UN Takeover with Chaos & Crisis – Alex Newman

By Greg Hunters USAWatchdog.com 

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the new best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” has been warning of plans by the United Nations for total tyrannical control of your life.  This past weekend at UN headquarters in New York City, all countries sealed the deal to hand over your freedoms to these demonic monsters.  Newman explains, ” This is probably the most important story of the decade.  Every world leader was there.  Joe Biden was there.  Almost every world leader on the planet was there.  Every president, king and dictator were all there, and they are all signing what the UN calls the “Pact for the Future.” This, in their own words, is going to morph the United Nations into the “UN 2.0.”  When you read the text of this agreement that was adopted by every government on earth. . . . every government agreed to this, and they said they are going to strengthen the UN.  They want the Secretary General of the UN to explore how he will take over everything during a complex global shock.  They want every nation in the world to be under the authority of the International Court of Justice.  They want international cooperation on taxes.  They want to tax high net worth individuals.  The list of things in here is absolutely mind blowing.  This was adopted by every government in the world. . . . Don’t take my word for it,  read the article yourself and see if I am not telling the truth.  They are turbo charging the UN. . . . Every area of your life is going to be affected by this agreement.  Until this was approved, there was not a peep from the fake media in the United States.”

How will the UN take control?  The World Economic Forum brought up where this was going in 2023.  They talked about a ‘polycrisis’ where you would have multiple crises or one polycrisis that would basically upend society and require a total transformation.  Where we are headed if these evil doers are not stopped is an economic crisis, a geopolitical crisis, possibly including a major conflict or war, a pandemic or health crisis of some sort with the World Health Organization (WHO), and a whole bunch of other simultaneous crises such as a cyber pandemic.”

If this is enacted, Newman says that the Secretary General of the UN would end up being a global dictator.  Some good news is 26 Republican governors say they will not comply with this agreement.  Newman says when more people learn about the agreement, that would never pass as a treaty, the more pushback is going to be generated.  The Lying Legacy Media lied by omission again on this important story that will affect everyone on the planet.  Newman thinks this is too stupid to be stupid.  Newman says, “I asked people at the summit why is the American media not covering this?  The only thing I can think of is there was a decision made at a high level that they did not want the American people to get wind of this because if they figure out what we are doing, there will be an outcry that you have never heard before.”

Where does President Trump fit in to all of this?  Newman contends, “They were able to dupe Trump on a couple of things like Warp Speed and the MCA, but they absolutely despise this man on what he did on the globalist front.  This creation of this global economic, political and religious system is the top priority.  Everything else are parts of the big picture which is creating this one world system. . . . All of this is to move us to this one world economic, political and religious system. . . . Trump got us out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement to deindustrialize America . . . Trump gets out of UNESCO, the UN education agency entirely focused on brainwashing your kids to be good global citizens in a one world totalitarian religious, political and economic order. . . . “When Trump was in office, he was a one-man wrecking ball to this global governance.”  Newman thinks this is a big reason why Trump is dodging assassination attempts.

Newman contends the Deep State wants people to give up and give into evil tyrannical control.  Newman says, “The Deep State wants to unleash all the chaos and crime they can to have crises on many fronts. . . .The former head of the CDC is talking about a Bird Flu that would kill 20% to 50% of the people that it infects.  Then, combine that with a collapsing dollar, a collapsing stock market and a World War III. . . . Imagine the terror this would cause in people, and then the evil doers come in and say we can make all this stop.  All you have to do is have your leaders sign on the dotted line.”

In closing, Newman quotes Psalms 2 of the Bible, “‘The kings of the earth and the rulers are taking counsel together or conspiring together against the Lord and His anointed.’  That’s exactly what they are doing.  But here’s the really good news.  ‘He who sits in heaven laughs.  The Lord holds them in derision.  He will speak to them in His wrath and terrify them in His fury’ . . . God is not concerned in the slightest.  He is laughing at them . . . You don’t want to be on the wrong side of that.”   

There is much more in the 40-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with hard-hitting journalist Alex Newman, founder of LibertySentinel.org and author of the runaway best-selling new book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death, for 9.24.24.

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After the Interview:

For Newman’s breakdown on the major freedom killing points on “Pact for the Future,” click here for the free article.

To order Newman’s new book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” click here.

Newman’s website is called LibertySentinel.org.  There is lots of free information and articles.

For a copy of Alex Newman’s popular book “Deep State,” click here.

To support Alex Newman with electronic donations, click here.

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  1. Anthony Australia

    Glory to God in the highest,
    and peace to His people on earth.
    Lord God, heavenly King,
    Almighty God and Father,
    we worship You, we give You thanks,
    we praise You for Your glory.
    Lord Jesus Christ,
    only Son of the Father,
    Lord God, Lamb of God,
    You take away the sin of the world:
    have mercy on us;
    You are seated at the right hand of the Father:
    receive our prayer.
    For You alone are the Holy One,
    You alone are the Lord,
    You alone are the Most High,
    Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
    in the glory of the Father.


  2. Katy Bar

    As Newman effectively explains “All Countries (Including Bribe’n of the US) Signed an Agreement to Give Up Our Freedoms to the Demonic Dictatorial Monsters now in Control at the UN”!! The World Economic Forum (WEF) told us straight out that “They would Produce The Multiple Crises’ (Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Taiwan, Worldwide Plandemics, Power Blackouts, and Cyber Take-downs, etc., etc.,etc.) that they felt was “Required to Transform All Nations on Planet Earth into Sub-servant Slaves” to a ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP (with KLAUS SCHWAB as the ALMIGHTY RULER and KING of OUR WORLD)!! One Big Problem these Globalists “didn’t figure on” Was TRUMP who got us out of the Trans Pacific Partnership, the Paris Agreement (to De-industrialize America), out of UNESCO, etc., etc.!! As Newman says: Trump has been “A One-Man Wrecking Ball” to the Global Governance Neocon Nazi Crowd and is likely why Trump (Saved by God “three times” Now) is successfully dodging those bullets, lasers and other equally deadly attempts on his life!! But others are also fighting back against the New World Order i.e. like the BRICS (even the Houthis, who likely torpedoed a U.S. Navy replenishment ship operating in the Middle East the other day). The US says: the USNS Big Horn was taking on water due to damage sustained “due to grounding”? (Just How Deep is the Water in the Mediterranean??) In any case, without the USNS Big Horn (to bring Aviation Fuel for All the Jets aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln Aircraft Carrier Strike Group it is going to be a lot more difficult for the One World Government Globalists to Heat the War Up and Heighten Tensions in the Middle East!! So we should prepare for a Cyber Attack which is probably Next on the WEF’s Agenda!!!

  3. Jeff Brown

    Greg I’ve been listening a long time to you and i really enjoy your format and recurring guests. You’re a passionate patriot and a real journalist. God bless you and your continued health recovery!
    Fort Myers FL

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother jeff!
      Brother Greg

  4. Greg

    From Buenos Aires Herald: In his first speech at the United Nations headquarters, Argentine President Javier Milei accused the international organization of promoting a “socialist” and “collectivist” agenda, and said the country would abandon its long tradition of neutrality regarding world conflicts.

    “The woke agenda’s collectivism and moral posturing have collided with reality and no longer have credible solutions to offer to the world’s real problems,” the president said during the UN’s 79th General Assembly.

    In a speech replete with religious references, Milei said that the UN had “became a multi-tentacled leviathan, which seeks to decide not only what each nation-state should do, but also how all the world’s citizens should live.”

    Milei also said the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a 17-point goal declaration adopted by all member countries that includes goals such as tackling climate change and achieving zero hunger, is “a socialist supranational government program.”

    The Republican governors are not alone.

  5. Drew

    Powerful interview!
    Incredible how the mainstream media
    along with the many independent
    internet sites have been silent on this
    very important issue.
    Thank you and God bless you and your family!
    You are doing the work of Jesus.

  6. Ken Yu

    “How will the UN and WEF take control”? The World Economic Forum (WEF) tells us they will do it by bringing about Polycrisis’ (Multiple Crises’ that would Upend Society and thus “Require A Total Transformation to a One World Government”. Martin Armstrong says the WEF Globalists are on track to Escalate the Numerous Wars they have already started into an “All-out Worldwide International Conflict” by 2026!!! So prepare folks (these “Intentional Wars” will become Increasingly Ferocious in Scope over the Next Couple of Years) Leading to Massive Inflation. Look to the Gold and Silver Price (as a Thermometer Measuring the Heat of War) which hopefully won’t go Nuclear (as that may Break the Thermometer)!!

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