Chaos is Coming – John Rubino

By Greg Hunter’s

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino has long warned of a massive financial crisis.  With unstoppable wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, Rubino says one thing is for sure, “Chaos is coming.”  Rubino explains, “This does not get fixed easily, and to the extent this gets fixed at all, this gets fixed via chaos.  Prepare for a really interesting decade.  This is going to be unlike anything we have seen in our lifetimes.  Not since the Great Depression, nothing like this has happened.”

This all feeds into what Rubino calls the “shrinking trust horizon.”  Rubino points out, “When everybody is lying to you, you reach a point where you only trust your city councilman, or your mayor and your local farmers. . . . So, you just don’t put any stock in what your doctor tells you.  You stop taking the vaccinations they tell you to take. . . . You stop doing the . . . statins for high blood pressure and cholesterol.  You stop doing that because you don’t trust those people anymore. . . .  Starting with the “weapons of mass destruction,” which the government lied to us to get us into a multi-trillion dollar war in Iraq, it’s been one big lie after another.  In 2016, there was Trump/Russia collusion. . . . It turned out to be Hillary Clinton opposition research.  With the CV19 pandemic, it was just lie, after lie, after lie. . . . Now, you have what is going on in North Carolina and Tennessee after Hurricane Helene.  People are figuring out they are being lied to one issue at a time. . . .  You’ve got a whole new set of people watching the government screw up and behave incompetently or corruptly, and they are learning they cannot trust the guys in charge anymore.  So, the trust horizon is shrinking everywhere you look.”

There are so many parts of the economy that are quietly facing huge trouble and big losses.  Nothing could start a total all-sector market crash faster than an attack by Israel on Iran’s nuclear sites.  Rubino says, “There you go.  That could be the thing that sets everything off.  Bombing nuclear weapons facilities or a nuclear power plants is one of those things that has so many unintended consequences.  Iran would have to respond to that in a serious way.  It’s possible that China and Russia would step in on the side of Iran. . . .  Then you get something much bigger.  . . . I think the financial markets would respond to that.  Oil would go to $150 a barrel.  That would crash the stock market.  Then you get all the other dominos falling:  commercial real estate, residential real estate, government bonds, derivatives and everything starts blowing up.  That could be the catalyst for a market crash much bigger than 2008 and 2009.  This would be something we have not seen since the Great Depression.  We are not far from that.  I think Trump said he thinks Israel should bomb Iran’s nuclear facility. . . . Biden is the demented figurehead for the neocons who want WWIII because they think they can win it.  Chaos is definitely coming, but I am hoping it is survivable chaos, and I am not sure that it will be.”

There is much more in the 48-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer John Rubino and his new enterprise called for 10.08.24.

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After the Interview:

 John Rubino is a prolific financial writer, and you can see some of his work for free at

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PO Box 953

Carlsborg, WA  98324

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  1. Anthony Australia

    Chaos is well and truly here. Love you Greg and thanks for having such a wonderful concise discussion.

  2. Marti Baker Girl

    Greg, some weeks prior to your getting sick, the notifications for USA Watchdog started coming through with my having to cut and paste the link. Now I am not only cutting and pasting to get your website but there are multiple adds. There are usually two prior to the show starting and then throughout there are multiple advertorials for just a bunch of junk. Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid this or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

    • Greg Hunter

      This is Rumble and I have been complaining about it.

  3. Rodster

    What makes this coming chaos even worse is that the Leftists and Globalists with the help of the government has done their best to divide the nuclear family along with church and religion and replace God with Daddy and Mommy centralized government.

    Chris Martenson interviewed this NC resident as he now tries to help those in need but the government is now getting in the way.

    During the Great Depression you had neighbor helping neighbor, churches helping the downtrodden and people in general having a strong belief in a higher power. Today in North Carolina, you have neighbor trying to help neighbor, Elon Musk wanting to help those hard hit in North Carolina and the government giving stand down orders with threats of arrests. Meanwhile F.E.M.A. used its funds to use that towards migrants. And the head of F.E.M.A. was caught shopping at a high end clothing store while people in NC are suffering and trapped and presumably dead.

    “The nine scariest words in the English language are: “I’m from the government and i’m here to help”. – Ronald Reagan

  4. Paul Gates

    A steady interview. Preparation direction/trajectory will be influenced by individual circumstances. … Personal hearty agreement with interview ending priority suggestion advice.
    Parallels/paraphrases Jesus admonition Mt. 6:33 ‘But, first, seek ye the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and, all these things shall be added unto you.’
    A refutation to advice placing profit/prosperity priority 1.
    Thank you, Mr. Hunter. Health and peace to you.

  5. James

    If unrest across our nation is great enough.
    Nation wide Martial law can be declared (before trump is elected).
    Then would put this nation under Joe & DefSec Austin.
    Then our Constitution, Bill of Rights & laws can be swept aside.
    THEN they can install the socialist dystopia (for us) they want.

  6. Jerry

    Thanks, Greg….John Rubino smart guy with positive attitude and good financial advice.

    Great interview, God bless,

  7. Maria dasSantos
    Here in the UK and Europe CHAOS is HERE and NOW with our idiot neocons all out for war .If this is ever over the next generation of neocons need to be taught a lesson.

  8. Kerry

    Holy crap Greg. Are you starving? What’s with all the two minute plus commercials that I can’t skip?
    If you need money that badly then just charge us $5/month but don’t make us listen to stupid videos we have no interest in. I’ve followed you for years but couldn’t watch any more after the fourth one came on and I was forced to listen to useless drivel.
    Bad form and bad format. Hope you lose this quick. We’re all inundated with bullshit. We come here for some refreshing truth. Not more bullshit.

    • Greg Hunter

      This is a Rumble thing. I am complaining about it to management.

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