Massive Unrest in 2024 No Matter Who Wins – Bill Holter
By Greg Hunter’s
Financial writer and precious metals broker Bill Holter says the latest .5% rate cut by the Fed shows something is very wrong with the economy. There were some big reported problems a few months ago with the yen carry trade blowing up and 63 banks hiding $500 billion in losses. Now, billionaire investor Warren Buffett is selling off millions of shares in BofA stock, inflation has surged, along with business bankruptcies in America, and total household debt and federal debt has hit new all-time highs. This is just scratching the surface of the financial problems that are already here. The world is wrestling with unpayable debt everywhere. So, why the big rate cut now when the Fed says the economy is going great? Holter says, “I think there is absolute desperation. They look at the poll numbers, and they realize they are not going to be able to cheat enough to win. They certainly know behind the scenes that the entire system, including the Federal Reserve and including the Treasury, is all insolvent. So, yeah, there is absolute desperation. I was saying 10 years ago they would ultimately kick the table over because that’s the way to cover their tracks. They don’t want fingers pointed at them. So, what do you do? You nuke a city. Oh, then they can’t have an election, and their tracks get covered. . . .My odds for not having an election in November are now 65% to 70% we don’t have an election.”
Holter says keep your eyes on the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and the real possibility of them starting to settle trade in something other than US dollars sooner than later. This is extremely dollar negative and highly inflationary. Holter contends we are going to see a massive credit crisis, and that will “bring things to a screeching halt.” Holter explains, “Nothing will function if credit ceases. It is used in every single process everywhere for everything. So, if credit breaks, and confidence breaks and credit is not forthcoming, then nothing is forthcoming. . . . You get some sort of credit event. Then stores are going to be wiped out immediately, but they are not going to be resupplied.”
Holter has long warned about a real-life Mad Max apocalyptic world where people scrounge for what they need to survive. Holter says, “Every day you wake up, you are only 72 hours away. I can’t tell you when this is going to happen. All I can say is the financial system in the West is untenable. From a math standpoint, this Mad Max scenario is going to happen. . . . When I first talked about Mad Max in 2017, I got an absolute rash of crap in emails and comments that said I was crazy, you are nuts, Mad Max will never happen because this is America. Now, it seems to me it’s common that people are using the term Mad Max over the last few years.”
Holter told me he no longer gets any negative comments when he brings up the Mad Max world he sees coming.
Holter says, “If there is an election, no matter who wins, there is going to be massive unrest. If Trump wins, there will be unrest that is paid for (by Democrats and the Deep State). And if Kamala wins, you will finally see polite conservatives, who have followed the rule of law, who are finally going to say that’s the last straw. So, I believe no matter who wins, there will be massive rioting and massive strife, and it could get to civil war. We could see that.”
In closing, Holter says, “The country has been hollowed out in every way possible. One of the biggest hollowing outs is the country has specifically, from a government and school standpoint, turned away from God. . . . If you live in a city, you are not going to make it—end of story. . . . Once you get derivatives cascading, it’s a 72-hour event, and no markets will open anywhere. When markets don’t open, that means there is no more credit. When there is no credit, the real economy stops.”
There is much more in the 46-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with financial writer and precious metals expert Bill Holter for 9.21.24.
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After the Interview:
Bill Holter’s website just keeps getting more and more viewers, and it’s still free. It’s called
If you need to contact Bill Holter, his email is [email protected] .
For those who want a deeper dive in prepping for what is coming, Bill Holter gives this perspective from a prepper called “Grizzley”.
This segment is sponsored by Discount Gold and Silver Trading. Ask for Melody Cedarstrom, the owner, at 1-800-375-4188.

i am the 1st post 🙂
Bill Holter, great choice!!
Agreed, great choice.
Great Interview, only disagree with one element…We The People have inched back from our red line so far that we can no longer see it. We took steps back with BLM, Antifa, Covid, Masks, 6 feet, Vaccines, monetization by the FED, rigged elections, water and food being poisoned, Gender blending, school curriculum destroyed, immigration, and on and on. Not sure what it’s going to take to break the camel’s back but just don’t see a Kamala Presidency being the catalyst.
Thanks Greg for Updates Be safe get rest Peace
Wednesday, a woman in the Honolulu paper wrote in to bring the 20,000 Haitians to Hawaii because we have Aloha, and plenty of land. That’s how stupid people are.
Wow, if she really means it Art, I hear some people in OH will chip in to charter some flights to the Big Island. LOL
You just can’t make this Shiite up. Thanks for the laugh
To all
This morning I woke up to An ever growing, unpayable, National Debt AND….
An unelected (Jill Biden) in Charge the President’sCabinet ??
The Office of the President of the United States can not surrender it’s authority via what ? Community Property laws?
Enough already !
– a humble but grand proposal for your concideration.
If EACH and EVERY State succeeds from the union;
Federal taxes, National Debt, 3 letter agencies, department of indoctrination (education?), all the rest of it, belongs to the tiny piece of land known as the Swamp, Washington D. C. And is
No longer your State’s problem !
States can then self determine how to best serve the will of their people.
Hawaii and California can have their Sanctuary cities and Floridians and Texans can Live under a Free American(or state) Constitution and bill of rights . Each state free to purse for it’s citizens, without federal interferance, that happiness the Constitution offered us.
The Current forcing together of such divergent state views may be nice for political contributions to Washington polititians (as big money maker Roe vs Wade is a classic example of this political donation windfall on a decision too important for National lawyers, lobyists and Lawmakers)
The Supreme Court brought back to the states and closer to the peoples local Governmet where your beliefs and voice may be more easily heard.
Those worried about national defense think on this:
Our nation is already under attack and the Federal system Captured ! The Constitution ignored ! mandates, mis-information, politically weaponized federal agencies, Claiming to save democracy while taking actions we know are destroying it ! The federal government no longer Serves the People. My pointing this out is not treason, It is the truest use of my first amendment Freedom of speech as the founders intended.
Shouldn’t we pull our States away before this federal cancer spreads and further sickens our states ?
Federal level Miss information laws are simply a Tool of Dictators, If speaking truth gets you jail, you are living in a dictatorship. We must not allow Freedom of Speach to Die !
what about Foreign enemies?
How to stop those who would invade some or all 50 new State countries ? We may have to repel an invader but have done so before ! and with only 13 loosely aligned colonies.!
I think America’s outlook is cloudy now but it’s hard to see a future independant state triggering wars around the globe like the current deep state has been doing for years now.
So many Americans are living with freedom in their hearts and minds. We can feel the growing danger.
May God bless us, and our land.
I like your plan. My people succeed in 1861. It’s time to try it again if they steal the election
I don’t think seceeding is an adequate response to another election theft.
We meed to be in better shape for what’s coming.
Galaxy, thanks for your comment.
To be clear, I not proposing civil war.
As you know, the civil war of 1861 was a war Between the States. It’s primary cause being a federal government forcing a unified law on independent states. Another factor was bad actor England’s desire to reclaim lands lost in the revolutionary war thru civil chaos and southern alliance. As always, history is written by the victors so the Federal school system portrays the results as good. However, those who lost know that the words United States IN America changed to United States OF America. States that volentarily joined the Union would not have done so had they known they would not be allowed to leave. They assumed Freedom’s Requirements, a limited, weak, federal government would prevent the out of control growing self serving entity it is now.
Ironicly the war to end slavery was the largest step towards the long term goal of again subjegating / enslaving all of America.
I Fear the next planed caos will compleate that goal and kill what last freedoms we have.
In my proposal,
I was suggesting an abandonment of all states from what is now a no longer reponsive to the people “Fedocracy” that enriches the The Deep State actors and serves the globalists agenda, not the people.
A Deep State is not representative government of the people, unless you are a grifter or a globalist. You can beleive that again chaos will be used to their benefit if they don’t get their way.
To my mind, the politicizing of judiciary,
the purging of military personnel who still honor their oath to the Constitution not a global agenda, the censorship via “mis-information” (actual truth) are all intolerable acts and must be called out for the Cancer to our Freedoms that they are.
Adding our prayers to those who prayed and won a brand new nation born in freedom.
I pray to God about so many things, my country, my appreciation for the gift of salvation, my health (Greg’s too) and even for the evil souls of my enemies which is the hardest prayer for me to make though knowing should it be answered afirmativly, would be a miracle as great as a turn of trump’s head in that instant of time that allows me to say yes, I’ve seen a miricle,
but please God, I beg for one more, please save freedom in America.
following is cold and harsh an off topic caos public service message;
We should all be prepper’s and buy our future meals now. The food you store may not be available later and certainly not be cheaper later. Side benefit, your fighting inflation. (you need inflation insurance money too, call greg’s sponsor discount g+s )
A prepper is not a hoarder because your preemptive action means one less hungry person depleting the shelves in a dangerous climate. Let someone else be the one to take the last can off the shelf and fight off the mothers of hungry children. Today there are lots of cans of food so pickup some extra it harms no one. A prepper is a stabilizing helpful member of his local community not a burden.
The first prepper ?
When Joseph was in Egypt, God warned him of Famine and He was instructed to store 7 years of grain.
My advice, If you have 7 days of food strive for 7 weeks it you have 7 weeks try for 7 months. For those who feel God will provide bear in mind it might be thru the neighbor’s full kitchen shelves after they die from a mass bio weapon attack, nuetron bomb, old age, hauled of to detention center for spreading god’s truth which might soon become a crime of spreading misinformation? John the baptist survived on locus and honey. Today , but not tommorrow ? there are plenty of nearly fresh food scraps in any fast food trash can, a feast when your hungry enough.
Remember to lay low for 3+ days after the big cities run out of food. The sad truth is after no food for 3 days, people are too weak to riot they mostly sleep because the body tries to survive via conservation of energy.
prepping is a bother, not prepping a horror show.
The Most important prepper Item:
Lot’s and Lot’s of Prayer
and build your immortal stockpiles in heaven as you do physical ones on earth.
Who ever that person was mentioning bringing these illegal immigrants to Hawaii should go to her house and she can house these immigrants.
I live on the Big Island and it’s already changing and fast with lots of homeless that are not from Hawaii . They are already bringing these people here. These illegal immigrants need to go back to the country they came from.
Greg, read my book. Rapture in 6/7 years. That’s how much food you need. Tell people that please.
You just did.
Greg, one other thing should be factored in: The terror Sleeper Cells. And when the illegal’s debit cards dry up, they will be raising hell.
Glad you’re doing well.
Thanks for a great show, as always.
Art, we need more information please.
thank you Greg for all your efforts. The Most Excellent Way-dje
What is Happening with the talkers on the internet…Taking the total Destruction of our Language,Culture,and Border (Micheal Savage) it was”Last Weeks News”..calling (one small example)”INVADERS”..IMMIGRANTS..absolutely NO Concern in the voice…Letting the ILLEGAL INVADERS take over a USA TOWN is Absurd!..without RAGE, Nothing will be done…no Restoring our Culture will ever Occur…Dumbed Down is not a sound bite….it is a FACT
When it comes to Haitians being dumped in the U.S., it’s odd that no one mentions the Haiti Massacre of 1804. In that incident the Haitians slaughtered pretty much everyone White (as many as 7,000 men, women and children). You think that violent mentality has changed in the past two centuries? Haiti didn’t make rape a punishable offense until 2005. And yet someone thinks it’s a good idea to bring that here?
Of course, you’ll hear about Emmett Till and Juneteenth and Wounded Knee for the rest of your life like it’s late breaking news. But the Haiti Massacre? Can’t talk about that. Or the fact that in 2023 there were 528 lynchings in Haiti. The biggest year for lynching in the U.S. was 1892 with 230. Oh yeah, those evil White lynchers hiding behind every tree. You’ll have that shoved down your throat for the rest of your life too.
It is more than Clear….that Our Country, the United States of America is “hanging on by a thread”…the PSYOP Instigators are in Full Force..whether naive flapping lips or with downright Traitorous Intentions….these creeps need to be “Slapped Down”, and it is TOO LATE to use kid glove language…..IMMIGRANTS MY ASS!
There doesn’t have to be a collapse in the general sense. They can keep kicking the can down the road for awhile longer. As we get closer to 2030 is when we should see another black swan event like covid to force everyone to a digital currency.
You will see it soon.
Get two years of food. What a joke. You will soon either be dead or wish you were before two years is up.
I guess saying to prepare and stock up gives you some hope but it isn’t going to work. No one is going to save you so wake up and get ready to accept your fate. The entire country is going down so stay put and see if I am right.
Good riddance if you ask me.
You are a Godless loser. Run and Hide.
Jesus is coming back.
God is all we need.
hey cathrine and greg. jfk casey neans snd her bother aremaling s tream to get the junk out of our food snd water in our food and wayer styim trump pit ffk in charge and casey means and her brotherbate tackeling it
Jesus has saved my soul, as for my body, I am planning to take care of that the best I can.
Good riddance you say? ROFLMAO
What is your plan Dude/Dudette? Roll over and die?
Please seek Christ. There is hope for you yet.
U.S. Congressman Gives Reality Check To His Own Country, Admits To Hypersonic Might Of Russia, China
Hindustan Times 8,858 views 2 hours ago Sep 21, 2024
A U.S. Congressman made a big admission on Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapons. Doug Lamborn said China and Russia are ‘way ahead of U.S.’ in the weapons department. The comments came as Russia and China have boosted ties in recent years primarily due to opposition from Washington.
The US. has gone woke, broke, busted and disgusted! The crack pipe dreams of the left have gone to pot! Let’s just hope she is, just a puppet and as soon as she get’s in they give her, her marching orders right! We can’t compete in a cold cruel world as potheads. Like top pup Obomber!
Elon Musk: ”I am releasing SpaceX’s NEW Warship that can wipe out Russia in seconds!” Voyager 2,611 views Sep 21, 2024
Elon Musk has never shied away from ambitious and world-altering projects. From revolutionizing the electric vehicle industry with Tesla, to venturing into space with SpaceX, Musk is a visionary with his eyes set firmly on the future of technology, energy, and even human survival. But today, Musk has reportedly taken things to a whole new level, announcing the release of SpaceX’s new warship, a technologically advanced weapon of unprecedented power that, according to sources, could hypothetically “wipe out Russia in seconds.”
Look’s like Elon is in effect, Resurrecting Nicholas Tesla as himself and bring Nichola’s dreams into floriation!
Elon is looking surprisingly hefty!
. I think he better start avoiding the sweet’s and pastries. May I suggest he gets his delicacies’ from the health food store. Or get his chef to start using Xylitol, Stevia and raw honey which has no sucrose but laevulose!
Back to nature Elon, we need you more than you thunk. Call yer mum, she’ll set you straight mate!
sorry to say don’t be a kool-aid drinker Elon musk is a worker of the devil, he is no genius he is a flim flam man.there is no technology to take you to the moon it is not a rock its plasma a gas.Its all a psyop.Hes not going to Mars complete bs,he has been groomed by the money changers of the world he is a distraction from GOD.Anyone who wants to chip your brain is a worker of the devil
I agree. I distrust Musk also. He smells like controlled opposition to me. Every time he shoots a rocket or satalite into space he punches another hole in our already vanishing ozone layer (about 30% currently remaining by Dane Wigington’s research team calculations) and what about all the toxic fuel pollutions and WASTE of resources used in doing so? Musk is still doing some really stupid things with his wealth- that are NOT helping humanity or the planet in our all out struggle for survival at this late hour.
As Perl Baily says: “The US has gone woke, broke, busted and disgusted! And the crack pipe dreams of the left have now gone to pot”. Soon Her-ass will give marching orders to her Arrest Agents to come into our homes for our guns along with our wealth, depriving us of our Constitutionally Guaranteed Right “to Resist an Outright Home Invasion without a Warrant” (just like she allowed “As Our Border Czar” the Outright Invasion of our Home Country!!
“Aye Arrest Agents” Are For Harris (just like the Gestapo was for Hitler)!!!
FULL SPEECH: Trump holds rally on Long Island | LiveNOW from FOX LiveNOW from FOX 469,726 views Sep 18, 2024
Former President Donald Trump delivered remarks at a campaign rally in Uniondale, New York Wednesday evening.The rally took place on the same day Trump was initially supposed to be sentenced in his New York hush money case.
Judge Juan Merchan delayed the sentencing to November 26, until after the election.
Another Great interview with Bill H, Greg.
Thanks 500!! Bill makes it easy.
Great interview Greg. As a piece of information. There is a Processed food producer in Springville, OH. The Haitian’s work there. Its a clear case that this business has colluded with the Biden Administration to get cheap labor.
The Mexican border thing is hard to prove. But the Springville Ohio factory is a clear case.
Thanks, Dan, for the street reporting. Please keep it up!!
It looks like they are working for Tyson meats so I guess that I won’t be buying that brand .
The Federal Reserve System (aka The Banking Cartel) works until it doesn’t. And nobody really knows the day, month or year the corrupt system totally fails. The WEF knows they need a “Great Reset” sooner or later. Really, this so called Great Reset is going to be an attempt to consolidate and totally centralize power into the United Nations – including currency and credit and taxation power(s).
Frankly, Satan himself wants the United Nations to be empowered with great authority. Not total and complete control, but a major chess piece on Satan’s Chessboard shall be what the UN becomes.. So, you can expect a reorganizing of power unlike anything in history and a great portion of power to be delegated to the UN.
Of course, it’s going to take something like WW3 and the subsequent mass starvation, plague and socioeconomic collapse that always follows a great war… War. Famine. Plague. Inflation. Breakdown of Western Civilization.
What’s the solution? God’s Kingdom is the real solution; however, first comes Satan’s solution of a United Nations. Really, the United Nations is an Anti-Christ System; an Anti-God’s Kingdom; an Atheistic System.
Satan’s United Nations. That’s what’s coming.
Even secular men like Marty Armstrong have said that “behind the curtain the talk is empowering the IMF (part of the UN) with the new reserve currency”.
Follow the money. Satan uses money and especially “the love of money” to promote evil and gain control.
So what’s the bottom line and the takeaway? For me the fact is I really don’t know how events play out. Does WW3 happen and thrust us all back into the Stone Age? Or does WW3 destroy just enough of America to bring Americans to their knees as they beg to be part of a United Nations which promises peace, security, food, medicine and hope…..?
Time will tell. But I personally think the future will surprise and shock us all.
Satan wants a lot of things…
I have read the Book. Spoiler Alert: Jesus wins, Jehovah is not overcome and CANNOT be defeated by Satan. We win.
The United States and the United Nations are probably taking orders from the United Worlds of the Galactic Union (composed of about 150 different Alien Species) who likely don’t see any redeeming value in the Human Race (who are now on the verge of Exterminating Themselves With Nuclear Tipped Hyper-sonic Missiles). The United Worlds probably threatened our Globalists with “being kept alive and burned in eternal fires” if they didn’t begin reducing the human population from 8 Billion to 500,000( using any and all means possible)!! This was probably ordered so that these 500,000 Humans Could Then Be Transported (in Space Ships provided by the United Worlds of the Galactic Union) to the Planet Pluto – Where They Will Be Put On Display In A Zoo – Where “Civilized Races” from all Corners of the Galaxy can Visit and Study these “Strange Psychopathic Animals” (Who Not Only Try To Shoot Their Opposition “To Win Elections” but Kill People They Don’t Even Know In Continual “Non-Stop Wars”!! What is so unusual about this Human Species is that “Unlike the Rest of the Species in the Universe” (that kill other species for food or sport) HUMANS JUST LOVE TO KILL ONE ANOTHER!! This is “Very Unusual Among All The Species Throughout the Universe” (Humans are unique in this respect, they are “the only ones in the Galaxy” who go around Killing And Maiming People Of Their Own Specie “THAT THEY DON’T EVEN KNOWT”!!! The Sign Over Their ZOO CAGE Will Likely Read: CAUTION THESE ANIMALS “WHO KILL THEIR OWN” CAN BE DANGEROUS TO OTHER SPECIES WHEN APPROACHED!! – They Are Known To Kill Right From the Womb, to Adulthood (in horrifically maiming wars that tear their body’s apart) and Any Human That Happens To Survive to Adulthood is “Intentionally Jabbed” to Bring About An Early Death!!!
“HUMANS JUST LOVE TO KILL ONE ANOTHER!!”…..I take it that you are HUMAN?. glad I’m not the poor sap that married you..
This is Crazy Talk…………”Humans are unique in this respect, they are “the only ones in the Galaxy” who go around Killing And Maiming People Of Their Own Specie”,,,
You have NO IDEA what is happening on Mars…let alone the GALAXY?!…how many trips did you make around the “GALAXY”?
Stanlee – I don’t have to travel around the Galaxy because Astronomers have already looked through their telescopes and calculated that there are between 300 Million to 6 Billion Potential Earths (JUST IN THE MILKY WAY GALAXY ALONE). Now consider with 10 Trillion Galaxies in Our Known Universe, there has to be about 76,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Stars out there “SIMILAR TO OUR SUN, WITH ORBITING HABITABLE PLANETS “. Now, if (as many believe) “We Are Alone in the Universe” then Humans Are Unique in this Respect, and Therefore “They ARE The Only Ones in The Galaxy Who Go Around Killing And Maiming People Of Their Own Specie”!!!
Since you are still here I presume you Did Not Take The Jab nor Did Your Cell Phone Blow Up but a Hypersonic Nuclear Bomb may yet get you!!!
An Unlikely Alliance: RFK Jr. Speaks
Phil in the Blanks Podcast 403k views 10 days ago
Dr. Phil sits down with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. where he describes the struggles within his team to arrive at the decision to leave the race, reflecting on the challenges posed by media censorship and lack of a clear path to victory. RFK Jr. discusses why he chose to suspend his campaign and align with Trump. What role would he want to play if Donald Trump wins the election in November?
Wow, 10 day’s ago, yet feels like 10 week’s!
“I’d Vote For Trump – I DON’T Trust Harris” Jordan Peterson On Election & ‘Criminal’ Trans Surgeries
Piers Morgan Uncensored 844,928 views Sep 19, 2024
Clinical psychologist and friend of Uncensored Jordan B. Peterson joins Piers Morgan to discuss how he would psychoanalyze presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris and more. Liberals; a new breed of fascist?
The pair tackle technology, the battle for free speech, Elon Musk and his personal experience of the repercussions of young people being offered gender reassignment, plus Peterson gives his take on the UK scandal of former BBC newsreader Huw Edwards escaping prison after being found guilty of making indecent images of children. He also responds to British personality Carol Vorderman refusing to have his name mentioned on her radio show.
I work in a largely recession proof industry involving fixing fuel delivery systems and can confirm a slow down in work. Our competitors are reporting the same thing. It’s not at a critical state yet but if the trend continues Q3-Q4 next year looks ugly. I like Holter, and others, but when I stopped listening to all the doomsayers is when I started making very good profits in the markets. So I use those profits to buy gold and silver on occasion – small incremental buys add up over time. People need to be careful as these warnings have been coming at us for decades now and it can be easy to make a mistake by how much capital is allocated to precious metals. Invest your money, invest it wisely, and add to your “plan b” assets over time because the cost of panicking and cashing out of retirement plans can be very damaging to your financial future.
The only thing worse than cashing out early is being to late. You have to keep people in the market so you can harvest them.
Bill H believes enough that he left the big city and went country boy.
Hard times are coming and it’s going to make 1929 look like a Good Day
And yes, I am wearing my Dust Parade Tshirt
Chris, there is no financial future. Powel caved in for the Dem’s. What the Fed heads always do in an election selection year. Inflation is soon to be reawakened and nothing is going to stop it! Mark my woids! Inflation stagflation in your future.
Yes, but if I listened to these comments and moved money into other hard assets my family would have lost tremendous amounts of money and gained very little. We are well prepared to weather a 2-3 year financial storm exactly because we stopped listening to all the doomsayers – and focused on growing wealth by remaining in the markets, and are slowly buying more hard assets with profits. Our friends who cashed in their retirement plans years ago and bought hard assets are now stuck with no income producing assets unless they bought rental properties (which was a good move). For some of them the future looks pretty bleak – one major health or housing crisis will wipe them out. We know plenty of preppers and many gave up investing for a collapse that’s been imminent for decades now, and they will never be able to retire unless they are counting on an inheritance. To repeat: I like Holter but no way am I going to get stuck in the “financial world is ending” echo chamber. Holter will be right eventually. Use that time to invest and convert some of your profits to assets you think will get you to the other side. Slow and steady accumulation. Well, do what you want… you have plenty of choices.
I have not given up and am winning with Prostate Cancer. I never gave up as I played competitive basketball until age 50, I was never a quiter but a fighter. No more talk of giving up but stand up tall now and get stored food, gun, ammo and defend. Americans have turned into an Army of puss–s. Protest in the streets, harass your politicians for change and back bone, stand tall like me with my cancer challege now. Never give up, cowards give up. God Bless you Greg and Bill Holter
Don’t give up David
tks for post greg bill
The start of the end times already started back in the 1960’s when Rockefeller and a number of other very rich people formed the ONE WORLD GOV. here in the US and then joined the European Organization as well as the Asian Organization to for the TRILATERAL Committee. They are now called the WEF and are in control of this very Nation we live in today. Back in 1980 when a group of us were making a study of all this, I did not know if I would see the end times, but here it is and I am 90 but in excellent health and I TOTALLY AGREE WITH Bill Greg. We will see the war with Israel start very soon and not last long before a peach agreement that will involve the world and start the LAST SEVEN YEARS that we will be here on this earth, under the control of THE ONE WORLD GOV., and horrible times ahead, and then the LORD COMES WITH HIS ANGELES FOR US. COME QUICKLY LORD JESUS.
Thank you so very much Greg for the interview and getting the word out there for others to get the word and hopefully KNOW JESUS, and go home with Him when He comes for us.
Hi Greg, I get a kick out of your poll question asking when WW3 will begin… Remember the worldwide bioweapon attack in 2020 and 2021? Remember the “Worldwide War on Terror?”
Hi my friend,
The Israel. mess started actually last night!! Massive rockets, missiles, equipment moving, etc, etc. Good luck to you brother.
Folks, I will keep it stupid-simple: We are in EXTREME PERIL period, full stop. the End.
Everyone that gets up in the morning and goes to work is in danger.
What is the purpose of your warning?
Americans are the Germans of 1933. When Hitler came to power, Germans said of Hitler’s rhetoric, “Oh! It’s just hyperbole. He’s popular now, just a fad. He’ll disappear politically. The people will see him for what he is.”
Fast forward to America 2024. Americans just sit back and let their country be torn apart saying, “Oh! We’ll fix it next election. It’s just a fad. They’ll go away politically. Cooler heads will prevail. After all, this is AMERICA!” Well guess what? It’s Germany 1935 in America. The radicals have taken over the government and YOU HAD NO SAY! Those that had something to say, the J6ers, are rotting in the DC jail without their constitutional rights, just like the undesirables in 1935 Nazi Germany. And you ain’t gonna vote your way out of it…
Sorry, Jeff. Read a little History. The Germans voted Hitler in and expanded his power. They supported him. What you claim people said, if they did say it, it was well after the war went badly for Germany.
And you are wrong about voting our way out of this. We are going to. Besides mistaken history and despair. What is your plan. What is your answer? Are you voting ?
And Jeff, Biden was not elected. It was a coup, done by the Demons against America. We are not going to let that happen again
Greg, the world just dodged a HUGE bullet when after a back channel appears to have caused BIDEN and his NATO idiots to back down and refuse delivery of the missiles to Ukraine…. Ritter report not long ago =
ANSWER TO PRAYERS? let’s hope so !
Buy your family’s future clothes and Christmas presents, NOW, IF you can.
My family had chickens in a box, in the kitchen, in the 1950s.
You are going to have to open your mind during hard times.
Nice people will not survive this.
Plant food that comes up every year.
My stalker told everyone I’m prepping. Dammit.
One way or another, I don’t think they’ll let Trump win.
Great advise.
Expand your mind. Be open for solutions. Pray about it.
You are correct. Nice people will not survive. They will not see the obvious threats and they will get their family and friends killed. Jesus wants you to be kind but he also doesn’t expect you to be stupid about it. Don’t invite the viper to your bosom.
Plant food that grows every year. (Marie, can you give some guidance on this?)
Sorry you have a stalker. My Ex, she was a stalker. Please make sure you are armed at all times, Even at home. Stalkers are not in their right mind. Don’t give this person the ability to injure you physically or emotionally. C/C insurance might be a good investment.
They didn’t let Trump win in 2016. Pray to YHWH and ask for Trump‘a protection and prosper him into the Presidency.
500, Raspberries, asparagus, strawberries, blueberries, rhubarb , fruit trees, bees for honey (in the middle ground of your fruit trees), berry bushes in general, nut trees, Jerusalem artichokes, horseradish, etc. Pay particular attention to pollinators and fertilizers. Youtube and sellers of these products are great teachers about all of this. Best to get started IMMEDIATELY. Fall is when some of this stuff gets planted.
Plant seeds that do NOT need bees are called parthenogenic and not all seed sellers sell parthenogenic seeds.
CC with training.
500, Youtube has videos of backyard “Food Forests”. It is surprising how many plants, trees, and other food producing plants can be grown in a back yard. Have some that produce food in April, some that produce food in May, some that produce food in June and so on and so on and so on. Have early producers, late producers, greenhouse plants etc. Do it all. Grow sprouts, large scale.
Open your mind.
Get ideas from seed selling sites like Johnnys Selected Seeds .com, Territorial Seeds .com, True Leaf Market .com
and many more. Learn to save seeds and start your saved seeds.
That’s parthenocarpic, Not the other.
“From the Liver to the Knee,
Hezbollah will be organ Free”
My new battle cry
Sheikh Ali ANITAs and Muhammad Saleh
Hi ranking Hezbollah officials are standing in front of St Pete who is likely pointing them to the down escalator
Palmetto State Armory has a Standard AR on sale for $400. I am not a paid shill, I have been a customer for a decade.
Why is this man not charged with treason and hanged? He ignored a lawful order from the Commander and Chief plus he conspired with the Chinese…
Why should you be armed? Because of the feral human demographic. Do you think they would consider a locked door at your house an issue?
Arm up and get a little training at range. Learn safety and basic shooting. You don’t need to be trained like a Navy Seal, just know how to run your equipment and a have the mindset that you are willing to protect your family and self.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD!>ARE YOU RAPTURE READY?
While the wages of sin are death, the evil bastards sure collect a lot o coin until they die…
You have got to love Bill Holter! Super knowledgeable, clear thinker and honest.
Fabulous guest!
Greg, you are hitting the ball out of the park again!
Thank you for everything you do.
If nukes start flying, they won’t stop. Even people in bunkers won’t live long (impossible to prepare for every contingency). If your in the city, you probably will have a quick death. If your in a remote area, you will probably suffer a slow death from radiation poisoning or starvation. Hopefully it won’t come to that, and having a store of food, water, ammo and other survival items will get you through tough times until conditions improve. Only God the Father will determine the outcome.
This is not our home down here and is temporary. I believe our faith in Jesus Christ will allow us to be with him in eternity.
God bless you Greg
Amen, Time. We weren’t meant to stay here. With Jesus, our Savior and Salvation, we are just passing through.
Glory be to Jehovah in the Highest and I praise HIM in Jesus’ name
Greg Hunter
Our Ultimate American Patriot
Thanks for all you do
I continue to accumulate Pre 1965 US Dimes, Quarters and Half Dollars
The best way to accumulate Silver closest to Spot and great for Barter
Stay Well my Brother
You got the right idea Lt Col.
Stacking pre65 is a great idea
Thanks Greg for having Bill on. These speakers help us keep on track and prepare for the hard times ahead.
It would be good to hear from Ed Dowd, I wonder if he still thinks Treasury bonds are a good way to go. It seems like Bill is not recommending Treasuries now.
Bill H is one of my favorite guests, thanks Greg. Great interview!
Calling all prayer warriors! For the next 21 days there is a Global Day of Prayer effort. Christians from all over the world are praying for the elections, for the church, for our schools, etc. To get involved go to: Global Day of Prayer.
Also, there is an effort to get inactive voter Christians to get out and vote in swing states. People are writing letters to these people. All it costs is the stamp, paper and envelope. To get involved go to You will get a list of people, you chose how many. During most elections, at least 20 million Christians don’t vote. Helen
Yep – 50 point interest rate cut is POLITICAL in nature, and Inflation will once again rear its ugly head, and this will internally KILL the buying power of the dollar as well. THIW’s and have a nice day to y’all as well.
We still have a fantastic opportunity to buy Gold with our US Dollar (just like the banksters are doing before the BRICS come out with their new monetary UNIT). In fact right now with just One US Penny we can still buy 35,416,700,000,000,000,000 Atoms of Real Physical Gold, whereas One US Penny only buys you about 16 Satoshis!! Do the Math Folks!!!
The smallest UNIT of “real money” (Gold) is One Atom!!
The smallest UNIT of “electronic money” (Bitcoin) is One Satoshis!!
So Gold is hands down More Trade-able and Inter-changeable then Bitcoin and Gold is also “a physical entity” that you can hold in your hand (compared to the Bitcoin “computer bits” that reside inside a computer)!!
We will soon find out what UNIT the BRICS will be using (but the math shows Gold to be “THE BETTER UNIT”!!!
So if a US Penny is made equal to One Atom of Gold anyone with one gram of Gold will own $3,042,800,000,000,000,000,000 Dollars (which will as things are going probably be just enough money to buy a weeks worth of groceries). But at least those people having a little bit of Gold will be better off then those who don’t own any (and will “own absolutely nothing” and “happy eat bugs”). To change our monetary system For the Better we need to Get Rid Of The Middle Men (the Banksters). The Fed is simply a Printing Shop that prints up the IOU’s the Government hands out as “Money” (US Dollars). How this Ponzi Scheme works is: When the Government needs “Money” (to say send to Ukraine to prosecute a War that will get the US Economy Moving and make the Military Industrial Complex Filthy Rich) the Government simply tells the Fed to Print Up the “Money” for them (however the Fed includes a Service Charge of about 5% (Fed Chief Powell just recently lowered the interest rate the Fed charges by half a percentage point). But this interest rate charge “For Creating the National Debt” can fluctuate (from 0% under Bernanke to as much as 15% under Volcker)!! This interest charge the Fed collects to print up the “IOU’s” (US dollars) the Government Needs for its Wars, etc., etc. is then given to their Bankster Buddies to make loans to the American People at even higher rates of between 7% for the purchase of a Home to as much as 25% on purchases made on their Credit Cards!!
Now why doesn’t anyone ask this question: Why Is The US Government Paying The Banksters To Print Up IOU’s (Increasing Our National Debt) To Fund Their Wars When They Can Simply (Upon Invading or Controlling Some Country like Ukraine or Mexico, etc., etc.) just Expropriate their Natural Resources (like Silver or Gold) and make some Real Money out of it (instead of paying Fed Middle Men to print up “worthless paper US Dollars” when we can all own REAL MONEY and get rid of our National Debt???
This was interesting and a bit funny too.
Christians have a small window of opportunity to spread the Gospel. I suggest we get busy! A vote for Trump might extend that window. We need to get busy! We must do this. God help us all. God help His church.
Interest rates are simply the price of borrowing money. If the money is worth less, then it costs less to borrow it. The treasury can print a limited amount of money if there’s enough trees in the forest to make paper and enough ink to do the printing, but to say that the federal Reserve is bankrupt is not accurate. When the Federal Reserve loans money to banks, it doesn’t send them U.S. Treasury printed dollars. It simply creates an electronic number in a computer account from thin air, figures the interest to be paid, and then sends it to the bank via wire transfer. The Federal Reserve never had any real money to begin with.
Let me guess, Jay. You haven’t taken any accounting of finance classes.
You are Wrong, during high inflation, interest rates have to go up to cover loss in spending…
What Powell did is damn reckless and bad for the country
Bill Holter makes perfect sense!
Unfortunately, he lives very close to Austin, Texas, population of 1 million more or less.
30 minute drive to his home. We are in our 60s now, that makes it even more dangerous for us all. Good interview!
Chock full of krazy people that will spill out into his venue. Nobody is safe!
Greg, glad to see you back!
Would you consider interviewing Dan Wootton of GB News and/or Bernadette Spofforth (X: @artemisnow) who was imprisoned by the UK state as an example to suppress social media critical of the new UK Government?
These guys were the cream of the crop at one point. Now they are the punchline for bad jokes where good people die.
I live outside of Springfield Mo. It’s an annual event to pick up walnuts in my family. Yesterday we were outside burning brush and realized the walnuts were falling. When we looked at the Hammons’ site we were surprised to find they are only having a 14 day harvest season, Oct 7-20th. We’ve picked up walnuts for 30 years and the season has always ran from the first week of Oct. through the first weekend in Nov.
We also tried to find the price they are paying on their site and cannot find it. Usually it is there. My husband called the local hulling location operator and we were told they were paying $12 per hundred pound hulled. I remembered it being significantly more last year, so I found an article from last year that states they were paying $16 per hundred pounds hull to start.
Walnuts are a luxury. It is one ingredient you can leave out of most recipes.
Is the economy the reason for the 60% drop in harvest time and the 25% drop in price? I don’t remembering them shortening the harvest time or lowering the price paid during the ’08 recession.
Thanks, CJ, for the reporting and the links!!
Greg: Why don’t you have an updated interview with John Williams of Shadowstats? I think it is time to hear from him.
King James Bible
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
It is getting closer folks. Refuse to do business with any store that pulls this crap !!!!
The Poplar Report channel , on you tube , 9/22/2024.
Viewer reports that Wally-World in Texas has the self checkout asking for YOUR PHONE NUMBER … before allowing you to checkout , even with CASH !
If we allow this , next it will be mandatory to scan your phone QR code to buy or sell , see where this is going ? One small step at a time ?
NO WAY. Leave the items behind and shop elsewhere, let the store put the items back.
Don’t be so serious We had a store do that here and I just make up a number. It’s not like they check it
May your chains rest lightly …….
YOU will forge them , link by incremental link.
Thanks Greg, your channel is a true public service. To share with all; I bought two more 330 gallon IBC totes Friday-(each holds 1 ton). I put them on dunnage so i can get a 5 gallon bucket under the drain spout. I use a small dirt auger on a drill to pull the grain out and into buckets. In a couple weeks I’ll pick up a ton of soft white wheat and refill a ton of cracked corn and wheat mix (for the chickens). Hard red in the spring. I’m way out on faith with this, unless you listen to a Bill Holter interview. I figure a ton of wheat will last a large family two+ years. With a “Grey Man” idea the totes i have outside are concealed under some left over pond liner, so you just see black boxes and can’t see any grain through the semi clear plastic. There’s also some UV issues. The totes run $305 each and a ton of wheat about $600 ish plus tax- less for the scratch mix. Dependency on electricity is my weak link, but lots of power generation in this area.
It’s JUST your phone number …… COMPLY.
It’s JUST 2 weeks to slow the spread.
It’s JUST until things go ” back to normal”.
It’s JUST one jab with a toxic injection ( Mandatory 5 boosters to stay employed )
It’s JUST to cut down on theft ….. that stores and cities refuse to prosecute for.
It’s just one of many Freedoms lost that will NEVER COME BACK, if allowed to continue got it ?
Whatever was the point in spending millions on all these serveillance drones and camera’s everywhere… if they won’t use them?
Whatever will be the point of a digital ID system when they’ve already revealed there’s only one demographic they’re going to target with it?
There was a “story” the other day (It might be fake… but probably isn’t) about a guy designing an AI to watch live camera footage in shops. The AI is supposed to identify theft, the ID of the thief and the price amount of stolen goods the thieves were carrying. Turns out that a particular demographic was the main culprit for theft so the solution was to set the AI to ignore that demographic entirelly and only focus on guess who? Funny enough… it’s now only White’s who are criminals and thieves according to AI and police statistics derived from AI. Whitey has been the menace to society all along committing all the crime. Who would ever have believed it? Looks like only Whitey needs digital ID as they’re the sole problem. AI proved it and computers are infallible.
San-Fran and other cities will not even send a cop unless the theft is over $ 950 dollars value.
But stores want to harass YOU and invade your privacy !! Madness.
I’m Done.
Here is a thought. Give them a fake number or refuse. Home Depot started asking for tel numbers more than 6 years ago. I never gave them my number. They want your phone number less than they want the sale. Or you can make up a number and give them that
Not to worry about a nuclear attack yet. That’s still a couple years out.
(I’ve been told by a higher power.)
Thanks for having my fav financial guy on, Greg. I’ve followed Bill for years & agree the future looks rather bleak for America’s economy.
Glad to see you’re doing well.
Take good care & God bless.
I think your “higher power “ is wrong. People should not stop preparing. They should not stop their sense of urgency. Time is running out. There are plenty of other things besides nuke. I pray you are correct but I think you are wrong.
Social unrest will kill you just as fast as a nuke. Starvation and dehydration is a horrible way to go
Lady Boss destroys GM… stop making stuff that sells and go Electric… Rah Rah
How did the FBI Know? They work for Beijing Buy-Dem who gave Iran Billions of US dollars
Good Night, last news story. Harris is letting terrorists in to terrorize you…
Arm up peoplt
Well, the problem is you guys are “a lying dog faced pony soldier” Isn’t that what the D party would say???
Damn… RaoFLMAO
Someone please draw that
Do you know that we are heirs to a kingdom with wonders far beyond what we can imagine? The Bible says that New Testament saints, that’s us, will someday inherit a kingdom (James 2:5; Ephesians 1:11-14). Paul tells us that in our current state, we can’t yet receive our inheritance. However, Jesus will make us fit to do so by giving us incorruptible and immortal bodies at His appearing (1 Corinthians 15:50-55).
Is this not the most wonderful news imaginable? As I look at the deteriorating conditions around me, I’m relieved in no small way to know that a much, much better day awaits. This current world is not our final destination! It’s not where Jesus is preparing a forever home for us.
The struggles and disappointments of life often drown our curiosity regarding our heritage. Even as watchers, we easily become consumed with the signs of the approaching Tribulation and forget about the wonders of what it will be like to reign with the Savior in His kingdom.
Greg, very serious discussion all should at least be aware of =
Russia’s Chilling Warning: They’re NOT Bluffing
Does anyone believe the Houthis (or Iran, etc., etc.) in the Middle East developed their Hypersonic Missiles “on their own” that they are threatening to fire (at US Warships, US allies and the more then 800 Military Bases the US has surrounding Russia and China)?? The Russians are Not Bluffing but simply using Asymmetric Warfare (through their proxies) just like the US and NATO use their proxies (like Ukraine to bomb Moscow)!! Its “Tit for Tat” (The US blows up the Nord Stream Pipeline and then Gaza invades Israel, the US steals Russian money held in Western Banks and then Western Shipping is denied access through the Red Sea, and so it goes, “back and forth”, “back and forth”, until one day the Deep State Neocons GO TOO FAR and get Washington AC/DC Wiped Off the Map (which Historians would probably consider a good thing when looked at objectively as being “The One Thing That Saved The 8 Billion People of the Human Race From an All Out Nuclear War and Total Extinction by Crazed Psychopaths” (Who Just Love to Kill Everything from Babies in the Womb, to the Young Teens Drafted to Fight their Immoral Wars, to giving multiple “Jabs” to everyone to Destroy their Immune Systems) so as to Meet Their Insane Goal of Human Population Reduction down to only 500,000 Demon Rats (who are the Exact Ones who need to be Tossed Down the Toilet or be put in a Zoo for Further Study by Other More Intelligent Species with Higher Moral Values)!!!
The Iranians are pretty smart but they likely had a little help from Russia. However, Russia doesn’t trust Iran either
just a thought off the subject,i wonder how Stan”s Gold Shorts are making out,havent heard from him on a while
I am doing fine. Had to move some assets offshore to protect them. I am underwater but I have been in the past. My timing model has always saved me. Shorting Gold here is like shorting Gold in 1980. The returns will be massive.
You are near the Titanic under water.
hope you have some big air tanks you are going to be under there for a long while
Albert, that was priceless. Unlike any Stan owns, especially short positions
Myths BUSTED! Brave German Journalist EXPOSES Ukraine/NATO War Lies. Neutrality Studies
175,136 views Sep 19, 2024 NDS
Dr. Gabrielle Krone-Schmalz, a German intellectual and former journalist, recently gave a highly informative talk at the “37. Pleisweiler Gespräch”. Dr. Krone-Schmalz used to work as a Moscow-correspondent for Germany’s largest public broadcaster, ARD, and was also a Professor for Media Science and has emerged as one of the fiercest critics of Germany’s foolish policies vis-a-vis Russia. She is one of the people who can and does publicly lecture on the true origins of the ongoing war-fare in Europe, and she is proof that, yes, some Europeans really do know what is going on and how reckless the current political and media elite are.
US Warns Putin With $776 Million Stealth Nuclear Bomber
Story by James Edwards • 19h
60% of Young People with Myocarditis from COVID Vaxx Had Heart Damage Six Months Later! “OUCH! Dat Hoit’s!”
by Raw Egg Nationalist September 22th, 2024
Thanks, Bill Gate’s_ Down in Devil Gate Drive!
Hi Laura
What great MSNBC propaganda on the B21. If it’s anything like the F35 it’s a gigantic steaming pile of Pig Shiite. Can it fly in a rain storm? So parts fall of while flying?
A great post Laura, Thank you for the articles
While you where sleeping the UN just voted for the “Pact for the Future” without asking you.
It’s being reported as the successor to UN Agenda 2030.
Even I didn’t know about this until now after they adopted it.
PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) September 23, 2024
I object. It’s not a lawful treaty and refuse to comply.
All Americans should. Just as I was going to sleep last night I heard music start to play… about halfway through I realized it was in my mind not on electronics. The Demons are forcing this upon us. But YHWH is on our side. Don’t tell me that there are “Good” Demoncrats. Sorry guys. It is a simple thought exercise. You can not support what the Democrats stand for and be Christian. You can’t be “good.” I am afraid all good men will be hearing this song before the end of the year
I agree. Just because the a**holes at the UN and the WEF pass some kind of crap edict does NOT mean the world has to accept it OR comply. If they can’t convince enough useful idiot order followers to attempt forcing world populations into following their BS then nothing happens- and they FAIL. Decentralization has ALWAYS been KEY to FREEDOM- so simply DO NOT COMPLY with dictates from any unelected self important foreigners.
Every time. It starts in AUS. / NZ. Then it spreads like a globalist virus.
Seven Days To Stop 1984!
In this special show I am joined by Robbie Barwick from the Australian Citizens Party, and Economist John Adams, from In The Interests Of The People to underscore the need for people to make their views known to Government on the Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 which on the 19 September 2024, the Senate referred the provisions of the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 (the bill) to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee for report by 25 November 2024.
You have JUST SEVEN Days! as submissions close on the 30 September 2024.
This bill would severely curtain unfettered free speech by putting onerous responsibilities on social media platforms across issues as wide as electoral, health, social and economic. In practice the Government will define “truth” and will essential silence alternative voices.
BREAKING: Alex Jones Confronts Former NIH Director Francis Collins Over Crimes Against Humanity
by September 22th, 2024 1:15 PM
Pro-Putin TV channel simulates devastating nuclear strike on London • 2h DailyMail
Kamala claims being black but she doesn’t appear to like black mothers:
As Attorney General of California, Harris led a crackdown on school attendance, making it a criminal misdemeanor – punishable by up to a year in jail – for parents whose children missed at least 10 percent of school days.
In “Arrested by Kamala: A Black Mother’s Story,” Cheree Peoples tells the story of how she spent two years on trial for having a daughter in the hospital with sickle cell anemia.
As a result of this outrageous prosecution, Cheree and her daughter ended up homeless. The real Kamala Harris is exposed. You can hear Peoples tell her story in her own words.
Hahaha Janet Jackson, a successful REAL Black business woman says Kamala is not black
I just now saw the 2nd assassin’s rifle… the scope is taped on. Really? The Keystone Cops version of an assassin. And YHWH, I praise you for that in your Son, Jesus’ name
Hello Galaxy 500
Your comments don’t match the reality we live in.
just want you to know any online coin dealer with buy and sell price postings o
shows your 1,600 dollar comment nonsensical.
And another point
I have bought grocery and hardware items with gold.
You should not be surprised how many retail store managers much like the general population wish to aquire gold. A short conversation with a store manager will help determine a manager’s willingnes to trade your gold for goods. yes you may have to have many such conversations.
case 1, (way back when gold was 800 plus an ounce), Groceries.
Manager indicated interest but needed a few days to get the funds to buy me 800 bucks worth of gift certificates for my ounce.
Case 2 Local hardware farm supply, Owner / Manager sold me a gun safe for some fractional gold coins tossed in a 100 foot 12 awg extension cord as my “change”.
humanity has survived over the years because of adaptation and improvisation.
gold is not appreciating in value. at least not in the U.S. It’s just depreciating in value less than other assets. except for the stock-mkt. but I think that will not be the case before too long. that being written, all assets in the U.S. are deleveraging from the system, and depreciating in value. just that some are depreciating more than others. gold included. I’ve not consulted any business owners that will exchange gold for goods or services. I can’t find many business owners that will even exchange cash for goods and services. I’m glad you did. I probably have to look a little harder.
I think Catherine Austin Fitts said that the primary value of gold is to bribe the border guards on your way out of the country. probably good to have enough for that. but no more. any more and i’d consider it a loss. (I could be misquoting CAF.) I’m not against gold. it’s the only honest store of wealth. BUT there are considerable disadvantages in it, unless you’re filthy rich (I am not).
Don’t listen to Bill on cities being hopeless. Its a netflix fantasy to thrive out in the boonies and the reality is that the rule of law will first be restored in the city, they will get the first relief supplies, gasoline, sewer and septic restored, commerce, and police forces. The people calling the shots live in the city and they will want to live same as you. It will be dangerous and neighborhoods will need to band together to provide basic services and security for a while. Look for the local and state leadership to begin to facilitate food transport quickly i.e. a convoy showing up to the farm out in the boonies along with the local sheriff to say – the state is confiscating your herd of cattle(or grain) – here is your receipt – file a claim when things are back up and running.
Town of 5k with good services and infrastructure will actually be the best places to hold up. In most cases, the boonies will actually be the most dangerous place to be. Be careful out there people.
Signal — Not Noise.
@DiscloseTV ( Via Wash. Post Sept 19 )
NEW – U.S. lawmakers plan for possible “mass casualty” event, proposing a constitutional amendment to replace members quickly and change various lines of succession in a “national crisis.”
” Kilmer teamed up with Reps. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), William Timmons (R-S.C.), and Emanuel Cleaver II (D-Mo.) to come up with a proposal to ensure that Congress can continue its work if a large number of members are killed in a mass attack. ”
There are already continuity of government plans in place ( Search for Mt. Weather complex ).So why are they telling us this now ?
Greg , my spidey sense tells me they may be saying the quiet part out loud here.
Many will miss it.
From Washington Post article , Sept 19.
” The Constitution requires all House vacancies to be filled by election rather than with an interim appointment. It does not impose the same standard on the Senate, where states may choose to fill vacancies with a temporary appointment until a special election can take place. ”
If they can pack the US Senate with loyalists ” by appointment ” not by elections , imagine what they could do. Think what crazy ‘laws’ they will pass.
A CORRECTION : The bill would allow for rapid appointment — without elections , of US House Reps. , not Senate, same concerns apply.
They stack the deck , and pass any so called laws they want.
Do you want to bet if those laws will help or hurt you and yours ?
The Brits made Threads (movie) in 1984. I wonder if Sir Herr Stormer with his little red target map portfolio is familiar with it? Only difference now is London would disappear in less than 10 minutes from launch, seconds after strike.
Bombing scene:
Entire movie:
As Bill Holter said, they will kick the table over. As Celente said, when all else fails they take you to war.
Netanyahu Wants to Ban Cash, Gold, and Silver in Israel – Bank of Israel Says….No?!
There’s some infighting going on with the Israeli deep state. Netanyahu wants to ban the 200 shekel bill and also criminalize ownership of “significant amounts” of “cash substitutes” (that’s what it says in the circle below) including gold and silver.
On the one hand, this isn’t surprising because Israel was the first country to force inject its whole population with mRNA sludge. It looks like it will be the first to try banning gold and silver ownership as well
Rafi Farber / Endgame Investor Substack – 9/23
David Webb.
A great interview in a Swedish alternative media.
He explains the plan , how “they” make the reset for all of us -soon.
sorry Alain, but a dollar value for gold is based on the DEVALUATION of the dollar, not some Russian derivative of the dollar.
Hi Greg,
Please watch the below prophecy received from our Christian sister from our Lord.
Celestial is a true prophet of our Lord
She has a whole play list showing what our Lord has explained to her. Events that will occur in the USA and globally and the reasons why these vents will occur.
from Australia
Hi Greg,
It seems like your channel has become such a broken record with the same old guys saying the same old thing ad infinitum>. Please find some new voices to accent the guys we have heard for a decade or more.
The Deamons in the White House have deviants as minions that can’t control their baser nature. It doesn’t help the Deamons in charge that they are F’ing stupid. Oh they are weapons of mass destruction grade evil in their hearts. These cretins and their minions sacrifice babies to Baal (One of Satan’s other name, although Allah is Satan’s favorite false name). They think they are untouchable so they sodomize each other in the Halls of Congress and even film it. Their antics have opened up the White House complex to hackers.
If there is a single reader here that thinks these people in charge is good for the country and they can vote for them and their deviance… I can here your feeble attempts to justify your support of evil… “But Trump makes mean tweets” “Trumps a convicted criminal “ I pity you. It isn’t too late to repent and ask YHWH for forgiveness
Hogwash Dude. This is unmitigated fiction. They can set the price of gold where ever they want. No one can buy it at that price. Can you show me where Bricks is offering this price? Even the Shanghai Exchange matches ours closely. Can I trouble you to explain why you think this is true?
Gold hasn’t been at $1,600 for about 2 yrs. If you had bought some between $1,600 and $1,700 two years ago, you could take it to a coin shop (not a pawn shop unless they are really really reputable, most try to rob you) and be a cool $1,000 per Gold Eagle
Alain, you wrote:
“gold may not be worthless like globalists claim it is, but it’s also never gonna be more than $1,600 per ounce.” That is demonstrably and provably false. My neighbor sold 4 ounces for $55 over spot$2,622 today. A far cry from your not worthless but never more than $1,600
I would love to know how you come to the conclusion that credit is based on trafficking of children and slavery of men.
I agree that A lot of money is made off the pedos just like drugs. But that isn’t where my credit line comes from
I agree… they can set the price of gold where ever they want. but gold is worth only what most people will exchange it for. gold isn’t as valuable as stackers and brokers make it out to be, but it is the only honest currency and store of wealth. I think I’m still correct if you value gold against a devalued dollar.
gold may be increasing in value as measured by number of dollars, but the value of the dollar continues to decline (on avg). I think my $1,600 price point is still correct. but if I’m wrong, then I am. someone can show me. but even if I am, then I’m not off by much.
If you don’t understand that all debt in the world (and not just the U.S.) is funded primarily by trafficking children (especially fractional reserve banking which is what almost all debt is), then I don’t know where to begin educating you. I learned this when I was a teenager…
a long time ago. the connection between fractional reserve banking (and the institutions that administer it) and the industry of trafficking children (and enslaving men) is conspicuous. these institutions and out gov’ts don’t even try and hide it anymore.
you don’t have to look far or dig very deep anymore like I had to when I was a teenager. back then it was concealed. a secret. hidden. something that most people considered shameful. today most people are proud of it. they’re proud of murdering their own children.
or trafficking them. and they know they’re funding it themselves. the attitude is that since everyone’s doing it then it doesn’t matter. but it does. it is the fundamental downfall of humanity.
the connection between fractional reserve banking (your mortgage for instance, your car loan) and child trafficking is direct and obvious. you have to engage a severe degree of self delusion to not see the obvious. nothing good ever came from money changing. especially fractional reserve banking.
Alain wrote, “ already. what with broken contracts and outrageous rates for repos or overnight lending among banks, there already is no real credit. credit card rates? forget it… there’s no real credit. “
High Credit/Interest Rates it is still credit. Just because you don’t like the rates doesn’t mean there isn’t credit.
When credit collapses, you will now
under a system of fractional reserve banking, 111 yrs ago, an average man earning an average salary could borrow enough and afford cost of living for all basic needs. but not today. it’s not whether I like the rates, it’s whether the rates are affordable for an avg annual income without resorting to criminal behavior to pay off the debt. and they are not affordable. my father 56 yrs ago could with a high school education (or a high school drop out) could get a job and afford a brand new home. two brand new homes actually. and a few brand new cars. today, with a higher educations (university degrees), gainfully employed for decades, and living hand to mouth, the avg man can’t afford to buy a new home. let alone two and few new cars. if men thought they had it easy under fractional reserve banking 111 yrs ago, then today it’s slavery and it’s far from easy. I appreciate your comment but the fact is: all men are slaves today if they embrace fractional reserve banking as the solution to their poverty.
This is hilarious isn’t it?
Max Max in Philly. Blue City’s on fire. You can’t live like this
Bill’s Mad Max is social unrest and lawlessness. It’s here people. You can debate when our Lord and Savior Jesus will return and it’s a moot point if you are the Choosen. YHWH’s SON, the Messiah will come when YHWH tells him to. It is still hot to late to prepare
Until then, you have to eat, you have to drink, you have to breathe, you have to protect your friends and family.
Gold is a great store of wealth in that the Government can’t print gold and it has had agreed upon intrinsic value for more than 5,000 years.
There a post above that claims Bricks has set gold at $1,600/troy oz…LOL
A neighbor sold some yesterday to fund remodeling. 4 oz got him $10,500. He didn’t spread his good fortune around but we are cross fire buddies. If unrest comes here and comes down the street…
Silver is what normal commerce is going to use as gold would be for land and other large purchases.
Weston Scientific for clean air.
Dry Element for clean potable water
Ready Made for good storage tasty emergency food
Discount Gold and Silver for well the name says it all
Communicates and backup power at the Satellite Phone store
There are plenty of cheap quality ARs and ammo available
It isn’t too late. Heck, buy extra can goods, aspirin do something
39:54 – “This is America, it’ll never happen.
Correction – This WAS America.
Don’t give up so easily.