AI Goal to Kill Human Race – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

 Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who is back with a new warning about artificial intelligence (AI) and deadly and debilitating mRNA “vaccines.”  Let’s start with the horrible mid-air collision that happened in Washington D.C.  The question that is not being asked is what is the vax status of all involved with this deadly accident?  It is now a well-known fact that both Covid 19 and the CV19 vax are bioweapons that cause “catastrophic neurological damage”. . . and cause “cognitive impairment.”  Kingston says, “The number one symptom is cognitive decline.   This is similar to Alzheimer’s and dementia.  There is lack of memory, responsiveness, fatigue and exhaustion.  Another symptom of both the CV19 injections and Long Covid is vision decline, as well.  I think it would make sense that anyone involved in aviation to have a full cognitive test and a vision test to make sure their eyesight is still sharp.”

What about the recent news of the mRNA AI cancer vaccine?  Kingston says, “These mRNA AI cancer vaccines are locked and loaded. . . .The patents say you are going to be injected with a . . .biosensor that is going to read the cells in your body to tell what kind of cancer you have. . . . When you look at the patent, it shows the mRNA AI cancer vaccines don’t cure cancer.  . . . . This is absolute insanity. . . . They recode your cell, including your white blood cells, to not attack the cancer cells but to find the cancer cells and feed them with blood vessel growth factors so they turn into turbo cancers, and they don’t die.”

When it comes to this new big push for artificial intelligence, Kingston says, “There is this initiative to merge the human body with technology. . . . This also includes our brain and our neurological system and to replace our normal functions with artificial intelligence technology.  This is not a conspiracy theory. . . . It’s a global effort to replace how God created us with technology. . . . If we replace our bodies with technology, then we sever our connection to God.  We need to face this head on. . . . The only words that came to my mind when I read this master patent is that this technology is demonically inspired.  It is an attack on God’s greatest creation and his greatest love, which is humanity and mankind.  AI is demonically inspired technology. . . . The patents say they are customizing these AI cancer injections to accelerate cancer growth.  They don’t even really cover up that they are trying to kill you. . . . This is about the survival of this new hybrid artificial intelligence human species, which is not human anymore.  It’s our extermination.”    

There is much more in the 75-minute in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives a dire warning about mRNA AI “vaccines,” including the latest mRNA cancer scam and the ongoing AI attack on the human race for 1.30.25.

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After the Interview:

There is some free information on Kingston’s Substack.

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miFight Inc.

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