Death and Rebirth of America – Bo Polny

By Greg Hunter’s 

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny predicted long ago that Donald J. Trump would be swept back into office.  After Trump’s stolen election in 2020, Polny steadfastly said he would still get two terms.  He was right on both counts.  What does Polny see now?  Polny says, “God used Trump as the cheese to bring out all the rats.  Right before the election, everybody exposed themselves of what side they are sitting on.  All these people in Hollywood were saying all this crazy stuff right into the election.  All the players exposed what side of the fence they are sitting on.  Think about it.  So, now you know all the players. . . . We are going to find out more very soon because this is not done yet.  As great as the victory was in 2016, for the next four years, it was Russia-gate, China-gate, warfare, lawfare and impeach.  I ask a simple question:  What is going to change this time around?  Demons only know how to steal, kill and destroy.  We saw that for four years, and we are going to see that again for four more years, but God is going to intervene, and we are not going to see that.”

Polny says that the economy is going to be rebuilt, and gold and silver are going to jump even higher in price.  Months ago, Polny predicted Bitcoin would hit $100,000 per unit by the end of 2024.  It hit $94,000 before settling back down on Tuesday (11/19).  Polny says, “We have not had the wealth transfer yet.  We have seen Bitcoin jump, but we have not seen gold and silver jump yet.  It’s going to explode.  My first target is $68 to $70 in a single day for silver and gold over $4,000 per ounce in a single day.”

Later in the interview, Polny predicts his top price targets for both gold and silver, and they are both going many times higher than the price today.

Polny says expect the Left to do desperate things.  Just look at the Pharoah of ancient Egypt in the Bible when he chases the Israelites down and corners them at the Red Sea.  Polny says, “Pharoah brought everything he had.  He brought all his chariots, and he brought all his army.  He brought everything he had.  So, if you compare that to now, what would they do?  They will bring everything they’ve got to destroy us because they want to bring in their plans.  What does that mean?  Everything we’ve got right now is the threat of nuclear war.  Is that on the table?  Yes, absolutely.  It’s going to get very scary. . . . At the Red Sea, it was a freak out session.  That is what we are stepping into.  It’s a very scary timepoint, and it has to be this way.  Israel prayed, and it looked like there was no way out.  Then, suddenly, and the best word in the Bible is ‘suddenly.’  Suddenly, God showed up and the Red Sea parted.  Israel went through, and then Pharoah, out of pride and arrogance, thought his god opened it.  So, he went into the Red Sea, only to walk into the greatest trap in history, and then he got destroyed.  So, expect all this to happen.  Expect the threat of nuclear war because they are not going to back down.  They can’t back down because they can’t let the truth come out about what they have done. . . . There are going to be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not now.  See to it you are not alarmed.  What we are witnessing is the beginning of birth pains. . . . We are stepping into the birth of the Kingdom of David. . . .We are stepping into the rebirth of America.  The Babylonian system has to come down. . . . Babylon is expected to fall into year end.”

So, the America that is today has to die to make way for the rebirth of a new America.

Polny contends, “The system is so corrupt, so evil, and all these people have a secret handshake globally.  Trump wanted to drain the swamp, and Trump found out the swamp wasn’t just the United States–it was a global swamp.  That’s what Babylon is.  It turned from the United States and into a global syndicate.  Unless we have a Godly intervention, and we are going to have a Godly intervention, that is going to bring us into the Golden Age. . . .  Jesus died on the cross.  We are victorious through Jesus.  He redeemed us.  People talk about fear.  What is there to fear exactly?  We can step on the heads of snakes, scorpions and serpents in the name of Jesus.  In the name of Jesus, there is nothing to fear.”

There is much more in the 1-hour 23-minute in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny, author of the new book called “Revelation: The Good News” for 11.19.24.

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After the Interview:

You can find free information on

To order Polny’s new book called “Revelation: The Good News, Understanding God’s Timeline into 2030 and Beyond,” click here.  (Remember to use the promo code “Victory” to get 50% off.)

If you want to see Polny’s free Power Point, “America Reborn,” click here.


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  1. Ryan Veirs

    First, I am an ordained minister. I know how God operates and have seen His miracles many many times. I always have a hard time believing Polny but then nearly everytime Polny proves to me….he is chosen.

    • Robert

      Please remember that after the children of God crossed the Red sea they went in to their wilderness to be proven whether they will trust our Father to provide the true manna or lust again for the provisions of Egypt which represents the beast:

      Numbers 11:5-6  We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt for nought; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlic:  (6)  but now our soul is dried away; there is nothing at all save this manna to look upon.

      The present fiat currency system and it’s head being the fiat US dollar will fall and is going to be replaced by a digital NWO construct by the spring of 2025! Please listen to the 35 second video in this link where a central banker tell us the tools to enter the NWO are a smart phone, bank account, and “digital ID”!:

      Please do NOT upload your digital ID to enter this NWO digital system as it is giving the beast your mark to buy and sell!:

      • Ken

        he missed kim clement prophecies on the oak tree. the xrp prophecies. Kim said it would unleash in November

    • Richard Gould

      As an “ordained” minister, this should be very interesting to you. AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. — The Holy name Jehovah is in the King James Bible 4 times, but the King James Bible was translated in 1602. The dead sea scrolls were found in 1947 through about 1955 and His Holy Name Jehovah is in those manuscripts used in the Bible more than 7000 times. There is also no trinity in the Bible as His Holy Spirit is His active force and it is NOT a “person.” There is much more to this of course, but very shortly you will see the destruction of ALL false teachings AND the destruction of the more than 40,000 different “churches” that claim to be Christian. By-the-way, 40,000 different churches shows a deeply divided “belief system” that is not and can not be holy. It is divisive in nature and that is a worldly trait; not a holy one. Being worldly, it comes directly from Satan who rules this world; Luke 4:1-8.

      • Joe Serino

        Very insightful.

      • John M

        For an accurate rendering, one should refer to a Karaite Jewish scholar such as Nehemia Gordon who spent countless hours researching the proper pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton (“YHWH”) in the Hebrew manuscripts. Commonly translated as HaShem, LORD or Lord, Jehovah or Yahweh, etc. his labors revealed the correct pronunciation is “Yeah-oh-VAH.” Listen to his interview at

      • Katy Bar

        In the Beginning there was ELOHIM the Creator (of all things from the nothingness) resulting in Everything JEHOVAH!!!
        We Christians take the first letter of the Greek alphabet (Alpha) and last letter of the Greek alphabet (Omega) to designate the Total Comprehensiveness of Almighty God (the God that includes all that can be – From Nothing to All That There Is) . Which is based on Old Testament passages such as Isa. 44:6 (“I am the first and the last”), and Ps. 90:2 (“from everlasting to everlasting thou art God”). In Rabbinic Writings, the word EMET (“Truth”), is composed of the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and so Judaic Tradition also expresses a Divine Quality like Truth (and Righteousness, Peace, etc., etc., etc.) in a similar connotation as “Alpha and Omega”. In our Christian New Testament the term “Alpha and Omega” is used as the “Designation of God” – JESUS CHRIST is called the Alpha and Omega (encompassing both ELOHIM and JEHOVAH)!!!

        • Galaxy 500

          The Great I Am
          Exodus 3

          11But Moses asked God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”

          12“I will surely be with you,” God said, “and this will be the sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, all of you will worship God on this mountain.”g

          13Then Moses asked God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is His name?’ What should I tell them?”

          14God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.h This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”

          15God also told Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered in every generation.

          52“Now we know that You have a demon!” declared the Jews. “Abraham died, and so did the prophets, yet You say that anyone who keeps Your word will never taste death. 53Are You greater than our father Abraham? He died, as did the prophets. Who do You claim to be?”

          54Jesus answered, “If I glorify Myself, My glory means nothing. The One who glorifies Me is My Father, of whom you say ‘He is ourg God.’ 55You do not know Him, but I know Him. If I said I did not know Him, I would be a liar like you. But I do know Him, and I keep His word. 56Your father Abraham rejoiced that he would see My day. He saw it and was glad.”

          57Then the Jews said to Him, “You are not yet fifty years old, and You have seen Abraham?”

          58“Truly, truly, I tell you,” Jesus declared, “before Abraham was born, I am!h”

          59At this, they picked up stones to throw at Him. But Jesus was hidden and went out of the temple area.i

      • Robert

        I think you will like this website I recently stumbled upon as the author provide lots of scripture to prove what your saying about the “trinity” in one of his links and uses the ASV which was translated in 1901 utilizing the dead sea scrolls!:

      • Galaxy 500

        So the JWs don’t believe in the Trinity.
        Good to know… well, Richard , that puts you in good company. Another cult, the Mormons believe Jesus is Satan’s brother.

        1 John 5:7-8
        “For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one”.
        John 17:20–21
        “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us”.
        Matthew 28:18–20
        “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you”

        • Katy Bar

          The JWs don’t believe in the Trinity. Where as John in 5:7-8 it states: “The Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost (all three are one)!! Yet, I bet the JW’s believe that mathematically out of Zero (0) you can get a plus one (+1) and a minus one (-1), and out of the Nothingness Zero Point (Big Bang) you can get a Positive proton and a Negative electron!! So what is so unusual about saying that out of the Holy Spirit (that existed before the Big Bang or Zero point) came God’s Universe composed of Positive entities (protons) and Negative entities (electrons)!! In Quantum Physics it is an accepted fact by the Scientific Atheists that one Neutron can be composed of three things (two Down quarks and one Up quark) and that one Proton can be composed of three things (two Up quarks and one Down quark). And very interestingly, Up quarks have a charge of +2/3 and down quarks have a charge of -1/3 the Same Ratio the Bible tells us that the Angels in Heavens were divided into!!!

    • George Edwards

      Just one thing. The amalekites did chase and do battle with Israel after the exodus.? Am I right?

  2. Linda S

    Amen & Amen

    Thank you Greg and Bo

  3. Justn Observer

    Greg, RJKjr can’t get in quick enough =
    ‘Disaster Waiting to Happen’: FDA Approves Phase 1 Trial of Gates-Funded Self-Amplifying Bird Flu Vaccine
    by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. | The Defender

    Self-amplifying mRNA injections contain an enzyme that instructs the body on how to make more mRNA. Arcturus says the vaccine is “formulated within a lipid nanoparticle” and “is designed to make many copies of mRNA within the host cell.” This enables “lower doses than conventional mRNA vaccines.”

    • Kit Lee

      And, Trump can’t get in quick enough (as the Deep State Neocons have Zelensky “softening up Russia” so NATO can launch an invasion by March/April 2025)!!

  4. J. Loughran

    I understand that the “cheese wheel” was 1 Billion plus Dollars and that the Harris campaign fed much of it to so called “Influencers.”
    My go to source also quoted Eric Hoffer, “Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
    Going back to listen to today’s movers and shakers, “Speaking Missiles.”

  5. Bob Mihalovich

    I was wondering if Trump is going to get more SCOTUS appointments like that fireman fellow prophetized on your show. Haven’t heard anything about him in a while.

    Thanks for all you do! God Bless.

  6. Roger Stamper

    tks bo greg

  7. DomCav

    Hi Greg
    I try to never miss an episode. Is there any chance of getting Warren Pollock back? He always nailed the big picture.

    Thanks for all you do.

  8. Endtimes Watchman

    Polny seems to know a few things about the BIble and God’s hand in mankind’s history. But he tends to be forgetting what is stated by the prophets, in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, and the Book of Revelation. America’s sins and those of the rest of the world are piled up to God’s throne in the third heaven. In spite of wnat anyone thinks, Trump is NOT a savior and will not take the place of King Jesus Christ. This world’s problems are spiritual and require spiritual solutions.

    Punishment, severe punishment, is coming on this nation and world and most people living today will die and be put to sleep in their graves for 1,000 years until the general or 2nd resurrection takes place at the end of the Millennium (Rev. 20:11-15). Make no mistake. Sin and man’s pride must be paid for and it will with punishment and humbling of humanity until there is only a remnant left in the world who will be willing to listen to God and do whatever is necessary to live a righteous life. Polny’s rosy picture will be short-lived.

    • Ken MacPhee

      Weaponized Stockholm syndrome at its finest…

  9. JLMichaels

    Blessed! Thanks Greg!

  10. DavidM

    Dear Greg and Bo, great show. I wish just wish to add my 2 cents to what Bo is saying regarding prophecy, and talk about the so-called “lost prophecy” in Genesis 49. Here Jacob / Israel gives the blessing to his twelve sons. But I believe these blessing were more than blessings, but also prophecies regarding times.

    To explain, I have come to the conclusion that each of Jacob´s sons was a representation of a respective era of time lasting 370 years each from the time Noah walked off the ark til today and beyond (the 370 years correlating with the number of days Noah was in the ark from the time he and his family walked into the ark until the time Noah and family walked off). Further, I believe each son which Jacob fathered is also representative of an evening or a morning of the six days of creation when the Lord worked to provide a world for the first Adam. If we also look to Genesis 48, I believe we also see before the blessings given by Jacob to each of his sons, the effective adoption of the gentile sons of Joeseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, into the family of Jacob proper (for some reason he didn´t do this for any of his other grandchildren). These adoptive children for which he did no work I believe could represent the evening and the morning of the seventh day, the day of rest.

    During the blessings of Genesis 49 I believe the Lord speaking through Jacob, was providing information about these eras of time, starting from the time Noah walked off the ark. So for example “Reuben” (behold a son) would have been from 1657 of the Hebrew calendar up to 2027. In entering Jacobs bed with Bilhal Reuben becomes an allegory for Nimrod, and Abraham becomes an allegory for the light of the evening of the first day being taken out of the darkness and seperated from the darkness. Going through the next 10 sons of Shimon (moring of the first day), Levi, Judah (second day), Dan, Naphtali (third day), Gad, Asher (fourth day), Issachar, Zebulun (fifth day) and Joseph (evening of the sixth day). Here I am estimating the time of Joeseph extends from the year 1597 of the Gregorian calendar to 1967. The age of european empires where christianityy went throught the world starting from the building of the Rose Theatre of Shakespeare in London to the capture by Israel of the temple mount. But since then we have not enterred the time of Benjamin (the son of m right hand). All of the first eleven sons were named by their mothers (or at least Leah and Rachel). The last son was initially named by Rachel as Benoni (son of my sorrows). It was only with the intervention of the father Jacob that the final child of Jacob was called Benjamin. I believe the sons named by their mothers signifies man´s material reign over the earth, and sons named by their fathers (Manasseh and Ephraim were named by Joeseph) the Lord´s reign over the earth.

    Long story short, I believe (and I could be mistaken) we have been in a time of “sorrows” (which Jesus was possibly referring to in Matthew 24) for the last 56 years, waiting for the intervention of the Father and the coming of His Son sitting on His right hand.

    Am I date setting? At the moment I calculate, assuming an “hour” were to last approximately 30 years and some months, we are approaching the beginning of the third hour of the morning of the sixth day. If we are to have a thousand year millenial kingdom, then this would have to include 260 years of the time of Benjamain as well as the 740 years of the times of Manessah and Ephraim. This gives a latest possible year for the second coming of 2077. Can we survive that long?.., even after the blessings of four years of Trump? I hope and pray the Lord really does shorten the days!!

    • Brian L

      Very interesting, your post. I like it.

      If 1000 years is a day, and 24 hours to a day, than;

      1000 / 24 = 41.666 years to an hour. About 42.

      Your 260 year House of Benjamin is the days of Solar Zenith. The sacred Mayan Calendar based on 13. All over the back of dollar bill.

      So 1776 + 260 = 2035/2036 for the Capstone completion.

      Your 56 sorrow years could be from 1992 to 2048. 1992 is when Agenda 21 was announced. 2048/2049 is when the 13 * 21 = 273 year cycle ends. 1776 + 273 = 2048/2049.

      Do keep in mind the Hebrew Jubilee count is 120 cycles of 49 years that ends in 2044. Also, if using 50 years to equal 6000 prophetic years, the Hebrew calendar ends 2240. This is important because the sacred solar years are 52. So 120 * 52 = 6240. That is the same Masonic year 2240. It’s all connected.

      It appears the Hebrew SOR calendar is off by 204 to 200 years. Putting it’s real end about 2036-2040.

      Just some food for thought.

      • Galaxy 500

        What would a Mayan calendar have to do with YHWH or anything to do with Hebrew history?
        Sound like you are pulling stuff from your neither regions. Last time I saw math this silly was when the JWs were predicting the end of the world in the mid 1970s.
        Or the guys claiming they can pick winning lottery numbers claiming to be multiple lottery winners. I have won multiple lotteries myself. The $2 varieties and even a $4 one … LOL

    • Endtimes Watchman

      Each of Jacob’s/Israel’s 12 sons are represented in the world today by his endtime descendants who occupy the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, South Africa, Aistralia and New Zealand. The two “birthright nations” the U.S. and the U.K. (formerly the British Commonwealth of Nations) have receibed the most blessings of all the Tribes of Israel. But they have not been thankful but have rejected Almighty God and His laws.

      It was through Abraham, His son Isaac, and his son Jacob, that God would create a people for Himself who would worship the one, true God and teach their children to do so. All 3 of them, sometimes called the Patriarchs, were thoroughly tested and tried and will become some of the leading figures in the coming new world under Jesus Christ when He literally and personally rules all nations from His throne in Jerusalem “here on this earth” (NOT in the third heaven!). The 12 sons of Jacob became the 12 Tribes of Israel who still exist in the world today.

      Here is a list of the modern descendants of the ancient Tribes of Israel and where they are in the world today:

      Judah (Jews), Benjamin & Levi [3 tribes] – The physical nation of Israel in the Middle East is actually composed of mostly Jews, NOT Israelites. In 1948 the State of Israel should have been named the State of Judah. For the most part the Jews in the world today think they are all that is left of God’s true people. They are sadly mistaken.

      Modern Israel (Israelites) – United States, Britain and other English-speaking nations, called the Anglo-Saxons (The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel).

      The modern day identity of the Tribes of Israel & Judah are as follows, with references from the Old Testament Book of Genesis:

      * Asher – Belgium – Genesis 49:20
      * Benjamin – Norway – Genesis 49:27
      * Dan – Ireland – Genesis 49:16-18
      * Gad – Germany – Genesis 49:19
      * Issachar – Finland – Genesis 49:14-15
      * Joseph – (Ephraim-His son) – Britain & United Kingdom (Britain-Scotland-Wales-Ireland, South Africa, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) – Genesis 49:22-26
      * Joseph – (Manasseh-His son) – United States of America – Genesis 49:22-26
      * Judah (Jews)- Israel – Genesis 49:8-12, also scattered in other nations, including in the United States.
      * Levi – Scattered among other Israelitish nations in general – Genesis 49:5-7
      * Naphtali – Sweden – Genesis 49:21
      * Reuben – France – Genesis 49:3-4
      * Simeon – Scattered among other Israelitish nations in general – Genesis 49:5-7
      * Zebulon – Holland (Netherlands) – Genesis 49:13

      The Jews (House of Judah) throughout the world number about 16 million. In contrast the remaining Tribes of Israel number about 760 million people throughout the world for a total of 776 million people. But most of those of the House of Israel don’t even know their identity because they stopped keeping the 7th day Sabbath which is one of the main signs of God’s true people on this earth.

  11. Lobscouse Tremaine

    What is this world coming too? Now with WWIII, back on the burner! With the US. ENGAGINGING DIRECTLY WITH GUIDING OUR missiles by satellite, DIRECTLY into RUSSIA! Proves this was the plan all along and NATO THE SCABE GOAT! Put’s was no fool! No foolin,
    Not an end of earth I hope! I don’t blame the dirt I stand on , live , work and play! It’s the present system run and propagandized by. . . . ..
    Obombers, Russki killer Morell and Viktor Bout look alike, [at least when both young] John Brennan and clap, clap the trap clapper, Obi-Wan Kenobi look alike James Clapper and unHonorable mention goes to 4 eye’s sore eye’s Alex Soros!
    But the American people spoke and swamped the vote! It was to big for them to rig, Elias brother Mar Elias, Obombers old school mate, mate!

    MSNBC Reacts to Election Results: Full Play-by-Play of Every Meltdown!
    Based Life Guru 227,604 views Premiered Nov 15, 2024
    Get ready for an in-depth look at the reactions from MSNBC as they cover the latest election results! In this video, we capture every moment of surprise, tension, and emotional highs and lows as the results unfold. Watch as the anchors analyze, debate, and respond to unexpected twists in real-time, offering a play-by-play breakdown of their reactions. Whether you’re here for the analysis or just to see the candid reactions, this video has it all. Be sure to subscribe for more coverage and incoming and breakdowns!
    God known’s, it was a revival?
    Were all going crazy! kAMY SURE WINNER AND tRUMP WINS! Alex JONES WAS REMOVED FROM HIS STUDIO BY COURT ORDER! Confined to X. The leftest deftest were giddy, then Monday. Jones is back in his digs bigger than ever, WTF? WHAT is GOING on? Hail to the conquering hero’s?
    My suggestions for Obombers Biden handlers, get out OF Dodge while you can. Escape from New York? No seek asylum to Russia. Take Rachel Madcow, while at it!

  12. Randy Best

    After all this time, God has still not moved his hand.

    • Katy Bar

      But, God has moved Trump’s head and has stayed Putin’s finger from pressing the Red Button!!

      • God Almighty


  13. H. Craig Bradley


    King Josiah ascended to the throne of Judah at a young age of 8 after his father, Amon, was assassinated. He reformed the religious practices of his predecessors and reinstated Mosaic Law and worship, kicking-out ALL the pagans and Baal worshipers.

    He was a righteous King who reigned for several years, until Pharaoh Necho II landed a force on the territory of the northern kingdom of Israel to assist the beleaguered Assyrians.

    King Josiah had hopes of a reunification of Judah and Israel, making the latter territory part of his own realm under the aegis of Babylonia. Necho II wanted passage for his troops through the Kingdom of Judah and King Josiah said NO. Consequently he challenged the pharaoh to battle; but it is reported that “Necho II slew him with an arrow through King Josiah’s heart at Megiddo, when he saw him” (2 Kings 23:29).

    Afterwards, it was downhill again for the Kingdom of Judah. Baal worship returned to Judah along with child sacrifices and the rest is history.

    Will the same fate befall America in 2027, just as China begins military action to retake control of Taiwan and the developing NATO war against Russia reintensifies? We could face a similar scenario as King Josiah, as written by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn in his book, “The Josiah Manifesto”. Better Pray for President Trump that he gets his FULL four year term, as he will need every bit of it.

  14. Robert Bailey

    Can any person that has watched this episode with brother
    Bo Polny, can you explain this New Testament text in Peter’s epistle :-2 Peter 1:20,21;
    20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
    21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
    2 Peter 3:10-12;
    10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
    11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
    12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
    Is this only happening at the real Second Coming of Jesus Christ, or will God allow a limited Nuclear war that involves the USA, and maybe Russia snd China ?

    Can anyone give me an answer to these texts Peters Epistles ?

    • Watchman on the wall

      RB, Brave Church Denver, is teaching Staying The Course: 2 Peter
      Pastor Dr. Jeff S., also Got Questions org is a helpful tool.

      it’s ok with EOJ

      you are Loved-dje

      Brother, Greg thank you for all your efforts. EYES ON JESUS 🕯️

    • Igor

      I’ll try, look, a man writes about incinerating fire. There are books on Earth with records of such a fire and people hid in the womb of Mother Earth (caves), waiting for many days for the earth to cool down. There are archaeological excavations of ancient cities where brick turned into glass from the heat. This means that such a fire has already occurred or is possible cyclically. The text indicates by whose will, holy=halo=light, in this reality only stars and ball lighting emitting light and only stars movement perpetually controlled by the magnetic field, so man write “By the will of heaven (sky)”, holy men of God = star, Holy Ghost = magnetic field because back then terminology and understanding of this reality was different then now. Reality never changed, same stars above same Earth. Now about the prophecy, Universe magnetic field spin only forward, spinning sky counterclockwise. It Back in the days sky was everything for a man including clock, calendar, compass ets. If human was knowledgeable in the movement of the stars, did his math and foresee event that happened after his life ended, he may specify this as prophecy. It’s simple concept, Sun for sure rise up tomorrow, specific stars position will deliver energetic influence and that affect people in appropriately known way. Astrologers still foresee stars movement but no longer see alive man in the star, never speak to, never go deep. In a crude sample, man can observe one comet cycles that move this body to the collision course come 200 year forward, he verified by math few times and decided to left coded message. Please avoid common mistake to connect all prophecies for today times, don’t wait for second coming, go ahead and talk to him, he is the Sun.

    • Jeffrobbins

      The text seems plain enough. I think you and others are figuring on a nuclear war as the fulfillment of the elements melting and that is where the issue is. The most severe exchange of nukes would be bad and the fallout even worse, but that is not the elements melting- nukes do fit neatly into a couple bowls of wrath from revelations. Personally, i lean on the idea that our reality isn’t all that real, or all that big/ Compared to the reality of the ‘heavens’ and the presence of God Almighty. We’ll find out in the end. Brother, be careful about worrying and carrying on so much about the end times that we don’t get around to doing much today

  15. Really Awake

    I have to respectfully disagree with Bo regarding his “Golden Age” prediction. I know he’s well intentioned; however, in my opinion he’s misguided.

    I say that a Dark Age is far more likely than a Golden one. All the signs are popping up daily.

    For example, the USA is shutting its embassy down in Ukraine.

    All the signs point to more war, more plague, more famine and much more ungodliness.

    And Bitcoin is actually Satan’s money, not Jehovah’s. Perhaps I’ll write another comment about Bitcoin in the future – if there is time.

    All those individuals (many of them sincere and well meaning) who get snared into the Devil’s money trap might get secularly rich, but they’ll be spiritually poor, naked and blind.

    To all those of whom Bitcoin is your solution and a means to get “rich”: I say this: I could have literally made a million in Thailand back in 1999 in legal prostitution strip joints. But instead I made my fortune and kept my own personal standards.

    I’m a native New Yorker who could have made a lot of money in Satan’s controlled system.

    But I refuse to make money by pushing pharmaceutical drugs that do more harm than good, e.g., mRNA.

    I refuse to push cigarettes.

    I refuse to profit from the military industrial complex.

    I refuse to be any part of K Street or the lobby industry.

    I don’t want any part of Sin City Las Vegas or making money off from the suckers who become addicted to gambling….

    And so on and so forth.

    Back in 2009 I was writing my own code and I just happened to get information on the newly written blockchain including Bitcoin. I studied it and wrote it off as a novelty. A few years later Bitcoin was discussed on the Alex Jones Show and I thought of it as a small-time scam. A year later Max Kaiser made the case for Bitcoin, and then I knew Bitcoin was going to sucker in some people.

    A few years later Bitcoin was listed on CNBC at the top of their site right along with all other indexes. That when I changed my mind that Bitcoin was not a joke or a scam but it was in fact backed by the Deep State and that they actually wrote the code not some anonymous individual.

    By 2022 I realized that Bitcoin was authorized by Satan and it was just the means to get the ignorant masses in slavery to the blockchain.

    There’s a lot more to this, but time and space doesn’t allow a proper essay. Perhaps another time.

    Get your prepping done.

    • Galaxy 500

      Bitcoin isn’t anymore satanic currency wise than any fiat currency. I do agree it’s a scam. It’s not backed by anything but at this point, neither is the US dollar.
      But satanic…
      Yeah, not so much

      • Paul

        Say what you want about Bitcoin, but it’s producing a lot of millionaires.

        Paul from arkansas

  16. LAS

    The link to access the PowerPoint presentation is not working.
    Please can you fix it
    Thank You

    • Greg Hunter


      It worked for me. I just checked it. Try a different browser? I am using Edge.


  17. Richard Gould

    Jesus speaking; John 6:44 No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him, — Jesus IS NOT GOD!! He is the son of God.

    • Greg Hunter

      Maybe Jesus is both God and Son of God?

      John 1:1 is a verse from the Bible that states: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

      Then there is Matt 28:18.


      • Richard Gould

        Impossible. NOTE THIS: We were extremely happy and surprised to learn for the first time that the first creation of God was the Word, who is Jesus Christ, that soon the dead would be resurrected here on earth during Christ’s millennial reign, and that soon even death will be destroyed forever.’
        Almighty God did not create Himself. the beginning: In the Scriptures, the meaning of the term “beginning” depends on the context. Here the Greek word ar·kheʹ cannot refer to “the beginning” of God the Creator, for he is eternal, having no beginning. (Ps 90:2) It must, therefore, refer to the time when God began creating. God’s first creation was termed the Word, a heavenly designation of the one who became Jesus. (Joh 1:14-17) So Jesus is the only one who can rightly be called “the firstborn of all creation.” (Col 1:15) He was “the beginning of the creation by God” (Re 3:14), so he existed before other spirit creatures and the physical universe were created. In fact, by means of Jesus, “all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth.”—Col 1:16.
        So Jesus was tasked with doing the creation work but that was after they, Jesus and his Father Jehovah, had been together in the spirit realm for an undisclosed period of time. Quite possibly much longer than the universe has existed BEFORE the creation of the universe began.

        • Katy Bar

          God existed “before” the Universe began in a Big Bang (God existed when their was Nothing – or mathematically ZERO). Then out of God came our Physical Universe (just like Mathematically a +1 and -1 comes from 0) Or in Physics terms a proton and electron comes out of the Zero Point)!!

      • Richard Gould

        Greg, there is a cardinal rule in this story as to why Jesus did the work of creation, obviously under the tutelage of his Father, Jehovah. Jehovah Almighty God CAN NOT come into the physical universe for His incredible power would burn the universe out of existence. This is also why they were alone for an undisclosed period of time BEFORE the work was begun. Jesus needed to be taught and carefully instructed in what was coming and what his responsibilities were to be.

        • Greg Hunter

          Well, Jesus passed the test. Matt 28:18 gives Him All authority in Heaven and on Earth.

        • Galaxy 500

          Wow, Richard, YHWH creates everything. I find it amusing you people put limits on YHWH. He created everything. He spoke everything into existence that we call this universe.
          You people mangle the Word.
          In Genesis 1:1, “ 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
          The evil of these beliefs and corruption of the Word have lead many astray.
          The “Beginning” is the beginning of our Universe. It is not the Beginning of YHWH, the Great I AM. The Alpha and the Omega.
          Genesis is quite clear, this wasn’t the Son of the House of David, not Jesus. Jesus is the Son of GOD (YHWH).

      • Gordo Bordon

        These are profound and deeply theological points that have been discussed and debated among scholars and believers for centuries. Here’s a bit more context on the verses you mentioned:

        John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” This verse is often interpreted to mean that Jesus (the Word) existed from the beginning with God and was divine himself. This concept is central to the doctrine of the Trinity, which posits that God exists as three persons in one essence: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

        Matthew 28:18: “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.'” This verse emphasizes Jesus’ divine authority, which is granted to him by God. It highlights his role in the divine plan and his unique position as the Son of God.

        Together, these verses contribute to the belief held by many Christians that Jesus is both fully God and fully man—a mystery often referred to as the hypostatic union.

        Greg this mystery of the Trinity is so profound that the great commentator H.L. Menkin once said of the Trinity. The most important doctrine of Christendom the Trinity, is the least understood!
        I don’t understand it Greg, cant wrap my head around it! Can you? Real faith? Or credulity, a willingness to believe. Until something important like when your life is on the line, eh?

  18. John Maskell

    Fantastic Greg ! Bo Polny is so positive and energetic . He’s made some good calls which have come true . The frustrating component is timing but what Bo has been saying is happening . At the end of the interview , he talks about the aliens coming or demons . Just recently there was a hearing about UFO’s ( or UAP) entering our air space . Worryingly the military have been documenting these craft hovering over American nuke silos . This information is gaining traction . It’s fascinating that Bo is hitting these timelines Greg especially the financial time bomb that’s ready and primed . Thank you for a brilliant interview , John UK .

  19. War Monger

    Breaking: “The United States Has Attacked Russia”

    Patrick Lancaster interviews Scott Ritter

    Patrick Lancaster, a journalist known for his field reporting in conflict zones, has taken a new direction with a talk show series aimed at exploring geopolitical issues through conversations with notable figures. In this episode, Lancaster hosts Scott Ritter, a former Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, to discuss the escalating Ukraine war and the broader implications of U.S. involvement.

  20. Justn Observer

    Greg, maybe a future interview can one be found that knows who can invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden.
    With the current where is WALDO moment of Biden in Peru, we know or should know he should not be making decisions like providing long range missiles and giving the go ahead to escalate a war he will likely not be sticking around to deal with. And giving more billions there, and to Taiwan for semiconductors, when that money should be spent here to build plants, using the Trump polices of bringing companies, including Taiwan’s, to put the production here, and out of the grasp of China should they move on Taiwan. Clearly, those chips are ‘critical’ to national security and only an idiot would not see that. With Harris not responding to her oath of office, she too has failed the national security test, and along with Biden, be removed…leaving the next in line…Speaker of the House to take charge. Yes, the time is so short between now and when DJT takes office, assuming he will, and of course the Reps and Senators ARE now busy with the ‘advise and consent’ process…but are we left to just crossing fingers the escalation will not happen sufficent to get to that point. It would seem then that Putin, if he is inclined to see to an end of it in Ukraine…might have to absorb what until DJT gets in? That said, it is either, Biden is unfit, or he is not, and if he is NOT, then he must be prosecuted for his and Hunter’s dealing. This he is fit enough to escalate and put the U.S. at a nuclear risk but unfit to stand for criminal indictments does not wash. AND if unfit, then ALL those in his admin. who have allowed this charade to continue so ‘they’ can be who is ‘really’ making such decisions…need to be looked into…more in the vein of DJT’s ‘enemy within’ context. Clearly, Harris should have pushed the 25th Amendment and gained so cred as doing the right thing, rather than do the go along to get along, to be ‘installed’ as his successor, which now has not worked out for her…as she now appears every bit as much a clueless ‘puppet’ than even Biden. Worse if Biden is suffering with mental incapacity.

  21. D. Milne

    WW3 Has Begun! A State of War Between Russia & NATO Countries Now Exists After The UK Joined The United States In Massive Bombing Attacks Inside Russia! Tune In NOW And Learn How You Can Stop WW3 From Going Nuclear! Posted 19 minutes ago
    Alex Jones is LIVE Back in Austin Texas Studio! Now taking your calls and covering news globalists DO NOT want you Knowing!

    Great Day of Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) is Near
    Zephaniah 1:14 The great day of Jehovah is near!
    It is near and it is approaching very quickly!
    The sound of the day of Jehovah is bitter.
    There a warrior cries out.
    15 That day is a day of fury,
    A day of distress and anguish,
    A day of storm and desolation,
    A day of darkness and gloom,
    A day of clouds and thick gloom,
    16 A day of the horn and of the battle cry,
    Against the fortified cities and against the high corner towers.
    17 I will cause distress to mankind,
    And they will walk like blind men,
    Because it is against Jehovah they have sinned.
    Their blood will be poured out like dust,
    And their flesh like the dung.
    18 Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to save them in the day of Jehovah’s fury;
    For by the fire of his zeal the whole earth will be consumed,
    Because he will make an extermination, indeed a terrible one, of all the inhabitants of the earth.”
    2 Gather together, yes, gather yourselves,
    O nation that feels no shame.
    2 Before the decree takes effect,
    Before the day passes by like chaff,
    Before the burning anger of Jehovah comes upon you,
    Before the day of Jehovah’s anger comes upon you,
    3 Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth,
    Who observe his righteous decrees.
    Seek righteousness, seek meekness.
    Probably you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger.
    What is the key? Why did Adam die? The same is true today; those who refuse to obey our NOW ruling king Jesus WILL die. See Matthew 28:18-20. The requirement for obedience to the Almighty cannot and will not change; not now, and not in a million more years. Obey, or die. How else can perfect people, perfect peace and a perfect earth exist except under such a rule? Jehovah is infallible and He is the creator and only He knows exactly what is necessary for us to live forever in peace on a perfectly clean earth.

  22. Richard Gould

    Greg, I was blocked from posting.

    • Greg Hunter

      No, you were not. Stop posting your email in your comments. We talked about this.

  23. Richard Bushy

    What will happen to the counterfeit Catholic Church and anti-pope Francis?

    • Shiloh1

      Just a hunch on my part, but could be one of secrets of Fatima.

  24. Carol Bolt

    OH MY GOSH Greg! I was wishing to hear what Bo Polny has to say now after the election. I just jumped in my chair when I saw Bos name. I love this channel. Your always putting so many interesting people on. I am so overjoyed that Trump won and having great fun watching him install his people. The sounds of war are a bit scary so now I want to hear what Bo says. Disappointed Scott never got picked too. Hugs Carol.

  25. JUDITH


  26. Marie Joy

    They have to start WWIII. They have to and they will. It’s starting as I type.

  27. 'a' simple horseman

    Greg, Bo,
    Thank you both for this presentation. I always get a little glimmer of hope when ever I listen to Bo. Don’t always agree on some aspects, but am always open minded to anything offered up. Myself though, I am a pretty staunch and learned student of what Dane Wigington has to present with factual and verifiable information. What Dane presents is the end of the world aspects of our physical planet. Many of which are baked in deeply(pun intended). “The ozone layer”, what about the ozone layer? It’s damn near gone!! We don’t need some paid for scientist to tell us that, or deny the fact. There “is” going to be an abrupt climate shift. Those of us that live many miles away from the artificial world of civilization can feel this coming. Most of you that have power bills, water bills and so on do not even have an inkling. For once, just once, I wish Bo could or would address (without a fairy tale) these aspects of our natural world. I get soooooo tired of topics so often being about money. News flash, Mother Nature “couldn’t” care less about your money. There is a significant part of my being that feels there “will” be an abrupt climate shift (soon) that will wipe the slate(earth) clean and there will only be a hand full of humans left alive. “But for how long?” Last I checked, there are no humans living on Venus. To many people are looking to precious metals and not looking at our one and only home that is headed for “the bottom of the canyon”. Buckle Up!!
    And lastly, Real snow does not come from a southerly direction. Think!!!

    Love and strength to ALL

  28. Harvey Ackermann

    Fantastic interview. Thanks !

  29. lee

    its now the 20th of NOV, a week and 1/2 after bo said silver and gold will take off,,,,,its down again, this is one of many times he predicted this, will he explain why? nope.

    • Paul

      Bo might not respond, but I will.
      It’s always been store of labor, inflation hedge, no counter party risk and always outlast all fiat currencies. Short term profits try and gamble with equities.

      Paul from arkansas

  30. Randy

    Greg I really like your show but it’s so disappointing to have to skip ads every 6 minutes . I have purchased 3 different items from your sponsors. I was listening to today’s show but didn’t have enough time to listen to it all and found it impossible to get back to where I left off. The ads just took over. Very disappointing!

    • Greg Hunter


      It is out of my control. It is a Rumble thing, and I am trying to get them to cut back on the commercials.


    • Brian L

      Use Brave browser app. No commercials. Not even YouTube either. I never see ads.

    • 5 DEEP

      Randy, use “” ZERO COMMERCIALS!

  31. Marie Joy

    Where is Fauci?

  32. Sunna Bonaparte

    The View host Sunny Hostin fumes as she is forced to read a legal note just minutes after presenting the Matt Gaetz allegations as a “fact.”

    Hostin: They discussed the fact that once [Gaetz] finds out that she’s 17, he stops having s*x with her.

    Hostin 3 min later: Matt Gaetz has long denied all allegations, calling the claims, quote, invented and saying in a statement to ABC news that this false smear following a three year criminal investigation should be viewed with great skepticism that DOJ investigation was closed with no charges being brought.
    Sunny Hostin, with the mostin. Huba, huba! Has to eat crow!

  33. stephen

    Secretary of Defense Llyod Austin made statements yesterday. with a loud voice he told us DEI is vital to keeping our military strong.
    This is an absolute lie. It is nothing but propaganda and spin. I am a retired military officer, I know what I am talking about, it not just an opinion, DEI and all woke policies have made us weaker.
    No doubt his comments were in response to Trumps policy of discarding this disastrous and racist DEI policy.
    They just will not stop with this propaganda. Nov 5th proved it has stopped working. The fight is not over, when these people push these lies, they need to be called out loudly.

    • Greg Hunter

      Austin is both a traitor and a moron.

      • Galaxy 500

        DEI is essentially for the destruction of the Military. Austin is a traitor and should be court martialed.

    • Katy Bar

      Besides getting rid of Austin – Trump must also get rid of the RINO’s!! And it just so happens (according to Martin Armstrong) that our Founding Fathers included in the US Constitution “The Cleansing Authority” that Trump needs To Dismiss Both the Senate and the House and then recall them (“Absent the RINO’s”). Naturally, the Demonrats will call Trump a Dictator!! But, this Express Power was purposefully given to the President “by our Founding Fathers” to protect our Nation. A Dismissal and Recall of Congress would of-course be shocking to most Americans (because it is a Presidential Power no President in our entire history has ever used). However, if we are to Get Control of our Nation Back and out of the Hands of a Select few Neocon Warmonger Traitors “This Recess Power Must Be Used by Trump” as it looks like the Only Means We Have Left TO FIGHT AND WIN Against the Permanently Ingrained Deep State Traitors who have Illegally Taken Control of Our American Government!!

  34. Jeff

    Always love you shows! Keep up the good work! I hope and pray you are healing well.

  35. Galaxy 500

    Good Morning
    It’s a nice crisp morning here.

    Hell hack no fury like a RINO scorned. Did this political harlot think she had any chance of being in Trump’s New Administration after all of the evil attacks and assistance she gave America’s enemies?
    Another butt hurt liberal pretending to be on the side of us normies.

  36. Lora

    Because the US Military Industrial Complex is pushing a proxy war with Russia by allowing long range missiles from Ukraine into Russia and it’s happening RIGHT NOW!!, most European Countries, including even Switzerland are preparing their Citizens for nuclear war.
    A new age/period of peace seems unlikely right now unless our current administration is stopped/reverses these crazy decisions, which are putting this world at risk.
    Putin is under severe pressure from his own administration to act on this aggression. What would the US do if the situation were reversed and Russia was using Canada to launch long range missiles into America? Would our government powers sit back for tea time and watch it happen without a swift response?
    Let’s hope that Trump and his team come into power in time to stop this aggression and those in the US who have manufactured all these problems are held accountable.

  37. Galaxy 500

    I look forward to see how “well” this works for the minions …

    Denver Mayor Declares War on Federal Law: Vows to Use Police and Citizens to Block Deportation of Illegal Migrants, Including Gang Members
    By Jim Hᴏft Nov. 21, 2024 9:15 am

  38. Galaxy 500

    So if you have people breaking in your home they may just murder you…
    And to be honest, instead of shooting person who matched description of intruder, shot the homeowner. This cop, talked the same “woman” born as Robert into leaving the same house the night before. So why did he shoot and keep shooting the homeowner?
    Seems like a case for murder could be made…

  39. Larry Serflaten

    I am very thankful to Bo Polny for describing Jesus as our King sitting on the right hand of God (just ahead of 1:11:11). So many denominations say Jesus is God (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit). It is that belief that will trap many into worshiping Satan when he appears on earth disguised as Jesus demanding to be worshiped as God. We should all know that only God is to be worshiped. But if people are told Jesus is God, they will be deceived into worshiping Satan at that time!

    Just to relate scriptures, Jesus never claimed to be God, but he did say He has a kingdom (John 18:36) Also, Gabriel told Mary who her son would be:

    Luke 1:32-33
    He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.

  40. Gawddorned!

    BREAKING:::BREAKING::: WEST WARNED:::Impossible to Stop
    Russian Attack Successfully Demonstrates Superiority in Hypersonic Weapons’ System

  41. Rodsterq

    The Deep State just won and up next is RFK Jr. Isn’t it funny how the Press can uncover shenanigans when they want but ignore Hunter Biden’s escapades like his drug and sex filled orgies and his nefarious connections to Ukraine and China which would have incriminated his pedophile Dad.

  42. Rodster

    Now that Matt Gaetz has withdrawn expect the Mockingbird Media to set their sights on RFK Jr. I recently have listened to Chris Martenson show videos how the Press has begun to go into full attack mode with RFK Jr over his vaccine stance. They are framing the narrative in a negative light. Once he’s out Pfizer can breathe a sigh of relief.

    And I have NO doubt in my mind that they have lobbied and put pressure on Washington to get rid of RFK Jr because he’s bad for their business and bottom line.

  43. Susan Russo

    Bo’s heart and soul are in his work. My heart is greatly thankful for his work which is obvious is not work for him, but devotion. I am at peace for having listened and may God give Bo unlimited bounty of peace for sharing with his children how we are cared for.

    • Ray

      That is a lovely comment Susan.
      Beautifully worded.
      May God’s peace and blessings be upon you.

      Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

  44. Bear Barrel Polska!

    Scott Ritter & Douglas Macgregor: Russia’s Su-57 Devastates Ukraine – Shakes NATO to the Core! WarZone Echo 24,905 views Premiered 10 hours ago
    Join Scott Ritter and Douglas Macgregor as they analyze the latest developments on the Ukraine battlefield, where Russia’s Su-57 fighter jet has left Ukraine and NATO in a precarious position. This military showdown not only reshapes regional dynamics but also significantly impacts global strategies. Is the Su-57 truly the West’s “worst nightmare”?

    The American Journal: Russia Hits Ukraine With New ‘Advanced Weapons’ & Warns US Base In Poland Could Be Next Target –

    Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi hits out at ‘cringe’ SNL skit about RFK Jr
    Sky News Australia 651,787 views Nov 19, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi has hit out at a “cringe” SNL skit making fun of Robert F Kennedy Jr’s voice.

    • Galaxy 500

      I don’t know what to make of Scott Ritter. He appears to be a sexual deviant and pedophile.
      I have know idea about his analysis abilities but his ability to control himself seems to be lacking.

  45. Major Painsic

    The fate of MSNBC could be in Trump’s hands
    Story by Matt Egan, CNN • 5h •

  46. Galaxy 500

    I am very upset that the F’ing RINOs were able to stop Matt Gaetz as AG. We need Matt as AG. And we need to cull these F’ing RINOs from our party. They need to be ostracized and shamed.

    This is the “Hero” that murdered an unarmed woman… a hero of the Dems

    • Rodster

      Trump caved and installed Pam Bondi. Paul Craig Roberts was hoping Trump would nominate Ken Paxton.

      • Tough as nails

        Pam is tough as nails – Gaetz worked for her while in Florida. She can chose him as his assistant AG.

        Pam defended Trump during his 1st term she is LOYAL!

        Vance and Gaetz went to washington talked with all the dip shit senators, they know who is loyal and not now.

        Pam attorney general Gaetz assistant AG.

        PaulCraigRoberts has an opinion like everyone else – doesn’t mean shit.

        Trump wants LOYALTY! wake up.

      • Rip Van Winkle

        Re Pam Bondi. Conservative Treehouse article yesterday and comments – Travon Martin / George Zimmerman and Florida foreclosure process all I need to know. Swampy hack stooge not far from Kim (Crimesa) Fox in Crook County Illinois.

        Trump as a winter coat is turning into tattered jockey shorts.

      • Galaxy 500

        Trump caved? Gaetz was being told by the RINOs that they would not vote for him. I think we should punish them all. Being President isn’t being King.
        But if these RINOs have any stain of impropriety, I would bring charges against them

      • Earth Angel

        Me too.. I agree Paxton would have been GREAT! But then if he was nominated they’d come up with some phony BS about him that the mockingbird media would parrot endlessly until he too was forced to withdraw. And yes, I agree with the Rodsterq comment on how convienently they NEVER bring up the real sh*t on the deep state owned candidates. Its always a cover up with THAT. We’re getting VERY SICK of the double standards here. It HAS become SO obvious.

  47. Boredom Security

    The Most Savage Moment in Donald Trump History

  48. Sunna Bonaparte

    The concept that “Jeremiah says God is for us, not against us” is primarily referencing Jeremiah 29:11, which states “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”. This verse emphasizes that God’s intentions towards his people are positive and aimed at their good, not their destruction. Key points about this verse & Context:
    This verse is part of a message Jeremiah sent to the exiled Israelites in Babylon, assuring them that God had good plans for their future despite their current hardship.

  49. Marie Joy

    In 2015? United Technologies sold Pratt and Whitney to Raytheon, I believe, in preparation for WWIII.
    War is extremely profitable.
    Gates of Hell and others want to reduce our world population, significantly, and they want to start with America.
    Ukraine is the means to an end. The hell with human life.
    Where is Gates of Hell at the moment??? WE should know where he is at all times.
    You can research bunkers at
    And Bruce Beach, deceased now, built a bunker in Canada. Bruce was the Chief Radiological Officer for Canada.
    For FREE information and To buy radiation detectors etc go to
    To make your own bunker, pile sand bags 8 feet high in and around your living space in your home. Pile the bags in your first and/or secind floor to keep out radiation. Pile them outside around your house. Problems will be clean air and clean water. Greg’s sponsors can help you with that. Expect a loss of electricity/power. Have wood stoves and a helluvalotofwood. Remember how Texas got super cold. Prepare for the worst. Stock food and water in your living space. Love to all Patriots.

    • Galaxy 500

      IF… United Technologies sold Pratt and Whitney to Raytheon, I believe, in preparation for WWIII.…

      THEN Why would they have sold it?

  50. Marie Joy

    If you intend to rebuild America, you’ll have to start with sticks (if there are any) and stones.

    • Randy Best

      American is toast. Ammo up!

      • Galaxy 500

        Not yet but it’s going to be hard going to fix this

  51. john geis

    Bo Polny fails to understand that America is Mystery babylon. Read Duduman where God explains it Why did he name it, “The Mystery Babylon”?

    “Tell them because all the nations of the world immigrated into America and America accepted them. America accepted Buddha, the devil church, the sodomite church, the Mormon church and all kinds of wickedness. America was a Christian nation. Instead of stopping them, they went after their gods. Because of this, He named them “The Mystery Babylon”.
    If Polny is right and Babylon falls by December 31 than America burns soon. Duduman “How will America burn? It is so powerful”.

    He said, “The Russian spies have discovered where the most powerful nuclear missiles are in America. It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace’. Then there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and two other countries (which I cannot remember) will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn”.

    I said, “What will you do with the church?”

    He said, “The church has left me”.

    • Galaxy 500

      I disagree that America is Babylon

  52. Robert Dziok

    Cryptos = “Digital Air”. Nothing but binary zeroes and ones stored and accessed in a computer in fancy ways and backed by NOTHING. Modern day version of “Tulip Mania”. Gold and Silver GOD’s money for thousands of years. Central Banks and countries around the world are buying gold and silver in massive amounts. Price suppressed by paper contracts for decades. That ends as such as BRICS takes physical delivery at suppressed prices. Countries taking their gold back from storage in US and UK. Need to have physical gold and silver in your own possession. They know what’s coming. Central Banks and countries go after gold and silver while people are led to chase crypto illussion in cyber space. Can’t take your cryptos away? Israel just did. They “claimed” the only cryto exchange in Gaza was “terrorist” and took ALL Palestinians in Gaza cryptos by taking the Exchange. Easy to contrive a “reason” and “way to do”. Then again, if the grid and/or internet go down then cryptos go “poof”, like “Puff the Magic Dragon”.

    • Galaxy 500

      Israel is likely correct about Hamas using Cryto for their evil deeds.
      What is the US Dollar backed by at this point? Not a fan of crypto, just asking a simple yet serious question.

  53. Bill Holder

    “The Babylonian system has to come down. . . . Babylon is expected to fall into year end.”

    Who was captured by the Babylonians and learned their banking ways, and migrated to Europe by the Ukrainian region?

    Are you ready for the answer to that?

    • Galaxy 500

      Damn, Bill, is the answer to everything the Jews for you?
      How sad, Bill.

      • Bill Holder

        You said it Galaxy, not me. Just follow the money, the “Red Shields” who are they? Who sits on top of Vanguard and Blackrock? What about Epstein, Maxwell and Weinstein? I bet P Didi is a puppet, who are his master?

        Nowadays is so in your face that cannot be denied.

  54. Abe

    The 3 days of Darkness is a Catholic prophecy that goes back many years. There is going to be a Divine punishment during which there will be 3 days of darkness and a great many people will die. We are nearing the end of this particular age, God is going to put an end to all the corruption in quite a dramatic fashion. Look up Alois Irlmaier, he was a well-known German Catholic who died in the 1950s who apparently was given visions of the future — one of the things he saw — there are a lot of them — is that the Russians will invade Germany — pretty stupefying given current events.

  55. Randy Best

    Still no stock market crash or 30% haircut for the US$………………….

  56. Marie

    Greg. Can you have Gerald Celente on? He’s real good.

  57. War Monger

    This is what it feels like when you’ve just been told that your loved one was viciously attacked and brutally murdered by THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT through an American tax paid and sponsored illegal immigrant invader / weaponized proxy.

    No re-birth here, just death and eternal sorrow…

  58. Slobo Dubrovnik

    Belarusian President says World is on Brink of WW3
    by Sean Miller November 22th, 2024
    Lukashenko also said that the ‘information war’ is in full swing. ::::::::::BREAKING!!!
    MASSIVE EXCLUSIVE: Trump Holding Secret Global Peace Summit With The Head Of NATO In Mar-a-Lago, Florida RIGHT NOW! As Alex Jones Reported Yesterday, Trump & Elon Musk Have Been Working For Weeks To Secure A Ceasefire & Major Peace Deal!

  59. S_Adams

    Shawn from SGT Report, interesting piece.

  60. Rake Jaker Sullivanich

    Former Polish Official Claims Ukraine Has Stolen Half of US Aid Money, Alleges They Laundered Funds Back to Democrats by Sean Miller November 22th, 2024
    According to Transparency International in December 2014, Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe. Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska [SLAV WOMENS LAST NAME HAVE SKA INSTEAD OF SKI] allegedly ordered a $4.83 million Bugatti Tourbillon in July.
    Former Polish Official Claims Ukraine Has Stolen Half of US Aid Money, Alleges They Laundered Funds Back to Democrats

  61. Francis Deandra

    Trump’s Ag Sec nominee Kelly Loeffler has a history of handing American farmland to the CCP.

    Folks, we’re being stabbed in the back by Trump again!!!

  62. Galaxy 500

    If this was such a great idea, everyone would have one. Expensive, doesn’t retain value, expensive to repair, not a mature technology, creates as much or more CO2 as a ICE without the range or the durability

  63. Galaxy 500

    Jew haters will not be happy until they have implemented the “final Solution.” These people are the new, improved NAZIs.

  64. Sam Argyle

    Trump plans to fire Jack Smith’s team, use DOJ to probe 2020 election
    Story by Amy Gardner, Josh Dawsey, Ashley Parker, Perry Stein • 5h •

  65. Speak Upton

    Hollywood’s “Fake” Mid-Atlantic Myth DEBUNKED!
    Dr Geoff Lindsey 841,508 views Jun 30, 2024
    Want to know why actors in Golden Age Hollywood movies sound different from people today? A legend has grown up that it was all because an Australian and a Canadian invented a fake accent that studios forced their stars to use. Here I’ll try to show why that’s a load of you know what, and get closer to the fascinating reality.

  66. Vern Meir

    Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine next move against Russia will be disastrous for the country trategic Thin 17,147 views Premiered 8 hours ago
    Welcome to our comprehensive profile of Colonel Douglas Macgregor, an esteemed military strategist, accomplished author, and decorated retired U.S. Army Colonel! 🔵
    In this exclusive presentation, we delve into the life and journey of Douglas Macgregor, unveiling his revolutionary concepts, leadership philosophies, and the profound impact he has made on global military thinking.

    Lefties still ‘kicking and screaming’ over Donald Trump’s election win

    Sky News Australia
    5.09M subscribers




    Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine next move against Russia will be disastrous for the country trategic Thin 17,147 views Premiered 8 hours ago
    Welcome to our comprehensive profile of Colonel Douglas Macgregor, an esteemed military strategist, accomplished author, and decorated retired U.S. Army Colonel! 🔵
    In this exclusive presentation, we delve into the life and journey of Douglas Macgregor, unveiling his revolutionary concepts, leadership philosophies, and the profound impact he has made on global military thinking.

    Lefties still ‘kicking and screaming’ over Donald Trump’s election win News Australia 197,146 views Nov 21, 2024 Power Hour
    This week on Power Hour, sports stars bust out Trump’s dance moves, inside Kamala Harris’ $US1B campaign disaster, Trump joins Musk for SpaceX launch, Vivek Ramaswamy unveils Trump’s plan to drain the swamp, and Princess Kate skips a key royal gala.

  67. hugh bowman

    Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine next move against Russia will be disastrous for the country Strategic Thinking 21,168 views Premiered 8 hours ago
    Welcome to our comprehensive profile of Colonel Douglas Macgregor, an esteemed military strategist, accomplished author, and decorated retired U.S. Army Colonel! 🔵
    In this exclusive presentation, we delve into the life and journey of Douglas Macgregor, unveiling his revolutionary concepts, leadership philosophies, and the profound impact he has made on global military thinking.

  68. Galaxy 500

    Election fraud should be a capital crime. If you commit election fraud, there should be a short trial, and if convicted, you should be publicly hung the next morning. All Federally licensed TV stations should be forced to carry the executions

    Unverifiable Elections are Uncertifiable
    Lex Greene
    By Lex Greene

    November 22, 2024

    Indeed, over the past four years since the stolen 2020 Presidential election, determined investigators have uncovered literally hundreds of methods used by the Democrat Party to steal elections. Some of the methods are glaringly obvious, such as dead votes, non-citizen voting, ballots cast by voters no longer living in the state, mail-in, drop box and ballot harvesting operations.

    Other methods involve high-tech electronic vote manipulations via software programming and outside intrusions through internet connectivity, even involving foreign agents abroad who “hacked” into the electronic voting machines. These methods require a more advanced technology engineering investigation to identify and expose, often with election officials working to block public oversight and audit access necessary to uncover the truth.

    But no matter how many different mechanisms cheaters use to steal elections, it can all be stopped by one simple action based upon one indisputable reality.

    Unverifiable Elections are Uncertifiable Elections!

    Junk in = junk out! Simply stated, you can never get a “legal” outcome from an “illegal” process. If the election procedures are “unverifiable,” then the election results are “uncertifiable.”

    Article I – Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution – “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.”

    While it’s true that the States are responsible for the “time, place and manner” of elections within each State, it’s also true that Congress has constitutional authority to establish laws that apply to all states, as it pertains to nationwide standards for all federal elections.

    In this case, USC 18 611 makes it illegal for any non-citizen to vote in U.S. elections under Federal Code. As a result, every “sanctuary” city and state in the country is a huge problem when it comes to election time. They harbor literally millions of “illegal aliens” that they then allow to vote in their elections, and in some cases, even allow “illegal aliens” to serve in law enforcement and court positions, over legal U.S. citizens.

    To be very clear, regardless of any formal declarations or lack thereof, if a state has just one sanctuary city, it is a sanctuary state. Both the city and the state are harboring illegal aliens in direct violation of Federal Immigration and Naturalization laws.

    Article I – Section 8 – Item 4 of the U.S. Constitution states – Congress alone has the power “To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization — throughout the United States;” and Congress has established uniform codes for legal immigration and naturalization. While the States do have the power to set “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections,” they do not have the legal right to violate Federal Immigration Codes or Election laws.

    Once a state has established itself as a sanctuary for illegal activities, harboring those in our country illegally, aiding and abetting illegal activities and undermining efforts by federal law enforcement to protect the nation from foreign invasion, the state has established itself as an enemy of the constitutional republic.

    As it pertains to elections, such actions within the states create a circumstance wherein it is impossible to “verify” or “certify” election results due to the inability of state officials to demonstrate to legal electors, election officials, congress or the courts, that only legal electors (voters) participated in their elections.

    Source: A list of Sanctuary States, Cities and Counties as of 2024

    States Allegedly Won by Harris-Walz 2024 (226 EC Votes)

    District Of Columbia
    Maine – At Large
    New Jersey
    New Mexico
    New York
    Rhode Island
    All 19 States are “sanctuary” states with millions of illegal aliens harbored, aided and abetted by the State and local governments. As a result, all 226 Electoral College votes for Harris-Walz could and should be disqualified as without any absolute voter ID or any audit trail of who voted, or how many “illegal” ballots were cast in these states, the “unverifiable” elections are legally “uncertifiable.”

    As of this morning, there are still over 7-million “illegal” ballots missing in the 2024 presidential election, that were allegedly cast for Biden in 2020. They are all missing from these same blue states.

    This isn’t about winning the 2024 election now, as that has already been settled, with Trump receiving 312 Electoral College votes, winning the popular vote and 31 of 50 states, taking control of the U.S. Senate and maintaining a majority in the U.S. House.

    These same states are now openly threatening to thwart efforts by ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to remedy the deadly mass invasion of illegal aliens that has taken place over the past four years, and for many years before that. Each state is controlled by the Democrat party. In other words, they are openly declaring war against the United States, Federal Law Enforcement, U.S. Codes and the U.S. Constitution in their overt attempts to protect ongoing illegal activities that undermine the Rule of Law.

    It’s entirely impossible for Americans to not see and understand the problem at this point. Sanctuaries for illegal activities are unlawful and unconstitutional, plain and simple. They directly impact the ability of legal American Electors to determine the future of their own country via legitimate democratic processes and as a result, these actions in these states must not be allowed to stand any longer.

    So long as illegal sanctuaries exist, illegal activities will persist in those areas, negatively impacting the entire country, most importantly, in our elections.

    Until now, nobody in the federal government has been willing to solve this threat to American sovereignty and security. Hopefully, with the mandate just given Trump for a second term, that will change, because it has to, or this will no longer be a country of, by and for legal American citizens.

    Until our elections are “verifiable” in every state, the states that refuse to comply with the Rule of Law must be treated as such. Until they are willing to participate in our country lawfully, they must be treated as a threat to the nation, because that is exactly what they are!

    The people won the 2024 battle for sanity, sovereignty and security on November 5, 2024. But the war for the future of the USA is far from over. The people must remain engaged every day from now on, or even Trump will not be able to do what must be done to secure the Rule of Law and future of freedom.

    The 2024 election victory isn’t the finish line, it’s the starting line of a New American Revolution to reinstate Constitutional government in D.C. and in every state and city across the country. No political leader has the power to accomplish this alone. But over 76-million Americans do, if they only will!

    Before we can clean up the country, we have to clean up our own cities and states. Only by this means, can Americans save their country. Those who lack the power or will to clean up their cities, have no power or will to save their country!

    © 2024 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved

    E-Mail Lex Greene: [email protected]

  69. Ernie Vickers

    Hey Greg, are you going to do any reporting on Trump’s HORRIBLE cabinet and administrative appointees?

    Or are you going to ignore and rationalize it?

    • Earth Angel

      Ernie, Why don’t you go fly a kite… With a comment like that you’d be doing yourself a favor. And the rest of us also.

  70. Master Stroke

    BREAKING: SHOCK & AWE! Western Humiliating Negligence
    Scott Ritter: Putin’s ‘Cartoon’ Becomes Reality – U.S. and NATO Stunned by Oreshnik’s Power! WarZone Echo 10,661 views 3 hrs ago Nov 23, 2024
    Discover the untold story of Russia’s latest hypersonic missile, the Oreshnik, and its devastating impact on modern warfare. Scott Ritter uncovers how this Mach-10 weapon obliterated critical Ukrainian infrastructure and rendered NATO’s advanced defenses obsolete. With pinpoint precision and unprecedented speed, the Oreshnik has not only shifted the tide of the conflict but also exposed the West’s vulnerabilities. Dive into the strategic implications of this revolutionary technology and its role in reshaping the global balance of power.
    Denial & Deflection: MUST Watch!

  71. Dana Fredricks

    Lefties losing it: Rosie O’Donnell lays into fellow lefties at MSNBC
    Sky News Australia 851K views 2 days ago
    Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to actress Rosie O’Donnell slamming ‘Morning Joe’ co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough for meeting with Donald Trump.

  72. Stephen ryals

    Trump’s surgeon general pick backed the vax. boosters lockdowns mask and censorship of truth online. lol. Trump got ya. lol. foolz

  73. Major Painsic

    Striking WEST _PUTIN In the CATBIRD SEAT!
    Russia ICBM Attack LIVE | Ukraine Shaken, Parliament Session Canceled After Putin’s Latest Threat Hindustan Times 886 watching now
    Started streaming 2 hours ago
    Ukrainian parliament cancelled its Nov 23 sitting over security concerns. Kyiv’s public broadcaster Suspilne revealed the same on Nov 22, quoting sources. Parliamentarians have also been advised to keep families out of Kyiv’s govt district.

    Russia’s Hypersonic Strike on Ukraine: Shocking Truth | Scott Ritter, Ray McGovern, Larry C. Johnson Dialogue Works 6 hours ago

    If Putin continues to threaten nuclear war, a red line will be hit, Sen. Markwayne Mullin R-Okla., reacts to Russia’s warning to the West

    GET the POINT ?

  74. Stark Realty Realooters

    OBOMBER’S/Biden Last Stand
    Bloomberg Warns: USD Collapse Could Wipe Out Your IRA!
    The U.S. dollar is rapidly losing value due to being woke, broke, busted and disgusted. Due dude, precisisly to the fundemental change promised by Barry the Obomber/Biden rampant money printing inflation, ballooning national debt, and global economic shifts to civilization ending forever world war with Russia, putting the American dream, our very way of life at risk.

    Douglas Macgregor: Ukraine Plunges Into UNPRECEDENTED Fear After Putin’s DEVASTATING Blow 3,704 hour ago
    “This Is SUICIDAL!” US Missiles Fired As Putin Threatens Nukes

    Piers Morgan Uncensored
    1,173,412 views Nov 21, 2024 13 products
    On Monday, Ukraine used western long range missiles inside the territory of Russia for the first time, prompting a slew of both cheers and jeers throughout the world. Some people are happy that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are taking the fight to their enemy’s soil, while others are terrified that Putin will finally make good on his endless threats, and use a nuclear weapon. While few are doubting the bravery of the Ukrainian people, or the wrongdoings of the Russian dictator, many are questioning just how long the west can continue to become involved in the wars of other nations.

    In this explosive debate, Piers Morgan brings together host of ‘The Benny Show’ Benny Johnson, former United States Air Force veteran and YouTuber Jake Broe, author of ‘Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War With Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine’ Scott Horton and Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt.

  75. Galaxy 500

    Satan is still running things in California…

    This is the epitome of evil. This child will be castrated, will never have children of his own and will be scared for life.

  76. Led Skeletor

    Near term predictions:
    Hundreds of fired Pentagram “workers” commit suicide jumping out of their second story Pentagram offices as their positions are eliminated by the Trump DOGE.

    Death by employees operating government document shredders getting paper-cuts overtake Physician-Diagnostic Errors as the number one cause of deaths of healthy adults in the USA.

    Thousands of dismissed government employees spill the beans of the fraud, Capitol Hill runs endless inquiries and inquisitions. The DC “bosses” get lifetime sentences for their theft from the American taxpayers, they are out on probation in 30 days while J6 protestors are still MIA.

    The GDP drops 45% due to the elimination of Fraud Waste and Abuse. CNBC Kramer begs Trump to stop cutting the fraud and waste as 1/3 of the American economy depends on it, Wall Street falls 50%. CNBC runs on perpetual loop SELL SELL SELL as no CEOs will come on the show to lie about their businesses and the economy anymore. Even their advertisers stop buying commercial time. CNBC is sold to Burger King Bankruptcy Holding Corp for one dollar, payable in bit coin.

    Eliminated government workers apply for jobs with the NY/NJ Mafia but they don’t get past the interview process. 4,000 holes are found in Blackburn, Lancashire.

    Housing values drop 60% in the metro DC area as once government millionaire contractors are now homeless and out on the streets of Camela Biden’s Wilmington DE claiming to be illegal aliens demanding a free life.

  77. Jeanne

    Thank you, Greg, for having Bo Polny on as your guest. It is a fantastic interview. I am praying for safety and protection for President Donald J Trump. God Bless you and your family, Greg.
    Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless America ✝️🇺🇸✝️

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sister Jeanne!!
      Brother Greg

  78. rick

    Bitcoin is slavery, supported and created by the government.

  79. Galaxy 500

    Rules for thee but not for me…
    Kerry eats steak and caviar and fly private jets.
    He want us to eat bugs and ride bikes…
    The peddle kind

  80. Tolittle

    The original prophecy by Bob Jones did not specifically mention the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl three times in a row.
    The core of his prophecy focused on the Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory as a signpost for a coming global revival.
    Some interpretations within the Christian community have evolved to include the idea of multiple victories as potential indicators within this larger prophetic framework. However, this is not explicitly stated in the original prophecy.

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