President Trump Set Them Free – Gary Heavin

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

There has been much controversy over the so-called J6 participants in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2020.  The Lying Legacy Media (LLM) and the Deep State call it a “violent insurrection.”  Donald Trump supporters called it a setup, psyop and frame job of people protesting a stolen election.  Martin Armstrong contends the real theft of the 2020 Election happened because Democrats needed an excuse to suspend the rules of election integrity in Congress and push Joe Biden into the White House under emergency rules.  Armstrong says, “Videos Prove January 6 was an Inside Job.”  Hundreds have been imprisoned under weak and concocted legal cases, where witnesses were tampered with and evidence was destroyed and “lost.”  President-elect Donald Trump promised in his 2024 campaign to give a blanket pardon to the people sitting in prison for the crime of exercising free speech and protesting a rigged election on January 6, 2020.  Will he pay off on his campaign promise?

Former “billion-dollar franchise owner,” and now, philanthropist Gary Heavin wants to help all J6 prisoners when released and hold President Trump to his promise.  Heavin and his wife Diane started a record-breaking string of women-only fitness franchises called Curves International.  The company reached 5,000 franchises in 5 years, a feat that took McDonald’s 25 years.  Since Heavin sold the company in 2012, he has concentrated on helping people in dire need.  Just a few examples include flying doctors and supplies to survivors of the Haiti earthquake, and again in Haiti with Hurricane Matthew in 2016.   Most recently, Heavin flew rescue missions for survivors of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina.

Heavin is known for using his money and skill as a pilot flying rescue missions with his personal helicopter and other aircraft.  Heavin says, “Donald Trump has promised on numerous occasions to set the J6 prisoners free on his first day in office, which is going to be Monday.  There are going to be some consequences in pardoning these people because the prisons are literally going to be putting these people out on the street with no notice to the families and no resources.  We are talking about 300 incarcerated prisoners that are in 75 prisons in 35 states across this country.  Many of them are a long way from home and a long way from resources.  I am working with a variety of J6 freedom groups to meet those needs.  So, we have set up over a hundred volunteers to be at every prison on Monday when these people are released.  We are going to make sure they are warm, they’re fed and they have a hotel room.  We are going to connect them to their family and figure out how to get them home.”

Heavin will be personally flying some of the J6 prisoners home on his private jet, and that’s not all.  Heavin says, “I have organized private aircraft to be available on Tuesday. . . . The ones beyond driving distance, we are going to fly them home.”

In closing, Heavin says, “This is an imminent moment right now.  Trump’s mantra from his first term was ‘Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up,’ and, of course, we know what happened to that.  The mantra today that begins his second term is ‘Set Them Free, Set Them Free.’  This is literally a litmus test where we are going to discover whether Donald Trump is going to keep his promises to the American people.  There is a huge movement right now where millions of people are watching his actions.  Is he going to do what he says he’s going to do?  We had a little bit of confusion this past week when J.D. Vance was asked about the J6 pardons on FOX News, and he foolishly complicated it and said some will be set free and some won’t and all this other nonsense.  My inside information is he (Vance) got his ass handed to him over this whole thing.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with philanthropist, entrepreneur and Christian pilot Gary Heavin for 1.18.25.

To help with the needs of the J6 prisoners, go to 

After the Interview: 

To help with the needs of the J6 prisoners click here:

For more on this story, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts wrote an excellent post on this subject called “Trump Must Not Flunk His Litmus Test.”

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  1. Anthony Australia

    Thanks for the interview Greg, at least you haven’t been co-opted.

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  3. Robert from Alabama

    At many businesses in our area they are asking for donations to help out with the L. A. fire. I hope that Gavin Newsom isn’t distributing the money. My wife and I donate more than 10% to Church and charity but we don’t trust the elite. We remember Bill Clinton asking for donations to help during the Haitian earthquake that were added to donors’ telephone bills. We believe that very little money reached Haiti if any at all. Since Gavin Newson is cut from the same globalist mold as the Clinton’s we will probably donate to a group like the Salvation Army or Samaritan’s Purse. Also, can you believe that Hillary Clinton received the Presidential Medal of Freedom? Go figure………

  4. No Thanks

    Trump BETTER RELEASE ALL of the J6 Political Prisoners not some 250 of them or some b.s. nonsense.

  5. Jill Herendeen

    If you want to know about stolen elections, interview Bev Harris, or Jonathan Simon. In 2020, the Dem primaries were stolen, too–if not, no way would Biden have been a candidate in the first place. See Theodore de Macedo Soares’ data, here: Of course, THE reason those protesters have been in jail is NDAA 2012, passed by Congress & signed by Obama (saying HE would never invoke it, as if that made it perfectly OK), in which ANYONE whom the POTUS SAYS is an enemy combatant IS one, & can be locked away indefinitely w/out trial or being charged or habeas corpus etc. A profitable state of affairs for a privately-owned, for-profit prison system, as well as a dandy way to quell dissent.

  6. Really Awake

    I agree with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

    “Trump’s litmus test awaits him on the Oval Office desk. The litmus test is the pardon for every one of the wrongly indicted and wrongly prosecuted January 6 Trump supporters–which means all of them–who attended the rally and were persecuted for doing so. If Trump fails to immediately issue a full and unconditional pardon to all, he will lose the support of MAGA Americans.”

    I say that if President Trump doesn’t pardon every last one, then he’s once again failed his truly genuine supporters and instead threw them under the Washington D.C. Bus. I watched President Trump in his first term sit there while his best supporters got attacked and taken out by the Deep State, e.g., General Flynn.

    The presidents on Mt. Rushmore defended their friends. In his first term President Trump let many, many of his supporters down. Let’s hope that after gaining ten years of experience with the Swamp Creatures, President Trump has finally learned his lesson and does what a truly great president would do. Because I don’t see how President Trump makes America great again unless he, himself, is a great president.

    And, yes, I admire President Trump. Just staying alive over the past ten years was a major achievement. I know there are people who want Trump dead. Trump is an amazing man. And I hope he can dig down and come through for the J6 political prisoners.

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