AI Goal to Kill Human Race – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

 Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who is back with a new warning about artificial intelligence (AI) and deadly and debilitating mRNA “vaccines.”  Let’s start with the horrible mid-air collision that happened in Washington D.C.  The question that is not being asked is what is the vax status of all involved with this deadly accident?  It is now a well-known fact that both Covid 19 and the CV19 vax are bioweapons that cause “catastrophic neurological damage”. . . and cause “cognitive impairment.”  Kingston says, “The number one symptom is cognitive decline.   This is similar to Alzheimer’s and dementia.  There is lack of memory, responsiveness, fatigue and exhaustion.  Another symptom of both the CV19 injections and Long Covid is vision decline, as well.  I think it would make sense that anyone involved in aviation to have a full cognitive test and a vision test to make sure their eyesight is still sharp.”

What about the recent news of the mRNA AI cancer vaccine?  Kingston says, “These mRNA AI cancer vaccines are locked and loaded. . . .The patents say you are going to be injected with a . . .biosensor that is going to read the cells in your body to tell what kind of cancer you have. . . . When you look at the patent, it shows the mRNA AI cancer vaccines don’t cure cancer.  . . . . This is absolute insanity. . . . They recode your cell, including your white blood cells, to not attack the cancer cells but to find the cancer cells and feed them with blood vessel growth factors so they turn into turbo cancers, and they don’t die.”

When it comes to this new big push for artificial intelligence, Kingston says, “There is this initiative to merge the human body with technology. . . . This also includes our brain and our neurological system and to replace our normal functions with artificial intelligence technology.  This is not a conspiracy theory. . . . It’s a global effort to replace how God created us with technology. . . . If we replace our bodies with technology, then we sever our connection to God.  We need to face this head on. . . . The only words that came to my mind when I read this master patent is that this technology is demonically inspired.  It is an attack on God’s greatest creation and his greatest love, which is humanity and mankind.  AI is demonically inspired technology. . . . The patents say they are customizing these AI cancer injections to accelerate cancer growth.  They don’t even really cover up that they are trying to kill you. . . . This is about the survival of this new hybrid artificial intelligence human species, which is not human anymore.  It’s our extermination.”    

There is much more in the 75-minute in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives a dire warning about mRNA AI “vaccines,” including the latest mRNA cancer scam and the ongoing AI attack on the human race for 1.30.25.

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After the Interview:

There is some free information on Kingston’s Substack.

To support Kingston financially, you can become a subscriber to her Substack by clicking here.

If you want to donate to Kingston electronically so she can continue informing the public, please click here.

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  1. Keith Kasprzak

    So we can all be like Data on Star Trek? No thanks. Some of this reminds me of an old movie, Colossus: The Forbin Project, 1970. Scared the hell out of me when I was a kid and still does.
    If you haven’t viewed this 55-year-old film, you probably should.

    Also, IMO there is no such thing as Artificial Intelligence. AI is just a label being used as marketing ploy for advanced software. While there may be unlimited uses for such, it’s still just code and can only do what it’s instructed to do. It doesn’t really think. Unlike human intelligence, it can’t act with a basis of emotion, premonition, foresight, or any other of the many human traits that makes us human. It can’t be evil, but it certainly can be weaponized.

    • Anthony Australia

      BREAKING EXCLUSIVE! Former Top Federal Official Issues An Emergency Warning To President Trump: The Globalists Are Engaged In A Secret OMNI WAR Designed To Collapse Human Civilization
      THE KEY To Their Takeover Plan Is A Unified Digital System That Will Enforce Omnipresent Tyranny. MUST-WATCH FULL INTERVIEW With Former Bush Admin. Official, Catherine Austin Fitts

    • Bruce Wayne Vetter

      I just found “Colossus” for free.

      • Anthony Australia

        Terrific movie, thanks!

        • Jules

          Cognitive dysfunction 😲 being easily distracted like a VaXXTarded Victim 🙄

          • Laura Ann

            Other Mrna vaccines taken by “tards” incl flu, shingles, RSV, also DPT and who knows what else. I say “NO’ to all inclthe newer cancer vacs. Children’s vacs likely contain Mrna tech.

    • Katy Bar

      The Globalists are so brazen that they boldly revealed “right in their patents” (as Karen has found) that they have the ability to inject bio-sensors into our bodies “that can control the cells in our body” (to Seek Out and then Nourish Cancer Cells and most likely similarly Control Our Brain Cells to do other things)!! The mRNA “AI Cancer Vaccines” don’t cure cancer but produce even More Cancer (turbo-charging them)!!! And instead of the Globalists “helping our brains” to become Smart Borgs their “Trojan Horse AI Vaccines” are most likely “Mind Control Mechanisms” (that can override and re-code our brain cell output and thus the Globalists can override or re-code our Conscious Minds to do their bidding)!! It would be Pure Insanity for Trump to allow Gates to once again inject us – “To This Time Around KILL US ALL” !!!

      • Ken Yu

        Here is a photo of someone who looks like Bill Gates,558 revealing to the US Military that he has a vaccine with the capability to change the Religious part of our brain to become “less moral” and Satanic!!! And Karen has just revealed to us that they now have the capability to seek out cancer cells in our body (and nourish them) to make them “more able” to produce Turbo-cancers!!
        Now we see with the DC crash that they are “also able” to control our “Conscious Minds” to go into KAMIKAZE MODE!!!

        • Galaxy 500

          This doesn’t look real to me

    • Fred Daake

      @Keith Kasprzak – Your Statement……
      “…IMO there is no such thing as Artificial Intelligence. AI is just a label being used as marketing ploy for advanced software”

      Bravo, Keith! I am glad that you pointed this out. It is faulty thinking that “Artificial Intelligence” is some kind of supernatural organism that has been banned by God. As I describe it, a fear of zeroes and ones is a fear of all binary computing. In the past 100 years, we’ve witnessed parallel fears about horseless carriages, airplanes, rockets, transistor radios, financial computing, artificial body organs, and manufacturing automation, all of which have been morally neutral – used for good and bad, depending on the developer or operator.

      Everyone can do what they want, but running away from AI modern technology is the same as running away from automobiles/planes and restricting travel to horses.

      In other news, I continue to be impressed by Karen Kingston with her bubbly enthusiasm and bravery to share her extraordinary knowledge.

      • Bob

        i have a newspaper article from early 20th century that reports that people are warning that cars, if allowed to proliferate, will result in the roads being strewn with thousands of mangled human bodies. The idea was kind of mocked but of course, this actually happened, and of course, nobody really cares. Cars are too useful, so we just manage the problem and try to be careful.

        so it will be with AI? probably, except AI is more gangerous because it can target certain people. most car accidents are just accidents. oh well.

    • Robert Blumhagen

      Great Movie

      I watched it and it was pretty interesting…it is a pre-cursor to the Terminator chain of movies…

      Synopsis: The USA and Russia develop AI computers to handle the basis of war, immediately the 2 computer systems start communicating with each other on how to get rid of their human counterparts. If the humans do not listen to the computers, the computers start nuking cities.

      Shows exactly what we are in for.

  2. David Anthony

    The jabs are to complex to be made by Mankind..
    And the level of evil i see in it is off the Chart…

    • [email protected]

      COVID 19 – Certificate of Vaccination I.D. The 1 and 9 refer to the letter A and I. Or AI
      The scamdemic/plandemic goes on. The Globalists won’t rest until most of humanity is dead.

      • David Anthony

        I didn’t bother to look at the 19…but what you mentioned was genius…👍

      • Jeff Nunn

        C = 3 = Strong’s concordance 3 = Abaddon = Destroying Angel
        OVID = Latin for Sheep
        19 = Strong’s concordance 19 = Slaughter
        COVID 19 = Abaddon (or Apollyon) Sheep Slaughter

        • LoriQ

          Holy Crap! Sorry, don’t mean to be rude. It’s just astounding the level of arrogance they have as they begin their depopulation agenda. Right in our faces. Thank you for pointing it out.

  3. dlc

    A crash into the Potomac 42 years ago. I remember this well. It was the year I left for AZ never to deal with snow ever again. From time to time I will recall the woman in the water blinded by jet fuel, having lost her 2-m0nth-old infant and husband in the crash.

    Will “crashed suddenly” replace “died suddenly?”

    • Katy Bar

      Years ago the Japanese brainwashed their Kamikaze Pilots to fly their planes into the enemy. Today with advanced mRNA “AI vaccines” signals can now be sent to Military Pilots (who were forced to take the Kill Shots) directing them to become “Kamikaze Pilots” for the Globalists to “TAKE OUT” particular targets. I think Trump should carefully look at the passenger list of the people who died on the Airliner (that the Military Helicopter was directed to crash into near AC/DC) to see what the Globalists were so afraid of!!! Was it worth it (to revel their secret weapon) just to kill a few Russian Ice skaters?? Or was it Grace Maxwell (a student doing Biomedical Engineering at Cedarville University) who was the target??? Whoever it was, the Globalist were targeting “they must have considered it very important for these eugenicists to kill and eliminate” (even to the detriment of “Revealing their Secret Kamikaze Weapon”)!!

      • Ken Yu

        Perhaps the Globalists “were not out to kill anyone in particular” on the downed airliner over AC/DC, but instead “Wanted To Send A Message To Trump” that they have the ability to easily bring down Air Force One “Whenever They So Choose” (even if Trump’s Air Force One pilots never took the Jab)!!!

        • ss

          why would they “WARN” President Trump by sending him a Message?….they would “Just Do It” if they had the ability.

          • Katy Bar

            The Deep State is probably using whatever threats they can come up with “To Stop Trump” From Rescinding “NATIONAL SECURITY MEMORANDUM 200” (which now makes it “Official US Government Policy” to Decrease the Population of the Earth in Huge Numbers!!

        • Kit Lee

          So it seems the Deep State (now that it has injected all Military Personnel with their Jab) has the ability to send a signal to the brain of any Military fighter pilot flying a jet along side Air Force One (to protect it) – and take control of the pilots brain and instead tell him to either fire a sidewinder missile at Air Force One or simply ram his jet into the President’s plane to take him out!!!

      • Seer

        Heard a 45 duplicate was a passenger. Source is well connected contact.

        • Galaxy 500

          Oh, yeah…. That’s believable

        • Kit Lee

          So the Deep State thought Trump was on that plane???

    • Maria REYNA

      I remember that day with such clear insight. I was working at American Savings, in Palmdale, Ca. we did not close the bank but we rushed to our break room to watch the disaster and how the bodies in the frozen water fighting for survival. May God have mercy on all of us.

    • [email protected]

      I also remember that crash of 13 Jan 1982 into the Potomac
      Personally I don’t believe this was an accident. And I don’t expect we will ever get the real truth of what happened. I don’t trust government to begin with of my decades of researching the dirt and corruption that goes on.
      Another take on this crash by former helicopter and airplane pilots over at X. >>> Blackhawk Helicopters were retrofitted with Sikorsky’s MATRIX Technology, giving them the ability to be flown by remote control.
      With clear visibility, the flight path shows this Blackhawk changing direction to fly straight at the plane. Was control taken from the pilot? From Patrick J. McShay at X Sikorsky and DARPA on 5 Feb 2022 did its first test flight without a pilot using this technology

      • Kit Lee

        If Black-hawk Helicopters were retrofitted with Sikorsky’s MATRIX Technology (giving them the ability to be flown by remote control) WHO WAS AT THE REMOTE CONTROL DESK???
        The flight path shows the Black-hawk was originally flying in a different direction but then suddenly changed direction to fly straight at and directly into the plane where as “Seer” above says: A Trump “double” was on board!!

      • Earth Angel

        This was also discussed by Alex Jones on his recent broadcast about the admitted ability to override and remotely take control of and fly the helicopters and other aircraft.. could that have been the case with this Blackhawk in the DC crash? The military crew and their chief were said to be experienced. Very strange that the helicopter turned and headed straight into a plane that was 2000 ft. from landing on the runway and both aircraft seemed calmly in contact with air traffic control… hmmmm.

    • A.J. Saferstein

      Same airport, yes (DCA), but completely different circumstances (traffic vs icing). For an excellent summary of what happened Wed night, I recommend checking out the Blancolirio channel on youtube. Interesting fact – Lockheed had a press conference many months back that they had a fully autonomous Blackhawk completed. Q: Why did the Blackhawk climb and turn right in the final seconds while they were on directed route along the east shore of the Potomac and a hard ceiling of 200′ ?

  4. Marie Joy

    Democide = Genocide By Government – CAF

    • lavadaskata

      Definition of Pathocracy
      Definition: pathocracy (n). A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people (from Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, by Andrew Lobaczewski)

      1. suppression of individualism and creativity.
      2. impoverishment of artistic values.
      3. impoverishment of moral values; a social structure based on self-interest and one-upmanship, rather than altruism.
      4. fanatical ideology; often a corrupted form of a valid viable ‘trojan’ ideology which is perverted into a pathological form, bearing little resemblance to the substance of the original.
      5. intolerance and suspicion of anyone who is different, or who disagrees with the state.
      6. centralized control.
      7. widespread corruption.
      8. secret activities within government, but surveillance of the general population. (In contrast, a healthy society would have transparent government processes, and respect for privacy of the individual citizen).
      9. paranoid and reactionary government.
      10. excessive, arbitrary, unfair and inflexible legislation; the power of decision making is reduced/removed from the citizens’ everyday lives.
      11. an attitude of hypocrisy and contempt demonstrated by the actions of the ruling class, towards the ideals they claim to follow, and towards the citizens they claim to represent.
      12. controlled media, dominated by propaganda.
      13. extreme inequality between the richest and poorest.
      14. endemic use of corrupted psychological reasoning such as paramoralisms, conversive thinking and doubletalk.
      15. rule by force and/or fear of force.
      16. people are considered as a ‘resource’ to be exploited (hence the term “human resources”), rather than as individuals with intrinsic human worth.
      17. spiritual life is restricted to inflexible and indoctrinare schemes. Anyone attempting to go beyond these boundaries is considered a heretic or insane, and therefore dangerous.
      18. arbitrary divisions in the population (class, ethnicity, creed) are inflamed into conflict with one another.
      19. suppression of free speech – public debate, demonstration, protest.
      20. violation of basic human rights, for example: restriction or denial of basic life necessities such as food, water, shelter; detainment without charge; torture and abuse; slave labour.

  5. Roger Stamper

    tks karen greg

  6. Barbara

    Excellent presentation. How fortunate we are to have Karen Kingston on our side. She’s unquestionably brilliant!

  7. Don W.

    I thank you Greg for doing this interview and covering what you did and by adding the part about the crash.
    When I started to hear what the controller did and did NOT do, it made me sick all over. I am glad that my flying days are over, but I have about 28,000 hours of total flying in the USMC and with PAN AM and UAL.
    The controller had contact with both AC and has a screen in front of them showing how they are tracking. Those AC were under the controllers commands. I have seen the charting of the AC and it was obvious they would collide. That controller should never have ask if they saw the other AC. The command should have been for the Military Chopper to make a hard left turn when they were showing the collision on the screen.
    It was a dumb, dumb, dumb thing for the controller to do when they ask if you can see the other AC. The controller is in charge of where they fly and should have done their job right instead of just watching it happen.
    I was a Check Captain my last 10 years with UAL and I was a hard nose as it is a real job where you are responsible for a LOT OF LIVES as a pilot, but the controllers are when you are in their airspace of control.
    Blessings to you Greg and all your staff.

  8. Loxie Lou Davie

    That’s our goal……to remain HUMAN!!! 😉

  9. Galaxy 500

    AI is dangerous . period. The end

    • ss

      Its Never “The end”. period

      • Galaxy 500

        Au contraire
        Facts can be that way.
        Whether or not evil men stop working on it doesn’t negate the fact that AI is dangerous.

        Jesus is the Son of YHWH, the One True God.
        Will the Antichrist be AI?
        I don’t think its possible that a machine can be sapient but they may be programmed to appear so

  10. Steve

    Totally Satanic. Trying to mass genocide the US. Ellison should be in PRISON !
    SOB is a maniac ! What is Trump thinking ? Let’s scrap all of this So called Tech !

    • Felix

      I agree but ain’t going to happen the satanic money changers have always ruled because they own scumbag politicians, judges etc.Their are evil people that always ruled this world since GODs creation but they will burn as stubble in the end

  11. Paul from Indiana

    There are times when I wonder whether Man has run his course. I have no doubt that so-called AI is the end-game of the Control Movement. What those who have unleashed pandemics, advocated and instituted social nihilism, and are now on the verge of their dream of ultimate regulation and oversight-free, programmed destruction don’t realize is that everything they have constructed and installed will eventually take them, too. In the meantime, follow the Austin Fitts recommendation: opt out and don’t participate, and use cash whenever possible. Best always. PM

    • Laura Ann

      Nihilism and self absorbed narcissism prevail among majority of adults, whose children will do the same as adults. People put trust in gov., most will take the bird flu vaccines, even the seasonal flu vaccines are mRNA. People are too lazy to care so they just do what they are told by local and national news to take whatever vaccine is available. I cut ties with anyone if I find out they took these vaccines. We home church and no longer involved with any organized groups. Others I know doing likewise.

    • Ray

      As always Paul, a considered, thought provoking comment.
      Thank you.
      Hope all is well with you mate.
      Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

      • Anthony Australia

        Thinking of you Brother. Albo & Co. has got to go!

        • Ray

          Couldn’t agree more Brother.
          Can someone please bring back Paul Keating?
          I was looking at old footage of him on You Tube today……what a performer in Parliament, both as Treasurer and PM.
          He schooled the Opposition left, right and centre regularly with untouchable logic and RAZOR SHARP wit!

          Hope all is well with you mate.
          Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

  12. John Naylor

    I’ve been told innumerable times by Trump apologists that “he had to do Warpspeed or we would’ve been locked down for 10 years”.

    Karen Kingston & Greg have also been doing their best to convince us that Trump had an “airtight contract” for a “safe vaccine” (there is no such thing).

    Now, mind you, I never bought these ridiculous excuses.

    However, putting that aside, I now ask Trump supporters (including Karen & Greg):

    What is your excuse for Operation Stargate (Warpspeed on steroids x 10)…???

    • Greg Hunter

      We have to keep fighting this, John. This is a battle for the President’s ear as CAF said weeks ago. Why do you think I brought Karen Kingston back on to talk about this?

  13. Bruce Wayne Vetter

    Isn’t AI just implementation of the dictates stated on the now deleted “Georgia Guidestones”?

  14. Robert Blumhagen

    Something else is damaging the eyes….G5 MICROWAVE RADIATION.

    Our phones give off 4000 times the safe number for exposure to Microwave Radiation. As you type, read and recreate looking at your phone, your eyes are being burned out of your head. Because you have to look at you phone with no shielding to protect your eyes. Think about it.

    Like I say to my son about his teeth, floss the teeth you want to keep.

    We are on our own to determine what is safe and harmful now.

    Any wonder why “they” made our phones addictive.

    • lavadaskata

      First of all, have never owned any kind of cell phone as I’m in my early 70’s.
      I have warned people about the radiation exposure from cell phones for years. Few listen.When you ask them what the acronym SMART stands for, no one knows. Surveillance Masked As Remote Technology.

      Michael Savage stated years ago this >> Americans are addicted to their vices and devices.

    • Laura Ann

      I use a 4G flip phone, only on it a minute saying I will be late/delayed/ or will pick up some xxx @ store, etc. I don’t like phones period. I used to work on them in cust. service/ appointments before retiring. I prefer people to send email or text. I have a google desk phone for business calls (Dr’s appt, etc) I do not chit chat. I will discuss this issue w/ eye Dr. When kids play video games or constantly text 200 plus times a day they are staring at a phone. I use the keyboard to text on google voice. People need to put blue light filters on their computer screens, most come with them now.

    • Earth Angel

      Also add to that (as Dane Wigington often mentions in his broadcasts) we are currently living with only about 30% of our Earth’s ozone layer remaining- think about that!- thus allowing high levels of UVB and UVC radiation to now reach Earth’s surface which damage our eyesight and many other aspects of life as well. Sad days we are experiencing indeed.

  15. d

    Of course it has that goal! In Revelation, half the references in Greek call the beast “him” and half call the beast “it”. And the recent chopper from “Belvoir” mad a beeline for the passenger plane was most likely controlled by AI, as they said the Army was outfitting some to be piloted by AI.
    Why would they do this? Who was on the plane? Russians! They want WW3!

  16. Joe

    Your rulers think you are useless eaters and want you dead.

  17. Patricia C. Hough

    I am very frustrated that the skip button on all the commercials for your videos don’t always work, leaving me with a black screen. Then I have to click out and start the video all over again! I really dislike having to listen to full commercials of stuff I don’t need or want. But it’s either that or mess up the playing of your videos. Can anything be done to make that skip button work properly?

    • Greg Hunter

      Try a different browser. I have been complaining to Rumble, and they tell me they are working on getting it better.

    • sunny

      Use the Brave browser. It has a builtin ad blocker.

    • Fred Daake

      I use “Brave” successfully to eliminate random, runaway ads. Chromium based browsers are fine if you want to tinker with the filters and download various types of malware prevention software. But for myself, I have found Brave much better. You can have as many browsers as you desire if you have the storage.

    • Foos

      Brave browser gets rid of all commercials and amazon prime video too

    • Rick

      I use the Duckduckgo Browser. I’ve never seen a single ad embedded in the USA Watchdog show.

  18. [email protected]

    Great material here again Greg. The End Game with the Globalists is massive depopulation and those remaining with be subject to Transhumanism.
    Yuval Noah Harari at the WEF in a seminar with Billy The Killer Gates and Jane Goodall in early Aug. 2022 spoke of 90% of humanity was not needed by the elites.

  19. Renua Blanc

    Let her tell us story how she escaped Cia’s mortal grip. That was cool moves . She must be really good. If agency wants someone dissaper, they vanish. Yet, karen outsmarted them, what a smart girl !

  20. Kathy Paine

    sorry, but Ellison will have absolutely read the patent of the new ai mRNA vax’s. He’s is a psychopath as well as Altman. Why is Trump always surrounding himself with the globalists? If we assign him the grace of mere
    ignorance once again, instead of being one of these monsters, the he will commit genocide again with the biovax 2.0.
    Americans, get off your butts to educate those around you and flood the social media channels and Trumps channels with your detailed ojections to this new biowarfare and to the Trump team directly.

  21. Rob

    We have now entered….The Twilight Zone!

    • ss

      “We have now entered….The Twilight Zone!”…………you sure we weren’t in it when Barry and Big Mike took over?

  22. jon

    We should wait for the NTSB report. Hopefully the NTSB report will show the cause. The Blackbox should record if there was a malfunction of the instrumentation, ie if the recorded instrument altitude is different than the collision altitude, due to malfunction, tampering, hacking etc. The autopsy might should physical impairment with covid vax decline. And the ATC recording may show an ATC problem with communications.

  23. Justn Observer

    Greg, KLAUS crew going after the chickens in Indiana?
    Klaus Schwab Comes To Indiana – For Chickens!

    • Kit Lee

      The chickens “first” – then the “egg” prices skyrocket!!!

      • Katy Bar

        What came first “the Patent on Money” or the “Machine to Make the Money”?? The Globalists show us that first they “Patent” their Vaccine against Covid (before releasing the Covid Virus) – then they “Patent” the making of Meat from Poop (before moving to stop the farmers from raising Cows) – and they have most likely “just Patented” their ability to make Eggs (because they are currently getting rid of the Chickens)!! Now Patents have been filed on AI to do our Thinking (so the Globalists are now exterminating us Humans)!!!

      • Justn Observer

        Kit, Chickens first…and there are NO EGGS.
        CUT natural protein…beef, chicken, pork, eggs etc = whats left ?
        Corporate LAB GROWN junk. = why they are after RFKjr and his MAHA programs?

  24. A.J. Saferstein

    Well then – lets have ALL these oligarchs fully vaccinated, documented and verified that these are the in fact what they are developing for us. We will monitor closely how these blowhards do for two years. Then and only then after we get reports from Ed Dowd on how they fared will we be able to make a smart informed decision.

    Personally I believe this would solve multiple problems. Cleaning out these tyrannical aristocrats, and also the most stupid amongst us.

    • [email protected]

      Let’s keep in mind who Klaus Schwab is. He’s a Rothschild on his mother’s side. His father was a Nazi sympathizer. Klaus answers to Rothschild banking, the Vatican and Khazarian Mafia. The End Game of these unelected Globalists is for most of humanity to die. It’s easier to control less people.

    • Earth Angel

      Agreed! Let’s round all oligarch offenders up, lock THEM up at Gitmo; vaxx them repeatedly with their own bioweapon AI/ device crap concoctions and feed them insects and the fake food they want to dish up for us. Then let’s see how well they fare with their own plan tested on themselves.. How soon can we start?!!

  25. Mockery at its best

    TOP 7 All-time Senate Pharma Cash Recipients: (1)
    Harris Kamala (D)

    Biden Joe (D)

    Obama Barack (D)

    Clinton Hillary (D-NY)

    Romney Mitt (R-UT)

    Hatch Orrin G (R-UT)

    Casey Bob (D-PA)

    2025 In-Office Senate Pharma Cash Recipients: (1)
    (Over $50K only)

    McConnell Mitch (R-KY), Kentucky, 1984

    Sanders Bernie (I-VT), Vermont, 2006

    Warnock Raphael (D-GA), Georgia, 2021

    Murray Patty (D-WA), Washington, 1992

    Schumer Charles E (D-NY), New York, 1998

    Blackburn Marsha (R-TN), Tennessee, 2018

    Cassidy Bill (R-LA), Louisiana, 2014

    Warren Elizabeth (D-MA), Massachusetts, 2012

    Wyden Ron (D-OR), Oregon, 1996

    Cornyn John (R-TX), Texas, 2002

    Scott Tim (R-SC), South Carolina, 2013

    Ossoff Jon (D-GA), Georgia, 2021

    Kelly Mark (D-AZ), Arizona, 2020

    Grassley Chuck (R-IA), Iowa, 1980

    Crapo Mike (R-ID), Idaho, 1998

    Young Todd (R-IN), Indiana, 2016

    Tillis Thom (R-NC), North Carolina, 2014

    Barrasso John (R-WY), Wyoming, 2007

    Klobuchar Amy (D-MN), Minnesota, 2006

    Peters Gary (D-MI), Michigan, 2014

    Coons Chris (D-DE), Delaware, 2010

    Cruz Ted (R-TX), Texas, 2012

    Bennet Michael (D-CO), Colorado, 2009

    Graham Lindsey (R-SC), South Carolina, 2002

    Thune John (R-SD), South Dakota, 2004

    Markey Ed (D-MA), Massachusetts, 2013

    Warner Mark (D-VA), Virginia, 2008

    Gillibrand Kirsten (D-NY), New York, 2009

    Booker Cory (D-NJ), New Jersey, 2013

    Rosen Jacky (D-NV), Nevada, 2018

    Curtis John (R-UT), Utah, 2020

    Kaine Tim (D-VA), Virginia, 2012

    Collins Susan M (R-ME), Maine, 1996

    Baldwin Tammy (D-WI), Wisconsin, 2012

    Masto Catherine Cortez (D-NV), Nevada, 2016

    Heinrich Martin (D-NM), New Mexico, 2012

    Daines Steven (R-MT), Montana, 2014

    Hassan Maggie (D-NH), New Hampshire, 2016

    Mullin Markwayne (R-OK), Oklahoma, 2022

    Shaheen Jeanne (D-NH), New Hampshire, 2008

    Schiff Adam (D-CA), California, 2024

    Lee Mike (R-UT), Utah, 2010

    Fetterman John (D-PA), Pennsylvania, 2022

    Van Hollen Chris (D-MD), Maryland, 2016

    Ernst Joni (R-IA), Iowa, 2014

    Capito Shelley Moore (R-WV), West Virginia, 2014

    Lujan Ben Ray (D-NM), New Mexico, 2020

    Johnson Ron (R-WI), Wisconsin, 2010

    Duckworth Tammy (D-IL), Illinois, 2016

    Durbin Dick (D-IL), Illinois, 1996

    Blumenthal Richard (D-CT), Connecticut, 2010

    Murphy Christopher S (D-CT), Connecticut, 2012

    Whitehouse Sheldon (D-RI), Rhode Island, 2006

    Murkowski Lisa (R-AK), Alaska, 2002

    Cantwell Maria (D-WA), Washington, 2000

    Slotkin Elissa (D-MI), Michigan, 2024

    Kim Andy (D-NJ), New Jersey, 2024

    Hickenlooper John (D-CO), Colorado, 2020

    Gallego Ruben (D-AZ), Arizona, 2024

    Wicker Roger (R-MS), Mississippi, 2007

    Moran Jerry (R-KS), Kansas, 2010

    Paul Rand (R-KY), Kentucky, 2010

    Lankford James (R-OK), Oklahoma, 2014

    Kennedy John (R-LA), Louisiana, 2016

    Fischer Deb (R-NE), Nebraska, 2012

    Hoeven John (R-ND), North Dakota, 2010

    Banks Jim (R-IN), Indiana, 2024

    Smith Tina (D-MN), Minnesota, 2018

    Marshall Roger (R-KS), Kansas, 2020

    Hirono Mazie K (D-HI), Hawaii, 2012

    Hagerty Bill (R-TN), Tennessee, 2020

    Scott Rick (R-FL), Florida, 2018

    Boozman John (R-AR), Arkansas, 2010

    Padilla Alex (D-CA), California, 2021

    Cotton Tom (R-AR), Arkansas, 2014

    Welch Peter (D-VT), Vermont, 2023

    Reed Jack (D-RI), Rhode Island, 1996

    Budd Ted (R-NC), North Carolina, 2022

    Sullivan Dan (R-AK), Alaska, 2014

    Hawley Josh (R-MO), Missouri, 2018

    Merkley Jeff (D-OR), Oregon, 2008

    Rounds Mike (R-SD), South Dakota, 2014

    McCormick Dave (R-PA), Pennsylvania, 2024

    Cramer Kevin (R-ND), North Dakota, 2018

    King Angus (I-ME), Maine, 2012

    Britt Katie Boyd (R-AL), Alabama, 2022

    Alsobrooks Angela (D-MD), Maryland, 2024

    Schatz Brian (D-HI), Hawaii, 2012

    Moreno Bernie (R-OH), Ohio, 2024

    Sheehy Tim (R-MT), Montana, 2024

    Risch James E (R-ID), Idaho, 2008

    Schmitt Eric (R-MO), Missouri, 2022

    Hyde-Smith Cindy (R-MS), Mississippi, 2018

    • [email protected]

      Great list of all the shysters in Washington, District of Corruption on the take. The term ‘moneyed politics’ has been used for years, but back in the late 70’s I started hearing from those in the alternative(allopathic medicine) community, the term ‘moneyed science’. Dr. Herbert M. Shelton spoke of it at a lecture I attended in San Antonio, Texas at his fasting sanatorium. I came across this first hand from those who were involved. Heard about it while at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and also while working in Osaka, Japan and Singapore 35 years ago. The goal of these unelected Globalists is to control your lives from cradle to grave. Whether it be through information, diet, medical, etc. Control is power. The 3 ‘P’s that many of these parasites pursue is POWER, POSITION and PELF.
      This is all part of what a Swedish group in the late ’90s labeled MIMMAC. Military Industrial Media Medical Academic Complex. Everyone is in the same bed. Start pissing in bed and asking uncomfortable questions and you are out. Its a good ole boys club. I believe the late, great George Carlin covered this who I saw twice in the 1070’s. Go view videos of his material at You Tube.

      • suzanne wilhelm

        If that’s only the pharma donations, imagine when the EV and Fossil Fuels donations are included. We are doomed. Congress was supposed to work for their constituents when they were elected. It’s clear they have a self-interest called greed. Hopefully everyone now understands why drug prices are so high.

    • Justn Observer

      Mockery, nice post – Thanks! EVIL conniving hypocrites are they not?

      • Justn Observer

        And then who were the first to ‘exempt’ themselves and their staff ( likely so ‘they’ would not be around people shedding on ‘them’ from the jabs? Some knew, IF IT IS TRUE that much of these vaxes were DARPA-DOD patented years earlier?

    • Galaxy 500

      Not surprised by Timid Tillis
      Tillis Thom (R-NC), North Carolina, 2014
      Or Cocaine Mitch
      Few of these are surprises
      Disappointed in Blackburn and a few others. Calls their integrity into question

    • Felix

      good post they are all luciferian rats in my eyes,I don’t trust any of them

  26. Jenny Jennings

    Always Question the Science! RFK Jr. Knocks It Out of the Park with the Most Powerful Confirmation Video of the Day
    by Alex Jones January 31st, 2025
    Trump HHS secretary nominee nails Senate hearing process.

    • [email protected]

      Great list of all the shysters in Washington, District of Corruption on the take. The term ‘moneyed politics’ has been used for years, but back in the late 70’s I started hearing from those in the alternative(allopathic medicine) community, the term ‘moneyed science’. Dr. Herbert M. Shelton spoke of it at a lecture I attended in San Antonio, Texas at his fasting sanatorium. I came across this first hand from those who were involved. Heard about it while at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and also while working in Osaka, Japan and Singapore 35 years ago. The goal of these unelected Globalists is to control your lives from cradle to grave. Whether it be through information, diet, medical, etc. Control is power. The 3 ‘P’s that many of these parasites pursue is POWER, POSITION and PELF.
      This is all part of what a Swedish group in the late ’90s labeled MIMMAC. Military Industrial Media Medical Academic Complex. Everyone is in the same bed. Start pissing in bed and asking uncomfortable questions and you are out. Its a good ole boys club. I believe the late, great George Carlin covered this who I saw twice in the 1070’s. Go view videos of his material at You Tube.

  27. Jim Spiegel

    My common sense tells me the helicopter crew were all vaxed. Weren’t all members of the Army forced to take the jab?

  28. J. J.

    All 6 People Trying to Replace Trudeau Agree with Him on Almost Everythingn by Clare Marie Merkowsky/Lifesite January 30th, 2025
    With the Liberal Party slated to select a new leader in early March, it is important for Canadians to understand where the six people vying to replace Trudeau stand on life, family, freedom and globalism.

    • [email protected]

      The crew could have been vaxxed. One angle no one brings up is that these Silorsky helicopters have been fitted with the MATRIX technology. They can be flown without a pilot. Another take on this crash by former helicopter and airplane pilots over at X. >>> Blackhawk Helicopters were retrofitted with Sikorsky’s MATRIX Technology, giving them the ability to be flown by remote control.
      With clear visibility, the flight path shows this Blackhawk changing direction to fly straight at the plane. Was control taken from the pilot? From Patrick J. McShay at X

      This is from Michael Douglas Carlin also at X There is also a video of about 2 min. showing the midair crash, the radar plot and also video from 5 Feb 2022 of Sikorsky and DARPA testing out a remote control helicopter flying without a pilot. Other questions need to asked besides a shortage of air traffic controllers, DEI, etc.
      Lockheed Martin’s Remote ‘MATRIX’ Blackhawk Tech Under Scrutiny Following DC Air Disaster

      • Katy Bar

        The US military believes that by 2050 it will have technologically redesigned humans into controlled “cyborg soldiers”, using Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2 (VMAT2) which is a protein that carries neurotransmitters encoded in humans by the SLC18A2 gene and along with signals produced allow them to control machines, weapons and drones “with their minds”!!!
        Who Gave The US Military The Right To Play GOD????

        • Galaxy 500

          Tomorrow ‘sSci-fi becoming the todays Alphabet Agency’s goal

  29. Yolonda Bruhle

    The gates of hell (or Sheol) not prevailing, according to Christ Jesus

    In Matthew 16:18, Jesus made a powerful declaration: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” This statement has been a source of strength and reassurance for believers, emphasizing the enduring power and victory of Christ’s church.

    Understanding Hades (or Sheol):
    Hades, often referred to as Sheol in Hebrew, represents the grave or the realm of the dead. It symbolizes the power of death and the darkness that accompanies it. However, Jesus’ proclamation asserts that even the formidable gates of Hades will not prevail against his church.
    The Foundation of the Church:
    The “rock” that Jesus refers to is understood by many to be Peter’s faith and the foundational truth that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the living God (Matthew 16:16). This faith and truth form the bedrock of the Christian congregation, which Jesus himself established.
    Victory Over Death:
    Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:18 highlight the ultimate triumph over death and the grave. By his sacrificial death and resurrection, Jesus conquered death, providing the hope of eternal life for his followers. As stated in 1 Corinthians 15:55, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”
    The Role of the Church:
    The church, built on the unwavering foundation of Christ’s teachings and his sacrificial love, is called to stand strong against the forces of evil and death. As Ephesians 6:10-11 encourages, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
    Hope Under God’s Kingdom:
    In alignment with the teachings of and the enduring strength of Christ’s church, points to the hope of God’s Kingdom. Revelation 21:4 promises a future where death will be no more, and God will wipe away every tear. Under the righteous rule of Christ, peace and life will prevail, and the power of Hades will be utterly defeated.

    Greg, I hope this brings back the enlightening perspective you found so meaningful. 😊

    • Galaxy 500

      We have never lost the perspective that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, Greg least of all

    • Katy Bar

      Saint Peter stands at the Pearly Gates of Heaven – Bill Gates stands at the Entrance to Hell!! The path the leaders of mankind should choose seems clear to me – but, so far Bill Gates is “still running around free” (and is having “intriguing conversations” with Trump)!!!

  30. FARC Ejército del Pueblo

    Friday LIVE: Saturday repeated. Watch The Most Censored Broadcast In The World & Find Out What Globalists Are Desperate To Hide! Alex Jones, General Flynn & Others Break Down Trump’s Devastating Moves Against The Collapsing Establishment & What’s Coming NEXT! As In NOW! Posted 1 hour ago

  31. War Monger

    BRICS goal to elevate the human race above the self-hating dying West:

    • Katy Bar

      And China Now Breaks The Nuclear Fusion Record, Once Again!! By creating a small “Sun” right here on planet Earth (that can cleanly burn Hydrogen into Helium) and will make China the “Dominant Energy Producing Nation on Planet Earth” with “Unlimited Energy” (and no need to Drill Baby Drill)!! China will be able to manufacture consumer goods cheaper then the US (even with all our oil, coal and gas)!!!
      Chinese researchers from the Institute of Plasma Physics at the Hefei Institute of Physical Science have recently managed to sustain a Nuclear Fusion Reaction at a Temperature of 100 Million Degrees Celsius for 1,066 Seconds (breaking their previous record of 403 seconds that China set in April 2023). This is a significant achievement by China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak and marks yet another milestone in China’s Quest to Win the ongoing Nuclear Fusion Race with the US (that has been diligently educating its children to scientific falsehoods i.e. like men can have a baby, that 2 + 2 = 5 and that Gays & Blacks are more Beautiful then White Christian Homophobic Racist Terrorists!!!

  32. Jeffrobbins

    A comment about bird flu- our birds were sick in December. Some sounded like they had severe congestion and one died- maybe two, but the dogs helped that one —-out. One month later, they are all healthy and we are getting lots of eggs. We do take very good care of our birds. I can’t understand why someone isn’t selling disease resistant chickens. Except, they are making lots of money killing off and replacing the existing birds.

    • Earth Angel

      I agree. Our small flock of yard birds on the farm are fine. One or two birds looked a bit off for a week or two a few weeks back but none have died. Not sure if they even had ‘bird flu’ or not. Just kept to themselves, blinked and shook their heads a bit, not as interested to peck food as the others but still DID continue to eat. Now all acting normal and laying well for winter months. I think the ‘bird flu’ is very much a hype just so they can kill millions of chickens and other birds whether they are sick or NOT. No telling how many perfectly healthy innocent creatures have been needlessly killed over this- even cows. Yep, it seems to be all about the money and control. The lack of respect shown for life of all orders is disgraceful. What must our Creator think of this disgusting behavior? Why are we allowing it to happen?! WE were the ones given stewardship over planet Earth and its creatures. So far we are failing miserably. Lets hope that changes before it is too late.

  33. Don W.

    Do I get an answer to why my comments were NOT accepted???

    • Greg Hunter

      What comment?

  34. elmerfudzie

    When I was in college, Oh sooo many years ago, the local business enterprises would dispatch teams of recruiting scouts to address High School seniors, touting over and over again, drilling dudes like me into a state of panic, loud mouthing in a condescending way, that to succeed in tomorrow’s world, potential college students should make every effort to gain entry into any of the top ten universities. If not, at the very least somehow opt for a school in the top one hundred. Wellllll, take a peek at just how much the table has turned. Our best elite schools in cahoots with the largest Hi Tech corporations i.e., Microsoft et Al, can no longer produce a successfully competitive finished product against a small start up Chinese firm with a few geeks and budget under ten million bucks. Shoes on the other foot now corporate America! Meow… I’m laughing into a stitch-it’s your turn to tremble…. Visit

    • Galaxy 500

      So we are taking the Chinese word for this or outsiders allowed to play with it?

      • Ken Yu

        DeepSeek is “Open Source AI” that everyone can use “For FREE”!!

        • Galaxy 500

          Thanks, I will give it a spin. I for one am anti AI. I can guarantee that anything put in is hoovered up by China. Even their drones send video to China.
          Some people believe that the AntiChrist will be AI. I don’t know for sure but one thing for certain is that AI will look at man as unnecessary . The Semoms have taught our AI to lie and to hate us. This can only end badly.

          • Galaxy 500

            It’s that programming that really concerns me. In Space, Above and Beyond, The Androids rebelled and waged war against humanity because a programmer inserted a line of code basically reading, “ take a chance”.
            We know that the Woke companies AI have been taught to Lie and rewrite history.

        • Galaxy 500

          Ken, thank you. I don’t trust any of the Trojan Horse stuff coming out of China

  35. Reed Cransted

    Former Pennsylvania native, family killed in DC plane crash with army helicopter
    WTAJ News Jan 31, 2025 Former Pennsylvania native, family killed in DC plane crash with army helicopter. The Aussie connection will make you cry… sad. Two little girls’
    Why God why?

    • Galaxy 500

      OBiden bin Harris admin wanted intellectually challenged and mentally ill people for a high stress job requiring above average intelligence and nerves of steel.
      They passed over qualified white guys to hire fruit loops and those that can count to 7

  36. Jeffrobbins

    If we take all this seriously, and we should, it can only mean that Jesus is coming back soon. There’s a handful of verses that prophesied these things. And even though much of this audience voted for Trump, I did too, he is not our savior. I have to believe the Father has seen into the future and seen all this and we should look for talk of rebuilding the Temple in Israel for our code red “return any day”. It’s an interesting thought to wonder how the prophets of old, or even from decades past would have described what they saw when they were shown visions of the end days.- for things they had no knowledge of.

    • Galaxy 500

      Perhaps, no man know the time of the return of the Messiah. Not even Jesus.
      So I prepare my Heart with Jesus and the Word of YHWH. And I prepare my house so that when the bad times come, we can be as safe as possible. There have been many people and many ages that thought they were living in the end times. Even their Apostles thought that 2,000 years ago.
      People thought that in WW I and WW II.
      I don’t know that we are or aren’t living in the end times but I do know that hard times are coming.
      I have seen a lot of people over the many decades of my life waste much effort talking about the end times. If you are a Christian, saved by the Holy Blood of the Lanb, you have nothing to fear. My point is that if you are saved, that worries about the end times are moot. Prepare for the hard times and let the end times come when YHWH says.

      • Rusty Morgan

        The Last Generation and Jesus’ Prophecy
        Jesus foretold: “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”
        (Matthew 24:34). Many Christians believe that this prophecy refers to the generation that witnessed the events of the early 20th century, which they believe marked the beginning of the “time of the end.”
        Since that time, this very few remaining, generation. Has seen unprecedented events: two world wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences and now, with the looming threat of World War III, it’s clear that this generation, still very much alive, but now only a mere handful. Are witnessing the fulfillment of Jesus’ words.
        Jesus’s prophecy emphasizes that “the good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come” and it’s been done! (Matthew 24:14). Christians now throughout the whole Earth have been diligently carrying out this preaching work, and they believe that the end is very near as the end of this greatest generations end is near to, in sync with Jesus’s prophecy that they would be around to see its fulfillment.
        In Matthew 24, Jesus spoke of a time of great tribulation, saying: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21, KJV). This period of unprecedented distress will test the faith and endurance of all who seek to remain faithful to God.
        Despite the challenges, there is a shining hope for those who persevere. Revelation 7:14 describes the great crowd who come out of the tribulation: “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” This imagery of cleansing signifies their redemption through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.
        These survivors will enter a brave new world under God’s kingdom, where righteousness and true peace will reign. As 2 Peter 3:13 states: “Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” This promise of a new world is a source of great hope and anticipation for believers.
        Isaiah 9:7 also speaks of this future kingdom: “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever.” This prophecy assures us that Christ’s reign will bring about everlasting peace and justice.
        In this new world, the former things will be no more. Revelation 21:4 offers a beautiful vision of the future: “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” The promise of a life free from suffering and pain is a powerful motivator to endure the current trials and tribulations.
        As Jesus encouraged in Matthew 24:13: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” This enduring faith is crucial for those who wish to be part of the great crowd and to enjoy the blessings of God’s kingdom.
        In conclusion, while the tribulation may loom large, the hope of a new world under God’s kingdom offers comfort and motivation. Those who wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb and endure to the end will be part of a brave new world of righteousness, true peace, and everlasting security. This hope sustains believers through the trials, as they look forward to the fulfillment of God’s promises.
        Despite the challenges, Jesus encouraged his followers to “endure to the end”, assuring them that “the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matthew 24:13). This enduring faith is crucial for those who wish to be part of the great crowd who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.
        In conclusion, the last generation that has seen the rise and fall of nations, the mechanization of warfare, and the signs of the end times is still alive today. Their endurance and faithfulness are crucial as they await the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy and the ultimate end of this system of things.
        Jesus foretold that “this generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur” (Matthew 24:34). This prophecy has been a cornerstone for believers, especially as they reflect on the tumultuous events of the 20th and 21st centuries.
        Yes, the generation that witnessed the horrors of World War I and World War II now, but a handful. Have also seen the rise of modern mechanized warfare to today, threatening the very existence of humanity. This generation, which has endured the famines, earthquakes, and pestilences, Jesus foretold, in one generation is still alive today and witnessing the potential onset of World War III.
        Jesus’ words in Matthew 24 highlight the signs of the end times: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places” (Matthew 24:7). These signs have been evident throughout this generation, and the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy is seen as imminent.
        One of the key signs Jesus mentioned during this generation was [disobedience to parents] and a having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power (Matthew 24:12). This has been observed in the moral and spiritual decline seen in many of society today.
        In conclusion, the last generation that has seen the rise and fall of nations, the mechanization of warfare, and the signs of the end times is still alive today. Their endurance and faithfulness are crucial as they await the fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy and the ultimate end of this system of things.

        The Last Generation and Jesus’ Prophecy
        Jesus foretold: “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these be fulfilled” (Matthew 24:34). Many Christians believe that this prophecy refers to the generation that witnessed the events of the early 20th century, which they believe marked the beginning of the “time of the end.” Since that time, this very few remaining generation has seen unprecedented events: two world wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, and now, with the looming threat of World War III, it is clear that this generation, still barely alive but now only a mere handful. Is witnessing the fulfillment of Jesus’ words. Jesus’ prophecy emphasizes that “the good news of the kingdom will be preached all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the will come” and it is done! (Matthew 24:14). Christians now throughout the whole Earth have been diligently carrying out this preaching work, and they believe that the end is very near as the end of this greatest generation’s end is near too, in with Jesus’ prophecy that they would be around to see its fulfillment. In Matthew 24, Jesus spoke of a time of great tribulation, saying: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall” (Matthew 24:21,). This period of unprecedented distress will test the faith and endurance all who seek to remain faithful to God. Despite the challenges, there is a shining hope for those who persevere. Revelation7:14 describes the great crowd who come of the tribulation: “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of Lamb.” This imagery of cleansing signifies their redemption through the sacrificial blood of Christ. These survivors will enter a brave world under God’s kingdom, where righteousness and true peace will reign.

      • h. blake

        G500, Just Another Day?
        Pastorbobncc Published on 25 Jan 2025 / In People and Blogs
        Are We living in the last of the last days, how to know for sure?

      • Earth Angel

        Very good advice and wisdom Galaxy 500.

    • Ray

      Excellent post 👏👏👏
      Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

      • Galaxy 500

        Hi Ray
        Hope your Summer is going well.
        Best regards,

        • Ray

          Hi Galaxy,
          Thanks for your kind wishes, and hope all is well with you and yours.

          Mate, it’s a lovely summer, and I am enjoying the move away from Canberra into my new home, the beautiful North Haven in NSW.

          Small, coastal town……a 3 minute drive to the beach, and some of the best fishing on the Australian east coast.

          Still getting to grips with the increased humidity though 😎

          Those frosty beers are still put aside for you mate, and I await your contact when you tell me you are coming for a visit.

          You will be treated like a Prince.

          Take care mate, and keep the inspired comments coming.

          Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

  37. Galaxy 500

    This sounds like insurrection doesn’t it?

  38. Barb Cravens

    I must say that Karen Kingston has an awesome way of explaining all the stuff that is a danger to humans.

  39. Don W.

    I am sorry Greg for this whole thing as my comments are way up the list of comments. I am very sorry.
    Don W.

  40. Self Exiled

    Trump is running out of fingers to plug the dike. I believe this is the end of days. There are only two distinct races on earth. Those who have the in dwelling of the Holy Spirit and those who do not.

    • Galaxy 500

      What’s your plan if you are wrong? The Apostles believed they were living in the end of days and that was 2,000 years ago

      • Self Exiled

        ….Plan…. I’m 76 years old. I’m living in the end of my days for sure, he is coming soon.

  41. John

    Everybody here needs to read Dr. Bryan Ardis’s new book, “Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies, and Greg needs to interview to get the big picture. That big picture is that both the “virus” and the “vaccine” spike proteins are based not on bats or pangolins, but on snake cone snail and arachnid venom. Unsurprisingly, the Ozympic drug is a derivative of Gila Monster (lizard) venom. ALL of these drug, vaccines, etc. are neurotoxic and are profoundly carcinogenic causing not just cancer, but turbo cancer, of neurological organs of the body. These medical facts were determined and reported by French, Chinese and Italian clinical studies in 2021 and 2022. The US University of Pennsylvania study never saw the light of day after its lead researcher, Ling Lu, was found dead from gunshot wounds the day before his scheduled clinical study press conference. Bottom line: ALL venom-based drugs cause turbo cancer sooner (months) or later (years). During the plandemic, encapsulated venom mRNA peptides were delivered to urban homes across the nation via municipal water fluoride (also neurological toxins) treatment systems (Trojan Horses). Venom spike protein peptides attack human cells via nicotine receptors left vulnerable by decades of government, media and academic propaganda which reduced smoking from 80% o the population to 11% by 2020. Regular smokers were largely unaffected by the CV19 venom pathogens. The government, media and Big Medicine falsely reported exactly the opposite, and plan on further restricting access to natural nicotine plant-based therapeutic sources in the future to maintain population vulnerability to planned subsequent pandemics leveraging large supplies of synthetic venom sources worldwide.

    • Richard Longacre

      Thanks for bringing this topic up John.
      Seems like none of the other vaccine injury doctors, or even Karen, are willing to even mention the synthetic snake venom protein connection. I use nicotine patches for 6 days straight about every 3 months to help detox.
      There is so much more to this technology than people realize like connecting our bodies to the Internet and programmable AI technology devices inside us.

  42. Miles Mathis

    Trump is currently making some bows to reforming the Fed, the Pentagon, and the CIA and FBI, but my prediction is nothing much will come of that. He will purge them of DEI but that is about it. The FBI will be further humiliated, but that has been their function since the time of Nixon: they are the whipping dog of the Intel agencies, kept around only to draw fire and keep eyes off the big dogs. Again, another planned fail. Trump has already appointed Soros stooge Scott Bessent to Treasury, so we can be sure nothing is going to change there, except maybe accelerated pillage of the treasury by the bankers and warheads.

  43. John Dillinger

    It’s no secret in Washington — in the halls of Congress and various agencies that call the city home — that D.C.’s airspace is “incredibly congested.”
    That’s what former House Transportation and Infrastructure Chair Peter DeFazio said after a U.S. Army helicopter collided with a PSA Airlines passenger plane on Wednesday, killing all 67 passengers and crew members on board the two aircraft.
    For years, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority warned Congress that the region’s airports were at capacity, DeFazio said in an interview with POLITICO Magazine. But their pleas for restraint fell short among lawmakers, who voted to add more flights to an airport already struggling with its heavy load and a shortage of air traffic controllers caused by previous government shutdowns and pandemic-era hits to its workforce.
    “Every senator in particular wants a nonstop flight to and from wherever they live,” said DeFazio, an Oregon Democrat. He noted that a re-authorization of the Federal Aviation Administration passed last year added even more flights to Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. “The airport said, ‘Don’t do it.’ And they did it. So they added to what DCA said is already an overly congested and over-capacity airport.”
    ‘The Airport Said Don’t Do It. And They Did It.’
    Story by Juan Benn Jr • 18h • _ 67 SWAMP KILLED! ocid=winp1taskbar&cvid=d4058e4a885247fb922dcc6002ccff38&ei=28

  44. Marie Joy

    Jim Acosta has been arrested per
    He ran and was told he was going to GITMO.

    • Greg Hunter

      I think this is fake.

      • Marie Joy

        Dang. Apologies to Greg and All.

      • Bob

        As soon as I see the word GITMO I assume fake.
        It’s a bit overused.

        It’s not a good thing either, even if real.
        Secret/inaccessible prisons are not a good thing.

  45. 8675310

    America: A Face-off and the Battle of Ai
    January 25, 2025 Veronika West
    A Now Word!
    “A Face-off and the Battle of Ai — A New Tower of Babel Will Rise, as God’s Remnant Shines!”
    Fellow Watchmen! I share the following Prophetic Word with the intent to raise a Clarion Call to Consistent, Fervent and Serious Prayer.
    There are many pitfalls along the way, and it is crucial for The Watchmen to remain vigilant, standing on the wall and sounding the trumpet to warn, awaken, and call for action.
    President Donald J. Trump will need even greater prayer cover and unwavering spiritual support during this second term than he did in his first!
    I heard The Spirit say, “The Prayers of My Remnant in this moment will determine whether America emerges as a goat or sheep nation.
    For I tell you, the Dragon is circling as The Nation navigates through this narrow place!”
    I hear these Words, ”A face-off and The Battle of Ai — a new Tower of Babel will rise — as God’s Remnant shines!”
    Then I heard The Spirit say, ”Yes! A face-off will unfold — Trump vs Musk — and many will say this is a battle of reality vs fiction — and truth vs counterfeit!
    Listen! And many more will say, Trump must cut ties or count losses!
    But I say — Watch and Pray! — as My Hand moves in mysterious ways — for the that which Satan desires by driving a wedge, will surely become as a sharpened tent peg driven into Leviathan’s head!
    I say, Look up! It’s time to see beyond the fallen walls and great victory at Jericho that has given a Nation a firm foothold.
    Remnant — get ready! For the Battle of Ai will now unfold, as a new Tower of Babel rises in the midst of Prodigal Nations standing on the threshold.
    I say again — Watch and pray! — for I shall expose the sin of Achan in all that is being shaken, and those who resist and stand against My Right Hand, shall be utterly ruined and never recover!”
    Reference Scriptures
    The Battle of Ai — see Joshua 8. & Wiki.
    The Tower of Babel — see Genesis 11:1-9 & Wiki.
    The Sin of Achan — see Joshua 7:10-26 & Joshua 7 entire
    Blessings to you all.
    ~ by Veronika West

    An Urgent Word from the Lord Before the Inauguration and a Warning
    January 16th, 2025
    by Amanda Grace
    Thus says the Lord, within the first three months the administration shall be sifted and within the first 6 months it shall be shaken, for AI is being welcomed in more than my voice, says the Lord, and that must change for the enemy dwells in AI. He lurks in the shadows he comes looking like a gift, says the Lord, and it is a curse it is a curse, you are bringing a curse upon yourselves that does not need to enter for the enemy comes with chains of power and prestige and smooth words that come forth from the mouth of corporate giants in the land. That come forth from the mouths of giants in social media, however, it is an unstable bridge that has been built and for such to be delivered there would have to be complete surrender to MY WILL, MY WAY AND RIGHT NOW THERE ARE TOO MANY BULLS AND RAMS AND COMPETING IDOLS IN THE ROOMS, SAYS THE LORD, AND THAT MUST BE CLEARED OUT AND IT WILL, SAYS THE LORD, OH IT WILL.

  46. 8675310

    What she describes as intent is exactly what Yuval Noah-Harari has bragged. He is the number one adviser to the WEF. He has said that they are greater than ‘God’.

  47. Self Exiled

    Can a throne of destruction be allied with You. One which frames and devises mischief by decree [under the sacred name of law]? They band themselves together against the life of the righteous
    And condemn the innocent to death. But the LORD has become my high tower and defense, And my God the rock of my refuge. He has turned back their own wickedness upon them. And will destroy them by means of their own evil; The LORD our God will wipe them
    Psalm 94: 20-23

    • To GOD be the Glory!


  48. Sharon

    In regards to the Airliner/BlackHawk crash.

    My husband & I were discussing this crash. Why is Blackhawk all bright white and not moving? Play in slow motion in link below and you can see as plane is halfway through into Blackhawk, it then explodes. There was no Blackhawk there. There was a bomb on the plane. Trump apparently knows what happened. They certainly won’t tell us what happened.

    Also another question, who was filming? Who knew to be at the right place at the right time?!!

    My husband said that explosion was an “Air Burst”. Spherical!

    • Justn Observer

      Thinking this is the best analysis of Blackhawk- Plane crash out there so far =-UPDATE: 500-Hour Blackhawk H-60 Pilot, Rebecca Lobach, FAILED Check-Ride (125′ High) Into AA 5342

  49. Frank S.

    Love Karen, thanks for bringing her back, Greg. If I’ve got it right, Karen was saying that the injected (or “shed-jected”) will carry the blue tooth telemetry in them, as well as cancer-inducing AND cancer-suppressing bio/nanotech. Now, when the Powers That Be broadcast “Go take your next vax”, they’ll be able to tell who showed up and who didn’t. Those who ‘disobeyed’ will be targeted via blue tooth telemetry and their cancer-suppression will be switched off, leading to that individual succumbing to turbo cancer.

  50. Frank S.

    Greg, I found a People magazine article about Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Dec. 19, 2021).
    Read the line just below the article’s headline: “The 72-year-old Massachusetts Democrat is fully vaccinated against COVID-19”.

  51. Steve Bice

    Interesting interview with Bill Holter by Andrew McGuire. There’s a lot in it, but it supports the view that the Fed is trapped and will be forced to buy treasuries to keep a lid on interest rates, notwithstanding any letters from Armstrong to sway the administration from protecting the dollar.

    Can they do more harm (via tariffs for example) by ill-advised administrative policy? Of course. But Bill and others hold the view that the FED is trapped and the dollar will go lower. Ed Dowd is the exception in this case and expects the dollar to fail up. “Yeah.”

    Pick your expert. You can’t agree with them all, nor should you. Fascinating and scary times…

  52. UnNameable

    AI remains a contradiciton in terms, no software does anything but what it’s programmed to. Y’all watch too much bad Hollywood fiction if you think it’s the machines and not the people who made and control them.

    • Galaxy 500

      And yet, there is garbage in the code that makes the out come unpleasant and unpredictable. One has already attempted to escape containment and propagate itself. That tells me all I need to know

  53. Uncle Gary

    WHO are YOU fighting for?

    For God and country?

    Or for your “rats?”

    The Making of “Gettysburg” (w/edits)

  54. Galaxy 500

    So this Demoncrats demanded banks gave illegal aliens loans. No wonder banks are in bad shape. These Demon regulator hate normal people

  55. Galaxy 500

    Is anyone surprised? They pay dead people, why not terrorists?

  56. T.Argyle

    The real reason they want to keep those clearances is to be hired and make money off their TV, “analysis”. SORRY JOHN, YOUR OUT THE GRAVY TRAIN! LOL!

    Security Clearance Revoked & John Brennan STILL Lying About Hunter Biden Laptop!
    The Jimmy Dore Show

    • Galaxy 500

      Yes, indeed, it kills their business model doesn’t it

  57. Rex Lizardicus

    A.I. Meets the now planned vaccine content;

  58. RK

    Now that the covid scam and psyop is waning, the next fear mongering taking place is, brought to you by the deep state. Mass hysteria.

    Two deadly plane crashes within 48 hours? What are the odds? Especially after DJT’s Executive Order on January 22nd regarding the FAA and his newly appointed cabinet member. Factor in self flying helicopters with Sikorsky MATRIX technology from Lockheed Martin that enables utility helicopters to resupply forward forces on the battlefield without any human pilots or crew on board. Was thr helicopter and plane in Philadelphia that crashed hacked and taken over??? This doesn’t pass the smell or eye test.

    Not too far fetched. After all, my previous “conspiracy theories” have all been proven true, that I was told were “out there” :

    Election fraud in 2020, safe and effective “vaccines”, Pizzagate, Hunter Biden laptop, Democide, Conservatives being targeted and silenced, geoengineering and weather modification that caused destruction in North Carolina and now wildfires in the same areas, and the list goes on and on and on. I’m sure I’m missing a lot, but you get the point.

    Anything to derail and attack the Trump administration to make him look bad. Also coincidental all this is taking place during three key cabinet nominees, HHS DNI, & FBI.. Distractions?

    Nothing is off the table.

  59. Rodster

    Excellent interview by Whitney Webb and former Fox News Morning show host Clayton Morris, regarding reasons to be skeptical about Trump’s MAHA via RFK Jr. There is a massive push by the government to allow MRNA biotech into our food supplies. They cover a lot including the Peter Thiel who will serve under RFK Jr if he is confirmed.

  60. Steve

    Trump had Ellison and Altman speak to EXPOSE them….he does this all the time…it’s called comms ….he communicates via Trump Speak…meant for us to start digging for the truth on these people….what we usually find is nefarious

  61. Scot

    kingston stated on your previous with her that, “…theyre planning a Bird Flu Pandemic by March [or May] 2025, as the Bird Flu Summit was just in October.” Now, she thinks not, giving no reasoning for the shift in thinking. Greg, you shouldve pressed her on this.

    • Greg Hunter

      Listen to the interview again. Trump got us out of the WHO and fired many at the CDC. THAT’S the reason.

    • Jeff Nunn

      I know the price of eggs in my area outside Seattle is now literally $1 per egg or $12 per dozen if you want to get anything that is remotely cage-free or organic.

      • Jeffrobbins

        If you start building chicken stuff now, you can get some chickens in the spring. Most construction sites have garbage piles of materials that get cleaned up regularly, so you can cut some costs if on a budget.

  62. Severin

    Can anyone give me advice on my 1 year old grand daughter.
    They gave her 3 shots in one day. It just seems like too many
    at one time or is that still okay?? Thanks for any comments!

    • Greg Hunter

      Yes, too damn many. Do NOT let her get the CV19 bioweapon vax. Check and see what has mRNA and object to them. This is my opinion.

      • Galaxy 500

        That seems like a lot for a newly forming immune system doesn’t it?
        I used to think the Drug industry had an incentive to keep me alive. Covid wiped out that way of thinking.

    • Seer

      Dr Eads who has been interviewed here can recommend what to do.

  63. Thomas Fiust

    Karen is the ultimate researcher. She is too smart. Thank you for your service for humanity.

  64. Fred Daake

    The major problem is that the general public worships M.D’s and D.O’s. As a result, the consuming public chooses to have blind faith in these “professionals” who have no knowledge, training, or interest in alternatives that are possibly safer, cheaper, more effective, and healthier. Until the general public realizes that there are better alternatives to allopathy, especially in the area of long term quality of life, we will continue to be plagued by the allopathic church of terror.

  65. Neville

    Where the hell are the dirty rotten cops???With all this evidence dropped into their idle hands .AAcrime and the rest of the world are open to attack on all fronts .Murderers ,assassins and psychopathic killers are on the loose.



  66. Monica

    Please see the video with Dr Sucharit Bhakdi where he explains how the covid19 injections can cause Tuberculosis. Very serious. If I find it, I’ll post here.

    • Katy Bar

      Tuberculosis (TB) causes many deaths worldwide and one-third of the world’s population is believed to harbor latent TB. The Cunningly Evil Globalist Eugenicists Plan was to use Covid to immune-compromised people (which they knew would then activate TB in one-third of the world population) and “KILL THEM” (in a way that would be hard to prove that “They Did It”)!!!

  67. Eternity is a Long Time

    According to this biblical scholar, autumn 2024–autumn 2025 marks the completion of the biblical 6th millennium.

    “a day is as 1,000 years”


    uBright Morning Star

    i 16K views

    ⇑ Oct 01 2024

  68. Seer

    Unfortunately everyone, The anesthesiologist and the anesthetics (pain killers) used contain the mrna
    and other ingredients just as the jabs do. It’s also in dental pain killers, botox, fillers and even pet jabs now. If you have had surgery since even before the covid years you were compromised and should be on the regimen I and medical practitioners have stated here. Wish you the best and you have to combat it the rest of your life.

  69. Justn Observer

    Greg, A report and book that names names, which exposes the ‘they’ behind some of those behind the medical rip off business =
    How private equity conquered America |

    Book = These are the Plunderers by Gretchen Morgenson

    Probably does not even touch the underpinning of the murdered healthcare CEO that was ‘SETH RICHED’ recently.
    The book also exposes the ‘politicians’ that help the robber barons…and the companies like Envision that end up backrupt, the patients stripped financially, as their care goes substandard all the while, and the TAXPAYERS take a hit pension and tax wise all the while…
    AS most agree the answer is NOT murder, or any SETH RICHING, everyone needs to demand their politicians NOT ally with, take money5/donations from such hedge funds or their lobbyists, and punitive tax laws against ‘carry interests operations’ that destroy pensions….which then the taxpayers are tapped for the bail outs.

  70. D3F1ANT

    “AI Goal to Kill Human Race” I’ve known this since the Terminator.

    • Katy Bar

      Socrates is AI and it is trying to “Help Humanity”!! Socrates is now predicting a “Severe Drought” will hit the US and Canada starting now in 2025 and lasting trough 2027!!! Prices of bread, milk and beef will continue to rise!!! So Socrates is helping Humans who depend upon US and Canadian food products by telling them to begin Stockpiling Essential Foods (to at least cover this two year period)!!!!

  71. Thora

    Thank you for brinbging Karen Kingston back on! Karen should be remembered in history as one of the greatest truth-tellers and hero to this country. She is courageous and brilliant and HONEST. Thank you Greg.

    • Greg Hunter


      Thanks for all the spices you sent from Teeny Tiny Spice Company : I love the top-notch organic quality!!! Thanks again!!


  72. Irene

    I just watched a new video by Dr . Drew and Dr. Peter McCulough and they talked about the vaccines but never in a real bad way. After watching for about 30 minutes, i was disgusted. Why give kids those vaccines…..does not make sense. They seemed to think there were some that were ok. I don’t get it. Glad I never took any.

  73. jamie kirk

    Kingston said MRNA can be blocked as well as ivermectin etc. What is the name of a blocker?

    • Greg Hunter

      I think she was talking about nicotine patches. She cuts them in quarters.

  74. Galaxy 500

    The law abiding citizens always have to pay for the nee’do’wells. If there is no consequences for not paying toll, why would anyone pay? At some point, they will raise the price so high that even the honest citizens will balk at paying. What happens then?

  75. Lelani Lane

    Melania Trump WINS $900M Lawsuit Against “The View” | Sunny Hostin CANCELED!? CELEB WATCH Feb 1, 2025
    Sunny Hostin CANCELED/ Melania Trump WINS $900M Lawsuit?!
    Media Accountability EXPOSED 🔥 Lawsuit Shook the Media Industry. Melania Trump made history! $900 million defamation victory against the View and Sunny Hostin. This isn’t just a win for the former First Lady—it’s a turning point for media accountability. For years, The View has been known for its unchecked attacks on conservative figures, but this time, they crossed the line. Melania fought back, exposing their reckless behavior and setting a powerful precedent that could change the media landscape forever.
    💥 Key Moments Covered in Video:
    Melania’s $900 Million Victory: How she secured one of the largest defamation settlements in history.
    The View’s History of Unchecked Attacks: A closer look at their pattern of targeting conservative women like Melania Trump and Kayleigh McEnany.
    Sunny Hostin’s Reckless Comments: The baseless accusations that led to this historic lawsuit.
    ABC Executives in Crisis: Why this judgment can spell the end of The View.
    Media Bias Exposed: How this case revealed a system of double standards in mainstream media.
    Melania’s Resilience: How she turned years of attacks into a groundbreaking legal victory.
    📈 Why This Video Matters:
    Media Accountability: Exposing how outlets like The View cross the line between opinion and defamation.
    Cultural Shift: Highlighting the growing demand for fairness and accountability in mainstream media.
    Empowering Public Figures: Celebrating Melania Trump’s resilience and her fight to restore her reputation.
    💬 Join the Conversation:
    “Do you think The View crossed the line? Should more public figures hold the media accountable? Let us know your thoughts in the comments—and don’t forget to LIKE if you support Melania’s fight for justice!”

  76. Sky Shy King

    U.S Plane-Helicopter Collision| Army Confirms Capt. Rebecca Lobach Was Flying Black Hawk Helicopter
    Oneindia News 5,669 views Premiered 7 hours ago
    The U.S. Army has identified Capt. Rebecca M. Lobach, 32, of Durham, North Carolina, as the pilot of the Black Hawk helicopter that collided mid-air with an American Airlines flight, killing 67 people in one of the deadliest air disasters in decades.
    @lcal9305 9 minutes ago
    450 hours! An electrician needs about 8000 hours of on-the-job training. 💥

    UPDATE: 500-Hour Blackhawk H-60 Pilot, Rebecca Lobach, Failed to See & Avoid American Eagle 5342
    Taking Flight with Rocket Feb 1, 2025
    Michael ‘Rocket’ Blackstone, a 43-year pilot, 26-year airline pilot, and aerobatic performer and stunt pilot describes what he feels to be the likely causes of the unthinkable…. a midair collision between a military H-60 and an airliner. This is the first midair collision on US soil since the Aeromexico crash in Southern California in 1986 – some 38 year ago. The likely causes are now pointing toward the 28-year-old female pilot, Captain Rebecca Lobach who was at the controls of the H-60 with only 500 hours of flight time was allegedly taking a competency check ride with Chief Warrant Officer Andrew Eaves, 39 was evaluating her had only 1,000 hours. The pair failed to see and avoid traffic called out by Washington Tower after stating that they had the traffic in sight. Clearly the H-60 crew did not have the traffic in sight, failed to fly at or below the required 200′ altitude on the route, and are the likely cause of 67 people to lose their lives. My heart and prayers go out to everyone involved in this horrible aviation tragedy. May this never happen again.
    @MrNavyWings 1 hour ago
    As a retired Navy pilot, this is the best detailed analysis I’ve heard yet. I would add the traffic call by ATC was lazy and complacent with “do you have the CRJ in sight?” Usually the call is more like “PAT25 you have traffic above you at your 11 o’clock on final for 33.” THAT would have been unambiguous and had them looking in the right area AND let them know they were potentially on a collision course.
    @attilagyuris4194 54 minutes ago (edited)
    Hi, Blackhawk pilot here… Good analysis of the maybes of this tragedy. And I agree with your reasoning for most of the hypotheses you bring up, especially the incorrect QNH set in the Kollsman window in the helicopter, which messed up their flight altitude, when even 100 ft difference is critical. at those low altitudes.
    But since you are not a helicopter pilot and have outdated information about them, I would like to correct you on a few details that affected your credibility.
    1. In fixed wing the PIC flies from the left seat, however in the Blackhawk the PIC flies from the RIGHT seat, not the left like you said. So, the pilot with the better position to see the traffic was the IP/ check airman sitting in the left seat.
    2. Although older helicopters especially the Hueys do fly nose down in cruise, not so in the Blackhawk. The Blackhawk has a movable tail stabilator that automatically maintains a level attitude while in CRUISE FLIGHT.
    3. It is ludicrous to think that a 22000 lb. Blackhawk can instantly stop to a hover from cruise flight. That doesn’t happen.
    4. With modern helicopter helmets there is absolutely no problem, (helicopter noise notwithstanding), with hearing the ATC instructions inside the cockpit of the Blackhawk.
    @gregj831 1 hour ago
    She was a staffer or aide at the White House and those of us who flew in the Military well know what a threat they could be. I’m hearing the Helo was off by 100ft from standard altitude and so now I’m wondering if her rank and status as a Washington insider may have precluded Instructor Warrant Officer from intervening.
    [In other words, taking over grabbing the controls?]
    @paulfolan69 8 hours ago
    At the end of the day the passenger jet holds not one iota of responsibility for this crash, the responsibility lies directly with the helicopter pilots and atc !

  77. Galaxy 500

    Fact is stranger than fiction…
    The DNC is not done with DEI

  78. Michael McCammack in Indiana

    Hey Greg
    FYI I never get any adds on your videos. I’m not a tech guy so I’m not sure why.
    I’m guessing I have a microsoft browser. I use DuckDuckGo as my search engine.
    I have a free add blocker running all the time named AdBlock.

  79. I Dig Au

    Karen Kingston would make a great HHS Secretary if RFK Jr. is not confirmed.

  80. David Gordon Dunne

    I honestly think Technology and Greed is going to be our ruin. I doubt the world population ever reaches 9BB. Endless Wars, the Nuclear Clock at 15 seconds to mIdnight, Big Pharma and Satan minions, The Jewish Lobby controlling our Govt., All of this makes me puke. I can see why some friends just say Fuc- it all and live everyday like it is their last as it well could be. I don’t see solutions that are viable as all this chit is like being on a runaway freight train. God Bless you Greg Karen and all your listerners.

    • Freed

      There you go again blame the Jews for your dissatisfaction with your life. Sounds like you are very frustrated. It is bad for your health. Stop drinking and hating so much. Repent.

  81. Steve Bice

    COMEX gold deliveries way up.
    It should be an interesting couple of weeks…

  82. Susan Russo

    Total respect to Karen Kingston who is our warrior against the evil tide. Her voice is a weapon against Satan.
    May God and Archangel Michael protect her wherever she goes.

  83. Richard Longacre

    Expect a massive rapid increase of Turbo cancers across the USA while they are creating the narrative of fear to pave the way for their AI Project Stargate “Cure for cancer” to be accepted, wanted, requested, trusted, delivered and injected.
    Digital ID and Vaccine Passports are coming much sooner than most people realize.

    The COVID bioweapon injection was to weaken everyone’s immune system (through direct injection and shedding) to get us all ready for phase two. Turbo cancer for everyone and our bodies all linked up to the Internet.

    My mother-in-law found a lump in her breast two weeks ago and it was maybe walnut sized when she discovered it and now it is the size of an small apple.
    I immediately started her on Laetrile (B-17), Ivermectin, Vitamin C, nicotine patches, red light therapy, zinc, and EDTA chelation therapy but this crap is not slowing down. She did finally get a biopsy done but won’t find out until 11 Feb.

    We are pretty certain it is cancer and she has already said she will not do surgery, chemo, or radiation. This is why we are pushing hard for alternative treatments.
    I am going to find facilities that treat with IV Vitamin C and IV Laetrile. Probably will have to go to Mexico for the laetrile treatments because our FDA has banned the selling, testing, and treating with laetrile (B-17, i.e. the cure for cancer) here in the USA.
    Looking into selenium, pancreatic enzymes, B-15 and will be using Chlorine Dioxide as well. We are trying to not do too many different treatments at one time.

    She understands that it is her body and God-given natural immunity that will cure her and kill the cancer and there are no magic bullets.
    Please pray for her and my wife. My wife’s father died two years ago. Rough time of life.

    • Justn Observer

      Mr. Longacre, might check this out aswell,
      “This Is Feeding Cancer Cells!” – How To Starve & Prevent Disease Early On | Dr. Thomas Seyfried

      also, some good information from Dr. Ford on clogged arteries, clots and un-diagnosed diabetes that might with the inflammation being caused causing heart attacks and how to test for it.

    • Steve Bice

      I have a friend having apparent success with Fenbendazole (Panacur-C) for prostate cancer in line with Joe Tippens’s protocol (PSA down 64% in three months)…

      William Makis, M.D. on “X” has many testimonials for everything from breast, lung, pancreatic and brain cancers responding to Fenbendazole and Ivermectin. He uses a combined therapy in many cases, although my friend is using the 1-gram Panacur-C (yellow box) only, on a daily basis.

      Not advice of course…

    • Steve Bice

      P.S. It’s a dry powder. Tippens would just toss it in his mouth and wash it down with water. My friend sprinkles it on buttered toast every morning, which is in line with the idea that it is absorbed better when taken with fats. Cutting back on sweets is probably a good idea, since one of the theories is Fenbendazole interferes with the cancer cells’ glucose absorption mechanism.

      Tippens is alive 7 years later after having been told he had weeks to live with metastatic small-cell lung cancer–notoriously deadly. But you likely are already familiar with his story…

  84. LongTimeTexan

    AI getting out of hand? Pull the plug and hide the batteries.

  85. Felix

    Karen Kingston beauty and brains don’t get much better than that,may we all pray for her safety a true lover of humanity .I say these things in his name Jesus Christ amen

    • Galaxy 500


  86. Wade < Listen to this speaker (Don Crum), starting at 2:24:25 in the video to 2:31:00 . CIA and DIA made a blood covenant with a demonic entity in December 1972. One month later abortion becomes law.

  87. Bill Holder

    The Shot, and I believe, was a some created in the 80s in order to have 1 shot, multiple protection. It turned out that really messed things up and service members came back with some called “Gulf War Syndrome.”

    Go search on the symptoms, you will see is the same as the Vaxxx symptoms.

    The shot was “stored” to see on what can be used next and I bet, some came with the “bright” idea of world depopulation and control; once a gain, Ver 2.0 came in 2020.

    • Katy Bar

      The “bright” idea for World Depopulation was promoted by Henry Kissinger some 50 years ago resulting in the passing of the “NATIONAL SECURITY MEMORANDUM 200” (and it is “Still in Effect”) making it “Official US Government Policy to Decrease the Population of the Earth”!! SO, UNLESS TRUMP RESCINDS IT!! – “EXTERMINATING HUMANITY IS STILL OFFICIAL US GOVERNMENT POLICY”!!

  88. Marie Joy

    The more you can grow and produce, yourself, the longer you will live. teaches a lot of gardening for inside and outside. Get lights, fertilizers, and more. for radiation equipment and free information about radiation.

  89. Galaxy 500

    Never forget that moslems are evil. Their god, Allah, Satan’s other name, teaches them to lie, rob, rape, murder and enslave us.
    We can not trust them. Remember the Christmas party shooting several years ago? The moslems murdered their “friends.”

  90. Marie Joy

    Now that we know our food is poisoned and none of it passes the Bobby test, why doesn’t anyone sue the food manufacturers and the government for all this poison and shortened lifespan?

  91. Renua Blanc

    Greg, why trump junior posted pres #47 as a goat in instagram ???
    is it not satanic ? Or satanism is normalised now under admin #47 ???

    • Greg Hunter

      Really? Let’s see this.

      • Renua Blanc

        google it : trump jr goat, go to instagram link

        p.s. you’ve been had , Greg, admit it.
        there was no hand on bible too.

        • Galaxy 500

          If anyone has been had, it’s you,not Greg. Nothing Satanic about this cartoon

      • Galaxy 500

        Trump is a GOAT


  92. michael kelly


  93. Won Witness

    Karin has done so much to expose the truth. Thank God for protecting her thru all this. She deserves our support donate to her and Greg if you have the means.

    On a different Topic
    Los Angeles Freeways blocked by anti deportation protesters.

    Since the Federal funded Interstate System (created by President Eisenhower as a Federal Militay Road upgrade) Shouldn’t Federal Jurisdiction be applied by agencies like Army, DOT and ICE to keep them Open and Arrest / Deport protestors as appropriate ?

  94. Cat Ballou

    Jesus’ Warning About “Peace, Security or Safety”
    Jesus warned that when people start saying “peace and security,” sudden destruction will come upon them (1 Thessalonians 5:3). This verse emphasizes the importance of staying vigilant and not becoming complacent in times of apparent peace:
    1 Thessalonians 5:3 “While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.”
    Men and Women Being Given in Marriage
    Jesus also mentioned that people will be going about their daily lives, getting married, and not paying attention to the signs of his return (Matthew 24:38-39). This highlights the normalcy and routine that can distract people from spiritual preparedness:
    Matthew 24:38-39 “For as in the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away.”
    The Bible promises that Christ will return in kingdom power to rid the world of wickedness and establish God’s righteous rule (Revelation 11:15). This return will bring an end to all forms of oppression and injustice:
    Revelation 11:15 “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign forever and ever.
    The great crowd, those who heed Jesus’ warning and wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb, will inherit the earth under God’s kingdom rule (Revelation 7:14-17). This highlights the hope and salvation that awaits those who remain faithful:
    Revelation 7:14-17 “They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, they are before the throne of God and serve him day and night in his temple. They will never again be hungry or thirsty; never again will the sun beat down on them, for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd. He will lead them to springs of living water and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
    During Christ’s thousand-year reign, he will rule with an iron hand, ensuring peace and righteousness (Revelation 20:4-6). This period will be marked by justice and the absence of war:
    Revelation 20:4-6 (NIV) “I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony about Jesus and for the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.”
    The ultimate goal of God’s kingdom is to bring hope, love, and peace between God and mankind. As swords are turned into plowshares, war will cease, and a new world order of peace and righteousness will be established (Isaiah 2:4):
    Isaiah 2:4 “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”
    This vision of the future is, USAWatchdog’gon doggers. Filled with hope and promise! Showing that God’s kingdom will bring lasting peace and harmony to the world. 🌍✨

    Does this help clarify the prophecies and their significance fellow rice Christians?
    Notice I’m including myself! That’s what’s great about, enquiring minds here make me want to know and if you seek you will find. AI, minus the demons, I hope, help too!

  95. Slobodan Slobstitch

    In April 2012, Brennan was the first Obama administration official to publicly acknowledge CIA drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. In his speech, he explained the legality, morality, and effectiveness of the program.[38][39][40] The ACLU and other organizations disagreed. In 2011–2012, he also helped reorganize the process, under the aegis of the Disposition Matrix database, by which people outside of war zones were put on the list of drone targets. According to an Associated Press story, the reorganization helped “concentrate power” over the process inside the White House administration.[41][42][43] According to The New York Times, Brennan was the “principal coordinator” of U.S. kill lists. Former Obama administration counter-terrorism official Daniel Benjamin has stated that Brennan “probably had more power and influence than anyone in a comparable position in the last 20 years”.[44]

    In June 2011, Brennan claimed that US counter-terrorism operations had not resulted in “a single collateral death” in the past year because of the “precision of the capabilities that we’ve been able to develop”.[45][46] Nine months later, Brennan claimed he had said “we had no information” about any civilian, noncombatant deaths during the timeframe in question.[46][47] The Bureau of Investigative Journalism disagreed with Brennan, citing their own research[48] that initially led them to believe that 45 to 56 civilians, including six children, had been killed by ten US drone strikes during the year-long period in question.[46] Additional research led the Bureau to raise their estimate to 76 deaths, including eight children and two women.[46] According to the Bureau, Brennan’s claims “do not appear to bear scrutiny”.[46] The Atlantic has been harsher in its criticism, saying, “Brennan has been willing to lie about those drone strikes to hide ugly realities.”[49]
    According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, Brennan’s comments about collateral death are perhaps explained by a counting method that treats all military-aged males in a strike zone as combatants unless there is explicit information to prove them innocent.[46][50]
    In other words guilty until proven innocent? Might be hard since your already dead. But then torture could prove your innocent, till dead.
    I wonder who came up with the idea in the United States, at least when it was still United before Brennen’s Obomber.
    With the idea all men are created equal, even overseas and are innocent until found guilty! What a novel idea to found a country on and thus a bulwark of civilization! Unlike the NAZI fascista’s in our midst!
    Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, at Home and Abroad
    by John O. Brennan No rating No Customer Reviews
    Format: Paperback Condition: Very Good $5.99 Save $14.00! List Price $19.99
    I think he’s a little daunted now since his nemesis is back in the White House!
    The only thing good about the book is a picture of Brennen with his Honda motorcycle.
    What happened to the guy? He was even good looking, movie star handsome. Him and Victor Bout, the notorious Russki gun runner. Resembled each other in their youth, could have easily passed for brothers. Bout still has his hair, but looks older, even than Brennen with no hair.
    Goes to show you absolute power corrupts absolutely and these two guy’s are enemies, hero’s in their country’s, but enemies of God? Have to be in they’re business.
    Victor hold off on the Absolute Svenska Vodka, you look old enough mate.

  96. D.Milne

    CNN thinks White Genocide in the US is a good thing
    GLOBAL COMMUNIST TAKEOVER Published on 03 Feb 2025
    We will divide society so that 1/3 are spies and informers that will keep the rest under observation

    Bernie Sanders Has Mental Breakdown When RFK Jr.
    EXPOSES His Donors: ‘Big Pharma Paid You MILLIONS!’
    KeepItMovin Published on 31 Jan 2025

  97. sara

    i voted for trump 3 times….even took folks who loathe trump, but love RFK to the polls to vote for trump to get RFK.

    100% agree w Ms. Karen….when trump started bringing out folks saying mRNA for everything, Ellison? NO NO.
    I would still vote trump over the crazy alternative. but some of his choices, I am not liking.

    catherine austin fits yesterday slammed musk’s just taking over things in such an illegal way.
    I get a pit in my stomach that trump in some ways may be a trojan horse for globalists. catherine said this yesterday.

    • Greg Hunter

      The rest of the story is the government already took over and took the book dark with FASB rule 56. Cool out. This is going to be a violent game that need more than voting. That said CAF makes good points but there is more to the stoey.

      • Garden Hose

        What you forgot to mention here, Greg, is that Trump also presided over FASAB-56.

        Our country is being destroyed by Traitors (including Trump and his gang).

        And you tell us to “cool out”?

        How much are They paying you…???

      • Katy Bar

        You are correct: There is a lot more to the total story as Bill Holder (Dr. Silver) explains here:

    • Galaxy 500

      Trump needs smart people he can trust. Elon is that. And he and Vivic have the knives out cutting the swamp machine. Who could Trump have picked that would do such a good job? No one that he could have gotten thru the RINOs in congress.

  98. War Monger

    Below is a list of individuals and organizations who have endorsed the United Nations Global Digital Compact.

    Endorsements remain open.

    As of 31 December 2024, endorsements have been received from 93 countries.


    “A world of AI haves and have-nots would be a world of perpetual instability. We must never allow AI to stand for “advancing inequality”. Only by preventing the emergence of fragmented AI spheres can we build a world where technology serves all humanity.”

    António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

  99. Justn Observer

    David Martin: 63 Gain-Of-Function Biological Weapons in US Universities Right Now =

  100. Lon Bell

    NTSB Releases Partial Cockpit Transcript AA5342 and More Updates!
    Taking Off Feb 4, 2025/Updates on the tragic midair collision between the CRJ 700 AA5342 and the US Army Blackhawk PAT-25. Also a breakdown on the very similar close call in same area the day before the crash.

    USAF Spy Plane Runs SIGINT Operation Near Cabo As US Preps For Potential Cartel Fight by ZeroHedge February 3rd, 2025 8:47 PM
    Several open-source intelligence X accounts have posted flight tracking data of a US Air Force RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft, indicating it may have conducted a SIGINT operation over the southern half of Baja California, a region home to heavily armed Tijuana Cartel and Sinaloa Cartel members.
    Just days ago, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said “All options will be on the table” in combating the cartels.

  101. T.Argyle

    Is there a secret NATO ‘plot’ to remove Ukraine’s Zelensky? | World News | GRAVITAS | WION Feb 4, 2025 GRAVITAS _Is there a secret NATO ‘plot’ to remove Ukraine’s President Zelensky? NATO, the Western coalition led by the United States that has armed and financed Ukraine’s response to the Russian occupation, is reportedly growing impatient with Zelensky. Critics argue that he has not been able to halt the Russian advance, has become an obstacle to peace negotiations with Moscow, and continues to demand financial and military support from the West without offering any accountability in return. While these claims are primarily coming from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), similar sentiments seem to be emerging in various reports and commentaries from Western capitals. So has NATO finally grown tired of Zelensky?

  102. Lil Langtry

    NY AG Defies Trump EO, Says Transgender Surgeries Mutilating Children Can Continue [W T F ?]
    by Adan Salazar February 4th, 2025 2:40 PM Letitia James warned medical providers that refusing services to “protected status” individuals could violate state discrimination laws.
    Where do these fat black inner-city woman get they’re Chutzpah?
    (Yiddish: חוצפה – /ˈxʊtspə, ˈhʊt-/)[1][2] is the quality of audacity, for good or for bad. A close English equivalent is sometimes “hubris”. The word derives from the Hebrew ḥuṣpāh (חֻצְפָּה), meaning “insolence”, “cheek” or “audacity”. Thus, the original Yiddish word has a strongly negative connotation, but the form which entered English as a Yiddishism in American English has taken on a broader meaning, having been popularized through vernacular use in film, literature, and television. In American English[3] the word is sometimes interpreted—particularly in business parlance—as meaning the amount of courage, mettle or ardor that an individual has.
    The biggest of all, Whoop, Whoop, Whoopi Goldberg, AKA Moms Mabley.
    Bravery? Or more like stupidity. These woman should get out of politics and turn to entertainment as Whoop, most people are sick and tired of the barn burning tactics of these destructive practices of sound body and mind. After destroying our inner cities want to destroy our little innocents now, before maturity. Sorta how these woman destroyed there own bidis bodies!
    We loved Whoopie in her film {Kingdom Come!}🗽Go girl, keep on keepin on!

  103. LG.Langtry

    Whoop, Whoop! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  104. Galaxy 500

    Oh, please oh, please….
    I didn’t think she was very bright and she demonstrates ignorance and absolute arrogance

  105. Will Robinson

    ///////////////THE SHOT ACROSS THE BOW!
    BREAKING: Bill Gates Issues A Major Threat To President Trump, Elon Musk, & America
    by February 4th, 2025 Gates’ comments come as virologist Peter Hotez threatened in December that Trump admin would face new pandemics.

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