Sanctions Are Not Going to Hurt Russia At All-Jim Rogers

12By Greg Hunter’s 

Renowned investor Jim Rogers thinks the Ukraine crisis is a big negative for the U.S.  Rogers says, “It’s certainly not helping the United States.  This whole thing in the Ukraine started when the U.S. instigated a coup.  We have our own diplomats on the phone talking about instigating a coup.  We instigated a coup and the Russians naturally reacted.  I mean, if Russia instigated a coup in Canada, I assure you the U.S. would have reacted.  So, Russia reacted, and now he’s (Obama) gotten us into a situation where we’re doing something and they’re doing something; and, of course, this is pushing Russia and China closer together, Russia and other countries closer together, and I don’t know what we’re getting out of it except another embarrassment.”  Could the sanctions backfire on the U.S.? Rogers exclaims, “In my assessment, of course.  This is now pushing Russia closer to Asia more and more.  If Russia cannot buy things from the West, they are going to buy them from Asia.  If you look at a map, you can see Russia has gigantic borders. They have many neighbors who will trade with them no matter what the U.S. says, and they have plenty of people who they can sell to.  I mean, sanctions are not going to hurt Russia at all.  They may hurt some of our allies and even us as bad as they are hurting the Russians.” 

Rogers goes on to say, “We may be pushing them away from Europe.  The Europeans don’t seem to have any great appetite for this, especially since the initial coup was instigated by the U.S.   Now, we are blaming the Russians when we started the whole thing.  John Kerry sits around talking about international law and all the rest of it, and we started it. . . . I don’t understand this; it’s not helping us or the world.” 

Could the Ukraine crisis hasten the fall of the U.S. dollar?  Rogers says, “This is certainly causing more people to worry about using the U.S. dollar.  The Americans have said they are going to put all these sanctions on the Russians. Suddenly, the Russians cannot trade or clear U.S. dollars, they’re going to look for something else.  Many countries are already looking for something else.  Let’s say you put Russia and China and Iran together, those are three big players in the international financial markets, because of oil if nothing else in Iran’s case.  This just pushes people further away from the U.S. dollar.  I don’t like saying this because I am an American, but the U.S. dollar is a terribly flawed currency.  We’re the largest debtor nation in world history, and now we are telling people you’d better be careful if you use the U.S. dollar.  We may take it away from you.  We may block you.  Of course, people are going to look for an alternative.”

Is Rogers afraid of a systemic crash in the global economy?  His reply, “Aren’t you?  I don’t think it will happen over Ukraine, but it could because politicians do very foolish things.  But as this whole world develops with tensions and sanctions here and sanctions there, probably not this year, but maybe next year or the year after, of course, something is going to go wrong.  We’re all going to pay the price.  This is the first time in recorded history that all the central banks are printing huge amounts of money.  That’s never happened before, and we’re all going to pay.  There is this huge ocean of liquidity rising.  It’s going to end someday one way or the other, and it’s not going to be fun for any of us.”  Rogers goes on to explain, “There’s going to be currency turmoil, interest rate turmoil and, ultimately, stock market turmoil.  Some stock markets are making all-time highs based on this ocean of liquidity.  When that ends, and some emerging markets are already suffering because they have been financing themselves on these artificial interest rates and artificial liquidity, it’s going to affect all of us, including the U.S. stock market.  I don’t know when it’s going to happen because I am a terrible market timer, but I know it’s going to happen–it has to.” 

Rogers is also a best-selling author that most recently wrote the book “Street Smarts: On the Road and in the Markets.”  Where is he investing his money?  Rogers reveals, “I own real assets.  I own agriculture.  As you may know, agriculture is going through the roof this year.  I suspect that is going to continue because war and tensions are not good for anything, but they are good for commodities and especially agricultural commodities.  These days, the fundamentals are so out of balance for agricultural supply.  I do own gold and silver, but I am not buying any at the moment, but I am looking for real assets.” 

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with famed investor Jim Rogers. 

(There is more in the video interview.) 

After the interview: 

12Not only is Jim Rogers a world famous investor, but he has also written several books.  His most recent book is called “Street Smarts: On the Road and in the Markets.”  If you’d like to buy a copy of this book, please click here.

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  1. Ugly

    It is the new sequel to the comedy show ‘Dumb and Dumber’. Only this time the stars are POTUS, Senate, and House. Just when they ask Putin, “do we have one chance in a million?”. He answers, ‘not even one in a billion’….

    The stars conclude, ‘we have a chance’….

    Only in today’s America is one in a quadrillion times three hundred trillion do we have a chance. I liked Willies statement that if you pooled all of them together and then times that by one trillion you might get an IQ of 50…..classic.

    • Greg Hunter

      Beautiful comment Ugly.

    • Ugly

      Correction. It may have been PCRs quote about the Combined IQ of 50….anyway, it was classic….

      • armando

        Yes, I was about to correct you. It was indeed Dr Paul Craig Roberts´ who said something to that effect – Brilliant stuff!

  2. Liquid Motion


    I dont get it !!
    “Sanctions wont hurt Russia at all” ???????????????

    Someone is looking at this in a micro fashion where they should be taking the BIG picture approach.

    Firstly…..consider the play (by the USA Instigators).
    Create a coup in Ukraine (knowing full well Russia doesn’t sit idly by).
    Create Turmoil in the Russia currency.
    Create Turmoil in the Russian interest rates (Bonds).
    Create Havoc with the Russian stock market.
    …..Doesn’t hurt Russia…….WHAT !!!!
    Rogers (with all due respect) is an opportunist. He even admitted to the same in the latter part of the interview.
    He thrives on turmoil. So do Hedge Funds. “Russian stocks……..if they come back blah blah blah !!!!!”.
    True Russia may trade with its neighbors in abundance, but Russia like all other developed and developing Nations, work off the “Globalisation” premise.
    The USA is doing what is has attempted many times in history. It is creating an isolation event for Russia (or at least attempting to). The IMF and the World Bank have the identical MO’s.
    To Russia’s credit they stand very strong in terms of Debt to GDP and in having an ally in the form of China. Nonetheless, it is the “World” that Russia needs in order to prosper ……not the World needing Russia.
    Sanctions (in whatever form they are constructed or whomever they are directed at)are the key tool to unsettling a nations economy.
    JR needs to come clean with a sense of reality here. Leave aside his investment plays and provide an honest assessment of the havoc being caused.
    He is 100% correct on who the instigators were….THE USA.
    Keep in mind also that Russia’s strength comes from its ability to provide resources and energy. Interrupt those supply chains and where do they stand ?
    BIG PICTURE…my friend. Dont get lost in detail.

    • Charles H.


      Russia ended the Cold War; and took a hard, long look at itself in the face of Chernobyl: it’s had over 25 years putting it’s feet back underneath itself – but in comparison: what has the US done? We are a disaster ready to happen. It is sad to have to bring the issue to the forefront – but the US is behaving VERY BADLY by demanding everyone either play by their own rules; or be thrown under the bus. It is dealing in these draconian terms towards the world that is damaging the US. You say – look at the big picture; I say- see what’s down the road, where this all is leading… Sure there WILL BE economic trials and tribulations: but I think, in the end – America is causing for itself the acceleration of isolation. Because when the BRICs start breaking out with their resources, to tap into world technology and economy: they won’t want to deal with the USA – who always offers the short end of the stick to others.

      • Liquid Motion

        Thanks Charles, for that response.
        To me there is a more sinister aspect than isolation, to this whole saga….. in the “Big” picture.
        I have no doubt isolation will the closest ally to destruction when considered in this context, for the USA.

    • John

      Yep, It seems like everyone loves the billionaires & trillionaires who have pillaged the world while they have impoverished everyone else.

      I do not believe there is any way that ‘We the People” are going to win against the corrupt two party system & their wicked scribe/lawyers.

    • Frank

      When you live in a petrodollar house don’t throw stones at the petrogold, petroyuan, and petroruble people. Just google petrodollar and maybe you’ll open your eyes to how precarious a position the U.S. is in. However, the Federal Reserve will fight to the last American to preserve its petrodollar.

      Countries gone off the petrodollar: Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia

      Countries we’ve attacked: Iraq, Libya, Syria, and ….?

    • Jim

      You will get it in time – man. will you get it. I feel so sorry for people who cannot or will not aceept that the way the West has been behaving has consequences. Some hope that an IMF gold backed currency (SDR) or basket of currencies will keep global totalitarianism on track. The old SWIFT system does allow the West the ability to punish others to a degree, but it is old technology, and over a hundred countries are involved in building a workaround structure (it could take six months or so) but it will simply by-pass (as in ignore the US/Euro as they exist). There is bi-lateral trading of all kinds already, some multi-lateral – as soon as USD and a failing Euro can be eliminated, End Game. There is a Nordic Euro; a gold back Ruble and RMD in the works – lots of deals and trade unions set up, all that is needed is the technical infrastructure to link currencies and commodies and the West is irrelevant. The danger there is war and the US has first strike capability, but can’t hold territory – note MENA. If the EU core turns east, kiss your blind butt good-bye. So sad! It’s never different this time – read a little history – behold our future.

    • Jim

      You will get it in time – man. will you get it. I feel so sorry for people who cannot or will not aceept that the way the West has been behaving has consequences. Some hope that an IMF gold backed currency (SDR) or basket of currencies will keep global totalitarianism on track. The old SWIFT system does allow the West the ability to punish others to a degree, but it is old technology, and over a hundred countries are involved in building a workaround structure (it could take six months or so) but it will simply by-pass (as in ignore the US/Euro as they exist). There is bi-lateral trading of all kinds already, some multi-lateral – as soon as USD and a failing Euro can be eliminated, End Game. There is a Nordic Euro; a gold back Ruble and RMD in the works – lots of deals and trade unions set up, all that is needed is the technical infrastructure to link currencies and commodies and the West is irrelevant. The danger there is war and the US has first strike capability, but can’t hold territory – note MENA. If the EU core turns east, kiss your blind butt good-bye. So sad! It’s never different this time – read a little history – behold our future.

  3. Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

    It is always good to hear Jim Rogers comments.
    Yes the Europeans lack of appetite for joining the US in it’s sanctions on Russia are not altogether surprising. Maybe thats because in 2013 Russian/ EU trade was approx.
    $4oo billion as against Russian/US trade of only $27 billion. That is a factor of 15:1.

    The Obama regime redefines the word dumb. They would be the laughing stock of the world except that the tragic humanitarian consequences of them meddling in other sovereign countries affairs is no laughing matter.
    These people are war criminals. I hope one day they will be brought to justice.

    • The Heart


    • Angee McCleary

      Colin I totally agree fellow countryman, perhaps our air down here in NZ is so clean we can think better then most.(hee hee) Criminal criminals…. CRIMINALS!! DO you know that NZs debt to GDP is the same as Greece, and do you know we borrow $250 million dollars a week to pay off our overseas debt! Criminal!! WE are only surviving because of the influx of Chinese money into our housing market and we produce food!! JR is correct anyone that produces food is in the RIGHT market! Lets hope the regulations don’t get worse for farmers in NZ and the farmers don’t over-capitilize when things are going well. And lets hope the farmers don’t get there farms stolen by the government to build housing for the throngs of people invading this tiny island. America is on its way out!! Its over, finished, caput, if I were an American Id get the hell out of dodge!!

      • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

        Yeah Hi Angee
        I think there will be the massive domino effect where when the US goes so too will Japan the EU and then the whole crazy fiat money system of the world. The $1.5 Quadrillion derivatives market [70x total global GDP] will unravel and a reset of the whole world economy will begin. This will demand a total rethink of the worlds financial system including central banks and especially the privately owned ones like the Fed.
        Re farming in NZ
        Lots of us have fallen into the same trap of leveraging to expand our operations to produce more because margins are squeezed by ever increasing costs of production. Farm values bear no relationship to return on investment as fixed assets do in all other businesses. Land is a finite resource that will always have this added value that does not relate in any way to its ability to earn.
        I think the reset will be a very difficult time for any farmer without huge equity. Many of us could lose our farms in the inevitable resulting commodity price crashes and hikes in interest rates.
        NZ as a country has huge debt as you point out.This is without even including entitlements. It would take massive current account surpluses or austerity to erode this debt [or default]. We have muddled along the last couple of years only because of strong prices in our dairy and forestry sectors. Any downturn in these commodities and the effect on our current account could be a disaster sending us into a downward spiral resembling the PIIGS in southern Europe.
        Sorry to paint such a grim picture for you!

  4. Calgirl

    If the Crimex (Comex) where run honestly, Jim Rogers would not have to “hedge” his gold.

    CME mulls price fluctuation limits for gold, silver futures

    Why doesn’t the CME Group enforce existing rules relating to cornering the market which would have the same effect? Stopping the big banks from buying or selling 75,000 contracts within a second or less would stop the volatility, but no, doing that would disable the Fed from controlling the price. The Crimex (Comex) is loosing out to the Shanghai Gold Exchange which is run more honestly. I think Jim Sinclair sits on the board of the SGE.

    • Liquid Motion

      SGPMX to be precise = Singapore Precious Metals Exchange
      Jim Sinclair is Executive Chairman

  5. bob

    i’ve come to the conclusion that bible prophecy is unfolding before our eyes. like jim says humans are greedy. for example, what does anybody do with millions or billions when you can’t take it with you not even underwear. you come into this world naked you leave naked. sure you can leave your kids set up. but with money comes power and the both are a recipe for disaster. sounds funny don’t it. they go hand in hand. i have seen families of mid sized companies where the kids don’t want to take over when the parents are ready to hang it up. one went out of business because of drug problems and gambling with the kids. now the poor guy fries chicken in a gas station . these kids have been handed too much why should they have to do anything.
    when you have ceo’s or even other management making waked out wages that don’t even compare to the person on the floor actually producing something, you have a problem.
    we let our manufacturing leave our country without a care in the world because you got cheaper prices. how about the unions. well i was brought up in a union family and still am. they are bust as corrupt as the corporations. back in the mid 70’s my father said that the unions have gone overboard. and yet union workers bought the cheapest items possible not caring if they bought chinese japanese or non union products why, greed.
    now, communism does not work capitalism can work but regulations have to be put into place to keep the greed out of it and the company and it’s employees have to work hand in hand.
    not even a scratch that i have touched on, but i believe we are all guilty at where we are at. as soon as we left the gold standard we set our fait.
    lawyers are vey big on the list that is bringing on our fait.
    we didn’t invest in our future as a country. greed wears it’s ugly head. now it’s time to meet our fait. i’m sorry greg, but these are the thoughts that came up with the interview. we are all guilty in this, some much more than others, especially those who should be in jail. hey keep watching tmz or entertainment tonight, amazing race-stars(who are done) your favorite game show, your favorite reality show because the networks have ran out of ideas. the big wigs will take care of everything for you. get ready! the show is ramping up and this will blow your mind.

    • henry

      If you sell a product or service that other people want more than their money, you are not greedy — even if you sell to many people and make a lot of money. If you make a sale that may make you money in the short run but cost you sales in the long run then you are greedy. Greed is only looking at the immediate future. Rogers is not greedy. The fact that he is telling the world why he is buying and selling is proof that he is not looking to cheat someone. If governments took his advice, he would make less money. It is governments, and people like you, who are greedy. There are certainly many rich scumbags that are greedy. Most of them got rich from interactions with government.

  6. OnThe Beach__--The Real Significance of 1914

    “Like a ghost that lingered past the appointed hour, the nineteen century__with its essential orderliness, its self-confidence, and its faith in human progress__had tarried until August 1914, when the major European powers suffered a collective attack of muddleheadedness that led directly to the senseless slaughter of millions of the best young men of a generation. Four and a half years later, as the world tried to pick up the the pieces after the cataclysm of the Great War, it became apparent to many (but by no means all) contemporary observers that the last remaining vestiges of the old order had been swept away, and that mankind had entered a new age that was considerably less rational and less forgiving of human imperfections. Those who had expected peace to usher in a better world found their hopes betrayed in 1919.”
    _The Preface in 1919_The Year Our World Began, by William K. Klingaman.

    Events during the last 100 yr’s, “build confidence in the creators promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw those events since 1914, passes away”.
    No doubt many USAWatchdog followers find that statement surprising, Yet as far back as the middle of the 19th century, students of the Bible had hinted and proven that 1914 would be a significant year marked in Bible prophecy.*see below
    Prophecy has been described as history written in advance. This feature of the Bible gives evidence of its divine origin. In addition to telling us of future events, the Bible sometimes gives the length of time that will elapse before something is to occur. Some of these specific prophecies refer to a few days, some to years, and others to centuries.
    Daniel, who prophesied about the time for the Messiah’s first appearance, also revealed when the Messiah would return for his “presence” at what is called “the time of the end.” (Daniel 8:17, 19; 9:24-27) This Bible prophecy stretches over a long period of time, not for just a few hundred years, but for more than two millenniums–2,520 years! at Luke 21: 24, Jesus calls this period “the appointed times of the nations.”
    ___1914 Initiates a Time of Distress—
    The fulfillment of prophecy indicates that we have been living in the time of the end since 1914. Jesus described this this time as ‘beginning with pangs of distress.’ (Matthew 24: 8) At revelation 12: 12, we read: “woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time.” This explains why the world has been in greater turmoil since 1914.
    _-This time of the end is, however, to be a relatively short period–s t r e t c h i n g- over one generation. (Luke 21: 31, 32) The fact that we are now almost 100 solid years beyond 1914 indicates that we can soon expect the deliverance that God’s Kingdom will bring. This means that we will see “the lowliest one of mankind”—-Jesus Christ—-take complete control of “the kingdom of mankind” and bring about a peaceful and a just, new world!—Daniel 4: 17.

    “It may be that, after the seeming inevitability of two world wars, the creation of nuclear weapons was an admonitory gift, which spared us a third clash of great nations and introduced the longest period of general peace, albeit a peace of terror, since Victorian times. . . . What had gone wrong with humanity? Why had the promise of the nineteenth century turned into an age of horror or, as some would say, evil?”
    __A History of the Modern World__From 1917 to tho 1980’s, by Paul Johnson.__

    “Of all the convulsive transformations of the European system, the great war and peace settlement brought about the sharpest break with the past, economically and socially no less than politically. . . .The mellow glory of that freely operating and productive system had vanished in the catastrophe of war. Instead, Europe had to cope with economic exhaustion and universal economic dislocation. . . . The damage was so great that the European economy did not recover from stagnation and instability before the next world war struck.
    The World in the Crucible 1914–1919, by Bernadotte E. Schmitt and Harold C. Vedeler.

    “In the Second World War every bond between man and man was to perish. Crimes were committed by the Germans under the Hitlerite domination to which they allowed themselves to be subjected which find no equal in scale and wickedness with any that have darkened the human record. The wholesale massacre by systematized processes of six or seven millions of men, women, and children in the German execution camps exceeds in horror the rough-and -ready butcheries of Genghis Khan, and in scale reduces them to pigmy proportions. Deliberate extermination of whole populations was contemplated and pursued by both Germany and Russia in the Eastern war. . . . We have at length emerged from a scene of material ruin and moral havoc the like of which had never darkened the imagination of former centuries.”
    The Gathering Storm, Volume I of The Second World War, by Winston Churchill.

    There is now a recognition of the human rights of people of all classes, nations, and races; yet at the same time we have sunk to perhaps unheard of-of-depths of class warfare, nationalism, and racialism. These bad passions find vent in cold-blooded conduct are to be seen to-day, side by side, not merely in the same world, but sometimes in the same country and even in the same soul.”
    ____Civilization on trial, by Arnold Toynbee._______________

    *In 1844, a British clergyman, E.B. Elliot, drew attention to 1914 as a possible date for the end of the “seven times” of Daniel chapter 4. In 1849, Robert Seeley, of London, dealt with the subject in like manner. Joseph Seiss, of the United States, pointed to 1914 as a significant date in Bible chronology in a publication edited about 1870. In 1875, Nelson H. Barbour wrote in his magazine Herald of the Morning that 1914 marked the end of a period that Jesus called “the appointed times of the nations’–Luke 21:24. In December 1879 , Zion’s Watchtower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, gave Bible evidence proving that 1914 would be a significant year.

    • Pipelayer

      Brother, nice Witness, bold and written very well. Hope to see you around more often, there is lots of work to do.

      Rev 3:22 Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations.’”

  7. William Betts

    How is it that a Harvard educated lawyer, ie, constitutional lawyer can be so dumb in letting things get out of hand here? Some Russians say that Obama is being blackmailed by the Fascist neocons in America to carry out their agenda of global hegemony. The blackmail is not clear, but it seems to be with his wife. What have you heard concerning this matter???? Betts

    • Calgirl

      I read long ago that no-one in Obama’s Harvard class could remember him! This was at a graduating class get together, if I racall correctly. And, as little as he apparently knows about the Constitution, I wonder if he infact really does have the degrees he claims to have. Of course, we can’t substantiate any of his education, or even his birth data, as it is all sealed. If he does infact have these degrees, maybe he was pushed along due to his minority status.

      I have often wondered if I deserved my managerial advancement at work due to skill, or my gender. It’s a nagging thought, I assure you.

    • AL. Hall

      William: Obama- Harvard educated is questioned? He is Henry Kissinger’s hand picked guy- brought up through the CIA. (Google – Obama- mars jump room program) When Obama was 19 he and others were told that he was to be president. The elite’s have the whole game planned years-decades ahead.
      Jim knows the game- that’s why years ago he took his young family out of NY(USA) and moved to Singapore. He knows what’ coming- he just won’t say it, he likes living! The point being over looked is, and Jim said it plainly, the USA and NATO started this conflict. Russia isn’t the bad guys. They are protecting their interests from the world elite’s. Can you say the “New World Order”that daddy Bush talked about!! These elite’s will not stop until we stop them.


      • wddeni

        AL Very well put. I always wonderd why J.R. left, why leave NYC when you are truly in belly of beast? Whats the point. I see why now, I would guess all of his assets are non-dollar!

        And you are right he is not telling anyone; he is keeping this all close.

  8. mohammad


    Great interview !!!!
    Interesting comment by Mr Rogers when he quoted Rothschild, which means he is expecting blood in the streets in the coming few months!

  9. Rodster

    Well this didn’t take long and yet our so-called leaders continue to cover their mouths, ears and eyes to all the goings on with regards to geopolitics and economics just like the 3 little monk… Oops, never mind that would be Racist according to Chris Matthews.

    “China poised to pass US as world’s leading economic power this year”

  10. Jerry

    Greg, I loved your interview with Jim Rogers. His analysis is always top notch. Thanks for having him on.

    Greg lets be honest. The collapse is taking place right now. Why else was the Banking Cartel forced to stage a coup in Ukraine in order to loot their Gold and steal their resources? Why else are they killing off their executives in order to collect on their life insurance policies? If that doesn’t smack of desperation I don’t know what does. All indications are we are in the Crack phase of the collapse. With interest rates at 0% there should be no inflation, but yet everywhere you look, you see hyperinflation beginning to creep in with rising prices everywhere. The X factor in all of this is the reserve status of the dollar as world currency. If the collapse is down the road. why are the Chinese signing currency swap agreements with everyone on the planet, and setting up trade zones? The Gazprom deal being signed tomorrow with Russia is huge! The dollar is running on fumes right now, and when the Gold is sucked out of every vault in the world by the Chinese, they will ask the United States to lay their cards on the table, and that will be the end of the dollar as reserve currency. When?
    That will be decided by the Russians and Chinese. Not us.

    • Charles H.


    • AL. Hall

      Well said Jerry!! Nice to know not everyone out there is asleep! As Gerald Celente says- when the end is near and the game is up, they always take us to war. These elite’s(banksters) are total scum- they need to rounded up, tried and hung for their deeds.

    • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

      Well said Jerry.
      On that fateful day when the US’s cards are laid on the table it will be a very sad and embarrassing hand.
      PS I enjoy your posts! You usually nail it.

  11. Paul T

    Why is Jim Rogers always working out and out of breath every time I see or hear an interview from him? He should have been in the best shape of his life a long time ago working out like that. If I was gonna give an interview, I think I’d find a better time to talk. What’s the deal?

    • Greg Hunter

      Paul T,
      He dictates the time to me. I have no control over a famed investor half way around the world. I am always very happy he agrees to take time to talk no matter what he is doing. I get your point though.

      • Jeff L.

        I like the knowledge of Jim Rogers, but don’t really care for his demeanor. Every interview I see him on he comes across kind of disgusted with the interviewers questions as if it was a dumb question. We all know that the interviewers job is to ask questions so as to get a response for the listening audience even if you already pretty much know what the answer is. I noticed this interview was kind of short. Greg, keep up the good work.

    • Thaddeus Thurston Thistlethwaite III

      Indeed. Like he couldn’t have just stopped exercising for ten minutes and had a conversation.

  12. Chris

    Guest suggestion: V the Guerrilla Economist.

  13. Andy

    A short interview Greg, but always good to listen to Jim Rogers, he has done a lot of travelling so I always listen carefully when he speaks on international affairs. Next time you do an interview it would be interesting to hear how he thinks the coming crisis will be played out

    • Greg Hunter

      I thought Mr. Rogers made a lot of important points in a short amount of time.

  14. brian

    Next time you interview Mr Jim Rogers see if you can get him to do the interview while on the trampoline there in the background haha.

    • Greg Hunter

      I get your humor. Anytime you can get a guy with Roger’s experience to give you his time to tell you what he thinks is priceless. I don’t care what he’s doing as long as he gives us some insight and I think he did. Thank you for your comment.

    • Rodster

      I agree with Greg but your comment was funny. Cheers ! 🙂

    • Ken Multitaski

      Next time how about eating a submarine sandwich, taking out the garbage and cleaning out the baking pan cupboard. I love this guy, whatever it takes!

    • mohammad


      Mr Rogers is known as a savvy investor, part of his success is hiding his weaknesses.
      As a physician who noticed the two interviews with Mr Hunter to be on the exercise bicycle to hid his shortness of breath, I can say he has a chronic lung disease (COPD?/lung cancer?) that is deteriorating and he does not want that to be used against him in his investment world, nice way to hide it, not from the eyes of a physician!

      • mark

        Glad you pointed this out. I am assuming as a practicing physician you have seen variations of this condition especially among the elderly over the years of your practice for you to comment with such a degree of certainty. Consequently it is only logical in light of your comment as to why Jim would only interview for 6 minutes. Also, as I recall his last interview with Greg there were points where he was obviously straining by “huffing and puffing” to catch his breath even though it didn’t look like he was exerting himself that much physically. Thank you for posting.

      • Liquid Motion

        I understand that Singapore aside from having a relatively stable economy, with great schooling and moderate climate year round whilst also being the financial hub of S.E. Asia, with low crime rates and an outstanding public transport system, has a very good health system with leading physicians in many specialist areas.

  15. rick

    hi know things are getting bad when walmart will not except u.s.$.yes,walmart.i was in there yesterday(in canada).there is a sign on the tills that says a maximum of$20.

    • Greg Hunter

      Very good info Rick!! Thank you.

  16. Calgirl

    Two interesting sites:

    How free is your state? For ranking of your state on personal and economic freedom go to
    and click on your movement number…

    and then this:
    American Public Turns Anti-War … Warmongers Desperately Reply, “But War Is GOOD for Us!”

    • AL. Hall


      • Ugly

        Idaho is #6 Best. I believe it because I live here….

  17. Charles H.


    Your first sentence – WOW!!! So clear… and well expressed.

    • Greg Hunter

      That was some spam that slipped by. So sorry.

  18. Peter in Singapore

    Rodgers view that the US instigated the coup belies the fact the Russian economy is in trouble with increasing inflation, growth stagnation, massive capital outflow, falling rouble, stock market plunge and credit rating decline to near “junk” status. Putin, by playing the jingoistic nationalist card, is diverting the attention of the populace away from a failing economy that is heavily reliant on the export of oil and gas. The $2 trillion economy is on the edge free falling. The Russian moneyed class have for some time been sending their wealth to offshore banks and investing in safe havens in the West including the US. The flight to safety is well documented. Many wealthy people are also looking flee Russia altogether. The loss of Crimea and maybe other Russian majority areas would place further financial burdens on an ailing Russian economy. On the other side, the crisis will encourage Europe to accelerate the development of new sources of supply which will not be in Russia’s long term interests. The US has big problems, but don’t be too quick to predict its demise. Energy independence will a big catalyst of economic recovery and bring significant benefits.

    BTW – Rodgers doing interviews while on an exercise bike is “priceless”, indeed. Suggest he pedal much faster next time!

  19. Paul from Indiana

    Is it possible all of us, especially the “experts”, are overanalyzing this? I’m 61. That’s old enough to know that America now is merely a scarcely recognizable shell of its former self. That’s all we really need to know. I used to think that the reasons for the decline had to be carefully determined and understood so that some sort of fix, solution, repair (whatever) could be applied. It is apparent to me that the problems are now too large to overcome, and worse, that the majority are not concerned, with many not even wanting change but more of the same. Prepare as best you can, but most of all, do your own thinking. Nobody knows your needs better than you. Whether the crash comes in 2 days or 2 years is not the determinant, since we all know it’s coming. Best always. PM

    • AL. Hall



  20. Jerry

    Greg, I’m sure you saw the 1st quarter GDP report today. ” 0.1%.” Let that soak in a little bit. In a healthy economy you would see 4.0%-6.0%. Is it not clear by now, that our economy is broken? Beyond repair? They blamed it on the weather…..come on…. Winter comes every year. Hey Janet, you need to print some more money!

    Greg here is my top 4 reasons why I think the dollar will collapse this year.
    1.) Our government is insolvent. 125 trillion in unfunded liabilities being funded by 2.5 trillion.
    2.) Voluntary debasement of our currency. Non-stop printing by the fed with no tangle assets to back it up.
    3.) A broken economy that can’t be repaired. Creating jobs with crony capitalism is not a real economy. Neither is market manipulation.
    4.) This is my favorite. Lack of confidence. Do you ever wonder why the Fed is the only one left to buy our Bonds? Answer …because no one else wants them. That is unless you want to count Belgium The world is moving away from the dollar as reserve currency into a new gold backed system, and its going to happen this year.

    I’m no economist, but even a blind mind can see what’s happening if you look.

    • Greg Hunter

      Your logic is sound and it’s hard to disagree. Either way the math says we are in deep financial trouble.

      • The Heart

        Ya know, the incredible thing of all this is Greg, the clarions call on the wall has been for many years telling everyone who daily acts like they care, something is wrong in Hong-Kong.

        Everybody knows the ship is sinking for many, but the darn heck of it all is, not a single soul has come forth with doable answers. There is no real visible concern to do anything by anyone, anywhere, other than to just watch the ship sink into a radioactive oblivion.

        If Armageddon were a word, it would mean a rebirth, or Renaissance. In the history books of the future, it will mean the complete depletion of reason, and the sound minds of men and women in what was supposed to be a modern advanced time.

        Stupidity…is Armageddon.

    • AL. Hall



    • mohammad


      let me add one please:

      IRAN (Syria included as a front line of Iran).

      Israel is watching the clock ticking and Iran is inching to get the enough weight of the enriched Uranium to make a threat, and establish itself as a member of the atomic club.
      That will not fly with Israel. You will see an escalation and acceleration of events this year.

  21. smaulgld

    None of this stuff happens right away. But it eventually does. I think we are all surprised how long the consequences of what we’ve seen over the past 5-6 years have been delayed

    • Liquid Motion

      Longer time horizons is the metric to be used when assessing the planned events.

  22. Jerry

    As promised, deal will be done tomorrow .

    Settlement for European countries to be in Euro. Yuan for China. No mention of dollar. Yep…… those sanctions are really hitting hard.

    • The Heart

      “I think we are all surprised how long the consequences of what we’ve seen over the past 5-6 years have been delayed”
      There is Great Reason for that.
      It’s called, The Light.

  23. Calgirl


    “Growth slowed to a barely discernible 0.1 percent annual rate….”

    +45.47 (0.27%)
    Apr 30 – Close
    Has anyone noticed the “hail mary” closings of the Dow? Seems like the last twenty minutes, if the Dow is down, all of a sudden we get this rush of buying…..could it be our FED? Like everything’s just rosy, nothing to see here, sentiment up, invest your hard earned money HERE!

    • Liquid Motion

      PPT are still active.

    • Beligerant

      Of course it’s the FED or at least several banks using their money. These are the same groups which continue to short gold / silver and sell large amounts of the paper metal during thin trading hours. Its obvious they are o.k. losing billion$ or perhaps even trillion$ to keep gold and silver down while pumping up the stock market.

      My concern is they’ve setup the U.S. to be USSR in 1989. What most people don’t realize is the gangs, Russian police thugs, military, KGB and similar organizations took over the country after the fall. The people which seemed to have profited from the USSR where these thugs which became millionaires and billionaires as they forcefully took over companies and industries. Anyone that is rooting for Putin might as well be rooting for Hitler. Is the same planned for the Western World?

      • Liquid Motion

        Of course there is zero degree of similarity between the NSA, CIA, BIS, IMF, WB, RCC, The Nobility of Europe, GS, JPM, BOFAML, FED, ECB and the criminals that took over the USSR.
        Your comment misses the mark. You have rose coloured glasses on. The western world has already been taken over by criminals and thugs. Go back and re-read the history of the last 100 years (to start with).

    • Colin - 'the farmer from NZ'

      HI Calgirl
      Yes your article link has some very optimistic beliefs.
      e.g. Although annualised growth for 2014 Q1 was 0.1%
      ” Many analysts think that annual growth will remain around 3% for the rest of the year. If that proves accurate the economy will have produced the fastest annual expansion in the GDP in 9 years.”
      Well good luck with this prediction.
      I enjoy reading your posts.

    • wddeni

      Calgirl…cant you see the story “Its the weather”!!!

  24. Calgirl

    From Bill Holter:

    Zero Hedge put out a piece yesterday entitled “The Elephant in the room: Deutsche Bank’s $75 trillion in derivatives is 20 times greater than German GDP.”

    I would like to point out a few things that are obvious and a few that are not so obvious. First off, this $75 trillion derivatives book is nearly equal to JP Morgan’s book so there are actually “2 elephants” in the room. Both books are also virtually equal to the annual GDP of the entire planet including any unaccounted for basket weaving production in the Amazon.

    Let’s take a look at this “size” from a few different angles. DB’s derivatives book may be 20 times the size of Germany’s economy but JP Morgan’s is nearly 5 times that of the U.S. JP Morgan also dwarf’s the Federal Reserve’s already bloated balance sheet by a nearly 20 to 1 ratio which put in easier to understand numbers…the Fed’s balance sheet is only 5% or 6% the size of JP Morgan’s book.

    Yes I know, the apologists will say that it is “net” that counts and “gross” is just some type of fairy tale made up number that doesn’t mean anything…until it does. “When” might the gross number actually count you ask? EXACTLY when this so called “insurance” is needed to pay off! Let me put this into a simple example for you. Let’s say that you live on some beautiful beach area and everyone buys hurricane insurance…from just one company. No one really worries about hurricanes anymore because everyone has insurance…but no one really checked to see how much money their insurance company has to pay claims with. Lo and behold, a Cat5 hurricane hits and wipes everything out down to the foundations and even some lots themselves were washed away. The insurance company cannot pay because they simply don’t have the money. This is the case in derivatives where no one, not one single issuer has the actual cash to perform on their gross liabilities. It is said that “net” is what is important but who or what firm can actually “settle” their portion to “net” out someone else’s book?

    The above is as simple as I can make it but this is the case for our entire financial system. The banks have hoodwinked everyone (including their depositors and I suppose each other) into believing that they are hedged, insured or whatever term makes you feel the coziest. They are not. They are “so not” that even the central banks themselves are completely dwarfed by the liabilities of the banking system. Think of it this way, nothing matters right now because everyone “trusts” everyone else because everyone “insures” everyone else. All that is needed is for one link in the chain to break and in the case of Deutsche Bank they have a little over $500 billion worth of deposits to make good on $75 trillion. Did you notice that I said “deposits” as opposed to “equity?” Deposits as in “liabilities,” not “equity” as in the bank’s capital.

    It is also pointed out that another “safety valve” is that anyone doing business with Deutsche Bank can be really smart and “extra safe” by taking out insurance on them separately so that if there is a claim and DB fails, you can collect from somewhere else! Makes sense right? Heck you can even buy “bankruptcy insurance” (CDS) on the U.S. Treasury itself in case it was to go bankrupt. Do you see how foolish this is? Yet bankers say quarter after quarter, “Don’t worry, we are hedged against everything.” Think about this and please forget about the $1.4 quadrillion in total derivatives, if the U.S. were to default on $17 trillion, who would, could, pay? Heck, take some other little country like Italy or Spain, who could fork out just $1 or $2 trillion to pay for their default? The answer of course is “no one” could, no one can and no one will. I will also add that in many many cases, there are more CDS and derivatives in play than the actual entity have outstanding in debt. In other words, if Italy for example were to go belly up on $2 trillion worth of debt there may be $5 trillion worth of contracts outstanding…does this amount of “insurance” incentivize anyone to “burn the house down?”

    This is why I have said that “everything is worth nothing,” because once this chain detonates there will be nothing “financial” that is still solvent, nothing! In case you haven’t made the connection yet, “everything IS worth nothing” right here and right now…and it’s been this way since well before 2008. How can I say this? Simple, there is a difference between “perceived value” and true value. If you were to accept a $1 million IOU from an unemployed homeless person who has no job, no assets and no hope of either you would be a fool right? Put another way, if you went under some bridge into a homeless tenement and saw a bunch of people living in tents, cardboard boxes and dumpsters, would you believe that each and every one of them were millionaires when they all showed you their $1 million IOU’s? Of course not but this is the game, this is the scam…THIS is exactly what the banks are collectively doing. It’s as if they are saying we are strong, we are safe…we are just as strong and safe as everyone else!

  25. Eddie Laidler

    Jim Rodgers is consistent in his message. I don’t hear ONE investor saying anything inconsistent with this message. Maybe some that want to sell you into some thing.

    When I moved mine and my wifes 401ks out of bonds I was given a wink and a nod and my wife’s fund manager answered a question that I asked her to pose.
    The question was where would you put your money besides diversifying into physical metals? His answer “Buy canned food”
    When Rodgers says get into agriculture as a career , degree or investment He is saying “Buy canned food”
    This little guy (myself) is buying metal ,food and waiting to pull the trigger on cashing out.

  26. Éric

    If you read this article you will understand that Ukraine is a manufactured side show to force Europe into quickly signing the TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade Investment Partnership).

    Trans-Atlantic global leadership at stake in Ukraine – Kerry

    In my opinion, the TTIP (And the TPP) are 2 of the most important issues in today’s world economy. However, this topic is receiving very little coverage. It would be great if you could have a guest on this topic.

    These 2 “free trade agreements” are negotiated in complete secrecy. Populations of the countries involved in these treaties are absolutely not informed in what consist these trade agreements.

    About a year ago, WikiLeaks released insider information about the content of these so called “free trade agreements”. They have nothing to do about free trade. It is all about a US Corporate power grab over the economies of signatory nations.

    The TTIP would give excessive powers to Corporations, placing them above national laws and legal systems. For example the Investor-state dispute settlement provisions would enable US companies investing in Europe to challenge EU governments directly at private international tribunals (special courts for corporations), whenever they find that changes in law in the area of public health, consumer, environmental or social protection interfere with their profits. EU companies investing abroad would have the same privilege in the US.

    There are other concerning aspects in these trade talks, such as; food safety regulations, data protection to banking regulations, copyrights law and enforcement, amongst others.

    But the center piece of the TTIP and TPP is to force the signatory nations into using the US Dollar in their international trade settlement. Signatory nations will be chained into using the US Dollar as their reserve currency for decades to come.

    Basically, the TTIP and the TPP would turn Europe and part of Asia into vassal states of the US economic and monetary system. The idea here is that the USA would “capture and retain” these territories under its sphere of influence at the precise moment when the BRICS are emerging and threatening the Anglo-American banks with the construction and implementation of a new monetary/financial/trade system. That’s what this is all about.

    Negotiations for the TTIP were getting nowhere since the Snowden revelations and the WikiLeaks that generated a growing public opposition. 6 months ago, the prospect of Europe signing the TTIP was bleak at its best.

    So here comes Ukraine. A USA manufactured political/military crisis in Eastern Europe. Washington is using their own manufactured crisis to separate Europe from the BRICS (especially Russia but WDC is doing the same thing in Asia against China with its “Pivot to Asia” program). WDC is truly trying to build a modern iron curtain between the “would be” signatory nations of the TTIP and TPP on one side and the BRICS on the other side.

    The Ukrainian crisis has generated the necessary smoke screen for the USA to increase its military presence in Europe and create a climate of fear and distrust against Russia in the general population. My take on that is that Washington will now try to use this new dynamic to quickly force Europe into signing the TTIP. They have to do it now as practically all current European leaders are puppets of the Anglo-American Banking Cartel. They also need to do it before the BRICS can get their alternative system up and running (which I would guess should not take much more than 24 months).

    The TPP has little hope of ever been signed as Asian nations are smart/nationalistic enough to understand that it would be detrimental to their own interests. However, the corrupt political class in Europe mostly comes from the financial sector and is loyal the banking cartel. They will do what they are told to do. Since the Ukrainian crisis occurred, the odds for the TTIP to be signed have greatly increased.

  27. Eric

    If you read this article you will understand that Ukraine is a manufactured side show to force Europe into quickly signing the TTIP (Trans-Atlantic Trade Investment Partnership).

    Trans-Atlantic global leadership at stake in Ukraine – Kerry

    In my opinion, the TTIP (And the TPP) are 2 of the most important issues in today’s world economy. However, this topic is receiving very little coverage. It would be great if you could have a guest on this topic.

    These 2 “free trade agreements” are negotiated in complete secrecy. Populations of the countries involved in these treaties are absolutely not informed in what consist these trade agreements.

    About a year ago, WikiLeaks released insider information about the content of these so called “free trade agreements”. They have nothing to do about free trade. It is all about a US Corporate power grab over the economies of signatory nations.

    The TTIP would give excessive powers to Corporations, placing them above national laws and legal systems. For example the Investor-state dispute settlement provisions would enable US companies investing in Europe to challenge EU governments directly at private international tribunals (special courts for corporations), whenever they find that changes in law in the area of public health, consumer, environmental or social protection interfere with their profits. EU companies investing abroad would have the same privilege in the US.

    There are other concerning aspects in these trade talks, such as; food safety regulations, data protection to banking regulations, copyrights law and enforcement, amongst others.

    But the center piece of the TTIP and TPP is to force the signatory nations into using the US Dollar in their international trade settlement. Signatory nations will be chained into using the US Dollar as their reserve currency for decades to come.

    Basically, the TTIP and the TPP would turn Europe and part of Asia into vassal states of the US economic and monetary system. The idea here is that the USA would “capture and retain” these territories under its sphere of influence at the precise moment when the BRICS are emerging and threatening the Anglo-American banks with the construction and implementation of a new monetary/financial/trade system. That’s what this is all about.

    Negotiations for the TTIP were getting nowhere since the Snowden revelations and the WikiLeaks that generated a growing public opposition. 6 months ago, the prospect of Europe signing the TTIP was bleak at its best.

    So here comes Ukraine. A USA manufactured political/military crisis in Eastern Europe. Washington is using their own manufactured crisis to separate Europe from the BRICS (especially Russia but WDC is doing the same thing in Asia against China with its “Pivot to Asia” program). WDC is truly trying to build a modern iron curtain between the “would be” signatory nations of the TTIP and TPP on one side and the BRICS on the other side.

    The Ukrainian crisis has generated the necessary smoke screen for the USA to increase its military presence in Europe and create a climate of fear and distrust against Russia in the general population. My take on that is that Washington will now try to use this new dynamic to quickly force Europe into signing the TTIP. They have to do it now as practically all current European leaders are puppets of the Anglo-American Banking Cartel ( and They also need to do it before the BRICS can get their alternative system up and running (which I would guess should not take much more than 24 months).

    The TPP has little hope of ever been signed as Asian nations are smart/nationalistic enough to understand that it would be detrimental to their own interests. However, the corrupt political class in Europe mostly comes from the financial sector and is loyal the banking cartel. They will do what they are told to do. Since the Ukrainian crisis occurred, the odds for the TTIP to be signed have greatly increased.

  28. Suzanne

    Hi Greg!
    Short & sweet interview.
    I have a couple of news links to pass on:
    The first is Clif High’s web bot project’s predictions for this month through this summer:
    In which his bots say a lot of interesting things… currency wars, the Fed getting drummed out, and the removal of the precious metals manipulation by the summer solstice in June. Very interesting.
    Secondly, an article I found regarding Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus getting ready to roll out their own gold backed currency: — which is most interesting because any time the US dollar has been challenged or a western central banking model refused (Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, etc.) the US military has invaded the place. How many more fronts will the psychotic drooling idiots in Washington DC have us fighting on?

  29. Coalburner9

    You are right, I always listen to what Jim is saying. I just finished his latest book “A Gift To My Children” and am half way through Street Smarts. I read them slow like a text book with a highlighter in hand. He is not only amazing with his long term vision but it is the knowing how to use it. I have known a few people with his kind of vision but he and just the very few learned how to make it pay.

    I want to thank you Greg. I have been on a long latge life quest to figure out the money world and was running out of fodder when I founnd your site thru You , your interviews and the people who comment here on your site were my next step. Thanks for being there!

  30. Merc

    * …we can understand the manipulation, the lies, the ‘spin’ of financial TV, and know what huge BS it is….But then the Fed’s Gang throw the printed suff at the price of stocks, bonds and gold…forcing them up or down…we see PRICE and that has Power!
    As long as we let them throw fiat all over to get their way, they can rule us as we suffer from Price Terrorism.

  31. George Silver

    Every time Jim Rogers is interviewed these days he says he’s on an exercise bike. I may be just a ‘conspiracy nut’ but I think Rogers is ill. He sounds like he has Emphysema.
    I think he uses the exercise bike routine as a cover.

  32. wddeni


    US economy slowed to 0.1 percent growth rate in Q1 THIS IS HUGE another pointer.

    Its the winter yeah the winter ok we have our excuse!!

    The U.S. economy slowed drastically in the first three months of the year as a harsh winter exacted a toll on business activity. The slowdown, while worse than expected, is likely to be temporary as growth rebounds with warmer weather.

    The EU will side with the Russo China deal. They have to, its about self preservation now!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Jerry

    Do you really want to see how desperate the Banking Cabal is?
    Yes lets pick a fight with this group.

  34. Diane Ryan

    Greg, great interview; concise and informative. I believe Mr. Rogers that the U.S. instigated the Ukraine coup. And the U.S., the bully of the world, has the audacity to declare sanctions against Russia. When was the last time the U.S. government did anything in the best interests of the Republic? The rate of our (and perhaps the world’s) downfall now seems exponential.

  35. Jerry

    Greg if anyone has any doubts that the dollar is being phased out as world reserve currency soon, they need to look at this. Germany has the strongest economy in Europe.

    It will not be long my friends before we wake up one day, and find the Yuan as the new exchange currency in the Euro zone. My question to you is what do you think will happen to the dollar when that day comes? Right now the index has been tracking consistently below 80.0 for the last two months.

  36. Liquid Motion

    In case anyone missed it…..The Dragon is on the march.

    Once achieved…everything else falls into place….Currency, gold, silver, world trade settlement etc etc.
    What does the US do about it… provokes a nation into War…..whatever form that may take.
    It would be laughable but for the repercussions to the standard of living to all Americans !!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      I think 2014 is a pivotal year for the USD. Thank you for posting this.

  37. Contrarian

    Greg – this was your best interview yet, not necessarily because of what was said in the interview, but the because of how you handled your procacious guest.

    I’m a big fan of Jim Rodgers, however I get the distinct impression that Jim is a fan of nobody but himself.

    Good job!

    • Greg Hunter

      Jim Rogers,
      Stopped what he was doing and interviewed with me at the last minute. He didn’t have to do that and I am very grateful.

  38. TFS

    I think Bob knows exactly what he is doing.

    When you got the economy going down the tubes, the dollar in the utube of the toilet, then is only one way out.

    Engineer a war and make everything look like it was because of them pesky Russians and Chinese.

  39. alex

    Hi there colleagues, its fantastic paragraph on the topic of educationand completely defined, keep
    it up all the time.

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