Dark Dollars Propping Up Failing System – Rob Kirby

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com  

Forensic macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby says few people have any idea how many “dark dollars” are out there. Kirby explains, “When you start talking about how many dollars there are in the world, nobody really knows.  I would suggest to you the real quantity of dollars in the world is much greater than anyone imagines.  A lot of these dollars are ‘dark,’ and they are held in the bowels of institutions like the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF).  So, the world may be cruising along thinking the total number of dollars in the world is ‘X,’ but the true amount in the world, if you count the dark ones, might be three or four times ‘X’.  This really means the money supply is much bigger than anyone understands or believes.”  Kirby contends that the so-called “dark dollars” are being used to prop up the Treasury bond market.  The ESF simply buys the debt and essentially hides it.

Then there is the price rigging in the gold and silver markets. Kirby says, “To sell a Bitcoin, you must possess a Bitcoin.  If you have one Bitcoin, you cannot sell 500 of them.  That’s plain and simple.  This goes for JP Morgan or Citi Bank or Goldman Sachs, they can only sell Bitcoin that they own.  In the gold market, they can sell all the gold they want.  They can sell gold that doesn’t exist and will never be mined.”  Kirby points out this is how the big banks suppress the price of gold and silver.

Kirby contends the U.S. dollar is a “rigged” game. Is it about to be knocked out by blockchain technology?  Kirby says, “Absolutely.  What the cryptos offer that the dollar doesn’t is decentralization.  It’s the centralized U.S. fiat dollar and the dollar standard that requires everybody in the world, who wants to buy commodities in international markets, must first purchase U.S. dollars.  Crypto currencies bypass the dollar and allow for transmission of ownership in a very rapid, cost effective manner.  They bypass the dollar completely.  What this really means is with the uptake and accelerated use of cryptos, countries will require less and less dollars in their reserve accounts to purchase the goods they want and need in the international marketplace.  What happens when people don’t need dollars anymore?  The dollars return home.  They come back to America . . . which ultimately means inflation will come to America.”

Kirby says people should be looking to buy gold and silver for protection because it’s still relatively cheap compared to the exploding value of some crypto currencies. Kirby explains, “When you look at the price differential between silver and gold, you see an ounce of silver selling for around $18, and you see an ounce of gold going for $1,340, and that means you would need to sell 75 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold.  The ratio in nature suggests you should be able to sell eight ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold.  This tells me one of those two prices is very wrong.  Either silver is too cheap or gold is too expensive.  I don’t think gold is too expensive because I think it’s undervalued too.  That leads me to believe that silver is insanely priced and probably the most underpriced asset on the planet. . . . I think silver will be going up in price much more than gold, even though gold is going to go up in price dramatically.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Rob Kirby, founder of KirbyAnalytics.com.

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After the Interview:  

In summation, Kirby points out, “A move to blockchain enabled crypto assets, amounts to an asymmetric attack on the current U.S. fiat dollar standard because it eliminates cost, fraud and the likelihood of corrupt practices, all of which are the lifeblood of the globalists and the Deep State.”

There is some free information and analysis on KirbyAnalytics.com. Kirby has a brand new article out called “The Cryptos Are Coming.”  He will give the first one-third of the article away for free on the home page.  Subscribers will get the full article.  Kirby is a prolific writer and provides lots of content along with insider information from his global contacts.  If you wish to become a subscriber, the cost is $145 per year.  You may click here to subscribe.



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  1. Charles H


    I realize that Rob needs to get away from the narrative of the corrupt system and fiat money scam – but I remain sceptical of Blockchain Tech. The Inside/Out problem still applies – Inside it can be shut down or delayed in order to game it, or take it over. Out-side it can be hacked. Nothing so valuable as a monitary system could long be safe. Also – ONLY if physical, verifiable gold were available would it begin to be legit. It just seems like Blockchain is the new fiat, but in a new, electronic form. At some point commerce becomes just ledger entries. Government = money; and I doubt government will allow anything it doesn’t control. The ‘reset’ may involve the conglomerate of nations taking this technology over.

    • Paul ...

      The US dollar was “a bit coin” backed by gold at Fort Knox! … what is is worth now??

      • Paul ...

        Instead of it being worth 100 cents it is worth 3 cents … can the “block” of gold “chained up” and guarded by US troops at Fort Knox to give the US dollar (bit coin) immutable value now be distributed to US dollar (bit coin) holders? … or will “electronic” entries be the only thing you will ever see! … if a bit coin is not physical … it is not real … hold “physical real nickels” if you want US dollar “bit coins”!!

      • Frederick

        You can still get metals on sale for your fiat dollars I recommend you all do that

        • Angie N

          I am with you Frederick!

    • William Stanley

      Charles H:
      You make some really good points.
      I assume that Rob actually did intend to imply that the blockchain he had in mind would refer to some verifiable physical amount of gold, but I can’t see how that could be feasible, especially in retail commerce. So it would, in reality be fiat money, albeit one with 100% gold backing. Fractional reserve banking would cease to exist. What would be the upsides and downsides of that? Higher interest rates, less moral hazard, less availability of credit? I think at this point I’d be willing to find out.

    • allen ols

      I told j c the same thing

    • Tin foil hat

      Charles H,
      If the dollar/euro were no longer a global reserve/trade currency, gold would be flying back and forth between trading nations around the world. The Chinese don’t want to suffer the consequences of “Triffin Paradox” but logistically need a currency for INTERIM settlement, I suspect they will go along with the SDR to gain American/European support.

      The SDR will be under the control of the international bankers with blockchain technology. It would be a basket of fiat currencies (dollar, yuan, yen, pound and euro to start with) which the smaller nations would have to earn via exports, borrow or buy with gold, a temporary store of wealth to facilitate trades, a marker which they would use until the FINAL settlement back in gold if they so desire.

      The SDR would probably be the only crypto currency allowed to exist for trade settlements among central banks. Domestic currencies could still be paper or 100% digital but it wouldn’t be blockchain.

      • Silence is Golden

        Still pushing the “SDR” solution. If I didn’t know better I’d swear that you had an agenda here….no disrespect I fully appreciate your POV.
        “Triffin Paradox” ….”International Bankers”…..the last thing that China wants is to “go along with” the Criminals in Charge..ie the Anglo-American Bankers and the other Class of Unelected Rulers based in Europe.
        Curious…..Are you related to Jim Rickards (no offence) ?

        Every American needs to listen this :

        Every day I’m seeing more and more attention being paid to the RMB/Oil/Gold development and its impact on the USD.
        Look at Venezuela….Avoiding settlement in USD on sales of its OIL.
        Look at the recent LBMA decision- Silver to be priced in Rubles and Yuan on 09/25/17. The Cartel is in trouble. The FIX is about to implode.
        Where is all this leading to?
        Its not rocket science….its the DEATH OF THE KING DOLLAR REGIME.
        The implications are so broad…..it will be felt deeply and widely.

        Go back to the previous interview and read what I posted there.

        This is no time to be argumentative or to be putting forward strange and illogical narratives to confuse people.
        There is real pain washing across the globe. It will come to rest on the shores of the Continental USA. That pain is derived from the fiat USD.
        Its time to wake from your slumber people and make preparations for the coming tsunami.
        Blockchain technology / Cryptocurrency…….YES. BUT only where the Governments can control it and BANKERS can profit from it.

        • Tin foil hat

          Silence is Golden,
          SDR may not be the solution but a gold back yuan is definitely not the solution.
          I’m not related to Rickards but I like his ideas and theories. I think all governments are criminals, some are petit thieves, some are running Ponzi schemes and some are homicidal redistributers. The Chinese government is no angel and they will sleep with the squids if the price is right.
          I agree it’s no rocket science, the death of the dollar as the reserve currency is near, hence 20% of my net worth is in gold, but I don’t think the dollar will die. I believe the dollar will be one of the five regional currencies in the SDR pie if the U.S. conceded to the transition peacefully.
          We may not agree on whether SDR or gold back yuan would be the solution but I think we would both agree that physical gold is definitely essential to whatever that solution may be.

        • freebrezer

          SIG – You label the Western bankers “criminal” – I agree 100 % (times a million) … a fallacy I see is what prevents the Chines from being even bigger criminals – Power begets evil and I will assume that the “big Chinese banking” (I.e. the communist regime) aint no saints! … and could prove to be worse!

          • freebrezer

            Currency valuations are based entirely on trust … and I sure do not trust the commies! If the rest of the world trust the Chinese communist, then the RMB will have value. The old saying … “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” rings true!

          • Silence is Golden

            I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….
            They wont go down without a fight.
            Notwithstanding….I agree corruption is the mainstay of any and all regimes that seek world domination.
            Whether the new system brings a more fairer and equitable mechanism remains to be seen.
            Once thing is for certain though, The US Empire is dying. Read what you will into that and the consequences for your life.
            Its becoming a very sad tale….soon it will turn into a nightmare.

  2. Anthony Australia

    Magnificent Greg,

    I was only just having a conversation about Rob today with a friend and introducing some video material to him, uncanny. So I’ve just sent your interview link to him.

    • allen ols

      I told j c the same thing

  3. FC

    An abundance of common sense has been said in this interview.

  4. KeZa

    Crypto’s are overrated and it’s a gamble. Look at bitcoint. Who the hell of normal people will buy one for more then 4000bucks? In my mind it’s game over with this BS in the near future because crypto’s are also not the way to go and belong in the old system of now but not in the new system of tomorrow. It’s plain and simple because the most of us have nothing to do with crypto’s and never will and there are more negatives with crypto’s… Look at https://coinmarketcap.com/. Everyone wants to have there own crypto where we can gamble with and it’s all over the place. These facts alone tell me al I need to know and I put more confidence in silver and gold then in crypto’s. Also the nasty thing with crypto is that hey can be used to anonymous collected ransom for anti-ransom etc.. and name it. That is not a good thing but with the disappearance of BitMixer it’s harder to anonymous trade BC and I expect that this trend will go on….

    • Frederick

      3300 dollars as of right now Down 14 percent so far today

  5. Robert

    Ok, so I go out and buy as much silver bullion or however its sold at the coin shop and hold it . Then the economy tanks and silver I paid $18 for is now $100 an ingit and I need to pay my bills and buy food. Then what do I do? Is the grocery store going to take my silver ingit and give me change back in silver? Or do I go to the coin shop I bought my silver from, get cash dollars and use the old dollar system to buy food and pay my rent? And if I have to trade my silver in at the coin shop , do I get accosted as I enter or exit the coin shop by the theives that know I have value in my pocket because if eveything falls apart as I’m hearing is going to happen, people going to places where precious metals are sold and cashed in will be where those starving and unprepared for the coming changes go to steal from those who prepared? In essence, I hear all this buy gold and silver talk but how do I make it usuable as I do the US dollar?

    • Paul ...

      Simple Robert … you give me your one ounce silver coin and I’ll give you 360 nickels to go buy food with!

    • Rwmctrofholz

      Do you get accosted by thieves each time you walk into the bank because they know you have value in your pocket?

    • Nick in U.K.

      No , you keep your silver and gold coins until after the reset and then sell SOME of them into the new system thus preserving your wealth.
      Anyone smart enough to have PM insurance will have enough food stored to survive the interim period and not need to visit the grocery store that often. They will also be the ones with enough protection at home in various calibres and have added on skills like reloading, first aid, stalking and game butchery, gardening, some chickens in the garden, a generator and fuel, some gas bottles and a BBQ, a wood pile, some fishing tackle, some solar panels and batteries and a low voltage kettle etc etc etc. You may need a stock of prescription medicines.

      Being prepared is more than just buying a few coins and hoping to be able to exchange them for a few food items or a Chinese takeaway. Survival is not that easy. After three days there will be empty shelves everywhere anyway. Look at recent events with the hurricanes to see how the unprepared sheeples fare and see how quickly law and order collapses with looting etc.

      You need a plan “B” and probably a plan ” C ” as well . Getting prepared involves significantly more than having a few ounces of precious metals. It is a complete rethink of your entire lifestyle and choices whilst maintaining the illusion that you are living the same life as the mobile phone and TV addicted zombies you are surrounded by.

      It’s not easy ….as you then need a (FIFO plan) first in first out rotation on your stored food, regular checks on everything, detailed conversations with your younger family members about “loose lips sinking ships”. You may need to adjust your friends group to associate with those who are more like minded.

      You needed to start doing these things yesterday, today may already be too late and putting things off until tomorrow is beyond stupid.

      I am not the most religious person on this site by a long stretch, however
      I “pray” that I will never need to get to plan B or C for my family, friends and neighbours sake but I am as prepared as I can be for all possibilities.

      There have been lots of seemingly failed predictions on trigger dates for the collapse, Jerry is even suggesting this month. I believe we are currently living in the collapse, the foundations are already beyond repair and the building is crumbling so the sooner you start preparing to save you and yours, the better.

      God willing some of us watchdoggers will come through this unscathed .

      • Jodyp

        Excellent post. Though ‘unscathed’ will be difficult.

      • Kim

        Thank you for your comment. I appreciate the detailed suggestions.

      • susan

        Nick, you are correct that most everyone that has PMs also has all the other things you mentioned. We have a loosely knit group, too, with a plan B and plan C.

      • Kim

        Thank you for a great interview! The dark dollars are an important concept to be aware of.

        Crytocurreny is a little tuff to understand, but they are here to stay. Think about it, why is the government allowing it?

        Mike Maloney has an informative video on his top 10 reasons to own gold. Sorry but I cannot figure out how to post the link.

        Best to own physical gold and silver and cryptos in these nonsensical times!

    • Tin foil hat

      20% in PMs, 10% in cash, 1% in MRE and alcohol for barter, 5% in solar/wind energy and chicken coop.
      Nobody should go 100% in PMs. Dollar may be the reserve currency for another 10 years.

      • freebrezer

        THF – I am always amazed at how many eggs my 7 chickens produce – They have the 1 1/2 FIFO food storage plan. And the eggs are light years better than bought at the store.

    • Frederick

      Robert If there’s a serious collapse of the system I’m sure people will accept gold and silver in trade for food Dollars and Euros Not so much

  6. Uma

    Now Kirby is in the Crypto Camp too.

    He was the most trustworthy for me – until this interview.
    I am sad and distgusted.

    Lets keep this straight – let the babble bubble be and just say it slowly so it trickles down.
    repeat with me
    ” I don t know anything”
    “I dont know anything ”

    Three to four years I kept up with this shit.

    I am done. Aint trust Kirby too.
    Not cuz he isnt well meaning or such … he does pretent, althogh he knows nothing
    like you, like me , like the most of sheeples.

    Now repeat …. I am a sheep too …

    • Robert

      Greg, seriously. What are we supposed to do with this silver or gold? If stores aren’t prepared to take it, what good is it? What’s the process flow in this scenario that I see many people painting? Buy gold, buy silver… then what? What happens when we need the value for it?

      • JC

        Robert I don’t know about others, but when it is in the highest demand I will sell it before the crash, and buy land. If I can double my cash, and buy land cheaper then today. Land will always be useful. I don’t care to be in the black market against a mad government.

    • Tin foil hat

      Kirby didn’t vow for the crypto in BitCoin or whatever, he stated blockchain tech. will be around in the future.

      • William Stanley

        Tin foil hat:
        I agree. Many people don’t recognize the difference between crypto currencies based on a blockchain, such as Bitcoin, and a blockchain itself. A blockchain is just a public ledger verified by peer-to-peer computer technology. It is used to verify who owns something. The “something” could be stock shares, land, or anything else that can be positively identified. The problem comes in not only at the level of the reliability of the public ledger, but also at the level of verifying the existence of the thing which is listed on the public ledger.

    • Lore

      Kirby seems to have fallen for the propaganda. “Cryptocurrency” reminds me very much of “Global Warming” or the “War On Terror” to the extent that much of its definition seems strategically ambiguous, deliberately relying on muddles to gloss over many of those dangerous ambiguities.
      * For example, Kirby says BTC is “anonymous,” and almost in the same sentence he calls it “transparent.” Sorry, but that’s like saying something is black and white.
      * “Security” is another word that gets tossed around entirely too loosely for my comfort, particularly since all encryption available to the general public is an open book to the military — has been so for more than 20 years. If we want real Security, we’d need 1024-bit encryption or better, and yeah, like that’s gonna happen…
      * Pundits argue that cryptos are still in the formative stages, and for them, that’s sufficient to explain the proliferation, the implication being that most will fall by the wayside as the One True Crypto rises to the top. I think the reality is more like fidget spinners, where everybody has a favorite, with many common elements but just as many differences, no standard that everybody will follow, and no lasting value.
      * Another thing that still hasn’t been answered to my satisfaction is the problem of Fractionation. How is a fraction of a crypto-coin any different than the physical coin-clipping and alloy debasement in the last days of the Roman Empire, or in modern money supply inflation today? For anyone to suggest that cryptos are not vulnerable to the same weaknesses, corruption and manipulation as other fiat currencies seems intellectually dishonest.
      * Psychopathy in management is another issue that’s deliberately ignored. The dollar is doomed mainly because the people behind it are evil. The best system is the one that cannot be hijacked by psychopaths. I see the crypto sphere dominated by con men.
      In closing, I think cryptos are a distraction, like an ETF, designed to draw attention away from what really matters. They’re a fiction — garbage.

  7. Da Yooper

    To my eye the reason the corrupt fraudulent banking PTB hate crypto currency’s is because they can not rig & manipulate it & Rob Kirby is spot on

    Just look at Dimon as a perfect example of this.

    they want to do to bit coin what they have done to the metals destroy & rig it’s value so only the corrupt bankers benefit

    Bitcoin Tumbles After Jamie Dimon Calls It A Fraud: “Would Fire Anyone Trading It”


    • Nick in U.K.

      They can manipulate it . They can manipulate everything …..that’s the problem.
      They can print as much FIAT currency as they like and eventually own all bitcoins by buying out all current owners.
      As an example … imagine Jamie Dimon needed to buy a few bitcoins so he badmouths the product and its value slumps by 20% giving him a lower entry point. He buys along with his mates and the price rebounds upwards . .You can now imagine his smug smile.

      IMO …..If you cannot hold it then you do not own it.
      I haven’t got any imaginary coins, I don’t want any and I don’t need any.
      I don’t believe in unicorns but I have seen pictures of a narwhal !

      Tins of beans , .308 or .270 bullets, bullion coins , books and thousands of other tangible things are far more valuable in my opinion.

    • Paul ...

      Woopie … they can’t rig or manipulate it … but they “can” stop it from trading … so because those electronic bits “you can’t trade” can’t be rigged or manipulated … it is better then owning real physical gold and silver?????? … give me a break!!

      • Paul ...

        And Jamie Dimon calling it a fraud is simply his way of gaining some respectability for the the other fraud “fiat debt paper”!!!

      • Paul ...

        Follow your leader … “imaginary money” is approaching a buying opportunity … Satan is looking at the following chart … https://www.coindesk.com/price/… and is preparing to jump in when the price gets “real cheap” (around double the gold price) or $3000 per coin!!

    • Justn Observer

      Yeah…. and likely Jamie Dimon’s daughter is buying up all that is getting dumped as she is reported to be a strong holder of bitcoin… Think Dimon will fire or dis-own her? lol
      Maybe— like Warren Buffet and his daughter – in expose’ by the son of the Johnson and Johnson fortune — THE ONE PERCENT:

  8. Rob

    Hi Greg and Rob!

    The “Elite” will never give up their perceived right to confiscate the masses wealth. Yes the block chain technology is here to stay but there will be 2 crypto currencies running on separate block chains. The “reset” will bring an end to the many fiat currencies with their exchange rates to just the SDR for the elite and bitcoin for the masses ran on two separate block chains with an exchange rate so the majority never get to access their dark pools. If you do not think this is possible ask yourself why such an armed nation as the USA tolerates such crappy health insurance like “Obama care” while the elites in congress get Cadillac health insurance for life once they serve for one term in the ivory towers of Washington. If you don’t think “bitcoin” is owned by the “elite” please show me a picture of Satoshi Nakamoto who supposedly invented this crypto currency that mysteriously popped up out of nowhere in the midst of the last economic crises and has been allowed to run as a beta test for the last 8 years to iron out the underlying block chain before they initiate the “reset”.

    Jim Rickards sees this developing and should be a return guest soon Greg :o)


    Once the elite pull the trigger on the next crises it will get so chaotic that the masses will gladly accept their alternate plan to give up fiat currencies the world over in favor of one electronic currency where each person’s iphone holds their bank balance sheet of bitcoin and that iphone will be accessed through that person’s biometrics by creed of the elite:


    This passage is very close to manifesting:

    Revelation 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive(GIVE) a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    For those who enjoy studying the Father’s Word please ask yourself why the Greek word “didomi” was translated “receive” instead of “give” in that passage when the definition is “to give” and was used as such 365 times in the rest of the New Testament:


    This was because translators 100 years ago had no idea that we already have a distinct identifier in our fingerprint or retina that will soon be required to be offered up by anyone wanting to access the internet of things with a computer or iphone and that is the ONLY platform that will be allowed to be “legally” used for commerce very soon :o)

    Love in CHRIST! Rob

    • Tin foil hat

      You and I are on the same track with one exception. I believe there will only be one crypto currency, gold and digital or paper fiat currencies.
      Bitcoin will be eliminated as the competitor to the regional fiat currencies.

  9. JC

    Greg. If I buy a 30 k dollar truck with Bitcoin will the IRS not want their taxes ? This is the part I have trouble with. Am I to believe the FED is going to go down without a fight ?
    Donald Trump stands a better chance of cleaning the swamp.

  10. (Rev) Andrew de Berry

    Another great post – thanks Greg

  11. Jerry

    I normally try and keep my yap shut and listen when you have someone on with the credibility of Rob Kirby, and then something like this happens.
    The Federal Reserve Bank is going to start processing immediate ACH bank withdrawals on Friday. To have a safety value (three day delay) to your bank account stripped away should send chills up your spine. That is of course unless you don’t mind giving the FED unfettered access to your money.

    I’m not as polite as Rob is, so let me just spell it out for you in street terms so you can understand what’s about to happen. The Federal Reserve Bank and the ESF have become a blood sucking parasite to the economic nut sack of the world, and they’re about to be cut off by the BRICS alliance and the Fed knows it. The move to have immediate access to personal funds was tried in Cyprus when the central banks felt threatened and that’s what’s about to happen here. Like Rob said, the dark money has to go somewhere when no one wants it, and using our personal funds as a backstop serves that purpose. Hitting 20 trillion dollars in Federal Debt at about the same time that the Chinese released its gold backed petro Yuan benchmark was no accident. Its all coming to a head.

    • Jerry

      Evidently the Fed has had this on the table for quite some time.
      It is by all accounts a double edged sword that can be used to not only release funds but to withdraw them as well ,,,..from your account. I find the effective date 09/15/17 a bit suspicious. Why not a Monday? That’s because the sheep go into their entertainment pen on Friday and would never be the wiser. Obviously those of you who don’t see this is a bog deal have never dealt with a bank. Just try and get your money back after they use it for a bail in. FDIC enforcement? Don’t make me laugh. What attorney in their right mind would ever have the nerve to take on the Federal Reserve Bank and their buddies at the deep state. The legal cost alone would be enough to crush you, not even mentioning you wouldn’t have access to your funds to even launch a law suit. The bankers always win. Don’t you know that?

      • JC

        Jerry thanks for your opinion, and info. Cant hurt to take out some money on Thursday just incase.

    • Tad

      A piece by Steve St Angelo at http://www.srsrocco.com sort of gave an impression that a severe market turn down was in offing. It is also posted over at Silver Doctors. He gave a five day window. he may be wrong in that it could be 10 days. His prediction would be at around day 5 today.

    • JMiller

      There is no two or three day delay for most ACH payments. Most ACH payments are currently settled on the next business day. Now they will be settled on the same day.


  12. Anonymous

    The interesting thing is that if you ask highly educated Americans a question like “Do you own any silver or gold coins?” They look at you with a most perplexed and puzzled expression. Even my neighbors with very expensive homes down the street and expensive cars don’t buy precious metals. It’s all quite bizarre , but your followers all know the petro dollar is going the way of the Do-Do Bird.

    • marcus

      The G20 meeting in Australia 2015 passed into law that if your bank deems it necessary to remove your monies from your account due to bank hardship, you the account holder are supportive to the security of your bank. That my friend is a bank bailin for all western holders……. Bricks + has just kicked into full speed. Fight is on as the BRICKS was betrayed by India……

      • JMiller


        Just to clarify what you said, I think you mean the G20 meeting that was in 2014. And the banks do not have the authority to do bail-ins. The banking regulators (government) are the ones to decide that. And as far as bank account deposits go, bail-ins would only involve uninsured deposits that are in banks considered to be systemically important. When it comes to bail-ins, the chance of that happening to most depositors is close to zero. The greater risk to having money in the bank is hyperinflation, the power grid going down, bank cyber attacks, a bank holiday and capital controls because of bank runs, etc…

  13. H. Craig Bradley


    Right now, nothing of (major) significance is going-on in the USA. Everybody is content, except if you lived in the Florida Keys ( Ground Zero ). 9-11 Anniversary passed and no major incidents (safe and secure in the homeland). President Trump moves forward to cut Federal Income Taxes effective to Jan. 2017 and the Debt Ceiling is fast going-away. Everyone still needs and wants to buy and own U.S. Debt ( nowhere else to go).
    So, confidence in Government with the people remains strong enough and few retail buyers see any pressing need to own a “Barbarous Relic”. Gold will see little retail demand or price increases in the U.S. as long as things remain “Hunky Dory”. ( Nobody is interested in buying gold).

  14. Dave

    I love Rob Kirby. Two questions for him:
    How does a potential EMP affect Bitcoin?
    How can the Deep State fight Bitcoin?
    They use blatantly illegal methods to manipulate the price of precious metals that I and many others didn’t forsee years ago when we had the semblance of rule of law. Call me skeptical but I think the Deep State will find a way to preserve their power by continuing to skim the cream from the worlds financial system.

  15. al Hall

    always great info from Mr. Kirby- time to have Cliff High on again- he is not afraid to give you a price on future silver and gold. Mr. Kirby is correct in saying prices many time higher coming for silver and gold. My insiders tell me silver should be at the same price as gold in the future- which means most people won’t be able to buy silver in the future.
    So buy silver now while you can! I’ve bet the farm on silver for my children and grand kids.

  16. Justn Observer

    Greg…Someone else to interview to help get her message about ‘FAKE NEWS’ out !

  17. John M.

    Greg, you gave a very illuminating interview and Rob Kirby gave an excellent elucidating explanation of what’s going on. Thanks for those lessons that you never get from modern education and the dark state.
    I have never heard the expression of “not long bitcoin but short the government”, but I think that explains the situation very well in a nutshell.
    I can’t imagine that DARK governments will allow blockchain and precious metals to take power away from them without a long, bitter struggle. “Dark dollars” is also another great expression for how our money has been secretly abused and debased.
    Let us pray that God allows honesty and integrity to return back to America, at least in our money.

  18. Fred

    The ESF has Unlimited dollars to do in the markets whatever they want to do. Only the BRICS and other countries that join the BRICS can put an end to the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and the end to the Petro-dollar. Also to no longer use the fraudulent U.S. SWIFT system.

  19. gregd

    I’m amazed at how many people are afraid of fiat dollars that are interested in Bitcoin. You may want to try to get Chris Duane on to explain what he knows about Bitcoin and all the other cryptos. In my opinion, you can’t get more fiat than Bitcoin. 1% hold 99% of Bitcoin making it perfect to make a demand for it if they get enough pushers. The 1% has to hold steady and not sell any, until the right time.
    There is no mine and there is no coin. When Bitcoin goes to zero. There will no layoffs at the fake mine. Unemployment will not go up. If you want to talk about a pump and dump and a confidence game. This is the KING of them all. One day you’ll look back and wonder how you could be so dumb to fall for this.
    They tell you and show you a coin. But there is no coin. That’s the first clue. They lie to you right in front of your face. It’s not legal tender. It’s not accepted hardly anywhere. You can’t buy food or make your mortgage or pay your taxes with it.
    The pushers of these coins have already sold their souls. Don’t be a part of it. In my opinion, it’s an evil con game to steal your money. The 1% who have 99% of them got them for a penny or less from what I have found but even if they got them for nickels does it make a difference? My golf friends and I considered pooling our money together and buying a ton of Bitcoin and Ethereum months ago but when we figured it was worth nothing and we would become no better than the bankers and stock brokers that we detest so much we all agreed to pass. I don’t remember what BTC was at the time but I believe Ethereum was 39 cents. It was at $390.00 if memory serves the last time I heard about it. We don’t regret passing on it. I think it was the best move in the long run.

    • Paul ...

      gregd … You and your golf friends could have pooled your money and bought a ton of Bitcoin and Ethereum and sold it now taking much hard earned money away from ordinary people (the same way the bankers and stock brokers you detest so much do all the time) … by you all agreeing to pass had to make God stand up and take notice … and say … I did well (creating moral man) … Satan will not rule this Earth!!

      • Paul ...

        Satan in the Garden of Eden offered man unlimited wealth and man bought into it … but not Christ in the garden … man said to Satan “you mean all the money people put in their bank accounts will be mine as soon as they deposit it? … Satan said: “Yes! … and even better … when they ask for their real money back you can give them imaginary fiat paper or electronic coins in return” … Christ would have no part of Satan’s offer of unlimited wealth and power … Satan was not “human” … but an “alien specie” without conscience and corrupt to the core … not only did Satan believe in smoke and mirrors economics, paper fiat and crypto currency but he believed in enslaving humanity to take complete and total advantage of them … Satan’s “inhuman” homo sapience, homo capensis, homo transgenders, etc. think nothing of depriving normal people of their rights through unconscionable corruption, they will take us to nuclear war “for a profit” and their sexual proclivities for doing evil even extend to taking our innocent children for their pedophile pleasures and then killing them as a sacrifice on Satan’s alter before eating their flesh! … these “inhuman beings” are the ones running the Fed and passing laws in Congress (since when do 480 people have a personal wealth totaling over $2 Trillion dollars if morality was any part of their character?) … Lucifer’s minions are “corrupt to the core”, have “no conscience” or “human decency” they will kill women and children for profit and pleasure as they have sold their souls to “an alien” called Satan!

        • Paul ...

          One tenth of our National Debt currently resides in the hands of 480 people in Congress … lets take it back … it does not belong to them … allow them a “normal” salary and Obama Care like the rest of us … they are not any more special then we are … and all those corporations that fled America taking away our jobs should be fined a trillion dollars each … instantly we will be in the black and have a budget surplus … allowing us to give “free” health care to every citizen and cost of living raises to Social Security recipients who are lied to that there is no inflation as the price of a can of tuna doubles as the contents go down from 6 to 3 ounces!!!

          • Paul ...

            Satan won’t be satisfied until he reduces humanity to buying imaginary food with imaginary money and manipulating the gullible greedy idiots with vaccine and GMO induced low IQ’s into nuking the entire world to get rid of God’s once highly intelligent creation!!

    • Mike R

      GregD, you are 100% spot on. There is no ‘there’ there with any crypto. Talk about creating nothing out of thin air. It’s actually worse. People are trading real money, for fake digital i’s and o’s, created by anyone who wants to create a new crypto. This would be like each and every city and town in the US, creating their own currency.
      Crypto’s meet the EXACT definition of a Ponzi scheme, based upon the perception, that thousands of people will ‘buy into’ the scheme, with the latest players to participate, having the most to lose, and the prior players only having any ‘value’ due to the fact that newer players keep entering into the scheme. If the value of Bitcoin, is only due to it’s ‘scarcity’, and more and more people want in, while price is rising exponentially, this is just classic ponzi. It can NEVER be used as a medium of exchange in that condition, which is going to have an immense amount of volatility, and an entirely unpredictable value. No business in their right mind would accept this crap, as very easily the next day, the price could drop 10,20, 30, even 50%. If Jamie Dimon was able to move the price as much as he did, you know you have a total scam. If you trade it, you have to get in, and out somehow nearly immediately, going to some form of actual cash. With literally dozens of new ICO’s coming out on a monthly basis, where does all of that end, and how can any of them have even a fraction of a penny of value ???? They have no backing, no nothing, no collateral, not even labor or taxes to prop them up, nor government backed ‘decree’s.’ The talk of any ‘decentralization’ feature is just plain horse crap. What does that even mean ? It’s as though people have lost all common sense, all level of critical thinking, and are willing to just throw real money at anything that sounds ‘digital’ or ‘blockchain’ without understanding ANY of downsides of blockchain, (which are too numerous to print here), and you have absolutely ZERO recourse, if any of your Bitcoin gets lost, stolen, hacked, and lawyers will laugh in your face if you even come to them with an issue. It’d be like saying to them, ‘hey someone stole my Monopoly Money’, you need to help me sue someone, which is actually what Bitcoin or any crypto is actually worth- monopoly money. It’s actually a pretty hysterical (and sick) joke that the creators of this junk have pulled off on so many in society. They are laughing out loud today, (the early 1%), at all the fools who actually believe these crypto’s have any social redeeming value, other than what the hype that keeps them ‘propped.’ We will all look back on this mother of all bubbles, and point to these crypto’s and their existence of the blatant sign we are at a major market top in literally everything: stocks, bonds, currencies, real estate, art, RV’s, and on and on and on. That really otherwise intelligent people like Mr. Kirby have been now sucked in, makes you realize we are much closer to all the bubbles being pricked in not only crypto’s but the rest of the markets. The other blatant warning sign, is that 100 year bonds have actually been issued and sold by Austria, and people actually were nuts enough to buy them, and the auction was oversubscribed by 300%. Tiny basis point moves on 100 year anything, can wipe out your entire collateral in no time. You’re negative in no time, and the yield could never be high enough to reimburse you for the risk. Think about what this issuance is – it’s literally STEALING from 100 years out into the future, to pay for something NOW. It’s a Century long IOU. Most people are dead in less than 100 years, and we are talking generations that are saddled with this borrowing. People haven’t been born yet for the next 99 years, will be having to pay back this debt in one form or another buried on some pension fund’s balance sheet, or whatever other fraudulent and unethical institution buys this garbage. We must be at the point, whereby if governments can see that ‘currencies’ can be created by anyone, they are thinking “why the heck don’t they just issue 100 year or even 200 year paper ??? ” Who cares if anything is ever paid back ???? That’s where our world society is at. Morally and ethically corrupted forever. No one is now ever facing any consequences of bad financial decisions, and these are all VERY VERY VERY BAD. (QE, 100 year bonds, quadrillions in derivatives, Crypto’s, and so on.) Its all just being buried out into the future. I’m waiting for lawyers to start filing world wide class action lawsuits for the hundreds of millions of yet unborn humans, going out the next 99 years who are saddled with this garbage without ever having a say or ‘vote’ or voice in any of it.

    • J Marty

      You can’t get more fiat than Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the antithesis of fiat. A “fiat” currency has value because a government “decrees” it has value. You can hate on bitcoin all you want, but it is not a fiat currency. No one is forcing you to buy it, use it, or accept it. It is strictly voluntary.

    • Uma

      Thank you!
      Basically I like Rob Kirby Nr. 1
      but this opinion change made me angry.
      I back up what you write here.

      (Today Bitcoin is down – what a timing!)

      • Mike R

        Bitcoin just crashed 35% overnight on Chinese exchanges. It’s doubtful the damage will be just limited to China. If it’s supposed to be a medium of exchange, or for ‘secure transactions’, anyone who bought it at recent highs just had a 35% haircut overnight ! Imagine if you held dollars, and the next morning you woke up, and found your dollars were worth 35% less than the day before. Again, we are not talking any sort of ‘investment vehicle here’ but something who’s specific intent was to be a currency or medium of exchange. No business in their right mind would accept payment that has a risk of dropping 35% the next day. Right now buying or trading Bitcoin is nothing but pure speculation and gambling. You have better odds going to Vegas. People are just way too enamored of how it’s gone up, without paying attention to the risks, or even knowing how to evaluate risk. That is the problem we have in all markets right now. People in them, the average Joe and Jane, and even a lot of the professionals, don’t know how to assess or uncover risk. Instead they use things like ‘gut feel’, or ‘word of mouth’, or ‘enthusiasm’, or other forms of hype and speculation. They use the recent past to forward predict the future. It’s sad actually to see how many are being duped presently, whether it’s crypto currencies or buying into markets that have been propped artificially by QE (i.e. no real organic demand – just demand stolen from the future via enticement of lower interest rates or freely printed money.) Bitcoin not only has all the weaknesses of any fiat, it has much much more that will bring about it’s collapse. Government interventions such as China’s notwithstanding, being one of many risks. Currencies need to be far far more stable than any of the crypto’s are demonstrating, and we are not just talking percents here, we are talking exponential orders of magnitude of instability and volatility. You plot Bitcoin prices on hourly or daily charts, and the Vol ratios are horrendous. It’s hard to believe people don’t understand what this means for something pretending to be a ‘currency.’ It should have settled down by now, in not years ago, if it was to have half a chance. Its needs to be totally boring, totally unexciting, totally safe and stable to be used as a medium of exchange.

  20. Flattop

    What happens when the chickens come home to roost. Most of the people wish to cash in their paper gold for the real thing. Will there not be some very hostile chickens.

  21. John Barabe

    Greg and Rob,
    Huge fan of both of you. I am a subscriber to Rob’s site and thankful for his insight. What you both do is so important. You do your best to spread the word that things are not right. I am amazed at the number of people who are still oblivious to this issue. This definitely includes financial regulators in Canada who have now named gold and silver (bullion) high risk investments. Concerns over concentration risk combined with their perceived high risk nature are making this topic dangerous to even discuss if licensed.
    thanks for all you do.

    • Greg Hunter

      I thank you for your support from both of us!!

  22. Craig

    Another great guest, thank you for providing excellent insight into our cazy world. If we all lived in a sane world Gold and Silver would be sky high and our politicians would be hanging upside down during the cherry blossom festival in Washington DC . Unfortunately the United States is the prettiest girl at the Miss ugly universe contest. China, Japan, and the Euro mafia all do the same to thier currencies. I don’t see this manipulation of currencies ever coming to an end. There are no adults left in the system.

  23. William Stanley

    Mr. Hunter:
    Thanks for a very thought provoking interview. The openness/transparency of the blockchain does seem to be a promising alternative to the government backed (and participated in) corruption now in place.
    However, I don’t see governments forgoing regulation of the institutions that hold the gold and/or run the blockchains themselves. (or, perhaps, running all of it themselves). Moreover, I don’t see how anonymity can be preserved once the government is involved. It seems to me that governments will have to, essentially, compete to regulate/provide the best platforms.
    It’s the competition for reputation concerning transparency and transactions fees, rather than absence of government involvement, that could make the difference. Unfortunately, I don’t see much much, if any, advantage of that whole system (perhaps price and interest rate stability?) over just using goldmoney.com, 100% gold-backed credit cards (or those of competitors), which is a private company already in existence. What am I missing?

    • William Stanley

      Mr. Hunter: goldmoney.com cards are prepaid, not “credit” cards.

  24. pat the rat

    Greg are going to post when there is a crypto about gold and silver going to block chain?

    • Greg Hunter

      Yes. It is going that way say my sources.

  25. jackieS

    News from the swamp that Trump was supposed to drain:


    Is this really what y’all voted for?? Is that how you wanted your taxes to be spent?? Sad.

  26. Arthur Barnes

    Greg, the long awaited inflationary value of the dollar, aka hyperinflation, is coming to fruition. Watch for at least a small regional war to “wag the dog” just about the same time to avoid the sheep from knowing it arrived and something to get the blame. Remember, war can hide a lot of crimes and bring light to fraudulent economic data, as well as traitorous conduct by our political, deep state, and elite leaders. Therefore, I suspect that tool will be used by the American Government as a fall guy to protect themselves and their cronies.

  27. Robert Peter Bailey

    Why has not some person interviewed Nakamoto ? Why has Nakamoto not been on any MSM or even the 95 Alternative media channels ? Not too long ago I watched and listened to Dr Jim Willie, show the fact and gave sound evidence that it was NOT A Person called Nakamoto that invented Bitcoin with this
    Invisible Blockchain technology , but Willie says it was THE NSA.
    Can your many listeners Greg, shed any light about this, and confirm it !

  28. Christopher Strunk

    According to Jamie Dimon Mr. Kirby is off by several factors in that Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan talking about Bitcoin: “It’s worse than tulip bulbs. It won’t end well. Someone is going to get killed,” Dimon said at a banking industry conference organized by Barclays on September 11, 2017. “Currencies have legal support. It will blow up.” It won’t end well. Someone is going to get killed,” Dimon said at a banking industry conference organized by Barclays on September 11, 2017. “Currencies have legal support. It will blow up.” See Full Article Here.
    It is my well-founded belief that the profits in Bitcoin, Ethereum and all the other digital coin based ventures are largely based in fraud, pump and dump tactics, theft and securities violations. The world’s largest holder of Bitcoins, worth more than 4 billion dollars is of course the inventor and promoter. And that is a conservative estimate since we have no way of knowing how many proxy accounts the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto gang controls
    It is a rule of economics that for every winner, there must be an equal amount of losers and in this case there are plenty of victims. The winners are of course being the promoters of digital currencies, token makers, so called miners, High Yield Investment Programs, Initial Coin Offerings, and all the assorted Bitcoin assisted fraud and scams. Even when investors have struck it rich on Bitcoin and Ethereum, their accounts have been mysteriously hacked and drained according to Fortune Magazine.
    I ask you what is Bitcoin and all the other digital currencies– as Mr. Dimon says, it is backed by nothing, guaranteed by nothing and produces nothing except scams and fraud.
    Bitcoin market capitalization alone is over $100 billion and other digital currencies, tokens, initial coin offerings and related investments at least another $100 billion.
    Please have any victims of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital currencies or fintech and blockchain fraud utilizing digital currencies please contact me for a free confidential consultation. Losses may be actual or lost profits. You may be a victim and not know it if you have invested in these ventures.

  29. marcus

    Greg Rob
    Just love it when the truth is said, and I see right through the BS, when we were kids there were trends that Coke fully backed with rewards , Ding bat and ball, Yo Yos you could not walk down the street with out seeing this trend, with all sorts of competitions to win a carton of coke, Innocent fun as we saw it but in reality making money from plastic. The plastic is now the crypto-night, must have fake with all the bells and whistles, a frenzy that will fizzle, The real firecracker is war, America will not give up with out a fight….. I would think that with all the contacts Rob is attached to he would or should know that the demand for PM is been ramped up by the introduction of BRICKS PLUS India is about to be spanked for the 2 sided game it has been playing, ramping up the multipolar sovereign team, Crypto’s are the next step to be a mark of the Beast, to transcend into the encryption control and the only way into your computer in the future will be to log on with your ‘identity chip’ logged in your brain or heart so it can not be removed without killing you, and if you do die they will be the first to know so they can rob the dead, Hell they might even have the chip set up to exterminate you at any time…… So I ask all you Crypto lovers is this what you are investing in, is pure Evil control. Log on with you Chips.
    Funny how this ends, I for one will never sign up for Crypto beast, Dark money has way more light……

    • Corleone

      A friend of mine in Pyongyang Polytechnic told me that EBT card holders in Houston (after Harvey) and in some areas of Florida (after Irma) will be implanted with RFID biometric chips. Like the biometric chips used in southern Europe, this American biometric chip also has a microscopic “666” engraved on its casing.

      “The show must go on.” — David “Boom Boom” Rockefeller.

  30. dachsielady

    At about 17:10 on this video Greg asked Mr. Kirby if you would actually get physical gold or wheat or oil by using “BitCoin” to make the purchase through the blockchain? You will get an actual physical asset. Is that what you’re telling me? Mr. Kirby gave an answer that I thought was at best unclear or disappointing and at most a deliberately misleading answer to your question. Mr. Kirby answered something like ‘ yes, you will know that you will have physical metal that is backed by integrity and is in a vault somewhere.’

    That is not what I call “getting” physical metal.

    I very much respect Mr. Kirby but this sounds like a bunch of baloney to me.

  31. Frederick

    To ALL Watchdoggers Reccomend going to ” The Zolna Report” and watch Mr Zolnas videos about the 911 attacks Highly reccomend in fact

    • Corleone

      Which one of those videos would you recommend to be watched ?

      • Frederick

        ALL of them He is truly awake

  32. Tracy Welborn

    I’d like to hear how taxation is going to work in a world of crypto currency. I’m an accountant, I can’t imagine a system functioning outside of the IRS/US Government control. How could they have withholding on wages? Without bank statements and credit card statements, how could the IRS perform an audit? Without withholding and the threat of audit – it all comes down. Heck, I’d love to move away from an income tax. It seems like you’d have to without being able to determine income in a world of cryptos. These are strange times.

    • Greg Hunter

      Here is one thing I found. You have to report your Bitcoin gains according to this source: https://www.thestreet.com/story/14257905/1/bitcoin-investors-must-report-gains-to-the-irs.html?puc=yahoo&cm_ven=YAHOO&yptr=yahoo

      • Tracy Welborn

        Here’s a PDF off the IRS website that talks about taxation and “virtual currencies”, as they call them.
        The IRS “levy” is the teeth of the tax code. Being able to seize money from a taxpayers American bank is where all the power lies.
        In my opinion, there’s just no way they are going to let Bitcoin develop without regulation, oversight and most importantly, their ability to gain access to your wallet.

        • Greg Hunter

          Thank you Tracy!!

      • Justn Observer

        Yes Greg I think your right on that….and thus should be able to use any losses as a write-off or …and if you hurry you can donate some for political donations and write them off too? lol

    • Diane

      Yes Tracy, I wonder too.
      We sure do live in strange times,,,forget “interesting”….

    • marcus

      I believe that the next step into Crypto banking in our face it is already being promoted. RFID chip, as soon as you Log on with your chip your fried, just like chicken big Brother staring at all you do on line, and if you refuse to have a chip installed poof up in smoke all your Cryptos gone.

  33. Uma

    … I wonder how the Euro is doing, once the $$ goes down.
    Greg, could you ask your guest about that?

    As I remember somebody (I think it was Bill Holter) said, that the € is a derivative of the dollar. Would be great to have somebody on , to explain that.

    I like you Greg, as you are still very grounded, as my impression is that some publisher (e.g. Andy Hofman) went somewhat over board – which is understandable – being stressed with all that crazy mess.

    Keep the good work up, and may you stay close to God the father, while doing it.


  34. Randy RHCE

    Thanks Greg, again another great interview. Bitcoin and other blockchain digital currencies are currencies and not money. All government issued currencies are Fiat; which means by “government decree”, they are “money”. To my knowledge no government has decreed Bitcoin as currency. Tertiary assets are a paper or digital claim on either primary or secondary assets. What asset claim does a Bitcoin have? Often times we all hear something different in interviews, or a different interpretation of what point of view the guest is explaining. I personally am a hard money person. I strongly desire real money that is both gold and silver, or is backed by both. If we go back to this system by some miracle, the odds of having a paper dollar that represents a claim on gold or silver is very slim. It will be some form of “digital claim” on the metals. As one of the responders pointed out, “a silver coin worth one hundred dollars at a grocery store… how would they make change?” Rob Kirby deals in real physical metals, not Bitcoins. The points he made that I heard is that the physical metals will have to be linked to a digital system that it is secure and honest. He even said he does not have any significant investment in Bitcoin. As a technology specialist with twenty plus years’ experience, I would remind everyone… nothing is digitally secure. The vulnerability with Bitcoin is the storage, either hardware-based or software-based. These are referred to as “wallets”. I personally don’t own or want to own Bitcoins or any other assets that I can’t touch; however, if someone else wants Bitcoin, all I would say is… understand the technology, and don’t store your Bitcoins on portable networked devices. Keystroke loggers have infected millions of devices. What I took away from Rob’s message is he would like to see Bitcoin married to precious metals. Greg you have fantastic guests, thank you. Most all of the guests discuss problems and solutions for specific areas of the global economy. The specific areas are tied to the primary problem of Financialization. I am a die-hard School of Austrian Economics, and a few of your guests are in this camp. I have failed to “read” any of your guests of the Keynesian camp; however, even the far left Keynesian and the Austrians agree on Financialization. There are many good economists that explain this topic very well, including Gordon T. Long. Is it possible to have him as a guest and discuss this topic? Godspeed

    • Tin foil hat

      Randy RHCE,

      “the odds of having a paper dollar that represents a claim on gold or silver is very slim.”
      – I concur. We will not go back to the Gold Standard.

      “It will be some form of “digital claim” on the metals.”
      Gold (physical only) denominated in SDR will be freely traded on the digital FX market.

  35. Flattop

    I have been reading and watching your site for sometime now, and I hear your guests speak of what the ESF is doing, what the banksters are doing, what the FED is doing, and more. QUESTION, is there any honesty and integrity anywhere in our financial system any more??

    • Greg Hunter

      The only honest investment is one you hold or have clear title to.

  36. Linda L.

    I’m sure you saw this. Digital currency makes me nervous for multiple reasons. I’d bet the bank on precious metals/physical commodities before I’d invest in Bitcoins:

  37. Frederick

    Trump just caved on DACA and the wall Stick a fork in him He’s DONE

    • Tin foil hat

      Trump didn’t cave on DACA and the wall. He is forced to negotiate with the devils because the establishment, including the GOP, is trying to put him in a box. Trump is the kind who marches on the beat of his own drum. He is playing the loudmouth jackass against the sedated elephant to get things done.
      You shouldn’t give up on him just yet.

  38. FC

    Precious Metals are manipulated down to make the dollar look good, has anyone considered that in the future they will be manipulated up to make a Gold backed Crypto look even better?

    • Autofixer

      What flavor is that Koolaid you are drinking?

  39. Dan 1

    Off topic but you personally slammed me when I said “God is a jealous God” And you ridiculed me. You also said that you apologize when you make mistakes. I gave you time to apologize and you have not. I give again the quotes from Ex 34:14 and Ex 20:5 of KJV. I am still waiting for either an apology or refutation of my statement. I am waiting

    • Greg Hunter

      I follow the First Commandment and totally agree there is only One God, The Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Not sure what point you are making. I get a lot of comments.

  40. Justn Observer

    Greg…. Might an interview with Ellen Brown be interesting concerning the new ACH withdrawal changes as reported by some of your viewers above? As in the possible prepping for a coming ‘ bail in’ ?
    Also this drum beat about ‘cutting China out of the SWIFT banking if they don’t cooperate with NK…. am thinking that is a ploy to ‘ shape the narrative’ – when it is China and Russian and the other BRIC…that are pulling away from the U.S. as reported in the latest X22 reports… Of course the sheeple won’t know or become aware that the world dumped the U.S. and the reserve currency for how long …if ever…the way they re-write history these days…! But then how could you tell the story in 100 characters or less on twitter or facebook between sports intermissions? lol
    Interesting commentary on John B. Wells last night as well…!
    As always thanks for the insightful interview… both you, Greg, and Mr. Kirby …

  41. H. Craig Bradley


    Right now, the world still needs and wants U.S. Dollars. In high demand. Good old fashioned CASH can not be beat. Gold is pretty good too, but to valuable for everyday transactions. Good Store of Wealth, if you live long enough to realize its advantages.

    • H. Craig Bradley


      No, the Republicans are Done and stick the fork in them. Hear them squeal like a piggie. Democrats will do business with Donald Trump, the businesswoman. Business is the Universal language. Trump can get what he wants with the Democrats, not the sore losers in the Republican Party who keep opposing him. Play both ends against the middle. Smart. No ideology with President Trump.

  42. Agent P

    If you are an average American, the only thing you need to know and be mindful of with regard to Bitcoin and/or the entire Cryptocurrency space, is that it is the beginning – the ground floor, of the inevitable cashless and totally captured society.

    Will it be utopia for those who value freedom & anonymity in their dealings, or does the trend and historical record of government involvement, corruption, unfair advantage and unequal treatment under the law, suggest otherwise…?

  43. pat the rat

    The dollar was one of the best cyrpto ever, then the power that be trashed it. Now they want to know every thing about you! The new cyrpto will ether wright the ship, or it will sink, time will tell!

  44. Kevin

    Infaltion? Buy gold amd silver…get more info on my website? First Ive heard of it. Thanks Greg.

  45. Francesca Weeks

    There is definately a lot to find out about this subject. I like all the points you made

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