I Am Back – Greg Hunter

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com

When you have surprise triple bypass surgery, you don’t know if you are coming back.  In a world without Jesus and Jehovah, I would have been buried a month ago, but I don’t live in that world.  I live in a world where Jesus and Jehovah are real, and when I called out, they rescued me.  I am a reporter by trade, and those are the facts.  This was no small feat because the doctors told me after the open-heart surgery that my heart was as clogged up as they have ever seen.

It was a “miracle outcome,” according to my heart surgeon.  When I asked him why he said this, he replied, “You now have 90% of your heart functioning fine, and you have yet to have cardiac rehab.”  He went on to say, “You will end up with very little permanent damage.”  This is a miracle outcome.

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he tells his story of a heart attack that almost took his life, but he was saved by his faith in Jehovah and Christ Jesus.

After the Presentation: 

I am going to work up to a full production schedule, but not right away.  Please be patient as they tell me recovery is a process, and you cannot hurry it along without causing yourself big problems.

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  1. Ron

    Yeah, He’s Back !!!

    • JulesSW

      You’re being watched over, lovely to see you back. 👍

      • Jeni Thompson

        Greg, I’m grateful that you came out of surgery ok. Just so you know I have learned so much from you and your guest over the past 4-5 years. You clearly have a purpose here on earth and your mission is only begining. You’re loved, trusted and I hope your recovery is speedy.

        • Greg Hunter

          Thanks Jeni!

          • Anthony Australia

            I’m glad you were able to be treated in hospital without a jab. I think we are not so fortunate here in Australia due to the continued draconian measures by the government.

          • Virginia (Ginger) Tippins

            yaahoo Greg! Missed you!
            Easy does it!

          • Donna

            I too Mr Hunter went thru a horrendous trauma. I started reading The Word of God and came upon the exact same Psalm. I started crying when u read it Thanking Our Dear Father who art in Heaven for rescuing the both of us. In Jesus Precious Name Amen

            • Greg Hunter

              Amen Sister Donna! Jesus and Jehovah are real. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice.” Let’s kep listening!
              Brother Greg

        • Jill

          my prayers have been answered, you are alive and well. take good care of yourself.

      • Felicia Musuc

        May our Lord continue to bless you with healing and health and long life. So glad you are back. We missed you. Kindest regards, Felicia

        • Francis Nolan

          Wow, what a shocker Greg. So happy you are on the mend, and doing the work God has set before you. Praying for your rapid and complete recovery.
          Best, docdownunder

    • Anthony Australia

      You beauty! ❤️🙏🙇

      About bloody time 😊

      • Kev j

        congrats on the recovery. welcome back. wishing you many healthy years and great fishing with great grandkids or extended family kid collection in the future.

        • Judy Sturgis

          Thank you for all your factual reporting
          Thankfully, you and welcome back on line.

        • Suzanne McCormick

          God has Blessed YOU and also all of us! Healing is the First order of business!

      • X

        Greg you’re healthy good looks made it difficult to detect you’re ❤️ was clogged. Curious to get your take on Trump’s July attempt assass when you’re up to it. Take the time to heal right.

      • Tony Gunter

        So glad you are back and doing well Greg! Take some time to heal and give thanks! We are thankful for you and all you do!

      • Anthony Australia

        The Abrahamic Apocalyptic Prophecies With Adam Green


    • Anthony Australia

      Treasure every moment of the life we have.
      Get healthy Greg, eat well and exercise.
      I’m sure God has a special place in heaven for you when he finally calls.

    • Patricia C. Hough

      So thankful to the Lord for His deliverance for you Greg Hunter! He is faithful!
      Love and Prayers,
      Patricia Hough

      • Paul

        Greg, We aren’t ready for a lifetime of missing you. Glad your here .

        Paul from arkansas

        • Greg Hunter

          I think this means Jehovah and Jesus have much more work for me.

          • Ted Barger

            AHMEN Brother!
            I, as well as many others, have been watching your reporting for many years. You are doing a wonderful service for humanity. The Father has used you so magnificently. Get well and take advantage of that 40 year old heart!

            • Greg Hunter

              Thanks Brother Ted!

              • cousin vinny

                I had triple bypass 10 years ago take care get your steps daily and you will be fine.It takes about one year to completely recover. Hand in there glad you are doing better>
                God’s speed!

          • kevin

            Amen brother we love you much

          • Katy Bar

            Greg, I know God the Father, Jesus his Son along with the Holy Ghost “Wanted You Here to continue going after the Demons who tell us lies (like Obama who told us 2 + 2 = 5 “so we would deny logic” and the other Queers “who also want us to Deny Biological Reality”)!! These Demons are not simply out to deny logic, math or biology … but are Really Out to ERASE WOMEN FROM PLANET EARTH SO THAT POPULATION REDUCTION WILL BECOME A REALITY!!! Any Normal Man or Woman (and not “a Person”) would be indignant and speak out about how the Queer Demons are now running our Country into the ground like this Woman’s has: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAlbhHG9V58

            • Arn Handler

              Here They are Katy!
              As you say! The Demons Who Tell Us Lies
              Naval Officer Publishes Powerful Dossier Exposing the Leaders of the Deep State— Meet the Council Running America Infowars.com August 13th 2024
              Greg Stenstrom joins Alex Jones to reveal the faces of the globalist assault on America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAlbhHG9V58

              • Anthony Australia

                It has been quoted, whilst reading articles, that Alex Jones might be part of the establishment’s congregation. Satan is great deceiving humans.

          • Michael

            Glad you’re still with us brother but never forget, lo live is Christ, to die is gain.

          • Ken Shields

            No doubt, Greg. You’re the best professional journalist out there. You can’t exit yet….please!

            • Greg Hunter

              Thanks Ken. I am working my way back. Getting better from by-pas surgery is a process.

          • Brent Orr

            I have been a Before Its News reader for many years. I had been noticing that my daily reads and podcasts were missing something major. Just a feeling of incompleteness. Then I realized…I haven’t seen Greg Hunter in a while. That’s it, I have been going through Greg Hunter withdrawals. I am very glad you are doing good. Love your show, and honest reporting. God Bless and get well soon!

    • Cynthia

      So glad to hear you are alright Greg. Thanks to God working through doctors. Recover, stay well and strong. Missed your news that no one else has, but through God’s grace we will all survive.

    • Concerned Citizen

      Greg you need to be careful, shedding is real and I hope that didn’t cause the issue, also hopefully they let you use your own blood for surgery. That nasty a – – vaxed blood is killing people smart enough to not get injected.

    • Richard J. Johnson

      but Gregg was at a Mexican Restaurant . He eats junk food. He is most likely highly acidic. He should check out pH Miracle,com for answers. For instance: why did the “clogs” develop? MDs haven’t a clue.

    • Konstantine

      Take your time. Get well. Heal well.

    • mike racelis

      Good to hear from you again, Greg. I will pray for your speedy recovery and everytime.
      God be with you.

    • healdog

      God is good ,sooo good to see your face Greg

    • Johnny

      Hello Greg. You lost weight, you look good. Ok, Now, no more junk food, no more going to junk Mexican restaurants. Exercise with a purpose. Treat the body as it should be treated.
      Heart attacks happen about 1500 a day every day so what happened to you was caused by factors that you controlled. Modern medicine gave you a few more years, maybe. 100 years ago you would have died and moved on into the divine realm of God’s kingdom instead you will move to that divine realm on another day. In the meantime enjoy what father God has made us through his son, a child of the one and only God. Dont take life so seriously. The world will be the world. A dog will return to its own vomit. Lets live our last few minutes here in the Godly consciousness.

    • Doug

      Thanks are due to your medical team, Greg, and to your own personal stamina and resilience. Great to have you back. You were missed.

    • John C

      Good to see you back Greg! I have been hearing about more miracles first hand than ever in my 62 year. God is listening to his people.

    • david

      Not taking the blood transfusion was the key moment for you Greg. God is not done with you brother…amen

    • Hayk

      Well come Back Friend glad you recover and got your health back. So far you didn’t miss anything, the movie just starting so go prepare your popcorn.

    • nick

      Greg your outcome is awesome. Rest up and get healthy and strong. we need you now more than ever…only after you have fully recovered

      • Greg Hunter

        Thanks Nick!!

    • Gordon

      AMEN! Been praying for you Brother.

    • A

      All praise to Jehovah, the only true healer.

      May you grow stronger everyday as you lean upon the Master.

    • Daniel S

      Great to see Greg again… so happy to see this vieeo.
      We need good men like you here with the problems that are likely coming down the pipe.
      I am not really a religious guy but did find myself sending you a little prayer when I heard of your heart issue.
      The world needs you mate. You ain’t going nowhere!
      Lots of love from The UK.

    • steve

      Love your passion for the truth and standing up for Jesus Get well and God Bless

    • Art Simpson

      Aloha Greg, yup, God blessed you!

      • Greg Hunter

        I agree Brother Art!!
        Brother Greg

    • Marie

      OMG I missed you!!! So happy you are all patched up! Take it easy and rest.

  2. sean

    Love you mate
    Great to see you back on your feet.
    God Bless you and your family.

    • Dana

      God bless you and your loved ones. Jesus has given you the opportunity to witness. Praise God. Prayer is our only tool and we need to use it. As a Christian regardless the outcome we are living out God’s plan. God has left room in His plan for miracles, answer to prayer and repentance. Places where free will can make a difference. I have been following you for years which adds to my life and my sincerity when I say I am glad your work here isn’t done yet. May your future work reflect news, current events and how those events are happening in relation to God’s plan as revealed by His prophets. We are surely close to the return of Jesus. People need to see that our clock is winding down. The only guarantee in this life is that there is another one, it’s up to us now to decide where we spend eternity.

    • Bob Allan

      So glad to see you on the mend Greg. A number of years back, I had the opposite problem with lots of Near Death – actually Death – Experiences thanks to Beta Blocker eye drops causing me to Drown in My Sleep Every Night, and it was so Wonderful on the other side, but I kept being Sent Back ! 🤣 Well eventually I had enough, and started my search for something to prevent me from creating such a large amount of excess Sinus Fluid, found Smoking Cigars Helped, but I can face about two of them a year, Vapes didn’t help at all, then found two cigarettes morning, afternoon, and evening, before going to bed did the trick, and today, years later, they still do. Then in January this year, I got Hit with a Bactrria, that seems to have crossed over from the South East Asian Chronic Vitamin A Deficiency Problem, and I had Respiratory Failure as a result, which led to Pneumonia, and this Bacteria is Antibiotic Resistant. There was a Wonderful Ambulance Team that got me to Hospital, and my Meditative Technique Deep Breathing Exercises kept me alive until a bed became available for me in the Intensive Care Ward, and I found everyone in there was Suffering from exactly the same problem as I was, and even members of the Nursing Staff were going down with it. There followed continuous days and nights of non stop breathing with no relief from the provided Nebulisers, so my sister brought in lots of packets of Fisherman’s Friends Lozenges, and disgusting things that they are, each lozenge provided temporary relief and eased breathing. Meanwhile, I am being pumped via IV with a cocktail of Angibiotics, and when the Heart Attack Arrived, thanks to all of the Deep Breathing, it was only a mild one, and related Kidney Failure was mild as well.mI was released a bit early to go home, and since arriving home in February, my Recovery has been accelerating nicely ever since, and visits from Nurses is down to one a week now, and throughout this episode, no further NDE, so I’m not needed elsewhere just yet. Keep On Keeping On, and May The Divine Creator Source Great Spirit Bless You and All of Your Viewers. It would appear to be how God Likes to be referred As.🙏🌟🌟🌟🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧🙂 Bob.

      • Thomas Nicholas Argyle

        Thank you, Bob. Enjoyed your comment. Your story is incredibly encouraging, knowing you’re out there somewhere in the good ole British Isles, our mother countries of the once United States, united now in name only. Keep fighting the fine fight! As the Apostle Paul wrote, “Fight the fine fight of the faith, get a firm hold on the everlasting life for which you were called” (1 Timothy 6:12).

        We’re living in historic times Bob; the Anglo-American world superpower is taking it on the chin. Yet, we must all hang together so as not to hang separately, as old Ben Franklin used to say. Let’s keep a stiff upper lip too, as you Brit’s are so fond of saying! Yes, Bob! Keep on keeping on, being part of that great crowd of the meek to inherit the earth under God’s Kingdom, not man’s. Jesus said, “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5).

        Being part of the great crowd that comes out of the nearing great tribulation, we symbolically will wash our robes in the shed blood of the ransom sacrifice of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Revelation 7:14 says, “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

        We can look forward to entering a thousand years of righteous rule under God’s Kingdom. By means of Christ Jesus’s righteous rule over a new earth cleansed of all wickedness, we will see the fulfillment of the prayer, “Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Paradise lost in the Garden of Eden will be paradise regained and soon enough, God willing!

        P.S. I hope this comment here on USAWatchdog.com resonates well with and adds a touch of inspiration and faith to your wonderful inspiring message of hope, in the dark days ahead of this old and gloomy system of things, soon to pass away and good riddance to it!!

    • Greg and Susan Wheeler

      Take your time. We aren’t going anywhere while we wait patiently for your return. Praise God for His hand on your life. Be at peace. Rest well. Praying as you recover.
      Greg and Susan Wheeler

      • Diana

        Happy you are back and better. I will pray for 100% recovery in record time. God gave you work to do and it isn’t finished and I have to admit I’m extremely happy about that. God Bless You Greg we will be here when you are ready.

  3. Bob Straw

    Go slow, go easy, but keep going…. Hasn’t been much going on lately anyway (thank you Lord )

    • David Smithson

      Wow! So glad you are back. What an ordeal, but great it was a successful outcome.
      Your show is a party of my life, and I am happy to see you back.
      God bless.

      • Greg Hunter

        Thanks David!

        • Pierre Beaulieu

          Hi Gregg I’ have been following yu fr many years what a coincidence I had 4 bypass surgery the 7 June with a fib post op ! Still recovering!! What are the odds !awesome that yur back!!!!

          • Greg Hunter

            Hang in there Pierre. We are going to both make it!! So keep praying to Jehovah in Christ Jesus name.

        • Marina Ortiz-Ellison

          Dear Greg, you have become part of our lives. My husband and I follow you week by week. We have greatly missed you and felt such loss without you. Thank you Lord Jesus for your love and care. May he continue to encircle you and your family with blessings. Thank you for sharing your love, concern and education with others. You are a blessing and gift to us all.

          • Mike Myer

            so thankful for your improved health,take it slow,it definitely takes time.Gods more interested in the time you spend with him,that what you do for him

        • Brucr and Marina Ellison

          Dear Greg, you have become part of our lives. My husband and I follow you week by week. We have greatly missed you and felt such loss without you. Thank you Lord Jesus for your love and care. May he continue to encircle you and your family with blessings. Thank you for sharing your love, concern and education with others. You are a blessing and gift to us all.

          • Greg Hunter

            Thank you, Marina. You and your husband are a blessing to me.

        • Tom C.

          So good to see you back, Greg. We missed you.
          Take it easy and don’t overdo.

          God bless you!

        • Rhonda Aycock

          Welcome back Greg! I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. Praying Psalm 91 over you. Thank you for everything that you do. Love you

        • Joan Pujals

          Get Well & Take It Easy! Praying you have a full recovery. Waiting patently for your return.

        • Larry elliott

          I had a similar operation nearly four years ago and now have no heart issues. Now if I could only get rid of the nerve issue that prevents me from standing for more than a few minutes, that three neurologists tell me they have never seen this condition before I’ll get by…..You are in my prayers pal.
          Why no active HTML on your links posted anymore???
          I just copy and paste

        • Sarah Mahoney



          Sarah Mahoney
          Ambassador for Jehovah & Jesus the Christ

          • Kalman Zurkan

            Ambassador Sarah: Thank you for your prayers for Greg’s healing. It is a gift from you. He is a treasure to us all with his gifts. Rom. 12:6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us,…

        • Tom Mayes

          Glad news Greg, Gods watching us
          Stay strong

        • Lee Cooper

          I hope you get better? You experienced what it’s like as one of Jehovah’s christian Witnesses would experience…I hope you come to a knowledge of truth. The KJV is not good enough, Considering Jehovah’s name is 7000 times in the Hebrew Bible and Jesus mentioned it constantly to his followers when he said. “I have made your name known to them….” Jesus is called the most faithful and true witness of his father Jehovah, and he is the servant of Jehovah, (Acts 4) As we all are when we serve him properly.

    • Lance Kelly

      WELCOME 🙏 back my brother in CHRIST,.How can I donate again without PAY/PAL,I will not use them & I freaked out when it started again. So I canceled my account.. I WANT TO HELP YOU AGAIN. I was very concerned 😟 that you were hacked. Thank you Greg for all the information over the years. Lance

    • Chris Appert

      Glad to know you are better. Take care Greg and looking forward to seeing you soon. We will pray for you. 🙂

    • Jimmy3058

      Best wishes to you.

      you shouldn’t have had such a serious issue at your current age. eat quality food to speed up complete recovery.

  4. Keith

    God blessed you. Happy you’re alright.

  5. Jeff Fillion

    We missed you, and our prayers are for you. in a world full of money grubbing, liars and sexual deviants you are one of the truthteller northstars.

    • Ray

      Nice very Much to Not Just See You but to Hear From You. Thanks to You and Jehovah Almighty and Jesus.

  6. Marie Joy

    Best thing to happen in a while. Glad to have our Greg back. You were missed. Take it easy. Don’t overdo.

    • Paul

      Welcome back.

      In a year, you’ll feel better than you can remember ever feeling

      My father had quadruple bypass at age 64. Went on to have 39 radiation treatments for prostate cancer. Then eleven silent heart attacks and eleven stents.
      He lived to almost 97, only had only two tough weeks as he was naturally shutting down, had a “young” girlfriend* in the senior living facility (83 y.o.) he was smitten with and did not want to go. Enjoyed life fully.
      You have plenty of reporting yet to do, Greg.

      *Mom was already in heaven. She bore eight children like me. Our priest said she had already had her hell on earth and was going straight to heaven 😀

    • Kay Williams

      PTL Greg! God is still on the throne and heard and answers our prayers!

  7. Alberta Davidson

    Dear Greg,
    Praising Jesus for your miracle. Last June my husband had heart attack and within 2 days triple bypass. He is healthy and strong, and you will be also.
    Give yourself time to realize God’s Grace.
    Alberta from Mendocino

    • Greg Hunter

      Amen Alberta! All the glory goes to Jesus and Jehovah!!

      • Jonathan

        we ❤️ love you mate seens 2013

      • Mike

        Amen Greg.
        You are incredible.
        For all you have gone through, you look great.
        Praise God. You were certainly missed as you added Jesus and excitement to your show. Love u brother.

      • Sandra

        I am so sorry I didn’t know about the heart attack…thank our precious Lord, he worked a miracle in your life. I have a fib and had two cardio versions done so far, but it could have been worse…thank God for his blessings…stay well now rest and so happy you are back now…lv Sandra

      • Don Gillo

        Reverse Arterial Calcification: Cavadex

        Or D3, K2 and nattokinase


        I hope you recover well
        However you patched NOT clear of heart disease.
        Above is a NEW drug that arterial plaque and calcification.
        Also there vitamin companies like STANDARD PROCESS that can help you with the healing of your heart.
        Either path will require a holistic Dr or Cavadex Dr.
        This just more information for you.
        GOD BLESS

    • CCWaters

      Powerful prayer warriors, from around the world, have been interceeding on your behalf. For Many weeks of many prayers by many devoted followers have kept Heaven’s good war blazing.
      (You have bilt your own army my dear man. There is great power in the Blood of the Lamb.)

      • Greg Hunter

        I am a roadie for Jesus. Nothing more.

        • Dave

          Glad you beat the reaper Greg. I’m sure you have a lot more shows in your future. I’d love to see maneco64 on. He’s a retired banker with a popular YouTube channel on sound money.
          Also I’d love for you to talk about Jesus with Adam Green or Dustin Nemos I know they are radical, but maybe wait until you’re feeling stronger. Glad you’re still touring with Jesus this summer

        • Ken Yu

          Blessed be the LORD, who has successfully delivered you Greg (for many many good years to come) from the “clot laden m-RNA hands” of the Evil Globalists and their population reducing heart and turbo-cancer Plandemics “so you can continue your good work here on Earth exposing these Demons”. Our God Jesus Christ is a God of Eternal Salvation from the Absolute Nothingness these Eugenicist Atheists espouse, but is also a God of Deliverance and a Rescuer from Death (if he sees that your work here on Earth is yet to be completed)!! Lucky for us to Fight, Fight and Fight on until the job of terminating these Evil Globalists is done!!!

  8. Robyn Townsend

    Oh wow ….. didn’t realise you were not here until you came back, I have followed you for many years. Stay strong and healthy. May God continue to bless you and your family 🙏🏼

  9. Pap

    Hang in there Greg, We all miss you but we can wait until you are well again.

  10. Dave Scrimshaw

    He didn’t take you because He doesn’t have many of us working for Him.

  11. Jo

    God is good!! Prayers for the rest of your recovery. You are our touchstone to truth & in gratitude & Christian brotherhood, we will lift you in prayer until you are back to 100%.

    • Sheila Hennebury

      So grateful Greg is back!
      I tried to comment directly but had problem. Wanted to tell Greg and listeners about a company Ironheartbloodworks out of Texas. They supply unvacinated blood. You join for a small fee. Company started by a good Christian man. Worth checking out. I intend to sign up.

  12. Joe Harrison

    Prayers for you. Welcome back!

  13. Adrianne

    So sorry to hear you were ill. I did not know .. Wishing you a quick recovery.. all the best to you … ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  14. Gregory Carter

    Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    You have a job to do and that means you are in THE PLAN stan.

    Welcome Back!

  15. Wendy Mahtoy

    Dear Greg – we are blessed to have you – speak the truth and care for humanity. We have listened to you from Canada and you have enlightened and given us knowledge with what is happening around us. Thank you – our prayers for you have been heard. Our hope for a complete recovery and being able to do what you enjoy with family and friends. Thanks you
    Hugs, love, prayers and positive energy to you everyday. Wendy & Jim Grant

  16. Mike S

    Greg, you see the parallel. right.?

    Both you and Donald Trump had God say,
    “Not so fast, demons!” I have more for him to do!”

    God has truly blessed and protected you!

  17. Mary Longworth

    I am so grateful you are alive! I would check your website every week to see if you were back.
    A cardiac doctor who has had extraordinary success with his heart patients by changing their diet. Please watch the documentary, Forks Over Knives, and What The Health. One of the doctors featured in the documentary was Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr. He has also written a book called, “Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease: The Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven, Nutrition-Based Cure”. There are no agendas, or trickery, just good solid information regarding nutrition and a road map for excellent heart health.

  18. Jeff Brown

    Greg God bless you and we all love and respect you.

  19. Peter Gray

    Good to have you back Greg🎯

  20. David

    Greg thank you for your wonderful program. I have much to thank you for.
    I don’t watch TV at all! I threw my television over the edge at the rubbish tip 25 years ago. I have NEVER missed it – ever! . I don’t read newspapers now and only look at one if I am having a coffee(and it is at my table) to just see the “bull shit” the sheeple are being fed.

    I rely on podcasts and alternate news sources such as yours for all my information now.

    Once again – Thank You

    PS You are now more handsome today than the older photo you have on your web site. Why not change it on your site.

  21. Chris in Arkansas

    Very happy to hear you are on the mend. Also, you giving God the credit for saving your life is a testimony to your faith and trust in Him.

    • Gina Ryan

      Glory, Glory, Glory to the most High God, King of the Universe! We thank you Father for Your precious Son Christ Jesus. Thank you Lord for the healing testimony of Greg, thank you Jesus that You’re carrying Greg to victory. God we need You, we need to abide in Jesus, and we need your Holy Spirit to protect us. Greg, we love you and continue to lift you up as you continue to heal. Amen.

  22. Alex Kennedy

    Well done Greg, best wished going forward.

  23. Steve Richard

    God Bless You, Greg!

    I have been praying for you as you are definitely one of the Lord’s messengers and someone that I have deep respect for. Please continue to rest and recuperate and we will remain on guard with you,

    Best regards,

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Steve. Prayers work!!
      Brother Greg

  24. watcher on the wall on bitchute , friend of the king on rumble

    God is so good , welcome back Greg , been wondering what happened to ya …. thankyou Jesus

  25. Steve & Lu Ann Stoakes

    we are very glad to see that you are back.

    I felt like I should tell you that I give thanks every morning by telling the Lord, ‘Thank you for loving me.’

    We have been praying for you and we are glad that you came through okay.


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Steve and Sister Lu Ann!!
      Brother Greg

  26. GoldieElaine

    I had no idea you had your surgery, what a Miracle indeed. Praise the Lord His Will Be Done, best wishes in your next Projects

  27. Margo Dumelle

    So glad you are back! Prayers for complete healing and restoration.

  28. LoriQ

    God is wonderful, mighty and so worthy of our praise all of the time! So glad to hear that Our Lord was with you – what a testimony to give to anyone willing to listen. God Bless you and your family, Greg.

  29. James Schweitzer

    God bless you, Greg!!!! Start up again when you are able. You do great work! Lord Jesus is King!

  30. ken ernest

    glad your OK and I’m sure it feels good to be back.

  31. Donna Bartlett

    Praise Yahweh! Praise Jesus! Thank You Lord for healing our brother Greg and letting him stay here on earth with us! You know we need him and all the wisdom he shares with us. We are so thankful for you Greg and all that you do. Know that your wife and family and friends must have been so stressed too as you went through all this. Prayers for your continued healing and peace and rest and complete health restoration. Your experience of calling out to Jehovah & Jesus reminded me of my father’s similar experience when he had his first very painful heart attack at age 56. He went on to live a very active life until age 88 when Jesus called him home. My husband and I will be praying for you.

  32. Sue Robinson

    Greg, Wonderful to see and hear you! You look great. Looking forward to your next posts, but remember, take it easy. We all can wait as long as it takes. All the best to you and your family.

  33. Henry

    Great news Gregg. I feel your survival instinct strength. Henry

  34. Deborah

    Greg, I am So happy you are back! GOD’S SPEED

  35. Suz

    Dear Greg-I am so happy to see you back on! You look great and I believe in miracles too as my dad had one. God is definitely there and does answer our prayers. Thank you for filling us in on your progress. Love, suz

  36. Peter Hart

    Greg, It s great to see you again! I figured you had a health problem since it was so long & you are so consistent in your shows. I have been praying for you. Jesus saves! Greg, you are a great witness for Christ & I am grateful that you are back, but also for all the GREAT important content you have provided all of these years. Take your time my brother, don’t rush it! Make sure you spend quality time with your wife. Greg, I have been watching/reading you for many years. The first time I found you was an article on Lewrockwell.com & I have followed you ever since. Greg, I have never made a donation or bought from your sponsors. When I found you, my marraige was falling apart. When she filed for divorce & I left I had almost nothing. God has provided for me in incredible ways. I was able to pay off all the debt & even save some money. I retired in 22 & moved out of the country. I am able to live on social security & my savings since the cost of living is much cheaper here. In the next few days I will call dry element & buy one of their filters. I priced them before & they are a little more expensive than the berkeys, but since they have stuck with you I will buy from them. I thank God for your boldness & commitment to provide important & helpful content in these dark times. Your brother in Christ

  37. Linda Siddiqi

    Dear Greg,

    Fantastic to see you. Thank you for bringing us up to speed. You are loved and appreciated beyond measure. The heart is the wellspring of life as you know. I’d say for your ordeal you gained much! Praise be to Jehovah and Christ Jesus. I could go on and on , but suffice it to say as much as I’d like to see you come back full force, pace yourself we want you back for the long haul. Looking forward to your next interview!
    You look great.
    Just as an aside I’ve not watched even a nano second of the Olympics. Sad for the Athletes. I won’t support Satan.

    Bless you Greg a million times

  38. Enrico

    Welcome back. I elected to have the same surgery during Xmas of ’19. I am so happy for you.

  39. Kerrylyn

    You’re looking great. Take it easy for a while. xxx

  40. Steve Gasperson

    God bless you Greg. So happy you are healing & feeling better. Please pace yourself.

  41. Joseph

    Pure Blood Registry
    Gil Levy
    407 408 6954

  42. Eric Padman

    Blesssings on you Greg, the Lord has more work for you that’s for certain.

  43. Damian Dutchover

    So glad to hear that your on the mend after the traumatic events of the past month. My family and I have followed you for years. Your faith and integrity have been such an inspiration to us throughout the past years as we witness our world move from one crises to the next. Thank you Greg Hunter for your honest efforts to deliver truth and reason to a world in need of your message. “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” – Isaiah 41:10

    Lord, thank you for continuing to embrace our brother Greg Hunter in the light of almighty Jesus. Greg has many more works yet to accomplish in your name here on this earth. Please continue to watch over, protect, and strengthen Greg Hunter to deliver your works to those in need of your message. In Jesus name,amen.

    Thanks buddy!
    Damian & family

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks “DD”!!

  44. Debra F

    Greg, you are so loved by so many!! 😉 Just thrilled to see your face and hear your voice. You are a warrior. Looking good too. YEAH!! I appreciate you so much. Take good care.

  45. Mike S

    Welcome back Greg!
    I agree that Heavenly Father and his Son, Jehovah are watching out for you. May the Holy Spirit guide you to share truth which the world needs now more than ever!

  46. Reynaldo M Deang

    Greg, I am glad that God blessed you with a longer and healthy life.

  47. Geoff Nicholson

    I didn’t know you had a heart attack until I read and listened to your latest presentation. Was a shock. Extremely pleased you survived it all. I had a heart attack when I was 70, 6 years ago now. Had one stent. I too believe we get help from the other side.
    I wish you all the best for your health and your future. Take care.
    Geoff. ( from New Zealand)

  48. Judd

    God Bless you, Greg. I hope you’re surrounded by grace, love and your family. Thank you for all that you’ve done and your inspirational acts of strength and kindness. I hope you feel fulfilled and that you’ve made a difference because through the guidance of the holy spirit you have helped save many lives and turn many more back to our heavenly father. Take care!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother, Judd!
      Brother Greg

      • Don Seals

        Praise God many prayers saved you! We need your wisdom and truth you tell since it’s non existent in the MSM. Surprising since you always appeared very healthy. Praying for your total recovery.

  49. Toni Pesson

    Thank-you Lord for protecting him. So glad you are back.

    • Jimmy Bucknell

      So happy you’re ok! I’ve never missed a broadcast past 15 years and feel like you’re a cherished friend. God Bless 🙏

  50. Ira Elliott

    I’m happy for you. I hope you have a speedy recovery. fear not for God the father is firmly in charge

  51. Richard Gould

    Welcome back; I missed you.
    Evolution is another BIG lie. Evolution denies the Creator; Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18). DNA PROVES the Creator. Every single cell in your body has an about 6 foot long ‘code’ that allows the cell to reproduce perfectly time after time. You know how small a cell is, so how small IS that coding to fit into your cells?? AND, since there are many different types of cells in your body, there must be different coding for each different type of cells. After all, there is not going to be the same coding for a brain cell as there is for a skin cell.

  52. Rodney

    Our God is a great God, who is like unto Him. Some times He has to show us who he is and that He is really there, that’s not necessarily a bad thing tho it may seem so with the situation we find ourselves in. As He says ” I will never leave you nor forsake you”.
    Good to see you back Greg, rest and regain your strength, I bid you well and God’s peace.

  53. Max

    Thank God my brother in Christ…. good to hear things went well. Thanks for all you do do not push yourself too hard. Pace yourself.

    Fast recovery to you,

    • CwG

      What area in Arkansas is your area of abode ? Seemingly you abide in a healthy area …. Thank you,

  54. Michael

    God bless, Greg! Check out “God’s Medicine” by Kenneth E. Hagin, available as an audio book in MP3 format from Rhema Church out of Tulsa (rhema dot org). Hagin was on the bed of sickness as a teen back in The Great Depression, and was told he was going to die, but he kept reading scripture and was raised up into health and spent a full life in ministry. In “God’s Medicine” he reads (audio version) healing verses from scripture. As scripture says: The utterance of faith shall strengthen the weary, and the Lord shall raise him up (James 5:15, corrected KJV). Glory to God!

  55. Richard Gould

    This means everlasting life.—John 17:3.– Even though Adam and Eve sinned and brought death to their children, Jehovah did not change his mind regarding his purpose. (Isa. 55:11) His purpose is still that faithful humans live forever. Consider the things Jehovah has said and done in order to fulfill his purpose. Jehovah has promised that he will resurrect the dead and make everlasting life available to them. (Acts 24:15; Titus 1:1, 2) The faithful man Job was certain that Jehovah longs to resurrect those who have died. (Job 14:14, 15) The prophet Daniel was aware that humans have the prospect of being resurrected with the opportunity to live forever. (Ps. 37:29; Dan. 12:2, 13) Jews in Jesus’ day also knew that Jehovah could grant his faithful servants “everlasting life.” (Luke 10:25; 18:18) Jesus repeatedly spoke of this promise, and he himself was resurrected by his Father.—Matt. 19:29; 22:31, 32; Luke 18:30; John 11:25.

  56. Jim

    That’s why Jesus told the story about keeping your lamp full and wick trimmed. Ready always to preach pray, die or testify. Thank Adonia

  57. Coreen

    God blessed you Greg. He has anointed you as a vessel of his will. Our prayers will continue for you healing and strength. God is watching over you with his grace. Take good care, ‘we the people’ need you.
    Blessings from Alberta Cananda

    • Greg Hunter

      I work for Jesus and “We the People.”

  58. Jerry Thomchick

    Guardian Angel took me from Pennsylvania to Clearwater, Florida for a baseball game in March 2023, then to the ambulance, hospital, and 4 bypass surgery. Surgeon was former Delta Force, Walter Reed, top notch. No masks, no vaccines in Florida! 90%+ blockages but heart unharmed. I am doing quite well. Greg, eat right, exercise, be happy. We are both still around because God wants us to see his ultimate victory over evil , very soon. Miracles do happen, we are here!

    PS I got you by one bypass!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Jerry!

      • Cheryl

        Welcome Back, Greg!

        I really missed your channel…never miss a story!

        Please take care of yourself…we need your voice more than ever!

        So thankful that you are okay.

  59. Brenda Spencer

    Have been praying for you my brother Praise God for the great report of your Dr! Miracle!

    God is always so good. Trust in Him. Your life is not going to be one minute shorter than He is planning for you. He knows we all so need the truth you report!

    New bodies 1 Cor 15! Soon?

    God will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5b

    Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, make your requests known to God. And the peace which passes understanding shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6,7

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Sister, Brenda!
      Brother Greg

  60. Layne Maehara

    Hi Greg Thank Jesus that you are well! What you went through is only the miracle of God! I’m glad you did not get the transfusion or you would have been really messed up! All I can say Praise God on the highest!
    Take care

    • Greg Hunter

      I agree, Lyne!!

  61. Jerry Thomchick

    PS I missed listening to you. You are the best!!!

  62. nelson dial

    How can we send you some money thru the internet

  63. DDDDDuane

    Good luck Greg…You actually look pretty good considering what you’ve been through…Thanks for the great work… Look into supplementing with heart healthy Ribose…

    • Carla hayes

      I’m grateful your back also. You were greatly missed. But thankful you’re still with us. Please take it easy, we still all need your wisdom and guidance, the lord has placed and kept you here for a reason. Please continue at a safe pace to teach us and help guide us in the right direction, your information is valuable. God bless you!

  64. Christian Kruse

    So glad you are doing better, Greg!
    You still have important work to do here.

  65. Vincent Mc Cooey

    Hi Greg, it is great to see you back and looking so well. I only found out about your health issues about 1 week ago. I thought you were off air to rebuild and update all your software, please don’t be rushing back or getting to animated about what’s going on in the World. Jesus said, who ever loves the world , doesn’t love the father. Your to continue getting better and take loads of walks in the beautiful Missouri countryside . All the best and God Bless, Vince in London.

  66. Richard Kern

    Great to see you back and so healthy after your heart attack. All your USA Watchdog
    subscribers missed you, because we love you. Heavenly Father and his son Jusus Christ
    were definitely looking out for you and for us. To lose you would be a tragedy, just as
    if we had lost President Donald Trump a month ago. At this point in time America needs
    all its patriots. God Bless you.

  67. JIM

    MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU. Been 13 years since I had triple bypass, and am now 81. I pray you have great success as you are top of my list on the computer.

  68. Jeff Harrison

    Been with you from beginning of USA Watch Dog. Glad will be with you longer! Jehovah and Jesus are with you.

  69. Louie

    “I went through everything you did.” On my first visit when I was in my late 40’s the doctor said I have good news and bad news for you. I said tell me the bad news and he said you’re having a heart attack, and I said what is the good news and he said you’re not dead.

  70. Don Doerr Sr.

    Greg, welcome home, and thank you for fighting for America. Tonight I was thinking of America under Dwight David Eisenhower – when sodomy and abortion were regarded as evil and children were welcomed and loved. Today we have The Kamala Bear and Tampon Tim Walz under the control of the antichrist Obama and his Hillary, all since the November 22, 1963-Establishment of the Communist Democrat RINO Party. While I am now elderly and saddened by the loss of loved ones, I am grateful that I grew after World War II and before Vatican II, Pope Francis, Biden’s Open Border Terrorism, and Obama’s Promise of “Fundamental Change.”

  71. Patricia

    Thank you Dear Greg for sharing your testimony and experience with us. We all benefit from uplifting successful experiences such as yours. what a Beautiful Blessing to have a much closer walk with our Lord and Savior. I Thank God for giving you this miracle.
    May God continue to richly Bless You and Yours!
    Extremely Thankful and Grateful,

  72. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Glad your feeling better.

  73. Debora

    Hi, Greg! So glad that you are back! May God continue to bless you and your family!

  74. Anita

    Thank you Jesus that Greg has come back online and we know why he was Mia. Greg many blessings I send to you and hope for a full recovery for you. In Jesus name.

  75. Richard westwell

    Hello Greg. I am so glad your operation was a success. I am sure all your supporters like me can’t wait to see you have a full recovery. Remember every day that passes your heart improves. Looking forward to seeing you back to your old self and reporting the truth once again. Kindest Regards Richard

  76. Robert Olin

    I had a quadruple bypass a month before covid hit. A month later and I wouldn’t be here.
    The doctors couldn’t believe how quickly I healed. I didn’t tell them that I was taking a peptide popular with weight lifters when they tear something. It’s called BPC 157. Mix it up and shoot it into your belly fat once a day. YouTube it – it’s all over the net. Also there are studies showing that 10,000IUs of nattokanese reduces plaque. Has to be taken on an empty stomach. Avoid all seed oils like the plague. Only use mono saturated ones like avocado or olive oil. They cause your LDL to oxidize and are in everything especially salad oils.

  77. Donna Venezia

    So good to see you Greg! I posted on here about a week ago in response to you’re preparing us for your story of what happened to you. I was and still am rejoicing in the fact that you are still here with us. I don’t want to make this about me at all, but I posted on your site a response and said that I am going through one of the most horrific health problems I’ve ever had in my life. I have many people, Christians, that I don’t even know who are praying for me daily. But there’s a friend of mine who after I told her of my horrific attacks with my health, she immediately told me to read the 91st Psalm. She reads it every day and told me to keep referring to it. When you said your friend gave you the 91st Psalm before you had your heart attack, to me it was God preparing you for what was to come and to reflect on that after the heart attack. It’s just a coincidence that you referenced the same Psalm that my friend gave me during my debilitating medical condition. She advised me to read it as often as possible to let it sink in that The Great, I AM is my/our REFUGE! And just like you, I have refused doctor recommended treatments that I feel will do more harm than good and YAHWEH is guiding me through this terrible ordeal and will continue to help me until I’m completely healed. But the main point I’d like to make is that Yahweh, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit is with us through it all and that prayer is extremely powerful. My brother had Covid about 4 years ago. He knew about Ivermectin and went to the VA hospital to get treated for a terrible cough. They said he had Covid and admitted him. He knew about Ivermectin and asked for it and they refused him. Instead they gave him REM-DEATH-ASFERE. I began a prayer vigil asking everyone to pray in the name of Jesus for my brother. This went on for 3 months. The doctors apparently didn’t expect him to make it, (as if they didn’t know only a small percentage of those who are on that deadly drug do survive), but when he pulled through the doctors said, they were amazed that he made it but then had the either the heartlessness or the ignorance to offer him when healed, the vax! The devil was still trying to tempt him, just like he did with you with the blood transfusion. My brother was actually debating it even though he knew better. But that was the devil trying to still take his life in my brother’s time of weakness and fear. I told my brother not to get it and he didn’t. But to sum it all up Greg, PRAYER. Yes, I’m sure prayers helped my brother and I’m sure people were praying for you too. The power of prayer is NEVER to be underestimated. Yeshua/Jesus asks us to KEEP PRAYING. Why would He tell us to do that if it didn’t produce results and miracles? Sometimes it takes longer than we want for the prayer to be answered, but He hears us and He’s with us. In the 91st Psalm He says that if you call on Him He WILL answer you and that He’s with us in trouble. HE will save us and even honor us if we make HIM (THE MOST HIGH) our dwelling.

    HE IS OUR REFUGE. When all others on earth fail us HE doesn’t. Now is a time of rest for you, even with your 40 year-old heart :). Even YAHWEH rested on the 7th day. Rest, Greg. As much as we all love you’re show, I’d rather you rest as much as you need. But that’s between you and YAHWEH. He’ll tell you what to do or what not to do.
    With much love,
    Your sister in the LORD,

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you, Sister, Donna!
      Brother Greg

    • Ted

      Great to see you again Greg

      I was thinking you were away on a beach somewhere taking a break from it all

      Thank you for all the years of incredible interviews and for being a beacon of truth in a world of lies. You have been a blessing. Praying for you and your family and a speedy recovery

  78. Greg

    Welcome back Greg. Praise YAH

  79. V Lee

    Welcome Back Greg. We all miss you.

  80. Sam A. Morgan

    Good to see you back. Be of good cheer…We’re on the Winning Team.

  81. Andy

    All the best Greg, take it easy on the recovery, cheers from down under

  82. Lora

    Pace yourself. So glad that you’re feeling better. God Bless!

  83. John Maskell

    Greg, you are amazing. A true honest man with Jesus Christ beside you. I was praying and sending love everyday when I found out about your health issue. I knew Jesus would help. My wife kept asking if Greg is ok because she knows how much I love your channel and also the compassion I have for you ! So glad that no blood transfusion was used . No vaxed blood for Mr Hunter please . You deserve miracles Greg and our saviour came when needed . Sending all our love from the UK , John and Donna. Take it easy Greg xx.

  84. Barbara

    Bless you, Greg. I really missed you.

  85. Eric from Rule The Wasteland

    great to see you back, Greg!

  86. Doreen Remsen

    🙏 Oh Father! You are faithful! I bless & praise Your holy name! Thank you for Yoyr loving care of Greg & for being His Protector HIs Great Physician! There is no one like You! Please continue to strengthen Him & restore Him. Provide for Him & his family & direct him as he serves You in the coming days. In Jesus name I thank you & ask you Amen 🙏 Greg I am singing for joy to our wonderful Lord & Savior! You still have a work to do…things are going to change rapidly from now on…I have had the privilege from our gracious Lord to see through dreams what will come. You are right the days are few the hour is late & the watch fires are lit. May you feel stronger with each day Thank you for sharing your testimony 🙏 God bless Doreen

  87. Paul Mallinson

    Wonderful to see you back Greg. I kept checking your site. You are like a good friend to me even ‘though you don’t know me. I have followed you for years. Just ease back into it slowly – no rush.

  88. Kathryn Harris

    Glad to see you! I always tune in on the weekends for your report!
    Slow and steady wins the day. Take all the time you need. Many blessings to you.

  89. Really Awake

    You look like you’re doing great considering what you’ve been through. I know individuals who who had a triple bypass and then had such bad recovery outcomes. One even said that he felt so bad that he’d wished that he’d died on the operating table…

    It’s really nice to see someone recovering so well. Take your time during your recovery. That was a big, serious operation. Sit back, rest and enjoy being alive.

  90. Bradford Griffin

    God Bless you Greg and your family, thanks be unto Jesus for your recovery. You and your family are in our prayers. God Bless

  91. Barbara / HoosierDownUnder

    Glory to God!
    Thank you Jesus for hearing Greg’s cry out to LIVE!
    We all know Greg is on a mission here for you Lord. Hallelujah!

    How many have you brought to Jesus, or back to Jesus after years of backsliding?
    One day you’ll find out.
    You are a Blessing to this earth Greg Hunter. Do the needful.
    I’ll continue to pray for you.
    Love ya like a brother. Barbara / HoosierDownUnder

  92. Rob

    Glad you are ok, god bles you.

  93. Jimmy Dean

    Greg, what a story. I listened with wrapped attention. Not sure who had a closer call, you or Trump, but what‘s clear is that both of you are being watched over by strong hands. We are happy you are so blessed and back with us because you are needed very much. That said, give yourself plenty of runway before your Watchdog plane takes off again. Easy and steady does it. One thing you might want to do is not let all the sordid and crazy stuff in the world get to your blood pressure and heart. Anger and stress release lots of toxic stuff in the bloodstream. In other words, don‘t let the toxicity of the world toxify you! If you are able to do so, let me in on the secret of how to stay detached.

  94. Robert Jagow

    It’s written on graduation cards, quoted to encourage a person who can’t seem to find God’s well and doled out like a doctor explaining a prescription: Take Jeremiah 29:11 a few times, with a full glass of water, and call me in the morning. I think you’ll feel better.

    “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” Jeremiah 29:11 tells us—possibly one of our most beloved, yet most misunderstood, verses in the entire Bible.

  95. Christian

    Dear Greg,

    wishing you a very speedy recovery! Things are just not the same without you.

    Thank you for being there (consistently for many years!), speaking up and telling the truth, and explaining to your audience a world that is in confusion and where civil liberties are greatly endangered.

    Keep doing what you are doing.

    For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

    A very grateful follower of USAW from Germany.


  96. Tom

    God bless Greg! Prayers for your contimuing recovery!

  97. Virginia

    Greg, It’s lovely to have you back bright-eyed and healthy. Don’t push yourself in your newfound strength. Yes, Jesus way is fervently gentle in his loving strength. You have been dearly missed.

  98. Steve

    We all missed you Greg. So happy your on the road to recovery have a blessed day.

  99. Dave Lockett

    Hello Greg. I had 3 stents back in about 2003. Around 7 years ago walking back to my house from a Christmas party I had the same feeling I my left arm. I went to see my cardiologist and he said I would need another stent. I went home and not wanting anymore stents I started searching the web. I found Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., a former internationally known surgeon, researcher and clinician at the Cleveland Clinic. He has a book called *PREVENT AND REVERSE HEART DISEASE* and some videos on YouTube among other things.
    I believe this diet has worked for me and it probably would work for you. Look on line and you’ll find his website.
    Here is a short video:
    I hope you find this helpful.

    • Greg Hunter

      Broken link.

      • Jo

        Please search for more of the plant based diet information mentioned above. It makes all the difference in the world to heart disease, not to mention what it has done to improve my physicality living with progressive MS. We don’t munch on lettuce & carrots—we eat lasagna, enchiladas, burgers—everything the standard American eats—but made in a healthier way. Dr. Mcdougall, Dr. McGreger, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Campbell or the above. Watch Forks OverKnives, read How Not To Die—so much to learn about nutrition & protection of our bodies. Look, I know you are a midwestern farm boy who loves his meat & taters, but if this crazy Italian chick raised on spaghetti & meatballs & Italian guilt to eat what Nona put in front of you, you can do it too!!
        Sister Jo

      • Jim Frikkie

        Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr. M.D. Doesn’t like Avocado’s
        This raises a red flag for me.
        Avocado Health Benefits | A Nutrient-Rich Superfood
        XL Wellness 324 views Jul 9, 2024
        Let’s dive deep into the extraordinary health benefits of avocados, nature’s creamy and nutrient-rich treasure. Loaded with heart-healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, avocados offer a multitude of health-boosting properties that can transform your well-being from the inside out.
        Join us on this journey as we uncover the science-backed reasons why avocados deserve a prime spot in your diet. Discover how the monounsaturated fats in avocados can support cardiovascular health, how their fiber aids digestion, and how their abundance of vitamins and antioxidants nourish your body and skin.

        Prepare to be amazed as we unlock the secrets of avocados’ nutritional prowess and empower you to incorporate this versatile superfood into your daily meals for a healthier, happier life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s8o1AscVVE

        Raw nuts in my frozen fruits in a blender works for me too, all available at Costco and Sam’s Club. Organic at Costco, but not organic at Sam’s a little cheaper.

        #1 BERRY for Your Heart: Opens Arteries, Increases Blood Flow & Circulation | Dr. Mandell
        motivationaldoc 49,359 views Aug 8, 2024
        Hawthorn berries, derived from the hawthorn tree, have been celebrated for their remarkable health benefits, particularly when it comes to supporting the cardiovascular system. Read More!
        And video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1syOatIXKFg

        • Jo

          He only suggests limitations on avocados, nuts & seeds for patients with severe heart disease. Otherwise, he’s fine with those foods

  100. Monica

    God bless you, Greg!! I didn’t know you were experiencing health issues! You look so healthy to me, I imagine any one of us could have these underlying issues & not know. I wish you a full & speedy recovery! ❤️

  101. Colleen

    This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
    My family and I are continuing to mention you by name in our evening family prayers asking God for your restored health. Yea though I walk through the valley of death, I fear no evil as thou Art with me. Thanking God for your miracle of life.🙏🏻.

  102. Bob

    Glad you are doing better. You !ight check out Isaiah 41:10 and 41:13.. Very good scripture for everyday .I am praying for your well being.. Try not to get too excited with those you have on for God is in control. May He bless your work.

  103. Peter

    Greg — I’m Glad ti here you were Blessed. and came out if this. healthy and Feeling little pain. It is remarkable. Keep the stress low for a while if that is possible in this World. ‘ God Bless you. and you family. – Sending out Prayers for your Continued swift recovery.

  104. Claude2

    My wife often asks where I get my news information. My answer is always that I read articles and listen to podcasts by people who have a habit of being right a lot. You have always remained on the top of that list. Thank the Lord that you have survived this crisis, and are feeling better. God obviously has more work for you to do. My blessings to you and continued prayers.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks “2”!

  105. Astraea

    I hardly know what to say except that I am relieved and happy to see you back! You look a little thinner, but fine and healthy. Good for you!

  106. John

    God spread His grace on thee. Your voice shall not be silenced until it is your time to enter the Kingdom of Heaven with the lovers of Christ and His eternal word.

    Welcome back Mr. Hunter for many years. He had given you a task and it is not yet complete. I pray for your wife too as she obviously felt the pain of your dilemma not knowing if you’d be back in your kind and loving ams.

  107. Jedidiah Crumpet

    Everyone will be WIPED out in 21 days
    Wisdom 442K views 2 days ago
    Some here at USAWatchdog.com see Elon Musk as someone who projects a very specific persona to the public, distinct from his business persona. Whitney Webb critically examines Musk’s dominance in the tech industry, highlighting his significant impact on several sectors.
    Whitney Webb: “I don’t want you to necessarily take my opinion or what I write at face value. Believe the source material because it matters. I’m not making this up.”
    Webb raises concerns about the concentration of power and influence that comes with Musk’s growing empire.
    Webb: “Are you aware that bankers lie and engage in illegal activities to expand their money and power? Those same bankers, CEOs, or whoever, are the bulk of donations to politicians.”
    Martin Luther King Jr. was a pivotal figure in the American Civil Rights Movement. His efforts were crucial in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. According to a case won by King’s family in the late 90s, Hoover’s FBI was responsible for killing Martin Luther King Jr. There was a civil trial brought by King’s own family, and the result was that the FBI was implicated. If nothing happened to them then, what do you think is going on now?
    Webb: “My problem is that I feel like, thinking about my own family and how they view my work, the way they were told things worked is not how things were really working then. A lot of the American public, in my opinion, has been fed this fairy tale that the government is your friend and here to help. But if you look at history, the government is the mob.”
    [Yes Whitney, our intell agency guys had to learn to fight dirty like the dirty Nazi’s and Communists, then our representative governance was given up for the protection of plausible deniability and our real government the deep state ws born out of fighting the underworld mob bosses and had to become mobsters themselves to defeat them. So today organized crime is dominated by our own guy’s now mobsters themselves, mobsters against we the people and we are now demanding back our representative government of the people by the people and for the people. We want Marco Rubio to represent us like J.D. Vance represents us and not the deep state creeps like you Marco! To make America great again and bring back the middle class as in the 1950’s before our representatives like Marco gave up being we the peoples representation, given to the intelligence agency mob bosses and turning our department of justice into a department of injustice, all because they feel they can become criminals in good conscious because of Trump. Because they’re affeered he’s gonna lock em up!!

  108. Mary Barry

    Greg, I was so disappointed when you stopped reporting but so glad you came back. God is not through with you. Please take as long as you need so you can be here longer. Love in Christ

  109. J.Crumpet

    From the moment you are born, your perceptions are influenced by your parents, who have been through the process you’re about to go through. Very soon after entering this world, you find yourself sitting at a desk with an authority figure telling you what is and isn’t, what’s right and wrong, what’s credible and not. This continues through your formative years, where the system’s version of everything, what I call the “postage stamp consensus” because it’s so narrow, is downloaded into people.
    These individuals then go off into institutions, becoming journalists, scientists, doctors, politicians, CEOs, or whatever, carrying with them that core version of normal and limitation of possibility they’ve been downloading all their lives. People in these institutions then confirm to each other that this norm is normal. A journalist doing a story about a health situation won’t go to an alternative practitioner who may have had great success; they’ll go to a doctor who will give them the “postage stamp normal.”
    Obviously, there are people resistant to seeing things for what they are because some feel too uncomfortable engaging with reality. They don’t want to face the fact that the government and corporations are doing insane, illegal stuff that’s killing people or stealing insane amounts of money and ruining lives. They think, “Well, I can’t do anything to change that,” and prefer not to engage with it.

  110. Robert J. Gargasz

    You never left! Always in our hearts and prayers.
    Fear not. The gates of hell shall not prevail against the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Jehovah God The Father’s Son. Greg this medical event a cross laid upon your shoulders has been performed for His reasons and your suffering and endurance is a testament to your faith A witness to your Christian faith and an inspiration to others including myself. May I have the strength and courage as you have demonstrated to others by your grace under fire. Principles and values in living your faith. May God continue to Bless, Keep , and Grace you. You are loved and we care about you. Gargasz Family.

  111. Bob Cox

    Dear Greg
    Greetings of sweet surrender brother! It’s amazing that the Lord has saved us and delivered us from not knowing him. What a glorious miracle he performs day in and day out with all of us. Enjoy your gift from the Lord.
    May you be happy and at your ease in the arms of the Lord.
    Bob Cox

  112. cheryl

    Praise the Lord he is with u and has helped u. Im so grateful he spared you because you have so much to offer this movement in taking back our nation and getting souls saved. U look great considering what you have been thru. I remember my when i was a teen, my grandpa had a triple bipass and he was in our home for 3 months. my mom cared for him 24/7 – he was in SO MUCH PAIN.

    U are blessed and anointed by the Lord. He has so much more for you to do. Bless you and your family hun. Big hugs and much LOVE to you all.

  113. William McFarlane

    Greg, So Happy for You and your family. You do look great considering your ordeal, I hope you keep the weight off. I would like to see you investigate Seed oils (These are loaded weapons slipped in to harm Humanity.

    About a year ago I changed my diet to Keto/Carnivore and I rarely eat out (if I do I try 2 eat meat/eggs). Folks that own Restaurants want their foods to taste good with not much consideration of how healthy (loaded with seed oils,salt,sugar) (at least not Knowingly). I started reading labels and found they are in just about everything you can find in a grocery store. Even in Sardines (Canola Oil, linseed Oil, Soy Oil etc.) Coconut Oil and Olive Oil (no blends) are safe because they’re Cold pressed. Everything else processed with Heat.

    When I heard you tell your story, I was curious about your diet and my first thought was Seed oils. Not many folks in my small circle are aware of the dangers or don’t care. So please consider looking into them and hopefully report on them.

    Glad Your Back and lookin Good …… missed your view points and fine reporting …… Bill

  114. Don.W

    Greg, “Now you really know that the Lord is so good”. I have been Blessed all of my life because He is so good to me. I will be 90 in four weeks. I am so glad that He has Blessed you in this way to bring you back to us who really enjoy your articles. You are also a Blessing to us.

  115. Bill

    Greg: Glad you are doing well. My advice — Be VERY cautious of the drugs “THEY” will want you to take. Here’s why… Jan 4, 1999, at age 50 I went in for triple bypass surgery and came out with quintuple (5) bypasses. Fortunately, I never did have a heart attack, just some annoying pains. My advice to you — DO NOT TAKE the drugs they will try pushing on you.. I did for a few months while doing a lot of drug investigation as I was experiencing some drug related problems. One that still bothers me is periperal neuropothy (both feet completely numb). I blame that on the statin drugs as I am not diabetic so it can’t be caused by that. I chalked up my heart problems with lifestyle and so cleaned up my life, began eating more healthy and quit taking all of “THEIR” drugs. For many years I took none. There is a thing called heart track where you walk around a gym to begin getting your energy back. On day 1, the guy walking with me said “Boy – you had a rough time”. I replied “not that I know of ” and he replied “Yeah – it says here they had to restart your heart 7 times”. Another interesting thing is that when I woke up, I was sure I knew the answer to every question ever asked in the universe. Did I visit the Akashic records? That knowledge lasted only for a day and I forgot it all again, Now, 25 years later, I only take a water pill to keep the weight down and a blood thinner that I only started taking three years ago when I had aortic stenosis and had to have that valve replaced via an out patient procedure. Other than that, I take no drugs. I do take, what I consider important vitamins. They are Liposomal Vitamin C (VERY IMPORTANT TO TAKE LOTS OF VITAMIN C). Other things I do take, after much research are: Ivermectin 24 mg, 1/week due to covid and which I have to order from India. I never did get the jabs thank God, 1000mg liposomal vitamin C 1 in am & 1 pm, Uniquinol 200 mg 1 pm, NAC 600mg 1 am, zinc 50 mg am, magnesium 70mg pm, Cholorella Spirulina 50/50 tab 4 am, 4 pm Optimized Quercetin 250mg 1am, natokinese 1pm. I recently turned 75, just returned from a two week vacation to Alaska, mow my yard weekly, weed wack a 200′ ditch around my houuse, tend my garden and keep the bushes trimmed around the house so I do stay active. I DO NOT TAKE THE OTHER DRUGS “THEY” SAY ARE NECESSARY AND KEEP TRYING YO PUSH”. One other interesting thing is that I never ever thought about writing a book, Shortly after the surgery, I started writing one about what life was like after death, I wrote a few chapters and then lost interest and stopped. Interesting stuff.. So.. enough ramblings from an old but wise man… Wishing you all the best…. Bill

    • Seer

      Very good supplementation advise. Add “Arterosil” to smooth the artery walls so build up/plague does not stick. Use high dose vitamin C instead of statins.
      Proper food combining is helpful and organic/biodynamic is best.
      Do not get enrolled in the carnivore fad diet going around,
      Resolve the emotional cause is recommended as heart attacks are “broken hearts”.
      Blessed are those who shine the inner light from their soul!

  116. Roger Stamper

    i am happy for you ok and healthy Roger

  117. Heidi Hansen

    you are truly blessed. be safe and eat healthy. take care of that new heart. glad to hear your voice again. amen.

  118. JOL

    My favorite site and so glad you are feeling well again and out of the hospital. We really missed you. God gave you strength. 💖💖💖

  119. Steve Carter

    I am so happy for you and family. You have a powerful relationship with the right fellow. Hoping your recovery is fast and smooth. Fear Not !

  120. Charlene Bliss Beyer

    My tears of thanksgiving are flowing. There is nothing greater than the name of Jesus. Oh how awesome is our Jehovah!!
    When someone has been a source of solid news and information with truth that is surrounded by the Lord as you, your absence created a void.
    I have been a loyal follower from the beginning. I cannot remember a time when I did not refer to you as a trusted source.
    My prayers will be added for a speedy recovery, but it appears that my sweet Jesus has it covered.
    There is nothing to compare to my Jehovah!!

  121. Anne stecher

    praying for healing and God’s blessings.

  122. Judy Oldenburg

    Welcome back, my husband and I truly missed you. We live in NC 20 south of Asheville. So happy you’re on the mend. God still had more work for you.
    I just had a knee replacement three weeks ago. I told them no blood. My husband and I are the same type. and are unvaccinated. Luckily all went well and blood wasn’t needed. We will continue to pray for your recovery. Take care Mark and Judy

  123. Sllvrwllwn

    Greg, Jesus does perform miracles right up to this present day moment! It was very satisfying to see you in a healthy state. Thanks for sharing such important information about yourself. It just may help to save lives! Looking forward to your future programming as it is available after your full recovery. God Bless!!


  124. MICHAEL A

    Since you say God’s Name is important to you, you should also pronounce it correctly. This too is encoded in the Old Testament Scripture. The :”J” sound is not in Hebrew, substitute the “Y” to pronounce it correctly. As you pronounce it the emphasis is on the second syllable but it should be on the third. So “Yeho VAH” or phonetically Yayho VAHH is correct.

    Speaking of miracles, did you notice that Donald Trump first had blood on his right ear, then on his right hand, his shoes were knocked off and he stepped in his own blood with his right foot too. If that doesn’t ring a bell with you; review the process for anointing a priest in the Old Testament.

    Take care to change your diet Greg, spiritually too.

    • Greg Hunter

      I don’t speak Hebrew. I speak English.

    • Katy Bar

      Interesting!! Did the Demonic “false god” Globalists in the back of their sneaky minds “want us to think we were connecting to “The Almighty God Of The Universe Who Knows All” by simply logging in to their Yayho.com in search of life’s answers rather then the Bible??

  125. Greg Not Greg Hunter

    So glad your back. Your looking pretty good for just having major surgery.
    I will keep you in my prayers.

  126. Jay Dee

    Greg you need to see Dr Ford Brewer

  127. Jeff Bertrand

    Greg – We’ve listened to you for years and really appreciate your reports and guest interviews. We wish you the speediest recovery! You are a great patriot! Take it easy as you recover.
    All our best.
    Jeff & Debbie

  128. Brian Howard

    Congrats on your victory through Jesus, Greg. Good to see you back doing what you love. Oh, and good on you standing your ground with the blood they wanted to give you! Cheers from Sydney Australia.

  129. Robert

    Glad to see you back Greg. I’m also glad that you stood your ground and refused a transfusion; the parasite class is determined to eliminate everyone who is not in their chosen circle of demons.

    And shedding is real—even those of us who refused to take the bio weapon are at risk. I have personal experience with this.

  130. ian

    Great to see you back and looking well Greg.
    Please take your time and take care of your self, we will still be here waiting when you are fully rested and ready to return.
    All the best to you and your family.

  131. Carol Bolt

    God Bless you being back Greg. I had emergency surgery one night too. The Dr. said if we don’t do this surgery tonight you are going to die. So I told him to go ahead. I got through it but it was hard to get over but God was watching over me as he was you. I am so glad to see you back safe and sound. People in here do count on you every day for real truths.

  132. James Foster

    Praise God in the highest! My wife and I were in tears , tears of joy , hearing your story. All glory goes to Jesus Christ! Welcome back, and Thanks for sharing!

  133. Edwin Bickel

    Greg, look at Dr. August Dunning’s work in his first book titled The Phoenix Protocol. He would make for a good guest. Glad to hear you are on the mend!

  134. Brooks

    Heavenly Father, we praise Your name in the highest…because You loved us first…Thank You for answering our prayers concerning brother Greg and the challenges represented there…May Your hand of blessing, and healing, remain upon Greg…May wisdom, beyond their years, be imparted upon those who’re attending Greg so he may return to the path You’ve chosen for him…May the Love of God, the Grace of Jesus Christ, and the Peace of Your Holy Spirit be with us all, as we face the days ahead…in The Name of Jesus Christ We Pray…AMEN

  135. MathBC

    I hope your health reinsurance paid all the operation to bring your health back.
    By the way, synthetic blood exist but It’s cost more then donation blood.

    • Ken Yu

      Hope Greg’s doctors were smart enough to use “Non-Covid” Synthetic Blood in Greg’s heart operation “considering that his heart was already filled with clots”!!!

  136. Linda

    Greg, glad to see you’re doing better. I was a little concerned.
    I have put a link to an interview with Jay Dyer about the Olympics opening ceremony and the history/meaning of the whole thing. Dyeris a historian and schlor has written several books and seems quite knowledgeable. This is an eyeopening take on things. He maintains that this has been planned for a long time. I can understand why. Frank the interviewer is a man of faith.
    You and any other followers of yours owe it to yourself to listen to this interview.

    The interview starts at about 20 minutes:

  137. Christopher Chambers

    Welcome back Greg! Great news! Glad to hear you are doing well.
    I had a heart attack in January of 2022. It was a silent one, electrical the doctors said. I went to the local Urgent Care and had an EKG which showed an anomaly, so the Urgent Care gal sent me to the local hospital ER for a blood test and my troponin was high. I immediately went into the hospital for quadruple bypass after performing a heart catheterization showing four seriously clogged arteries. My wife was great helping me out, but the recovery was miserable. I have a zipper in my chest (now a scar but still, big and irregular). My Dad died during my FMLA period and I couldn’t travel so had to watch his service on my iPad.

    Back to work now since April of ’22, due to retire in February 2025 hoping to have a nice peaceful retirement with my wife in Southern Alabama, Point Clear. Hoping to write family stories and historic biographies between cruises and vacations.

    Stay well Greg! Glad you’re back!

  138. Margo

    Greg, there really was a void when you were gone from the ‘airwaves’. Didn’t realize how much until I realized how pleased I was seeing you in my feed this morning. Praise YAH and His son that you are so well after such an ordeal. I feel for your wife! How scary this must have been for her. Truly glad you are well and will be sharing with us again. Your contribution to so many people’s lives is immeasurable ( as evidenced by all the love here in the comments). Welcome back!! Take good care of yourself.

  139. Stephen jones

    Now u know why Jehovahs Witnesses don’t take blood. Great to see u back in the saddle Greg. Next time get a doctor that does bloodless surgery so u don’t have to make that decision. Hopefully u won’t have another problem with your health. Dr Scott Schenin mount sini hospital does bloodless surgery on lungs and heart. Only doctor in nyc that does this. I know because my wife had lung surgery from him . I called him the Micheal Jordon of lungs.

    • Katy Bar

      Blood transfusions are one of the most common procedures performed in hospitalized patients. Yet, despite all of the measures taken to ensure the safety of the blood supply, there are “known risks associated with such transfusions” (from transferring COVID or HIV infectious to other complications). Artificial blood technology shows promise to overcome these hurdles!! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5084831/

  140. Martin katz

    Praise God Greg,

    I’m grateful that you are on the mend. Your faith in Jesus has not only saved you eternally. He has now saved you physically. It’s good to see your face again. I pray that your recovery goes smoothly.


  141. Charles Bronson

    You might want to change your diet. Cut way back on vegetable oils. Olive oil in the grocery store is not healthy oil. Buy certified olive oil only. Avoid organic and regular baked or fried chicken. Avoid donuts, potato chips, snack crackers, snack bars and baked goods.
    Use butter instead of margarine. Polyunsaturated fat is bad fat. Linoleic acid stays in your body for about 7 years. This causes high inflammation, which leads to having a heart attack, cancer, diabetes, arthritis and dementia. I use organic liquid coconut oil, when making baked goods.
    Use less sugar too.

  142. Mark Farner

    Brother Hunter, I had no idea your health was compromised! We are praying for your complete recovery and giving God the Creator and His only begotten son Jesus Christ the glory now and forever!
    I truly believe you are still here because of the work you have done and will continue to do. We know your heart of hearts is to be the humble, powerful servant you are… all for Jesus brother, all for LOVE! 🙏

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother, Mark!
      Brother Greg

  143. Darren

    I did not know you had a heart attack. I am so glad you are feeling much better. JEHOVAH does miracles and you are one of them. Looking forward to you back in the seat putting out the truth!!!

  144. Mike

    Take all the time in the world you need to recover, we will be here when you’re ready and it’s right for you, very glad you’re still with us, great to see you again.

  145. Stephen Jones

    P.s. it’s in the Bible about the blood. KJ GEN:4B. LEV 7;26. ACTS 20;28 These will show u why Jehovah says no blood

  146. robert

    You call a heart attack a vacation???
    Or did you have the heart attack while you were on vacation??
    It is good to see you back, you are one of the few news people that I trust.

  147. Nick-Dog

    Praise the Father! So glad you are back and on the mend Greg. Take all’ of the time you need!

  148. Bill

    Go slow Greg. I had open heart, aortic valve replacement plus double bypass 13 years ago. It took me 2 months to fully recover. In 2 months, you’ll feel like a new man!
    Good luck,

  149. Dale

    Best Wishes with prayers, Greg! Stay on top of world conditions.

  150. TJZ

    Good morning Greg,

    It is good to see you back! Thanks be to God!
    God bless you!

  151. Rob S

    Greg – I’ve been a fan of yours for many years, over a decade. I’ve noticed the toll our crazy world news is taking on you–same with Greg Manarino. The intense emotions are too much, I’m with you. I’ve learned that breathing exercises and meditation relaxation techniques are something that will benefit you if you keep up the aggressive pace. Perhaps you can end your episodes with “fear not” and a USA Watchdog signature “deep breath” , for you and all of us. We are so grateful you are back with us!

  152. Don conrad

    We have missed you and your work. Glad to know you are ok ( I thought this absense was tech related). Glad you survived. God is with you and you are blessed. Go slow. Your work is important but your health is more important. If I can help in any way, please contact me.

    God bless you,
    Don Conrad

  153. Bruce

    What if you had taken the Covid vaccine? ? GOD is watching out for you

  154. Brian Blommer

    Wow, what a testament, Greg! It is so great to hear you are back again and doing well. I’m looking forward to hearing about your journey. Take good care on your road back to recovery.

  155. Wildbad

    thank God thank greg

  156. Anne Nicholls

    The Lord is with you and with all who reach out. I’m so glad to see that you are doing well. Keep it up – you are truly needed in this world today. We all know you are one to be trusted.

  157. Patrick Snedeker

    Greg, it’s obvious by all the well wishes that you are loved and your work is highly valued and greatly appreciated.
    The Lord has decided to keep you here among us to continue to serve Him as you have been.
    Prayers for your full recovery.

  158. Rev. Bryan Dabney

    Greg, what a blessing to hear your testimony. Praise God that you are still with us and that means there is more for you to do. I had to undergo a similar procedure last year about this time so I am familiar with what you had to experience and yes, God was indeed with me as well.
    Thanks for all your hard work.

  159. Bob

    Greg, I’m 82 y/o and had a heart attack a few years ago also. But, I must say, it was nothing like you’ve had. You obviously have more good work to do on this earth before Jehovah and Jesus want you home with them. After seeing and hearing you today, I’m adding you to my prayer list each night before bed. You’re a helluva patriot my friend. Please keep up your good work keeping us informed, but at a much slower pace. We’ll understand. It’s so good to have you back, Greg. You’ll probably never know how much you were missed.

  160. RK

    Thank you Jehovah and Jesus Christ for healing Brother Greg! We’ve missed you.

  161. Laura Simpson


    So glad to see you back…you look great. You are a walking and talking testament to the power of Almighty God. God is alive and well on the throne and is STILL a God of miracles. From what you have said about your experience you were clearly given a miracle. God bless you!

  162. John

    Great to see you Greg ! Something was not right with the world without Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com bringing us his weekly News and Commentary. . Thanks Greg and Welcome Back !

  163. Mike and Ann Almon

    Dear Brother Greg,
    We are soooo happy to hear everything about your “recovery”. I totally relate to it. I had two heart attacks BOTH WITH CARDIAC ARREST in the last six years (I’m 72 years old on Oct 7). I was in the ambulance both times on the way to the hospital so they were able to bring me back to life within a minute both times. My doctor said it was literally a miracle both times. I now have three stents in there and so happy I made it through for the benefit of my sweet wife who would have been very lonely without me. Can’t wait for the Rapture!
    Oh how we love you Brother! Lord Bless you!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Mike and Sister Ann!
      Brother Greg

  164. Joyce

    God Bless you and so happy to have my favorite guy back on my computer. You were greatly missed. Stay healthy and don’t overdo. Peace and Love with God in your heart.

  165. Kevin

    Glad to know you are doing better. God has a plan and mission for you.
    Prayers for your continual recovery
    Glad to see you are back to work.
    God Bless

  166. Susan R

    Greg, I too lost a lot of weight during my three week hospital stay when I could not eat anything, it would just come back up. I gained it all and then some, back! This is a warning to you to keep a hold of yourself. I felt free to eat anything which was a huge mistake! I am back on track now though.
    You are doing Great!!!
    Your coming much closer to Jehovah alludes to this experience as witness to your inner light, which strengthened greatly!!!
    This event was a conversion to a level of faith that you will now share with us for the rest of your time here. We are your disciples.

  167. Larry Vierra

    Thank You, JEHOVAH.

    Thank you, Greg.


    Larry & Yolie

    • Greg Hunter

      Larry and Yolie,
      Thanks for loving and caring for me!!!! Great to hear from you on USAW!!!

  168. Judith

    Thank God Greg. You have been truly blessed !!! Relax and rest in his Mercy and Grace. Much love to you Greg. I’m am thanking HIM for giving you back to us.

  169. Rod Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

    I’m so happy you are back with us
    You were missed my dear friend
    You are the Ultimate Patriot and God still has plans for you
    In God I Trust

    • Don W

      In GOD I Trust for you and Greg. Don Wohlers Lt. Col. USMC ret. 1954-1978.
      Greg, I know that the Lord has a lot more for you. I totally lost my L-3 and L-4 in my back bone and was in a wheel chair and told I WOULD NEVER WALK AGAIN. But look at James 5:14 &15. I had the Elders Pray over me on a Tue. morning. The next morning as I reached down to push my left leg out of bed, I could feel my hand on my leg for the first time since the accident. I then started to move my leg on its own and I could move it out of the bed. Then my right leg, then I STOOD UP ON MY OWN TWO LEGS. I walked out into the kitchen where my wife had fixed Breakfast. She SCREAMED as she ran to me and held me tight. That was FORTY FOUR YEARS AGO THIS PAST FEB. 7TH. I went back to flying and finished my carrier.
      Just remember that Greg, and others, if you ever have another one of those major problems. That is one of the most important jobs that the Elders have in our Churches.
      Again, Blessings to you and all you do for us Greg.

      • wayne hardin

        Praise God Glory and Hallelujah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        You have spoken the TRUTH .
        Dont leave 16 out .
        16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
        It is time for people to come together and quit letting disagreement
        over things to do with this world separate .
        When somebody ask us forgiveness do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Help me Father God .

        Wayne Hardin

      • Earth Angel

        Wow. Another Truly Amazing Miracle Don!.. All Glory, Honor and Praise to God in Heaven.

  170. Jeff

    Prayers for you and your family Greg. Long time listener. Please take care of your health first!

  171. A Day

    Good to hear you. The bloodline being pure is so important to Jehovah that He conceived His Son from the same bloodline as Adam. Some of the ghoulish med procedures are not sound, spiritually.

  172. Kirstin Stein

    I’ve missed you! You’ve been twice-weekly evening tonic for years and I’m so happy you’re doing well.

  173. Helen

    Greg, I’m so happy that you have gotten through this so incredibly well. Take it easy, gets lots of rest and heal. When you get back to interviews, try not to get emotionally worked up about stuff, just be an observer like you are commentating on a movie. I saw in the above video that you were getting slightly worked up when talking about world events. Be kind to you body, especially the next while, so it can heal. Best wishes and Blessings

  174. SummerSong

    Welcome back Greg. So grateful to see you again.
    Take care, so anxious to see you and hear your messages.
    God Bless and Bliss you and yours on every level.
    Much love!

  175. Tim Parsoneault

    Psa 118:17 – I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.

    God is not through with you yet! Glad you’re !

  176. Diana Brown

    Happy Day and Hallelujah! We have missed you so very much Greg! Thank you so much for the welcomed update on your health recovery. So very glad you refused the blood transfusion and feel there is value in establishing a pure blood bank OR line up willing donors (in case of need) given by KNOWN pure blood matches. Perhaps we should all make those arrangements this serving as the example of need.

    Welcome back Patriot.

  177. Tim Parsoneault

    Glad you’re back!

  178. Denise Andersen

    There is God’s warrior. Welcome back Greg. Praise the Lord!

  179. Sharon

    Welcome back Greg! I first heard of your heart attack and triple bypass surgery from a comment posted on Clif High’s substack. In Clif’s last podcast few days ago, he said he’s retiring. His wife had 2 falls and was in the hospital for surgery, plus he’s in the process of moving, so he has his hands full. Glad your surgery was a success. Take it easy one day at a time.

  180. Bonnie Robinson

    It’s truly good to see you back, Greg. God spared your life because you trust in Him and He loves you. Psalm 91 is so good, I pray it daily and make it personal. The first verse is the qualifier. God is so good! He gets all the glory. God be praised!

  181. Mark

    Glad to hear you are doing better. It must have been quite a scare. I recently had a knee replacement, the nurse thought I was either crazy or a Jehovah’s Witness when I said I would refuse transfusions. I told them my blood was not contaminated and I would keep it that way.


  182. David Lashley

    So glad that you are back and ok. God bless you and thank you for what you do and just for being you!

  183. Jane

    Greg, I’m so happy you’re going to be ok. That was a close call! My husband had open heart surgery when he was 50. You came through it with flying colors! You are a strong and able soldier of your maker and he has put you here with us to help show the truth, thank you Greg for all your hard work! It is much appreciated ♥️

  184. Joseph

    Very Happy for you.

  185. Geena Gador

    God spared Donald Trump from the bullet that was meant for him. And God spared you, Greg, from a fatal heart attack. We are on a roll!

    When you said to God “Don’t take me, don’t take me, don’t take me,” I wept. I could feel your urgency. I am so glad that God answered your call.

    Please take your time, Greg. We do not expect you to excoriate the globalists like you used to. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  186. Patt Hill

    So glad to hear you are doing well and growing stronger! My blessings to you and your family. You have been missed over the past several weeks and I look forward to you getting back on track and bringing us the best news content on the planet! Stay strong my brother!

  187. Solar Melt

    Ok, I’ll let it go this time, but don’t let it happen again. Glad your back.

  188. Jean Jacoby

    Welcome back, Greg! Your online family have missed you and we too feel blessed that you are home! We too know how Our Lord Jesus loves us, His faithful servants every moment of every day, if we surrender to Him. My husband was diagnosed with Pleural Mesothelioma almost 6 years ago. His medical teams have been amazing every step of the way. He is in the 5% percentile of patients who survive who live this long. Better still, he is thriving.
    Easy does it! Cardiac Rehab is more important than we are. We will wait for you and continue to follow your progress with love and gratitude.
    Jean & Peter

  189. Bryce A DeBorde

    Praise God !
    I hope you do election night coverage again, I will be right there with you.

  190. Jerry

    HIdden in plain sight! Psa 91:16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my YESHUA

  191. youknowwho

    Welcome back, Greg! Wasn’t your time…you have much more work to do. Godspeed.

  192. Ann Williams

    Hey Greg!
    So glad to see you again, and I”m sorry for all you have undergone re your heart surgery and all. I recently was told by MD that I have HAD a heart attack in past . . . So maybe you’re already doing this, but I now deliberately watch funny movies much more often than before the news. Laughter is the best medicine. (especially now.)
    Here’s some I highly recommend for you: Grumpy Old Men, Grumpier Old Men, Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters ll; Groundhog Day, Four Weddings and a Funeral,
    Something’s Gotta Give, Hopscotch, My Dog Skip, Cookies Fortune, As Good As It Gets, Steel Magnolias . . .
    Welcome back, Greg. As Jesus said, “Fear not. Have Faith.”

    • Earth Angel

      Hopscotch is a clever old movie- I really like that one too! We enjoy all the old westerns as well. There’s just something comforting about them and I like to see how healthy the Earth, sky, oceans & trees were back then, as opposed to now… however badly we’ve behaved- its never too late to do the right thing, so never give up!!

  193. Robert Cleveland

    Take. care of yourself. I love and have missed you

  194. elkriver

    So glad to see you back and doing better! Truly miraculous 😄

  195. Joe Wong

    Greg – just try to take care of yourself, since you are also getting older now, and go on a low sodium diet as well. Its the plaque buildup’s over the years which causes heart problems.

  196. wENDY bERGMAN

    The recent incident at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania has certainly stirred up a lot of emotions and questions. According to body camera footage and reports, there was significant frustration between local police and the Secret Service following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
    Here’s a creative take Greg, on what happened:
    Scene: A bustling rally in Pennsylvania. The air is charged with anticipation as former President Donald Trump takes the stage. Unbeknownst to the crowd, a 20-year-old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, lurks nearby, ready to strike.
    Local Police Officer (LPO): (whispering to a colleague) “I told the Secret Service days ago that we needed to secure that building. Why didn’t they listen?”
    Colleague: “Who did you tell?”
    LPO: “The Secret Service. I told them on Tuesday. They needed to post guys over there.”
    (Cut to the Secret Service agents inside the building, unaware of the impending danger on the roof.)
    Secret Service Agent (SSA): “We assumed the state and locals had it covered. Our focus was inside the perimeter.”
    (Suddenly, shots ring out. Chaos ensues. Trump is struck in the ear but avoids serious injury. One spectator is killed, and two others are injured.)
    LPO: (angrily) “How the hell did we lose sight of Crooks? I thought someone was on the roof!”
    SSA: “They were inside.”
    (Back at the command center, Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. addresses the media.)
    Rowe: “I cannot defend why that roof was not better secured. The Secret Service controls the area after people pass through metal detectors, while local law enforcement handles outside the perimeter. We are reviewing and updating our protective policies and procedures to ensure this never happens again.”

    The tension between the local police and the Secret Service was palpable. The local police had flagged the building as a potential threat days before the rally, but the Secret Service assumed the state and locals had it covered. This miscommunication and lack of coordination led to a tragic and chaotic situation.
    While there is no solid evidence YET, to suggest a deliberate stand-down by the Secret Service, the incident highlights the ineptitude and critical need for better communication and coordination between different law enforcement agencies to prevent such lapses in security, in the near future.

    What are your thoughts on this situation?

    • Greg Hunter


      • Don.W

        You are SO RIGHT ON. This nation and world are getting closer to the signing of the peace agreement with Israel and Iran, after a war, than most people realize.
        Blessings to you Greg with MORE to come in the years ahead.

  197. Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

    I was sooo happy to see you on your site. Could not wait to click to watch. Oh! What a story. You are so sincere you almost made me cry with your testimony. We all love you and please ask God to be with you every day. Sending healing angels to be with you.

  198. Kim

    Hi Greg, I was devastated and very sad when I learned about your health emergency. You are the light in this very dark world. Thank God you pulled through and are on the road to recovery. A very big THANK YOU for all of the good that you do to bring us truth. Kim and Don

  199. Perry

    Glad you are back and the surgery was successful. We prayed for you, America and Israel.

  200. donna1

    All Praise and Glory to Jehovah and to Jesus for keeping you safe and helping you through this ordeal. Glad to see you back Greg. May Jesus continue to watch over you and your family during your recovery and always.

  201. Carol

    God Bless you, Greg! You were so missed and I am very happy to hear you pulled through and are on the road to recovery. I have followed you for many years for your truth telling and interesting guests and recently, in your absence, came back to USA Watchdog for your great street reporters that jumped in to keep things going. I also visited your Telegram channel, which seemed to have posts.

    I know yours was a medical emergency and so there may not have been time, but when I was going in to Northwestern Memorial Hospital for an 8-hour surgery, they had me go in and donate my own blood in advance, so they would have it just in case it was needed. I thought this was a very good idea and wanted to put that out there in case it might help someone.

    Glad you are back and taking it slow, Greg Hunter!

  202. Eric Gregson

    very glad to hear you are doing well! you touch many lives in a positive way. stay healthy!

  203. Lynne Reville

    Dear Greg,
    Hallelujah. I’ve kept you in my prayers & was overjoyed to see your email today to say that you were back. Your story is both scary & inspiring.
    “For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh shall find; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened”. Matthew 7:8
    You asked, received bountiful mercy & found yourself even closer to God than before. My faith has been shaky for a few days, & to hear your story today brought me back to reaching out more earnestly. Thank you.
    I’m literally gleeful to see you return. “May the Lord bless you & make His face shine upon you.” Wishing you peaceful & soulful days of recovery.
    With love in Christ,
    (Big hugs!)

  204. Paul McCrindle

    Wonderful news Greg! I wish you a speedy recovery and many more years of health!!

    Ontario, Canada

  205. Alex MacArthur

    No reply , please Greg .
    Save your strength for faster and complete recovery .

    Absolutely a miracle ! I have witnessed four in my 85 years and have zero doubt that a loving Savior steps into the life of individuals when needed.

    I will help as soon as I can.

  206. rwmctrofholz

    Praise the Lord! God is good….All the time!!

    Be well, brother.

  207. Steve Farnsworth

    Thank you Jesus for your healing hands! The wife and I have been keeping you and your family in prayer. Welcome back! The Lord is not done with you yet here in Earth.

  208. Pam Moore

    You have been missed. So glad you made it back and are in better health than expected. God is good. I was lead to reading a book called A course in Miracles: Notes from Helen Schuman. You may find this interesting. God bless you and your family.

  209. Clay Lane

    Sunday afternoon US., Early morning Oz_ Evening British Isles!
    WAAMRadio.com WAAM 1600 AM Local Ann Arbor Detroit Southeast Michigan
    Dr. Dave Janda Operation Freedom!
    2:00 PM EDT to 5:00 PM Eastern Daylight Saving’s Time USA
    2:00 PM Ann Arbor Detroit is 2:00 AM Perth Western Australia-Also Known as Oz
    Don’t miss it! In the good old days, it was amazing to hear Greg on my car radio cruising through the Detroit metro area!
    Show repeats Sundays broadcast every Saturday morning 7 AM to 10;00 AM

  210. C. Lane

    Thats early Monday morning in Oz!

  211. spc

    glad your back greg .

  212. Ernest Stephens

    Greg I have learned over the years that is best to keep a low profile. That being said, I almost never make a comment on any social media platform. However, today makes the second time I had made a comment to you both of which were very positive and nice comments, and as well both have been blocked by you, which I don’t understand at all can you please explain to me why I would be blocked when I have always been respectful and when I say always talking about the two times in a lifetime that I have commented all of this being said I still wish you well and I’m glad to hear that you made it through your ordeal

  213. Alisa

    Dear Greg,
    I’m so glad to see you back. Didn’t know about your ordeal.
    Wish you well and speedy recovery.
    God bless you.

  214. The Rev

    Tears came to my eyes as you were sharing about the miracle of your open heart surgery. Just another testimony about our God who answers our prayers. Praise the Lord!

  215. James A. Driscoll

    Greg, I can identify with your open heart surgery. I had a triple bypass in 2020. This was totally unexpected. It followed me passing out at my birthday celebration at a Brazilian restaurant in Pasadena, CA. The doctors thought it was a vasovagal but after a stress test they said I had a blockage. After a catheritization the doctors concluded a stent wouldn’t work. My doctor from Huntington Memorial was very conservative on transfusions and I was not given any blood. I initially had heart fibrillation but following prayer that left. I only take a baby aspirin and walk 6 miles per day. I’m not 100% of what I was but I’m 95%. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Thank you Jesus.

  216. Suzan

    So glad you are back and doing well. missed you!

  217. steve

    Praying that God the Father , God the Son , and God the Holy Spirit … Holy Trinity One God , continue to bless you and keep you Greg and grant you health , peace , and many years

  218. Robin Sassman

    I know you have gotten all kinds of well wishes lately, but I have to tell you how much you mean to me, you are the best most honest person on the internet that I could ever wish or pray for!!! You touch my soul!! I thank God for you and am so sorry that I missed you!!! I praise God that you are back & healthy!!!

    Robin Sassy

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Sister Robin.
      You just “Touched my soul!!”
      Brother Greg

  219. Glen Gurnard

    Welcome back Greg!

    Ps 68:20. “…to Him belongs escapes from death”

  220. frederic w dunn

    So good to hear you are alright Greg. I do believe Jesus saved your life, God Bless !

  221. Porter R Downey III

    Certainly glad you came through, just a theological side note though. Is your friend a closet Jehovah’s Witness? I’m suspicious of why he keeps pushing that on you? “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time,” 1 Tim 2:5-6. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Phil. 2:5-11. We are Christians, the OT derivaton of the name of God is not in the NT. Apparently your friend has fallen to the last days decption “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 2 Tim 3:7. As a Christian when witnessing for the Lord I use the name above all names – Jesus Christ. “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:10-12.

  222. Mark Sztelle

    God Bless you Greg

  223. dlc

    Wish you well and so glad for you. Missed you.

    I was run over by a car on Tuesday, so this is short. One thing though, in the ER I was told to have covid, they insisted on a swab. I refused. So, they have not let up.

    Again, happy to know you came through.

  224. Southern Girl/Older Lady Now

    A passage came to me when I heard you give your lovely testimony. Don’t know why but this is it. 1 Corinthians 2:9-11 ….“What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”[ a]— the things God has prepared for those who love him— 10 these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?

  225. Rick N

    So pleased that you’re back. And what a praise to hear what The Lord has done for you!

  226. Lauran F.

    Greg…you look great, and we are all so glad to see you up and around. Please feel better and leave the stress behind!……we will wait until you are able to talk more. I cannot imagine not hearing your wonderful interviews and your personal thoughts! Yes, God is so good to us all!

  227. Hank Hellman

    Glad you made it through. Many more good days for you is my prayer.

  228. Naomi from Israel

    Dear Greg,
    I am very happy to read you are doing well.
    Please don’t forget that the food one eats is very important. The quality of the food these days is problematic. You should learn more about this subject and implement some useful changes; for example, trying to eat legumes everyday.

  229. Elizabeth Meloney

    Thank God!! What a blessing to see you!! Sending love and healing prayers to you and your wife and family as you continue to heal and grow in strength. The best is yet to be!

  230. Andrew

    Hey Greg,

    So happy to hear your doing well! We miss you, and your great show.

  231. Rona Lee

    Glad to have you back, Greg. You’ve been missed! I appreciate you giving glory to God for your recovery, that’s great to hear. One point, though, Jehovah and Jesus are one and the same in that there is only one God, manifest in three Persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). Jesus even said, “I and the Father are One”. That’s why the Jews wanted to have Him crucified, because He made Himself to be God and to them that was blasphemy. Also, look into the Scriptures to research a pre-trib Rapture, please. The Saints of the Church Age (us) will return WITH Jesus when He comes the second time on our own white horses. We are the Bride of Christ. But that’s not until at least 7 yrs post Rapture. First He will appear in the clouds to take us from the earth to be with Him prior to God pouring out His wrath on an unbelieving world (I Thessalonians 4:16-17, I Corinthians 15:51-52, I Corinthians 15:1-4). Welcome back, prayers for your continued recovery.

  232. Susan OConnor

    All the best Greg for a quick and speedy recovery. We need your honest reporting now more than ever.

  233. Prospector

    We are all lucky to have you as happy warrior Greg.

    I know we have some Aussies from down under who read here so any comments on this property / home stealing ” GREAT TAKING ” that is being reported would be most welcome. Long story short , the GOV. has altered peoples deeds from ” free & clear ” to leaseholder in partnership with the government. — WTF ?
    Why YOU should care …. because just like Covid ” rules ” they always roll out the new globalist agendas in Canada , Australia , New Zealand FIRST !!!!


    Reporter is citing former AUS. senator Rod Cullerson and former senator for Queensland Len Harris about this issue.



  234. christine reeves

    Greg, It is so good to see your beautiful face. To say you have been missed , does not come close. For what you have been thru in an incredibly short period of time, you look spectacular. While you look wonderful………the extent of your ordeal shows in your eyes.When your eyes look better ………that will tell you so much.My husband and I have also been praying for your recovery. Remember what people were saying a few years ago……..what’s her name……Brianna Taylor…………thanks for also pointing us ……..to what’s His name……..Jehovah. Our comforter, our protector. Thank you for all you have done, and will do to keep us informed. Amen.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Sister, Christine.
      Brother Greg

  235. Merry Piper

    Greg: Yippee you are back riding on that saddle of truth!!

    • Greg Hunter

      “The saddle of truth.” Good one!!

  236. Terri B

    Praise God for healing you and keeping you safe! Glad you are back! Go at the pace that works for you – we will be here.

  237. Florian

    The Watchdog is back ! Awooooooof !!
    God bless you Greg. Lots of love from Germany.

  238. Gordo Flash

    USAWatchdog.com World Wide Web “Theater of the Internet!”
    Scene: A vision of the last days, where scarcity and abundance coexist in a world teetering on the edge of tribulation.
    Narrator: “In the midst of famine and economic turmoil, a voice echoes from the heavens, ‘A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the olive oil and the wine.’”

    Interpretation: This passage suggests a time of severe scarcity where basic necessities like wheat and barley become incredibly expensive. However, the command to not harm the olive oil and the wine indicates that these luxury items remain untouched. This could symbolize the disparity between the rich and the poor during the tribulation, where the wealthy continue to enjoy their comforts while the poor struggle to survive!

    Supporting Scriptures:

    James 5:1-5: “Come now, you rich people, weep and wail over the miseries that are coming upon you. Your riches have rotted, your garments have become moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, their rust will be a witness against you and will consume your flesh like fire. You have stored up treasure in the last days. Look! The wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying out, the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the LORD of armies. You have lived in luxury and self-indulgence on the earth. You have fattened your hearts on the day of slaughter.”
    Luke 16:19-25: The parable of the rich man and Lazarus highlights the stark contrast between the wealthy who live in luxury and the poor who suffer. The rich man, who ignored the needs of Lazarus, faces dire consequences in the afterlife.
    Proverbs 22:16: “Whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, or gives to the rich, will only come to poverty.”
    Isaiah 3:14-15: “Jehovah will enter into judgment with the elders and princes of his people: ‘It is you who have devoured the vineyard; the spoil of the poor is in your houses. What do you mean by crushing my people, by grinding the faces of the poor?’ declares the Lord Jehovah of hosts.”
    These scriptures collectively paint a picture of the rich hoarding their wealth and neglecting the needs of the poor, especially in times of crisis. The command to not harm the olive oil and the wine in Revelation 6:6 can be seen as a metaphor for this behavior.
    What are your thoughts folks on this interpretation? Do you find it aligns with your understanding of these scriptures?

  239. Marcia Dean

    Had 4 way bypass surgery at age 68 and now I’m 86 with no heart problems ever and hope to be years older to enjoy your communications in!! You are our hero and so grateful to the Lord for sending you the fine doctors and for your witness

  240. James P Paradise

    So pleased and thankful you are back. Thank you Jesus!

  241. Chris

    our prayer have been answered, perhaps even before they were all said.

  242. Pam

    The experience you went through was the calling of God. You spoke the truth to the Dr.’s that were treating you in regards to the tainted blood. At least one Dr. seemed more agreeable. One Dr. at a time. Then they’ll tell an associate and they’ll tell an associate. Sorta like that old Yardley shampoo commercial about telling a friend and then they’ll tell a friend and on and on we go. Pretty soon the whole world is awake. It is the wake of the storm.
    You brought tears to my eyes and a very unexpected chill that ran through my body. Never had that happen before. God bless Pam

  243. Sheryl

    I’m so happy for your outcome. no doubt you had a spiritual helping hand

  244. Steve Lowery

    God Bless You . over & over again .
    what you’ve done for your fellow man is massive, you have gone the extra mile , many would still be in the dark if Greg Hunter did not man up & got the job done. Thank you !

  245. Lori McNeil

    Dear Greg: I’m sure all your fans are happy and relieved to hear about your recovery from a heart attack. I am grateful for your continued good life and reporting of truth.
    Your friend from Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

  246. John

    “In you, Lord, I take refuge;
    let me never be put to shame.
    In your justice rescue and deliver me;
    listen to me and save me.
    Be my rock of refuge,
    my stronghold to give me safety;
    for you are my rock and fortress.
    My God, rescue me from the hand of the wicked,
    from the clutches of the evil and violent.
    You are my hope, Lord;
    my trust, God, from my youth.
    On you I have depended since birth;
    from my mother’s womb you are my strength;
    my hope in you never wavers.
    I have become a warning to many,
    but you are my strong refuge.
    My mouth will speak your praise,
    shall sing your glory every day.
    Do not cast me aside in my old age;
    as my strength fails, do not forsake me.”

  247. Be Renewed

    Greg, Christ Jesus Loves You, and thousands of your readers, do too! Keep balance in your life. Being in Nature can really assist in healing and appreciating life on earth now….
    As preventive measure, for past 20 years, I’ve been taking Nattokeinase – to dissolve those blood adhesion [not taking aspirin], eat nutritious food and also ‘prioritize make time’ for daily walks… I hope you’re in touch with Dr. Betsy Eads, Dr. McCullough, cardiologist, Dr. Mercola, etc. Stay Well, we appreciate your messages!

  248. Jerry

    Greg, I have not yet watched your COME BACK video but I wanted to tell you I glad I am that you are back on! Praise the Lord almighty for sparing your life!

  249. Frank S.

    Glad to see you’re back, Greg. I’m very aware of what you were expressing, because I had a health scare in April. Last October I had some abdominal swelling after helping a neighbor push their car. Not being a doctor, I thought it was an ulcer (it wasn’t) caused by an unrelated stressful episode. Long story short, the pain became unbearable and Jehovah Rapha told me to go to the ER. If I hadn’t the herniated intestine would have necrotized and killed me. I guess God wants us both to witness the 2nd Coming.

  250. Mary

    OH Greg I am praising God all glory to Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a testimony, absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So so happy for you and this is a great telling….you ARE a miracle!!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you!!

  251. Peter storaasli

    Praise and thanks be to our Faithful Lord and God!! No doubt He has miraculously brought you thru this, Greg!! I will pray for you the same as I pray for myself and family: “God almighty in the name of your Precious Son, Jesus, your Christ, I pray you will fill every single part and space of me, my kids and their kids and now Greg Hunter with your love and Grace and healing power.” There is nothing beyond your power and we surrender to your perfect will. We thank you and praise you, Yeshua and His Holy Sprit!! Thank you, bless you!!” Heal, Greg take your time… let Him work His will in your!!

  252. Pete+only

    Nice to see you back Greg. Please try not to get too excited for your own well being, and to phase in your gradual comeback accordingly…we understand, so not to worry..my wife also gives you her best as well.

  253. Matt S.

    God blessed you with a cure and better health. God blessed us with your return.



  254. Randy Hervert

    God has indeed blessed you. I had a heart attack in August 2020 and had 4 bypasses so I know what you are going through. We are both lucky to be alive. I followed your advice and did not get the shots. Thank you for life saving advice. I have missed your updates and can’t wait for you to be back.

  255. tim

    You were very lucky ,my brother had the same operation and got VAXED blood and developed a brain tumor and died 6months later ..God blessed you

    • Earth Angel

      So sorry for the loss of your brother Tim. This must weigh heavy on you. Take some comfort your brother is now with Jesus and our Heavenly Father surrounded in Peace and Joy.

  256. BOB

    God BLess and welcome back Greg! Listen to ARCHAIX on youtube…make sense of your current world

  257. Rob

    I’m 54 and I had a heart attack at the end of June.
    your story is very familiar.
    no symptoms and no jab. I m in decent shape. I was very surprised. Thankfully i only got stents. praying for you Greg.

  258. Ray

    My loving God Jehova and my saviour Jesus,
    Thank you for saving and extending the life of my friend.
    Thank you for setting him upon the course of truth and righteousness, to which he unswervingly dedicates himself each and every day.
    Thank you for the promise you have given us: That evil shall not triumph over good, and that You will be with us always.
    With all of my heart, I thank you for keeping Greg Hunter with us.
    May his cup runneth over, and he be bestowed with long life, good health and happiness.
    Thank you for hearing my prayer.
    Raymond, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘❤️

    • Earth Angel

      That’s a beautiful prayer for our brother Greg, Ray! ; )

      • Ray

        Thank you Lovely 😊
        My best wishes be with you too x
        Ray 🦘

  259. Linda Quinn

    So very glad to see you back! We all missed you. I organize my week on your Fridays & Saturdays. Praying for you & your family. My husband had open heart surgery so I am familiar with this

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Linda!!

  260. Walter Roman

    You look good. I did not expect you to look so good! Take it easy for now to get your strength back. If you get to feeling a little blue ( I hope you won’t) just think of the juicy topics coming up like
    Inside job
    Big Mike , Joan Rivers and the chef
    Is Kamala at risk if her poll numbers collapse?
    So many fast balls right in your wheelhouse. God bless you.

  261. FreeBirdJohnny

    We’ve been missing you brother Greg! So glad you are back and doing well. WE need you now more than ever, so take your vitamins, eat “clean”(as my daughter tells me) and get that big heart muscle working. Much affection and respect to you.

  262. Britt

    May God bless you, Greg! I had no idea. So glad to hear of your miracle outcome. Take your time coming back. Your health comes first and foremost…

  263. Tim Fuller

    Hi Greg.

    I’ve been coming here since you started, only doing your articles in print well before you started doing live interviews and reports.

    You’ve been a big part of my awakening to the truth that – Our government and its institutions are not only more corrupt than we suppose, they’re more corrupt than we can suppose.

    So glad you’re doing well.

    Much love,

    Tim Fuller in Santa Cruz

  264. Sylvia in Silverdale

    Each day I looked for your messages, but finally decided you either went on a long
    vacation or you were very ill. Was so very relieved to see you were back on line today.
    You can’t get well on contaminated blood, as you well know. God sent a good doctor who agreed. Welcome home. Greg. You were sent back to finish your work.
    We are the people of Yahweh and he will not turn his back on us.

  265. Kirk

    Praise Yahweh Jesus your still around. It has been a wild ride since you been gone. I look forward to your commentary and interviewing different people.

  266. Cathy Ashburn

    Thank you Jehovah for Greg’s healing.


    just went to your website. rylinda and i have been lifting you up in prayer daily. your brother and sister in CHRIST are glad and thankful that you are feeling better.

  268. BigE

    I am happy to see you back! Don’t overdo it, rest, and recuperate because we need real news from USAWATCHDOG!

  269. DavidM

    Best Wishes Mr Hunter!! May the Lord keep You and Bless You.

  270. penny c sharp

    I am so sorry you have had such trouble. I enjoy reading and listening to your column. My family will pray for a speedy recovery for you. God Bless you.

  271. Nat

    “Enter His gates with thanksgiving; enter His courts with praise!”
    God (continue to) bless you, Greg!

  272. Jeff Gerst

    Barnes is the best. I’ve been praying for you and will co time doing so.

  273. Warren

    Greg, So happy you are okay. You will have to reduce the stress in your life. I know you have great passion about what you report, but you need to take care of yourself. We need your reporting, but we need you healthy. You are ahead of the others and you already see Christ on the white horse because you walk with him and you know them by their fruits. Christ shows himself to our inner temples and when we are ready we can see that is why it will be a flash and all at once. Your heart is in the right place and that is what counts. God has great plans for you getting his message and warning out to others. Get your strength back, we will be here when you are ready. God Bless and good health

    Best regards,
    Warren Hair

  274. Jennifer Smallin

    Praise Jehovah you are alive!! So good to see you again Greg!! Please take it slow and at your own pace! I recovered from a kidney and pancreas transplant…31
    years ago!! God REALLY loves you!! ❤❤🙏🙏🎶🎶

    • Greg Hunter

      Happy you made it Jen!!

  275. Not So Free

    Welcome back. Take your time and get your health back. We will be here.
    I offer paryers for a full recovery, as I’m sure the rest of your viewers do.

  276. S W

    Thank God for the great report of your recovery. Please take the time you need to heal. It is a very stressful job.

    Side note when you see LORD all caps it is the name of God Yehovah. There was no letter J until around 1523. It was used a lot in the scriptures but the translators chose to replace it with LORD. In the Hebrew text you see the four-letter Hebrew name “Yod Hei Vav Hei” (יהוה). It is often referred to as the Tetragrammaton. But they translate it as HASHEM (The Name). They had issued an edict to not use the name of God.
    Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

  277. Phil

    Praise Christ for protecting you and not ready for you in Heaven yet. May He continue to use you here to do His work. Thank you for sharing.

    • Greg Hunter

      Amen, Brother Phil!!
      Brother Greg

  278. Ted G

    What a journey! Glad you are on a good path today. Yes, you were and are being protected by Jehovah. I really respect the self-advocation you did with the doctors, you were well armed with the facts and they probably learned something.

    Can’t wait to hear your perspective on the Olympics. I work with several French folks, who share the same perspective we do, that it was sacreligious. As one shared, “God didn’t leave France, the French left God.”

    Take it slow and easy,
    Ted Gurley (yes that one – from our days in Beaumont, TX)

  279. Sherry K

    Wow it was so good to see you back! Thank goodness that were able to get the treatment you needed . Praise God you are still here and willing to continue your good work! We’ve missed you! Please do not rush your recovery time! Take care and rest a lot! Praying for you and your family!

  280. Vinnie LaMonte

    So awesome to hear your story— so glad to hear you are fine.
    Take your time. Go slow. We aren’t going anywhere.
    Yes, we absolutely care about and love you !

  281. Frank

    Hi Greg! It’s so great to see you back in action. Please take your time and listen to your body. There’s no need to rush. I’m praying for your healthy recovery. God bless my friend. Cheers!

  282. David Larsen

    When you took your break I was hoping you were far away on some tropical island vacation free from any connection to the world.

    I was thinking “wow, what a week to miss”, but I was thinking too that if anyone deserved a vacation, it was you.

    Now that I k ow the real story I don’t know what to think but I wish you well. Chicken soup maybe. 😄

  283. James Rattenborg

    Greg go on the high protein low carbohydrate diet. Insulin resistance is the leading cause of heart disease. Watch Dr. Ken Berry, and Dr. Eric Berg on you tube to learn more.

  284. James Rattenborg

    Dr. Ken Berry the leading cause of heart disease you tube

  285. Les L

    We are so glad your ok and yes the Lord is looking over you because he knows we need you, we pray for you every night and will continue.

    God Bless you and your family

  286. Robert Moffett

    Greg, you don’t know me but I have been watching and listening to you for years and I have been very worried about you. I was getting ready to go to bed and I thought I would check on your site again to see if you were back when I saw you had come back and explained why you were away I got a big smile on my face and it made me very happy. I think you’re gonna be around for a long time. Listen to the doctors focus on your physical and mental health and come back whenever you’re ready but not before I know everybody misses you and wishes you were back soon but the main thing is for you to get better I think you are my favorite online news person because of your attitude and 100% truthfulness as you see it year after year. I’m looking forward to your speedy recovery and new reports in the future hang in there Greg I’m very happy you’re back again

  287. Galaxy 500

    Run along don’t be glum …Happy days are here again…
    Hi Greg, I am late to the Party! I have been using a different device and browser and missed this post. I am so happy for both you and yours and the watchdog audience.
    You are blessed. I believe you found favor with our Lord, Jehovah. I am sure that many prayers including mine were thrown up to Heaven.
    It so good to see you are improving.

    • Roberto Mulvaney

      Galaxy 500′
      Yub, happy days are here again as this old world is about to be replaced with a new world order with no more wars for 1,000 years.
      With a minor hiccup at the end of the thousand years to clean out the chaff and our arch enemy Satan the Devil himselfie! Then eternity. . . . True Peace & Prosperity!
      FOR ALL!

  288. Bubby

    Glad you are okay.

  289. Linda J Crean

    Dear Greg, Praise the Lord 🙏 Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for getting you to the hospital just in time. I was so happy to see your face when I clicked on your sight , you sure had a close call just think we’re all just a heart beat away from seeing Lord Jesus I’m glad you didn’t go yet you still have a important job to do for our Heavenly Father Jehovah.I pray “we are all at the right place at the right time all the time” in Jesus name and don’t leave this Earth before we’re supposed to . I thank Almighty God for His mercy and grace on your behalf Lord Jesus speaks about “I’ll take out your (our) stony heart and give you (us) a heart of flesh”. Lord 👑 Jesus Christ was always saying BE AT PEACE 🕊️, FEAR NOT. CAST YOUR CARES UPON HIM FOR HE CARES FOR US. LORD 👑 JESUS CHRIST IS THE PRINCE OF PEACE. TAKE IT EASY 😁 so you don’t have to report on what’s going on in Heaven and how big the Pearly gates are. I pray to our Heavenly Father for you to be totally healed and whole nothing missing nothing broken in LORD JESUS CHRIST name. 🙏

  290. Don Krumm

    So glad for your recovery Greg. God bless you and your family and keep up the great work.

  291. Miles

    Thank you God for healing Greg!
    God Bless you and continue to get strong!
    Thank you Greg for putting out the message, I’ve sincerely missed your program.

  292. Mike M

    Not looking too good Hunter, tic toc, tic toc

  293. Helmut

    Welcome back and well, Greg! Thank the lord, You have been missed!

  294. Randy Hicks

    Glad you’re back and feeling better. I noticed you seeming edgy in some of your more recent videos, wondered if you weren’t under some serious physical stress ….

    You look better…. Hope the rehab is going well.

  295. DavidC

    So glad to see you’re back Greg. My best wishes for ongoing good health.

  296. Gina Coyle

    Greg, Please check out Magnesium for your A-Fib. My mother had been in a-fib for months and I gave her some Triple Complex Magnesium and she popped right out of it. It has really helped her. I don’t know why Dr.’s won’t tell their patients to try it? I am so Thankful to the Lord Jesus that he has answered yours and our prayers and you will continue to guide and help us. God bless you and your family.

    • Greg Hunter

      They told me in the hospital my nag level was near the top of the scale. I had plenty. Thanks for the info and for sharing!

  297. Katy Bar

    Ever wonder why humans tend to go round and round in circles “like sheep” [https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/11/china-sheep-circle-days-02.jpg] from one war, to another, to another and from one economic collapse, to another, to another, etc., etc., etc??? The answer is many humans “don’t have inner moral guide” and thus can’t focus their minds on staying on a straight path like Jesus taught (look at that kid “Crook” who shot at Trump, he was obviously brought up “without moral guidance”!! Why did he not know that “murder was wrong”? That thou “Should not Kill” (that goes for murder by bullet or an m-RNA shot)!!. The lying Main Stream Media similarly continuously goes round and round (complicitly sending out CIA propaganda over the air waves to signal our brains to move in circles exactly the way the Evil Globalists want) just like ants are made to move in circles with the use of radio waves!! https://www.sciencealert.com/watch-strange-footage-shows-ants-circling-an-iphone-when-it-rings

    • Ken Yu

      This clip: https://www.sciencealert.com/watch-strange-footage-shows-ants-circling-an-iphone-when-it-rings Showing how radiation from a cell phone can make ants move in a controlled direction reminds me of how the Eloi were controlled by the Morlocks and is likely why the Globalists are setting up 5G Towers on every corner “to mind control us”!!! Remember how the Pide Piper played a special frequency tune to get rid of the Rats, well perhaps we too can play that game by saying USA, USA, USA as we walk to the Sea with our red Trump hats on. Bet the Demon Rats will follow us just like rats or ants (with their Ak15’s in hand) and we can simply drown them all before they shoot us with bullets or their next m-RNA vaccine!!!

  298. Keith

    Greg very happy you have made an excellent recovery. Hopefully you will live a longer and healthy life in the years to come. Over this side of the pond our new globalist WEF Prime minister has gone full on communist. He has assembled a police division to police the internet and prosecute anyone who questions multiculturalism and diversity and does not agree with his communist beliefs. You could be arrested and jailed for up to ten years for making a comment which does not fit there agenda of total control of our lives. So sadly I will have to make no more comments regarding what is wrong in the western world. I could be arrested and jailed by the police. Before I go I will make one more comment to my American friends. Never Never surrender your firearms to the police or the government. If you do they will have full control and you will end up in a concentration camp in Kansas. All the best Greg .

  299. Rich

    Glad you’re back. And hope you continue to get better. Take it easy. I’ll be praying for your recovery. You do amazing work!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Rich!!
      Brother Greg

  300. Francine

    wow Greg I am so glad your better. Had no idea you were sick. so glad you are back

  301. Raymond Browning

    Dear Greg my heart was blessed to see you back.You are the best for news and information, You are a good man for the job and Our heavenly is sure to keep you. I pray for you and hope for your best,may our good Lord Jesus Christ ,our Redeemer watch over you,in Christ your brother Ray.

    • Greg Hunter

      You are very kind to say this, Brother Ray!! Thanks for caring about me.
      Brother Greg

  302. Justn Observer

    Greg, Nice you are recovering so well. You as we are all blessed by your in progress near complete recovery! In my past, I had difficulties that caused a lot of stress, and a good friend told me to just have faith give it to Him, and don’t let ‘them’ steal you joy.
    Thereafter, I did let go, and heavyness lifted. Yes, we are in a horrendous fight with EVIL, and it is give us all a heavy heart, much unneeded stress, dealing with what ‘they’ are throwing at us increasingly from so many directions. But, thru Him, or others that come here to hear learn-share information or research for the truth.
    Some may have a different spiritual awareness, but do believe in unity, goodness, and values that all are created equal, and want our children to grow into well rounded human beings growing and living together in love…rather than ‘their’ designs of division by race, creed, color, wealth, gender and such moral turpitude.
    We know how it will end and who ultimately wins, but still, there is much to do to get thru it, and to deal with what ‘they’ are throwing at us, and the chaos, confusion, and worry if not for us, but our families and friends, and many that have not yet awakened to the reality and depth of the deception and EVIL…
    In some of your reporting, Greg, I have seen, heard the anger in you voice about the deaths, and ‘side effects’ and what the bi0-lab concoctions have delivered upon the people, especially the youth, and pregnant women and abortions etc. And no doubt that has contributed to your heart situation…not unlike PTSD to the many that cycle thru one deployment endlessly to thru the next. Yes, we all have to learn to stay committed, prep, and fight the good fight…but with the ability to ‘ let it go’ internally…or it does/will eat at us…as to stress and the effects of cortisol etc.
    Then too, looking back at the censorship, the defunding, the constant ‘shadow banning, and the rest you have had to deal with incessantly since your departure from MSM…not enough kudos for all that Greg.
    A faithful warrior you are!
    Thanks Greg.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother “Justn”!
      Brother Greg

  303. John Rose

    God intervened and said he’s not going to need that blood. The power of prayer. Especially for such a good man.

    Try not to get too riled up on the recent news until the heart is healed more Greg. There is some crazy stuff going on now.

  304. prambotoo

    It’s so good to see you back Greg. Was worried about you, but wasn’t going to speculate – just knew you’d be back.

    My present wife had a triple bypass in 2007 (before we met) and she wasn’t even supposed to survive getting to the hospital. G-d was watching over her so one day we would meet. Been together ever since.

    My faith is very quiet and personal and, even so, my prayers have been answered when she had sepsis in 2013 and another heart attack in 2021.

    I watch all your shows and, as a retired microbiologist, I can tell you that you are absolutely correct about SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. I’ve been following this “plandemic” since mid-January 2020 and have built up a database of scientific articles and government/pharma data dumps of over 2300 entries and 12.5 gB (compressed). “real” science is now dead through corruption by governement and “Big Pharma” influence.

    Stay the course Greg – I know you will.

    With wishes and prayers for your continued good health and safety.

  305. Felix

    wonderful to have you back Greg your one of GODs shepherds leading the flock back to the savior.Its good to hear your voice and commentary,get well get your rest and peace be with you.We will truly need the gift of the HOLY GHOST to be in us in these coming days.Our prayers for USA watchdog nation.We live in a time where everything is upside down but we know the truth,you cannot hide the truth.Amen

    • Greg Hunter

      Brother Felix, Amen to Jesus!!
      Brother Greg

  306. Blumhagen

    You are the best with giving us the news. Your take on what is happening is always truthful, researched and compelling.

    I am a lost soul after my sons death. I don’t know how much longer I can go on. You inspire me to continue moving. But really, I am a mess now without my son.

    God keeps taking my things in a violent manner. Last week my truck was totaled. I was not in the truck when it was rear ended…God has some lessons for me, tough, hard to swallow lessons.

    I am glad I am old.

    • Greg Hunter

      Pray to Jehovah in Christ Jesus name for Them to rescue you. THEY ARE REAL AND THEY LOVE YOU VERY MUCH.
      Don’t give up.

  307. Bob Sherwood

    my brother was on death door
    Major heart problems

    Colitis, and diverticulitis

    He started a whole plant food diet with no meat or junk for six months and absolutely everything has disappeared. Praise the Lord.

    Greg we need you here
    I was sad that you were ill and gone

    Please take this information and try to incorporate it into your godly work

    Sincerely and thank you for all your work

  308. H. Craig Bradley


    My late father (@ 85) was in the Hospital for an ulcer caused by Ibuprofen when He suddenly had a asymptotic (major) heart attack, only detectable by shortness of breath and a blood test to confirm some enzymes. Even so, it killed some cardiac muscle.

    The cardiologist said stents for the coronary artery ordinarily might be an option but not in his case, as he also had a bad aortic valve. The replacement of the heart valve with a pigs heart valve required open heart surgery so he went to O.R. that night.

    The surgery was an all nighter. His aorta was so calcified that the heart surgeon had difficulty suturing the pigs valve in-place. In-addition, he could not close the chest because the bleeding continued.

    Then, miraculously, the internal bleeding suddenly stopped and the surgeon finished the job. However, my father was swollen-up all over like toad. He lived three more years afterwards with my care as sole caregiver. Very rewarding but exhausting duty (24/7).

    You definitely will need to go through the cardiac rehab when your M.D. writes the Rx and after you are ready ( probably 3 months after or so). Diet is important, as fiber will help keep cholesterol low along with regular aerobic exercise such as using a recumbent bicycle (25 minutes per session when able). No more Big Macs or fatty foods either !!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks “H,” for sharing your personal story about your Dad. Thanks for the Cardiac information too!!

      • H. Craig Bradley

        One necessary med: Atorvastatin ( To control cholersterol), if you were not previously taking it .
        My dosage is a 10 mg tablet once a day and has not changed for the past 10 years. (Preventative medicine)

        (However, Your M.D. will prescribe a dosage tailored to your medical history and vitals).

  309. David G

    Please take it easy and have all the rest you need. We want you back but we’re happy to wait if it helps you to return to full health. That’s all that matters . All the best for a speedy and full recovery🙏

  310. Bob

    Thanks to the big man,master of everything that has been and ever will be,your back Greg.Great News,God Bless you,Greg.

    • Greg Hunter

      Brother Bob,
      Amen to Jesus and Jehovah!!
      Brother Greg

      • Bob

        You are here for a purpose and we all have our role to play I think.All the best Bob,good. to see you back again , you will soon be back on top form again.

      • Steve

        Jehovah is my God also. His Son Jesus came down to represent his Father and lay down his life in our behalf, to redeem us from Adams sin.

  311. Helen Ann Rudinsky

    Yeah!!! So happy to see you back! You are loved and were very missed!
    Crazy times, we need you Greg!

  312. Adam Giessler

    Great to have you back!!
    Jesus has more for you to do.

    future guest: John Burke – Imagine the God of Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Revelation, and the Love You’ve Always Wanted

    Worthington OH

  313. GuyFromIA

    Now the thing that might give you a second heart attack – Receiving all the medical bills (even with insurance). 2023 I had a massive heart attack, I went code blue twice (I am surprised you stayed conscious during this whole thing Greg). I also had a lot of people praying for me and also a miracle outcome. I was 57 when it happened. I can empathize with exactly your experience Greg. People, ask your doctor for some nitroglycerin tablets if you have any of these symptoms or a bit older. These could save your life by opening up your veins pretty much instantly if you have a heart attack – you put them under your tongue. I was not CV19 V’d. However, I can’t help but wonder about shedding ?

  314. John

    went there did that. had to come back to finish, but did. Eyes open, no fear & God speed..

  315. Helen Ann Rudinsky

    Your mission on Earth is not finished.
    Very uncertain times ahead on so many fronts: wars, dollar, elections, new cooked up virus etc.
    God will continue to has his hands on your life.


  316. Marcia Otwell

    Greg – I am so thankful for your wonderful outcome thanks to our Precious Lord and Savior! My brother is having your exact same surgery tomorrow in Birmingham, AL. Thank you for some tips on what to pray against – blood transfusion, afib and post surgery chest pain. We serve an awesome God!

  317. Laura Parsons

    Lefties losing it: Tim Walz caught in embarrassing lie
    Sky News Australi 1,639,232 views Aug 8, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi has slammed Tim Walz for repeating a “disgusting” lie” about JD Vance.
    The joke insinuates the Republican vice-presidential candidate engaged in sexual acts with a couch, which has since been debunked.
    “If a Republican did that I would say the media would come down on them like a ton of breaks but there’s been really not much response to that,” Ms Panahi said.

  318. Stephen Weber

    So happy you are still with us, Greg!
    ble3ss you!

  319. Alton

    When Rodney Dangerfield went in for heart surgery he was asked how long he expected to be in hospital, He quipped, ” If all goes well about a week, if not about an hour and a half.”

  320. Prospector

    The MONSTERS have a plan for getting around vaccine hesitancy – Informed Consent , who needs that. ???
    ” You will be VAXXED – and you will be happy. ”

    Aerosolized vaccines are being developed. There was reporting of China using them to spray bats in caves. This is next level bad Ju-Ju.


    Aaron Siri – ICAN uncovers a potential next level threat: “inhalable” self spreading vaccines that spread like a virus
    A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge and consent

    Short clip explains.


  321. Prospector

    Not even trying to hide it.

    Pennsylvania Department of State announced that the results of the state’s upcoming election will not be known on election night.

    In a social media post, the department ,“Pennsylvanians won’t always know the final results of all races on election night. Any changes in results that occur as countries continue to count ballots are not evidence that an election is ‘rigged.’” The post also included a link to a website dedicated to fact-checking claims about Pennsylvania’s election process.

  322. Richard

    Congratulation Greg on surviving a triple coronary bi-pass operation. Just to give you some encouragement on your future. I had a triple coronary bi-pass operation sixteen years ago and am still “alive and kicking”! At 81 I walk a mile a day and lead a full life with no heart problems. I’m sure you will to. Thanks be to God!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Brother, Richard! It is very kind of you to share this with me.

      Brother Greg

  323. George Prica

    Thank God you survived! You had us very worried.

  324. Matt

    It’s wonderful and heart warming to see so many thoughtful comments. Greg, you matter very much and are making a positive difference with so many folks. Your road has many miles left and I hope to be a part of them via USAWatchdog!

    Big guy hug,

  325. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg,
    We will keep the prayers coming calling upon the one true God, Jehovah, seeking a boon for you in the name of Jesus Christ our salvation. I prefer to use the Tetragrammaton, YHWH.

    Why do all these limp wrested politicians go for
    stolen valor. Claims, and ones I believe, about Lurch… I mean Kerry, wounded himself to get out of Vietnam. Worst than that though is the honor less Robert Blumers-thal that claimed service there was nothing and still got elected. And Tampon Tim claimed he served in a place he retired to avoid. Got elected because the MSM (Mendacious Skat-eating Media) lies by omission or fabrication.
    Demoncrats don’t care. These people hate us normies. They really hate Christ and His followers. They hate America and have almost destroyed it and our way of life. The last generation or two will not have the same or better quality of life their parents had.
    Tampon Tim, thinks giving little children cross sex hormones is a good thing. He thinks putting Tampons in the Boys bathroom rooms are a prudent use of scares resources. He hates law and order. He hates freedom.

    We have to stand and deliver on Election Day. We must vote against evil. We must vote for Trump.
    Kamel-ala is a socialist empty suited embarrassment. And that’s me be kind.
    I made a mistake once voting against McCain, an unindicted coconspirator and charter member of the Keating 5. McCain was a corrupt POS. I will always regret who I voted for in that election. When the RINOs nominated McCain, I changed my party affiliation. I was shocked that a man lacking any character and morality, a mane who left his faithful wife when she had cancer… a despicable human being… as the candidate for president.
    Voting has consequences just like sitting it out.
    If I am on my death bed, I will crawl done to the vote place and pull the lever for Truth Justice and the American way, for Trump… even if I knew it would kill me. Those that stand for nothing will fall for anything…

  326. Chas

    Great news Greg.

    You have become your readers friend.

    God bless


  327. Coal Burner

    So happy to see you back Greg. Happy they did not get you.

  328. sharon storm

    I am glad you are recovering. I was diagnosed with heart failure 11 years ago. I have beaten the 5 year life expectancy. Keep exercising and live your life as best you can!

  329. JameP

    I don’t always agree with you, especially in terms of religion, but the world would be a far poorer place without you.

    God is not an external force. God is within us!

  330. Earth Angel

    Gosh Greg, Thank you for sharing your ‘heart’felt (pun intended) miracle story with us and Praise Jesus that you are back. I’m glad you stood your ground with the doctors about refusing the transfusions; no telling how much damage could have been done to you had you received tainted blood from a bioweapon vaxxed donor. You also gave those doctors a bold reality check in educating them on what you learned from your expert guests on your show. Hopefully some of them will have the courage to connect with Dr. Eads, Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Ardis and the many others speaking out against the murder and disabling campaign disguised as ‘covid’. I did see an Olympic track runner removed in a wheelchair whom it was stated as suffering from ‘covid’. Immediately I suspected this as a response from the vaxx. I am sure there were others who may have collapsed or died but have not heard any details. Perhaps Mark Crispin Miller is following this? It would be interesting if you could do a segment on the athletes which fell ill or dropped dead at the Olympics this year. This year I wasn’t as interested in watching the Olympics as I have been in previous years, especially after hearing of the disgraceful satanic overtones about the Last Supper during the opening ceremony. I did catch a few good moments of some of the athletes performing in their chosen disciplines. It is astonishing what the human body and mind are capable of with talent, practice, focus and God guiding them. So very glad Jehovah was with you during your health challenge. He’s keeping you here because He still has work for you to do! Wishing you Godspeed and perfect healing sir. Glad to have you back.

  331. Galaxy 500

    These people think they are above the law… they think that what is yours is theirs to take when they want. Ask permission? Why? They are the secret service, conspirators of assassination.


  332. Gregory Mannarino

    Greg. I miss you buddy! Very VERY happy you are back and well.
    Love you man. I hope that one day, whenever you are ready, we can reconnect.
    Your friend ALWAYS!


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Greg,
      I have no hard feelings.

      • Ray

        So wonderful to see this re-connection between two men of exceptional character, who have worked tirelessly to expose what is really going on in this world.
        My heart is uplifted this day to see it.
        Absolutely uplifted.
        Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺🦘😎

        • Susan R

          I agree with you Ray! I would also love to see the two Gregs back together, both of them combined have helped me tremendously. You are right, they are “two men of exceptional character” !

          • Ray

            That they are Susan.
            That they are.
            May I say, from reading your wise comments over time, that you are a lady of exceptional character as well.
            My best wishes be with you.
            Ray, Canberra, Australia

    • Saved by Grace


  333. Philip

    “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

    I am writing you this day regarding Bo Polny. I have often wondered what his views on the rapture were as he often speaks on the Book of Revelation.
    Finally, after tentatively listening to him for several years he discloses his POST tribulation stand on the recent podcast with Manuel Johnson. I believe, Greg you previously mentioned Jack Epp as one you listened to. In any event l could list chapter and verse regarding a PRE tribulation stand most reasonable theologians take, but l won’t at this time.
    I draw attention to Bo’s view as this implies he think the true believers will stand through the Great Tribulation! I could not disagree more strongly.
    7And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
    Revelation 13:7
    In closing l have always felt Bo talks too much about money, how he/we are going to live through the great turmoil mankind has ever experienced unscathed.
    4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.
    Matthew 24:4-5

  334. Duke Nukumov

    Biden Admits He Was Forced Out in Democrat Coup, Trump Calls Out ‘Fake’ Kamala’s Campaign Deception /Alex Jones Show August 11th 2024
    We’ll also cover alarming World War III developments as Ukraine has reportedly bombed a cooling tower of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant!

  335. Dan

    Love your work Greg! Wishing you a speedy recovery but I don’t think you need it. I’ll keep you in my prayers!

    Love from Australia!!

  336. Dwight Branson

    Praise The Father God Jehovah, The Son Jesus, and The Holy Ghost!!! You are so good!!!

  337. John B.

    Great to see you back Greg. I pray you will have great health from now on.

  338. Jeannie

    So glad to see you’re back! Praise the Lord. He has more for you to do here.

  339. Kathryn MacGeraghty

    Missed you, glad you’re on the mend! I’ve had heart issues, too. You’ll feel better bit by bit.

  340. CAST

    Dear Mr. Hunter , You have an Artist name , in the last year , i’ve learn lots from you ! to resume , TO BE LOYAL , Now imagine how many People & Ideas you can be loyal to . To integrity in a career , TO LEAVING A LEGACY OF INTEGRITY & FAITHFULNESS TO OUR SUPREME CREATION . TO ME YOU BELONG TO THE FAITHFUL SERVANT CATEGORY . I THANK YOU FOR BEING TRUE TO YOUR COUNTRY ! OUR YAH , JESHUA & HOLY SPIRIT BLESS YOU WITH PEACE , TRANQUILITY , & HAPPINESS !!! do not hurry , just breath deep , do not eat any kind of meat , just potatoes , carrots , beets , garlic , onions & a sizzle of x-tra virgin olive oil .

  341. Glenn

    I’m glad you got through that ordeal successfully, Greg. I’m wishing you a speedy recovery.

  342. regaleagle

    A wonderful personal testimony Greg……I had a similar one happen to me in March of 2023…..although it was resolved with only 2 stents and then about 60 days of physical rehab twice a week that really helped. But everything for the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ as the wake-up call changed my life, my perspective, and my relationship improved with Christ. My hunger to gain knowledge and wisdom grew as well……which is one of the cornerstones of life in these flesh bodies for Believers. We have both been given new leases in life to spread the Good News of Christ, and I can see that you came right out of the gate doing exactly that in your very first broadcast after your ordeal. ALL THINGS WORK FOR THE GLORY OF CHRIST. God has blessed us in our time of need, Greg. Maranatha and Amen. I will turn 70 in October. Guess what? There is much left for both of us to do.

  343. Steve P

    I am happy you are doing ok Greg. I have a challenge for you. Listen to a talk from David Icke entitled “Who created the world?” Perhaps your God created your problems in the first place. How do you really know. I am just asking questions so please don’t act like a child.

    • Earth Angel

      The God I know does not create problems Steve P. The God I know created everything in Perfection, Harmony and Divine Order. How Lucifer and the fallen angels became I cannot answer for and man has certainly been led astray from God’s perfect plan for us. I have not listened to David Icke’s talk that you mention so I do not know what he said. I believe a loving Creator intended only the BEST for us; testing by giving us our ‘free will’ to see if we would choose HIM and HIS WAYS. I do not believe this world was created by some alien force. I believe if we experience problems in this life then we created them for ourselves somehow through ignorance, bad judgement, or possibly just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The God force I know radiates only Love, Peace, Perfection and Joy in all its Creation.

  344. H. Craig Bradley

    V.P. Tim Waltz is an incompetent, Crum Bum !

    He would not properly take care of his own mother following her heart surgery.


  345. Michael Pieper


  346. Marcella Sullivan


  347. deMeadville

    Best to you, Sir Greg, from deMeadville and TheGoldUpdate.

  348. Gregg A. Brauns

    Greg, Thank you for sharing about your trial and how the Lord provided for you.

    You are a great inspiration and passionate defender of Truth. I appreciate all your work and willingness to report dangers facing all of us. “God bless you and keep you.”

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, brother Gregg!!
      Brother Greg

  349. slindung

    So glad to see you back! So glad that God brought you back! Glory be to God!

  350. Ron Moore

    Is this stuff you’re on from the tree of life or evil?

    Serious adverse reactions associated with ivermectin


  351. Galaxy 500

    So Joe,
    You mean like Robert Byrd?


  352. Friski Boyd Floyd

    Mike Morell Mushroom Man, John”RoyBean” Brennan, Mike Pumphouse Pompous Pimpeo, Fay Wray Chris Cannot tell a lie with a straight face Wray, spy wannabe No James Bond, Sore eyed Alex Soros, MeanDrunk Hillary, Chris Klain Obombers finger in the pie Woman Fake Black Jarret and Rice cakes. All Obombers Alter Ego, whom he takes his orders and the real president not Joe, or Obobmer true dark blue CIA project Mockingbird NoBrainer himselfie, George Step’On’All’of’US!
    Big Brothers
    1984 Delayed is Finaly Here? Is the Answer 1776 at the Ballot Box??

    LIAR LIAR’S PANTS on FIRE! Perfect Pair of Puppets!
    ‘Don’t fall for it’: Sky News host issues warning after Kamala Harris is caught lying
    Sky News Australia 342,836 views Aug 8, 2024 Power Hour
    This week on Power Hour, Sky News host Gabriella Power slams Kamala Harris’s “insulting” campaign, Tim Walz faces backlash over JD Vance joke, UN fires nine workers linked to the Oct. 7 attack, and Eric Trump calls to deport Prince Harry and Meghan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xaxj7azP08s

    Trump Shot Because He Wants To END Ukraine Funding!?
    From Comments;
    The worst part is they killed the kid instead of taking him alive. They could have interrogated him and found out who hired him and what they promised to give him. Regardless if the kid succeeded or not they were NOT letting him get off that roof alive. Can’t blow the whistle if you’re dead.
    Trump should have never been allowed to go on that stage no matter what, to get shot at? They knew that kid was there an hour before the event started. It should have been postponed and scheduled for another time space continuum.
    By not investigating the patsy, look what happened! Maybe they didn’t investigate the situation because that would interfere with their operatio?
    Crooks was a decoy … obviously, since so many people saw him, reported, etc .. I’ve said from that day, that another shooter was there .. from so many shots fired. … crooks was also known as a poor shooter … we must stay awake!!
    All over the world, who have T.V.! From the very poor to the most powerful, in every language, seeing him being wounded and his response to that once he realised, standing as tall as he could, despite the people allegedly trying to protect him. Won him respect all over the world. Couple of days later, back to work as usual.
    If there hadn’t been a witch-hunt on the Trumpster for 10 years. You may have believed that this was just total incompetency. The only incompetency is at the top, the ones running the deep creep state shadow government of war mongering sniveling cowards, men in tights and woman in pants!
    I was at the rally, we all immediately called it an inside job. Such a horrible thing that happened that day.
    “Actions speak louder than woids” and there were more actions to protect the shooter, than there was to stop the shooter!
    The reason they used non secret service agents is so they can blame the people they put in their places, and then say, but you can’t blame them! They didn’t know what to do, so they didn’t leave areas wide open on purpose!
    A cover up proves conspiracy. Crooks is unable to cover up evidence. He does not have the power to do so and is no longer of this time space continuum…
    As Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “Politics is the entertainment branch of the “Military-Industrial-Complex”.
    It’s why I wish we were more of a confederation of states. Once a government looks over more than 10 million people it get really tough to keep its leaders in check. It’s a shame the Civil War still gives that kind of idea a negative connotation… but if people want UHC etc., seems like the only way in the US. I wish our government was accountable as say Finland’s, but it never will, not at the Federal level over 300mil+.
    When the deep state were right now left, it does not matter. It’s he that has the money to count the votes. The golden rule. He who owns the gold RULES!
    The right didn’t miss, the left did! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL9apblSQ-s

  353. Jasa

    Welcome back Greg.
    You and your fear not messages have been sorely missed.
    Very happy the Lord Jesus helped you through this trial and may he continue to shower you and yours with many more blessings.

    Looking forward to seeing you fighting evil again as soon as you recover your strength.

    Bless you brother.

  354. Bueferd T. Justice

    ________Biblical Perspective
    II Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV) emphasizes the power of humility, prayer, and repentance. It promises that if God’s people humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land1. This verse is a call to action for believers to seek divine intervention through sincere repentance and prayer.

    Luke 12:2-5 (NKJV) speaks to the inevitability of truth being revealed and the importance of fearing God rather than humans. It reassures believers that nothing hidden will remain concealed and encourages them to fear God, who has the ultimate authority over life and death. This passage underscores the importance of integrity and accountability, aligning with the call for transparency and justice in public office.

    __________Legal Perspective
    From a legal standpoint, public officials are bound by oaths to uphold the Constitution and perform their duties with integrity. Violations of these oaths can take several forms:

    Malfeasance: Performing a wrongful act.
    Misfeasance: Performing a lawful act in a wrongful manner.
    Nonfeasance: Failing to perform an act required by the duties of the office.
    Maladministration: Faulty, inefficient, or improper management or administration.
    Violation of Oath of Office: This is a federal crime under various statutes, including 5 U.S.C. 3331, 5 U.S.C. 3333, 5 U.S.C. 7311, and 18 U.S.C. 191834.
    Citizen Action
    Citizens can take action against these violations through several avenues:

    Reporting Misconduct: Citizens can report misconduct to appropriate oversight bodies, such as ethics committees or inspector generals.
    Legal Action: In some cases, citizens can file lawsuits or support legal actions against officials who violate their oaths.
    Advocacy and Awareness: Raising public awareness and advocating for accountability can pressure officials to adhere to their oaths.
    Voting: Exercising the right to vote is a powerful tool to hold public officials accountable.

    _______________Christian Action
    As believers, prayer and seeking God’s guidance are paramount. The scriptures encourage us to pray for our leaders and for justice to prevail. Additionally, engaging in community efforts to promote integrity and accountability aligns with biblical teachings.

    Combining biblical wisdom with legal frameworks provides a comprehensive approach to addressing violations by public officials. By praying, seeking God’s guidance, and taking actionable steps, citizens can contribute to a more just and accountable society. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8LDI1BlNRc
    An When I Catch Ya Hot Pursuit!

  355. Ken Mazel


    It is wonderful for the Lord to have kept you with us. You Sir have much more to do here in this fleeting realm, I’m sure of it.

    God’s speed on your miraculous healing.

    Love you, my Brother in Christ.

    Ken Mazel

  356. Sherill Barrell

    Harris Petering Out Already?

    Must-Watch Monday LIVE: Musk Set To Interview Trump Tonight At 7 PM Central 8PM Eastern As Top Dems Confess To Conducting a Coup Against Biden! Please Join Alex Jones For LIVE Coverage! Posted 4 hours ago
    Tune in! https://www.infowars.com/posts/monday-live-trump-to-sue-doj-over-mar-a-lago-raid/ Don’t missit!

  357. Kerry

    I know what you mean by the pain. I had what they call the widow maker at 48 – 12 years ago. Most guys are dead before they hit the floor. 100% blockage in the main artery to the pumper. I never lost consciousness and also didn’t know the pain scale went that high. Sawing though your leg with a rusty sardine can lid has nothing on a heart attack – mine was a 205/10. A stent fixed me and I have been fine every since. So glad you made it Greg and welcome to the Stents and Dents club! You’re going to be fine – the world needs your truth.

  358. Galaxy 500

    What kind of Church releases predators into their flock? Not one that follows YHWH… this congregation should be on the hook for damages.

  359. Mark

    God bless you….Keep up the good work and keep giving Glory to Jehovah.

  360. Stanley

    I’m glad to see you back Greg and I sure everyone will be as moved as I am by your story.

    Perhaps this is too late to help you, but some of your viewers might find it valuable.

    “Subtle change to the EARLOBE that shows you may be at risk of a heart attack or stroke” – DELC = Diagonal Ear Lobe Crease.


    I have a DELC.

  361. Fred's Functional Fiction

    Putin’s brilliant trap. In the next couple of days KAPOW!! At Kursk, Putin to close the pincers surrounding and capturing the remaining surrendering Ukrainian army along with billion$$$ in USA weaponry. It is almost like the USA\EU\NWO wanted Ukraine to surrender at Kursk, just get it over with.

    Anyone else feel like the entire Ukraine War was an EU\NWO ruse in order to remove the male population from Ukraine, so that the EU\NWO can pillage the trillions in natural resources. All while using the USA National Debt Card. Ukraine loses the war and Russia takes 1/4 of the territory, and then tells the USA to rebuild it, all for trillion$$ of US Taxpayer dollars.

  362. Nancy

    Hi Greg,
    I’m praying for you every day.

    Did the doctors recommend any vitamins and/or supplements for your heart?

  363. Galaxy 500

    Of course the FBI is going to hide the coup and assassination attempt.


  364. Galaxy 500

    This scares me. If don’t trust these people and Israel should not either.


    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks 500 for posting here!!

  365. Galaxy 500

    Wow… misspoke? Like right out lied?

    Kamel-ala’s buyback is confiscation. It’s by force and color of law… and they will never give what they are worth… Why does the public ownership of modern sporting arms scare the Demoncrats. Because they know if they attempt to steal our freedoms we will be able to effectively resist. Ole Braindead Biden says we don’t have F15s… Well, he is a demented fool. Does he think every pilot that gets in one is on his side? When he or his following fools try that, I imagine some hero in an F15 is gonna give ole Joe and Jill a JDAM enema. And from what is in his daughter’s diary and Hunter’s laptop, they probably… naw, I ain’t gonna say it.
    Mao had 1 group of his most loyal men disarmed and disbanded until all that fought for him had be disarmed. Then he starved 50 million + Chinese to death with his new improved farming methods. Our leaders are just like Mao.

    • Ken Yu

      What will Kamala buy our guns back with “totally worthless paper dollars”?? https://www.richdad.com/MediaLibrary/RichDad/Images/charts/usd-purchasing-power-1913-2008.png Do you know how fast these weasels in Government are printing up new dollar bills??? I’ll give you some idea (so you can more easily comprehend just how much paper money they are printing). Take all the Gold at Fort Knox (about 8,000 tons) and calculate what it is worth (8000 tons is about 16.3 million pounds or 261.5 million ounces) and Gold is selling for about $2430 dollars per ounce – so all the Gold in Fort Knox is worth about $635.2 Billion Dollars!!

      • Katy Bar

        People should take those “tax free tips” that both Kamala and Trump are allowing them to accumulate (in worthless paper) and immediately convert those paper dollars into Gold (or Silver) if they want to retain something of value (that will out of necessity have to increase in price as the Dollar goes to ZERO)!!!!

        • Ken Yu

          The current US dollar Gold price “should rise in price by 4.5 times Every Year” based solely upon the current printing rate of a “Trillion New US Dollars” every “Four Months”!!!

  366. Bill Holder

    Greg, glad to see you up and about!

  367. Galaxy 500

    Is there any wonder why Wikipedia is not a source that you could use as a reference in any paper?


  368. Watchman on the wall

    The Truth. The Truth is a person.


    One of the brightest minds in finance RE McMaster, has summarised the next 25 years as follows:


    UN Agenda 1921, The Great Global Financial Reset by no later than 2022 (much like Cyprus 2012-2013);
    WWIII around 2025;
    UN Agenda 2030 – all people RFID-tagged like cattle, with no other way to buy or sell, monitored 24/7 Red Chinese “social credit” style, all private property confiscated;
    2045 – Age of AI robotics, human population reduced to 500 million-2 billion, all brown, heavily homosexual, transsexual, trans-humanised, rule by a technocratic elite run by evil, narcissistic sociopaths…
    Furthermore, this is his prediction for the USA:

    Remember you are Loved-dje

    • Galaxy 500

      Isn’t it Aug in 2024?
      Yes a lot of these is a wishlist for the Demoncrats. Fascist one and all .
      So what’s your plan? Watch?
      I am working the plan

  369. Robert Peter Bailey

    I am so pleased Greg, that the Lord of Glory has blessed you and wrought a real miracle with your Cardiac problems ! I truly Love the Lord Jesus Christ, who has pulled me through much sadness over the years as I have been a Christian since I left the Buddhist philosophy of life.

    I was converted to the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ, back in 1979, in London, UK ! Through the gracious ministry of an Australian Christian Evangelist. I have been through the deaths of both of my dear and loving parents and one of my young child, and the sad death of my older brother! And the breakdown of two marriages !
    All through all this personal pain and sadness the Lord Jesus Christ has kept me close to Himself in a very loving and intimate relationship with himself ! Praise His Holy name forever, and He has given to you Greg more time in this life to reach people with the truth of your program and the Love of God through both of our lives to reach many people as time allows!

    Amen and amen

  370. Gravis Mushnick

    For us common Frogs, never has the boiling water been this hot. Could you imagine Joe Biden having just 30 seconds to choose Armageddon or talking to the other side? And his stupid stubborn ass!! All the while his advisers are screaming NUKE EM, NUKE, NUKE!! No more Hägen Das for you Buddy Boy. For three plus years Biden did nothing but doubling down on his loser hands and knees, getting most of the world hating the USA, getting most of every American hating each other and hating even ourselves based on DEI, our skin, or sex. The dems ripped the guts and soul out of America during Biden, Kamala will finish the job, along with people that don’t look or think like her. “Wrong Think” will be punishable, and the sentence will depend on your DEI score and the amount of your assets. She will be worse than any ruler that ever lived because she must prove she is a man, else her feminazis will be revolting.

    • Greg Hunter

      “G M”
      Yes, the water is boiling Hot, Hot, Hot!! Time is near.

    • Galaxy 500

      Hi GM,
      I am shocked you think that SLO Joe Beijing Biden is in control of anything or makes any decisions. He isn’t in control of his thoughts, actions or bowels.
      Fear not. I assure you he isn’t the one pulling the strings and hasn’t been since before the coup that put him in as a figurehead of a government without a voice.

  371. John Shipp

    As Sir Walter Raleigh said as they were preparing to chop his head off ; “ And from this earth, this dirt, this dust, the Lord will raise me up I TRUST” your trust has saved you.

  372. Jan Kosonen

    Hi Greg, nice that you are back. I have been following you for many years. I am surprised that you give glory and thanks to both Jesus and Jehovah. I am really curious why you thank Jehovah, because that’s not so usual. Are you a member of a church where they focus on both Jesus and Jehovah. Or are you an independent believer and have seen that Jehovah is God’s name. For example the American Standard Version Bible translation has not substituted Jehovah with Lord. And in that Bible translation Jehovah appears thousands of times in the Old Testament.
    I am very interested about events in the world and how they connect to Bible prophecy. So now I have made an explication to the while Revelation book. It is very concise. In little more than 1 hour all main points are laid out. You are welcome to take a look. I have it on different languages on my youtube channel. My youtube channel is Jan Kosonen @jankosonen315

    • Greg Hunter

      In the KJV PS 83:18 the actual name of Father God is Jehovah or Yahweh. That’s his name. Not Father or God. Those are titles. It would be like calling me reporter instead of Greg. The name Jehovah has been removed from the Bible thousands of times, but you can still find the name Jehovah in thew KJV Bible. Jehovah is still found in the King James Version of the Bible in (Genesis 22:14; Exodus 6:3; 17:15; Judges 6:24; Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 12:2; 26:4).

      • Jan Kosonen

        Thanks Greg for your reply, I see you are knowledgable in the Bible, because you know those verses you quoted. You do a good work informing about things that the mainstream media don’t do. May Jehovah through Jesus, his Son help you get out more thruth!

  373. Russ McMeans

    Dear Sir Greg; the Lord is good and has answered our prayers to look after you. We’ve been praying for the past 2-3 years & longer for you. “We” is all of us that follow your show closely. I pray for your complete healing. Many bad things are coming and unfortunately you will have to do the reporting on all these events. I’m praying for you to get a few more sponsors and immediately Patriot Mobile came up as I was praying. They’re a Christian cell phone service and are wonderful. I left AT&T in 5/24 & Patriot Mobile has been wonderful. Please check them out, you won’t be disappointed. They use all 3 major carriers. AT&T, Verizon and T Mobile.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks for the tip, Brother, Russ!!

  374. Galaxy 500

    Another one bites the dusts… Lumber Liquidators going, going, gone


    • Earth Angel

      Yes, The O’Briben/Harris destruction to the American economy continues despite the lying media’s attempts to ‘put lipstick on this pig’. Yesterday we stopped to eat at a wonderful family owned BBQ place that has been in business for years. They are located on the corner of a busy intersection of 2 highways in a somewhat rural setting. The owner said the supply chain is still very messed up and they must take only what their distributors can send them. She said she hasn’t been able to get brisket until just recently when they sent her some. She said that if either Trump (or Kennedy who she also liked) are kept from the WH and the election is allowed to be stolen again- that will be it. Their business definately can NOT stand another 4 years of globalist destruction (O/B & H) and they will have to close their doors. We passed another small local Ammo & pawn store nearby that was already shuttered. The wrecking ball that obama’s regime unleashed on our economy in 2008 is now in full swing once again (since 2020) and cannot be allowed to continue or this economy will be burnt toast.

    • Katy Bar

      After the United States’ Federal Reserve started buying up their own debt via quantitative easing (inflating the dollar) all the Western World Nations began a nose dive (except for the BRICS Nations who bought gold for “purchasing power protection”). The US (if it was smart) can print up enough money in four months (a Trillion Dollars) and buy up an additional 8000 tons of Gold (doubling the Gold Reserve we have at Fort Knox)!! So why are they not doing so????

      They’ve all accounted for the majority of gold purchases, which was a rational response to the United States’ choice to .

  375. Galaxy 500


    When there were two of us, I bought groceries weekly. We had nice rib-eyes, her favorite, once or twice a week. Would eat out a few times a week. Life was good. And then the Elites released Covid among us and their bioweapon, the election was stolen and the Elites then worked over time…
    Now alone, I have had to double my budget, I have cut luxuries, cut eating out and I still struggle to stay in budget…
    The Elites have destroyed faith in our country, in our legal system which has been captured and corrupted by evil men, law enforcement has become weapons to visit upon those who wish to be free and object to their freedom being stolen along with their wealth.

  376. Micah

    Praise Jehovah and Jesus you made it through Greg! Bless your heart, and may your recovery go well. I am so glad you are back. I am from the USA, but living in Peru; so you have a global following Greg. I will keep you in my prayers. God speed back to good health.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Micah!

  377. Galaxy 500

    Is your email working? I sent email and it bounced? Is this another attempt to attack you?

    • Greg Hunter

      I think it is working. I am getting email on all addresses.

      • Galaxy 500

        Thanks for checking. I was getting bounced mails with errors

  378. Galaxy 500

    Can you believe the lengths that evil is going to ? There is nothing these minions can do to stop the will of YHWA.


  379. AJ

    I am inspired by your deep faith. You’ve taught me much over the years. So grateful Jehovah saved you. You are truly blessed. I look forward to where God guides you next. “Just a roadie for God! ” So true for us all.

    My father at 75 survived a quad bypass. After recovering & rehab, he drastically changed to plant food diet & vigorous exercise. He’s in his late 80s & still going strong, able to best me any day of the week and Im 20 years younger!

    Thank you for your tireless pursuit of the truth.
    Please take time to get fully well.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks AJ. Good to know!!

  380. Open Borders

    Britain Is Proof: Globalists Plan To Use Migrants As A Mercenary Army Against The West


  381. Fulsom Prisonertie

    Watch: Ex-Wife of Muhammad Ali Says, ‘I’m Voting for Trump’
    Infowars.com August 12th 2024
    “Yeah, I wear my Trump hat every day. I don’t care about what you think,” says Dr. Khalilah Ali. https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-ex-wife-of-muhammad-ali-says-im-voting-for-trump/

    Kamala Accused Of Covering Up Radiation Poisoning of Black People
    by Patrick Howley | Patrick Reports August 13th 2024
    Ex-residents of Treasure Island, San Francisco, revealed Kamala Harris’ alleged deception at a March 2019 press conference, according to a little-seen and long-buried interview conducted by the group Labor Video Project.
    Ex-Treasure Island residents explained how their concerns were ignored by various politicians including Democrats Gavin Newsom and Nancy Pelosi, and they focused particular attention on the skullduggery of Kamala Harris.
    And guess what? Nancy Pelosi’s cousin Laurence Pelosi was an executive for Lennar, a company that happens to be one of the chief partners on the Treasure Island development deal. https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-kamala-accused-of-covering-up-radiation-poisoning-of-black-people/
    You can call this the Aunt Nancy club and be glad you’re not in it!

    FULL SHOW: Elon Musk Interviews Donald Trump in EPIC 2024 Discussion! Trump Promises “Largest Deportation in History” when elected!

  382. Gordo Flash

    Sean Hannity 8/12/24 ᖴᑌᒪᒪ Eᑎᗪ SᕼOᗯ | ᖴO᙭ ᗷᖇEᗩKIᑎG ᑎEᗯS Tᖇᑌᗰᑭ ᗩᑌGᑌST 12, 2024 Muhammed Khaled 215,717 views Aug 12, 2024

  383. Mike

    I had plaque buildup in my arteries to where I had 90% blockage upstream and downstream of a 2007 stent. No heart attack but they put me through triple bypass surgery. My recovery was fast and pain-free, and I walked a mile every day after I got home from the hospital. My cardiologist told me there was nothing I could do about plaque buildup. That was a lie. I found another doctor who prescribed vitamin D3 and K2 to clear the plaque within nine months. Be your own healthcare advocate and beware of doctors who are nothing more than drug pushers for big pharma.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Mike. I am not going to be taking any statins.

      • Susan R

        I will not take statins either even though they have been pushing them on me for years.

  384. Mr.Greenjeans

    US dug this hole for themselves, Gen. Keane warns
    Fox Business 210,741 views 7 hours ago
    Fox News senior strategic analysts Gen. Jack Keane (ret.) discusses recent developments in the Israel war and the U.S. Navy’s warship worsening production.

  385. wENDY bERGMAN

    Kari Lake Hammers Kamala Harris, Doubts Her Poll Standing Before VP Arrives In Phoenix, Arizona /Forbes Breaking News 848,360 views 4 days ago
    At a press briefing, Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake took reporters’ questions prior to Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to Phoenix, Arizona.

  386. Yellowstone Charlie Frost

    Judge Napolitano reported on YouTude 40 minutes ago:
    Russia has reported that the invasion of Kursk, Russia was planned and carried out by NATO/EU/USA/CIA (personnel and equipment). Russia has killed many of the invaders, many with American accents.

    I may be a nobody with zero superpowers beyond paying taxes, but that sounds like NATO Declared WAR to me and Russia is justified.

    Will Joe be hiding in a coma, too far gone to see the dead US boys returning home in a box draped by the US flag that its own democrat supporters say is fair to burn in protest. “President Too Far Gone” to even tie his own shoes. This administration is beyond farce. Why DC hasn’t forcefully removed Joe tells me many of them are also in on it.

    I wonder if Russia issued an ultimatum to the USA, which would likely expire 1 to 3 am DC time, while America is asleep.

  387. Matt

    So glad you’re back! You’ve been a regular part of my schedule for years now. I listen to pretty much all your updates and interviews. I will always be thankful for your intrepid work during the covid scam. You are a warrior for the truth. God bless you and may He protect you for years to come!

  388. Vince Rooney

    Dear Greg,

    I’m glad that God has blessed you with a great team of doctors and a strong heart. May you have many more decades to keep up the good fight in a world full of evil. Welcome back! You take care of you as priority number one. We will all be here waiting for you.

  389. David N NM

    Great to have you back Greg. When you posted you might be out for a while I bet you never realized what you were about to go through. I’m glad the Good Lord gave you more time to continue the impact you’re making.

    PERSONAL NOTE: When it was so long, I feared there may be web issues you were facing again. If you ever run into those type of issues in the future, I’m a semi-retired IT professional with a web hosting business. If you ever need help, I can lend a hand.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thans David for the offer and kind words too!!

  390. kevin

    glad to see your back.. I believe you do have more to do.

  391. Jamie Phillips

    Jehovah God is very real… His name literally means “HE CAUSES TO BECOME” …Isaiah 46:10 we hear Gods perspective on world affairs.. through his prophet Isaiah ..God declares…”FROM THE BEGINNING I FORETELL THE OUTCOME, AND FROM LONG AGO THE THINGS THAT HAVE NOT YET BEEN DONE, MY DECISION WILL STAND” all scripture is inspired of God… In the Bible God states he will choose a people for his name… (Jehovah) ….so you are my witness declares Jehovah of armies..Isaiah 43:10…. we do not have to fear for the battle is not mans but Gods…PLEASE READ 2 CHRONICLES 20:17.. Jehovah tells us the end game here at these sited scriptures… Matthew 24… Daniel 2:44 … Psalms 83:18… 1 Thessalonians 5:3.. revelation 16:14-16… 1 timothy 2:3,4 says… thats Gods will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to AN ACCURATE KNOWLEDGE ….OF TRUTH… REST ASSURED GOD HAS SET AN APPOINTED TIME TO END THIS WICKEDNESS AND SUFFERING…and to put out of action Satan and his demons…. Jehovah will sanctify his Holy Name and settle the issue of universal sovereignty once and for all which all began with the disobedience of our first human parents Adam and Eve.. please visit JW.ORG and learn more on what the Bible really teaches. And the beautiful near future our loving God and his Son has in store for all who want to flee to him and support his Kingdom .. thank you Greg you seem a real genuine good hearted man, and as a servant of Jehovah i want to reach out to you with the real solution to the worlds wickedness under the control of Satan (1 John 5:19) soon to take full effect. Remember! Jehovah is the hearer of prayer..all who approach him with a sincere heart. 1 samuel 16:7.. jeremiah 29:11,12… 2 peter 3;13.. psalms 37:10,11,20,29,35,36,38… thank you Greg…Take Care..

  392. Galaxy 500

    And another ones gone, another one bites the dust…

  393. Sally

    Greg, welcome back!

    I hope you recognize your recent ailment as a chastisement from God for your disgraceful support of the genocide of Palestinians.

    Please repent and thank God for giving you a second chance!

  394. Prospector


    We all get flooded daily with ” Shocking — Must See ” headlines. This one is for real. Police fire on American citizens , doing nothing wrong, standing on their own front porches with a military Humvee in the mix for intimidation. WHERE ARE THE LAWSUITS ?

    Good police and military were forced out. Replaced by these people. Everyone needs to watch this.

    New York Post : August 13 , 2024
    Cops enforcing Tim Walz’s curfew by shooting paintballs at residents as they stood in their doorways
    By Chris Nesi


    Can you imagine non-citizen illegals put in uniform to work in your town.???

  395. Prospector

    Britain Is Proof: Globalists Plan To Use Migrants As A Mercenary Army Against The West

    As posted at Liberty Daily .com


    Third world migrants are hired muscle for the political elites. They can terrorize the populace, and if the native population takes action to defend itself the government can step in, call them hateful racists and declare martial law. It’s a win-win. The migrants then help with the enforcement of that martial law as the government doubles down on two-tier policing.

  396. Dean Backer

    God bless you Greg, can’t leave us just yet you got to information to get out to the people. Next time let me know I can give blood to anybody I’ll stack them and pack them for you unvaccinated forever.

  397. Expat

    Greg, glad to see that you survived in visible good shape.
    I myself was some days in a state patagonian hospital (staff nearly 2000 or so in a town of 100000 with sort of hipertension infarct). The local private german hospital had no neurologe dr. and no 24 hour watch, so they sent me with an ambulance to the state one. . Deeply impressed about resources at the state hospital, learnt a lot, better as in Germany. Had not to pay for the attention and got remedies free for 1 ,month. You survived in surprising state, you seem to be reborne again. Some one likes you a lot, not sure what is the name jehova for.

    • Jehovah Watchdog

      Reply to Expat, not sure what is the name jehova for?
      The name “Jehovah” holds profound significance and is deeply rooted in biblical history and theology. Let’s delve into its meaning and importance, drawing from the rich resources available in the Hebrew scriptures and even the Christian Greek!

      The Origin and Meaning of “Jehovah”
      The name “Jehovah” is a Latinization of the Hebrew name יְהֹוָה (YHWH), also known as the Tetragrammaton1. This name is unique to the God of Israel and is considered one of the most sacred names in Judaism and Christianity. The name itself is derived from a Hebrew verb that means “to become,” suggesting that Jehovah is the one who causes things to happen or come into existence1.

      Biblical Significance
      In the Bible, Jehovah is often associated with God’s eternal and unchanging nature. For instance, in Exodus 3:14, God reveals Himself to Moses as “I AM WHO I AM,” indicating His self-existence and eternal presence2. This aligns with the meaning of Jehovah as “the unchanging, eternal, self-existent God”.

      Jehovah in Scripture
      Jehovah’s name appears in various forms throughout the Bible, often highlighting different aspects of His character and relationship with humanity. Here are a few notable examples:

      Jehovah-Jireh: “The Lord Will Provide” (Genesis 22:14). This name reflects God’s provision for Abraham when He provided a ram as a substitute sacrifice for Isaac.
      Jehovah-Rapha: “The Lord Who Heals” (Exodus 15:26). This name emphasizes God’s power to heal and restore.
      Jehovah-Nissi: “The Lord Is My Banner” (Exodus 17:15). This name signifies God’s protection and victory in battle.
      Creative Interpretation
      Imagine Jehovah as a master artist, painting the canvas of the universe with His divine brushstrokes. Each name of Jehovah represents a different color on His palette, each stroke a testament to His multifaceted nature. As Jehovah-Jireh, He paints scenes of provision and abundance, ensuring that every need is met. As Jehovah-Rapha, His brushstrokes bring healing and restoration, mending the broken and making them whole. As Jehovah-Nissi, He raises a banner of victory, symbolizing His unwavering protection and strength.

      In this grand masterpiece, Jehovah’s name is not just a label but a declaration of His character and promises. It is a reminder that He is always present, always providing, always healing, and always victorious.

      The name “Jehovah” encapsulates the essence of God’s identity and His relationship with His creation. It is a name that inspires awe, reverence, and trust, reminding us of His eternal presence and unchanging nature. Whether we call upon Him as Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Rapha, or Jehovah-Nissi, we are invoking the same powerful and loving God who has been with humanity since the beginning of time.

      What aspect of Jehovah’s character resonates most with you, Expat?

    • Galaxy 500

      How is this free? Taxes are out the roof…
      Nothing is free. I question both you sincereness and your intelligence.
      You are living in a literal Nazi country where the press is raided and political parties are outlawed by fiat. I love German beer, their taxes, politics etc… you can keep.
      The Un-Affordable Healthcare Act destroyed private insurance and my premiums have skyrocketed to steal my resources to give to criminals and ner’do’wells.

  398. eddie laidler

    Long time watcher here. Haven’t commented in years. I had a 3 bypass with carotid endarterectomy about 18 months ago. You will learn to trust your body again. Im 66 and do construction. I only missed 70 days of work. Walking is the best healing medicine. They wire you up tight and you will do whatever you want to do in time. I slept on my back in a recliner for the first 30 days. God is so very good to us huh?

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Eddie, for the information and for sharing.

  399. VAL

    Sounds like you were gifted with lots of miracles. I’ve had a slight heart attack and it scared the heck out of me. Like you, I called on God in Jesus’s Name and came through alive and well. I can’t imagine what you went through. God bless you, Mr. Hunter, in Jesus’s Holy Name.

    • Greg Hunter

      I was “gifted lots of miracles.” Amen to that!

  400. Randy Hitt

    So glad you are still with us! Keep doing the Lord’s work brother, we need your voice during this tribulation period. Fight fight fight!

  401. Jeanie Smith

    Welcome back, Greg! I have listened to you for years, and have loved your site as well! May Jehovah and Jesus guard your heart as you recuperate~you remain in my daily prayers!

  402. Katy Bar

    You know , in some respect we do owe the Evil Globalists “a favor”, because it was their Diabolically Planned Immigration Policy (Designed to Destroy America) “THAT SAVED TRUMPS LIFE” (as he turned to look at the Horrific Emigration Graph on the screen at the Pennsylvania Rally)!! So, when we finally Lock the Globalists Up “for Life” in Prison or give them “the Death Penalty” for their Traitorous acts against America, lets Graciously give them A Choice of a “Succulent Last Meal”. Either a Grasshopper Burger, or a delicious Worm-meal Meat Ball Sandwich (BUT NOT BOTH)!!!

  403. Debi

    Thank You Jesus!!

  404. Coming to America?

    61-Year-Old Brit Gets 18 Month Prison Sentence For Chanting “Who The F**k Is Allah”


  405. Susan R

    “President trump’s interview with Elan Musk” is one of the first inspiring conversations I have heard since all this crap started. It suggests a way to move out of the morass we have been in for too many years.

  406. Katy Bar

    The Covid Vaccine Inventor Has To His Credit Blown the Whistle, Stating That: “The m-RNA Shot Was Designed TO DEPOPULATE THE WORLD”. So folks, the “GATES TO HELL” (Leading To Our Total and Complete Extinction) Has Been OPENED!! And the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer “MEN” are flooding through those Gates to vote for “Khameleon” Harris (So That WOMEN Can Be Brainwashed Into Having EVEN MORE ABORTIONS)!!!

  407. Scott H

    This is such a testimony of Gods grace to those who stand strong in their faith in Christ! Amen and continued recovery!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Amen to that Brother Scott!!
      Brother Greg

  408. eddiemd

    Psalm 68:20
    New King James Version
    20 Our God is the God of salvation;
    And to God the Lord belong escapes from death.

    • Greg Hunter

      Good one Eddie!


  409. Todd

    Glad your back Greg!
    I believe we all have been lied to on how to eat. God made all our food the right way! Men have corrupted our food. The worst foods are hydronated oils, sugar, white flour and table salt. The best book to read on this is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.


    Sooooo glad you made it out alive! Sooooo glad you had a great surgeon and crew. Welcome back– but TAKE YOUR TIME recuperating! Thank you for letting us know what’s what.

  411. Ken Yu

    The Globalist Elites and Big Pharma are panicking, terrified of what the Japanese are finding and publishing with regard to their Covid Kill Shots, and the Evil Demons are doing everything possible to discredit these Japanese Scientific Investigations, including ordering the US Lying Mainstream Media to initiate a “Total Media Blackout” of any news coming out of Japan regarding their Covid 19 Kill Shot, especially during the implementation of their latest and newest m-RNA “Bird Flu Kill Shot” that has been Purposely Designed TO KILL “ONE OUT OF FIVE PEOPLE” (whereas their ‘Test Run’ Covid 19 Kill Shots Only KILLED a Measly “ONE OUT OF ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE”)!!

    • Prospector

      Ken , reporter Michael Yon has been and continues to cover this Japan rollout coming large scale in September. Stay with it.

      Here he talks to Tucker about the border invasion and genocide. 8/14/24

      Michael Yon : Callsign BIG HONEY SIX on X and Gab.com

      • Ken Yu

        Prospector – The Evil Demon Rats (failing to shoot Trump in the head) have something else (just as diabolical) planned for this September. The Evil Demon Rats want to lock Trump up in a prison cell on Rikers Island (where they will likely then turn the cameras off and do an Epstein on him, while the jail guards are either asleep or in the restroom)!!!

  412. Led Skeletor

    World Health Organization Declares Monkey Pox Outbreak in Africa a Global Health Emergency [story 8/14/24]

    Monkey Pox has predominately affected men who have sex with other men.

    Tedros said there have already been more than 14,000 reported cases and 524 reported deaths in Africa this year, a jump from last year. He also pointed to the emergence of a new mpox strain, or clade, which he described as worrying.

    He said Africa was working on securing more vaccines, as it has only about 200,000 doses at this time, but he estimates that it will need more than 10 million.

    “WHO is committed in the days and weeks ahead to coordinate the global response, working closely with each of the affected countries, and leveraging our on-the-ground presence, to prevent transmission, treat those infected, and save lives,” Tedros said.

    Just what these ‘fine examples of humanity’ deserve are more things to inject into their butts.

    • Two'd Dose Gally

      Hey Led, wave been waiting two years fer’s this Monkey in the White House!
      Biden seeks $47 billion in emergency dollars for Ukraine, COVID-19, monkeypox and natural disasters
      Nation Sep 2, 2022 5:47 PM EDT
      WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden is asking Congress to provide more than $47 billion in emergency dollars that would go toward the war in Ukraine, the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing monkeypox outbreak and help for recent natural disasters in Kentucky and other states.
      Just in time fer the ne4xt selection!

      The U.S. already has sent more than 310,000 doses of the two-shot Jynneos vaccine to state and local health departments. But clinics in San Francisco, New York and other major cities say they still don’t have enough shots to meet demand.

      Officials at the San Francisco Department of Health welcomed the news, saying they need many thousands more vaccine doses than the 7,800 they have received to date. “Without enough vaccine supply, we would have trouble fulfilling our basic duty of keeping our communities safe,” the agency said in a statement.

      Washington, D.C., officials said Wednesday they would join their counterparts in San Francisco, New York City and other cities who have stopped offering appointments for second vaccine doses due to short supplies. They said the single-dose strategy would allow them to “vaccinate more people at risk and slow the spread of monkeypox in the community more quickly.”

      BREAKING:The Real Skinny!
      Weve been Incubating This Next ScamDemic Fer on Two Years Now!
      US signs off on 800,000 more doses of monkeypox vaccine
      By Matthew Perrone Published 6:53 PM EDT, July 27, 2022
      The monkeypox virus mainly spreads through skin-on-skin contact, but it can also transmit through touching linens used by someone with the infection. The vast majority of cases reported have been in men who have sex with men, though health officials have stressed that anyone can catch the virus. [SKIN to SKIN!]

      • Katy Bar

        What about women who have sex with men?? Are these women safe from Monkey-pox (because the men they have sex with are not queers)??? But what if these men are Bi-sexual???? Seems these Evil Demonic Conniving Globalists have sneakily figured into their calculations the use of Fear (of catching Monkey-pox) “to help reduce the worldwide birth rate”!!! But the parents of the poor kids (the Globalists turned into queers in our schools) will obviously need to take precautions. However these queer kids spreading the Monkey-pox to their parents won’t last forever because the Evil Globalists deliberately manufactured their Monkey-pox virus “to actually kill off the queers”!!!

  413. War Monger

    The enemy within… Hey America, here’s your bench warrant / arrest list.

    “The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America?


    • Galaxy 500

      Sounds like the start of a list of people who should be tried for the coup against America

  414. Galaxy 500

    Every Demoncrats program and or organization utilizes fraud, whether election, immigration, education or criminal justice. Below is one more instance


  415. Galaxy 500

    So this is the Dems newest Scheme at graft…


  416. neville

    Hi Greg,

    Looking at the photo of you above ,you don’t appear to be your ebullient self so I
    thought I would give you a laugh to cheer you up!!


  417. Galaxy 500

    Using merit is racists… DEI states you must hire on everything except whether they can do the job…
    Get Woke, Go Broke happens because of this

  418. Galaxy 500

    Dems are saying this is AI. I was there when they were filming this. And Trump and Elon got it in 1 retake too


  419. Galaxy 500

    Sorry link is here

  420. Shirl

    Missed you Greg and no surprise Jehovah is looking after you, take care of yourself.

  421. Justn Observer

    Greg, thinking it is too late to save the Biden-Harris economic play. As the Retail Apocalypse is here with …..42 THOUSAND stores closing… rampant crime likely will only increase as the layoffs and zombies will have to now spread out to home invasions as so many stores close giving less ‘targets’ to loot?
    https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/retail-apocalypse-gaining-momentum-all-over-america-your-favorite-chain-closing =
    Unfortunately, this is just the beginning.
    Analysts at UBS are projecting that approximately 45,000 stores will be permanently shut down in the U.S. during the years in front of us…
    About 45,000 retail stores may close in the coming years as retail’s physical footprint increasingly shifts to serve as fulfillment and distribution centers, UBS analysts led by Michael Lasser said in an April 22 report.

  422. christine reeves

    Morning Greg, One of the most beautiful songs ever,,,,,,,if you might want to listen?


  423. Old Rancher

    WOW! Glad He brought you through it! Dang …DANG! We’d miss you if He decided your time was up.

    • Greg Hunter

      Yes, Jehovah and Jesus brought me through! AMEN!!!!!

  424. Richard Atlanta

    Hallelujah, Amen. What is one reason I listen to all your podcasts? YOU mention with your mouth, heard by millions, the name of JESUS!

    A plague has infected America, the Glorious name of Jesus is not spoken in MSM, Congress, society, or in public. Words have meaning, the tongue is the most powerful muscle in our body, and the single most powerful WORD is JESUS……the three most powerful words are “ Jesus Save ME”.

    May God continue to Bless you, heal you, provide you with Provision and even Prosperity,
    In the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.

  425. christine reeves

    Greg, beause laughter is so wonderful………..Dennis Reagan………failing out of kingergarten!

    • Galaxy 500

      Kindergarten… not just an easy time but an entirely different world.
      Thanks again for the laughs

  426. christine reeves

    Another laughter video by Fred Klett……..if you might like to listen?


    • Galaxy 500

      Ahahaha… yes, Momma didn’t use time outs and the real punishment came when Daddy got home.
      Thanks for the laughs

  427. christine reeves

    Greg, One more funny video from Bob Stromberg……..hilarious! This will help your heart heal…………..but hurt your stomach…………from laughingf!!!!!!!

  428. Galaxy 500

    Monkey pox is a STD that is rampant in the homosexual community… so this is a Democrat health emergency


  429. Prospector

    Social security admin ” hacked ” , FOUR months ago. Just learning it now.
    Now, this news is coming out just as the U.N. rolls out it’s latest power grab ” treaty “.
    Are they related ? Coincidence ?

    Martin Armstrong explains :

    ” This treaty they just proposed is called the Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the Use of Information and Communications Technologies for Criminal Purposes, pretending this is about cybercrime. Still, it is not – it is about censorship. The UN claims this is the only way to create peace by putting them in charge of the world – unelected, of course.”


    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement demanding action and accountability from the Biden-Harris administration following reporting from the Los Angeles Times that a massive security breach, conducted four months ago, has potentially stolen the Social Security numbers and other sensitive information of every American citizen.

    Senator Rick Scott said, “It is disturbing and unacceptable that Americans are just now learning of this massive hack, which allowed criminal hackers to gain access to and now offer for sale approximately 2.9 billion records, which the Los Angeles Times reports include, ‘the full names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security numbers and phone numbers, along with alternate names and birth dates,’ of American citizens. While we learn more about this breach, the Biden-Harris administration must detail what is being done to hold the contractor that was holding this data, National Public Data, accountable for its failure to protect against this hack.

    News Blackout on this or what ???

  430. mhh

    Thank God. You are indispensable.

  431. Prospector

    What a wonderful excuse to push everyone into a new fangled — DIGITAL I.D. SYSTEM.

    Knightsbridge Research


    A major hack targeting a large data broker took place four months ago, capturing 2.9 billion personal records. Since the hack, the information was not released publicly until earlier this month, when a member of the group began publishing the data on an online marketplace. That post was not initially discovered by researchers until earlier this week.

    The released data includes social security numbers, names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, and other personal information.

    “If this in fact is pretty much the whole dossier on all of us, it certainly is much more concerning,” said Teresa Murray, Consumer Watchdog Director for the US Public Information Research Group. “And if people weren’t taking precautions in the past, which they should have been doing, this should be a five-alarm wake-up call for them.”

  432. Prospector

    Martin Armstrong – 1 day ago. Interview with Michael Farris on ” Coffee and a Mike Show ( Rumble . com )


    He talks the world moving into a revolutionary period, craziness in the UK, neocons supporting Kamala, Russia/Ukraine, Turkey being the concern in the Middle East and much more.

  433. Prospector

    LTC Steven Murray interview with Matt Bracken ; LIVE 4 PM EST.
    Replay on Rumble.


    Matt Bracken is a former Navy SEAL that has made many spot on predictions.
    He regularly calls out the traitors helping the border invasion and other misdeeds.

  434. Brian Bowen


    So glad you came out of the bi-pass surgery and are on the mend!

    I wanted to share with you and all your listeners/readers a preventative measure everyone can take. Unfortunately insurance doesn’t help pay for it (its preventative, that’s why!). The company is Virtual Imaging. They have two locations in Atlanta. I believe the other one is in Bethesda, Maryland. Back in 2020, these were the only two cities you could find these types of scans. There might be more of them now in other locations. I was told during my consultation back in 2020 that all the Presidents use their scans at the Maryland location as part of their yearly physicals. Virtual Imaging does heart scans and full body scans (from waste up to lower neck).

    I have a full body scan done yearly now. The reason I do all of this is because I lost my father at age 58 in 2006. He was eaten up with vascular disease and had a major heart attack in 1995. He had quadruple bi-pass in 1996. Then right before Christmas of 2019, I lost my youngest brother at age 40. He dropped dead of a massive heart attack caused by a pulmonary embolism while we were all gathered for a Christmas weekend together. My brother went to an emergency room 2 or 3 days before he died. They did an EKG and it found nothing. They told him he probably just had acid reflex, WTH!

    I knew about Virtual Imaging well before this happened to my brother as WSB Radio out of Atlanta heavily advertises for this company. These scans do work! I am fortunate right now that I have basically a zero calcium score (no blockages). The body scans pick up things that I was already aware having which proved to me that they work.

    Here is the link to their website if anyone is interested. I make nothing from providing this information. Just hope it might be helpful to others. I have met patients in the waiting room over the years that have had past heart attacks. They monitor themselves now with this imaging too.


    Best wishes on a healthy and speedy recovery Greg!

  435. Jay R.N.

    God bless you and the outcome Greg! Welcome back and let’s get through this crazy election and the rest of this year. We will have to be fighting all the demons the entire way.

  436. sam

    So glad you’re OK. Was worried with the sudden silence. To avoid a further heart attack just give blood once or twice a year. (Dr Jonathan Wright) It reduces the viscosity and the risk hugely. Also for women after menopause.
    Can also take nattokinase away from meals. Proteolytic enzymes eat up any debris in the body including the bloodstream as well as lysine. Check for electromagnetic pollution also. Get a professional from somewhere like geovital. Its a big topic but people can also be targeted.

  437. Galaxy 500

    Where do these people think this money they give away comes from? Not them…


  438. Galaxy 500

    So these people just abandon their post and bring a baby to breastfeed? This woman isn’t going to take a bullet for anyone…

    More good news… all of your information has been stolen…


    • Katy Bar

      G500 – A breastfeeding woman may not take a bullet for anyone but there may be exceptions!! Consider “a Chameleon” like Presidential Candidate “KHAMELEON HARRIS” who can not only “Change Color and Change Ethnicity, but also Camouflage her True Nature “With An Insidious and Annoying Laughter”. Now, she is taking on Trumps policies “as her own” (like no tax on tips) … So I wonder?? Can she also get her ear shot off???

      • Galaxy 500

        I hope nothing happens to Kamel-ala because it is my belief that YHWH will not protect her as he did Trump. Evil doesn’t find favor in the eyes of our Lord Jehovah.

  439. Malinda

    Hello Greg,
    I am happy to see that you are making a quick recovery. I have missed your news analysis.
    Two physicians have had their American Board (ABIM) Certification revoked for Covid “misinformation.”


  440. Galaxy 500

    Did you see this? China allowed its oligarchs to rape pillage and plunder


  441. Mickey

    Great to see you back, God bless and praying for your full recovery.

  442. Tim W

    Godspeed, brother. I am So glad you are still here, on assignment, and have work to do!

  443. Galaxy 500

    Our current President and VP want you hurt. They have allowed criminals and terrorist to go free even after rape


  444. Shiloh1

    Coffee and a Mike – Dave Collum and JJ Carrell discuss border crisis and trafficking –


  445. Galaxy 500

    So is she gonna get better protection than the president? I mean the real President Trump.
    And why I am having to pay for her protection? She should be in protection… like in Jail… for conspiracy to murder a President…
    And Beijing Biden didn’t order this…

  446. Charles Turner

    So sorry to hear about your heart attack. So glad your are on the road to recovery. When you are better, i would be interested on your take on what is happening in the UK. I used to look at the American Justice system with horror, but in the UK our legal system has died in the last two weeks. Get well soon.

  447. sam

    Dear Greg
    I sent a message yesterday but it doens’t seem to have appeared.
    So glad you’re better. I was wondering what had happened to you.
    A tip regarding the heart. Give blood once or twice a year (Dr Jonathan Wright) it reduces the risk massively as its the viscosity that causes the problem and branching of the arteries.
    Can take proteolytic enzymes that eat any debris they find in the blood.
    Also could interview Dr Shelly Rogers or Dr Stephen Sinatra on the subject ,
    GEt a survey of your house by someone from Geovital. Really important.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sam. This one is here.

  448. Bill McFarlane

    Seed Oils about 14 min in to the video, thought you might be interested.

  449. Harvey Ackermann

    Greg, you have many people watching over you and prayers really do work !
    Glad to see you back. God has Blessed you.

  450. Arn Handler

    Open War on Putin? NATO Nation Aided Ukraine’s Kursk Incursion, Report Makes Stunning Revelations Times of India Aug 16, 2024
    Reports indicate that Ukrainian troops received training in the UK a month before their incursion into Russia’s Kursk region. The Times revealed that this training, conducted alongside British soldiers, focused on high-rise building raids. Kyiv reportedly utilized some of its most battle-hardened fighters for the operation, taken from other frontline areas. On August 6, Ukrainian forces launched their largest attack on Russian territory since the conflict began in February 2022.

    International affairs and security analyst Mark Sleboda joins the show to break down Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive, including what Putin is preparing for Ukraine as the NATO-backed invasion crosses a red line that cannot be taken back. This stream will cover all the most important stories in geopolitics today with a heavy emphasis on the Russia-Ukraine conflict that has just accelerated its dangerous path to WWIII. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csQcpKzM_Ao

    Lisbon 1956 Film in English, Ray Milland, Maureen O’Hara, Claude Rains
    Helona Music 95K views 3 days ago
    Lisbon 1956 Film in English, Ray Milland, Maureen O’Hara, Claude Rains

  451. A.Handler

    Open War on Putin? NATO Nation Aided Ukraine’s Kursk Incursion, Report Makes Stunning Revelations Times of India

  452. Karen Kingston

    Dear Greg,

    So grateful, joyful and relieved that you are doing well! We’ve all be praying for you. Praise God you are fully-recovering and looking well! I am so proud of you for holding your ground with the cardiac surgeons in refusing the blood transfusions. (Sounds like you educated them on the bioweapon shots as well).

    With appreciation for you and all you do! – Karen Kingston

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Sister Karen. I had a good appointment today with my doctor. My recovery is coming along nicely.
      Brother Greg

      • Galaxy 500

        Wonderful news, Greg. Jehovah is great!

  453. John

    No problem Greg, nothing happened while you were gone.

  454. Richard Longacre

    Sounds like the hand of God was protecting you Greg.

    FYI: Dr. Pierre Kory under attack from the IM Medical Board from promoting Ivermectin and HCQ as treatments for CV-19 and speaking out against the bioweapon jabs.
    ‘Medical Warfare’: Doctors Who Questioned COVID Shots, Promoted Ivermectin Lose Certification
    The American Board of Internal Medicine last week revoked the certifications of Drs. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, following a two-year investigation into their promotion of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as treatments for COVID-19 and their statements questioning the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

    • Greg Hunter

      There is no doubt Jehovah and Jesus protected me. They get all the glory!!

  455. Galaxy 500

    Even HS students know Kamel-ala is full of Shiite…

  456. Robert Veklotz

    How about putting your comment section at the beginning of the comments instead of the end. It worse than scrolling for my year of birth. Anyway welcome back.

  457. Galaxy 500

    This is how you destroy a nation. You attack all organizations that are required to be a nation. Military, Law Enforcement, Justice, Banking, commerce, medical and most of all, borders and Free and Fair Elections
    Biden/Harris import at least 300,000 criminals a month and give them benefits that patriots who served our nation for years don’t get. How can a government give benefits to criminals (and everyone who enters our nation illegally is an F’ing criminal) that tax paying citizens don’t get and those who served in the military should get but don’t get even close to what these illegals and destroyers of our peace get.

  458. Joseph Boudreau

    @BooBooWrites on X / Sweptoverniagara on Rumble
    I just came back to Ontario after spending a week helping my elderly sister in Nova Scotia who needed my help badly for work around her house. I knew you’d gone offline for more than a month and was very concerned for your well being. Coming back and finding a new message from you for this video gave me an overwhelming sense of relief. Everyone goes to Tucker which is fine. He’s a great guy but my go to is Greg Hunter. Thank you for sharing the news with us. I prayed for you when there was no update. I hope it made a difference. Actually, I know it did.
    Welcome back, Greg, stronger than ever. God is great!
    Best wishes,

  459. Galaxy 500

    Wednesday Adams said, “Be afraid, be very, very afraid.” And what these cretins are doing to rush WW III into being before Trump gets elected because they will do anything to achieve their goal. The goal is the destruction of America and the disarming and subjugation of its population. They seek to make us serfs who will own nothing and who will be “Happy.”
    Turns out Orwell was a prophet.
    Some people are just wrong, having a void in their character and morals. And they committed a coup stealing the last election. They engaged in Soviet Era show trials for manufactured crimes committed by those that oppose their agenda. Look at what they have done to the J6ers and to President Trump. Your are next if you get in the way or they need an example, whether or not you are guilty. And they will murder you without a qualm. Just ask about the guy in AR that traded guns who they murdered.

  460. Jeff

    welcome back brother Greg,

    I had a similar experience, mine started
    June, 21st, 2021. I brought my wife of 34½ years home from the hospital on hospice care. They were scheduling her for a heart & lung transplant . Sadly the very last test they did found lung cancer, so at that point the put her on hospice care and discharged her. She wanted to go into a hospice placement to spare me from watching it happen.. I wasn’t having any of that and brought her home with me. I just said babydoll I’ve got this, I’ll take care of you.

    They had only given her 2½ weeks at best, they were wring it was 2½ days and she was gone.. She passed away on father’s day that year, and the very next day was my birthday.. I was helping her in the bathroom to get ready for bed, she wanted to brush her teeth at the sink, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. So she passed away standing up, I grabber her and held on for life, and called for my youngest son who was still here, he hadn’t left yet.. In waiting for him she had taken her last breath, and was called home. she was suffering no more, she was home. All I could do is kiss her, tell her that I loved her, and that it was OK to go.. my son came running in right after that, he said ( dad what happened )? I just said your mother is gone, please help me lay her on the floor.. the he said ( what do we do dad )? I jyst nothing, absolutely nothing. we both know CPR and he has a fireman’s degree..

    So now my story begins….

    The company that was contracted for her oxygen came to pick up her equipment.. And right before the gentleman left, he said
    ( Can I tell you something )? I said sure. he said ( watch yourself ) I said what do you mean? . He said that he was a ICU nurse in a major HOSPITAL for 30 years.. He said. ( ive seen this happen so many, many times in my carrier ).. That when 2 people have been married for that many years, and have the amount of love that you have for eachother, when one goes first, it’s generally not long till the other one goes to.. I didn’t give it much thought at the time. as my world had entered the upside-down.. About a year later my son was over, he said dad you sleeping in the couch? I had said yes I am and that I wasn’t feeling that good I ha MD thought we both had gotten food poisoning.. We were in the middle of a power outage, so we both thought we had some bad food as we both said it tasted funny and threw it out. Later that night I had such bad pain, I thought it was gastritis from the bad food we had both ate, the symptoms for gastritis and heart attack are almost the same.. So I just went to sleep, and I gad asked him to check on me if he was going to be up late.. Ge said he would. A few weeks went by and I was doing a load of laundry, I was waiting for it to finish, I was sitting on the couch texting my sister.. When out of the blue everything I tried to spell came out all jumbled up and un readable no matter what I did.. I tried to tell my sister that something was wrong and I needed help right now.. I just couldn’t text, my sister at all at that point. So I remembered my sin had spent the night. So I managed to get down the hallway and opened his door, he was sleeping. Then I startled him, and he woke up, he said. ( dad, are you alright )? I looked at him and said blah, blah, blah , blah, I couldn’t talk.. Then he said he was calling an ambulance, I just gave him the thumbs up..

    When I had gotten to the hospital, they wheeled me right into the CT scan right away, then they wheeled me into the ER. The scan report came back that I had a stroke, So they started the clot buster drug on me and I was admitted to the hospital.. Further tests showed that I had 2 heart attacks and I had never sought treatment for as I thought I had gastritis I’ve had it many times before and went to the hospital for it, only to be sent home with a you have gas diagnosis… So when it haooened I just thought It was gas as the symptoms are almost the same.. So at trust point I knew I had 2 heart attacks and a stroke. I spent a few days in the hospital and was discharged awaiting a test.. I had the test where the run a camera through the arterie in your wrist and into your heart.. That procedure told me I was plugged up big time. So, I scheduled my appointment for a quadruple bypass on Dec, 28th. 2 days after Christmas. . I went under the knife and was wheeled into the ICU. when my sister had walked in she said I was a bluish purple color, and my vent to was disconnected. so I was struggling to get oxygen. my sister said the alarms where going off and knowine came to help. So, she picked up the buzzer and was buzzing them too. Finally someone came in the room and said wjlhats wrong? my sister said he can’t breath.. I blacked out by that point. All the hospitals were short staffed because of the plandemic.. So i almost died in the hospita too .

    And good luck if you need pain meds.. I can’t take anything but Tylenol because of the stomach problems I have.

    Then a couple days later , one of my chest tubes opened up and was letting air get in. So my surgeon was making his rounds and noticed it was leaking. He said I’ll be right back, I’m going to get suture and lidocaine to numb it up.. He came back in the room with just the suture and said we don’t have any lidocaine. he held up the needle and said ( you ok with this )? I said your here now, and have it in your hand, ( go for it.. ) He just said it’s going to really hurt .. Well, if you’ve ever had chest tubes before you’ll know getting stitched back up is a walk un the park, compared to the pain from the tubes.. By the time they pulled the tubes I had enough, I rang the buzzer, and told the nurse I’m going home tomorrow get my discharge papers in order.. Well tomorrow came and it was about 4 pm, and no discharge papers to be seen.. So I started disconnecting myself from the equipment. the alarms were going off and this time they came running in and so did the Dr.. They said what are you fmdoung? I said I’m going home, I told you yesterday. The Dr said were going to keep you another 5 days. uhh, no your not. I said look doc, ( is my problem fixed ) he said yes. I said well then I’ll feel just as crappy here as I will at home then. He said you have a point. So he issued the discharge papers.. he said not many people want to go home 5 days after a quadruple. I just said I bet, please sign my papers.. So off I went..

    please excuse any typos or miss spellings. I have a hard time since the stroke..
    I will keep you I’m my prayers Greg, God bless you and you family..

    it’s a very painful long recovery, I think coughing , and being short on breath were 2 i of my biggest struggles in comming home. Just taking a shower is a major workout. . my son had to go back to work so till he got back home I was on my own.. Also I’ve always wondered if what that gentleman said that day had anything to do with this happening in that time frame. plugged arteries are something that takes years to develop.. I’m I’m shape always have been, I wear the same size clothes I did back in high-school , A large Tshirt and my waist size is 32. And I quit drinking alcohol 31 years ago this September..

    • Greg Hunter

      Brother jeff,
      You have been tested. Please stay strong and do not give up. The world needs a strong, good person like you in the flesh. I think Jehovah and Jesus agree as they have saved you. Thank you for sharing your story.

  461. Galaxy 500

    Thank you Kamel-ala. Bless your corrupt black hearted communist soul…


  462. Galaxy 500

    Ground level reporting…
    My health insurance went up significantly and supplied less coverage… Thank you Obama, Buy-Dem and Harris.
    And my FEMA flood insurance? Up 18%. I am glad there is no inflation. And this property and the ones around me haven’t had a claim
    “Risk Rating 2.0 changed how FEMA calculated NFIP policy prices so that insurance rates more accurately reflect an individual property’s flood risk. FEMA Risk Rating 2.0 rates were not expected to dramatically change for most current policyholders. Rate increases are capped at 18 percent per year.”

  463. JK GATTO


  464. Galaxy 500

    A terrorist tried to get into Quantico and now terrorist ATT a military base…


  465. Galaxy 500

    I said this months ago… you can’t be Christian and vote for evil, you can’t vote Demoncrats and be a Christian…

  466. Galaxy 500

    And this Shiite requires a vote? That number of ballots cast equal number of voters


  467. [email protected]

    glad you are back and on the road to full recovery

  468. Galaxy 500

    This isn’t justice nor is it even reasonable

  469. Maureen Cox

    Hi Greg! So glad to hear you are on the mend! I pray for your speedy recovery.
    May God bless you and your family!

  470. Galaxy 500

    Soviet Style Price control…

    ‘Kamunism’ trends on X after Kamala Harris releases communist-style price controls
    Harris unveiled several economic policies she would attempt to implement, including forcing taxpayers to subsidize first-time home buyers up to $25,000 as well as controlling prices on groceries and prescription drugs.


  471. Galaxy 500

    Kamunist and Tampon Tim
    Are these the best and brightest that EVIL has to offer? Or would these fuktards be considered the Worst and Dimmest? The MOST useful idiots in the DNC? You judge…


  472. Galaxy 500

    when did we get to this point? The banality of evil?

  473. Galaxy 500

    I like Twitchy… compared to Loving and respecting Greg’s USAWatchdog and most of it’s commenters.
    Not all, Galaxy? Heck, NO! Respect is earned. There are trolls and likely paid ones at that trying to undermine the truth and truth, the Word, and Greg’s reporting with honesty and great effort for the truth. There are people posting attempting to get people to buy medical quackery, products that are worthless, etc. And then there are the ungodly cultists (Mormons, JWs, and Scientologists) attempting to subvert those seeking Jehovah. Fear not.


    Photo of Kamala Harris ‘Literally’ Made Supporter Gasp; ‘She’s Perfect’
    Brett T.

    This editor is old enough to remember early during the Biden administration when Democrat elites were calling for Pete Buttigieg to be swapped in for Kamala Harris as vice president as she was so unpopular. Her 2020 run for president showed how unpopular she was.

    Last month, before Harris had been coronated, Jeremy Peters of the New York Times told MSNBC that Democratic donors considered Harris the weakest candidate to take Joe Biden’s place:

    But coronated she was. There would be no brokered convention. And for the past three weeks, she’s been enjoying a honeymoon period with the press who crow about her “joyous message” while not getting to ask her any questions. The Democrats have called her an icon and a legend.

    This resister saw this photo of Harris and knew she was presidential material.

    Whoops … wrong photo.

    Look at her … walking. That’s more iconic than the photo of Donald Trump’s attempted assassination.

    Yeah, seeing Joe Biden shuffle around in his big shoes for the last few months has really lowered the bar.

    Even her suggestion of Soviet-style price controls didn’t make us literally gasp.

    How is this person going to watch the Democratic National Convention … hopefully with oxygen nearby.

  474. WestcoastDeplroable

    Greg you did the right thing refusing the blood; I would have done the same thing or checked to see if my wife’s blood is compatible (neither of us had the jab).
    I’m thrilled you’re recovering nicely and I think you’re doing the right thing to just take it a step at a time in coming back with your content. Your fans will still be here. Funny how near-death experiences draw you closer to Him, isn’t it?

  475. Janice Bechdolt

    Please take care of yourself….you are very important to the world

  476. Kay

    Welcome back!! We love you!

    • Greg Hunter

      Sister Kay,
      Love you back!!
      Brother Greg

  477. Dan Fournier

    Welcome back my Christian brother Greg!

    I prayed for you and will continue to do so.

    I am very glad you are doing better despite all you’ve been through in the last several weeks. On the positive side, you look 10 years younger!

    Please re-start slowly and keep in a positive vibrational state my friend.

    All the best,

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks Brother Dan!!!
      Brother Greg

  478. Galaxy 500

    Mark Kelly is an Idiot. If you don’t believe me, read this…

  479. Galaxy 500

    I know Jesus and his and my Heavenly Father, YHWH or Jehovah, doesn’t want me to hate these demons that seek to destroy both our country and our lives. How does this guy get to be part of our team?
    How are him, Romney, Murkowski and Collins on our side and in our party? Ok, I am not a republican and I believe that Trump should start new party. But we work with the tools we have. YHWH uses all. Even a most unworthy servant such as myself.
    Don’t you love all the MSM (Mendacious Skat-eating Media) stories about how well Kamel-tow is doing? How she is going to win. A woman who is less popular and has less accomplishments than SLO-Joe Buy-Dem. I know it’s hard to believe for some that there is actually a number less than ZERO. And that Kamel-tow brings fascism and corruption to an already corrupt administration. And Kamel-tow speaking ability is only marginally better than Buy-dem.


  480. Galaxy 500

    87 years isn’t enough, not by a long shot


    Tampon Tim has his very own little red book. H it’s not that Tampon hates freedom

    Kamel-ala will lie, will promise anything. And then do what her puppet masters tell her to do…

  481. Winston Hammerud

    Great you are back Greg. We prayed for you. God has you here for His reasons for “such a season as this.” You are breath of fresh air in a world of lies. God bless you.

  482. Garrett

    All the best Greg , good to have you back, and thanks for your testimony.

  483. Nila Ridings

    So thankful you are back and feeling better!

    Thank you for educating those doctors!

    God Bless and keep you healthy for decades to come!

  484. Fritz

    Thanks to your understanding of the truth, you didn’t take the poison shot. If you had, it would have most likely killed you instantly, or at the least within days. All the best Greg!

    • Greg Hunter

      No CV19 injections and NO blood transfusions for me. Thanks for caring about me!!

  485. Mark Hoffman

    What a harrowing experience. Glad to see you back and looking well. Wishing you a speedy full recovery. Thanks for all you do.
    Mark Hoffman

  486. John

    Greg, I’m glad you’re ok. How about changing your channel to one that provides hope and solutions instead of preaching doom and gloom that gives your audience fear and anxiety. I can’t think of a single episode where you focused on something positive. You know positive news is still considered news.

    • Greg Hunter

      I am a reporter, John. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

  487. Maurice Smiley

    Welcome back Greg! Nothing but positive thoughts for you! Get better soon (take your time) as we look forward to the new Greg 2.0! By the way, the wife says to stay away from seed oils and processed foods.

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks, Maurice, for your kind words, advice and for helping me every month!!

  488. Tucker Trucker Patriot (Carol Anne Tucer)

    Wow, I’ve been wondering why I have not gotten any weekly news wrap up video updates from your channel. Thank YESHUA for your blessed recovery Greg. It’s hard to keep a GOOD MAN down. 😉

  489. Göran Löfstedt

    Invite dr Chris Knobbe and get a better understanding what caused your heart problems. Good info for many others also.

  490. john beasley

    I am very sorry to hear you have been very sick with heart problems. Go easy on yourself, God bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Less importantly, My account on X has been locked twice in the last week. I repost articles from the internet and YouTube. Also, oddly, a person identifying as Elon Musk asks would X users like to have breakfast with him? Strange to me.
    All the best Greg.

  491. john beasley

    Wow, frightening Greg. God bless you in the name of Jesus Christ. I am turning 70, and since the pandemic, I have been sick a lot. I can’t do construction work anymore. I will send you some money.

    • Greg Hunter

      Get some Ivermectin instead of donating to USAW if you have been vax injured. This is Dr. Kory’s top drug for treatment. He uses 9 mgs per 100 pounds. I am not a doctor, but just passing good information.

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