Trump Inherits Turd of an Economy – Ed Dowd

By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is a skillful financial analyst who said in May the economy was skidding.  Now, Dowd predicts the economy is poised to “roll over” and soon.  Why is the Fed cutting rates with a record high DOW?  Maybe they see the same thing he does.  Dowd explains, “Real weekly wage growth was minus 2% going into the election.  It is also interesting to know that minus 2% number of wage growth was also in 1980 when Ronald Reagan won in a landslide and also in 1992 when Bill Clinton won in a landslide. . . . I have never seen such blatant manipulation of government statistics.  There is government spending and government hiring to paper over what is truly a bad economy for the average man.  When I was asked prior to the election who do you think will win the election, I said Trump has already won, according to the economic statistics.  That’s why he won. Bobby Kennedy helped along with Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, lots of people switching and what have you.  What really got Trump in was the economy, the real economy, not the stock market.  It was not the ‘everything is hunky-dory’ pablum from the mainstream media.  The real economy has been rolling over, and we are just waiting for the financial markets to figure this out.  When they do, Trump is going to inherit a turd of a financial market crisis.  Government statistics will be updated, and it will show we started a recession sometime this year. . . . The incoming Trump Administrating has to get out in front of the narrative.  This was already baked into the cake.  They just got handed fraudulent books.  So, they are basically going to get blamed for what is coming.  They have to get in front of the narrative and talk about what they were handed.  They need to talk about how the stock market is not a real indicator of economic health like it was before the days of raw manipulation.”

The other big problem that Trump needs to get in front of is the CV19 bioweapon vax disaster.  Dowd says, “We have been monitoring and tracking excess deaths, disabilities and injuries such as heart attacks, neurological problems, cancers and liver issues.  There is a whole host of issues that have gone off the charts since the introduction of the Covid vaccines.  As of 2023, there was about 1.2 million excess deaths in the US.  There were about four million disabilities and about 32 million injured. . . .  Our calculations, conservatively speaking, are 8 million to 15 million dead globally, 40 million to 60 million disabled and 500 million to 900 million injured where their immune system is so compromised that they are getting sick all the time.  You’ve got to think about it as a funnel.  Most of the numbers are injured, and then the next level down are disabled and then dead.  People can funnel down from one category to the next.  We have a problem here because we have 10% to 13% excess mortality currently running. . . . We are running once in 200 year flood numbers in 2024. . . . This is not over.  It is going to stay with us for decades.  The way to mitigate that is there needs to be national awareness so people can treat the problems they have.  This is the biggest healthcare failure we have ever seen.  We need to pull the mRNA vaccines and have a global truth moment. . . .We continue to go along with a wink and a nod to pretend there is not a problem.  We are not going to talk about Covid and the mRNA vaccines, and in my mind, this is unethical, immoral and criminal.”

Dowd also talks about the US dollar that is not going away anytime soon, gold that is topping out –for now and how we need to deal with massive amounts of debt.

There is much more in the 42-minute interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, author of the updated book called Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023” for 11.9.24.

(To Donate to USAW click here)

To get a “Medical Emergency Kit” or “Contagion Emergency Kit” from The Wellness Company and get at least $30 off, click here.  (Check out the Black Friday deals too!!)

After the Interview:

You can order Dowd’s updated book called “Cause Unknown” by clicking here.

If you want to go to Dowd’s website called, click here.

Dowd’s work on compiling data on deaths, disabilities and injuries caused by the CV19 bioweapon/vax is all free at his website called  You can see the data by clicking here.

To get a “Medical Emergency Kit” or “Contagion Emergency Kit” from The Wellness Company and get at least $30 off, click here.  (Check out the Black Friday deals too!!)

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  1. Galaxy 500

    Great interview

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks 500!! Buckle up. It’s going to be a rough ride.

      • William

        Greg I would like you to get a guest who can explain the benefits to using thorium based reactors vs uranium based reactors. The military wasn’t a fan because you couldn’t make much in the way of nuclear bomb materials. Thorium based reactors are safer, can burn up nuclear waste, and we have a lot of thorium available.

  2. david

    Thanks greg

  3. John Vilven

    Ed is one of 3 I listen to for financial advise. All 3 are saying the same thing.

    • Greg Hunter

      Who are the other two?

      • John Vilven

        John Rubino & Michael Pento
        They are smart people in my humble opinion as Ed would say.

        • Greg Hunter

          I agree, John.

      • Rod Brumley Sr Lt. Colonel USMC (ret.)

        Mr Greg Hunter our Ultimate American Patriot
        Thanks for all you do!!!
        Buy Gold from Discount Gold & Silver – Melody Cedarstrom is Stellar – I’ve purchased from her and highly recommend
        Trump’s V I C T O R Y is the most important win in my lifetime
        In GOD I Trust

    • Thomas Malthaus

      James Rickards is the only one I’ve read who has called it a depression.

      • Greg Hunter

        Rickards will be on USAW soon.

  4. Cheri Rodriguez

    Gregory Mannarino is predicting Dow 8,000. Too optimistic for me. I’m calling for Dow 900 (where it was when Reagan started his first term in 1981). Not a bad thing if gas goes back down to $1 a gallon and you can buy a house for $50,000.

    • Tommy

      Greg Mannarino used to be a quest here many times. Hasn’t been on for years though. I wasn’t sure what happened to him.

      • Cheri Rodriguez

        He still pops up now and then. Do a search on his name and you can see his latest interview.

      • Rhory Graye


        Gregory Mannarino is no longer allowed at USAWD because he spoke the truth about Trump & Israel.

        This is the only unforgivable sin in the mind of a Ziochristian Trump-cultist like Greg Hunter.

        Despite Trump winning, Greg H is still engaging in heavy censorship of all comments which contradict his cult beliefs about Trump and Israel.

        • Galaxy 500

          Hahaha ROFLMAO
          Really, you expect Greg to allow you to spew your filth on a platform Greg has worked for more than a decade to build?
          Wow, non sequitur
          Build your own site and spread all the hate you feel needs to be sprewed

    • Tom

      The 1980’s were the best time in my lifetime. I would not mind seeing a return to how things were then, both financially, and culturally as well.

      • Tin foil hat

        1980’s were the beginning of the U.S. Ponzi economic system. The lifecycle of a typical Ponzi has four phases: initiation, expansion, saturation, and collapse.

        Your best time was in the Initiation phase The scheme begins by attracting initial investors with high returns and minimal risk. We are currently somewhere in the end phase of saturation. Therefore, we are not going to see a return to 1980’s.

        • Galaxy 500

          Regan and 16% interest rates and you some how say that was a Ponzi scheme. Clinton started the ponzi

          • Tin foil hat

            Jimmy Carter is the last president with trade surplus and the last fiscally responsible POTUS.

            As a short-run strategy to reduce inflation, Reagan borrowed both domestically and abroad to cover the Federal budget deficits, raising the national debt from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion.

            I love Reagan but I can’t overlook the fact that it started under his watch; even though H. Bush might be the real culprit.

      • Marie

        yes. I’m 75 and the 80’s were my best times too.

    • Kit Lee

      Listen to Bill Holter!! Forget about waiting to buy a house for $50,000 in the future when you can buy 50 ounces of Silver “now” for $2000 (which will buy you that same $50,000 house in the future)!!

      • Ken Yu

        Holter says that the flood of dollars going into buying Silver will be so enormous it will be like trying to put Niagara Falls through a garden hose (the buying pressure will be So Powerful it will drive the Silver price up by $200 Dollars per day)!! The US Debt Clock already has the value of Silver priced at $1100 Dollars per ounce!!! When the American people (who have been brainwashed into loving paper dollars “that continually lose purchasing power” finally decide to buy a one ounce Silver coin “there just won’t be any available at under $1000 dollars for a one ounce coin”!!!

        • Katy Bar

          Holter also says that since a one ounce Silver coin will be so highly priced (probably for more then the $1100 dollars the US Debt Clock says it is worth) that it will be better for people to buy 1964 and lower Roosevelt Silver Dimes (or 1942-1945 War Nickels) so you can barter for items that cost less then $1100 dollars!! But keep in mind that a War Nickel has “More silver In It then a Roosevelt or Jefferson Silver Dime”, and therefore will have more purchasing power and buy you more (Three(3) War Nickels has as much Silver as Four(4) Silver Dimes)!!!

          • Ken Yu

            What a tremendous bargain those War
            Nickels were back in 1942 to 1945. Four(4) silver dimes could have been exchanged for Eight(8) War Nickels containing a total of 0.45 ounces of Silver (that’s almost Half an Ounce of Silver for only 40 cents)!! Today Eight(8) War Nickles will cost you about $14 dollars (still a fantastic bargain when 0.45 ounces of Silver goes for $500 dollars when the Monetary Reset Takes Place)!!!

            • Kit Lee

              Europe Is Finalizing Preparations for a Gold Standard which should revalue Silver also!!

            • today I claim the 4th, right to privacy

              an old timer’s perspective…History as a teacher.
              1. those 4 dimes were 90 % silver content of .286 of an ounce.
              So .45 – .285 = .016 of an ounce profit.
              in the early 60’s silver was pegged at 1.29 an ounce which is why a dime contained .071 troy ounce of silver.
              from the $1.29 60’s low to the Bunker Hunt silver squeeze pushing silver up to $50 dollars an ounce (remember, the spending power of 50 bucks in 1980 was like a few hundred today), was the time of incredible profits.
              2. Before silver does it’s moon shot all those people supplying silver (unloading the family’s heirloom silver service) to raise cash to pay their bills and taxes will have to run out of material. Such is the public’s reaction to recessions.
              Post Bunker Hunt, huge supply form government stockpile sales, coin melting, photography going from silver based film to digital pushed silver prices down for decades. It was a great time to accumulate silver and gold.
              Now also is a great time to buy silver, slowly, regularly, until in say 25 years ? the weight of your stored silver cracks the basement floor slab.
              Likewise Gold regular purchases over time. This is called “dollar cost averaging”.
              Your “great reset” will likely find any sales by you subject to excess profits tax. (like the oil companies during the 80’s oil embargo) on top of a 28% collectable tax rate.
              Some say don’t look back,
              your not going that way.
              and Some say those how don’t know history will have to repeat it.
              knowledge, persistence, patience will yeild good profits. Getting rich quick will not. Bunker Hunt went bankrupt.
              KEY to success
              1. pay off debts.
              2. Shop goodwill stores.
              3. apply surplus to emergency cash, and good barter (small gold dos peso’s, 20 franc, 10th oz eagles, junk silver coins pre ’65. than start buying the gold monster box, (an ounce at a time)
              My personal rule:
              buyers and seller’s lines.
              Always get in the short line at a coin shop since most of the public is wrong.
              From Genisis to Revelations
              Gold, God’s Enduring Honest money.
              Fiat currency Satin’s favorite, backed by lies and usery.
              May God continue to protect our President elect ! amen.

        • Kit Lee

          With the job the Fed has done to the purchasing power of our money over the last 100 years (making it worthless) you would think that Fed Chief (Powell) would accept Trump closing down the Fed as a Complete Failure. But No!!, Powell brazenly states he will not listen to anything Trump tells him to do (as he continues to recklessly drive the US dollar to ABSOLUTE ZERO)!!

    • striketheroot

      …unless you have a $300,000 mortgage …

  5. R. Patrick

    Mr. Ed is a wealth of good information!

    Thanks Greg.

    • Really Awake

      I’m very glad Donald Trump won. Donald survived nearly 10 years of stupendous waves of attack, e.g., lawfare galore, NSA, CIA, FBI, made-up lies and and false stories designed to slander the Trump name, Deep State sabotage, financial attacks designed to ruin and bankrupt the Trump brand, coercion, blackmail, GOP backstabbers, Zionist infiltration (which is a bigger problem for Trump now than ever before) ……. and you just name it. And Trump survived it – including a bullet that was almost parked in Trump’s brain. Trump is just an amazing man.

      On the other hand: President Trump (and his “Garbage and Deplorable Supporters”) are going to get the blame for the upcoming recession. This recession, according to The Forecaster Marty Armstrong, will last for the next four years, i.e., the entire Trump presidential term.
      So, to me all that talk about “making America great again” is going to look like a really big lie. Trump is a good executive leader, but this situation i beyond his control. As Marty likes to say, “when people are fat and happy there is no civil war, but when the economy turns bad then people turn nasty”.

      The bottom line is Trump might not have a happy ending and America might not have a happy ending, either.

      Get your prepping done.

      • Galaxy 500

        Zionist infiltrators… you had my attention up to that point

  6. John Duffy

    And you thought trump was going to drain the swamp this time!

    • Katy Bar

      Calm down, you are not looking at the “Big Picture”!!!

      • John Duffy

        I hope you are right, but tell me, why has Trump not disavowed his recommendations for the covid clot shots when he knows full well they are still killing innocent victims.

        • Katy Bar

          Who would want to admit to being hoodwinked into being part of such a horrible murderous vaccination program by Demonic Satanists like Fauci, Gates and Pfizer (when you thought in your heart you were really doing something good for the American people)? All Trump can do now “is try to mitigate the damage done” (that was really inflicted by evil weasels who Purposely gave him Bad Advice) by now taking Significant Corrective Measures (like putting Robert Kennedy Jr. in charge of all our Health Agencies and go after “and totally wipe out” the embedded evil ones) and thus try to make things right in the eyes of God (just as all we Christians do when we privately repent of our sins to God (and not only promise to be better in the future But Do Become Better in the Things We Do)!!!

      • Terra Ann Powers

        Well Kat, she must know where all the bodies are buried, maybe?

    • Galaxy 500

      John I thought I recognized that name:

      The Van Down by the River is very comfortable.
      My name is Ann Barnhardt, and I am a motivational speaker. Let me give you a little bit of a scenario of what my life is all about. I am 36 years old. I have never been married. And I live in A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER.

  7. Salem Tales

    ‘Will NEVER Be the Same’ The Truth About Immigration and Cultural Change | GBNews Documentary 678,040 views Premiered Oct 16, 2024
    A new GB News documentary investigates how immigration has transformed Britain. The film features a homeless man who feels betrayed because migrants get free hotels, Reform Party MP Rupert Lowe and Dr David Starkey. GB News’s Steven Edginton travels to the country’s least-white city, Leicester, and interviews immigrants about their views of Britain. He also speaks to people on the street in Great Yarmouth, which voted for Nigel Farage’s Reform Party in the general election.
    Immigration has gripped Britain like no other topic in the past year. It sparked riots and protests across the country following the brutal murder of three girls in Southport; it led to the rise of Nigel Farage’s Reform Party and doomed the Conservatives to their greatest defeat in history. Undoubtedly Britain has been transformed by migration. Until the Second World War, Britain was a largely ethnically homogeneous country with a strong national identity and proud culture. In recent decades, the country’s borders were opened to the world and millions have come. Some were doctors and came from other skilled professions; many came from complete poverty and brought their extended families. Leicester, a city where I asked if people were proud to be British, is now the least white city in Britain (just 41% of people identified as such in the latest census).
    This is a very dark moment for the city’, says Amsterdam’s mayor
    Sky News 108,225 views Nov 8, 2024
    Amsterdam’s mayor has announced a raft of emergency measures in the Dutch city after ‘antisemitic’ rioters attacked Israeli football supporters, adding that she is ‘furious’ about the events in her city.
    The emergency measures apply to Amsterdam and the Amstelveen suburbs to its south.

  8. Fredrick (Rick) Getzschman

    Great report Greg! Thanks.

  9. Maria dasSantos

    Its still the ECONOMY STUPIDS! Said none of our politicians here in the UK and Europe.

    Trump promises and reality SUSIE WILES a big pharma gargoyle.
    Mr Martin Armstrong picked up the fraud of the Soviet stats just before its collapse now China’s the UK(no big surprise!) and of course our commie Europe.
    Even if Mr Trump decides to go hunting in the swamp those in the boat want to heave him and the USA into the mess. Do Americans want to be in the mess as they have voted otherwise.
    Americans have spoken and now need their politicians’ feet to the fire,and demand truth and reality by burning the phone lines to the White House and elsewhere.
    Great clarity as to the USA Dollars,it’s a military event.
    Buffet owning 4% of T-Billins should be a siren call to us all.
    Excellent Mr Hunter and Mr Dowd.

  10. Robert Dziok

    One of the posts recently on the Steve Quayle website was a doctor on Bitchute stating that the Worldwide blood supply has been poisioned by the spike protein from jabs and boosters and that unvaxed patients getting blood transfusions are suffering heart attacks, strokes, blood clots and deaths from it. If that isn’t heartbreaking and disgusting I don’t know what is. I could not make out the doctors name when he said it but he also predicted this years before. I hope all those that pushed this on Humanity have their day before GOD answering for what they knowingly did for money and profit one way or another.

    • MRNA

      Also when you go to the dentist what is in their shots? MRNA?

      • Galaxy 500


    • Ray

      Well said RD…..well said.
      Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘🐊

  11. Lauraya El

    Hi Greg, you need to interview Dr Bryan Ardis. He has worked out what CoVID jabs actually are and how to quickly reverse all issues.

  12. David Greystone

    BREAKING FOX NEWS November 9, 2024 HOBİEVİMM 1,283,259 4 hours ago
    Life, Liberty & Levin 11/9/24 FULL END SHOW | Smith’s Challenge!
    Independent party Profession John Luman Smith ( Jack Smith) Independent Special Counsel for United States Department of Justice and challenger to representative government of the United States and office of president elect, Donald John Trump.

    Newt Gingrich: This was such an extraordinary victory
    Fox News 364,540 views Nov 8, 2024
    Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich discusses what’s next for Democrats after Vice President Kamala Harris’ loss to President-elect Trump on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

    • Cloud Rains

      Excuse me,
      That is, Independent party & [Professor!] John Luman Smith ( Jack Smith)
      Spellchecker or just another smart-aleck here?

  13. Morgan Andersson

    So, when almost everybody has been infected with covid, and it is known to have literally hundreds of potential consequences, how does one discern between side effects from the vaccine and consequences after covid infection???

  14. Yulonda Brenner
    This is what people love about Tim Walz

  15. geo

    Since covid i have totally lost trust in main stream doctors. I do my own research and now question alternative media cures. Nothing can fully be trusted as even doctors with the best intentions can be hoodwinked. The powers that be have the ability to fake almost everything.

    • Tin foil hat

      Fasting, exercising and staying away from processed foods are things that doctors don’t practice themselves.

      I highly recommend this book – “Life in the Fasting Lane”.

  16. c. welkerson
    An epic question!

  17. Wilkerson Sword
    Did you here the story about RFKJr., Tulsi Gabbard and J.D. Vance?

    • Carpentaer lady

      Good one! Don’t fall on your sword over it Will!

  18. Ester Easer

    Trump Ally’s ‘Surrender’ Message To Zelensky After Putin’s Offer; ‘Give Up, You Can’t…’ | Watch Times Of India Started streaming 32 minutes ago 2,821 watching
    Donald Trump’s victory appears to deal a significant blow to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s efforts against Russia. Bryan Lanza, a senior adviser to Trump’s 2024 campaign, revealed that the incoming administration’s focus will be on achieving peace in Ukraine, rather than supporting the country’s attempt to regain territory occupied by Russia. Trump’s priority remains ending the war, and he has consistently argued that continued U.S. military aid to Ukraine is a drain on American resources. This shift in policy could have major implications for Ukraine’s military strategy and ongoing conflict with Russia.
    Get your mouse out, you might want to stop the dialogue and contemplate what’s being said in the headlines, it’s epic!
    Peace & Security and at what a terrible cost of lives! The woman left behind, some never a chance at marriage! So shameful, a hoodwinking done by whom? You don’t believe a powerful evil force manipulating mankind in these last days as he contemplates his own demise at the hands of an all powerful almighty entity!

  19. Roger Stamper

    tks for post greg ed

  20. Galaxy 500

    Those harboring evil understand what is going to go down Jan 20th

  21. Carpentaer

    Nikki Haley responds after Trump says she won’t be part of new cabinet, says she wishes him ‘great success’ Story by Sarah Rumpf-Whitten • 7h •

    Douglas Macgregor: Trump Returns to Power – A Game-Changer for Russia’s Ukraine Strategy? WarZone Echo 14,929 views Nov 9, 2024
    Military analyst Douglas Macgregor examines the global consequences of Donald Trump’s unexpected victory, signaling major shifts in U.S. foreign policy. Russia’s advances in Ukraine intensify as Trump’s administration gains influence, sparking questions on NATO’s strength and Ukraine’s survival. Macgregor breaks down Russia’s latest tactical gains, their strategic encirclement in key regions, and the impact of a potential Trump-Russia alignment. Could this mark the beginning of the end for Ukraine?

  22. Galaxy 500

    They best go to a country that doesn’t have extradition…


    As Trump 2.0 Takes Shape; Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo Dismissed; ‘Won’t Invite Them…’ I LIVE Times Of India 920 watching now Started streaming 64 minutes ago
    Donald Trump announced that two prominent figures from his first administration, Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo, will not be joining his new government. The former U.S. president shared the news on his social media platform, Truth Social. Both Haley, the former UN Ambassador, and Pompeo, the former Secretary of State, played key roles in Trump’s previous administration. Their exclusion from Trump’s upcoming government is notable. The announcement has sparked speculation and raised questions about the direction of Trump’s 2024 campaign and his cabinet choices.

  24. master cylinder

    Putin Accepts ‘Brave Man’ Trump’s Ukraine Proposal; Says ‘Will Speak As I Am Ready For…’ Times Of India
    206 watching now Started streaming on Nov 7, 2024 President
    Vladimir Putin congratulated Donald Trump on winning the U.S. election, praised him for showing courage, and said Moscow was ready for dialogue with the Republican president-elect. In his first public remarks since Trump’s win, Putin said Trump acts like a real man. “What was said about the desire to restore relations with Russia, to bring about the end of the Ukrainian crisis, in my opinion this deserves attention at least,” said Putin. Trump said during campaigning that he could bring peace in Ukraine within 24 hours if elected, but has given few details on how he would seek to end the biggest land war in Europe since World War Two.

  25. Katy Bar

    Martin Armstrong is predicting that the economy will be bad for the next four(4) years (That’s Trump’s Entire Presidential Term) so people are going to be in desperate need of money. Trump plans to help deliver that money to the people by eliminating the Federal Income Tax (hopefully before April 2025) and bringing Corporations and Jobs back to the U.S., etc., etc.. But Warren Buffet is taking no chances because he knows the Deep State is still out to Kill Trump and is rapidly selling off all his stocks and getting into T-Bills. Ed Dowd says the Covid 19 fiasco (that has already killed 8 to 15 million globally) is going to be with us for many years to come (because 500 to 900 million people have had their immune systems irreparably injured). Now given the increasingly vocal opposition to their COVID-19 and new vaccination programs Big Pharma “was desperately in needed of a spokesperson for them in the Trump Administration” and Susie Wiles appears to be that person. However, Trump “Is Not Obligated To Listen to Her”!! This is probably why Trump has strategically placed Robert Kennedy Jr. on his team “To Counteract Big Pharma Influences” and help him “smooth over” the continuing horrible after-effects of the CV19 Bio-Weapon Kill Shot Disaster Imposed Upon Us by the Big Pharma Eugenicists!!!

  26. Galaxy 500

    Interesting question
    Heart lost at least a Billion dollars buying cars that no one wanted to rent and then they are basically having to sell them for scrap value.
    And what kind of cars are they you ask?
    Electric cars…
    This is another example of someone in charge of a company that has no understanding of the business and they make a WOKE decision instead of an economic business decision…
    “If you will buy them, they will drive”… LOL
    No, electric cars make no sense. It doesn’t decrease the fairy tale “carbon footprint “ they are complex, have no range and you take your life in your hands if you stop at a charging systems

  27. Lon Chauncey

    TRUM’P BREAKING NEWS 11/10/24 [7AM] | BREAKING FOX NEWS November 10, 2024
    Crochê by Arleia 4,348 views 53 minutes ago

  28. sdmule

    Very little will change, if we are being honest.
    There are way too many creatures in the swamp to clear this mess up in a couple of years….they are deeply imbedded.
    I am sure we will see some “eyewash” to make us feel better….for a while. The reality is, we have allowed this by not understanding human nature. We have had countless examples throughout history but we were too busy with our lives, made too many excuses, and chose to ignore it.
    Now, we get to experience history repeat itself. Those looking for a single person to save them and turn this around….will find neither a savior, nor this thing turned around. The momentum is impossible to stop….so prepare….take responsibility for yourself and be the person that has always been inside of you. We are here for the grand experience….that time is upon us!

    • Ray

      Excellent post……much wisdom lies therein.
      Thank you.
      Ray, Canberra, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘🐊

      • Mike N

        Right on!

  29. john geis

    You do not remember 1980. The economy was a tard then too. Remember government paid for passive solar that did not work like 4 billion dollar electric charging stations or electric school busses. Our school district just spent the last of the covid money. Remember 14% interest in 1980 and 20% a year later. I bought a house valued at over $100,000 in 80 for $40,000 with a 14% mortgage. Reagan kept the economy going by funneling money into the military! He cut taxes but we were not buried in debt and we were manufacturer to the world! Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall.
    They are desperate for war with Iran now that they lost yet again in Ukraine. The whole Iran trying to kill Trump is part and parcel of that and I will be very surprised if Trump lives a month. If they kill him before the Electoral College meets very possible Trumps votes split and Harris wins with Vance as VP

    • Earth Angel

      Have a little FAITH jg. Where do you come up with this wild scenario about Harris & Vance? I’m believing Trump WILL stay alive for his term. I’m sure the majority of world leadership is GLAD to have him back- so at least they can have someone to have a sensible conversation and negotiations with at the helm of the USA once again.. And perhaps the marxist left knows the turd crap economy and world conditions THEY are leaving him with in hopes that HE will be blamed for it as Ed Dowd describes. Hopefully Trump and his team do get out ahead of it; and 1) call it out for what it is beforehand, 2) his wise economic policies ARE able to mitigate SOME of the carnage ahead, and 3) many of the dumb masses are beginning to finally wake up and realize to what extent ALL of the dystopian evil that has been done to EACH of us- without our knowledge OR consent to ANY of IT by the criminals masquerading as our government officials. I’m Praying for DJT and his Team daily and that maybe this can be our Star Wars moment to beat back the dark side.

  30. Tommy Tomlinson

    There Aren’t Any Liberal Meltdowns In New York. This State Worships Donald Trump Now. Nick Johnson 16,620 1 hour ago

  31. Frank S.

    Glad to see Ed Dowd again. Greg, I noticed Ed was displaying symptoms of fasciculation (micro trembling). This can be an early sign of Parkinson’s or other neurological disorders. I just wanted to bring this to his attention if he’s not already aware because I’m concerned for his health.

    • Tim

      I think as a high energy guy, he is actually constantly tapping his foot giving that appearance. I may be wrong but that’s my best analysis of a smart guy that definitely wasn’t vaxxed.

  32. Galaxy 500

    Hi Greg
    They just delivered my Contagion kit yesterday. I add it to my grab and go bag… LOL… ok, it’s a car or truck load.
    These guys at the Wellness Company are easy to do business with and they ship quickly. The doctor I had an interaction with was professional and helpful.
    They get the Galaxy 500 seal of approval

  33. Galaxy 500

    So, does anyone believe that Powell wants America and Trump to succeed? Not if you have an IQ above room temperature

  34. Galaxy 500

    You need to have cash on hand. You need to have some PMs and you need to food, water and an emergency medical kit.

  35. Susan Russo

    Ed Dowd is the perfect choice. Inflationary collapse = death of the empire. Trump got handed a hot mess. The current administration’s four years could not have done a worse job. I am still stupefied that the mask pulled over reality is not recognized by those who voted for this. One of my family members is in this crowd! I saw advice to not spend money recently, to hold on to it. It sounds like we are entering Venezuelan territory. I watched a guy years ago reporting in that country every week revealing firsthand accounts of that reality and it was not something Americans would believe. This report with Ed is a wakeup call that Trump’s victory will not save us from the devastation that has already happened. Trump will do everything he can and save us from the unimaginable, but we will suffer.

  36. Stephen

    The swamp will not go quietly. It might be a bumpy ride for a while.

  37. Jeffrobbins

    Mr. Dowd has the smoothest delivery of bad news, bar none. Great interview. I would have to say that because of USAWATCHDOG i get most of my news via interviews instead of just listening to just one person tell me the news- although i really did look forward to the weekly news wrap. Back in the day Larry King used to have some good interviews and Joe Rogan is the new L. King. It’s smart to use some of type of zoom call for logistical reasons. Kudos to you Mr. Hunter.

    Personally, i am building up a bit of cash at home- not in the bank. And food stuff too. He didn’t say it, but a banking collapse is more than a zero percent chance. The hidden powers against Trump don’t have much time to attack and sideline his admin (nip it in the bud).

  38. Clyde

    When does President Trump begin the mass exportation of 10+ million Invaders out of this nation. The free ride is over!

    • Galaxy 500

      Jan 21, 2025

  39. Shiloh1

    RE Susie Wiles. Wouldn’t be surprised if a long-time 26 year old Trump supporter’s head in chi west burb exploded this weekend. Let’s see if Pompeo is pulled back into the administration.

  40. Steve Dunk

    Thanks for all the great interviews over the years, Greg. They ar truly a blessing.

  41. Lancaster Bomber RAF

    Seven Days In May (1964) Kirk Douglas, Burt Lancaster, Fredric March

    TREASON: Top Pentagon Leaders Holding ‘Informal Discussions’ on How to Subvert President Trump’s Orders by Jamie White November 9th, 2024 2:50 PM
    Deep State once again conspiring to override Trump’s orders related to mass deportations and firing rogue bureaucrats within national security and intelligence agencies.
    TREASON: Top Pentagon Leaders Holding ‘Informal Discussions’ on How to Subvert President Trump’s Orders
    The top military brass of the Pentagon have been holding “informal discussions” in the wake of Donald Trump’s historic reelection on how to override his orders after he’s sworn in as the 47th president, according to reports.
    CNN reported Friday that Defense Department officials are worried about Trump’s planned overhaul of the federal government and military leadership after Ret. Gen. Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, willfully subverted Trump during his first term.

  42. Michigander Blues

    ‘Blue Wall’ Governors Vow to Defy Trump Amid Power Transition
    by Sputnik November 10th, 2024
    A number of Democratic governors have promised to resist federal imposition of mass deportations and other measures after Donald Trump returns to the Oval Office.

  43. Galaxy 500

    That’s OK, who would want to share the holidays with crazy blue haired freaks?

  44. Prospector

    RIGGED GAME , dog & pony show distractions continue from corrupt congress.

    On Wednesday Nov. 13 a secret election for house speaker will be held to replace chinless , spineless Mitch McConnell.

    At the same time , UFO hearings happen : ( Disclosure as a distraction ???? )
    NEW – U.S. House announces UFO hearings for Nov. 13 – @disclosetv

    Keep your eye on the ball with these SNAKES.

    “What the hell is going on in the US Senate? Hours after Donald Trump wins the most conclusive mandate in 40 years, Mitch McConnell engineers a coup against his agenda by calling early leadership elections in the Senate,” Carlson posted on X. “Two of the three candidates hate Trump and what he ran on. One of them, John Cornyn, is an angry liberal whose politics are indistinguishable from Liz Cheney’s.”

    “The election is Wednesday, it’s by secret ballot, and it will determine whether or not the new administration succeeds. Rick Scott of Florida is the only candidate who agrees with Donald Trump. Call your senator and demand a public endorsement of Rick Scott. Don’t let McConnell get away with it again,” Carlson added.

  45. Diana

    The vax problem is why RFK Jr is coming on board. It will be his job to enlighten the public. Nothing will be done till then. As for the fake bird flu we are leaving the WHO they will be exposed for the killers they are. Trump understands the lies about the economy Jr spoke on it the other day. Ed Dowd is a great interview. Thank you

  46. Nina

    Aaron Russo tells us “why”. Criminals don’t care who they kill in the name of business.

    • Katy Bar

      Yes Nina,
      The end goal is to get everyone Chipped (Jabbed with m-RNA micro-chips using virus’s like Covid, Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, Ebola, etc., etc., etc. “to scare everyone into becoming a chipped slave” where your thoughts and bodily functions are monitored in real time and humans simply become slaves under UN/WEF Globalist Control and told what they can eat (bugs) and what they cannot buy (gas)!!!

  47. Prospector

    Who should be Senate Majority Leader ? — SECRET Ballot vote Wednesday.

    Why a SECRET vote ? Lets look at the conservative voting scorecard , shall we ?

    Rick Scott – 92 %
    McConnel – 37 %
    Thune – 37 %
    Cornyn – 35 %

    Source :

    Weak RINO’s will lie to President elect Trumps face , promise to support his agenda then stab him in the back , like always. Like Jeff Sessions. Like Bill Barr.

    Lets HOPE he has learned something.

    PLAY HARDBALL , Mr. President !

  48. Terri

    So many scenarios I have heard over last year. No election, delayed election, military takeover by the white hats, etc. It has been endless. So the election was on time, President Trump won w/ a landslide. JD Vance is his VP. Pres, Trump has now said Nikki Hailey and Mike Pompaeo will not be part of his administration. I guess he understands they are both rinos. But it’s been leaked out that the senate under McConnell is having secret meetings to try and thwart Trump’s administration. Traitors! We now know josh Hawley and John thune are also rinos along with John Corwyn . We are surrounded by rinos and deep state. It’s gonna get very rocky! It’s very depressing, but we are strong. We are American!

    • Galaxy 500

      Please explain how Josh Hawley is a RINO? Thune has always been a RINO.

  49. Dan

    I haven’t even watched the Ed Dowd interview but I’ve been saying that Trump is going to be the bag holder of a crash. They did it to Bush sr and bush jr. they tried it with covid but now that everything else has failed, they want to prevent any outsider from coming in.

    • Galaxy 500

      They will do anything they can to upset the financial apple cart to damage Trump.

  50. Rodster

    I’ve always viewed Piers Morgan to be a liberal but he wrote this Op-Ed for the NY Post and I have to agree and be encouraged by what he said.

    “Trump’s stunning comeback victory has cured America from the woke mind virus”

  51. Galaxy 500

    When people tell you they hate you and they are going to murder you and your family… believe them..
    Arm up, ammo up and stay frosty… these are the kind of people that would show up and pretend to need help … until you opens the door…
    Remember… WHEN SECONDS COUNT, the POLICE ARE MINUTES AWAY. In my county, a good response time is 28 minutes… so yes, we uncouth poor Southern folks are well armed

    Leftists Send Trump Supporters Death Threats Directly to Their Homes – MEDIA SILENCE
    Michael Taylor
    Supporters of former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania have been receiving death threats in letters posted to their personal addresses.

    MAGA supporters in the Democratic stronghold of Philadelphia had received threatening letters sent through the United States Postal Service.

    The letter somehow bypassed checks via the Postal Service security by pretending to be a letter sent by the Trump campaign.

    Pennsylvania is being targeted because it is considered to be one of the most crucial states in the 2024 election.

    The letter begins with “Dear neighbor,” claiming to thank the Trump supporter for “being engaged in the election” and for their “participation in the process.”

    It then claims to be concerned about “the level of political violence in the country during this election year as well as the threats to our democracy and freedoms.”

    “So, we are asking you to take a closer look at the truth, facts and the future for a better America where we can all live in harmony together,” claims the sender of the letter before going on to cite reasons not to vote for Trump.

    These false claims include:

    Trump is a “rapist”


    An “immoral flawed man”

    An instigator of the violence that occurred at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and the Charlottesville car attack on Aug. 12, 2017.

    “By supporting him, you are declaring your public support for a disregard of the law, civil discourse, and unity. You are indicating your hatred of minorities, immigrants, foreigners, women, education, the rights of your fellow citizens, the rights of women to make decisions over their own healthcare needs,” the letter read.

    “You are entitled to all of this. However, this is a reminder that your visible support comes with a price and at a cost. There will be consequences,” threatened the sender.

    The signatory also threatened violence against the Trump supporter.

    “But more importantly, we know where you live; you are in the database. In the dead of a cold winter’s night, this year or next year and beyond, there is no knowing what may happen,” the letter threatened.

    “Your property, your family may be impacted, your cat may get shot. And more.”

    “Your vote for this guy is seen as treading on my rights. You tread on me at your peril, motherf—–. We look forward to visiting in the future,” concluded the threatening letter, with a note at the end claiming that it came from a “patriotic citizen and a true American” who is supposedly “acting to save America from the GOP.”

  52. Galaxy 500

    So the old Satanic hag, Nancy Pelosi, forced out old Joe. Forced out with a threat of being 25th. So ole Joe acquiesced and tweeted that he was withdrawing. And then Joe tweet that Kamala was taking over.
    Talk about a checkmate move that Pelosi didn’t see coming. Nancy says that they would have had a new process to pick a new candidate. I call BS on that. I am sure that the old hag had someone picked out. There wasn’t gonna be anything Democratic about it. And I am sure Pelosi’s team had a press release ready to go until Joe crowned Kamala as the new presidential candidate. What could Pelosi do at that point? She couldn’t force the worse candidate to ever run for President out? She is / was the Black Female VP.
    You have to give it to Jill Biden. She utterly destroyed Pelosi’s plans. This shows evil is not a good partner, even to other evil. Especially to other evil.

    • Katy Bar

      Failing to do a “Regime Change in Russia” Pelosi and the Deep State thought they could get away with doing “A Regime Change in America” (screwing Biden out of the Presidential Office and replace him with Newsome who would “more easily OK the nuking of Russia”). But sly old Joe put on a red Trump hat and Jill a red dress and did an unexpected counterattack on the Pelosi Deep State “Regime Change” Democrats by handing “tossed salad” Kamala the Democratic Baton. Wonder what old Joe “will do next” to take revenge on these “Regime Change Democrats”? Perhaps he will “Pardon Trump” NOW (fearing these Deep State maniacs are now out to kill him)?? Then hope that Trump will then kindly pardon his son in return (if he is not around to do it himself) if the Psychopathic Deep State “Regime Change Artists” decide to knock him off before January 20, 2025!!!

  53. Rodster

    As Michael Savage would say: “Liberalism is a mental disorder”. At least the Minnesota Police are trying to find a motive! 🤔

    “Minnesota dad who ranted against Trump election gunned down wife, ex-girlfriend and his 2 kids in murder-suicide”

    • Galaxy 500

      Liberal, Mentally ill (yes, I know, redundant) man who has previously talked about murder suicide kills his wife, children and ex girlfriend

  54. Prospector

    My name is Dr. Mike Yeadon and in the next 10 to 15 minutes I’m going to focus on one major point which is that the purported “vaccines” against this alleged illness, COVID-19 were in my view deliberately designed intentionally to injure, kill and, and reduce fertility.

    Now this is an allegation I’ve been making for around three and a half years. In that time, if I was wrong, ladies and gentlemen, I think numerous scientists would have rebutted what I’ve said in writing and in video. And if I was wrong, I would have expected the drug companies whose products I am maligning to have sought and secured a court injunction to stop me repeating these allegations.

    Neither of those things have ever happened. …… cont.

    Knows his stuff and brings the receipts.

  55. Jim Jones

    What is the Red Wave in the Book of Revelation?

    • Carol Sue Baker

      The “Red Wave” in the Book of Revelation is often associated with the second horseman in Revelation 6:3-4. This horseman rides a fiery red horse, symbolizing war and bloodshed. The imagery of the red wave can be seen as a metaphor for the destructive power of war and the bloodshed that accompanies it1.
      In Revelation 16:3, there’s also a reference to the second angel pouring out his bowl on the sea, turning it to blood and killing every living thing in the sea. This further emphasizes the theme of blood and war associated with the red imagery2.
      Despite these ominous symbols, Revelation ultimately offers a message of hope. The book concludes with the vision of a New Heaven and a New Earth (Revelation 21:1), where there will be no more death, mourning, crying, or pain (Revelation 21:4). This new creation will be a place of peace and harmony, free from the chaos and destruction symbolized by the red wave.
      It’s a powerful reminder that even amidst tribulation and turmoil, there is hope for a future where God’s kingdom is fully realized, and a great crowd of people will be saved and live in eternal joy (Revelation 7:9-17).
      Jim, does this help clarify the Red Wave symbolism in the Book of Revelation for you?
      If you have any more questions about the Book of Revelation, or anything else Jim, feel free to ask here on
      Have a divine rest of your day! 😇📖

  56. RK


    Woman in Michigan wins 12 million dollar lawsuit for being terminated after refusing to take the bio weapon jab. She filed a religious exemption, which was denied. Let’s hope this is the first of many successful lawsuits against duplicitous, fraudulent companies. l

    • Galaxy 500

      RK, what made me laugh was she worked from home…

    • Kit Lee

      It is time for all those who were terminated from their jobs for refusing the Kill Shot to sue “All the Corporations” who did Pfizer’s and the Deep State’s/UN/WEF bidding (and don’t leave out the Hospitals and Doctors) who fired personnel for not promoting the Jabs!!

  57. NF

    It’ll be the best economy in about 1 week of trump taking office. Peter Schiff’s last podcast is probably the most accurate, we already know what to expect.

  58. Marie Joy

    Americans are going to have to take a stand.

  59. Galaxy 500

    Wow… this is the last thing that Trump should do.
    These people waded lawfare against us and our President.
    Hunter is a criminal and the bag man for House Biden. Prosecute them all…
    They are demonstrably criminal. Forget this weak kumbaya B/S. We can forgive them but still punish them.

  60. Galaxy 500

    Did anyone miss our military leaders talking about their coup? Relieve them of duty, court martial, then public execution them.

  61. Marie Joy

    Be Safe

  62. Marie Joy

    Crazies are acting out. Expect Trouble.

  63. RetiredIT

    As long as the U.S. continues to print “Monopoly money” like drunken sailors with no backing of precious metals, America’s unsustainable debt is going nowhere but up, up, up!

    Don’t believe what they tell you about the total U.S. debt because it’s definitely not true. Here are the real facts from the U.S. Debt Clock:

    * America’s total debt is now more than $101 trillion, including federal, state, local and individual debt.
    * Unfunded liabilities exceed $217 trillion, which means there are ongoing expenses but no money to pay.
    * Currency & credit derivatives stand at more than $629 trillion. Derivatives are complex financial instruments which involve much risk on the part of the investor.
    * This all adds up to a grand total of about $947 trillion, which is just shy of $1 quadrillion, which is 1 followed by 15 zeros. Governments and citizens of other developed nations are also greatly in debt with absolutely no real way out except declaring national bankruptcy.

    The only SURE solution is for the U.S. to declare bnational bankruptcy. But it may well be even too late for that!

    • J

      Retired IT, you stated “Here are the real facts from the U.S. Debt Clock:”

      How do you know the information you have provided is accurate?

      In 2006, former U.S. Representative Allen Boyd, Jr., told me face to face, the National debt was about $68 TRILLION!

      • Katy Bar

        Don’t you realize 2006 was 18 years ago?? You have to expect that the Debt Clock Today is going be higher!! The Debt Clock today is showing the True Price of Gold to be $12,572 dollars/ounce and the True Price of Silver to be $1,555 dollars/ounce!!! And yes, these precious metals will obviously be higher 18 years from now!!

    • Galaxy 500

      Cheaters never prosper so the saying goes. They sure prospered the last 4 years…
      And now they really seek to do one last FU to the American people… Hahahaha jokes on these soybois and feminazis. Jill and Joe Biden absolutely loath Kameltow and her minions. A most visceral and passionate hate so potent that it’s an almost physical thing. And this library things ole Joe should give Kamala the keys to the kingdom…. Damn, they people are really F’ing stupid

    • Galaxy 500

      We couldn’t back any currency with gold. We do t have anywhere near enough PMs for that. But we could some backed by oil or wheat

  64. Clair

    Hey Greg,
    Thanks again for another top notch interview. I’ve been following your news reports for years now and I was wondering if you have a 2025 prediction?
    Now that Trump is back in will the truth come out in the main stream? My MIL and her family is still suffering from TDS and their 8th booster. We had a falling out over it as I voted for a “rapist and convicted felon”. I think the truth will set them free… in more ways than one but we are still struggling with different worldviews.
    Thanks for reading and God bless you and your work!

  65. Justn Observer

    Greg, and those that comment that might be up Michigan way have a clue about this massive FEMA buildup and staging at a decommissioned Airforce base =

    Training? Planned epidemic? or maybe using FEMA trucks to bring in people from the border as a last gasp to pump up numbers in the RUST belt for the mid-terms?
    Yeah, agree why are those assets not being used in the Hurricane affected areas?
    Appears FEMA is NOT out of as much money as they said.?

  66. Marie Joy

    Patrick Humphry on Youtube says when someone calls in to say they’ve seen the monkeys, there is a huge response.

  67. Prospector

    Why is FEMA Staging 350 Semi Trailers w/Equipment at an Old AFB in Oscoda, Michigan?

    If anyone can help me find these answers…..or maybe someone on this township board can answer these questions…. but telling us not to be scared when we see a convoy of 350 FEMA trailers coming up is NOT acceptable!!!!! Absolutely UNACCEPTABLE!
    Wurtsmith Air Force Base is a decommissioned United States Air Force base in Iosco County, Michigan. Near Lake Huron, it operated for seventy years, from 1923 until decommissioned in 1993.

    Why is FEMA bringing in 350 semi trucks and equipment to this base? What emergency are they preparing for in the “6 counties” they will serve? Is this happening everywhere? And if not, why these 6 counties? I have so many questions and so far, have been unable to find any answers.

    Posted yesterday by ” Kneady Homesteader .” You-tube.

    Anyone in the area , please report. Why send items there when NC is in such need ?

  68. Sam A. Morgan

    Thank you. Excellent and informative interview.

  69. Nanna Banana Bellson

    Scott Ritter: Trump’s Shocking Ukraine Strategy – NATO’s Very Survival at Stake!
    WarZone Echo 8,060 views 6 hours ago Nov 11, 2024
    Donald Trump’s recent victory and his bold promise to end the Ukraine conflict in just 24 hours has captivated global attention. Military expert Scott Ritter dissects Trump’s plan, addressing whether his approach will bring a historic breakthrough or lead to intensified conflict. From potential ultimatums to Russia and shifting alliances within NATO, Ritter offers an in-depth analysis of what this means for Ukraine, Europe, and the future of global power dynamics.

    Full Video | Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.)
    Blenheim Partners 889,089 views Aug 15, 2024
    In Episode 139 of the No Limitations podcast Last Man Standing, Blenheim Partners’
    Gregory Robinson speaks to Col. Douglas Macgregor (ret.), Former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense.
    In this his most important and thought-provoking interview and discussion, which is and no doubt continue to generate significant debate, the Colonel provides a commentary on the state of leadership and lack thereof in the wider world today. He turns to the major flashpoints across the globe, our corrupt politics and he assesses the rapidly escalating conflicts as someone who has endured the horrors and futility of war. Douglas also evaluates the likelihood of acts of aggression by China.
    Douglas was first commissioned into the United States Army in 1976. During his 28 years of service, he was a leader of the 1st Squadron 4th Cavalry, the 1999 Kosovo Air Campaign, the Battle of 73 Easting during the Gulf War, and the offensive into Baghdad in 2002. By the time of his retirement in 2004, Douglas was a decorated veteran with several awards for meritorious service, including the National Defense Service Medal and the Army Commendation Medal. More recently, Douglas was the Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense, a position he held until then-President Trump left office. Douglas has written several books on military operations which have been the catalyst for profound changes in defense strategy in the United States and abroad. Douglas has also appeared as a defense analyst on Fox News, CNN, BBC, Sky News and public radio.

    • Galaxy 500

      “NATO’s Very Survival at Stake!”
      We should not be in NATO. NATO has out lived its usefulness. And America pays for most of it.
      There is no strategic interest for America to be in NATO. The Soviet Union is gone

  70. Banana's!

    Oops, here’s the link;
    Scott Ritter: Trump’s Shocking Ukraine Strategy – NATO’s Very Survival at Stake!

  71. Jane Hill

    I Like Ed Dowd..
    What a very Wise man for his ages,

  72. Veterans Day USA

    Court Martialed For_ Being Right!
    ____Colonel Billy Mitchell
    Father Of The United States Air Force
    DroneScapes 179,956 views Sep 19, 2023
    He was court martialed for being right, as he predicted the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in WW2. The story of William “Billy” Mitchell, father of the United States Air Force. Contains rare historical footage, the biography of Jimmy Doolittle, and the Doolittle Raid, as the North American B-25 takes his name after Colonel Mitchell.

    The Court Martial Of Billy Mitchell (1955) Gary Cooper, Elizabeth Montgomery, Rod Steiger, Charles Bickford and Jack Lord

  73. Harcourt Brace

    Tucker Carlson 11/10/24 | Tucker Carlson Tonight November 10, 2024
    Banana Dude @petelundblad 18 hours ago
    I hope Trump will pardon every one of the victims of Jan. 6

  74. Clifton Webstersonovich

    Lefties losing it: ‘Delusional’ host on The View lashed after angry Trump rant
    Sky News Australia 1,417,428 views Nov 11, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi has lashed The View host Sunny Hostin after her angry rant about Donald Trump. Sky News Australia Frist of 12,307 Comments
    Who else dislikes the View ?
    I haven’t seen the Democrats this upset since Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery. 🎩
    Sonny is a sad racist. She is everything she says we are.
    How can someone with the name Sunny be so dark and hatefu
    Does anyone else think it’s ironic that two women so full of hate are named Sunny and Joy?

  75. Galaxy 500

    Can we bring these people to justice, please?

  76. Galaxy 500

    I am surprised he lasted 3 years

  77. David R

    Is there a way to listen to this show without having to constantly skip or fast
    forward through the many commercials? It’s not just this site either. SGT Report is getting pretty bad too. Otherwise, great show!

    • Greg Hunter

      It’s a rumble thing, David.

  78. Yulonda Brenner

    Megyn Kelly Details Biggest Losers of the 2024 Election, From Taylor Swift to The Lincoln Project/Megyn Kelly 3,354,405 views Nov 7, 2024
    Megyn Kelly talks about fallout from the 2024 election and reveals who the biggest losers were, how irrelevant celebrities like Taylor Swift and Oprah turned out to be, why The Lincoln Project became a total failure, Don Lemon’s sad election moment, and more.

  79. Carol Sue B.

    BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Deep State Is Still Planning To Kill Trump & Install Kamala Harris by November 11th, 2024 6:54 PM
    The desperate establishment knows it has no other moves left to stop president-elect from carrying out America First agenda — tune in!

    BREAKING: Electronic Election Fraud EXPOSED By Lara Trump & Susie Wiles In Key Battleground States by November 11th, 2024 5:48 PM
    “Glitches” that flip votes from Republican to Democrat aren’t actually glitches.
    Vote-flipping election fraud incidents are getting exposed in key battleground states nearly a week after Election Day and what it portends for the makeup of Congress and Trump’s agenda.

    ’60 Minutes’ Scott Pelley Still Can’t Comprehend Trump’s Sweeping Election Win
    by November 11th, 2024 6:16 PM
    Liberal media still can’t understand why voters rejected a candidate who never received a single primary vote and was selected by the Democrat Party ruling class.
    Iran has broken its silence on accusations that an Iranian man was involved in a murder-for-hire scheme to kill newly reelected president Donald Trump.
    Great Scot, Scott. Look at your ratings mate!

  80. Online & Vulnerable'

    ‘Online and vulnerable’: Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet
    A team of election security experts used a “Google for servers” to challenge claims that voting machines do not connect to the internet and found some did.

    The 2020 Coup: What Happened. What We Can Do. Paperback – May 9, 2022
    by Patrick Colbeck (Author) 4.5 4.5 out of 5 stars
    The 2020 Coup takes bits and pieces of evidence from across America and knits them together into the definitive work on how the election was stolen.Patrick Colbeck served as a certified Poll Challenger at the TCF Center in Detroit. He witnessed the fraud firsthand. He witnessed the late-night ballot drops, poll challenger lockouts, pizza boxes taped to windows, and voting equipment connected to the internet.
    He has been investigating the scale and significance of the fraud ever since.
    After reading The 2020 Coup, you’ll be equipped with: a solid understanding of how elections are supposed to work, documented evidence of what actually happened, and a plan of action to thwart the efforts of those behind the coup.
    America is in an information war between coup activists who seek our fundamental transformation, and proud Americans who seek to preserve
    the blessings of our constitutional republic. This book breaks through the Big Tech and mainstream media information embargo to equip you with the
    truth they do not want you to hear.

    “THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup” is a summary of a multi-year investigation by national security journalists Mary Fanning and Alan Jones of The American Report into the supercomputer surveillance system known as THE HAMMER.
    John Brennan, James Clapper and Barack Obama illegally commandeered the powerful foreign surveillance tool, THE HAMMER, in order to domestically spy on their political enemies.
    CIA whistleblower and contractor Dennis Montgomery built THE HAMMER in 2003 to keep America safe after 9/11. Military sources unequivocally state that THE HAMMER worked. THE HAMMER also protected U.S. troops on the battlefield.
    Montgomery became a whistleblower and handed over 47 computer hard drives of illegally-harvested surveillance data to the Department of Justice and the FBI under two limited immunity agreements in December of 2015.
    FBI Director James Comey and FBI General Counsel James Baker, with DOJ Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis, buried that proof of illegal surveillance rather than act upon it.
    Whistleblower Montgomery states Barack Obama, John Brennan, and James Clapper used THE HAMMER to spy on Donald Trump and General Michael Flynn. Montgomery also asserts that Brennan and Clapper had Supreme Court Justices (including Chief Justice John Roberts) , FISA Court judges, 156 Article III judges, over one hundred Members of Congress, business leaders, journalists, law firms, U.S. military officers, and defense contractors under illegal surveillance.
    The Deep State launched the Trump Russian collusion hoax investigation in order to cover up the Obama administration’s use of THE HAMMER illegal surveillance system that was transforming America into a Stasi-style police state.
    When an admiral and a general presented The American Report’s investigation into THE HAMMER over America’s airwaves, a political tectonic shift began within hours. The very next day, FBI Director James Comey launched the Russian Collusion Investigation, placing none other than Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok in charge of that investigation.

    “THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup” pulls all of the clues into place, exposing what President Trump calls “The Political Crime of the Century.”

  81. Gabriella Mayse

    BREAKING: Electronic Election Fraud EXPOSED By Lara Trump & Susie Wiles In Key Battleground States by November 11th, 2024 5:48 PM
    “Glitches” that flip votes from Republican to Democrat aren’t actually glitches.

  82. Galaxy 500

    Why normal people hate government agencies…
    FDA demands recall of butter because it doesn’t have warning label that it contains milk… WTF? It’s butter. Which is made from milk and cream for 5,000 years… I mean damn. Thank you for all the lives you saved FDA. By the by, where where you on the Bioweapon shots?

  83. Doug Byer

    Trump is reportedly going to appoint Neocon Marco Rubio to the very important & powerful position of Secretary Of State.

    Marco is a Cuban version of Lindsay Graham, never saw a war he didn’t love, and is also pro-Amnesty.

    OK, let’s hear your excuses!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Let’s give him a chance and see what he does. I heard Sen. Rubio say live on the air that “Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.”

    • Rodster

      Yeah, I had hopes for the Trump 2nd term but so far his three cabinet choices are warhawks. Not a good look for someone who campaigned on mending fences and keeping us out of senseless wars. IMO, Tulsi Gabbard would have made a good Sec of State. Where does RFK Jr fit in?

    • Shiloh1

      The plan is for Lavrov to laugh himself to death; his immunity is weak after years of Blinkin.

  84. Galaxy 500

    Damn, I want these people to get an educational beat down. A severe one

  85. Galaxy 500

    President Trump,
    Please hold these criminals, judges, prosecutors and the people that brought these make believe charges against Trump accountable. The woman who demonstrably perjured herself and lied about Trump need to reap her true reward

  86. Dave MILNE

    I hope this message finds all well. I wanted to reach out to you with an idea that could make a significant impact. As you may know, Alex Jones’ show, Infowars, is syndicated on many AM, FM, radio and shortwave stations across the United States. It’s produced from his studio in Austin and broadcast on the Genesis Communication Network. However, the exact number of stations, possibly over 200, isn’t readily available to me at this time as is short in this last ditch effort to save infowars. Infowars isn’t carried by major industry giants like Cumulus or Entercom Communications.
    If you’re looking to tune in, you can also listen online at or, or through platforms like myTuner Radio.
    Infowars is facing a critical moment with an upcoming auction. It is the only alternative media format in a 24/7 TV network-like, live broadcast available online and on radio. It is in need of a champion or champions who could save Infowars to continue broadcasting 24/7.
    Reflecting on the spirit of our forefathers during the Revolutionary War, we remember the wealthy Americans who risked their lives and fortunes to stand against the tyranny of the British Empire. They pledged their wealth and faced immense dangers to secure the freedoms we cherish today. Their courage and commitment to the cause of independence are a testament to the power of standing up for what is right, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
    Today, we find ourselves at a similar crossroads. The dark forces of hidden agendas threaten the very representation and freedoms that our ancestors fought and died for nearly 250 years ago. Infowars has been a beacon of free speech and alternative perspectives, much like the voices of our colonial north American revolutionaries who dared to challenge the status quo.
    Your support in saving could ensure that this platform continues to offer an alternative perspective and remains a beacon of free speech. Imagine the difference it could make to have a champion like you step in and preserve this vital resource for those who seek diverse viewpoints.
    Together, we can keep the spirit of independent media alive and ensure that voices like Alex Jones and his young stalwart crew continue to be heard. Your contribution could be the key to maintaining a platform that champions truth and transparency.
    Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference.
    Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference, please consider Arnold Swarzneggers FAMOUSE last word’s in the film The Terminator;
    Will Alex or his studio and crew be back? It may be up to you!

    BREAKING: Infowars to Close its Doors Tomorrow Wednesday — Alex Jones Responds
    by InfoWars November 12th, 2024 9:08 AM
    Wednesday most likely, will be the final day of Infowars.
    Yesterday Monday, Alex Jones informed listeners and viewers of the forced-sale of Infowars tomorrow, which will potentially shut it down permanently.

  87. D.Milne

    To Save Infowars,
    and ALEX JONES Prison Planet TV,
    Donations Here:
    How To Keep Alex Jones Live On Air
    The battle to silence Alex Jones is intensifying as globalist forces push harder than ever to take him off the air. Legal challenges and mounting expenses threaten his ability to continue speaking out and defending freedom, but with your help, Alex can stay on the air and keep delivering the truth in these critical times.
    Every contribution makes a difference in helping Alex fight back and continue his mission for truth, freedom, and the future of our republic.

  88. Lon Chauncey

    Nigel Farage Drops Trump BOMBSHELL at Explosive UK Speech! 135K views 3 days ago
    Donald Trump has been invited to address the UK parliament next year, Nigel Farage has claimed, saying Britain must “roll out the red carpet” for the US president-elect.

  89. r.shots

    Watch Rachel Maddow and New York Times Columnists Totally Untethered From Reality After Trump Win

  90. Norman Greenjeans

    US Ambassador Kevin Rudd called Donald Trump ‘village idiot, incompetent, incoherent’ Sky News Australia 438,280 views Nov 11, 2024
    Sky News host Sharri Markson has revealed exclusive footage of Kevin Rudd calling Donald Trump a “village idiot”.
    Ms Markson said Kevin Rudd also claimed the United States was “incompetent” under Donald Trump’s leadership.
    “Rudd failed to recognise that the MAGA movement wasn’t going away and that Trump could be president once again.
    “Albanese knew full well that Rudd had trashed the former president, but appointed him anyway to our most important ambassadorship.”
    Lefties losing it: MSNBC analyst’s bizarre election analysis
    Sky News Australia 268,592 views Nov 12, 2024
    Sky News host Rita Panahi reacts to MSNBC analyst Molly Jong-Fast’s attempt to blame Kamala Harris’ loss in the presidential election on misogyny.

  91. The Rev

    I have to give a BIG shout-out to all my fellow Christians around the world who prayed for a miracle in our elections. The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way on the lives of good people, helping them see through the lies, the fog and deception. The demoncrats had the news media, Hollywood, the CIA, FBI, etc. in their back pocket and still could not overcome the will of God. If Harris had won, the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ clock would have been 1 minute before 12:00. Now instead, with Trump, it is 10 minutes before midnight.

    Keep praying. Prayer is what moves the heart of God.

    I just officiated at a funeral from another covid death. Ken had heart surgery that went terribly wrong. The family is clueless that his heart was having problems from the covid shots. There is so much unnecessary pain and death that NEVER should have happened. These people need your prayers as well. So keep on praying EVERY DAY and let’s watch our God as He gives us one miracle after another.

    • Galaxy 500

      Amen Rev. Glory be to YHWH in the highest!
      And you are correct. Keep praying! Get down on your knees and pray.

  92. jon

    Good content Greg, Thanks for not activating a lot of cookies. I ran blacklight cookie scanner. Your site is nice and clean. FYI, be aware of SGT…, not good.

    • Greg Hunter

      In have control over that but not all the commercials on Rumble. I am working on getting them reduced.

  93. z

    Brunson case in favor of Brunson, nov 10th 2024. Should get interesting !!!
    I see another possible interview from the best reporter in USA Greg Hunter.

    DJT says only two genders will be codified into law. Always great interviews from Greg Hunter. Especially above. Exciting times ahead!!!!

    • Greg Hunter

      Thanks “Z”!!

  94. z

    Brunson case in favor of Brunson

    open source

  95. Marie Joy

    Oprah was (or was not) paid to endorse Kamala and Oprah’s name popped up in the Lahaina fire tragedy news. Seems there may be more to Oprah than meets the eye.

  96. Galaxy 500

    These people must be brought to justice!
    Resistance’ Lawfare Abusers Must Be Held Accountable
    Trump “can unify the nation, he can unify communities, but these nasty, malicious people who abused our prosecutorial system, who abused their public office, who engaged in what amounted to extortion against Republicans and Trump supporters, they need to be held to account.”

    William A. Jacobson
    Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 09:53pm 92 Comments

    On the full podcast today I discussed the damage done by the private and public lawfare against Trump supporters, Republicans more generally, and anyone who got in the way of Democrats.

    The spark for that discussion was a tweet by Will Chamberlain of the Article 3 Project:

    There’s going to be a lot of talk about Trump needing to “extend the olive branch.” NO.

    If he had lost, he would have been jailed. And for his support of Trump, Elon likely would have been bankrupted and jailed.

    Those who launched the lawfare must be held accountable.

    He doesn’t need to persecute random Democrats. He does need to ensure that his DOJ investigates Fani Willis, Nathan Wade, Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Jack Smith, and Merrick Garland.

    I discussed the need for accountability in the podcast excerpt below:

    Transcript auto-generated, may contain transcription errors. Lightly edited for transcript clarity.

    There were a lot of people hurt by this outgoing administration, of which Harris was an integral part. Lives were destroyed, lives were ruined. Reputations were damaged, people were prosecuted, people were bankrupted. And I’m not even talking about people arrested in connection with January 6, but all over the place.

    There’s an effort by Democrats to go after the Bar licenses of lawyers who fought on the Republican side. They even announced and launched an initiative — I think it’s called Project 65, though I might be wrong on the name. Their goal is to make Republican lawyers toxic in their communities. They want to go after their licenses; they want to scare Republican lawyers away from doing what lawyers do. I mean, these are bad people, and they need to be held to account.

    Prosecutors who went out of control, prosecutors who announced as part of their political campaign that their goal was to use their public office, if elected, to go after Donald Trump and his family — those people need to be investigated and held to account.

    One of the things I noticed very clearly in Trump’s speech last night was how conciliatory it was, how positive it was. He said, you know, we will unify the country through success, essentially sort of a “rising tide raises all boats” argument. And that is Trump. The media portrays him as the most vindictive, nasty person, but that is actually Trump. That’s what he tried to do his first term.

    But there are also people on the internet, on Twitter, who are saying, “No, you’ve got to go after these people now.”

    I was even thinking of doing a reader poll, Should Trump unify the nation or get even?

    And as I wrote it out and was about to do it, I realized it’s not a binary choice. It’s not one or the other. He can unify the nation, he can unify communities, but these nasty, malicious people who abused our prosecutorial system, who abused their public office, who engaged in what amounted to extortion against Republicans and Trump supporters, they need to be held to account.

    So, I would say do both. President Trump: unify the nation, but also create task forces and create special counsel to go after the corrupt people who tried to destroy our society, not just destroy you, but destroy your supporters and people who disagreed with them. Those people need to be held accountable. Don’t let your laudable goal of unifying the nation get in the way of holding those people accountable.


    If our discussion resonated with you, we would greatly appreciate it if you could visit Apple Podcasts to leave us a rating and a review. Your feedback helps us improve and reach a wider audience.


  97. Morgan Andersson

    Several experts here in Norway attribute injuries such as heart attack, sudden heart death, stroke, blood clots, heart rythm disorders – and similar – TO INFECTIONS WITH COVID – and NOT to the vaccines.
    Thus my question remains: When almost “everybody” has been through a covid infection, HOW do these people that claim they are injuries from the vaccines actually DISCERN what comes from covid infections and what comes from the vaccines? Is that even possible? And HOW can they be so adament it is the vaccines that are dangerous????
    These are valid and important questions, I believe. IF there is no good and clear reply to this, if it is not possible to be SURE, why not drop the anti-vaccine agenda?

    • Galaxy 500

      Why not drop the anti-bioweapon agenda? I mean because who needs the truth. First of all, it was not, is not and will never be a vaccine. And they didn’t test in on anything other than 8 mice. Does that sound like a through medical trial to you? I mean even a paid shill that’s honest should admit they didn’t test it. So there was not testing, there were very many reported side effects and deaths.
      And no offense, but I don’t believe the Norway guys. Good distraction though

  98. Helen Ann Rudinsky

    Although last Tuesday was a great victory, the biggest battles are still ahead! We need to keep praying fervently. Especially for President Trump, Melania and Barron. The Deep State will stop at nothing to kill them. Why Barron chose NYU for college is beyond me. He dove right into the sewer of all sewers by going there, surrounded by hostile and lunatic students. I guess the Trump family is too attached to New York City to think straight. Much better would have been for Barron to go to Texas A & M or similar school, where some of the students at least are Christian and conservative. If Trump and family members make it alive the next 4 years, or 4 weeks, it will be a miracle! Keep praying everyone, we have just begun the fight!!!

  99. Galaxy 500

    Heaven forbid! Her daughter may not ever know the “joy” of killing her baby!

    Actress Rachel Zegler wrote, “May Trump supporters and Trump voters and Trump himself never know peace.”

    In the post, she complained that her infant daughter may never get to have an abortion.

  100. Galaxy 500

    Wow, Matt is going to personally bring these evil bastards in Congress and elsewhere to desolation.
    Let the justice begin. The difference between the charges that they brought against Trump, Gaetz, etc and the charges Matt the AG brings is Matt’s charges are based on real crime as opposed to Trump’ed up charges

  101. Galaxy 500

    These evil gay men that hate women so much they take over their spots in women’s sports, women’s restrooms and even nursing centers…

    And this is just disgusting… some guy takes a bunch of estrogen and other female hormones and thinks that he can breast feed a baby . Men are not made for this and all the chemicals… what is getting expressed from men? I can’t tell you what it is but I can tell you what it isn’t !
    It isn’t wholesome breast milk you would give babies you love

  102. Galaxy 500

    These people MUST be brought to justice!

  103. bernard

    The US economy is done. The best Trump can do is delay the inevitable. Maybe kick the can for another 4 years.

  104. Yolk Cracker

    Thank God!

    President Donald J. Trump Declares War on Cartels

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