Bless You, D. Sherman Okst
By Greg Hunter’s Today, I received a personal email from D. Sherman Okst titled “F*** You.” Okst is an Internet financial writer that, I think, does some very good work. So, I was taken back when Okst wrote, “ ‘These articles are not written by a bunch of angry uneducated bloggers but by money managers, investors and financial writers.’ Like those f***ing dickless educated assholes saw the biggest bubble or the real estate crash before it happened.” Evidently, Okst took issue with one and only one line in the story. He didn’t point out a single thing wrong with the rest of post. Just this line I wrote that said, “These articles are not written by a bunch of angry uneducated bloggers but by money managers, investors and financial writers.” (Click here for the complete original post I wrote.) Okst wrote an entire post about this one line in my story on his website, In his post, he wrote, “Seriously F*** YOU and your education. Right up there with Dennis Kneales ‘all economic bloggers live in their mommy’s’ basements.’ Having an education or being on TV doesn’t make you right.” (Click here for the complete post.) Ok, now it’s my turn. Okst’s bio says he is an “ex-airline pilot . . . fascinated with the economy.” I don’t find a thing wrong with that. As far as my education: I have a BA from University of Missouri. I am hardly a financial wonk, and there is nothing all that special about my education other than the fact I paid for it myself. I do find what Okst wrote on his website and emailed to me offensive and vulgar. I wonder who Okst thinks he is to send out an email titled “F***You” to a total stranger? More importantly, it makes me question his judgement and logic. He makes a giant illogical leap to heap me into a category with Dennis Kneale when I am quoting Internet sources that are not part of the mainstream media (MSM.) My point was that the folks I was quoting should be listened to even though you may not have heard of them in the MSM. Anyone who reads knows I am no fan of the Federal Reserve, government regulators, the MSM or the big banks. Okst goes on to say, “Usually Hunters work is good and respectable, but that reference earns him the Dennis Kneale of the year award. So again: F*** you Greg. You’re only as good as what you learn in school, and you’re only as good your intuition. I’d take the “un”educated pissed off economic bloggers over any of the fund managers (whether they saw it coming or not).” This is another giant leap that claims something I didn’t even say or meant to insinuate. I guess Okst glossed over the part of the one sentence he didn’t like where I mention “financial writers.” Isn’t Okst a financial writer on the Internet just like me? Had I included him in the post, would I have gotten the nasty email and blog post on his site? I try to inform the public about what is really happening in the economy and politics. I also try to be fair and do not spin the facts to fit a story I am writing. In short, being fair is being accurate. I do not send nasty emails to strangers or allow gratuitous foul language on my site. (In proper context, off color language has been posted.) It’s not because I am any better than anyone else. The situation in the world today is so serious that the last thing I want my readers to question is my credibility and judgement. Bless you, D. Sherman Okst. Your post and email diminishes you, not me.

MSM: Attack the messenger. Ignore the Message.
Hi Greg – feel free to not post this comment. Bravo in your response to the “F You” email. I’m surprised you don’t get more of them and you handled it well. I probably wouldn’t have given the guy the benefit of a direct link to his site (can you remove it?) since all publicity is good publicity etc, but I appreciate your direct response to inappropriate public criticism and I think you handled it well.
His anger confuses me; did he believe you were being insensitive to bloggers, or that you were being pretentious by assuming that these “educated assholes'” articles gave you credentials. I’m very confused about what his issue is.
Ah I see, it was a bit of both.
Greg, just remember that the rest of us on your site support and respect you, even when we disagree with you at times.
Best regards.
Okst, or should I say Davos, I believe I somewhat understand your point and your anger. However, remember that when your making an argument or just getting a point across, never resort to insults. Most people would ignore your point and get hung up on your title, “F*** You”, just as you did on Greg’s sentence. As Greg has said himself, there is a time and a place for obscene words, but don’t let them distract from your argument or stain your image. Just remember who the real enemy is, who certainly isn’t Greg.
Best regards
I treasure all the work you do. It is very important to me to have the information you provide your readers. I must prepare as best I can to look after my family when things collapse. Thank you for ALL you do!
My entire points: Economic education is cr@p! & even our blessed Jesus got violently pi$$ed off 1 time and 1 time only in the Bible where he tossed the money changers out of the temple. So if your Bless You Sherman is a dig at me being a good Christian maybe you want to bash Jesus too?
It is 100% of the reason why we are here today. It being lack of anger and too much cr@p education.
You wrote: “‘These articles are not written by a bunch of angry uneducated bloggers…'”
Google inside job +mishkin +video. These professors are either morons who can’t think for themselves or whores who write papers for $124,000 and then re-title them on their CVs.
My post that you linked to has Greenspan & Bernanke’s education listed, as well the other morons who jacked this up. Everyone of them were educated in economics.
We paid tens of thousands for my wife to get an computer science education, and I had to teach her 1/2 of her course load. I paid tens of thousands for my flight schools and they couldn’t even teach me what makes a plane fly. The US ranks 26th in education.
We wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for these educated as-klouns. You intro line, to your otherwise fine article (which I emailed to Quinn) reminded me of the Zero Hedge article that the Fed moron did, the one he said people shouldn’t listen to anyone without a PhD in economics.
I took great exception to that because we’d be better off if we had “un” educated pissed off bloggers
The Dennis Kneale bit was probably over the top. I’ll remove that reference if you wish, it is worse then telling someone to eff off.
Don’t feel too special. I spend a great part of my day emailing economic writers and policy makers. Maybe if we all did we wouldn’t be listening to unemployment being at 8.x percent when it is really at 22.5%.
I got your point. You didn’t need to make illogical and unfair leaps to bring me into your post. What does your answer here have to do with me or my work? You should stop digging this hole you are in and apologize. Again, I question your logic and judgement. End of story.
I redacted the Kneale remark, normally for other writers I wouldn’t do that, but you turn out a lot of good stuff.
I wouldn’t take it personal, I send out no less than 20 emails a month. I don’t let anything slide. If every blogger (writer and reader) did that we’d be on the road to recovery.
Like I told you via email: Your article was a Picasso (like your other writes). But, with that one ‘uneducated angry blogger line’ you $h*t all over it and made it a piece of junk.
Redact that line and I’ll redact my entire piece and even say I’m sorry for saying eff you — if you want.
I’m not digging.
The worst angry uneducated financial bloggers is 1 million times smarter then these economically educated as-clowns. And if people wrote them every time they lied or blew it and showed some ‘Jesus money changer anger’ they wouldn’t still be running the show, or telling folks unemployment dropped to 8.9% when it is 22.5%, or claiming the housing has recovered, or saying gold is in a bubble, or saying the depression is a recovered recession.
Would they?
It’s easy to understand why your bio says ‘EX” airline pilot. It would be pretty scary having someone with such anger issues at the controls. I believe there is still and FAR requiring “good moral character” for and ATP. Anyone who would write such drivel doesn’t measure up.
I agree. The Davos dood has anger issues. He sounds hungry. Maybe he needs a nice big steak pan fried in real butter – and he’ll learn to chill. He sends out 20+ angry emails per month? And admits to it . . . shazam.
Being Educated and/or on TV does not make you WRONG either; just like you being an airline pilot does not make you a Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger. However, an education will typically provide someone with a vocabulary that allows dissent without expletives.
Love the part where he says he is a good Christian and that to attack him is an attack on Jesus. Is this guy a comedy writer?
I understand your position on education. Our Educational system has been co-opted by evil men for the inculcation of Liberal / Socialist principals upon the masses. We should immediately address the education of our children. However, I will always believe a solid education is a good thing.
So man does not understand everything! That is not an indictment we should stop science and education to correct the world, as your post would seem to suggest. It took us a while to figure out that bumblebees could fly; so what, we put men on the moon and built the SR-71.
And as far as feeling special about receiving an “F you” email from you….ROFLMAO
Delusions of grandeur
i have to admit that i kind of agree with the man on a couple of points, but i cannot excuse his methods other than to say that i have been noticing lately that a lot of folks are beginning to lose their cool as it begins to sink in that the greatest country ever on the planet is turning to dust before our eyes.
there have been a few times when i wanted to comment on how you have referred to a guest writers ivy league degree as a credibility factor. i probably should have, but found it not an easy point to get across.
it has been my observation for some time (probably since i dropped out of college back in the stone age) that the more “exclusive” the education, the more the victim of said education seems to be programmed into a narrow paradigm of thought patterns that many of us less exclusively educated seem to be able to step back and see that said paradigm has proven itself to be unworkable as a matter of objective practicality. for example; i understand that at harvard business school, young impressionable minds are still infected with the idea that business is something outside of general life and is not subject to the same moral scrutiny as are general relationships, thus the tire old drone “don’t take it personally it’s just business”. hopefully, most of us know better. in the same vain, i would love to spend a few days being a fly on the wall at a harvard law ethics class (what the hell is that all about?) how many harvard lawyers are in the senate? lots. how many practice any kind of ethics as you and i know them? very few and not very often.
so, (i said this was hard to get across) i do agree with mr. okst as far as i too would prefer to hang with and pick the brains of the uneducated pissed of blogger rather than the educated (programmed) economist. after all, just behold all the wonderment that all them educated assholes have wrought so far. goldman sachs and bear stearns are not companies that hire pissed off uneducated bloggers….
anyhoo….that being said. hey okst, keep yourself in check, enough divide and conquer crap is going on today that we don’t need to help the bad guys by chewing on each other. try a little tact next time.
sorry i got a little windy there greg. passion does that crap to me sometimes.
g. johnson I have no tact in my genes. Agree with what you write. Don’t worry, I email anyone whose work I don’t agree with, many reside at Harvard and Columbia.
I feel a must read for all American’s is a book by Chris Hedges called, Empire of illusion. Great book. To Mr. Okst point, in the book, Hedges describes the horrible shape of our “higher elite” education system. He also talks about how the geniuses that this elite education system has produced is why we are screwed. Our current leaders, whether it’s in The White House, Congress, Wall Street or Corporate America. It doesn’t matter, as they all do not have the intellectual capacity to fix the problems we face moving forward. They only know how do things the way their doing it right now. They don’t know how to work, “outside the Box”. They were never taught to.
All I can say is WOW!
He sure didn’t gain any credibility with me there.
He missed the entire point you were making and got hung up on the word “uneducated”.
I think you do a great job and from what I can tell, you publish all comments, which makes you a fair minded individual.
Please don’t let his demeanor discourage you.
There is still an f bomb above incase you missed it.
K Mac,
Thank you I will fix it.
It seems to me that Mr. D. Sherman Okst is quite comfortable portraying himself as an ‘angry uneducated blogger’. After going to his website and reading his childish and profane rant, I feel that he eloquently put himself into that category.
As I read your article, it caused me great concern that you were reporting that money grubbing hedge fund managers and economists that make more money if they lie to the public, are starting to see the writing on the wall and are getting worried. I certainly didn’t see that as an insult to economic bloggers, but a wake-up call that even the stuffed shirts with their head buried in the sand are starting to wake up to the financial horror that is on the horizon.
Thank you for the work that you do. I enjoy your articles and often share them with family and friends.
I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the brightest bulb in the box, but what exactly was this clown’s point? Does he think he was the only one aware of the last crisis beforhand? I wonder if he puts his fiat money where his (pathetically degraded) mouth is, and is 100% long on the dollar?
I’m new to the whole economic studying, but I have found myself listening to those who DID see the last crisis coming, and DID try to warn people…only to be ridiculed and laughed at on MSM broadcasts. They, like yourself, are sounding the alarm now again and this is a typical response by those influenced by the end of their paradigm. Those of us CONTINUING our REAL education by leaving the garbage we learned in our socialist Universities behind, will be the ones prepared emotionally, spiritually, and financially.
You do a wonderful service for those of us awake. Forget the negative responses and continue on in the light.
Thanks again for all you do!!
Thank you for weighing in.
You are only as good at what you learn in school? Gee, I guess the recent billionaires such as Bill Gates (college anyone?) must not know anything. I have always found school to be limiting, rigid, and often taught by those who would have not been successful in the real world. I know people who have gone to school their entire lives but never did anything with the education as they cannot apply themselves outside of the classroom. A Master of Disaster (Master’s Degree)is what I call one level of degree. I see the results way too often. Take it to him Greg! Keep up the good work.
Don’t take it personally Greg.
There seems to be even more classless behavior than usual these days, oftimes from a quarter from which it would not ordinarily be expected.
There are actually a lot of ‘good’ reasons for this, that have absolutely nothing to do with the object of the invective.
Certain coffees (just as an example)nowadays maybe ought to be banned: they are so psycho-active that peoples’ minds literally get away from them. There are a number other similar things chemically grinding away at people: a sizable percentage of the people out thee are on meds of one sort or another…. chemical additives and preservatives in food, sugar whacks, the toxic breakdown of aspertame, blood pressure tension … Some of these are pretty distinctive: I can often spot ‘coffee behavior’ and ‘high blood pressure’ behavior, for example.
When you add in all the other stresses people are dealing with these days … deadlines, traffic, not enough money to go round, mammon-serving employers and public officials, banks and credit card operators stealing your money etc etc etc …. it’s a wonder people are still as civil as they are when you think about it.
Never heard of Okst before today. best guess is that he is going through a bad (and psychically destablizing) patch. You do a fine job, glad you’re out there.
And remember, salient people ALWAYS get targeted.
Ask some of the guys that are more well know than you. Heck even ask George Noory: about as uncontroversial as a fellow can be without earning his living exclusively as a vannila ice cream dealer. Yet I’ll bet he measure such-like remarks as a rate: as in “Mean-spirited remarks per hour.
Skip K,
Thank you for your comment and analysis. I got to tell you I was really surprised by Okst. I mean it when I say I think he is a good financial writer. He has written some really great stuff but this was not a high water mark for him.
My parent taught me that “Always treat others like treating yourself.” So for D. Sherman Okst, I would ask him to F*** himself first before telling others “F*** You.” (I apologize for my bad choice of words.)
I understand there is always agreement and disagreement between people. But there is no need to be nasty and launch personal attack when you disagree with other people. Okst is a true Internet bully.
I always wonder if there is a bunch of morons who supports the MSM, now I know one of them.
Greg, keep up the good work! It is someone like you who makes this country great. Look at the bright side; the negative comments could be a good sign of your website’s increasing influence.
Well … yes Greg … he is angry but not at you … I see him as in denial and he knows inside that you are right about this ponzi they call the economy. His angry at himself because he can see the data but because he is conditioned to”support the market” at any cost… so anger is what you get when you see the other side of an issue is right and you were duped into believing the company lie!
nothing wrong with you ….. just his frustation and his feeling less than adaquate when it comes to seeing through the smoke and mirrors…..
He actually never refutes any information, just the sources. I’m not a fan of Dennis Kneale, however I don’t understand the attack by this Okst person, he’s attacking the sources, he never goes point by point against the information itself .
I don’t always agree with this blog, when I don’t its because I diagree with the information, stats etc, specific tiems, and that disagreement is posted through, dissent is allowed on this blog, unlike the Huffy-poop type blogs, which never always any dissent in the gutter they run over there.
I wouldn’t take this insult seriously, personal attacks in my opinion blunts any argument being made.
Keep doing what you’re doing Mr. Hunter, even readers like me who don’t always agree with you appreciate the effort made by this blog.
+1 !! A Robinson
Sergy Brin, Scott Carpenter, Michael Dell, Walt Disney, George Eastman, Larry Ellison, Mark Teain, Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, Wilbur Wright, Herman Melville, Charles Linbergh, Bill Gates, Carl Bernstein(well he should have stayed in Harvard.)
that was gates who should have stayed not the watergate reporter, typo
Greg, I’ve been reading you for about 2 years…and you’ve been a VERY solid reporter…LINKING your source material (not all “reporters” do that)…AND a straight shooter…telling the good and bad alike…unfortunately there hasn’t been a lot of “good” to tell.
You are also a GREAT professor of education at the most important College of them ALL…the SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS!!!
When the final exam comes….it’s grade will stand on it’s own, and is not mixed with other grades in the semester….the final exam will count for 100% of the whole grade….there’s no grading on a either pass or fail…there’ll be NO re-dos….no do-overs…no “TAKE-TWO”s
Those that pass the course WILL know they pass without the exam being returned….those that fail…will NOT know it, until too late…and then they will panic.
THANK YOU for posting both sides…you are NOT afraid of debate….or intimidation! You ARE giving us a SOLID EDUCATION!!
I appreciate your hard work…and commend you on your sincerity and integrity. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!! Most of us…appreciate it.
GREG- You do excellent work. Every one needs a healthy set of enemies. I suspect this individual needed some publicity and is clawing at the commode rim before going down. So he blasts you with his superb vocabulary to up the hits on his site.
I seriously doubt if he is a pilot. Well, maybe WAS is the operative. the FAA probably pulled his ticket for getting foul with ATC.
Salute to you. I would not have established the link, but you are obviously a better man than I.
Greg 10, Okst 0.
End of story.
I don’t know why you would even bother giving this person recognition on your site Greg. I would have just ignored him. (He will probably sledge you again for daring to respond to his pathetic, juvenile diatribe).
There are plenty of self proclaimed economic and finacial “experts” with internet sites and this guy is just another one of them. They all have one thing in common. They are fairly good at describing the problem and attributing blame but anything deeper than that is beyond their seemingly miniscule intellects.
I read the appalling article to which you referred. What a waste of time. The guy waffles on like some kind of lunatic who has forgotten to take his medication and why anyone would bother following the ramblings of someone like this is beyond me. But no doubt he has his little loyal band of pitiful followers who worship his every word.
I don’t always agree with your take on issues but you do not write trash and you always have substance to back your views.
Sean S,
Had it only been an email, I would have ignored it, but Okst posted a long article on his blog. I felt I had to respond publicly after his post. That is the only reason I responded on this site. Thank you for your comment and support.
All I can say is how rude. This guy could have come and challenged your article and it might have added some additional points of interest. You are always so gracious to all who commment including those who disagree with you.
I sent dunbass an email and let him know where I stood on the subject. You are far too kind in your response to Mr. Okst. He responded and I agree with you. He is a repulsive tick on the butt of civilization.It is obvious from his blog that he writes for fame and the sake of his blog where you write for the sake of your readers. It is also obvious that you pay a personal price for the work you do and I just wanted you to know that it does not go unrecognized or unappreciated. I think as time goes by and things get harder, those of us who ring the gong of warning will receive increased hostility from those short thinkers like Mr. Okst. He sounds important, but you will always be remembered for the sword you are willing to throw yourself upon, and he chose poorly.
Thank you again for all you do and keep the faith.
Thank you N.C. Tarheel!!
Hi Greg,
I am glad you have chosen to bless Mr.Okst rather than curse him. While we have recently heard reference to the anger of Jesus in throwing the money changers out of the temple because they had allowed corruption into the system of exchange which became a means of enriching themselves while defrauding their brothers, (be angry and do not sin the Scriptures exhort us), let us not forget that it was that same Jesus Who while hanging on Calvary’s tree (cross)in willfull submission to the Father’s will in being made a sin offering for the sins of the whole of mankind that uttered the words in prayer to His Father “forgive them for they know not what they do”.
Folks, let us remember, as Peter writes in his first letter that it was not with “little coins of gold and silver” (which have honest monetary value) that our souls have been redeemed out from the vain manner of life handed down to us from our fathers, but with precious blood as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, the blood of Christ Who was foreknown before the foundation of the world but has been manifested in the last of times for your sake, who through Him believe into God, Who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God” (1Peter 1:18-20)
With respect to Mr Okst, and the manner in which he has chosen to express himself I can only say that this must be someone who desperately needs to come into that knowledge of the love of God which passes all understanding. Not that he is by any means alone in that category, we all, myself included need such knowledge and the assurance and confidence which comes from such knowledge. Why would I say such a thing? Well considering that what we are talking about is the “people who have lost everything and have nothing left to lose– losing it–as Gerald Celente has often (and correctly I believe)observed, what people who have lost everything and have nothing left to lose need to FIND is the precious inheritance secured for them by the spotless blood of the Lamb of God which includes not only redemption (forgiveness of all sins)but also the spiritual rebirth (regeneration)by incorruptible seed unto an inheritance that is forevermore secured in the heavens with the hope of full manifestation in glory at the appearing of the One through Whom all things have come into being and for Whom they were created. Keep it all in perspective folks, the real treasure is the sinners for whom Jesus died and rose again from the dead. Whatever the bankers and the illuminists and all the occultic evil egocentric forces come up with in their schemes doesn’t compare in the least with the glory which shall be revealed at His appearing and
I believe anyone who not only makes remarks of such nature but also does so publicly brings into question their morals, temperment, character, and class all at once, while seriously degrading their credibility and platform upon which they stand.
I reminded of the officer that preluded a story to Gen Grant by stating, “I believe there are no ladies present.” Grant’s reply was, “No sir, but there are gentlemen.”
Hi Greg,
I am glad you have chosen to bless Mr.Okst rather than curse him. While we have recently heard reference to the anger of Jesus in throwing the money changers out of the temple because they had allowed corruption into the system of exchange which became a means of enriching themselves while defrauding their brothers, (be angry and do not sin the Scriptures exhort us), let us not forget that it was that same Jesus Who while hanging on Calvary’s tree (cross)in willfull submission to the Father’s will in being made a sin offering for the sins of the whole of mankind that uttered the words in prayer to His Father “forgive them for they know not what they do”.
Folks, let us remember, as Peter writes in his first letter that it was not with “little coins of gold and silver” (which have honest monetary value) that our souls have been redeemed out from the vain manner of life handed down to us from our fathers, but with precious blood as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, the blood of Christ Who was foreknown before the foundation of the world but has been manifested in the last of times for your sake, who through Him believe into God, Who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God” (1Peter 1:18-20)
With respect to Mr Okst, and the manner in which he has chosen to express himself I can only say that this must be someone who desperately needs to come into that knowledge of the love of God which passes all understanding. Not that he is by any means alone in that category, we all, myself included need such knowledge and the assurance and confidence which comes from such knowledge. Why would I say such a thing? Well considering that what we are talking about is the “people who have lost everything and have nothing left to lose– losing it”–as Gerald Celente has often (and correctly I believe)observed, what people who have lost everything and have nothing left to lose need to FIND is the precious inheritance secured for them by the spotless blood of the Lamb of God which includes not only redemption (forgiveness of all sins)but also the spiritual rebirth (regeneration)by incorruptible seed unto an inheritance that is forevermore secured in the heavens for them with the hope of full manifestation in glory at the appearing of the One through Whom all things have come into being and for Whom they were created. Keep it all in perspective folks, the real treasure is the sinners for whom Jesus died and rose again from the dead. Whatever the bankers and the illuminists and all the occultic evil egocentric forces come up with in their schemes doesn’t compare in the least with the glory which shall be revealed at His appearing and HE WILL APPEAR. Much grace and peace be unto you all in the Name of Jesus our Lord and may God bless Mr Okst and all of us that our souls may be anchored securely to our heavenly inheritance through the faithfulness of the One Who gives eternal hope and good grace by His Holy Spirit, in Christ’s name I pray amen
Hi Greg,
Sorry for the double post. Somehow I mistakenly hit the submit button on the first draft before completing my comment. I do have one more point with respect to the matter of inheritance. You see, according to the grand scheme of things with respect to the mind of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and in the Person of HIs Son Jesus Christ, the Father’s inheritance is actually the MANY SONS
I only posted the second one you wrote. No apology necessary.
Sorry Greg I did it again, fingers moving too fast and hitting the space bar I guess. Anyway the inheritance of the Father is the many sons of God who have been purchased by the blood of the Firstborn Son of God, Jesus and have been regenerated (born again or more literally born from above) by HIs Spirit with His nature and who through a process of growth and maturity will be conformed to His image in glory even to the point of our physical and corruptible bodies being conformed to His image by the operation of the same power which raised Jesus from the dead. This being said, man, even in his fallen sinful state, still at some level bears the image of God and to curse the man who is made in God’s image is to curse the God who made the man in His image. So blessing the one who curses acknowledges the image of God even in a fallen sinful man and the way to conquer evil is with good and love covers a multitude of sins and the goodness of God leads one to repentence. Sorry for the awkwardness in posting. Much grace to you brother Greg. Thank you for the work you do.
Hi Greg.
I don’t know what Mr.Okst was mad about. If he didn’t like your analysis of a topic so what. As for myself, I look forward to reading your daily posts. They are always well written and factual. I appreciate you trying to help us prepare for what I fear is coming. USAWatchdog#1 on my favs list! Thank you!
Thank you George P for the #1!!
Every President post-Reagan has been an Ivy League graduate. Countless cabinet secretaries, under secretaries, assistant secretaries, secretaries of secretaries, etc. were educated in the Ivy League. And, of course, Usama Ben Bernanke has an exquisitely framed Harvard diploma mounted on the wall of his private study.
The results of three decades of governance by Ivy League educated politicians and bureaucrats?
$15 trillion dollar national debt
22% real unemployment rate (including me)
12 million illegal aliens
Devastated manufacturing sector
Failed public education
Failed war on drugs
Failed war on poverty
Failed war on terror
With that abominable record, I’m ready to turn everything over to a bunch of college dropouts and high school graduates who are short on impressive sounding degrees and long on common sense and hard work.
Keep the faith, Greg, and keep publishing the news we need to know, whether we like it or not!
Probably one of the more intelligent comments, though your debt figure is jacked but your unemployment figure was very good.
Don’t forget the unfunded liabilities. Like mosques, they won’t be cut. Social Security 15,498,000,000,000.00, Prescription Drugs 20,500,000,000,000.00, Medicare 81,545,000,000,000.00, and interest 3,754,000,000,000.00 and a LOT more if you add in those unfunded liabilities.
Also, Congress, an Ivy League Congress, change the immigration laws in the 1960s and it is the fact that we allow 1 million in a year that is the problem, illegal immigration is 25% of the problem. Google Immigration by numbers and go to the 9 minute point.
I chuckle at 98% of these comments here. These Ivy League morons came into every “commenters'” living room and took a cr#p on their carpet, then they stole your kids future, and the people that did it not only aren’t in jail, they’re still running the thing into the ground.
0 anger.
Stand up for the gang who lambastes these evil doers when your beloved blogger says ill about them and you guys grow some hair.
Love your site and your articles. You’re the one who got me into reading various bloggers and posters. I first started reading you over a year ago after I heard you on CtoCam. Now my morning ritual includes you (always first),Frum, Krugman,Keiser,Zerohedge, and Sullivan (I know, I have to get a little more left leaners other than Krugman to get some balance). Keep up the good work and THANK YOU for opening my eyes.
Thank you for your support of this site. Yes, I watch them all both left and right. It will give you a better perspective.
You know you’re over the target when you are catching flack…keep up the good work!!!
Thanks PR for the support.
Character is the total sum of all we say and do.Basement uneducated bloggers like me can have good character…thats why i read Greg hunters every post. I dont even know, or care to know this davo guy.
Thank you Jay for the support and comment.
I agree that to employ name-calling and profanity shows immaturity and lack of self-control, and that to seek to defame a person publicly over a single sentence, or a few words in a sentence, shows, at best, a grossly intemperate disposition.
Thank you for taking the high road, Greg.
Thank you for your succinct analysis.
Hi Greg,
I came across a quote from a gentlemen in the 1700’s who sounds like he had already walked a mile in your shoes when he said-“You can make a better living in the world as a soothsayer than as a truthsayer”. Hang in there and keep up the good work.
Thank you “Facts.”
I have now studied your website and read many of your articles and the replies. I can candidly say that you are now one of my favorites to follow. There are some very intelligent people that reply to your articles. Even the content of their replies makes sense. As for this article, BRAVO…. for standing up to an unknown internet idiot writer!
The exact words to my opinion are, “Who does this guy thinks he really is to blast you in such a manner?”
My business of 30 years crashed, just like everyone else in this country has. My family lost a 40 year rise in financial gain, just to lose EVERYTHING invested in the blink of an eye (MILLIONS)! It is to my point of view that you continue to post the great work of information, that I just discovered, and carry on!
I’m surprised that idiot never crashed the planes he says he used to fly!
Thank you Ben Davis. Please comment often!
Flying has a way of weeding out the stupid pilots so he must have seen the writing on the wall and found another profession. Good for us.
We all support a brave man who only sin is to speak the truth.
You are doing a great JOB!
Luis Chavez
Querétaro, Mexico
You are very kind. Thank you for your support and participation in this site!
There is a lot of anger to go around the world for everyone now. I see myself frustrated and sad and resolved to not vote for an incumbent politician again. I will not vote democrat or republican. Nor will I give any money to them. They are simply an owned item now and people should now know better. The last straw for me was a 72 senate vote to whatever in favor of curbing Union organizing rights. A democratically controlled senate did this! I’ve had it! I’m writing in Ron Paul no matter what and voting independent for the rest and I’m advocating to all who will listen that they do the same. A revolution at the ballot box is better than a revolution in the streets. WE have to wise up my fellow Americans and stop working their program and start working ours. Also don’t talk to pollsters,don’t let them see it coming! They have no right or business knowing who’ll you’ll vote for! George Carlan would really give a hoot from his grave were we to do this! Lets give him something to cheer and laugh about. It really can’t get much worse by putting all new faces up there on capitol hill! They don’t know what they are doing now. They want to shirk responsibility for the budget,war,bailouts, are we working with children here?!
Another Great Piece Greg!
You’re spot on by being comfortable in your own skin & vocalizing your concerns as you see them.
There’s been so much to respond to lately, locally/nationally/online that I’ve not been able to it all.
But I can tell you for sure your words & others like me that support your type views, when we have our thoughts aligned & correctly written down theses words become far more effective then all the guns & laser guide bombs put together!
(“Non carborundum est.” Don’t let the bashers get you down. They are so wrong at exactly the wrong time.
Jim (Sinclair) )
Thank you Jim Sinclair. You are a true friend!
Okst needs to lay off the sauce. Seriously, I went to his site and read a few articles. I’m not terribly impressed. He’s not far off in most perspectives, but his analyses are superficial (he’s missing a lot of forest for the trees). In my opinion, the fundamental cause of our decline is the break down of business calculation. In short, the financial and monetary systems are so broken that profit is no longer a reliable indicator of value creation. We’re flying blind in a haze and guided by faulty instrumentation. Worse, it’s a positive feedback(that’s right Mr. Okst… POSITIVE, not negative).
I also have zero formal education in economics and finance. Yet, I knew by late 2005 (at the age of 33) after studying economics personally for only 6 months that we were headed for the worst recession since the 1940’s (that’s right, the 1940’s… WW2 did not end the depression folks). I put most of my assets into gold at that time, then switched to silver bullion in late 2008. I was warning my friend (a financial analyst) during early mid-2008 that the DOW was likely to head south of 7000 (NOTE: he vehemently disagreed). I have a good grasp of macroeconomics despite the lack of formal education. The question I ponder is why was Okst so offended by your remark? You see, it didn’t offend me at all.
Maybe it was the sauce. On that note, perhaps you should give him a chance to retract the email and apologize. Everyone has an off moment, and he can’t possibly be so daft as his email suggests.
Hi Greg,
Please don’t waste your time and energy on one comment by one “person”. The comment is meaningless and irrelevant to the world. Don’t publicize that website or the “person”. You are being sidetracked and diverted away from real things that are important.
You can spend 100% of the rest of your life responding to comments that are created only to provoke you. This will effectively “take you out”.
Thank you D. The only reason I did something on this is that Okst put up a post on his site, but I get your point.