UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis – Alex Newman
By Greg Hunters USAWatchdog.com
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” has been warning of plans by the United Nations for total tyrannical control of your life. This past weekend at UN headquarters in New York City, all countries sealed the deal to hand over your freedoms to these demonic monsters. Newman explains, ” This is probably the most important story of the decade. Every world leader was there. Joe Biden was there. Almost every world leader on the planet was there. Every president, king and dictator were all there, and they are all signing what the UN calls the “Pact for the Future.” This, in their own words, is going to morph the United Nations into the “UN 2.0.” When you read the text of this agreement that was adopted by every government on earth. . . . every government agreed to this, and they said they are going to strengthen the UN. They want the Secretary General of the UN to explore how he will take over everything during a complex global shock. They want every nation in the world to be under the authority of the International Court of Justice. They want international cooperation on taxes. They want to tax high net worth individuals. The list of things in here is absolutely mind blowing. This was adopted by every government in the world. . . . Don’t take my word for it, read the article yourself and see if I am not telling the truth. They are turbo charging the UN. . . . Every area of your life is going to be affected by this agreement. Until this was approved, there was not a peep from the fake media in the United States.”
How will the UN take control? The World Economic Forum brought up where this was going in 2023. They talked about a ‘polycrisis’ where you would have multiple crises or one polycrisis that would basically upend society and require a total transformation. Where we are headed if these evil doers are not stopped is an economic crisis, a geopolitical crisis, possibly including a major conflict or war, a pandemic or health crisis of some sort with the World Health Organization (WHO), and a whole bunch of other simultaneous crises such as a cyber pandemic.”
If this is enacted, Newman says that the Secretary General of the UN would end up being a global dictator. Some good news is 26 Republican governors say they will not comply with this agreement. Newman says when more people learn about the agreement, that would never pass as a treaty, the more pushback is going to be generated. The Lying Legacy Media lied by omission again on this important story that will affect everyone on the planet. Newman thinks this is too stupid to be stupid. Newman says, “I asked people at the summit why is the American media not covering this? The only thing I can think of is there was a decision made at a high level that they did not want the American people to get wind of this because if they figure out what we are doing, there will be an outcry that you have never heard before.”
Where does President Trump fit in to all of this? Newman contends, “They were able to dupe Trump on a couple of things like Warp Speed and the MCA, but they absolutely despise this man on what he did on the globalist front. This creation of this global economic, political and religious system is the top priority. Everything else are parts of the big picture which is creating this one world system. . . . All of this is to move us to this one world economic, political and religious system. . . . Trump got us out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement to deindustrialize America . . . Trump gets out of UNESCO, the UN education agency entirely focused on brainwashing your kids to be good global citizens in a one world totalitarian religious, political and economic order. . . . “When Trump was in office, he was a one-man wrecking ball to this global governance.” Newman thinks this is a big reason why Trump is dodging assassination attempts.
Newman contends the Deep State wants people to give up and give into evil tyrannical control. Newman says, “The Deep State wants to unleash all the chaos and crime they can to have crises on many fronts. . . .The former head of the CDC is talking about a Bird Flu that would kill 20% to 50% of the people that it infects. Then, combine that with a collapsing dollar, a collapsing stock market and a World War III. . . . Imagine the terror this would cause in people, and then the evil doers come in and say we can make all this stop. All you have to do is have your leaders sign on the dotted line.”
In closing, Newman quotes Psalms 2 of the Bible, “‘The kings of the earth and the rulers are taking counsel together or conspiring together against the Lord and His anointed.’ That’s exactly what they are doing. But here’s the really good news. ‘He who sits in heaven laughs. The Lord holds them in derision. He will speak to them in His wrath and terrify them in His fury’ . . . God is not concerned in the slightest. He is laughing at them . . . You don’t want to be on the wrong side of that.”
There is much more in the 40-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with hard-hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of LibertySentinel.org and author of the runaway best-selling new book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” for 9.24.24.
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After the Interview:
For Newman’s breakdown on the major freedom killing points on “Pact for the Future,” click here for the free article.
To order Newman’s new book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” click here.
Newman’s website is called LibertySentinel.org. There is lots of free information and articles.
For a copy of Alex Newman’s popular book “Deep State,” click here.
To support Alex Newman with electronic donations, click here.
(Please support the people who risk it all to bring you the truth.)
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Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc.
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Glory to God in the highest,
and peace to His people on earth.
Lord God, heavenly King,
Almighty God and Father,
we worship You, we give You thanks,
we praise You for Your glory.
Lord Jesus Christ,
only Son of the Father,
Lord God, Lamb of God,
You take away the sin of the world:
have mercy on us;
You are seated at the right hand of the Father:
receive our prayer.
For You alone are the Holy One,
You alone are the Lord,
You alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of the Father.
i believe in God
Unelected Entities at the UN are openly attempting to remove all Individual Human Rights and Sovereign State and Nation Rights. And these “Unelected Entities at the UN (backed by Billionaires like Bill Gates and Soros) are eager to start the Next Plandemic as an excuse to Remove Individual and National Authority. It’s an outright attempt at creating a Commie Socialist Dictatorship on a Worldwide Scale where Wealthy Billionaires dictate orders to everyone. It will be a world where The United States of America can no longer exist and that’s why they have opened our borders (a Nation without Borders is no longer a Nation). And Yet Bill Gates and George Soros don’t have bounties on their heads the way Trump does!! So you know what you have to do to screw these Demons a bout one month from now VOTE FOR TRUMP!!!
Amen 🙏
As Newman effectively explains “All Countries (Including Bribe’n of the US) Signed an Agreement to Give Up Our Freedoms to the Demonic Dictatorial Monsters now in Control at the UN”!! The World Economic Forum (WEF) told us straight out that “They would Produce The Multiple Crises’ (Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Taiwan, Worldwide Plandemics, Power Blackouts, and Cyber Take-downs, etc., etc.,etc.) that they felt was “Required to Transform All Nations on Planet Earth into Sub-servant Slaves” to a ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP (with KLAUS SCHWAB as the ALMIGHTY RULER and KING of OUR WORLD)!! One Big Problem these Globalists “didn’t figure on” Was TRUMP who got us out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement (to De-industrialize America), out of UNESCO, etc., etc.!! As Newman says: Trump has been “A One-Man Wrecking Ball” to the Global Governance Neocon Nazi Crowd and is likely why Trump (Saved by God “three times” Now) is successfully dodging those bullets, lasers and other equally deadly attempts on his life!! But others are also fighting back against the New World Order i.e. like the BRICS (even the Houthis, who likely torpedoed a U.S. Navy replenishment ship operating in the Middle East the other day). The US says: the USNS Big Horn was taking on water due to damage sustained “due to grounding”? (Just How Deep is the Water in the Mediterranean??) In any case, without the USNS Big Horn (to bring Aviation Fuel for All the Jets aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier Strike Group it is going to be a lot more difficult for the One World Government Globalists to Heat the War Up and Heighten Tensions in the Middle East!! So we should prepare for a Cyber Attack which is probably Next on the WEF’s Agenda!!!
Normally the United States would be considered “The Good Guys” but with Bribe’n and the War Mongering Neocons in Charge we have become the “Bad Guys” this is why it is so important to Vote for Trump (Who Will Stop These Globalist Created Wars) and throw the Commies and Perverts (like Kamala and Tampon Tim) Out. These Globalist Perverts do not belong at the Top of our Government making the Rules and Trying to Instigate Wars!!!
Greg I’ve been listening a long time to you and i really enjoy your format and recurring guests. You’re a passionate patriot and a real journalist. God bless you and your continued health recovery!
Fort Myers FL
Thanks, Brother jeff!
Brother Greg
Hi Greg.. what an incredible show with Alex Newman.
Thank you for all you both do. Loved the show and Scripture. Only the Lord can save this nation, with wonderful news reporting like your and Alex.
God bless. Mike
Brother, Mike,
Brother Greg
Revelation 17:13 is now being fulfilled.
Outstanding to see and hear you again Greg. Please continue to mend.
Thank you Alex.
From Buenos Aires Herald: In his first speech at the United Nations headquarters, Argentine President Javier Milei accused the international organization of promoting a “socialist” and “collectivist” agenda, and said the country would abandon its long tradition of neutrality regarding world conflicts.
“The woke agenda’s collectivism and moral posturing have collided with reality and no longer have credible solutions to offer to the world’s real problems,” the president said during the UN’s 79th General Assembly.
In a speech replete with religious references, Milei said that the UN had “became a multi-tentacled leviathan, which seeks to decide not only what each nation-state should do, but also how all the world’s citizens should live.”
Milei also said the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a 17-point goal declaration adopted by all member countries that includes goals such as tackling climate change and achieving zero hunger, is “a socialist supranational government program.”
The Republican governors are not alone.
Powerful interview!
Incredible how the mainstream media
along with the many independent
internet sites have been silent on this
very important issue.
Thank you and God bless you and your family!
You are doing the work of Jesus.
“How will the UN and WEF take control”? The World Economic Forum (WEF) tells us they will do it by bringing about Polycrisis’ (Multiple Crises’ that would Upend Society and thus “Require A Total Transformation to a One World Government”. Martin Armstrong says the WEF Globalists are on track to Escalate the Numerous Wars they have already started into an “All-out Worldwide International Conflict” by 2026!!! So prepare folks (these “Intentional Wars” will become Increasingly Ferocious in Scope over the Next Couple of Years) Leading to Massive Inflation. Look to the Gold and Silver Price (as a Thermometer Measuring the Heat of War) which hopefully won’t go Nuclear (as that may Break the Thermometer)!!
Well reasoned and damn well said Ken
Russia should aim its Hyper-sonic Nuclear Missiles at the Gold Vaults in Switzerland (where the WEF Globalists keep their stolen money) SO “THEY” WILL OWN NOTHING AND “WE” WILL BE HAPPY!!!
We who own Silver will be Very Happy!!
With the Longshoreman’s Strike that begins in TWO (2) DAYS and Shuts Down the Ports from Maine to Texas, 41% of the Food coming into the US will be “Cut Off” (resulting in shortages, rising food prices and rising Gold and Silver Prices)!! We could easily see Silver rise to over $100 dollars per ounce by Next Year (only 3 months from now)!! NOW THAT”S THREE TIMES YOUR MONEY IN THREE MONTHS FOLKS!!!
For years I’ve taken my coins into my credit union to run through their counter…today I went in with a bunch of loose change and the machine was gone, I asked if this was in all branches? and they said yes, they’re all being removed.
Preparing for the cashless system is my only guess.
ps- I dont know why my type is in italics, tried to change it…
You will have Catastrophic Disclosure about UFOs coming out and a fear of an invasion by ETs among us. Already there is a ramped up increase in sightings in the UK Daily Mail and other places, and book releases that will both address a military invasion threat and a need to PANIC. There is a belief among many that follow disclosures that we are living in a real life Star Trek universe, and nirvana or utopia will happen because there are more good force ETs than bad. The bad or one height of 3 greys pretending to be from our future are allegedly working hand in glove with the 33rd degree Masons who are integrated as the UN with the Rockefellers and others (Rockefeller gave the NYC UN land and there are allegedly 33 parts to the UN flag).
So, in effect, if we had the UN go into full panic with Operation Blue Beam, and the world went into panic, especially if even hyper-sonic nuclear missiles became useless by their intervention, and what looked like space craft up to miles long suddenly appeared in the solar system by the thousands, uncloaked, and we have a captured Media that would not vet all this…what would happen? At present, you may want to interview the well-versed Dr. Michael Salla of Exopolitics Today about if there are ETs and inner Earth Crypto-terrestials, and give an overview presentation so that if there is a catastrophic Disclosure that give the world a United Panic to hand over power to an Anti-Christ, what that up and coming panic will be about regarding how many ETs and inner Earth Beings we might be talking about, and Deep Underground Military Bases making clone armies to unleash and deploy against surface humanity, and so forth. If not, at least be aware of Dr. Salla’s Exopolitics excellent in depth interviews and information, because it will go hand in glove with a world that begs the UN to take them over.
Alex Newman…One of the Most Important Patriotic Thinkers left in this Failed Republic filled with communist Satan loving demons hell bent on Destroying our Language Borders and Culture..the Siren is Louder than ever…the Only Solution is the Military..the disinfection must be fast and brutal. GOD Save America…Remove the TRAITORS and INVADERS!
It’s exactly the way Our Body’s Immune System Works to Prevent CANCER!!! … “IT REMOVES THE FOREIGN TRAITORS AND INVADERS” … !!!
Unfortunately, Trump is but a piece of the puzzle in this grand chess game.
Unless you have a Biblical World View as to what is now happening, you will be one of the many (majority)( upwards of (90 %) who believe a mere mortal man can thwart the design of the living God.
Man and politics has gotten us where we are today. Man and politics are the problem not the answer.
Jesus is the answer. This country is doomed. Pray for the souls of the individuals.
You do not understand it is Gods timing and we don’t believe in one mere mortal man. We belive in God working thru His anointed. See Satan has been trying to push Revelations so he can have more of God’s children bit God says no. I have studied Revelations and I believe in it but the time is not yet. do not get the support for Trump twisted..yiu don’t understand what Gid is about to do
The progressive revelation of the Word of God culminates with the Book of Revelation,
where Jesus reveals how this whole thing is going to wrap up.
The end couldn’t be more glorious for God’s Redeemed children, but before we get there,
this world is going to go through unimaginable chaos and terror.
We can see the black clouds forming on the horizon.
Get as close to Jesus as you possibly can, and REJOICE, because your
redemption draweth nigh.
Aloha! Thanks for the heads-up. Yikes. Where’s the blessing in this situation?
The U.N. says they will obey International Law. If that is true then the Kingdom of Hawai’i has standing since the 1800’s and intends to be the restored Sanctuary nation going forward. The Kingdom has no contracts or agreements with the U. N., the W.H.O., the Federal Reserve, etc.
May unexpected blessings and love come to everyone and from everyone.
Anyone….ANY Talking Head who has the Audacity to call an ILLEGAL INVADER a “Immigrant”..should be Cancelled…Fired, Shadow Banned, Shunned and Shamed back into our American Culture of as per Micheal Savage “BORDERS, LANGUAGE and CULTURE” as in yesteryear ..these Politically Correct Bleeding Heart Imbeciles need to be Ridiculed and Bankrupted… and put into Biblical Submission.
It is NOT the Time anymore to be “POLITICALLY CORRECT” as not to “OFFEND” these “POLITICALLY CORRECT DEMONS”!….I am sick and tired of having to “tiptoe” through my Keyboard as to not “OFFEND” a Lilly Liver’d “better than thou” Cretan who would cry like a spoiled child at the slightest offense….yesray, you are one of them
It didn’t take long for The Commenter Formerly Known As Sam to spit out some more of his offensive bile toward me.
He sits there behind his pitiful keyboard, typing out his spiteful protestations upon others…..and now, he favours us with a new name!!
You see, the moniker he used prior, that being Sam, was so despised and reprehensible in these parts, that he was forced to dump it, and take on his new name.
But as they say, a leopard never changes his spots, and the same is true with this one.
Finger Point At Others.
He is a blight upon the good people of America, and a perpetually repugnant odour in this comment section as well.
Yet, you are drawn to me constantly…….like a helpless moth to a flame, you are unable to comment here without making negative references to me.
It seems therefor that I own you…..and through your own ridiculous attack, I ONCE AGAIN show you up here, in front of the Watchdog Audience, for EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE:
A crude individual with the grace of a rhinoceros and all the intelligence of a cumquat.
Fair Dinkum Sam…….Stanlee……whatever you decide to call yourself next!
Grow up.
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘🐊
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6EBqrXpq5uJY2IwZFhoQ0t1LWs/view?usp=drivesdk&resourcekey=0-TOJF1Ao6n42KS4LsrRhFhA“NORFOLK, VA – Cognitive Warfare includes activities conducted in synchronization with other Instruments of Power, to affect attitudes and behaviours, by influencing, protecting, or disrupting individual, group, or population level cognition, to gain an advantage over an adversary. Designed to modify perceptions of reality, whole-of-society manipulation has become a new norm, with human cognition shaping to be a critical realm of warfare.”
tks alex greg
I must say that I am an atheist and all this theological twaddle is pure mumbojumbo to me. That apart, thanks for the deeply informative video.
To each his own, Terry. It’s a pity
Terry…check out the claims of the Bible while there’s still time to repent. Blessings.
“The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God. 1Cor 1:18”
Alex Newman reporting on the Deep State’s newest and oldest evil plans. Great reporting and I thank you for spreading this. We have to tell people about this attempt to side step our Constitution and take our freedoms
“tell people “……..ok then what? …write yer Corrupt Congressman? that’s some “Pretty Tough” Language…
Well Stan, you can give up. Or you can vote for Trump. I guess revolution is a bit much if you aren’t willing to make a few phone calls and are write a few left
In all seriousness, Stan, what’s your plan besides complaining?
Mate……it’s old mate Sam there giving you a hard time.
He has just changed his handle to Stanlee (he is too ashamed to come back in here as Sam, because no-one wanted to listen to his drivel anymore).
Same stench as always.
Give him a wide berth Brother.
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘🐊
The National Security Act of 1947 made the deep state legal and possibly. Watch Mike Benz ‘s history of the Intel agencies.
Stand or die.
We know that the right vs. left political paradigm is fake because nobody on either side ever mentions one word about these globalists and their deadly agendas. It is kabuki theater, while the globalists continue to encircle and close in.
Wow, the lying legacy media is reporting that Russia didn’t vote for the Pact of the Future. So if Newman is right, and I’ve never known him to be wrong, they’ve reached a new low—outright lying about something so basic and easily checked.
Hey Russell, The Russians submitted an amendment to the pact declaring that the UN should not interfere with the domestic affairs of a country, but it was voted down overwhelmingly. The final pact was adopted by consensus, which means nobody voted for it but also that nobody objected to it passing, including the Russians. Blessings!
Russia and China were not there !
Send Trump a copy of your book.
The Bible is clear this will happen. Not sure why a Christian would be shocked. This should get u excited to go home. Aka heaven. If u fight for this world Jesus will give u the world. If u fight for heaven HE will give u heaven. This is why I don’t understand the delusion of MAGA it’s a demonic agenda of self preservation. Jesus is our preservation. Period. They rest is demonic period.
Why is MAGA demonic? You seem to think those that fight and die will lose salvation. What Bible are you reading? I can’t find it in mine
I agree Stephan however while we’re living on this earth, we have an obligation to stand for truth.
Stephen – Seems you believe fighting to preserve your life on Earth “Is a Demonic Delusion”?? Are you actually promoting that we die as soon as we can??? If so, “I guess” you are also Pro-Abortion and also believe in Population Reduction!!!
Global Communism.
They stand a better chance of putting a bullet in my arm than a needle in my arm!
Roger that
I am grateful I have many family and friends who returned to God without this monstrous mark of evil which destroys our God genes. If the UN does manage to get some souls still on this planet, there will be many more ready to come back and bring justice.
I’ve been homeschooling my 7 kids since 2002 and there were many days I wanted to give up and put them on that yellow school bus. It’s interviews like this that make me glad I never did.
Newsweek: Obama Defense Secretary Issues ‘Urgent’ Nuclear Warning to Trump And Harris /Story by Hugh Cameron • 3h
Robert Gates, the former Defense Secretary, has warned that America’s armed forces are ill-equipped for the “very real prospect of war between nuclear-armed great powers.”
Gates, who served under both Barack Obama and George W. Bush, has called on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris to face up to the “unprecedented peril” posed by China and Russia, aided by North Korea and Iran. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/obama-defense-secretary-issues-urgent-nuclear-warning-to-trump-and-harris/ar-AA1raZoT?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=HCTS&cvid=1402aacd62194d38b0291503e2845f16&ei=36
Russia’s chilling message to Ukraine despite Zelensky’s confidence – ‘victory will be ours’ Story by Oli Smith & John O’sullivan • 38m
Russia has dismissed Ukrainian assertions that the brutal conflict between the two nations is nearing its conclusion. Earlier this week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky suggested that the war with Russia might conclude sooner than anticipated.
Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov responded to Kyiv’s claims by stating that Moscow’s strategy was simply to continue winning the war, which he accused Western countries of instigating through Ukrainians.
He declared: “The victory is needed. They [the West] do not understand any other language. This victory will be ours, we have no doubt.” Lavrov added that Russians had become “truly united in the face of war.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-s-chilling-message-to-ukraine-despite-zelensky-s-confidence-victory-will-be-ours/ar-AA1rbEWR?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=HCTS&cvid=1402aacd62194d38b0291503e2845f16&ei=41
P Diddy breaks silence from jail as he slams ‘offensive’ Kim Porter memoir
WE are in horrible danger
You are CORRECT!
Ammo up!
Ammo up
Is it just me or does anyone else notice how the comment section is full of those that declare the “world is falling apart” scenario? I am not say that it’s not, it is simple to see for those that have eyes; our world is in trouble. My point (I’m guilty of it to) is we post to bring awareness to the issues with rarely a solution perhaps other than Marie Joy. We need solutions to stop evil asap. Prayer is the START!
The solution is just 40 days away: “VOTE FOR TRUMP” and he will find many ways to gum up the Deep State’s Agenda to Destroy Every Nation (including our own) and stop these Globalists from Bringing about Population Reduction by War, Plandemics, Famine and the Cutting Off Our Children’s Sex Organs!!!
The solution is just 40 days away, perhaps! Is Trump a winter coat yes this I believe. Will he stop what is coming, I am not sure about that??? Think of the 10’s of millions of illegals in the US. We will see his true colors if he wins in a fair election but given the stolen track record one cannot put trust in this. “They” did it before they will attempt to do it again as to what degree is the question? It’s a long way to January and that’s a fact. Perhaps he wins the election as to settle the masses, they know he will not loose but with the intent of him never taking office due to some false flag event. Prayer is the START!
he said they signed that on Sunday which was the 23rd which goes along with Bo Polny’s last report on your channel.
Greg, I thank God for you and Newman. Great interview. I liked the way you ended it with Scripture verses in Psalm 2 quoted by Newman. A messianic psalm. Nations and kings are warned to serve an omnipotent and sovereign God. Yes, the futile resistance and rebellion deserves His laughter and the wrath of His righteousness and justice.
Yes, He Who sitteth in the heavens laughs at the attempts of the nations/United Nations to spoil Gods people. And yes, such times were prophesied to come in both Testaments of the Bible. But we have to wonder if our prayerlessness and carelessness as we live our lives also has something to do with the circumstances God has allowed.
Did Argentina adopt it too?
The Whole Armor of Yahweh
Bertrand Comparet
In the Greek armor the girdle, or military belt, was used to brace the armor tight against the body, and to cover the space where the two parts of the breastplate joined. This girdle was also used as a belt on which to suspend a dagger or a short sword. The breastplate consisted of two parts. One part reached from the neck to the navel, the other part hung from the navel to the knees, then the two parts were joined by the girdle. The lower legs and feet were protected by greaves made of gold, silver, brass or iron.
The head was protected by a helmet, made of various metals. The shield was carried on the left arm, and was sometimes made of thick, strong sole leather, or sometimes was a frame of wood covered with brass or iron. All these things were defensive armor. Then there was a sword, an offensive weapon. He who had all this armor, was completely armed for combat.
Certainly no man made doctrines and dogmas will suffice. We must turn to the source of all great truth, the Bible. This is where Paul begins, “having your loins girt about with truth.” In John 18:38 Pontius Pilate asked Yahshua, “What is truth?” In John 17:17 Yahshua said Yahweh’s word is truth, and is the only truth that matters.
Remember that Yahweh’s word to us has been mostly the rules by which our personal and national lives should be governed, by these laws and His commandments. Psalm 119:142, 151 tells us, “Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and Thy law is the truth. … Thou art near O Yahweh, and all Thy commandments are truth.” How many of our churches today remember, all Yahweh’s commandments are the truth?
The churches teach that the Old Testament is just the record of Yahweh’s well meant failure to accomplish what He wanted to do, after which He gave up and started over on something within His means, in the New Testament. Some of them even apologize for the Old Testament as just a collection of the myths of a primitive people!
We also can see that all the commandments of Yahweh are the truth as Psalm 119:151 says. Therefore we can’t throw any part of it in the rubbish heap, as some of the churches do with the Old Testament. We must take both the Old and New Testaments as one book.
Yahshua confirms this in Matthew 5:17-19 where He says, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled. Whosoever, therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
Next Paul mentions the breastplate of righteousness. This we might say is to do Yahweh’s truth, this is not a new idea in the Bible. Speaking of Yahweh Isaiah 59:17 says, “He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and an helmet of salvation upon His head.” Paul carries this same simile into Ephesians, which we have quoted.
The Bible has much to say about righteousness and what it will do for us. Isaiah 48:18 records, “O that you hadst hearkened to My commandments! Then had your peace been as a river, and your righteousness as the sea.” Isaiah 32:16-18 fills out this picture. “Then judgment shall dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field; and the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. And My people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.”
Next Paul says that our feet should be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Not the false satanic hope of peace by reliance upon the pagan, Christ hating countries of the United Nations. Peace never comes from leaders of these pagan countries, they don’t even know the meaning of peace. However, many churches of today teach that our only hope of peace is in surrendering to the United Nations. Have they never heard the Prince of peace is Yahshua?
Peace can only come on Yahweh’s own terms, after Yahweh’s kingdom has been established. Yahshua confirms this for in Matthew 10:34 He said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on the earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” Only under the rule of Yahweh will peace come, the scriptures verify this throughout the Bible.
In Isaiah 52:7 we read these famous words. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, your God reigneth!” It is only when the kingdom of Yahweh has become an effective reality on earth, the good tidings of peace can be published, and not otherwise.
Isaiah 9:6-7 records, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulders: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of Yahweh will perform this.”
It is only of Yahweh’s government and peace that there shall be no end. The scriptures have never promised us any other peace. Peace certainly cannot come under the United Nations which recognizes no god but the stone idol of Zeus, which stands in the lobby of its building in New York City.
Paul says we need the shield of faith. In the original Greek, from which this was translated, it says the faith. This is important, not just faith, not just belief in something, but the faith. The pagans who worshiped Moloch and Baal certainly had faith. They offered their first born sons as bloody sacrifices on the altar, but it was the wrong faith. There is far too little true faith, the faith, in the world. In Luke 18:8 Yahshua sorrowfully asks, “When the Son of man cometh, shall He find the faith on the earth?”
What is the faith? After His resurrection Yahshua defined the faith. He rebuked two of His disciples for their failure to understand what had happened, it is recorded in Luke 24:25. “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.” Today, most churches believe only the gospel of personal salvation. They despise all the rest that the prophets have spoken, they do not have the faith.
Next Paul lists the helmet of salvation, it is fifth on the list. You must have the first four parts of armor, before you are ready for this one. In the Old Testament, four Hebrew words are translated salvation. In the New Testament, two Greek words are translated salvation, all six have the primary meaning of safety. This is not only safety for the individual, it must also be safety for the nation. If you voluntarily let your nation lose its salvation, do you think that you as an individual, can keep yours? Among our ancient ancestors, those whose indifference allowed Baal worship to enter the land, perished with it. Personal salvation by itself is not enough. Today most Christians are running around unarmed and naked except for just a helmet.
We can’t stand passively by while this battle rages. Besides the defensive armor of Yahweh, we must also have the sword of the spirit, which Paul tells us, is the word of Yahweh. If you know this, and are not afraid to use it, you can drive the enemy out of our schools, churches and our government, even out of our land.
Satan has disarmed most people by subverting the churches. These churches are now teaching Christians must avoid anything which is controversial and teaching Christians they should love everybody, good or evil.
As a real Christian, you are armed with the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. In addition you have the shield of the faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit. What are you armed for? To do battle courageously against all wickedness. Let’s go! With these arms, and under the leadership of Yahshua, YOUR DESTINY IS VICTORY!!!
Yes. “The Pact For The Future”, aka The Pact With The Devil, is how Satan organizes wicked mankind against Jesus Christ’s Second Coming. As I’ve said before, The United Nations is Anti-Christ, Anti-God’s Kingdom and Anti-God’s Will. What we have here is Satan’s United Nations. United for Satan and united against Jehovah God.
The United Nations is part of the symbolic, metaphorical group that is “inspired by deamons”…. What the UN says is inspired by demons. And what the UN does is inspired by Satan.
“They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.” ~ Revelation
Hi RA,
Just look at the WHO logo, speaks volumes about their demonic worship.
Yeah!! A Satanic Demonic Reptile “WHO” has the Entire World Under its Control!!
As of right now, gold is up:
4.15% for the week
5.97% for the month
40.26% yoy
It’s still cheap and it’s the best prep you can have after salvation in Christ.
Remember when Bitcoin was only $2600 Dollars?? Now Bitcoin is over $60,000 Dollars (AND IT IS NOT EVEN REAL MONEY)!!!
Gold and Silver Prices will continue to rise because the Two Biggest Governments (the US and China) “WANT MORE INFLATION” in-order to reduce their enormous National Debts and Unfunded Liabilities (IN REAL TERMS). Both these Governments know they can’t tax their people more so they will “Tax Us Indirectly” by Destroying the Purchasing Power of the Paper Currencies they Issue!!! Now if you thought the Monetary Destruction we in the US have witnessed in recent years Has Been Excessive https://www.richdad.com/MediaLibrary/RichDad/Images/charts/usd-purchasing-power-1913-2008.png “Just Wait for the Suffering to Come that we will be Forced to Endure “even if Trump gets in” (as he will raise Tariffs that will increase the cost of goods). Hopefully, if Trump increases oil and gas production enough, it will Mitigate “some of this Inflation” with lower Energy Costs!!!
The Crazy Mixed up CIA Operation Paper Clip & They’re Project Mockingbird Propaganda Media Creation of Vomit on US!
Neil Oliver: …we’re being fed a diet of lies! 26,498 3 hours ago
‘…are you ready to go down another rabbit hole?’
Examining Rising Deaths: Who’s Really Responsible? | The Way I Heard It / Mike Rowe 1,802,509 views Jul 24, 2024
Mike Rowe and Gavin de Becker delve into the realities of excess mortality in America. They explore critical issues surrounding unexpected deaths and examine the factors contributing to this concerning trend.
To Protect and Serve: Where Was our CIA/FBI on This One?
They don’t call the Jab “a KILL SHOT” for nothing!!
It’s easy for someone to poohpooh this “pact” as not legal nor binding to the American people. But then look at all the J6ers. Political prisoners who committed ZERO crimes yet they are in jail. That isn’t legal either. Nor ATF raiding a man’s home in the darkness of the early morning hours and murdering him for … you guessed it for not committing a crime.
This is very important. Please raise Cain with you Congressman, Senator and Governor. Let them know your ire in a polite fashion.
This is great reporting. All those BiG Journalists in NYC could have walked to this and if they did, none reported on it. Why? Because it will alarm the serfs.
Thank you YHWH for Greg Hunter’s reporting and for Alex Newman going were the Lame Stream Media is afraid to go and report!
Is America Facing a New Soviet Union? | Victor Davis Hanson | The Way I Heard It / Mike Rowe 714K views 4 days ago
In this eye-opening The Way I Heard It, Mike Rowe and Victor Davis Hanson delve into the sudden name change’s of our culture and its deeper implications. Discover how a certain popular search engine’s and media bias, historical erasure, and political double standards are reshaping our world. Can popular outrage challenge institutional control?
Dine intervention?
@victorfontaine4943 4 days ago
I was a truck driver for many years and I’m going to say this in the hope that someone with a shred of common sense will see this comment. If you attempt to move the American food & agricultural transportation industry solely on electric vehicles you will get two things. Skyrocketing food prices and a starving population. The infrastructure is not there. The technology is not there. California banned independent contractors with older equipment and now they’re paying $3 for one Apple at the grocery store. I’m warning that they need to slowly back away from this idea. It’s simply not possible, not now.
@Makoonga 4 days ago
For years and years and years Mike was NOT political. But as the politics began to destroy America Mike knew he had to pick a side, and he did, and he picked the correct side.
54@IronskullGM 2 days ago
I come from a family that has served in every major conflict in our nations history, myself included. What we are seeing today rising in America is exactly what we fought against.
Saoirse.n.Murphy 4 days ago
I was fired twice in the past 9 months over DEI. I find that people are becoming drones in the workplace. No more water cooler talk. If you speak, you do not fit in and are released for the next drone. The reason, as it finally dawned on me regarding the big picture, is so that people do not discuss what is happening in our country. Divided we fall… and here we go! Peace
Well said. Electric vehicles last as long as the battery then the cost of replacement is prohibitable, and resale would also be. Basing food distribution on these vehicles will not work. Given the course we are on, I believe what infrastructure remains will have a short life. Greg’s response to many is “Be the elect”.
Is it possible Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia have designs with BRICS that counters this UN Agenda?
“….Let them know your ire in a polite fashion”….OH YEAH…that’ll do the trick….ask them politely to deport the INVADERS while you’re at it…
Perfect Solution!
Wonder if George Washington used that technique on the English overseers?
Well, Stan, are you going to play General or just complain?
I nominate General Stan Lee to lead the resistance against the Demons now destroying our Earth and its People!!!
Replying to your own comments under another name is a sign of severe mental illness.
You are now commenting here under no less than three different names:
Kit Lee
Fair Dinkum……you are one twisted, tormented fruit loop, that’s for sure.
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘🐊
Ray – I’m waiting for Gen. Stan Lee (“Stan”) who last sold Gold short at $1700 to give us the word he is once again shorting Gold (this time at $2,600)!! Which I will use “as further confirmation” to buy even more Silver!!!
Seek therapy…….
Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘🐊
When my children were in school I had to toss out the common core homework and teach my children how to read write and do math. It was appalling how uneducated the school was causing in my children. It was a bale of confusion wrapped up like traditional homework. The kids didn’t understand it, I didn’t understand it and the teachers were, come to find out, just as clueless about the theme of the ciruiculum. The teachers spent more time berating the students than teaching them in an effort to cover up the deception. The students were generally, bored, but were rewarded with ‘feel-good’ accolades in order to make them and their parents think everything was okay. So, yes, I know about common core BS.
Charlie Kirk and Vivek Ramaswamy Take on Woke Mob at University of Pittsburgh Charlie Kirk 1,412,115 views 9/22/24
Americans will not accept the UN as boss. We never voted for them or these “laws.”
Biden does not have the mental capacity to be signing anything on behalf of the US.
As such, the “contract” is null and void. We will not comply!
I agree but we have an unelected mentally deranged guy in the White House. Scary.
Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi blasts ‘anti-Israel troll’ Greta Thunberg Sky News Australia 340K views 1 day ago
Sky News host Rita Panahi has blasted “anti-Israel troll” Greta Thunberg after she was filmed chanting at a rally wearing a keffiyeh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U1YdFGhcss
Lefties losing it: The best of Kamala Harris supporters going mad
Sky News Australia 4.68M subscribe268,038 views Sep 25, 2024
Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to Kamala Harris supporters going crazy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPe_tV9TTSE
Agenda 2040 to be released soon. I bet these destroyers of souls will do the following….
Operation: Level the playing field of the planet. Make 500,000 out of the 8 billion total population “GOD People” that have 100% of the assets. Make 50,000 people the “scum class police” that ensure the bottom people work and produce for the GODS. And the rest of the 8 billion people are mindless cattle without a purpose beyond working the jobs necessary to support the 500,000 GODS. This world requires no money at all as the assets are owned by the continental GODS, simply, a GOD status person can take whatever they want, no money required. In order for the cattle to survive they must produce or die.
Thanks Greg for covering this THREAT TO LIBERTY .
” The Lying Legacy Media lied by omission again on this important story that will affect everyone on the planet. Newman thinks this is too stupid to be stupid. Newman says, “I asked people at the summit why is the American media not covering this? ”
>CFR runs the media. Period. The C.F.R. wants one world government. They write the script of the nightly news and decide what get on-air and what get ignored. This is why every CONservative talk radio show tells you nothing you don’t already know.
Largely unbeknownst to the general public, executives and top journalists of almost all major US news outlets have long been members of the influential Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Established in 1921 as a private, bipartisan organization to “awaken America to its worldwide responsibilities”, the CFR and its close to 5000 elite members for decades have shaped US foreign policy and public discourse about it.
Princeton University professor and former CFR member Stephen F. Cohen described the Council as “America’s single most important non-governmental foreign-policy organization”, whose primary role is to “define the accepted, legitimate, orthodox
parameters of discussion.” ( THEY decide what is ‘ allowed ‘ to be talked about )
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
Clearly, these evil people are tying to install the “Mark of the Beast” system of total control.
Speaking of “Total Control” the Evil Globalists are now telling us that “Asking Questions Is A Form Of Disinformation”!!! https://ussanews.com/2024/09/27/american-psychological-association-tells-children-that-asking-questions-is-a-form-of-disinformation/ !! So now when your Child asks his Teacher: Why Is The Sky Blue?? Your Child will be sent for Psychological Examination and likely Prescribed Drugs that will Turn Them “Psycho and Schizophrenic” so they will then go out and get a Gun and “Shoot Up the Crazy School They Are In (which of-course is Exactly What the Evil Globalists Want (SO THEY CAN TAKE AWAY “OUR” GUNS)!!!
What do you expect when this world is living in a multitude of sins day after day, week after week, month after month, and tells Almighty God to keep His nose out of its business?
Make NO mistake…Pain, suffering and death by the billions is coming at the hands of both Satan and Almighty God sooner than you think! Anyone who has taken the mark of the Beast will be put to sleep for 1,000 years until after the Millennium.
When King Jesus Christ returns with his army of destroying angels (Rev. 19:11-16) He will put down all resistance and rebellion and personally and literally begin to rule all nations from His throne in Jerusalem and restore all things here on this earth the way they were meant to be from the beginning.
Satan will be bound in a place of restraint (Rev. 20:1-3) and man’s corrupt governments will become a thing of the past.
But we better make “DAMN SURE” it is not “Aliens from Space” (Pretending to be Jesus Christ’s Army)!! As they may simply be Satanic Demons out to “Rustle Up Some Food” when they come “To Take Us To Heaven” (just like we human farmers do to the Cow’s, Chickens and Pigs we march to the Slaughter House)!!!
Yeah!! We better make “DAMN SURE”!! Look what happen to us when we Didn’t Make Sure the Jabs were our Salvation!!!
Big deal. Trump’s Secretary of State pedophile Rex Tillerson is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations too.
The U.N. is evil and demonic. It is Mystery Babylon at its core. Please look up the U.N. meditation room. There is a giant BLACKROCK at its center. The UN sits on the old blood soaked grounds of the New York slaughterhouse district. ( Symbolic much ? )
You must understand what the founders and followers of U.N. doctrine believe and think.
.”Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an “extraterrestrial” invasion], whether real or *promulgated* [emphasis mine], that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this *scenario*, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.” Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.” David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations
((( This is where “” Build Back Better “” comes from )))
“In the destruction of the old world order and in the chaos of these modern times, the work of the new creation is going forward; the task of reconstruction, leading to a complete reorganization of human living…” Discipleship in the New Age She says that the “universal creative aspect” has designed The Plan with a world “transition from chaos to ordered Beauty,” which is the “politics of meaning.” Alice Bailey The New International Economic Order
Official printer for the U.N.
Lucis Trust NGO officially recognized by the UN, incorporated in 1924 as Lucifer Publishing, identifies Lucifer as the “Solar Logos” (logos – greek for “spirit”) World Goodwill. sister organization
“The environmental crisis is the cornerstone for the New World Order” Maurice strong ( U.N. environmental leader ) was quoted as saying, ” Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” James Garrison ( President of the Gorbachev Foundation ) says ” we are going to end up with world government. It’s inevitable..
Meryl Nass take on Pack for the Future.
Why is the United Nations called the ” UN ” ?
The prefix means :
A prefix meaning “not,” giving negative or opposite force .
A prefix freely used .. expressing a reversal of some action or state, or removal, deprivation, release, etc
What does Lucifer want in his rebellion against GOD ?
He wants to UN make , UN do , UN wind , all that is Holy.
He wants to reverse and destroy creation.
How about we get some bulldozers and push the UN right into the Atlantic Ocean “UN-DER” 1000 Feet of Water (we got rid of the Georgia Guide Stones so why not this Monument to Humanities Destruction)???
Great big pic synthesis. Big A.N. fan but this time distracted all the way thru the interview: TRIM THE MUSTACHE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hair hanging in mouth in long strands is not becoming.
I am afraid that the decline of the U.S.A. is long past the point of no return, realistically. It might still be (theoretically) possible to balance the budget but its not politically viable and there are way too many people, including migrants, receiving govt. benefits (dole) or entitlements. Govt. benefited people all vote too. Plus, in states like Calif. only 51% of state residents own their own house-the rest all rent. No skin in the game, increasingly.
No, after reading World Affairs Brief for 2 years, I have learned that according to the editor, Joel Skousen (https://worldaffairsbrief.com/), what is most likely to occur would be WWIII with China and North Korea as the “trigger”. We would first receive an EMP followed-up with precision hypersonic nuclear missile strikes taking-out our military bases soon thereafter. The People would receive no warnings.
Our old Minuteman III ICBM’s won’t be replaced (upgraded) with new LGM-35 Sentinel ICBM’s until at least 2032 A.D. or afterwards. Unfortunately, this mission critical defense upgrade won’t happen near in-time to deter a concerted nuclear missile attack which would come as a complete surprise anyway, catching a President Kamala Harris off-guard ( The President would have only 6 minutes to decide to respond).
24 Hours afterwards, It would be: “Lights-Out” followed by about 2 years without power, food, or transportation. Few would survive a prolonged Mad Max America either.
Right now, Europe is starting to militarize with each country building-up its own munitions factories and national armed services. Once the U.S. military is decapitated by a surprise Nuclear attack from China + Russia + North Korea, then the rest of the West would regroup under a fully militarized U.N. in response. This would be your all-inclusive “One World Government” (without Asia, of course). Think East vs. West.
K.O. for America in this future scenario. It would be a mistake to simply assume: “It can’t happen here”, as it definitely could at any time. Hubris is our domestic enemy.
Joel Skousen occasionally does interviews such as on Canadian Prepper.com a few years ago. So, you might contact Joel and see if he can be a guest on your show. Joel will tell you we are in the “End Times” and things are unlikely to get better going-forward. People need to prepare for what is coming. It will be difficult times indeed.
Faith. Jesus said, “There would be no flesh left if the days were not shortened. So, for the sake of the elect the days shal be shortened.”
Be the elect.
Be the elect – and Elect Donald Trump to shorten the days of the Globalists!!
A short prayer by Padre Pio:
“O Jesus, save the elect in the hour of darkness”
Amen & amen.
Jesus said the “Days shall be shortened” for the sake of the elect.
Supposedly Hezbollah urged Iran to attack Israel now invading them, but Iran “Refused” supposedly because the “timing isn’t right”!! It is said Putin told Iran “to sit on its hands” and “NOT TAKE THE BAIT” (like he did in Ukraine)!!
However, I think we can be sure “A Time Will Come” when both Russia and Iran will give the Evil Neocons in the US, NATO and Israel a Really Really Big Bloody Nose (but they “Will Do It At A Time Of Their Choosing And On Their Terms”)!! Martin Armstrong’s Socrates Computer is saying “we will probably see things get Really Bad On The War Front by 2026”!! So the Days Left for us To Prepare “IS VERY SHORT”!!!
Sorry, I don’t see Israel is evil necons. They are surrounded by evil Satan worshippers on all sides that attack them weekly if not Daily.
And you think they are necons because they finally get fed up and decide to stop these bastards
I disagree that we are past saving
Who created the U.N. , and for what purpose ?
“There is… a power which we seldom mention in this House… I mean the secret societies… a great part of Europe– the whole of Italy and France and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries–is covered with a network of these secret societies… They do not want constitutional government; they do not want ameliorated institutions… they want to change the tenure of land, to drive out the present owners of the soil and put an end to ecclesiastical establishments… Benjamin Disraeli Bristish Prime Minister July 14, 1856 speech in the House of Commons
“There exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, a body of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of those whose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has a secret Destiny…” The outcome of this “secret destiny” is a World Order ruled by a king with supernatural powers. “This king was descended of a divine race; that is, he belonged to the Order of the Illumined; for those who come to a state of wisdom then belong to a family of heroes-perfected human beings.” Manley P. Hall 33 degree Mason The Secret Destiny of America
This plan, dedicated to the new order of things, is to make all things new — a new nation, a new race, a new civilization, and a new religion, a nonsectarian religion that has already been recognized and called the religion of “The Great Light..” World leaders were working to lead humanity forward into the “New Age of the world–a Novus Ordo Seclorum.” This was The Plan to “unfold the New Order of the world.” C. William Smith The New Age Sept. 1950
( They think they will become ‘gods’. )
“The Masters are working according to a Plan… which will demonstrate a large measure of world unity… marked by universality… “The Plan is concerned with re-building mankind… As human beings begin to take the higher initiations… the true nature of the divine Will will be grasped…” Alice Bailey 24 books published by Lucis Trust The Beacon Sept-Oct 1975 pp. 145-148
“plan” to purify the Earth and prepare for the coming New Age kingdom. Civilization must be “destructured.” “Helping to bring about the new day on earth, would be the establishment of an international `mediarchy'” promoted by globalist activists already in place in the news media – TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, computer networks, etc. Says it is mankind’s destiny to “surrender to the higher intelligence that rules the planet.” Crystal Earth Papers Says that chaotic events will result in the replacement of current governmental and political structures. New values will be instituted for mankind, including cooperation, collaboration, and unification on behalf of the “Spirit of the Earth.” ….
“Era of Reseeding.” Major population areas will be thinned-out. “The human population will be resettled, while the care of the planet will be entrusted to shamanic exercises.” Industrial civilization will be done away with. UN personnel will develop plans for economic battalions to redistribute the wealth of the world. “Jose Arguelles professor of art at a New Mexico university, mastermind of World Harmonic Convergence Day
The Hunger of Eve “no worldly peace can prevail until the self-centered members of the planetary body either change or die, that is the choice.” “We, the elders have been patiently waiting until the very last moment to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity…” “We’re in charge of God’s selection process for plantet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse “Death.” We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God.” Barbara Marx Hubbard World peace and environmental movements.
This is no joke people , it is what they really believe.
Jerry. solutions would be deemed as ‘threats’. We ARE needing a return/reformation to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as the founding fathers set forth. THAT is the contract we agreed to, our States agreed to and our ””representatives”’ were supposed to have sworn an oath to support and defend. Same oath a small majority of the citizenry took when we donned a uniform.
The solution is to, at this point pick a side…and defend that Constitution against ALL threats…. foreign and domestic. Doing so…is now why ‘they’ would deem even the discussion of it…A THREAT! Like being a Christian, there is no place for being lukewarm…THAT is why accepting Him and the morals and values that go with it, is also WHY they consider Christians a THREAT. Actually, that is also why many Muslims also as see as a THREAT, as well. Although, many Christians see their intolerance of some things too sever and against our views as to how to deal with some of the issues. Throwing gays of roofs, honor killings, stoning, suicide bombs, how they subjugate women etc. Many of those extremes promoted by a wing of those teaching which the leaders of that religion need to deal with, if they ever hope to gain a wide acceptance, just as many of the now deviations being promoted by leaders of Christianity, which many do NOT accept the ‘pope’ as the singular authority on the WORD.
Time for talking IS over. and beyond voting, it is time even in light of one’s comfort, hardship to speak out, to speak with one’s choices and wallets.
If one is against surveillance and lack of privacy, etc… decline/cancel their participation to many apps. Go back to one’s old flip phone for a start. Stop the geo-fencing and the spying. Don’t just turn off one’s phone, place it next to a speaker, or put it in a faraday bag when not is use. Clearly one does not need to be on sites that collect and gather one’s data, interests and movements. Time for Gates,l Bezo and Zuck to make their billions another way? Would you die if you were not on Facebook or Instagram or You Tube. Those are a few that are deeply involved with ‘SHARING’ data with their public = private agreements being planned to go forward. Those and Apple have gotten so deep into our daily lives would require a huge withdrawal problem. but they are but only a few of the ‘tool’s they rely on to manipulate, do surveillance on, and ‘program’ people’s thoughts. Does anyone believe what happened with the pagers, and radios is an isolated thing? Has no-one thought those ‘POWER SURGES’ and device attacks suffered were just anomalies? What IS Censorship, but the first acts = denial of communication, just like in the military. disrupt and deny access to information.
Why is Freedom of Speech the first in the minds of the founding fathers, AND the Right to Keep and Bear arms the 2nd?
Time to Get right with one’s Creator, and they deny ‘their’ access/intrusion into your life and world. They PUSH your local police and services to pull away from ‘FEDRAL GOVERNMENT’ programs and grants that come with ‘strings’ attached. Then do the same with the STATE. Where possible look for opportunities to un-incorporate as ‘those’ have ‘officials’ whose fiduciary obligation is to that ‘agency’ and NOT the people, which has at least been a contention for many decades as to how/why the People see their government being two separate forms, one a nation state, the other a corporation with CONGRESS now working for the latter, not the People and increasingly pushing their ‘administrative’ policy and ACTS, rather than the ‘law of the land’, and passing Laws. This also goes to acts that are seen as illegal by the government, but NOT by public corporations, which the people surcumb to by NOT reading the reams of fine print, and ‘ACCEPTING’ their upgrades with usually are more invasions of one’s privacy and data, which one AGREES TO….much like when one signs up for ‘SOCIAL SECURITY’…which like ‘ole’ Senator Harry Reid used to say, income tax is voluntary, as most people never read or are duped into ACCEPTING legally much of that which they complain about.
All the ‘return to gold and silver’ would not have needed to happen if people then did not ACCEPT the ‘convenience’ of paper money in the first place. Which ALLOWED ‘them’ to move away from them…and towards ‘legal tender’,which then they pushed to make HOLDING Constitutional ‘illegal’? and then GOING OFF the gold standard rather than opening up the mine fields or ‘re-valuing’ gold and silver to align with the amount of currency in circulation. IMO, allowing the FED and Central banks to make such moves then, was the camel’s nose under the tent.
BUT that IS the old history that needs to be addressed. NOT just in the U.S. but the world, and INCLUDES those Central Banks in those regions of which the FED is 1 of the 63 worldwide. and NOT the primary one at that as people are led to believe, but no doubt likely the ole OSS-CIA has the ability to influence and control by various means. That AND these people are who the world and each nation need to do their own research of…as to whom are pledged to what…their nations or a wider globalist view under who’s charge/control.
who are the board of directors of BIS =
Gates W McGarrah Apr 1930-May 1933
https://www.bis.org/about/formerboard.htm = of which one was related to U.S. CIA director Richard Helms.=
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Helms =
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gates_W._McGarrah and note in referrence there =References
During his time with the Reichsbank, Hjalmar Schacht served as president of the Bank.[8]
The idea for the Bank for International Settlements originated in the United States, and the “individuals involved were international bankers who, despite past differences, ‘worked together to establish a world financial order that would incorporate the federal principle of the American central banking system.’ Specifically among them were people such as ‘Owen D. Young, J. Pierpont Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont, S. Parker Gilbert, Gates W. McGarrah, and Jackson Reynolds, who, in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, sought to extend the principle of central bank cooperation to the international sphere.'”[13]
therein= Hjalmar Schacht –
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hjalmar_Schacht = who is tied with the Dulles Brothers =
During World War II it was the setting for top secret World War II military intelligence operations (known as “P.O. Box 1142”) as well as an interrogation center for high-value prisoners of war.
Its ALL relevant at some point…the wars and profits of them to end all wars that never seems to! Always the blood lost is rarely ever theirs…but the profits always end up in ‘others’ pockets…and what does not ends up on the nations NATIONAL DEBT of the taxpayers. FUNNY HOW THAT WORK? yet, all the INTEL officers swear DJT is the problem…a guy never in public office until recently, who wanted to end it! No truer words spoken than General Smedley Butler’s.
Thanks Greg for booking Alex Newman, an articulate and informed “embedded” reporter on all things Globalist. Rev. 13 speaks of the “”mark of the beast”, I believe it must have to do with mRNA injections. Where 13:17 states, “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” by default it means some must not have received the mark (and/or those that had managed to detoxify from it).
UN blue helmets make a grate aiming point, I hope like the Japanise learned in WW2 that there will be an aimed gun behind every bush, tree trunk, vehicle tires, buildings, ete. and I don’t miss, and neither do my friends. Dave of Oregon.
The Red Commies Are Coming, The Red Commies are Coming!!! They are wearing Blue Helmets (indicating they are from DemonRat States Controlled by the New World Order)!! Grab your muskets, get behind a tree and don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!!!
Change that to the Blue of their helmet 😉
Those Blue helmets show up great don’t they!
America and it’s globalist controlled leadership are fu$king evil and will burn in Hell.
They all use patsies to takeover, destroy, cause, etc. UN is being used as one of them to circumvent our Constitution, which is ridiculous. We see this with Oswald, Routh, Crook, Biden, Kamala, obama, etc.
Top dem surrogate calls for Trump to be “Extinguished”. Can you believe that they will say this out loud?
Except for story:::
Top Kamala Surrogate Calls to ‘Extinguish’ Trump ‘for Good’
Matt Margolis
12:04 PM on September 25, 2024
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File
Less than two weeks after the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump, a top surrogate for Vice President Kamala Harris, who is also a member of Joe Biden’s cabinet, is under fire for using dangerous and reckless rhetoric against Trump.
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo accused Trump of spreading “another lie” about Harris during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday. But what was really shocking was her chilling choice of words.
“How did we get here?” Raimondo asked, before declaring, “Let’s extinguish him for good. We have an answer — a remarkably talented candidate in Harris.” …
The Demon Rat Globalists need to go through Trump to get to Us!! So, First they “Extinguish” Trump, then they “Extinguish” Us [and without Us there is no US]!!
They don’t have to go through Trump to get “Their Yearly Quota of Children” (that they use as “Sex Toys” before” Cooking and Eating Them” at their Bohemian Grove Barbecue Bash each year)!! The people who make “Child Offerings” to These Globalist ‘Gods’ are like Farmers who pay their property taxes by killing off few Cows each year!!! Trump says we are currently losing Hundreds of Thousands of Children each year (willingly given to these Sadistic Demonic Globalists for use as “Burnt Offerings” or Sex Toys because some people think these Evil Perverted Queer Loving Psychopathic Globalists are Gods)!!!
Hi Greg, I found this link to the “Meditation Room” on the UN’s website.
Thanks Frank. It looks totally demonic.
Speaking of demonic.
This little 6-ton iron ore stone altar “or Obelisk” placed at the UN by our Globalist Controlled Demon Rats pales in comparison to what was erected on the Moon (but won’t dare be shown to an Americans audience who may begin ask questions about “Alien Entities” being so close to our world (perhaps even “Controlling the Demon Rats” on Earth to reduce or completely eliminate and Kill by any and all means possible (Jabs, Nuclear War, etc.) 99% of the Humans now residing on Planet Earth)!! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/tall-alien-spire-on-the-moon_n_56b28c49e4b01d80b24519aa
Great Day of Jehovah is Near
The Great Day of Jehovah is Near — Zephaniah 1:14 The great day of Jehovah is near!
It is near and it is approaching very quickly!
The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter.
There a warrior cries out.
15 That day is a day of fury,
A day of distress and anguish,
A day of storm and desolation,
A day of darkness and gloom,
A day of clouds and thick gloom,
16 A day of the horn and of the battle cry,
Against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers.
17 I will cause distress to mankind,
And they will walk like blind men,
Because it is against Jehovah they have sinned.
Their blood will be poured out like dust,
And their flesh like the dung.
18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury;
For by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be consumed,
Because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.”
2 Gather together, yes, gather yourselves,
O nation that feels no shame.
2 Before the decree takes effect,
Before the day passes by like chaff,
Before the burning anger of Jehovah comes upon you,
Before the day of Jehovah’s anger comes upon you,
3 Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth,
Who observe his righteous decrees.
Seek righteousness, seek meekness.
3 Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth,
Who observe his righteous decrees.
Seek righteousness, seek meekness.
Rich, you piqued my interest here, so I did a deep dinkydive on all this meekness stuff I been’s hearding about!😊
Meekness is often misunderstood as weakness, but it actually signifies a mild, humble, and patient disposition. It involves being gentle and enduring injury with patience and without resentment. In the Bible, meekness is a virtue highly valued by God. It is closely associated with humility and gentleness, and it reflects a person’s willingness to be taught and to endure discipline.
What Will Happen if your Meek?
According to the Bible, really just about the only source, the meek will inherit the earth. Psalm 37:11 states, “The meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” This promise is reiterated in Matthew 5:5, where Jesus says, “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth.” The meek are those who humbly follow God’s guidance and live according to His principles3.
The Earth
The Bible seam’s to indicate that the earth will be transformed into a paradise. This transformation will occur after the current system of things is destroyed during the Great Tribulation. The earth will be cleansed of wickedness, and only the righteous and meek will inhabit it. This new world will be a place of peace, security, and happiness, where people will live in harmony with each other and with nature. I saw this Ster Trek show! Spock falls in love and Bones is happy and Kirk feels it’s all to good to be true and life was meant to be a struggle in exploring the universe!
The Great Crowd
The “great crowd” refers to the multitude of people who survive the Great Tribulation. Revelation 7:9 describes this group as “a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.” These individuals are faithful to God and are granted the privilege of living on earth during the Millennium and beyond.
The Great Tribulation
The Great Tribulation is a period of unprecedented distress that will culminate in the end of the current world system. It will begin with the destruction of “Babylon the Great,” which represents all false religions. This destruction will be carried out by political powers under God’s direction. Following this, there will be a final attack on true worshippers, but God will protect His people. The tribulation will end with the battle of Armageddon, where God’s enemies will be defeated.
Life After the Tribulation
After the Great Tribulation, Satan and his demons will be bound for a thousand years, rendering them inactive and unable to influence humanity. During this Millennium, Christ will reign as King, and the earth will be restored to God’s original purpose, paradise! The righteous will enjoy everlasting life in perfect health and happiness. The resurrection of the dead will also take place, allowing billions to have the opportunity to learn about our God and live according to His ways.
Me Conclusion
The future promises a time of peace and righteousness for those who are meek and faithful to our loving and meek God almighty sovereign of this universe.
The earth will be a paradise, free from suffering and wickedness, where the great crowd will live forever in harmony. The Great Tribulation, though a time of distress, will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of God’s purpose for humanity and the earth.
Not so meek?
Armed “Boogaloos” defy Gloucester County gun control, police don’t show /News2Share 509K views 1 year ago
Armed “Boogaloo Boys” led by Mike Dunn rallied Saturday night at the Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center in Gloucester County, Virginia, where last month four men carried handguns to the local school board meeting and were subsequently arrested by the sheriff’s department https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VC5NrA8wrMc
A meek and humble man, snowbird from up yonder Hank Snow!
And some tear jerker’s… The story end’s Tanya, in paradise!
Can you believe the slave owners have so inculcated the former slaves that they segregate themselves? I mean damn. If the CIA wants mind control, they should talk to the Democrats. They have done a swimming job. Much better than MK Ultra.
Remember who these Democrats were. They haven’t changed . BiPoc librarians? Libraries are great places but going to one to read, etc is acting white.
What % of library patrons do you suppose are bipoc? But Blacks really should worry about things. Like my friend’s job at a Fortune 100 company where he worked hard for nearly 15 years, the Demons are outsourcing disruption, riots and criminality to the illegal aliens. The Demoncrats won’t have any use for the Blacks much longer. The Black population in 2020, is 44million. The illegals were estimated, and underestimated I assure you, was well over 30 million in 1990. What do you think it is now?
When the Dems have destroyed the education for black, when they have convinced the blacks that reading, do math, getting the Education that MLK fought for his people to get, is acting “white” so the blacks will beat and attack those trying to learn. Do you think there is a big demand for BiPoc librarians?
You got to give it to these Demons their due. they have destroyed the black race in America. Instead of education, the Demons sought to destroy/destabilize black communities they inculcation . The Demons ought to turn their children illiterate and feral. The Demons plan worked to the detriment of our entire nation. Why did we fall for this?
And the most dangerous thing in the black community is young feral black males and now roving bands of feral young girls. They do kill civilized humans but for every one of us they kill, they kill a dozen of their black brothers and sisters. Gotta love these Demons, their evil is legendary. The Slave Owners have totally destroyed their former slaves.
The problem for the Demoncrats is their feral humans are starting to take them out too.
It is sad what these politicians have done not only to black children but to our children too. Why would Demons do this to children? The Demons have destroyed the very fabric of our society, the family. These Demons have destroyed our society in their short sighted power grab and corruption.
But Fear not, black Americans are waking up to the duplicity and evil of the Party of Death. There are plenty of good productive blacks and there are plenty of feral white children. Point of fact there are more feral whites.
So what do we do about it? Vote Trump 2024. Vote every Democrat and RINO out of office and never vote for another. Shun these idiots
***OK end of Rant*** This segregation BS bills my blood, I remember the segregated water fountains.
Remember segregated Schools? Restaurants? Stores?
Why would we want to go back to that?
I would like to see some proof that all leaders in the world signed the document to give up our freedoms. Secondly i am disappointed about the misconception that God is saving the day. I agree there is a source, you name it god, ok. Please understand that the source is not one God, but that all, including humanity, are part of source. So you and me we are a part of source, and being a part of source means also that we all the capacity’s of a “god. So when your books say that God smiles, means that you are smiling, and when god saves the day means that you and me, we have to do the saving.
In war, more die from infection and starvation than bullets. Antibiotics, growing and canning food seem to be a way to survive. Have the means to protect you and yours.
As usual Alex Newman gives a very good account of what’s happening in AAcrime and the rest of the world
If ever we want a good confirmation of the FACTS,
Alex has them all at his finger tips and absolutely no doubt that the world needs to prepare itself for some catastrophic events to happen.
The Book of REVELATIONS is replete in its details of what will become of AAcrime no timing is given.
I have passed this broadcast to many contacts around the world.
Good luck to you and Alex.
What is AAcrime or where?
So what is the FBI doing? They aren’t on our side? Is Adams being punished for leaving plantation?
Here comes WW III.
Vaccine manufacturers are hurting… one of the largest pharmacies chains in USA sent me an email offering discounted flu vaccines. I have taken the quad variant every year for as long as they have been around and the tri before that. Stopped taking them during COVID. What was the need when I was barred from being in public?
And with all the deaths attributed by people in the know to the bioweapon shot, why would I ever take a shot made by these guys? Actions have consequences. Especially evil action. These guys are like banks. They need the public being confident in them and their products. They burned that bridge down and the cities on both sides with their greed.
Never again will I get a flu vaccine
This would not have happened when you were at CNN. They were in the news business way back then…
CNN Admits to Using ‘Digitally Altered’ Photos of Donald Trump, Laura Loomer
Elizabeth Weibel25 Sep 2024
Donald Trump / Laura Loomer
Brandon Bell/David Dee Delgado/Getty Imagesnormal
CNN issued an on-air retraction and admitted to using “digitally altered” photos of former President Donald Trump and right-wing activist and influencer Laura Loomer.
In a post on X, Loomer shared a video of CNN issuing a retraction after CNN hosts, such as Anderson Cooper, used a “digitally altered” photo of Trump and Loomer in “a number of segments” on Friday and Saturday.
“Friday evening and on Saturday, CNN aired a number of segments that briefly showed an image of former President Donald Trump and Laura Loomer taken from social media,” the CNN host said. “On review, this image had been digitally altered by a third party and should not have been included. We regret the error.
In another post, Loomer criticized Cooper for “sending a female colleague” to apologize for defaming her and Trump.
“If you do not issue a retraction in writing on X for showing fake and photoshopped pics of me and President Trump in an effort to spew a sick, misogynistic, and defamatory attack against me, I will sue you, the same way I’m going to sue @billmaher,” Loomer wrote in her post. “How much of a coward do you have to be to use fake pics to defame me and @realDonaldTrump and then not apologize yourself? Issue a retraction in writing and on air or else you’re getting sued.”
Greg and Alex, a great interview and heads up as to the plans they continue to press on with. Would only like to offer this link for the viewers to get a handle on how long and deep the subterfuge and plans have been going on, by who and what this new model of Fascism is to be, and that IMO it is the private banking cartel and center of EU that is behind it, planned it, and has been pushing it forward as shown in the interview, at multiple levels to hide the identity and source/fountainhead of its origin that people might at least consider. One can seriously doubt the vast majority of the people of the world have NO CLUE as to this history we all now have become a target of by the NWO/WEFers.
Dear Greg
Here’s a good article on heart health
It could be a thyroid issue but a good doctor cna check
Dr. Broda Barnes is well known for thyroid and heart disease research and proving that hypothyroidism was the cause of heart disease.
History and symbolism of the U.N. Meditation Room.
William Cooper – Mystery Babylon , episode 30. Starts at 11 minutes into video.
PORT STRIKE is a go Oct. 1st ! No new talks scheduled.
Dockworkers likely to strike at East and Gulf coast ports
2nd Amendmant, when is it time to use the guns ?
The world you live in…
Cyberwarfare is real and it’s here now. Pegusus spyware could be on your phone now.
I pray for the Hand of God to help us destroy this evil darkness..
Many of those who gave in to the COV scare died anyway. Millions died ! People need to keep hearing that from everyone who will tell it. We cannot wait for the return because we do not know the day. We have to fight back, flip the tables of the money changers till the return. That is out job to do.
People were so scared they may die “THEY TOOK THE JAB AND KILLED THEMSELVES”!!! The Lying Main Stream Media played a very big part in this Extermination Program by the Evil Globalists and “Need to be Held Accountable”!!!
We all have sad stories of people that we had known that are now dead because of this. Sadly the majority of Americans are not critical thinkers. What ever the latest whim from the LLM, they will follow. It was literally trendy to get the jab, post it on Fb for all “your” friends to see and congratulate you for doing your part in keeping us all safe. I know of so many who took it in hopes of getting back to “normal,” concerts, movies, cruises etc etc etc… The list goes on.
I agree with you 100% Coal Burner!!
Great news for NC… 130,000 dead people in that 747,000
Kamala’s people
WOW is all I can say!!! Bible prophecy is happening right before our eyes. Greg I was going to send this video to David Robbins with Endtime Ministries and he had already posted it to his facebook account. They have a daily show and it is all about bible prophecy. You might want to check out their Rumble channel called The Endtime Show. He would also be a great guest to have here. Here is their latest video from today – https://rumble.com/v5ggryl-u.n.-plans-to-eliminate-veto.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp David also recently posted he just got his official invitation to meet President Trump, Dr. Ben Carson and Eric Trump on October 21st. Help us pray for this meeting!
Lori, I am looking forward to that Oct 21 Meeting, and will continue to pray for Gods protection for all there.
I’m wondering….
How long before one of those Rockets landing in Israel lands on, and destroys the Dome of the Rock Mosque that sits upon the Temple mount site ?
50 ? years ago, I heard / read Prophasy Based Preachers, Hal Lindsey and other author’s books in the 70’s and a Howard Estep ? prophasy based radio show, their message was that the antichrist is revealed when he enters the restored 3rd Temple at the Temple Mount site and demands the world’s worship.
The 3rd Temple can’t be built while the Dome of the Rock Mosque sits on the Temple site hence my top sentence,
How long before one of those Rockets landing in Israel lands on, and destroys the Dome of the Rock Mosque that sits upon the Temple mount site ?
“Replicon”…..a self amplifying” RNA “vaccine” ready for Japan.
Dear Mr. Hunter
I am an admirer and a long time viewer of your program from Canada going back to the days of your interviews with Warren Pollock. I’m a 3rd generation, 63 yo white male watching and witnessing my/our countries and cultures going to hell with barely a whimper of indifference from the general public. At times now it feels like I am in a real life episode of Rod Serling’s “Twilight Zone”. I will not bore you with my opinions and/or the details of my life. I will cut straight to the point.
I follow a number of medical doctors, researchers and advocates speaking out against the mRNA “GENE EDITING” inoculation. I have watched all of your previous medical guest plus I follow a doctor from Australia named David Nixon. (mRNA blood research, cell structure irregularities and the effects of EMF on his samples.)
I have received one of the most disturbing updates on the progression of this gene editing insanity on September 24/2024. This article was written by a Japanese Doctor named Daniel Nagase and forwarded by David Nixon to all of his subscribers. I enclose the link to both men/articles below.
This “Replicon” program being initiated is mind boggling and beyond description. There is a video in the article’s links that shows a group of Japanese doctors and researchers issuing an “Emergency Medical Declaration” to the public and the government officials to stop this program before it starts in early October. Not a word of this in our MSM or on any ones youtube/rumble channels!
I know and respect that you are a busy man and you deal mostly in politics and finances, but the word of this needs to be confirmed and spread by you and your medical guests as you do have a faithful following with many connections.
Here are the links:
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration Mr. Hunter.
Best wishes and kind regards,
Tim Muzak
Thanks for posting this, Tim!! The CV19 bioweapon injections are evil beyond comprehension for most people.
The topic of Replicon vaccines is indeed a complex and concerning one. Let’s delve deeper into this subject and explore the potential implications of these so-called vaccines.
Just What is This Monstrous Replicon Vaccine?
Replicon vaccines, also known as self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) Bot vaccines, are a new type of vaccine technology. Unlike traditional mRNA vaccines, which deliver a single strand of mRNA to produce a protein that triggers an immune response, Replicon vaccines have the ability to replicate themselves, a Bot within the body. This means that a smaller initial dose can produce a larger amount of the target protein, potentially leading to a stronger immune response.
How Do Replicon Vaccines do They’re Dirty Work?
Replicon vaccines use a modified version of RNA that includes not only the genetic instructions for the target protein but also the machinery needed for the RNA to replicate itself. This replication process amplifies the production of the target protein, which is intended to enhance the immune response.
Potential Risks and Concerns
Uncontrolled Replication: One of the primary concerns with Replicon vaccines is the potential for uncontrolled replication. If the replication process is not properly regulated, it could lead to excessive production of the target protein, which might cause adverse effects2.
Spread to Other Species: There is a theoretical risk that the self-replicating RNA could spread to other humans or even other species. This could happen if the RNA is shed from vaccinated individuals and then taken up by others.
Environmental Stability: Alphaviruses, which are often used as the basis for Replicon vaccines, are known for their stability in the environment. This means that the self-replicating RNA could potentially survive outside the body for extended periods, increasing the risk of unintended spread.
Why the Concern? What Could go Wong? in Japan?
Japan has been at the forefront of developing and approving these new vaccines. The Japanese government has funded the development of Replicon vaccines, and they are expected to be released as early as October 2024. The rapid deployment and the novel nature of these vaccines have raised alarms within certain communities, who fear that the potential risks have not been fully assessed.
Compared to Nuclear Weapons of Mass Distraction
The comparison to nuclear weapons might seem extreme, but it underscores the perceived severity of the potential risks. While nuclear weapons cause immediate and catastrophic destruction, the fear with Replicon vaccines is that they could lead to a slow, uncontrolled spread of genetic material that could have long-term and widespread consequences.
The development of Replicon vaccines represents a significant potential in Bill Gates wet dream of population reduction in vaccine technology, but it also comes with substantial risks that need to be carefully managed as it could possibly be permanent life ending except of course for the ultimate survivor, the Cockroach! As with any new technology, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and risk assessments to ensure that the unknown benefits outweigh the know potential truth, or consequence’s!
It’s important to stay informed and critically evaluate new developments, especially when they have the potential to destroy human life, including mammalian as well as reptilian, on a massive global scale.
And none of these are vaccines in the traditional sense
Replicon, is a “self amplifying RNA vaccine” and is ready to be released in Japan “in just three(3) days”!! The only way to Protect the World from the spread of this self-amplifying RNA would be to place Japan under “Complete Quarantine”. Meaning anyone who goes to Japan “would never be allowed out” and it also means No Shipping Containers with Products, Materials, etc., etc. capable of Harboring an Insect that becomes infected with Replicon (like say a mosquito biting a Replicon vaccinated person) could ever be allowed out of Japan for Decades, perhaps even Centuries. This Quarantine would have to last until the artificial RNA gene in Replicon “disappears completely” Causing the International Economic Collapse that the Globalists “Need to Bring About Their One World Order”. The Replicon self-amplifying “vaccine” genes would have to disappear from every single living organism in Japan before it would be safe to let anything out of Japan (Which is Exactly What the Demonic Globalists Want)!!!
is this the same franken Vax Karen K. was talking about ?
Yesterday I saw new interview with Karen Kingston on Rumble. Her latest concern was a new bioweapon (new improved ?mRNA) shot that the Package Insert says I’m paraphrasing this:
Isolate from any UNvacinated persons for 30 days as they could DIE from close contact with the freshly vaccinated !
She SHOWED the package info sheet with the WARNING HIGHLIGHTED.
I doubt the people who get these shots are informed of this and furthermore anybody ignorant enough to trust mRNA is probably not the type to volentarily isolate themselves for 30 days.
Heads Up All Purebloods ! They want us dead.
Do you think the Longshoreman’s Strike due to begin exactly when Replicon is released in Japan is designed “To Keep Replicon From Entering The US and Killing Americans??? Or, Simply a Double Wammy Engineered by the Globalists to Shut Down the World Economy (so they can bring in their One World Dictatorial Order)???
Two of my favorite people together! Hunter and Newman… Your reporting is invaluable and appreciated. Many commenters here are well-informed and add good information. (Wisdom bestows well-being) USAWatchdog has the best audience… We read our Bibles and the Constitution of the United States. Another great reference is “Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21″ by Rosa Koire. You will understand the”Consensus” (and other previously understood words, with new descriptions, meanings and uses)….which are, of course, not in the people’s favor. You will own nothing under the United Nations plan….not even your own choice. Hopefully we still have our vote..?
The Poll says 71% think WW3 is initiated any time before Nov 5th…
Trust in the Lord…Proverbs 3:5-6
I see a lot of comments about Trump. Don’t be complacent with a Trump victory and presidency. A wave of banking failures and or another pandemic would knee cap a Trump administration and the American people. Let’s not forget the forgoing of a banking reserve requirement- during Obama’s second term, if I’m not mistaken. We are all sure Trump is wiser this go around, but these are well connected and evil interests. I don’t know exactly how we get there, but i still contend some type of food shortages are in store. Like people eating pets bad- did Trump forewarn us?. I am sure some words have changed in the Bible supernaturally with God almighty warning His people. Who else would read and remember the KJ and make such claims. I tell most folks one on one. Grain changing to corn has my attention. If any are doubtful, why does it say ‘ears’ and not ‘heads’ in a few spots? Another significant change is lamp stand to candle stick. In the same verse or close by, the word lamp is used and not candle, so put the lamps on a candle stick and not lamps on a lamp stand? There is even a video of Chuck Missler reading Relations chapter 1 and he clearly says lamp stand. He was a KJ reader. There’s not much teaching or symbolism in mainstream churches about lamp stands, but it sure gives the impression of a lesser version of the former. As much as all this seems to far out, it would be just like the God of the Bible to place something for all to see and to need faith for us to act upon it. When folks start freaking out, they will turn to men and women of strength and good character, and if thats you, we need to remember who is on the throne.
Diddy is looking to get “Epsteined.”
Glad I’m old. It is already too late for the generations coming up.
Covid: Fear
Weather (cold or hot!) Fear
The news media is controlled by the left- FEAR- let government tell you what to do..where to go..what to wear..what the latest trend i on TikTok..let Hollywood ACTORS tell you what to do (they are ACTORS–they are not real people!)
History not being taught in school for a reason. This is perfect example of WWII German Propaganda ..expect it is in the USA now.
Greg, a good message to start the morning =
Going to the PEACE march tomorrow? = September 28th on the Four Corners of Freedom, John and Crown St. in Kingston, NY
Starting at 3 pm
OCCUPYPEACE.COM = https://occupypeace.com/
For people that can take the time =
Link to invitation to 9/27 International Peace Coalition Zoom Call:
page is here=
International Peace Coalition
Friday September 27, at 11am EDT/5pm CET
last meeting…Reality of Nuclear War Danger Erupts in U.S. Electoral Politics — Intl. Peace Coalition Meeting #68
100,000,000 working aged Americans are UNEMPLOYED!
The U.S. Economy Just Got Way Worse W/Adam Taggart
Greg, no more Weekly News Wrap Ups?
I am working back to that, but I don’t want to kill myself with stress. I am only 8 weeks out from quadruple bypass surgery. I am going to do 2 interviews a week for the immediate future. Thanks for supporting me at USAW!!!
Hi Greg, I must say if you had not told us about your bypass surgery I don’t think we would have even known you had one. You look as if nothing happened at all. Our G-D in the heavens shined his light on you and you look great.
I lost 25 pounds, and I thank Jesus and Jehovah!!
Thanks for the kind words.
Multiple Sources Now Confirm Infowars Reports Of Surface-To-Air Missiles Inside US To Target Trump Force One
by Kelen McBreen September 27th, 2024 10:29 AM
Deep State globalists hellbent on war or high water in taking out Trump before election selection of Kammy Harris.
***Welcome to Galaxy 500’s Saturday Morning Edition ***
I saw this and based on what I have read, it’s believed it speaks to great lengths the minions of Satan go to, to kill our duly elected President who was denied his rightful place in office. This came across the border with the assistance of government employees. These weapons were in turn shipped to and given to people working for the Buy-Dem administration for the sole purpose of assassinating President Trump.
We are not as gullible as the people who watched the CIA/FBI murder Kennedy. There were 1 or 2 cameras there. There were thousands of cameras in PA when the SS (aptly abbreviated for they are the modern Gestapo) in cahoots with the FBI and CIA attempted another political assassination. We believed the Nightly News commenters like Komrad Kronkite. We believed the Newspapers.
We are no longer so gullible. The so-called News programs have been exposed as propaganda…
The Newspapers are hemorrhaging money because they have been exposed as paid shills for the Party of Demons. Where in the early 80s, I subscribed to the local paper, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and bought the Sunday New York Times from the bookstore on the way home from church plus several monthly magazines. Now, I subscribe to zero.
TPTB underestimate us and think we will willingly go to the camps or gladly become their serfs. They think they can kill Trump and survive the apocalypse that happens when they do. They may survive for a while deep underground in their bunkers but like their brothers in thought and actions, the Nazis, they will find that bunkers merely postpones the inevitable.
As the Angels and our Lord and Savior, Jesus, tells us, “Fear not!” Don’t be afraid, be prepared and most of all, be part of the Chosen. Get right, be right with our Lord and Savior. Then make a budget and a plan. If you read the Word of YHWH, HE expects our actions.
Read Matthew 7:7–8. I included all of Matthew 7 as I love this Book of the Bible.
7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?
10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?
11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
28 And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine:
29 For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
Friends, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, do not despair. Because of people like Greg, you have been both forewarned and you hear the Word of YHWH. Save your souls and then work to save your physical body and that of your family and friends. YHWH expects you to resist evil and not walk willingly to the gallows because it’s hard to resist.
I have seen Satan’s shills post here about how voting doesn’t matter, how you can not survive if evil men come against you, and other defeatist nonsense.
Voting matters or they would not be telling you it didn’t. You can survive if things go bad and YHWH expects you to be as prepared as possible. And yes, Jesus is real, Jesus DID die as a sacrifice to save our souls from our sins and YHWH, the creator will send his Son back a second time that no one can determine. Some of those closest to Jesus his Apostles thought they were living in the End of Days with Jesus returning.
This election is the most important election in our lifetime time. It is for the Soul and Survival of America. Never have the stakes been so high and the choice so clear. You have the demonstrably corrupt minions of Satan, himself, the usurper Komrad Kamala verses an honest good man and great businessman, President Donald Trump. No Trump is not perfect, however the people that are pointing that out seem to lack the ability of introspection for their transgressions against YHWH and their fellow citizens far exceeds those of Trump.
Komrad Kamala, the Prevaricater, gives no plan forward and regurgitates meaningless word salad. She say she will do this or that but her track record and or lack there of speaks volumes. Kamala-ala has had 4 years to do all the things she is promising to do. And she has done nothing. Kamala-ala had to know SLO-Jo was mentally compromised the first month they were running in 2020 if not the first week. No candidate can win running from and hiding in their basement. And NO… not just HELL NO… Buy-Dem didn’t win and he was not elected. Facts do matter.
Are you better of than you were 4 years ago? If you can honestly answer “Yes” to this, you fall into 1 of 3 categories:
1) you’re part of or aligned with the Buy-Dem’s corrupt government
2) you’re an F’ing illegal alien
3) you won the power ball loot
Anyone else is, as my buddy say, “ sucking on hind teat” ie you are getting any financial “nourishment”.
Every one of us that goes to the grocery store, that fills up a car with gas, pays insurance and pays utilities knows that things are much worse than under Trump. If you work for a living like I do, you know your annual raises have not kept up with Bidenomics. There is nothing of value that is cheaper now than 4 years ago and not cheaper by a wide margin.
There are people who say that preparing for hard times is “ putting all your treasure in this world.”
Those people are fools who do not understand the Word and or wish ill for you and yours. YHWH gave dreams to the Pharaoh for Joseph to divine. You are being warned now to put up stores so you can ride out the coming storm. We do not know the timing of our Messiah’s return. It makes sense to prepare now for your earthly needs, all the while praying and providing for your spiritual needs per the Word of YHWH.
Don’t forget to pray for America and for Trump. America is not Sodom and Gomorrah nor is America Babylon. Those that push this nonsense hate this country.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
Reading for today John 5 with emphasis on 22-47
Greg, and viewers….totally beyoud unacceptable report on Biden/Harris has imported 15k convicted murderers and 13 k convicted for sexual assault plus the got aways…and those flown in at night that were never checked!
These Dems want civil war. They are doing this fraud so in our face. They must be punished. And if an illegal votes they should be tried and sent back to their country
Here is some interesting…
The Hebrew word שָּׂטָן (satan) does not refer to a personal name but rather a common noun meaning “adversary” or “opposer”. This term can be applied to anything that opposes or stands against something else.
In Numbers 22:22, a “satan” (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן) refers to a God-sent opponent or adversary, as in the case of Balaam’s messenger.
In 1 Chronicles 21:1, Satan is described as “the adversary” (Hebrew: שָּׂטָן) who incites David to take a census.
Language, meanings, accuare translations, is very important.
Hi S,
I can hear the Church Lady now:
Interesting that you first initial matches the subject matter LOL. And that either you quoted the wrong verse. Context matters as does translation . On of Satan’s greatest victories is people like you perpetuating the myth that Satan doesn’t exist. Or do you believe Jesus had a conversation with a concept. Greg, you have to know that you are over the target because the flack cannons (paid trolls and just plain F’ing fools) keep trying to convince your viewers that there is no God Jehovah and / or Satan doesn’t exist.
I keep meaning to do a post on how Hollywood has vilified Jehovah, belittled Jesus our Messiah, and worked very hard to rehabilitate the perception of Lucifer aka Satan aka Allah.
Adams, do concepts fall from grace?
Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
Or in Matthew 4
4 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.
3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,
6 And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.
7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
11 Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
12 Now when Jesus had heard that John was cast into prison, he departed into Galilee;
13 And leaving Nazareth, he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is upon the sea coast, in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthalim:
14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,
15 The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles;
And I can’t find Satan or evil in Numbers 22
21 And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass, and went with the princes of Moab.
22 And God’s anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the Lord stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him.
23 And the ass saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way, and his sword drawn in his hand: and the ass turned aside out of the way, and went into the field: and Balaam smote the ass, to turn her into the way
Most people who follow Greg, who is known to me as a MAN of YHWH and a follower of and in the Flock of our Lord Jesus Christ, are smart enough to do their own research when posters put out a steam pile of Shiite (imho).
I am unsure what faith you follow but it does not appear to be mine.
Here is something else that is interesting … Demon Rats are all upset that Haitians are being accused of Eating Cats. Yet, they themselves have been Eating Cats in their “Chicken Chow Mein” (served to them by Commies) for years!! I know this has to be true because when I make Chicken Chow Mein at home (with real chicken) it just does not taste the same!!!
Another Nugget of Knowledge.
In the Torah, “El” (אֵל) is a singular term for “god” or “deity” in Semitic languages. It is used to refer to the chief deity of the West Semites, including the ancient Israelites.
In the Torah, Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) is the plural name for God (El).
El Elyon (Genesis 14:19, 14:22, 15:2, 22:14): God Most High, highlighting God’s supremacy and transcendence.
El is singular, Elohim plural, Elyon the top El; some that makes you think.
TO: Justn Observer, Galaxy 500, and other Wall-Of-Text Posters:
Nobody is interested in or reads your inane posts.
We just scroll right past them.
TO: Greg Hunter:
Why do you allow these idiots to monopolize your comments section with post after post after post of their drivel?
PLEASE put limits on these idiots or STOP encouraging them by publishing every stupid thing they vomit into text!!!
I like them.
So Dear Ms. Anderson…apparently you do read them to get so ‘karen’ over them?
Truth hurts some no doubt. but historical facts and the actual research to find the links provided and shared is for people who have little time to find them. Others are too young and may have not been born when the ‘deep state’ formed so many decades ago. And then too, many did hear of them, but were led astray with ‘the conspiracy theory’ mantra.
Other too, just become uncomfortable to hear/realize truths having been duped for so long. It is embarrassing to teach one was do dumbed down, or to believe the ‘government’ does/is involved at so many levels of corruption. Feel free to dispel any comments or links…am always up to learn…and even retract if the sources provided are in error. But please, also provide just how you were appointed to speak for the ‘ no
‘Nobody and We’-others you seem to think you have ‘authority’ to shut down anyone’s free speech, OK
How can an illegal alien be sworn in as a law enforcement officer when he/she/it is in continuous violation of the law just being here?!?
The Longshoremen’s Union will, almost certainly, go on strike October 1. In the past the US government has intervened and there was no strike. That won’t happen, this time. For more informantion go to “What is going on with shipping?” on Youtube, This strike applies to East Coast and Gulf Coast shipping. You will be unable to buy anything that comes from other countries like fruit – bananas, vegetables, oil – gasoline and heating oil. It could get rough, especially before Christmas. I suggest you buy your Christmas presents now, before October 1. Prices are, already, starting to go up. Wood stoves may be the way to heat your home this winter. Buy your wood and wood stoves, NOW.
Greg, Some great comments at the anti-war- peace-freedom rally in NY with Celente, Ritter and Napolitano and others, but likely most won’t watch the full length of 5+ hrs.
best comments over the 5 plus hours were, IMO these 3 about 10-15 min each
Ritter @ 2:53:10
Napolitano @3:55:00
Celente @ 4:28:00
Hi Justin
Thanks for the post. Interesting, especially Celente
Historic Flooding Asheville NC in bad shape. 9” rain Brevard 41”
No gas, no internet Boone
Strongly recommend reading this book: The Great Controversy.
Very very very important !