Bank Runs and Bankers

By Greg Hunter’s

Something a little different today.  I have three videos for you to watch.  The first features a guy named Eddie Hobbs.  He is a financial planner and expert from Ireland.  In recent weeks, some of my stories have indicated there could be bank runs in the EU.  Last week, Mr. Hobbs confirmed the wealthy are indeed taking money out of EU countries with sour sovereign debt.  It seems folks here on financial TV are oblivious to this phenomenon, but what would you expect the wealthy to do?  Moving your money to safety is perfectly logical, and I think dangerous to some banks teetering on insolvency.  The implications of what Hobbs is saying are ominous.  The interviewers are in disbelief and denial.  Please watch this until the end.

The next video is slated this way, “The European Fiscal Crisis and Lessons for America.”  The video says, “Many European welfare states have been caught in a downward spiral of taxes, spending, and debt. This mini-documentary from the Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation identifies key lessons for policymakers seeking to avoid the inevitable fiscal crisis caused by the welfare state.”  If you are a fan of Herman Cain’s “999 plan,” you won’t be after watching this.  This is simple, well done and insightful.

Finally, let’s have some fun and watch a vidoe called “Damn it Feels Good to be a Banksta.”  The title says it all.  Enjoy!!

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  1. David

    Its pretty scary to think about but its very true. I have my money in a bank that is too big to fail but I am looking for something closer to home in a credit union or community bank. I own some silver coins and a few small bars (around 100 ounces) and some Gold coins (around 2 ounces). But I would like to buy more Silver coins, but with the limited funds I have available what can I do? Whats your advice for someone who only has lets say $50 to spend per month on Silver/Gold coins?

    By the way I just found your site Yesterday Greg, Great information and love the articles you write. Keep up the good work and I look forward to your next articles.

    • Greg

      I suggest buying a ounce of silver in the form of a U.S. Eagle every month. Yes, you pay more commission for this coin, but if the price goes up (over time) as many predict, it will be easily tradable and will require no assay. Click under my picture and read my “Learn how to buy gold and silver post.” I do not sell PM’s so I do not care where you buy it. I just do not want you to be ripped off.

    • Greg

      I love it!!!!!!!!!!

    • Sean

      I love Nigel. One of the good guys for sure. You should hear his rant about the corrupt nature of the entire European Commission – straight to their faces, as usual. It’s like a Hollywood roast and would be hilarious if it weren’t so frightening.

      Nice post.

  2. Bob

    The lady miss the main point, FRAUD. She is just repeating the same old BS, brain dead talking points. The rule of law is the only thing that matters. You can’t even have gold without the rule of law. The world is different then when people had small farms and took part time jobs. One reason Germany has done will is they understand about working as a group support system. They respect a craftsmen and a job will done. America is all about the fast buck and the get away. PEACE

    • Greg

      Very Good point, but the video is still valid.

  3. nm


    Did you see this story below on Zero Hedge? The European Stability Fund bailed out a Greek bank accused of embezzling $1 billion dollars.

    The man in charge of investigating the bank was then killed when a bomb was placed outside the building where he lived.

    & this story is not on every conventional news outlet?

    Then Fannie Mae asking the Govt. for an additional $13.8 billion (so far, the total they’ve asked for is $184 billion!!)

    This is just getting crazy with the banks and the politicians.

    • Greg

      Thank you for the great content!!!!

  4. V

    Hey greg,

    Im looking to spend a large amount on gold. Do you recommend coins or say a 1 kilo gold bar?

    • Greg

      You could spend a million or two in coins. Coins would be much easier to spend and there would be no assay needed. Also if you buy a bar or bars, you must sell an entire bar, coins have a great advantage there too. The only disadvantage is commissions are higher on coins but I think it will be worth it in the future. I have a “Learn how to buy gold and silver” post just below my picture click there. I do not sell gold or silver coins, so I do not care where you get them, I just don’t want you to nget ripped-off.

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