Gold, Earthquakes, Volcanos, War & Evil AI – Explode – Steve Quayle

By Greg Hunter’s

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle updates us on the exploding gold and silver price, increasing amounts of earthquakes and volcanos, war and evil AI that wants to take over and destroy humanity.  Let’s start with the gold and silver prices that Quayle says are going much, much higher.  The London Bullion Metals Association (LBMA) defaulted on delivery of physical gold a month ago and more delivery trouble this week.  Quayle explains, “There is no gold in London, Bank of England.  They claim they’ve got plenty of gold.  They don’t, and they won’t allow anybody to see it.  Then there is the situation with the London exchanges (LBMA) where people are getting so upset and furious that they cannot take delivery of their gold.  With paper gold, you should be able to take possession of your gold eventually, but not when there is 150 ounces of paper gold for every physical ounce of gold that exists.  We are talking about a trillion-dollar domino that has hit the market.  My question is how soon will it be until it hits the US market? . . . The future price of gold can go ballistic. . . . It will have to explode up.”

Quayle has another warning about increasing volcano and earthquake activity.  Quayle, who produced “Cascadia: The Big One” a few years back, predicted the West Coast of the US and, in particular, the Pacific Northwest would be hit and hit hard.  “The Cascade Region of the Northwestern Coast of the USA boasts 11 of the 18 most dangerous volcanoes,” says Quayle.  Increasing seismic activity has been recorded in the last several months, and more is coming, according to Quayle.  Quayle says, “They are not talking about an 8.0 earthquake on the Cascadia Subduction Zone . . . They are talking about a 9.0 to 10.5.  Some of the scientists we talked to said we can’t go on record and say this, but they tell me we have never seen an earthquake like the one we are going to get. . . . What comes after the earthquakes?  Complete economic collapse.”

When it comes to war, Quayle agrees with Martin Armstrong when he says Europe is headed for war with Russia.  Quayle also says, “I don’t believe we are further away from WWIII, I believe we are closer. . . . People think the USA is the biggest dog on the block.  We are not because the woke brokenness destroyed the military from within.  What that did not destroy, the CV19 vax shots did.  We can’t catch up because we do not have the industrial base.”

Don’t expect artificial intelligence (AI) to come to the rescue and save the economy or humanity.  AI will bring just the opposite.  Quayle warns, “I call AI alien infestation.  When I say alien, I am not talking about little green men.  I am talking about supernatural evil.  People say inanimate objects can’t be possessed, and I say, oh yes, they can.  They are uncovering demonic entities (using AI).  The only way to put this in context is putting it into the concept of fallen angels. . . . I said that AI from its inception would lead to the extinction of the human race.  I wrote a couple of books about it:  ‘Genetic Armageddon Today’s Technology Tomorrow’s Monsters.’ (This book was updated by replaced by “Terminated: The end of man is here.”) . . .  We are in a time that Jesus said there was never a time like it and would never be again.  If God the Father did not shorten the days for the elect’s sake, there would be no flesh left alive.”

Jesus also said, “For the sake of the elect, the days shall be shortened.”

There is much more in the 71-minute interview.

There is an 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to ride out any terror attack or extreme storm. You can get more information on Starlink and Sat phones too at or  You call 1-855-980-5830 and talk to a real human.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes one-on-one with Steve Quayle, who talks about massive upheaval coming to America from many angles for 3.18.25.

After the Interview:

Again, there is an 8-minute video to explain how easy it is to use a solar power battery backup.

Get the solar powered generator, Sat Phone or Starlink you need at or

Live tech experts and salespeople are standing by to answer your questions during normal business hours.   Call 1-855-980-5830.

To buy “Cascadia: The Big One” DVD or streaming, click here.   (There is also a free trailer to watch.)

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  1. Jeff

    It is always good to see Steve Quayle!

    • Greg Hunter

      I agree and Steve Q was especially good this time.

  2. d

    Maybe those tunnels under CA are for planting a suitcase b. on the southern end of the fault line.

  3. Don Doerr Sr.

    Why aren’t the members of the Biden Regime being prosecuted – for Treason, Murder, Attempted Assassination, Theft by Deliberately Created Inflation, the Arming of Terrorists, Bribery, Conspiracy, and perhaps more? They have hurt America Deliberately by Design, not through ” Loyal Opposition” Foolish Policies. Am I wrong, or are they immune from prosecution? In other words, are we a Corrupt Nation?

  4. dirt rider 7

    Heard today lots of counterfeit silver and gold floating around,,,,,, Anyone reading please consider Gregs sponsor Discount Gold and Silver for a safe place to buy !! Also Satellite phone might be real valuable for families to stay in touch with each other,,, things can get ugly real fast!! Thanks Greg and Steve !!! Thanks to all of Gregs sponsors for supporting him !!! Clean drinking water is a must if the grid goes down,,, same with clean air and thanks Jr for supporting Greg,,, looks like a good place to turn to if tax troubles arise!!!

  5. Jerry

    This is happening right here in Texas. EPIC! Please listen to it and pass it on!

  6. Anthony Australia

    Gold Prices- AUD $4,790 NZD $5,234

  7. Seer

    You can get a Starlink mini account to work with your existing cell phone btw.
    Stay out of fear.
    We have already skipped “bartering “ here in New Zealand and operate on a “sharing” basis without measuring between parties. It works great and everyone ends up taken care of and receiving more. Share it forward. Give and receive the divine light, wisdom and love beyond any personality.

  8. Really Awake

    The world is getting turned upside down right before our very eyes. Steve Quayle always offers great argument, commentary and opinion that’s well worth the time to listen. Steve was never fooled for a minute that President Trump would reverse the decline and fall of Western Civilization. Really, as great as President Trump is (and I think Donald Trump is a great man) it’s just too little, too late. President Trump’s amazing attempts just can’t save America- as good as they are it’s simply not good enough. No man can fix this So, I admire President Trump and others who fight, fight, fight on. I agree with Steve, and I think Alex Jones is a great man, and Alex has got more fight in him than any talk show host in history. But it’s just not enough to bring back America. That doesn’t mean that I have given up. No. Not hardly.

    As much as I have supported and continuously support fighters like Alex Jones and Donald Trump and many others, I know in my heart of hearts that all things in the Holy Bible must be fulfilled. And only Kingdom Come will finally bring an end to wickedness and true peace on earth.

    Get your prepping done.

  9. dirt rider 7

    Steve is correct on the military ,,, its a paper tiger,, people push Russia and they will find out fast they are under matched,,,, the attempt at a hypersonic missile the usa agm183 is a joke,,, anyone with basic understanding of aerodynamics would know the design is a failure and the missile would be highly unstable at high speeds especially with fuel burn off,,, so we can’t even produce a hypersonic,, and we cant detect or track russia’s oreshnik,,, and God help us all if russia fires up the satan 2,,,,,,DEW weapon will not work ever on the Oreshnik,,, people have no clue what they are going up against,,,, hopefully wiser heads pursue peace,,,,,, hopefully Europe takes note also,,,,,,,, just leave them ( russia) alone,,,, work on getting manufacturing back into our countries and people back to work,,,, balance these budgets ,,,,,, Trump and Elon have to cut this bloated .gov or we will collapse,,,,, we are collapsing,,,,,, just look the waste they have uncovered in the last 60 days,,,,,

  10. Dr. Tyz

    Why is it there has to be one side that is demonized while the other side gets basically a free ride? At any given time, one-half of the country attacks the left and the other half attacks the right. Can’t anyone figure out the game is rigged and there really is no difference which group you support and what the outcome will be?

    Too many of you believe you are only one election away from righting the ship which is easy to prove just by looking at the people you have elected over the years. Regardless of the party you “elect” the only thing that changes are things progressively get worse.

    Just look at where the US is today, ie on the brink of collapse, and this has come about by exercising your right to vote for the people you want who are going to lead the country in a better direction. Right. Left/right, Republican/Democrat it makes no difference as it’s tail you lose, heads they win – game over.

    Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying “The government you elect is the government you deserve” and unfortunately that will be your undoing. You never were in control, it never was a free country and soon you will pay the ultimate price for your ignorance. Don’t believe me just wait and see. This year or next year ………

  11. will yates

    Arrest the judges.

  12. Marie Joy

    Patriots relaxed too soon when 47 took office.
    We got here because we are too passive.
    Trump is here for only 4? years.
    We should be calling our politicians all the time, whether you think it works, or not.
    Trump’s EO takes assets from traitors.
    If we don’t do something about treason, we’ll die.
    Russia has been on a war footing for 20? years,
    The long term intent is worldwide democide/genocide.

  13. Barbara

    Breathtaking info as usual from Steve.
    Thanks Greg. God Bless you both.
    Cheers, barbara

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