Tale of Two Stories

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

This is a tale of 2 stories the press started covering last week.  One, let’s call it the “Kidnapped Girl” story.  It’s about a young woman who escaped after being kidnapped and held against her will for 18 years.  The other, let’s call it “The Fed Secrets” story. It’s about the Federal Reserve losing a court decision that will force it to say who it gave trillions of dollars to during the financial meltdown.

No doubt, the young girl who was kidnapped 18 years ago will get plenty of coverage.  Every news organization will be fighting for the first exclusive interview with the victim and the children.  They will spare no expense.  Already there have been live shots, aerial footage and front page stories.   Before it is through, you will know every detail imaginable of this sad story, from the food she ate to the birth of the 2 children she allegedly was forced to have with her abductor.  The “Kidnapped Girl” story will be followed right up to the end of the criminal trial.  Mark my words, this story will be covered for months.  Heck, the kidnapped girl may even get her own reality TV show.

On the other hand, there is “The Fed Secrets” story.  The Fed lost a Federal case last week that could force its secret actions into the light of day.  Also, considering the Federal Reserve is responsible for the value of every dollar you spend or save, this should be a very big deal with worldwide implications!  Still, “The Fed Secrets” story is barely a blip on the mainstream media radar.

The Fed will file an appeal.  Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve asked Manhattan Chief U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska to delay enforcement.
“The immediate release of these documents will destroy the board’s claims of exemption and right of appellate review,” the motion said. “The institutions whose names and information would be disclosed will also suffer irreparable harm.” It went on to say The Fed’s “ability to effectively manage the current, and any future, financial crisis” would be impaired, according to the motion.

Does The Fed think lying and concealing will help the public?  It certainly will help the insolvent banks.  I think it is very likely the Fed also bailed out foreign banks, and these “loans” are not loans at all but taxpayer giveaways.  If the Fed was forced to reveal facts such as those, then the very existence of the Central Bank could be in question.  In short, most Americans would be angry and outraged!

It is up to the media to cover stories so the public is informed and it does this by the allocation of resources.  On one side of the scale, you see an “anvil” of journalistic weight.  Much has and will go for the coverage of the “Kidnapped Girl” story.  On the other side of the scale, you see a “feather” weight of commitment for “The Fed Secrets” story.  So little being spent to cover a something that could affect the lives of every American goes to show you how out of touch the mainstream media can be.  Masters of the media may be scared to tell the truth or are downright dishonest and know full well what they are doing.

Both the “Kidnapped Girl” and “The Fed Secrets” stories deserve to be covered.  There is nothing wrong with lopsided coverage as long as the highest priority is put on the story with the biggest impact on the lives of the people.  Instead, the biggest story is getting the “feather” treatment and the smaller story is just more of the infotainment that keeps the public in the dark.

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