Trump a Wrecking Ball for Climate Change Fraud – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the recent best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” has just returned from the UN’s COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan (Conference of the Parties and the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference).  Newman says the UN’s COP 29 is not about fixing so-called climate change at all.  Newman, who is an award-winning journalist, says it’s really a total rip-off of the West and will lead to the destruction of the middle-class.  By the way, there is a near blackout of reporting on this global conference where the UN wants to take total control of everything.  Newman explains, “The climate scam underpins the entire project to build this New World Order:  the one world political system, the one world technocratic economic system and even the one world religious system.  So, this all rolls into the climate scam.  If the climate scam falls apart, all of the other pillars of this machine fall apart.  This is huge news.  This is front page news all over the world.  BBC, 24/7 this is huge news in every part of the world except the United States.  This is because they have done the polling, and they know the majority of Americans don’t believe the man-made global warming. . . . They know that if Americans know this is going on and they are planning to transfer trillions of dollars from what’s left of the middle-class to the third world kleptocracy, undermine our economy and reshape the world order,  Americans would be on the phone to their congressman, and this whole charade would come to a screeching halt.  That’s why Americans don’t know this is one of the most important stories happening anywhere in the world.”

In President Trump’s first Administration, he took a wrecking ball to the climate scam and got America out of the Paris Climate Accord.  Is Trump coming back to the White House causing angst at this year’s COP29?  Newman says, “There was angst like you would not believe.  It was almost funny to watch it. . . .  Most of the people were horrified.  We heard people saying we’re terrified, we’re frightened because of Donald Trump.  He doesn’t care about climate change.  We also heard a surprising number of people who really, really liked him.  But the overall sentiment among governments, the cronies that are hoping to profit from this and the UN officials was Trump is going to be a total disaster for our climate agenda.  Keep in mind that we have these Republicans in Congress who are embracing this man-made global warming theory.”

Newman says the UN is really after the children, to capture them early and brainwash them.  Newman says, “We need to protect our children who are being indoctrinated into this hoax.  We need to educate our lawmakers.  We need to let our elected officials know we will not tolerate them playing along with this hoax, redistributing our money, shutting down our energy systems and giving handouts to their cronies. . . . Ultimately, if we don’t deal with the systematic indoctrination and dumbing down of our children, we are going to lose every single one of these battles over the long term without exception. . . . We’ve got to get this issue right.  I believe it is the single most important issue.”

There is much more in the 44-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with hard-hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of and author of the runaway best-selling new book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” for 11.22.24.

To get a “Medical Emergency Kit” or “Contagion Emergency Kit” from The Wellness Company and get at least $30 off, click here.  (Check out the Black Friday deals too!!)

After the Interview: 

To get a “Medical Emergency Kit” or “Contagion Emergency Kit” from The Wellness Company and get at least $30 off, click here.  (Check out the Black Friday deals too!!)

For a free new article from The New American about this year’s UN COP29 conference click here.

For a free new article from Newman on the UN’s Push for “Greening” Education, click here.

To order Newman’s recent best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” click here.

Newman’s website is called  There is lots of free information and articles.

For a copy of Alex Newman’s popular book “Deep State,” click here.

To support Alex Newman with electronic donations, click here.

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  1. Don Doerr Sr.

    Hillary says that Democrat voters are stupid and therefore easy to manipulate. But how can they be so stupid as to not recognize the Enemy and a Civil War in progress, all blessed by Pope Francis and his Minions?.

    • Robert

      Greg I so appreciate your interviews of Alex Newman as he is a wealth of knowledge!

      Please consider an interview with Whitney Webb as she also has a wealth of knowledge that proves crypto is enslavement and the globalists are planning a cyber attack to bring about their digital dystopian nightmare in these two short videos!:

      Please notice Zerohedge just posted this article:

      Please remember all the G7 countries are listed within the G20 countries and are all in bed with the Central banks:

      The back of the US dollar bill says “order out of chaos” in Latin!

      You do not become a leader of a G20 nation unless you play by the UN rules!

      This UN~beast, headquartered in New York, will require the masses to upload their “digital ID” by the summer of 2025 as a cyber attack on the banking sector, WW3, and another plandemic will kick this digital dystopian nightmare they have planned into hyper drive!

      Listen to this 38 second video where a central banker says to enter the NWO everyone will be required to have a smart phone, bank account , and upload their digital ID:

      Please do NOT upload your digital ID as that is you giving your mark to the beast to buy and sell:

      • Prospector

        Robert – To your last point about ” the mark ” and uploading a QR code to ” FIT IN . ” The U.N. has many such new age occult types as this advising them.

        ” No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.”
        David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

        “This New Age will be. A new heaven on Earth will be. Preparations are being made now, and out of chaos will come the beginning of peace on earth, a New Order for Mankind.”
        John Randolph Price Planetary Commission

        “In the destruction of the old world order and in the chaos of these modern times, the work of the new creation is going forward; the task of reconstruction, leading to a complete reorganization of human living…” Discipleship in the New Age She says that the “universal creative aspect” has designed The Plan with a world “transition from chaos to ordered Beauty,” which is the “politics of meaning.” Alice Bailey The New International Economic Order

        Masonic authority Masonic Harvest . The Plan will result in the founding of Novus Ordo Seclorum. “How will it end?… a vision of a universal religion, which will embrace all creeds; a universal government which will embrace all humanity; a universal knowledge which will make all mankind kin…” Carl H. Claudy

    • J

      Your question must be pure rhetoric, or you like most folks don’t truly understand the true depth of stupidty!

  2. Rodster

    I’m optimistic, this all fall apart anyway. Trump was reelected in an Election Landslide because the common person is sick and tired of politicians who think they know better how to run their lives but instead go about making their lives much worse. That’s why the masses gave the proverbial “Middle Finger and the Bronx Cheer” to the Woke Democrat crowd and politicians.

    The same will happen again with the entire globalists agenda. People are starting to wake up that they are purposely being herded like cattle for a One World, Globalists agenda. The Globalists fail to learn from history because it always ends with “torches and pitchforks” crashing the castle gates. That’s what happens when you push people too far.

    So it’ll be peaceful at first until the Plebs realize those in charge are not listening to them and want their freedom back.

    • Katy Bar

      As you effectively say: “The common people are sick and tired of the Atheistic Demonic Globalists who think they know Better how to ruin our lives”!! These Atheists believe that Nothing “is Nothing” (and want us to own “Nothing”). Well, we Christians know that Nothing “is Something” and we believe in a positive force (Good) and a negative force (Devil). And that that “Something” that the Globalists call Nothing or Zero (O) separates the Good (G) from the Devil (D) [G-O-D]!! Sort of like how a flashlight battery separates the Positive (+) from the Negative (-). So these Globalist Atheists better begin to realize that what they call “Nothing” is “Something”. The way I look upon the Almighty is like “a battery” that separates the positive from the negative [and yes there are three(3) entities in the One Almighty GOD] and when these Globalist Atheists finally turn on the switch in their minds THERE WILL BE LIGHT!!!

      • Kit Lee

        I always wondered why the Creator Of All Things would need to create the Devil to begin with, and now I sort of understand why it had to be done (because all matter is composed of two opposite entities a positive (proton) and negative (electron) and these opposites were absolutely necessary for God to Create Our Universe.

        • Kit Lee

          So in order to keep the battery “charged” Good (positive) People must stay away from Bad (negative) People. For once the Good goes toward Evil (the Battery Dies)!! So when George Soros , Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, etc., etc., etc. offers a bribe to Congress (both RINO’s and Democrats MUST RESIST) if we ever want to keep this ONE NATION UNDER A GOD (That Is Not DEAD)!!!

          • Ray

            Hello Kit,
            I appreciate your post, and the analogy you make.

            From my understanding of electronics, in any circuit, there is a constant flow of energy from positive to negative.
            If there is no negative charge, positive cannot exist, and vice versa.

            If one deeply applies this truth to your insightful comment, a deeper contemplation of existence, and by natural extension, the very essence of God, can be brought into one’s mind.

            It is an incredible idea to think of, and not easily held within one’s imagination.

            In saying such, I am in no way stating that I fully comprehend it……and for that, as a human, I am indeed thankful.

            Humans are subjugators…..they are the needers of slavery. Yet they will disavow it at every turn.

            In my experience, anything that a human ‘understands’ immediately becomes a subjugated slave (ask any electron).

            We”put it to work for us”……because we have come to “understand it”

            “Why should I understand maths, when I have a calculator”?

            Why should I walk up steps when I have an elevator?

            Why should I learn to read when ‘Audible’ can speak the book into my headphones”?

            Why should I understand the taxation laws, when my ‘app’ can do it for me?

            Why should I make a well informed opinion when the ‘Influencer’ with the hot tits can guide me?

            You see where I am going…..and as Greg stated in his interview……this why Jesus needs to come back.

            Modern humanity has retrograded into a complete and utter cess pool of idiocy and filth.

            Some might argue, given the woke imbecility which currently infects global society, that all this is being administered from some sinister, as yet unseen force via some horrific Aldous Huxleyesque play.

            I am beginning to think those people could very well be right.

            Agree though Kit……Gates, Klaus & Schwab……they need to go, AND THAT RIGHT SOON.

            I will happily join you in ridding this world of them, as we search for our God and make claim to our deserved peace.


            Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

            • Kit Lee

              Thank You Ray,
              We must all work to try and open the eyes of others, so that they may Turn from Evil to Good, from Darkness to Light and from the power of Satan to Jesus!! Acts 26:18

    • Prospector

      Great respect for Alex Newman. I only disagree with one thing here. The ” Climate Change Scam ” is not , and will not be the ONLY line of operation used to usher in a ” new world order . ”

      They have proposed , and written about many invented ” threats ” over the years to push the masses into giving up freedom for ” safety .”

      # 1 – The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future.” , Professor Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum
      # 2
      Bill Clinton talked about the possible existence of alien species out there in the ever-expanding universe. He finished the interview with a curious sentiment. “It may be the only way to unite this increasingly divided world of ours,” he said. And by “it” he meant an alien invasion from outer space.
      This was not the first time this notion was put forward by a major political leader. Thirty years earlier, in his address to the United Nations General Assembly in 1987, President Ronald Reagan said: “I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world.”

      # 3
      “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they would be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all the peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.”
      Henry Kissinger in an address to the Bilderberg group at Evian, France May 21, 1992

      Now we have a WW 3 , Nuke threat as well. All of these methods share the same end goal in common. GLOBAL GOVERNMENT.

      If they are willing to fabricate an environmental ” threat ” as this statement admits, then they will try several methods also if this fails. Stay alert , deception is their calling card.
      ” In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” — Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations.

      • Kit Lee

        The Climate Change Scam is just the follow up to the Federal Reserve Scam that has over the last 100 years brought the purchasing power of our US dollar down to Zero!!

        • Ray

          + 1
          x 1000
          Well said Kit 😎
          Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

  3. david

    trump will become the beast,as the next attempt of his life will be a head wound as in the bible a miracle everyone one will worship him as GOD!and he will make war on the saints and will have the power to kill then,as he knows his time is short.

    • Greg Hunter

      Really???? Come on!!!

      • Rodster

        Either that guy is a troll or he’s had two bottles of Manischewitz before posting that comment. None of that made any sense.

        • Galaxy 500

          Roaster, more like a half dozen bottles. LOL
          He’s a troll and or part of Satan’s Army at a minimum

    • suzanne wilhelm

      Isn’t that a bit melodramatic? What Bible or reference material did you get that from?

    • Michael McCammack

      The entire Bible revolves around Israel. The timepiece and prize is Jerusalem.
      American preachers for years have tried to insert our ideas and culture into the Bible. While Americans may be involved in end time events, the whore Babylon that sits on many waters and the Beast are from the Middle East. We must get rid of our local mindsets and remember the Bible was written by Jews for Jews. They are the vine, we are grafted in.
      Jesus preached to whom? The nation of Israel. The words of the Messiah went out to the Jews first, and then to the Gentiles.

      • Ray

        Hello Michael,

        I appreciate your input to our discussion, and stand by your absolute right to make comment. Thank you Brother.

        That said, I could disagree more.

        I do not seek to make you my enemy. You are not my enemy.

        You make reference that the Jewish people are “the vine”, and that the non Jewish people on Earth are “grated in”.

        I would contend that science has proven that All PEOPLE have a genetic code that shows each has 46 chromosomes……23 from mother and 23 from father……and all, at most the basic cellular level, are the same in that manner.

        I also contend that ALL PEOPLE are equal creations in the eyes of GOD.

        Whilst your comment alludes to a division in the lineage from humanity to God, in which you state that there are “the vine” (pure) and “the grafted” (after thoughts added in), I would respectfully direct your attention to comments made by a Jewish Rabbi back in 2010 , Ovidiah Yousef, with his learned perspectives on who “the grated in” are in relation to “the vine”, and their relative positions should be, in the world in the eyes of the Jewish people.

        The quote comes from a website, The Times Of Israel.

        “Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

        “In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

        “This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

        “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

        — Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010

        After reading the above, I request that you, or any other person reading that quote on this website who happens to agree, make your supportive cases thereof known here, in front of the USAWATHDOG audience, in the comment section for further respectful discussion.

        I love Jewish people……they are wonderful people…..I am against anti semitism in every form.

        That said, I am also against semite supremacy, and am prepared to fight it forever, as are the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of people who will NEVER consider themselves second class citizens in the eyes of God, nor will they submit to being considered born slaves to others, as this abhorrent Rabbi does.

        Bible or no Bible……respectfully suggest you and others make long and careful consideration of my last paragraph. The road to nuclear war is near, and I don’t want that.

        I ask you to speak up…..and I look forward to your considered, respectful reply.

        My best wishes remain you, Brother Michael.


        Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

        • Susan Russo

          Whenever you speak Ray, I listen. I agree with you here. I am quite ignorant about all the bias and never understood why Jews were so hated. I went to a predominately Jewish college in Brooklyn, N.Y. and got to know many. One that I was attracted to told me I could have the key to his apartment, which I declined because if he was not there, I did not want to be there. One day when I was there another girl visited and in front of me asked him why I was there, “she is goyim!”.
          Another Jewish boyfriend whose parents were in Queens, treated me like his bride.
          I had a teacher who showed us the numbers tattooed on his wrist from when he was in a concentration camp.
          I have never looked at Jews as anything other than “like me” and felt horrific remorse for their suffering.
          Not every Jew is a good person, not every non-Jew is a good person.

          • Ray

            Hi Susan,
            Thank for your kind words, and please know that they are very much reciprocated.
            I am always on the look out for your comments, and I find your take on things very similar to mine.
            I think that the FASTEST way out of all the troubles in this world…..and there are SO MANY……is to first realise that no one race is created above, or loved more by our Creator, than any other.

            If you are in the US Susan, may I take the opportunity to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving, shared happily amongst those that you love ❤️

            Ray , Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

      • Kit Lee

        The words of the Messiah Jesus went out to the Jews and only the Gentiles listened!!

        • Ray

          Seems that way Kit.
          Well said.
          As old mate Bryan Ferry says in his famous song:
          “Let’s stick together”.

          Sound advice for the world methinks.

          Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

  4. Really Awake

    The beast-like United Nations is a primary means from which both the visible and invisible forces of evil roll out a chapter right out of the Book of Revelation. And, yes, I agree that the “children’s minds” are a primary target. The U.S. Department of Education and the public schools are also part and parcel in teaching the children lies and more lies. Get your kids out of the Beast’s Education Syaytem.

    And just look at how fat and out of shape children are as well as adults….

    New York Times: “Three-Quarters of U.S. Adults Are Now Overweight or Obese”

    “It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building until the morning Lot left Sodom. Then fire and burning sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.” ~ Jesus Christ comparing The Last Days before the Second Coming with the Days of Lot.

    Does Jesus warning sound familiar? America is a country full of fat, gluttonous pigs who eat and drink and drug and party and engage in every kind of sin and debauchery including cutting their children’s pee, pee off… Sodom and Gomorrah could take lessons on sin from America.

    So, both mind and body are being debauched at record levels in the American Empire.

    The signs of the times are all there just like a red sky at night or a red sky in the morning is a sign of what the weather shall be.

    Get your prepping done, e.g., get a healthy mind, body, spirituality, healthy relationship with Jehovah and, if possible, a fallout shelter well stocked with supplies.

  5. Bryce

    Alex Newman,
    Fan Favorite!

    • neville

      Well spoken Really Awake my thoughts indeed. I saw this coming in 1975 and the progression has been relentless.
      On a diet of lies,lies and more lies people can only suffer Spiritually ,Mentally and Physically and that’s what one can expect from a nation of inveterate liars.
      The stock market will be another casualty of the lies as will the Shitcoin industry which is nothing but a PONZI SCHEME de luxe and the great wealth loss will occur for all those that don’t bail them NOW!!!

  6. chris

    If people are not going to be INFORMED about the ILLEGAL thus CRIMINAL active GEOENGINEERING efforts steering every single storm, hurricane, etc. via chemical slurry sprayed on ALL OF US every single day, then the game is OVER! You add 5G to it, and you can say good bye to humanity, in particular AFTER the covid genetically modifying injections!

  7. Art Simpson

    “The many” is the U.N. Da 9:27. The coming war is Re 6:8. 1/4th the earth shall be killed. Does ANYBODY read the Bible??????????????

    • Katy Bar

      To STOP WWIII and Nuclear War with Russia that the Axis Powers (Germany, France and England) want, is very simple ,WE (The United States of America) under Trump’s leadership needs to form A MILITARY ALLIANCE WITH RUSSIA (just like we did during WWII) and “together” bring down the “new” Axis Powers to stop WWIII!!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Yes, Art, we read the Bible. We just have a better understanding than you or at least a different one.

  8. D. Wohlers

    Greg, How many times have I written about the ONE WORLD GOV. that was started to become our government as they want just that. It is the wealthy of the WORLD that are doing it and starting with the Rockefeller family in the 1940’s and early 1950’s.
    And the BIBLE tells us that the world will be controlled by and ONE WORLD GOV. when JESUS come with His Angles after us. So get ready every one.

  9. HikerSkip

    everyone is excited that we have a majority in both houses of congress. That doesn’t mean squat. We have a tiny MAGA minority in the Uni-Party.

  10. Elinor Saunders

    Wonderful interview: Thank you, once again!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Elinor. I can’t miss with Alex Newman!

  11. Robert Moffett

    Billionaire David Gelbaum gave the Sierra Club over $100 million in donations- on the one condition they never talk about immigration and the harm it does to the environment ever again. If climate change was real and it was caused by carbon emissions. then we should have an immigration moratorium from every low carbon footprint country in the Third World to the West, which has a high carbon footprint but declining populations.

    • Kit Lee

      The Billionaire Elon Musk will be buying NBC “To Always Talk About Immigration and the Harm it Has Done to America”!! This is how God uses Good to short circuit Evil!!!

  12. Linda S


    Always the best & most informative guests. Alex is no exception. Top shelf. Thank you.

  13. Roger Stamper

    tks alex greg

  14. Shirl

    Great interview gentleman!

    Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) Manmade Glo-BULL Warming is a SCAM!

    Fight Fight Fight the losers freaks frauds fools and brainwashed numbnuts are clinging to their crackpot Communist ideologies like flies on a dung pile.

    Pray up as always!

  15. Robert Messina

    the first step is to get to January 21st when Trump is fully president
    without martial law before that event
    the second step and perhaps even more important is never seeing a chemtrail ever again
    Trump or no Trump
    whoever it is orchestrating those chemtrails rules the world
    we first have to get past January 20th and avoid Marshall law before that event
    we then have to look up and never see chemtrail again
    as LBJ said years ago “he who controls the weather controls the world”
    Satan is called “Prince of this world” .
    however his days are short . very short and he knows it

  16. Susan Russo

    Thank you Greg for giving us Alex Newman today. I have the highest regard for him. The climate “thing” seems it is #1 to reap the field and anything after will be shoed in. Exposing the over lords who put us on the bottom of the trash heap is Alex’s calling and he will be rewarded by God. Losing the internet will be a drastic change by booting us back to newspapers delivered by bicycles. If so, may God assure us the news will be controlled by truth tellers. I just saw X considering buying MSNBC. That will produce rancor adding to where we are. No mention of civil war here today, but I have seen the losers are planning mayhem and lockdowns would facilitate a faster breakdown. There are plenty of voices referring to this time as the “End Times” and it does seem there is a flood of division readying for the final battle.

  17. Liber8tor

    Yes, I’ve Been hearing the same rumors that the Wall Street Bankstsers and WEF are working hard to bring back Al Gore’s Carbon Trading scam. Deriviatives, Central Bank Digital Coins, carbon credit score tied to social credit score.

    • Katy Bar

      Get out of paper and digital money and you will remain FREE!! All the Billionaires count their wealth in Paper Dollars but I Count My Wealth in Nickels and Dimes made of Silver (which are worth more then A Paper Dollar) and even a regular Nickel “not made of silver” will soon be worth One Paper US Dollar (that had “In God We Trust” removed from it). Just look at the following graph to see where the “Ungodly” US dollar is going:!! So all you dumb Billionaires who worked so hard to do the bidding for Evil Entities (like moronic puppets) have nothing to show for it then a big bunch of “worthless paper”!! Are you Happy now that you own nothing?? Try converting your “supposed wealth” into physical nickles and dimes “Now” and all will do is make me “Rich and Happy” which will get you into very big trouble with Klaus Schwab and the other Evil Globalists!!!

  18. Suzie McCormick

    The “term ‘Deep State'” I believe is a “Sanitized” PR Term! In the early 1960’s in MDW it was called “The PERMANENT UN-ELECTIVED GOVERNMENT!” and at the time I believe that many of them were very proud of it!

  19. C. Whewell

    Without an elastic money (fiat) , there could have never been such an accelerated pace of “progress” , or over-development. Had the currency been restricted to specie as per the original founding documents of the several states and the Nat’l Government, all of this “progress” , pollution, would have never occurred. Fiat money is a direct enabler of global over-pollution. A second factor is the gross movement of the location of the “magnetic north” pole in the past 40 years. Recall the Lorentz effect , how charge from the solar wind, when coupled with the effective location of the magnetic north field, causes the atmospheric vortexes from the Lorentz effect , to occur in “different” location patterns , vs. the case where magnetic north had remained stationary.

    • Katy Bar

      Your support for Crackpot Janet Yellen (the Main Architect of the Fed’s now dead Quantitative Easing Program) who spent her career Pandering to the Klaus Schwab WEF Globalists will finally be stepping down from her role as Treasury Secretary in January (with a cool $20 Million in her cookie jar)!! Working as a puppet in the US Government can be very Lucrative “if you play ball with the Purveyors of Evil”!! The WEF implanted Yellen in government to spread their false economic-related propaganda and openly lie to the public that “A Dollar Worth Nothing Would Make Us All Happy”!! Yellen stated that most Americans (who were struggling financially amid the inflation she created were happy with their financial situation) despite every bit of data and the recent Trump election showing otherwise. Puppet Yellen was fully behind the “Inflation Reduction Act” (the largest inflationary spending package in US history) so as to propel forward the Climate Change Agenda the WEF and UN needs for Total World Control!!!

      • Kit Lee

        Janet Yellen’s “cool” $20 Million Dollars is “not so cool” as the US dollar is now worth just about “ZERO” (hope she is happy “owning nothing” because of her own evil actions printing up US Dollars to Infinity)!! And how appropriate for God to work in such a mysterious way as to make Yellen poor (owning worthless pieces of paper) while making God’s people’s “continually richer” by owning His Money (gold coins and silver dimes and nickels now worth many times more then a Yellen “paper dollar” (and getting “more valuable” in terms of paper as the US dollar is printed to infinity)!!

      • C. Whewell

        yawn. It is fine of you to to bring the treasury secretary by name into this; however, your statement seems a bit mis-guided as the original Whewell comment had nothing whatsoever to do with any individual in particular, rather, the concept of how fiat money has promoted pollution, in general, at an accelerated pace vs scenarios where specie only is used. Thanks for the comment Katy Bar. Of course if Ms. Yellen has moved on to another position, you will have undoubtedly many opportunities to write things about whomever fills her position in the future, so, no worries of running out of “complaint fodder” – the one thing many ppl are gifted at – complaining !! 🙂

  20. Armed_Strong

    For what I read, the vast majority, 99% of the people are not ready for the truth.

  21. kurta Junkers

    Now I am scared: the New Oreshnik Missile Attack on Dnipro
    Millennium 7 * HistoryTech 72,974 views Nov 24, 2024
    The West NATO: Undefended &Vulnerable!

    Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo 11/24/24 | BREAKING FOX NEWS November 24, 2024 Yemek Zaman 41 minutes ago

    • Armed_Strong

      Sun Tzu said on his book The Art Of War.

      “When strong apear weak, when weak apear strong.”

      We say in the west…. “You never show all your cards at the start of the game.”

      The Russians were sandbagging all along. They are not as evil as people think, they have been US allies for a long time. The problem is the Soviet Union, the Bolscheviks, the ones that started all, created the nasty regime and they spilled into Europe infesting Germany. At the end of WW2 they came to the US during Operation Paperclip. They have a deep root hate for the Russians because they were spelled out of the country.

      Now you wonder why the Neocons hate Russia so much.

  22. Trouble InDa Campus

    ‘13,000 kph, 15 Mins’ Putin Orders Mass Production Of ‘Unstoppable’ Oreshnik Missile, Spooks West CRUX 106,783 views Nov 23, 2024
    Russian President Vladimir Putin on November 22 said Moscow has a stock of its new hypersonic ballistic missiles that are “ready to be used”. A day after Moscow fired its new missile at the Ukrainian city of Dnipro, Putin ordered more combat test-firing of Russia’s “experimental” hypersonic missile. The Russian missile that struck the Ukrainian city of Dnipro reached a top speed of more than 13,000kph, according to Ukrainian officials. Putin ordered the missile, which Russia earlier said could fly at speeds of Mach 10 – ten times the speed of sound – to be put into serial production.

    • Katy Bar

      While the Evil Neocons are still preaching their Continual War Propaganda about how they next intend to Take Out Iran, Iran’s ally Russia has just demonstrated by Utterly and Completely Destroying the Underground Yuzhmash Manufacturing Complex in Ukraine (THAT NO LONGER EXISTS) that it has Full Capability to KILL EVERY SINGLE NEOCON WARMONGER in both Europe and America) Now Hiding Out in their Underground Bunkers (THAT ARE NO LONGER SAFE) so they are now seeking refuge by hiding out in the Jungles of Brazil!!

  23. 'a' simple horseman

    Even Alex Newman knows how long ‘his’ leash is. Great interview, yes, ‘but’, not one single word about “any” of the decades long ongoing weather modification programs being deployed globally 24/7/365. Unless or until you folks start addressing that subject more frequently, it will be game over, “soon”. Quit stepping around the elephant in the room!

    • Greg Hunter

      I interviewed him on the COP 29 by the UN’s WHO which he attended as a reporter. This was never an all-encompassing interview.
      Why So ungrateful for free patriot reporting?

  24. Michael Younger

    On a lighter note, isn’t it ironic that the democrats who are trying so hard to trigger a Third World War, will die disproportionately if US cities become targets in a nuclear war. If you were to remove the top 20 or 30 cities off of US maps, the democrats would no longer be a majority in several states. This means the democrats are attempting to commit political suicide as well as mass murder against their own constituency. They don’t care. It truly is an evil party of death.

  25. Clyde

    Greg, please post this:
    The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) is a Global Terrorist Outfit

    The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) is the health-tyranny-arm of the Unhinged Nations (UN) that falsely claims to “work to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable”. The reality is that the WHO is using fear tactics and the people’s health vulnerability in order to control them.

  26. Viktor Shogun

    Is the US. Underestimating the Russian’s?
    US missiles striking inside Russia: how will Putin respond?
    The Newsmakers TRT Turkish public broadcast service 515K views 4 days ago
    After 1001 days of war, Ukraine has fired American-made long-range missiles into Russian territory, pushing the Russia-Ukraine conflict into an unprecedented phase. In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin has approved the potential use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear states. As the US ramps up military aid to Kiev, tensions are at an all-time high. Moscow accuses NATO of direct involvement, while President Zelensky unveils a ten-point resilience plan to navigate the looming harsh winter. After 1001 days of war, could this escalation lead to a wider war or even nuclear confrontation?

    This aint no disaster movie HOLLYWOOD!
    ____________When Push Comes to Shove . . . .Sean'(Penn!
    Russia’s Gamechanger Missile Punctures Ukraine Resistance, Moscow’s Forces Advances on Wide Front GRAVITAS WION 212,059 views Nov 22, 2024
    Russia unveiled its newest hypersonic ballistic missile, Oreshnik, by using the weapon to strike Ukraine’s Dnipro on Thursday, Confirming the use of the new weapon, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that it was a clear message to NATO. Putin also claimed that the missile is unstoppable by any of the current U.S. or NATO defences, marking a new escalation in the Ukraine war.
    WATCHOUT Hollyweird: The RUSSKI’S are COMING!

    • Armed_Strong

      Understimating? Maybe or forcing the Russians to show their hand. The Russ gave NATO a small taste, I think they have more in stores. As an example, Submarines, their fleet is bigger and have some mean subs that can stay undetected by the US shores. Their space program is more reliable and advanced; who knows what they have in orbit.

  27. Sunna Bonaparte

    Dan Bongino – A Major Change in the Trump Transition Process
    Prophets & Patriots 61 views Nov 24, 2024

    China Just SLAPPED ASML So Hard With a New Patent… Netherlands Didn’t Expect This! B.M. AI 2,636 views Nov 24, 2024 _Good By Mr. Chips?
    A critical examination of Huawei’s recent EUV lithography patent that challenges ASML’s market leadership in semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The patent showcases Huawei’s advanced capabilities in 13.5nm EUV light generation, reflecting mirrors, and control systems. This development comes amid US restrictions on China’s access to foreign chip-making tools and could reshape the semiconductor industry landscape. The analysis covers the technical complexities of EUV machines, market projections, and China’s broader push toward semiconductor independence, with potential implications for global tech supply chains.

    Elon Musk Declares Himself ‘Soros of the Right’ | Behind the Scenes with Trump at Mar-a-Lago Benny Johnson 105,863 views Nov 24, 2024
    Elon Musk has embraced his role as “Soros of the Right” and he’s made Mar-a-Lago a second home for himself!

  28. Marie Joy

    How can I/WE help our President Trump?

  29. Galaxy 500

    Great Interview Greg! Thanks for having Alex back

  30. Justn Observer

    Greg and Mr. Newman, appears 200 nations balked at COP29 yesterday? Looks like things did NOT go their way Saturday?

    Developing nations blast COP29 climate deal | REUTERS =

  31. Justn Observer

    Greg, in many cases, the heads of the agencies are the shiny object…and it is the ‘deputy’ directors that do the daily dirty work. Might wait and see who gets appointed under Bondi, lol…
    One must remember ALL the characters directly under the heads, their directors, deputy directors and the ‘special counsels’ and AIG’s they employed to push ‘their’ destructive agendas for ‘their’ deep state puppet masters. As much of the time the DOJ, the AG and FBI work in concert…
    Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr, Comey and of course his daughter Maurene who attracted attention when she became the (supposed?) lead prosecutor in the case against Jeffrey Epstein, Mueller, Andrew McCabe, Peter Paul Strzok II and his then wife, Melissa Hodgman SEC Named Acting Director of Division of Enforcement etc.
    One might also look at their family members and ‘their’ positions of government which good or bad, make the D.C. area the swamp it is…with too many cross ties that insulate power. Which then is why, just removing someone here or there…does nothing to fix potential problems IF the ‘they’ are bend on political bias, and favoritism to remain in power. And of course, there is the ‘insider’ game of the ‘advise and consent’ which gives the ‘insiders’ the ability to choose who gets ‘ into those key positions’ that can either forward or destroy ‘the’ hidden agenda of the Western establishment which many see much of the time not be in just the best interests of the U.S. which IMO is ‘their’ goal as an ‘enforcement arm’ of a wider city-state confab of the world elites private-public stakeholders on both sides Congress who use high stakes school plays and false flags to dupe ‘the’ citizenry (‘they see is but their ‘human resources’) to go along with ‘their’ changes that advance ‘their’ world domination using fear and guilt as their main tools behind ‘their’ matrix and other such tools of division: religion, race, gender, age, class, etc.
    The above list is but an example…do hope the ‘We’ the people get to see a complete and open investigation and files as to just who did or did not do what. Then also see actual justice served on those who has but this nation and its people thru so much chaos AND wasted taxes, let alone death, side-effects, lost jobs, some people unfairly prosecuted etc. One likely could not even imagine the toll all this has caused. The loss of medical security, mis-education, radicalization, polarity, abortion, gender issues, ‘created’ hate, and now total distrust of government and its corrupt’fake’ news media.
    Among the first batch of E.O. one hopes DJT puts an end to the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act that affords cover for many as well. Some might also like to see DJT team to acknowledge the vast theft of COL for Social Security over the decades and address that, which might if adding some back, give many still working retired people to leave the workforce and open up and give opportunity and tens of thousands of jobs to the younger gen y and z looking to find meaningful jobs. (but DON’T HOLD ONES BREATH ON THAT ONE) LOL

  32. H. Craig Bradley

    Noticed 2 mentions about U.N. COP 29 Meetings on Saturday’s Bloomberg News Channel but ignored them as insignificant. Most, if not all Americans do not follow U.N. conferences, except for the Deep State animals, of course. I can not see that changing.

    Families have to “inoculate” their children to resist the tenets of globalism and socialism. Do we have the numbers or critical mass to stop the steal in the next 10 years? I have my (reasonable) doubts.

  33. Ira Elliott

    The Russians will launch nukes into the US before they launch them into Europe.

  34. Justn Observer

    Greg, some interesting insightful points between Tucker Carlson and
    Clayton Morris=
    Tucker Carlson: This current White House is being run by Satan, not human beings.

  35. Diana

    Rain down on DC, NYC, Cali and all other twisted blue areas. Do the world a huge favor. Save the world but don’t forget Geneva where all the crazies are. Alex is a great interview.

  36. The Canuck

    I’m a climate denier but something is going on. We have just experienced a well defined cyclone up here at the 50th parallel, west of Vancouver Island (Nov 19-20). And two days later I have never experienced such a hard and violent rainfall. Severe winter storms are not uncommon here on the coast but this intensity is taking things to a new level.

    • Greg Hunter


      Geoengineering is still real:
      Watch the “Dimming”


    • Armed_Strong

      I am not a Climate denier, it does change with the seasons 😉

      What I am really againts is Geoengineering. Forcing the planet to do things that is not supposed to for some agenda is inhuman and inmoral.

    • Katy Bar

      John Kerry is now telling the World To Prepare for “Catastrophic Ice Cold Summers” which is now the main focus of the Globalists Climate Change Agenda (so they can more easily “Take Over the World”)!! With all the massive Geoengineering Spraying of particles into Earth’s Atmosphere these Globalists have done what a massive volcano will do!! “Cool the Earth” so there will be “No Summers”!!! These Globalist Psychopaths probably figure that if they can bring about “An Ice Age” (with their Geoengineering) it will shut down “All Food Production on Earth” and “Finally Achieve Their Georgia Guidestone Goal of Killing Off 99% of the Human Population from Planet Earth!!!

  37. Marie Joy

    There is a great evil in America and the world. WE know it and most of us do nothing. I sit here and type and I wonder what I can do to help my President Trump and his people. All I can do, in my situation, is type and gripe but I would like to do more.
    You need to produce food in your house.

    • Armed_Strong

      We are all waiting for that day, a day that we all are going to rise. That only will happen when people wakes up from the farce that we are living.

  38. Justn Observer

    Greg, worth a smile …

    • Kit Lee

      We need to get the Queer Transgenders (like Madcow) out as our “Media Spokesperson” and replace “HIM” with Alex Jones!!

  39. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Great report with critical information that people need to know about. Thank you!

  40. Armed_Strong

    Would be nice to have any of these as guest, Wayne Jett, John Williams, Cliff High, David Morgan, Craig Hemke, Gregory Mannarino, Lynette Zang… what about Mark Dice, he is funny and has some good main stream media information.

    • Marie Joy

      Bill Holter.

  41. Galaxy 500

    Damn, I agree with Jill Biden, Joe light America and the world on fire and burned it down to the ground…
    Joe Buy-Dem, Pedo, pyromaniac, nation destroyer… That’s our Joe

  42. Walter

    Forgive me if I am off topic, but could you determine how many covid shots we would have had by now if we followed the CDC recommendations to the letter? I cannot find this information anywhere. You talk to people who might know. My best guess is about nine shots. Thanks for the wonderful work you do.
    I cannot wait to chastise my liberal friends and family for not being up to date regarding their covid schedule. A fun holiday awaits!

  43. Justn Observer

    Greg, some interesting facts many may have never heard about JFK murder in Dallas =
    Deception in Dealey with Craig Roberts & Mike Rothmiller

  44. Marie Joy

    IF there was a groundswell for Bobby, would he be more likeely to be confirmed? IF we all called our congress critters… it cannot hurt. Tell them you want Bobby and healthy food.

  45. Galaxy 500

    Hmmmm… one of Satan’s Highest Minions call on world to assassinate Israel’s leader. Here’s hoping Israel drops a large nuke on him. This daemon should love Hell fire

  46. Clyde

    Very good, this Rachel Madcow disease has been running rampant in this country for far too many years!

  47. Marie Joy

    Tulsi is still pushing the clot shot.
    Bondi was a strong democrat.
    Bobby was a strong democrat who supported Hillary, Obama, etc
    I’m worried we’re right back where we were.
    Time will tell.

  48. Marie Joy

    Looks like Soros will be happy with the Trump team.

    • Shiloh1

      Bondi, and now Sebastian Gorka. Ask Bill Holter which Jenga blocks to pull first collapse this travesty sooner.

  49. Justn Observer

    Greg, it appears the tariffs are necessary to help reverse the damage done to the U.S. economy by educated and ‘trained’ early globalists at Yale? Much of the loss of U.S. job outsourcing were ‘created’ by Presidents like Bill Clinton,
    Nixon, and the help of Kissinger. etc.
    APPARENTLY, ‘they didn’t know what would happen if they ‘repealed. Glass-Steagall Act? More likely they, the bankers, did! LOL
    Seems many of the ‘problems’ today are the consequences, intended or unintended of such globalist thoughts brought on by ill-conceived trade agreements pushed by bankers and lobbyists for shorter term gains, with disregard for the losses of work and standard of living of the middle class. WHATS NEW right? When one thinks of the China situation, and the bi-partisan vote to get rid of the Glass-Steagell Act during Clinton’s Mena days. Likely, DJT idea of using Tariffs is a hopeful plan to start the reversal of getting the U.S. back to a greater self-reliant industrial base to lessen the U.S. dependence on strategic needs including semi-conductors, chips, pharma products, metals, oil. Fact is, some sectors have bled the U.S. taxpayers and workers dry…via the inflation factor in some of the worst ones, like over pricing and cost of legal, medical, education, and defense products and expansion of state and local governments. That and the hidden theft of inflation and misuse of COL adjustments via the trickery and other ‘statistics’…and fake reporting and constant ‘revision’ of numbers used to gaslight the public.
    Clearly, to most that come here and listen to those you have interviewed for how long now…are aware…but most of public remains clueless. Reversing the damage will be both painful and slower than most realize, especially in a time so many live with such childish expectations of ‘immediate gratification’.
    All will now require… a regaining of reality and perspective as to how the real world is. IN TIME, WITHIN NATURAL EARTH CYCLES, WITHIN EVOLUTION, both physically and most importantly…Spiritually. IF the U.S. is to retain its ‘declaration’ of Independence, it MUST also BE SO, at least to the degree it is not so DEEPLY dependent on its own strategic needs which bankers from outside the U.S. have attempted and successfully hampered via efforts since BEFORE the U.S. felt compelled to break away from the banking cartel hierarchy of old. That is why ‘they’ are working so hard to regain and control all the areas of the world into ‘their’ NWO. That is why Jesus so upset ‘their’ apple cart. That is why, ‘they’ did not want slaves to learn to read and write, to think beyond the ‘geo-fence’ of ‘their’ plantations. That is why they are now struggling so hard to suppress speech, religion, assembly. Likely, that is why the scattered the people, confounded the languages…to keep people from sharing beliefs, views, opinions, knowledge. Those are the underpinning of understanding from which people gain….perspective, And once people unify and see a universe with a greater God and purpose…the concept of ‘them’ being any god, let alone a lessor one petrifies those wishing to fly over and live high on the hills overlooking the ‘deplorables’ and ‘irredeemable’ in their eyes which we know…is NOT so in the eyes of God! That said, those same thoughts lead people to HAVING to be more self-aware, accountable, living within ones means, while striving to make one’s condition better, but NOT at the expense of making others’ lives worse.

  50. Katy Bar

    Secretary of State Antony Blinken has come under fire after reports that earlier this month the State Department held “therapy sessions” for employees who couldn’t handle Trump’s election win. Purportedly the therapy sessions were designed to help Deep State workers (who fear being fired) happy again by making them listen to some “soothing music” (like the following music video “to help cheer them up”)!!

  51. Justn Observer

    Greg, just in time for the holidays. And we thought the lefty medical community never did anything good these days…even RFK jr might get behind this?

    • Katy Bar

      Good Idea JO – RFK jr should send all the Cry Babies (who wanted War under Biden/Harris) to Mars (the planet named after the Roman God of War)!!

  52. Prospector

    Fresh ATACMS missile use on Russia. NOV 23 – 24.

    ” …. I am speechless …”

    BREAKING : NATO now discussing the possibility of preemptive strikes against Russia.
    @DougAMacgregor @ExxAlerts

    • Kit Lee

      Instead of Attacking First it would serve NATO and the US well to be Non-aggressive (if they don’t want to put their future in jeopardy of a Russian Hyper-sonic Missile Attack)!! But, the Crying Libtards (who can’t get their way looting Russia) are instead throwing a Temper Tantrum and need a good slapping to put them in their place!! Russia could easily sanction (and take their money away too) by targeting the London Comex Exchange and Fort Knox instead of targeting Cities to kill the people who are against war!! And, Russia can also easily target the Globalists Gold Vaults in Switzerland!!!

  53. Katy Bar

    BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump (to ensure that America’s neighbors to the north and south help him fight the migrant crisis) Announced that he will punish both Canada and Mexico with a 25% Tariff on goods (until migrants stop crossing into America from their lands). Justin Trudeau threateningly responded: “Canada is essential to US domestic energy supply and last year 60 percent of US crude oil imports originated in Canada”!! Americans better be prepared for higher gas and oil prices until Trump gets the drilling going in Alaska and other US Oil and Gas Producing States!! Mexico has still not responded but we better prepare for higher prices for our imported Mexican fruits and vegetables!! The Border War Has Begun!!!

  54. Prospector

    Via RT :
    The Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that it was preparing an unspecified response to Ukrainian strikes targeting an air defense battery and an airfield in Kursk Region. According to the MOD, Kiev used American-made ATACMS missiles during the bombardment on November 23 and November 25.

    Some interesting thoughts on how these new weapons change the war.
    @HealthRanger – Nov 25

    So far, almost nobody in the west fully comprehends the Oreshnik weapon system just demonstrated by Russia. Hat tip to Ted Postol, Scott Ritter and Brian Berletic, the only 3 people I’ve found so far who fully understand this. I’ve done the math on the kinetic energy of the submunitions (using estimates for mass), and I’ve studied up on what’s publicly known about these weapons so far. My conclusion? NATO is done. The west has no idea what just hit them. Russia’s Oreshnik weapon system is checkmate for NATO and the USA. All U.S. aircraft carriers can be destroyed in minutes. All U.S. military bases, all underground bunkers, all ICBM launch sites, naval shipyards, etc., can be destroyed with NON-NUCLEAR kinetic energy via the Oreshnik. There are no active treaties (that I’m aware of) prohibiting this weapon system, and it doesn’t destroy surrounding infrastructure or masses of civilians. It is a devastating, unstoppable surgical strike weapon that basically drops metal lightning out of the sky like Thor’s Hammer or the comets of God. Nobody has any defense against it, and the range of these weapons, once mounted on intercontinental boosters, is global. The west must now either back off or go nuclear. They will probably choose to go nuclear out of desperation, be warned. Russia has just changed the course of warfare and achieved global dominance. NOBODY in the western press even has a clue. They are too stupid, too woke or too arrogant to realize what just happened. This is like playing chess with Putin and thinkin you might be competitive, then suddenly Putin’s queen unleashes a flamethrower across the chess board and roasts all your pieces, setting them on fire. You thought you were playing “chess” but Putin was playing a different game called “flamethrower.” It’s that big of a deal.

    • Kit Lee

      What a great weapon Russia has – it can surgically take out the Globalist Neocons hiding out in their Deep State Bunkers and leave the rest of the American people “safe and secure in their homes” without any fallout or radiation problems!! Notice how Biden immediately ran to safety in the Brazilian Rain Forest after he gave the order to strike Russia with ATACMS!!

  55. Matt

    The agenda driven school curriculums across this nation can only be subverted by one action: homeschooling. Emm masse, take your kids out of public schools. Heads in classrooms equals Fed Ed dollars. The less kids, the less the funding, and much better outcomes!

    • Kit Lee

      Plus our School Taxes will go away when we get rid of the Public Schools and home-school our children!!

  56. Prospector

    LOL ….. Good luck with that , Lurch. The CON game is over.

    WE ARE THE MEDIA NOW !! You have no power here.

    ” US needs to declare Climate Emergency ” , translation , give us more money and power to keep you ” safe .”

    “The threat of environmental crisis will be the ‘international disaster key’ that will unlock the New World Order.” | Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union – 1996

  57. Dave L

    For the most part, I enjoy your guests,
    I will find them on other platforms.
    The Wellness company really?? REALLY?
    The grifting has become too much for me to continue to listen. Sad. Take care.

  58. Katy Bar

    Martin Armstrong (our Free Press Spokesperson) Tells the Truth about the “Manufactured War” Against Russia!!

  59. Prospector

    WASHINGTON ( AP ) White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-olds so it has enough troops to battle Russia
    The Ukrainians have said they need about 160,000 additional troops to keep up with its battlefield needs, but the U.S. administration believes they probably will need more than that.

    ENOUGH !

  60. Justn Observer

    Greg, might explain Ms. Kamela.eon spacey, control minded answers? = Jamaica Finally Sent Us Kamala’s Father’s Birth Certificate

  61. john

    Trump a Wrecking Ball for Climate Change Fraud,” presents a critical perspective on former President Donald Trump’s stance regarding climate change policies and global efforts to combat it. Newman positions Trump as a disruptor, challenging what he calls “climate change fraud” and framing his actions as an effort to protect economic interests, especially those related to the fossil fuel industry.

    The article highlights Trump’s skepticism toward mainstream climate change science and his rollback of environmental regulations, arguing that his policies favored economic growth over environmental protections. Newman’s argument is likely rooted in the belief that much of the climate change narrative is manipulated for political or financial gain, with Trump seen as someone willing to confront this narrative.

    This perspective will resonate with readers who share doubts about the climate change agenda or those who believe economic factors should take precedence over environmental regulations. On the other hand, critics of Trump’s actions would argue that his policies harmed environmental efforts and ignored the scientific consensus on the urgency of addressing climate change.

    Overall, the article serves as a critique of climate change policies, portraying Trump as a figure who took a bold stance against what Newman views as exaggerated claims and political manipulation surrounding climate science. It’s important to consider the broader debate around the issue of climate change and how different political figures interpret the science and economics behind it.

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