Trump Admin: Fight Between Freedom & Deep State Control – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, says the real work for the Trump Administration is happening now.  CAF is a financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.) who managed hundreds of billions of dollars in her career.  CAF says this is a fight within the Trump Administration that is summed up by those who will fight for freedom and sovereignty and those who want America under Deep State control.  CAF explains, “You had a lot of people who voted for Trump that wanted to see him protect freedoms.  You also have a lot of people voting and donating for Trump because they think he can get them the control grid.  The centralization and decentralization are both hoping Trump will give them what they want. . . . Trump has to do something that works economically.  The first day, Trump will be asked to fill the top 10 or 20 positions.  Ultimately, after you fill the cabinet and the other top positions, then there are another 10,000 positions to be filled.  The President does 1,000 positions, and those thousand do the rest of about 10,000 positions.  The guys who want the control grid are trying to get their people in place.  The guys who want freedom are trying to get their people in place. . . . After you get the people in place, it’s going to have to be battled out one policy at a time. . . . So, this is trench warfare, and it’s not going to be decided by the election.  It’s going to be decided by the staffing and the policy debate that happens day after day.

The corruption that has to be cleaned up is huge.  Take the recent announcement of royalties being paid to a government health agency — the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  CAF says, “The NIH is receiving $1.1 billion from Pfizer–BioNTech for the Covid vaccine shots.”

Ed Dowd says we just added a fresh 800,000 disabled people to the 4 million disabled since the CV19 shots were introduced.  The total amount of disabled people in the US from the CV19 vax now stands at 4.8 million.

CAF points out Dr. Mark Skidmore (Michigan State) just published a study that says if we could go back to the disability numbers of 2010 and before, the US could reduce the federal deficit by $500 billion a year!! 

CAF says, “If you connect the dots with Ed Dowd, Dr. Skidmore’s study and the announcement of Pfizer paying royalties to NIH, we are paying NIH a billion dollars to poison the American people and bankrupting the country.”

There is no wonder why Big Pharma and the NIH are very nervous of Bobby Kennedy Jr.  Keep in mind, this is just one broken piece of corrupt government.

CAF says look who DOGE is auditing first.  It’s the IRS.  CAF says, “If you knew the government was missing $21 trillion (and it is), you would go to the Fed and audit them. . . . We are going to go over to the New York Fed and the Treasury and look at the bank accounts and find out where that money went and get it back—right?  Why would they audit the IRS?  Because Janet Yellen (Treasury Secretary) says the American people owe $7 trillion in unpaid taxes.  There is only one reason you audit the IRS, and that’s because you want to collect the $7 trillion.  So, you are not trying to find the $21 trillion that has disappeared out the back door? You are trying to find the people who Janet Yellen says owe the US Treasury.

CAF says look out for the push for a digital ID.  It equals slavery.  It’s being pushed by the Deep State control team.  CAF says the freedom team will push to keep cash alive.  Everyone can do that by using cash more.  CAF says, “The big danger in 2025 is going to be rising inflation. . . .The real inflation rate is around 10%.”  CAF also says there is a big market correction coming because the stock market is in a bubble.  CAF says there will be gruesome news coming out of Syria in 2025 because her sources say, “The genocide and slaughter are off the charts in Syria.”

In closing, CAF says there are many ways the Deep State control team wants to separate you from your wealth, and the freedom team will be proposing ways to stop that along with protecting freedom of speech.  2025 will be trench warfare between the Deep State control team and the freedom and sovereignty team.

There is much more in the 1-hour & 28-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts, as she looks ahead for what’s coming in 2025 for 1.1.25.

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  1. Katy Bar

    I thought we were going to get rid of the IRS?? Now CAF is saying we are going to have the IRS go after the little crooks who owe 7 Trillion Dollars?? And allow the bigger criminals at the Fed who stole 21 Trillion Dollars off the hook???

    • larime

      The IRS and Federal Reserve were born in 1913 on the same day. If one goes so must the other

      • Jay

        And furthermore, a search for IRS headquarters brings up reference after reference to London and the Bank of England with its 12 Federal Reserve branches in the United States. Or at least it did about 15 years ago when I was researching the matter. Also keep in mind that the original 13 colonies were founded as a tax base for the crown of England. Quantity, technology and collection methods are the only real changes to that part of the equation.

        • sk

          You mean “City of London”, not “London”?

    • Jay

      That’s like saying that somebody owes 7 trillion dollars to some street thugs who already robbed the people for $21 trillion dollars. But the figures are really much higher. The lowest figure I have heard is 36 trillion and many estimate more like 94 trillion. But hey, what’s a few trillion dollars among fellow thieves?

      As for vaccines? If someone comes at you with a syringe and a needle these days, it’s no different than if they came at you with a knife or a gun and you should respond accordingly. It’s just as deadly as if someone locked you in a closet and threw a spitting cobra in there with you. The difference is that the spitting cobra would kill you in a few minutes rather than taking a few weeks or months.

    • Robert

      Please take a look at the the virus “rampage” that is taking place in China the last week of 2024!:

      Please do not forget what Peter Hotez promised for January 21st, 2025:

      Tom Renz: mRNA Bird Flu Shots Are On The Shelf Ready For Rollout:

      Here is a deeper dive into the cabinet he has chosen:

      They are going to overrun Trump on his first day in office with another fake plandemic which will include lockdowns and martial law once the 40 million immigrants decide it will be better to die in the street of America rather than be deported back to their 3rd world country!

      We are in the 4th year of this timeline!:

    • Laura Ann

      Good overview with C. Fitts . We also need to get out of the UN completely, tell their members to hold meetings in the far left country of Belgium since they promote world UN control in the E.U. and war with Russia.

    • Jeffrobbins

      For the DOGE team to go after the IRS is really about getting some pay back. Im certain when you have large holdings and investments, the IRS is viewed as a worthy adversary. I wouldn’t read much into rich men wanting a little fun out of harassing the harassers. In truth i personally won’t hold my breath waiting for ANY government efficiency. That’s a contradiction.

    • Merrill Miller

      I agree, she tends to make statements and go on to the next one. To me, it’s just on run-on sentence. I understand to issue with CBDC’s, but private digital decentralized, like I think she’s referring to, bitcoin. She never explains what she means. Ron Paul was right. So, say the fed printed up a bunch of money, lead it out to their friend and say they gave it to DOD. pay everybody off and we all get rich. So what if some single mom can’t feed her kids.

    • Kerry Burns

      Trump is also talking about getting rid of income tax altogether.

    • Mandy

      yeah, she had me questioning her on the last interview about BTC. She doesnt have to be a fan, but she is so smart in other areas. `how come she cant put forth a cohesive argument about Crypto’s. Everything she said was false.
      this IRS nonsense flies in the face of past Trump policy and current Trump promises.

  2. Ken Yu

    Pfizer paying Billion Dollar bribes to NIH “So They Can Continue To Poison the American People” should have their License to Operate Suspended and the Pfizer Company completely Screwed and Dismembered (the same way Fauci Dismembered those “totally innocent” Dogs with Screw Worms Eating Out Their Brains)!!

    • Kit Lee

      More importantly we should be “very wary” about what happened to P’Nut the Squirrel and Fred the Raccoon! It has been revealed that both P’Nut and Fred “did not have rabies”!! The animals were “Marked for Death by the State” (who falsely claimed “the Animals had Rabies” thus “Allowing State Officials to Seized and Decapitate them”. Very likely “To Set a Precedent” so that one day “Humans could also be Seized and Decapitated by State Officials at FEMA Camps”!! What will stop Globalist paid State Officials from simply using the False Excuse “that They Believe a group of Humans have Rabies”?? Therefore “Requiring the Decapitation of the Subjects’ Heads” (so they can be Opened and their Brains Examined the same way Fauci did with Dogs)!!

      • Laura Ann

        If the owner of these pets kept his mouth shut he would still have his pets, but getting on social media and bragging what he had was stupid. If I won a big lottery I would’nt tell even relatives or friends. People can’t be trusted to keep secrets, even family or friends. Which is why I don’t confide anymore in others. Social media is primarily used for gossip or celebrity news. Smart people use social media to comment on gov. corruption news on X even if allowed brief comments.

        • Julie Tyra

          They used peanut to fund a charity for abused abandoned and starved animals.

      • Katy Bar

        What will stop Globalist paid State Officials from simply using the False Excuse “that They Believe a group of Humans have Bird Flu? or Ebola? Or Decease X? So they can Seize and Decapitate Them at FEMA Camps (the same way they now get rid of deceased Chickens)!!!

    • sdmule

      Hmm….paying billion dollar bribes to the peeps(government agencies)whose job it is to protect the public(that’s you) .
      And you think someone is coming to your rescue?
      If that someone isn’t you….that rescue isn’t happening….period. Until people realize that….the noose keeps getting tighter and the wealth of the nation siphoned off by the looters.

  3. Don Doerr Sr.

    The 2020 – 2024 policies and actions of the Antichrist Obama-Hillary controlled Biden-Harris Communist Democrat RINO Party (founded on November 22, 1963) puppet Administration must be prosecuted. We are not looking at the “Loyal Opposition” but at an enemy force that has robbed Americans through created Inflation; pushed to murder unborn children; delivered their covid and deadly vaccines with control masks; opened our borders to an invasion force of freeloaders, killers, and rapists; made us energy dependent; used their FBI and the Justice Depart to sidestep our laws; caused the deaths of thousands of Americans such as Lincoln Riley, 14-year Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbit, our 13 Soldiers in Afghanistan, and so many more.

    If America is so corrupt that we close our eyes to such Evil – all Blessed by Pope Francis – how can we hope to recover?

    • Don Doerr Sr.

      In my previous message, I misstated the name of Laken Riley, one of the thousands of victims of Crime Boss Joe Biden’s treasonous Open Border Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion Force. I apologize for my error, but shouldn’t Biden-Harris be prosecuted for her murder when their decisions directly caused her death? How do these Biden-Harris actions on behalf of the Communist Democrat RINO Party (founded on November 22, 1963) differ from the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland?

  4. Katy Bar

    Speaking of Corruption – Why do you think Biden commuted the sentences of criminal scammers who defrauded $5 Billion from the American People??
    Some of Those Biden Set Free:
    1) Paul Burks – $900 Million Ponzi Scam
    2) James Fry – $1.9 Billion Ponzi Scam
    3) Timothy McGinn -$136 Million Fraud
    4) Eric Bloom -$665 Million Fraud
    5) Gregory McKnight – $72 Million Ponzi Scam
    6) Nevin Shapiro -$930 Million Ponzi Scam
    7)Gregory Podlucky – $685 Million Pyramid Scam
    8) Etc., etc., etc.
    Answer: They All Likely Promised 10% for the Big Guy!!!

    • Marie Joy

      Why does no one sue joe biden. Surely, any lawyer worth her salt could find a few billion reason$.

    • Ken Yu

      Notice how NOT EVEN ONE person “who simply trespassed” on Jan 6 was considered for a pardon by Criminal Biden!!!

  5. Katy Bar

    I think I know why Federal Politicians love Wars and Conflicts with other Nations? So they can Impose Taxes (either on Personal Income or by Sales Taxes or by Tariffs!! State Politicians get on the “Gravy Train” by imposing Income and Sales Taxes at the State Level. Even Cities join in on the “Money Grab” (imposing City Income Taxes, etc.). So Every Layer of Government Today (from Washington to the States, Counties, Towns and Villages now claim the right to “Extort Money From The People” based on their income and/or their possessions (like their home) and now they want CBDC’s so they can track every single monetary transactions by every individual !! We sure have come a long way from “Rebelling Against an Inconsequential Tax on Tea”!!! Will doing away with the Federal Income Tax unravel the ability for States and Cities to continue collecting their Income Taxes???

  6. katman

    Gregg I have remedy – I created My I D Card & My Travel Plates –
    which as used throughout the USA !!

    • Deep

      katman, please … don’t provide details … you may help someone.

  7. Roger Stamper

    tks for post caf greg

  8. Jill Herendeen

    re: “we are paying NIH a billion dollars to poison the American people and bankrupting the country.” Only to be expected when “healthcare” is a privately-owned, for-profit cartel, subsidized & defended against all improvement by our wildly-regressive tax dollars. If the ultra-rich had to pay ALL the taxes ((and why shouldn’t they, since they have all the money?), & weren’t allowed to profit by owning that cartel, they would no longer be incentivized to attack anyone’s health.

  9. HandsomeHank

    Cash is coming back as politicians discover they can’t buy prostitutes and drugs with digital currency

  10. john collis

    the US seems to be wrapping it’s arms around COMMUNISM

    • Greg Hunter

      You think Communism was why Trump was elected in a landslide? Really?

      • Mike

        Greg. Love your show. I believe the shots will not be recalled is it would show the people who got the shots
        That hose shots caused their problems and admit guilt upon big pharma. What else could wake up the ignorant? Just an idea. Mike

        • Greg Hunter

          I am not sure you grasp how big the CV19 bioweapon shot problem really is.

          • Domenico Gillo

            I went to the Solari website and downloaded the pdf “What the states can do”.
            As a Republican party committee member in NJ I contacted the committee Chairman and forwarded the doc who passed it to the front running candidate for governor. He found interesting and I hope he will use some of the ideas and plans in the doc.

            • Greg Hunter

              Thanks “D G,”!!

  11. Deborah

    I am so glad that CAF has brought up Burgum and Lutnick have some huge red flags as heads of these departments. Burgum has played two sides to the middle for much of his political career, it’s just he’s been smart being low key about it. Lutnick philosophy is such as commercializing by using contractors.

    • Mark

      I am glad you brought up Lutnick. I agree with CAF in that he is a deal maker, in that he is a creative crook. He and others in his circle make money and the little people are fleeced. Do not forget he received the text warning him to stay away from the twin towers; his trading floor was directly hit. He got the office late because he wanted to take his child to school that morning. Just a coincidence of course just like Silverstein.

  12. Stephen Ryals

    The operating system is finally reviewed . Delta airlines has a walk through sign that shows ur information. This is insane. It post on a giant screen. the person beside u can not see it. only you. Ok for this to happen they have to have downloaded software inside you for your optical viewing. How can you walk up to a screen and no one else can see it but you. it’s not iris scan for ID its You only viewing of your flight info. The syborg vax has a operation platform that goes through ur optics only. no one else can see the information but u. The person beside u can see their info on the screen, you see your info in the screen.

  13. Ranger

    If the American People ever allow Private Banks to Issue their Currency, the Corporations surrounding those Banks will through Inflation and Deflation, deprive the American People of all Property until they are homeless on the continent we conquered for them.

    Well?? We allowed The Private Federal Reserve to do just that.

    Until the Federal Reserve Central Bank is Removed from these shores, and The Act of 1871, The Federal Reserve Act, and The 16th Amendment are Repealed, not one thing will ever change in America.

    But, let’s touch on and speak of every issue and topic, yet never consider the dangers to America from The Federal Reserve and Their Owners.

    Catherine knows this wholeheartedly but doesn’t push for their destruction. I do understand why. Lincoln and JFK tried to go around those Bankers and we saw what the Bankers did to them.

    If we don’t get rid of the Federal Reserve, nothing else you do matters.

    Y’all have a Debt Filled New Year.

  14. RAFO

    Yes… Please use cash wherever and whenever you can! I use cash everywhere, except at the gas pump. Make regular visits to your bank or credit union and withdraw CASH! Like the old saying, if you don’t use it you’ll lose it. Cash is untraceable freedom… so use it!

  15. Justn Observer

    Greg. another timely insightful interview with CAF… As an person that once worked at Dillion and Reed…she should know how the Pilgrim Society and other ””JFK ‘secret societies’ actually run the behind the curtain finances, elite’s agendas, and policy.
    Carter was a minion of Brezenski, and under Carter, a lamb pushed out to quiet the waters after the JFK murder, Nixon, LBJ debacles, did set up the stay behind force in government many now complain about = the SES ‘senior executive service. Also, with the help of the ‘vetting’ process…many of the cabinet and other agencies heads come from the same old pool….and in many cases it is the ‘under-secretary’ that are the real power brokers, and those that are their staff…= the B teams = ‘they B there before the current administration, they B there during the current administration, and they B there after the current administration…or…in or on the boards of the major multi-national corporations/Pharma/ MIC /Energy etc. The ‘roots’ of all the ‘secret societies’ are NOT of North America…yet..those roots did pop up in the Americas, N. AND S. and in many other areas of the world, under the guise and control of ‘religions’ behind empires of the past. Not much has changed. Trying to get and keep peace…is definitely like herding cats…and those leaders of the pay to play ilk…want ‘their’ cut be they for their alliance…of for ‘their’ covert alliance helping TPTB for selling out their own countries. Nothing CAF says is shocking or unreasonable IF people take the time to study the tapestry from the back side rather than take the picture presented from the front. Make a list of the players, x out those that died, write in the names of the new ones that take their place, keeping an eye on who they are married to, and their ancestorial ties and countries they are from, many of who have duel – citizenships and passports.
    Time to spent the time learning more deeply about those IN those ‘secret societys’ and ‘clubs’ and associations where the REAL policy and sausage is made. All about DOGS, Drugs, Oil/energy, Guns, and Sex trafficking that are the lanes of undocumented cash flow used to buy, bribe, coerce, compromise and control nations resources, including ‘human’ resources/ cheap labor/enslavement within ‘their’ designated plantations of which people need A PORT PASS to travel to and for… unless of course ‘they’ feel/need to move masses of populations for one reason or another. NOTHING is by chance, as they say, if such things are happening, they are planned. We can see WHAT is happening, its the WHO and WHY…and que bono that is what people need to focus on, NOT the BLM, or antifa etc…they are the funded useless idiots use to create the chaos, and be ‘the targets’ of focus, the distraction to blame it all, when it IS the stakeholder and ‘their’ corporations-hedge funds – foundations and off shore accounts that need to be exposed. Since the day the U.S. won? its independence, those old royal ties and their ‘loyalist’ agreeded to right that ship, = Treaty of Verona? then came the EU banks and their noses under the tent…and ultimate flip of the U.S. treasury AND other nation’s by Central banking system, now the BIS and FED, etc and as we have learned the BRIC plus, was spawn out of the Rockefeller plans in mid 50 ‘s , so is it really a BRIC break away plan or a design meant to ‘create’ a banking debacle to ‘create’ a need for a new JECKYLL ISLAND plan to put ALL currency under a new ‘universal’ singularity banking one. Wider discussions are needed to get to the true understanding of it.
    We are and need to be concerned about our ‘present’ situation, ie what they are doing to our health, or economic and financial situation, and our ability to survive and thrive thru these current evil plans, of the vaxes= germ and chemical warfare, of unhealthy food and the supply chain disruptions. and ‘their’ plans using inflation to make the cost of food, energy, and essential needs, like medical care un-affordable or ‘denied’ access to. One does what percentage of people share interviews and this one with CAF. and of that sharing, how many bother to watch, listen, and follow up on it, and who in their local areas are pushing these policies and following these agendas, AND take an active role to stop or expose it. Truth is the majority of people DO NOTHING until it affects them personally…and usually by then…it is too late.
    IF Trump and team wants to succeed they might consider what CAF is saying but also in light of these…and know who -was and is still ACTUALLY pulling the puppet strings and what the history, ancestry, and ideology of one’s donors are, and what ‘they’ expect. Yes, DJT is wealthy, but so are many in the world more so. As Ritter says, the dog poop on the U.S. shoes are Biden’s and his adopted Hillary/Obama crew. Trump does not have to admit defeat; just admit he is changing U.S policy and involvement in Ukraine’s lost desire to be a member of NATO and admit/see the Russian concerns of having such on their border…. just as the U.S. would find Russian or Chinese base on the other side of the Mexican border fence. Just like DJT does not like China’s increasing influcene and control at the Panama Canal. Oh – and yes, along with Carter’s SES, he was involved in that misstep as well… or, and by the way Carter knew very little about nuclear energy….ALTHOUGH he was ‘trained’ to be part of and had knowledge as a member of a ‘nuclear containment team’ as to ops on ships should a mishap occur….and as those go….each member is suited up…and sent in with a specific task within ‘their’ time limit of exposure. HIS job was to turn a screw during his part of that sequence to shut -down the reactor. He left to take over his dad’s family peanut farm, then went into politics, was a minion of the Rockefeller/Brzenski/Kissinger cabal…with just like other POTUS’s, a vetted team of his ilk- globalists and overzealous Zionist. Yes, once he left he involved himself is nice things like Habitat, or at least he did lots of ‘photo-ops’ pounding nails, MAYBE to deflect from what he like other POTUS’s were a part of, a part of a greater GLOBALIST plans many here have posted links to…

    It is NOT all ‘conspiracy ‘theory’ as much as ‘they’ hope you believe is the case.

    Just listening to interviews without sharing and taking action…will only lead to waiting to listen to another interview. Seeing the problems and relying on say, a DJT to fix them…without action beyond just voting and rooting for him…likely will not get to the recovery everyone hopes for,
    A better Conclusion for the about =

    Maybe a good New Year resolution is to study more and share that knowledge, and act on it.

  16. Jeannie Ingaran

    My favorite guest.

  17. Greg not Greg Hunter

    Some of these advertisements are crashing the video.

    • Greg Hunter

      I have been complaining to Rumble about this, and I’ll stay on them in 2025 until they back off on some of these commercials.

      • Tom N.

        If you use the Brave browser you do not get any of the commercials. Try it!

  18. k.lane

    EMERGENCY BROADCAST: Suspect In New Orleans Terror Attack Wore Military Fatigues, Crossed Mexican Border — FBI Probes ISIS Link!Breaking Developments Posted 1 hour ago
    Get breaking developments on the world’s most important news NOW!

  19. Joe Doakes

    Lara Logan: CIA Was Urging Taliban to Activate Sleeper Cells in US For Terror Attack to be Blamed on ISIS by Jamie White January 1st, 2025
    “I am very skeptical – it is too easy to blame ISIS. They do it over and over to hide the fact that powerful people inside American intel agencies are in bed with this nation’s enemies,” she says.

  20. JohnF

    CAF says look out for the push for a digital ID. It equals slavery. It’s being pushed by the Deep State (CIA) control team = MOTB – Prevents You From Buying Or Selling.!

  21. Susan Russo

    I watched this New Years Day interview with CAF and was left with optimism. As I discussed it with my boyfriend, I wandered off on many sideroads. I admire Catherine and her intelligence and connections and her prophecies for the coming year may be right on. I am certainly left in a good mood and a little wiser. Thank you, Greg, and Best Wishes for the New Year to you and all here.

  22. Richard Gould

    HIDDEN HISTORY of vaccines – After World War II, the Western Medical Industrial Complex began medically experimenting on disabled people and minorities, including children, who were prisoners of the state held captive in mental hospitals. The doctors and scientists claimed it was for the “greater good,” just as Hitler said about exterminating millions of Jews, Blacks, disabled people, kids with autism and anyone with a mental disorder. Then, in the mid 1950s, a group of Harvard scientists won the Nobel Prize for growing the Polio virus in tissue cultures. — PLEASE NOTE; When the CDC increased the childhood vaccination rates about 35 years ago, infant death rates began skyrocketing, as well as autism statistics — After that, Dr. Jonas Salk tested the virus on Rhesus monkeys (using their kidneys) and 5 pharma firms somehow immediately concluded that the experimental concoctions were the ultimate formula for preventing Polio in humans, and voila – the holy grail of medicine was born – vaccines. (NOTE; I am 77, in perfect health, and have NEVER been vaccinated. NOT ONCE.) The polio vaccine lie was born, and the “safety” and “efficacy” conspiracy theory of all vaccines lives on right now, hoodwinking 270 million Americans! Pfizer Representative Refuses to Answer This Straightforward Question About His COVID Vaccine; Globalist Depopulation Operation Exposed by Covid Whistleblowers — God is perfect… and He is infallible. Which means He is incapable of making mistakes or being wrong; For instance, there are 1804 prophecies in the Bible. The word ‘prophecy’ means He has told us what He is going to do in the future. There has never been a failure in prophecy; every prophecy, up till now, has been fulfilled perfectly. This fulfillment of prophecy proves that ALL prophecies in the Bible will always be fulfilled AT THE PROPER TIME for fulfillment. The next prophecy due is the prophecy about the Great Tribulation. Why do we study the Scriptures? So that we can learn Truths such as this; 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.—When you learn the Truth from the Bible (John 17:17) and put what you learn into practice in your life, that leads to THIS; Who are the chosen ones? Please look up and read the following versus very carefully; Psalm 37:29; Ecclesiastes 1:4; Isaiah 25:8; Isaiah 35:5; Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 65:21, 22 “They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. They will not build for someone else to inhabit, nor will they plant for others to eat. For the days of my people will be like the days of a tree, and the work of their hands my chosen ones will enjoy to the full.”

    • Kit Lee

      God is Perfect … and He is Infallible (Which means He is Incapable of Making Mistakes or Ever Being Wrong)!! Which means the Demon-Rats now in Control of Washington AC/DC “Were Not Made By God” !! … As Proof just look at who these Demon-Rats Worship (when spied upon at one of their Satanic Rituals)!! –

      • Katy Bar

        This seems to suggest there are two(2) Gods who made man in their image (God the Father and the Devil)!! God the Father warned “DO NOT TAKE FALSE GODS BEFORE ME”!!! Yet, at half time at all our football games the Devil is worshiped, and at the highest office of the land we have a President who believes “Thou Shall Steal, Thou Shall Kill (Russians, etc., etc), and at our Big Pharma Companies we have Demons who like Fauci delight in killing innocent humans the way Fauci killed innocent dogs, and the way NY State Goon Squads delighted in decapitating P’Nut, and like Cuomo loved putting virus infected patients into Nursing Homes!!! When people were given the choice years ago (to save Jesus or Barabbas) who wound up on the Cross? It is like we are living in Sodom and Gomorrah where we just can’t find ten good men to prevent being Nuked in a World Wide III Fireball (all we have so far is Trump, Vance, Musk, RFK Jr, and Ramaswamy (we need to find 5 more Good Men or its curtains for the Demon Race and Planet Earth)!!!

  23. Bruce Wayne Vetter

    I’m impressed that CAF even heard of
    One may find it useful to determine how he develops his information. It’s by volunteer boots on the ground, city by city.

    • Katy Bar

      Our true Cost of Living in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, etc., etc. is 18% so the US Government gives its workers a 3% Cost of Living increase “to Make Sure it is Abiding by WEF Guidelines” (demanding that all Citizens Purchasing Power continues to move toward Zero) so that by 2030-35 “Everyone will Happily Own Nothing”)!!

  24. Yaha Booba

    Taiwan Ready To Hit Beijing With Hypersonic Missiles As Xi Threatens Conquest | GRAVITAS LIVE WION Streamed live 4 hours ago GRAVITAS
    Taiwan now has hypersonic missiles that can strike China’s capital Beijing, capable of creating utter devastation. The development comes just a day after Chinese President Xi Jinping said that no one can stop China’s unification with Taiwan. How will China counter this new threat?
    You hoid da golden rule, he who has da most gold wins, have you herd he whom has the most fastest missiles rules? Ask the Houtties!

    • Katy Bar

      China only needs a few hundred Hypersonic Missiles to completely destroy Taiwan (Taiwan will need Tens of Thousands of Hypersonic Missiles to completely destroy China). Taiwan is “the mouse” in a China Shop trying to scare the Elephant (which will only result in it losing its home)!!

  25. yolanda bruhle

    Whoopi Goldberg The View Host LOSES IT CRYING After $80 Million LAWSUIT Over Elon Musk Comments! OkayRickk 107K views 1 day ago

  26. Bill Holder

    We just saw another False Flag in New Orleans. People, pay attention, the Deep State wants the US upto the head in a war in the Middle East.

    Who is ISIS, who created them? The truth will shock you if you do not know. Trump defeated ISIS how?

    People, get ready for a huge surprise when the real truth comes out; if ever comes out.

    Thay flase flag is to militarize the police; keep in mind the TSA, why they are there, what triggered the action. In addition to that, stir anger in the population to volunteer on another war in the name of who and what?

    We are the end of the Deep State Empire and they have a “Scorched Earth” plan to cover their tracks and regain power; do not play their hand.

    • Katy Bar

      Back about 2000 years ago the Deep State was out to Crucify Jesus (like they are out to Crucify Trump today)!! So Trump better have a “Resurrection Plan” in place so that “If The Deep State (using a False Flag attack) somehow Succeeds in Killing Trump” the MAGA Movement Will Continue On “Stronger Then Ever”!!! Putting Elon Musk in as Speaker of the House (and third in line for the Presidency) should assure that if the Deep State somehow kills both Trump and Vance – Musk “will take over” as President of the United States of America!!!

      • Bill Holder


        Elon is a spook, I do trust that guy at all, neither Bezos, Schmidt, Cook, and the rest of the big tech gang. Elon is a creation of the Deep State. Mention one enterprise of his the Gov Cash is not involved? There are none. Space X is a NASA Light. Tesla is supported by subsidies, tax carbom credits, rebates, tax breaks, and subsidies. Starlink is another Gov operation that is used nowadays in the military.

        Elon, in essence and definition a Fascist (merge of gov and corp powers); ask Gerald Celente the definition of a Fascist.

        No, no Elon in Gov. About JD Vance, I do not trust him either. I say keep your eyes open, be open to rapid changes.

    • Katy Bar

      As you say Bill: “We are at the end of the Deep State Empire and they have a ‘Scorched Earth Plan’ to cover their tracks and regain power; so do not play into their hands”!!! People are trying not to play and are fleeing New York’s high taxes and rampant street and subway crime, but the Demon-rats in charge “simply make-up statistics” to support their Economic Boom Fantasy!! And going along with the fantasy is the Greedy Wall Street Crowd who are now even more emboldened “with Trump’s latest support for their Crypto Currencies” (that they see as an easy “Gravy Train to Riches”) and which they believe Trump will now use as a Financial Instrument (to Continue their Monetary Shell Game that now Sustains both US and Global GDP). It seems there is no way the Deep State will ever allow Bitcoin to Implode, because it will set in motion “A Collapse So Devastating” it will Inflict Very Great Long-lasting Psychological Damage Upon All Securities Markets, that it will “Shake the Very Foundations of The Digital Economic Order The Globalists Are Trying So Hard To Impose Upon The World”!!!

  27. Rod Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Happy New Year 2025
    Mr. Greg Hunter
    Our Ultimate American Patriot
    Thanks for all you do for your followers

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Lt. Colonel Brumley!!

  28. Prospector

    DIGITAL I.D. — Heads Up ! !

    Say NO , the camels nose under the tent ( sure it’s ” for the children ” ) BULL !!

    Senators Rush to Pass Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), Face Criticism Over Censorship and Age Verification Issues
    Opponents warn of censorship, age verification risks, and potential threats to free speech and data privacy.

    The government creates the crisis so they can ” RESCUE ” you with the loss of even more freedoms.

  29. Seer

    Please have Dr Ardis on to present how nicotine (not cigarettes) can block the poison venoms used in jabs and in ending lives. He uses a patch but has a non tobacco method of mints or gum with xylitol. The first americans (Indians) used tobacco to cure many indications including cancer. It does raise blood pressure so be careful if on meds.
    Many should keep this in survival supplies.
    In remote viewing meditation for 20 Jan see it being held indoors. A few days later weather reports came out they have made a huge winter freezing weather drop covering TN to east coast so too cold to attend it outside as normal. 47 is seated and there. It may be his look a like stand in for safety. We shall see.

  30. Really Awake

    And the Glorified Jesus opened the Fifth Seal…..

    …….”And they [those Godly Ones murdered by the forces of evil] cried out with a loud voice, saying: “Until when, Sovereign Lord holy and true, are you refraining from judging and avenging our blood upon those who dwell on the earth?”

    And a white robe was given to each of them; and they were told to rest a little while longer, until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they also had been…….

    The Fifth Seal in Revelation Chapter 6 warns true Christians of the great number of casualties that shall happen during the Last Days just before The Second Coming and the Glorious revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    So, as seals 1-4 are opened (The Ride of the Four Horsemen) there shall be a great and ongoing slaughter of both Christians and unbelievers.

    Sometimes the truth isn’t a comforting fact. And the truth is hard to face.

    Many of the slaughtered Christians will perish as a direct result of all the issues being discussed by secular men such as Ed Dowd and Marty Armstrong, e.g., made-made virus, man-made food shortages, man-made inflation, man-made wars, crime, violence, hate, greed and other fatal wickedness including the latest medium of exchange, crypto blockchain.

    Secular men, like Marty Armstrong, see the many dangers, yet they unfortunately don’t have the true faith. This includes President Trump, too. And without the true faith, there cannot be a true understanding of what’s really happening in the unseen realms above and how that affects us mortals.

    The secular man’s advice is good only up to a point. The really important forecast(s) are found in the Bible.

    Jesus the perfect man died. He was murdered by the forces of evil. And the question he asked of Peter, James and John was “can you drink out of the same cup?”… Fast forward 2000 years later: The truth is that Christians should also be prepared to drink out of the cup. That’s how bad it’s going to get. And not one secular man or woman is forecasting precisely what happens before, during and after Armageddon. Only the Bible does that. Armageddon is the future. And afterwards, God’s Righteous Kingdom. The Kingdom we pray for to finally bring peace, security and happiness on earth.

    Until then, Christians can take precautions and try their best to stay alive to be a witness to The Great Day of Armageddon. The secular men offer much practical advice in this regard, but they ultimately will fall short on what to do when Jesus comes riding in.

    • Won Witness

      Really Awake, About that cup.
      That’s why my morning prayer’s formost request is to keep my love for my Lord and savior strong even unto the end. I truly believe that life’s greatest
      victory is being able to say “Jesus Christ is Lord and non other” even though they may be my last words spoken on earth. Truly, may God grant us Strengh.

      • Really Awake

        Reply to Won


  31. Rodster

    Martin Armstrong wasn’t kidding when he said he was worried Trump might not make inauguration day. So apparently there were explosives on the Tesla truck that blew up outside the Trump Hotel in Vegas. Elon Musk confirmed it.

  32. Judith


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Judy!! 2024 was a very good year for me. Christ Jesus and Jehovah let me live in this world and made it possible to do the same in the next!!

  33. TJZ


    It is quite apparent that CAF did not vote for Trump!

    I have seen this approach before in my life, where someone self appoints themselves as the arbiter/questioner of the future by demanding an immediate answer to issues/problems of the day as if those issues are all easily/readably resolved.
    Have you not lived through and witnessed who and what were responsible for these issues!
    After experiencing all these obvious worldly issues have you not yet realized the fundamental cause of these issues and what it’s really going to require of all of us!

    Not one man….. or one’s man’s team is going to rectify this! Prepare your self accordingly!

    • Greg Hunter

      I think she did vote for Trump. Kamala was a non-starter for CAF.

  34. Justn Observer

    Greg, in a land we now can’t even get people to show up and work at the office…this might be a reminder of the commitment of workers in China @ 2:48:25 to achieve their goals, which one is possibly revenge for the weakening and humiliation by the west brought on by the opium trade and divestment of silver wealth. Lots of lessons and history most western ‘entrained’ rather than educated in the west have not been exposed to, or understand the depth of as what might be a driving force to strive and thrive in China… and maybe their ambivalence concerning fentanyl, and just seeing it as more a just retribution and means to rebuilding that which occurred in the past? =

  35. Mark Bushnell

    – God Bless you Greg Hunter.
    – God Bless you Catherine Fitts.

    – Even in the name of Jesus Christ. God Bless. Happy New Year!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Mark!
      Brother Greg

  36. Chester Wong

    “…make America good”

    reminds me of Charles Alexis Henri Clérel de Tocqueville – “I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there. In the fertile fields and boundless prairies, and it was not there. In her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits, aflame with righteousness, did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

    • Katy Bar

      Words Well Spoken, that Need to be Remembered by the Entire MAGA Team!!
      “If America Ever Ceases To Be Good, America Will Cease To Be Great.”
      Charles Alexis Henri Clérel de Tocqueville

  37. Robin

    The H5N1 jab is also mRNA in lipid nanoparticles. Those who are jabbed with the covid
    mRNA jabs, now have immune systems focussed on covid with reduced ability to fight other viruses, cancers, autoimmune diseases etc. I won’t be surprised if the H5N1 mRNA
    jabs make the problem worse. No doubt a rise in adverse events and deaths will be blamed
    on H5N1 and not the jabs.

  38. Jim Porteous

    Huge underwater volcano off US coast set to erupt in 2025 after displaying tell-tale ‘swelling’ Story by Joshua Whorms • 19h •

    • Kit Lee

      If a huge underwater volcano erupts in the waters near Oregon we can expect Newsome and California to be wiped out in a huge Tsunami that floods the West Coast of the US!! This other underwater explosion (that recently blew up way out in the Pacific ) just didn’t do the job!!

      • Steve Bice

        The 1700 earthquake along the Cascadia subduction zone in the Pacific Northwest was a monster somewhere between 8.7 and 9.2. One theory says when Cascadia lets go, San Andreas may be triggered as well.

        In 1700, only indigenous relatively small tribes occupied the area. One writer I read said that when the next Cascadia earthquake occurs, everything west of I-5 is toast. There are at least 16 million people living in the Cascadia region today. In terms of lives lost, it would dwarf the 2004 Indonesian tsunami.

        Sobering stuff…and the threat is real.

  39. Scott

    10000 fed employee’s is ridiculous.

  40. Cynthia Warnock

    I wish Catherine would have a meeting with RFK Jr and President Trump!!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      CAF did say that RFK Jr. will get confirmed.

  41. Cynthia Warnock

    what if they want to look at the IRS to see payments to illegals and crooks???? There is a lot of money missing…

    • Greg Hunter

      I hope you are right. Compromised crooks all over our government.

  42. Ms. Rowdy Yates

    Saturday Afternoon Movie
    A Bullet Is Waiting I American Western Film 1954 Rory Calhoun, Jean Simmons, Stephen McNally
    An Englishman, a pioneer prepper. Fought in the first world war, then 20 years later endured the second, home in England. Wasn’t going to wait for the third one there in England. So with his daughter in tow, settles out in the boondocks of the American west. All to the detriment of his lovely daughter. Yet as you’ll see, she sure turned out all right though, eh?

  43. Nigel Brewster

    Who Trained ISIS/
    Cyber Truck Spotlights Las Vegas Kaos
    Times Now World watching now Premiered 10 minutes ago

  44. Steve Bice

    Something to ponder:
    What is the defining characteristic of a thief in the night?
    He comes in quietly and unannounced.

    Does this look like stealth?
    “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”

    “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him.”

  45. Rodster

    The Feds are now looking into a possible link between the truck explosion outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas and the rampage killing in New Orleans. Welcome to another Sh*tshow in 2025!

  46. Justn Observer

    Greg, an awesome presentation on the real history of Russia which Putin alluded to in his interview with Tucker Carlson. Also, amplifies what Martin Armstrong points to about the current views are wrong and dismissive of the what and who of area now in dispute there in Ukraine. Very insightful…and many ‘Christians’ might also find it useful in understanding that which occured in Constantinople and the wars between the ‘faiths’ and who the Kazars /converted Jews were and what happened to them.
    The Chronicles of Novgorod: A glimpse into the story of Ancient Russia

  47. Slava Baba Vanga

    ‘End Fight With Russia’: Ukrainians Soldiers’ ‘Strong Demand’ Shocks Zelensky | Watch Times Of India Started streaming 7 hours ago
    Ukraine faces significant manpower challenges and rising desertion rates amid heavy casualties and harsh conditions on the frontlines. Soldiers report mental strain from relentless shelling and trench warfare, with deserters like Oleksandr highlighting the lack of combat experience among many troops.

  48. From:Deep in TheHeart ofTexas

    “We Know A Lot More Than What’s Being Reported”: La. Senator Vows Cooperation With Federal Investigation But Says There Will Be NO Coverup & Americans Will “Find Out What Happened And Who’s Responsible”
    by Ben Warren
    January 2nd, 2025 10:50 AM
    Senator vows to “Raise fresh Hell” with feds in order to find out all parties responsible for Bourbon Street massacre.

    “We’re going to know a whole lot more in the next 48 hours.”

    “We Know A Lot More Than What’s Being Reported”: La. Senator Vows Cooperation With Federal Investigation But Says There Will Be NO Coverup & Americans Will “Find Out What Happened And Who’s Responsible”
    In the wake of the terrorist attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana made it clear he’s cooperating with the feds who have taken control of the investigation but has vowed to Americans there will be no coverup and the people will “find out what happened and who’s responsible.”
    Additionally, Kennedy said he knows more than what’s being reported but will not say anything because the feds are in an active investigation.

  49. A.A.

    LIVE | Putin’s Wrath Intensifies | Ukrainian Civilians Suffer Due to Zelensky’s Failures?

  50. Railroaded

    BROKE: Nigel Farage DESTROYS Keir Starmer On Air in Stunning Exchange!
    Voice of United Britain 1,972 views Dec 31, 2024
    Nigel Farage just left Keir Starmer absolutely speechless in a heated live broadcast! Farage’s explosive revelations and sharp criticisms caught Starmer off guard, exposing deep cracks in Labour’s agenda. Is this the turning point in British politics?

  51. R.R.

    20 hours AGO : Nigel Farage Leaves DUMB UK TV Host SPEECHLESS Live On AIR

  52. Lou B.

    BRICS Decision Topple US and Western Financial System: End of World Bank?
    Fastepo 222K views 2 days ago

  53. Mary Alice Ismail

    I don’t agree with Catherine that there aren’t the best and brightest right here in America. I heard someone say that we have graduates from Yale, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and many others, and we don’t see anyone going to India for their education. This is all about the money. Dump Americans for cheaper labor while greedy corporations make billions. Sure, our education can be improved. But put eligible Americans into the universities instead of foreigners who are given preference because the foreign country donated to the institution to buy favor.

  54. Frank S.

    Here we go again Greg! No doubt China will “accidently” export these pathogens globally (especially into the US). Biden won’t impose a “xenophobic” travel ban. Just in time for Trump’s inauguration.

  55. Slobo Slovania

    Flagship Ukrainian brigade trained in France goes AWOL
    Story by “Billy”Joe Barnes • 5h •

    Wow, can you blame am! Has the LGBKQRSt+CIA deep state deportment and they’re three stooges, Rooski Killer Loving Morell mushroom , Brain dead Brennan or, Clap trapper Clapper, ever heard the phrase: “How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm (after they’ve seen gay Paree)?” This line comes from a popular song during World War I, capturing the sentiment that soldiers, once exposed to the excitement and allure of places like Paris, would find it difficult to return to their simpler, rural lives once the war was over. Let alone the the trenches that awaited them.
    “Ooh la la” The Allure of Paris,
    “Ooh la la” is a French expression used to convey surprise, admiration, or excitement. It can be used humorously and is often associated with something French or of a sexual nature. Literally, it means “Oh there there!”
    During World War I, many soldiers experienced the vibrant culture, nightlife, and pleasures of cities like Paris. The contrast between the war-torn front lines and the lively, carefree atmosphere of Paris was, STARK. Soldiers found solace and distraction in the city’s cafes, theaters, and social scenes. This exposure to a different way of life made the idea of returning to the mundane routines of farm life seem unappealing, LET ALONE THE RUSSIAN FRONT, mORELL!.

    The Challenge of Returning Home Ukraine and Death and Destruction in
    the song humorously addresses a real challenge faced by many soldiers and their families. After experiencing the broader world and its pleasures, the idea of returning to a quiet, rural existence was difficult for many, let alone the trenches. The phrase encapsulates the broader issue of reintegration faced by soldiers returning from war. They had seen and experienced things that changed them, making it hard to fit back into their old lives.
    The Desire for Peace and Love not hate, shipmates, schoolmates, even marriage mates!
    The sentiment of preferring love and peace over war is timeless. Soldiers, having witnessed the horrors of battle, often long for a life filled with love, joy, and normalcy. The idea of “making love, not war” resonates deeply, as it reflects the universal human desire for connection, happiness, and peace.
    Imagine Mike a soldier, having spent months in the trenches, finally getting a brief respite in Paris. He walks along the Seine, marvels at the Eiffel Tower, and enjoys the simple pleasure of a warm croissant in a bustling cafe. The laughter of children, the music from street performers, and the vibrant energy of the city fill him with a sense of hope and longing. He dreams of a world where such beauty and joy are the norm, not the exception.
    As he returns to the front-lines, the memories of Paris linger in his mind. He writes letters home, describing the wonders he’s seen and the peace he yearns for. His heart aches for a future where he can build a life filled with love, free from the shadows of war. Conclusion;
    The phrase “How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm (after they’ve seen Paree)?” captures the profound impact of exposure to new experiences and the longing for a better, more peaceful life. It reminds us of the human desire for joy, love, and connection, even in the midst of conflict. As we reflect on this sentiment, we can appreciate the timeless message of choosing peace and love over war and strife. Strife like in the lives of our deep state intell operators as they bring out false flag operations and they’re psyop’s war to our streets. Give am the Axe Bill, save we the taxpayers hard earned money, of this monstrous burden of perverted CIA spooks!
    Yes and bring the boys and those old men back home, life on the breadbasket farm of Europe aint all that bad even with those pesky ethnic Russian Ukrainians! Peace brother! Slava all Slavia, you Slavians
    Watch for the soldier with wife, who’s a spit-tin image of Chuck Todd! POOR GUY, LOL!

  56. Lauran F.

    Greg……I usually agree with Catherine Fitts, but she is again showing that she really does not care for Trump. Her interviews in with Financial Rebellion (CHDTV), along with others she gives, confirms this. As far as government employees go, my office was next to a government office for years, and I got a taste of what they were like. They bragged about working less (or not at all), and hanging up the phone on people if they did not want to answer their questions. (Board of Equalization) I knew a woman who rarely showed up, and insisted that they could not fire her because she was “gay”. While many are hardworking, at least one half of them could be dispensed with . Every time a Democrat gets into any government job of worth, they create positions and committees for their friends and buddies. The Post Office is a good example of something that needs to be privatized. We call the Post Office, where I live, … the Post Awful. Horrible service, and they just do not care. They no longer hire on merit, or talent. It is just if you are a minority, or on a quota system. Trump was not “CHILDISH” by stating that he wanted to get rid of most of the government offices. They are not needed!
    I was self -employed for years (32), and most people in my shoes say that they have benefitted greatly from his policies. I would think that Catherine, working for the government, as she did; would see the graft and corruption in the system right now. It is worse than when she was the Assistant at HUD. Yes, people will be hurt, but the ones who want to work will find jobs or create their own. I am sorry if I sound cruel, but this country was not founded on needless positions, and lazyness. While I do not think Trump is a miracle worker, Catherine seems to put him down at every turn, and I cannot understand it. If he does one half of the work he has to do, it will be wonderful, and hopefully Vance, and his other appointees, will carry on when he bows out. When Trump was in the first time around, the US had respect! Look at how that has deteriorated under Biden and his worthless crew. I was raised knowing that if I did not work, I would not eat. We need to get rid of all those claiming disability, due to alcoholism or drugs. That just started up in the 90’s, due to the over abundance of mental health “experts” tied into government offices. It is the choice of the individual to allow substance abuse to rule their ability to work. Add that to the government medical system, that allows transgender surgeries on 5 year old kids, and you have even more of a mess. Even Elon Musk told people that if they did not want to come back to the office to work after the pandemic scare was over,… that they could no longer stay home, and needed to find other work. Guess what? More than half of them were offended and quit!!!

  57. LLOYD Potpourri

    Scientists Prove ‘Negative Time’ In Rare Quantum Experiment | GRAVITAS
    WION 9.38M subscribers Jan 2, 2025 GRAVITAS
    Can you reverse time? Scientists now say yes. According to researchers at the University of Toronto, they have made a groundbreaking discovery. They have shown that “negative time” is not just a theoretical concept, but a tangible phenomenon.

    Joe Biden ‘absolutely hopeless’ in terror attack conference
    Sky News Australia Jan 2, 2025
    Sky News host Danica De Giorgio says US President Joe Biden was “absolutely hopeless” in his press conference for the New Orleans terror attack.
    “We have got to talk about Joe Biden,” Ms De Giorgio said.
    “He was absolutely hopeless overnight, not that we are surprised.”

    LIVE: Fico Slams Zelensky, Threatens to Cut Electricity Supply to Ukraine Over Gas Dispute |TN World Times Now World Started streaming on Dec 30, 2024
    Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has strongly criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s decision to halt Russian gas transit through Ukraine, warning that it will cost the European Union a staggering €120 billion. Fico slammed the move as “economic suicide” and accused Zelensky of prioritizing political gestures over the economic well-being of Europe. Slovakia, which relies heavily on Russian gas transit, has threatened to take reciprocal measures against Ukraine, including cutting off electricity supplies. Fico also suggested that the US is the primary beneficiary of the EU’s reduced dependence on Russian gas, amid rising tensions over energy supplies.

    • Katy Bar

      With regard to “Time Reversal” the BIBLE TELLS US THAT: “We Are Always Traveling Back In Time To Correct The Future”!! As “Future Thought Precedes – Observation in the Present”!! “Let There Be Light – And There Was Light” – or stated another way: “God Existed Before The Universe Came Into Being”!!!
      Now, “As We Humans Were Created in God’s Image” – We Too Can Travel “In Our Mind” Into the Future And Observe (For instance WWIII and Nuclear Bombs Exploding All Around US) and Say: “THAT IS NOT GOOD” and therefore “we travel back to the Present” To Correct The Future (TO MAKE IT GOOD)!!!
      So Time-Travel-From-the-Future-to-the-Present (EXISTS) and Scientist are finally coming around to understanding that “GOD EXISTED” before The Universe Came Into Being In Their Big Bang!! (Thought Precedes Our Physical Reality) And More Profoundly – in Traveling Into The Future To See Our Death Makes Us Revere Living A Good and Moral Life (while the Demonic Globalists “Seeking Immortality inside a Borg” strive to KILL US ALL “by Lethal Injection, Famine and Continual Unending Wars!!!

    • pap

      Being that just because an event occurs and nobody knows why the event occurred. But the group says a ha, it as though we witnessed negative time in real time…. I have beach front property to sell you here in phoenix az… in real time… It’s only 164 miles away…

  58. Jon

    Hi Greg, thank you for having CAF on. I respectfully suggest her statement is not correct and needs to be more refined regarding her statement about bitcoin blockchain being able to exceed 21,000,000 bitcoins. This is not true. Here is why. Technically embedded in the Mining reward code of the Bitcoin Blockchain is the code mechanism that provides the mining of the blockchain and the “reward” algorithm. That is hard coded into the structure that only allows 21,000,000 million. It is not changeable with the original bitcoin blockchain. This piece of the reward/mining code is integrated with the 21,000,000 limit. It cannot be changed. The controversy of the idea of over 21,000,000 bitcoins suggests that it is possible to do a Hard Fork and then change the protocol code to add to supply. This is true and exactly how Litecoin was a Hardfork of the Original Bitcoin blockchain. The problem to assume that you can do that with Bitcoin, is false, This is because if you do a Hardfork, you do not have the same original bitcoin blockchain. You have two offshoots of the chain. One the original blockchain and one that is the NEW bitcoin blockchain where you can change the code to reflect more supply. In this instance, the new chain route is NOT the original Bitcoin blockchain because it is not the entire life history chain of the original. Ergo, the new Bitcoin that reflects the increase supply, is NOT the original Bitcoin. One of the most important things to render the value of the use of the Bitcoin Blockchain is the HISTORY. The History is what makes the value.

    • Katy Bar

      As you say the “value” of Bitcoin is in its rarity being fixed in number to (21,000,000 million)!! But there are other things in this world with “a fixed number” like War Nickels for instance (only 1,000,000,000 were produced)! So this means (1,000,000,000/21,000,000) or 47.62 War Nickels equals 1 Bitcoin in rarity. So, Either one(1) War Nickel is worth $2100 Dollars – or one(1) Bitcoin is worth $83.34. You can’t logically have Two Valuation Systems when comparing the “rarity” of some item be it crypto or hard currency!!!

      • Ken Yu

        So when I buy 48 War Nickels – I can hold in just one hand a few silver coins that are “As Rare As One Bitcoin”, and those 48 Silver War Nickels currently only cost $83.34 !! Ever wonder why crypto owners won’t buy a few Silver War Nickels for themselves? Most probably it is because the Deep State Government “knows exactly everything they are purchasing with crypto” (by scanning their ledger with quantum computers)!! This is the reason most hard money enthusiasts “use cash” to purchase the things they want!!

  59. Fred Daake

    I agree that Trump’s apology for his massive mistakes in handling COVID has been addressed by his appointment of RFK. Trump does not apologize in the way that most would like. Even so, RFK will probably be more profitable to society than a mere “I am sorry”.

  60. Prospector

    DISTRACTION 101 , Look at New Orleans while we pass THIS !

    Biden Signs Bill Intended To Push Digital ID in Federal Agencies

    The new digital ID push centralizes sensitive data, leaving questions about privacy and civil rights unanswered.
    Now, the gist of the bill that has just become law is interpreted as a stepping stone for “modernizing digital identity frameworks” as “the cornerstone of modern governance.”

    The bill – amending Title 40 of US Code – was first introduced in May as HR 7524

  61. Prospector

    Wally World Watching YOU.

    Welcome to The New Walmart, Where Everything’s Under Surveillance
    Shopping meets surveillance.

  62. Prospector

    Biden Presented With Options To Strike Iran Nuke Sites If Tehran Speeds Toward Bomb

    “if the Iranians move towards a nuclear weapon before Jan. 20”

    First New Orleans attack , now this. Do you get the feeling a new narrative is being built ?


    As someone noted , the New Orleans attack date , 1 / 1 / 2025 , is like 9 / 11 , in reverse.

  63. To Serve Man? NO!

    OMG! What an eye opener! Whose wet dream was this? NATO on Russia’s border. WTF? Makes me think maybe Biden was, after all the president? Obomber or Alex Soros couldn’t be this stupid? They say we deserve the leadership we allow! Allowing Barry Obomber’s buddy Marc Elias to orchestrate the stolen election, that put Biden in office, has ate UP our free lunch and future economic prosperity! What a meat grinder we’ve gotten our-self’s into! Ground up the youth, flower of Ukraine and the west’s hard earned tax payer dollar’s. No wonder nobody in their right mind wants to serve ANYMORE . TO JUST BE BE SERVED UP?
    Our military is woke, broken, busted and disgusting. To serve man? Not in the military, that’s fur sure because It’s a cookbook and the infantry’s the ones on the menu! Watch the video, there’s no more glory in modern day gory war of attrition and drones. Waite till micro drones and insect drones enter and swarm the future picture of warfare! Therm – o, nuclear warfare will never have looked so good!

    Massive Destruction of NATO Equipment and Infantry AFU in 24 Hours
    Military Gear 187,060 views Jan 1, 2025
    The Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to escalate with no clear resolution in sight. Reports from the battlefield reveal the brutal and fast-paced nature of modern warfare, where advanced technologies like Russian FPV drones and relentless artillery strikes dominate. Ukrainian forces, facing a shortage of equipment and logistical challenges, struggle to counter the onslaught despite NATO’s supply of advanced tanks like Leopards, Challengers, and Abrams. However, these vehicles often fall victim to Russian drones, landmines, and precision-guided missiles, exposing the inadequacy of NATO’s support. Amid the chaos, the war underscores the critical role of weaponry and strategy, leaving the future uncertain as both sides push their limits.

  64. Galaxy 500

    OK, who besides me doesn’t believe Elon on this?

  65. Justn Observer

    Greg, possible oddities about the current domestic attack connections discussed = x cia analyst, Larry C. Johnson

  66. Vitamin ¢ $tupid

    What is worse, an mRNA bioweapon “vaccine” injury or government-funded “gain-of-function research” that results in SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 disease and death?

    Comparative Study of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Hospitalised Patients: A Retrospective Population Study of 500 Hospitalised Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Spanish Population of 220,000 Inhabitants

    In this fraudulent Faucian Bargain, you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t!

    Meanwhile, the mass media poisoners can hide behind Chinese biotech procedural incompetence, Emergency Use Authorization, and plausible deniability while people die simply for a lack of Vitamin C in high doses.

    The use of vitamin C reduces hospital mortality:

  67. Skip

    I’m going to suggest he 7 trillion is a red herrin. First we all have had the Defunk US Company as our illegal governing body and not the constitution. Hence the 7 trillion is not owed too a corrupt and illegal foreign power and to my knowledge we have yet changed over to our comstitution. We’re in never never land being run by criminal politicians who should by law be Hanged: their traitors

    • Greg Hunter

      and you know this, how?

  68. Justn Observer

    Greg, a message from Mike McGovern, x cia analyist…’Don’t mention the names of the children !’ on the slaughter of the innocents today! =
    No time for lukewarm Christians…silence will not stop anything! People need/must confront the evil…now…and loudly! No more war in ‘the name of’ We, the people of any nations. Time ‘they’ the pay to play worldwide MUST be exposed and held accountable.

    • Greg Hunter

      So don’t mention how Hamas uses those same children as human shields and conducts war operations in densely populated areas. You can’t have it only one way and talk about the things that are propaganda for your point. Why do these so-called experts NEVER bring up this well reported battle strategy???????? If Hamas wants to stop the carnage, then they should crawl out from their tunnels, release the hostages, and take on the IDF with their women and children at their backs–Period. Let’s get these Fing “experts” to talk about this!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Katy Bar

        Hamas is using “A Very Evil Tactic” (the same evil tactic the US used to get the support it needed to enter WWI – using Civilians on the Lusitania as Human Shields to transport arms to England)!! Hamas today needs the support of the general population in their efforts to wage war against Israel – so they are Evilly using Civilians as Human Shields the way the Evil US Neocons did to get America into WWI (which was the bloodiest and most violent conflict in Human History “up to that point” – where an estimated 16 to 20 Million People Lost Their Lives, including between 6 and 10 Million Civilians)!! “ANY USE of Civilians as Human Shields” should be Banned Outright (by Worldwide Agreement as to the rules of war) – as it is “A Most Evil Tactic or Strategy”!!!

        • Greg Hunter

          There is no comparison to what the USA did prior to WWI and what Hamas is doing today.

  69. Duke Nukem

    EXCLUSIVE: Trump Hotel Cybertruck Bomber was Recruiting Fighters for Ukraine, Nick Sortor Reports by InfoWars January 3rd, 2025
    There are Ukraine connections with the Cybertruck Bomber.
    The $64.000 dollar question is, whats the Ft. BRAGG connection in all this?
    Any braggarts out there that can answer that connection?

    See SILENCED — The Film That Got Tommy Robinson Put In Prison By UK Thought Police!
    Epic film documenting horrors of illegal immigration reportedly prompted activist filmmaker’s incarceration.

  70. Jeffrobbins

    Such an interesting interview. She always makes me think. Protecting assets is a good theme for anytime not just this year. But it brings up the question of value- what is an asset? One thing to color in this idea of value is art. Why are some art items worth so much? I would prefer art made by my kids and grand kids instead of some foreign artist. We need to stop following what we are told and start having our own ideas- to be a more practical minded people. I think the question that arises is the idea of utility and value based on some benefit rendered to the owner of the thing.- i bought a few sheep and the price was based on them as a meat animal. But for me the main benefit is to manage the land and keep these pocket gophers from having cover, with the added benefit of minimizing any potential fire risk in the summer. In truth i got a real bargain for those walking grass mowers. In the same way, IMHO stocks should be dividend paying. What is the real value of Bitcoin? I don’t use it in any transactions. I could say the same for gold, and i have both. My answer for the obvious is that i want a variety of assets for my retirement years so that i can trade into some of the more base things. IMHO land stands above all other assets- we were made to tend the land/creation.

  71. Shiloh1

    Hi Greg, Happy New Year! Outstanding interview with CAF. I appreciate her comments RE Trump – cabinet picks, comments on prospective policies once in office and most importantly the wars, specifically in 47 min to 52 minutes.

    In the past 3 days I’ve listed to podcasts with

    Bill Holter (on Bill’s website), And Schectman and Alisdarr McLeod . Andy specifically asks at 48 min to 52 min., “…is Trump the Trojan Horse or is he (unknowingly) riding one? Yesterday –

    Ltc. Steven Murray roundtable yesterday 1/2/2025. Same thoughts.

    Mike Farris with Dominick Michael Tripi

    Every one of these people mentioned wanted Trump in over Kamala (or Camilla, as Martin Armstong says) yet that have grave concerns on how his administration will follow through on any of the issues raised and promises made by Trump over the past 2 years.

    As a side note, podcast by Alex Krainer on his substack and Michael Yon with Mike Farris predict the imminent fall of Great Britain – one for this history books -due to their untenable financial position and overwhelmingly flood of ‘migrants’/invaders. The post above about Nigel Farage – I am a fan – is way too little, way too late.

    Krainer –

    Yon –

    • Greg Hunter

      Let’s wait and see what Trump does instead of speculative condemnation BEFORE he gets into office.

  72. Bill weather

    Trump is stirring up strife with already lefty Mexico and is no friend to China. the ww3 / revelation 18 prophecies state 2 signs to watch for, a revolution inside the US and a war with China over Taiwan. I’m watching soon for the revolution by the lefties, and also war with China. those prophecies are linked at my site.
    after Jan 20th, I believe we are going to see alot of trouble from the deportation, even gun fights. prepare for God’s word in Rev 18 to fulfill.
    so many dumb non thinking Christians are expecting the wrong things in prophecy. no such one world .gov is in bible prophecy.

    • Galaxy 500

      Yeah Bill,
      Been to your site. You claim to have knowledge that Jesus doesn’t have. That makes your a charlatan, Sir.
      Just how do you have arcane knowledge that only YHWH has? You can’t…
      The Word of God, YHWH, says you CANNOT have it.
      Be Ready at Any Hour
      (Genesis 6:1-7; Mark 13:32-37; Luke 12:35-48)

      36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

  73. Dawn

    Over a $billion for the NIH demonic whores
    Those poor animals experimented on for the sake of scum humans
    There are plenty of scum humans in jail let’s use them to experiment on instead
    I’m ok with the jailbirds getting extra privileges in return for taking the place of innocent animals.

    I can’t wait for this planet to be obliterated
    via WWIII
    WE are so undeserving.

    Yes Greg I know my comment is going to piss you off but I speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    • Greg Hunter

      Be bold and be first in line to be “obliterated.”

    • Galaxy 500

      Speak for yourself. Or as Greg says, you first. Me? I am going to hangout until my allotted time is up

  74. Justn Observer

    Greg, very informative interview all should be aware of…as to shortfall of U.S. energy grid…the problems bringing U.S. industrial base back.
    Erik Bethel – World Bank Director

  75. Galaxy 500

    Ladies and Gentlemen.
    Please put your chairs in the up right position and return your trays to their closed position. Make sure you’re strapped in as 2025 is gonna be a banger

  76. Clyde

    This massive federal welfare-state-bureaucracy is unelected and unaccountable to the people. They generate burdensome regulations that stifle american productivity, the American economy and our freedoms and liberty.

    How can Cathy Fitts talk about restoring freedom and liberty, but also keeping the status quo with this massive, wasteful federal bureaucracy in place. That is NOT possible. Gutting this administrative state boondoggle is a major reason why Trump was elected.

    She’s shamefully talking out of both sides of her mouth, and sounds like one of those deep state bureaucrats trying to keep their lucrative government gig going.

    • oneno

      The US has two governments: one elected by the people and the other un-elected.

  77. H. Craig Bradley


    It would appear the Trump team will be diverse, ranging from hard-core MAGA populist types such as Steve Bannon to the New Authoritarians who want to implement more MRna vaccines (bird flu pandemic to come), collect more taxes, and implement a CBDC control system. Trump will oversee a divided tent.

    As Catherine Austin Fitts has said on many occasions, voters need to find those states and jurisdictions, such as in Tenn. that are preparing to further protect their state resident’s basic individual freedoms, or suffer the consequences.

    Unfortunately, residents in such big blue states such as California and New York will increasingly be subject to the many whims & fetishes of the New Authoritarians, sic. controllers who will not be looking-out for the interests of most of their state residents. California is no longer a traditional Republic, but entirely a Roman Style, corrupt state. It can get worse too with the next “Nero”. Mass Migrations will restart when Red state economies begin to grow again and the next round of lock-downs occur.

    Leftist or communist run states will go farther to the outer limits while more temperate states will move in the opposite direction , I predict. Thus, the ongoing break-up of the United States into separate regional cultures will continue as people and individuals sort it out and attempt to find those states and regions most compatible with their personal needs, goals and personalities.

  78. Justn Observer

    Greg, surely MORE to the cyber truck message than MSM or Fox News IS willing OR ALLOWED to be reporting =
    Sam Shoemate – Cybertruck Bomber Matt Livelsberger’s Email Reveals NEW Evidence |

  79. Galaxy 500

    These evil POS are trying to finish their work destroying America and assure that Trump can not help us

    Thank you Joe for not only allowing the terrorist into our country but providing them weapons and even living expenses while our storied veterans starve and are homeless…. The people behind Joe should the held to account
    How can anything that this Veggie has signed be legally binding?

    This so called judge conspired against us and his daughter profited much from his actions.

    What a dic move!!!

    We are being overwhelmed and overrun

    And last but not least… Satan’s Highest minions receiving recognition for their crimes against humanity and America in specific. I pray to the One, True GOD, Jehovah, GOD of Israel, GOD of Christ and His Followers, my GOD, that these evil bastards are laid low and punished for their crimes, if not in this world, then in the next and I plead that He smite them soon and give them what they have earned…

  80. Molly Jenkins


    Most Trump supporters over the age of 40 were also big fans of GW Bush and his WOT.

    These ‘patriots’ gave us the evil Iraq-Afghanistan wars and the domestic police state thanks to their “Patriot Act”.

    I suspect that Trump and MAGA are going to revive the WOT and drag us into more war and domestic tyranny.

    If you think the Trump Lockdowns were bad you ain’t seen nothing yet!

    • Galaxy 500

      We had a choice of an idiot or an evil American hating idiot. We chose the idiot .
      Trump will fight if forced to but not because he can

    • Galaxy 500

      Dear Molly,
      Why are you rewriting history? Trump didn’t do a single lockdown you silly thing.
      And Trump let us out of wars.
      I pity you

  81. Galaxy 500

    More Demoncrat insanity…
    Clear cut a State Forest for a solar farm in a state will some of the fewest sunny days of all 50 States…
    Demons, OH how I detest you…

  82. Justn Observer

    Greg, the future of ‘wins’ in the Middle East looking bleaker every day?
    Yemen’s Hypersonic Strike Stuns Israel as Iran Regroups | Col. Larry Wilkerson & Larry C. Johnson

  83. Galaxy 500

    The NOLA terrorist home… the FBI didn’t secure the scene and let a reporter do a walk through. It really had that staged look like all the “declassified but top secret “ stuff at Mar-a-Lago that the FBI had to admit they staged…
    Who trust these nose ringed MFing freaks at the FBI these days? I sure don’t, do you? The Dems have taken a storied Government agency and politicized it and hire people based on external factors such as race or gender confusion. The FBI is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the DNC. The DNC gives them the man and they find the crimes… whether they have to make it up.
    They cover up events like their employees leaving pipebombs at Jan 6. The resolution of the videos they released make even the old poor quality bank cameras look like a 4 K TV. In fact, there are no cameras that record at this resolution and I am sure unsure it’s ever been a valid format. What does this mean? The FBI tampered with evidence… OH, Nose… our FBI would not do thattttt…
    This reporter walked thru the ISIS guys home touching stuff without gloves…
    Who allowed this?

  84. Bill Holder

    Hey Greg, what happen to the Weekly News Wrap-Ups? Perhaps a short version, some under 30 min would be nice.

    • Tom N.

      I couldn’t agree more. I really miss the Weekly News Wrap-up.

  85. Galaxy 500

    Even HS students know know these guys tried to kill us

  86. James Hall

    Good report !

  87. Galaxy 500

    Deep State continues to Gaslight the public about crime… it all in our heads LOL

  88. Galaxy 500

    Do health young athletes just drop dead? They do if they were given the Covid kill shots?

  89. Galaxy 500

    Pedophile protector Starmer mad about Musk outing him… threatening to withdraw from USA spending billions to protect them. I say drop us Dude!

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