US Government is a Big Money Laundering Operation – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino warned last October that “Chaos is Coming.”  With exploding Tesla dealerships, mass deportations of violent gangs, DOGE uncovering massive fraud and waste, and an out-of-control Leftist judiciary trying to stop President Trump at every turn, you could say chaos is here.  Rubino contends it’s not going away anytime soon as government grifters are going to try to keep the cash flowing.   Now, AG Pam Bondi says her office is going after the fraudsters ripping off America. Rubino explains, “We are finding out that the federal government is a big money laundering operation.  There are so many different ways and so many different avenues that take cash from taxpayers or newly created cash . . . and it basically funnels it to political operatives, political class and the ‘expert’ class all around the world. . . . We have created this class of people who are effectively grifters . . . because they don’t do anything worthwhile at all.  Do you think that think-tanks produce anything of value, or lobbyists or Washington law firms or regulators?  The regulator is basically on a long job interview for the company you are regulating.  You prove you are a team player and then Pfizer hires you for 10 times your FDA salary.  So, everywhere you look it’s a form of money laundering.”

So, now interest payments are spiraling to infinity with massive amounts of debt and currency creation.  Rubino says, “We have hit the death spiral point for the dollar and the other big fiat currencies, which means the cost to maintain this debt starts to spiral out of control and people lose faith in the currency or the currency collapses or you have a currency reset.  What is really interesting about the Trump Administration is it contains a lot of gold bugs. . . . There is a decent chance of instead of having this gigantic collapse because the dollar is basically evaporating, that this government will be smart enough to do the monetary reset.  Go back to a gold standard . . . go back to some sort of commodity base standard where we peg the dollar to something that is real and cannot be created in infinite quantities on a printing press.  It could be we do that without insane amounts of pain and stress, but it would still be painful.  Anybody who has dollars will watch those dollars be devalued dramatically.”

In this scenario, the dollar sinks in value.  What happens to gold?  Rubino says, “Everybody who runs the numbers says gold has to be $10,000 per ounce at a minimum and maybe much higher.  Gold has to go way up in price in a currency reset. . . . So, your gold becomes much more valuable, and your silver gets pulled along by gold and goes up by some multiple of gold’s percentage gains.  If gold goes up three times, silver will go up five to ten times.”

Rubino thinks Europe is headed for war with Russia or civil war.  Either way, the Euro will not survive.  Rubino says the domestic violence will continue here in America but thinks the Deep State won’t stop President Trump’s agenda.  Rubino also says everybody should concentrate on owning real things such as farm land, gold, silver and a good vehicle.  Rubino also says some emergency food and a garden are good ideas too.

There is much more in the 58-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer John Rubino of the popular site called for 3.25.25.

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After the Interview:

John Rubino is a prolific financial writer, and you can see some of his work for free at

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  1. Don Doerr Sr.

    Why do we make it so complicated? Perhaps it all started with President Woodrow Wilson, but we certainly know that the New and Modified Communist Democrat RINO Party that emerged on November 22, 1963 – after removing JFK and taking us into Vietnam – is the enemy. President Trump is perhaps America’s last chance. Now the Communist Democrat RINO Party is targeting President Trump, and they intend to kill him and those who support him. Pray that God shields President Trump until he completes the restoration of America. Otherwise, all is lost.

  2. Rod Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (reti.)

    US Government has been crooked for decades. The pyramid scheme is crashing down all around
    Continue to stack pre 1965 US Silver Dimes, Quarters and Half Dollars
    In GOD I Trust

  3. Bill Holder

    And who is the power behind the banks? 😉

  4. Don 1

    I am glad that I am in my 90’s. But I have gotten my four children into the gold market some time ago as I did years ago and now it is worth more that twice what I paid for it and it is going up and away for several years to come.
    I also have been watching all that Mr. Rubino has been talking about, and it is ALL so true. You have another very SPECIAL GUEST. Well done Greg.

  5. David Lynxh

    The United States of America is and has been run by a band of Liars, Thieves , and Murderers for many decades ! Nothing even close to resembling the Constitutional Republic the founders established ! Unless the “ Federal Reserve “ is shut down and we return to Constitutional money and the rule of law , nothing changes but the actors !

  6. Shirl

    The Official asshats with their hands in the pot of taxpayer gold need to be perp walked, handcuffed and imprisoned… The Crooked Crooky Crooks need to be ousted, YESTERDAY. Fed Taxation should cease – it’s not even legal to begin with.
    Pray up folks for DOGE and President Trump.

  7. TJZ


    Impoundment. The President can delay/hold release of funds authorized by Legislative action.
    However, legislation moved against President Nixon over that matter and supposedly removed that Executive power. That attempt to withhold that impoundment power may have not been constitutional! Best wishes.

  8. Doug

    I had heard there were 14 magic money machines. You would think they kept those machines at the Treasury but no, it was held and used by various unrelated departments.
    There is such a MASSIVE amount of stealing with money going to the politicians and other foreign countries. This was also a massive money laundering happening as well.
    EVERY department needs to be audited long with a number of politicians and deep state trash. This is a three alarm fire! Going down this one rabbit hole is necessary to clean all the rot out of our country. Most of all, there must be consequences for the thieves. Those who would steal from taxpayers need to be punished and it must be public so in the future, people would think twice before doing this again.

    • Greg Hunter

      I would bet USAID had a “Magic Money Machine”.

  9. Fred Daake

    The deep state has been been caught – it is now only a matter of time.

    It will be a good time to be a MAGA lawyer.

    The uni-party was involved in a racketeering operation designed to confiscate money at the point of a gun from citizen innocents (AKA “taxes”). Then they laundered the stolen money through nonprofits so that it returned to them as clean money. The type of criminal lawyers that these criminal one worlders will need won’t be cheap. Perhaps they will have to pay several $million per case to their lawyers. Big bucks for the legal industry!

    But that is only the beginning. Lawyers could make even more money on civil racketeering suits. RICO suits usually provide for TREBLE damages. The one world criminals will have to return everything to their victim taxpayers. Contingency lawyers get one-third of the wins. The innocents in society get the other 2/3rd minus expenses. It could be $trillions returned to the all the good guys!.

  10. Stan

    You Gold Bugs can put away your pom poms. The tariff issues will be settled soon, Ukraine war will be resolved and Israel/Gaza will be resolved. Then the Gold bubble pops! It will be 1980 all over again. You have been warned.

    • Greg Hunter

      You deny reality. $26 trillion in “Official debt, another (at least) $30 trillion in “Missing Money,” and now, DOGE has uncovered a fraud fest and money printing spree complete with what Musk says are 14 “magic money machines” in the Treasury and other government agencies. This is what happens when a currency dies, but don’t worry, we will replace the Fed “Note” with a Treasury dollar and the gold price will have to be much higher. YOU have ben warned.


  11. G.I. Joe

    Well Meet Again: Episode 4 to 6 • 1982 •
    _______________Drama, Romance, History, War
    For three-and-a-half long years, the small town of Market Wetherby has been doggedly getting on with the war; contending with ration books and shortages, of ‘Digging for Victory’ and news on the ‘Wireless’. Into this quiet corner of wartime tranquillity arrive the 525th Bomb Group of the US Eighth Air Group. Consequently, welcoming ‘Flying Fortress’ bombers and 2,500 officers and men does not come easy to the inhabitants of this sleepy village… Made by London Weekend Television for the ITV Network.
    You thought WW3 is bad enough, so did our grandparents in WW2. If it gets that bad, _________I’ll be as happy as a bug in a rug!

  12. UK soon to be Muslim run/already is!

    Totally agree with Rubino – See Europe/UK in a civil war. Long before they attack Russia.

    UK lets their white girls be groomed and raped by muslim immigrants. The UK police then arrest their own citizens for just speaking out against it on X.

    UK is one messed up place.

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