Bird Flu Genocide & Food Destruction Locked In – Karen Kingston

By Greg Hunter’s

Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who was one of the first to warn about the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle bioweapon vaccines.  She is out with a new warning just as powerful.  It’s a warning not to take the coming Bird Flu vaccine because it is untested, not safe and will be deadly for many.  Kingston warns, “The FDA is basically on record stating we are going to provide vaccines without getting any safety data, efficacy data or immune data to see how the body is going to respond.  We are not going to even look at animal studies before we release these on the American people, and we will tell them that they are safe and effective.  This is literally the definition of biowarfare.”

Kingston says the new Bird Flu vaccines (H5N1) are going to be far more dangerous and deadly than the CV19 bioweapon vaccines.  Kingston says, “Bird Flu vaccines are available now, and they are fairly innocuous.  I think they are doing that on purpose so that people think the flu vaccines are safe. . . . So, when the real pandemic hits, they will trust the science and say, well, I already got a flu vaccine, and nothing happened to me.  What’s the big deal if I get another one?

This is going to work against a disease that has a 50% chance of killing me.  That’s the psyop going on right now.”

Would Karen Kingston take the bioweapon Bird flu vax they are going to roll out in the coming H5N1 Bird Flu pandemic?  Kingston says, “No.  There is a good chance it’s going to kill a lot of people.  It’s going to cause hospitalizations and death.  It’s disturbing what these experts are saying. . . . This is locked and loaded, and it’s more about unleashing the vaccines than it is about the virus. . . . In their own words and printed material, they are saying the disease causing viruses are in the vaccines. . . .I think they know what they are doing, and they think we are all stupid.  This says ‘Highly pathogenic.’  That means disease causing, deadly; avian, meaning bird; virus, means pathogen.  It causes disease.  It’s the virus vaccine, highly, disease causing Bird Flu H5 viruses in a vaccine.  This is what the introduction says from Dr. Jerry Weir of the FDA. . . . We can assume these are dangerous.  I hate to say unsafe because that is not accurate.  We should call these danger profiles and not safety profiles. . . . This is insanity.  This is biowarfare.”

The people most at risk from the rollout of the H5N1 Bird Flu bioweapon vax for the already planned pandemic are the people vaccinated with the CV19 bioweapon that destroyed their immune systems.  According to Kingston, you are going to see waves of deaths after the H5N1 Bird Flu vax is injected into the CV19 vaxed.  On top of that, Kingston predicts everyone will see the food supply destroyed on purpose by the FDA and CDC.  Kingston says, “They are going to annihilate the food supply. . . . I don’t know if many people know this, but recently over 10 million pounds of ready-to-eat meat and poultry was recalled for listeria without one case of people getting sick. . . . I write on my Substack about how the FDA is trying to take control of the food supply.  Grocery stores can use their rewards program to report customers who purchased food contaminated with a bacteria or virus. . . . They can find out that you bought contaminated chicken, and they will tell you that you must quarantine because you could be carrying this virus for three weeks without knowing it.”

In closing, Kingston says, “These Bird Flu (H5N1) vaccines have been stockpiled since 2022, and when this rolls out, we are going to see another wave of genocide.  You can take this information to the bank.”

There is much more in the 1-hour & 3-minute in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives a groundbreaking warning on the untested, unsafe and deadly Bird Flu (H5N1) bioweapon vaccine that is coming soon for 10.29.24.

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To get a “Medical Emergency Kit” or “Contagion Emergency Kit” from The Wellness Company and get at least $30 off, click here.

After the Interview:

To read the free report called “The Good & Bad News About the WHO’s 2024-25 H5N1 Panic-Pandemic” from Kingston’s Substack, click here.

There is some free information on Kingston’s Substack.

To support Kingston financially, you can become a subscriber to her Substack by clicking here.

If you want to donate to Kingston electronically so she can continue informing the public, please click here.

If you want to make a snail mail donation to Karen Kingston, please do so at:

miFight Inc.

960 Postal Way #307

Vista, CA  92085

(Please support the truth tellers risking it all to save lives.)


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  1. Rodster

    After what I saw with the Scam-Demic, I no longer trust any drugs from Big Pharma. I went to my local Publix Supermarket a few months ago and the pharmacist asked me if I was up to date with my vaccine and flu shots. I looked her right in the eye and said, I don’t do shots. She had a stunned look on her face. I am living by the rule, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Drug companies just want to make you sick so they can give you more drugs to fix what they caused in the first place.

    • stanlee

      “She had a stunned look”…….probably because you are one of the too few who are on to their game…she expected a sheeple response.

    • Marie

      Greg, I listen to these over and over while I am trying to sleep. I never get tired of them. I’m especially found of Karen Kingston and Martin Armstrong and Catherine Austin Fits, and heck just all of em!!

    • valeri hood

      it’s very disappointing to hear her pushing pharma- ceuticals- not what i expected

  2. Rodster

    This is more and more looking like a depopulation psyop but we are onto their game. Hopefully if the Dems don’t steal another election, RFK Jr can put in prison these evil people.


    • Rodney

      Emphasis on steal.


      Pfizer the name of the largest maker of drugs and so called medicine 💉 and vaccines . Guess what the word Pfizer means in German? 💀 DEATH☠️ they named their company on what they really wanted to do not say lives but kill people they named their company DEATH. THIS COMPANY IS PURE RVIL.

  3. James Hall

    A lot of folks are drinking raw milk, helps prevent heart attacks, do the research.

    • FastMark

      I’m drinking raw beer to help prevent heart attacks, so far its working great!

      • Galaxy 500

        Aventinus… great beer. Good for the heart and soul plus it tastes marvelous

    • Rob

      Some people are now pushing camel milk.

    • Katy Bar

      Hall-Mark (Here is a Better Remedy): Simply rub some Castor Oil on your chest if you feel Heart Pain to prevent a Heart Attack!! That’s right, it is more then just a Laxative and Skin Moisturizer, as it contains a type of triglyceride fatty acid (Omega 9) called “Ricinoleic acid”. Ricinoleic acid is not commonly found in the plant foods most people normally eat (except for Olives and its Oil which is a big part of the Mediterranean diet) making the castor plant “a Unique Alternative to Olive Oil as a Therapeutic” that contains in addition to the fatty acid Ricinoleic numerous other flavonoids, phenolic compounds, amino acids, terpenoids and phytosterols that Boost Lymphatic, Circulatory and Immune health!! Castor oil is Anti-diabetic, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and a Free Radical Scavenger, it can Heal wounds, Stop Pain in Joints and is also Hepatoprotective (has the ability to prevent damage to the liver)!! But make sure “you Only Apply or Ingest “Organic Castor Oil” in Cold-pressed pure form (which when swallowed is hydrolyzed in the small intestine by pancreatic enzymes, leading to the release of glycerol and ricinoleic acid, along with its other beneficial metabolites) but this does not mean you should stop eating your olive oil which is getting quite expensive. If you are still a bit hesitant about using Castor Oil (be aware that it is recognized as Safe “for both topical and internal use” by the Food and Drug Administration). If you are still put off by Castor Oil definitely continue eating your Olive Oil “which is brimming with Oleic acid. Olive oil is a well known food source for obtaining your Omega-9 fatty acid (and just like Castor Oil contains polyphenols as well as vitamin E, vitamin K and antioxidants that protect against oxidative stress and free radical damage)!!!

    • Mary probus

      I pray RFK jr. is aware of this scam and get on top of this. God help us.

    • Rodster

      Drink wine, it’s the preferred choice in the Bible.

    • Regina

      I you can get raw milk, here on New York State is almost impossible to find raw milk because , the over reach of the de- facto “government “is unprecedented . Wish we could get rid of this parasites once and for all.

      • bub

        Thats a lie, its for the very sick or dying. It was used to disenfect water. Read KJV

        • Jason

          why do they call it the KJV?

  4. stanlee

    Is it me..or does P Diddy Combs look like a SOMALI PIRATE? …

  5. Watchman On The Wall

    Greg, thank you for all your efforts. Remember you are Loved_dje Dr. Richard A. Swenson MD, book: Hurtling Towards Oblivion, READY FOR WHATEVER COMES NEXT Born Again?. John 3

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank You Watchman!

    • Trinacria

      Thank you Watchman….I agree with this as I have said now for several years that it is as if we are living in one giant JONESTOWN and the evil forces want everyone to drink the “Kool Aid” of the day. Resist at all cost!!! Always put your faith in Jesus Christ, even if we face martyrdom. As dear Bishop Joseph Strickland says, we need to have the attitude of 1st century Christians.

  6. stanlee

    QUESTION…..Will the kill shots be Forced Upon us, and the Military like last time?…..

  7. Jan Huskey

    Thanks for the early warning. Now alert your AG

  8. Marie Joy

    Democide = Genocide By Government. – CAF

    • Tabitha

      How oxymoronic. So gun kill and not the person who pulls the trigger? The problem is not with govt, but the people who run it. Vietnamese control the American pharmacy industry and the FDA is filled with those from communist stock/breeding.
      The Founding Fathers established a govt. free of dictators and kings using English Law. It was never intended for those from communist countries or bastard breeds to take over the govt. work force and turn the US into a communist country. For example, the corrupt judges and police or border control are bending over backwards for Hispanic/Latinos from Mexico in the tune of of 11 million illegals. The laws are meant to protect law abiding citizens from criminals, esp. invaders and those from communist countries, but the perverts and communist sympathizers/breeders in the USA want to replace, kill off or make destitute the innocent people with breeds from communist countries or Mongrelized (Mongol/Chinese mixed) in Asia and Central/S. America, and Africans.

  9. Johnny Nobody

    WHY? WHY? WHY?

    The question that NO ONE focuses on. Some speculate, it’s about depopulation – but WHY?

    Let’s just assume without question that the unelected (and unelectable) bureaucrats running the WHO, CDC, FDA, etc., etc., are evil psychopaths. That does not explain compliance of politicians worldwide ~ complicity in mass murder. Not all politicians are evil. So WHY? WHY? WHY?

    Until and unless ‘we the people’ understand WHY these murderous programmes are being inflicted upon us all, we will not be able to stop it!

    • Kit Lee

      Guess it’s for the same reason the Christian City of Tyre is now being depopulated. No one but those who believe in Jesus will be able to stop the indiscriminate murder of civilians!

    • Heartset

      Why? Why? Why?

      How about we cover Who? What? Why? Where? When? & How?

      Unfunded liabilities hitting against a bankrupted fake system controlled by thugs who don’t want to repay people the trillions owed to everyone together. Once you are a doubly dead U.S. CITIZEN THING PERSON, you ain’t getting anymore monthly slow payouts. The first death was your Identity getting converted to their COMMERCE VESSEL and the second death is your flesh-n-blood becoming unalienable.

    • Heartset

      I mean unalived (instead of unalienable) oops for the typo…

    • Heartset

      Why? Why? Why?

      How about we cover Who? What? Why? Where? When? & How?

      Unfunded liabilities hitting against a bankrupted fake system controlled by thugs who don’t want to repay people the trillions owed to everyone together. Once you are a doubly dead U.S. CITIZEN THING PERSON, you ain’t getting anymore monthly slow payouts. The first death was your Identity getting converted to their COMMERCE VESSEL and the second death is your flesh-n-blood becoming un-alived.

    • Brian L

      Why? Why? Why?

      God created the light before the Sun, Moon and Stars. This is what they worship. They are light worshippers. The light is the knowledge of all, what is called the occult. It is why the Bible warns us that “Mystery Babylon” will lead the world astray in the Last Days.

      They are testing altering DNA, the make-up of life. They want to be God…their own Creator. That’s it. Very simple.

      They don’t really care who dies or doesn’t die other than to find out which people will be able to sustain DNA alterations; which DNA lines will be available to war against God when they manipulate every facet of life on Earth…the days are cut short less no flesh be saved. Depopulation is another psyop smokescreen.

      You need to know the end to understand the now. The end is to be their own Creator-God, to usurp the ONE true Creator.

      They are building a new Tower of Babel, except this time you are the Tower. They are waging war against God by altering His Temple…that Temple is you, just like Jesus said. Understand this! You are the Third Temple.

      Everything else is a distraction, a division…you are living in the Age of Deception.

    • Brian L

      The First Beast is from the sea. The BIble tells us that sea is the people of Earth.

      We are created in God’s image.

      The altering of our DNA is the image of the Beast from the sea.

      Do you have eyes to see this?

      We are the Third Temple. The altering of humans is an afront to God, for by this is proclaimed that we Humans are now our own Creator. This is the Desolation set up in the Third Temple.

      You are living in the days of the testing to get to the point where the image of the first Beast is created and worshipped. The Birth Pangs. We are very close. Within a couple generations, if you live that long, you will see this.

      But that is WHY… That’s it. This should answer your question. They are all in cahoots because they all want money and power now…and later…they think their idiot children will be able to handle the rest…at least those that have children.

      Remember, the Bible says Angels and Jesus come back to wage war with them. All the UFOs and secret Black Projects are hidden, not because they don’t want the public to know, but because they believe by having absolute power over the physics of the universe that they will be able to defeat God in battle.

      This is what it’s all about…and now it should make total sense.

  10. Shirl

    Excellent information provided here Greg you are the BEST!
    Karen Kingston is a proven rock star on this subject, may Almighty Father Bless you both!
    I feel blessed to hear from such a brilliant scholar of her intelligence and fearless courage as she continues on ringing alarm bells like a Paul Revere of our time for all of humanity – a beacon of uncompromising BRILLIANCE Karen Kingston once again hits it out of the park on current issues of the latest concerning the ongoing planned worldwide genocide by the evil satanic freaks frauds and fools!
    Thanks again Greg and Karen!
    Pray up folks, Speak Up, Stand Up, Take Action!
    BYW, regarding President Trump on this…Karen has explained the dynamics previously. He has certainly faced EVIL and continues to do so on our behalf and if not for him NONE of this would have been exposed…and from all directions too of continued attacks…not just on this horrific bioweapon attack vector with the worst of it coming straight from HELL, obviously but, from all angles! Indeed, We are all learning, if we have been paying attention, just how deep and pervasive The SWAMP is where it emanates from HELL and that it all must be chastised in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Shirl. You are very kind to say this.

    • Karen Kingston

      Thank you for your kind words and encouragement Shirl. God Bless!

      • Earth Angel

        You look great Karen. So glad our prayers are answered and you have recovered from the vicious attacks you were targeted with. We are ever grateful to you for your excellent work and the information you share with everyone. God Bless you and your family and may He continue to keep you safe. : )

  11. Dave Milne

    Robert De Niro Humiliated as Elon Musk Calmly Lists Simple Facts
    What don’t we understand Bob? Chaos beyond our imagination?

    US Banks to STOP BRICS new Payment System: Isn’t it the sign of Dollar’s collapse?
    Fastepo 62,308 views Oct 29, 2024
    In one of our recent videos, we covered how the BRICS nations are pushing to develop a new inter-bank system to free themselves from SWIFT—a Western-based mechanism—and enable transactions without relying on the U.S. dollar, U.S. policies, or sanctions. This initiative has attracted significant media attention. However, a recent report indicates that Western financial institutions like the IMF and the World Bank are implementing policies to hinder this development. In this video, we delve into the topic in detail. We begin by discussing the principles of the new financial system, its capabilities and advantages, and why Western institutions are opposing it.

    • Tin foil hat

      The rollout of BRICS Pay has been stopped temporarily – with assistances from Israel and Ukraine.
      However, the key word is temporarily and I think that’s why the price of gold is still trending up.

      • Brian L

        The price of Gold follows Bitcoin now. It’s been that way for 5 years now. Have you noticed that yet?

        Trump is bringing in digital currencies. Buy Bitcoin now. Sell at 100k into USDC. Then buy the dip. Hold Bitcoin after that until SATS with DOGE coin are about 23 to 22, then dump into DOGE and then sell into a stable coin like USDC when it hits a couple bucks.

        If you don’t know what I mean by SATS, Bitcoin vs DOGE, research it now. 18 SATS used to be the tell. I made a lot of money doing this.

        Once you make money, then buy precious metals, as all sites now allow purchases using digital currency.

        Trump isn’t who you think he is. Digital currency and 15 minute cities and biometric IDs are all his thing he will usher in. Vance basically works for Palintir, Peter Thiel is going to make bank off of this next Trump Presidency.

        And yes, Trump is going to win…just in case anyone didn’t know. It’s too obvious

        • Tin foil hat

          The size of the U.S. bond market is around 47 T – U.S. Treasuries consist of 27 T out of that 47 T.

          Total market cap of the U.S. stock market is around 55 T – the market cap of the top 8 companies is around 17 T.

          The value of all the gold in the world is around 13 T.

          The value of all the BTC in existence is around 2 T.

          You can buy Bitcoin now, sell at 100k into USDC, then buy the dip, hold Bitcoin after that until SATS with DOGE coin are about 23 to 22 …… However, you shouldn’t hold Bitcoin until the reset when Trump/Harris brings in CBDC.

          WWIII is about who will ultimately control the next global reserve CBDC. Deep State wants NWO/UN CBDC and the BRICS wants BRICS Pay/mBrideg CBDC. Neither of them wants BTC to be the next world reserve digital currency.

          Central banks around the world are currently accumulating dollar, BTC, bonds, stocks or gold?

    • Jane Hill

      Does anyone care what unhinged Robert De Niro Thinks?

  12. Felix Leitner

    Ray McGovern : The Koreans Are Coming to Ukraine!
    Judge Napolitano – Judging Freedom 71K views Streamed 1 day ago
    Ray McGovern : The Koreans Are Coming to Ukraine!

    World Affairs In Context 45,133 views Oct 29, 2024
    AD to WORSE: $628 Billion in Unpaid Debt, Housing Crisis, US Consumers Are Struggling to Pay Bills
    World Affairs In Context 45,133 views 8 hours ago

  13. Rolf Harris

    ‘Trump won’: Sky News Australia hosts reveal their campaign trail winners/ 2,648 views Oct 30, 2024 Sky News Digital Originals
    In the intense race for the world’s most powerful position, candidates are leaving no stone unturned to make their mark.
    The 2024 campaign has been one of the most vibrant and unpredictable in history.
    Before we reach Election Day, Sky News Australia hosts Paul Murray, Gabriella Power, James Morrow, Chris Kenny and more, reveal who they believe truly emerged victorious on the campaign trail.
    Dive deep with us into the strategies, missteps, and standout moments that have defined this extraordinary election season.

  14. Arn Handler

    Joe Rogan brutally rejects Kamala Harris’s list of demands to appear on his podcast
    Sky News Australia 188,884 views Oct 30 2024, Sky News All Stars
    The world’s biggest podcast host, Joe Rogan has exposed a list of Kamala Harris’s demands in order to appear on his show.
    Following the hugely successful podcast interview between Joe Rogan and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, which was viewed 38 million times and counting, there have been calls for Kamala Harris to sit down with Joe Rogan in the same long form interview style.
    Nothing has been locked in, but Joe Rogan released a statement on X, outlining communication between him and the Harris camp with a list of their requests for the interview.

  15. geo

    Karen is always extremely professional in giving us information and the source. Too many other qualified people fail to give the source of their info.
    If you read the book “Horrors of Vaccination” published in 1870 it says that vaccines reduce the number of cases by 75% but increase the number of deaths by 500%. Prior to the introduction of the Smallpox vaccine 0.5% of infected people died, this increased to 10% after the vaccine was introduced. The book, written by doctors, also highlights how vaccines produce many chronic and deadly side effects. Most of us do not understand that vaccine side effects might show up years after the injection, therefore we happily think they are safe.

    • Karen Kingston

      Thank you for this helpful info Geo. I will check out Horrors of Vaccination.

  16. stanlee

    Did anyone notice that Time is Speeding up latley? I sure did over the last few years or so. never gave it much thought until other people on the net noticed the same thing.

    I also read that “TIME” is a “DIMENSION”….If that is True, and if, as the Bible says, ” Exodus 33:20: “And He said, “You cannot see My face, for no man shall see Me and live”” then according to my Pastor Arnold Murray and his son Pastor Dennis Murray, GOD is in a Different Dimension.

    This thought came to me…In our TIME DIMENSIONS, GOD is way ahead of us because he knows in advance what is going to happen.

    What if GOD is intentionally speeding up our time so at a certain place we here on earth “Catch up” time wise to our Heavenly Father
    and “JUST LIKE THAT!” EARTH TIME and HEAVENLY TIME COLLIDE!?……Poof….we are all with our Creator to begin a new era.

    Stanlee Yulee Fla 10/30/24

  17. Katy Bar

    The people “Most-at-Risk” from the current roll-out of the H5N1 Bird Flu Bio-Weapon Vax are the people who “Joyously” took the CV19 Bio-Weapon and actually “Clapped Their Hands” when they “Allowed the Kill Shot to be Administered” (that proceeded to Destroy their Immune Systems or Killed them Outright)!! Wondering if this “Joyfulness over taking the Jab” was a big part of the Harris Presidential Campaign “I interviewed Kamala” and asked her if the Joy felt by the CV19 victims was the same “Joy” she was promoting in her Presidential Campaign and she said:

    “As you know Joy makes people Happy, and everyone wants to be Happy because as you know Happiness is Joyful, so Joy will always be a big part of my Campaign which is designed to make people Happy. For instance, as Border Czar I opened the Borders to allow in illegals who would work at a lower pay per hour then the Blacks, Hispanics and Puerto Ricans (who will be voting for me no matter what) “so as to make the Federal Reserve Happy” and it actually helped to bring down wage inflation, and even though all the people in the USA only got a 3% Cost of Living Increase instead of the 10% they deserved, the Joy and Happiness of the Fed was more important to me and took precedence over what the common people wanted!! I also made the Democratic Party Very Happy and Joyful (including myself) by bringing in all those extra “Illegal voters” now being put on the voting roles (by our Just-Us System) in very critical Key Voting States for the coming election on Nov. 5th”!!

    I didn’t ask any further questions!!!

    • Kit Lee

      You actually interviewed Kamala??

      • Katy Bar

        In my mind Kit (where I still have freedom of thought and don’t have to worry about Hillary locking me up in a FEMA Camp for thinking such thoughts out loud). Although in the future, with the nanobots (which we are told not to fear) being injected into our food supply and vaccines the Globalists will soon be able to Read or Hear our Internal Thoughts and as you guessed it “Punish Us Severely for Having Any Such Illegal Thoughts”!!

        • Ken Yu

          There would be No Need for Nanobots; “If our God Given Immune System was not Destroyed by the Greedy Big Pharma Industry with their Kill Shots”!! Just looking at the Nanobots they want to put inside our bodies gives me the creeps (let’s let God’s immune system do what it was meant to do)!!

        • Tanya

          this may have been the gameplan a few decades ago, reading people’s minds, as seeded through hollywood productions, however they DO know the thoughts of the people, through their phones, social media, purchasing history, voting habits, so me thinks the agenda now is not to KNOW but to CONTROL what people think. hence nudge units, and the use of SPIN. I M H O

          • Katy Bar

            It’s that time of the year again when many of us Celebrate the Birth of Christ but we also need to warn our children that there “Really Is A Santa Claws” (Klaus Schwab) who knows (by spying on our cell phones, etc., etc.) if we have been “naughty or nice” (in regard to his Globalist Agenda). So it is imperative we teach our children that one day some Red Commie may actually be coming down the chimney looking for sooty charcoal evidence that CO2 was being emitted into the atmosphere against Globalist Rules (forbidding the burning of wood in your fireplace to keep warm)!! And on that day when caught doing such a naughty thing one should immediately throw their cell phones as far away as possible (because the dynamite implanted inside our cell phones will probably be set off as punishment for being so naughty)!! And teach your children not to expect Santa Claws to leave them any really nice gifts because he has stated on many occasions: “You Will Own Nothing” and “You Will Be Happy” (to eat any bugs I may give you)!!

  18. Helmut Ott

    Karen´s warning to stock up on food especially frozen proteine like chicken is absolutely in line with Martin Armstrong`s recent urgent recommandation to stock up on food for a TWO-year supply!!! Not a lot of time until January until the shortages may hit the unaware und unprepared.

  19. Steve

    Thank you Greg for everything you do. I look forward to every program. God bless.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the kind words of support, Steve!!!

  20. Marie Joy

    Angry yet?

  21. Roger Stamper

    tks for post karen greg

  22. Justn Observer

    Greg, = are they scamming/duping people and selling the peoples genetic DNA?
    They are Selling Your DNA – Your Data’s on the Line!
    THANKS GREG AND MS. KINGSTON! you both are ‘saviors’ of not just lives but more importantly… souls! Truly watchdogs…as are all the interviewees and commentators ….all …along the watchtower.
    Soon coming is the time… ‘they’ have to be identified and dealt with if it is to stop. As Patton said, “The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.”
    Time to zero in on and follow the money…and from where and who it comes from therein one might then find the motive behind it. Power? Control? Greed? or a combination thereof? At the level this is happening…those behind it ARE…psychopaths and sociopaths when one considers the death, side-effects, and results of is happening which shows clear intent when one considers the extent of the information about the ingredients and the data of effect and results being hidden from the people.
    Power and Control – motive… World dominion
    Greed = control over money and the system of system that in larger part is access to necessities of life and one’s ability to ‘participate’ in exchange of them and the resources/commodities required to build-make- grow- produce- share them.= Water, food, shelter, energy, and ‘real’ stores of wealth -money of value. which ultimately ARE vehicles of TRUST , in which something that is useful and rare. Which, in these more modern times, do to the need for energy and power…NOT gold but silver. AND do to the world population…fresh water, land, and fertilizers sufficient to grow the food required to sustain life… That said, WHO owns and controls or wants to own and control the above as to ‘land grants’, titles, and trusts of those most important assets? WHO are the ‘stakeholders’ and puppet-masters of those politicians, princes and principalities, using them to seize those world resources , including the ‘human resources’ for ‘their’ benefit and control over those ‘they’ they consider the useless, deplorable, masses ‘they’ hope to surveil, control, and rule over at all costs, to retain ‘their’ place at the seat around the ‘high table’ and with enough power to hover like the hidden unseen eye at the apex of that pyramid of power? Those who believe ‘they’ are the owners, with the levers and wealth that can control not only governments/ religious leaders, and multinational corporations that extract the resources and commodities required to produce and control the very necessities of life, which in the end control the very happiness and pursuit thereof, of all that God has made and given to mankind.
    WHO are ‘they’ that think ‘they’ are our gods?
    WHO are ‘they’ that tax the people, use those to run the schools, use the knowledge via education, scientific studys, programs thereof to attain and achieve those patents and knowledge behind the ‘veil of secrecy’ and excuse of ‘national security’ of that which is ‘created’ by those tax dollars against the people for ‘their’ benefit…to expand ‘their’ power and control and funnel the wealth derived from it unto themselves…which so many links and information shared by those interviewed and provided by commentators…provide weave thread by thread from the backside of the tapestry…only waiting for enough of it to be weaved so at some point we are all able to set around and see the undeniable picture of them and understanding of it all. THE PEOPLE are waking up….that is the reason of ‘their’ panic now. IT is coming into view, the stakeholders for those that hold the sledgehammers and are driving ‘their’ poles, to mark the regions of ‘their’ dominion. Those oligarchs who horde the wealth unto themselves as use it as a levcr over nations sovereign wealth, treasuries, religions, and access to the ancient mysteries of power and control over the masses from the days even before the days of Babylon and Sameria, the march thru the changing empires as they morphed from emperors, exalted masters, kings, and yes, the many names that keep popping up at every turn of evil events and agendas…those of ‘the swamp’ lurking just below under the dark water oa pools of dark money, trusts and foundations, hedge and ‘sovereign wealth funds…and their interconnected globalist web of their minion CEO’S and ‘captains’ of industry and weapons MIC used to surveil, control, propagandize, gas-light, mis-inform while the censor speech and sharing of and revealing knowledge sufficent to awaken the masses, and they push to deceive than dis-SPELL those efforts pushing WOK and their many tools of division via Hegelian dialectics, MK-ultra, now lockdowns, and levers of compliance. Every nation has their own BUFFET, GATES, POPE, SUPREME LEADER, PM, PRESIDENT etc. The wider discussion has to be one such as this around the dinner table and among family and neighbors if we are to go forward, beyond the negative ads, the contrived ‘sound bites’ and leadership BS. if there are any still ‘undecided’ voters in any nation around the world…it is worth the time to consider.

  23. Da Yooper

    Great interview as always Greg

    Just did my yearly at my PCP & when his nurse asked me if I wanted a flue shot & I said no . Here reply was……. good . They got burned by covid & and do not appear to be playing ball right now. But either way I do not trust them they followed the science $$$$$$$$$ . They sold their soul & will probably do so again when enough $$$$$$$$ are waved in front of them again.

  24. Lucas Doolin

    Leave it up to you Greg if you want this posted. It is Dr. David Nixon from Australia. He has found self assembling nanobots in dental anaesthetic. I read on one of his posts that all dental anesthesia he tested has it.

  25. Russ 2

    Thanks Greg, great information. Karen Kingston is probably 99.99% correct in that they’re lying. It sounds to me like people who take the shots (before animal testing) are actually the lab-rats making sure the flu vaxx is safe for the ferrets and monkeys. Expect all those victims who “trust their doctor” to take this jab.

    “Lab-Rat” is not stamped on my forehead. I have the TWC Contagion Emergency Kit here and ready to go. I didn’t take the Covid jab (not one) and I take stuff to reinforce my innate immune system, so hopefully the kit stays on the shelf, maybe ready for a neighbor — some of whom trust their doctor and will take the H5N1 flu jab.

    Wow, KK is on fire, I’ll hit her sub-stack later this morning. Thanks again.

  26. Galaxy 500

    Thank you for having Karen back. I have had many flu vaccinations, along with shingles and the pneumonia but I stopped taking these shots in 2019.
    I do not trust Pfizer er al….
    They will never get another one of my dollars

    • sambo

      “I have had many flu vaccinations”…ok that explains those “rambling” incoherent rants.

  27. Marie Joy

    War, before the election, solves their problem. Buckle up.

  28. Cassie

    Until people wake up to the fact that VIRUSES DON’T EVEN EXIST they will never be free from fear. They are simply poisoning us. Full stop.

    Do your own research. Dr. Tom Cowan is a good place to stop.

    • Greg Hunter

      I did do my “research.” This is synthetic biotech. It’s man-made and it does exist. It’s patented.

      • Cassie

        Yes you are right. But people need to hear that viruses as “naturally occurring is a LIE. They never have exisisted as in “something from the outside of my body attacks my immune system.” Big pharma has trained the population to believe that they need to protect us with vaccinations. If people understand, as you say, that these shots ARE THE POISONING ENEMY which will protect us FROM something living that doesn’t even exist, people will continue to trust the idea that ANY VACCINES are the poison, continuing to be susceptible to FEARING the next “disease” from viruses which never have existed. Please investigate the germ theory vs the terrain theory of infection, dear Greg and Karen. This will free people from fearing the wrong thing and understanding the only thing to fear is big pharma and their poisons.

        • Greg Hunter

          The viruses Kingston is talking about are synthetic as in synthetic biotech.

          • Cassie

            You are honoring me with your responses, my hero Greg! Thank you!

            As you can see I’m very passionate about this subject. You are totally right– synthetic viruses. Lab created poisons. And now people are expecting the same in the next round of scamdemic bird flu etc. All great news, thanks to people like you and Kingston and many other heroes.

            But people would never have been susceptible to any vaccinations from any doctor or virologist if they understand that “natural” viruses have never existed. The subject was viciously debated in the early 1900s and the false science won out. No one has ever seen or identified a “normal” virus. Read “Can You Catch a Cold” by Daniel Roytas; the online work of Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey in Australia; Drs. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell’s book “The Myth of Contagion. Thank you again for not shutting me down, Greg.

  29. Susan Russo

    Thank you Greg for this. I absorbed every word from Karen. My biggest question remaining about this is: why do they want to kill us and who is the “they”?
    I have an idea the entity behind this is not human or that humans have been coerced to participate. There may be a nonhuman specie who want this planet for their own.
    Removing humans would leave a huge mess to clean up. The North Carolina debacle now said to take tens upon tens of years to clean up after was a vicious attack.

    • Doug

      Did you ever see the Georgia Guidestones in Georgia USA?
      They were the etched in rock goals of the global elite.
      Several years ago these guidelines etched in stone were dismantled
      but there are no doubt pictures of of this sick information on the
      internet some where. Do a quick search.

      Great guest Greg!

      • Susan Russo

        Doug, yes, I had seen photos and videos of the Georgia Guidestones quite a few years ago so this presence of malice towards humanity has been with me since. One recent event was Helene that no one can convince me that was not an attack. Even Dane Wigington talked about this here recently.

  30. William Simonton

    Thank you Greg and Karen for this informative and interesting video 🫡

  31. Richard Gould

    Great Day of Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) is Near
    Zephaniah 1:14 The great day of Jehovah is near!
    It is near and it is approaching very quickly!
    The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter.
    There a warrior cries out.
    15 That day is a day of fury,
    A day of distress and anguish,
    A day of storm and desolation,
    A day of darkness and gloom,
    A day of clouds and thick gloom,
    16 A day of the horn and of the battle cry,
    Against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers.
    17 I will cause distress to mankind,
    And they will walk like blind men,
    Because it is against Jehovah they have sinned.
    Their blood will be poured out like dust,
    And their flesh like the dung.
    18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury;
    For by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be consumed,
    Because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.”
    2 Gather together, yes, gather yourselves,
    O nation that feels no shame.
    2 Before the decree takes effect,
    Before the day passes by like chaff,
    Before the burning anger of Jehovah comes upon you,
    Before the day of Jehovah’s anger comes upon you,
    3 Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth,
    Who observe his righteous decrees.
    Seek righteousness, seek meekness.
    Probably you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger.
    What is the key? Why did Adam die? The same is true today; those who refuse to obey our NOW ruling king Jesus WILL die. See Matthew 28:18-20. The requirement for obedience to the Almighty cannot and will not change; not now, and not in a million more years. Obey, or die. How else can perfect people, perfect peace and a perfect earth exist except under such a rule? Jehovah is infallible and He is the creator and only He knows exactly what is necessary for us to live forever in peace on a perfectly clean earth.

    • a Son of Gawd

      Don’t forget, the only living human infallible, is supposed to be only the Pope. I nominate you for to be, the next Pope! You’ve been here on for years now with your dribble and you been making a lot of sense to me lately, which the church does not look on very kindly mind you. But what the hell! You’ve convinced me were living in a Biblical moment in time, with no way out except by the mighty hand of a mighty God, the church calls Yahweh! I know the English speaking world says Jehovah and on the continent they pronounce the J as a Y, just as they spelled on the continent Yugoslavia, Jugoslavia! I KNOW BECAUSE i TOURED THE COUNTRY BACK IN THE DAY WHEN IT WAS ACOUNTRY! Specifically the province of Slovenia, AT THE TIME, now it’s own country, where Melania Trump was born.
      So Yehova or Yahweh could be the same our father! Makes sense to me mate. So hang in there Richard! Maybe you might be saved? As you say and that’s a big maybe! Maybe, in Jehovah’s day of much troubles!
      Have a GRRRREAT Tribulation Richard!

  32. z

    Puerto Rico Trash Problem: Understanding the Crisis and Working Toward Solutions

    The comedian is correct at MSG. Why did ricky martin jay lo and bad bunny not talk about the islands trouble ? Are they shills for Harris ? They made this a big issue. The issue is that DEMS in charge at PR have a trash problem.

    Why not ask questions about trash problem in PR ?

    • Armed_Strong

      J Lo, Martin and Bunny do not want to “trash talk” their island. However, when they are gathering around they will will talk trash about the island. How do I know? Because I hang around with some Puertorricans and I visited the island way too many times.

  33. Justn Observer

    Greg, a one minute soundbite everyone should be posting to their AG’S AND DA’s and State and Federal elected officials and ask them….WHY is the Prosecutor in Chief ,the V. POTUS who claims she ‘follows the law’ NOT following the law…especially if she had so little to do while VP for 4 years, NOT helping those cleared and listed to get released…. DID NOT SEE THAT THEY WERE! , BUT let the minorities who DJT ‘stepped up to help’ with his LAW that he signed not that help?
    People need to post this to all the X, Instagram, True social and via emails so people know…Kamillla Harrass did not help those she claims she represents ! How many thousand nonviolent drug offenders that AG Harris put into the prisons in California as STILL lingering there because of the Biden-Harris-and DOJ (Garfinkel) Garland failure to follow the law to deny DJT a win?
    @ 31:30 to 32:30

  34. Justn Observer

    Greg, was that statement from the BIS /WEFer crew trying to sidestep what they see coming ….the U.S. HOUSE BILL to dis-allow the CBDC in the U.S.?

    = ie…=But they do not include the United States. In fact, the US is not just trailing most countries on CBDC development; it could soon become the first country to explicitly ban the central bank from issuing a CBDC, to the undisguised horror of certain think tanks.

    “CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.”
    In May, the US House of Representatives passed HR 5403, also known as the “CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.” The bill, first introduced in September 2023 and sponsored by US Senator Ted Cruz, proposes amendments to the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the US Federal Reserve from issuing CBDCs. It also seeks to protect the right to financial privacy and prevent the U.S. government from “weaponizing their financial system against their own citizens.”

    If passed, HR 5403 will prevent the Fed from:

    Offering products or services directly to individuals.

    Maintaining accounts on behalf of individuals.

    Issuing a central bank digital currency or any digital asset that is substantially similar under any other name or label directly to an individual.

    To become law, the bill still needs to clear the Senate, which is by not means guaranteed. But it is likely to receive added impetus from a new Trump administration, assuming Trump wins the election and isn’t assassinated before taking office or thwarted by a colour revolution, as Lambert posited yesterday. In January, Trump announced, to thunderous applause, at a New Hampshire that as president, he would “never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency.” Such a currency, he said, “would give a federal government, our federal government, absolute control over your money.”

  35. Juan Gonzalez

    No wonder, Martin Armstrong is pushing for R.f.k. to be Attorney General for Trump. Makes sense

  36. Marie Joy

    The vice president certifies the election. Kamala will refuse to certify DJT’s win. That’s when it will hit the fan.

  37. Barb DelCotto

    Greg, this clarifies what Trump did with the covid vax via his ‘warp speed’ approach.
    The bioweapon shots were going to be delivered no matter what. He couldn’t stop that.
    But they didn’t have nearly enough – so drug manufacturers produced a lot of saline vaccines to meet demand in a short period of time, saving lives.


    Democrat campaign ‘getting uglier’ now that Trump is ahead in the polls

    Sky News Australia 38,331 views Oct 31, 2024
    Sky News host Sharri Markson claims the Democrat campaign is “getting uglier” with Trump ahead in the polls.
    “American leadership is critical to the inflation fight and cost of living, to national security, support for Israel, dealing with the threat of China and AUKUS,” Ms Markson said.
    According to RealClearPolling Trump is ahead in five of the seven swing states.
    “And now that Trump is edging ahead in the polls – the campaign is getting uglier.”

    The US election just got even wilder: Andrew Bolt
    Sky News Australia 37,816 views Oct 31, 2024
    Sky News host Andrew Bolt is joined by Ross Greenwood to discuss the latest on the race to the White House as the election campaigning ramps up.
    It comes with just six days out before America decides whether it will elect its first female president or choose for a second Trump term.
    “The presidential election in America it just gets wilder I mean now there’s even photos of President Joe Biden seeming to bite a child who was dressed like a turkey,” Mr Bolt said.
    “But in fact, the real damage that he’s done with his mouth was yesterday calling Donald Trump supporters garbage.”

    • Katy Bar

      Looks like women (who want the right to abort babies) will swing Pennsylvania to Harris!! But we won’t have to worry about all these women voters for Harris very much longer because the Democrats will soon be “Drafting Women into the Military” (To be “Aborted Themselves” in Ukraine)!!

  39. dean

    Not taking the vaccine for bird flu is a no brainer. However if the initial cause is a man made virus or other and has a death rate of 50% then natural cures should be addressed. Is this where the contagion kit from the Wellness Company solves this??

  40. Nanna Banana Bellson

    FTC Chair Lina Khan Faces Backlash for Alleged Targeting of Musk’s Twitter Takeover
    by Dan Frieth | Reclaim The Net October 31th, 2024
    In this vein, the report from the Committee suggests that the FTC’s aggressive stance may have been more about punishing Musk for exposing government pressures on tech censorship than about genuine regulatory concerns.
    The House Judiciary Committee has accused FTC Chair Lina Khan, appointed by President Biden, of using the agency’s powers to target Elon Musk’s Twitter. The claims emerged in a report, revealing that the FTC intensified its scrutiny of Twitter immediately following Musk’s acquisition, pushing for an immediate vote on a long-pending consent decree.
    Documents indicate that despite the consent decree being in negotiation before Musk’s involvement, Khan initiated an urgent vote just days after Musk’s acquisition was publicized. Over the first three months of Musk’s leadership, the FTC sent Twitter over a dozen letters, initiating more than 350 demands for documents and information, some of which extended beyond the scope of the existing consent decree.
    We obtained a copy of the report for you here.

  41. Norman Greenjeans

    Whistleblower Confirms FBI Honey Pot Spy Operation Against Trump Was EPIC FAIL in 2016 by InfoWars October 31th, 2024 8:09 AM
    The FBI even lied to the Inspector General about their clandestine sex operative operation.

  42. z

    Putin Releases 4,000 Page Report Exposing How Elites Have Rigged 2024 US Election

  43. Beave Cleavers

    @JokeWRLD The Crazy Joe Rogan Donald Trump Aftermath
    When Joe Rogan KNEW the Trump Interview was happening 😳🤯

  44. Brett Hampton

    Trump’s refusal to walk-back his support of Fauci, Lockdowns, and the Vaccine is why I can’t bring myself to vote for him.

    It’s an incredibly painful decision for me, being I live in PA–which will likely decide the outcome of the election.

    However, we need to draw the line SOMEWHERE don’t we?

    If my staying home causes Kamala to win, so be it!

    Trump has no one to blame but HIMSELF!

    • Greg Hunter

      You are on the stupid side of the line. Biden mandated the shots for millions and Trump would not have. Trump would also not have been a part of the war in Ukraine.

    • SWAMP The VOTE!

      Brett LIONAL Hampton
      Trump and wife took the shot along with most people worldwide! Do you call them stupid and conniving? You can’t be following You must be a boring Kamster! How many times does Greg have to repeat to you here that unless the days ahead were cut short no flesh would be saved. Mark Jesuses words. Were all poisoned or going to be and Trump and Malonia will no doubt be affected by taking the shot, just be glad you didn’t. Don’t be a spoiled sport and stay home. But if choose to bury your head in the sand be prepared for the coming of the LORD or were all doomed whether we took the kill shot or not. You don’t have to vote but please pray for my soul at least!
      ‘LOSING SUPPORT’: House Speaker Johnson accuses Harris campaign of ‘spinning’ his words/Fox Business hours ago
      House Speaker Mike Johnson discusses the upcoming election as Republicans aim to grow the House majority, Democrats’ ‘dangerous’ rhetoric, the impact of the border crisis, media coverage of the election and China’s aggression.

      JUST IN: JD Vance Takes Questions from Reporters, Speaks to Supporters in Saginaw, Michigan Forbes Breaking News 108K views 2 days ago
      Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) holds a Trump-Vance 2024 campaign event in Saginaw, Michigan. JUST IN: JD Vance Takes Questions from Reporters, Speaks to Supporters in Saginaw, Michigan
      Forbes Breaking News 108K views 2 days ago
      Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) holds a Trump-Vance 2024 campaign event in Saginaw, Michigan.
      Saginaw, Michigan

      Brett, caught! Election FRAUD in Michigan after double voting report
      FOX 2 Detroit 861,205 views Oct 4, 2024
      The Michigan Attorney General has charged four people who allegedly voted twice in the August Primary and three election officials that Dana Nessel said allowed those individuals to do so. It took place in St. Clair Shores in Macomb County.
      I live in MICHIGAN and BORDER the SHORES, this is the first I heard of it, and I just happened to run into this NOW on YouTube and I’m pretty much a news hound AND FIND IT HARD TO BELIEVE NOBODY IN MY CIRCLE OF FRIENDS EVEN MENTIONED IT. When I run a stop sign and ask the judge for an advisement plea, he usually says. We caught you this time. We didn’t get you all the other times you did it and not going to catch you all the other times you do it in future! So, no plea deal!

      PA’s Election Rules Hit the Supreme Court! Stakes Are Sky-High!
      Robert Gouveia Reports 36 views 1 hour ago November 1st. 2024
      Brett, how come Repuplicrats don’t have these problems?

    • Earth Angel

      Your inaction would be ok Brett- if your decision about letting Kamala win would hurt ONLY YOU. But unfortunately your inaction may sentence THE REST OF US in America ( and consequently our brothers and sisters around the world) to an unbearable next 4 years ahead and beyond that. Please get out and VOTE- for the candidate and HIS TEAM- that will work to restore our freedoms and a healthy economy, peaceful relations between ourselves AND other nations of the world, a SAFE America for innocent children and adults alike, better policies in virtually EVERY area that policies are made. Need I go on?! Go out and vote for FREEDOM and the Constitutional values we were given by the Framers in 1776. A non- vote for Trump in this election is a VOTE for MARXIST GLOBALISTS and their satanic evil agendas. Please help us NOT let that happen again- Go vote for TRUMP!!

    • Katy Bar

      Good for you Bret, I too am refusing to vote “Because the Election is Not Being Held on Halloween” (When ALL THE DEAD Can Vote)!! The refusal of politicians to Walk Back the Election Day from Nov 5 to Oct 31 is why I can’t bring myself to vote. Yes, it is an incredibly painful decision for me (being I too live in PA) and it will likely decide the outcome of the election for Harris. However, a line has to be Drawn Somewhere (as you can understand)!! So, I’m Staying Home, and if Kamala Wins GOOD (it will help to get WWIII Started) Expanding the Number of Dead Voters for the Next Election (especially with her drafting women into the Military who believe in abortion and death) and WHICH TRUMP ABSOLUTELY STATES HE REFUSES TO DO!!!

    • Won Witness

      Brett (and Lyle and all the other names that have shown up in the comments now and in the past with this same won’t vote Trump theme. )

      I’m calling “disparager alert” on your comments
      I believe you are a bad actor.
      I believe you are trying to steer the undecided to not vote.
      That is why you arn’t even mentioning what alternative would be better.
      The kicker is the “Trump has no one to blame but himself”
      NO, I will blame you Brett,
      If Kamela wins, So Be It ?
      Freedom of Speech, National soveriegnty, Parental rights, Honest elections and soo much more will be gone.
      Yes I will blame you Brett.
      From Vally Forge on, So Many have sacraficed all for our Freedom.
      If they could speak now who will they blame ?

    • Justn Observer

      Trump denounces Fauci, China; hints at 2024 run

  45. Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

    Right now, my brain is numb!! All my siblings, except me and a brother have taken all the shots and dang boosters. I keep praying that God will keep them heathy. Now I have a Great niece who just started walking. Her mom did not take the shot but the dad, my nephew did. He tried for religious exemption, but he said it was 56 pages long and military. Not that tit helps now but our own Catholic Bishop told all the priest of our state no exemptions for religious reasons. I just heard gossip that the Bishop has cancer. I’m 6 months older than him.
    I will put out something to all of them to watch this presentation before getting another shot. If they don’t believe it well that will be on them.

    • Greg Hunter

      Hang in there, SG. You know you did the right thing!!

  46. June Oh Donnelski

    What They NEVER Told You About The DEAD BODIES On D Day
    The Ultimate Discovery 101,185 views Oct 17, 2024
    The beaches of Normandy tell a story of unimaginable bravery, but there’s a darker side few ever speak about. Thousands of soldiers lost their lives, but what happened to their bodies after the battle is rarely discussed. Beneath the glory and triumph lies a haunting chapter of history. Have you ever wondered how the remains of those who fell were handled? Or why this part of D-Day’s legacy remains largely untold? Join us as we uncover the terrifying truth that they never told you about what happened to the dead bodies on D-Day.
    They never came back, but Jesus said. There will be a ressurection of the righteose and unrighteose. They’ll be back!😂🤞🦘
    You have the word of God’s word on it!

  47. Martin Legstrong

    I’m seeing a lot of complacency and over-confidence from Team Trump regarding the outcome of the election—y’all are acting like you’ve already won.

    Which is crazy since you’re well aware of the very effective Democratic election-rigging machine that has likely been in place and improving since the 2018 mid-terms.

    Team Kamala just needs to steal a couple of key states to win—possibly only Pennsylvania.

    If Team Biden was able to manufacture 15 million votes, I see no reason why Team Kamala won’t be able to do same.

    From the 2020 stolen election, Democrats know they can get away with any amount of cheating (no matter how blatant) because neither Trump, the GOP, nor his supporters will do anything except cry about it.

  48. larry bird

    FULL EVENT: JD Vance Takes Questions From Reporters, Speaks To Supporters At Wisconsin Rally Forbes Breaking News 170K views 2 days ago
    Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) holds a Trump-Vance 2024 campaign event in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

  49. [email protected]

    It’s Crazy In Pennsylvania: Even The Amish Are Voting For Trump
    Nick Johnson 1.3M views 11 days ago
    There’s one commercial by the owner you can’t skip, but worth the waight this video is so interesting! They sound Irish!
    Trump, take note, the Amish love you and thats no small feat, mate!

  50. Mary Bergstrom

    Douglas Macgregor: Kursk on Fire—Russia & North Korea Crush Ukrainian Lines!
    WarZone Echo 80,861 views Oct 30, 2024
    In a shocking turn of events, Colonel Douglas Macgregor dissects the unfolding catastrophe for Ukrainian forces at Kursk. With reports of 2,000 Ukrainian troops now encircled, the strategic involvement of North Korean forces alongside Russia marks a decisive shift in the battle. Are Ukraine’s elite brigades facing total annihilation, or will they find a way out? This is an intense look into the high stakes struggle on the frontlines.

  51. Mr. Allison

    Ukraine’s Darkest Secret: The Holocaust They Don’t Teach You in Schools
    A Day in History 183,965 views Oct 14, 2024
    Among the many things that the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine did was bring two groups of people together who, nearly 80 years before, had been at each other’s throats – literally. Today, Poland and Ukraine are close allies, and Poland has supplied Ukraine with billions of dollars of supplies, equipment, and weapons to help it fight off Putin’s invasion.

  52. April Means

    Trump HUMILIATES Kamala with STUNNING Move Just days before ELECTION
    DeVry Darkins 605,894 views 10 hours ago
    Watch Donald Trump HUMILIATE Kamala Harris after his latest stunning move that might just take away more attention from Kamala that she needs. Kamala Harris wanted the last word with her closing argument in DC however, Donald Trump has erased that with this move. We also are diving into the early voting numbers that prove Democrats are worried and republicans are confident.

    Trump Calls Out Democrat Deep State Coup, “They Stole the Presidency of the United States” by InfoWars October 31st, 2024 Trump revealed the REAL insurrection.

  53. leslie krenk

    if you look at the population demographics of the US, it would behoove that the older
    age groups be culled and that the younger age groups remain, causing our population
    demographic pyramid to normalize. for references, see peter zeihan on youtube


    _Ark Midnight
    (September 28, 2024) ~THE FIX Is In~!
    YOU BET IT IS! JUST LIKE “Errol Flyn,” Not General Flynn
    ———————-=GET A GANDER _ Buckle Up! “SHOCKING!
    ______The Intelligence Briefing/Bolshevik 2.0 • USA Under Siege: Go to 1the .53.00 Mark

  55. TO BIG TO Fraud

    Fingerprints of Fraud – The Movie – Chapter 1 – The Voter Rolls Chapter 2 Fingerprints of Fraud – The Movie -The VOTE Machines!

    Fingerprints of Fraud – Chapter 3 – Mail-in Madness

    Fingerprints of Fraud – The Movie – Chapter 4 – Election Night Reporting

    Fingerprints of Fraud – The Movie – Chapter 5 – Digital Danger

    Fingerprints of Fraud – The Movie – Chapter 6 – Crimes and Punishments (ver. 2)

    Fingerprints of Fraud – The Movie – Chapter 7 – How We Fix It

  56. Lesley

    Idk why we have to use animals for these or any experiments
    We have more than enough serial killers / rapists / pedos etc that should be used instead of innocent animals.

    Please let’s STOP with using innocent animals for experiments

    • Earth Angel

      I completely agree Lesley. Anyone who can do horrid torture to harmless innocent creatures who cannot fight back are VERY SICK individuals themselves. Stuff right out of the nazi playbooks. Think Mengele- ‘the angel of death’. No one with a heart or a conscience could do what they do to these helpless animals in the name of ‘science’. It’s despicable.

  57. Rodster

    Trump trolls the Democrats as he pulls up to his WI rally in a garbage truck with a “Vote For Trump” sign on the side of the truck. His 5 minutes explaining how and why he did it is pure comedy genius. Even CNN fell for the prank as they had to break away from a news segment to cover Trump arriving in a garbage truck. 🤣 🤣 🤣

    And of course the Leftists Media is all over themselves saying how terrible it was to prank Joe Biden’s garbage remark by pulling up to his rally in a garbage truck.

    This is a must watch if you are a Trump fan !

  58. David

    It’s about time WE as a human race not use animals to experiment on.
    Human on human first and foremost.

  59. Dr J Coleman

    Dear Mr Hunter:

    The prognosis following heart bypass surgery has improved significantly over the past 30 years. Nonetheless, there is new research that shows 8-10 years after a heart bypass operation, mortality increases by 60-80 per cent. This is new and important medical science findings.

    While 90% of cardiovascular disease is genetic, there are nonetheless behavioural changes you should which would would improve outcomes:

    Here are some of the necessary changes you should adopt:
    + Body Mass Index 95th percentile of DASH-style eating pattern, HEI-2015, or MEPA
    + Blood Lipids Non-HDL cholesterol <130 mg/dL
    + Blood Pressure <120/<80 mm HgP
    + Blood Glucose <100 mg/dL (or HbA1C <5.7) and no history of diabetes. Reduce daily sugar intake significantly, if pre diabetic
    + Sleep Health 7 to <9 hours of sleep per night

    Hope this helps.

    Dr J Coleman (Ret)
    Preventive Cardiology

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Dr. Coleman.
      I am working on bringing the bad numbers down and the good numbers up. I have totally changed by diet to mostly plant based. I am on a cardio rehab program, and I am making good progress. I know this is not a one-time operation but a lifestyle change. I am going to see Jesus come back. Thanks for taking the time to give me some instruction.

  60. Lisa Mooney

    Found in a Pig in a backyard farm in Oregon. I live in OR and they have been attacking small scale farms and homesteaders even before this news. Greg, so glad you are recovering and still with us, we are going to need your boots on the ground reporting in 2025. Pure Synergy brand has a great Grape seed extract I take which is helpful for Cardiac support.

    • Marie Joy

      Medical tests tend to be designed to have a certain outcome.

  61. Perl Baily

    $348,000,000,000 Columbia-Class U.S. Navy Nightmare Has Begun Story by Peter Suciu • 15h •
    A billion here, a billion there. Before you know it, you talkin real scratch! Dat ah lota moolaa!

    Stop the steal in your voting precinct

  62. Galaxy 500

    Did you see the child flee from the President Pedo (allegedly, his daughter wrote about this in her diary). Candy didn’t work for ole Joe this time. And he is biting kids…
    Who is running our gov?

  63. Marie Joy


  64. Bill Holder

    The Bird Flu is an excuse and a scare tactic. The death will come from the Flu Shot. I got from a very trusted source, the Medical Industries Flu Shot is a “Quad Shot.” It has the 3 usual cocktail of Flu concoction and 1 of of mRNA ‘Rona shot.

    Winter is coming, less sun, less Vitamin D3, lower autoimmune response, people get sick. Lots of migrants that have no idea on how to survive the winter, cut/disrupt the food and fuel supplies, see what will happen. Do you think a Haitian will go to a pond to get a Duck? They flew south for the winter.

    That is what will be given to the Medical Staff. Let thag sink in for a min. Kill/Disable all medical personnel, engage on a 3rd war and overwhelm the Medical/1st Responders.

    Imagine that you are in Gaza, or Lebanon, or Syria, getting bombed, no Med Personnel to take care of the injuries; see what will happen to the population.

    These Globalists want you dead once and for all. The why will shock you to the core.

  65. Galaxy 500

    Wicked by design… this evil needs to be punished

  66. SWAMP The VOTE!

    Russia and US are allegedly on the brink of direct military conflict
    Story by Sabrina Penty and Afp
    Russia and US are allegedly on the brink of direct military conflict
    The United States and Russia are very close to engaging in ‘direct military conflict,’ Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned in an interview published Friday in a Turkey daily, just days ahead of a US presidential race.
    ‘Under the current president ( Joe Biden ), who has taken the downward spiral of Russophobia in the US to its logical conclusion, our countries are on the brink of direct military conflict,’ he told the Hurriyet daily, without elaborating
    Asked about next week’s US presidential race pitting former Republican president Donald against Democratic nominee Kamala, Lavrov said the outcome would make little difference to Russia. ‘We have no preference. When the ex-president’s administration was in power, it adopted the highest number of anti-Russian sanctions compared to its predecessors,’ he said.
    No matter who wins, we don’t think the United States’ anti-Russian bent can change.’ Although Donald has previously made clear his fondness for Russia’s Vladimir Putin , the two men are not close and have maintained a deliberately ambiguous relationship.
    Last week, the Russian president said his relationship with Washington would depend on what attitude it adopts after the vote, as he welcomed Donald’s remarks as ‘sincere’ about wanting to end the Ukraine conflict.
    In September, Microsoft claimed Russia operatives had ramped up their disinformation operations to malign the Kamala campaign through conspiracy-fueled videos, raising concerns over foreign influence operations targeting the vote.
    [The Russki’s must know conspiracy theories in a free country with a free press and freedome of speech turn out to be conspirecy facts?]
    Lavrov’s comments come just days after Putin staged a mock nuclear war, launching scores of missiles capable of unleashing a ‘massive’ strike in a stark warning to the West. The major new exercises spanned Russia, with Yars intercontinental ballistic missile launches from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in the northwest to the Kura test range in Kamchatka in the far east.
    Defence Minister Andrei Belousov warned the West that the exercise was to show how Russia could deliver ‘a massive nuclear strike by strategic offensive forces in response to a nuclear strike by the enemy’.
    WW3 fears as North Korea launch ‘world’s strongest missile’ amid Kim Jong-un vow
    Story by Charlie Bradley & John O’Sullivan • 12h •

  67. War Monger

    The Slaughter continues…

    ‘Tortured and Raped Multiple Times’: The Persecution of Christians, September 2024

    Previous reports

    August, 2024
    July, 2024
    June, 2024
    May, 2024
    April, 2024
    March, 2024
    February, 2024
    January, 2024
    December, 2023
    November, 2023
    October, 2023
    September, 2023
    August, 2023
    July, 2023
    June, 2023
    May, 2023
    April, 2023
    March, 2023
    February, 2023
    January, 2023
    December, 2022
    November, 2022
    October, 2022 . . . ..

    . . . . .September, 2011
    August, 2011

  68. z

    Ron Paul offers to help DJT Administration . wow!!!!

  69. saraJ

    Another Hero, like Dr. McCullough! Because of brave individuals such as Karen and the good Dr. Peter M, they have saved so many!

    And Bravo to you Greg for giving a platform to such folks, you too are a HERO!

    (a future guest USAWaTCHDOG interview suggestion — Dr. Mary Bowden, she fought the FDA for banning Ivermectivine, which could have saved MILLIONS, and won!) Would love to hear from her on this platform.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sara!

  70. Won Witness

    What headling we’ll never see but should !
    “New National mrna test and the newest symptom added to mrna dammage ! ”

    O.K. One presidential Campaign has strong anti vax/mandate views to the extent that Kennedy Jr. is on board.
    The other Canidate insisted all her staff be vaxxed.
    So I’m adding “Word Salad Syndrome” to My list of Vax injuries.

  71. Won Witness

    What headline we’ll never see but should !
    “New National mrna test and the newest symptom added to mrna dammage ! ”

    O.K. One presidential Campaign has strong anti vax/mandate views to the extent that Kennedy Jr. is on board.
    The other Canidate insisted all her staff be vaxxed.
    So I’m adding “Word Salad Syndrome” to My list of Vax injuries.

  72. Nadine Sheldon

    WATCH FULL: RFK Jr. hosts American Health Crisis Roundtable with doctors and nutritionists’ Live NOW from FOX 1,548,666 views Streamed live on Sep 23, 2024
    Sen. Ron Johnson and RFK Jr (Robert F Kennedy Jr) and a panel of experts will provide a foundational and historical understanding of the changes that have occurred over the last century within public sanitation, agriculture, food processing, and healthcare industries which impact the current state of national health.
    Jordan Peterson is also speaking

    Make it a crime to sell farmland to Bill Gates’! Make mom & pop’s farm’s great again!
    This is the MOST IMPORTANT discussion of our time! Thank you for this. Share.
    RFK Jr is no longer ignored or silenced! Give ’em heck Bobby!!!❤
    It’s insane that this isn’t being shared and praised on every news media outlet…thank you for having the full stream here.
    This was the most inspiring assembly of speakers I think I’ve ever encountered. Truly remarkable 👏 🙏
    RFK JR is putting his stamp on American history with the work he’s doing. A real American hero. I can’t believe they said he was crazy.
    Yes! Yes! Yes! As a Health Coach and an organic farmer of a functional food, Ozempic IS NOT NEEDED! Lifestyle changes will treat most health problems Americans face. An excellent panel to listen to and learn from.
    I’m from the UK. Have watched this today, im inspired by the doctors, scientist’s and whistleblowers who have spoken out. Confirms everything I have questioned for years!! Thank you so much RFK Junior for everything you are doing to get the messages out. Thanks to all the other folks who are doing the same, whilst risking their reputation and careers. The truth will come out. Thank you so much for this conference and all your speakers. I pray that God will protect you all. Give you the strength, courage and belief to continue to get the message out into mainstream media. God bless you all and heartfelt thanks for all you are doing. Xxxxxxx
    Amazing discussion. As someone who’s always taken nutrition seriously and having moved here from Europe, I’ve often lectured my wife and friends about American food and the danger of processed food. Whenever possible, I cook my own food and prioritize proteins.
    The fruit loop part reminds me of my time in the Middle East. We would buy fruit loops from a French store, and I used to love them! They taste like whole grain cereal. When I moved to America and tried fruit loops for the first time, I spat them out because of how sweet it was, and I was 16 at the time!
    I hope this panel can bring America to the standards of Europe when it comes to food policies. There are definitely things that I wouldn’t want this country to mold around Europeans, but when it comes to nutrition and health, they should definitely take some notes
    This was so powerful. I’m in tears. Thank you so much Senator Johnson, RFK JR, Dr Casie Means, Calley Means, and all the experts’ speakers. I think you are starting a health revolution.
    Thank you, Senator Ron Johnson, for getting this roundtable together!!!!😊
    I wish this was broadcast during primetime! On all major networks!! America- you need to see this!!!
    0:00 – Senator Johnson Intro
    3:46 – Robert F. Kennedy jr.
    22:18 – Mikhaila Peterson
    30:38 – Jordan Peterson
    50:03 – Marty Makary
    59:40 – Casey Means
    1:13:29 – Chris Palmer
    1:36:00 – Calley Means
    1:45:28 – Max Lugavere
    1:58:40 – Brigham Buhler
    2:12:10 – Grace Price
    2:21:31 – Vani Hari
    2:36:20 – Jason Karp (Fruit loops)
    2:48:00 – Jillian Micheals (best speech)
    3:04:24 – Courtney Swan
    3:13:52 – Alex Clark
    3:25:00 – RFK j closing statements
    3:33:08 – Casey Means on fertility
    3:36:27 – Jason Karp- Call to Boycott
    3:38:45 – Calley Means on corporate capture
    RFK Jr. is a great man. Hopefully he will be heard!
    I pray for RFK Jr safety!! He’s poking a big money-making society! Stay alive and stay free! 🙏🏻
    Every American needs to listen to this! 👍👍

  73. Galaxy 500


    If it isn’t a properly executed ballot, it shouldn’t count.
    This is not a matter of speculation, this is and should be a matter of law.

  74. RK


    There are a lot of illnesses happening lately among the non vaxxed. They’re continually spraying the skies and dumping tons of poison and toxins and God knows what other bioweapons they release 24/7 on the populace. Now, walking pneumonia seems to be everywhere, my wife and I included, and is the latest illness to impact the populace with loads of articles conveniently posted on it, seemingly overnight.

    It didn’t rain the entire month of October in Georgia, no clouds in the skies for 30+ days whatsoever, rather it was hazy, toxin filled skies for 30+ days with tic tac toe chemtrails across the skies and then illnesses populate like wildfire right before the election.

    Why can’t every state ban aerial spraying? This planned poisoning is too stupid to be stupid.

  75. Selma Ida Alabamie

    FULL TOWN HALL: JD Vance Takes Questions From PA Voters At Event With Tulsi Gabbard Forbes Breaking News 202,870 views Oct 30, 2024
    Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) holds a Trump-Vance 2024 campaign town hall event with Tulsi Gabbard in Bedford, Pennsylvania.

    FOX BREAKING NEWS: White House Ethics Breach 4 Days to Election!
    America’s Newsroom With Bill Hemmer & Dana Perino 11/2/24 |
    November 2, 2024 3,384 33 minutes ago

  76. WorldWarThrd.

    Scaring Voter’s, War Mongers Lying Lier’s & BREAKING: Elon’s mum May Musk!
    The Ingraham Angle 11/1/24 FULL END SHOW | FOX NEWS November 1, 2024 Sana Hand Stitchh 673,412 views Nov 1, 2024
    Agreed I am in Australia and I heard this on the news in the car. I was disappointed that he said that, obviously it turns out they took it out of context as well. I can only imagine how many people had the same response as I did and did not hear the rest. This type of campaigning should be illegal. And should apply to all sides of the vote.

    Another Day Another Hoax, Phony, Fake and Fraudulent, Chicken Hawks All!
    Sean Hannity 11/1/24 FULL END SHOW | BREAKING FOX NEWS November 1, 2024
    Sana Hand Stitchh 370,174 views 14 hours ago
    All political views completely aside, it is undeniably obvious in context that Trump is making the point that if she (Cheney) were on the battlefield, facing guns pointed at her, that she would not be so quick to commit our troops to battle. He merely paints a hypothetical scenario by clearly stating “let’s put her out on the battlefield…” There is literally NO rational way that this can be construed as any type of suggestion of violence against her, much less any kind of death threat. Anyone who paints this as a “death threat” or “violent rhetoric” is being patently disingenuous.
    I stopped listening to the main local TV stations, & CNN, MSNBC
    for nearly 20 years….
    Wow, this is shocking and scary. If they will say these things about ☝️ of us, Trump is a human being first of all and he’s an American.😢
    What will they say and do to us if any of us cross the line and disagree with their policies. I forgot , black men are not given their rightful rights to choose to vote for whom ever they believe will run the country effectively, without being shamed and undermined and disrespected . Kamala meaning of democracy is not the same today as it was back then.
    Good job Sean. You covered all the bases. If there is one thing I am thankful for in all this insane election it is that I now know all the people, especially in Hollywood, that I will never support again. Not by watching their movies, nor listening to their music, nor purchasing anything they have created. If they think they can cancel everyone who disagrees with them, then they need to know that we can cancel them.
    Why is it ok for these lies and false statements allowed to be printed and stated without repercussions? Can someone please explain it to me
    Its so utterly disgusting to see this stuff, they have the lowest standards of any party ever! This country needs Trump desperately. Vote for real freedom, real independence!
    he is a professional liar and she’s been one for many many years
    She shouldn’t be allowed to use news conferences like she’s about to announce a national security threat for her campaign but she absolutely shouldn’t be allowed to tell lies without repercussion and neither should the media
    Sean, that’s exactly what I heard him say, that they have no problem sending our son’s and daughters to war. They wouldn’t be so fast if it was them.
    Sean we know!!! Unfortunately only we who saw it know, we’ve witnessed the whole show…
    I KNOW, especially I myself. I could be a better and much more honest politician than these habitual liar’s!
    I don’t understand why California lets illegals vote. In 2020 I tried to vote and they took me to task. Why? Because I was legal! A legal emigrant for 50 years! Last year I decided to become an American citizen. So’s I can now vote, legal!
    Good show tonight. Thanks Sean!!!
    Sad that no one on the left will ever see any of this!
    Who has power and how they use it can have different effects on each of our lives. It is necessary that whoever wields it, be someone capable and responsible. Kamala is not responsible, but those pulling her strings are and will get justice one day. Hopefully in this lifetime and space continuum. When you see the amputees on the streets, in videos, on tv and in ads for Wounded Warriors, they probably received those wounds in a Bush/Cheney, Obama middle east war! Trump is right! It is easy to sit in Congress and make wars, but a total different scenario when you are in combat with numerous guns shooting at you! Look at all the homeless vets who came home and now can’t cope and are living on the streets! Cheney and family made their fortune in war and munitions! And she sits there so pompous, like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth as the old saying goes! What respect does she deserve?
    You need to fight back in a good way. All this talking is not getting through
    They are panicking.
    Mr Sean you right all the way through you always been That’s what happening when people smears, lies, instead of mature discussions on how to solve complex politics and many others areas. How people can manage being on the world stage, when they are not able to manage domestic issues. The country is all ready deeply divided. This requires generations to fix.

    Eric Weinstein – Are We On The Brink Of A Revolution? (4K)
    Chris Williamson 8,569,343 views Sep 2, 2024 Full Length Modern Wisdom Episodes / Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, economist, former Managing Director of Thiel Capital and a podcaster.
    It feels like the world is reaching a fever-pitch. From deep fakes to cheap fakes, AI girlfriends to senile presidents, we’ve never had more access to information, and yet it’s never been harder to work out what is true. So, what do we do?
    Expect to learn Eric’s thoughts on the 2024 presidential election, whether we are being gaslit on a global scale by the media, the future of string theory and what’s next for theoretical physics, why we have canned humour and what that means as a society, Eric’s thoughts on Joe Rogan, what my biggest weaknesses as a human are and much more…

  77. War Monger

    7.30am: From his nuclear bunker deep inside the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin gives the order.

    Six hundred miles north of Moscow, engineers working at Site 16 – the nuclear facility within the Plesetsk Cosmodrome – leap into action. It will take them exactly 30 minutes from receiving the order to launching a nuclear warhead.

    7.40am: Nato satellites detect a flurry of activity at the Plesetsk base. Member states are placed on high alert.

    7.50am: The Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence urgently try to contact their Russian counterparts – but their calls go unanswered. Something is seriously wrong.

    8am: A Yars intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) equipped with a nuclear warhead – with a range of 7,500 miles – is launched, soaring into the sky.

    The onboard navigation system – accurate to within a yard – is set to Trafalgar Square, London. The hypersonic weapon is travelling at over 9,000 mph. It cannot be stopped.

    8.01am: In London, Tube carriages are packed and the roads are busy in rush hour. None of the commuters has the faintest suspicion that in just five minutes, much of the capital will be obliterated.

    8.02am: Nato early-warning systems stationed across the Baltic States detect the presence of an unidentified flying object hurtling towards the UK. On satellite phones via a secure line reserved for this scenario, governments are warned of an impending attack.

    8.03am: Nato raises the threat level to the UK from ‘credible’ to ‘likely’ and Britain’s Ministry of Defence restricts access to ‘base transceiver stations’, preventing domestic mobile phones from sending messages.

    8.04am: The Home Office sends a signal to every device with a SIM card in the UK warning of the imminent threat: ‘BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND. SEEK SHELTER.’

    The UK’s air defence system, Sky Sabre, is powerless to protect London. Its ‘Common Anti-Air Modular Missiles’ travel at 2,300 mph but are effective only against fighter jets, drones and certain laser-guided missiles.

    Even the world’s most effective anti-ballistic-missile system, the US’s ‘Ground-Based Midcourse Defense’, is thought to be over a decade away from true reliability in the face of an ICBM.

    8.05am: Confusion seizes the city. Londoners wonder where the missile is headed and if they should – or can – flee. Some are sure the message is a mistake.

    The Prime Minister, along with his closest advisers and immediate family, is evacuated from his private office in No 10 and taken to a nuclear shelter beneath Whitehall known as Pindar. Built during the Cold War, the bunker takes its name from the only house left standing when Alexander the Great razed the city of Thebes in 335 BC.

    8.06am: All radio and TV broadcasts cease and stations instead carry a recorded warning to take shelter. Confusion changes to panic. Tens of thousands of Londoners rush to take shelter in Tube stations. The first deaths occur as children and the elderly are crushed in the stampede.

    Others stand in the open, staring in awe at the bright dot that has appeared in the sky to the east. A mother with two young children collapses on the pavement, cradles her loved ones and closes her eyes.

    8.08am: Impact. The warhead detonates in Trafalgar Square. It has a yield of 800 kilotons – equivalent to 800,000 tons of TNT and more than 50 times the strength of the ‘Little Boy’ bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.

    A huge white flash, brighter than the Sun, explodes over the West End. It can be seen hundreds of miles away, as far north as Edinburgh and as far south as Paris.

    Anyone within the M25 experiences flash blindness. For many, this will last just a few hours. Others will be blinded for life, the ‘atomic flash’ having burnt through their retinas.

    Those wearing glasses suffer unimaginable pain because the lenses magnify the flash.

    Less than two seconds later, a second flash as light trapped behind the blast’s shockwave escapes.

    Within ten seconds, a fireball a mile across balloons in every direction. At several thousand degrees Celsius – hotter than the surface of the Sun – it vaporises everything within its path.

    Nelson’s Column, the four lions at its base, and the church of St Martin-in-the-Fields are gone in a millisecond. In their place, a crater measuring 600 ft across and 150 ft deep, like the gateway to hell itself, stretches between where the National Gallery and Admiralty Arch once stood.

    The Houses of Parliament, the London Eye and half of Mayfair simply cease to exist – reduced to dust and smog. People are obliterated in their tens of thousands.

    The pressure wave – an unstoppable battering ram of compressed air travelling at almost 800 mph, faster than the speed of sound – roars through the capital. Anyone within seven miles who hasn’t been immediately killed will have their eardrums burst.

    8.09am: One minute after impact, the ‘Heavy Blast radius’ stretches a mile and a quarter from Ground Zero. Within this radius, fatalities are 100 per cent. Even buildings made from reinforced concrete are destroyed, stripped to their foundations, exposing ugly twisted metal.

    The so-called ‘Moderate Blast radius’ reaches three miles from Trafalgar Square, as far as Kensington, Camden and Whitechapel. Within this zone, most residential buildings have collapsed; thousands of electrical fires break out in those left standing.

    The ‘Light Blast radius’ stretches seven miles, as far as Brentford, Stratford, Wood Green and Wimbledon. Windows have smashed, impaling some of those who were looking out to investigate the mysterious bright flash.

    8.10am: Fires are raging across the capital. Half a million Londoners are dead.

    8.11am: In a state of shock, the PM considers from the Pindar whether or not to retaliate against Russia, knowing that to launch a counterstrike would mean certain death for countless millions – but not to do so would be a failure of his duty. Communication lines to Washington are downed.

    A bottle of single malt whisky, kept in the bunker is opened by the Defence Secretary.

    8:12am: In the North Atlantic, one of Britain’s four nuclear-armed Trident submarines is halfway through its nine-month patrol. The Commander receives a message alerting his crew to the strike on London. They attempt to contact Downing Street via a reserved radio frequency. There is no response.

    8.13am: Electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) emitted by the blast cause voltage surges, destroying components in electrical devices. As the living try to contact loved ones, mobile phones die.

    Calls to 999 either fail or go unanswered.

    In Soviet Russia, steam trains were kept in case a nuclear attack caused an electrical outage on the rail network. The UK has no such backstop, meaning all rail transport in and out of London has ceased. The roads are choked. Electric cars within 15 miles fail to start: the electromagnetic pulse has rendered them useless.

    8.15am: The city’s major hospitals, including St Thomas’ and Chelsea and Westminster have been destroyed. The nearest working hospitals, in Tunbridge, Crawley and Luton, are placed on high alert and begin to prepare for an influx of patients.

    8.20am: Radioactive debris begins to rain down on the capital. Composed of displaced earth, building materials, and even vaporised human flesh, the fallout is lethally radioactive and constitutes a major biohazard. It will fall for at least 24 hours.

    Anyone who ventures outside will involuntarily inhale the microscopic plutonium, melting the body from the inside out.

    Thirty minutes after exposure, Londoners in Richmond and Wembley begin vomiting, closely followed by explosive diarrhoea and a loss of consciousness. An agonising death is hours away.

    8.30am: The cloud of radioactive fallout is travelling northeast on the wind; it will reach as far as Norwich before whatever is left settles in the North Sea. Anyone caught outside in East Anglia will inhale fallout. Over the coming months, they will suffer weight loss, internal bleeding, and hair loss. Many will go on to develop deadly cancers.

    8.35am: The capital is a death zone. Anyone still alive above ground within two miles of the point of impact has suffered agonising third-degree burns to their skin. Radiation poisoning will likely kill them within hours.

    In the Underground network, chaos has broken out. Most of the entrances have been choked shut by falling debris and rubble.

    8.45am: The lights have failed and panic breaks out in the dark. The temperature rises among densely packed bodies and with no water, some older people start to pass out, joining those already trampled on train floors and platforms or fallen on the tracks.

    8.50am: The Prime Minister orders the army to seal all routes in and out of the capital, turning the M25 into a perimeter fence to prevent the spread of radioactive people and materials. Army personnel are provided with P2-grade face masks and iodine tablets to stop radioactive iodine binding to the thyroid and killing them.

    The Prime Minister gives the ‘shoot-to-kill’ order for anyone who tries to cross the perimeter.

    9am: An hour after the blast. The BBC’s Wood Norton nuclear bunker in Worcestershire, which has access to super high-frequency satellites, begins transmission. The message is simple across the UK: ‘Go in. Stay in. Tune in.’

    9.15am: With ‘crisis management’ already in operation, the Prime Minister initiates the second part of the government’s ‘emergency response protocol’ to a level 3 ‘Catastrophic Emergency’: Consequence Management’.

    Military reservists and police officers from outside the Met begin to coordinate the rescue effort for those trapped in the city. The first step will be to set up tents where Londoners can be cleansed of radioactive particles before being evacuated.

    9.30am: From the Wood Norton bunker, the BBC broadcasts old recordings, including Vera Lynn, in an attempt to raise morale. The broadcasts are punctuated every 30 seconds by the command to: ‘Go in. Stay in. Tune in.’

    10am: Two hours after the blast. Three-quarters of a million Britons are dead. Over two million are seriously injured. The vast majority will never receive the emergency care they need. The government’s priority is to prevent the spread of radioactive fallout. London is a mausoleum.

    10.15am: After more than two hours trying to contact the Prime Minister, Trident has received no response. The Commander walks calmly over to a locked console in the corner of the command room and enters the code.

    He withdraws the ‘letter of last resort’ and opens it. Inside is a simple handwritten message. ‘If Britain is attacked and the Prime Minister cannot be located by this Trident submarine, I authorise a retaliatory strike’. Beneath it is the PM’s signature.

    Submariners are called to their attack stations. Many believe it to be another drill. But once in place, the 132-strong crew knows this is for real. The Commander picks up the orange trigger, modelled on the grip of a Colt handgun. He nods towards his crew, shuts his eyes and pulls the trigger.

    11am: Communications with Washington have been established by satellite phone. The Prime Minister – knowing he will have the US President’s consent – invokes Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty. America launches its own attack on Russia from the South China Sea, striking at strategic targets and nuclear launch sites. Russia fails to retaliate with any further nuclear strikes.
    Monday, February 3, 2025

    8:00am: It’s exactly two weeks since a nuclear bomb struck London. The capital is deathly quiet except for the careful footsteps of hundreds of soldiers dressed in hazmat suits and the rasping sounds of their respirators. It is three days since Army personnel first entered the capital to search for survivors.

    In that time, not a single person within a mile of Ground Zero has been found alive. The vast majority were vaporised on impact. Hundreds of thousands more died on the day of the blast from radiation poisoning.

    8:15am: At one of 50 ‘Nightingale’ Hospitals set up in the Home Counties to accommodate survivors, doctors are still treating patients for horrific burns and life-changing injuries.

    Up to two million people were caught up in the radiation radius of the bomb, and many will go on to develop fatal cancers as a result.

    Scientists disagree about when London will be habitable again – if ever. But one thing is for sure: this once great city, founded by the Romans two millennia ago, is now nothing more than a terrible monument to the darkest day in human history.

    • Greg Hunter

      If you can please use a link to cut down on the length.

  78. Justn Observer

    Greg, chemical spill…dead fish in MO.. heading down river-
    “THOUSANDS” OF DEAD FISH in critical watershed following Lithium Plant Fire.

  79. Prospector

    Do a search for ” 2024 Russia election hacking.” It looks like a narrative is being built to disqualify the election if Trump should win. Dozens of ‘ reports ‘ of late all with the same tone and flavor.

    ” Russia did it ”
    ” Iran did it ”
    ” Cyber hackers did it ”

    Followed by MSM headlines saying ( in unison ) , WHY ELECTION RESULTS SHOULD BE CANCELLED.

  80. Jed Lepared

    It’s midnight eastern standard time USA
    Donald J. Trump must declare victory NOW
    Stop the steal now, Republicrates!
    Soon they will start stuffing the ballot boxes over night in DETROIT, PHILLY, Chicago, ATLANTISE and above water ATLANTA ad nauseum!
    Is it to big to steal? Or is the FIX in?

  81. Tabitha

    Poor Karen. She didn’t get the news report that the Chinese/Mongrel breeds: Vietnam, Thailand/Laos have frequent flights to and fro due to ethnic, cultural, and language ties with the Chinese as do the Taiwanese. The term Cambodian was coined by the communists from France, who favored Chinese expansion in SE Asia via the Vietnamese. Remember Siamese are ethnically from China. Think Siamese cat or twin.
    So, between Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia/the Khmers, the Khmers are the only native people of SE Asia and whatever plagues and pandemics existed were brought in by the Thai/Lao and Vietnamese.
    Explaining this fact is very cumbersome because there’s a moral decay amongst the masses, mostly addicted to their phones and as we can see with people taking clot shots genetically sequenced from China and not banning flights from communist countries. Kissinger was the biggest supporter and propagandist of Chinese/Mongrel expansionism, no different to Fauci.

  82. Yo MaMa

    I no longer have any issue with Globalist, Eugenicist Evil Doer’s being brought to Justice and having their tickets punched… Those who Prey upon the Innocent need to be held accountable.

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