America Under Satanic Attack – Mark Taylor

By Greg Hunter’s

Retired firefighter, Lieutenant Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” predicted Donald Trump would become President years before the 2016 Election.  He also predicted Trump would be a two-term President.  Taylor made many other predictions and prophecies and is now out with a dire warning for America.  Taylor says, “The LA County Fire Department and LA City Fire Department used to be premier fire departments in the country.  They were looked up to.  A lot of these guys were state-of-the-art, but the problem is you had the transgender, DEI programs that are decimating our services.  This is done by design . . . and these guys are up against an agenda to purposely destroy the services such as military, law enforcement and fire services from within.  Who pays for this?  Number one are the guys who truly have their hearts in the job and want to serve and protect people and have taken an oath to protect people.  Look, we protect the homeland.  That’s what these services are designed to do. . . . This is why they are decimating our services right now because they don’t want the homeland protected.  This is a satanic agenda, and they are purposely doing what they are doing. . . .the LA mayor, in a leaked memo a week before the fires started, said she wanted a $49 million budget cut and to close 16 fire stations.  This is by design.  This is Maui 2.0.”

Lt. Taylor, who spent 20 years as a firefighter in Orlando, Florida, says professional firefighters know how to fight fires.  The mistakes are being done because of an evil agenda.  Taylor says, “This is beyond incompetence.  This is following unlawful orders.  This is the DEI mindset.”

Taylor says with the passing of President Jimmy Carter, that a “judgment phase” is starting.  Taylor explains, “We are going from the old regime or the old world order, and now we are entering into the justice phase.  This is where the shaking is coming in.  I said to you three years ago on that President Obama would be spitting and sputtering because the shaking is going to be so bad.  With Carter’s passing, we are entering into the justice and judgment phase.”

What does the justice and judgment phase look like?  Taylor says, “I was talking about this as far back as 2015.  I said there would be mass arrests that would make Nuremberg look like a cake walk. . . .  I warned that this would take down parts of government.  We are going to see that with DOGE. . . . God has mandated President Trump to implement judgment on the wicked. . . . What I tell people is if you don’t have a stomach for justice, you better get one quick because justice can get ugly.  When they start to round up these illegals and they declare war on the cartels, we’re going to have some chaos in the streets. . . . This is going to get dangerous in a lot of areas.”

Taylor says, “Trump is surrounded by treasonous spiritual advisors that are putting poison in his ear.  Taylor says, “America should pray that Trump has discernment and also to pray President Trump’s eyes are open to people leading people astray with false doctrine.”

Taylor warns that Trump needs to get out in front of the CV19 bioweapon vax disaster that is killing and disabling people by the millions.  The problem is not going away, and in time, people will turn on Trump if he does not address this huge problem.  (At least 200 million Americans have taken multiple CV19 shots.)  People need to be treated for CV19 bioweapon vaccine injuries now.

In closing. Taylor says, “God is not happy with the CV19 vaccines.”

There is much more in the 64-minuite interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with retired firefighter Lt. Mark Taylor, author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” for 1.14.25.

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After the Interview:

All of Mark Taylor’s prophetic words are free at

You can also get a copy of the updated and expanded version of “The Trump Prophecies,” by clicking here.

You can follow Mark Taylor on social media Telegram, click here.

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  1. Rodster

    Gotta agree with Mark Taylor with who Trump has surrounded himself with. Tulsi Gabbard has done a 180 and is now in favor of government surveillance. Dr Paul Craig Roberts mentioned that today.

    • Greg Hunter

      It’s deeper than that. She has to say this otherwise she would not get confirmed.

      • Rodster

        That goes to show how corrupt Washington and the Swamp is today that someone trying to get confirmed has to lie.

        • Anthony Australia

          TECHNOCRATS GATHER AROUND TRUMP! – From Zuckerberg To Musk & Bezos – You’re Being FOOLED

          • Greg Hunter

            This is not a fact. It’s one guys opinion, and his opinions are not facts!! I think they are scared of Trump, but that’s my opinion too.

            • Anthony Australia

              Hi Greg,
              You know the saying; opinions are like ******* and everyone has one ☺️
              The real Antichrist will reveal itself soon enough.

              • Greg Hunter

                Be ready and use Jesus as your shield and spiritual sword.

                • Anthony Australia

                  You too my Brother!

            • Anthony Australia

              Hi Greg,

              Can you please advise on the status on the North American Union plan?
              George Bush touted this back decades ago, along with the implementation of the Amero as the issued currency.

            • Andrew

              New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government

              WATCH IT

              • Anthony Australia


                The NEXT 9/11? CIA Targeter’s Shocking Interview After New Orleans Attack | Sarah Adams

              • Anthony Australia

                Thanks for the reminder Andy, heard him agars ago. KS is a great guy!

            • Gregory Mannarino

              Greg, I’m beginning to think that you’re “Too stupid to be stupid”.

              If you really are still falling for Trump’s BS, you have the IQ of a chimp!

              • Greg Hunter

                This comment is why I don’t have you on anymore. Did you get vaxed?
                Sounds like you did.

                • John Robie

                  It’s hard for me to believe Gregory Mannarino is that rude and nasty. I wondered a long time ago why he was no longer on your show. Just want you to know your show is the only one I make sure never to miss. We need more God-fearing truth tellers like you.

                  • Greg Hunter

                    Thanks John. I was stunned he came at me this way. I never say anything bad about him.
                    Mannarino had a nasty follow up comment I did not post. I really don’t have time for this sort of exchange. I just want it to end.

              • Anthony Australia

                Cheap shot Mannarino😤😏
                Regardless of our opinions; we are all spiritually connected. Don’t ever forget that.

              • Big Little John

                Gregory M.,
                We found out Trump is Robin Hood and your just a hood! Mate

              • Seer

                It’s playing out and will be shown. If Biden is pardoning thousands then who are the tribunals going to be trying? Are income taxes and real estate taxes being voided and revenue from tariffs? Will Canada join the USA in a NA Union? Will DOGE really block certain agencies and halt budgets? Will government be reduced? Will spending be cut enough? Will CBDC be not allowed as promised? You may be right Mannarino. Your financial advise has been right on including stay out of the markets now.

              • LoriQ

                Wow! I don’t always agree with everything (on any alt media site), but there is no need to be rude about it! we are all entitled to our opinions, right or wrong (good Lord knows I have been wrong). Just Wow!, I thought you were a professional, Mr. Mannarino. It seems people’s true colors are starting to show.

          • Katy Bar

            In my opinion we are not being fooled. We know NATO wants war to justify defaulting on all their sovereign debt and then resort to digital currency. And we know Trump is resorting to digital currency. What we don’t know for sure is if Trump “will actually” default on our sovereign debt or just use the threat to do so in-order to get compliance from those like China (and the other BRICS nations) not to actively reject the US dollar!!

          • Rodster

            I agree with you AA. Trump may have good intentions and mean well but the people he’s surrounding himself with, give me pause.

            Example, Trump is against war but brings in a guy name Kellogg who now says there needs to be a regime change in Iran. The American people voted in Trump because they are fed up with these Forever Wars.

      • john beasley

        do you offer a discount on the products from the Wellness Company? If so what do I type in when buying one of the kits?

        thank you Greg Hunter, and God Bless you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
        John Beasley

    • Walter P

      I do not have an issue with Gabbard saying the opposite of what she believes at all. Once she is confirmed she can just do as originally intended and if the lefties cry and moan about her lying, she can just say she had a change of heart or her feelings were hurt by their incessant harassment. They lie all the time, why not just lie back to them? They set the parameters for addictive, disruptive sermonizing, so now they can enjoy the fruits of their diabolical behavior. The goal is to achieve the position, the manner of it matters not. The end justifies the means, the use of alinsky tactics against them is only fitting.

      • The True Nolan

        ” They lie all the time, why not just lie back to them?”

        I know that many people will disagree with that, but isn’t that how all wars are waged? Whether we like the idea or not, we are in the middle of an information war, a war that is being fought with ideas, opinions, and assertions. Conservatives today are not battling principled liberals who hold differing but honest opinions. We are battling people who are determined to destroy our children, our homes, our culture and our lives.

        We owe honesty to anyone who will be honest with us — but honesty, like respect, and like peaceful co-existence, is a form of treaty. To use the example from World War Two, when the Germans ask you, “Are you hiding Jews in the basement?”, you are under ZERO ethical obligation to tell them “yes!”.

  2. Rodster

    Martin Armstrong this in today’s Blog and what he said is what I have been concerned about, regarding Trump.

    “As we move into 2032, more and more people are starting to realize that the problem we all face is government. There is ZERO hope of preventing this crash and burn. Not even Trump will be able to stop this trend largely because the SWAMP surrounds him and people with self-interests preaching their own agenda. Capital is moving, and then you have to be mindful that the average person will just blame foreigners, which becomes very common response regardless of the culture or century.”

    • Really Awake

      Reply to Rodster:

      I read Marty’s post, too. And in other posts and interviews Marty was really outspoken about how President Trump better wake up really fast before he starts something that will go down in history as the greatest economic mistake in modern history.

      And Marty’s forcast has zero to do with disliking Donald J Trump. Marty has repeatedly said that he wishes President Trump would just lose some of his dumb-shit ideas. And Marty states in straight- forward foul language what he thinks of Trump’s tariffs and how those tariffs will kill the global economy.

      Here’s what I say.

      Trump’s “Warp Speed” is comparable to his new “External Revenue Service” that’ll manage all of those economy-killing tariffs. Warp speed was the greatest medical mistake any president ever made. Now Trump is about to make the biggest economic mistake any president ever made.

      When George Washington was president, tariffs worked because George Washington didn’t get a salary nor did any politician. Government was very, very small without a massively expensive standing army, no SSI ( aka Socialist Security Insurance), no Department of Education and every other God damned Department of Parasites, no trillion dollar student loan government guarantees, no out-of-control welfare EBT system…… do I have to go on? Because if I have to spell it all out for you, I would have to write a book….

      To all those individuals who just can’t grasp the enormity of what Ron Paul calls “The Welfare Warfare State”, then pick up a copy of Ron’s book. It’s a really easy read.

      Message to Donald J Trump: Tariffs won’t get it done, dude…..

      If Trump really thinks that tariffs will do the trick, then I agree with Marty that Trump will be remembered as the New Herbert Hoover.

      Somebody better explain to Trump that tariffs will ruin his chances of getting his image carved next to George Washington up on Mt. Rushmore.

      Some additional tariffs will be fine; but anything more than that, and the global economy will crash at warp speed.

      • Brian L

        Yep. All our wealth goes to sending trillions overseas to foreign puppet nations and enemy global entities. The rest goes to taking care of foreign invaders on our own soil while they send their stolen money home. Barely any of our wealth goes to America or Americans.

        Tariffs would work great if we spent our own money on ourselves. It’s time to do what Jesus did and whip the bankers out of our house and take our country back.

  3. Valerie

    Wow, Mark Taylor! I clicked on this immediately! I have his book! It’s so wonderful to see him and hear from him again after his absence! I’m very glad he’s doing well!
    I welcome the beginning of the justice and judgment phase he has described!
    May God bless and protect him!
    May God bless and protect the USA!
    Thanks, Greg! May God bless and protect you, too!

  4. JayBH

    This report is extremely important! Why has Biden had a strangle hold onto everything? Investigations must continue pertinent L.A. fires and other recent Big Losses in our country! I do not and be feel climate change etc has much to do with these many sudden losses! The Drones, Chemtrails & other incidentals I.e. waterless fire hydrants are just symptoms from Neglect & probable Plan! Something smells rotten in L.A.
    Dei, Maui, etc & other unlawful orders from CA Governor etc!

  5. Cosmo

    I respectfully suggest we all revisit the book “The Harbinger” by Jonathan Cahn. Reread it carefully. Isaiah 9:10. America is a proud and unrepentant nation.

  6. Dave

    When Trump was on the screen with Fauci and Birks, his body language was fighting his words. “Two intelligent people walked into my office…”

  7. Dave

    When Birks and Fauci were on screen with Trump, his body language was fighting his words, so I was suspicious directly.

  8. Robert Dziok

    DIE – Diversity Inclusive Equity

    • Galaxy 500

      Also DEI = Didn’t Earn It

  9. Arnold Schmidt

    Thank you so much Greg .I’ve been following u 4 6 years now & can’t accept all the censorship on yt ,& now even stumble Rumble. But we all know what is written. Take care of yourself first so that you are able to help out others in time of need .Blessings to you and your loyal wife and family and friends across this once great and prosperous nation which is in the figh5 of it’s life .
    May God above bless you and keep you safe from the wickedness of the world.

  10. Aron

    Correction: Butler, PA not Bethel PA. Thanks Greg. I enjoy your interviews.

  11. Bob Straw

    Your wife along with a couple of your commenters were correct …. It’s great to see Mark Taylor on again!!! P.S….it’s very hard to find him online

    • No

      Yes it is. I looked for him a couple weeks back and couldn’t find any information on him anywhere. Thanks to both of you and G_D BLESS.

  12. Mike S

    Mark is a sight for sore eyes after a long absence from shows like this! ICYMI. March 2016..”Trump will be elected.” Prat for the US all. We need revival ala Nineveh!
    Thank you Father.

  13. Ron

    Greg, the Scottish journalist Neil Oliver has just said a similar thing on the GB News channel, I think he would be a great guest on your show. (10 mins long)

    • Brian L

      Ugh. Glenn Beck. Remember when he made fun of the The Tea Party and then took it over, and then when Romney lost he destroyed the Tea Party?. I remember. GB is wretched. He admitted on radio to choosing Mormonism because he was told to get a religion to make him more credible. He chose Mormonism because he liked the monetary pyramid structure of it. GB is bad news. Stay away from him.

  14. Poochiwoo

    Agreed. No “stepping down”. Military law. Chose your method.

  15. Ralph

    This is Hawaii 2.0

    • Brian L

      Must be a prequel.

      I remember Hawaii 5.0.


  16. Lyle Christensen

    The ads are too much, I’m losing patience.

    • Greg Hunter

      Still working on it.

    • Better Chetter

      go away, then –
      Greg deserves the right to generate revenue
      as does his larger media systems, since Greg shares news stories that are outside the lying legacy media.

    • I Dig Au

      The ads are annoying, but they are a small price to pay for this level of truthful information.

    • markp

      Change your browser to Brave browser. I have no adverts at all if I watch Greg’s interviews at markp.

      • Brian L

        Yep. Brave.

        But then Greg doesn’t get paid. So it sucks for both of us.

        I watch on Brave, but I play it while cleaning on Chrome so Greg gets paid. Plus I get to hear good ones twice.

  17. Richard Lyons H.

    Lefties losing it: ‘Just when you thought the Left couldn’t get any more stupid’
    Sky News Australia Jan 14, 2025
    Sky News host Rita Panahi has reacted to “leftist agitators” believing a Hamas member would be more LGBTQIA+ friendly than a Donald Trump supporter.

    Lesley Stahl, is in a classic departure stall here on Sky News Astralia! Tragically, In aviation, a departure stall is a scenario where an aircraft experiences a loss of lift, usually during the initial climbing phase. It can be a critical situation because the aircraft could be to close to the ground and may not have enough altitude to recover easily.
    Departure stalls typically occur due to excessive nose-up attitude, resulting in a high angle of attack.
    [ As with Donald Trump, Lesley? Yes, a departure, not from a strict comparison, but an effective metaphor.] This can happen if the pilot pulls back too aggressively on the control yoke or stick. The airflow over the wings becomes disrupted, leading to a loss of lift and potentially causing the aircraft to drop suddenly.
    To avoid departure stalls, Lesley. Pilots are trained to maintain proper climb rates and angles of attack. [PROPER!I] It’s essential to make smooth, controlled inputs and avoid excessive maneuvers during critical takeoff and initial climb phases.
    Why Trump chose to bail during your project Mockingbird style interview. His bailing on your interview makes a strong statement today when most know now this was a hit piece and the Trumpster despite your help and 60 Minutes in stealing the election of 2020 and the untold suffering to the American people you and your ilk could never understand is why, in your comfy bubble. Well the bubble is on the verge of collapse and the American sheeple brought back our modern day Robin Hood and may he steal from you what you stole from us, besides our vote! Yes, Trumps back from your enabling of the woke, broke busted, disgusted Obomber power, behind the throne of the crooked Biden, Clinton Crime family’s.
    May they all be pardoned, so it sticks in the craw of the American and British peoples throughout the dust bin of history!
    Open the Door’s!
    Got it? In the rare event that you need to bail out of a stalling news show, follow these steps:

  18. Roger Stamper

    tks mark greg

  19. Gloria Charlier

    Terrific interview! Thank you for bringing Mark Taylor back.

  20. Kaibe

    Mystery Babylon is under the judgements of God for its sins against the people of the world.

  21. Gisele

    This is about SmartLA 2028

    • Brian L

      They say it’s the 34th Olympiad, but from the first Olympic games it’s really the 33rd. 28 is also the number of the underworld, and the height of the capstone on the back of the dollar bill. Interesting games to be sure. Last time it was all about mocking Jesus and the rising of Apollo, the end being clearly the destruction of the old world and the chaos of the journey. Should see a show in LA about the NWO and what they want it to be. Remember, the CV19 hoax was the show for 2012 Olympic games. 8 years out takes us to 2036. The destruction 2032, just like Martin Armstrong predicts.

      Interesting times indeed.

  22. cheryl

    trump needs people like mark, amanda grace, julie green and others who are NOT in the spot light and dont run or belong to MEGA churches collecting money!.. kenneth copeland is looking more and more demonic with time. last person i would EVER have near me or my team.

  23. Jeff

    I have not seen him since election 2020. I thought he went into hiding.

  24. Rmbrumleysr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr. Greg Hunter is our Ultimate American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Thanks for all you do for your Followers
    Stay Well my Friend

  25. Carol Ann Lister

    Nice to see Mark back on!

    He is absolutely correct–we are under attack from all sides foreign & domestic!

    Here’s another example:

    Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and former Obama staffer just said something ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING in front of the Israeli Knesset.

    He suggested that a new IDF “Unit 8300” be created with the same kind of “genius” behind the horrific Lebanon pager terrorist attack as a way to “fight” antisemitism at home.

    He also made comparisons to how “pushing extremists off Wikipedia” and “capturing TikTok” don’t seem as significant as battling Hezbollah, but need to be taken “deadly seriously”.

    It is absolutely STAGGERING to see Jonathan make such incredible statements IN ISRAEL, in front of a FOREIGN Government, while being the CEO of a supposedly “American” organization.

    • Brian L

      JOHN 14:6

      Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

      Those idiots in Israel don’t have Jesus. Therefore they don’t have God either. That’s what evil exists in people like Greenblatt. May he come to Jesus or rot in hell.

      Stop supporting people that don’t have God on their side.

      • Robert Messina

        God blesses those that bless Israel and curses and those that don’t
        to quote Derek Prince
        without Israel we would not have a Bible . . all prophets were Jewish
        we would also not have a Savior
        144,000 plus the remnant multitude will be SAVED
        They all know God except those that include leaven of the Pharisees

        • Greg Hunter

          Amen to Gen 12:3!

  26. Galaxy 500

    Talking about Satan… this minion who is mentally ill should not be allowed around any child. The School Board should fire the principal and if they are unwilling they should be recalled. Who votes for althe mentally ill… I know rhetorical as Dems vote for Satan and crazy…
    And if you have heard anything from Jazz, it’s how his mother ruined his life and how much pain he is in and what a freak people think he is.

  27. Thora

    I have not heard Mark Taylor in a very long time. Thanks for bringing him on.

  28. Da Yooper

    Powerful show gentleman

    Trump has evil people around him ( just like the first time ) it is like an infestation he needs to be made aware of this other wise they will continue to interfere with his MAGA agenda.

  29. Katy Bar

    America Is Under Satanic Attack – And now it is no longer considered Evil to “Purchase Something With Nothing” (like Bitcoin or Fiat Currency)!! However, if Morality ever returns to America, it may one day be “Considered Theft” to Have Purchased your Real Gold or Silver Coins with “Worthless” Money (like Bitcoin or fiat US dollars)?? And this More Moral Government may one day use the RICO Laws to “Claw Back” all that so called “Stolen” Gold and Silver you purchased with “Worthless” Money!!! So, people who want to keep their “Real Money” (and count their Wealth in the number of Precious Coins they own as Bill Holter suggests) better not use “worthless” Bitcoin to buy their Gold or Silver coins (as all those Bitcoin purchases will be recorded on a Block Chain Ledger that Governments can easily access with Quantum Computers)!! Best to use the “worthless” Fiat Cash (you worked 40 hours/week to accumulate) to purchase your Precious Coins!!!

    • Ken Yu

      Interesting hypothesis – Perhaps that “nuclear bomb” they were searching for with drones in New Jersey recently has already been implanted in the Statue of Liberty as part of the $100 million restoration project (commenced in 2024) to preserve the 125-year-old Historic Landmark (just like the World Trade Center had restoration work done on it to implant bombs before 9-11 “to get us into a war with Afghanistan and Iraq”)!! Taking down Lady Liberty would be “an excellent excuse to go to war with Iran”!! We should have inspectors search every part of Liberty Island this weekend before the Jan 20, 2025 Inauguration of Trump – As the Globalists may want to show the world that the swearing in of Trump coincided with The Destruction of Liberty!!!

    • Brian L

      Katy Bar….

      Anything people use to trade is a fungible proxy. Cash, sea shells, animal skins, food, labor, and on and on. Bitcoin is just another medium of trade. Yes it was created by Intelligence, i.e. 21 million coins just like Agenda 21 and Event 21. Anything is money if it’s accepted for trade for goods or services.

  30. Sdmule

    We shall see what happens, I am not buying the “Trump savior” line of thinking. You don’t get to play in the sandbox unless you are allowed. The will of the people doesn’t matter, your vote doesn’t matter….so….where does that leave the “unwashed masses”?
    Back to the world of serfs and lords? A “HungerGames” way of life? That will be up to each individual to determine for themselves. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.

    • Greg Hunter

      “You don’t get to play in the sandbox unless you are allowed.” So, “allowing” Trump is trying to assassinate him and jail him with multiple attempts on his life and multiple cases to imprison him? You sound disconnected and void of obvious facts.

      • Sdmule

        You are making the assumption that everything you see is at face value….my life experience has shown that is not the case. There is a whirlwind of activity around Trump, and has been since he was in office the first time….so much so, that all people talk about on both sides is Trump. There are lots of things happening in the background that never see the light of day until they are dumped upon the people….at which point, it’s too late. Let’s see how it all plays out, I could be wrong….but so could you….let’s see.

        • Greg Hunter

          No I am not. You don’t know what I think. We are all trying to find our way through this mud hole called Earth. Jesus said this time would be the worst ever!! He’s not kidding. Hang on to Jesus. He’s real.

          • Self Exiled

            “This mud hole called earth” LOL. Hanging on. At my age HE is soon to return.

    • david hodges


    • Brian L

      Trump and Elon are ushering in the NWO. By conquest or consent was the old quote. Republicans are the NWO by consent. The entire upper echelon of the Republican party is made up of Democrats that switched parties. And no one is talking about it. There is barely anyone that sees what’s really happening and what the next 8 years entail. The country is unrecognizable since 2000, and it will be from today unrecognizable in 2036.

      • Greg Hunter

        Brian L,
        Please use a real name if you want to act like some sort of expert. No sources for what you are saying.

  31. Richard Gould

    Excellent information, Greg, as always. The faithful slave appointed by Jesus has told us that the end of this Satanic system is very close. Satan knows that! So it is Satan who is upset and trying to do as much damage/hurt as many as possible before he is locked into inactivity for the next thousand+ years. We are, indeed, living in very interesting times. Please always remember that our earth was created to be our home forever; that means the earth can not be destroyed. It is directly under His protection.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Richard.
      Brother Greg

  32. Shirl

    I was just wondering whatever happened to Mr. Taylor and then boom, here he is!

    Pray up folks, things are about to get rocky before the deep state devils are smoked out…we are on a clearer pathway to the draining of the swamp than ever before…the swamp creatures are exposing themselves because of President Trump. It.Is. Hilarious if you step back and see what’s happening!

    It’s truly Wonderful how Almighty God works.

    Praise God The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen.

  33. Liber8tor

    Thanks Greg, great interview. State Farm cancelled policies one month before fires. This might indicate “someone” gave State Farm inside information. These fires are no accident. They were planned and now moving into wealthy areas like Thousand Oaks and SIMI Valley.

    • Shiloh1

      Cancelled or non-renewed? There are state law mandated endorsements which apply for such conditions and notification dates. All good with them in flyover. I may get hit with a tornado or a winning power ball ticket, same odds. – 10 deg F tends to keep out the riff-raff.

    • Shiloh1

      Cancelled or non-renewed? There are state law mandated endorsements which apply for such conditions and notification dates on personal lines (homeowners, renters, auto).

  34. Don conrad


    Great job here Greg. I am glad you are doing better and still fighting.

    This question is for any who know. I get ivermectin tablets and take 2 a week. Does anyone know the recommended dosage is for prevention?

    Thank you all

    • Tim Parsoneault

      Don…ivermectin is dosed by weight. Documentation is easily found on the net. I’m doing 120 mg per day for 7 days than off for a week.
      Tim…Pure Blood.

      • Greg Hunter

        Both Dr Betsy and Dr. Kory say the dose is 9mgs per 100 pounds.

        • Tim Parsoneault

          Sorry my bad…I should have said 12 mg. And yes that is according to my weight. Thanks for correcting me.

    • Brian L

      All you need for Ivermectin. Plus she’s awesome. Ann Barnhardt is superb!!!

  35. david hodges

    excellent idea, greg! ……………….missed seeing this patriot….hope he does end up with trump’s administration serving in some capacity

  36. Reed Cransted

    Wednesday Emergency Broadcast: LA Emergency Managers Ordered A Partial Stand Down The Day The Fires Erupted! Plus, James O’Keefe Has Uncovered A Deep State/Pentagon Coup Plot Targeting Trump! Must-Watch/Share LIVE Broadcast

    HISTORIC JFK ASSASSINATION TAPE DROPS! WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Never-Before-Heard Audio Of Former Executive Director Of The DNC & Close Associate Of LBJ, Clifton Carter, Admitting That LBJ Hired Mac Wallace To Assassinate JFK!
    by January 14th, 2025
    Newly released recordings prove what many have long suspected about JFK’s presidential successor.

  37. Carol Bolt

    Oh My Greg! I am so glad to be hearing from Mark Taylor again. I have searched for him a lot since 2020. I honestly believe he was right about Trump having a second term. He just never said when. Thank You for having him on. What a great interview. God Bless.

  38. Susan Russo

    Undiluted jolt of courage and faith. This is the antidote, swallow this and keep going.

  39. Marie Joy

    It’s up to us.

  40. Nina

    I agree with Mark Taylor on the willingness of government employees willing to follow unlawful orders. I’m a LEO, federal, for the BOP as an RN. It was epidemic in the federal government. The management would tell staff to violate the law on a regular basis.Most of the staff are ignorant or willing to do want they are told. I would say, NO. I was in the minority. You have to get used to be hated and set up. I was a Union steward so I got use to it.
    My feeling on Trump is we will not be impressed. I just hope key things are done so average people can make it.

    • Brian L

      Thanks for verifying.

  41. Kathy

    Thank you, Greg, for bringing Mark on. All of your guests are pertinent for our times. I have dealt with just about all of your sponsors through the years and can recommend them all . The latest was Weston Scientific, who helped me out with a dropped Carryion. I say, don’t worry about a few ads. You deserve to have an income. Anyway, thanks!

  42. CJ

    Watched Mark’s movie a few weeks ago for the first time. I suggest it.

  43. christine

    Mark Taylor said Trump gave Kenneth Copeland credibility by having him say a prayer at the end of his rally………I also was sad to see Trump laughing and talking with obama at Carter’s funeral.I said to my husband that gave obama credibility.

    • Greg Hunter

      There is an old saying: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

      • christine

        I understand……..won’t it be too wonderful in heaven where we won’t have to live under these realities!

        • Greg Hunter


          • christine

            In heaven…….only relationships that are pure and honest…….no more playing the game , no more dishonesty, surrounded only by truth and God’s glory. I heard sometime ago in heaven there will be no need for lights, as the heavens are illuminated by God’s glory. I just thought it was so sad President Trump. who is surely aware of Obama’s treachery ,had to do exactly what you shared…….keep your enemies close.

            • Greg Hunter

              Thank you, Christine, for the clarification.

  44. Tim Parsoneault

    Greg….great interview. Especially the sheep story! Honored to munch on the grass next to you!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Tim. We will both hear HIS voice at spiritual feeding time.
      Brother Greg

  45. Paul

    All war is based on deception. Who cares what any of these people say. Watch what they do. If enough people turn away from their sins and cry out to the Lord, He will hear and heal our land. These people will have no choice but do what is right when the time comes. Turn away from your sins and pray.

  46. Moray

    typical boomer-DEI- “I don’t care about race”. I say It is totally about race! LA is just an economic zone with tons of POC. People who have no history with amerika

    • Brian L

      Yep. Used to live there. It’s a $#!#hole.

  47. Clyde

    It’s quite obvious that these terrible problems in LA and other woke cities could be solved by putting more whacked-out, men-hating-lesbians on the police and fire brigades, that’s all.

  48. Clyde

    Clearly, Karen Bass IS affirmative-action in action.

    Karen Bass and all other woke DEI-politicians are showing us that DEI = DIE.

  49. Joan Jetson

    America vs. the Globalists – John B Wells LIVE
    John B. Wells – Caravan to Midnight Started streaming 3 hours ago

    • Brian L


      What is the name of the black character on the Jetsons?


      There is no black character. Isn’t the future great??

      Oh Lord. Please forgive me and the unrepentant pigmies.

      • Marti Baker

        Well Brian, sounds pretty racist to me. Why don’t you go live some place now where everyone looks like you. So much for comment moderation.

  50. Yolonda Bruhle

    LIVE | Putin’s Stunning Message To Trump Goes Viral Ahead Of US President-Elect’s Inauguration Hindustan Times Started streaming 77 minutes ago
    Putin Speech LIVE | Putin’s Response to Trump’s Threat | Putin Live Speech On US Dollar Dominance
    At the “Russia Calling!” investment forum in Moscow, President Vladimir Putin is delivering a keynote address focusing on the Russian economy and foreign affairs. This annual event, which has been held since 2009, serves as a platform for discussing macroeconomic trends and fostering international investment. Putin’s speech is expected to cover Russia’s monetary and budgetary policies, mechanisms for cooperation with partner nations, and the impact of global economic changes.

  51. wayne hardin

    Did i hear him say he wasn’t like the other Soothsayers that make money from
    what they say God told them ?????
    He sells a book and has a movie and no telling what else he makes money on
    that he says God told him .
    He said he got it freely and he gives it freely right ?????????????
    Is that true ???????????????
    Don,t get mad
    Just a ? . Yes or no .

    Wayne Hardin

    • Greg Hunter

      You don’t have to buy his book. All his work is here for FREE as we Said:

    • Brian L

      He put out all his stuff for free before his book. Lots of people do that. You buy the book as a thank you for the effort and information. He hid nothing. It’s all free. Learn how to use a search bar.

  52. Trace Coogan

    The Biggest Lava Flow on Earth (Might Be in Michigan)
    Alexis Dahl 8400,997 views Feb 24, 2023
    About a billion years ago, huge volumes of lava covered northern Michigan. About 200 years ago, those lava flows gave rise to the first major, mechanized copper mine in North America. This is the story of the Greenstone Flow and the Cliff Mine in Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula.

    LIVE | Russia’s Zakharova Exposes Zelensky’s Ethnic Cleansing Plans, Discusses Gaza Ceasefire CLRCUT Started streaming 5 minutes ago
    Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Maria Zakharova held her weekly press briefing in Moscow on Thursday, January 16, addressing pressing global issues. Zakharova strongly criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, accusing him of pursuing “ethnic cleansing” policies in eastern Ukraine, while exposing the West’s silence on the issue.
    Zakharova also commented on the ongoing Gaza conflict, calling for a sustainable ceasefire and urging international leaders to prioritize peace and stability in the region. Highlighting Russia’s consistent support for diplomacy, Zakharova condemned Western hypocrisy in addressing global crises.

    • Brian L

      OMG! A billion years? Really? Just stop. Seriously! Wake up!!!!

      • Jean


  53. Endtimes Watchman

    Our problems as a nation and world are only beginning! Our problems such as the CA fires are an example and a direct judgment from Almighty God on our nation’s mountain of sins and mocking God by celebrities as they did at the Golden Globe Awards night. The entertainment industry in Pedowood and elsewhere in general will not change its course!

    God Almighty says so. Open your Bible and get back to God and his laws. Repentance is the only answer.

    Rev. 9:20-21
    20 And the rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and gold(en), and silver, and bronze, and stone, and wooden idols (which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk).
    21 And they did not repent of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. (MKJV)

    Believe what the Bible clearly says:

    Jeremiah 25:33 And the slain of the Lord shall be in the Day of the LORD from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth: they shall not be buried; they shall be as dung on the face of the earth. (SEP)

  54. youknowwho

    @Greg … Your channel provide an invaluable service to Americans and I appreciate it. I do however think your unwavering support for Trump is a bit much. Trump’s main enemy is his ego and that could bury him…and us. It’s possible to support him, but demand he carry out our wishes, the ones being the reason we elected him. He works for us, not the other way around. Short of that, the USA is finished.

  55. Claire Voyant

    🚨 WATCH Pam Bondi BREAK Adam Schiff like a Pencil, LIVE Right Now | Trump Confirmations Are On FIRE Benny Johnson Started streaming 14 minutes ago

    • Brian L

      Remember the hell Zimmerman went through for defending himself against Treyvon Martin? I do. You know who put h through hell???????

      Pam Bondi!!!!! F*** Pam Bondi!!!!

  56. Keirsun Urbuns

    Russia Ukraine War: UK PM Starmer Injured? Explosions Over Ukrainian Parliament In Kyiv | LIVE WION Started streaming 3 hours ago
    UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s visit to Kyiv on Thursday was marked by air raid sirens and thunderous bangs, according to AFP journalists.
    Officials in Kyiv claimed air defense systems in the city center were attacking enemy targets after the air force warned of an enemy drone strike. AFP reporters in downtown Kyiv seen a drone buzzing overhead.

  57. Reed Joy

    ‘Pin-up boy for stupidity’: Gavin Newsom cares about ‘nothing but his hair’
    Sky News Australia Jan 16, 2025
    Sky News host Danica De Giorgio has slammed California Governor Gavin Newsom as a “pin-up boy for stupidity” who cares about “nothing but his hair”.

  58. Justin Time

    Russia Ukraine LIVE: Putin’s Drone Attack On Russia Was Deliberately Planned To Target UK’s Starmer? WION Started streaming 76 minutes ago
    Air raid sirens and loud blasts were heard in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Thursday (Jan 16) amid UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s first official visit to the warring nation, AFP reported. Air defence systems in the centre of the city were engaging enemy targets after the air force warned of an enemy drone attack, officials in Kyiv said.

  59. Sergie Bulllova

    Booz Allen Hamilton Bimbo Fired for Spilling the Beans!
    Watch Live: Deep State Coup Plotter Caught In 2021 Pedo Sting Operation Only Fired After Undercover Footage Exposed Treasonous Plan To Stop Trump
    by The American Journal January 16th, 2025
    Top Pentagon advisor who bragged of secretly working with generals to thwart Trump admin previously caught trying to meet underage girl for sex.
    Don’t miss this explosive transmission and be sure to share the censored link!

  60. BruceSmart

    Do you have a specific brand of nicotine patch that you use/recommend. Thanks

  61. Dora

    Thanks Mark. I believe you! So thankful for God’s voice through you! God’s blessings and protection 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️‍🔥You and your family.

  62. Jeremiah Funfzig

    I think women are too valuable to be in combat.

    -Caspar Weinberger

  63. Ron

    Greg, if anyone has any interest in what is going on in the UK over grooming-gangs please view this while it lasts:

  64. Esme Watson

    Thursday LIVE: The Globalist Pedophile Network Is Collapsing Across The Planet As Their NWO System Completely Falls Apart Before Our Eyes On Every Front! Must-Watch/Share LIVE Edition Of The Alex Jones Show
    Posted 3 hours ago
    Alex Jones is LIVE right now taking YOUR calls & delivering full-spectrum coverage of breaking news and exclusive information!
    Don’t miss this explosive transmission and be sure to share the censored link!

  65. larime

    This was a very discouraging interview.

    • Greg Hunter

      Taylor said America is coming back but it’s going to be rough.

  66. Jason

    You spelled Talmudic wrong.

    • Brian L

      You spelled “BS religion” wrong. There, fixed it.

      You do realize The Quran is The Talmud made into a religion, right?

  67. Jeffrobbins

    I remember Mark coming on USA Watchdog and telling about Trump getting two terms and the tribunals. One more thing is that, i am pretty sure that Mr. Taylor also said Trump would appoint 5 Supreme Court justices. I could be off on that, but thats what i remember. I agree that there is something off with Musk.
    And i can attest to shedding being real as well. I have had several instances of getting sick from working with guys, or being in close contact with guys that were vaccinated. A couple doses of ivermectin and 24 hours seems to do the trick. As a side note, we are securing some of our food supply- not everything but one thing at a time. Chickens and eggs are a good place to start, a few fruit trees coming in the spring?.

    • Brian L

      Chickens can be banned or taxed or used for neighbors to rat. Nut trees and beans or ground nuts like peanuts. Guys in prison use peanut butter to get huge. Just saying.

  68. Shiloh1

    Moss Landing Lithium battery storage plant going up in spectacular flames –

  69. Dave Milne

    That One Man, Ray, G500, Anthony, Really Awake, Rodster & Gregory Hunter
    Is You, the bright hope of a free world. But one man, that man is you!
    Red Nightmare (1962) Restored Version SabuCat 7,640 views Jan 15, 2025

    ‘Good, don’t come’: Megyn Kelly reacts to Michelle Obama’s inauguration snub
    Sky News Australia 9 hours ago
    ‘The Megyn Kelly Show’ host Megyn Kelly reacts to reports of Michelle Obama to skip Donald Trump’s inauguration next week.
    “No one wants to see you. You’re right. You shouldn’t come,” Ms Kelly told Sky News host Paul Murray.
    “Not only does she hate Trump, she doesn’t think much of America. So she can sit this one out.”

  70. Marie Joy

    They want the land and wha’t under it and they are willing to kill all of us to get it.

  71. Katy Bar

    My Fellow Americans – As I leave office California may be burning and missiles being sent deep inside Russia – but I want to assure you that “At Least Our Statue of Liberty Still Stands”!!
    Note: Is this a veiled threat by the Globalists to take down our Statue of Liberty on Jan 20 in retaliation for our taking down their Georgia Guidestones???

    • Brian L

      Oh geez. Stop it. They took down the Guide stones. After 2020 you should know by now no one is fighting back in an organized way against the NWO. Wake up. No one is blowing up the Statue of Liberty. Is that some Q BS people are still falling for? Stop following Q’s droppings.

    • Galaxy 500

      Nice post

  72. Anka Anders

    ‘Why Aren’t You in the Hague?’: Blinken Heckled at News Conference | Israel-Hamas War | Gaza Hindustan Times Started streaming 44 minutes ago
    Secretary of State Antony Blinken faced interruptions from protesters during his farewell remarks to reporters on Thursday at the State Department briefing room. Attendees, not part of the regular press corps, shouted questions regarding U.S. support for Israel as Blinken tried to deliver his speech. One individual was escorted out after approaching the podium and filming Blinken while shouting. Blinken responded calmly, stating he would answer questions after completing his prepared remarks.

  73. P.M.
    “He’s a W****R!” Pete Hegseth, Trump Hostage Deal & LA Wildfires
    Piers Morgan Uncensored 671K views 1 day ago

  74. Richard Lyons H.

    Gavin Newsom caught ‘flat-out lying’ about LA wildfires
    Sky News Australia 192,518 views Jan 16, 2025 Power Hour
    This week on Power Hour, Joe Biden “desperate” in farewell address, Democrat leaders slammed over wildfire response, Trump’s official portrait unveiled, Jill Biden speaks on Nancy Pelosi fallout, and Harry and Meghan “tour” fire-ravaged Los Angeles.

  75. Marie Joy

    The grid is on the brink.

    • Steve Bice

      Timely comment. While it may not manifest, the risk is real. Many are focused on the noise…as there is no shortage of distractions.

      Single digit temperatures and a grid down scenario will have a way of focusing our national attention on the essentials.

  76. WarOr'Peace Security Prosperity

    LIVE | Putin’s Envoy Reveals Shocking Torture Evidence, Blames Zelensky’s Regime | CLRCUT at UNSC CLRCUT Started streaming 112 minutes ago
    At a heated UNSC Arria-formula meeting, Russia’s representative Dmitry Polyanskiy exposed chilling evidence of alleged war crimes committed by Zelensky’s regime, accusing Ukrainian forces of torturing Russian POWs. Polyanskiy detailed neo-Nazi atrocities, including castrations, kneecappings, and executions, and slammed the West for ignoring these crimes. While Putin’s Russia denied allegations of mistreating Ukrainian POWs, the West, led by the U.S., accused Moscow of systematic abuse. China urged both sides to respect international law, while Russia called out Zelensky’s brutality and the West’s selective blindness. The meeting highlighted the deep divisions and rising tensions in the ongoing conflict.

  77. Mr.Greenjeans

    Asking Greenlanders About Becoming Part of The United States
    Nick Shirley 687,579 views Jan 15, 2025
    In this video I travel to Nuuk, Greenland to speak with Greenlanders about becoming part of the United States.

  78. o.p.

    Feed Posted 12 minutes ago
    Nuclear Terrorism Alert! Federal Helicopters Are Searching DC For Signs Of Radioactive Material THREE DAYS Before The Inauguration Of President Trump! The FBI Has Also Issued A Warning That Terrorists May Be Planning An Attack! Must-Watch/Share LIVE

  79. Mark Benassi

    I really like Mark Taylor. He makes some great points that are ignored by most believers. One of the problems I see, however, is that it is virtually impossible to find people who have spiritual discernment and also have solid experience working in the natural. If I understand Mark correctly, these are the people Trump needs to surround himself with but in Trump’s defense, that is easier said than done. After all, Mark says himself that Trump probably has no idea who Mark Taylor is and even if he did, it is not guaranteed that Trump would clearly understand what Mark is saying. Reality, unfortunately, is complicated and God seems to prefer to work through people – that is a tough challenge. What I admire in Trump is that he is continually changing and adapting and I believe that level of spiritual insight will grow.

  80. Warren Eastwood

    Poiliever Speech LIVE: Canada’s Pierre Poilievre Press Conference | Poilievre Message to Trump streamed 3 hours ago
    Canada is woke, broke, busted and disgusted, no longer! This man will make Canada great again and no longer the lap dog of the GLOBALIST. Elon Musk take note, this is the new Prime Minister of the great state of Canada, not the United States, but united in freedom of thought, speech, trade, peace & security and prosperity!
    Trump wants North America for Americans. Putin wants Russia for Russians. This man wants Canada for Canadians and not the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM of Crony capitalist globalist’s!
    Love to Canada from your Michigander brothers and sisters! Where were more than just cousins and you know that!

  81. Marie Joy

    If the entire country is freezing, the strain on the grid may bring it down. Get ready for grid down, long term. It’s not like they’re rushing to help every day Americans. Wood stoves with a lot of wood is the best I can think of.

    • Steve Bice

      With all the terrorist chatter for inauguration day, the extreme weather presents an opportunity to take advantage of the vulnerability. With the grid being taxed to the maximum, it wouldn’t take much to push it over the edge and cause cascading failures.

      A few strategic hits could take down the whole grid. Better safe than sorry…fuel up and top off food stocks.

      “It’s not like they’re rushing to help every day Americans.”
      I saw no official vehicles in Western NC for at least a week after Helene (including Duke Energy). We had to chainsaw our way out of our own neighborhood with all three exits blocked in multiple places. No one was coming to help. Gas ran out in a day or two, and you could expect 2 to 4 hour lines or more if a station got a delivery. Thankfully, we were not in a flood zone, although nearby grocery stores flooded. McDonalds had water to the countertops…and still isn’t open (since September 27th).

      Helicopters overhead don’t help on the ground…and if they set up aid stations, it doesn’t matter much if you can’t reach them.

      Consider spending the $350 for the standard Starlink kit. It works when everything else is down and was a lifesaver. Otherwise, you have no way to communicate if towers are down. AT&T fiber was down for about 10 weeks…and Starlink offered free service in the storm zone for over three months. We ran on a generator for ten days. For a portable, the Predator dual-fuel 5000 from Harbor Freight is hard to beat…$1,100 and sometimes on sale $250 off. I have two. Started and ran flawlessly…very quiet. I also have small Hondas, but ran one Predator, with the other for redundancy. Fuel supplies stabilized after a week…but this was a localized event. All bets are off if it regional or national. But a week’s fuel should be the minimum in my opinion, ten days is better.

      Stay safe…

  82. June Fieldstone

    Russian Drone Combat Underfire: Ukraine War Kursk Frontline Battle
    Patrick Lancaster Jan 18, 2025
    Russian Akhmat Special Forces Drone Combat Underfire: Ukrainw War Kursk Frontline Battle
    In the Kursk region of Russia, near the contentious frontline of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, modern warfare is taking center stage.

  83. pablo mamando

    Rumors of Trouble in Paradise Between Barack and Michelle Obama, with Maureen Callahan Megyn Kelly 1,019,990 views 9 hours ago
    Megyn Kelly is joined by The Daily Mail columnist Maureen Callahan to talk about speculation surrounding Michelle and Barack Obama’s marriage, Michelle’s decision to skip Trump inauguration, and more. …

  84. Marie Joy

    IF we are mandated again, what are our options, legal and otherwise?
    God helps those who help themselves.
    tptb want us divided and they are doing a great job manipulating us and our thinking.
    Easy times make weak people.

    • Brian L

      Guns. I’m not doing that again and living through it. Long live the Republic!!!!!

      • Galaxy 500

        Brain, no guns for you?

    • Galaxy 500

      Trump didn’t mandate anything last time and won’t this time. Mandates are an authoritarian tool. You know the kind of things the Demoncrats love to impose on other people, just not themselves.

  85. FUTURE SHIFT Show?

    LIVE| Red Sea Turns Warzone As Houthi Cruise Missiles, Drones Strike US Aircraft Carrier in Red Sea Hindustan Times Started streaming 3 hours ago
    Houthis Missile Attack on US Aircraft Carrier | Red Sea Attack | Houthis Attack on Red Sea | Houthis Red Sea Drone Attack | Red Sea News | Houthis Drone Attack on US Aircraft | World News | War News
    The Red Sea has transformed into a warzone following a significant escalation in hostilities, marked by the sixth major attack on the USS Harry S. Truman, a U.S. aircraft carrier. In a relentless assault, Houthi forces launched drones and cruise missiles at the carrier, intensifying fears of a broader conflict in the region. This latest attack underscores the Houthis’ growing military capabilities and their determination to challenge U.S. naval presence in the area.

  86. Galaxy 500

    People call me a “Conspiracy Theorist.”
    I am just a normal Christian guy that looks at facts.
    Oswald didn’t kill JFK. It’s a demonstrable fact the FBI never did ballistic testing on his rifle and isn’t of storing it properly, they let it rust to pieces. Oswald was not some super marksman, he barely passed qualification after failing the first time.
    It looked to me like the HI fire was done on purpose and people were prevented from leaving.
    This CA fire has terrorist illegals running around with propane torches and the home owners are not going to be allowed to rebuild. The Eco-Terrorists will not let them.

  87. Bill Holder

    DEI is not stupidity, it is part of the plan to undermine the nation. Newsome is not dumb, he is playing his part to destroy the state and bring the nation down with it.

    Think of it as ants. one ant would not do much but a nuisance; however, a thousands of them can destroy, dismembered a body (dead or alive), thousands of times larger, in a matter of hours/days.

    In this case, DEI is one of the big ants colony. What needs to happen is to target the “queen” of the colony, the ants will be wondering, exposed, trying to bring the colony back and die while at it.

  88. Pete

    Just want you to know that what you do has an overall positive effect in this world and in my family’s life. Your faith, style, demeanor, and flat-out genuineness is great to see. Always has been from the very beginning of WatchdogUSA. Even if and when I don’t necessarily agree, you evoke real examination and exploration of what may really be or what is going on in this world…
    I know you sometimes take a lot of arrows while battling to get the information out. We very much appreciate what you do. Back at you with your famous ” Fear Not”.
    Thanks for what you do, and keep up the good fight…

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Pete!

  89. Scott

    How could anyone trust Kenneth Copeland?? He’s a weasel.

    • Brian L

      Copeland blew away the COVID 19. It worked. The only people that got Covid got it injected into them.

      Do you not remember when Copeland blew it away?


      • Galaxy 500

        Blew covid away? Like huff and puff and blow the covid away?

    • Robert Messina

      I saw this and I was thinking of sharing it
      I saw it on YouTube with Bill Still reporting
      the comments indicate he is not a pastor, he is CIA
      but for sure he sounds absolutely believing and I say that because everything he says that’s going to happen seems to be ripe and true to what we are to expect
      I think it is like the Georgia guidestone , no longer there but it broadcast plans before they do it
      Masons left building the tower of Babyl and used sign language and CIA and DJT must obey whatever a higher degree orders . . . I recall most of the above from Walter Veith (7th Day Adventist)
      prophecy ie Dan9:27 . . Ushering in 7 yrs trib and in the middle of Great tribulation AC the man exalts himself as God which correlates to Tower of Babyl attempt and it marks when time must be shortened

      • Galaxy 500

        Do I understand you correctly that you think Trump is part of TPTB?
        YHWH is guiding Trump and he is protecting him and us.
        Never heard of Bill. Who is Bill Still that I would care what he thinks or believes?

  90. John Little

    There will be no military tribunals or mass arrests of deep state actors and believe me there are many and they deserve this… Trump will simply not do it! He wants to be part of the incrowd…

    • Greg Hunter

      Everybody has an opinion. Facts are different.

    • Galaxy 500

      Little John, did you do LSD in your teens? Trump doesn’t give a Shiite about the DC “in crowd.”
      But if you must know, Trump and MAGA is the IN crowd

  91. markp

    Greg, Mark and anyone interested. Regarding “Warp Speed”, have you considered the possibility that DJT was between a rock and a hard place. Every man and his dog were baying for his blood already and then conveniently comes along ‘covid’, the flu you are having when you’re not having flu. Most of the medical fraternity, the medical powers that be [Birx, Fauci, CDC, UN, WHO, Bill Gates, Tedros, et al], the lame stream media, all the Democrats, and much of the GOP, all either supported the agenda [the “vaccines”] or bought the b/s lock stock and barrel, leaving DJT all by his lonesome. DJT almost had no choice; else go down and seen as the man that murdered America. Here’s my speculation: DJT pushed the pharma companies into putting out more “vaccines” than they could ever produce. So, what did they do? Some of it, maybe much of it was placebo or saline, to make up the numbers. The companies had no choice, their bluff was called. If this is a possibility, then perhaps DJT isn’t the evil bastard you make him out to be. In this scenario, maybe he saved some/many lives. Whether this is a possibility or not is open to debate, however, DJT needs more respect than he’s getting from us all, since we really don’t know what went down. I am open to any proof to the contrary. markp.

    • Greg Hunter

      This is what I thought too. How can Biden, who was unfit to stand trial according to the Biden DOJ’s Robert Hur, pardon all these people. Point two: How do you pardon people for crime that has not been charged? Pardons not legit but they do give you a window on how the Biden hacks are thinking.

      • Galaxy 500

        Exactly, Greg, To sign a legally binding document or contract, you have to be in charge of most of your facilities. I forgot the cut off but I think it’s 60% to 70%.
        Biden did not have that when he ran in 2020 which is why they hid him in the basement.
        I believe this can be challenged. Fauci, Pfizer, CDC, The Biden and Democrat Crime Syndicates must pay for their crimes.

  92. War Monger

    America Under Satanic Attack?


    The attack is a depopulation agenda using directed energy weapons along with the ignorance of those who refuse to believe it…

  93. Les L

    Hi Greg
    You just had Mark Taylor on with his prophecy how about Bo Polny, he was on before the elections, like to hear what he got to say now that Trump is in the White house
    Les L

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