Mutated Bird Flu, New CV19 Vax Injury & Cancer Treatments – Dr. Peter McCullough

By Greg Hunter’s

Dr. Peter McCullough is a renowned cardiologist who has been fighting the government CV19 vax propaganda from the beginning.  Dr. McCullough is now out with new warnings about treatment needed for the CV19 bioweapon vax and the coming Bird Flu vaccine.  Let’s start with the Bird Flu where McCullough warns, “The current bio-security protocol is to test 11 chickens . . . pool the swabs into the same test tube, send it off for testing.  If it comes back positive, they don’t know which bird is positive, so they kill the entire flock. . . . The estimates were only 10,000 birds died of Bird Flu, but we know nearly 200 million chickens have been killed with this bio-security process.”

Now you know why egg prices are so high, but wait, there is more.  Dr. McCullough says a new Bird Flu mRNA vaccine has been approved, and it could mean even bigger trouble if you don’t cook your chicken and eggs fully.  Dr. McCullough says, “Now, the bad news is this virus has mutated for the worse. . . . I honestly think Bird Flu has taken a turn for the worst, and all this bio-security has made it worse and not better.”

Dr. McCullough is still recommending turning down any mRNA vaccine and thinks the CV19 mRNA vaccines should be discontinued and should have been pulled from the market a long time ago.  Dr. McCullough says, “I am going natural and using nasal sprays and gargle twice a day.  People doing this are getting . . . no colds, no flu and no Covid.”

Dr. McCullough also is recommending treatment for most people who have gotten the CV19 vaccines.  Dr. McCullough contends the country is facing a health crisis that will be with us for up to 15 years, and people who are vaxed will have much shorter lives without treatment now.  McCullough says, “I advise most people who took the shots, even those who had Covid, to undergo what is called ‘Base Spike Protein Detoxification.’  That’s the Ultimate Spike Detox from The Wellness Company.  I personally do not recommend any mRNA injections.  That means no Pfizer and Moderna Covid shots and no Moderna RSV shot.”

Finally, Dr. McCullough addresses the spike in cancers since the CV19 shots came onto the scene.  Ed Dowd, author of the popular book “Cause Unknown: Epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021, 2022, 2023,” is one of many who has been seeing deaths, disabilities and cancers climb, especially in young people (third paragraph).  Dr McCullough has a treatment that people are trying for cancer with promising results.  Dr. McCullough says, “This is the combination of Ivermectin and Mebendazole, and it is used to cleanse the body of parasites. . . . What patients are doing is using this product ‘off-label.’. . . They are using it in the setting of advanced cancers. . . . The data is emerging that these antiparasitics may have anti-cancer effects. . . . Most people with advanced cancers are going to go all out.”

There is much more in the 51-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he interviews top cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who is Chief Science Officer of The Wellness Company.  Dr. McCullough has new information on CV19 vax injury treatment, off-label cancer treatment and is still warning not to get a deadly Bird Flu vaccine or any other mRNA vax for 3.4.25.

To get products to treat CV19 vaccine injuries, such as Spike Detox, Long Covid Bundle or the cutting-edge product to treat parasites and off-label cancer treatments with Ivermectin + Mebendazole, click here.  You get $60 0ff the Ivermectin + Mebendazole with promo code: USAWatchdog.

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After the Interview:

To find out more about The Wellness Company and their many products, click here.

For Dr. McCullough’s Substack called “Focal Points,” click here.

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  1. david

    Thank you Greg.

  2. Stephen Leskovisek

    McCullough needs to provide evidence that viruses exist! I am glad he calls out the BS about covid and the vaccination. KUDOS for that. However he continues to perpetuate the biggest lie in US history! He is continuing to fall under the medical training that has turned most doctors into chemical pushers! Not much else! If he or anyone can prove viruses exist he could earn a million dollars! No one has claimed that money yet! If you want to interview a great thinker you need to try to get Dr. Tom Cowan on your show. You could try to get Dr. Andrew Kaufman or Mike Stone or Dr. Mark Bailey or Dr. Sam Bailey Those would be a groundbreaking interviews!

  3. Don Doerr Sr.

    While it is a sad path to Reform, Joe Biden is one of America’s Greatest Presidents in that he and his November 22, 1963-founded Communist Democrat RINO Party butchered our Constitutional Republic so viciously from 2020 through 2024 with Inflation, etc. that America felt compelled to turn to Trump to get out from under the feet of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and her KGB-FBI, Dr. Fauci, the Democrat Party Open Border Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion Force that has killed Laken Riley and so many others.
    After the Democrats and RINOs took out JFK to force us into Vietnam where we lost over 50,000 American Soldiers (Biden took out 13 in Afghanistan), America could no longer stomach LBJ. Sometimes it takes Extreme Evil to bring forth Good and Reform.
    Sadly, Pope Francis has been appointing Cardinals that share his LGBTQ-Sodomy Inclusion views, so we Traditional Catholics believe that only Jesus can save the Church as President Trump is fighting to Restore America.

  4. Helmut Ott

    Gratulations for having this great true expert, scientiest and humanist Doctor Peter Peter McCullogh on!

  5. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Greg your excitement helps highlight your important information and the serious matter regarding Covid-19 shots/ mRNA. Great report.

  6. Anon

    Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2

    …is this the other reason they’re going after eggs as they did with Ivermectin? THEY are determined to get this DNA altering injection (or whatever it really is) into every living thing on earth.

    I’d say there’s a calamity (Or “celestial event”) every so many years on this “plane” of “existance”. Is that calamity a reset of the computer that runs this simulation we’re “living” in?

    Are THEY trying to circumvent this reset by creating a quantum computer simulation of their own that THEY own and operate? Are THEY trying to upload the essence of every being on earth into their own digital world?

    Imagine finding out the “bad” guys are…kinda the “good” guys doing their best to “save” you.

  7. Shirl

    Dr. McCullough is incredibly brilliant. Great to hear from him again. The Insane CULLING of the Chickens to drum up compliance for more CLOT-SHOTS through FEAR is complete BULL-TINGLE, IMHO. Thank you for sharing Greg!

    The State Of The Union last evening was BRILLIANT in message, delivery with a proven and so far VERY SUCCESSFUL track record thus far with just over a month into the beginning of his second term….Legacy Fake News reactions are BENT, not surprising. The DemonRats were seething for sure Resisting and Writhing with Gritted Teeth as one delusional Ding-Dong Politician named Greene pointing his cane toward President Trump with interrupted blathering about complete nonsense and had to be physically tossed out – INCREDIBLE. Pocohantus too was on her WAR PATH…AGAIN… as she was clapping for MORE WAR in support of FUNDING DEATH TO INFINITY AND BEYOND with Tax Payer Kickback Schemes, of course! It was GREAT to SEE as the Fools exposed themselves AGAIN and to witness the Fake News support the Crazed RESISTANCE to Peace Prosperity Safety and better Health while MAGA marches forward in that aim…Best SOTU Speech I’ve ever witnessed!
    Video begins at about 13 minutes:

  8. Jill Herendeen

    Sorry, Greg, but Dr. McCullough is a limited hangout. Yes, CV shots are lethal (SOME are, anyway), but nobody yet has proved that CV is an infectious germ in the first place; same w/ “avian flu”. You’ve interviewed the wrong doc. Try Dr. Tom Cowan, or Dr. Andrew Kaufman. Or biostatistician Christine Massey, who’s been FOIAing health dept.’s worldwide, all of which admit they have no proof of isolation of CV or avian flu or various other supposed public health threats: e.g., Better still, arrange a discussion between Dr. McCullough & any of the others (I bet he’d refuse to participate).

  9. Norlin Gutz

    We have had turkey producer’s that have gone down with the bird flu a couple of year’s ago and a grower told me that there were bird’s in his flock that were not effected by the bird flu and he asked a USDA official who was handling his flock’s disposal, why don’t we study those bird’s and see why they were not effected by the bird flu. And his response was “oh, know we don’t want to do that”……it makes you wonder, in this world we live in today, who is making money from this?

  10. REPROBATE Democrats

    After watching Trump address the nation last night and the democrats response. Should all democrats be forced to take mRNA vaccines and all boosters?

  11. Maria dasSantos

    From a clean floor now thanks to my sweaty efforts here in London,UK, unequivocally our COMMIE leaders throughout Europe are determined to send our children to die in the Ukraine for the glory of the Zelensky creature’s luscious MONEY stolen from American tax payers and many others. The nasty little secret is barely gasping air,we,the UK and our beloved re-incarnation of Joseph Stalin, signed a deal with Zelensky in that we would “friends ” with the Ukraine for the next 100 years,as if we will survive that, however deep within that promise comes a nasty massive LOAN for the Ukraine people.In this loan we print up lots of our British Pounds,buy US Dollars and give Ukraine this money to buy our armaments from the likes of BAE a win win seemingly.However, that borrow carries with a “promise” to protect the ghastly murderous Zelensky from the fragrant Putin if he should dare take any of the minerals,primarily Coal and Iron ore(so much for the green agenda) under force.President Putin has dared to do so already and we proud plebs of the UK now stand ready to bleed for the barely dried loan agreement and launch our new missiles from BAE and others against the might of President Putin. No one in Parliament seems to have read the documents but will vote for War anyway.
    So officially we will bleed our most valuable lives for a loan in US Dollars so that Mrs Zelensky can hire a great decorator for their HOUSES in the USA and London. The stark raving bonkers-ness of this is beyond parody and our armed services are losing men who see themselves being lavished on this insanity endorsed by our king,King Charles III(who has decided to have a place in history as an idiot), as the soldiers resign en masse. However CONSCRIPTION looms in another parliament debate,really meaning the MPs will do it anyway and stuff us plebs.
    We really do need a civil war here in the UK.
    I shall now go and vigorously vacuum the upstairs rooms of my pay masters and ask God to Bless the start of Lent on this Ash Wednesday and plead for a smidgeon of sanity in our world.
    Thanks again for a great interview Mr Hunter and Dr McCullough exposing even more insanity.

  12. Kit Lee

    In reference to a previous post about Property Taxes: Here are the Five(5) States in the US with “No Property Taxes on Seniors”: Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Dakota!! Trump and Musk should use the DOGE Dividends to Help Senior Citizens “FIRST”!!!

  13. Katy Bar

    What are these Big Pharma Demons doing to us?? No longer can we Fry (or par Boil) our Eggs so we can dip toast into it !! Dr. McCullough now warns: “Cook your Chicken and Eggs FULLY”, so as to de-activate the bio-engineered man made virus’s (the Big Pharma Criminals made in their Labs to bring them Huge Profits)!!!

  14. Ken Yu

    Do AI Computers (besides being very very smart) also have “A Sense of Humor”?? This is how Martin Armstrong’s Socrates AI Computer analyzed the Trump/Zelensky Meeting!! –

    • Greg Hunter

      This is a funny deep fake!!

  15. Jerry

    An ignorant question but non the less, how do “they” cull 1000’s perhaps 10’s of thousands of chickens in these small flock farms? What is to become of the farmer; are they left destitute, is there an insurance claim filed?

  16. dirt rider 7

    Duck got lose,,,, thats funny,,,more likely ducks got released just for this purpose,,, imagine the money to be made by big ” farma” vaccinating chickens,, HIGH QUALITY REPORTING GREG!!!

  17. Richard Longacre

    I have been treating my mother-in-law that has breast cancer with Ivermectin, B-17 (laetrile), B-15, pancreatic enzyme, zinc, Vitamins C, D3, and E and will start her on some Chlorine Dioxide next. She does not want surgery, radiation, or chemo drugs so we are trying other known truly safe and effective treatments.

    She did not take the CV-19 injection but did take a pneumonia shot that we found out later also has the DNA altering synthetic mRNA bioweapon inside (as does the flu shot, shingles shot, and even dental anesthesia). I’m sure the injection is the reason for her cancer, or at least played a part.

    Go natural healing. I don’t trust AMA doctors at all since the COVID genocide and CDC approved murderous hospital protocols.

  18. Dave Scrimshaw

    Banning state-by-state? Sounds like abortion…oh, wait – it’s all a death cult (or human sacrifice).

  19. Janet Wendt

    Dr. William Makis, MD
    Many cases of cancer cures with Ivermectin, Fenvendazole or Mebendaole.
    He is also on Substack . The Canadian government is persecuting him, stealing
    his income from Substack, X, Stripe etc. because he is telling the truth.

  20. Darren

    It’s very simple, a RAW food diet of Fruits, Berries, Melons and Veggies and most importantly Herbs (not Supplements) and you can overcome any of this. With no disrespect to the Dr. these are Supplements and if you don’t have a foundation of removing all Dairy, Cooked Dead Animals and Grains for a while and eating right, your Lymph System will remain toxic. Why is it that no Doctors are talking about a proper RAW food diet and Herbs? Because they were not trained in it, but there is some hope here, I’m seeing it in this video and others are finally…..starting to come around.

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