Vast Devaluation of Dollar Coming in 2025 – Craig Hemke
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted at the beginning of 2024 that the US National Debt would tack on another $2 trillion to the $34 trillion that was already there. The federal debt now stands at $36.3 trillion. Hemke was correct, and now he’s back with his 2025 predictions. Let’s start with where interest rates, they have already gone up dramatically in the last year. Hemke says, “If the economy really is sliding into recession, and they can’t get the budget under control, because of the liquidity that is going to be needed to control interest rates, the fed will be talking openly about yield curve control.”
Isn’t “yield curve control” just another term for printing massive amounts of money to buy the debt? Hemke says, “Yes, exactly. The money has to come from somewhere, right? If they are buying government debt because that’s what they are doing. They are the buyer of last resort to keep those yields down. So, where’s the money coming from? They are the ones creating it. This is a vast devaluation of the currency (US dollar). This is money creation, dollar creation that gets flushed into the economy . . . . This is just like what happened after covid. It continues this inflation against the little guy, you and me and everybody else that has to take their dollars and go buy things. This is where it becomes an untenable situation.”
What other choice does the government have? Hemke says they can cut spending, but that too has its problems because liquidity dries up, tax collection dries up and the market crashes. Hemke says, “How would you like to die? Your choice is the electric chair or a firing squad. . . . If you cut the deficit spending of $2 trillion, then you would not have had $2 trillion in growth. . . . This is a very challenging situation. This is not simple as the financial networks would like you to believe.” So, the two choices the federal government has are to print money or cut spending.
What is Hemke telling people to do for protection? Hemke says, “When Nixon cut off the gold window in 1971, you could buy a 400-ounce gold bar for $11,000. Today, with gold at around $2,600 per ounce, that same 400-ounce bar would cost $1.1 million. . . . Global central banks, the Chinese, Russians, Poland, Turkey, India are taking their dollar reserves and buying gold. You and I have dollar reserves. We work, we spend and whatever is left over, we save. Those are our dollar reserves, and what we need to do is the same thing the central banks have been doing for the last three years. . . . You have a gold and silver seller as a sponsor. Have them send you some gold and silver because it is the best protection you can have in this madness.
There is much more in the 48-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Craig Hemke of the popular website 1.11.25.
After the Interview:
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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
A Demon Spills the Beans About COVID Jabs, Sudden Death and the Soul
Catherine Austin Fitts: The LA Fires is to Cover Up the Pedophile Rings!
Greg please consider inviting Whitney Webb on as she is a walking encyclopedia of the globalists and their game plan for putting us under their Digital dystopian nightmare!:
Please listen to this central bankster tell us in 38 second video embedded in this link that to enter the NWO everyone will be required to have a smart phone, bank account , and upload their digital ID:
Please do NOT upload your digital ID as that is you giving your mark to the beast to buy and sell:
We have just entered the 4th year on this timeline folks so get ready for “great tribulation” by the summer of 2025!:
Mel Gibson Leaked The Whole Secret About The ‘Fires’ in Exclusive Broadcast 2025
BREAKING! CIA whistleblower CONFIRMS Maui theories!-CIA-whistleblower-CONFIRMS-Maui-theories:6
Robert. The Great Tribulation doesn’t start this year. We are not on your timeline yet. We have many years left to go. If you don’t believe me tell me again in 2026. You are way off on your dates.
Sorry but I don’t believe that for a second. Just like I don’t believe the WTC was taken down because it housed some evidence in one room.
It’s much easier to kill people, break in and steal and or blackmail than it is to destroy the entire tax base of CA.
California Fire Uncovers Getty Museum Bunker, Playboy Mansion Tunnels
Anthony that’s all Q nonsense. Stay away from that crap. That guy who claims to be CIA or NSA is so full of it. Before It’s News is a total grifter site. It may even be purposely there to confuse people. That guy is a total liar, Getty never comes up when there fires, and he worked for government but didn’t know where is paycheck came from. What absolute nonsense.
Galaxy 500. Thank you for being sane on this.
Anthony. That’s Q nonsense. I can’t believe CAF is repeating Q nonsense.
My hero who has worked tirelessly for decades.
Deborah Tavares!!!
The Plan to Burn Up Northern California – Satanic Crimes of Extermination.
Bit late to the party InfoWars
Did “Smart Meters” Cause The California Fires?
SGT Report: Firenados & Un-Rothschild Engineered Infernos – Deb Tavares (Video)
She’s Back😌
Drain the Swamp with a piece of Rope! Confiscate the wealth of scoundrels who commit Crimes Against Humanity. Start over with physical commodities backing the money!
We wrestle not against ordinary flesh and blood, but against Evil Hollywood Scum, Demon Rat DEI filled Principalities and against Globalist Eugenicist Rulers of Darkness in this World (like Klaus Schwab, Gates, Fauci, Soros, etc., etc.), against Wickedness in high places like California where Demon Rat Newscum “Empties the reservoirs, Saves the fish and Roasts Humans”!!
Gov. Newscum FAILED California and killed homeowners. He should be forced to resign immediately the same way New York got rid of Gov. Cuomo for killing seniors!!!
Just 120 Hours To: “DAY ONE”!! When Trump Will Do The Following:
And Finally Close and Lock the Doors “On The Insane Asylum Created by The Demon Rats” (Now Bursting Out Everywhere with DEI Lunatics Laughing Like Unhinged “Kamala” Hyenas as They Burn Down California and Want to Take the Rest of Our Country Down)!!!
I think he’s right. I don’t see how it can’t devalue. My question is, what fiat currency is a gonna be left?
Craig clearly brought it home.with the devalued fiat currency is doing to us. Excellent interview
The Dollar isn’t going anywhere. The middle class will continue to be wiped out. Things will keep getting more expensive compared to wages. The Millennials are the first generation where it can be seen that they are giving up. They can’t afford to live on their own and they don’t make enough to save for the future. It only gets worse from here.
The average H1B in the Tech sector makes $140K a year. There are millions of Americans pushed to the side. Most blue collar labor jobs go to foreigners because they can charge less for a job. The American dream is dead. There is no safe haven except to learn how to trade in the market and make your money work for you. Buying gold now and waiting 55 years is not a good investment plan.
Did you hear that a black pedophile in prison is sue Trump for hurt feelings? You can’t make this Shiite up…
I appreciate all of your efforts in trying to save our Republic. I watched the Presidential Certification the other day and it nearly made me sick to my stomach. I saw Amy Klobuchar with the smirk on her face and the others read off how the states voted and they certified the election. The way they did it does not give anyone a chance to challenge the election due to voter fraud. They figure that Donald Trump’s time in office is only temporary and in every other election they can cheat with impunity. The Republicans had better make it harder to cheat while they still have the chance.
This reminds me of the original 13th Amendment. It would have prevented lawyers from being elected to Congress. It received the number of States required to approve it but it was never ratified.
I agree Robert!!
Right on Robert. But nothing will happen about voting. The Republicans had all branches in 2017 and 2018 and did nothing but cry in 2018 when seats were stolen, then proceeded to do nothing again. The truth is, the majority of people in Congress are there due to voter fraud.
Shalom Greg,
Craig is always a breath of fresh air. Excellent, excellent interview.
Lo Iyrah!!!
I agree! Hemke is the man!
I also like and admire President Trump; however, the Donald has always, always, always been big on using debt. Donald is a highly leveraged deal maker. And it’s obvious to me that Donald can’t wait to make some of the biggest real estate deals of his life, e.g., buying Greenland. And spent tens of trillions of dollars in his second term.
The Donald really wants his image craved right in front of George Washington up on Mount Rushmore. And that could get pretty expensive. The guy has a massive ego. And he’s going to be a big, big spender…. Count on it.
Marty Armstrong says that his AI Socrates predicts the U.S. National Debt to more than double by 2028. And I can’t understand why nobody asks Marty about that in any of his recent interviews? Let that sink in for a minute. Marty wrote that the National debt could actually reach 80 trillion on his models.
What does the U.S.A. look like when that happens? What’s happening to cause that kind of spending? A world war? A super plague? Cities on fire? – like Lost Angeles is now? What? What could possibly cause Socrates to spit out that kind of forcast?
I have gold and silver, but, frankly, I don’t think that’s going to matter all that much. Take a good look at Lost Angeles (sic) and imagine you’re getting a glimpse of a neo- Sodom and Gomorrah. Just a glimpse, mind you. Just a warning of the real conflagration(s) to come.
Lost Angeles has a Radical Marxist for a mayor, a dike for a Fire Chief and assistant fire chief and a chain of demon inspired officials in every political position. California has got Gavin Newscum who is a true-to-life character right out of a comic book city called, “Gotham”…. And don’t tell me that the people of Lost Angeles will now learn their lesson, either.
The people of Lost Angeles won’t learn their lesson any more than the people of Egypt learned anything from the Ten Plagues.
We got Lost Angeles, New York City, Chicago and even places like Dallas and Houston run by Marvel Comic Book Politicians. And there’s no way that America as a country is going to recover from this. It’s simply gone too far….
I don’t think gold and silver is going to do the trick. Yeah. I got some. Probably too much. I probably should have instead stacked a lot less pieces of silver and a lot more treasure in Heaven.
Really Awake,
You state “I probably should have instead stacked a lot less pieces of silver and a lot more treasure in Heaven.”
Everyone can say that to a degree, can’t they?
If you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior you will spend eternity with him.
Read Matthew 20:1-16 all the workers got paid the same whether they started early in the morning or worked just the last hour.
The bible states the angels rejoice when some one accepts Jesus Christ – It doesn’t matter what time of the work day it was.
Matthew 20:1-16 is a parable. Jesus used parables as a means to teach a moral and/or certain aspects about import subjects, e.g., the superior aspects of God’sKingdom. In this particular case “The Kingdom of the Heavens” is what Jesus was helping people to understand, specifically the 12 Apostles.
My understanding of this parable is actually quite different than the standard taught in Seminary or Theological School.
So, yes, I’ve already read that account thousands of times. I named my firstborn son, Matthew, after my favorite Gospel. My parents taught me to recite all 66 books of the Bible even before I learned to read. I did the same when I homeschooled my children. I read the Bible daily. A lot.
Frankly, more is expected of individuals like myself. And that is why I said “I should have stacked more treasure in Heaven”. It was a personal observation about myself and my own shortcomings.
well said.
As Jesus effectively said: When you are ruled by a God!! Like Klaus Schwab for instance, as long as we have not been treated unjustly and we all get to eat enough bugs to make us happy (while owning nothing), how could we reasonably complain if God is more generous to others, giving them more bugs to eat to make them happy (while they still owning nothing)!! The moral of the story seems to be “that Money is really worthless” (just like our US Dollars today)!!
That’s correct Really Awake, I believe Trump is going to do the greatest real estate deal of his life with his talk about Canada being the 51st State and also mentioning a deal to purchase Greenland, but for a different reason.
It will bring about the “Ten Kingdoms” by the Club of Rome and resuscitate the North American Union.
This is exactly what the Globalists wanted when the idea was introduced in 2008 under Obama, but Conservatives opposed the idea, so it was shelved.
Will the Conservatives oppose it again or will we witness the greatness psyop?
The awful truth about Trump is that he is just re-packaged Globalism and Techno-tyranny.
He gets “Conservative Patriots” to gladly accept things that they NEVER would under a Democrat.
Trump is a Trojan Horse which Conservatives have eagerly brought inside the city’s wall.
Now we’ll all pay the price…
You are an idiot bot/troll void of critical thinking. Your Dem globalists just sentenced Trump with 34 felonies to zero jail and zero fines. If your evil fake candidate Kamala would have won, you would be on here thought shaping us to think things are going to be much better and much better than Trump. Biden and crew are setting the place on fire as they leave, and you the rotten bot says nothing. You are good with that and the disaster of the last 4 years. F off. This is you last comment troll bot.
well said.
Greg, Sometimes I think you go too far with your criticisms, but you are right on here.
I could not have said it as well.
Thank you,
Susan Russo
I have come to realize that it doesn’t matter which party is in power, we always march further down the path of a destroyed America. I know what you are saying, but only time will tell.
There’s an old quote that says we will have a NWO be either conquest or consent. It appears the Dems are the conquest path and the Repubs are the consent path.
I’m glad that Donald is an experienced leveraged deal maker who has always been big on using debt to get things done. If Trump tried to unwind the biggest ever Ponzi economy with Austrian economics, it would be like having an alcoholic going cold turkey on a dime. The addict will likely suffer or die from delirium tremens, we will likely suffer or die from the Greatest Depression. I hope Trump will wean us off this gigantic Ponzi with smaller, more manageable Ponzi and gradual Austrian school Tea Party fiscal policies.
U.S. National Debt to more than double in 2028 is not that hard to predict since that debt has always doubled with every POTUS since Ronald Reagan. Hopefully, Trump can start cleaning up the National Debt (DT) by buying Greenland (Diazepam).
The only thing which I can’t understand is Trump’s staunch support for Bitcoin.
Reply to Tin Foil,
Carl Menger was an Austrian genius who formulated the solution for the Austrian Currency Commission which saved Austria and its economy cira 1870s – 80s. Carl’s best work was written in German and to this day hasn’t been translated into English. I sure wish we had a genius like him, today. At the heart of the plan was gold, silver and paper all serving simultaneously as the money standard. All three were the standard, and eventually the transition was to solely to a gold standard. The closest brilliant mind we have to Carl is Marty Armstrong and his solution of turning U.S. Debt into convertible bonds. That idea would at the very least gain us decades. But, as Marty points out, Trump will never do the right thing. “We must crash and burn”.
Later on cira 1920s, Ludwig von Mises picked up the Austrian torch. His magnum opus was “Human Action” and he coined the term, “Praxiology”. I read all the volumes of Human Action three times. And every time I benefited greatly. Ludwig explained how a “Crack-up Boom” would happen when “credit expansion” and “the money substitute” were misused by both central banks and government treasury departments.
After Ludwig there came Friedrich von Hayek who won the Nobel Prize in Economic Science for his work, “The Constitution of Liberty”. I read that book three times, too.
All three men pointed out that once a country or group of countries crossed a point of no return it would then be game over. Read F.A. Hayek’s book, “The Road to Serfdom”. Therein was the future of Western Civilization, only it didn’t factor in the coming nuclear holocaust. The end of the road is actually much, much worse than F.A. Hayek forecasted.
Right now Donald J Trump is in the driver’s seat. And I agree that he is the best man for the job by far. Donald will now push the currency and credit to the very limit. He has no choice. And there is no offramp at this point – just like the aforementioned men warned that there wouldn’t be. We have passed the point of no return. Whatever your opinion of Austrian Economics, those three aforementioned men did fine work, albeit not nearly perfect. None of them could know the horrors of how a nuclear war, anthropogenic plague, tens of millions of illegal invaders, deliberately caused famine. insane climate change policy, woke gender mental illness and the deliberate mixing of millions of incompatible low IQ races with the high IQ white race(s) would all be a part of the socioeconomic collapse of Western Civilization.
The end of the road is actually much worse than those fine men ever forcast.
And if you think Donald Trump is somehow going to save Western Civilization, that’s your perogative.
I say Donald Trump is a bankruptcy expert. And I’m glad he’s the executive head of what’s going to be the biggest socioeconomic crack-up in world history – including but not limited to war, plague, inflation and famine all as contributing factors.
Prepare accordingly.
I’m not as well-schooled as you are regarding Austrian Economics but I don’t suspect the Austrian Currency Commission had something to do with the official gold standard which came about when Germany adopted it. Mass international trade ensued for the first time shortly thereafter.
I think Armstrong’s idea of turning U.S. Debt into stocks (not convertible bonds) would probably work – as long as no fixed interest or dividend since interest paying financial instrument is the reason for the cycles of credit expansion and inevitable boom and e bust (conventional banks will be out of business). Hence, I want Greenland to boost the confidence for that U.S. of America stock.
All three Austrian Economics men correctly pointed out that once a country or group of countries crossed a point of no return it would then be game over, only they didn’t factor in the consequences of a nuclear holocaust, the power of the internet and the speed of not just ordinary computers but quantum computers.
With blockchain technology, digital gold and crypto gold standard is not longer a sci fi concept. The only problem I have with Trump is that he picked Bitcoin to be the candidate of that globally recognized/accepted digital gold.
I do hope that Trump could somehow going to save Western Civilization but I don’t want him to terminate mixing of incompatible?? low IQ races with the high IQ white race(s).
Since I believe fixed interest or dividend in any interest paying financial instrument is the reason for the cycles of credit expansion and inevitable boom-bust cycle, I think Armstrong’s idea of turning U.S. Debt into stocks would probably work but not via convertible bonds (conventional banks will be out of business). Hence, I want Greenland to boost the confidence for that U.S. of America stock – only if they wanted to be American Greenlanders.
Martin Armstrong said it all boils down to the public’s confidence in the fungible proxy used to buy and pay for things. People still have confidence in the dollar, otherwise the BRICS would have already taken over and rappers would’ve stopped flashing cash in their videos.
Bitcoin is the next ponzi scheme that people’s confidence can be shifted to. This will keep the debt beast going for a very long time.
I concur it does boil down to the public’s confidence in the new fungible proxy but I just don’t see Bitcoin as that proxy.
If Covid didn’t derail the Chinese back CBDC in 2019 and Ukraine didn’t dropped drones on Moscow in October which likely derailed the debut of BRICS Pay, people may not currently have so much confidence in the dollar.
Greg this concerns me about the Trumps talk about Canada being the 51st state and taking Greenland over. What are your thoughts?
Do a google search for the Club of Rome Regional Map. You will find region 1 is the USA, Canada, and Greenland. Club of Rome looks to be a new world order think tank.
There will always be Liberal Assholes around to ensure that Civilization Collapses, they are called Demoncrats!! These assholes (to Ensure Society Collapses) have just “outlawed” gas stoves and gas water heaters, along with now burning down American cities, reducing egg and milk production, shutting down “Clean Coal Electrical Plants” (needed to run electric stoves and electric water heaters), etc., etc., etc.!!
There are no words to describes the absolute stupidity of Demonrats!! Even the poor innocent dogs that sadistic Fauci gleefully killed were more intelligent than these Liberal Demonrats now pushing all this nonsense upon the American People!!!
Greg any thoughts?
US spends $200 billion a year on Canada to support their country. Trudope told Trump at their Mar A Larog meeting that “Canada would dissolve” if this money did not get to them. Sounds like a pretty weak neighbor that can be exploited by our enemies to me!!! (Canada has a little more than 80 battle tanks and less than 100 fighter aircraft, by the way. Did I say weak neighbor?) Why is US doing this and doing it with debt creation? Greenland is all about the Artic shipping lanes. Even if the US does not take all of Greenland, look for it to have some sort of 100-year leas like Gitmo on a big chunk of it. You think it’s Club of Rome stuff and it looks to me like national security to me. Let’s see if Trump takes out of the UN/Who again. If he does, your theory is shot to hell.
Finally, no more anonymous questions. I love free speech and NOT anonymous speech. Own your words and questions or do not comment again.
Greg thanks for your response. I was just looking for your thoughts. I voted for the man. No candidate is perfect. I do not have blind faith in anyone. My hope is he is just testing the powers that could possibly derail his vision. I will still keep an open mind and be objective when some facts line up. I wrote that it concerned me and was not intending to be misinterpreted as a theory. Once again thanks for your response. I did learn from this exchange. You have my email address I choose to keep my name private. I will respect your request and not post again.
I know I was harsh, but I spend a lot of time deleting troll comments. Sometimes I post them with an answer. If you want to comment then use a real name.
Canada is a failing nation
Greg, the last time Trump defunded the WHO he gave twice as much to the WHOs second largest donor, GAVI. That’s Bill Gates. Bill Gates then donated the same amount to WHO and kept the rest. That’s not a good thing. A lot of billionaires got more billions and a lot of multimillionaires became billionaires during Trump’s first term. Just saying.
Source that please.
Lots or traitors in the last Trump Admin.
Greg, this is the best break down of Iain Banks’ Culture series that I can find and it even lists the books and chapters. The books can be found on
This where Musk claims to get his name and ideas about Neural Link from.
The scary quote is from the 2024 Global Conference where Musk said humans give AI purpose, that is humans are God to AI, just humans get purpose from God. Crazy times we live in.
Please research Ms. Celeste Solum- GOVT whistleblower of decades: UN has already as of Sept 24,2024 declared it represents and owns all citizens. Trumps agenda to take over Canada and Greenland is the EXACT configuration of the Sustainable Development Agends 2030 map that was produced in 1940s. It was called “New Global Order” and showed the 10 provinces (which biblically will refer to the 10 horns) Trump is hastening the UN/NWO Agenda. Please look up that map was produced during WW2. What other president has said he wanted Canada and Greenland.. be objective and not a Trump cheerleader. Trump is fulfilling the NWO Agenda Have discernment- no man will save you..and putting Trump in such high regard is blastphemous.
We should stop this day one. Canada is resource rich and should be exploiting them instead of DeI and Communism
Statehood for territories isn’t a new (Trump) idea. There was a time when Alaska, Hawaii, etc., weren’t states yet. Puerto Rico statehood is always an issue; and there are other US territories like Guam and the Virgin Islands that could become states.
Personally, I’d make England the 51st state. Reason: they’d automatically have the 2nd Amendment. Issue firearms to all the White citizens, let them clear out all the Pakistani rape gangs and other foreign invaders, and then they can declare independence just like it was 1776 and go back to being their own sovereign country.
Too many moslems and nothing worth buying. Britain is a failed nation
There will always be Liberal Assholes around to ensure that Civilization Collapses, they are called Demoncrats!! These assholes (to Ensure Society Collapses) have just “outlawed” gas stoves and gas water heaters, along with now burning down American cities, reducing egg and milk production, shutting down “Clean Coal Electrical Plants” (needed to run electric stoves and electric water heaters), etc., etc., etc.!!
There are no words to describes the absolute evilness of these Demonrats!! Even the poor innocent dogs that sadistic Fauci gleefully killed were more moral than these Liberal Demonrats now pushing for the elimination of gas to heat our homes so as to make the American People freeze (just like they did to the Europeans by blowing up their Nord Stream Pipeline)!!! Our bought off Globalist puppet politicians are deviously working to “Kill Us” – and we are going To Allow It???
Why is buying Greenland bad? Remember the Louisiana Purchase? Alaska?
As far as Canada, that was a political dig.
It’s a smart move. It’s all about the artic shipping lanes. If Trump does not get it all, look for him to take a big chunk of Greenland– maybe a 100-year lease like Gitmo?
Yes it is
The Gulf of Mexico is gone!! – it’s now The Gulf of America (by Trump Decree)!!! As for Canada (it exists only because we allow it to exist) as for Greenland how can Denmark fight a two front war (the Russians to the East and America to West)???
So now people are talking about war with Denmark?
That’s a bit extreme isn’t it?
Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Hemke as always enlightening.
Here in the UK our “glorious” leaders and Central Bank,the Bank of England, has decided to destroy what little is left of our economy,thanks to the last group of morons,and now we have a new group of morons .Well not really new just a disaster. The new ones just hate us pleb and loathe the USA,we plebs have no say in that loathing. But of course when America has a recession we here in the UK and of course the just as poisonous Europe will have a major depression and of course a war which our glorious leaders want even if the USA officially does not.
Of course again our glorious central banks wil print,print and print its the only thing that these Oxbridge goons will do here in the UK and these goons will expect other morons,hint hint China, this is how they view China, will expect China to buy our UK bonds and pay back in a very depreciating currency. China is not that dim so they will look around for a bunch of dim “Arabs” who aren’t that dim .By destroying our bonds and now our currency here in the UK we will have a major crisis and spending will have to be cut to pay back our debt that is in US Dollars not UK Pounds.
Be wary of Brits carrying gifts for they will invariably destroy you particularly the new snooty British Ambassador ,Peter Mandelson, who loved being on Russian oligarch’s yachts in the Med and is seeming not a paedo, but utterly loathes Irish Americans .So a great and gay time for all in Washington.
Whilst our assets may seem a steal here in the UK they will come with a hefty anchor of taxes .The USA may have a recession we here in Europe and the UK will have a nasty and bitter DEPRESSION and a WAR a really nasty lie filled WAR which our UK goons will try to suck America into .RESIST their blandishments at all costs.
Given the facts, shouldn’t the Biden Regime, led by the Antichrist Obama and his Hillary, be prosecuted for the murders of Laken Riley, Ashli Babbit, and many other victims of the Open-Border Communist Democrat RINO Invasionary Force?
Based on these same facts, how can we call the present Communist Democrat RINO party – that was established on November 22, 1963 – the “Loyal Opposition” when, in fact, they constitute an Enemy Force determined to destroy both Christianity and Constitutional America?
Given the facts, shouldn’t the Biden Regime, led by the Antichrist Obama and his Hillary – and her FBI – be prosecuted for the murders of Laken Riley, Ashli Babbit, and many other victims of the Open-Border Communist Democrat RINO Invasionary Force?
Based on these same facts, how can we call the present Communist Democrat RINO party – that was established on November 22, 1963 – the “Loyal Opposition” when, in fact, they constitute an Enemy Force determined to destroy both Christianity and Constitutional America? What saddens me additionally – as a Catholic – is that they seem to have the Blessings of Pope Francis? Are we in End Times?
Yes, Don. We are in the END Times. Since the last WORLD War (1945) we have the UN – Iron and Clay (UNION) of Weak and Strong Nations – as depicted in Daniel 2:41. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.
This LAST EMPIRE, is NOT a SINGLE Race, Like Assyria, Medo-Persia, Greek or Roman. – It is a COALITION of Nations.
Daniel 2:44. And in the days of these kings shall the GOD OF HEAVEN set up a KINGDOM, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, [but] it shall break in pieces and consume ALL THESE KINGDOMS, and it shall stand FOREVER.
And YES, Pope Francis will be TOP MAN in this NOT SO – United NATION, and LEAD this Coalition fore 42 Months!
Revelation 13:5. And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty [and] two months.
6. And he opened his mouth in BLASPHEMY against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and THEM that DWELL in heaven.
How can you BLASPHEME? – Jesus was accused of BLASPHEMY because He FORGAVE the SINS of those He Healed!
Matthew 9:2. And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; THY SINS BE FORGIVER THEE.
3. And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This [man] blasphemeth.
As this LEADER of this LAST EMPIRE of Iron & Clay, as I just stated – he Blasphemed against THOSE (“Them) that NOW Dwell in HEAVEN”
In OTHER words, he (Blaspheming Leader) comes to power AFTER those who are REDEEMED from the EARTH. (Raptured)
Revelation 14:4. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
The verse BEFORE this, is as follows:-
3. And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand, which were REDEEMED from the EARTH.
Mark 13:20. And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the ELECT’S sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath SHORTENED the days.
In Jesus’ day – HE Stated – John 3:13. And NO MAN hath ASCENDED UP to heaven, but HE that came DOWN from heaven, [even] the SON OF MAN which IS in HEAVEN.
The Pope Francis will be dead long before Jesus comes back. Also, Jesus tells us in Matt 21 that He comes back after the tribulation. And Revelation shows us that the Harvest doesn’t happen until the third Woe, or the Seventh Trumpet. We have a long way to go before all these things come to pass. I like your take on the iron mixed with clay.
tks for post craig greg
“What other choice does the government have?” It could start taxing stock market transactions. “The budget gap could be closed by imposing a tax of a mere 0.1% on financial transactions, while eliminating not just income taxes but every other tax we pay today. ”
This is a Marxist and stupid ideal. You do not tax capital or you get LESS of it. If you want LESS of something, then tax it!!!!! This has been proven over and over again. STUPID MARXIST CRAP!!!!!
Instead of taxing Stock Market transactions the real goal in the minds of those in power is to probably “add a small tax onto every Bitcoin transaction”!! Thus Bitcoin can be used to not only eliminate the Federal Income Tax but enhance Government Finances and Economic Growth. In 2025 (under Trump) the question will no longer be if Bitcoin will be part of the National Strategic Reserves, but “how much of a role it will play” in generating the income needed for the Government to “Advance Future Economic Strategies”!!
The mother of all fiscal crises will hit the Trump Administration in about three months when the US Treasury “runs out of both Cash and Borrowing Authority under the $36.1 Trillion reinstated Debt Ceiling!! But if Trump has some Bitcoin in the Strategic Reserve by then “perhaps” he can use that as “Off Balance Sheet Collateral That Grows More Valuable in Time” to run the Government (and bypass getting the Treasury to Print More Paper Dollars “that Interest has to be paid on”)!! Look at how “Fart-Coin” (within a matter of three months achieved a market valuation greater then one third of all the stocks on Russel 5000) and pulled in Billions of dollars from “investors” without having to pay one cent in interest to them)!!!
Biden and Harris Relied On Smoke-and-Mirrors “To Make the US Economy Look Strong” and Wall Street (a well known House of Cards) is “Built on Smoke and Mirrors” – Trump (in order to keep things rolling along and not preside over “A Great Depression”) knows he “Must Encourage Robust Consumer Spending”. This means Trump has to”Put More Money Into Peoples Pockets” (like Eliminating Federal Income Taxes)!! Another way Trump seems intent on doing is to Drive the Price of Bitcoin (and Other Crypto Coins) UP (to put even more money into peoples pockets)!! And, thus Further Enhance the Stability of the American Economy and “Kick The Can Down The Road For a Little While Longer”!!
For over 100 years ,every successive president has left a bloody mess for his successor.
Now we arrive at 2025 EHAT A GHASTLY MESS AAcrime is in and it is for all intent a mess from which they cannot be extricated .What is the final straw that breaks the Camels back?
It is of course all the creation of fake fraudulent and counterfeit so-called cash.
This cash has been used for all the evil uses that only satan could think of some of them being of course the wars to which AAcrime went on a pack of lies ,the 80million abortions, the covid and other such like BIO WEAPON viruses which have been spread around the world and we are told by our very best friend Dr David Martin that they are going to spring another killer virus on us by the 21at of this month. Then there was the ukraine was which AAcrime promoted, sponsored and paid for with the satanic cash created out of thin air.
Craig quite rightly points out that to protect yourselves and indeed people and countries beyond your borders with GODS Currency which is the only thing that has integrity and no counter party risk GOLD OF COURSE IS WHAT HAS THAT QUALITY AND SO DOES SILVER.
I would buy this through the likes of Egor von Greyerz of Gold Switzerland renown
as there are far too many improbable which you must consider when hoarding assets in your country.
Greg & Craig for alerting the subscribers to
AA Crime? Isn’t that what the subjects of the British Crown calls the USA?
YHWH’s currency is our salvation.
However, I agree that on should have a core holding of PMs.
Hemke s every bit as knowledgeable as Mannarinp.
Both are smart.
Romania Protest Live: Thousands Protest In Romania After Pro-Russian Candidate Win Annulled /Hindustan Times Started streaming 78 minutes ago
Thousands of Romanians are protesting outside the parliament in Bucharest following the annulment of the presidential election that saw pro-Russian candidate Călin Georgescu winning the first round. The Constitutional Court canceled the election results due to allegations of foreign interference, particularly from Russia, which purportedly influenced the voting process through social media campaigns.
Wow… they want civil war
Jan 12, 2025
California is a dumpster fire; literally and figuratively. California, one of Satan’s strongholds, is reaping what DEI sowed. They hired a bunch of incompetent and unqualified people and paid them big money in the of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Gavin NewScum, doesn’t know where the water went. Karen Basshole, who went to Cuba many times and is part of a Communist group, and her Lesbian fire chief are incompetent. By design they want to destroy our civilization.
I predict a lot of these loyal progressives are going to become rabid conservatives in the next year or two.
You ask why? A bunch of wealthy people are going to try to rebuild their houses. The Blue Haired gender confused bureaucrats are going to deny these people the permits. While it might not turn the entire state conservative, it is going to turn a large group of rich people conservative. And all these people they voted for in the past and all of these progressive policies will be bitting them in the arse.
Did you guys see the Bull Dike Fireperson when a woman asked if she could carry her husband out of a fire say, “He got himself in the wrong place if I have to carry him out of the fire”? This is a firefighter telling you she can’t save you and would not try if you are a man. Look at the video. Could this fat twit, even carry the 80 lbs of gear that firefighters wear?
This “Lady” firefighter looked like she had passed a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop on the way home. This DEI hire said people want to see someone who looked like them… If my house is on fire, I don’t give a Shiite what you look like. I want you to save my family. I want you strong enough and to have enough endurance to carry all of them out of a burning house or building. This lesbian doesn’t meet any standards except those that the DEI cheerleaders champion.
*** Biology is immutable ***
YHWH did not create All Men equal. Some men are HumVees, some men are Ferraris and some like myself are VW *** Hey, at least I am not a Yugo LOL***BUT ALL MEN ARE EQUAL IN THE EYES OF YHWH****
Doesn’t matter what you believe, it’s a fact. It doesn’t change with time or a person’s perception. And people, facts don’t care about your feelings.
There are certain jobs where strength and physical fitness matters. The average man has more strength and endurance than the fittest and most athletic women. Sorry Ladies, but YHWH designed men different from women. And they are jobs where there should be a minimum strength and endurance requirement and it shouldn’t be changed based on the sex or sexual preference of the applicant.
**** Women should not be in positions that require strength and endurance which lack of puts the public safety at risk***
But Ladies, don’t be sad, Fat men, unfit men and people with health issues like my asthma shouldn’t be in these jobs either.
Women should not be Firefighters, Policemen, Soldiers, Sailors, Aviators or other jobs that protect us. And I shouldn’t be one either.
NYC lost 40 Pharmacies (CVS, Walgreens and RiteAid) in just 2024. NYC has less than half the number of pharmacies they had a decade ago.
The chickens …hmmm or is it the chickenpoxs?… of Demoncrat policies that decriminalized theft have come home to roost.
These dumba$$ in charge and the morons that voted them in are shocked… Shocked I tell you, that shoplifting is rampant and stores are fleeing.
Who are the loosers here? Me and you. The people that live there and shop there. The richest are not impacted at all. People are now shopping online further destroying the local businesses.
The subway that many normal folks need to get to work look like MadMax’s Thunderdome. You run the risk of being maimed or murdered.
Tell me anti Trumpers, where is one town, city, county or state that is run by the Demoncrats (and yes, there are real Demon but then there are RINO Demons as well) that is safe? Where the people prosper?
In California the Demonrats light “trees” on fire – in New York the Demonrats light “people” on fire (as there are no trees in the subway)!!
Sad isn’t it?
Greg, tried to post on your channel in Rumble – YOU MUTED ME!
Rumble: CX32
Was going to post.
AT&T for one in those areas PUSH to get rid of all land lines for us peasants.
Granted too many did not even have a house to have a land line in it.
In those many areas, not fun actually finding a working cell tower or towers overloaded.
Likewise in those hurricane areas.
I just unmuted you on Rumble. Play nice and don’t make work for me. It’s free and my crap threshold is very low.
Thanks for the laugh Greg. Keep up the good work.
Elizabeth Indian Princess Warren and Gavin NewScum posted requests for LA aid that give DNC money or the NewScam political site!
These parasites never miss a chance to grift do they
IF you have all your preps in your house and your house is burned to the ground, by your own government, you will lose all your preps.
Democide = Genocide By Government – CAF
If we don’t find our backbones, we will be murdered by our own government. Soon.
Instead of Trump “concentrating” only on Bitcoin. Perhaps Trump should consider a “more varied portfolio” of Bitcoins for the US Strategic Reserve. For example, if Trump had invested just $3 Billion into “Fart Coin” on October 18, 2024 it would have been worth $1.5 Trillion on January 3rd 2025!! That would have added more then 500 times to our Strategic Reserve Money in only 70 days (more then enough to pay 365 days worth of Social Security to Beneficiary’s )!!
Not true. Crypto coins are a Ponzi, meaning they are only worth what people put in. For example, let’s say there are 100 coins and you put in $100. Those coins are now worth a dollar each. Let’s say someone else comes along and puts in another $100, now each coin is worth $2. This is how they work. To dump $3Bil into a meme coin would shoot the price up and cause the early buyers to sell out and take all the $3Bil. Seen it happen so many times.
Just like Mr Ponzi’s postage stamp scheme
Demoncrats are peak evil and Stupid…
Stupidity should be painful, and it is except for Democrats. They get promoted for incompetence and we the people feel the pain instead of them
Well that national debt is owed back to the living people. It has been claimed by the civilian government.
International Public Notice: Important Announcements
By Anna Von Reitz
The American Military is being reorganized as a true national military under the control of the actual civilian government of this country. Our sons and daughters will no longer be used as unknowing mercenaries in wars for profit. Instead of being deployed to
ransack other nations under false presumptions, they will be deployed to attack and fight the actual enemies of humanity instead.
We are invoking the law of the land and soil and our ownership interest as living people and purported donors of all the public and private trusts.
Toward that end, we have chartered The Global Family International Trade Bank and established The American Federation Treasury; in concert with the bank, we have also established our American Federation Sovereign Treasury Account, which is open for business.
We have also established our Paymaster Account, so that we can pay Federal workers who are eligible for rehire, including members of the military. We have also established our Federation Reserve and Trust and Underwriting Accounts for the purpose of conducting our affairs in the realms of international and global business.
We have similarly established The Global Family Commercial Bank and The Global Family Bank of Commerce, and a similar roster of functional accounts to expedite and organize the conduct of business in the global forums of commerce and maritime commerce respectively.
These banks have all been created for the use and benefit of the living people and their sovereign governments and instrumentalities.
Each nation is encouraged to form its own sovereign international bank and join our bilateral bank network. Our Bank Treaties are transparent and public.
We have also created new institutions, Prosperity Unions, for the purpose of distributing prepaid credit which is owed to the living people worldwide.
This Bilateral Bank System uses simple carriage accounting and transparent block chain algorithms to transfer assets and credit; simple as it is, it is nonetheless state of the art, and provides all the necessary and traditional banking services that people and
businesses need— plus a few services that are brand new, never been done before.
This process of fleshing out the financial and economic capability of our national and international government functions has been necessitated by the long-term fraud that
Isn’t this the embodiment of “never let a crisis go to waste”? Best always. PM
Spot one. What kind of swamp creature would seek to skim money from this horrible tragedy?
Great interview Greg. When you mentioned about the house you bought in 1991 which was a repossession , I did the same in 1997 here in England with my wife. That was a repo too and the price was £54,000. The value now is £370,000. It’s not the value that’s gained , it’s the rubbish purchasing value of the British pound . All fiat currencies are destroying themselves due to over printing ( inflation ) . The interest rate in Feb 1997 was around 5.75% and our mortgage wax £46,000 based on 2.5 times our joint income . Just look at it now with the lending and pricing , what a joke . I feel sorry for the young generation . What chance have they got to get a foothold in the property market ! Thanks John .
If I were young, I would be rooting for a deflationary depression. The problem with that is making it to the other side in one piece. Hang on to Jesus!! It’s the only way through. Thanks for supporting USAW from across the pond!!!
100 years ago the £ (the Pound Sterling) was 12 Troy oz of sterling silver, worth about $350US today. But then 20 of our dollars were worth nearly a Troy oz of Gold, about $136US.
Inflation is a wonderful thing for the Queen or Government but it is practically theft of the citizens resources.
Stated another way. 100 years ago $20 US dollars bought One(1) ounce of Gold – today $20 US dollars buys 0.00735 ounces of Gold!!
Actually one Troy oz of gold was $20.60. The Mint skimmed of part of the oz as a minting fee. But your calculations are not off by much.
Even in 1910, $40 in gold would buy you 40 acres of land. The property my father owned is worth more than $10,000 an acre.
I think the real value of gold should be about $200,000 per Troy oz
The ultimate slap in the working taxpayers face is coming… Universal Basic Income. The TRUE REAL labor participation rate (not that fake crap they release) of actual people (one person = one full time job) has fallen below 50%, the government now has two choices:
(1) Government to do nothing but declare endless martial law as the land becomes Mad-Max (where this already is in most blue cities); or (2) Government to hand out free UBI money (and accept the hyperinflation and the “I QUIT” society) so the irresponsible (the redundant due to no work ethic and no social skills living in their own little fantasy world) can buy new bling, get their nails and hair done, get 24/7 doordash “food”, and to party at the club until their livers give out. For many young people, they already receive taxpayer assistance and are living free of any kind of labor participation.
I’d be surprised if 1% of the existing laws are actually enforced by 2030, murder will become less than a misdemeanor if the offender is of a certain protected victim class. The exception of course is if you are a person with tangible assets, then you will be fined for “your thoughts” and taxed into bankruptcy… and you’ll be happy or else!!
Coming soon, small town Iowa, the thugs from a blue city travel 50 miles to attack people they see on the small town street because they look like they have $20 on their person.
I disagree this is coming here any time soon. It’s a disaster everywhere it’s tried and as far as the Madmax thing. Not sure where you are, but We are the small town people were pretty well armed 15 years ago but even the blue haired old ladies are packing here now.
In June 1970, the U.S. Forest Service, under the sponsorship of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), published a report titled “Forest Fire as a Military Weapon.”
This study was initiated in 1965 at the request of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who sought to explore the use of using forest fires as a tactical weapon in military operations.
The research aimed to determine whether intentionally set forest fires could be used to destroy enemy resources, create barriers, or force movement by making large areas impassable.
@DaneWigington has posted this on ;
A formerly classified US military document titled “Forest Fire As A Military Weapon” is a truly shocking exposé of planned scorched Earth destruction. The US Forest Service actually participated in the research and planning that went into this military instruction manual for carrying out orchestrated forest fire catastrophes. What part have climate intervention operations played in the preparation of forests for extreme and unprecedented incineration all over the world? The short video report below reveals the shocking degree of research that the US military and the US Forest Service has put into preparing forests for extreme incineration.
( Agent Orange spraying in Viet Nam was part of this )
I really appreciate it when you have Craig here. He is another truly genuine, intelligent and compassionate man within the metals space. I’ve been following him since back in the Turd Ferguson days and credit him with informing/helping take the plunge ( albeit slowly over these many years) into the PM space.
Bring him back any time!
Thanks Margo! It’s pretty clear what people need to do to stay solvent. Number one is hang on to Jesus for direction and protection!!
Then, have that core position in gold and silver.
Jesus is number 1
Family is number 2
Country is number 3
People putting themselves before their country is what has gotten us into this mess. Country before family, always. God, country, family. You can’t have a good family or keep them safe in a rotted country.
People putting themselves before God (condoning behavior that is evil and morally wrong) like the murder of children, killing Russians, stealing what ever they can get their hands on, etc., etc., etc. is what has gotten us into this mess!!
I didn’t move country to the number 3 slot. The Demons did it for me.
My people sacrificed many during the wars. And a few of those wars were righteous.
When the nation and government stop protecting the people, when there is no justice and the courts become a thing of elite criminals skate while honest men get sent to prison….
Yeah, Hell, truth be told the Obama bin Biden’s America isn’t even number 3.
I pray that Trump is allowed to withstand and over come this evil as our Lord’s anointed. Just as HIS servant David.
Well put!
IMO the recession started in 2021 and we are approaching early stage depression. Gov stats are not reliable and to use them is silly. I remember when CH basically dumped metals and was so hyper bitcoin. Glad he is stabilized with real metal again.
What active financial services license(s) does CH hold?
Greg, Just a thought for some of those in the L.A. area that are not evacuated yet…and have the ability. Might go to a farm-ranch supply and get a decent size stock tank and hopefully have gutters one can divert water back to stock tank.
Also need a generator if power is off. to run several pumps connected to sprinklers placed on roofline sufficient to circulate the water from and back to stock tank.
If one has the time and water is still being delivered to house, one can also run a hose to a tank valve hung in the stock tank that will like a toilet keep the water level in the stock tank to hopefully replace any loss of water. So, key then is sizing the sprinkler flow, and having enough energy/fuel to keep the generator running. If the water is still being provided…then one can run hoses directly to sprinklers…and let than water run down the roof, into the gutters and to the tank for use if and when the water supply is cut. Then one can connect those hoses directly to the submergible pumps and start the generator.
Amazing most of those wealthy homes did not have suppression systems already for as little as one cost…compared to what those same people waste on their toys. I grew up in the north end of San Fernando valley, and for a time close to Malibu Lake such a shame to see all those iconic areas going up in flames! The place was going down then, so years ago I left So. Ca. Lots of memories…the surf was great, as was the music, but then came Viet Nam, the earthquakes, and time to go greener pastures, fresher air and cleaner water, so traded my surfboard for snow skis and raising horses. Never looked back.
Hopefully those fires will soon be over…but that will depend on the length of the SANTANA season this year.
Most will work in pools as well…might consider pumps used in sauna apps if planning to keep and use with chlorine for long term?
Also, might consider if one lives in the country near areas forest fires are prevalent.
Some of those more well healed $$ types there in L.A. might consider a fund to put in desalination plants so they can fill those empty reservoirs during droughts in the future rather than wasting money filling DEI quotas?
Greg, now near clear admission that shots cause nerve damage?
Also, if-when Mr. Dowd is on..would he have an approximation of the what the unemployment might be…if all the ‘sudden deaths’ and side-effects has not occured. Likely, many of those millions have drastically altered the labor statistics…from labor participation, to unemployment, to disability, to benefits being paid or received including the burden on medical costs expenditures.
Why the hell is not the FDA pulling this crap off the market!!!!!
Amen, Greg. They are advertising this poison here heavily . Each shot brings disaster
Greg, you should read a book called “Truth in Money” (1982) that explains how “making” money by debt and only debt is a matter of time before the compounding effect makes such a mountain of debt unsustainable…and there is no “equity” money to offset the mushrooming debt. It’s leading us into massive bankruptcy’s and the quantity (former M3) will make Weimar Republic inflation seem mild.
Germany showed that an equity money would bring them (all) out of abject poverty but the bankers could not have an equity based money proving it worked, so they started WW2…. and they will start WW3 if the debt money is threatened. We need a US Treasury Dollar, equal by law to a FED Reserve Note, for all debts public and private, that is spent for value into existence. Without equity….the debt will mathematically crush us. Banker is okay with that….they buy at crash prices. Wealth of the nation goes to the banker.
Please be aware.
You have all heard the saying ” Know your enemy ”
According to ritual calender for 2025 JANUARY 13 is called SATANIC NEW YEAR.
Full Moon too.
Trust Jesus.
Who calls it that? Never heard that
All the problems would disappear if people simply followed God’s instructions .
Every thing is being preached but what God said to preach .
He said to preach the gospel which is being delivered from sin being more like Jesus .
Doing others the way we want to be treated / doing the right thing !!!!!!!!!!
When people are upset because Trump doesn’t come out against the kill shot .
and you get upset with them / that doesn’t make since / you your self said he
needed to come out against it .
When people are upset about the churches / schools / women and kids being killed
in Gaza .
That doesn’t make them a Jew hater / they haven’t said they agree with hamas .
It looks like both sides are wanting to genocide the other .
A genocidal maniac refers to a person who is involved in or has the intent to commit genocide, which is the deliberate and systematic extermination of a particular group of people, often based on their nationality, ethnicity, or religion. This term emphasizes both the violent actions and the extreme mentality behind such acts.
Wayne Hardin
Bill Gates and Fauci are genocidal maniacs (and we “have been” turning the other cheek like Jesus advised)!! – However, now that these Genocidal Maniacs have Killed and Maimed a Billion of us – I think it is about time to get out the whip (like Jesus did) and do some of our own” Eye for an Eye Gain-of-Function Experiments” (like put a bag full of Maggots over Fauci’s head, and a bag full of Covid Infected Mosquitoes over Gates’ head)!! Cutting out their tongues so we can’t hear them scream “is optional” (as some may want to hear them scream)!!
You misunderstood what i said .
I have no problem with evil being taken out .
What i said was if people done what God said to do there would be
no one that needed to be took out .
Not many or very few the word says want to be delivered from sin .
They love sin and will not turn away from it .
Wayne Hardin
Dr Jane Ruby has new podcast about the new incoming top team are all big pharma investors and Dr Malone who invented mRNA was working for DOD?? or??
Makes one wonder……..
Big bark and no bite re jab justice? We shall see. If thousands pardoned then who is going to Guantanamo?
RFK is big pharmaceutical?
YHWH has commanded his people to war in the past. YHWH commanded King Saul to wipe these people out. I don’t think the YHWH ever retracted that command even though Israel has sought peace time and time again with an untrustworthy and despicable people.
The teaching Jesus isn’t a suicide pact. Israel is at war and YHWH allows self defense.
The Garazans could have had a paradise with the 100s of billions of dollars they have been gifted. But they killed anybody their own people that wanted peace. They trained their children to hate. They could have built New Eden but the built Hell instead.
I for one say it is not too late to heed the commands that YHWH have King Saul. Follow YHWH’s command and then we should prostrate ourselves before him asking forgiveness for being late, unresponsive and unruly servants.
Just my 2 cents. If you are attacked again and again by a people that has a stated goal of genocide, kill them all and cull their genome from Earth. You can not have peace with the followers of the Death Cult.
YHWH offers us Life Eternal thru Jesus his Pnly Begotten SON whereas Allah offers nothing but everlasting torment.
America needs to stop these people coming into the country and deport the tens of if not hundreds of thousands of those here illegally. These people hate us Christians. We can not coexist with them in our nation
Day 6 of LA Inferno Watch Live! All of America Is Turning Against Gavin Newsom & Democrats After It Was Proven That They Intentionally Blocked Fire Mitigation Programs, Helping Create the Most Deadly Fires in West Coast History 1 hour ago
Alex Jones breaks down how this historically deadly wildfire is exposing the Democrats’ Great Reset plot and how its backfiring bigly as the American people wise up to their criminality
The Demoncrats and their RINO lackeys would have done this except they knew they would not have lived out the remainder of the year.
Trump should not talk to the usurper
Every time I see you on my TV you look better, like you are getting stronger. You will continue to be in my prayers
These people! Does anyone think they actually believe what they are shoveling? If they believed these climate fairy tales, they would be living a different lifestyle
Greg Hunter is our Ultimate Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Craig Hemke is one of my favorite guest that you have on. He is common sense smart and he is one of the better forecasters. The rate cuts will be dramatic no matter what they are saying now
I continue to accumulate pre 1965 US Dimes,’Quarters and Halfs I
Hit my goal in 2024 and I will buy just as much in 2025.
LIVE: LA Fires From Above | Aerial View Of Palisades Fire | California Wildfires Aftermath Live | US Hindustan Times Watch live aerial coverage of the Palisades Fire, a devastating wildfire in Los Angeles County, California. As of January 13, 2025, the fire has scorched over 23,713 acres and is only 11% contained. Fueled by powerful Santa Ana winds, the fire continues to spread, complicating containment efforts. Our live broadcast provides real-time visuals of the fire’s impact, offering a comprehensive view of the ongoing crisis.
Thank you. Don’t see any standing blue roofs . Looks like orange spanish tile roofs did pretty well. Most trees not burned though so what really happened besides no water supply and no insurance and take over? How handle buildings and not most trees?
Meditation says “ total scraping” of removing humans there for agenda”. People have been warning to not live in big cities ………….
Meditation- what’s next? “ Upper atmospheric explosions – 45,000 ‘
– could cause outages/failures.”
People have been warning buy sat phone and faraday bags…..
Condolences to families who have lost loved ones . Prepare to help more people around you, too!
Was this planned?
It isn’t an irrational fear to keep and eye on and separate yourself from people that worship Allah. Allah say that they can, rob, rape and murder you and get a gold star.
Why Are There So Many Crazy [CRIMINAL] People In The World?
Ask The Doctor Of Common Sense 2.3K views Streamed 1 day ago
Monday LIVE: Desperate To Hide His Criminal Negligence, Gov. Newsom Demands Biden Admin Censor Elon Musk & Others Exposing How He Blocked State & Local Fire Mitigation Programs In California! Important LIVE Feed!
The Alex Jones Show January 13th, 2025
Alex Jones LIVE right now taking calls to delivering full-spectrum coverage of breaking news exclusive information the globalists want you to Fear, not hear!
Globalists trying to conquer the world of the MIND! Transhumanist globalists have unleashed war on every front you can imagine (and you can’t) trying to assure civilizations extinction!
Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues with injustice.
Proverbs 16:8
The Monroe Doctrine “holds that any intervention in the political affairs of the Americas by foreign powers is a potentially hostile act against the United States.”
Bank O’ International Settlements: Revisiting the international role of the US dollar
“However, while diversification away from the dollar is a growing trend, the factors that support dollar dominance remain well-entrenched, and meaningful de-dollarization will likely take decades.”
Family, friends, and faith in Jesus are more valuable than all of the gold in the universe!
We are all bystanders, watching communists, greedy politicians and crazies destroy America, while most of us do nothing but complain.
In 1971, the ordinary guy didn’t have $11000 to buy a 400 ounce bar of gold. As a UAW member, I had a well paying job and I couldn’t get a bank loan for $5000 to buy a fixer upper house.
Both my parents were blue collar and they did.
If you bought a 400 ounce bar of Gold in 1971 instead of putting down $11,000 Dollars to buy a house – today you would own a million dollar bar of Gold (instead of a $600,000 dollar home that you paid interest on to a Bank for 30 years, 50 years of Home Owners Insurance, 50 years of Taxes to the Town, 50 years of School District Taxes and 50 years of Maintenance costs (which in total amounts to a small additional fortune being stolen away from you – that could have likely bought you ten additional 400 ounce Gold bars)!!
Yep. In 1971 an ounce of gold was fixed at $35. So 400oz would cost $14K. The minimum wage was $1.60, meaning it would take 4.8 years to afford a bar with no taxes or other expenses, and working 35 hours a week. 400 x 35 ÷ 1.6 ÷ (35*52) = 4.8 years. Also, national average of gas was 0.36 per gallon meaning about 22% of your pay per hour bought a gallon of gas.
Today gold is roughly $2600 an ounce, so a 400oz bar would cost $1.04Mil. The minimum wage is $7.25. It would now take 78 years to buy that same bar at 35 hours per week. That’s longer than life expectancy!! Also, the average for gas today is $3.25, and eats up 44.8% of pay.
No wonder people are giving up. What’s the point of working paycheck to paycheck and never being able to save for the future?
I recall gold being a little higher but what you say is true.
He listed two choices, spending cuts and money printing. He didn’t mention default. I wonder why? I understand not listing economic growth as an option, we are past that, in my opinion. Does he not see default as a possibility?
No, He does not.
I thought Trump was supposed to put an end to Biden’s inflation?
Are you a moron? Who is in the White House right now??????
I have a vote—it’s locked and loaded and I’m ready to use it!
If Trump doesn’t reverse this inflation by 2026 I’m voting straight Democrat ticket in the midterms and then in
2028 too!
Time to give Communism a chance if Capitalists can’t fix thing!
You are a moron who does not know history. You HAVE TO BE A TROLL OR A BOT.
I assure you I’m neither!
I’m a strong young INDEPENDENT woman who is a mercenary voter!
I’m not on a stupid political team and I do NOT hold loyalty to Trump or any other political chuckle-head!
I hired him to do a job and if he doesn’t he’s FIRED and I’ll replace him!
I’m giving him 2 years and if he doesn’t deliver I WILL use my vote to punish him!
But you gave Biden and crew 4 years and never made a sound here? You are not a troll/bot? RIIIIIGHT.
2020 was my first ever Presidential election and I’m not ashamed to say I voted for Biden!
Trump had to be FIRED for doing a crappy job–esp. Covid!
I made my point w/Biden–but then he failed too. So I then fired HIM!
Being loyal to a politician or Party is the DUMBEST position to take!
Independents like ME have ALL of the power–WE are the deciding bloc in EVERY election–don’t you forget it Buster!
My name is Greg, not “Buster.” You better get prepared, or you are not going to make it.
Damn, you know no shame do you.
This is why I think voting should be limited to productive members of society. We have cretins that do nothing but exist on government benefits that I have to pay for and they get to vote. Or idiots like you that can’t think logically
Once again, I can’t agree with you more. The killer is these people truly believe they are independent thinkers who are smarter than everybody else; my brother is one these know-it-all.
I was not happy with Trump in 2020 either but voting for Biden is like putting a hang noose on myself and all other Americans. She has no idea what she’d done to those poor Ukrainians, Russians and Syrians.
The long term intent of communism is Depopulation. You appear to have no idea what you’re dealing with.
Ammo up!
Trump is not yet in power – you can’t wait another week?? Trump has already described Newscums attack on the American people in California “as Worse Then a Nuclear Attack on our Nation” and you are going to vote for these Psychopathic Demon Rats?? Once Trump gets in he can also easily stop Yemeni Armed Forces from attacking Israel because they have already said that “they will stop their attacks against Israel as soon as Israeli ground and aerial offensives in Gaza come to an end”. The way Biden is trying to end Yemen targeting Israel is by “Expanding the Middle East war” with Joint American and British air craft attacks upon Yemen. Yemeni Armed Forces in response carried out a missile and drone attack on the American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman in the Red Sea that was launching the attacks. The engagement lasted approximately nine hours resulting in the US aircraft carrier fleeing to the Red Sea’s far north (making the US look as incompetent fighting Yemen as it looks helping Ukraine fight Russia) which Trump can also get us out of – In One Day!!
You sound like yet another Marxist-indoctrinated-feminist with ZERO common sense.
Damn, to expose yourself as an idiot to 10s of thousands takes moxie.
The Dems brought us here and you want them back? ROFLMAO…
Do you get paid for this drivel or are you really this F’ing stupid? Maybe both
Lefties losing it: ‘Typical leftist’ somehow blames Donald Trump for LA fire response
Sky News Australia 13 hours ago
Sky News host Rita Panahi has criticised a “typical Californian leftist” who somehow found a way to blame President-elect Donald Trump for the government’s response to the Los Angeles fires.
@hi-if7lj 14 hours ago
I’m a Democrat and I had TDS until I voted for Trump in 2024
Chris Vermulen is saying the exact opposite for USD and gold.
Martin Armstrong from a few interviews back also recommended to raise cash in USD.
I think you get both, not one or the other.
I agree. Cash is going to be King until it isn’t. In every other currency collapse in modern history , cash works. Credit cards will stop. The banks will be closed and those with cash on hand will do well until either it’s worthless or it’s all gone. Compared to the amount of digital currency, there is a relatively small amount of physical currency.
Get yours now and put it up for a rain day.
And keep your preparations to yourself.
You don’t want to be the number one go to with your neighbors for robbery and or murder
Greg have you ever had Whitney Webb on your show?
She does amazing investigative journalism and has uncovered some deeply disturbing things about ongoing Israeli operations targeting the USA, as well as exposing some very uncomfortable truths about Trump and his closest associates.
Please get try to get Whitney on—she is a real journalist who doesn’t carry water for any politician or foreign government!
We have been hearing about a weaker dollar for a long time, but nothing ever happens. For example, where is Bo Polny’s predicted 30% haircut for the US$ from a few years ago?
we need the weather and climate change guy to come on concerning the California fire suspect thanks doing a great job Greg Hunter God bless
I don’t know he is an expert on arson
Inside Kursk Frontline Ukrainian Offensive With Top Russian General
Patrick Lancaster 6 hours ago Inside The Kursk Frontline: Exclusive Interview with Lieutenant General Apti Alaudinov: The Kursk Region’s Frontline Perspective
Russia Dropped Countless FAB-1500 Bombs Throughout 2024, and This Is What It Led To… Military TV 71,851 views Jan 13, 2025
The terrifying impact of the FAB-1500 glide bomb, one of the deadliest weapons used during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. From catastrophic explosions to massive destruction, we reveal the horrifying consequences of these aerial strikes. Are Ukrainians haunted every time they look up at the sky? Stay tuned!
‘Zelensky Only Begs’: NATO Nation PM’s Fiery Attack Leaves Ukraine President Speechless | Fico Fumes Times Of India 51,738 views Jan 12, 2025
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico sharply criticised Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, calling him a “beggar” and accusing him of “begging and blackmailing” European nations for financial aid. Fico’s comments were made during a meeting of Slovakia’s Foreign Affairs Committee. He expressed frustration with Zelensky’s efforts to gather support, claiming Slovakia and the EU have already contributed significantly to Ukraine’s war effort.
LIVE BREAKING | Putin’s Aide Dares Zelensky Says ‘Ukraine will Cease to Exist in 2025 | Putin Speaks CLRCUT Started streaming 5 hours ago
In a bold statement, a key aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a chilling warning, claiming that Ukraine “will cease to exist in 2025.” This comes as tensions between Moscow and Kyiv reach unprecedented levels. Russian President Vladimir Putin also addressed the escalating situation, reaffirming Russia’s stance on the conflict and the future of Ukraine. Stay tuned as we unpack this explosive development and its implications for global geopolitics.
Russia Dropped Countless FAB-1500 Bombs Throughout 2024, and This Is What It Led To… Here’s the link missing from above!
John Fetterman SUES ‘The View’ Host Sunny Hostin & Producer For ALLOWING Her To Say This LIVE ON SET Recklezz 92,259 views 14 hours ago
A Tale of One Left Wing Blue City
LA is not the only bastion of woke, left-wing-lunacy. All the leftist-controlled cities on the left-coast have gone insane.
Surprise surprise surprise… Naw, just your standard Leftist Communist pedo… allegedly… LOL
So how much stuff does a lefty have to have for them to arrest him instead of making excuses?
everyone is trying to predict the future or what may happen, but few are listening to God’s prophets and prophecies.
What is coming is a revolution by the left and then ww3. This is what the true prophets and prophecies of God are saying and it all lines up with where we’re at in the book of Revelation, which most Christians are igno of, that it’s a broad scope reference to the almost last 2000 years of history and all of it has been fulfilled up to Rev 17:11, “the 8th” being formed thru Russia and China. The mark of the beast in Rev 13 was fulfilled in the dark age Latin EU empire. We are not at Rev 13. See for those historical records. Follow the Revelation timeline. Soon we have Rev 18, the fall of this modetn day babylon.
Economist Richard Wolff discusses his reaction to Trump’s agenda to initiate a “Golden
Vast Devaluation of Dollar is already here…
Age” for the US empire and curb the rise of BRICS.
Can Trump succeed in stopping the decline of the US empire and contain Russia and China’s rise?
How does this affect both geopolitics and the economic future of humanity?