Market Plummets if Global Central Banks Pull Plug – Nomi Prins

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Two time best-selling book author Nomi Prins says the rescue policies of the 2008 financial crisis are still with us today. Prins is out with a brand new book called “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World.” The enormity of our current global debt problem is caused by central bankers.  Prins explains, “It is huge.  The debt is between two and a half to three times global GDP, which is an historical high.  Debt to GDP throughout the developed world is higher than it has ever been, and it continues to grow.  Why?  Because money continues to be conjured up and rendered cheap for the participants at the top of the financial system.  The banks, the major corporations, the people who make money out of that, and it hasn’t washed down to the rest of the economy.  This is why most people feel this anxiety about another potential financial crisis, but also about what happens every day in their own pocketbooks.  So, it is worse.  These central banks today, 10 years after the financial crisis occurred, that was supposed to be an emergency situation.  They have $21 trillion worth of conjured money in return for debt assets, stocks and corporate bonds around the world.  If they pulled that plug, if they were to take down any of the $21 trillion, even a little bit . . . it would begin to create a major rupture in the financial system.  This is why I say the central banks are the market.  Without them, the markets would be nowhere near these highs. If they pulled their help and subsidies, the market would plummet really quickly.”  

Prins admits this has gone on for longer than most believed possible, but says it can’t go on forever. How does it all end?  Prins, who was a former top Wall Street banker, says, “We will eventually get a crash because, at some point, the amount of quantitative easing, or conjured money to buy assets out of the market to pump up the . . . financial system, will come to this head where even though these major central banks are continuing to dump money in.  There will be ruptures at the bottom of the economy . . . even though they are borrowing cheap money, they just can’t make enough money to service very cheap debt.  Consumers, who are at all-time debt highs, don’t have enough to continue to service their debt.  When these things happen at the same time in terms of lack of payments, delinquencies and defaults, then money will be taken out of the stock markets to plug the gap, and then the stock market comes down.  It will start with debt disintegrating, defaulting or having delinquencies. . . . The behavior that happens after this is the seizure of credit and lack of confidence everywhere.  When the cracks start, they will get bigger and bigger faster, and that’s when we have a crash.”

Will the next crash be worse than the last one? Prins says, “Yes, it will because we will be falling from a higher height.  The idea here is you are sinking on the Titanic as opposed to sinking on a canoe somewhere.  All of this artificial conjured money is puffing up the system, along with money that is borrowed cheaply is also puffing up the system and creating asset bubbles everywhere.  So, when things pop, there is more leakage to happen.  The air in all these bubbles has created larger bubbles than we have had before.”

How does the common man protect himself? Prins says, “They have to own things, and by that I mean real assets, hard assets like silver and gold.  That’s not as liquid, so taking cash out of banks and sort of keeping it in real things and keeping it on site . . . keeping cash physically.  You need to extract it from the system because the reality is when a financial crisis happens, banks close their doors to depositors. . . . Also, basically try to decrease your debt.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with two-time, best-selling author Nomi Prins, who just released “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged The World.”

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“Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World.”

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  1. Paul ...

    Prins has the banksters number! … smart lady!!

    • Paul ...

      The banksters are running the world financial system like a bunch of loose canons (just like that loose canon Terror-isa May) they do not consider reality but wing it simply on their imaginary thoughts … it is time for both the banksters and Terror-isa to go … I see Trump has the same “flaw” (of not taking the time to consider the evidence before launching Tomahawks)!!

      • Paul ...

        To change our world for the better … we must first acknowledge what we are dealing with … political and bankster loose cannons, false flags, fake news and phony crypto (the “supposed answer” to the banksters fiat shenanigans is now found to be flawed … … so now even crypto “is fake” … where one hundredth of “an imaginary” Bitcoin has a value of $96 dollars … imagine that you snowflakes … an imaginary Bitcoin penny worth almost a $100 dollar bill … I can be a dreamer too … where the “real nickel” in my pocket should currently be worth at least five Bitcoin pennies (or $482 dollars each)!!

        • Beverly Kingsford

          How do we survive in this world? That is the BIG question. We’ve got to back away from the worldly system and start living like the Amish. The big problem with doing such a thing, is energy—-where do we get our electricity from if we are to quit using fiat currencies? If we are dependent upon power companies to live, they will probably only take payment in their acceptable form for their social power structure. We can learn to live without electricity, or we can develop our own ways of generating it, that are affordable to all. We can’t afford to be greedy and be just about making money. We need to be working together as communities to overcome this hold that the bankers have on us. When the time comes for them to collapse the system, they will throw an EMP at the U.S. because they know that is where our vulnerability lies. No electricity and everything stops.

  2. Maria das Santos

    Thanks Mr Hunter and Ms Prins.
    On page 252 of the book “Collusion”,Ms Prins quotes Joseph Stiglitz who wrote an op-ed for the LA Times(don’t laugh!) in August 2015,”Quantitative easing was yet another instance of FAILED TRICKLE-DOWN economics-by giving more to the rich,the Fed hoped that everyone would benefit.But so far,these policies have enriched the few without returning the economy to full employment or broadly shared income growth”
    From my own perspective of scrubbing floors-YES!And still it continues.Dr McHugh went to congress and presented a paper in 2006 urging a tax return of at least $50,000 to USA tax payers when and after the crisis occurred i 2007/08,he dared to suggest that a dollar creation of $3.5Trillions were needed,you can imagine the guffaws from the likes of Chad and Brad.Today that would have been a snip and the USA would not be in this terrible mess.However within her own borders deceit lies particularly at the gate keeper level.Watching “China Hustle” on Netflix,I can only sit agog at the insouciance of the lawyers,accountants and the banks whose admitted functions were to assure the “paper work was right”whilst selling Chinese dross to American savers desperate for income in 2009 onward .The idea that a former peasant woke up one morning and decided to sell American savers shares in his business with turnovers of about $10Millions as declared to the Chinese regulator(SIC) whilst declaring to the unreachable American regulator (SEC)$100Millions turnover and they were celebrated,yes very amusing.These savers lost between $10-$50 Billions of blood sweat and tears to a bunch of liars in China and enablers in the USA.Who is worse?
    Ms Prins admits ,”IN January 2017,the World Economic Forum admitted that rising inequality threatens the world economy.These colluders provoke inequality because it benefits them and the preservation of their global hierarchies to the detriment of everything and everyone else”No,go away,you think!
    Ten years of emergency measures from the Fed and beyond.Perhaps we are all Madam Defarges knitting the elite into our commentary as they are propelled to their guillotines .The Fed allowing thirty-four of the largest Wall Street banks to pass its stress test and then buy back more of their own shares,elevating their stock prices rather than expand their loan services for small businesses and Main Street customers.So planning to buy $92.8Billions of their own stock with the Fed’s blessing.
    Having just read Collusion and watched China Hustle,my floors are spotless and I broke a treadmill,I may take up MMA.
    The restraint we will have to exercise in relation to theses elites is beyond human,how do we proceed with a gang list on pages IX of Collusion.
    Still the wallets of the USA are being picked and no outrage with all their guns,and we expect a different response?
    Today China is lending money to countries and building a network of rail to sell its dross to the world,Mr President where is the USA ?

    • Rodney King

      if you ever take to interviewing some of your commentators here on, I’m looking foreword to finding out a little bit about this fine little old lady from the old country of jolly old England. She is very interesting and thoughtfully informative, with a wealth-full of knowledge and humor and a strange sounding name you’d think would be from south of the border, not from the isles of Great Britain! Haven’t been in the Isles since 68, when we thought we were so Mod! So it’s been awhile now 50 years on. Were all so more modern now, on the verge of a new world of what? After the collapse, Armageddon, or true peace and security?
      It’s good to know your out there Maria and you’ll never know how much your appreciated here in the old new world.
      Only in Norte Americana
      THE END

      • Maria das Santos

        Mr King,how kind.I unfortunately have a face for radio and a voice for print.My name is a product of grandpa,who was a slave in the former Congo being shipped with family back to Madeira(the polite name was indentured servant)who worked in the fields,where he secured work cleaning hotel rooms.So exactly “deplorable”material!I myself am a mere cleaner who leaves her frustration with my “deplorable”colleagues on kitchen floors across London,scrubbing can be so cathartic.
        I really do wish I understood the lies of our hidden elite but they must ask themselves ,”where do we run to when all is done?”However,the lack of response from the people of Russia after being plundered is astounding,perhaps this is the model the elite presumes upon.The elites’ “kettling”continues the last bite back against this mechanism,which I was close to,was Northern Ireland,although I would guess there have been a few private bite backs.
        Mr King,sir,when do the people of the USA say enough and really scare the elite?

  3. FC

    The ‘Pringles Collapse’ once it pops it won’t stop.

  4. William Stanley

    Mr. Hunter: Thanks for the wonderful interview of Nomi Prins!
    We are seeing a convergence of knowledgeable opinion about the nature of the financial/economic crisis. There also is a growing willingness to contemplate the possible exogenous and/or endogenous triggering events of the coming crash and how it is likely to play out in its earlier stages, at least.
    Unfortunately, relatively few are willing to extrapolate to the middle or end stages of the crash, for obvious reasons: the possible paths though all of this are multitudinous. Nevertheless, the destination seems clear enough. It’s like the buildup of a snow cornice at the top of a mountain: we all know that eventually one snowflake too many will fall, we just don’t know which one it will be or when the avalanche will be triggered. However don’t we also know that the “village” and its inhabitants at the bottom of the mountain are going to get wiped out . . . unless they are extraordinarily prepared?
    I think you, personally, have been quite a bit more clear about all this than, even, your wonderful guests.
    It’s time, I think, to devote more attention to our “preparations.”

    • This sceptred Isle

      You are a Jim Rickards fan I see.

      • William Stanley

        TSI: You got me.

  5. Ismar

    👍👏 excellent Nomi Prins all problem comes from central banks the next stage is war.

  6. NH Watcher

    The “little guy” (and I count myself among them) may not have the resources to buy gold or silver, so I am glad she also emphasized getting out of debt and having cash on hand (the proverbial “under your mattress”). No matter what happens to the US dollar long term, in the short term, CASH will be king, and more importantly, small denominations (1s, 5s, 10s, and 20s). Do not simply take whatever amount of money out of the bank in 50s and 100s.

    People will learn a hard lesson about debt and credit when their bank accounts are frozen, and their “debt” is paid first. I spoke with a neighbor yesterday who actually seemed clueless as to why a tow truck showed up at her house to repossess her car after she neglected to make her last three car payments (“I simply don’t have the money.”) She was forced to actually talk to her lender and negotiate a revised payment plan in order to keep her car … but still actually seemed surprised that she had to do so!?!?

    In the next crisis, I do not believe lenders will be as forgiving.

    • Greg Hunter

      if nothing else buy some silver coins and few a month. It’s so cheap you cannot go wrong. I am a little guy too.

      • NH Watcher

        I am not against buying gold or silver, but honestly, I would like one of your guests to speculate on how exactly one’s gold or silver will be redeemed after the next crisis hits. I know that cash will eventually be worthless, and I cannot see how gold or silver will eventually not be confiscated. We are moving into a cashless, mark of the beast society. In that sense, I believe it is more important to think how am I going to survive over a course of three to six months, versus one to two years or longer. If the elite truly believe in their plan of eugenics, all of us “little guys” will not be part of the new world order anyway.

        • This Sceptred Isle

          I am just interested in buying assets that will survive a crash/reset. I will worry about the rest later.

          • Jodyp

            That’s right TSI. Even with all the predictions( educated guesses) no one knows for sure what a real crisis will be like. CYA is good advise.

          • William Stanley

            TSI: I worry about you living in London . . . no guns or knives to protect yourself. Maybe you should get one of these:

            • This sceptred Isle

              Wow! looks effective. I fear I would be my own worst enemy if I carried a weapon around – probably sit on it and shoot my arse.

              • Greg Hunter

                In a social meltdown you would change your mind about that, especially in the UK where they have taken your rights to protect yourself against radical Islam. You will not make s single comment about radical Islam in your beloved UK.

        • Frederick

          Redeemed Why not exchanged for needed goods such as ammunition and food?

          • William Stanley

            Frederick: Unless I miss my guess, you already have enough ammo to last two lifetimes. In any event, after SHTF lead will become a precious metal.
            Trivia question: How much did a “shot” of whiskey cost in the Old West?

            • Frederick

              You missed by a long shot I’ve never owned a gun or a round of ammunition and hopefully it will stay that way

              • William Stanley

                Frederick: I certainly didn’t mean to offend you. Don’t you have any means of self defense? Maybe a shillelagh or a waking stick?

        • Jodyp

          NH, to confiscate metals, they’d have to first grab the guns. As of now I believe us ” little guys” have the numbers to keep that from happening. Tomorrow, idk. Hear it all the time here, FEAR NOT! I plan on being a burr in the NWO saddle.

        • Charles H

          Confiscation is a real issue; and the cashless, mark-of-the-beast society is coming – but who knows what steps may be in place before a cashless lockdown? China DOES have gold, and likely will use it as a verifier or certification to their monitary unit. They and Russia won’t just let the US print unlimited and unverified Dollars forever. Likely that gold and silver will have a value reset OUTSIDE of the US and Euro-sphere.
          If the world is reducing toward a bipolar, East-West arrangement; it may be significant opportunity to side with the Big Boys. At any rate – the metro-Dollar is doomed. And I won’t be in it.

        • Chip

          Just look to Venezuela for why you would want some silver and gold. Their currency is worthless and you need suitcases full of paper bills to buy the smallest of items (if they’re available)… Chip

          • K. Wayne

            No confiscation (as yet) in Venezuela or Argentina for that matter, as far as I can see (of PM’s).
            Societal breakdown implies dysfunctional government.

        • Beverly Kingsford

          NH Watcher,
          If you have land, use it wisely. Start gardening (growing vegetables and fruit trees) wherever you can. Buy up things and store things that you use everyday and learn to preserve your own food. You can get mylar bags online and use 5 gallon buckets to store wheat or rice or quinoa or whatever it may be. And, we have to buy hand tools that are not dependent upon electricity in order to work, so that we can grind our own wheat if we need to. I believe there will also be communities around the U.S. that will be built as places of refuge for people to go to. People who think similarly, will go to these places for safety. I think there will be some kind of vetting system for these communities though. The Pioneers used handcarts and horses and oxen. Makes you wonder if we will be doing the same. I think so.

    • JMiller


      I think you mean if their bank accounts are frozen.

  7. Robert Zionist Lykens

    The fulfillment of Ezekiel’s prophecy moves a step closer.
    Russia, Iran, Turkey and others will invade Israel. Their armies will be decimated.
    – Ezekiel 38, 39

    I warn again: as the invaders’ armies are destroyed, a “fire” is sent on other nations of the world (Ezekiel 39:6). Many have speculated that this “fire” could be nuclear in nature.
    Remember: when you see the armies of Iran, Turkey and others, being led by Russia, gathered on Israel’s northern borders, that will be the time to gather your loved ones and take cover.

    • Paul ...

      Perhaps … if Israel elects “a new leader” that is not so intent on poking the bear …those armies on Israel’s boarders will fade away naturally rather then by nuclear fire!!

      • Paul ...

        Robert … suppose you lied to your Mother when you were nine(9) years old about stealing a cookie from the cookie jar … and she finds out about that lie when you are 24 years old … and then decides to go on National TV and proclaim your lie to all the world and punish you by taking away the keys to your car and have your car towed to the junkie and trashed for telling her such a lie when you were 9 years old??? … Bibi should grow up and learn to forgive as Christ taught us … he doesn’t even know how idiotic he looks before the entire world!! …

    • This sceptred Isle

      well then they don’t need to worry about Iran’s nuclear capability then.

      • Robert Zionist Lykens

        I doubt even you believe that makes sense.
        Tell me, do you worry about Iran’s nuclear capability?

      • Robert Zionist Lykens

        It’s well-known that Iran is closely affiliated with terrorism – from restaurant bombings, to stipends for terrorist families, to being intimately involved in planning terrorist attacks, to funding and training for Hamas, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others.
        Also, Iran has sworn to “wipe Israel off the map“.
        The Bible teaches that Persia (Iran) is a nation that is dominated by demonic forces.
        Should Iran be allowed to have nuclear bombs? After all, the United States and other countries have them. Isn’t it Iran’s “right“ to have them if they want them?
        Only if you’re the most naïve and gullible infant there is. It’s the same thing as putting a .50 caliber machine gun in the hands of a known psychopathic mass murderer who has sworn – many times – to wipe out his next-door neighbor.
        And don’t give me any malarkey about the United States being a “terrorist nation“. It’s not.

        • This sceptred Isle

          Al -Qaeda and ISIS are funded from the other side. Let’s worry about them and Israel can worry about its own enemies.

        • Beverly Kingsford

          How can you say that the U.S. is NOT a terrorist nation?!! It most certainly IS!! We have sent our troops all over the whole world, sticking our noses into every country’s business that we possibly could. Some Americans call this “patriotic” and “protecting our liberties.” What a bunch of lies that is! The Constitution says that Congress has to declare war and it also encourages the kind of thinking that America should stay out of other country’s business. Once the Federal Reserve was organized, it was all downhill. Our whole monetary system could then be perverted to help the New World Order bankers and other crazies, develop their plan for taking over the whole damn world!! And, they are working at it and the U.S. has been at the center of it. WE are the big power structure that supports the U.N. and all it’s craziness. If the U.S. were to financially withdraw it’s support from all the corruption out there in the world, it would collapse. The U.S. is very much a terrorist nation because we have been the cause of millions of deaths! Accept the truth here. You write some good stuff, but the dream that Daniel interpreted for Nebuchadnezzar(the metal giant)……WE are the NEW BABYLON, and God’s Kingdom will replace it, which means that Babylon will have to be destroyed. Babylon is just the Biblical name for the world though, and the goodness that is in the U.S. will be preserved.

        • Occasnltrvlr

          Iran threatens Israel, but has never attacked them.

          Israel threatens Iran, and has attacked them, repeatedly.

          • Greg Hunter

            Wrong, Iran has been attacking Israel from the 10 bases the Iranians built in Syria.

      • Robert Lykens

        Today President Trump did the right thing and pulled out of the Iran “deal”.
        PA president Abbas warned recently that he would take “tough steps” against the U.S. and Israel. So what’s he going to do, get in a canoe and throw rocks at the US Sixth Fleet?
        The Holy Land belongs to Israel and it always will. God gave it to them. Iran, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the rest had better get with the program before they fall into the hands of an angry God.

      • Robert Lykens

        “At the heart of the Iran deal was a giant fiction.”
        “It is clear to me that we cannot prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb under the decaying and rotten structure of the current agreement. The Iran deal is defective at its core. If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen.”
        President Donald Trump, who has access to all the intelligence and knows far more about it than anyone posting here.

  8. Josh Rosen

    The crash will be more sudden, more shocking, and more disastrous than in 08. Orders of magnitude so. Jim Rickards predicts “currency resets, ” with pegs to gold. Going back in time currency wise. He is pretty calm about it though at least. I get tired of talking about this though, as I imagine you do too. The crash lingers like a dark cloud over the world.

    We had Occupy Wall Street. Bernie Sanders is calling for $15/hr health benefit government jobs for all. People are clamoring for free stuff and communism.

    You did a great job Greg of describing the hair splitting between socialism, communism, and other BS leftist systems in the last wrap up.

    This is supposedly in boom/recovery years.

    For the next crash..

    What is next? Chairman Mao? A new Marxist party?

    I’m just tired of all of this nonsense and propaganda. So many people believe the fake news and fake government manipulated statistics. The idea that anybody would pay a cent to read the Washington Post or NY times, is insane to me.

    Nice get with Nomi. Can you have Greg Mannarino on again soon? My favorite guest I think. You’re pretty good on the financials reading zerohedge Greg. Don’t sell yourself short there.

    Personally, I find your news wrap ups much more useful and less repetitive than most of your guests. I never miss a Friday news wrap up, and find myself skipping many interviews since I have heard it all many times before.

    If you did 2 wrap ups a week with just one guest, or even just an occasional guest, I’d love that.

    Just a thought. You’ve had the same schedule for years now and it seems to be working well. So maybe and perhaps probably my suggestion should be ignored. I’ve never run a successful independent news organization like you have. Not even close.

    What people do not discuss much, is what happens after the crash. Rickards is one of the few. Michael Snyder has written some books. Really rare for people to make post-crash predictions.

    I’d love to hear some pundits at least attempt to thoroughly describe what will happen in the years after the next crash. You never get that anywhere.

    Thanks Greg.

    • Paul ...

      You know Josh … it is up to “God’s people” to make this world a better place … we must rid the world of evil pedophiles that prey on our children, get rid of evil men who sell women into slavery and the evil men who bring us constant non-stop Wars for profit … perhaps by each of us trying in our own small way … one day we will achieve the fulfillment God’s desire for “A World at Peace for One Thousand Years”!!!

      • Paul ...

        What world leader will gain the Title of … “World Peacemaker” … will it be Putin or Trump?? … it is very obvious we can leave Terror-isa May and Bibi out of the running!!

    • Russ McMeans

      Josh: here’s my prediction after the ‘crash’ …. everything you need will cost more, but luxury items will be cheap. Ie: it’s gonna suck. Definitely hold cash; especially a bunch of smaller denominations of USD’s.

    • Jodyp

      “I’d love to hear some pundits at least attempt to thoroughly describe what will happen in the years after the next crash. You never get that anywhere.” Right you are Josh! Though they’d still be predictions, it’d be good to hear another side of this fiasco! Hopefully it could open a few eyes to what may be coming after.

    • Beverly Kingsford

      If you believe in prophecy, then I can tell you what will happen after the crash. They are not coming from me, but from someone who’s prophecies have been fulfilled time and again in the last century. I will tell you—-there will be a famine and it will be at least 4 years long, but it will take another 3 years to recovery from it once it stops. It will be like the 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine afterwards. The Russians will attack the east coast, the Chinese the West. The U.S. Army will be on the verge of overthrow, but in the end, we will be able to preserve our country. But, there will be so much death that there will be 7 women to every 1 man. There will be a “Gathering of Israel” because of all of this turmoil. It will cause the good people of the U.S. to gather. The evil will be destroyed. The American Indian will come to the forefront of this nation again because it is really their land. They are descendants of the Jews and therefore God’s chosen people. The Gentile people have rejected the gospel while the “Jewish Indians” have been humbled for all these years. Now there will be a turnaround and the Gentiles will be humbled while the gospel goes to the Jews in the last days. Get ready to live like the Amish and I believe water will be one of the most valuable things we can get to.

  9. DanT

    She just said there is NO “trickle down” of money from top to the bottom economy. All the way back to the Reagan years we were told trickle-down economic policy would work. I would guess it would if it were really applied but then we have to trust the Fat Cats and politicians. It explains why the middle class has been in constant decline these past few decades. I think it was John Kenneth Galbraith said:”if you feed enough oats to the horse some will pass through to feed the sparrows”. It’s just plain human nature at work that in too many the greater good is less important than their own.

    • This sceptred Isle

      The problem is that the disproportionate wealth acquired by the elites, by and large, doesn’t go into the real economy but into financial assets, real estate and luxury yachts.

      • This sceptred Isle

        Unfortunately, money is created out of nothing and distributed unevenly throughout society – then the ‘experts’ turn around and say ‘oh my, growing inequality is such a problem’.

        • Paul ...

          The even bigger problem TSI … is getting world leaders to work toward the goal of “Peace in the World” (rather then Unending Constant War) … a good start is being made in Korea (perhaps this years Nobel Peace Prize should be awarded jointly to both Moon and Kim)!!

      • Frederick

        Isn’t that the same problem that always occurs throughout history And the results will alwaysBe the same as well Unfortunately for the” elite”

  10. Country Codger

    Please Greg,
    Whenever you have Ms. Prins on please put a banner on the site that says:CAUTION!!! YOU ARE IN IMMINENT DANGER OF AN INFORMATION OVERLOAD. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
    Every time you have Ms. Prins on I feel like I am trying to get a tea cup full of water from a firehose. I had to stop the interview half way through just to collect myself enough to press the play button again.
    CAF has a laid back style and puts things out in bite size pieces but Ms. Prins is like automatic weapons fire. WOW!
    FANTASTIC interview!!!

  11. pat the rat

    The penision crash is next, the problem is when ,and how bad will it be? When the people that expect there money don’t have any ,all hell is going break loose!

  12. andyb

    Greg: Nomi is probably the best chronicler of the massive criminal fraud of the Rothschild banking cartel. It.s a shame that the MSM, especially the financial media, do not give her exposure. Her books should be required reading in all high schools, much less universities so that young minds may finally understand the reasons for all wars and the global decimation of middle classes and why we all face a decidedly insidious outcome of living under a tyrannical fiefdom, ruled for, of and by the banksters.

    • Country Codger

      Hi Andyb,
      I agree wholeheartedly. Kids, 40 and under, are woefully ignorant of how the financial system operates. Of course, I know people in their 50’s and 60’s that just don’t care, which means they are worse than ignorant. Ignorance can be cured through education but when people are willfully ignorant, with people like Ms. Prins and CAF out there trying to teach them, then those people are just stupid.

      • Charles H

        Willful ignorance: the symptom of poor upbringing and education of no value. If they paid for nothing – that’s what they got.

    • Frederick

      Why would they They are bought and paid for hills of the banksters They would never tell the real story We understand this and that’s why we don’t watch CNN or BBC

  13. Roger D

    Why ‘pull the plug’ after 22 years of profitable war in the Middle East? The US is now a nation of blood-thirsty Neocon Zionists. Like Joe Biden stated, “I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.”

    Trump will be ‘led’ by Zionists into war with Syria and Iran. Sell more planes, bombs, drones, missiles for Israel and Saudis (sorry Hawaii)! Meanwhile Russia and China militarize and grow stronger. And of course this will all be dismissed as being ‘anti-Semitic’. Isn’t cognitive dissonance a beautiful thing?

    • Greg Hunter

      Roger D,
      The thing I don’t like about the whole “Zionist” thing is it becomes a dog whistle for hating all Jews and Israel. Lots of people use the “Zionist” term to cover the fact they are really Jew haters and Israel haters who hide behind the false premise of things such as “cognitive dissonance.” (I am not necessarily talking about you, these are just my thoughts on the issue.) I am Christian, and according to the Bible, God’s covenant with Israel will be “everlasting.” Also, all through the Bible it talks about blessing and protecting Israel (Jews) starting with the very first chapter. Genesis 12:3: I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” God the Father of the Bible loves Jews and Israel:
      I didn’t write the Bible. I am just telling you what’s in it. You don’t have to believe it, but I do. That’s where I stand. You are no going to “curse Israel” here–Got it?

      • This sceptred Isle

        “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.”

        So whom is the bible referring to in this passage then? We can all cherry pick quotes from the bible to make a point.

        • Charles H


          First – You don’t give the address or reference.

          Second If it is Rev 2:9 – then the wording isn’t the same I have in my Bible.

          Thirdly We don’t know exactly what this mystery means. Some believe the Churches in Revelation are historical, and illustrative to guiding against pitfall in our time.

          And Fourthly Scripture does NOT suggest that these ARE Jews: but evil liars of Satan’s synagogue. Just because Scripture uses the term “synagogue”: does NOT mean they are Jews. Satan always counterfeits the true. Will you
          puhleeeze stop trying to button-hole someone for supposed ‘cherry picking’ by cherry picking yourself?!???

          • This sceptred Isle


            All the different Bibles specifically mention Jews in this verse (see above link). Which Bible do you have?
            The wording in this verse seems quite clear. Which part of the ‘mystery’ do you not understand?
            I am not suggesting every Jewish person is a counterfeit, but it would be wise to judge people on their actions and not just on what they claim.
            Use critical thinking to determine if person x is doing God’s work?

            • Greg Hunter

              We have an atheist who doesn’t understand the Bible quoting us the Bible. I guess this is a start in the salvation of TSI. Hey man, keep reading the Bible maybe you will come around and be able to fill that black loveless hole in your life.

            • Charles H

              What is there not to understand – they SAY they are Jews, BUT ARE NOT. (?!?!?)

              • This sceptred Isle

                Yes, Exactly. Having a piece of paper to confirm that you are Jewish is NOT the same as living in the SPIRIT of Judaism or the true Israel.

        • Frederick

          Exactly TSI Isn’t that what they always do And as to us being “ Jew haters “ as Greg professes I have a best friend and two inlaws who are Jewish and I love them as my own child so in my case he’s WAY out of line

        • Paul ...

          I believe it was God’s plan to have “his people” (those who believe in justice, morality and peace) to lead the entire world to the “Promised Land” (a world at peace for one thousand years) … but Israel is going to have to elect a different kind of leader who can not be swayed by warmongering neocons … like regretfully Trump has been compromised to give in (i.e. people are still climbing over the wall … can’t our idiot politicians put up an electrified fence instead of a wall … if it is the cost that is holding things up)!!

      • DanT

        Greg that is not what your bible says. Through Abraham came the savior of the whole world and that is how the people of the earth are blessed. How could that covenant be everlasting if it was broken by The Children of Isreal (made null and void) hence the need for a NEW covenant? I have news for you. YOU are now among the chosen people after all you have the promise of eternal life and are called a child of God and not a child of Isreal. I could give you many more arguments than that using old and new testament. Those people will yet have their opportunity when God opens their minds “removes the heart of stone and gives them a heart of flesh”.

        • DanT

          Make that Israel. Sometimes I don’t know about me.

        • Greg Hunter

          Dan T,
          “Everlasting” IS what my Bible says. You can read it as you like. You got this wrong. We’ll have to agree to disagree.

          • Jallen

            Salvation is through our Lord Jesus Christ! There is no other way!


            • This sceptred Isle

              They say that and then say but if you’re Jewish it doesn’t matter, you are automatically saved anyway.

              • Charles H

                Jews are NOT automatically saved. This is an expressed OPINION: not a Scripturally factual truth. They must be saved the same way and under the same conditions of faith as everyone else.

                • This sceptred Isle

                  Thankyou Charles. This was all I was trying to confirm. I strongly believe that we are all spiritually accountable for our own actions in life and do not get an automatic free pass because of membership of some race or religion. Just as in the same way I don’t believe the claims of 40 virgins in heaven for every Muslim terrorist attack.
                  I asked Robert Lykens if he could confirm if this was his opinion or I had misunderstood his words. I had no reply.
                  Charles, I respect that you gave me an honest and direct answer to a direct question.
                  This issues is entirely separate to my opinions of the current Israeli regime and the answer in no way legitimises or de-legitimises it.

          • Jallen

            Greg and Watchdogs,
            Read Hebrews Chapter 8, especially verses 6-13.
            Your comments please.
            Jesus Christ mediates a superior covenant!!!


            • Charles H

              The word is: “better”. It superceded a type, which was not meant to suffice, but instruct.

        • Paul ...

          Dan T … our souls are eternal because there is but “One Consciousness” from which we were all created … God the Father’s … whether we be Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, etc., etc. we are all a part of him … and that part never dies!!

          • Occasnltrvlr

            “And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

    • Roger D

      Paul Craig Roberts’ article of today directly supports my arguments about the source of “pressure on Trump”.

      He states, “Israel is the reason for Washington’s hostility toward Syria and Iran.”

      “That is what it all the lies told about Iran are about. By creating a bogeyman out of Iran, Israel can build up the American public’s support for US military action against Iran.”

      • Greg Hunter

        Maybe Dr. Roberts can write a s tory titled “Do Americans Want to Die for the Lie of a No Signature Unenforceable Nuclear Deal with Iran?” Here is the prof from the Kerry State Department Iran did not sign the Nuke “no deal” deal.
        You have to ask yourself why would John Kerry be in Iran conspiring with them to “save the deal” when there is nothing to save but his bacon. Kerry is breaking the law doing what he is doing.

        • Jallen

          Keep in mind, Dr. Roberts has privy to information you don’t and you had him on your website as a guest. Why not have him on again to explain his position.
          Greg, for what it is worth, I do not trust Bibi and I do think Paul Craig Roberts is an Honourabe man.


          • This sceptred Isle

            I’m sure Greg will put his views in the trash can marked anti-Semitic.

            • Greg Hunter

              I am just sick of the Jew hating Israel bashing. You all made your points. We get it, you hate Israel and the Jews. Oh, I mean Zionists.
              Give it a rest. Yes, I am deleting the Israel and Jew comments as I am sick of this crap because you do not know when to stop beating a dead horse. You made your points abundantly clear and I am not calling you any names.

  14. John


    This whole system is likened to my grandfather clock when the weight has dropped to its lowest position and the pendulum is starting to slow down thereby warning the owner that there is no more energy remaining for the movement to function – hence the need for a rewind or in terms of this interview – a reset. Gold has been all over the place as rates try and rise – the logic being that as rates rise it is better to own bonds but then reality sets in that these issuers are trillions of dollars in debt and there is a very good chance that you will not get your principal back and the yield that you expect will be below the true rate of inflation. Conversely, if rates stay low then the whole system of debt grows larger and larger and the servicing of that debt starts to erode your economy and the system starts to eat itself. You ask – what is the man/woman on main street need to do to protect themselves? First, get small in your expectations and debt obligations. Next, don’t purchase the best items – look for value. Do you need a luxury car with poor fuel economy and high property tax when a regular car at 2/3 less the price and double the fuel economy will suffice to get you where you need to go? Do two people need to live in a 5,000 square foot house when 1500 square feet will take less money to maintain/own and still be comfortable? Do you need a smart phone or 200 channels on your TV? Get some gold, silver and platinum. Put aside some cash. Pay down on your mortgage. In short, diversify your assets and reduce financial leverage because I fear that the clock needs to be rewound soon as the volatility we have been seeing in the markets is really fear that this economic system is about ready to seize up.

    • This sceptred Isle

      inflation is the great deceiver…

      • john

        I fear that deflation will be the end result and right now we are in this tug of war of where rates are trying to go – either way is not good.

        • This sceptred Isle

          Of course every credit bubble must end in deflation. You are correct.

          • Frederick

            Minsky moment is right around the corner

    • Jodyp

      Very good post, John. I have to believe the % of the people heeding your advice is very small though. Too many love their big and expensive ‘stuff’. Sad.

    • Flattop

      John Got the family chariot paid for, got a ranger pickup paid for, own my house outright, us a cell phone that costs me and the little woman 30 bucks a month. Got some PMs and a little cash under the mattress. 30 yr shelf life food, and some water. But the family dog is complaining that i dont have enough on the shelf for him. Guess you can never be completely prepared

      • Flattop

        John: One more thing, when the gas guage gets to half full, consider it empty and refuel. That way you always got enough as to get somewhere

      • Mike Lee

        I wouldn’t put that out online, not to hard to trace your ISP address , hack your IP provider and locate that mattress. Better go boating quick.

      • sk

        Get 50 pounds of sirloin for the dog. Dogs are great! When I can’t bear to be around people any more, I go talk with my dog. Does heaven have dogs? If not, count me out, I don’t even WANT to be there then. LOL

      • susan

        Flattop, you are correct and everyone should quit worrying about who, why, where, what, when, etc. Just be prepared for the worst case scenario, maybe an EMP or something similar.

  15. H. Craig Bradley


    There is reason to suspect the Government might prohibit ownership of physical gold should its price appreciate to some ridiculous level in the future. The authorities may require those who have disclosed foreign accounts to repatriate any physical precious metals they have stored overseas. In addition, high excise taxes could be imposed on the windfall profits from the sale of gold or silver.

    Net result, precious metals won’t necessarily be as secure as you might have planned. Fact is, there is no predicting what will be reliable and what is not. In addition, Real Estate taxes can be increased by bankrupt cities or states at-will ( as in Chicago, Ill presently). Real Estate is not portable, but captive to the finances of your particular jurisdiction. If they need money, you pay more– possibly a lot more in assessed real estate taxes. There are NO Guarantees in life. Same goes with investments. Plan accordingly.

    • This sceptred Isle

      Everything you have said is correct. However, physical precious metals will still exist after a crash/reset. A lot of financial assets may just vaporise into thin air such as paper gold and silver, cash in banks, bonds, titles to shares etc.

      • Paul ...

        However … look at the bright side … if the government goes down in a crash or reset (because of unlimited credit generation) … then there won’t be anyone around to collect taxes on gold!!

        • This sceptred Isle

          good point!!!

    • Frederick

      Do you really think people who process metals will just voluntarily hand them over to the authorities I doubt they would and civil war could be the result of a mass confiscation attempt

      • Stan the Man with the SHTF Plan

        They can have my PMs when they pry it from my dead, cold fingers.

  16. Dave Hulett

    She does not talk about the real point of causation, which is who owns and manipulates the central banks. All the central banks are privately owned! Until the people, through their elected representatives take control of the central banks, these problems will persist. The owners of the banks are free to do whatever they want. Just think of the amount of interest on basic savings accounts that has been stolen from the American Middle Class over the past ten years.

    The single most important action President Trump could take is to nationalized and take control of the Federal Reserve. Whoever controls the money, controls the world! All other discussion is pointless. Ms. Prins may sell a lot of books but she obviously is afraid to talk about the reality of the world wide privately owned banks that control everything as the source of all the problems.

    They are very powerful people, able to take out anyone who either opposes them or has the courage to point out who runs things. Until this changes, your discussion today is interesting but pointless.

    • Greg Hunter

      Yes Dave, and back in 1913 Congress signed off on this fraud. End the FED and all the global central banks with the power to print money to enrich their friends and families.

      • Jallen

        Woodrow Wilson signed it into law, the same President that got us into world war 1.


    • Paul ...

      Dave … as you say “whoever controls the money controls the world” … the problem we have in America is that the Fed controls fiat paper promises while Russia, China and India control the real money (gold) … Fort Knox only has gold plated tungsten bars … so Trump should begin buying gold now while it is cheap “as a first priority” before nationalizing the Fed!!

  17. Stan

    Hey Jerry: Looks like your Petro Yuan was a big flop! Ha ha ha. US Dollar surging ever since then. You sure got a lot of fear-mongering out of that story!!

    • Jerry

      Your statement reflects your ignorance on the situation. It is because of the dollar selloff caused by the petroyuan that the central banks have ratcheted up their bond buying. If you think the markets are real then you didn’t listen to Nomi Prins. By the sheer fact that the dollar has gone vertical ( for the first time in ten years) displays the total desperation of the central banks. But hey believe what you want. People like you still believe that money can be created out of thin air indefinitely .

    • Jerry

      Stan ,
      Please educate yourself before you make stupid comments.
      What China wants, China will get. Eventually.

    • Jerry

      Lesson two for Stan. Do you see all the red?
      That’s what money created out of thin air looks like.

    • Jerry

      The central banks Ponzi scheme.

    • james

      Just another currency scare tactic, nothing to see here but more dribble about something that didnt happen.

    • Jallen

      The day is not far away when you will regret mocking Jerry.
      When that day comes you can use your paper dollars for toilet
      paper. It seems to me, you have been taken by the biggest con
      Jerry, you have done Greg’s site a great service by your dedication
      to the death of the dollar and the birth of the Petro / Gold Yuan.


      • Stan

        My US Dollars buy me 3 times as much silver since 2011. I’d say the Dollar is soaring in value.

        • William Stanley

          Stan: Buy low and sell high. Silver is cheap now; dollars are not. Sell your dollars and buy silver.

          • This sceptred Isle

            Jim Rogers’ first piece of advice: didn’t your mother teach you to buy low and sell high? And he is fairly well-off.

        • Jallen

          Please wake up, how about the price of homes, cars etc.
          Stan, the facts support Jerry. By the way, the silver market is manipulated as is the gold market.


      • Jerry

        Thank you Jallen,
        For the record I blame people like Stan for the financial mess we”re in. The globalist handy work of dumbing down the American population to control them is on full display with people of his ilk. What I’m talking about is not opinion. It’s a mathematical fact. The numbers don’t lie. 3 Trillion dollars cannot fund 125 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

        • Occasnltrvlr

          Jerry, over the years, you have claimed repeatedly, REPEATEDLY, how China was about to back the yuan with gold. More recently, you attempted to veil the “petroyuan” as a type of gold backing, which it is not.

          A couple of years or so back, I attempted to explain to you, on this forum, why the Chinese would not back the yuan with gold. Nevertheless, you persisted in your insistence that they would, and the demise of the USD was imminent.

          You’ve cited several events which you’ve hinted or implied would be some kind of death knell for the USD.

          Here we are, after several years of your theatrics, and the yuan is still not backed by gold, there is no “gold trade note,” the USD is still the overwhelming currency of choice for both trade and reserves, and US Treasury obligations have retained preeminence in bond trading.

          We both agree that the current monetary system is unsustainable, but beyond that, we part ways. It’s really very simple, as I’ve stated on this forum previously. There is one monetary system. There is one team. And there is a slow, orderly transition from a single-currency system to a multi-currency system.

          You wrote that I would not be able to find my derriere with both hands, and now you claim Stan is “dumbed down”. The events over the last few years have demonstrated that it is, in fact, you, Jerry, who haven’t yet quite made it out of your Sophomore classes. Chicken Littles are the globalists’ handiwork, not Stan.

    • Frederick

      It’s not going to change anything overnite Stan so I wouldn’t be so cocky or you may end up eating some crow down the line

      • Jodyp

        Nah, Stan will never eat crow. He only has a taste for bulls**t.

  18. DB Cooper

    Doggers, It was not so very long ago the if you used the ‘C’ word (communist) people would roll their eyes and label you as a nut case … that does not seem to be so true
    anymore … at least among people old enough to remember some history. It is scary to say the least that we have indoctrinated (mostly young) people clamoring for communism . Now some yearn only for ‘Socialism” or ‘Liberalism’ or ‘Progressivism’ but truly the end result will still be the same … that is a fascist/totalitarian system with a whole lot of dead bodies. We are seeing this manifest all around us now w/ the think as I want you to or else mentality. In tough times we fall on our faith and the power of prayer but it is doubly scary to witness the state of the Christian church in America.
    May God help us all.
    Yours in Faith and Liberty, FN, DB

    • Frank

      DB, sadly it will take more than faith and prayer to beat this. We will have to fight back…hard…in order to win or perish. There will be no middle ground. You’re right about “a whole lot of dead bodies”. Its why the leftists are trying so hard to get our guns. We must never, ever let them take them. Not peacefully anyway. Otherwise we will cease to exist as we are added to the tens of millions murdered by their totalitarian governments (and their stooges). If the shooting starts, we must remember to go after all the elitist ba$tards pulling the strings. They must be systematically removed from the planet. Them or us. No if, ands or buts about it.

      • DB Cooper

        Frank, Agreed. DB.

  19. DerStan

    I am not sure it will have to crash. If the central banks own everything and they just keep printing money why does it collapse? Now people like you and I will be starving in the street but they have armies and militarized police to keep us in line.

    • This sceptred Isle

      1) If they keep creating money they will destroy the value of it.
      2) What happens when central banks have bought up every asset?

      • William Stanley

        TSI: Is this a riddle? How do they buy real assets with worthless “money”?

        • Frederick

          They can only do that if the sellers have some sort of faith in the fiat currency Otherwise they can’t Would you sell your oceanfront property in Venuzueala for Bolivars? As an example

        • This sceptred Isle

          Exactly William. This game is subject to the law of diminishing returns. The more money you create in order to buy assets the less valuable the currency becomes, so next time you have to create even more to buy the same amount of assets yet devalue the currency even more and so on…

          • This sceptred Isle

            Regarding the second point, I think Japan is getting close to the answer.

            • William Stanley

              TSI: Agreed.

        • DanT

          How can you continue to take your Monopoly Money and buy real goods and services? Works the same way for them only you have to work for yours.

          • Jallen

            They will play the game until the dollar collapses.

        • Paul ...

          Simple … the “retarded banksters” will just add 12 zero’s to the $100 dollar bill (the same way Zimbabwe did it to buy a real loaf of bread)!!

          • William Stanley

            Paul . . .
            One of the defining elements of “money” is as a store of value. The adding of zeros will only increase the expectation of further inflation and hasten the complete reluctance of anyone to accept it in trade, especially in trade for a real asset.

      • Charles H

        They get to keep the assets becasue they held ‘title’. Win, win.

        • William Stanley

          Charles H: Death and taxes?

          • Charles H

            Death certainly; but no taxes for the Elite.

    • William Stanley

      DerStan: If we are talking about the real economy, it can crash because an economy is an intricate web of transactions of goods and services involving a medium of exchange, i.e. money. When most people are in the street starving, most goods and services will not be produced and there will be little flow of income to tax and/or steal. It’s hard to see how even the rich survive if nothing is being produced because nobody is working and earning income.
      Even a sharp shift in the composition of demands for the various goods and services in the economy would interrupt the flow of money (and the counterflow of goods and services) through the economy. Therefore — at least until labor, capital, and other resources were shifted to meet the shift in the composition of demands — at least some labor, capital, and other resources would be unemployed.
      However, a return to a new, though different, stable flow of some widely accepted medium of exchange, i.e. money (and the counter flows of goods and services) is not assured. Under certain conditions, a new stable “equilibrium” could be at, essentially, zero output for everything, i.e. a completely “crashed” economy, IMO.

      • Paul ...

        William … in a “completely crashed economy” I wouldn’t want to be holding Fed promissory notes (i.e. US dollar IOU’s) … but Treasury coin (like Jefferson nickles) would make an excellent medium of exchange for small purchases!!

  20. Julia

    My book I reordered has shipped and I cant wait to read it.

    Did I hear her correctly to move your money to a Community Bank? I thought all banks would be affected when the system went down. I am glad she mentioned all the trades being set up outside the $.
    When the Banking system goes down I hope we all vote for getting rid of the Central Banking system. Those banks are all criminals anyway. All they do is play sides off each other. As General Smedley Butler wrote “War is a Racket”. Lets remember that as we listen to all the saber rattling.

    Thanks for the interview.

    • JMiller


      If the banking system went down and/or if there was a bank holiday then having your money in a local community bank or credit union instead of a larger bank probably will not make any difference. Individually however, local community banks and credit unions are safer in that most have higher capital and leverage ratios with little or no derivatives when compared to larger banks so they would be less likely to become insolvent under most circumstances. However in some ways community banks and credit unions are just as risky as larger banks. They all own dollar denominated debt (Treasuries, mortgages etc…). Many make unsecured and subprime loans. They all can require that you give at least 7 days written notice to withdraw your money from most types of bank accounts in times of a financial crisis if they want. If bank runs happen who can say which banks or credit unions may be affected the most. Will bigger banks be protected in a crisis more than smaller banks? And if the power grid goes down it would affect all banks and credit unions regardless of size. I just closed my account with my local community bank last week and decided to just keep more physical cash on hand. I still have an account at a larger bank for paying bills etc…

    • Frederick

      Julia Unfortunately we cannot vote to abolish the FED as both parties are bought and paid for with central bankers cash I don’t think it will ever happen peacefully They just won’t give up that golden hen without a fight

  21. Bob H

    Greg, I ordered Nomi’s book in the introductory period. It was shipped recently and I should get it any day now. I’m really looking forward to reading it. Thank you for having her back. She’s really quite knowledgeable.

  22. Clifford Stephanovic

    Greg, made a bo bo. You can cut out everything after;

    The only people here committing crimes is the dnc, stormy, and her lawyer, who should have never quit his day job! LAST LINE BEFORE REPEAT OF ENTIRE COMMENT;

    BUSTED: Stormy Daniels’ Polygraph test was FAKE! She didn’t have finger cuffs to measure her galvanic skin response. Also, the blood-pressure cuff on her arm should have been on her upper arm. The Tech was paid $26,000 to look the other way, so to speak in layman’s terms. 26,000 for tless than an hours work! W. T. DO DO!

    • Greg Hunter

      Your original comment was WAAAAAAAAY tooooooooo Looooooong. Please cut it way back to a hundred words or so.

  23. bETTY bOOP

    Greg, I’m listening to you on the radio this very moment! Your pipes are smokin! Your beaming into metro Detroit from Ann Arbor via Dr. Dave Janda’s WAAM 1600 OPERATION FREEDOM Radio show at 4:52 pm Sunday afternoon! You sound great! I didn’t know your dad was a machinist, plus a farmer, wow!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thank you Betty,
      My Dad was much smarter than me.

  24. This sceptred Isle

    New exhibit at London’s Tate Modern

    Is this depicting child trafficking?

  25. Oxfarmer

    Keep the Faith and keep up the excellent work. I have not been able to post, but your site is one I unfailingly check for real information.

  26. DB Cooper

    Greg, I read your link in regard to the USS Liberty attack and I thank you. I am a firm believer in humility and contrition and I have been wrong before. That said I do feel that there is enough about this incident to harbor lingering doubts as to the real and underlying cause. It does bother me that Johnson is referred to as anything but a skunk and I am being kind. Most folks in Texas in the 50’s and 60’s etc. knew that probably more dead people voted for him than live ones !! Governments by their nature are (like humans ) evil and we rarely see whole governments praying and asking God’s guidance and forgiveness. At least the Israelis did apologize and make reparations, was that just a ploy? Perhaps we will never know but I harbor no ill will toward the Jewish people. Yours in Truth and Humility, DB.

    • Greg Hunter

      I really do not know what happened with the USS Liberty but I do know the incident has been used as propaganda against Israel. Did the Israelis make a huge mistake on day four of the Six Day War? You bet. 200 Americans were killed. Is friendly fire deaths especially with your closest allies embarrassing? Did they cover it up at first?? Is it painful for the families? The answer is yes to all. Just ask the family of Pat Tillman how painful and frustrating it is finally getting to the truth.

      • allen ols

        nh watcher

        get a sawyer water filter/or equivelient, buckets from Panera bread, ie used pickle buckets, yellow with green lid, clean. learn to convert downspouts from roof down spouts, get rain water/filter. buy seeds.
        my phone no is 615 636 8071 call me I will inform u for much. al ols

        i pulled 2.5 tours in VN. friendly fire is hell, happend in ww1 ww2 VN. this is why war is hell.

        • DB Cooper

          Allen, Thanks for surviving in country … I would caution using pickle buckets as they retain the vinegar taste and smell. Instead try going to bakeries in such as Albertsons grocery and get food grade buckets. We have found that they sell them CHEAP or give them away. Yours, DB

          • JC Davis

            DB I have told him that already. I have them ready for him when he wants them.

          • allen ols

            my sons worked at penara, and I left them in the rain, sun, storms ets, a week later, clean no smell, but u have a great idea at albertesons. tks

      • William Stanley

        Mr. Hunter: I’m not being deliberately oppositional today. Please forgive me if it seems so. However, I’m also pretty skeptical of the official account of Pat Tillman’s death. There is evidence that the fire might not have been so “friendly” after all.

        • Flattop

          Mr Stanley;
          Don’t forget about the intel navy ship the North Koreans captured a few decades ago.

      • This sceptred Isle

        Do you think if Russia or Syria did the same they would get the benefit of the doubt?

        • Greg Hunter

          If we were their allies–Yes it happened with Iraq hitting a U.S. ship the USS Stark in the Persian Gulf in 1987. Iraq was an ally of the US at the time. This happened during the Iran Iraq war.

    • William Stanley

      DB: I would bet that both you and Greg know more about the USS Liberty attack than I do. Still, after reading about it and hearing the personal account of it from a highly credible survivor (interview on Richie Allen show about a year ago — on the anniversary of the attack), I doubt very much that the attack was a mistake. However, the US Government seems to have been involved as well as the Israelis, at least in the whitewash and coverup.
      Here is one account of the events that squares with what I have seen and heard elsewhere:

    • Paul ...

      DB … with regard to the USS Liberty … it may have been a mistake … but 9/11 was “no mistake” according to General Wesley Clark … who explains the motive behind that “false flag attack” in explicit detail …

  27. Pre-cog

    The central banks will never willfully stop printing. Don’t look for that as a sign of imminent crisis because they may pause but they will always resume. The crisis comes when the common mans’ economy decays under it’s debt load, stocks finally fall for lack of earnings, and or the wealth inequality creates civil instability. It’s going to be a long time.

  28. Jerry

    The launch of a new financial system by China could be weeks away.

    As I have been documenting for years the central banks have been busy creating a new financial system internally to replace the Bretton Woods System while printing money externally to keep the markets propped up. With Deutsche Bank imploding they time is fast approaching launch date. Did anyone (besides Stan) really think they were really going to pay back 5 Quadrillion dollars in derivative debt?

    • JMiller


      I hope that you meant 1.5 quadrillion dollars in derivatives and not 5 quadrillion, even though there is only about 600 or 700 trillion in total notional amounts outstanding. People like Egon von Greyerz and Lynette Zang wrongly report the number at 1.5 quadrillion because they make the mistake and double count the contracts.

      • Jerry

        That was eight years ago.

        You do the math. When figuring enter in interest and compounding.

        • JMiller

          There is no interest or compounding on derivative contracts. The current notional amount outstanding is around 600 or 700 trillion. The amount has been declining the last several years. That is a fact. You have no idea what you are talking about when you say such silly and stupid things.

  29. Peter Underwood

    Many thanks Greg & Nomi for an excellent expose of the current fraudulent system. I shall order her book rapido.

    I too believe that a crisis event is due in the near term – some 2-3 years max. I have written a book (100,000 words) and have an e-copy available, trying to explain the why and how of our dysfunctional global financial system to ordinary people. I have yet to get a publisher interested although I have emailed 100s of literary agents. The feedback generally advises that the subject is too controversial for them to publish.
    I am offering my book (PDF) free on request to those who are interested: [email protected]

    The assumption that the USA and world in general have been expanding for the last 10 years is based on the false premise of GDP. Since real inflation rates (taking commodity and assets together) far exceed nominal growth rates per GDP formula, we have in fact suffered negative growth or a prolonged hidden global depression for 10 years. We have actually seen the end of growth as we have known it and evidence is everywhere to be found, not least of which is energy resource or EROEI. My book explains all this and much more.
    Just thought you should know that we are all being fooled by fudged statistics and QE/ZIRP.

  30. Jerry

    What does market manipulation look like?

    Notice the dollars assention just happened to be on the same date that the petroyuan was launched. Coincidence ? Not hardly. The markets are strung so tightly by the central banks they can’t service the debt if the markets move 20% one way or another.

  31. Jerry

    False Flag Alert!
    It looks like the globalist wont get their world war. Now what?

  32. Flattop

    Chalk me up as a red neck if you wish, but I could only comprehend about half of what Nomi related. She is one intelligent woman in finances.

  33. Robert Zionist Lykens

    “The Democrats’ vicious Jew-hatred is on full display in the nomination of Leslie Cockburn for Congress. The party of treason is home to the Jew-haters and racists. It is quite a feat for a Democrat politician running for Congress to debase and defile the Democrat Party even more than it already was, but Leslie Cockburn manages to do so. The libel that Israel controls U.S. foreign policy used to be the province of kooks shouting on streetcorners. Now it’s mainstream Democrat Party politics. The Democrat Party is a rogues gallery of racists, demagogues, and antisemites.”

  34. Mohammad


    Tomorrow will see if one of the two shoes I talked about will drop (Iran’s deal pullout, splitting N.K. from Iran)


    • Russ McMeans

      Mohammed: I suspect you have Syrian roots. I’m sorry the whole damn world is meddling in its internal affairs. Assad is there rightful leader. Period. Without Assad, the country will look like Libya. I’m so sick of watching superpowers ruin little countries!
      I’m including Turkey on my hate list too here. Get the hell out of there!

      • Mohammad

        A rightful leader does not level his country to the ground and mixes the babies, women, elderlies with iron and concrete of the buildings he leveled under the nose of all the superpowers of the world.

        But I agree with part of what you said , every super power of the world has blood on his/her hands seeing this massacre killing more than million Syrians and displacing 15 million others and not doing any thing to stop it, instead preparing for a bigger one.


    • Diane

      Maybe both?

        • Greg Hunter

          Of course the article leaves out the fact it “deal” is NOT SIGNED BY IRAN.

      • Mohammad


        I said before in earlier posts that month of May is a historical month.
        The two pivotal events taking place in ONE month are the pull out of Iran’s deal and the meeting with N.K. Kim Jong-Un.
        The purpose of the latter of the two is to separate N.K. from Iran.
        The purpose of the fore of the two and that is the most important of them is to clear the legal road to the war with Iran, it will guarantee the dragging of EU in it since if Iran is hit it will fire back and EU is in the middle of it , of course they are gravely concerned to send Macron and Boris to talk our president out of it.
        Connect that with the deal of the century in M.E. that will finish and forever the Palestinians right to come back to the occupied land according to UN resolutions.
        All of that adds up.
        and more:
        I think not for a martian minute that the intention of the hit is to weaken Iran, I think Iran and Israel are sleeping in the same bed for long time and the purpose is to unleash Iran on Saudi Arabia.
        I maintained this stance since I have been on this site and time has not proven me wrong as of yet.
        Lets not jump to conclusion and see what our president will declare tonight at 6 PM and if it will be a televised announcement or a tweet. Knowing how he thinks since he is in the entertainment industry I guess it will be televised with LOTS OF FLAGS BEHIND HIM.


  35. Jesse

    When she says there is 21 trillion dollars of conjured money? Is it possible, that is the 21 trillion missing that the professor from Michigan researched?

    • Greg Hunter

      That I understood as additional to the $21 trillion at DOD and HUD.

  36. Jerry


    It’s crunch time for DB. If the new CEO can’t find new investors, it’s over. The ECB will collapse by July.

  37. Russ McMeans

    Most excellent interview with out favorite former Wall Street banker, Nomi Prins… thank you Greg!

  38. Russ McMeans

    By the way; where is Jim Rickards right now? Is he smoking a cigar or having a coffeee. ? That dude is SMART. Nomi reminds me of him.

    • Dr Darryl Jewett

      Except she has a better figure

  39. Open Eyes

    Nomi, I read your article at The Daily Reckoning. This interview covers the same material. Good research, analysis and advice. Thank you.

    Thank you Greg for your website. It’s obviously a labor of love and service.

  40. Diane

    We want our money back that Obama just gave away to Iran!
    If a new deal is made (and SIGNED ), that should be part of the deal.

  41. Jodyp

    Iranian no-deal scrapped? Sun, hurry up and set. Cant wait for the light show tonight from liberal heads exploding!

  42. Gary

    Nomi Prins is definitely a smart woman, but it doesn’t take a genius to understand that if the central banks pull the plug the market crashes. That is historical fact. Central banks have done this over and over again. Banks have done this too. The 1907 panic that brought about the Federal Reserve was manipulation by bankers. The 1929 crash was brought about by the Fed pulling the plug. The First US Bank created a boom and bust cylce before the US got smart and didn’t renew their charter.

    The pattern of open up the floodgates to cheap money and create a boom and then close off the money supply has been repeated over and over in US history and the world’s history. This is nothing new. It doesn’t take a genius to understand this. If it did, I’d be a genius. I’m not.

  43. Gina M Mancarella

    It turns out that Cohen has been wheeling and dealing on Trumps behalf for a years and received huge sums of cash from many Russians including government officials and trading top secret state secrets and selling out the American people. Is this who we want in the white house ?????????? Do we want someone who sells out the American people ? Do we want the Russians to select our elected officials ?????? Greg ???? What say you ???

    Certainly there is a limit to all the chicanery that voters can ignore.

    • Gina M Mancarella

      P.S. You have to admit Greg, that Hillary is starting to look very good at this point. We missed the boat in 2016.

      • Greg Hunter

        You mean, Hillary is looking good for an orange jumpsuit at Gitmo.

        • Gina M Mancarella

          Say what you will about Hillary Greg, but at the end of the day, its all about a persons character. Hillary has a great deal of character while Trump is a villain.

          • Greg Hunter

            She took $145 million in bribes in the Uranium One treason and that’s just for starters. You have got to be kidding about Hillary’s “character”. She and Bill and Chelsea are stone cold criminals.

            • Charles H

              “Gina” will belieeve only what she wants – all elese is wrong and inadmissible. LA la.

      • sk

        Six of one, half a dozen of the other. Witless wonders.

      • Occasnltrvlr

        You certainly missed the boat: “USS Sanity”

    • Greg Hunter

      I think this is more fake news.

  44. Dr Darryl Jewett

    I love the way Nomi Prins says, “predicated.” It’s very sensual. The rest of the interview was pretty cool too. Way to go, Greg.

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