Depression, Debt, Default & Destruction in 2025 -Martin Armstrong

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is back with a new round of predictions, and they are not going to make life easy for President Elect Trump.  Armstrong says, “Our computer has been projecting that we are going into a depression in some areas and a recession in other areas.  A depression most likely in Europe and a recession in the United States up until 2028. . . . At my November conference, everybody was celebrating after Trump won.  I stood up and told my clients, ‘I’m sorry, Trump is not going to have a blissful administration, and he’s not going to prevent the economic decline.’  (Please remember, Armstrong predicted Donald Trump would win in a landslide many months before the November 2024 Election.)

Armstrong goes on to say, “We have a serious, serious problem on a global scale. . . . The sovereign debt crisis is really going to start percolating in 2025.  It’s probably going to reach a major crisis by 2026 and 2027.  Why?  They have dictated all these banks and pension funds . . . 70%, generally, must be invested in government bonds. . . . They say it’s ‘safe,’ but it’s the worst debt possible. . . .  So, if the government goes into a sovereign default, what happens?  You wipe out the banking system and the pensions.”

Does Armstrong think the governments around the world are going to go into a sovereign default?  Armstrong says, “Oh yeah.  How does a government default?  We are in this Ponzi Scheme.  They have to keep selling new debt to pay off the old debt. . . . When you can’t sell the new debt, that’s when the default happens because you can’t pay off the old debt.”

What should the average guy do now?  Does Armstrong think people should get to the bank and get cash?  Armstrong says, “Yes, cash, physical paper money.  We just had two hurricanes here in Florida.  This idea of Bitcoin and CBDCs are very nice, but what’s the reality?  The internet was down for 10 days.  A credit card did not work.  You wanted something, it was cash only.  It was the same in Canada when they froze all the accounts of the truckers.  They could not even buy food.  Unless you had cash, you were dead in the water.  This is why I am saying to have cash in this point in time.”  Armstrong still likes physical gold, too.

Armstrong says the digital currencies that are getting a lot of attention lately are only a control mechanism.  Armstrong contends digital money will stop bank runs.  Armstrong still thinks the world will be at war by April or May of 2025.  Armstrong says watch Turkey with its huge conventional army.  Armstrong says Jordan and Lebanon may also be taken over, and like Syria, Turkey will be orchestrating this move.  Armstrong says the Middle East is setting up for a major conflict starting in 2025, and there will be destruction.  Armstrong also predicts Europe will be on the losing end of the next world war.

In closing, Armstrong says, “They can’t stop Trump from taking office, but they can delay him with martial law.  Martial law has been enacted 60 times in the United States. . . . The neocons are scared to death of Trump and really want to trap him in war before he takes office.”

There is much more in the 56-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong where he gives his analysis on a major debt crisis coming in 2025 with the defaults and destruction that come with it on 12.21.24.

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After the Interview: 

To see the trailer of “The Forecaster” that features Martin Armstrong, click here.

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  1. Randy

    You and your Buddy can not stop it !> Are You Rapture Ready??> I See NOT!> The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:
    2Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
    3Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. AND YOU CAN NOT STOP IT!> Enjoy.

    • Greg Hunter

      Jesus said, “There would be no flesh left if the days were not shortened. So, for the sake of the Elect the days shall be shortened.”
      Be the Elect and hang on to Christ Jesus!!

      • Katy Bar

        Hopefully Trump will “Shorten the Days” of War and put a Speedy End to the Deep State’s next Plandemic (where these Totally Evil Demons will spread Hemorrhagic Viruses that cause Bleeding from the Mouth, Eyes, Ears and from Under the Skin!! With the help of Jesus, Trump needs to act quickly to Destroy these Demons or “No Flesh Will be Saved”!!

        • The Seer

          All very serious and many are not preparing or not preparing enough. Many not working to correct and rebalance the delusional and irrational thinking. It is each individual persons responsibility to stand in divine reality, purity, holiness and true truth. Be responsible for yourself first and use your free will to succeed in your stand. Then help others to know themselves and do the same and we will have a better world.
          Re the NJ-drones they are doing more damage than what is being known. Women and their daughters bodies having major reactions with excessive period bleeding in response to them using/gamma-rays/on all life below.
          Very reliable source in a meeting top level revealing. Please neutralize with prayer, meditation and bestowals.

          • Galaxy 500

            Wow… Gamma Rays… LOL
            Guess we are gonna have an outbreak of Hulks, Red and Green
            Dude, where do you come up with this. This drone thing hasn’t been going on long enough for that to really be a trend.

            • Seer

              G rays info from police chief and top level people in private meeting
              in the know. Not disclosing here to protect insider contact.

            • Paul

              Considering 1/3 of all comments now on your site
              Come from one handle, leaves little room for others to express freely.
              Best regards
              Paul from arkansas

              • Greg Hunter

                You are welcome to comment all you want.

          • Katy Bar

            A “shield” simply made up of 75% Copper, 25% Nickel will protect you, your phone and your computer from both EMP and Gamma Rays!!

        • Endtimes Watchman

          God the Father and Jesus Christ ONLY will be the ones who will shorten those days of tribulation before all of mankind is destroyed (Matt. 24:21-22). Trump may do some good for a short time. But he is only a man and a man can only do so much to make things right. His term this time will be so much more difficult than 2017-2021 because of the tremendous increase of evil and wickedness in the past several years.

          Most of mankind will not repent (Rev. 9:20-21) and will have to be put to sleep in their graves until after the 1,000 year Millennium. Then and only then will they have their first chance to be offered salvation. Today is NOT the only day of salvation.

          • Galaxy 500

            Hi Endtimes,
            You wrote: Most of mankind will not repent (Rev. 9:20-21) and will have to be put to sleep in their graves until after the 1,000 year Millennium. Then and only then will they have their first chance to be offered salvation. Today is NOT the only day of salvation.

            I don’t see anywhere that people will be put to sleep for 1,000 years. Can I trouble you to explain where in the Bible it says this?

            Is this something you can support with scripture or is this your belief …

            Revelation 9:20-21
            20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:

            21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

        • Katy Bar

          Trump also needs to get out of NATO!!! The reason Trump must get the US out of NATO (VERY FAST) is so the US won’t have to join Turkey who is a NATO Member in any fight against Israel. It’s very easy to see that the current rush to grab as much Syrian land and settle it as quickly as possible (for Greater Israel and for the Greater Ottoman Empire) will most likely result in Israel and Turkey getting into a “land dispute militarily” (over who gets to keep what)!! Now lets look at the absurdity of the situation the US finds itself in: 1) If Turkey is attacked by Israel (the US under its NATO Treaty Obligations) will have to defend Turkey, and 2) if Israel is attacked by Turkey the US (under its Special Relationship with Israel) will need to defend Israel “against a NATO Ally”!!! The US Neocons and the WEF/NATO Nazi’s out to Conquer the World “probably can’t wait to put Trump into this Untenable Position” as a way “To Remove Trump From the World Stage As a Legitimate Force for Good in the World” so they can thus “more easily proceed with their Evil Plans to Overthrow Putin and then Turn Upon and Take China!!

      • Jay

        I tend to agree with your guest that Trump is going to rule and reign over a sinking ship with an attempt to create a global digital currency to monitor and control the whole world with.
        Greg, you are correct to say that those days of the tribulation would be shortened for the sake of the elect, but let’s remember that of the 7 Churches of Asia Minor addressed in Revelation chapter 3, only the Church at Philadelphia Rev. 3:10, was promised that it would escape the tribulation because they believed that The Lord would return for them in the rapture as He promised. The other six Churches have no such promise. So yes, there will be those saints who are ready and will be taken in the rapture, but the majority will still likely be sitting in church the next Sunday after the rapture that they missed because they weren’t actively looking for the return of The Lord. They weren’t ready.

        • Robert

          I too use to believe in a pretrib rapture until I stumbled upon this link that provides hundreds of scriptures that clearly prove there is no resurrection/rapture until after these last 7 years of tribulation are finished.
          He clearly proves with lots of scripture the “day of the Lord” is also called the “year of recompense” where the 7 trumpets are blown and the 7 bowls are poured out!:

          • Steve Bice

            Are you not Rob Miller, the author of this site? You keep pushing your views like you are…

            If you are indeed the author, this is the second time you have pretended you just “stumbled” on the site.

            This is dishonest and destroys your credibility. That said, none of this writing proves anything. It is your opinion and you should be humble enough to admit it.

            Literally millions of Christians believe the pre-tribulation rapture is Biblical and near.

            Your are entitled to your opinion, but you have no corner on the truth.

            • Robert

              I find it very sad that you try to build a straw man out of your reply in an attempt to destroy credibility rather than prove there is an “opinion” within that link.

              I am quite sure you have not read that entire link as I have yet to read one “opinion” but lots of scriptures to back up each point made.

              “Literally millions of Christians believe” all sorts of leavened ideology thus the reason there are 1000s of denominations of Christianity today with all their varying doctrines!

              Try reaching out to the author of that site as he has proven he will gladly address any questions including your “opinions”!

              I on the other hand am not going to continue to address you here as it’s not fair to Greg and a distraction from his awesome content!

              • Steve Bice

                The Parable of the Virgins is instructive and should give us pause. Could the rapture be only for those who watch? All were believers…some did not watch and were locked out. Jesus repeatedly warned us to watch.

                “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.

                “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!’ Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’

                And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’

                But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming. (After 30 years of study, I just saw this: The verbiage here is exactly the same as the many other commands to watch.

                This is clearly connected to all the warnings to watch. These verses are clearly about the rapture in my view.) Including this one, I counted eleven warnings to “watch”.

                Perhaps the rapture is indeed (only) for those who watch. The warnings are the same…and some were locked out.

                When loved ones are visiting, don’t we all look out the window anxiously anticipating their arrival? How much more so with our savior…who commanded us to “watch”, over and over.

                I will watch…as I hope others will…

            • Galaxy 500

              Hi Steve,
              His response leads me to believe you caught him red handed as it were.
              Merry Christmas

              • Steve Bice

                Merry Christmas, 500.
                I read your stuff regularly.
                We’re about a buckled up as we can be. 2025 is going to get interesting(er).
                Be well…


                • Galaxy 500

                  Merry Christmas
                  Steve and Happy New Year.
                  I believe you are correct 2025 is gonna be “interesting times”

              • Robert

                Haha! Yep you all caught me “red handed”!
                2 replies later with nothing but deflection only further proves neither of you can disprove this link:

                • Steve Bice

                  Rob: You will note that I made no further comment about you. Your protestations reveal much more than you know. You said you wouldn’t comment further…but here you are, and the reason is clear.

                  I have no interest or need to read your site further. I do not believe anyone should use the internet to learn about scripture when they can pick up their Bible. It should never be a go-to source for obvious reasons. You are free to believe as you wish…and others, including me are free to disagree. Anyone who insists they have “proven” something has a pride problem.

                  What follows is why I disagree with most of what you write and agree with what you also believed for 40 years.

                  Christians all over the world believe Jesus spoke clearly and literally when he repeatedly called us to watch for his “thief in the night” coming…what many of us call the rapture.

                  For those of you who believe there is no rapture, please understand I have no need to try to change your views and respect your right to believe otherwise. I do not claim to have special knowledge, nor do I believe any other writer does. We share our understanding and encourage people to search the scriptures for themselves. We all get to choose what path we will follow.
                  Apologia for the Rapture of the Church (broken into pieces for length considerations:

                  Why “Watch”? Like many others, I have written on the “Last Days”, and in particular about Jesus’s warnings that we should watch for his return…always…since we do not know the day or the hour. The difference is that I do not claim to have the final word on these matters. I share my understanding an invite others to watch for Jesus.

                  But it is all the more urgent when we see the signs he mentioned in the Olivet Discourse “begin to happen”. (Matthew 24). This is why I believe we are called to watch, and why I believe some will not go through the tribulation as the world unravels. I hope it will encourage others to “Watch” as Jesus repeatedly commanded. Here you go:

                  • Steve Bice

                    Warnings to watch…for a surprise (thief in the night) return:

                    “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” Matthew 24:42

                    “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.” Matthew 25:13

                    “Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.” Mark 13:33

                    “Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning…” “And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” Mark 13:35, 37

                    “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning; And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.” Luke 12:35-37

                    “Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Luke 12:40

                    “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:36

                    So, some will escape the tribulation to come. Those who watch and pray?

                    “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour (time) of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.” Revelation 3:10.

                    For the faithful church…

                    The thief in the night references combined with the “watch” commands suggest something very different from the return at the end of the age. Everyone will see the return at the end:

                    “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” This doesn’t appear to be a “thief in the night” event.

                    Hence the many admonitions to watch…

                • Steve Bice

                  The Days of Noah

                  “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

                  For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

                  Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left. 42 Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.

                  43 But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44 Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

                  Jack Van Impe, noted prophecy teacher (now deceased) was a champion for the pre-tribulation rapture. He had memorized over 10,000 bible verses and was sometimes called the “walking bible”. Interestingly, he did not think these verses were evidence of the rapture. I am not so sure.

                  He used to say, a verse without context is a pretext. He thought the verses above were about “judgment” on the wicked, not rapture of the saved. The flood, of course, brought judgment to a sinful world, while only a few were saved. Jack believed these verses describe the sinful being “taken away” or destroyed like people were in the flood. While this is reasonable, it is not necessarily correct. Note the last three verses above (42-44) about the Days of Noah use the same language as all the other verses to “watch” listed prior. This is a very powerful connection and evidence that these verses are indeed about the rapture.

                  Let’s think about what the days of Noah were like. First, they were filled with violence. Secondly, people were oblivious of the coming judgment…they were living their lives “normally” doing the things they always did, without concern for the warnings of Noah. His likely warnings would have been ridiculed.

                  Here is why I think Jack may have overlooked the significance of these verses, (while admitting they can be taken either way). First, it seems unlikely people will be oblivious to the death and destruction occurring during the tribulation. Life will be anything but normal. If you do the math, half of the population will die. Maybe 4 billion people. (“And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” Matthew 24:22)

                  Let’s think of the ark as an earthly archetype of heaven for a moment. Viewed this way, the elect were “taken up” into the ark…and the others were left to the tribulation of the flood. The ark was a place of refuge for the chosen and the faithful.

                  Perhaps these verses do indeed describe the rapture of the church. One will be taken…to the ark of heaven…and another left…to the flood of tribulation. Watch.

                • Steve Bice

                  Many reject the rapture of the church. Here is one more reason they probably shouldn’t.

                  Evidence of Two Events
                  2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

                  “Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come.

                  Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.”

                  “as though the day of Christ had come”

                  The Thessalonians were worried. They were concerned they had missed Christ’s return.


                  At the end of the age, every eye will see him. There should have been no reason to worry.

                  For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”
                  Matthew 24:27

                  “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.”
                  Revelation 1:7

                  No one will miss Christ’s return at the end of the age.

                  The Thessalonians were worried about something very different, so Paul proceeded to explain the timing of this “other” event.

                  He told them it would occur after the “falling away” and after the anti-christ was revealed.

                  He told them what they should “watch” for, as they anticipated Christ’s return to gather them together.

                  Two events:


                • Steve Bice

                  I had written a long, complicated and comprehensive response to an online piece denying the rapture of the church in the last days.

                  After reading it, my wife asked a particularly fitting question:

                  “I haven’t studied this as much as you have, but it seems so complicated. Why would it be so complicated?”

                  After considering it for a moment, I realized she is right…and it is not really complicated at all. Sometimes, we make it so.

                  Jesus basically said, Watch, Watch, Watch, Watch, Watch, Watch, Watch, Watch, Watch, Watch, Watch, I am coming as a thief in the night. (I actually counted the “watch” mentions in the verses I had extracted. Heh.)

                  Perhaps this is another case where God makes the wise simple and the simple wise. There are many who seek to discredit the Word especially today. They are legion.

                  There is often much more information provided, but His message is abundantly clear for anyone with ears to hear.

                  Sometimes, we complicate it to our own detriment.

                  The “Further Problems”

                  All of the commands to watch…and there are many as you know, are left without an event to watch for. The coming at the end will be obvious to all after the horror of war and tribulation.

                  1) What are we to watch for if there is no rapture?

                  2) What is the “thief in the night” event if there is no rapture? It will not be obvious…hence the enigmatic reference. What is it in the absence of the rapture?

                  3) What are we to do with Revelation 3:10, a promise to the faithful church?

                  “Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

                  4) What are we to do with Luke 21:36? What is our way of escape if there is no rapture?

                  “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21:36

                  • Steve Bice

                    …make that 12…
                    “Remember therefore how you have received and heard; hold fast and repent. Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you.”
                    Revelation 3:3

                • Steve Bice

                  Finally, I admit I do not understand why some work so hard to dispute the rapture. It is our only hope for mercy during the last days.

                  Jesus told us to “watch” many times over, and said he would come as a thief in the night.

                  Putting aside debates and discussions over scriptures for a moment, logic also argues for expecting the rapture.

                  If we are wrong about the rapture, what is the downside? It means we have misunderstood and are “early”…but we are honoring Jesus’s commands to watch, since we do not know the day or the hour. We only know it will be when we least expect it. The claims that this makes us less prepared is silly in my view. We will not be fooled because we know we are to meet the Lord in the air…not on earth in the form of a charismatic anti-christ. If anything, anticipation of the rapture makes us anti-christ proof.

                  If we say there is no rapture, and we fail to watch and are left behind, we and our loved ones go through unimaginable suffering. If we take the mark, we are doomed to destruction. Further, if we encourage others to reject the rapture and they fail to watch, do we want their blood on our hands?

                  Finally, a particularly troubling quote: “Jesus in Matthew and Revelation, and Paul agree – there is no Pre-Trib Rapture”.

                  This is a very bold statement, and it makes me very uneasy. Quoting the Bible is one thing, sharing with others our understanding is another, but speaking for Jesus and Paul is another matter entirely. Nowhere do they say this in the Bible.

                  I suspect in the end, we will not agree, and I guess that is as it should be. We all have to choose. I am not the final authority on anything.

                  But, I will “watch”…and I hope you will too.

                  Take care….


                  To clarify:

                  The first resurrection, in context, is a “type”, not an event.

                  It describes the raising of those whose names are written in the book of life in contrast to the raising of the damned, and does not presume that all who will be saved are saved at the same time (as an “event”).

                  It is an individual phenomenon describing what every human will experience. Presumably, the second resurrection is of the “damned”, although I haven’t found the actual words “second resurrection” in the Bible. We live, we die, we are resurrected both saved and lost…and some die a second death.

                  Using it as an event to create a timeline for biblical events is not warranted by the scriptures. In my view, this is a dangerous error.

                  Another writer put it this way:

                  “There will be the resurrection of “the dead in Christ” at the Lord’s return (1 Thessalonians 4:16) and the resurrection of the martyrs at the end of the tribulation (Revelation 20:4). The Old Testament saints will also be raised at the end of the tribulation, and they are also part of the first resurrection.

                  He also understands the “first resurrection” to be a “type” for each of us…not a single event.”

                  I will watch because Jesus told us over and over to do so.

                  I hope and pray all Christians will do likewise…

                  (Remember…I was asked to respond…)

        • Galaxy 500

          So you believe that YHWH gifts on church something he won’t give the others?

        • Peter

          “…but the majority will still likely be sitting in church the next Sunday after the rapture that they missed because they weren’t actively looking for the return of The Lord.”

          The only requirement for being raptured is to be a born again Christian. There is no other requirement.

      • Bill Wwather

        that was fulfilled long ago. unless one has a knowledge of the testimonies you won’t better understand end time prophecy.

        • Greg Hunter

          I beg to differ. Prophecies has a major and a minor fulfilment. You are talking about the minor fulfillment.

          • Galaxy 500

            Well states Greg

        • Jay

          I don’t have any problem with those who want to stay for the tribulation and be decapitated by the Antichrist. More will than won’t. We know from scripture that many of the saints will be persecuted and slaughtered by the beast during the tribulation. But I have had my share of hardships and life threatening situations already, so I choose to believe Gods promise in Thessalonians and will exit the scene when Jesus returns as He said He would.

          • Steve Bice

            Jay: Those who expend so much energy disputing the pre-trib rapture fail to see they are removing the need to watch for Jesus’s imminent thief-in-the-night return …since they say he is not coming until some point in the future. They are literally discouraging people from watching (since they argue it is not yet necessary) in direct conflict with the warnings of Jesus Himself.

            That alone supports your view…as well as many, many scriptures. The parable of the virgins is a cautionary tale that supports your view.

            We will “watch” together…

      • Art Simpson

        Mt 24:15,21,22; Da 12:11,12
        2520-1290=1230 the day the image goes in the temple and the day great tribulation starts. 1335 is the day great tribulation ends and the day of the Rapture. Great tribulation 105 days long. Rapture at 7th trumpet, day 1335. 1Cor 15:52, Re 7:14, 10:7, 11:15, 16:17. Read.

      • Mike

        Amen Gregg
        Love your show with Martin Armstrong. He is very smart and the real deal. May you have a blessed Christmas. Jesus will be at your home and our home. Mike

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Brother Mike. Jesus will never leave us or forsake us!
          Brother Greg

      • Pam Lyssand

        Right on, Greg! We’re praying for you & your family! You’re a bright shining breath of truth in this world which is filled with confusing & Godless messages!

        • Greg Hunter

          Thank you, Sister Pam. Prayers to Jesus for you too!!
          Brother Greg

    • Endtimes Watchman

      The word “rapture” is not in the Bible. This false doctrine of professing Chriatianity says that the saints will be taken off to heaven while the Eternal sends plagues on the earth. The idea of a rapture is said to have originated with a Spanish Catholic Jesuit priest named Ribera, in 1580 A.D. (See “The Rapture of the Wicked”, by Stephen E. Jones and “The Rapture of the Saints”, by Duncan McDougall). During a time of much bloodshed in Europe as Catholics persecuted and killed their opponents, this doctrine said that Christ was going to come and secretly snatch away the church before a great seven‑year tribulation, when the “anti‑Christ” would rule the world. This futurist interpretation of the book of Revelation, along with the future coming of the Antichrist, was designed to take the pressure off the Pope, who was universally regarded as being the Antichrist by His opponents.

      The true called and chosen saints (firstfruits) of the most high God are and have been very, very few throughout history. Almighty God knows those who are his. Most of professing Christianity have NOT been offered salvation up to this time but will in the Millennium or after the Millennium. Today is NOT the only day of salvation!

      • Jay

        I think you would be much better off to stay with the scriptures instead of guessing at who believed what and when and deciding what you believe based on what some other group might have thought a few centuries ago.
        If you need someone to show you the word Rapture in the scriptures because you don’t understand Hebrew or Greek, you might want to find someone who is capable of reading those languages to help you.

    • Katy Bar

      I hope the Vaccinated “Are Rapture Ready”?? Compared to the Unvaccinated, Vaxxed Individuals face a 23% Higher Risk of Acute Cardiovascular Injury (which worsens over time), a 27% Higher Risk of Arrhythmia, a 30% Higher Risk of Stress Cardiomyopathy, a 40% Higher Risk of Coronary Artery Disease (increasing over time) and a 130% Higher Risk of Myocarditis (within 21 days of the shot). So Biden has also Pardoned Pfizer by “Extending Their Liability Shield Right Through The Entire Trump Presidency to 2029!!!

      • Earth Angel

        This is a question brought to my attention which makes a lot of sense to me: Since this we know- it has been admitted that Biden suffers from at least some form of senile dementia- so HOW is it?- and WHY? are we as a nation compelled to honor any of his pardons-or anything else he decrees for that matter? Also there are MANY people who believe the evidence was supressed that 2020 election results were fraudulent resulting in Briben’s appointment to the role of President of the USA. If true, shouldn’t this nullify whatever he has signed into law and done (or undone) during the past 4 years? If proven beyond a doubt that indeed this did occur doesn’t it stand to reason that we as a nation should never be bound by decisions made by any defacto or mentally incompetent leader that has been cheated into political office at ANY level?.. I mean, isn’t that just plain common sense? Thank God he and his regime are leaving office shortly.; while being realistic we do at least have hope in being somewhat optimistic for 2025. Wishing everyone a blessed New Year; happiness, good health and safety. Peace and healing for Planet Earth- and Always Be Kind to All Life on our journey passing through!

  2. Really Awake

    I agree 100% with Marty’s forecast. And I’m building and raising cash. I’m stacking U.S. dollars. Everything is about to go on sale. And those with cash, cash, cash will be able to get amazing fire-sale deals.

    From a Christian perspective I hate the economic misery and desperation that’s coming. I hate it. The human suffering, loss and tears that’s coming won’t be easy to watch.

    The ignorant masses simply won’t be able to pay even basic bills. I know that by me calling people ignorant sounds like I’m an arrogant excrement-head. But I have to call it like it is. And it is ike this: ignorance kills and knowledge (lack of ignorance) is power, life and happiness.

    Don’t be ignorant. Don’t be a fool. Don’t think that Trump is going to make America great again. As much as I respect President Trump, I have to keep it real: Fact. Trump is too little to late. And the clued-in people are going to prepare accordingly.

    Again. Here is the bottom line: by 2028 most people are going to be a lot poorer and only the smart people will break even or make out well.

    Yours and mine pecuniary futures are at stake. And what you and I do right now to get ahead of the 2025 recession/depression will make a major difference in our lives.

    Timing is everything. And 2025 is a major turning point. Be ready. And hope Western Civilization doesn’t enter WW3.

    • Rodster

      “Timing is everything. And 2025 is a major turning point. Be ready. And hope Western Civilization doesn’t enter WW3.”

      As Gerald Celente likes to say: “When all else fails, they take you to war”. As Martin Armstrong has said many times, the system is collapsing. That is why no one is talking peace and what the Globalist want is a massive reduction in the world’s population.

      • Dawn

        Population reduction IS the one thing I fully support
        From the cave man to WWII there was approximately 1.5B people on the planet
        In the last 80 years we have quadrupled the population to well over 8B

        No wonder this planet has sooooo many social issues with so much whoring going on

        If I could have just one wish from God/Jesus
        It would be for a dust of sorts to engulf the whole planet for like two days
        The dust would take away ALL the evil demonic monsters and they’d turn to dust to be gone forever.
        I pray for this type miracle almost everyday
        Then the world population would be then be balanced with only the good left to make this planet the paradise it is/was supposed to be .

        I pray for animals and young children too because they are the innocent ones in all this mess that people have allowed to happen. WE too must be made accountable bc this did not happen over night
        It’s been years in the making but as said whoring around and breeding has been a top priority much leading to the mess this planet is in.

    • Cheri Rodriguez

      The problem is cash where? In a bank account? Good luck with that when your bank takes a long “holiday” and locks its doors. Cash at home is better. But then you need to (1) shut up about it and (2) always be armed (I like 10mm Glocks and .357 Magnums). Make sure your stack of $100s is locked away in a fire safe too. That $100,000 in a shoebox under your bed isn’t insured if your house floods or goes up in flames.

      • Greg Hunter

        Cash in hand is what Armstrong is talking about.

      • Katy Bar

        Boxes of Nickels are the ultimate Cash. They won’t burn nor can they be easily carried away by crooks!! Also bury some Silver Coins for the day when (as Clif High is saying) “One Ounce of Silver will buy you One Ounce of Gold”!!!

        • Katy Bar

          The number of Jefferson Nickels produced from 1938 to date totals approximately 50 Billion!! The total number of Bitcoins that will ever be produced is 21 Million!! So in terms of Nickels each Bitcoin is worth (50,000,000,000/21,000,000) or 2381 Jefferson Nickels!! A $100 Dollar Box of Jefferson Nickels you can easily buy at your local Bank contains 2000 Nickels!!!! Get the Picture? 2381 Jefferson Nickels is only worth $109 Dollars (not $100,000 Dollars)!!!

          • Ken Yu

            So what you are essentially saying is that one(1) Bitcoin is just about as rare as one(1) box of Jefferson Nickels!! So all this talk of one Bitcoin being “rare” (because there are only 21 Million of them) “is matched in rarity” by one box of Jefferson Nickels (with 2000 nickels in it). There is Only 21 Million Bitcoins and There is Only 25 Million Boxes of Jefferson Nickels Produced From 1938 To The Present Day!! However, whereas one Satoshi is a “minuscule” (hundredth million of a Bitcoin) a regular Jefferson Nickel is only (one two thousandth of a box of nickels) – Meaning “Just One Jefferson Nickel Is Worth 50,000 Bitcoin Satoshi’s”!!! So on a Rarity Basis one Jefferson Nickel is “way more valuable” then one Bitcoin Satoshi (and because the Nickel is a “physical metal” it will be unaffected in any grid take-down!! Also Bitcoin “Is Not Legal Tender” (and cannot be used to pay taxes) the way the Coins Produced by the US Treasury (can be used to pay taxes)!!!

            • Kit Lee

              It is Time “TO GET REAL”!! Trump (just like Issac Newton) is being caught up in a Bitcoin “Tulip Mania” and should instead be buying Jefferson Nickels to put into our US Strategic Reserve (not some electronic “zer0 and one bits” that reside inside computer chips that can easily burn out in an EMP Blast (especially with Humanities Incessant Infatuation With Wars “That Requires a Lot of Nickel”)!! People who have managed to retain their sanity are holding GOD’s Money (Gold, Silver, Platinum, Nickel and Copper Coins)!! Those who have not retained heir sanity are holding Globalist “Banker Produced” CBDC Electronic Bits Hidden Inside a Computer Chip that can easily be “Burned Out” with an EMP or stolen by a Quantum Computer)!! One day Crypto Enthusiasts will plug-in their “safe wallet” chip into a Shorted/Burnt Out Worldwide Computer Grid and to their total dismay “finally realize” that those electrons in their wallet they are holding in their hands as money “can be Very Shocking”!!

        • Galaxy 500

          I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your points of views .

          Can you explain why you think the nickel will be widely accepted as something of value and what that value would be in relation to precious metals?

          I personally believe one should take those Nickels and buy pre64 Silver dime, quarters, half dollars and dollars. Nickel is an industrial metal and it will not be in demand nor have any value. It is used in electronics, chemical reactions and steel, especially Stainless steel. It’s a base metal. I have had this conversation with others. In what scenario is the world going to decide that the 25% of nickel in a 5 cent coin is some how more valuable than any other base metal. During every other time of high inflation coins disappear and were replaced with paper.
          Nickels were an experiment to see if we the people would accept base metals as coins. It was introduced during the Civil War as a way to move away from using PMs in low value coinage a move away from the silver half dime, and silver 2 & 3 cent coins. 2-cent, 3-cent and 5-cent base metal coins were pushed by an damn PA robber Baron who happened to control all domestic production of nickel at the time of the civil war. A nickel only contains 25% nickel. This was our government first move away from money that actually held intrinsic value.
          I believe silver should be a core holding as daily or even monthly transactions are not in the gold range of value.
          ***Beware of what Cliff Hives is preaching. Jesus wasn’t isn’t and has never been an extraterrestrial ***
          While one oz of silver getting you an ounce of gold , isn’t impossible the scenarios that one would do that are highly unlikely.
          I once traded some silver coins for gold, and got more than one Troy oz I actually got several, it only worked out because they were rare and had numismatic value. And damn, I sold that stuff too cheap LOL…
          Like I said, it’s not impossible but then neither is winning the lottery. It just doesn’t happen to everyone.
          Merry Christmas Katy. May you and your continue to be blessed by YHWH and sheltered by the Good Shepherd Jesus our Savior

          • Katy Bar

            I too Wish you and yours a Peaceful, Healthy, Safe and Happy Holiday!! With regard to Jefferson Nickels I was simply using them to compare “rarity” with Bitcoin as that is all Bitcoin has going for it (as it “still has not yet been legalized as official money”!! What is interesting about the Jefferson Nickel is that during World War (where we seem to be heading again right now) nickel is in great demand (such that between 1942 and 1945 the US Government actually thought nickel was more precious then silver)!!!

            • Katy Bar

              I don’t think I “fully answered” your question as to why nickel may become widely accepted “as something of value” and how that value would relate to precious metals by just saying the Jefferson Nickels are ABOUT AS RARE AS BITCOIN. What I “did not emphasis” is this: Bill Holder keeps telling us that Gold will be “too high priced to use” (to say buy a gallon of gas) and so “he is concentrating on collecting Silver (for small purchases.)” BUT HERE IS THE RUB: “SILVER MAY BECOME JUST AS VALUABLE AS GOLD”!!! So what would be the next best thing to use for small purchases?? A Box of Jefferson Nickels “that is just about as rare as a Bitcoin” seems to me to be an excellent choice – yes, it is an industrial metal (but so is Silver) and during Wartime (between 1942 -1945) Nickel has a past history of actually being considered “More Precious then Silver by the US Government” (nickel is fireproof, EMP proof and as the US dollar goes to Zero one(1) Jefferson Nickel will have according to my calculations “approximately the same purchasing power of about 50,000 Bitcoin Satoshi’s”!! Now we can be reasonably certain that the price of Bitcoin will fall (possibly to $1000 dollars when the “Bitcoin Tulip Mania” finally breaks and that will make each Satoshi worth (0.00001 of a dollar) – therefore each Jefferson Nickel should be worth (50,000 x 0.00001) or half a dollar. So say I buy one box of 2000 nickels from the bank for $100 dollars (it should be worth $1,000 dollars if Bitcoin falls in a Tulip Crash down to $1,000 dollars resulting in Ten(10) times my money!! However a Jefferson Nickel will be worth One Dollar if Bitcoin only falls to $2000 … if Bitcoin only falls to $10,000 (each Jefferson Nickel will be worth $5 Dollars) just enough to easily purchase a gallon of gas (while the silver coins in my pocket will be as “Valuable as Gold” and very hard to use for small purchases!!!

              • Ken Yu

                According to what I’ve been reading most people don’t even have $400 dollars in savings! So they are probably not going to go out and buy a Box of Jefferson Nickels for $100 dollars!! The best I think they will probably be able to do is save the few Jefferson Nickels they find in their Pocket Change and set them aside in a cooky jar for the Coming Economic Collapse!!!

              • Ken Yu

                What if Bitcoin “does not crash” and instead (because Trump pushes it and makes it Legal Tender) it rises to $200,000 Dollars?? This will mean One Box of Jefferson Nickels (having the same rarity as a Bitcoin) should also be worth $200,000 Dollars, and unbelievably just One(1) Jefferson Nickel will be worth $100 Dollars (exactly what I paid for an entire Box of 2000 Nickels)!!!

                • Katy Bar

                  Yep! Those who store away 5 boxes of nickels at a cost of $500 dollars could potentially become Millionaires if what you say occurs. But Trump will first need to make Bitcoin “Official Money” that can be used to pay all debts public and private and secondly, people will “also” need to change their perception about a Box of “lowly nickels” (and with some thinking come to the realization that a box of those lowly nickels is just about equivalent “In Rarity” to one Bitcoin! Just imagine all the nickels people are now using trying to win Power Ball (where a Lottery ticket costs 40 nickels) at $100 dollars per nickel they are potentially gambling away $4000 dollars on every ticket they buy)!!

                  • Galaxy 500

                    I don’t see this a logic. Nor do I see it as a store of value.
                    Just the way I do the math.
                    One could compare natural bovine production of fertilizer to bitcoin in the same manner as you have nickels and it wouldn’t make it any more valuable than what people commonly agree it’s worth.
                    Most people do not realize that for its first few years, Bitcoin’s value was Zero. And that is where it will end up… at zero.
                    It’s a great Ponzi scheme in my humble opinion. It only has as much value as someone is willing to pay for it. And I agree than many are willing to pay much and accept it as payment. I am not one of those people.
                    Even when markets crash, PMs have value, even when there is no electricity and a collapsing society

                • Kit Lee

                  Seems with these Nickels: You Win if Bitcoin goes Up – and you Win if Bitcoin goes Down!!! That is a Hedgers “Dream Come True”!!

            • Galaxy 500

              Thank you for the kind reply.
              Comparing scarcity of nickels to Bitcoin doesn’t move the needle for me and I think it’s an incorrect way to look at this.
              If there is a shortage of nickels, they will just make the coins out of something else.
              In severe economic and social turmoil, I am going to take Au, Ag and Cu Clad Pb, food, etc as trade. I won’t be taking nickels as trade or even as change. I am not a scrap dealer or a metallurgist.
              You need to save things that common people see as valuable ahead of time. We all agree if you are hungry, peanut butter has value. You are not going to be able to convince me or anyone you want to trade with that a nickel has value because… well, to be blunt, it doesn’t have value. If you take that coin to a store and nickel is $1,000 oz, the store clerk is going to expect you to give him twenty nickels for you to get that $1 bottle of water.
              When / if regular commerce ends, maybe you can convince someone to take your nickels. I just think it’s folly. Both the principle that you are using to derive value and the fact that you think it’s going to be commonly agreed and accepted that nickel has value. Silver and Gold have had agreed upon value for 5,000 years… nickel is a base metal.
              Also, I don’t think the USA took up nickels and metaled them down, they just stopped making them out of nickel which is only 25% nickel by weight.
              Think you are much better of buy $100 food or pre64 Silver coins that this pipe dream that nickels will magically become a windfall. They didn’t in WW II and they won’t in the future well maybe 500 years in the future they will be worth more if Jesus doesn’t return by then

    • Galaxy 500

      You wrote “Don’t be ignorant. Don’t be a fool. Don’t think that Trump is going to make America great again. As much as I respect President Trump, I have to keep it real: Fact. Trump is too little to late. And the clued-in people are going to prepare accordingly.”
      We have a chance. Call me a fool but I will work with Trump and do my part to make America great again.
      If we do our part, we can in fact make America great again. It will not be easy and it will not be without pain.

      • Ray

        Hi Galaxy
        Merry Christmas mate.
        I see Trump is once again talking about acquiring Greenland for control of its natural resources.
        This is ridiculous and he ought to apologise to the people of the world for making such statements.
        Trump’s attitude seems to represent the continuing problem with America.
        It somehow believes that the rest of the world is something that should be under its ultimate control.

        Mushroom clouds…….

        They are very difficult to control, and could well be the end result of Trump’s thinking.

        Wishing all a Happy Christmas and best wishes for health and prosperity in 2025.

        Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

        • Galaxy 500

          Merry Christmas Ray,
          I see Trump talking about buying Greenland. I think it’s a good acquisition.
          Trump is concerned about China, etc gaining a foothold there. I don’t see Russia being an enemy as a lot of congressmen do.
          I don’t see how an offer to buy something is a big deal. Nor is it an insult and surly not deserving an apology.
          Nice to see your post. Have a Very Merry Christmas and my You be blessed in 2025

          • Katy Bar

            I agree … with all the money we have spent on trying to take Ukraine’s mineral wealth we could have easily “already bought” both Greenland and Western Canada from their Bribe Taking Criminal Politicians (and added two more States to the Union)!! I guess the Neocons thought the cost of adding two more Stars to our Flag was much too economically prohibitive for the American people to accept!!!

            • Galaxy 500

              And let me say my Friend, that you may be correct. If I had had the foresight to keep those free bitcoins I had extra when they were a $1 each instead of tipping them to the seller, I would have nearly a million dollars… if I had been able to keep up with them and if I kept transferring from disk to thumb drive.
              I have been wrong before and “Biggly”
              Happy New Year my friend
              And I hope your nickles do bring you wealth… at that point I am gonna dig out the several gallons of coins in the closet.

    • Galaxy 500

      Not cool coming here spreading this Shiite!
      You are truly a charlatan…
      If YHWH hasn’t told Jesus or the Heavenly Host when the 2nd coming is, how do you know. I have seen evil JW Leaders (Jehovah ‘s Witness) lead people astray with their nonsense in the mid 70s. There a few JWs that post here trying to increase their influence and position in the cult. Leading the weak minded away from salvation will have a terrible cost to those like yourself that push this nonsense.

      Matthew 24:35-37
      King James Version
      35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

      36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

      37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

      • Greg Hunter

        “Bill” is deleted

  3. Randy

    EU will loose the war>MMM> The 10> TEN Kings Comith.!>Enjoy

    • Lou

      Really Awake…..ARE YOU SOME KIND OF AN IDIOT? You refer to “smart people” only doing well? A lot of people are going to be hurt because they don’t have the means nor the information. Get off your high high horse and show a little empathy for those that will likely suffer.

      • Galaxy 500

        He doesn’t seem to have the milk of kindness or compassion or empathy.
        Hard times are coming. From what he writes, I don’t feel that he is pulling for America to be great again

  4. larime

    Oh such good news as always from this Man. Merry Christmas and a sad new year

    • Greg Hunter

      To be fore warned is to be fore armed. Act and do not fear. Hang on to Christ Jesus!

    • Alex

      I would like to see Martin debate your other guests about a return to the gold standard… aka constitutional money.

  5. Rmbrumleysr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    Mr. Greg Hunter our Ultimate American Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
    Merry Christmas
    In GOD I Trust

  6. Olaf V

    Thanks Greg and Martin.
    The following seems to indicate a WORLD War that according to the Creator’s Calendar – we are presently in the NINTH Month since December 15th. So on the Calendar we use (Gregorian), the Prophecy of the 24th day of the NINTH Month coincides with January the 7th 2025.
    Haggai 2:18. Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth [month, even] from the day that the foundation of the LORD’S temple was laid, consider [it].
    20. And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth [day] of the month, saying
    21. Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;
    22. And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, EVERY ONE BY THE SWORD OF HIS BROTHER.
    Considering the 2 PREVIOUS World Wars, they were not commencing to HAPPEN on this time of the year, Could that MEAN that January the 7th next year will be as followed? (NUCLEAR anihilation?)
    Malachi 4:1. For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
    2. But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

    It appears that the CHOSEN/Elect will be escaping this eventful day? (Rapture?)
    Mark 13:20. And except that the Lord had shortened those days, NO FLESH SHOULD BE SAVED: but for the ELECT’S sake, whom he hath CHOSEN, he hath shortened the days.

    “Epiphany” is observed on the DAY BEFORE the January 7th Prophecy? Would that be when we are REDEEMED?
    Revelation 14:4. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed FROM AMONG men, [being] the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.
    Olaf V – Oz

  7. Redshift

    Governments only have to default if they’ve borrowed in a foreign currency ie one they can’t print. For western governments like the US that issue debt in their own currency if there are not enough private buyers they can get always instruct their central bank to buy it. That tends to generate inflation in asset and/or consumer prices. That will be the outcome here, not default. They will cap bond yields say at 3-4% whilst CPI runs at 4-5% and actual inflation is 10% or more. Over a few years that brings the debt down to manageable levels at the expense of even more inequality.

  8. Poochiwoo

    I do love Martin. He is among my favorite guests. I’s like to point out the US print to infinity wealth model, or free money for some and debt for the rest has been the most effective control mechanism the world has ever seen. I understand digital currency is scaring some people. The technology can be used as an open ledger. Right now, the entire fiat system is overwhelmingly closed ledger. They print far more in the backroom than they want us to know.

  9. Diana

    I know this may sound pollyanna but why not a Jubilee worldwide? We need a reset not government. They did this a Jubilee would fix this.

    • Paul Anders

      one man’s debt is another man’s asset…

    • Kathy

      Because they want most people gone. It’s not about helping us, its about helping themselves.

  10. beach

    fire my ass ,put them all in jail

    • Galaxy 500

      Hey, Let’s do both. And then let’s have a hangings in public

      • Miles

        Great interview. God Bless you and Merry Christmas. Thank you

  11. George

    Most North American cities were built near a source of water, so convert office buildings to vertical farms – Detroit is one example:

    Such changes also downgrade the growing threat of, for example, pipeline wars in the oil rich areas such as the Middle East. The consumer/debt economy has consumed most if not all of the low hanging fruit, i.e. natural resources that were made available for exploitation in large part after WWII.

    Gold is a storehouse of value only if value itself continues to be created.
    Planned obsolescence is a false measure of value. The West has delayed the inevitable and only made change more difficult.

    • Katy Bar

      Converting office buildings into Vertical Farms (where food can be grown “inside” is a Great Idea!! Do this and we City Folk will be able to Survive the coming Ice Age (trying to be produced by Bill Gates “spraying particles into Earth’s Atmosphere”). And not so bright Bill Gates (even with all his Frozen Farm Land) will “Likely Starve to Death”!!!

  12. Clutch Cargo

    Yemen’s Houthis Launch Ballistic Missile on Israel’s Tel Aviv | World News | WION 176,157 views Dec 21, 2024
    Israel’s military said a missile launched from Yemen has hit the Tel Aviv area after air defence systems were unable to intercept the incoming projectile.
    Medics in Gaza said Israeli air attacks killed at least 25 Palestinians on Friday after Gaza’s Health Ministry reported 77 people killed in Israeli attacks across the enclave over the previous 24 hours.
    How come this little s**t country has Hypersonic Missals and we don’t!? WTF!! Is it because we’ve been since Obomber, captured by the woke, make us broke, busted and disgusted crowd? How can Trump possibly save us! So late in the game and behind the 8 ball, with that gas station, mother Russka!

    • Katy Bar

      Many Jews are fed up and are just leaving Israel “rather then become “sitting duck” targets of Russian and Iranian made Houthis Missiles. It seems that striving to become Greater Israel “Has Backfired Badly”, as it has now “Awakened Turkey” to Forcefully Invade Syria in its Push to Become the Leader of “A New Rising Ottoman Empire” with their Ultimate Goal being: To Include All the Land of Syria, Israel, Jordan, etc., etc., etc. under Turkish (Muslim) Domination!!!

      • Kit Lee

        Remember the old sayings: Tit for Tat, what goes around comes around, etc., etc. Well if the Turks succeed in creating their “Greater Ottoman Empire” – I doubt the Muslims are going to be “so kind” as to allow the Jews to wear a Yarmulke under their required Burka’s!! They may treat the Jews and Christians like second rate subjects!!!

  13. C.Cargo

    The Two Larry’s!
    Syria: Unleashing a Storm of Chaos and Challenges | Col. Larry Wilkerson & Larry C. Johnson Dialogue Works Dec 21, 2024
    The Bestiality of it All? Is this a sign of insanity?
    Who’s been running the country? In the ground!

  14. Ken Yu

    Armstrong says hold Cash and Gold for what is coming:

  15. Ray Witthauer

    I understand that capital will flow into our country with global war. My question is what if the war is on our land as well? Will capital still seek refuge here?

  16. Rodster

    Let’s hope ZeroHedge is wrong and he’s not planning to continue funding Ukraine.

    • Katy Bar

      Trump’s Plan “to continue funding Ukraine” seems at odds with his announced plan to End the War in Ukraine?? All I can figure is that Trump may be trying to encourage NATO “to continue Wasting Their Money supporting an Unwinnable War” (while he is buying Bitcoin) and also asking all these NATO Nations to “Double the Money” they are currently paying toward the NATO Alliance)! Trump also wants Europe to “Pay More Money” to buy US Oil and Gas rather then get their Oil and Gas from other Much Cheaper Sources” (and continuing to tell them “to Shut Down their Nuclear Plants” which will obviously make “their need for US Oil and Gas increase even more)!! All this while Armstrong is telling us “Europe Is On The Verge of Entering a Major Recession.” Trump also wants to begin “Imposing Tariffs on all European goods sold into the US” (which will only have an even more devastating effect upon European Economies!! So what is Trump’s Goal?? Seems it is a deliberate Plan to effect “a Rapid Weakening of European Currencies” and “Thereby Strengthen the US Dollar” and this way the US can print a lot more money out of thin air (without degrading to much of its purchasing power) “To Buy Bitcoins” (and the US will not see much competition from Europe as it buys Bitcoins for its Strategic Reserve because Europe’s US Dollar Denominated Debt will be “harder to pay with a stronger US dollar) – thus, allowing the US to Buy Bitcoin’s for its Strategic Reserve “Without To Much Competition From European Governments”!!!

  17. C. Johnson

    The advice to get cash notes is useless to even moderate net worth individuals. The bank will not give you much more than $5,000 every few months without bringing up an inquisition. How much of your net worth/retirement can you shelter in this way? We need more targeted advice, such as “buy large-cap bonds” or “Brazilian gold miner stocks”, or whatever his advice may be.

    Greg, can you privately ask Martin the addresses of where his global offices supposedly are? AS RONALD REAGAN SAID, “TRUST BUT VERIFY”. Is there nobody in any of these offices to proofread his blog? Always so many typos. It just seems odd.

    Thanks very much for your great website and Merry Christmas!

    • Greg Hunter

      A friend of mine I told about this before the interview got 10,000 out with little problem. I guess it depends on the bank, but I would get to work on Monday. Maybe people should have started working on this months ago?

      • Galaxy 500

        I have had no problems getting cash in these amounts. Some times you have to make prior arrangements depending on amount

    • Rodster

      Agreed on the hacking and constantly clearing his throat. I also agree and it’s been one of my pet peeves about all the typos in his blogs. However the man has an incredible track record forecasting events.

      I don’t think he would be willing give out information on where his employees work and offices are located. He was after all falsely imprisoned and his office was raided.

      • Really Awake

        Reply to Rodster,

        You really think offering criticism over a man “clearing his throat” makes some kind of meaningful difference? Some of you people are so shallow it’s laughable. Have you ever read Trump’s typos? Trump’s writing is often riddled with grammatical errors. So what? I meself don’t proof read my comments and I’m sure there are spelling and other mistakes. Big deal.

        I don’t think any of you shallow critics could stand up to the crap Trump has gone through in the last ten years and still come out the winner. Who cares about some mistakes made on the fly on X .

        I also don’t think you shallow critics could deal with years of jail time for the ridiculous charge of “contempt” … like what Marty had to endure.

        Or how about getting charged with almost 100 felonies and all kinds of civil cases? – like Trump. Think you could handle that. Or how about Alex Jones who actually damaged his voice by yelling and ranting out what no one else would dare yell from the rooftops?

        Really, you shallow critics disappoint me. There’s plenty of meaningful and constructive criticism to go around for all of us. So stop with all the petty crap, OK? It wastes all of our time.

        Have you ever listened to RFK Jr.? His voice isn’t so great, yet he’s probably twice the man of most men with a normal voice. I sure can think of a lot better criticism for RFK than his voice.

        Get it?

        • Rodster

          Okay, first of all you appear to be a little sensitive. You might want to reread what I wrote. It is constructive criticism. I am a huge fan and follow Martin Armstrong. I think he is fantastic.

          However he should get that checked out because it appears to be getting a little worse and he has the money to find out what is causing it.

          So take a deep breath and exhale. I didn’t call your Mom any names. Somehow you are taking my comment personal.

        • sdmule

          Martin Armstrong has made a lot of good calls. He has not been 100% accurate but he is certainly very good. I have been reading his information since he was handwriting it in prison.
          As far as “clearing his throat”….that is a total non-starter for me. As things slowly deteriorate, it would behoove us all to communicate with each other in a cordial manner. Just a thought.

          • Rodster

            Oh come on! You act as if I called Martin Armstrong a dirty name, I did not.

            As I previously said, the man is rich, he should get that checked out to see if that is part of a serious medical problem.

            He also should hire someone to proof read his daily blogs. Sometimes they are written with a lot of grammatical errors. Offering criticism has nothing to do with not being cordial. I have said nothing that should be viewed as offensive.

      • Galaxy 500

        Went back to college with my child . Took Constitutional Law course. Had a Professor tell me that it was impossible that Martin was still being held on these make believe charges…
        When I provided proof, he looked at everything thing and said that two things in addition to Martin winning the world record on being held like this.
        1, he had pissed off really rich and powerful people and 2, He had an idiot for a lawyer

    • Really Awake

      Reply to Mr. Johnson,

      Marty provides the details you mentioned to paid subscribers. I know many of you think everything should be given out for free, but, sorry, I say Marty should get paid.

      Moreover, if you have more than one bank, then you can withdraw substantial amounts of cash over time. And didn’t you listen to Marty when he said that gold is going to pull back. You can then buy a million in gold and stash it away in multiple locations.

      The bottom line is it’s YOUR responsibility to figure out what works best for YOU. Marty is doing you a BIG favor by giving you a comprehensive forcast which he only used to give out to large corporations, banks and the big boys.

    • Galaxy 500

      C. Johnson,
      Armstrong is saying pull cash out which isn’t a problem. And you want targeted stock advice?

    • Cheri Rodriguez

      I take out and put in large amounts of cash all the time. My bank knows I hit the casino often and that the casino doesn’t take credit cards at the craps tables or sportsbook. Gambling, even lottery tickets, is cash only. Just don’t act suspicious at the bank—like pulling out $5,000 one day and $5,000 the next day—or they’ll file an SAR (Suspicious Activities Report) on you.

      • Greg Hunter

        You are smart Cheri!

  18. Joan Jetson

    The New Jersey “Drone” Situation Just Got Crazier
    Jaymez 1,543,178 views Dec 12, 2024
    This is all I could find on the mysterious orb, the new jersey
    drones and it just got crazier…
    This piece, in case you missed it. May help explain the spiritual nature of the phenomena.

    COVID Vaccines Could INTEGRATE with Human DNA: Yale Research
    10 shocking stories the media buried yesterday.
    The Vigilant Fox Dec 19, 2024
    This might help explain why Americans are so sick and tired, of being.
    So sick and tired! Brought to you by, Pfizer! Hint, Chang the name Pfiz!

  19. Francine

    Greg… you are killing it with these interviews. top notch top rated guess. I can’t believe you got Armstrong again what a treat. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for all your hard work this year. please please take care of yourself We need you.

    • Greg Hunter

      I can’t believe it either. You know when Armstrong is telling people to get cash out of the bank now, what’s coming must be bad.
      Thanks for your very kind words.

      • Galaxy 500

        Done be Afraid, BE PREPARED.

  20. James sullivan

    Have to disagree with mr armstrong, but only slightly, gold has played the role as money over the last 2000 years because it fit the bill of needs: wouldnt rust, malleable to small units, real world value, rarity enuf that large sums could be held in small amounts, and so the world learned to use it as the first derivative of bartering. Sell my chickens for gold, buy my cow with gold.
    Certainly, if an asteroid was grasped, full of gold, its market value per oz would fall …but only a few asteroids have been discovered here on earth, and the growth in commerce easily took up the increase in supply.
    The old saw is “an oz of gold could buy you a fine suit in 1900, likewise an oz of gold will buy you a fine suit in 2025…”
    That is stability in my mind.

    • Galaxy 500

      King Alyattes Minted Electrum coins around 550BC, so gold has been money for more than 2500 years. But Gold would have had to be an almost universally accepted as valuable for this to work. So we have no idea how long gold was “money” before the first money was coined

    • Katy Bar

      It is said that an ounce of gold should buy you what it costs for “a Fine Mans Custom Tailored Suit”!! The cost of an Authentic Savile Row “Custom Tailored Suit” starts at $3,500 and can go as high as $10,000 depending on the fabric!! Since 212,582 Tons of Gold have been mined Throughout History (with an estimated 53,000 tons still remaining to be mined) there is a total of about 8,498,624,000 ounces of Gold in the Entire World or close to 8 Billion Ounces for the 8 Billion People in the World (or about One Ounce of Gold for Each Person)!! Now, if one ounce of Gold is needed to buy every person on Earth a Fine Custom Tailored Suit (there will be no Gold left to buy Anything Else)!! So, either a Fine Custom Tailored Suit is being “Overvalued” or Gold is being “Undervalued” (I tend to believe it is the latter, because just one(1) Bitcoin (which is simply an “electronic a bit” inside a computer) can currently buy Ten(10) Fine Custom Tailored Suits!!

      • Ken Yu

        So what you are saying is that Bitcoin’s valuation at $100,000 allows people to buy a Fine Custom Tailored Suit “plus have an additional $90,000 to buy other things like food and shelter” and that Gold should be price the same way, right??

        • Katy Bar


  21. Fred Finger

    Michael Cohen Turns Heads at CNN: Trump Is RIGHT!
    About Media Lies / When a liar calls a network of liars, liars.
    The Vigilant Fox Dec 18
    Take that Juan Acosta! Stop Acosting the Trumpster!

    I can’t stay silent about this any longer… | Victor Davis Hanson
    Point of view 200,364 views Dec 4, 2024

  22. C. Whewell

    I’d be interested to chart the trend of demand destruction, a graph of aggregate demand going downward, but suspect obtention of accurate numbers would be fleeting. Will it pull a Hemingway, and go “gradually and then all of a sudden ? Opine mine in the affirmative. What factors could cause a step change drop in aggregate demand ? Whatever the answer, I sense a huge drop in aggregate demand as a target / essential factor in the minds of power.

    As re Lebanon, yes. As re Jordan, not so fast as it is not strategically important as others presently.

    Many of these matters result in extreme unpleasantries, when decades of change come within a few weeks. It can seem frightening!

    • Galaxy 500

      First, commercial real estate defaults (happening now)
      Then, Banks failing (happening now)
      Then your accounts are frozen and you can not access your safety deposit boxes. Don’t think if you have cash, hold and guns in a safety deposit boxes that you will end up with it if a bank fails. FDIC audits these boxes and who is to say that your assets won’t be illegally seized. If you have a safety deposit box, I would empty it immediately along with pulling cash out of your accounts
      Do not count on debit cards and C/C working. Don’t count on Bitcoin

      • C. Whewell

        What many refer to as their money, is not their money. Just as there is an excise tax on privately-produced gasoline, alcohol, and other products subject to a use tax, etc., so too there is an excise tax on the use of the private money created, called “income tax”. Until about mid 1933, there was formerly public money for private purposes, the rigid specie of the Constitution. But that was replaced with its opposite, a super-elastic bubble plastic…. private money, for public purposes. Unfortunately, few ppl’s ggrandparents batted an eye at it, given the self-centered nature of most animals, and some Sup Ct decisions including Erie RR v Tomkins and its unobvious import which very few “lawyers” today have the tools to opine on, given what’s force-fed to them during licensing training.

        So, it never was “your” money, for if it were, you’d not be fretting over a perceived loss of control over it.

        Lord Shelburne, Jeremy Bentham and some others laughed at the notion of “self government”, and for good valid reasons. The masses don’t have the tools to tend their own affairs in a grand scale, although they may be experts at operating within their own fields. 🙂 Self-government en masse is frivolity, and, many of those just learning this
        might wake up with a headache 🙂 An interesting book might be “Tragedy and Hope” by Prof. Carroll Quigley of Georgetown U. Be well.

  23. Clyde

    CBDC Is Digital Tyranny

    This UN-Constitutional CBDC insanity is just more fiat currency – only much worse

    The move toward this CBDC is, truthfully, the government’s covert war on cash. The elimination of cash creates the potential for the government to track and even control all consumer spending. With the elimination of cash it would be possible for the government to track even the smallest transaction – even a simple trip to the store for a loaf of bread could be under the scrutiny of government officials.

    • Katy Bar

      Buy yourself a Box of Jefferson Nickels, the nickel is not Bankster created fiat, it is hard “Official and Legal Currency” that is untraceable, EMP proof, fire proof, almost theft proof (due to it weight and quantum computer proof because it is not just zeros and ones inside a computer chip), a nickel in hand will most likely be ideal for small purchases during a Banking Shutdown or Economic Collapse and to boot a box of them “Is Just About As Rare As A Bitcoin”!!!

  24. Mike

    Marty as usual knows a ton!


    Here’s a strategy:

    Buy Bitcoin…then after it gains more…which will happen short term. (Has Marty talked governments (including Trump) and rich people out of buying it yet?). It will keep going up if big buyers kerp buying it.

    Marty re: Bitcoin: “its like gold”. * But see supply note below.

    Use Bitcoin or proceeds from it to buy (and some merchants: will take it directly).

    Gold, silver (silver is cash) food etc.

    In case the electricity grid does get damaged.

    Remember too, there was a time when you had no power, but could pick up and get a dial tone?

    Crypto “Trezor” wallets and others like it are a bit like those phones. Use virtually no power.
    Your seed is saved outside the grid. (Paper)

    You do need USB + the internet. Starlink doesnt care if your power is out.

    Idea is:
    Make as much as you can while the grid remains viable..Take profit and use it!

    * Supply:

    *Noone knows exactly how much gold, silver is left in the ground.

    But bitcoin and related decentralized crypto; they told you the supply is hard capped at “x” amount.

    There’s no “printing more” or “digging in the ground” for more to increase supply.

    May God Bless and protect Greg and all his guests and their families!

    • Ray

      Hi Mike,
      Interesting post….thank you.
      Just a perspective on the so called “limited supply” in crypto currencies.
      People point to Bitcoin as being forever limited to 21 million units, thereby implying that it can’t be “endlessly printed” like fiat cash.
      Perhaps that is true, but what isn’t mentioned is that it can be be endlessly divided into minute units, which is a similar thing.
      Look at what we call an “inch”.
      It can be divided into a thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion equal parts……it can be divided endlessly.
      Endless multiplication (fiat cash)
      Endless division (Bitcoin / cryptocurrency)
      To me, it’s the exact same scam.

      Happy Christmas to you and yours Mike.

      Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

      • Galaxy 500

        I am with you here. They have been subdividing this so called limited Bitcoin for a while now. I guess it’s limited to how many zeros they can get the average system to take after the decimal point. LOL
        I bought some bitcoin about $100 worth when it was around a buck for an interesting internet transaction. I bought a few extra and think I just tipped the guy.
        I see this as a game of musical chairs and the last guy holding them is gonna have a big bag of worthless zeros and ones.
        I know Trump is looking at a lot things to try to slow the speed of the crash that’s coming. I don’t see this being any more than just talk.
        I am not a fan a digital currency. I want my currency something that is physical that I can hand the guy at the register whether the power is on and not requiring an internet.
        Anything like that and America ends up with a Economic Social Score (a Demoncrat wet dream) so they can see what we serfs are buying and IF we say something they don’t like, we can’t use our digital currency.
        I also think that this is a precursor to the Mark of the Beast… so count me out early and often

        • Ray

          Splendid post Brother.
          100 % agree with all the logic you have outlined there.
          Thank you.
          Again, from my family to yours, best wishes for a happy day on Christmas Day, and my best wishes be with you throughout 2025 and beyond.
          Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

      • Katy Bar

        “Endless multiplication (fiat cash)”
        “Endless division (Bitcoin / cryptocurrency)”
        “To me, it’s the exact same scam.”

        It’s Not Exactly The Same Scam.
        It Is A Lot Worse, Because:
        While there is Endless Division of Bitcoin –
        There is also Endless Multiplication of “New Crypto Coins”!!!

        • Ray

          Excellent point Katy.
          Keep the good stuff coming.
          Best wishes to you and yours for 2025.
          North Haven , Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊

  25. Chas

    I wish I didn’t take Martin so seriously. He really scared me with this interview.

  26. David Scrimshaw

    Sorry, but being a student of Scripture for over 50 yrs, (a follower of Christ since 1972), Martin may be a favorite of world leaders, but his “insights” do not square with God’s Word – and that’s all that counts.

    • Greg Hunter

      I don’t see how Jesus and Jehovah will allow godless communist China will lead the world financially.

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi David,
      Please post how Martin’s insights differ from God’s WORD?
      I thank you in advance

    • Katy Bar

      God in Heaven created Jesus along with all the rest of us Humans, and although we were “made in his image”, GOD is “Not Human”!! This is probably why some people like Clif High call GOD an “Extraterrestrial”! However, GOD “should not be confused with Reptilians or Grey extraterrestrials” who are more likely “the Demons that God the Father tossed into Hell” (hopefully I pray “this is Not Hell on Earth”, BUT with all these Damn Evil Neocons running around on Planet Earth trying to Start a “Worldwide Nuclear War” – It May As Well Be!!!

  27. Maria dasSantos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Mr Armstrong,just a brilliant and sobering analysis.
    1.War particularly here in Europe will destroy our economy .
    2.Turkey establishes a new empire.
    3.Money fleeing Europe to the DOW.
    Just amazing.

    • Point of Know Return

      Many alt-news sources have been mentioning the return of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) is underway right now. Also, be mindful of the Greater Israel project, which this is going to be clashing with. None of this appears to be good on any level.

  28. Richard Gould

    Everlasting life – Are you not from everlasting, O Jehovah? O my God, my Holy One, you do not die.—Hab. 1:12. – Do you find it difficult to grasp the idea that Jehovah has existed “for all eternity”? (Isa. 40:28) That is not unusual. Elihu said of God: “The number of his years is beyond comprehension.” (Job 36:26) But just because we do not understand something does not mean that it is untrue. For example, though we may not understand fully how light works, does this mean that light does not exist? Not at all! Similarly, we humans may never fully comprehend how it is that Jehovah has always existed and will always exist. But this does not mean that God does not live eternally. The Creator is not limited by what we can or cannot understand. (Rom. 11:33-36) And he existed before the material universe—including light sources such as the sun—came to be. Yes, he existed before he “stretched out the heavens.”—Jer. 51:15. – Please meditate on this FACT; Why did Adam die? He disobeyed a direct command from the Almighty which command was delivered to Adam by Jesus (Jesus translates as ‘Jehovah is salvation) who is NOW sitting on Jehovah’s throne as our king and ruler, so our obedience to Jehovah now goes through Jesus. Adam lived for 930 years, but Adam is now gone forever; he has no resurrection hope to live again as we do. Knowing that, now meditate on this FACT; JEHOVAH promises that those who obey him will have “everlasting life.” (Rom. 6:23) When we meditate on what Jehovah is offering us, our love for him certainly grows stronger. Just think: Our heavenly Father loves us so deeply that we will never be separated from him.

  29. Sam McCord

    “Designed by Clowns!”| How Boeing’s Mistakes Led to the 737 MAX Crashes! / Mentour Now!
    Absolute Power Corrupts ABSOLUTLEY! Especially Absolute Vodka on The Max Job! Take it to the bank, Boing!

    Elvis Presley Drums of the Island composite video
    drlucio 74,113 views Apr 26, 2021
    Special mix of official and candid clips during the filming of Paradise Hawaiian Style
    Here’s Elvis being welcomed to the 50th. state. Just after Alaska, our 49th. formally Russia’s own. Will Canada be our 51st. and largest? Since its population is all along the present border, the second largest country in the world would be the great and vast north American outback! Joking aside, this would only happen if only to rescue the states and for all intense and purposes, we will need they’re participation if Trump cannot save the union in its present form. To the chagrin of both, or both gone in an oblivion of debt and bankrupting Wiemer German type hyperinflation. We may not have Hypersonic missiles, but we sure are in the grips of fiat currency destroying monetary inflation ready to go Hyper, like a Hypersonic Satan 2!!
    The question is, where to bug out? If Trump fails to succeed, Alaska, Siberia, or the Yukon? The goal, get as far away from other folks as youkan!

    • Galaxy 500

      Boeing fired American Aerospace Engineers and Programmers and hired untested and poorly experienced and qualified employees…
      What could go wrong?
      Fire the infinitely qualified white people who earned a good wage and replaced with a bunch of Indians?
      And DEI hires… forget about merit

    • Galaxy 500

      I had thought about bugging out for decades. I am planning to Bug in

      • Katy Bar

        Me too 500 – the Evil Globalists are so dim witted they need “chips” in our dishwashers and cars, etc. “to bug into us” – all we need is the “Intuitive Mind” (That God Gave To Us) and we can instantly know exactly what these Evil Globalists are up to!!

  30. Neville

    Thanks martin for your input which has certainly made a few things clearer to me.
    We have clearly been told what to do with gold so your view is just surplus to needs.
    As for the politics and finances of this world ,we can see for ourselves that over the past
    century the world has been for the most part been run by a bunch of LIARS,THIEVES,
    Now that we are on a war footing most if not all of Greg’s sponsors should be having a very busy time….Get food that can be kept well away from damp places. Try and buy food which is preserved with Salt, Sugar, Vinegar and see that there are no permitted flavourings or colourings used in their manufacture.

    Regarding GOLD & SILVER a ratio of 60/40 should be used .As you will want to trade use SILVER so it earns the 60% slot .These metals will be trading at higher levels going forward and there will be absolutely NO PLACE IN CHRISTS WORLD FOR THE LIKES OF shitcoin ANYONE THAT DOESN’T DUMP THEM NOW WILL BE LOOKING AT THE RESULT OF THE WORLDS WORST PONZI SCHEME EVER WORTH SUB ZERO.

  31. S.McCORD

    Aussie’s and Americans: Escape North/WAY up NORTH
    The glaciers are melting. See them before there gone!

  32. brad

    Armstrong is right about turkey. Ezekiel 38 names turkey specifically as the nation of the antichrist. The regions specified in that passage are Meshech and Tubal and Gomer, and all his bands; also the house of Togarmah. Type those names into this online bible geography program and see for yourself.

    The religious political and militaristic system of the last great foe of israel is ISLAM. The beheader of christians and jews

    • Galaxy 500

      Piss-lam is a foe against all civilization. They hate both Jews and Christians… and anyone else that doesn’t bend a knee to Satan.

      • Katy Bar

        Greater Israel, Greater Turkey, Greater NATO, etc. but nothing will be Greater Then The US (under Trump) if we can get Greenland and Western Canada as part of the Greater USA!!!

  33. Nat Blackmoore

    The Intelligence Briefing /Sedition: Enemy Within – LIVE
    John B. Wells – Caravan to Midnight Started 3 hours ago
    Scott Ritter & Larry C. Johnson: Ukraine’s Attacks on Russia – Yemen’s Hypersonic Attack on Israel Dialogue Works

  34. Don Doerr Sr.

    It is Christmas, and Pope Francis is rejecting Jesus, the Bible, the 10 Commandments, and the Pre- Vatican II Church and is instead declaring that his Abortion Promoting Crime Boss — Joe Biden – is a “Good Catholic.”

    Perhaps even worse, the vast majority of our Catholic Clergy refuse to support Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bishop Joseph Strickland and other Jesus followers who are being punished by Francis because they question, among other changes, his call for “Civil Unions” to accommodate and thus promote “Abominable Sodomy.”

    It is Christmas, and America is ruled by the Antichrist Obama and his Hillary, the Head of the corrupted FBI, and they are fronted by their stooges – Crime Boss Joe Biden and Kamala Bear Harris….

    Somehow it does not seem like Christmas, especially when we Catholics attend Mass and have to wonder if the Pastor and his Bishop truly believe what they are saying when their Vatican pension plan means more to them than the promise of Eternal Life.

    Jesus asks them – and each of us – on this Christmas and every day – “WILL YOU ALSO LEAVE ME?”

  35. Roger Stamper

    tks martin greg

  36. Justn Observer

    Himmler’s Fourth Reich – SS Assets Saved in Global Conspiracy
    Starting to think the NWO-WEF’er movement and those rat-lined in using fake passports of dead after WW, the got jobs in U.S. gov’t programs and industry is just as Jim Maars predicted in his book, The Rise of the 4th Reich. or ‘Industrial Revolution’ and the ‘missing money’ has been covertly used to buy up assets and bribe or compromise those needed to push the Le Circle agenda all along? Those that came here, and those ‘left behind Gladio in EU’ as Sibel Edmonds book tried to warn of. So in the meantime, there has been decades of Bilderberg meetings, and Klaus’s Schwab’s ‘young global leaders’ being groomed for this coming ‘flip’ of nations and their sovereignty in a ‘Great Reset’/ ‘fundamental transformation’ we will all Beg for to supposed get rid of a havoc, chaos, and endless wars…. THEY created! And people wonder why their governments are turning on their citizens who resist in how many nations now who elect leaders who also oppose this all?
    This transition to Stakeholder Capitalism
    All while not one news agency ever reported on Biden and Jill’s honeymoon for months behind the Iron Curtain…nor ever mentions of Gavin Newsome’s father
    William Newsome III in partnership with X Nazi finance officers”
    ‘ Newsom was also corporate counsel and a board member for Trans-International Computer Investment Corporation (TCI), which handled classified government contracts, for which Newsom was issued a National Security Clearance. TCI went bankrupt in 1971 after what the Sacramento District Attorney called “the biggest stock fraud in California history”. For most of 1969 and 1970, Newsom traveled across Europe alongside former SS Gestapo member (((( Otto von Bolschwing , = deserves his own claim to fame =
    *{ Von Bolschwing’s efforts were intended to serve several different elements of Nazi foreign policy. Foremost, to render Palestine an ungovernable political liability for the British. The creation of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East would also provide the Third Reich with a location where it could expel its unwanted Jewish citizens.[9] At the same time he was bargaining with Polkes, von Bolschwing was also meeting secretly with Arab leaders in an effort to encourage them to form a united front with militant Zionists in order to stage a rebellion against the British presence in Palestine. Von Bolschwing’s covert efforts on behalf of the SD were eventually uncovered by British authorities and he was ultimately expelled from Palestine in 1936
    William Newsome III , who had been brought to the U.S. by the CIA under Operation Paperclip and appointed TCI’s president by Getty due to his former Nazi intelligence connections and their value in obtaining defense technology contracts. Newsom referred to von Bolschwing as “suave”, “plausible”, and “world weary”.[5] ‘


  37. Tommy

    Wait a minute. On the 11/2 Armstrong interview the headline read “Trump Wins, Eliminates Federal Income Tax, Economy Booms”. Today it’s “Depression, Debt, Default and Destruction in 2025”.

    • Greg Hunter

      Yeah. So.

    • Tommy

      I guess you could just flip a quarter.

      • Katy Bar

        You can flip those quarters, halves, dimes and penny’s because they “ALL” (Just Contain Clad “100% COPPER”) –
        However don’t flip your Nickels (they are only 75% COPPER – the other 25% is more valuable NICKEL (which is very much needed by the Neocons to make Their Weapons of War)!!!
        U.S. Copper production is about 1.3 million tons/yr.
        U.S Nickel production is just 17,000 tons/yr.

  38. Great Scot! George C.

    Two US Navy pilots eject safely over the Red Sea
    After US fighter jets shoot down in apparent un?- Friendly fire incident!
    Story by Oren Liebermann, CNN • 6h •
    Did somebody back in Washington have a trigger finger fit of rage? Sure looks like it!
    The F-18 looks a lot like the Russian SU-35 and in those waters it’s essentially a combat situation and apparently the pilots radioed they thought they had a Russki SU-35 and after a recent close call near-miss with a hot shot Russian fly boy piloting a Su-35 near Alaska with a F-16 US fighter jet. You know somebody back in Washington, biting at the bit, to do some pay back! Gave some back, with the go ahead to shoot down our own F-16, before it could get away! Somebody gave the order to shoot it down! Probably Blinky, he’s the president you know. If not that kiss-off, maybe Sullivan? They wanted that jet so bad to be Russian, they bypassed all safety protocols, before it could get away and we shot down our own Jet! Those clowns in the Biden White, “crack” House. Don’t believe in miracles, but it must have been. That those pilots weren’t killed, getting their plane shot out from under them, is a freaking miracle! One of the many reasons were a laughing stock in the world! Except for Ukraine, they’re crying and the rest of Europe, they’re scared to death. Anglo-America, Britain-US. Half our people are asleep at the switch! Were in la la land, especially the US. With our project Mockingbird brained media mouth piece for the CIA. I give the Brit’s and even more so the Aussies more credit! We are not only the ugly Americans, but the stupid!
    Video shows Russian jet flying within feet of US F-16 near Alaska
    624,156 views Sep 30, 2024
    Military officials have released video of the startling interaction between a Russian jet flying near Alaska and a U.S. plane sent to intercept it.
    Read more:
    Were playing footsie with the Russki’s, at a time were invading they’re country! What could go wrong?

  39. Skippy

    I think Mr. Armstrong has just about absolute now have precious metals and cash to get through these chaotic times. The internet and cryptos need reliable energy to function..after the fiat money goes down and zero point energy is established you can get into cryptocurrency with a reliable power source..Buckle up

  40. NH Watcher

    Another good interview with Martin Armstrong. I continue to believe that the next crisis will be economic in nature, rather than health related or another pandemic. Very few will be coaxed into the same level of lockdowns, detentions, masking, etc., if the Elite were to try another health pandemic. However, an economic collapse will be entirely new territory. It is easier (in comparison) to resist lockdowns, etc. if your finances are secure. If govt pensions and other programs like Social Security are compromised, the level of both fear and betrayal among the population will cause responses likely not seen since the Great Depression.

    As far as storing cash on hand, remember to keep a variety of bills and coins. You cannot expect simply to live off $100 bills. Stores may not have change. Businesses will also be scrambling for cash in the aftermath of a financial meltdown or panic. Banks in my area of the country already limit the amount of rolls of coins which they provide to individuals, in order to have enough rolls of coins on hand for their business customers. It is important to have at least two weeks of cash on hand for everyday necessities (groceries, etc.) Again, a variety of bills and coins: $20s, $10s, $5s, $1s, and then at least five rolls of coins in each denomination.

    Apart from mass casualties in a war especially among the young who are drafted, or what we already witnessed during the COVID pandemic especially among the elderly locked away in hospitals and nursing homes, the Elite (I am convinced) are anticipating mass suicides among all age groups in the wake of a financial collapse. It is very important to know your neighbors and those close to you (family and friends) who you can rely on if your own personal circumstances become dire. And, of course, keep yourself spiritually prepared in prayer, reading Scripture, etc.

  41. G.D.GeorgeC.

    Excuse me, should be: [with the go ahead to shoot down our own F-18,]
    After US fighter jets shoot down in apparent un?- Friendly fire incident!

  42. Enial

    Sorry Martin,
    Bitcoin is not like Gold.
    Gold has a history of being real money and will continue to be money until
    pigs fly.

  43. Galaxy 500

    Hi Ed
    Only an F’ing Moron and criminal comes here advising people not to pay their income taxes. I don’t care what arguments you attempt to make, not paying taxes is the fastest way to way to pain as you can get.
    There are only 3 certainties in Life: Death, Taxes, and Salvation thru our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

  44. S W

    All wars start with false flags.
    1. Spanish American War 1898
    Sinking of the USS Maine
    2. World War 1 1915
    Sinking of the Lusitania
    3. World War 2 1941
    Pearl Harbor
    4. Vietnam 1967
    USS Pueblo
    5. 1st Iraqi War 1990
    Invasion of Kuwait. Iraq was given the green flag by the US Government.
    6. Twin Towers 2001 War on Terror
    Arab hijacker’s aka alphabet agencies (Operation Northwood)
    7. Corona Pandemic 2020 China, China, China
    DOD, NIH funded virus. Stolen Election
    8. Ukraine 2022 10-12 trillion dollars of mineral wealth (Lindsey Graham).
    Proxy war with Russia for bankers to plunder the wealth of the nation
    9. Israel vs Hamas 2023
    Hamas created by the US and Israel 1987. Founded with support of the Muslim Brotherhood that Herbert Walker and Prescott Bush created to support Hitler during WWII.
    10. 2024-2025 ? Will you be surprised? World War III

    Project for the New American Century:
    The most debated part of Rebuilding America’s Defenses is where authors say: “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”112 (false flags will speed up the process aka 9-11)(WW III)

    Monkey Werx on YouTube is tracking the military moving troops/equipment into Europe.

    • Galaxy 500

      Nothing false flag about 9. Israel vs Hamas 2023.

  45. Galaxy 500

    People, this madness has to stop… And we have to stop it. Not everyone old is infirm like Pelosi, Biden, etc. I couldn’t keep up with Trump and I am more than a decade younger. It’s a DNA thing.
    But there should be a demonstrable test that Politicians needs to pass. It needs to be administered IN PUBLIC.
    I believe This woman was a VEGGIE during the last election she ran in… in my opinion, it is criminal to run a Vegetable and to hide their infirmities. Who was actually making decisions?

  46. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg,
    I have said for years that you need as big a pile of cash as you can stand at home. And don’t tell a soul, not even your spouse if she is one of those that can’t keep their mouth shut.

  47. Galaxy 500

    Martin knows chaos and that is what’s coming. It will be less under Trump be we still have pain coming.
    And these Richardheads in Congress are pushing everything to prevent Trump from slowing our velocity. They want us to hit the ground at such a velocity we end up embedded in the bedrock.
    Make these F’ing Satanic minions pay a political cost

  48. Galaxy 500

    Another diversity hire?

  49. Point of Know Return

    Although this wasn’t covered, I wanted to give you some info about the Madison school shooting. I heard the initial report in real time via Fox 6 out of Milwaukee. I decided to listen, since these are the reports that typically have hidden in plain view info reported.
    It did come out that the student was new to the school, yet here’s something that the media didn’t seem to cover, although it was reported during the first press conference with the sheriff.
    He (the preferred pronouns guy) said that they run drills for incidents like this, four times a year. And he said that this shooting happened to coincide with school shooter training drills that they were running on that day. And the facility the training exercise was taking place at was only blocks away from the school. He said that they were able to get over to the school quickly and that all the people that were required for the exercise were already together as a unit.
    I know many of your guests seem to agree about false flag situations and I do believe that this is yet another one. Too many things seemed to be coincidental.

  50. Expat

    Still no commentary referring to crude oil! What if Trumps pipe dreams regarding worldwide oil leadership do not work as expected? Shale oil is still going down.
    No one can buy food if farmers cannot get crude oil for their tractors one day, horse
    use is not productive enough.

    • Agnes

      Yes. Oil is labor. Cheap labor. The human worker is a 50W dim bulb. From energy to work, the difference is direction, where the human is fundamental. That’s first semester physics. Keep at it. You are on the right track and very few others have a clue.

  51. Frank S.

    M.A. makes sense. Yet, when the global margin call “trashes cash” worldwide, CBDCs will be needed to avert global panic – to become civilization’s ‘golden calf’ as a tangible currency system. The underground economy will then bud and flourish using PMs, tho’.

  52. Chris A.

    Hi Greg, can you please post your videos on Bitchute? Rumble has become more unwatchable than YouTube because of the ads. I only go to Rumble to watch YOUR videos anymore. I’d get a membership but $20/month is too steep. Thanks!

    • Greg Hunter

      I have been complaining to Rumble about the number of commercials. I will pass this along to the Rumble people I know.

      • Rodster

        Greg, just an FYI. Yup the Rumble ads do get annoying not so much in the beginning of your videos but it’s the interruption having to watch more videos.

        However I no longer get any ads and I achieved that by using Firefox as my web browser and using the extension uBlock Origin. I use other Ad blocking extensions but uBlock Origin pretty much eliminates everything.

        • Greg Hunter

          Great, You do realize the ads are how I get some revenue?

  53. Susan Russo

    Thank you and add Gratitude. I have felt this was coming even though I did not have all the details. The currants have been moving this way for a long time. I received a local publication for adult education courses, and it always has trips abroad that can be purchased, mostly on cruises. The dates are throughout 2025. I could not see how they expect buyers. This is an illustration of how deceived the populace is. Every one of us needs to be preparing for war as Martin Armstrong advises two years of food and be ready with cash.
    This is not for the faint of heart, but hearts will fail without preparing. Even then there are no guarantees but a chance of survival.

  54. Galaxy 500

    Happy to see this. And I disagree that these newborns are US Citizens. How can their mother be allowed to violate our borders and be rewarded with citizenship ship for her infants that I F’ing have to pay for?
    People every one. We need a Supreme Court case that declares our citizenship can not be stolen by these ner’do’wells

    • Anon

      There’s a disturbing precedent being set though if they start deporting currently legal US CITIZENS. (Even if the citizenship was a cheat)

      That suggests in order to be “equitable”, non-racist and fair that we’ll ALL have to prove that we’re “genuine” Citizens. The government may create a criteria for what constitutes a genuine citizen. What if some of us can’t meet that criteria because it involves taking a mark on our head or hand?

      Imagine that the invaders take the mark of the beast and are thus made citizens while the genuine citizens refuse and are deported from the country… meanwhile the invaders sell their souls to live in your houses and get free gibs?

      Just asking people to be wary of letting the government get out of hand and getting the very opposite of what you want and expect.

  55. Larry Serflaten

    A while ago Bo Polny indicated Trump was heading uphill in his first term but will be heading downhill during his second term. That sounded like it would be a good thing at the time of the interview, but what if the prophecy was about the economy? Might it be that even while the economy increased under Trump’s first presidency (until COVID) it will head into a major down turn during his second? That seems to be what Martin is saying….

    Just to encourage the hesitant, even a little preparation is better than no preparation! Long shelf-life food will be usable if things go south, and even if they don’t. (Not a wasted investment)

  56. Galaxy 500

    Germany Popo no different than ours. They were warned about this attack on innocent people at a Christmas market. They did nothing!

  57. Galaxy 500

    With all the lies going on about this who knows.
    I am beginning to believe that the Biden Administration is the one bringing in the nuke. They spreading a smokescreen to make them seem like they are doing something.
    Biden’s masters know what is going on

  58. Naomi from Israel

    I for one, am quite shocked at the prospect of a return of the Ottoman Empire.
    My late mother’s grandfather lived in Israel when it was part of the Ottoman Empire. His father had a job in a Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem. One day his father had to walk somewhere for his job. Apparently, that same day someone was murdered in that area. The Authorities decided that my mother’s grandfather’s father was probably the murderer because he was Jewish and he walked in that area on the same day it happened. My mother’s grandfather and his father had to flee to South Africa. Only about 7 years later my late mother’s grandfather contacted his wife who stayed in Israel with her young child and told her to join him in South Africa.
    I think it is despicable blaming someone just because they are a Jew who walked in the vicinity that day. That is how I see the Ottoman Empire.

    • Galaxy 500

      Me Too. Erdgon fancies himself as Emperor.
      We did nothing as a nation as Turkey slide into a theocracy.
      Sorry that you experienced this. Moslems had Jews and Christian. We should sound blast this scourge from the planet. Islam is evil.

  59. Justn Observer

    Greg, Merry Christmas! Nice report as usual…thanks for your tenacity and commitment to seeking the truth. Do wonder at times how far back Mr. Armstong’s cycle data goes…and wonder if it includes all the ancient weather and food scarcity patterns. Then, does food and supply shortages create wars? and fallen empires…or do the war worsen such times to the point empires collapse. Somehow the archeological discoveries occuring do not line up with the history taught,..or that we have been led to believe. LOUD voices like Al Gore’s have caused people to ignore those of the opposition, like those of Valentina Zharkova. Some claim the ice is receding while other areas are gaining. So just ‘local’ views might be too close to the trees to see the forest. The point is there may be changes happening, areas changing that if we do not take them seriously…the time to make the shift we will have to make will have tic – toked by and become too little to late.
    Zharkov’s first message was ignored as Al Gore’s polar bear nonense debuted. What change could have been made in nearly 3 decades to better be ready IF those areas we are accustomed to providing food…ARE going off-line, and those deserts of the world ARE greening? Which empires will collapse that cannot then make the change required when one set of dams goes dry as others being built in the deserts fill.
    Desert Snow Reveals Ancient Cities in Taklimakan (1500 Year Cycle)

    Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Changes everything for Africa

    The $270 Billion Race to Replace the Panama Canal

    WHAT IF…it was NEVER global warming but WAS global cooling all along?

    • Galaxy 500

      It was never about global warming. It was about seizing control and forcing the population into serfdom

  60. James Hall

    Ask him for next time what are electric cars going to do ? Seems like noone wants them.

  61. Justn Observer

    Greg, Other larger pictures…
    * Ritter and Larry Johnson both agree on those advising DJT on Ukraine do not understand Russia and likely advising DJT this vid,.
    Scott Ritter & Larry C. Johnson: Ukraine’s Attacks on Russia

    *Elon MIGHT be wrong? –
    Yield Curve Gives Warning, Elon Is WRONG About This, Dollar Milkshake Playing Out? =

    * Brazil is COLLAPSING and it’s Spreading to the Rest of the World

    * Silver Shorts Use Derivative Dump! India LOADING the Boat with PHYSICAL SILVER!

  62. John Maskell

    Great interview Greg . You’re so good for the little guy . Thanks for asking Mr Armstrong as to what the normal person should do . The most important one to hold is our faith brother Greg . Love, forgiveness and understanding are priceless and I shall finish there . Have a lovely Christmas and a healthier new year Greg . All the best, John and family ( UK ).

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother John!
      Brother Greg

    • Dave Milne

      Thanks John, from one little guy to another.
      I really did appreciate your comment.
      Let me delve here a bit, into Charles Dickens’ classic, “A Christmas Carol,” focusing on the Ghost of not only Christmas’s Past, but the passing away of our old system of things or whatever you want to call it. Western civilization? A civil society long gone, of Ebenezer Scrooge, and the Cratchit family, especially Tiny Tim.
      We all know the story and now I am only thinking about it now because your comment made my eye’s to tear up. As they say hear in the states, from the black people. “I’m a grown ass man” and on the verge of tears? What the ^&*(*?. I can only think your comment in such a humbling way with a strong but simple spiritual connotation and the time and season were in, can only be explained by your comment bringing out in me all the years and movies and plays and television shows on the theme of the the Cratchit family. And one of the most poignant points of the story is the introduction of, especially Tiny Tim. Father Bob Cratchit, Scrooge’s underpaid and overworked clerk, who struggles to provide for his large family. Despite their poverty, the Cratchits are loving and joyful, what I’m thinking of the loving Maskell family. So far away, but yet so close here on USAW, just across the pond as we like to say, if you got the money! Your family embodying what the true spirit of Christmas should be and year round! A family maybe I wish I had too. Maybe someday.
      Tiny Tim, Bob’s youngest son, is frail and sickly, yet full of hope and faith. He famously says, “God bless us, everyone!” which becomes a symbol of the story’s message of compassion and goodwill.
      The Cratchit family’s faith and resilience in the face of hardship are central themes in “A Christmas Carol.” Their story is a reminder that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the love and support of family and friends, and the faith that sustains them through their difficult times.
      This classic tale resonates deeply John and family, with the Biblical hope that comes through here on Despite the doom and gloom facing our situation of a world gone mad! Of a restored paradise and God’s promise of salvation. As Isaiah 9:6 says: “For a child has been born to us, a son has been given to us; and the rulership will rest on his shoulders. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” This prophecy speaks of Jesus Christ, whose birth and rulership bring us hope and restoration.
      Today John, despite economic hardships and challenges, we can hold on to the faith and hope found in God’s word and his promises. As Revelation 21:4 reassures us: “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” This promise of a future paradise where suffering is no more echoes the joy and hope found in the Cratchit family’s faith.
      In essence, “A Christmas Carol” and your wonderfully short but sweet comment and I’ll try to add here, a timeless reminder of the transformative power of love, compassion, forgiveness, generosity and understanding faith! Values that are also deeply rooted in our Biblical teachings.
      I hope this helps connect your comment John with what I felt in my heart, from the classic tale with the faith and hope, we all here at USAW, a family that we can hold in our hearts today facing a future in the promises of a loving God, who will see us through the gauntlet of, come what may.
      Best Wishes from Detroit Michigan USA, to you John Maskell and your wonderful family!

      • Elton Muscadine

        Reply to Dave Milne
        The Detroit Packard Plant 2022 – Exploring The Largest Abandoned Building in the USA Freaktography 60,631 views May 22, 2022
        In May of 2022 I headed over the US border for the first time in 26 months to meet up with my friend, fellow photographer, explorer and Detroit resident, Robert M. Robert has lived in Detroit his whole life and has an incredible body of work from the streets of Detroit, taken over decades of work as a local photographer.
        The Packard plant started out at 10,000 square feet, gradually growing to 14 acres and then ultimately to 80 massive acres and several city blocks.
        You can read the rest and watch the video, but it all begs the question. Can Trump make Detroit, or even the Anglo-American world super power great Again.? Detroit city, the city on the US. – Canadian border, once on the edge of empire, today the British commonwealth of nations. Just a stones throw across the Detroit river from Windsor, Ontario.
        A sad grime reminder of the Bible scripture: The scene of the world is changing, entering snowballing change.
        The phrase “the scene of the world is changing” is a reflection of 1 Corinthians 7:31, which says: “For the scene of this world is changing.” This scripture reminds us that the current systems and circumstances we see around us are temporary and subject to transformation.
        Understanding the Change
        The Bible repeatedly emphasizes that the world as we know it is temporary and subject to God’s ultimate plan. The changes we see around us—whether in society, politics, or the environment—are all part of a larger divine narrative. The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, encourages believers to focus on spiritual matters and the coming Kingdom of God rather than being overly attached to the current world’s fleeting aspects.

        Modern-Day Reflections
        In today’s world, we see rapid changes and uncertainties. Economic instability, political upheaval, environmental crises, and societal shifts can be overwhelming. However, these changes align with Biblical prophecies that indicate the nearing of God’s Kingdom.

        Jesus Himself spoke of these times in Matthew 24:6-8: “You will hear of wars and reports of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.”

        Hope in God’s Kingdom
        While the world may seem chaotic, the Bible assures us of a future hope. Revelation 21:1-4 provides a beautiful vision of what lies ahead: “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more. […] And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” This promise of a restored paradise under God’s Kingdom is a source of immense hope.
        Faith Amidst Change
        As we navigate these changes, our faith in God’s promises can provide stability and peace. also offers offers numerous resources to help strengthen this faith, including comments on world events effecting of our faith and yes, if it bleads it leads, with our guest video interviews, along with commentary. Bible study aids, that delve deeper and deeper into God’s Word for answers, to the tough questions and its relevance in our lives today. _Conclusion;
        The changing scene of the world is a reminder of the temporary nature of our current system and the glorious future promised under God’s Kingdom. By staying focused on spiritual matters and drawing strength from our faith, we can navigate these changes with hope and confidence.
        Dave, if you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to share here on pages of! Were here to help and discuss any and all things further. Further, for true peace, security and the freedom to make love not war and spread prosperity across the Milky Way and the universe__ One Step Beyond..
        On the Beach (1959) Click 1440p HD- Gregory Peck | Ava Gardner | Fred Astaire | Watch Hollywood Blow Themselves offf the Face of The Earth

        • Katy Bar

          Before true peace, security and the freedom abounds and we make love not war, and begin to spread prosperity across the Milky Way (and then on into God’s Greater Universe Beyond) we need to keep the USA from Breaking Apart into three(3) or four(4) pieces as Martin Armstrong has said could very well happen in a few years!!

          • Ken Yu

            Trump may keep the US together and actually add Western Canada to the US as a New State (by purchasing it with worthless Bitcoins), and probably also add Greenland to the US as another New State (again using worthless Bitcoins as payment) thus gaining all the strategic resources the Neocons are so interested in getting their hands on in Ukraine (at a very very high cost to American Taxpayers)!!

            • Katy Bar

              It may seem like we are adding Wealth to our Lives by adding Strategic Resources and Bitcoins but in the bigger picture we should be very much more concerned about “Protect Our Children” (which Trump to his credit seems to be striving for by going after the Evil Traffickers in Children and putting RFK Jr in charge of the Nations Health Agencies)!! On a personal level each one of us should take responsibility for our actions regarding the lives of our children! When we unthinkingly take our babies for vaccines we are causing our children a lifetime of “Suffering” (from Attention Deficit Disorder all the way to Polio). Taking drugs to kill off an unborn fetus (that fails) can result in that child suffering with conditions from simple arthritis to very sever bone and joint pain all of their lives, etc., etc.!! So it is “All Our Individual Actions” that is Required to make a Better World for our Children – We can’t just leave it to Trump (or to God) to solve for us!!!!

  63. JohnF

    Already Entered Recession/Hyper-Inflation – Due To The FED’s Multiple Trillion Dollar Bailouts. Almost Everything Has Doubled – On It;s Way To Tripling.!

    Raw Sugar Went From $3.00 a 8 lb Bag – Now $8.50

    Housing, Rent, Insurance, Property Taxes, Health Care, Groceries,
    Gasoline, Diesel, Vehicles, Utilities, Wood/Building Supplies, Etc.!

    Core Inflation – Excludes ‘Volatile’ Food & Energy Prices.!

    • Galaxy 500

      Where are you shopping? I can get 10lbs of white sugar for $8.49. While I have some vacuum sealed for a rainy day, I don’t use it.
      At no point in the last 3 years have I been able to buy 4 lbs of the good stuff for $3. I was buying 48oz for 3.99 on sale. Now it’s 6.99 on sale.

  64. Galaxy 500

    Screw the woke, screw the woke, screw the woke…
    Sing it Tom!

  65. Galaxy 500

    Can you imagine this POS in charge of the nation?
    Threesom took CA from 100 Billion surplus, money in the bank, to a big deficit …
    Threesom sent $5 Billion on a no bid contract to China for masks… Ask yourself how much of this cash made it back to Threesom, his family and cronies? Half? It would have had to be a bunch. And why no outrage? Why no investigation, trial and why isn’t he in jail? Oh, that’s right… Good Party members don’t do jail. Just us little people that disagree about whether we want the state to chemically castrate our kids and the teachers pass them around after class.
    In the fiscal year of 2022, California’s state debt stood at about 145.03 billion U.S. dollars.
    What could go wrong?

  66. Lauran F.

    Thank you Greg for another wonderful interview. I feel the need to tell people that Trump getting in will NOT solve all the problems overnight!. This is too far gone to fix in 4 years, but hopefully the people he has put in will carry on, and at least try to clean up the mess. We were asleep in the 60s and 70s, and actually thought Communism and Socialism had gone away. It NEVER sleeps, and is now in the schools and in the churches with their “social justice”. The far left is being paid to keep it going!
    Having coins, quarters and dimes should be part of the “set aside” preparation. People know what they are. Hundred dollar bills will not help if there is no change in their cash drawer, and a gold piece will not be understood by the mass of people out there. Also prepare for barter. Medications, and yes, liquor and cigarettes. I am a realist about what people will pay for. God Bless, and everybody try to have a good Christmas! Everyone needs to do their part!

  67. Bill Holder

    From all guests, Martin A Armstrong is the best, I totally agree with him; it is all about capital flows.

    People need to realize that BTC is artificially propped up. Look at the numbers, BTC is super way high, the next one bellow compared with the rest, it follows a nice trend. In my opinion, for what I see, BTC value is manipulated.

    It is also true, BTC spiked because it is illegal in China to take Yuans out of their economy. They all traded Yuans for BTC to convert back to USDs. That is why in China the exchanges were closed.

    To ford the financial weather, if banks fail, not only cash will be taken but also credit. Cash and Credit are like matter and antimatter, if you have a high credit card let it default, the bank will take all your savings, and if you have $100, that is all they are going to take. Same with cars and houses; try to repo an entire neighborhood, the banks will need an army to go after you.

    Just get food, basic essencials, know your neighbors, get to know the community, make friends with law enforcement. Cash in the bank will be worthless, Silver is a better asset to trade with. Try to trade a Gold bar, is like going to the gas station to break an $100,000 bill; a Silver coin might bring you a week or more worth of groceries.

    • Katy Bar

      The amount of Silver mined in the world to date is 1,740,000 tons (with an additional estimated 560,000 tons still to be mined) that’s a total of about 2,300,000 tons or 73,6000,000,000 ounces of Silver – in a World with 8,000,000,000 People (which, “if fairly distributed” comes out to 9.2 ounces of Silver for every man , woman and child in the world)!! This means each American Family (Mother, Father and 2.1 Children) should own a Minimum of 37.72 Ounces of Silver (to have their “Fair Share”)!! Obviously not every family owns their “Fair Share” because I myself have a lot more then that!! But on a “Fair Share Basis” (Every Person in the World should own One(1) Ounce of Gold and 9.2 Ounces of Silver). With Gold now selling for about $2600 dollars per ounce – a “Fair Valuation for Silver” should be $2600/9.2 (or $282 Dollars for One Ounce of Silver right now)!!!

      • Bill Holder

        There is a lot more Gold that still under the ground. For example, Chocolate Mountain, the Grand Canyon, those are places the fed gov have them labeled as off limits. The amount of gold is good enough to lower its price.

        Silver is a much important metal, gold not so much. Silver used as Pharmaceutical, or even in Electronics, it is spent, gone for good. I go long on Silver, it is the metal to be on, hold to it, and wait. Just watch the Au to Ag ratio, forget the value on USDs.

        • Randy Best

          You have been listening to Bix Weir too much.

        • Katy Bar

          It will soon be common knowledge that Silver “is much more rare” than Gold (so the price implications for Silver in relation to Gold are staggering, and as the END of the Un-backed Fiat Money System Unfolds – Physical Silver and Physical Gold will never be parted with in exchange for Worthless fiat paper (where wheel barrels full or wooden pallets of $100 dollar bills stacked 10 feet high will likely never again be enough to bribe any terrorist. And when all that “extra” Gold in the Grand Canyon, etc., etc. is unearth the value of One(1) Silver Eagle (with a worthless face value of $1 Dollar stamped on it) will likely be equal to Ten(10) Gold Eagles (with a worthless face value of $50 Dollars stamped on it)!!!

        • Katy Bar

          How are you going to make “small purchases” if Silver is Worth As Much As, or Even More then Gold)???

          • Steve Bice

            Junk silver in the form of 1964 and earlier dimes…

          • Steve Bice

            A pre-1964 dime contains 0.07234 troy ounces of pure silver. At $2,600 silver, a “dime” would be worth $188.

            Maybe it wouldn’t work so great for a loaf of bread, but it certainly could for a basket of groceries…if they are available at all.

            It clearly belongs on the list of hedges/mitigations against an unknown but potentially highly inflationary future.

            • Galaxy 500

              If … If…
              If silver is $2,600/troy oz ( where does this number come from??) what would a gallon of gasoline cost or a dozen eggs? Or that loaf of bread?
              Don’t expect PMs to soar and food, gas and labor to remain static

              • Steve Bice

                Thanks 500. I don’t expect stability. The $2,600 number is just picking up on Katy Bar’s equivalency argument about gold and silver and I matched them at the current price just to make the point of how you could conceivably use small denomination coins effectively.

                I won’t bore the audience further by posting it again, but I have made exhaustive arguments that gold and silver are vastly under-priced from 45 years of manipulation…dating from when Volcker lamented not controlling the gold price in 1980.

                The gist of it is that supply is “spoofed” by paper contracts on the COMEX at ratios of 200 to 1 or higher…paper to physical (and silver at 500 to 1).

                Spoofing the supply by a factor of 200 pushes price down by a similar ratio. The market pricing mechanism sets price based on a false number since people don’t demand delivery of actual physical…like fractional reserve banking.

                When physical demand overruns supply, the COMEX will collapse and 99.5% of the supply will be eviscerated. With the same demand and a half percent of the supply, price will skyrocket.

                This is not an inflation phenomenon. Market price distortions create wealth opportunities. We get one shot at this as price races to a new equilibrium level based on actual supply. Inflation will drive the price even higher (to your point), but the spread on the distortion is real wealth gain. Gotta be in to win…one shot.

                (I have posted the entire 5 part analysis here before, but didn’t get much response. No worries. I put it out there, and people can judge it on its merits…or not. My feelings aren’t hurt either way, but I believe there is opportunity…if the world will just hold together.)

      • Galaxy 500

        I don’t understand the reason behind your math but I agree 100% that every single one of Greg’s readers/viewers should have as much Au, Ag and Cu clad Pb as they can.
        It’s a great insurance policy of silver and gold

  68. Mark

    Martin is an excellent guest. Not sure why you have so many commercial interruptions throughout the interview along with you constantly interrupting him like usual.

  69. Watchman on the wall

    Mr. Greg Hunter, once again thank you for all your efforts. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

    Today is the day of salvation. I thank God for His love for us. Born Again, John 3 is the only answer.

    The number of drug addicts in America is at the highest level ever.
    – Micheal Snyder

    I thank God for you Greg, and for your guests.


    you are Loved

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother Watchman!
      Brother Greg

  70. Dean Backer

    I will definitely listen to this interview three or four more times.

    • RK

      That video was horrific to watch and I had nightmares after watching, it was pure evil.

      Her name is Amelia Carter, 29 year old white female burned alive by an illegal alien, which is why the lying legacy media isn’t covering it.

  71. Hoss Endright

    The rich ain’t going to allow any NATO western city/nation to be destroyed in a war.

    The rich -will allow- all poorer nations to be burned to the ground. The rich can double their money destroying those peoples using your tax money, and the rich can double their money again rebuilding the peoples using your tax dollars.

    The rich ain’t going to change the rules unless they get even more!!
    The current way things are going will continue for many many decades.
    The trick is to keep all your personal money growing and beating inflation.

    Whatever system you use for money, as long as the central bank can borrow it into existence, the money:
    (1) eventually ends up all in a few peoples hands, and
    (2) over time the money is printed into infinity where one currency unit is worth nothing.

    If you want to base it on gold, in the end a few parties will control all the gold and the masses will have nothing. Even the film “Out Of Time” was dead on, where the money is actually the remaining ‘time of life’ that one has on their arm display, and a few rich persons have thousands of years available.

    The solution is to ban all debt creation that creates inflation, and also ban shorting (the selling something that one doesn’t physically and legally own).

    • Galaxy 500

      How are they going to prevent it? Fairy Dust and Unicorn farts? The same plan that the Cult of Climate thinks will work

  72. Seer

    Additional info. Remote viewing Jan 20 see indoors large number of people in suits. Trump is seated and they are standing. Also, for safety maybe a Trump look alike for safety. Might not even be Wash DC ….. Will recheck again in January.

    • Galaxy 500

      Could you do a remote viewing for the next lotto?

  73. George Berwash

    Fake Blinkin Crocodile tears
    The Rise of Putin: How US Foreign Policy Backfired
    Cyrus Janssen 101,964 views 20 hours ago

  74. Marie Joy

    An EMP would kill most of us within a year and do very little damage to our infrastructure.
    We can live without lights but we cannot live without winter heat.
    Plant an herb garden, blueberries, strawberries, rhubarb, raspberries, blackberries (every berry that will survive your zone), asparagus, fruit and nut trees… things that come back every year. Plant a lot of them, ASAP. Pay particular attention to pollinators. Youtube and seed catalogues are good teachers.
    An EMP makes the most sense but when did sense have anything to do with this.

  75. Galaxy 500

    Trump owned by the money changers? Is that a code for Jews?
    Really tired of all the silly Butt-Hurt anti-Trump and anti Jew BS.
    Tariffs… hard to believe but we had those before.
    WOW… Sorry but none of your fantasies are really

  76. Shirl

    Hello Greg and Fellow WatchDoggers,
    Thank you for the latest updates here with Mr Armstrong…wow.!
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
    Pray up for we all know evil never sleeps!

    • Galaxy 500

      Pray up, ammo up, and Peace to the World
      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  77. Galaxy 500

    If Biden is not able to of sound mind, and he isn’t, then no documents that he signed is legal. Like all of these pardons.

    Who’s running the country? And don’t F’ing tell me the Puppet Biden is. He was already suffering dementia when they ran him in 2020 ergo his “Basement Malarky” campaign.
    So who makes up the shadow government running things? Biden isn’t in control of his bowels. These people are illegitimate and make up a treasonous coup. The Demoncrats have doubled down on their evil deviancy. I feel no pity or sympathy for what Biden is reaping. His entire career has been the promotion of evil and deviancy. His administration just pardoned a Judge that was “selling” kids to the prison industrial complex. His Administration is selling the parts of the border wall so cheap it’s criminal. His administration allowed the contractors that were paid to build the wall sit in construction trailers and still get paid in 2021.
    Isn’t it time these criminals were brought to justice?
    And those that are RINOs… they are clearly not on the side of America

  78. Galaxy 500

    Surprise surprise surprise… said no ever

  79. T. Argyle

    BREAKING: : : : : : : : : : : :
    Peace Prosperity & Security going going GONE!
    The Skinny-on-Skinny Twit: Jake the Snake Sullivan

    Nuclear War False Flag Alert! To Stop the Incoming Trump Administration’s Global Peace Initiative the Biden White House Now Hyping an Iranian Nuclear Sneak Attack “Posted 6 minutes ago SETTING OFF a NUKE! CRAZY MAN!

  80. t.argyle

    Full Movie Parts one through ten seamless in HD Quality!
    Prepare: PANIC IN YEAR ZERO In Your Future? Thanks Jake!

  81. cleath

    I don’t see how martial law can stop the inauguration. It can take place without all the hoopla normally done, just like when Biden took over. This isn’t Ukraine.

    • Galaxy 500

      Yeah, I don’t want to drive a nuke anymore than I want to drive an EV that bursts into flames when wrecked. Nothing like a lethal dose of radiation after a wreck to … well, wreck your life

      This is the same hyperbole and bs they used to sell EVs by the way.

  82. Justn Observer

    Greg, next 30 days some of the most dangerous…anything can happen and IS.

    Michael Flynn: ‘This Country Will Only Survive’ If We Do This

    NOT as it seems in MSM in Syria = Prayers for all in the Middle East as the circumstances grow more grotesque and shameful ! -death squads and selling women and children as sex slaves =
    Pepe Escobar : Russia Stays in Syria.
    Max Blumenthal : Death Squads In Syria.

    On US front = labor on the ropes as employment stalls to zero…after the holidays?
    Grim Warning to America: Jobs Have Completely Stopped Hiring

  83. Marie Joy

    Brownville’s Food Pantry For Deer “Trough View” is on Youtube at
    This relaxes me when I’m stressed. Sometimes there are many deer. Sometimes there are no deer. They usually fill the troughs before 9 am. The deer come and go. I enjoy it.
    Just an FYI.
    Merry Christmas to all Patriots.

    • Galaxy 500

      Tells me video unavailable
      Several of the hunters around here have auto feeders set up on the other side of the the field from their deer stands. So. They have a Deer Foodbank but it costs the deer a bunch during hunting season

      • Marie Borgeson

        Click on Home. It will bring you to a page that has the option of the desired Trough View of the Deer Pantry.

  84. Thora

    Hi Greg, it’s Thora, the one who sent you the spices. I hope you received them. Very Merry Christmas and thank you for all you do. We love!
    Thora and Ed

    • Greg Hunter

      The spices you sent me are totally pure and certified organic. You can tell in the taste!! Fantastic!! The vanilla extract is divine, by the way. You forgot the link: I will be ordering from you!!!
      Greg Hunter

      • Thora

        Thank you! God bless you:)

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi Thora
      I went to order some vanilla on Greg’s recommendation but I couldn’t find it on your site. Please post a link to I can send you an order

  85. Marie Joy

    How bad is the radiation from an EMP? Does anyone know the realities of radiation from an EMP?

    • Galaxy 500

      Unless you are near the actual airboat, not much.

      • Galaxy 500

        Airburst… my gracious Spell Corrector is a tyrant

    • Justn Observer

      Marie Joy, EMP pulse destroys electronics… but it can damage humans depending on how close one is to the detonation. IF close can damage DNA, Nervous system if close and very high.
      Generally, they are used to disrupt electronic equipment, central control defense centers, computers, cyber systems and other on line infrastructure, electric grids, etc. CME’s do the same but may last longer dependent on the magnitude of the Sun burst length, and intensity of radiation = larger earth facing X flares or higher. = 1921 Geomagnetic Storm, Carrington event =

      FARADAY BAGS FOR EQUIPMENT, AND FARADAY CAGES DEPENDENT ON SIZE OF EQUIPMENT, rooms or garage for ‘computer chipped cars and newer farm equipment etc. =

    • Won Witness

      Marie Joy follows is not Chrismas Reading!
      One does not generate the other, they are both biproducts of massive energy release by splitting atoms.
      EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) Is magnetic burst of energy.
      (operationally similar to a radio station inducing current flow in your radio’s antenna which the circuits convert to an audible form you can listen to But is much more powerful ) .
      A Nuclear Bomb produces both radiation and an EMP. Some bombs are engineered to produce a maximum EMP for a High altitude detination which basically will induce exteme electrical current flow damaging any electronics, Power Transmission lines, etc, within line of sight of the bomb. EMP is a threat to modern Technology. Bombs using enhanced EMP are deployed First to destroy command and control facilities of the target country and are a choice if the enemy plans boots on the ground so Radiation output and blast energy is not emphasised but will remain an issue. Faraday shields can help to reduce the magnetic energy burst.
      Radiation is a non electrical element and is a threat to all life forms.
      Shielding via lead, sandbags, underground shelters anti fallout procedures and taking potassium iodide (KI) post blast, can improve survival.
      Bombs are built to emphasise different nasty effects. for example the multiple warhead devices that are the current fashion, as one big bomb can turn a city center to dust 5 times over but dead is dead. So they now pack several smaller bombs in one weapon that deploy to destroy the city and other targets in the vicinity.
      The Bible tells us God will build a brand new world.
      As Greg says, Fear Not ! For the elect, those days shall be shortened.
      The Prince of Peace was born, Crucified, and shall Return (very soon I think)

  86. Janice Bechdolt

    Good to see you Greg looking as healthy and handsome as ever, and you never seem
    to get any older…. Love Martins festive look with the cranberry red shirt and souffle
    pink tie….he usually looks so bland in neutral colors….glad to see he is feeling exuberant
    and smiling alot even though his message is sobering. Maybe that is why he dressed more
    festive, so people wouldnt get too depressed. Hopefully he will help guide the Trump
    people, and a public works program like the WPA with the CCC..Civilian Conservation
    Corp would be something great to bring back to help people keep their dignity.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the very kind words of support and the analysis.

  87. Randy Best

    I keep waiting for Operation Sandman, but nothin ever happens.

  88. Galaxy 500

    These people should not be allowed to adopt. They should be allowed to enter a civil union but they should not be allowed to marry. Marriage is a thing of YHWH.
    Contrary to what my old church leadership decided, Gays should not be allowed in the pulpit anymore than an adulterous man or woman.

    All right people, time for me to stir up a thought provoking conversation and delay.
    Here is the premise
    *** I heard it said that our country’s ills are all due to allowing women suffrage. Should that the right to vote should be reserved for men with skin in the game. I think that you should have to do two years of service in the military. You don’t have to do it, it isn’t forced. You are still a citizen and you can enter into contracts, run businesses you just can not vote.
    And voter fraud should be a capital crime and illegal entry into the country by an illegal alien should be 10 years I’m in the worst jail we have in America, maybe build one in the Arctic. And if you knowingly hire an illegal, 5 years in jail.
    The Feminist movement destroyed the family, destroyed Fatherhood and destroyed America by mainlining all the deviants and deviancy. At its heart, modern feminism isn’t about women’s rights it about hatred of men with husbands and fathers hated most.
    Simply put, until we roll back women’s suffrage, we will never be able to right the ship of state. This might end up taking a dictatorship to fix

  89. Justn Observer

    Greg, For those unfamiliar with the background of those early years of Rockefeller reports in 1954 about the time of the machinations of ICC ?
    and possibly when the start of the PNAC and other plans took root by those with an eye for a globalist agenda =
    The Circle = Le CERCLE

    • Jerry

      I just read this, these people are out of control! Stop taking our money and spending is on this CRAP!

  90. Mr. Kazanovich

    The LaPen, Is mightier Than the Sword?
    Isn’t Britain Our Top Ally In Europe?
    LIVE: Putin’s Huge ‘Destruction’ Vow Against Top U.S. Ally In Europe; ‘Will Destroy…’ |Times Of India Started streaming 22 hours ago
    Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed to bring “more destruction” to Ukraine after a drone attack hit the city of Kazan in central Russia. The strike, which targeted a luxury apartment block 1,000 km from the front lines, is the latest escalation in the ongoing conflict.
    Isn’t when you resort to civilian targets terrorism? Have we stooped so low?

  91. Stop the Madness!

    Putin’s Men Launch Surprise Attack on NATO Nation Fighters; Russia ‘Punishes West’s Proxies’ Times of India Dec 24, 2024
    Russian troops from the mountain motorized rifle unit ambushed Polish mercenaries in Donetsk, catching them off guard while drinking tea in their stronghold. Commander Stefan Sazonov shared details of the attack, revealing that the mercenaries, unfamiliar with Russian commands, were unprepared for the surprise. While 15-20% of the mercenaries are well-trained, they possess superior weapons compared to Ukrainian forces.

  92. Nat Blackmoore

    Huckabee: They’re underestimating what’s coming under Trump
    Fox News 469,780 views Dec 18, 2024
    ‘Hannity’ panelists Mike Huckabee and Reince Priebus unpack the Biden administration’s leadership as the president’s puppeteers prepare to finally leave Trumps office they stole in 2020, yes ! Front&center

    “Worst Day of Obomber’s Life” – Patrick Bet David Speaks at America Fest 2024 | Turning Point USA 🇺🇸 Valuetainment Dec 24, 2024
    Catch Patrick Bet-David’s explosive address at America Fest 2024. PBD discusses Trump’s win, Obama’s political decline, and the importance of humility and unity in politics. He highlights the need for the GOP to baptize and convert, not alienate, over the next 4 years.

  93. Charles Windbagsor

    LIVE | Putin’s Explosive Interview: West Armed Ukraine Under Minsk Deception | Russia | World Times Now World Started streaming on Dec 23, 2024
    In a candid and wide-ranging interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Western leaders of deliberately undermining the Minsk agreements, claiming they used the process as a ploy to rearm Ukraine for future military conflict. Putin alleged that Russia’s inaction in anticipating these developments would have been a “crime against the interests of Russia and its people.” He also criticized U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration for “personal vengeance” against Moscow, pointing to the continued supply of thousands of rockets to Kyiv. Reflecting on history, Putin evoked the Crimean War and asserted that Russia’s resilience has always been its strength, vowing to respond decisively to any escalation while remaining open to compromises that safeguard Russian interests.

  94. Snake Sullivan

    REAKING: : : : : : : : Merry X-MASS x x x xx x x Merry X-MASS ! ! ! ! ! ! !
    Live Christmas Eve Special: Senator Rand Paul Calls For Immediate Arrest Of Psychotic Mad Scientist Anthony Fraudci For Crimes Against Humanity! Plus, Biden Admin Now Hyping Nuclear Sneak-Attack From Pakistan, Iran, Ad Nauseum! Setting Stage For Thermo Nuclear Atomic False Flag – Must-Share! Posted 6 minutes ago
    The Deep State is potentially setting the stage for a nuclear false flag inside the US.
    Exclusive Infowars transmission!

  95. Tony Flun'kinsall Missile

    Seeing How Insidious This Dis Is!
    LIVE | Putin’s Explosive Interview: West Armed Ukraine Under Minsk Deception | Russia | World Times Now World Started streaming on Dec 23, 2024
    In a candid and wide-ranging interview, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Western leaders of deliberately undermining the Minsk agreements, claiming they used the process as a ploy to rearm Ukraine for future military conflict. Putin alleged that Russia’s inaction in anticipating these developments would have been a “crime against the interests of Russia and its people.” He also criticized U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration for “personal vengeance” against Moscow, pointing to the continued supply of thousands of rockets to Kyiv. Reflecting on history, Putin evoked the Crimean War and asserted that Russia’s resilience has always been its strength, vowing to respond decisively to any escalation while remaining open to compromises that safeguard Russian interests.

  96. T.F.M.

    MY mistake;
    Here’s the link to; LIVE | Putin’s Explosive Interview: West Armed Ukraine
    Under Minsk Deception | Russia | World

  97. Da Don

    Trump making fun of . . . .

  98. Galaxy 500

    His most High Poop makes propaganda to go with the Vatican child abuse

  99. By By Birdie

    Good News, if not a bird,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!
    Watch: Paul Harvey’s Epic Christmas Story ‘The Man And The Birds’
    by December 24th, 2024 1:24 PM
    Share this classic holiday poem with your friends and family! Now you’ll know the rest of the story!

    ‘World War III has already begun,’ Jamie Dimon warns — says his team is preparing for serious conflict with China, Russia. 3 assets to protect yourself in 2025
    Story by Moneywise • 7h •

  100. nina

    The WEF people and the neocons are going for Russia. They will hit Russia before Trump arrives. They are already mapping targets.

  101. Galaxy 500

    Cisco lays off 10,000

  102. Galaxy 500

    D idn’t
    E ran

    How did our military get this Fubar’ed?
    Jilted lover? Slighted liberal?
    Improper promotion of incompetence?

    • Galaxy 500

      New year’s resolution
      Gonna proof my stuff more LOL

    • Greta Anna Detloff

      Reply to Galaxy 500
      THIS IS REAL IRAN 🇮🇷 What the Western Media Don’t Tell You About IRAN
      pleasant walk 1,292 views Dec 23, 2024
      Watch if you’re curious about Iran and want to see a different view away from mainstream news and politics.
      THIS IS REAL IRAN 🇮🇷 What the Western Media Don’t Tell You About IRAN

  103. Michael Boden🌺

    Slovak PM Blasts Zelensky Over Gas Deal, Shakes Hand with Putin in Moscow
    Times Now World Started streaming 23 hours ago
    Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has publicly clashed with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky over a contentious gas deal, sparking a diplomatic row between the two nations. Fico revealed that Zelensky had refused to allow Slovakia to transit non-Russian gas through Ukraine, and had instead made “absurd” demands, including a proposal to supply gas for free. The Slovak leader also claimed that Zelensky had attempted to bribe him with a $500 million offer of Russian assets in exchange for Slovakia’s support of Ukraine’s NATO membership bid. Fico’s blunt rejection of Zelensky’s overtures has raised tensions between the two countries, with the Slovak prime minister warning of potential “reciprocal measures” in response to Ukraine’s perceived lack of cooperation.

    Neocons Pushing Trump into IRAN WAR. Devastating Consequences. |
    Col. Macgregor & J. Carden Neutrality Studies 67,290 views Dec 24, 2024, Interviews
    US neocons have had Iran on their regime change and war planning list for 50 years. Now they are in the final preparation for the great push to make war all but inevitable for the incoming Trump administration. The warmongers are working in over-drive

    Why Are Critics of the Deep State STILL ALL IN on Tulsi?
    Due Dissidence 80.4K subscribers 21K views 1 day ago
    Tul, say it isn’t so! So?
    Are you a Russki op., or a DEEP STATE CREEP op?
    Whose op. are you, anyways? “Palagi Fa’afafine?”🌺

  104. Stop the Madness!

    Rob Schmitt Tonight 12/24/24 FULL HD | BREAKING NEWS TRUMP
    December 24, 2024 Artesanato fácil 6 hours ago
    Michael Savage, we don’t fear our government anymore! 12:50 mark.
    Because we have freedom once again, they fear us. We the sheeple!

  105. Galaxy 500

    Happy Birthday Jesus!

    Thank you for the pain and blood you shed for my salvation

  106. Galaxy 500

    In the Land Downunder, a childcare worker reported her employer for pedophilia… abusing children against 11 girls. A church supported chain of childcare centers.
    And what do the authorities in Australia do? What every tyrannical regime does… they arrested the whistleblower. And the Police cleared the pedophile and returned him back to abuse more kids. They seized the whistleblower stuff after a complaint by the church…
    Sounds like what we are doing here.

  107. Galaxy 500

    When you think about the cold blooded murder of the United Healthcare CEO, by one of the Mario Brothers?
    I think MK Ultra Version 5. It looked very rehearsed and you have to wonder after all the planning why did he expose his face? Preprogrammed?

    And the inculcation children receive in so-called Higher Education.
    100 years ago, people graduated HS with a better education than most 4 year degree today
    An educated populace is a dangerous populace. Just an armed one

  108. Galaxy 500

    This poor deluded fool. I enjoyed a few of his shows but after this post. My gracious what an incredibly pathetic attempt to mislead the public on what is the greatest story that ever lived.
    Gryll’s posted these lies about our Savior on Twitter:
    The full tweet reads:

    In these next few days billions of us around the world celebrate the birth of a Middle Eastern refugee who, 2,000 years ago, changed the course of the world forever.

    Let me tell you some of his story.
    This is just a short extract from near the beginning of the adventure. When Maryam, a young, poor, and no doubt terrified Palestinian girl, gives birth in a run-down animal pen, to a baby who was foretold for hundreds of years.

    Yet she was not alone. And she never would be. Because this was the moment that God Almighty broke into our fallen world in person…

    To many of us, it is undoubtedly: The Greatest Story Ever Told

  109. Galaxy 500

    Evil is near a good trustworthy partner even to other evil…

  110. Katy Bar

    Today is Christ’s “Day” – What if all the soldiers just refused to fight? What if they refused to execute those who refused to fight?? What could the Officers (outnumbered 10 to 1 do about it??? Why not make 2025 Christ’s “Year”!!!

  111. Galaxy 500

    Once a 304, always a 304… Satan has really marked these entire family

  112. Johnny

    Sage advice about keeping cash for when things get dicey. But if the internet goes down how will the cash help? Most businesses, even small ones that I frequent, do not sell anything unless the electricity is on and the product can be scanned, the inventory adjusted and the register opened.

    • Steve Bice

      Johnnny: At scale, I don’t disagree.

      But I thought you might find it interesting what happened in Western North Carolina after Helene blew through. Within days of the storm passing, many if not most businesses that weren’t flooded were open and taking cash only. Publix was up and running two days later and initially took cash only if I remember correctly. (All that Florida hurricane experience payed off. They were running three times their normal volume since all the competition was floundering. Systems came back up quickly.)

      I bought a truck battery the morning after the storm from Advanced Auto Parts…and had to go back home to get more cash since I had only $170 in my pocket. Businesses put up banquet tables and used paper ledgers and wrote paper receipts. I also bought fuel caps for my chainsaw at a local 4×4 store. The local UPS store had banquet tables set up outside, since they had endured 4 feet of water in the store. The offered limited services…but were taking Amazon returns. Go figure…

      Now, I know they were expecting the power to come back on, and it eventually did. But they could have run this way for weeks if not months until supplies ran out. A couple months might make all the difference for those hoping to emerge on the other side of a magor crisis.

      This took place while the regional cell and internet infrastructure was in tatters. Power lines, cable, and fiber were ripped apart and laying on the ground…along with power poles, across the region.

      I bought Starlink equipment to be able to communicate…and it was an incredible solution when everything else went down. It was the last man standing. AT&T fiber was down for approximately two and half months…while Elon offered 3 months of free service in the storm zone.

      So, at least for regional disasters where the rest of the world is functioning, cash makes a difference. If everything everywhere comes unraveled, then all bets are off. But my experience is that cash is your friend in an emergency. It offers a multi-thousand-year history and a robustness that our modern systems do not.

      Our digital systems are highly efficient, but more far more fragile than we recognize. There is no redundancy…and the low-tech default fall-backs options are cash and bartering.

      Protect yourself as best you can, and consider keeping a little cash on hand. It worked for some of us in this unexpected “field test”.


  113. Chris Foster

    Armstrong says a lot, except what is the solution. I want to know what the solution si and I don’t think he has one.

    • Greg Hunter

      You are looking for some pain fee “solution.” There isn’t one. This is why Martin is telling people to get cash out of the bank and 2 years of food.

      • Chris Foster

        No Greg I am not looking for a pain free solution. He claims the Dollar isn’t going to collapse and a few minutes later he says the Chinese will have the world reserve currency. You can’t have both. I know what the solution is, I am just waiting for Martin to say it rather than give us all a history lesson. Although I do appreciate a good lesson in History. Martin is not a dumb person yet when I look back at his debate about inflation with Peter Schiff it is clear he either does not understand that money printing is inflation, or he is being disingenuous. You should bring on Peter Schiff if you can, he will give you a straight answer rather than dance around your questions. Just my thoughts. Take care.

  114. Galaxy 500

    Don’t tell me Joe is a Christian…
    Praise God (YHWH) and His Son that they protected Trump and delivered us from the Evil that is Demoncrats and the wicked Kameltow…
    “We look to the sky – a lone star – shining brighter than all the rest, guiding us to the birth of a child – a child Christians believe to be the Son of God, bringing hope, love, peace and joy to the world,” Biden said without mentioning Christ as the Savior.


    LIVE | Kyiv Residents Shelter in Metro as Russia Attacks Energy System on Christmas Morning
    The Perils of Intervention
    NATO In Kosova, Serbia and NATO In in the Donbass, Ukraine
    Similarities and Contrasts
    The conflicts involving ethnic Albanians in Serbian Kosovo and ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine (Donbass) share similarities and contrasts. Both regions have experienced significant ethnic tensions and violence, leading to international intervention and NATO geopolitical maneuvering. Situations our first president warned us to keep out of, intervention in foreign entanglement’s.
    _____Washington in need of French intervention!
    In the late 1990s, Kosovo, a region in southern Serbia with a majority ethnic Albanian population, sought independence. The conflict escalated into a war between Former Yugoslav forces, Serbian and the Albanians Liberation Army, in Kosovo. Part of Serbia, leading to NATO intervention in 1999. The U.S. and its allies supported Kosovo’s independence from Serbia which was declared in 2008.
    Eastern Ukraine (Donbass)
    In contrast, the conflict in Eastern Ukraine began in 2014 when ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass region sought greater autonomy or independence from Ukraine. This conflict escalated into a war involving Ukrainian forces and Russian – backed ethnic Russian separatists. The U.S. and its allies supported Ukraine’s territorial integrity, opposing the separatist movements.
    Hypocrisy and Geopolitical Interests
    The U.S. taking sides in these conflicts highlights the complexities and hypocrisy in international politics. In Kosovo, the U.S. supported the right to self-determination for ethnic Albanians, while in Eastern Ukraine, it supported the territorial integrity of Ukraine against separatist ethnic Russian movements. These positions often reflect broader geopolitical interests rather than consistent principles.
    The Cost of War
    War and conflict invariably lead to poverty, displacement, and suffering. The Bible emphasizes the value of peace and the futility of war. James 4:1-2 states: “What is the source of the wars and fights among you? Do they not originate from your fleshly desires that carry on a conflict within you? You desire, and yet you do not have. You go on murdering and coveting, and yet you are not able to obtain. You go on fighting and waging war.”
    The Path to Peace and Prosperity
    The Bible offers a vision of a world where peace and security prevail. Isaiah 2:4 says: “He will render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore.” This prophecy speaks of a time when God’s Kingdom will bring an end to war and establish lasting peace.
    Solutions from the Bible
    The teachings of Jesus Christ emphasize love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Matthew 5:9 says: “Happy are the peacemakers, since they will be called sons of God.” By fostering a spirit of peace and understanding, we can work towards resolving conflicts without resorting to violence.
    The conflicts in Kosovo and Eastern Ukraine highlight the complexities of international politics and the often-contradictory positions taken by powerful nations. However, the Bible offers a vision of a future where peace and prosperity prevail, and conflicts are resolved through love and understanding. By aligning our actions with these principles, we can contribute to a more peaceful and prosperous world, even NOW.

    I hope this analysis helps all SCOUNDRELS. Vlad the Impaler Putinskya, Alex sore eye’s Soros, Anthony blinking, Blinkin, Jake da Snake and the least of all, Barry the OBOMBER.
    If those num-skulls have any questions or need further insight, feel free to arsk! Here, on, not commie😉!

    IF TRINI HAD A HAMMER!!! Would he use it on some num-Skulls?

  116. Coal Burner

    Greg; Merry Christmas to you and Martin!!!!

    Please Ask the Doctor what the symptoms of Avian Bird Flu present?
    I had a weird experience two weeks back. IT felt like an internal infection, or an attack of a vicious virus. I went to the ER fearing infection. I had one, once with very similar symptoms. So I spent six or eight in preliminary holding for the ER and underwent a battery of testing. The ER Doc finally comes to tell me they could find nothing. Even an MRI and second round to testing to see if I was building to fight an infection. And nothing. Felt better , went home and 95% recovery by morning. Felt weird for two weeks. Had a few brain farts more than usual in that 2 weeks then all gone. Feel great 100% for strong at my age. What virus was it?????

    • Seer

      Consider frequency radiation exposure or havana syndrome?

  117. Saint Snicker Claus

    The true meaning of Christmas today is viewed quite differently than the original traditional Christian celebrations. Here are some key points that capture those differences. Lets start with the settlers who landed at Plymouth Rock, that the Injins called rock with no name, in 1620. Those first settlers were known as the Pilgrims. They were a group of English Separatists who sought religious freedom and were part of the broader Puritan movement. The Pilgrims initially fled to the Netherlands to escape religious persecution in England, but eventually decided to journey to the New World to establish a community where they could practice their faith freely, far away from the red light district of Amsterdam. John Wayne thought all sissy’s were Pilgrims, by the way.
    Origin of Christmas: The term “Christmas” means “Christ’s Mass,” which refers to a mass celebrating the birth of Jesus. However early Christians, English Puritans, the first North American colonists believed that this celebration is rooted in pagan customs and rites, which they argued are not approved by God.

    Biblical Perspective: The Bible does not specify the date of Jesus’ birth, nor does it instruct followers to celebrate his birthday, in fact the Pilgrims didn’t even celebrate they’re own birthdays!. This absence of any scriptural support lead them to refrain from Christmas and any and all, so called Christmas celebrations.
    Cultural Practices: Many customs associated with Christmas, such as gift-giving and decorating trees, were seen as having pagan origins. The Puritan Pilgrim Christians emphasized that these practices can detract from the true worship of God.
    Spiritual Implications: They believed that the spirit of Christmas is often influenced by paganism and can lead to a focus on materialism rather than spiritual growth. They encouraged members to focus on worshiping God in ways that align with biblical teachings.
    Alternative Celebrations: Instead of Christmas, the Pilgrims celebrated events that are directly mentioned in the Bible, but not Easter as it’s know today, but the Memorial of Christ’s Death, which they considered to be a more meaningful observance than searching for organic, at the time, colored goose eggs during Easter .
    In summary, Pilgrims viewed Christmas as a holiday that lacks biblical support and is intertwined with pagan traditions. They advocated for a focus on worship that is rooted in scripture rather than cultural customs, or you wound up in the stocks!
    Sorta like being on Wall Street today.
    Merry X-Mass! Or whatever you want to call it!
    Stay away from the plum pudding, it’s got nasty consequence’s!

  118. Joe

    Is there a source that says Satoshi Nakamoto is fictional character created by CIA? I’m reading a book called hijacking bitcoin: the hidden history of btc by Roger Ver and just want to fact check.

  119. Unprecedented Exodus

    LIVE | ‘Forcibly Taken To Kursk…’: Ukrainian Soldiers Reveal Why They Fear Fighting Russia Times Of India Started streaming 21 hours ago
    The Russian Defence Ministry has released two videos of Ukrainian prisoners of war who reveal that they were deceived by the high command and taken to Kursk, where they were forced to fight Russia.

    THERE is no Surrender! The last to die, any volunteers? YES! Sullivan & Blinky!?
    Ukrainian Soldiers Flee Frontlines in Unprecedented Exodus | Times Now World
    Times Now World 106,164 views Dec 25, 2024
    Ukraine’s army is grappling with a catastrophic desertion crisis as more than 200,000 soldiers abandon their posts. The mass exodus is fueled by inadequate training, unethical orders, and psychological manipulation. With morale shattered and manpower depleted, Ukraine’s military faces a growing collapse, threatening its defense capabilities amid ongoing conflict with Russia.

  120. Marie Joy

    One of Trump’s Executive Orders said that TRAITORS’ assets could be confiscated.

  121. Victor Showman Shokin

    That will be unstoppable and undetectable, we will be dead before you and I even know it!
    Putin sends warning to the US and UK for supplying weapons to Ukraine

  122. Marie Joy

    With all the bad stuff that is happening to Americans, I am, lately, seeing many more advertisements asking for help for foreigners. Americans in East Palestine, Ohio and North Carolina need our help.

  123. Galaxy 500

    Satan orders Christ out of COE’s version of Christianity

  124. Galaxy 500

    A sinister power forcing its way into the Middle East.

  125. Veronica Luca

    I’m confused…didn’t Greg and the rest of MAGA assure us that if Trump was elected everything would be roses?

    • Greg Hunter

      Nobody ever said that. Trump is a winter coat according to Charles Nenner. I always said the economy was going to crash at some point because of all of the unpayable debt, but you knew that–Troll!!

    • Galaxy 500

      I am confused that at how you came to this conclusion if you spent any time watching Greg’s guests. Trump is going to slow the impact velocity, Trump is going to shorten the pain but there will still be much pain. Compliments of Joe, B’Rock, and the Clinton-Bushes…

  126. Galaxy 500

    These people do not believe in the rule of law…
    They seek to destroy the Constitution and our country by any means necessary…
    They hate us and want to subjugate us… You will own nothing, eat bugs, and be “Happy.”
    We must destroy these people’s political power and voice

  127. Richard Longacre

    Thank you Greg for the enlightening interview with Martin Armstrong. One way or the other it sure seems that war is being forced on the world (With no talks of peace allowed at all). Whether it is before the January 20 Trump inauguration (like Steve Quail believes) or in April or May (like MA says) we have some hard times coming all over the world.

    I have spent the last 14 years learning self-sufficiency skills and building a home (and garden) to help my family get through what has always been inevitable to happen (financial system collapse, famine and war). Every single fiat currency system in the history of the world has failed and so will the USD (Just don’t know when or how yet). All we will have to survive once this credit-based (debt-based) system stops working is what we have in our possession. Prepare accordingly like there is nobody coming to help you, because they aren’t. You will be on your own (just Jesus, you and your neighbors).

    We have no way of knowing how long it will take for a supply system (and financial system and possibly even a government) to come back on line, so prepare for a long time. I, for one, am planning on refusing to comply with or use any cashless CBDC fiat replacement digital prison system (predecessor of the Mark of the Beast) so I needed to prepare for a few years of self sufficiency more than most people. We will soon all be faced with some difficult decisions that may very well determine our eternal souls and lives on this earth. Choose wisely. Choose Jesus now.

  128. Richard Longacre

    I didn’t want to just add on to the first comment where the rapture debate seemed to get a little heated, so, I am making a separate comment here on what I believe scripture tells us about the timing of the end times events. Specifically, the final 7 years or Daniel’s 70th week.

    I personally believe that the signing of the UN Pact for the Future on 22-23 Sep 2024 is the “Covenant with Death” treaty that started the final 7 years (Daniel’s 70th week) and the final 7 years started on 2 October 2024 (on Rosh Hashanah – Feast of Trumpets) which is the official start of the year on the Jewish calendar. This treaty does provide the avenue for the UN to forcibly divide the land of Israel, all in the name of peace, and on 2 October 2024 MBS from Saudi Arabia and 90 nations met to discuss the division of Israel. I believe this peace treaty will be forced onto Israel within this first year (before Rosh Hashanah in 2025). It will divide Israel but also will allow Israel to build a new temple and begin their animal sacrificial system again.

    This means that the first seal (white horse) has been opened. Between now and April 2028 we will experience the opening of the next three seals and what Jesus called the Birth Pangs in Matthew 24. This means false messiahs, wars, rumors of wars, nation against nation (race wars), kingdom against kingdom (country against country), famine, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places (and volcanic eruptions), death by wild beasts, and of course hyperinflation (a day’s wages for a day’s food). These birth pangs will increase in intensity and frequency.

    The Antichrist will commit the abomination of desolation in the temple in Jerusalem at the 3 ½ year point (midpoint) after the peace agreement/treaty and begin the “Great Tribulation” (5th seal, MOTB, and martyrdom of the Saints). We will also see the two witnesses arrive in Jerusalem and begin their prophecy ministry (Most likely Moses and Elijah). Only then can we be sure that we are at the middle of the final 7-year period and know we have 1,260 days before the physical return of Jesus (on Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement) + 30 days of the Bowl Judgements, + 45 days of Jesus restoring and repairing the earth for His 1,000-year reign. If Daniel’s 70th week started in 2024 then the Abomination of Desolation should take place on or about 16—18 April 2028 (Passover is on 10-18 April this year). This is also when the 144,000 (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes) obey the Words of Jesus (from Matthew 24) and flee Judea to the desert (i.e. Petra/Jordan) where God miraculously provides for them and protects them from the Antichrist during the Great Tribulation (Satan’s wrath – Revelation 12:13-17) and later for the Day of the Lord (7th seal – God’s wrath) after the resurrection and rapture (6th seal). The DOTL will begin on the same day as the rapture.

    The cashless economic Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) system will most likely already be started and operating but will be made “mandatory or else” immediately after the Abomination of Desolation. The Antichrist will focus his wrath primarily against Jews in Israel first and then the Christians. Anyone that refuses to submit and comply (worship) will be killed (not just Jews and Christians). Anyone that accepts the MOTB and/or worships the beast or his image is condemned to hell (and to suffer the wrath of God) with no hope of salvation (unforgivable sin).

    Matthew 24 describes these events very well. First comes the birth pangs (seals 1-4), then comes the Great Tribulation (5th seal), then Jesus Cuts short (amputates) the “Great Tribulation” with His coming/parousia for the sake of the elect (Christians/Church) (Matthew 24:21). The 6th seal is the sign of His coming and the world knows the wrath of the Lamb “has come” (Revelation 6:17). Between the 6th and 7th seal in Revelation 7 we have the sealing of the 144,000 faithful children of Abraham (12,000 from each of the 12 tribes) that obeyed Jesus and fled to the wilderness (protected from God’s wrath during the Day of the Lord), then the resurrection of the dead in Christ first, and then the gathering together of His Elect (those believers that are still alive (remain) and have survived the “Great Tribulation” and not accepted the MOTB nor worshipped the beast or his image, persevered to the end, and held to their testimony of Jesus) from the four winds, from one end of the earth to the other. (Matthew 24:29-31). These are the resurrected multitude in heaven described in Revelation 7:9-17. I believe this will happen on Rosh Hashanah, most likely in 2030 (28-29 Sep 2030) (leaving one full year for the DOTL and God’s wrath)

    God’s wrath/DOTL (the 7th seal and 7 Trumpet judgements) begin on the same day as the 6th seal opening, just as in the days of Noah and Lot. God rescues His own and then comes the judgement and wrath of God on an unbelieving world on the same day.

    27 Sep 2031 on Yom Kippur (My belief). The Day of Atonement. The Physical return of Christ for the 144,000 Jews that remained faithful and hid in the wilderness. Jesus will march them towards Jerusalem. At this point they are “saved/redeemed” and “true believers in Jesus their Messiah”. This is the end of Daniel’s 70th week and the beginning of the “30 Day Reclamation Period” (Where Jesus reclaims the earth) to include the “Bowl Judgments” and the “Battle of Armageddon”. The two witnesses that are killed in Jerusalem will be resurrected and raptured into heaven after 3 ½ days of being left dead in the street as Jesus triumphantly marches the 144,000 into Jerusalem.

    The first 4 seals are never called the tribulation in scripture nor are they the wrath of God or the DOTL. The entire living Church will be on the earth during the Great Tribulation (5th seal) and the MOTB. Sorry to break the bad news truth to those that believe in the secret escape pre-tribulation rapture teaching. Not found in scripture, anywhere. God’s wrath/DOTL does not begin until the opening of the 7th seal (I believe on Rosh Hashanah in 2030). Everyone needs to prepare now while we still can to try to survive the birth pangs (First 4 seals) and the Great Tribulation (5th seal) that starts at the midpoint and be prepared to persevere until Jesus does return in the clouds for His Saints.

    Again, I say that this is my understanding and belief of events in the last days and I am certainly not a prophet of God. This view is called the Pre-Wrath Rapture view if anyone is interested in researching it for themselves. Only time will tell if Jesus literally fulfills the Fall Feasts of the Lord at His second coming as He did the Spring Feasts of the Lord at His first coming. That is where I came up with dates in case you were wondering. Not adamant about the dates because scripture is not clear about this although it is clear about the final 1,260 days after the Abomination of Desolation.

    No Jesus, no peace.
    Know Jesus, know Peace.

    • Steve Bice

      Hi Richard: With regard to these subjects, I have often done a similar thing and chosen to add parallel posts rather than confront a particular ideology or belief system just to avoid unnecessary conflict.

      I apologize for taking it off the rails, but my concern was not really the message even though I obviously disagree. To be clear, my concern was the apparent pretense and deception of “stumbling” on the site by the author. It’s akin to giving yourself an upvote, but more troubling in my view.

      Our prolific poster friend “Paul” has posted under at least 15 to 20 aliases over the years and they all talk to each other. The latest iterations (in my opinion) are Katy Bar, Ken Yu and Kit Lee. “Paul” uses it as a narrative technique and believes it enhances his message. Is it helpful? I don’t think so, but it is not harmful either, and he believes it helps.

      With regard to your post, I enjoyed the read about your views on the timing of the judgments and subsequent events, and wish we were neighbors so we could argue about it. My one over-riding observation absent unwanted line-by-line discussion is that an awful lot hinges on the call that the UN Pact for the Future is the seven-year covenant that kicks off the final “week”. (As an aside, Daniel will break your brain, I don’t care who you are…) I expect a much less nuanced event, with the antichrist on full display using his charismatic power to woo the world.

      That said, it certainly sets the stage and seems to be a precursor event…and things could develop very quickly thereafter. But I don’t think we’re there yet absent the rise of the antichrist. Time will most certainly make it clear.

      With regard to the pre or mid-tribulation rapture, we have known we disagree for a time I suspect, and have given each other room…and I appreciate you for that. In my view, this is not as much about changing people’s minds as it is sharing our understanding, sending them to the scriptures and letting them land where they will.

      The one remark that deviated from the tone and character of the rest in your post is this: “Sorry to break the bad news truth to those that believe in the secret escape pre-tribulation rapture teaching. Not found in scripture, anywhere.”

      Without being pedantic, I see it everywhere in the thief in the night references and warnings to watch, but there is no point in reiterating it.

      In much of the Bible…and in our lives… God deals in evidence rather than proof. With proof, there is no need for faith…and we know we cannot please God without faith. My writings take the warnings to watch literally, and simply share them and the evidence for a promised escape.

      The discussions of creation seem to testify to the evidence/faith/proof distinctions (Romans 1:20): For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,”. Hebrews 11:3 says something similar.

      In my view, to take the position that there is no pre or mid-tribulation rapture of the watchful is to literally bet one’s earthly life on that conclusion, and potentially become subject to unimaginable suffering. The stakes are so extraordinarily high.

      For me, it is undeniable that to watch is to obey—not later—today, tomorrow and every day thereafter. There is an urgency about the many warnings.

      Given the stakes, I pray all believers will watch for the imminent return of Jesus Christ. There is much to see in the run up to the final week. We seem to be in a quickening, and 2025 will no doubt be challenging and frightening for many. It’s going to get dicey…

      Take care…


  129. Nancy Randolph

    Policy-wise, Trump is nothing but a rebranded Neocon/RINO. Morality-wise he makes 1990’s Bill Clinton look like an Eisenhower Republican.

    He’s worse than most RINO’s because he was a lifelong Democrat who was very close with the Clintons and he’s brought a bunch of Liberal Democrats into his inner circle.

    His MAGA supporters are as bad or worse as every other group of partisan political zombies who preceded them.

    • Won Witness

      What is your MOTIVE for posting your Coments ?
      I know the answer as do 95% of the people here.
      So Sad to see you trying to make America Non-Soverign.

  130. Railroaded

    Donald Trump lashed out at the judge overseeing his criminal case after the president-elect’s latest attempt to have his conviction quashed was fully rejected.

    New York justice Juan Merchan issued a ruling Monday that Trump cannot claim presidential immunity to overturn a jury’s guilty verdict on 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal a $130,000 hush money payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels.
    The president-elect reacted furiously the following day on Truth Social.

    “BREAKING: In a completely illegal, psychotic order, the deeply conflicted, corrupt, biased, and incompetent Acting Justice Juan Merchan has completely disrespected the United States Supreme Court, and its Historic Decision on Immunity,” Trump posted. “But even without Immunity, this illegitimate case is nothing but a Rigged Hoax.”

    The judge has not yet decided whether the trial’s outcome should be set aside due to Trump’s inauguration next month, but the former president and his legal team say the verdict should be dismissed after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a separate case that presidents have immunity for official acts they undertake while in office.

    “Merchan, who is a radical partisan, wrote an opinion that is knowingly unlawful, goes against our Constitution, and, if allowed to stand, would be the end of the Presidency as we know it,” Trump posted. “Merchan has so little respect for the Constitution that he is keeping in place an illegal gag order on me, your President and President-Elect, just so I cannot expose his and his family’s disqualifying and illegal conflicts.”

    Also on Monday, the Supreme Court once again rejected a request to lift the gag order imposed by Merchan that prohibits Trump from commenting publicly on witnesses, prosecutors, jurors, or court staffers and their family members. The judge himself is not covered under that order.

    “The application for stay addressed to Justice [Clarence] Thomas and referred to the Court is denied,” the order stated, with no further comment.

    ‘I can’t elect a criminal’: A Trump conviction could cripple his re-election
    Trump is about to get security clearance despite criminal conviction
    ‘History made’: Fraternal Order of Police blasted for endorsing criminal Donald Trump
    Trump found guilty on all counts in first-ever criminal trial of a former president

    Merchan presided over the criminal case of Donald Trump’s former financial chief Allen Weisselberg, who pleaded guilty to his role in a 15-year-long tax-fraud scheme.[34][35] Weisselberg admitted to evading taxes by accepting $1.7 million in off-the-books compensation and entered a plea agreement, in which he testified against The Trump Organization and helped to secure the company’s conviction.[36] Merchan sentenced Weisselberg to five months at Rikers Island and said he would have imposed a substantially longer sentence but for the plea agreement.[35]

    Merchan is the judge assigned to preside over the criminal trial of Steve Bannon, a former Trump adviser who was indicted in September 2022 on charges of fraud and money laundering in connection with a fundraising scheme. The case was set for trial in May 2024,[37] but was postponed until September.[38]

    Political views
    During the 2020 United States presidential election, Merchan donated $15 to Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden’s campaign, $10 to the Progressive Turnout Project, and $10 to Stop Republicans, a subsidiary of the previous.[39]

    Juan Manuel Merchan[1] (born 1962/1963)[2] is a Colombian-born American judge and former prosecutor. He is an acting justice of the New York State Supreme Court in New York County (Manhattan). He presided over the 2024 criminal trial of former US president Donald Trump, in which Trump was found guilty. Merchan is the first judge in history to preside over the criminal indictment and a guilty verdict of a US President, and the first judge to hold a President in criminal contempt of court.

  131. Justn Observer

    Greg, do wonder what Patrick Wood might think about where we actually are today concerning WEFer, PNAC, TRI-LATERAL Comm. plans that started back in the day…
    whole thing but = is interesting @ 36:30 =
    george franklin
    older list of pilgrims osciety…and newer one is on ISGP.= interesting there is that both Tucker Carlson and his father are on that list = huh?

  132. Major Blather Sr. Esq.

    🇫🇷WHY?!😱Is there a FRENCH CASTLE in RUSSIA?!🇷🇺🥐🇺🇸EXPAT AMERICAN Investigates!🌎‪@PavelKabanovA‬🎄
    EXPAT American 3,426 views Premiered Dec 22, 2024
    Travel outside Moscow to the Russian countryside to tour a FRENCH CASTLE Replica in RUSSIA with an AMERICAN and some RUSSIANS you already know! What does Christmas or New Year look like here? Who built this place and what do people do here? Is This what YOU thought Russia looked like and is Russia a Scary place?

  133. Galaxy 500

    So Jamaican Christian Father and Indian Mother celebrated a make believe felon holiday… I am surprised ole Joe didn’t decree it a national holiday like Juneteenth… so tired of this BS. Let’s drop the racial division BS and have American Holidays

    Kamala can not tell the truth. It would be easy to prove she is a pathological liar… she lies even when she is shown the facts…
    I pity this woman. She reached this heights thru no effort of her own… well, besides the acts she performed on Willie Brown to get a political appointment…

  134. Slobodon Slobstich

    What A gas!
    Slovakia Not at War
    Zelensky Tried to Briben Slovak Prime Minister
    With $500 $Million of Your Money’s Yes, With Your Hard Earned Fresh Off the Press of Fiat Inflation Causing Dollars!
    LIVE | Fico Accuses Zelensky of Unrealistic Demands: No Free Gas or NATO Votes for Ukraine | CLRCUT Started streaming on Dec 23, 2024
    Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico delivers a candid and explosive speech after his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Fico addresses his tense exchange with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, revealing stark disagreements over NATO membership, gas transit through Ukraine, and the ongoing war. Highlighting Slovakia’s stance, Fico firmly rejects military aid to Ukraine and criticizes Zelensky’s “unrealistic” demands, including a NATO vote in exchange for financial incentives.

    In this address, Fico reiterates Slovakia’s neutral position in the conflict and stresses the need for a peaceful resolution. He accuses Zelensky of rejecting any ceasefire and questions the one-sided expectations from Ukraine. This speech sheds light on the growing divide between Slovakia and Ukraine amid the intensifying geopolitical crisis.

    Stay tuned as Fico unveils the behind-the-scenes dynamics of his high-stakes negotiations and his vision for Slovakia’s future in this turbulent region.

  135. Galaxy 500

    This is the outcome of the Demonic plan to destroy black families and black men in particular. They destroyed black culture. The old culture was hard work, family and education… today? Feral humans, gangsta wrappers and thugs. Getting educated is “acting” white.
    12, 13 and 14 yr olds, armed, robbing and threatening death… Feral Humans

  136. Galaxy 500

    Oh, Please, Oh, Please, Oh, Please

  137. Joel Blackford

    Greg, your videos are being ruined by all the commercials. I love your guests, but the streaming app constantly interrupts them. So, I turn you off. They’re interrupting Martin Armstrong! Your continuity is being degraded. I can’t step away from the computer and do something else or I’ll be forced to listen to garbage.

  138. Justn Observer

    Greg, some alternative views on how bit-coin, CPI, and currency should be understood in the coming age.
    “Bitcoin To $1,000,000!” Michael Saylor on The Future of Cryptocurrency, Money, and Freedom

    “This is A Once in a Lifetime Opportunity” Michael Saylor

  139. Roberta Acaustica Castrovich

    Ratskins Wet Dream Nightmare _!
    Opposition of Inconsequential Consequences

    BREAKING: Ratskin Officiates Try to Overturn the Results of the 2024 Election. Ratskins last attempt to stop MAGA movement!

    Deep State Coup Alert! Top Democrat Launch Plan to Block Trump Taking Office on January 20th
    The political establishment is ready to make major moves to try and prevent Trump from holding elitist criminals accountable.

    Trump Advisor Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes Exposes How the Deep State Illegally Funded the Corporate Media to Lie About the American People
    The Trump advisor identified Barack Obama, the individual who turbocharged government propaganda against the American people, something Trump referred to as ‘fake news’.

  140. Slobodon Slobstich

    LIVE | ‘No Mercy For Ukraine’: Putin’s Stunning New Speech, Message To Trump & NATO Times Of India Started streaming 3 hours ago
    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia was striving to complete the conflict in Ukraine, Russian news agencies reported. Putin added that Russia could use the new intermediate-range hypersonic ballistic missile known as Oreshnik again but was in no hurry to do so. “We do not exclude the possibility of using it both today and tomorrow, if necessary,” Putin said. If necessary, Putin said, Russia could use more powerful intermediate-range weapons.

  141. Sally Rand
    LIVE | ‘No Mercy For Ukraine’: Putin’s Stunning New Speech, Message To Trump & NATO Times Of India Started streaming 3 hours ago
    Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that Russia was striving to complete the conflict in Ukraine, Russian news agencies reported. Putin added that Russia could use the new intermediate-range hypersonic ballistic missile known as Oreshnik again but was in no hurry to do so. “We do not exclude the possibility of using it both today and tomorrow, if necessary,” Putin said. If necessary, Putin said, Russia could use more powerful intermediate-range weapons.

  142. Justn Observer

    Greg, doubtful NY GOVERNOR can ‘PROVE’ damage caused by fossil fuel causing global warming….cause it never happened? lol As Zarkova and Casey reported…its been global cooling all along….sorry Al Gore minion to Murice Strong BS.

    SOMEONE MIGHT TAG HER SOCIAL MEDIA SITE WITH THIS? = MORE ice every year last decade = how does her refer work…the warmer it gets the more ice she makes? lol

  143. Arch E. Bishop

    The “Sequel” to “It’s a Wonderful Life” – Starring Jimmy Stewart – Mr. Krueger’s Christmas (1980) Truth from Earth 109,788 views Dec 21, 2024
    Did you know that Jimmy Stewart’s penchant for making heartwarming Christmas films did not end with the 1946 blockbuster classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”? In his later years, Jimmy returned to the screen to give an encore, playing the part of a lonely custodian when a troop of carolers comes through. Although not an official sequel, this production makes a fitting follow-on to his performance in the earlier masterpiece.
    Mr. Stewart gets the chance to conduct the world-famous Tabernacle Choir. The standing ovation at the end was not planned. He was so pleased to have this opportunity and we are so pleased to be able to see him express his true feelings about Christmas in a role that seems practically made for him, and him for it.
    We can all put ourselves in his shoes this Christmas as we thank the One who made it all possible, Roman Christian emperor Constantine.

  144. James Cranston

    The Twilight Zone | “The Night of the Meek” (S2, E11) | Full Episode | Paramount+
    Paramount Plus 480,911 views Dec 11, 2024
    “The Night of the Meek” – Christmas in the Twilight Zone, Art Carney is a forlorn department store Santa who takes to drinking – only to find himself experiencing the nicest Christmas ever!


    FOX & Friends [6AM] 12/27/24 FULL HD | FOX BREAKING NEWS TRUMP December 27, 2024 Vedha Fish Farm

  146. Doro McBurdie

    Israel-Houthi War Escalates Into Revenge Killing | GRAVITAS | World News | WION
    6 hours ago GRAVITAS Israel and Yemen’s Houthi forces are engaged in a missile war. Over the past 24 hours, both sides have launched multiple attacks targeting key infrastructure.

  147. Galaxy 500

    I think I will pass on the newest version of the Kill shots. How about you?

  148. Felix Leitner

    You Can’t Make This Shit Show Up
    Biden & Son Caught Again with Hands in The Cookie Jar!

    Sean Hannity 12/27/24 FULL END SHOW | BREAKING FOX NEWS December 27, 2024 Çanta Örgü TR 2 hours ago
    A master low class of our intell deep state and it’s cover up!

  149. Jean Cloude Picardo

    So You Thought Things Were Bad
    Are We Ready for the Kessler Syndrome? Scientists Warn of a Looming Crisis That Could Cut Off Internet, TV, and Phones
    Story by Lydia Amazouz • 17h •
    The area surrounding Earth, once a vast and empty expanse, has become increasingly congested with human-made objects. From defunct satellites to discarded rocket components, space debris has reached unprecedented levels, posing a severe threat to the future of space exploration and the technologies we rely on daily. Experts warn that we may be approaching a tipping point known as Kessler Syndrome, where cascading collisions between debris create a chain reaction, rendering Earth’s orbit unusable for decades or even centuries.

    Not Wars Strife, Along with Hatred Bill Gates and population Reduction of your fellow men woman and children of the poor or mentally deranged. Their not useless eaters, God loves them too. Don’t forget, you’ll get there soon enough yourselfie. Your death is the ultimate lose, only God’s kingdom can save us. A soft ware program don’t cut it for everlasting life individually mate!
    We Must Hang Together, or Hang Separately People.WAKE UP and smell the Rocket Fuel! The future is yours if you choose to accept it. It’s now or never!
    War mongers and soldiers of misfortune. Make love not war, stop masturbating and get a life instead of destroying it!
    Let’s explore this profound message and connect it to Biblical teachings, emphasizing the importance of peace, cooperation, and the responsible stewardship of our planet and beyond.
    Filling the Earth and Subduing It
    In Genesis 1:28, God gives humanity a mandate: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” This command encourages us to populate the earth responsibly and manage its resources wisely. It does not imply overpopulation or exploitation but rather a balanced and sustainable approach to living in harmony with nature.
    Turning Swords into Plowshares
    The Bible advocates for peace and cooperation over conflict and war. Isaiah 2:4 beautifully captures this vision: “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” This prophecy envisions a time when humanity will focus on productive and peaceful endeavors rather than destructive conflicts.
    Exploring the Cosmos with Elon Bill
    The idea of exploring and subduing the cosmos aligns with the Biblical mandate to fill the earth and subdue it. As we advance in technology and space exploration, we have the opportunity to extend our stewardship beyond our planet. This endeavor should be guided by principles of cooperation, sustainability, and respect for God’s creation.
    The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth
    Matthew 5:5 states: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” The meek are those who are humble, teachable, and willing to work together for the common good. By embodying these qualities, we can create a world where peace and prosperity flourish.
    A Call for Peace and Security
    In a world filled with strife and conflict, the call for peace and security is more urgent than ever. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 warns: “While people are saying, ‘Peace and security,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” True peace and security come from aligning our actions with God’s principles and working together for the common good.
    The future is indeed ours to shape. By embracing the Biblical principles of responsible stewardship, peace, and cooperation, we can create a world where prosperity and security prevail. As we look to the stars and explore new frontiers, let us do so with a spirit of unity and respect for God’s creation and start by cleaning up all space junk, together forever!

    Thank you for inspiring such profound reflections. If any have more thoughts or questions, feel free to share!
    God said to fill the earth and subdue it, not overpopulate it!
    So lets follow Elone Musk according to the teachings of the Bible filing the earth and subdue the Cosmos, comrade! Fulfilling the prophecy, the meek shall inherit the earth and have some fun doing it too!

  150. Garth Marsden

    Russia Scores Big: Foreign-Made Ukrainian Weapons Captured in Ukraine!
    Military TV 167K views 1 day ago
    Russia Scores Big: Foreign-Made Ukrainian Weapons Captured in Ukraine! – In the chaos of war, capturing enemy weapons is more than just an upgrade—it’s a symbol of dominance. Russian forces have recently seized advanced Western-made weapons abandoned by Ukrainian troops, altering the battlefield …

  151. Rip Van Winkle

    Bill Gates meeting with Trump in Mar-A-Lago. Sickening.

  152. Cancer Survivor


    How UNhealthy is genetically modified soybean oil with glyphosate residues?

    If you go to any grocery store you will find this highly estrogenic, anti-male ingredient that causes toxic obesity is added to many cheap food products:

  153. Jan Bradley

    Please, for the love of God, establish a paywall. Not only are the ads intrusive, but now when I click on the ‘Skip Ad” button, it totally blanks out the broadcast. I can only get back in by resetting everything, going through the two ads at the beginning and then 90% of the time, it blanks out again. I love your interviews, but I’m just about done.
    Thanks for your consideration – you do such a great job!
    Jan Bradley

    • Greg Hunter

      You are in the minority. This is a Rumble problem and I have been complaining to them. So sorry.


  154. Frank S.

    Hi Greg, This former State Department insider who was tasked with working on the “Covid Origins” project has some fascinating insights into its coverup. His name is David Asher, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. He’d make a great guest if you can arrange it.

  155. Seer
    The suppliers I have used for decades only carry LED harmful lightbulbs now. I did stock up on dozens of full spectrum lavender bulbs as heard this was coming . Another correction for new administration to allow full spectrum healthy bulbs to be manufactured again. Table lamps are safer with full spectrum bulbs. There are non blue light bulbs in New Zealand or use a converter plug for 110v lamp when overseas.
    Our environment has been compromised almost everywhere. Additionally, many of us are starting to use our phones less and when 5G and higher launched only going to use email on tablet or computer with silver blocker underneath. Start your 10:30 am coffee group around your cities weekly for face to face community. It’s great – we have them all year long particular day of week at certain cafe spot reliable meet up sharing news and supplies. Support.

  156. Frank S.

    Hi Greg, This former State Department insider who was tasked with working on the “Covid Origins” project has some fascinating insights into its coverup. His name is David Asher, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. He’d make a great guest if you can arrange it.

  157. Candy Crowley

    Trump Makes Surprise Offer to Ex-Space Force Commander

    TIME TRAVELLER?! Trump PREDICTS Presidency in 1981 Interview

  158. Bab's Brewstermiester

    You thought things were bad? Things were and are bad!
    Yet Jesus warned us about a great tribulation that would be worse than anything seen before and worse than anything to be seen, ever again. BRACE for IMPACT!

    Yes indeed, Jesus did warn of a time of great tribulation. In Matthew 24:21, He said: “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will again.” This scripture emphasizes the unprecedented severity of these times.
    The Bible describes the Great Tribulation as a period of intense suffering and upheaval that will precede the establishment of God’s Kingdom. This period will be marked by significant challenges and trials for humanity. However, Jesus also offers hope and assurance in the face of these difficulties.
    Preparation and Faith
    Jesus encourages us to remain vigilant and faithful during these times. In Matthew 24:42, He says: “Therefore, keep on the watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.” Staying spiritually awake and maintaining our faith can help us navigate through the tribulation.
    Despite the severity of the Great Tribulation, the Bible assures us of a hopeful future. Revelation 7:14 speaks of those who come out of the Great Tribulation: “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” This verse emphasizes that those who remain faithful will be rewarded.
    The ultimate hope lies in the establishment of God’s Kingdom, where peace, security, and prosperity will prevail. Revelation 21:4 provides a beautiful vision of this future: “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

    While the Great Tribulation will be a time of unprecedented challenge, it is also a precursor to the fulfillment of God’s promises. By staying faithful, vigilant, and hopeful, we can look forward to the establishment of a new world under God’s Kingdom, where peace and prosperity will reign.
    Thanks to for bringing up this important topic from time to time. If any have more thoughts or questions, feel free to share. Right here in the comments, where some very important eye’s keep vigilantly on the watch.
    May God, or the thing as Joe Biden once called him. Be with us all, as we will all soon be entering a most unprecedented time in all human history, before now or after!
    Hopefully not every man for him selfie, so. Buckle-Up, the life Jesus save’s may be your own .

  159. Clint Young

    Jeremiah 51:46 speaks of ruler against ruler in the land of Babylon before it goes down.

    If the USA is the last days Babylon, I suspect that there will be no peaceful transfer of power to Trump on January 20th. Instead, there will be violence in the land. This will set the stage for the destruction of the USA. As the military will be preoccupied with the violence in the land, Russia will launch its nukes against the USA.

    This will occur soon after the Russian bear has 3 ribs in its mouth between its teeth. I think these 3 ribs are the oblasts of Donetsk, Luhansk, and Zaporizhzhia. As these oblasts are totally taken by Russia, expect to see the end of the USA soon after. This is based upon Daniel 7:5.

  160. michael burton

    Thank you for your service or offer . I would like to share something with you that’s very important. We all know that we all die at some point in life. However, with almighty god Jehovah everything is possible, and living forever is a promise by him through his son Christ Jesus . CLICK the links below to read and see more about living forever on the earth thank you.
    for more info about everyday living advice or a free bible study anywhere anytime any language in the world click here

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