War on God & God’s Going to Win – Catherine Austin Fitts

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and publisher of “The Solari Report” Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF) says all that’s happening now can be boiled down to one simple, but evil, concept.  CAF explains, “It’s a war on God, and God is going to win.”

Because America was set up with Biblical principles, it’s also a war on America.  Fitts says, “You see this in the founding documents that an individual’s freedom is created by divine authority.   So, in the founding documents, our governor is God.  We are created by divine authority.  Our freedom comes by divine authority, but we are individual sovereigns.  We have the power to create sovereign governments and to end them if they stop serving us.  The model is very clear, and you and I have grown up with this model our whole life.  Now, we have a new model, and it’s called transhumanism, and the idea is you basically chip everybody, you put them on remote control through the cell tower system and instead of resonating with the divine, they resonate with a machine.”

Fitts goes on to say, “What we know is there is an enormous and powerful and forceful push to inject people with a mysterious substance or partial mysterious substance that we know, from the adverse events and deaths so far, is very dangerous.  So, we are politically trying to force people to play Russian roulette with poison, and the question is why?”

Could the reason for the deadly dangerous jabs be depopulation?  Fitts says, “From where I sit, this has never been about health.  It’s about reengineering.  You had a financial coup for 20 years, and now you have to have a reset because all the retirement money has been essentially stolen.  I am grossly over simplifying, and now you have to reset and you are not going to tell people why you are doing what you are doing.  You need a way of marketing the reset. . . . Covid is a way of marketing the reset. . . .We have a very ugly reengineering going on, which is making inequality go through the roof.  You also have now a growing number of highly intelligent experienced people who are starting to realize that this is a coup, and the people leading the coup are not to be followed or admired.  A financial system cannot operate without the rule of law, and these guys are planning on running this thing with the rule of force.  There is a lot of smart educated people looking at this and saying that we don’t believe their plan will work.  So, we are in for a real food fight with the productive people and the people who would like to centralize control that are very unproductive.  This is the transhumanists verses the human productive.  It’s a fight between the creepy and productive. . . .I think you are seeing a divide, and it’s terrible and tragic.  It splits families.  It splits companies.  So many people want to stay in the middle of the road, and they don’t realize the middle of the road is going away. . . . I have news for you.  It was clear they were going to liquidate the population through this process.  You need to sit down and get all the tools and information to radically strengthen your immune system and radically lower your toxicity levels.”

CAF also says, “The health care system, which is fantastic at certain things, has become almost completely untrustworthy. . . .I agree with Dr. Kory, it’s very dangerous to go to the hospital.”

On the financial front, CAF is most worried about inflation and explains, “My big concern is inflation.  You have seen the central banks print tremendous amounts of money.  They have channeled that money to insiders.  They were using it to buy up the planet, and that game is going to get much worse with the climate change operation.”

(There is much more in the nearly 40 min interview.)

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with the publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. (10.30.21)

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After the Interview:

There is much free information on Solari.com.

To get a free copy of “U.S. Taxation: With or Without Representation?” click here.

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  1. Stan

    The free market says nobody wants Gold. It is trading less now than 10 years ago. Only people like Paul would consider this a good thing. The only worse thing you can own is Silver, which Paul probably thinks is a great investment also.

    • Greg Hunter

      Wake up! You are not in Kansas.

      • Stan

        Greg, I know, I was at the Old Homestead Steakhouse on Ninth Ave in NYC when I posted that. Why would you think I was in Kansas?

        • Greg Hunter

          it’s a Wizard of Oz reference. I lived in NYC for 10 years on 63rd and WEA.

          • Stan

            Sorry Greg – should have known it was a Wizard of Oz reference. I drank a little too much
            Chateau Lafite Rothschild (2010 ) tonight. Hopefully Sliwa will be elected Mayor and clean up the mess and you’ll be able to come back to NYC for visits.

            • tim mcgraw

              Stan: Dude! I looked up that Chateau Rothschild wine. It’s $1,000 a bottle!

              • Rachel.M.

                Yes Tim, he is on a budget because the Louis Vuitton purse he bought his fictitious girlfriend set him back $2430.00 lol, … at least he treats his girlfriends well.

                • BarlowBAILY

                  You mean his fake girlfriend!
                  Does that mean our Stan, is a fake Stan? Maybe living in Afghanistan. Stan?
                  Hey Stan, go over to Bagram and give us a report on the Chi-coms. Make yourself useful!

                  • BailyBarlow

                    Hey Stanley, Get a load of this Shiite!
                    Ark Midnight (October 30, 2021) The…
                    The Fortnight Intelligence Briefing Guests: • Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF) • Col. Phil…
                    Were on to you Stanislav . . . ..

              • Brooklyn


                Just as you “looked up” the bottle of Chateau Rothschild wine to find the cost of $1,000 a bottle! Stan, himself, looked-up the location of the Old Homestead in NYC, in his altered-ego of a rich and famous person, of which he is neither. He is but a lonely man in search of a conversation with anyone, who will listen to his rambling, whereby he chooses that of an antagonist. As our brother AndrewB has opined, “IGNOR HIM” and, hopefully he will then move away from USAW…

            • Mike+G

              Why does anyone take serious Stan’s comments? Chateau Lafitte, yeah sure Stan.

              • cv

                He can take solace in the fact that his Rochefocauld is still worth $50 down in Philly

            • Me and Mine

              The Old Homestaed doesn’t serve Chateau Lafite Red Shield

            • sk

              Stan! I had Chateau Budweiser! Year 2021. $1.99 a can! Delicious!

        • B.B.

          Were on to you Stanislav . . . ..
          Ark Midnight (October 30, 2021) The…
          The Fortnight Intelligence Briefing Guests: • Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF) • Col. Phil…
          Hey Stanley, Get a load of this Shiite!

      • Rachel.M.

        Hi Greg, Biden needs to wake up as well.
        He fell asleep during the United Nations climate change talks,


      • Hannah Loveanna

        Greg, I heard Trump filed bankruptcy for the US “corporation” in 2020. Since we are to be free & clear of all debts, do you suppose we’ll revert back to a constitutional republic or will we have some other form (reorganization) of government?

        • Greg Hunter

          I have not heard Trump filed bankruptcy in any of his businesses recently. Trump has many individual businesses and not just one.

    • Robert Keenan

      Stan, you are either uninformed or not that bright. The elites want you thinking exactly as you are so either wake up or perish in this 4 war!

    • hunter888

      What’s your agenda, Stan? You drone on month after month with your anti-gold schtick. And you try to pick fights with people like Paul. What’s it to you if someone wants to own gold or silver? How is that any of your business? Maybe you want to command them about what to eat for breakfast, too. There’s never any limit to how much control freaks like you want to ram their opinions down other people’s throats. You’re just a nasty, tired old gasbag and bully who has nothing more constructive to do with your pathetic life than to try to push complete strangers around. Is that the sum and substance of your pathetic life? Trying to push around and pick fights with complete strangers and bully them into agreeing with your labored, hackneyed points of view? You don’t have the first clue about what’s going on in the PM markets. You should give it up, pal, and STFU. You’re a mean-spirited, tedious clown. I’ve held my tongue until now, but tonight’s totally unprovoked and contrived attack (you just couldn’t wait to be the first commenter, so you could spray your venom all over everyone from the top of the section), which was totally unrelated to the good, decent, elevated spirit of the great GH – CAF interview, proved that there is something seriously wrong with you. You are a pox on this positive community that is struggling hard to find a way to survive and maybe even prevail in the epic, unprecedented battle between good and evil into which God-loving people have been drawn, through no desire or incitement of our own, (and make no mistake about it, you come straight from evil), and you have a moral obligation to slither away once and for all. Go find some hellhole like yourself to play in. And good riddance.

      • David Gordon Dunne

        Hunter, How eloquent and exact in your summation of Stan. God Bless you and God Bless Stan, he needs it.

      • leo

        well thought out comment on this Stan character I have been of the same opinion as you have well stated but have never made comment on it. I for some reason think he is fake, a troll who is trying to goad people by his nagging trolls and does not even exist as a person but only as a nefarious clown who loves to aggravate will driving around in his make believe Bentley .

        • Earth Angel

          My sentiments exactly on Stan. He’s either a troll or paid shill.

      • Bob Lamb

        Tell us how you really feel!

    • Linda

      What free market are you referring to? You mean the one where the central bankers and their goons create fake gold and silver out of thin air as digits in a computer, then dump enormous amounts on the market in the middle of the night? What CAF is proposing is using physical metal as a bartering tool–who cares how many debt notes it’s valued at by the cartel?

      • Stan

        hunter888: I’m offended by many of the things you said about me. You call me mean-spirited? Stand back and look at your post. I never ripped into anyone like that on this forum. I may tease Paul and others from time to time but I am never “mean spirited”.

        • Greg Hunter

          Nobody knows who you are.

          • ray jones

            hey greg stan is just a flipant guy treat him like the annoying child that he is and just IGNORE it never mention its name and never under any cercustances acknowlegde its presance and eventualy it will go away….this is a tried and true practice that does work but it does require that you and all the other folks in the comment section will have to be united in this endevour you will all have to ignore it and possibly start ignoring any individual that does not toe the line i suspect this to be a team effort on its part with uknown confederates playing along and fueling this little problem you have with that child like mind that it has

          • ray jones

            also i do do know a person with that name but the chances they are the same are remote buuuuut this person is a flaming liberal

          • ray jones

            hey just for fun ask him if the purse is for E

      • Stan

        Linda: People who sell large blocks off hours and also holding puts on Gold which makes the transaction very profitable. These are legitimate sales. I know people on the Comex.

        • Joseph Rocco

          Stan if you know people on the comex. Then you know that the comex SETS the price of silver everyday. If your friends on the comex won’t tell you it is easily found on line and no my friend not a conspiracy. Journals media all have stories that states the price is set by comex. Why does the price NEED TO BE SET IF WE ARE IN A FREE MARKET? Perhaps you can ask your ‘friends at the comex’ or why there is even an office/department that does this if it is not true???? Why else can multibillions of ounces be traded on the comex and never receive the physical ounces when called? Yes they do call for the ounces it’s not just paper. Paul since you want to talk finances. Why is the fed gov and fed reserve putting hundreds of billions of dollars per month to prop up the bond market? Obviously you would agree this is manipulation and not a free market practice. Too big to fail? If bonds fail what happens to fiat? You think the 1929 crash was the sum of the Great Depression or was it the failing of the bond market in 1931-32? Remember anything about a certain president declaring a new price of gold back then? Weird right? Cause the markets are free and not manipulated….

        • Earth Angel

          Boo…Happy Halloween Stan!

    • steve

      So gold in my currency is sitting at $2600 per oz- so its up big time over the past decade, so your constant moaning is based on one country the US gold price. A mixture of Crypto with a base of Pm is not a bad move.

    • Ray

      Fair Dinkum Stan……..you’re the only crocodile on this website that can manage, with uncanny regularity, to utterly embarrass himself with his opening sentence!!!
      “The free market says nobody wants gold”.
      Stating that gold operates in a free market is like saying that the sky is yellow.
      Everyone with half a brain knows that gold is suppressed…….by people whom you actually admire…….by MONEY JUNKIES that would sell their own mother if it meant they could make a lot of money.
      What drives you to come here and mouth off they way you do?
      Then you have the temerity to continually take pot shots at Paul, who is a fine commenter here, whose life aim seems not the pursuit of ever increasing material wealth (like you), but to genuinely be a part of the movement for a better world for all.
      You’re a deadset Piss Ant son………I fear for the world if it continues to fall into the filthy clutches of greedy, money obsessed bastards like you.
      As Greg says…….wake up.
      Oh, and please, spare me your usual “Ray…..why so angry?” reply.
      Why don’t you surprise us all and actually take on a subject matter here that actually resonates with the rest of us……..like creating a better world.
      Then again…….I am reminded…….that’s not one of S(a)tans’ ambitions to begin with.
      Ray, Canberra, Australia.

      • Mike R

        Stan has a massive inferiority complex, and so his need to come here to troll people reflects his need for attention.

        He’s always telling everyone who he ‘knows’ in order to make him sound much more important and superior to others, than he actually is. He has tell people what he is drinking, where he is ‘hanging’ to make him FEEL like he is above other posters here.

        He claims his ‘intellect’ by ‘osmosis,’ wanting everyone to believe he knows more because he simply ‘hangs’ with people he THINKS will make him SOUND superior to other posters here.

        His mocking of other posters, including Paul, is really nothing more than his inferiority complex. Look the reality is Stan is a NOBODY, who is trolling here on Greg’s site for attention. He just HAS to tell everyone that he HAS a BENTLEY, and drinks expensive wine, and pretend he is wealthy. If any of that were true, its highly doubtful he would have the time to waste to post here. So its more like he is still living in his momma’s basement, and reading Cosmo or Glamour Magazines, for his rather shallow material to post here.

        Stan needs to seek professional psychotherapy folks, but he will never admit it, so its best just to let the little boy Stan troll on, and live in his fantasy land of make believe.

        • Stan

          With so much hostility on the board I’m going to have to think about commenting anymore 🙁

          • Greg Hunter

            I am already trying to cut that back Stan.

            • Stan

              Thanks Greg, I appreciate it.

            • Bob Clayton

              Excellent Greg,who trusts Stan when we have you mate,all the best Bob.
              How can you buy what is largely not for sale.

          • Jerry

            I get you. I appreciate your weekly post even though I’m not sure why you brag about your possessions. Let me give you a tip. I heard the same thing from my wife’s family until they lost 45 million dollars in a bad business deal in Florida. Guess what? Nobody brags anymore, and me, a lowly real estate investor at the lake of the ozarks is still here. I own everything I have, and I enjoy being alive each day by the grace of God. Maybe you should to.

          • tim mcgraw

            Stan, I’m not hostile to you. The image of you drinking a $1,000 bottle of Chateau Rothschild wine in a fancy NYC restaurant is cool. Brings back old memories of NYC in the early ’70s. A little humor and imagination help lighten things up a bit.
            As for Silwa becoming Mayor of NYC and turning things around… I thought that election was rigged for De Blasio the Commie. Maybe the NYPD will turn against the Mayor.

          • Ray

            This is wonderful, joyous new to us all Stan!
            But let’s be clear……
            You don’t come to USAWATCHDOG to “comment”.
            You come to this site to big note yourself, and try, in pathetic manner, to convince people of how much material wealth you have amassed. I have been here since Greg started the site, and NOT ONCE have I ever seen a comment from you that deviates from your standard norm.
            Not once have I seen you pick up on a subject and offer some in depth analysis…..some real personal insight or kernel of well crafted logic.
            Nup……its just an endless parade of UTTER DROSS that you bring, and frankly, people are over it Stan.
            So chug off quietly now on Old Bentley……see if you can find a new web site to submit to……one that will fall at your feet when you regale them of your lavish, lavish lifestyle.
            Here’s a start……
            Ray, Canberra, Australia

      • Anthony Australia

        Ray Bloke, it must be a Halloween party joke.

    • Mike

      Stan…..you’re an id****………..stay in New York……….if one day you choose not to be a sheep go and listen to Robert Kiyosaki

    • AndrewB

      I thought everyone on here had some ‘smarts’. Why oh why is ANYONE allowing themselves to be bated by ‘Stan’?!!! What an utter waste of everyone’s time. Nuts! I treat ‘comments’ by ‘Stan’ the same way I treat MSM ‘news’ – I ignore it. If everyone ignored ‘Stan’ he would simply go away. Simple.

    • ronin

      Stan, if silver is worse than gold, how is it that you are using a computer or phone with silver in the components to leave a comment, which runs off of electricity, with silver in the components, to leave a message about how worthless silver is? I’m guessing you have some form of transportation, and rely on transportation for your food as well. Unless you want to live like the Amish, or even like a third world nation, and plow your fields with an ox, milk your cow or goat, and make everything by hand or go without, you might want to appreciate how important silver is to our modern life and survival, it is a lot harder without silver and its thousands of uses.

    • Catherine

      Hey Stan. Stop playing us old boy.
      Liberals like you think we are a gullible mass of fools. Look in the mirror my friend and think again. Oh don’t forget to take your booster.

    • Ed

      They can make gold for oder $50.00 per once.

    • David Duclos

      Stan, hello, there is no free market. It seems very obvious that everything about you is fake, except for one thing—your intellect. God blesses each of us with different levels, yours is at the low end. The world, especially this country, is quickly moving away from God. It is often difficult for a Godly person who loves the freedom that we once had to smile. But, when I see your grossly distorted view of things, I say, man, really!! Dave D

    • FreeMpg

      Did you see they were bartering with gold shavings in Venezuela?


    • talin

      Ha! Dude, you think there are free markets? And we actually operate in them?
      We’re in a Full Fascist/Communist system world wide. There are a few free States within the USA, that’s it.
      Wallstreet wouldn’t know a “Free market” if it bitchslapped it in the face. Wakeup dude,

      • Paul ...

        That’s Talin him … Stan has yet to realize the Queen is effectively dead … and the “New King” will be coming for his money (just like the King of England wanted to impose “a tea tax” on the Colonies in 1776) … our New King of England is not interested in a tea tax … he wants to impose “a carbon tax” on all the rich Corporations (because he just doesn’t have enough of money) … so a 20% “unrealized capital gains tax” will be imposed on all Multi-National Corporations” … we see Elon Musk now telling these perverted child killers he will not pay a dime until they stop abducting and killing children!! … could Musk be our “new” Thomas Jefferson?? … and rally the other Corporations to “Declare Their Independence From The Crown”??? … [I suggest they use “The American Declaration of Independence” as their model … and begin to do serious battle against the Crown and their “carbon tax”]!!!

    • Ken Reidy

      Ha ha.

    • Rachel.M.

      Stan is a fisherman,
      He casts his net into the blue yonder and waits to see what he can catch.
      Today he picked up a good haul.
      Eveyone is taking the bait. lol

      • AndrewB

        Hi Rachel,
        You got that right! An early comment by a known troll has completely overshadowed comments which should have focused on Greg’s interview with CAF. 10 – 0 to ‘Stan’. He’ll be getting a bonus. I think I understand why Greg publishes his comments – so as not to be censorial like the MSM, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube et al – but I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone here allows ‘Stan’s’ inane commentary to get under their skin (???) People are behaving like the ‘snowflakes’ and being ‘triggered’ – WTF?! I shall raise a glass the day ‘Stan’ makes a comment which everyone ignores.

        P.S. This is not an ironic response to ‘Stan’ since I have not even bothered to read his comment/s, but to all my ‘Watchdogger’ colleagues who have.

      • Self Exiled

        I think Stan’s getting nervous and starting to worry.

    • Jeryl

      Stan, you buy gold because you want to get out of cash……the gold market isn’t a fast moving harbor but it sure as hell is better than paper…….BTW Mr. Greg…I love your guest CAF…..she is always on the very top of the issues with the most balanced outlook and always reminds us of what we forget……..sovereign citizens with constitutional and governmental rights to take out any representative that is not representing us…..and that is what we are NOT doing…….we have to take these evil dark lying psychopaths OUT from their self induced power and authority……..FIRE THEM…..get them out….LOVE TO LISTEN TO CAF….always informative and she shoots from the hip….

    • Jeff

      Picking timeframes proves nothing…… The Nasdaq is EVEN after 20 years. Gold is up @ 500% (depending on you buy price) since 2000. I started buying gold @ $287/oz.
      Today gold is a better investment than in 2000. Silver more so. The Nasdaq is getting ready to crash. You can show anything you want, especially if you have an agenda to deceive.

    • John

      We have no free market.

  2. Red

    You both look in great spirit, with the greatest message. God bless & love from Australia.

  3. Anthony Australia

    Sunny blessed Sunday today, mask free yet 80% still wearing face nappies.
    We are in a war and the greatest awakening of all time in upon us.


    Thanks Greg!

    • Ray

      Yes mate…..how right you are.
      Sunny day here in the QR Code Capital…..buzzing bees in my backyard and my bonsais are thoroughly enjoying the warming of the clime.
      Stay strong mate……stay strong.
      The testing time is right now, and I reckon that “Hypnotic November” will bring some incredible days, then onward, into even weirder times over the new year.
      Those who come to this fine site (with the exception of one notable money junky) will no doubt prevail, as their faith in God sees them through this government mandated valley – of – darkness.
      Ray, Canberra, QR Code Mirror Maze Nation

      • Anthony Australia

        Ripper Ray

      • Tad Bunch

        It seems we can only find the truth, justice and American way, in the Aussie media. Because our media up here in the north Pacific, is all crap Bull Shiite!
        From Honolulu Hawaii, to old New York New York, the legacy media is dead⚰ on the north American continent and in every town, state and province in-between!
        ANTHONY WHERE’S OUR NO. 1 illegal alien when we need’s him?

        • Anthony Australia

          Not always TB,

          Protest in Melbourne were only covered in one media outlet here, the most we found were on RT.


          Up, up and away!

  4. Anthony Australia

    Thanks CAF. Not a truer word has been spoken.

  5. cheryl

    informed consent was removed on obama’s watch in case of a pandemic

    • Greg Hunter

      Informed consent was not removed from international law and the Nuremberg code of 1947. These people cannot hide behind Obama. They will not be able to hide anywhere.

      • Robert

        Greg, who’s going to prosecute these fascists under the Nuremberg laws when entire government bodies , especially those same bodies of government that are now corrupt, are the same ones that created the Nuremberg laws? If there is a small nation that may try, they’ll be destroyed by the larger players in this undercover globalist coup against democracy and our freedoms. Even our SCOTUSA errors in favor of Big Pharma and the globalist on these mandates.

        Don’t tell me this God you and CAF speak of is going to save us because this God you speak of sure has failed to save hundreds of millions of people over time in many events like, the Holocaust, how about Bosnia for another, how about the massive brutal slaughters of people in Africa and what about Stalin and the millions he starved just for a few examples. In a few of those instances, the USA intervened with our allies, but now the USA and our allies are the ones who’ve joined the dark side. I’m waiting for your thoughtful response.

        • Paul ...

          Robert … My hypothesis is that it will likely come down to individual citizens (many former military personnel who were thrown out of the military service for refusing the “jab”) … simply going out on their own … to arrest the 150 Satanic eugenicists who control all the World Corporations now “jabing us” … and “dispensing summary judgement” … out of 7 billion people I don’t think it will be very hard for a few strong men to step up and sacrifice themselves in this World War between Good and Evil “for the greater good of all mankind” (like Japan’s Kamikaze pilots were capable of doing in WWII) … every Veterans Day we take time to Celebrate “These True Men” … who have “Selflessly Given Their Lives for Love of Family and Country”!!

  6. Dennis Lane

    I agree with her, she absolutely spot on.

    • Andrew de Berry

      Ditto! Thanks.

  7. David

    Really look forward to you your program and fabulous guests !

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks David!!

  8. JungianINTP

    Pol Pot’s communists tried
    VIGOROUSLY to knock
    down Christians’ G_d :

    My report follows.

    -from a collection of my 3000-plus thoughts on the root causes of the West’s steep moral/cultural decline, “Paleoconservative Thoughts To Ponder”:

    2345) Communism is the goal of socialism, which is but a temporary pause in leftists’ forced march of humanity towards hell on earth, about which hell this scribbler has been giving warnings to anyone sympathetic to that cause – to that horrific insanity! – of socialism/communism, which ism’s bottom-line underpinnings are expertly retold by Long Visalo, a returnee to Pol Pot’s communistic Cambodia in 1973, and who gave this horrifying account of an indoctrination seminar for intellectuals at camp K-15, conducted by Khieu Samphan [“Pol Pot: Anatomy of a Nightmare,” by Philip Short, pp. 316-317]: “How do we make a communist revolution? The first thing you have to do is to destroy private property. But private property exists on both the material and the mental plane…To destroy material private property, the appropriate method was the evacuation of towns…But spiritual private property is more dangerous, it comprises everything that you think is ‘yours’, everything that you think exists in relation to yourself—your parents, your family, your wife. Everything of which you say, ‘It’s mine…’ is spiritual private property. Thinking in terms of ‘me’ and ‘my’ is forbidden…The knowledge you have in your head, your ideas, are mental private property, too. To become truly revolutionary, you must…wash your mind clean…So the first thing you must do to make yourself fit to participate in the communist revolution…is to wash your mind…If we can destroy all material and mental private property…people will be equal. The moment you allow private property, one person will have a little more, another a little less, and they are no longer equal. But if you have nothing – zero for him and zero for you – that is true equality…If you permit even the smallest part of private property [and private thinking!], you are no longer as one, and it isn’t communism”…[p. 325, employing George Orwell’s 1984]: “The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought…In the end we will make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that will be needed will be expressed by exactly one word [no hint of what that one word is here], with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten…Every year fewer and fewer and fewer words, and the range of consciousness always a little smaller…In fact there will be not thought as we understand it now. Orthodoxy [communist orthodoxy] means NOT THINKING [my emphasis]…Orthodoxy is unconsciousness”; an INSANITY, dear reader, that’s lost on all leftists harboring any hope of goodness and truth being found in socialism/communism, and so extreme in its Utopian pursuit of equality that even to THINK of how beautiful a sunrise is or to smile at the missteps of a toddler at play or to feel even a hint of pleasure from a warming morning sun invites MENTAL INEQUALITY, which necessarily leads to material inequality, according to the leftist Utopians. How dare you to steal a mental pleasure that some comrade, somewhere, cannot equally share with you? There can be no private thoughts! And today’s socialism-/communism-/feminism-driven Left within Western democracies is incrementally leading us there, as today’s fairness-driven leftists are tomorrow’s equality-driven Pol Pots – those Marxian ARCHITECTS and their liberal-Christian and secular-humanist dupes! – who’ll eventually come to TORTURE and/or KILL any opponents of their perfect Marxian equality, and which fact about them ought to horrify any reason-driven person anticipating future results of the Marxists’ DIVERSITY MOVEMENT and requisite FORCED INTEGRATION, which their open-borders immigration policies now demand worldwide.


    • JuicyMoosey

      Why don’t the communists in the West get on a boat to China?

      Everything they want is right there. Isn’t it? Why not join their comrades?

      As for BLM types. Isn’t there this enormous place called Africa just ripe for a New Wakanda?

      • Robert

        Juicy, the leftist commie’s here in the USA don’t want go to China because the goal is to make the USA/North America a satellite land mass of China. China is too overcrowded. The depopulation of the USA and Europe will open up those lands to China ( with Russian backing) to have its way to resettle into the western nations. This is why western culture is under attack. Right now Mexico and South America are not in China’s sights, but they will be after western culture in North America and Europe has been eliminated. Whose going to stop China?… when the transnational corporations are all in bed with that nation? And the CIA and other like organizations in Europe are all on board with the globalist?

      • Paul from Indiana

        The commies here have not left for China, because we haven’t given them an incentive to do so. Besides, people rob banks, because (pre-digital) that’s where the money is. Best always. PM

        • Paul ...

          All the US boats filled with “commies” will probably be waiting offshore China “indefinitely” (just like all the Chinese boats are waiting off California to be unloaded)!!

          • Paul from Indiana

            Paul, I have read (but haven’t confirmed) that China owns the Port of Long Beach. We know they control the Panama Canal, which President Carter said was a moral imperative that we return the canal to Panama. When your enemy is doing your work for you by screwing up, just get out of the way! If it weren’t for the fact that our lives hang in the balance, it would be comical. Best always. PM

            • Paul ...

              A US Government “that will allow the Commies to control our ports and canals” (to make us live better) … is the same Government “that will allow Big Pharma to “jab” everyone” (to make us die better)!!

  9. Marie+Joy

    God has never helped those who sit on their collective *ss and do nothing. God helps those who get off their collective *ss to do what needs to be done. God will NOT just go poof and it’s fixed. This will take blood sweat and tears but IF we don’t have the backbone, we have no chance.

    • Brooklyn


      Patience Grasshopper, We’re working it for ya’al…;)


      • Greg Hunter

        Are you a white hat?

        • Brooklyn


          Hmmmmm…. Interesting question? As you know, there was a time when I wore a Green “Cover”, as in Marine Green, and then there were the NYC daze in which I wore a Blue one, as in Back the Blue. So do I wear a White one today? Hard to say, depends on the today’s White Hat membership fee. I was an avid Trump fan, but no longer. I once believed in Devolution, but no longer. Our now communistic-leaning government has turned against the people. Do I believe a civil war is at hand? Affirmative, as sure as Sunday turns to Monday!

          Our lives today are in but a holding pattern of anticipation, waiting only for the spark to light the fire! As Bill Holter opined, “…every day you wake up you are 72 hours away from anarchy. [Because] a person can [only] go three days without food and then pretty much loses it. [When] store shelves are empty, you are going to see anarchy”

          When did we ever think a world-class critical-care-specialist, like Dr. Pierre Kory, would be screaming from the rooftops, telling us that our MAIN GOAL IS TO STAY OUT OF HOSPITALS!???

          And, then today CAF explains, “It’s a war on God, and God is going to win.” Pardon my repetition of this thought, but it fit so damn well in here. Although, one could easily equate the events unfolding in front of us as a spiritual battle between good and evil forces, it was Joseph Conrad who reminds us that, “The belief in the supernatural source of evil is not necessary, men [and women] alone are quite capable of every wickedness.”

          Whether this qualifies me as a White Hat or not, I believe in my very soul, and agree with Clif High that the spark will be when people finally, “…wake up to being purposely poisoned and murdered, [by] government bureaucrats, drug company executives and doctors who pushed this [the clot shot] will face an outraged grieving public.  This will turn very, very ugly.”

          A man will lose his brother! A man will lose his child! They will have given him nothing to live for but – revenge!

          Which is why I advised M+J to be patient, many will stand with this man to bring violence on the perpetrators, the likes of which this nation has not seen in well over one hundred years. BRING IT!

          And, so I continue to say, “If you want peace, prepare for war!”


          • Greg Hunter

            Good to know! Thank you!!

          • Paul ...

            The Time for Good Men to Act … “Is Before They Kill Our Children” … That Time is Now!! … It is Time!!!

          • tim mcgraw

            Hi Brooklyn, I always liked that Joseph Conrad quote. I read all his books and short stories when I was a teen. They had a profound effect upon me. “Lord Jim” is my favorite novel. “End of the Tether” my favorite short story.
            “Anarchy” is Greek meaning “No Rulers”. Anarchy does NOT mean “No Rules”. It does not mean chaos. This is another instance of how words are losing their true meaning in the Orwellian world of today.
            My visits to the local hospital this past summer, including the ER, were unsatisfactory. Poor service and they kept pushing the jabs at me. I said, “NO” and got laughed at and looked at like a leper of stupidity. Finding good health care will be or is as difficult as finding a good mechanic.
            Today is Halloween and people are walking by our house in costumes for the Halloween Parade on the town square a few blocks away. There the kids will get their candy. People don’t go door to door in our small town in CA anymore. Haven’t for years.

          • AndrewB



  10. Frank

    Oh my gosh Greg, you got my favorite lady back on, Catherine Austin Fitts is my most favorite lady in the world, she is superb!!! Thank you so very much for getting her back Greg, I will send this video all over the world and go viral!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Frank!

  11. Don Wohlers

    Pastor David Jeremiah has been talking about the last days and he has a book out about them also called Where do we go from Here???
    It has been an outstanding series on TV and I will get his book started this week as I just got it in the mail. I am ready Lord.

  12. john forgione

    Why? Think Georgia Guidstones…. Apocalypse Time.

    • Paul ...

      Looks like the Satanic Globalist Eugenicists have not only targeted the Religious Jews for complete extermination but also the Religious Irish … https://citizenfreepress.com/column-3/covid-is-surging-in-waterford-ireland-where-99-7-percent-are-double-vaccinated/ … from my personal experience I know the Irish are very good at mathematics and statistics … so what’s their problem when it comes to analyzing the above “jab” statistics??? … it is obvious the strategy being used in this War (the Satanists have launched against Humanity) is to target the “very religious” people first … then get the atheists later … you atheists out there better begin to help your religious brothers fight against the Satanists … as it is only a matter of time when they will be coming for you and your children!!!

    • Paul ...

      As CAF explains: “It’s a war on God … and God is going to win” … but to win … God is going to have to somehow do it “without the Jews and Irish” (who have already been severely decimated in the Evil Satanists “initial attack” on the highly religious) … the few remaining un-vaccinated Irish and Jews will need to join forces with the Protestant’s, the Muslim’s, the Hindu’s and even the Atheists to turn the tide on the Satanists … the Satanists do not want religious people to unite against them … so they are now manipulating the Jews to attack Iran … the Satanists are pushing for a major war between the two (to make sure Iran and Israel “will never ever consider” coming to some sort of a peace deal) … Satan is not a dumb … he knows “he needs to divide all religious peoples … and have them killing each other … in order to conquer them” … religious leaders of all Nations need to consolidate their inherent strength and “work together” to defeat the Satanists … that is “the only way God can win this folks” … we religious peoples “need to believe in God” to come together and turn the tide … we will know the tide has turned when we see Israel and Iran “talking peace” … it will be “very very difficult” … as Satanist forces “will obviously be planting bombs and killing people in horrendous ways on both sides” to keep “religious people” at each others throats!! … it is going to take “a very strong belief in God” to overcome the anger and sorrow the Satanist’s will create … it is only a strong belief in God (by whatever name) that is going to crush this Significantly Evil And Heinously Injurious Abomination Afflicting Us With Jabs To Bring US Pain Hurt Misery And Sorrow … This Monstrosity Called Satan Must Be Defeated In spite Of All His Efforts To Divide Us … I know it is going to take great courage for religious Jews and religious Iranians to come together in peace (while Satan is bombing both sides … to keep them apart) … but we need to stand together against an Overwhelmingly Vicious and Evil Satan … to Win this War!!!

      • Paul ...

        The Destruction of Damascus the oldest city upon the face of the earth (existing at the time Genesis was written) is part of the Satanist’s plan to destroy Christians … and foster religious wars between he Jews and Christians … all to divide people … now … the Satanist’s have gone beyond dividing people by religious beliefs … they are dividing people by race … and they are dividing people by color (now White is the color to hate) .. we need to “come together” people … and resist the divisions the Satanists use in their quest to conquer the world!!!

        • Afghanie Asher

          Pablo, Talk about the vision of division,
          TWO Old timer Domestic TERRORISTS!

          Kim Iversen: NOW Half Of Americans Labeled As Domestic TERRORISTS, Where Does This Lead?/ Nov 1, 2021 The Hill [If it bleeds it leads Kimmie]
          Kim Iversen details elites’ growing use of “domestic terrorist” to describe their political enemies./https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u12_yfZy6jg

    • sk

      Jim C That video Just might be a ploy to discredit antivaxxers. I have a hard time believing an MD (he claims to be 0ne, I think) could be so simple minded.

  13. Dusty Dude

    The price of precious metals is being managed through paper contracts by the bullion banks, world central banks and the likes of the exchange stabilization fund. People that live in the east know this and that’s why they’re appetite is so unsatiable in places like India, China, and Russia. And central banks around the world are accumulating gold for a reason…. Realize that they are subsidizing the price of precious metals by keeping the price low. Gold and silver are true money, God’s money, and have been for 5,000 years. That’s not going to change. Wake up people , buy all you can….

    • Paul ...

      Stan is not going to like hearing what you are saying DD … but it is the absolute truth … they don’t want to see gold and silver prices to rise … as it will cost many more fiat dollars for them to accumulate all he gold and silver for themselves … money that can be better spent “dividing Nations” and “dividing people” … so they can one day “Rule the Entire World Under Their Almighty God … Satan”!!

    • AndrewB

      Hi DD,
      And let’s not forget Basel 3. Some people think this to have been done and dusted (sorry Dusty) because nothing seemed to happen at the end of June – but let’s not forget that London was given an extension to comply by 1st Jan 2022. Here is a transcript of Alasdair Macleod’s article concerning the regulatory changes:

      ” May 15, 2021
      Macleod: The End Of The LBMA Is Nigh

      Authored by Alasdair Macleod via GoldMoney.com,

      Basel 3 is on course to regulate the LBMA out of existence. And with it will go all the associated arbitrage business and position-taking on Comex, because most bullion bank trading desks will cease to exist. The only supply to buy-side speculators of gold and silver contracts will be producer hedging.

      In recent months there has been some limited commentary concerning the introduction of Basel 3 regulations and the implications for precious metals trading. These new regulations are scheduled to be introduced for European banks at the end of June — only seven weeks’ time — and in the UK from 1 January next, affecting all LBMA member banks.”

  14. Ed

    Thank you,
    Ms Fitts is by Far my favorite guest you interview. She doesn’t try to convince me or sell me on her ideas, she speaks from her heart.

  15. ddd

    BINGO and it WILL get worse not better, as GOD has warned us. Those that listen may arrive in the promised land, Those that lie and steal and extort and defile, will stay through till their BRUTAL AGONIZING DEMISE, as a well deserved reward for following Satan and his minions. Never forget FJB FJB FJB. imo

  16. Claudia Schickhoff

    Thanks for all that you do, Greg. I’ve been following your work for years. Great guests, great insights. God bless you and your loved ones. Love from Germany!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Claudia. I appreciate your support!!



    In this criminal case all parties have been served and have until 4 November to respond and or else I will be filing a default judgment on 5 November for the specified relief:

    DEMAND FOR RELIEF as time is of the essence with irreparable harm

    A. Order removal of the Experimental Inoculation advertisement from the Sheriffs’ and Department of Health website;
    B. Investigate Government Perpetrator facilitation of unjust enrichment with WEF’s Agents and Partners subject to arrest;
    C. Investigate County Department of Health and Coroner death certificates and test reports regarding public records;
    D. Investigate severity of VAERS data spoliation and arrest Perpetrators;
    E. Investigate Perpetrators suppression of readily available disease treatments preventing FDA VACCINE approval; and
    F. Issue public statement to protect county residents from violation of their God given rights from infringement interference.
    G. ORDER Respondents to provide an isolate for use in calibrating lab test equipment;
    H. ORDER THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY to conduct a parallel isolation of the supposed virus sample;
    I. If there is no isolate per se different than the TYPE A or Type B Influenza stay the mask mandate;
    J. If there is no isolate per se different than the TYPE A or Type B Influenza stay inoculations;
    K. ORDER Respondents to Cease and Desist distribution and injection of inoculations statewide;
    L. ORDER suspension of the Corporate registration status of any entity participating;
    M. ORDER FACEBOOK and Respondents to cease and desist inoculation advertisement on websites;
    N. ORDER an Investigation of Government Perpetrator facilitation of unjust enrichment with WEF’s Agents and Partners subject to arrest;
    O. ORDER Investigation of County Department of Health and Coroner death certificates and test reports regarding public records;
    P. ORDER Investigation of severity of VAERS data spoliation and arrest Perpetrators;
    Q. ORDER Investigation of Perpetrators suppression of readily available disease treatments preventing FDA VACCINE approval other than for emergency use authorization; and
    R. Declaratory public statement to protect county residents from violation of their God given rights from infringement interference; and
    S. DECLARE The 21st Century Cures Act by Public Law 114–255 of the 114th Congress unconstitutional as it violates the 14th amendment right to fundamental due process of law with equal protection
    T. Different and other relief the Court deems necessary including a declaratory judgment.



    Respondents have been served and have until 4 November to respond and or Plaintiff with file a defaulot judgment for DEMAND FOR RELIEF as time is of the essence with irreparable harm

    A. Order removal of the Experimental Inoculation advertisement from the Sheriffs’ and Department of Health website;
    B. Investigate Government Perpetrator facilitation of unjust enrichment with WEF’s Agents and Partners subject to arrest;
    C. Investigate County Department of Health and Coroner death certificates and test reports regarding public records;
    D. Investigate severity of VAERS data spoliation and arrest Perpetrators;
    E. Investigate Perpetrators suppression of readily available disease treatments preventing FDA VACCINE approval; and
    F. Issue public statement to protect county residents from violation of their God given rights from infringement interference.
    G. ORDER Respondents to provide an isolate for use in calibrating lab test equipment;
    H. ORDER THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY to conduct a parallel isolation of the supposed virus sample;
    I. If there is no isolate per se different than the TYPE A or Type B Influenza stay the mask mandate;
    J. If there is no isolate per se different than the TYPE A or Type B Influenza stay inoculations;
    K. ORDER Respondents to Cease and Desist distribution and injection of inoculations statewide;
    L. ORDER suspension of the Corporate registration status of any entity participating;
    M. ORDER FACEBOOK and Respondents to cease and desist inoculation advertisement on websites;
    N. ORDER an Investigation of Government Perpetrator facilitation of unjust enrichment with WEF’s Agents and Partners subject to arrest;
    O. ORDER Investigation of County Department of Health and Coroner death certificates and test reports regarding public records;
    P. ORDER Investigation of severity of VAERS data spoliation and arrest Perpetrators;
    Q. ORDER Investigation of Perpetrators suppression of readily available disease treatments preventing FDA VACCINE approval other than for emergency use authorization; and
    R. Declaratory public statement to protect county residents from violation of their God given rights from infringement interference; and
    S. DECLARE The 21st Century Cures Act by Public Law 114–255 of the 114th Congress unconstitutional as it violates the 14th amendment right to fundamental due process of law with equal protection
    T. Different and other relief the Court deems necessary including a declaratory judgment.

  19. Jerry

    Even though I’ve posted this before, I think it pretty well spells out what the globalist objectives are.

    When I show this post to people they don’t believe it. Then I usually ask them five years ago if I would have told you, you’d be wearing a diaper on your face and standing six feet apart what would you say?
    It’s only conspiracy until it’s fact.

  20. Rachel.M.

    Thank you Greg, Appreciate you having Catherine on, especially her encouragement that everyone can take their own little peice of action and do their bit towards moving the people back in the right direction. Everything that you and your guests describe as happening in the US ends up happening over here as well although in a more awkward clumsy sort of fashion. Our politicians are stupidly just following the world agendas and look like idiots. The interview today if anything was too short.

    • William Simonton

      Agree always great to listen to Catherine Austin Fitts 👍

  21. c

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador haven’t made the journey to Rome, citing Covid-19 issues at home.


    • AndrewB


      Perhaps they are not following the dictates of the WEF to the letter and are therefore ‘keeping out of harms way’.

  22. Diana Brown

    Greg, I will preface this comment by outlining what you already know, I look forward to your weekly wrap-ups and your special guests on Saturday. I have learned a lot watching and listening. So it is, with considerable respect, that I will challenge the answer that “the people” must run for school board, local office, state office and federal seats. It suggests we know who is for the people and who is not. We thought we had that base covered. We naively expected Americans to care about our Republic and America.

    We have discovered our vote system has been compromised. We found 11/3/2020 America was successfully attacked. The attack placed imposters in positions we had, and have, no control over. I would suggest this could not happen without “inside” assistance. By inside assistance I refer to the persons placed in those offices most assuredly through illegitimate (compromised) election processes. It is not productive to consider how long this has been going on.

    I have come to my point. Partcipation in any election process, at any level is, and has been, compromised. We must correct the 11/3/2020 election fiasco, place thoses legitimate candidates in respective offices and prosecute the imposters who are and have been complicit in these crimes against our Republic. We must create new protocols, including the elimination of all electronic vote machines used to “count” ballots. We must initiate canvass after the ballot vote to support the result. THEN and only then do we have a chance at a legitimate election for any office, in any state. It is folly to think there is NOT fraud moving foward until or unless we correct what has been done. That is the ONLY positive to what has happened to us 11/3/2020. We have to begin the correction there not expecting the same broken system to give any of us a chance to “win” an election.

    • Paula Davis

      I would add to your protocols repealing Obama’s HR 4310 which he secretly signed into law in 2012 making it legal for the media to lie allowing propaganda to be used on the citizens of the USA by our government.

      • Steve

        Hear Hear

      • Diana Brown

        I agree Paula!

  23. matt

    I Love Catherine! So Brilliant and Charismatic.

  24. Fred Engel

    Amen Catherine hit the nail on the head! (BAMMMM)

  25. Dan

    This is not a great reset of our global financial system and world government; it is a great reset of humanity on planet earth! They want 90% of us dead and 9% left alive to serve the ruling 1% who will divvy up the spoils amongst themselves. Lord Jesus help us!!!!

    • JC

      As German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi said:

      “In the end, we’re going to see mass illness and deaths among people who normally would have had wonderful lives ahead of them.”


    • Paul ...

      Dan … the Evil Satanic Globalists are out to give the entire world a Shoah … using both persuasion and coercion … they either convince people to voluntarily take the “jab” for their “safety” (which entails getting blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, neurological shaking and Alzheimer’s) … or they hold a (literal) gun to people’s heads (and threaten them with loss of job, food and shelter) … the evil politicians and doctors going along with the Globalists (for the bribe money) will claim at Nuremberg II that “they were just doing what they were told by Big Pharma” … it is not going to work … they will all hang!!!

  26. hunter888

    Greg: A very deep and powerful interview with CAF. Thank you. It appears that people are waking up. The question is: are they waking up fast enough? Are they so overwhelmed by every day distractions that they lack the focus to understand the seriousness of the situation? Do they even have the capacity to comprehend the enormousness of the evil against which we are now doing battle? I try to be optimistic, but in conversations with fellow citizens, I don’t think they understand what we are up against. The problem is that the “whats” are blinding us to the “why.” We focus on what is happening day to day. Look what Biden just did. Look what Pelosi just did. Look what Congress just did. Look what the governor of Washington state just did. And on and on, day after day. But we don’t stop and ask ourselves, “why is this happening?” If the people understood the “why,” which was touched on in your interview but which goes a lot deeper and is a “Third Rail” that even the most outspoken are reluctant to touch, then the people would realize that they have to get involved in a very personal, dedicated, “burn the ships, there’ is no retreat” way. Some people have realized this; but we need millions more to come on board. If we each show ten people the way, and then they show ten more people, and then those show ten more people, we will advance the geometric progression of awakening that is required. This is all about numbers, and getting them now. Thanks again for an important interview.

    • Greg Hunter

      This matches what Clif High has stated. Interesting. CAF is very connected globally and that I know as a fact.

      • hunter888

        Thanks, Greg, and I agree with you 100%. CAF is the real deal. There’s no question whatsoever about that. You are bringing serious knowledge and insight to your community, and with those, we can win. We all need to be focused and on the front lines. That which is happening now is the worst case of democide (the mass murder of innocent citizens by their own governments) in the history of humanity. In the 20th century, governments murdered 241 million of their own citizens, not including those they murdered in wars. The Covid mass murders will make that horrific number look like nothing. If the democidal mass murderers get what they want, they will assassinate at least one billion innocent human beings in this episode of democide / mass murder. An unprecedented slaughter of humanity. The people had better wake up, fast, because this is not a dress rehearsal. This democide is live, and it is real.

    • Free Slave

      In my experience, the sleeping do not wish to be awakened.

      The geometric progression you described would require a magnificent evangelizing effort. I do not believe it can happen.

  27. Rod M. Brumley, Sr.

    In God I Trust
    God will Always Win
    Mr. Greg Hunter the Ultimate American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • JayJay

      You are right–many wish to stay ignorant and not have their fake existence bothered. As I explained years ago to a neighbor the food storage situation and why..she said….”I’d rather be dead” and I said….”you will be”..
      And she has grandchildren. I have no one since Gene died Dec. And I have rooms of food and supplies.

  28. Stephen Weber

    Hey Greg,
    As always thank you so much for your hard work and due diligence. I just need to add something here about people.
    We need to get people on the same page of what is happening and making folks understand we outnumber the bad guys at LEAST 15,000 to 1. We also (and I am putting it on my website) need to make people understand EXACTLY what our forefathers set this country up for. That has been lost through our “educational” system and even our military. I know these things as fact, as I am a Vietnam vet that started going to college 12 years after recovering from military indoctrination. After the first month of my second semester, I realized that they were doing the same thing as the military. Totally unnecessary in “education” , but mandatory in military mindset.

    Thank you


  29. Xie Hang Ten

    ________Don’t volunteer your kids!
    Scientist Whose Wife Was Injured by COVID Vaccine Tells FDA: ‘Please Do Not Give This to Kids

  30. Gregory John Morrissey


    Job 23:13, Psalm 115 :3 Psalm 135:6 say Whatever the lord pleases he does,
    In heaven and in earth, in the seas and all the deeps This means He changes his mind when he sees a need for change , here are examples of him doing this
    2 Chronicles 12 5 thru 8
    5 Then the prophet Shemaiah came to Rehoboam and to the leaders of Judah who had assembled in Jerusalem for fear of Shishak, and he said to them, “This is what the LORD says, ‘You have abandoned me; therefore, I now abandon you to Shishak.’”
    6 The leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, “The LORD is just.”
    7 When the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, this word of the LORD came to Shemaiah: “Since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them but will soon give them deliverance. My wrath will not be poured out on Jerusalem through Shishak. 8 They will, however, become subject to him, so that they may learn the difference between serving me and serving the kings of other lands.”
    2 Chronicles 15 1 thru 4
    15 The Spirit of God came on Azariah son of Oded. 2 He went out to meet Asa and said to him, “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. 3 For a long time Israel was without the true God, without a priest to teach and without the law. 4 But in their distress they turned to the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought him, and he was found by them.
    Jonah 3 1 thru 10
    Jonah Goes to Nineveh
    3 Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.”
    3 Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. 4 Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” 5 The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.
    6 When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. 7 This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh:
    “By the decree of the king and his nobles:
    Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. 8 But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. 9 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.”
    10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.

    Here is 3 times that the lord changed his mind. It is just important now as it was then . Please listen to Catherine and know the lord ,Read and know your Bible

  31. Karen Halpenny

    As far as Catherine talks about taxing I have thought for a long time that we should STOP paying this criminal cartel in DC any more of our tax money. Of course this will immediately bring on the wrath of all hell upon anyone who does this. Instead of sending our money to these Judases, we should create a depository that will replace it. Appoint a “Governor” to oversee all these funds and payout to entities that SHOULD receive these funds. This should be put in place for the interim until we are able to have an actual “Reset” of our financial system in favor of the American people. This could be decided on by a vote of the winners of the civil war that will certainly commence after not sending our taxes to DC. I vote for Catherine to be that “Governor” to help make this happen.

    • Paul from Indiana

      Ma’am, I appreciate your sentiment and sincerity, but “they” don’t need “our” tax money to do what they want and what they do. That’s why we have a $30 trillion deficit now with more to come. The tax system is merely a punititve means of control, “discipline” as one of the ruling elite put it. There are only 2 ways out of this: one is an actual fight, which we have not managed up until now, and the other is to let the competition continue and see which side fails first. That seems to be the path we are on. Best always. PM

    • MadMagyar

      The ‘taxes’ never were imposed on men and women They were imposed on ‘persons’. We were just so ignorant of attorney-speak that we didn’t know the difference and PRESUMED that’s what we were. It’s right in the code, but unkless you know to use a LAW dictionary to firure out wat a LAW says, you’ll make the same mistakes everybody else does.

      I stopped filing back in ’82, for another reason, and a few years later a legal researcher (the late Harry Coombs, a.k.a. ‘The Informer’) taught me how to READ, for the second time, only this time for context, and using Black’s or Bouvier’s LAW dictionaries when reading laws. That’s when I learned the scam attorneys were pulling on us over the last 200 years when they were banned by the ORIGINAL 13th amendment from holding any government office and even from being a ‘citizen’ (another legal term most people don’t know the meaning of). If you don’t know how to real ‘law’, then you have no idea what you are in relation to the corporations trying to impose their private contracts on you.

      I’ve been studying this for over 40 years and learn something new every day, much of which we SHOULD have been taught in ‘school’, but then theyre the goverment’s brain laundries, not real schools. You and others here might benefit from reading one of the best soures of real history and real information I’ve seen. I’ve watched many groups over the last few decades try to re-establish state assemblies to reign in this out-of-control goverment and only made a hash of it. This one seems to be making headway: https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/ and http://www.annavonreitz.com/

      • AndrewB

        “The ‘taxes’ never were imposed on men and women They were imposed on ‘persons’”

        Sounds very interesting! Please elaborate.

        P.S. From you moniker, are you of Hungarian extraction?

  32. Zappa Pappa

    Halloween solar flare headed for Earth could disrupt power grid
    https://nypost.com/2021/10/29/halloween-solar-flare-headed-for-earth-could-disrupt-power-grid/ appa

  33. Gregory John Morrissey

    3 times the lord changed his mind
    Job 23:13, Psalm 115 :3 Psalm 135:6 say Whatever the lord pleases he does,
    In heaven and in earth, in the seas and all the deeps This means H e changes his mind when he sees a need for change , here are examples of him doing this
    2 Chronicles 12 5 thru 8
    5 Then the prophet Shemaiah came to Rehoboam and to the leaders of Judah who had assembled in Jerusalem for fear of Shishak, and he said to them, “This is what the LORD says, ‘You have abandoned me; therefore, I now abandon you to Shishak.’”
    6 The leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, “The LORD is just.”
    7 When the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, this word of the LORD came to Shemaiah: “Since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them but will soon give them deliverance. My wrath will not be poured out on Jerusalem through Shishak. 8 They will, however, become subject to him, so that they may learn the difference between serving me and serving the kings of other lands.”
    2 Chronicles 15 1 thru 4
    15 The Spirit of God came on Azariah son of Oded. 2 He went out to meet Asa and said to him, “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. 3 For a long time Israel was without the true God, without a priest to teach and without the law. 4 But in their distress they turned to the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought him, and he was found by them.

    Jonah 3 1 thru 10
    Jonah Goes to Nineveh
    3 Then the word of the LORD came to Jonah a second time: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.”
    3 Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. 4 Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” 5 The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.
    6 When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. 7 This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh:
    “By the decree of the king and his nobles:
    Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. 8 But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. 9 Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.”
    10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened.

    Know the lord and he will forgive sin, Pray to him now for guidance and it will come

  34. AJ

    Absolutely fantastic interview Greg! I wish you had continued for another hour.
    My employer has mandated the clot shot. I am going through the process of a medical exemption currently. They continue to tell me I requested an “accommodation”. I haven’t requested anything. I put them on notice I’m not taking the poison and my physician agrees. Let the chips fall as they may. It’s unfortunate because this is the most financially lucrative job I’ve ever had. Oh well. The thing I don’t understand is how they are getting away with this strong arm coercion for an experimental drug? It’s against international law that the US is a signatory to. This is coo coo land. I can’t believe how far down the tracks this crazy train has already gone.
    At any rate thank you Greg for all your hard work!!

    • AndrewB

      Hi AJ,
      Contact America’s Frontline Doctors. They are taking on cases to establish legal precedent/s and may be able to help you.

      P.S. Bolster intestinal fortitude by listening to Dr Simone Gold, founder of AFLDS. Link to her speech, 10-29-21, provided in my comment below . . .

  35. John Drew

    I usually like CAF but this was a regurgitation of old shows. No new news.

  36. Katharine W.

    CAF is brilliantly intelligent and charmingly modest – always a treat to listen to her tell the truth we need to hear. Thank you Greg for your site and the wonderful guests you bring on.

  37. eddiemd

    I’m back. Thanks for remembering me.

    I have been very busy.

    Children getting the injections are bad enough. Pregnant women are even worse. We have been talking about this for months. It is not science. It is part of the end times delusions that are here and will be even stronger when the antichrist man of peace arrives. Look to Damascus.

    Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The Branch of Righteousness in Jeremiah 23:5-6

    The Good Confession
    11 But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.
    12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
    13 I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things, and before Christ Jesus who witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate,
    14 that you keep this commandment without spot, blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ’s appearing,
    15 which He will manifest in His own time, He who is the blessed and only Potentate (Sovereign), the King of kings and Lord of lords,
    16 who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen.

    The good confession before Pilate.

    John 17:36-27
    36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”

    37 Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?”

    Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”

    John 19:19
    19 Now Pilate wrote a title and put it on the cross. And the writing was:


    Jesus Christ of Nazareth. King of the Jews. Messiah the Prince. Lion of the tribe of Judah. Branch of Righteousness. Son of David. King of king

    His kingdom is not of this world. This world is entering into the great tribulation.

    Repent and fall down before the King of kings. Ask for His forgiveness. He is good and His mercy endures forever. He will show His glory to you.

    • Ray

      Welcome back Eddie…..glad you are back.
      Keep throwing out the left jab mate.
      Ray, Canberra, Australia

      • JC

        Ray and Eddie,

        Good advice from CAF, stay out of hospitals!

        Why? Because there is always…


        • eddiemd

          Good advice for today.

          When I had the illness in June 2020, I preferred to die at home. I debated about going to the ER to get radiology done. I knew that my O2 sats were low at home. I just laid in bed for two days and did minimal exertion, took chewable 81mg aspirins (4-5/day, drank probiotics, ate yogurt, took the elderberry/zinc/Vit C lozenges, and robitussin DM for cough.

          From what I know now I would add bee pollen to the mix.

          If you can get ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine then get some and use it also.

          I have natural immunity now. I had an antibody titer done 3 weeks ago and the levels were off their scale. This would also indicate not only antibodies to the spike protein which they measured but also antibodies to other components of the virus to include other surface marker proteins, capsid proteins, membrane proteins, etc. And whatever other unknown virulence factors that were spliced into the genome of this bioweapon virus. The earliest study coming out of India suggested that the gp120 protein was a part of the covid. This was quickly censored.

          Remember that Fauci Mengele has been the face of HIV research since the 80s. He is the expert on HIV for decades.

          There was also an early Italian study that showed a gene on chromosome 18 that produced a cofactor protein linked to the ACE2 receptor that was partly responsible for the virulence. This information was also censored.

          As I have talked about since March/April 2020, the technology exists to target genetically susceptible populations using lab engineered virus. Tis includes the use of “gene therapy” for various illnesses.

          This “vaccine” is a stealth add on bioweapon.

          We have reached the end stage. The world is deceived and given over to delusions. They have believed the lie.

          Romans 13:12 NKJV
          12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.

          Romans 13:12 Orthodox Jewish Bible
          12 The Lailah (Night) (of the old epoch) is far advanced, and HaYom [Yom HaDin, the Day of Judgment] is imminent, at hand. Let us therefore take off the dark cloak of the deeds of choshech, ridding ourselves of it, and let us put on the neshek (weapons 6:13) of Ohr (light).

          1 Thess 5:7-8
          7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. 8 But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.

          Isaiah 59:15-19
          Then the Lord saw it, and it displeased Him
          That there was no justice.
          16 He saw that there was no man,
          And wondered that there was no intercessor;
          Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him;
          And His own righteousness, it sustained Him.
          17 For He put on righteousness as a breastplate,
          And a helmet of salvation on His head;
          He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing,
          And was clad with zeal as a cloak.
          18 According to their deeds, accordingly He will repay,
          Fury to His adversaries,
          Recompense to His enemies;
          The coastlands He will fully repay.
          19 So shall they fear
          The name of the Lord from the west,
          And His glory from the rising of the sun;
          When the enemy comes in like a flood,
          The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.

          Isaiah 63:2-4
          2 Why is Your apparel red,
          And Your garments like one who treads in the winepress?

          3 “I have trodden the winepress alone,
          And from the peoples no one was with Me.
          For I have trodden them in My anger,
          And trampled them in My fury;
          Their blood is sprinkled upon My garments,
          And I have stained all My robes.
          4 For the day of vengeance is in My heart,
          And the year of My redeemed has come.

          Revelation 19:11-16 NKJV
          11 Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. 13 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:

          LORD OF LORDS.

          Revelation 19:11-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible
          11 And I saw Shomayim having been opened, and, hinei, a sus lavan (white horse) and the one riding on it is called Ne’eman and Yashar, and in Tzedek [DANIEL 9:25] He judges and makes milchamah (war). [SHEMOT 15:3; TEHILLIM 96:13; YESHAYAH 11:4]

          12 And the Eynayim of Him are as a flame of eish, and on the head of Him are many atarot, and He has a Name inscribed of which no one has da’as except Himself.

          13 And He is robed in a kaftan dipped in dahm, and His Name is called, “The DVAR HASHEM.” [YESHAYAH 63:2,3]

          14 And the Tzivos Hashem (the Army of Hashem), the Tzivos HaShomayim, were following Him on susim levanim (white horses). They were dressed in fine linen, lavan (white) and tahor (clean).

          15 And out of the peh (mouth) of Him goes forth a sharp cherev, that with it He may strike the Goyim, and He will shepherd them with a shevet barzel, and He treads the press of the yayin of the fury of Charon Af of Hashem, El Shaddai. [YESHAYAH 11:4; TEHILLIM 2:9]

          16 And He has on His kaftan and on His thigh a name inscribed: MELECH HAMELACHIM AND ADON HAADONIM.

          • Self Exiled

            ”This “vaccine” is a stealth add on bioweapon. ” Isn’t it interesting the emphasis of the focus of this weapon on Israel.

            • eddiemd

              Very true.

              That is if the Israelis are really getting the vaccine or normal saline substitute.

              Otherwise it is a form of a targeted holocaust. The “vaccine” itself is not a vaccine but gene therapy. Nanoparticle DNA/mRNA technology was initially developed for actual gene therapy/targeted cancer therapy. People like Fauci Mengele and others saw usefulness in the bioweapon field. They renamed this as “gain of function” in effort to conceal the biological warfare use.

              This bioweapon technology is not limited to virus only. They can use bacteria, fungus, yeast, and prions also.

              And don’t forget the chemical warfare and nuclear. Chemicals such as sarin and VX also work well for the deep state. They have ongoing testing right now in the subway systems of New York and DC to examine the dispersal patterns in and around these cities. That is what they are telling us. I would say that testing is being done in every large city with underground transportation worldwide. These cities will become prison camps when supply lines are completely disrupted. The use of chemical weapons can be used to murder people in the cities. They don’t have to worry as much about the lingering effects of bioweapons as we are seeing now, ie mutations-which can be unpredictable.

              It is all conspiracy until it becomes reality.

            • Paul ...

              And the Irish are under full scale attack also (likely for being religious people) … they need to get zinc (found in meat) into their cells to kill the virus (using onions) … the Satanist’s have our doctors telling people “not to eat meat” (supposedly because it inflames the prostate) … simply put a raw onion on your hamburger (if you use “Beyond Beef” made from grasshoppers I’m not sure how much zinc it will contain but sure as hell will likely contain a lot of Monsanto’s prostate cancer causing Round-Up) … raw onion will help to cleanse the prostate and likely prevent it from enlarging … https://ngherbs.com/knowledge/2021/08/14/for-men-how-onions-help-clean-the-prostate/

  38. Peter

    Great to have super smart people fighting for us. I’m trying to find the exact documents but I have heard that there is NO INFORMED CONSENT on EAU drugs. I believe it was changed in the Cares Act or the Prep Act. It makes perfect sense with what’s going on. Not that a large percentage of the sheep cares about.. that’s why There is no info sheets. Any input is greatly appreciated. God Bless

    • Paul from Indiana

      Your first line illustrates our problem: we are expecting others to do our fighting. Best always. PM

      • Lady Au Stackers United

        I am sure Peter meant it is good that educated and we’ll informed folks are fighting the good fight “with us.” We are all fighting back by spreading the news and leading our lost loved ones to see the propaganda. I finally got through to one who was double injected and now refuse to get a booster. And now we have protests all over the country with federal workers refusing the Kill Shot. I only wonder what is happening in our Prison System and inmates being the perfect petridish for this worldwide Experiment!

        • AndrewB

          Hi Lady Stacker,
          “I finally got through to one who was double injected and now refuse to get a booster.” Well done you! I keep trying to alert my sisters. Last attempt, I sent them a link to Reiner Fuellmich’s interim conclusions and got a very irate response along the lines of, “You don’t believe in the vaccine but I do. Do not send me any further information. I feel sorry for all the people you have managed to influence . . .” It really is VERY difficult! Cognitive dissonance is painful and often elicits an aggressive response from those afflicted you are trying to awaken. FRUSTRATING!

          • eddiemd

            Same with my family members. They have all taken the injections except for one sister.

            They get angry aggressive when confronted with the reality.

            Deep down they have regrets that they cannot ever express. They know they made a mistake and are hoping for the best.

            I believe that something, whether a second bioweapon/chemical agent/energy weapons like 5G systems, is going to be released to initiate the final solution.

            Things are moving fast outside the USA. While most of the US population stares into the iPhone, the globalist satanists are preparing for the end game totalitarian dystopian nightmare called the antichrist system. Great reset.

            The man of peace inbound. He will deceive many.

            I received an email from a friend in Kiev. She stated that many people are afraid of what is coming this winter. She stated that the country is already in war with the russians. And this is only a small part of the troubles inbound. China/India, India/Pakistan, Israel/Turkey/Russia/Syria/Iran/Lebanon/USA/etc, China/USA/Japan/Norks/South Korea,

            It is a giant powderkeg wrapped with det cord waiting for someone to pull the igniter.

            Fire in the hole!

  39. Robert Dziok

    As Cliff High said in a recent interview with Greg it all makes sense when you factor in the agenda is World depopulation

    • Brooklyn


      Depopulation will never happen!

      As posted above: It was also Clif High who told us that the spark that lit the fire will be when people finally, “…wake up to being purposely poisoned and murdered, [by] government bureaucrats, drug company executives and doctors who pushed this [the clot shot] will face an outraged grieving public.  This will turn very, very ugly.”

      A man will lose his brother! A man will lose his child! They will have given him nothing to live for but – revenge!

      As you might imagine, many will stand with this man to bring violence on the perpetrators, the likes of which this nation (and the world) have not seen in well over one hundred years. And, when it does happen, the Klaus Schwab’s, Geo Soros’, Bill Gates’ of this world will be found in a small closet, whimpering in a fetal position, knowing the end is near. BRING IT!

      And, so I continue to say, “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum…”

      • Greg Hunter

        Please keep in mind that High says 1 billion will die. A big part of that number will be this winter.

        • Robert

          What are they going to do with all the bodies?

          • eddiemd

            Mass burials using bulldozers. Just like the communists did in China and the Soviet Union. Same with the Nazis and Khmer Rouge and Rwanda and Bosnia…

            • Paul from Indiana

              Doc, the Nazis also had huge fire pits full of diesel fuel. They shot people in the head before pushing them in. Many did not die immediately from the head shots and were incinerated. Best always. PM

  40. barsoom43

    Three boxes in this country.. Ballot box, jury box and finally the cartridge box.. The 2020 fraud election proves we’ve moved beyond the ballot box.. There are so many sheeple the jury box is mostly a failure.. Next up, the cartridge box.
    Venezuela is here. It’s not fully ingrained in the economy or society but it’s gaining ground.. So, next up is the cartridge box= 1790 France..
    When the people see their children starving to death or dying from the C19 vax, they’re going to blame someone; it’s going to get very ugly..
    Then, as CAF suggested, we, the people who derive our rights from God, will form a new government= 1991 USSR..
    Governments are just an idea on a piece of paper. They come and go but the people remain. In the end, Thomas Jefferson was right.

    • MadMagyar

      There were two other quotes appearing on MVB’s blog that I liked:

      “Remember: Evil exists because good men don’t kill the government officials committing it.” – – Kurt Hofmann.

      “America is at that awkward stage; it’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” ― Claire Wolfe

  41. Joe

    It pains me to say that they are winning. The legion of Satan’s minions have damaged the children of God beyond comprehension. It’s difficult to see a way out.

    • Greg Hunter

      No they are not. You think they are winning and that only means the propaganda worked on you.

    • JuicyMoosey

      Millions of people have marched and are marching worldwide in protest.

      The MSM just won’t report it. Social media censors what is going on.

      That’s just the millions of people that got their arse into action. There’s millions more waiting in silence – who know this is all complete bull – for something to kick off so they can join the revolution.

      Bizarrely, there’s millions of somewhat err… “dumber” people out there who couldn’t comprehend “THE science” even if they wanted too. So they go with their gut instinct and heart which tells them that the government is a peculiarly desperate lying fraud that isn’t doing and has never done anyone any favours.

      There’s millions of people waiting in the wings who have got absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by revolution. Can you imagine all those poor whites out there who have never received a cent in support and are now seeing illegals getting millions of dollars for nothing!? Being given cars and smartphones and housing. That’s a killing rage building up there. When the poorest people see that, do you think they’re going to trust THE science of someone who CLEARLY and obviously hates them and wants them dead?

    • Paul ...

      Joe … As Jesus taught us it may even take sacrificing our lives “to win over Evil … so be prepared to die … but take at least one Satanists with you … since there are more of us then them … we will win in the end (as long as people don’t simply give up and let the Globalists kill us (without taking at least one of them with us) … that is all it takes … one of us … for one of them … and “We Win” … there are 7 Billion of us … and only 150 top elite who control all the Corporations in the world forcing the “jab” upon us and our children … we’ve got them by the balls … as long as we don’t take their “jab” … as for those who took the “jab” (they will likely die without taking at least one Globalist’s evil Satanic minion with them) … try not to fail in your duty “to Win this War” (between Good and Evil)!!

  42. barsoom43

    Three boxes in this country.. Ballot box, jury box and finally the cartridge box.. The 2020 fraud election proves we’ve moved beyond the ballot box.. There are so many sheeple, the jury box is mostly a failure.. Next up, the cartridge box.
    Venezuela is here. It’s not fully ingrained in the economy or society but it’s gaining ground.. So, next up is the cartridge box= 1790 France..
    When the people see their children starving to death or dying from the C19 vax, they’re going to blame someone; it’s going to get very ugly..
    Then, as CAF suggested, we, the people who derive our rights from God, will form a new government= 1991 USSR..
    Governments are just an idea on a piece of paper. They come and go but the people remain. In the end, Thomas Jefferson was right.

  43. Eddy Nevarez

    Thank you so much Greg. Your one of a hand full of no no nonsense truth channels I look forward to seeing. Your audience and guests are some of the best informed anywhere. You are correct in that GOD is real. Bless you and keep bring the truth to the forefront.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Eddy!!

  44. Self Exiled

    I just listened to Cliff High he gets very upset and swears a lot so I will not post his latest. He is saying the same as Catharine Fitts in more graphic terms. I too feel like Cliff [I thought he might cry] does; with her and his logic. As such I have been asking HIM specifically about my personal situation in a geographical and finical sense [of which some of you are aware] in the light of this collective knowledge of events. I will share what I think is the answer HE has given me and I find Him to be HIS usual loving, explicit, precise, to the point, Omnipotent and above all Sovereign I’m. HIS answer:

    He said to them, “It is not for you to become acquainted with and know what time brings [the things and events of time and there definite periods] or fixed years and seasons [their critical niche in time], which the Father has appointed [fixed and reserved] by His own choice and authority and personal power. Acts 1:7

    Well, that sure was directly to the point and reinforces every answer to prayer HE has ever given me. But the next day this:

    The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they will never lose it or ever perish through out the ages. [To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed.] And no one will ever snatch them out of My hand. John 10 27:28 Thank YOU OH LORD for YOUR reassurance.

    And today this: [The violent whose wickedness seems unnoticed] pluck the fatherless infants from the breast [to sell or make them slaves], and take [the clothing on] the poor for a pledge. Job 24:9

    • Greg Hunter

      Clif is correct and people need to, as Clif says, “Wake the F*** Up”!! I listened to it too.

      • Paul ...

        Here is Clif wooing us up to fight back … https://www.webbotforum.com/hphp/wu-jo/woo-up-explorers-guide-to-scifi-world-r517/ … before you are fired F**k them back … throw a “monkey wrench” into their operations that only you know how to fix … and they may not be so aggressive trying to hurt you and your family!!

      • Paul ...

        Here is the X22 interview with Dr. Zelenko that Clif High recommended everyone listen to … https://ugetube.com/watch/dr-zelenko-we-are-living-through-a-global-bioweapon-attack-people-have-the-cure-to-fight-it-x-22-rep_9ym3FNWgLeHlC4r.html

      • Mark Washburn

        AMEN brother! It is happening. It’s taken a lot of effort, but many hard core leftist in my own life have come to see the truth. The cool thing about that, they are often passionate motivated people, which evil has always taken advantage of. Once they see the light, they are just as passionate and motivated to fight for truth, and it’s a beautiful thing. I know it, I’ve seen it. Like that silly shampoo commercial from the 70’s. You tell two friends and they tell two friends and so on and so on… But that’s how it works, the power of exponential growth! Thank you Greg for all you do! The caliper of your guest is always top shelf!

    • Rachel.M.

      Hi S.E., my thoughts on his are that the Phillipines cannot let you return due to China’s rising power in the region so sell and re-establish youself in the best way that you can in the US and gather all that belongs to you which is scattered and get your family to help you.

      • Coal Burner

        RM, did the observer here understand that clearly? China is gaining power sway in the Philippines! Is it already felt? Thanks! Just trying to keep up with what we do not hear!

        • Self Exiled

          Duterte has allowed an unhealthy amount influence in the Philippines. If I remember correctly when he took office he allowed them a controlling interest in their telecom industry. I suspect he has indebted his country to China.

        • Rachel.M.

          Yes Coal Burner,

          They also told our PM in Australia to choose a side and he stupidly fell for it and chose America where as he should have stayed neutral like all of the politicians before him who actually studied politics as a part of thier education which he did not and yet thinks he should run around the world playing politics and screwing up our aliances at a whim.

          The latest from our msn … https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-01/french-macron-accuses-morrison-of-lying-submarine-contract/100584196

          One of out local doctors is Chinese and says that his whole family in China have been condidtioned now for several years to believe that the US wants a war with China and is actively provoking China. The mindset of the people has been made ready so they accept it if it happens.

          The Philiipines are tossing Americans and Ausrtalians out of their country as their visas become due. No renewals in order to side with China.

      • Self Exiled

        Thank You Rachel.

        • Self Exiled

          Rachel: HE has always lead me into these arenas of a crises of faith. As such HE has inspired me by HIS Providence [an event ordained by divine direction]. Pray for me and I for you.

  45. Mary

    Love that gal. She’s solid in a wobbly world.

  46. leo

    I wonder what is the next event? some false flag maybe? Here in Washington state you cannot go to any indoor restaurant, gym. movie unless you are vaxed up .. Grocery stores have shelves almost the whole length empty, the guy at the auto parts store says the cannot get oil filters or head lights Gas is 4.25 a gallon but everyone drives those dinky cars so maybe they don’t feel that yet. Inflation no doubt, maybe war soon with china over tiawan . Strange things are brewing on the border of arizona and texas CAF can see what most cannot see the second coming of Christ cannot be far away.

    • eddiemd

      The rapture of the church.

      First will be the Ezekiel 38 war. The destruction of Damascus.

      And what about Egypt in the last days in Isaiah 19. What will become of the Nile River?

      • Paul from Indiana

        SPOILER ALERT: It dries up. Egypt is not habitable nor viable without the Nile. It is known as the “blood” of Egypt. Best always. PM

  47. Toni

    “In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as it exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly, then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially the stupid ones. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine! We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.” Excerpt From: Jacques Attali. “A Brief History of the Future: A Brave and Controversial Look at the Twenty-First Century.” 1980

    • JuicyMoosey

      Several weeks previously I read the comments of someone who “claimed” to be involved with the Trilateral Commission.

      One of his comments explained that the entire covid OP would include information that reveals its own fraudulence to anyone who “wants” to see the truth. That was part of the plan. As usual, “they” hide the truth in their lies in order to gain consent of the masses.

      I think one of the most profound things that struck me was when the MSM explained the dangers of the spike protein. Then they explained that the “vaccine” would cause the body to produce the very thing that they’d been telling you for months was the very thing killing you. They couldn’t have been any more “honest” than that. They told everyone what they were doing right there before the injections even began.

      That along with Gates’ comment about reducing population with “vaccines”… and Gates’ mysterious appearance on the world stage at the same time. Anyone willing to dig into who these people and corporations are and how they intertwine in the Covid OP would immediately know something was suspect.

      The other incident I distinctly remember right back in early 2020: The MSM was interviewing someone. This guy was just about to say that so many thousands of people had died OF covid. Just before he could say the word “OF” instead of “WITH” the screen froze. The broadcaster apologised and said the signal had been lost. That was a BIG RED FLAG!!! It was absolutely obvious they were covering their liability for future Nuremberg 2.0 prosecutions.

  48. Neil Currie

    Well, Catherine, once you declined your place in the bunker, there goes your chance to be BFFs with invertebrates like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates

  49. Paul Anthony

    thank you Greg and Cathrine . great interview you two!

    👊. 🙂

  50. tim mcgraw

    Hi Greg, Great interview. At about 37:00 CAF starts talking about taxes. Taxes are extortion payments to the criminal gangs in government. Secession, de-centralization, anarchy (no rulers) is the answer. We need to go back to the society of the Plains Indians with no central ruler, or taxes. The wealthy Indians were encouraged to give feasts for the tribe to avoid envy. ENVY is a sin mentioned a few times in the 10 Commandments. ENVY causes a lot of grief.
    The only way out is to exit the current system and build a new one. A smaller one. One where you know your neighbors.

    • stanley skrzypeK

      and who is going to pave the roads?….

      • Paul ...

        If it comes down to it … we can resort to riding horses again like the cowboys … let the Big Corporations producing oil, cars, planes, cell phones, etc.. etc. go bankrupt if they are going to force the “jab” … we can burn wood in our tee pee’s and stay nice and warm (every prepper can buy fa tee pee or less then $100 dollars … http://www.needithis.com/pno981?msclkid=631f2ef17fdc1a17fbe54f8faef5691c&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Needithis&utm_term=4587437394909778&utm_content=Ad%20group%20%231 … we can survive without phones tracking our every move and can communicate with smoke signals relayed across the country … and the great thing is we won’t need to pay property taxes or school taxes (as we will need to stay on the move to eat off the land)!!

      • tim mcgraw

        Stanley S. Read Walter Block’s books and articles about how the free market and volunteerism can pave and build the roads. This argument for having government to “pave the roads”, is old, false, and I’m tired of arguing about it with people. Read Walter Block’s books and articles. Do your own research.

  51. tim mcgraw

    Hi Greg, Yes, use a tank to keep the Morloks in their subterranean hell of cannibalism.

    • Andrew de Berry

      Great dream Greg!

      • Greg Hunter

        I’d love to make t come true.

        • Jo

          Snakes live underground

  52. JC

    CAF: We are the ones that are building our own prisons. We have the power to stop.

    The question is, will we?

  53. Cassy Cady-Smith

    I so agree! Trump is not the savior! We are truly in end times. We are off the rail and everything happening now is in scripture. God wins in the end and we will witness the unthinkable. Admittedly, I never expected to witness this in my lifetime but the oppression is here and the administration of all countries is under the demonic rule. We are here for a reason so make it count!

    • Greg Hunter

      No Trump is not the savior but he must have been pretty important enemy to have a massive cheating campaign in 2020 to knock him out of the White House. Let’s go Brandon!!

      • Catherine

        Greg. Please interview DR ZELENKO.
        He is one of Trumps doctors as well as Giuliani and he speaks truth regarding the jab and the genocide occurring. Hope you can listen to him on Bitchute x22 report. Even clif high mentions listening to him. You’re audience will love him

  54. JC

    MARTIN ARMSTRONG: Now there is a song out Pure Blooded which is the term they have adopted for the non-vaxed. Meanwhile, NYC was forced to close 26 fire stations because the firefighters walked out rather than be vaccinated. What is really starting to get going is that these people think they can force the people to keep getting vaccines every 6 months for the rest of their lives.

    In Australia, Andrews is already hinting that without boosters, you will lose all your rights. When the majority of the vaccinated see what is really behind this is not health, but control, the 2022 election may be really hot.


    • tim mcgraw

      JC: That “Pure Blooded” video was hilarious! Thanks so much for the link. Genius.

    • AndrewB

      “When the majority of the vaccinated see what is really behind this is not health, but control, the 2022 election may be really hot.”
      The election will be rigged, like all elections.
      “It’s not who votes that count, it’s who counts the votes.” Stalin.
      We need to revert back to: Voter photo ID, only vote in person (military vote on base, expats vote at Country Embassy), paper ballots only, sealed boxes, secure chain of custody, box opening and manual counting in well-lit CCTV recorded venues with observers from all sides of the political spectrum in unfettered attendance. Specifically, NO electronic devices to ‘help’ speed the count. So, it may take a week to get a result. So that will be a small price for freedom.

      • tim mcgraw

        AndrewB: Voting doesn’t matter anymore. I gave up on that after Trump was robbed in 202. And I didn’t vote for him or Biden. But I could see the vote manipulation in real time on election night.
        So I wrote to the county registrar of voters and told him the system was rigged and to take me off of the voter rolls. He was happy to do so. Probably thought I was a Trumpie. Then I wrote to the Jury Duty dame down at the county “Hall of Justice”. Told her to take me off of the Jury Duty roster. “I will acquit anyone of any crime. Your legals system is rigged and total bullshit.” They still send me Jury Duty notices, but I just quote the paragraph above and they leave me alone. THEY know their system is crap. They don’t want an educated man voting or on a jury.

        • AndrewB

          Hi Tim,
          You could well be right. I certainly agree that voting while the system is so obviously rigged is a waste of time. However, I wonder how freedom can be maintained in any system that denies individuals their say. I am minded to quote Churchill.

          “Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…”
          Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947

          P.S. Cute way to avoid jury duty. I was nearly tied up for weeks in a trial, at a time when I ran a one-man business. Would have been a disaster. I managed to get excused, but your method has a ring of certainty about it.

    • Brooklyn

      Thanks JC,

      “….cause we’re PURE BLOODED, check a see, where fauci can kiss my ass…”.


  55. JC

    Medical Doctor – ‘Hospital Admission Has Become Like Reporting To Prison’


    • Jerry

      Just for the record, when my wife and I went to the ER at our local hospital to get treatment for covid19 ( after the ivermectin began to wear off, because of mis-dosage ) the first question they ask us was have you been vaccinated? When we said no, they sent us home with a steroid and a oxygen machine. Eight hours later our oxygen level fell below 88 and my son drove us to another hospital in Jefferson City in which we were promptly admitted to a covid19 ward and put on oxygen. My wife and I both had to have oxygen over 20 to keep from going on a ventilator. By the grace of God our oxygen levels began to slowly go back up and we were saved. I’m firmly convinced that our local hospital sent us home to die because we had not been vaccinated, and that had we not taken ivermectin we would be dead right now. CAF is right. If you go to the hospital unconscious, you probably won’t make it out.

  56. Jerry

    What the reset is, is top down global governance through agenda 2030 and the creation of the fourth industrial revolution in which artificial intelligence will monitor and control human behavior. Look at point number five from the latest meeting between the country of Viet Nam and the World Economic Forum.

    As Comrade Klaus said “ you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”.
    Make no mistake Lucifer is using agenda 2030 to accomplish his goal of eliminating free agency, and installing a one world government in which he reigns supreme. The globalist think they are saving the planet with their agenda. But the reality is, they are setting the stage for its total destruction when the lord Jesus Christ returns to purge this planet of all its evil. The world as a living creation was destined to be baptized by water ( the great flood ) and it will be baptized by fire to cleanse it before our lord Jesus Christ returns. The globalist can kill us, enslave us, and build a techno shrine to evil, but in the end they are toast.

  57. Amole Jennings

    Huge protests in Switzerland. Protests in Estonia, Ireland, Italy and France
    78,483 views Oct 25, 2021 Alex Christoforou
    Huge protests in Switzerland. Protests in Estonia, Ireland, Italy and France

    ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ chant a ‘complete indictment’ of the US media
    34,365 views Oct 31, 2021 Sky News Australia
    Sky News host James Morrow says the Let’s Go Brandon chant is a “complete indictment” of the American media and not just a criticism of the Biden administration.
    The phrase has become popular at crowded events like football games after a video went viral a few weeks ago of race car driver Brandon Brown.
    He was being interviewed post-win when a reporter thought the crowd was chanting Let’s Go Brandon when they were actually chanting anti-Biden slurs.
    Mr Morrow said many Americans no longer trust their media which has been trying very hard to cover up for Joe Biden for the past year or so.
    “Whether it’s the way they covered up the … Hunter Biden laptop before the election so that there would be nothing that would trouble Joe Biden’s victory to the way that they’ve lifted for him at every single scandal, failure, Afghanistan, everything else, the border,” he said.
    “They’re saying Let’s Go Brandon to them too because they do not trust the media.
    “And the polls in the US now show that the media is mistrusted more in the US than in just about any industrialised country.”

  58. AndrewB

    Hi Greg,
    Thanks for a great interview with CAF.

    Yesterday, 10-30-21, I had the privilege of listening to a live stream address by my hero, Doctor Simone Gold, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors. As you know Greg, I am not a spiritual person, but I couldn’t help but be emotionally moved by the prayer offered for her by the moderator / pastor at the end.

    The linked to ‘live stream’ indicates 1hr 34mins but it doesn’t start until the 24th minute – so scroll forward to that point in time. Well worth listening to all the Q&A – there is lots of practical info on HCQ and Ivermectin dosages, both as a treatment and as a preventative – and especially to the heartfelt prayer at the end.

    • Greg Hunter


      Jesus is real. Not a myth. Thanks for your heartfelt comment and link.


  59. Paul ...

    God the Father gives us life … Satan gives us death … it is for us to decide what side we are on … the 150 people who run all the Corporations in the world have chosen “death” for the other 7 Billion people on Earth … by the numbers alone … God the Father is going to win this battle … Big Pharma is doomed to destruction … for we now know with the release of their bio-weapon and “jab” that “all flu viruses can be destroyed” (by using nutritional therapy like taking quercetin, zinc, and vitamins A,B,C,D, E, etc.) … Big Pharma already knew from previous studies what the effects of their “jabs” would bring (blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, cancer and unstoppable neurological shaking) … and the eugenicist psychopathic sociopaths (who believe in Satan and death) used false narratives and psychological warfare to shut down the world economy and get the money hungry prostitutes in Governments, the FDA, CDC, etc., etc. to go along with their genocidal plans to reduce the world population … now they are coming to “jab” our children (children who have near “zero” chance of getting Covid) to kill them (or at least reduce the life span of those who manage to survive) … we are in a fight as CAF says for the soul of humanity … right now we have the numbers on our side (7 Billion people vs. 150 richest people in the world who own all the Corporations) … are we going to allow 150 psychopathic sociopaths who control the politicians, the FDA, the CDC, etc., etc. with fiat money they print out of thin air to get away with “sacrificing our children” the same way the Inca’s and other Satanic child killing cultured did in years past?? … Pfizer knew they needed to kill all the Jews first … as they lived through a holocaust once before … and would likely put up the strongest resistance to a holocaust intent on exterminating 99% of all the people in the entire world … now they are focusing on the un-vaccinated (who are the freedom fighters on the side of life and God the Father who gave us life) … we must create our own “home schools” to protect our children from the perverted Marxist “commies” who are teaching our children to become homosexual queers and bring “Drag Queens Story Time” degenerates to bounce our children on their peckers … and we must create our own currency system based upon God’s money in our communities and reject the phony fiat money Stan wants everyone to use … his direct attack upon me today shows I’m over the target … glad to see he was hit with a lot of “counter flack” by Patriots who are going to win this war of life over death … good over evil … God over Satan (as was done once before when 2/3rds of God’s followers took out the 1/3rd following Satan) … the odds of us winning this battle today is even greater as we have 7 Billion people against 150 of the richest elite (who own all the corporations that we can boycott and throw monkey wrenches into their operations) … “The Time To Act Is Now” (before they reduce our numbers) … why do you think these evil insane psychopathic sociopathic Marxist “commie” Demon Rats who worship Satan are focusing their efforts to attack our children? … “Don’t Let It Happen” … a small bunch of men around Hitler exterminated Six(6) million Jews … are we going to allow 150 people (who control all the corporations in the world) to exterminate Seven(7) Billion People this time around? … “Say It Out Loud” … let them hear us well … “NEVER AGAIN”!! … “NEVER AGAIN”!!!

    • Stan

      Paul: God’s money? Please explain. I don’t think God needed money to transact.

      • Greg Hunter

        Haggai 2:8 (KJV) “The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.” This means gold and silver are God’s money.
        You are illiterate in the Bible. Read it sometime. Start with Matthew. (He was a tax collector/accountant and get’s it perfect.) Read a page or two a night. You will be amazed as it is mostly Jesus talking (in red letters).

      • Paul ...

        Stan … Ive not been ignoring you … I’ve just been so busy preparing for Thanksgiving … just ordered ten(10) Magnum bottles of 1988 Dom Perignon Oenotheque “Rose” Champagne … you should try drinking some “good stuff” once in awhile . as for your question as to: Why is Gold and Silver “God’s money”?? … simply look at a US Dollar Bill Stan … what does it say at the top? … it says it is a “Federal Reserve Note” … because “they created this money” (out of thin air) … similarly … God created all the Gold and Silver in the universe (but he used collisions between neutron stars to create his money) … which is a “much rarer” process then what the criminals at the Fed use to create their money!!!

        • Paul ...

          Stan … I forgot to mention this Super Rare Dom Perignon Oenotheque Rose Champagne costs US $5,999.99 dollars per MAGNUM … If you can’t afford it … you can buy it on credit … comes to only $268 for 24 months (using PayPal Credit)!!

  60. Zoë-Gabrielle Miroy

    Take a look at this breath of fresh air from an MP in the EU Parliament.


    • Little Wayne

      WOW Zoë,
      The Europeons still take to heart, Adolf Hitler’s last words to the German people. Just before putting a gun to his mouth and pulling the trigger……
      [“When I come back, NO MORE MR. NICE GUY!”]
      Mein Kampf ( German: [maɪn ˈkampf]; My Struggle, My Fight) the 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Hitler, the Leader of the German Worker’s Party. Which later became well known as the National Socialist, or Nazi, Party. The piece of work, herr Hitler, later Der Fuhrer. Described the process in it, by which he became anti-Semitic and outlined his political ideology and future plans for Germany and the world.
      ___Very profound indeedie, take note deep stator’s. Don’t get behind,🎱!

    • AndrewB

      Hi Zoë,
      Great clip – many thanks.
      Just looked her up, and Christine Anderson is an MEP (Member of the European Parliament). Good for her!

  61. Roger Stamper

    depopulation i remember you told us about it tks greg for post

  62. Maria+das+Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Dr Fitts.
    The clarity of the founding fathers echoes through time to today even to us here in the UK where even “Pure Bloods” and “Let’s go Brandon” are clear distrust of the Bolshevik Communists that have the guns and are in control here.The “proud” police here are “gunned” up and packed with steroids and vaxxed and so proud of their vile actions yet have little or no understanding of what awaits them,many of them are graduates so ignorance cannot be a defence as can “I was only doing my job” as they lead us plebs into the modern gas chamber of the NHS.
    Meanwhile,the Bank of England (BoE) has printed money for the pandemic and handed it to their “friends”in the City of London to go on an orgy of buying assets over the last twenty years but particularly from September 2019.Many of those “assets” have been based in the USA even Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg,Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons,transferred his £11Billions to Mellon bank in New York whilst holding those newly acquired assets in the USA or off shore islands whilst getting even more loans from the BoE at a zero rate and guzzling down even more assets that produce income. Whilst we plebs see our taxation balloon and our salaries stagnate at best and the criminals in government use the might of the state against us plebs and still we are complacent at best,however attacks on government and bureaucrats are occurring but unreported for now ,in case we get above our station.
    Many years ago some wag had painted on the wall of Trinity College Dublin,”No God Here” a brilliant scholar had added , “No Wisdom Either”, that “waggery” could be the epithet of so many of our universities although I rather feel that many of the students would be too dim as would the faculty to comprehend.
    Just how this erupts is in God’s hands I just hope I have a smidgeon of courage to carry that cross and can witness,as a sinner, to the LORD.

  63. Robert

    Using the informed consent plea will not protect us from these mandates and vaccine passports because even the Supreme Court is erroring in favor of the globalist and big pharma.

  64. Chris

    Re: “Stan”

    This character feeds off the attention that he gets from this forum. He obviously suffers from a narcissist disorder and thrives on stirring up rational people with irrational comments.

    I suggest y’all stop feeding his appetite and he will go someone else where he gets fed.

    • Robert K

      Or stop feeding the trolls. If attention isn’t given, it isn’t sought on a repeated basis. There are posters like this on all forums. Just ignore or block and keep it moving. Simple enough.

  65. Southernpatriot

    Hello Greg.
    Another great show Greg! The story line was troubling to hear. I clung
    to everyone of her words and yours, too. I found myself saying, “I told you so” or “I knew it”. Those Yahoo’s have been planning this for a long time! We better start listening.
    I just wanted to say “Thanks” for getting the news out to the John and Jane Does of the world.
    In my world , the only bottle costing over a $1700 would be the insulin I take 3 times a day . It’s what it is! .
    In my world you learn how how to stretch your $$$$. The cents go into a fish bowl. No need for me to cry over spilled milk, when I can’t afford something. Is there?
    Always been independent and when a need or a want arrived in my life or that of my family, I went out and earned it! The old fashion way!
    In other wars, we mobilized our selves and made preparations to help the other side to change there minds. Everyone had a part to do!
    For those who are elderly, sick, out of work or homeless we still must help out when we can, as neighbors, friends and country men and women.
    When I wore a youngers man’s set of clothing and even today, I remember the word’s of our 35th President John F. Kennedy, ” Ask not what your country can do for you”, “Ask what you can do for your country”. If we could get back to those principals, there would be no “ism” in the world that could defeat us! I too, remember Abraham , Martin and John. Has anyone seen my old friend??
    Thanks for letting me have my say.
    I have to go now go attend my vegetable garden. I’m sharing some of my sweet potato’s with my neighbor. Signing off for now.
    Blessing to all.

  66. Neville

    Here read all about the treachery of fauci the scum of the earth…….why doesn’t someone in AAcrime get an arrest warrant taken out on this cretin and charge him with Firts Degree Murder


    • Paul ...

      N … Forget getting a warrant from a criminal Judge … just do a citizen’s arrest for his acts of treason against the United States!!

  67. Paul D Anders

    You clearly do not understand what the Q drops were.
    Show me ONE Q drop that said stay home. Show me one Q drop that said do nothing.
    The Q drops are 1. A road map that not only explains where we were but were we are going.
    2. They also explain what WE must do to break free of the deepstate grasp. And guess what, we are winning the fight.
    Educate yourself please…

    • Greg Hunter

      “Trust Sessions.” Remember that? Fired the day after the Mid-terms in 2018.

      • Brooklyn

        Right there with you, Greg!

        Q was like a massive dose of Hopium to keep the masses intrigued with insider bullshit…!

        PS: Devolution has taken Q’s place.

        • AndrewB

          Hi Brooklyn,
          I missed your ‘P.S.’ the first time round. Totally agree about ‘Devolution’. A plan for succession originating in 1947. By now, I’m sure all interested parties have ‘war gamed’ the ‘Devolution’ plan to death – it’s clearly NOT a secret plan!
          To quote Helmuth van Moltke (1800 – 1890)
          “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”

      • Paul D Anders

        I do remember that. Who hired Durham? Sessions did.
        Not all white hats are going to ride around on White horses.
        I’m on your side… I’m on God’s side.
        It will get very very ugly but we will win the war.
        God Bless

    • AndrewB

      How about, “Watch the show”???

  68. Bunker Hunker

    Turn off comments. It’s simply a breeding ground for the trolling trododites.

  69. Michael MacArthur

    No truer word spoken…we all love Catherine Austin Fitts and Greg Hunter! Just listened to this Dr. Cottrell interview and it kinda filled in the missing piece of the puzzle for me. We are in COG and at war with China however it is not being publicly acknowledged, COG is testing these shots on the public because their computer models are indicating China has a much more deadly bio-weapon planned for the USA. Also listen to the interview with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell on Dark Journalist and his theory as to why the cargo ships are left standing off the California coast. Is the COG trying to stop a worst bio-weapon from being released?


    • Pat Price

      Freedom of speech my friend. I personally like reading others thoughts. If some jerk spouts crap, I don’t read it. But they have just as much right to post as I do (you too).

  70. John

    This country has descended into a state of insanity from which there is no recovery. America is America in name only; America is gone and has been for many years. No one is going to profit off of this problem. Anarchy is knocking on the door and the breakdown of society is a sure bet. The second coming of Christ will involve the whole of mankind. Pray to the Lord, to give us the strength to endure this onslaught of evil that has come upon us, that we may remain strong in our faith and be found worthy of His sacrifice and grace.

  71. Denny

    Hi Greg..great interview…you and CAF…doesn’t get much better…the best meme that can be applied to every situation where the left pushes their power= thank you for being so open about your mental illness!

  72. john beasley

    Will you do a show on what the council on foreign relations is, and who runs the CFR? They seem to be an enemy of the USA. Who are the Masons and how do they influence life in the USA?

  73. Michael MacArthur

    Bible prophecy unfolding before our eyes!

  74. Susan R

    Catherine looks good. She is taking care of herself thank God. I have always looked forward to her presence for many years because of her insider knowledge. She is a warrior for God saving as many as she can along with you Greg.

  75. ronin

    Thanks for having Catherine Austin Fitts on as a guest once again, her unique knowledge and insight, experience, and steady faith and optimism are always a welcome complement to your own. These are indeed tough times for many of us, and ‘Mr. Globaloni’ wants to coerce us to stay on the globalist plantation, but that is not our God-given path and destiny as a people, we are called to a better and higher purpose.
    Through local community, self-sustenance, and self-determination, our divine rights take precedence over the fallacies of the functionaries who are addicted to their wealth, power, and prestige, their reward is on the earth, and they are often still miserable, our reward is from God, and does not fade or tarnish, it is an eternal promise.
    I regret that I can’t afford the Solari Report at this time, but it is a blessing to be able to hear you and Catherine discuss the latest updates and important issues, as we all strive to tie them together in our day to day lives. The masking/Covid nonsense is to my mind just another system of control, and separation of people, the scripture tells us to not forsake gathering together one with another in fellowship, so of course they went after both churches, as the children and schools.
    The Satanic globalist agenda is to use its force to divide and isolate everyone, like wolves and animals of prey separate individuals from the herd and attack them. We are not easily divided when we stand together though, as bison surround the young calves when threatened. Now is the time for us to circle, and hold the line, those that seek to decimate our families, communities, and society are few, we who strive to support and prosper in maintaining our freedom and republic are many. The blessings of liberty will not die in our hearts, it is the breath of life which sustains our soul.

  76. Russ 2

    Great interview Greg, as usual CAF is right on point.

    Another voice that should be heard comes from the European Parliament. The link below has two videos, one is about 30 minutes, but the second is just two minutes of heartfelt truth — watch that one.

    MEPs Protest “Oppressive” Vaccine Passports, Question Why “Political Elites Push This Agenda This Hard”
    — ZeroHedge

  77. Wm. John Boyer

    GREG, a wonderful presentation, a beautiful lady. You said it all, “PURE EVIL”, and those of us who see clearly if we started to cry would cry bathtubs full of tears. Our only hope lies in CHRIST JESUS, no other option. Forget money, and make the Spiritual connection to Jesus which is above this devil’s playground – Planet Earth. As in a comment by Matthew Henry, “Those know little who know not that the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of GOD is life eternal in Christ Jesus, our Holy and precious Lord, and Saviour. Sin kills us all, BODY AND SOUL, apart from the salvation found only in Jesus. – john. GOD bless all, “Onward Christian Soldiers”.

  78. Mark Washburn

    Wow, looking at the comments CAF really hit the mark. So wonderful to hear her bring the historical context to the discussion. When she mentioned 1996, I thought she was going to bring up NAFTA, another part of their evil plan. Of course it was also Bill Clinton who allowed big pharma to advertise on TV. Any truth that was left in the media died that day when it came to anything medical. She also focused on the “salt of the earth” folks, those of us who use our hands to make a living. Nothing more grounding then working with the ground. Look who are the ones most in the land of make-believe but the college students who only know “reality” from a book and their communist professor. Catherine notes we are paying a government to kill our kids. We are also paying a school system to brainwash them. It’s a brilliant business model as much as it is sadistic. We are the army. I have lost many friends and family members along the way when trying to talk to them and have them see the light. I will not stop. I knew the BS we were fed about the “magic bullet theory” was just that, BS and have been seeing through and railing against the lies ever since. So sad to see the former “anti-establishment” crew I grew up with become so totally fixated on defending the establishment. What a laugh. In reality, most of them never knew the truth or who the enemy really was. Like CAF points out, follow the money!!!! She is right about the 90s. As long as the Clinton Bar-B-Que was on, nobody cared. The 2000’s were placated by cheap goods from China so few people cared. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Buy gold and silver, the manipulation will end soon.

  79. Cheryl

    It’s frustrating to listen to Fitts. She analyses all the problems, packages them pleasingly and knows it all about solutions. But, the solutions I hear from her are 95% theoretical. There are principally two stages of policy: theoretical and implementation. Fitts doesn’t offer much in the way of the implementation leg. I heard no practical vision for change. For example, we have to monitor the tax system to ensure it’s legal. Well, maybe the true problem is the way it’s organized. “Just quit the system.” Right. What about the practicalities of implementation? Families, jobs, children, health care, property ownership, bank accounts, passports travel and on and on. She still thinks a lot like a bureaucrat and her cure seems to be, force the bureaucracy to be honest. These are not true solutions.

    • Greg Hunter

      I beg to differ. You want a better world get involved in making one.

      • JC


        You wrote:

        “Just quit the system.” Right. What about the practicalities of implementation? Families, jobs, children, health care, property ownership, bank accounts, passports travel and on and on.

        Come out of your comfort zone. Sacrifices will have to be made. If everyone unites and “quits the system,” we win, they lose, but in the process, there may be personal losses incurred. I’m referring to your list.

        As Ringo told us, “It Don’t Come Easy.”


        • Paul ...

          JC … I think it should be “very easy” to take out the 150 top Satanists causing all our problems … if some strong men just do it … we will keep our jobs, our children won’t be killed and America will be Great Again almost overnight!!!

    • Jerry

      I’ve used her legal documents to fight the vaccine mandates and given them to my friends and family. It’s on Greg’s site if you want them. She does have many tools on her site if you look. But like Greg said you’ve got to do the work.

  80. Brooklyn


    Hmmmmm…. Interesting question? As you know, there was a time when I wore a Green “Cover”, as in Marine Green, and then there were the NYC daze in which I wore a Blue one, as in Back the Blue. So do I wear a White one today? Hard to say, depends on the today’s White Hat membership fee. I was an avid Trump fan, but no longer. I once believed in Devolution, but no longer. Our now communistic-leaning government has turned against the people. Do I believe a civil war is at hand? Affirmative, as sure as Sunday turns to Monday!

    Our lives today are in but a holding pattern of anticipation, waiting only for the spark to light the fire! As Bill Holter opined, “…every day you wake up you are 72 hours away from anarchy. [Because] a person can [only] go three days without food and then pretty much loses it. [When] store shelves are empty, you are going to see anarchy”

    When did we ever think a world-class critical-care-specialist, like Dr. Pierre Kory, would be screaming from the rooftops, telling us that our MAIN GOAL IS TO STAY OUT OF HOSPITALS!???

    And, then today CAF explains, “It’s a war on God, and God is going to win.” Pardon my repetition of this thought, but it fit so damn well in here. Although, one could easily equate the events unfolding in front of us as a spiritual battle between good and evil forces, it was Joseph Conrad who reminds us that, “The belief in the supernatural source of evil is not necessary, men [and women] alone are quite capable of every wickedness.”

    Whether this qualifies me as a White Hat or not, I believe in my very soul, and agree with Clif High that the spark will be when people finally, “…wake up to being purposely poisoned and murdered, [by] government bureaucrats, drug company executives and doctors who pushed this [the clot shot] will face an outraged grieving public.  This will turn very, very ugly.”

    A man will lose his brother! A man will lose his child! They will have given him nothing to live for but – revenge!

    Which is why I advised M+J to be patient, many will stand with this man to bring violence on the perpetrators, the likes of which this nation has not seen in well over one hundred years. BRING IT!

    And, so I continue to say, “If you want peace, prepare for war!”

    And, as our leader, Greg Hunter reminds us, “Jesus is Real!” Pray to him! And, we will persevere!

    • Lightning

      First, thank you for your kind wishes regarding my brother in law. He died yesterday and his vax accelerated (my opinion) suffering is finally over.
      I have seen numerous video’s of health care workers, doctors, nurses etc., all who are looking for sympathy for losing their jobs for refusing to take the vaccine.

      On one hand, I sympathize with them and admire their willingness to be terminated rather than take the jab. Another part of me wonders how many of them were dancing in those videos during the period when they were supposedly “overwhelmed” with COVID patients. How many of them would have happily kept their jobs had they been given that option and dutifully injected 5 year olds with an injection they know and see killing people. How many of them gave Remdesivir to patients in the ICU knowing that the end result would likely be kidney failure/pneumonia and death on a ventilator?

      My old man was a combat sergeant and fought in the European theater and he would talk about the two kind of Nazis….the vicious and overtly cruel that did observably horrific things and the “cultured gentlemen” that made a show of politely escorting the women and children through the front gates of the concentration camp with promises of safety and a better tomorrow. Both were killers.

      I think MANY doctors and nurses fall into the latter category. I don’t understand how they can be so inured to the suffering and horror that these injections are causing and will continue to cause, but the fact remains they do. It makes me wonder if this culture of genocide has been inculcated into them for years and just how many other unnecessary or purposefully harmful procedures they’ve perpetrated and performed on others to get to this point. They crossed the line years ago and now they don’t even know there is a line.

      I saw Dr. Zelenko suggest that the absence of the flu last year (first time in recorded history this has happened) could suggest that the flu as we know it may also be a manufactured/enhanced phenomenon via the administration of flu vaccines. This resonates with me personally, as I discontinued taking the flu shot 17 years ago after getting the flu both years I took the flu shot. My whole family then stopped taking the flu shots and not one has had the flu since (and there’s six of us).

      The terminated health care workers (or soon to be terminated) need to at least informally collectivize and use that solidarity to tell their stories about the horror of what they know and what they’ve seen over the past 12-18 months. The fact that there appear to be precious few doing that suggests that they still hold out hope of being accepted back into the fold of what can only be called a culture of deception, forced infirmity and death.

      They need to commit to the pursuit of truth and the health and well being of patients.

      In a culture that’s abandoned God for “moral relativism” I shouldn’t be surprised that the Doctors have broken their Hippocratic Oath and Nurses have broken their “Nightingale Pledge”.

      If you are a Nurse and a Christian, I remind you that that pledge was to God.

      Redeem yourselves by coming clean. Your silence is now killing young children .

      • Marie+Joy

        Lightning, I was in a medical setting, recently, and I can tell you those doctors and nurses, honestly, believe what they are told. It surprised the hell out of me but, from what I saw, they believe it as surely as we believe the opposite.

      • Marie+Joy

        Lightning, Condolences on the loss of your brother in law.

        • Lightning

          Thanks Marie+Joy for your condolences.

          I like your postings. Succinct, direct and helpful to shaping the discussion(s).

          Getting back to the Medical community, the 30 – 40% that chose to walk from their jobs rather than get the jab came to that conclusion based , at least in part, on personal and community observations of the vaccinated.

          If they are all truly drinking the kool aid , its time to stop paying your health insurance every month, because these idiots can’t even see the medically obvious.

          I get that many people (e.g. my sisters) watch MSM and believe what they hear. But the trust their personal doctors even more and when they validate the MSM talking points with no examination of the public facts….its homicidal negligence.

    • Brooklyn

      DAMN! Greg, THIS posted twice. I seem to be having a problem with my comments “clearing”. This time it BLINKED on/off and the message remained in the box. I cam back later and it was still there so, I pushed “Post Comment” again…..and here it is – AGAIN! Sorry, ‘bout that!

      • AndrewB


        Just like New York, New York. So good, Greg published it twice . . . . 🙂

        • Brooklyn

          YOU DA’ MAN, ANDREWB….;)

          • Greg Hunter


            • Brooklyn


              I was working on a reply, but decided to “come back later” on a full night’s sleep…;)

              You are also DA’ MAN… !

            • Brooklyn


              I did not forget your question regarding the “timing being in Bo Polny’s November” and prepared 7-8 headlines from this morning, and then found the Winner! from the Conservative Treehouse. Just so you know, we rarely stop by this site, but nonetheless, here it is:

              Corporate and Political Elite Gather at COP26 To Discuss How The Global Population Destroying The Planet – An Ideological Motive to Deploy a Mandatory Vaccine To Eliminate Human Lifespans

              (Legalizing the Kill Switch to prevent the global population from destroying the planet at COP26)


              Comment (edited….)
              It now seems like the people of the world are so blind that leaders can actually say the world would be better if half the people were dead, and the people’s response – no problem, we’ll take the jab or else you’ll take our jobs, starve us to death, or let the mRNA kill us…Amazing…!

              • AndrewB

                Thanks for the link. As for people not believing, I think it is primarily because most people are decent. They cannot imagine anyone, let alone their government and trusted physicians, executing a plan to annihilate them. Rather, they will readily condemn those who would enlighten them. I confess, it took me several years to take seriously the evidence that ‘911’ was an inside job. So, I guess I should be more empathic toward family members and colleagues who cannot contemplate that the ‘Covid-19 pandemic’ is a hoax.

              • tim mcgraw

                Brooklyn: Do you care if half the human population died tomorrow? They are strangers. I ask myself this question often; “If I could push a button and blow this planet to smithereens, would I push that button?”
                It’s an elderly question. This is why old people like me should NOT be in charge of anything except finding the toilet on their own. Old people get mean, cynical, and self-centered. Also very cheap.
                Dr. Ron Paul and my Dad are exceptions. I also try to be an exception to this cynicism of the elderly. So “No”, I would not push the button. The humans are too entertaining.

  81. chloe

    Thanks for CAF. Top 5 – of my sheros! Intelligent, classy lady AND she loves the Lord!

  82. Jerry

    Well Greg,
    It looks like you were right again.

    I’m very concerned. My son who came in from Arizona to help care for me and my wife, clearly was struggling with his immune system. He took the Moderna shot six months ago. When he got back to Arizona his doctor told him he had a sinus infection. I don’t believe it. When he was here I had to put him on my oxygen machine, because he was having trouble breathing. The truth is he was suffering from being around my wife and I while we were infected. That tells me the vaccine doesn’t work. If it did it would not have bothered him when he was around us. The bigger question is, what will happen if he takes the booster? I’ve already seen what the first shot did. Here’s the kicker. I’ve asked him if he would be willing to take ivermectin if he gets sick again and he said he would, but what happens if you mix ivermectin with the vaccine? Nobody knows. I am very concerned because I can see his immune system tanking right before my eyes. I just pray he doesn’t take the booster.

  83. Tom

    It’s bad enough that a person would consent to these jabs, but I have no respect for someone who would also subject their children to this evil.

  84. MC

    He who has betrayed us with his vax has refereed to himself as the father of the vax and says constantly that it is “safe & effective”. And oddly enough he is anointed accdg to the Evangelical prophets.

    And now here we have Ms. Fitz telling us that those who push the vax are making war on God.

    Therefore, this logically implies that God’s anointed is warring upon God. And that hasn’t happened since when Lucifer (who was the chosen angel at one time) warring on God as we read in Revelation 12.

    • Paul ...

      MC … Trump will likely say … I never forced anyone to take the “jab” … and I never forced my child to shoot my loaded Colt .45 (I leave on the kitchen table next to the Cheerio’s box) into his arm either!!!

  85. Clyde Cates Jr.

    It seems we are being set up for the great tribulation, while God will win in the end He will also allow Satan to prevail against the people of God during that period. This last great evil government will be allowed to have its 7-year run till Christ returns & destroys that world government. If you are not raptured off the earth before the tribulation don’t take the Mark of the Beast to buy or sell, if you do you can never be saved & enter into the kingdom of God. Your future will be the Lake of Fire forever. See for yourself in the book of Revelation & Daniel in the Bible.

  86. Jerry

    The PBOC is kicking the can down the road with Ever-grand but even they can’t prop up the Chinese economy.

    My advice. Get what you can now while you still can. Shortages will be followed by empty shelves as production decreases in China.

  87. Stan

    Was it Trump who declared this war against God & His Creation through his actions (esp. ‘Warpspeed’) in 2020?

    • Self Exiled

      Stan your commenting on something other than shorting gold and silver. Good for you. Also I saw your comments about puts and calls and making money and such. My father had a degree in economics and he understood all that stuff. I never did. He used all this knowledge on sheep and cattle markets plus feeding them out and selling them. He told me once when the bankers say sell you buy and when they say buy you sell. He was very successful at it. Retired with a 100,000 a month income clear. Six months after retiring: cancer. Now you know why I keep harping about your spiritual investment no matter who or what you are ——

      “It shall also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. Isaiah 65:24

    • Jerry

      Do you want to know who controls the markets? Go here.

      Your friends at the fed are nothing but errand boys compared to this global organization. Donald Trump? I supported him, but I now realize he was a snake oil salesman for the Rockefeller’s. Once he met with Klaus Schwab, he dropped his plans to take down the deep state, and launched operation warp speed. I believe he realized it was impossible to take down this global empire with the backing he had, and was blackmailed into the decisions he was making. That’s my opinion.

      • Stan

        Jerry: That was not my comment (Was it Trump who declared this war against God & His Creation through his actions (esp. ‘Warpspeed’) in 2020?). Someone is impersonating me. Impersonators should be banned permanently. Greg if you can check the email address on the bogus poster and set the record straight I would appreciate it

        • JC

          I had a feeling that was not you Stan. Not your style.

        • Jerry

          It still applies. Anyone can be bought, blackmailed, or threatened,
          Into doing the bidding for the globalist. The T man is no different. I can’t blame him though after the persecution he received? I’ mean who was backing him besides Josh Holley? The rhino Republicans? General Miley? Who? My doubts came after the Jeffery Epstein Debacle. Name somebody he prosecuted? I can’t.

        • Paul ...

          Stan … Put three dots after your name so we will know it’s you (i.e. Stan … ) the way I do!!

  88. Ed

    The god that they are talking about is Satan, this is their god.

    • Paul ...

      The bankers have officially stated: “They are doing Satan’s work”!!!

  89. Gale Storm

    Friends, Romans and roaming Catholic’s, in Cadillacs;
    God will completely undo all the bad that our arch nemeses, Satan has done. Jesus is now the King over all the earth. Under his rulership, the earth will be made into paradise.—Daniel 7:13, 14; Luke 23:43.
    PLENTY OF FOOD: “The earth itself will certainly give its produce; God, our God, will bless us.” “There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow.”—Psalm 67:6; 72:16.
    NO MORE WAR: “Come, you people, behold the activities of Jehovah, how he has set astonishing events on the earth. He is making wars to cease to the extremity of the earth.”—Psalm 46:8, 9.
    NO BAD PEOPLE: “For evildoers themselves will be cut off . . . And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be.”—Psalm 37:9, 10.
    NO SICKNESS, SORROW, OR DEATH: “At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. At that time the lame one will climb up just as a stag does, and the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness.”—Isaiah 35:5, 6.
    “And God himself will be with them. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”—Revelation 21:3, 4.

    Unlike Satan and the demons, God never lies. Everything he promises must come true. (Luke 1:36, 37) Your heavenly father loves you and wants you to live in the Paradise that he will make. Learn more about the marvelous truths found in God’s Word and USAWatchdog.com. If you apply truth in your life, you will be set free from bondage to falsehood, superstition, and ignorance. In time, you will even be released from bondage to sin and death. As Jesus said: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”—John 8:32.
    Press Sec. Stuns Reporters, Admits Plan to Ignore & Crush States’ Rights | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report 657,804 views Oct 13, 2021

  90. Pat Price

    Greg, You’ve been having some GREAT interviews lately. You’re knocking it out of the ballpark! Thank you and I look forward to your next interview.

  91. Patrick G Gregory

    Man is alienated from God because of sin. This is the Word of God about Himself, man, life, reality, and how the world was meant to be. Listen in as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches from Isaiah 22:8-14 and paints a picture of the discovery of sight when the veil is lifted from man’s eyes. Man is awakened to God’s perspective, no longer thoughtless and heedless. Are you living in a state of blindness? The world is not perfect, we need to see the truth! We are not in control, not even of ourselves. There is a breach in the walls of our lives and we are losing what is precious and vital. Our complacency and negligence has done this over time. Wake up! Look to the example of Israel and see yourself in the frantic, yet futile, attempt to fix this disaster. Take a look at the busyness of this present century and see how it is equally as futile. Never has there been such diligence and organization in every part of life. How can the serious accompany the flippant? The love of pleasure is fatal! Listen and hear how you imitate Israel—forgetting God and forgetting you are His. What we all need is our Maker.


  92. Kay Wayne

    Baklykov Live: Mother Russka In LOCKDOWN!
    _________________RUSSIA HAS BLINKED!_BLIMEY!
    Live stream walking on Day 1 of a one week lockdown which has started in Saint Petersburg and all Russia – from 30th of October to 7th of November, 2021.
    Whom would have thought! The great, lily white Russki’s. Are human after all! Lol!
    Poor Sergay’s got’s no place to go but a dead mall…. Mmmmmmm.
    Don’t forget your mask, he he heh_!_!
    Sorry everybody, couldn’t help it….Must admit it’s funny.
    Where’s Putin in all this? Asleep at the switch?
    Globalist’s abound……

  93. Adrian

    The population is not the government. Read Romans 13.
    Yet the government now is infiltrated and overtaken by diabolic narcissists or psychopaths, the worldly name for demons, who are the addition of TRUE (= core) madness, because the population was manipulated and seduced into being disloyal to the TRUE government UNDER God.
    Demons will not rule you in concordance with Romans 13.3. They will completely turn that around !
    They will be a terror to good works, not to bad……..
    Romans 13.3.
    For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same.

  94. Marie+Joy

    In these circumstances, protesting is a joke.

    • Brooklyn


      I looked for your comment to post an “encouraging” reply….

      USMC Rules for Gun fighting:

      1. Bring a gun. Preferably two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns, with plenty of ammo. “Bring” does not necessarily mean go-to, the fight may-well come to you.
      2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.
      3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss is a slow miss (meaning a slow response) SEND IT!
      4. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (lateral or diagonal movements are preferred.)
      5. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and equally important, a friend with a long gun. Pistol are good as a backup, but mostly in close range. See #4
      6. Although, having the right firearms are import, in two years nobody will remember the details of which guns or tactics were used. They will only remember the ones who courageously lived, and those who had to be killed for us to stay alive.
      7. LET’S GO BRANDON!
      8. BRING IT!

      God speed, Patriots, as the hour grows near where the above “Rules” will be more and more important, as I continue to warn you, “If you want peace, prepare for war!”

  95. Tom Caldwell

    Editorial: Restoring America
    America is going wrong. That is the stark but necessary starting point for this editorial. Many people know it to be true; they can feel our politics and culture turning ever more sour, taste the bitter reality of national decline.
    America has been and can again be the apotheosis of civilized liberal democracy, but powerful and determined antagonists have pushed its finest values to the sidelines. The country has become almost unrecognizable to many of its own citizens. Appalling as our position has become, and alarming as our trajectory continues to be, the response of those who love this nation should not be to sink into dismayed resignation. The grim landscape of our politics and culture is not an invitation to hopelessness and apathy but is, rather, a call to action. It is a call not to violence but quite the reverse — a call for steady strength, resolution, and courage among ordinary people to demand that decades of despoliation cease, and that America return to the path that brought it so swiftly to global preeminence. A bright future of continued success is there for the taking. But it requires the decent, moderate, tolerant, outgoing, and well-meaning people who make up the majority of America’s 333 million inhabitants to realize that they are in charge and, knowing this, to stand up and take it.
    — Hugo Gurdon, Editor-in-chief
    THE PUSHBACK BEGINS Here In Washington


    Can anyone here give a convincing explanation why did Trump give his support for the development of the COVID “vaccines” and still gives his support now to inject people although knowing of the harmful side effects and the thousands of people who died because of the “vaccines”?

    • Clare Doll

      Controlled Opposition.

      • Cassie

        Yes, Satan’s controlled opposition. Dark and light are the two tools he uses to gather souls to himself. Remember, Satan is obviously evil; Lucifer comes as an angel of light. Only our Lord Jesus is good and true! And as Greg reminds us, Jesus is REAL.

      • Guest4579

        Pres Trump has stated that he was deceived and will reveal it.

        • Greg Hunter


    • Paul ...

      He must be a Lonny Tune like Bribe’n but just doesn’t show it!!

  97. Walt D.


    NEW: MAJORITY Of Voters Say Fauci Should RESIGN
    65,575 views Oct 28, 2021 The Hill
    On today’s What America’s Thinking, a new Hill-HarrisX poll shows that voter support for Dr. Fauci’s resignation has grown since June, especially amongst Democrats.

    Dr. Fraudci is the noble lie. “Just believe his lie’s, it’s for your own benefit”.
    That’s the definition of propaganda. Literally the definition.
    Some body should prop his ganda, janda!

  98. J in Europe

    Hi Greg,

    We have lost many days here through lockdowns as have others and you are a shining light of hope along with people like CAF. Please ask your contributors to avoid thoughts of revenge or retribution. Please avoid violence and love your neighbour as yourself.

    “Again, the devil took Him up to an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

    For “me”, substitute “money, power, control, sensuality, Sodom Gomorrah, materialism” – the list is endless and these are the distractions that lead us astray.

    “Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”

    Yes, his people will win but not through violence or hatred. God bless you all.
    J in Europe.

  99. John Pick

    Thank you Greg and Ms. Catherine for illuminating us thru your mediums yet again.
    May God Bless you Both with your familes in the coming Great Tribulation.

  100. GENESIO

    CAF basically says we should change the government to serve the people instead of the people serving the government (or even worse, being enslaved by the government). We all agree on this, but how can we change the government electing officials if the system has been totally corrupted and in elections it is not the vote that counts, but who counts the votes (as we have seen in the 2020 presidential election)?

  101. Marcman

    Greg you must stop telling CAF your so dumb and she is way smarter than you. It’s an insult to her intelligence, and you sound like a baby. She said the question is why are they doing what they are doing, and at that point you changed her thought direction, so many opportunities where you missed in this education lesson of her knowledge of what is under way.
    Stop talking like a baby as you are way to smart to say you are dumb.
    I hope you take this on board next time we have CAF on your intelligent show.

  102. Tabatha Shlitzer

    Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is a big problem!
    By Oliver Darcy, CNN Business
    Updated 3:29 PM EDT, Sat October 30, 2021
    ‘Man, Oh Manischewitz’: What a guy! Tucker’s over the target and they’re gun running him!
    This after Gupta, could bury CNN. Yupper day hurrah! We’ve got em gun running scared!
    Wow! Ted Turner must be rolling in Margo’s, unoccupied grave!
    What say you? SnitzerStiltzer! Lol!

    • Xie Hang Ten

      Wow, were gettin through! They changed a laughing picture of Tuck, to a more somber.
      No worries, they’re cooking their own goose!
      I love it.
      CNN has no clothes and we exposed em!🗽
      Thank you Toto and we still love Aron Burnett. Hope she gets out of that sinking ship.

  103. Luciano Granie

    I have seen a lot people with neurological problems in the sense that I see their hands lightly shaking. I believe that is the poisoning that Mrs. Fitts commented on…This poisoning will lead to the die off that Mr. Hunter talked about.

  104. William Bissell

    You are Right Greg, Catherine IS a National Treasure,,, so are you.. Thank you William Bissell

  105. jon w

    always great on usawatchdog thx greg, great seeing C.A.F. brilliant lady lots of great advice. also thank for Steve quayle linking us here.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Jon.

  106. Edward Ulysses Cate

    CAF said “They were using it to buy up the planet . . .’ From the old 1889 book “Great Red Dragon: Foreign Money Power in the United States”, right up front it says that their goal “is to own the earth in fee-simple.” (That book is free on the web.)
    In fact, Frederic Bastiat wrote even earlier (before 1850) that “. . . legal plunder impoverishes the entire society despite the fact that a small (but politically influential) part of the society benefits from it.” (The Law)
    This shows we’re NOT allowed to be educated with the really important stuff. We just repeat the same mistakes and the financial sociopaths make sure we do.

  107. Clint Young

    To imply God is going to win is to imply that He entered a battle.
    We, as humans, enter into battles. God does not.
    The Great I am does not need to nor will he ever enter into any battles.

    • Greg Hunter

      It says in Revelation Jesus sure does. “I and my Father are one.”

  108. Walter D.

    ‘Several big developments’ in COVID-19 origins investigation
    127,144 views Oct 31, 2021 Sky News Australia
    Sky News host Sharri Markson says there have been “several big developments” in investigations around the origins of the COVID-19 virus.
    “The full details of the intelligence community’s report into the origins of Covid-19 was released this weekend,” Ms Markson said.
    “Scott Morrison, over at the G20, has reiterated his call for an investigation into how the pandemic started.
    “There have been several big developments; proposals about the risky research the Wuhan Institute of Virology was intending to conduct have been made public.
    “And an admission from the NIH … that it was funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan.”
    Ms Markson discussed the issue with Gary Ruskin of the US Right to Know Group.
    Heath Hyatt 18 hours ago
    Can’t believe we are still asking this question. The only scientist saying that it didn’t come from Wuhan, is the guy who help make it.

  109. Theo

    It is not possible to get honest Information here in Switzerland. I am very glad that I found your
    Web Page. Thanks Greg for your excellent Job, you are doing in this Evil Time. (Revelation9)
    Kind Regards, Theo

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Theo for all your support.

  110. Dushan Belgravich OF LONDON

    CNN Coverage Called Out TO ITS FACE!!!
    680,631 views Russell Brand Oct 31, 2021
    Former New York Times journalist Bari Weiss confronted CNN’s Brian Stelter about his network’s coverage of, amongst other things, the COVID-19 lab leak theory.

  111. Loretta Lyons

    ‘We Are Going To Have Chaos’: Rand Paul Warns Against Effects Of Vaccine Mandates

    ‘The Evidence Is Mounting There’s Been A Cover-Up’: Rand Paul Blasts Fauci Over Possible COVID-19

    Severe illness after vaccination
    338,591 views Oct 31, 2021
    Dr. John Campbell

    Jen Psaki tests positive for COVID-19
    539,040 views Oct 31, 2021

  112. JC

    Martin Armstrong is correct. It’s never going to end.

    Harvard Business School, which has a virtual 100% vaccinated obedient staff raising serious questions about hiring people who do not question government ever, has had to shut because of rampant COVID outbreak. Bon Jovi, also 100% vaccinated, had to cancel his tour after testing positive for COVID. Then our favorite cheerleader of propaganda, Psaki, also fully vaccinated now has COVID. Sources are saying that 25% of White House staff have COVID. Now Gates & Big Pharma are telling the vaccinated to get the boosters. This will NEVER end!


  113. helot

    I watched this simple & illuminating video which explained, “Who Owns the World?”


    It’s a bit easier to see why many companies are enacting vax requirements without a law telling them to do so after seeing the organizational charts in the video.

    Mercola also interviewed Catherine Austin Fitts, the article with the video was fittingly called, ‘The Only Choice Left: Slavery or Freedom’.

    This is a quote from that interview which, along with the USAWD interview with her, will be in my thoughts as I do my morning chores:

    “Now, I still believe we have the power to completely turn this around,” she says. “I want to mention one thing though, because the important thing, our danger point, is not CBDCs. CBDCs will take them quite a while to figure out. Our danger point is the vaccine passports.

    If they get the passports, then I would argue, as a practical matter, we lose our ability to stop the CBDCs. So, whatever we do, we need to stop the passports. The passports give them the kind of control they need of the digital and financial transactions that then leads into the CBDCs.”

  114. Loretta Lyons

    Kidnap or Kill: The CIA’s plot against WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange | The Listening Post
    132,111 viewsOct 2, 2021 Al Jazeera English
    An exposé detailing the CIA’s war on WikiLeaks – a Trump administration plan to silence Julian Assange and the organisation – has been published. But like so much of the Assange story, it’s got nothing like the media coverage it deserves.

  115. Lightning

    Powerful video from a gentleman who lost his Dad to the Jab


  116. Dave

    I don’t believe there will be a mass die off. I work with older folks most of whom have been vaccinated going on a year and nothing unusual in terms of health condition, That is not to say there aren’t complications as the VARS site clearly shows. God is in control and perhaps it is the prayers of believers preventing the worse case scenario.

    I’m amazed that Clif High gives Trump a pass on this if he really believes there will be a billion deaths. He criticizes Biden, Fauci and others but is mostly quiet on Trump who still promotes the vaccines and who made them happen. It hurts Mr. High’s credibility IMO.

    • Paul ...

      Dave … You are looking at one(1) year to determine the safety of the “jabs”?? … the Spike Protein was a logically designed bio-weapon purposely made “to kill us off slowly” … to act sort like Bitcoin (which didn’t do much in the beginning and then exploded a few year later)!!!

  117. Phil Zieber

    Thanks for another exceptional video! CAF is a reasonable voice in a slurry of BS (Ref: Stan). Will be landing on her website a little more deliberately from now on (perhaps a subscription is in order). Wake up Boomers! Now that we’ve spent all our kid’s potential earnings, maybe we should stop short of handing them abject slavery as a kicker. 🙄

  118. Marie+Joy

    Products, normally, selling fo $7 – $10, on walmart.com are now offered at $20 – $40. In some cases the $7 $10 items are still there, along side the more expensive. In some cases the less expensive items are sold out. I have expanded the number of places I buy products but, I can see, shopping is going to get a lot tougher. FYI.

  119. Marie+Joy

    I’m not sure, anymore, what DJT is and isn’t but I do believe he gave us an extra 4 years to prepare. To contact DJT, 45office.com Fill out the form and tell him what you think

    • Paul from Indiana

      I believe President Trump has a hard time delegating, which is unusual for a successful executive like him. He struggled to get competent people into critical jobs. It took him three years to get Mr. Pompeo, one of the best secretaries of state in my lifetime (I’m 69), in place. I’m ambivalent about Mr. Trump, but I know one thing: he told the truth when he said “they are coming for YOU; I’m just in the way.” I think he did much more good than harm, but he was too naive in the beginning and could not delegate his authority. Best always. PM

      • Self Exiled

        I watched Trump for years starting with the Vietnam war to know how the rich kids got out of going. Daddy slammed him into military school. Never had to make a decision for himself. It was mostly done for him by his father. He was not his fathers first choice, his older brother was. Trump in the news was always kinda looking around trying to figure out what was ongoing on around him. His environmental awareness was not keen like most successful people display. My own definition of it is parental retardation, inflicted by an overly aggressive ambitious parent. The oldest brother was fathers first choice, who I think was an alcoholic. Trump was definitely I believe Gods choice to accomplish what HE intended. Trump I believe to be a good person but not the aggressive personality necessary to run a nation successfully. But who has ever done such a monumentally impossible job successfully in a Conditional sense.

        • Self Exiled

          not conditional—- Constitutional sense

        • Paul from Indiana

          You have an interesting theory. John Kennedy was not his father’s first choice, either, but Joseph Kennedy, Sr. had to punt when his son, Joseph, Jr., died in the war. Oh, well, it’s on to the next thing. Mr. Trump will be an interesting study for years in the future. Best always. PM

    • MC

      U.S. Army Brigade Surgeon says “in one morning I had to ground 3 out of 3 pilots due to vaccine injuries” at a panel discussion hosted by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson.

      Trump told the pilots the vax is safe & effective and they should take it.

  120. Dave

    Jen Psaki – double vax’d and booster – has Covid. Can we admit, side effects aside, that the vaccines were a failure. In Israel they are 38% effective while in the US 60% or so. Not the 95% rate of preventing Covid that was sold to us by Trump, Fauci and the rest during the Warp Speed project. Trump will never acknowledge that the vaccines failed as he is so caught up in his own ego and world.

  121. Ken

    what do people think about the Novavax vaccine ? Maybe it is going to be available early 2022.

  122. Robert K

    Digital driver’s licenses coming forthcoming in 2022. What could possibly go wrong?

    Not sure the Secretary of State has ever needed or required my health records, vaccine status, credit score, rewards programs, voting history, spending, taxes, dietary preferences, or social credit score to obtain a license to operate a motor vehicle….

    But I am sure this is all necessary for “The greater good” just like the c19 poison shots were necessary “For the greater good”…


    • helot

      It seems pretty clear: the digital driver’s licenses are the vax-passports.

      I do not see how that roll-out could be stopped. Do most States already have digital driver’s licenses? It’s just a matter of what info is put on them & where they are required.

      I suppose that’s the fulcrum point for The Resistance: where they are required? Idk.

  123. cmore

    repuplicats greg.. open ur eyes.

  124. Edward Ulysses Cate

    This is “From The Wilderness” when Michael Ruppert was still around in 2006.
    Catherine Austin Fitts wrote:
    “A “limited hangout” is a partial confession, a mea culpa, if you will, that leaves the essence of a crime or covert reality hidden. Because it includes some small part of the truth, the limited hangout is irresistibly attractive to dissidents and political critics whose thirst for such truth makes them jump at the dangled scraps. Once the system’s watchdogs are busy chewing on the limited hangout, the guilty players can go about their illegal business for a new round of unaccountable, semi-secret mayhem.
    If you want to see an excellent limited hang out at work, pick up a copy of the John Perkins’ bestselling Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. In his limited hangout confession, Perkins describes his career from 1971 to 1981 as a highly paid professional who helped defraud Third World countries by helping syndicates make uneconomic loans as a means to facilitate the eventual takeover of those economies by elite and corporate interests…
    It’s an old rule of economics. Sources and uses need to be in one integrated financial statement to understand an enterprise. In Perkins’ world, we are never quite clear who got what cash and in what amounts when all was said and done. Which means someone gets to keep the money and remain socially acceptable – and we remain clueless as to who was really running things two decades ago.” [and today!]
    Catherine is one smart lady, who’s been around through all this nonsense for many years. Pay attention to what she has to say.

    • Self Exiled

      I read his book a few months after its release. Extremely necessary reading then and now.

  125. Concerned Canadian

    Ivermectin is a cure for Covid and cancer..big pharma is lying to you..your doctors are lying to you your politicians are lying to you https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7505114/

  126. Jeffersonian

    Thanks for interviewing Cat—you two work well together indeed so here’s how I condense her comments
    1 the elitists are using the covid narrative to gain control of everyone and everything, to prepare the masses for the great reset and to depopulate simply Globalization at its finest one world order
    2. Overwhelming majority of people will continue to feed the beast—get jabbed support the evil corporations like Amazon and use credit and bank with the big boys and eat gmos
    3 The entire system from local to federal courts and even school boards are corrupt and your tax money enables them
    4 This is a war between good and evil and God knows the outcome

    Okay nothing new here but she offers salient ways to kill the beast

    1. Get involved go to your local school board and demand no more social justice programs and instead focus on content based curriculum
    2. Use cash instead of credit and don’t bank with the big banksters and invest in honest corporations
    3. Buy local and boycott big agribusinesses
    4 Invest in yourself and your health
    5. Stand up for what is right—if you think wearing masks is wrong don’t wear one

    But like she says very few people have the resolve and discipline to do this —they’d rather whine,complain and wait for others to take action

    Cat is spot on she is bright perceptive and can see both the micro and macro landscapes

    From down here on the farm it’s still very difficult to get ivermectin for my livestock – tptb don’t want even farmers to use it for fear it will be used by humans

    Went to American frontline doctors paid 90 bucks
    for private consultation got prescription for 3 months hcq and 30 ivermectin tablets for one covid attack— they wouldn’t do more

    They called the prescription to a pharmacy and they contacted me zinc ivermectin and hcq totaled 289 including shipping—cheap insurance

    By the way I went to 3 local pharmacies and asked if they’d fill my prescription for ivermectin and they emphatically said no too many people use it for covid which it doesn’t work for per them and corporate has forbidden them from selling and by the way it’s out of stock excuses excuses

    My take tptb don’t want you to take ivermectin and instead want you to get jabbed or go to the hospital when you get covid where you most likely will die

    Anecdotally this is what I’ve observed from people I know who got the clot shot

    Around ten family and friends heart attacks and strokes
    Seven or so newly discovered or resurgent cancer
    Twenty or more chronic fatigue headaches nausea vomiting loss of feeling in extremities

    Three recently got their boosters
    One heart attack
    One severe headaches for last two weeks
    One fatigue loss of smell and appetite nausea

    My question why would you inject something into your body not knowing exactly what’s in it—you’re playing with devil literally I wonder what could go wrong

    I asked an elderly gentleman why he got the jab and booster—he told me because He was told to by his doctor —he was proud like it was a badge of honor

    Then he said it’s the unvaccinated that are the problem

    Hmmmmmm-doubt you’ll ever change his mind set

    Like they say actions speak louder than words
    What do your actions say about you?

    • helot

      In light of the organizational charts in the video above, ‘Who Owns the World?’ is it even possible to say, “don’t bank with the big banksters”?
      Does Blackrock et al own All the banking institutions, either directly or indirectly?

      The same goes for, “and invest in honest corporations”. Is there even such a thing? If so, an organizational chart showing the ownership stakes of the individual shareholders cross-referenced somehow to show they are not just frontmen for the likes of Blackrock et al seems to be in order. Idk. The saying, “Trust no one” comes to mind. Or, the modified version, “Trust, but verify”?

      A chart showing who are ‘the good guys/corporations & businesses’ would be helpful. I imagine the bad guys already know who they are, problem is, few others do know.

      If the roll-out of digital driver’s licenses are the vax-passport, who requires them & who does not, could be a way to begin to construct such a chart. Is the only way to stop the vax-passport mean people in large numbers must adopt the tactics of Martin Luther King’s methods of civil non-violent disobedience & do things such as block entrances to businesses which require a vax-passport/digital driver’s license to enter or get service?

      If so, does that mean the only choices now are: get sent to prison for obstruction, or become a slave? Freedom is no longer an option at this point? Idk.

      Prisoner or slave. And, the beatings will continue until morale improves?

      Is there another angle? Claire Wolf’s descriptions of an outlaw, perhaps? Seems very temporary? I just don’t know.

    • Tomkins K. Grumblebum

      Jimmy Door has an answer to your elderly gentleman, who thinks getting the vax that tax, us both fiscally and physically!;
      Vaxxed Just As Likely To Spread Covid As Unvaxxed
      The Jimmy Dore Show Published October 31, 2021
      They urge those with compremissed imune systems, like having had cancer, to get the so called vax. Yet, when Colin Powell does what they say. The vax finishes him off and who knows how long he could have lasted without? Years perhaps?
      So my friend, the question is. Who determines whom, the useless eater’s are? Today were all game, not just those poor souls in steerage, on the unsinkable Titanic. That supposedly even God couldn’t sink!
      Titanic History/Were the Titanic Third Class passengers locked inside [steerage,] during the sinking?
      16,113 views Mar 8, 2021 Historic Travels
      In this video we talk about the long standing Titanic myth that the third class passengers were trapped inside the ship during the sinking.

      • TomkinsGrumblebum

        Jimmy Door has an answer to your elderly gentleman, who thinks getting the vax that tax, us both fiscally and physically!; [WHO THINKS IT’S A BADGE OF HONOR!]

    • Nemesis


      I am from Holland, but that ‘s not important (but for my English sorry).

      The kernel of the vaccine/corona/covid-19 hoax is the virus!
      And the virus does’nt exist! What?!!! Yes no on single illnes causing virus exist as no one have ever the measle virus nor the Covid-19 virus isolated total scientifically with the 4 postulates of Robert Koch!! Look it up please!
      (Nice to tell a bourgemaster of Evergem in Belgium has offered a price of 1 million Euro gmail.comfor he who can isolate the covid-virus like Stefan Lanka (Germany) has done with the measle virus (about 100.000 euro i thought).

      So NO VIRUS —-> No pandemic
      No pandemic —-> No plandemic —-> No The Great Reset
      The GREAT AWAKENING of all the people of the world!

  127. Bob Lamb

    I think that there are those trying to divide the country over the vaccination issue. I think it is being mandated with the hope and expectation that there will be pushback so that they can expell good people from the military, police, business, etc. and they will gain more power that way. It is a psyops tactic to get people to not get vaccinated (by pushing it so hard) so that they can gain more control IMO.

    • Brian V

      Bob; You are right over the target. The plan all along has been to separate the compliant from the non compliant. Global communism works so much easier and works so much better with a compliant, complacent, propagandized, populace. If they can’t kill you with the injection, they will try to starve into compliance or non existence.

  128. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    It is in fact war.

  129. Jr

    what’s in the spike protein: https://www.brighteon.com/cb351cd3-6c94-4f2b-a05d-bbda757d4472

  130. Justn Observer

    More one must be aware of going forward…having not paid attention to the AGENDA in the past…


  131. Paul ANthony

    Yikes! Lindsey Grham told capital police to gun down Trump Supporters


  132. Paul ANthony


    of course Pfizer bullied countries to use the vaxx – they are evil

  133. Steve

    I like CAF, but I am afraid that vehemently disagree that Evergrande is not a problem as long as it’s ‘managed’ properly. Nothing that size is managed. It’s like squeezing the water balloon on one end – the water just goes to another area of the balloon. Then, it breaks at some point.

    Oh, it may take some time, but bubbles do break when they get big enough. Of course, China can just tell creditors to pound sand – no payment for you – just sit down and shut up! So, if Catherine meant the the CCP could manage the crisis at gun point (or tank gun point), then maybe she is correct!

  134. Trinacria

    CAF is excellent. I did not know she was asked to join council on foreign relations…I admire hereethics in saying NO to those EVIL CLOWNS. I have one question that I have been trying to research but cannot seem to find a satisfactory answere …Could you Greg or someone explains the NUTS AND BOLTS on how trillions were moved to – I believe it has been reported, to off shore accounts over the past 20 years or so.
    Was this done with insane budget overruns and deficits at say the Dept. of Defense year after year? As well as other departments. Were these then “accounted for” as unsubstantiated adjustments as Mark Skidmore has researched and reported ? Basically, I need a step by step as to how this was done in order to better comprehend. Would help explain our $30 trillion in funded debt…not to mention the unfunded liabilities for Social Security, Medicare and Prescription Drugs….possibly $100 Trillion or more depending on which actuary you ask. For example, if DOD ran an average of $300 million in fraudulent deficits for the past 20 years, that amounts to $6 trillion. I am sure the paperwork was then falsified. Is this how it was done??? Greg, you along with CAF and Skidmore talk about it, but no one gives the details….the nuts and bolts as in my example. Thank you for all that you do and to the many excellent guests. You are all people who care about humanity. I pray that the Good Lord blesses you all abundantly!!!

  135. anonymous

    Read this book: “The Great Controversy”

    Very very important.

  136. Hannah Rachel Geisman

    Tennessee neighbor Catherine and long time fan of your work. Your approachable personality and a penchant for measured analysis in a spiritually centered context hits home with so many people. Many of Greg’s guests in the coming years I think will lay the basis and foundation of personalities of what will become known as the New Founding Fathers. I think hundreds of years of now some of the people we now resonate with and in our own way and voice and creativity contribute to this movement for truth and embrace of life will be the new Jeffersons, the new Franklins, the new Washingtons.

  137. Peter Myyry

    Great interview! It’s always a pleasure listening to Catherine!

  138. Mark Homan

    People are reluctant to go the hospital in the pandamic situation and health care system is fragile. But on the financial aspect, my biggest concern is inflation. It will worsen the situation.

  139. John Proton

    Hi Greg!

    I know this is a late comment, but I would like to thank you for interviewing Catherine and having her on your program. It was very informative, especially after I found one of her videos on Telegram of a talk she gave about useful steps to navigate the great financial reset. Find the video here:


    THIS IS A BIG DEAL – I think we all need to figure out how we can protect ourselves from what is coming. I do not know what the correct steps are, but I know I will have to be spending much more time looking at The Solari Report web site for guidance.

    Thank you again!


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