupid that they cannot make up their own mind to take a drug or not take a drug, they can accept the consequences. I did not take the jab, because I educated myself about what was in it, and no person on the planet could have made me take it! It was not Trump’s fault that millions of people bought into the scam! Thank God he was elected, and support him with what he does, or we will have again the likes of Biden and Obama, destroying the country.

  112. Prospector

    We know what they want , and that is CONTROL.

    “The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” | Zbigniew Brzezinski , in his 1970 book Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era

    How will they push us there ?

    “The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror. The public will clamor for such laws if the personal security is threatened.” – Joseph Stalin

    Once this happens , mandatory digital ID will be pushed hard as the ” cure all .”

  113. Mitchell Bupp

    *Greg, Please, delete this if it against posting,

    I started a petition asking for an investigation into the Biden Crime Family and the CIA. NO President or his family should be covert operatives and or foreign agents acting on behalf of the intelligence services.

    Thank You, for you time and share it with your friends. Mitchell Bupp, The Trump Assassination Files

  114. Marie Joy

    If we don’t start showing strength in this country, there won’t be a country left.

  115. Robert Dziok

    Trump didn’t have his hand on the Bible? Did Trump convert to the Jewish religion? I saw somewhere he did but don’t know if so.

  116. Prospector

    Trump in North Carolina has citizens step up and tell about some of their ordeal.

    A man holding a small child tells of the devastation followed by FEMA and insurance company runaround. This small farmer had BOTH flood and home insurance and still got very little help. He states the insurance company FIRED the first adjuster after that person gave ” too high ” of a payout assessment. The next adjuster greatly LOWERED the amount he would get. Trumps reaction to this is shaking his head in utter disbelief.

    Watch it here , we must have accountability.

    Play at around 38 minutes in.

  117. Led Skeletor

    “MLK Jr.’s Family Responds to Trump Executive Order to Declassify Records, Asks to Review Files Before Release”

    Jepers what is wrong with some people? Release all the UNREDACTED documents and supporting evidence and let the truth stand on its own (or the written lies contained within these historical documents)

    I’d love to see all the documents that DC produces, especially all of the investigations documents produced by on the CIA, FBI regarding private citizens; and the docs regarding JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Carter, Bush I&II, Clinton A & B, Obama A & B, Biden, Harris, Trump, Dr. Jeckyl Falsies, Nasty Pignasties and her drunk husband, and the literately thousands of more elected and not elected DC under-bosses, especially the war industrial complex. Release the UNREDACTED docs and their supporting “evidence” and let the people see if there is a pattern of treason, governmental injustice, and fraud. Place all the evidence on a free A.I. web database, that would be the #1 website on the planet. I know, it will never happen.

  118. Galaxy 500

    I am so happy Trump gave these guys pardons. BUT they should have never been charged. They should sue the DC guys for violating their civil rights.
    Trump ended the silly security of rich men north of Richmond, Bolton and Fauci.
    Then there is this. CA slaps at Trump, then wants billions in aid. Give them what NC got, which is basically nothing. CA caused this disaster, NC didn’t.

    • Shiloh1

      Now Putin is going after Fauci. Fauci & Friends were involved in setting up the 2 dozen biological warfare labs in Ukraine, verified when Victoria Newland blurted it out in front of congress.

      • Galaxy 500

        We should go after Fauci as well…
        He should be bankrupted and suffer in prison the rest of his miserable life

  119. Glenn

    Trump is one of “them”
    Dream of MAGA and other , it will not happen.
    Sure, some cosmetics and a number of populist decisions – that will. But stop dreaming. It’s all a satanic show and a war on Christian family values and traditions. A silent religious war. Trump is playing that game. The world is changing and the US plus Europe will be the big losers in the long run – deliberately. Someone, a few, is pulling those strings. Trump’s unwillingness to distance himself from the c19 injections proves where he stands no matter what evidence of his ” innocence” is presented. Just stop dreaming. Seen from Europe, I live there, the whole thing is a soap opera – even here.
    The Bible clearly indicates that some power in Italy is of a lesser nature. And, how many billionaires have had an audience there in recent years? And which presidents are officially followers. Last but not least – Society of Jesus- Who, who , are Jesuits or have been trained in their schools. Wake up. Don’t shoot the messenger.

    • Greg Hunter

      I’m taking the other side of this bet.

  120. Galaxy 500

    I have started several treatises about law enforcement and how they are not your friends.
    Here is Walmart calling their cop buddies who beat an old man. To serve and protect? F#€k No. To abuse you. That is what these Barney Fife types want to lord power over you and hurt you if they can.
    This is evil!

  121. War Monger

    This son of a Cuban refugee is an absolute bitch and will not be missed.

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