Trump Team Will Recall CV19 Shots – Karen Kingston
By Greg Hunter’s
Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who is back with a prediction about the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle bioweapon vaccines. Kingston thinks the Trump team with HHS nominee Bobby Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) will force a recall shortly after Trump is sworn into office. Last week, Trump and RFK Jr. had a meeting with the CEOs of Pfizer and Eli Lilly along with Big Pharma’s trade group. Kingston says, “What are the negotiating tools Trump has? He has many. The Covid 19 shots, Pfizer knew they could only poison, harm and kill. They are bioweapons and because of Pfizer’s contract that I have reviewed, it makes them liable. . . . Pfizer CEO Bourla, Trump has him between a rock and a hard place. . . . Not only are they going to allow RFK Jr. to be confirmed . . .when RFK Jr. announces the Covid 19 shots must be recalled, Albert Bourla and the CEO of Moderna and other companies are going to go along with a ‘voluntary recall’ of all the Covid 19 injections from the United States market and globally. This will happen within the first 100 days of the Trump Administration, if not much, much sooner.”
Donald Trump is also pushing his America First agenda with Big Pharma. Kingston says, “At least 25% of key ingredients are coming from manufacturing partners in China. Who is one of the biggest manufacturing partners? WuXi Biologics, who directly works for and on behalf of the Peoples Republic of China and the Peoples Liberation Army. Trump is saying cut it out, we don’t want you collaborating with our enemies for key ingredients for drugs, pharmaceuticals and vaccines that are used in the United States. Who is WuXi Biologics’ number one manufacturing partner? Eli Lilly. Number two is likely Pfizer.”
When they really start investigating what went wrong with the CV19 injections, Kingston says, “They will find millions of deaths. The number of adverse events, because it’s times 200 million people who had CV19 injected in America, it’s going to be in the billions. When you add up going to the doctor, going to the ICU, getting multiple diagnoses across various systems, you are going to see billions of adverse events.”
The next front is the Bird Flu plandemic that is being planned and implemented right now. Kingston was one of the first to sound alarm on the “Bird Flu Genocide and Food Destruction” six weeks ago on Kingston warns about the Bird Flu vaccine laced with dangerous pathogens, more lies and hype to scare the public into taking the latest experimental and deadly Bird Flu shots, and the globalist plan to destroy the American food supply. Kingston says, “I hope Congress starts acting very quickly to shut down this H5N1 Bird Flu attack that will create a food shortage and a pandemic for the Trump Administration and RFK Jr. to inherit. This will just accelerate the World Health Organization’s and World Economic Forum’s goal to create a global government. They are taking out America. They are annihilating our food supply, and this needs to stop.”
There is much more in the 56-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with renowned biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she continues to warn on the CV19 bioweapon vax, the coming unsafe and deadly Bird Flu (H5N1) bioweapon vax, and the ongoing attack on America’s food supply for 12.10.24.
(To Donate to, Click Here)
After the Interview:
There is some free information on Kingston’s Substack.
To support Kingston financially, you can become a subscriber to her Substack by clicking here.
If you want to donate to Kingston electronically so she can continue informing the public, please click here.
If you want to make a snail mail donation to Karen Kingston, please do so at:
miFight Inc.
960 Postal Way #307
Vista, CA 92085
(Please support the truth tellers risking it all to save lives.)

Greg, thank you for keeping the American people informed by working with such patriots as Karen Kingston when the major media outlets are in cahoots with the November 22, 1963-founded Communist Democrat RINO Party that has done so much to hurt the American middle class, the unborn, and our children who attend public schools, especially since the 2020 Election. I pray that we can come back beginning with the 100% Deportation of the Open Border Criminal Illegal Alien Forces and the prosecution of those, to cite just one of their treasonous conspiracies, use deliberate inflation to rob our savings and retirement accounts and make home ownership almost impossible. On day one, President Trump should pardon Minnesota Officer Derek Chauvin as well as the January 6th non-violent patriots. In addition, he should prosecute those responsible for the Murder of 14-year Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbit and others who have fallen prey to the Obama-Hillary Regime.
Thanks Don!!! Merry Christ mas!
Wow Greg awesome interview with Karen!
Please consider having Dr. McCullough or his associate Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher who is interveiwed here on “‘Disease X’ in the Congo, Hyper-Vaccination, and Replicon mRNA Injections”:
There is a reason these vaccines are coming from the pharmaceutical industry named from the Greek word “pharmakeia” that is translated “sorcery” in the book of Revelation!:
Candace Owens’ video goes super viral within 24 hours! 2.493 million views!
We got much bigger fish to fry than to go back nearly 60 years but I will post it. That said, the Liberty was a huge atrocity and false flag and our government was in on the attack. This happened at a time when Israel was taking the Golan Heights.
God bless you Greg.
Yes we do, Trump & Elon.
Our Government was providing intelligence to our moslem enemies and the enemies of Israel.
There is little wonder why the shipped was attacked and there is little wonder that Israel takes anything our government officials, many being Jew haters, says as fact
So that made it ok to abandoned our sailors to a relentless attack? wtf is wrong with you?
The Democratic Party was founded in 1828. That’s nowhere near 1963!
Trump won’t hold anyone responsible; his name is tied to the clot shot. Meanwhile, Fauci and the gang ride off into the sunset, protected, and filthy rich after murdering millions. You can call me a jerk after Fauci, Bourla, Birk, and et al are rotting in prison or hanging from gallows.
He is saying it became an evil force the day President Kennedy was murdered…. might need to read up on your US history
Sounds like reasonable observation, which means the crime will go on.
Greg, thank you for keeping the American people informed by working with such patriots as Karen Kingston when the major media outlets are in cahoots with the November 22, 1963-founded Communist Democrat RINO Party that has done so much to hurt the American middle class, the unborn, and our children who attend public schools, especially since the 2020 Election. I pray that we can come back beginning with the 100% Deportation of the Open Border Criminal Illegal Alien Forces and the prosecution of those, to cite just one of their treasonous conspiracies, use deliberate inflation to rob our savings and retirement accounts and make home ownership almost impossible. On day one, President Trump should pardon Minnesota Officer Derek Chauvin as well as the January 6th non-violent patriots. In addition, he should prosecute those responsible for the Murder of 14-year Air Force Veteran Ashli Babbit and others who have fallen prey to the Obama-Hillary Regime that has even corrupted the CIA, the FBI and the Justice Department to the extent that they must be reorganized.
Thanks for the content and in depth information that you have given us Greg . It’s been a challenging year for all of us but you especially , due to health related issues . We are so grateful that God pulled you through Greg . God did the same for me and that feeling is the best ever because we live to fight the evil that resides on this planet . There’s only one winner and that is peace. Have a happy Christmas and a big thank you for the hard work and effort that you do . Also , thanks for letting me post my comments and opinions John UK.
Jesus and Jehovah protect all believers in the Son!! Amen and Amen.
Greg, good timing for Ms. Kingston return as people need to stay informed.
Panic is in the air if they are considering Pardons for their sinister cabal…so much to look into for so long now in relation to Fauci.
Also it is important this also gets out pre-pardons for some of Biden’s other possible cohorts. People need to send this vid to their state AG’S to see if any of these children are landing in their states and its being covered up via the late-night flights into U.S.? =
and might I add, people do not forget those in the Hurricane Helene zones… and find a way to donate or send something for those children this Christ mas.
TIME IS RUNNING OUT | Take Action Today! Helene Relief
Helene Fund…
Donate To MMNP…
One living soul on the land, standing tall through self knowing plus your teachings.A fighting beacon showing the light ( truth ), one can hear and see the foundation being built,”Making Childhood Great Again ,”bravo Greg and all who do so.
Congratulations Greg on your recovery.
your skin tone and color are making you leek 36 again ! Cheers
Thanks John! I had my whole life ahead of me back then.
Hello Greg, I received the notice dropped everything and immediately went over here to check out our Expert Fellow Watchdog The BRILLIANT Karen Kingston.
2 Weeks until a Very Merry Christ mas, Praise the Lord Almighty!!!
Please continue to Pray Up Folks, evil never sleeps.
I agree Shirl, we need to keep praying, repenting and praising Jesus and Jehovah!
BREAKING: FOX NEWS TRUMP December 10, 2024
Tecido Terapia 10 hours ago
Trump is taking charge and taking care of America first!!
Obomber/Biden, stop throwing our money around.
Hawaii’s nice this time of year, beats Siberia mate!
Hello Greg, today I read in an Israeli paper, on the Internet, that today a prominent neurologist died. There was no mention of how he died. People asked how he died. I wrote that there might be no connection but the shots will be withdrawn within 100 days of when Trump is inogurated. About 5 minutes later, all remarks were deleted. There is no way to write any more remarks. I thought that might be of interest to you.
Crimes were committed against the people of Israel and now people need treatment, and they are withholding it. It’s not just in Israel but globally. Yet another crime. This is why they still restrict and vilify Ivermectin.
Yes Greg,
And once the Globalists bring out their next Plandemic on Jan 21st 2025 (where people start bleeding from their eyes) we will see a Billion people begging for the Globalists “next Kill Shot” (unless RFK Jr is confirmed Health Secretary and can ban the next round of “vaccines”)! But the Globalists are still confident that “The Future Will Be Non-Human” even if RFK Jr. is confirmed as they intend to Kill the Seven Billion People (who may survive their “vaccines”) with Nuclear Wars, Famines and even Fake Alien Invasions where (Cloned Human/Animal/Robotic) Hybrids are then Instructed to “Kill All Humans”!!
Greg, this is a really important video just released by Dr John Campbell interviewing Dr Aseem Malhotra about anonymous attempts to strike him off as a Doctor for raising attention to vaccine harms, so he has gone public.
This is probably why Gates said about the next Plandemic, that “this one will get their attention.” Karen did not mention lockdowns. I’m assuming they are coming too.
Don’t think anyone except Antifa and the mentally retarded are going to pay any attention to any proposed lock downs in the future and the Gestapo that seeks to enforce these illegal government actions designed to destroy, harm us etc will likely meet a bad end
you are correct seen a interview with assem yrs ago he is correct on every front,fight evil at all cost
You just can’t speak badly about their CV19 vax bioweapon depopulation agenda.
“Too Big To Rig!”- Trump Drops 2020 Election BOMBSHELL During Meet The Press Interview Valuetainment 477,515 views Dec 10, 2024
The PBD Podcast reacts to Donald Trump’s interview with Kristen Welker, highlighting heated exchanges on the 2020 election, border policies, and media narratives. Patrick and the team dissect Trump’s bold stance, media bias, and the future of election integrity. Watch for unfiltered insights into this political showdown.
Obomber is the real divider in chief! He promised it, in his fundamental changing.
Now they’re promising, a new virus on Trumps first day back in office!
“Syria Is A Free For All” – Assad’s ESCAPE Sends Syria Into CHAOS As Rebels Overthrow Government Valuetainment 129,394 views Dec 10, 2024
The Middle East is undergoing a seismic shift as Syrian rebels overthrow the Assad regime, ending over 50 years of family rule. Benjamin Netanyahu credits Israeli strikes on Iran and Hezbollah as pivotal in Assad’s fall, while the U.S. grapples with funding questions amid claims of supporting both sides.
Oop’s, Here it tis,
“Syria Is A Free For All” – Assad’s ESCAPE Sends Syria Into CHAOS As Rebels Overthrow Government
Israel is going to have to fight Turkey in the current land grab going on for Syrian Territory. What I want to know is: Does the US defend its NATO Ally Turkey or does it defend its Ally Israel (in any fight between the two)?? Or does the US just continue to keep Carpet Bombing with its B52 Bombers the territory between the Israeli Military forces and Turkish Military forces (to create a “No Mans Land” buffer zone between the two)???
Katy this is less a land grab and more of a destruction of Syrian Army assets Israel does not want to fall in the hands of Al Qaeda.
Syria has turned red hot. Look for the war in Ukraine to end soon.
Turks are genociding the Kurds
When the Ukrainians were genociding the people in Donbas at least the Russians stepped in to “Put a Stop To It”. The US is not so Good Hearted and will Not be stopping the Turks (or anyone else) from Committing Genocide because American Politicians depend to much upon their “Monthly Bribes to Live the Good Life” (As Rockefeller once said to Aaron Russo: “Why should You Care about the suffering of other people in the world – just be concerned for yourself and live the good life”!!
The “chip” Aaron Russo talked about is “BITCOIN” (that is currently being embraced by the world to further the “Cashless Society” the Bankers have always wanted!! With a digital crypto chip implanted in people THE BANKSTERS Would Have TOTAL CONTROL OVER ALL THE PEOPLE OF PLANET EARTH!! The People will be THE ELITES SLAVES to do with as they desire ( like Cull the Herd Down to a More Manageable Size – as it is Very Difficult To Control a Very Large Population of “INDEPENDENT THINKERS”)!!
Trump got bamboozled by Fauci and now appears to have been brainwashed into supporting Bitcoin. Could it possibly be that: This Whole Insane World War III Brinkmanship we are now experiencing “Is Simply a Well Coordinated Scare Tactic by the Global Elites”?? Cunningly Designed to make sure “Trump was Elected” (to Stop the Wars) but only because the Sneaky Elite knew Trump would be “All In On Supporting Their Crypto”)?? If So – I think We Are All Doomed To Enter the Globalists “One World Cashless Society” and become “Chipped Slaves” (just as Aaron Russo had warned would happen to us)!!!
But something “more” seems to be going on (beyond custodial wallets “that are no longer private” and where every “Bit-Con transaction” is monitored and can be frozen)!! As the Globalists are now also playing their “Alien Invasion Card” using Unknown (Supposedly Alien) Drone Swarms over our US Military Bases “so as to create PUBLIC PANIC” and hence give these Globalists the opportunity to “Declare A National Emergency” to Continue to KEEP CONTROL of the United States Government (whereby they can simply Dictatorially SUSPEND Trump’s Inauguration Under The Emergency Powers Act BEFORE Jan 20, 2025) just like that Evil Globalist Minion “Trudeau” recently Dictatorially did (Taking Away All The Canadian’s Guns)!!
If a NATO member is committing genocide do they really belong in NATO?
And yes, Russia entered Ukraine to protect its people after many treaties were violated and after the evil Obama staged a coup against the rightfully elected government in the Ukraine.
Not defending the US government but bear in mind that they have committed more atrocities against me and my fellow Americans than almost any other venue
Ninotchka – film 1939 Greta Garbo Melvyn Douglas
Nadine Tretiakoff 13,577 views Dec 15, 2023
This film is about the goal of Obomber’s fundamental change he wanted for our country, but ended up selling his soul, to his deep state neo-conmen NAZI FACSIT HANDLERS Morell, Brennan and clap trapper, James Obie Won Kenobi LOOK ALIKE, CLAPPER!
Neither of you named Susie Wiles as a meeting participant. A former lobbyist for some anti public health/interest efforts. hmmm. kingston’s delivery style is unpleasant convoluted and irritating. detracts from her content validity. there’s a lot left out of this story. Kingston is not an insider.
Kingston said Trump’s Chief of Staff was in the meeting.
You were unable to cite anything wrong with her content. And, you were unable to cite anything of significance not in the story.
So what happens when ALL of the things that need to be fixed by the new administration don’t get fixed?? What happens?
The US is a large player in the global arena, a Titanic one might say. You CANNOT turn the Titanic on a dime, it takes time and space to turn such a big entity. Fours years is a mere “snap of the fingers” in the timeline of this country. You will see VERY little change but A LOT of noise, blaming, and arguing. Then what? Looking for the next person with a toothy smile and a promise, to save the day??
Time to be honest….it is the cyclical nature of humanity. So….instead of arguing and debating down to the molecular level of this insanity….enjoy the experience. You cannot stop the momentum and won’t….it NEEDS to run its course, to expend its energy. So….observe, marvel at the absurdity of it all, and try to enjoy the simplicity of the world that has been around you your whole life.
So what are you doing to help? Commenting anonymously here?
Mule even the Titanic had a rudder. The course can be changed. It will be changed.
IGNORING the Absurdity Of It All (and simply trying to enjoy your life and the world around you) is the reason why the Globalist have gotten this far: !!!
Regrettably, I don’t think the Trump administration has pharma by the short hairs. More likely, another pandemic will be thrust upon us, but this time there will be mass casualties. The answer? Another vaccine — for our own good — of course. Evil knows no boundaries and fighting dirty is the status quo. The only flicker of hope I can muster is related to the divine providence Trump has been afforded. By all accounts, he shouldn’t still be standing, but he is. That’s gotta be some sort of a sign…
Do you think Trump is better than a Kamala Presidency?
Absolutely! The Democrats are devoid of leadership on purpose because incompetent fools are easy to control.
I hope Trump has both barrels loaded and hits the ground running. If there’s a tepid response by him on any of his primary objectives, the deep state will skewer him. He has only one term and the balance of a representative republic rests in his hands. I’m pulling for him to NOT make the same mistakes he did as 45 and re-establish U.S. hegemony as a beacon of hope for the world. He’ll need all the help he can get. Thanks for doing your part.
Trump is one of the main culprits of the Covid Crimes against America.
He has NEVER (to this day) stopped promoting/touting HIS “miracle vaccine”. Nor has he ever disavowed declaring a national emergency FOR NO GOOD REASON—quite the opposite!
He gave many of his co-conspirators Presidential Awards for their roles in Warpspeed.
We’re less than 6 weeks out from Trump resuming office—a Bird Flu Scamdemic can only gain serious traction if Trump goes along with it.
I’m sick and tired of Trump apologists acting as if any of this was done TO Trump (who you pretend was the biggest victim of it) instead of reporting the truth that HE did this to US!
And don’t give me any baloney about him being “tricked”! Why wasn’t Obama “tricked” into doing a Scamdemic? Or Bush or Clinton?
When are you going to wake the heck up and realize that Trump is a fraud and traitor???
Your cultish devotion to him has completely blinded you…
Do you believe a sinner can be saved by reforming his actions and doing good?? If RFK Jr. bans the Covid Kill Shots it will be because of Trump!!
President Trump is guilty of many of these charges and I think he has learned from these mistakes and the trust he put into the ‘contract’. At least he didn’t mandate that this poison be put into our body like Bribe ’em did.
I don’t see how you figure Trump is guilty of any of this. He left office less than two months after they started giving these shots
You are a moron or a liar or both. It is YOU who is a “traitor and a fraud.” You do realize the CV19 injections did not come out until December of 2020. One month AFTER the 2020 election. You do realize that BIDEN MANDATED this trash. You do realize Biden and his Admin said and nothing while deaths and injuries piled up after HE mandated this crap. You do realize, to this day, they have not acknowledged there was a problem and are not treating a single victim. Now, Biden and crew wrote an EO saying liability protection for Big Pharma and the CV19 bioweapon shots will extend to 2029!! You do realize Pfizer had 80% of the US market and Pfizer was required to produce a “safe and effective” CV19 “Vaccine” as stated over and over again in the Trump/Pfizer contract: (You probably can’t read beyond the 4th grade level.)
Your “cultish devotion” to Satan and Dem Deep State Lies has YOU “blinded.” Youi got this all turned around–moron/paid troll. Do not comment again if you lie this much.
No Ken,
Not a cult. We can reason and just are not stupid.
To have your positions, you can’t be either of those
You are a propagandist. Trump did NOT declare a national emergency on covid. He declared an emergency on the border invasion of the USA. You probably support that invasion.
You have NEVER to this day tried to understand matters.
That covid covid jab was developed and ready to go long before Trump went to DC.
I’m sick and tired of propagandist who cannot follow facts.
Tell us, where and when did Trump get his medical, immunology and virology degrees?
Mr Greg Hunter our Ultimate Patriot 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thanks for all you do
Merry Christmas
In GOD I Trust
HIDDEN HISTORY of vaccines – (Richard this is Greg Hunter and I have deleted your comment completely. What part of DO NOT INCLUDE your email did you not understand. If you want to comment do not post an email.)
The Ball’s in Trumps Court and Putin’s Back Yard
Peace AND Security, Prosperity?
Or the End of Civilization as we Know it, in a World Ending WORLD War?
As Einstein said, World War Four, Will be Fought With Sticks and Stones!
“It’s TREASON” Scott Horton vs General Wesley Clark On Syria and
Putin & Trump War Strategy
Piers Morgan Uncensored Dec 10, 2024
The wars in Syria, Israel and Ukraine have been cycling through the news at a disturbing rate, and the stories that connect them are gaining more focus with each passing hour. Uncensored covered the war between Russia and Ukraine recently and a match up between two of the guests was floated. Today, that match up is delivered.
Discussing and unpacking the furious war between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the shocking fall of Bashar Al-Assad, is author of ‘Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War with Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine’ Scott Horton and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander General Wesley Clark. The two men respectfully illuminate the issues, events and mistakes that led to the world we see today.
Unnecessary provocation against the Russki’s, to shore up a presidents legacy?
One million dead young men, old men, boy’s and countless innocents,
of civilian men, women and they’re children. A freaking tragedy, a tribulation of unequaled, truce or consequences!
________God almighty have mercy on our souls. . . . . .
Bill, yes – it was a good vid…great exchange between Scott and Gen. Wesley Clark (They are planning to bomb 7 Countries in 5 years! ‘ IS anyone really surprised about the revelations discussed in it? My prior link in Armstrong last interview, in the second half of Blackwater’s Eric Prince … @ 1:47:00 =
shows the SAME apparent duplicity and involvement and use of ‘contractors’ around jihadists groups funded by the U.S., just as seems to be occurring now in Syria. The Eric Prince vid was 2 1/2 years AGO ! HELLO ! and lets not even get into Benghazi and Hilary’s,” WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE !”
AND of course there was Madeline Albrights, ‘WE THINK IT WAS WORTH IT’ rant.
This is not new. Here is a clip on the recall formula from the movie “Fight Club”. Big business calculates for deaths caused by their product.
“If the days were not shortened for the elect”, your quote of the bible Greg. “Be the elect”.
You are talking of the fact that the end is coming and being the “elect” of Jesus you will be saved from Armageddon, the final end of all unsaved souls.
I am with you here 100%
This mass war to exterminate the human race, is on. The shots are kill shots. Thank you Karen Kingston.
There is ongoing programming to infiltrate every human support system.
I listened to Alex Newman talk about the destruction of all our children through nefarious programs in schools to terminate sexes. This will infiltrate our world as the children grow up and take the places of all their elders.
If we name all the destructive movements such as geoengineering etc. there is nothing left to support the human race.
Who is behind this? Stupid humans who think they will be saved with all the murderous wealth for themselves?
It is not humans but aliens who want this planet for themselves.
They have been here since the beginning too.
Thanks for another report from Karen Kingston, although the news is scary! I pray the Trump team acts quickly to intervene! I have a grandson that’s due to be born December 25th, I pray my son and DIL listened to me, and refuse and postpone his vaccines!
My last grandchild arrived late August. I, too, have cautioned against vaccines for him to my son. I hope and pray they have foregone them all.
May God grant us both grandchildren untouched by this evil.
Greg, Col. MacGregor with Napolitano = A Russian spokesperson just told all Russian’s in the U.S. to get out now.
Col. Douglas Macgregor : SYRIA – a looming crisis awaits. @ 24:32 =
*Wednesday 11 December 2024 13:32, UK
* Russia tells its citizens: avoid travel to the West
By Dmitry Antonov and Guy Faulconbridge
December 11, 20246:31 AM PSTUpdated 4 hours ago
Ken R.
I’m guessing you think Kammela would have been a better choice ?
Politics is often the art of compromise. If yrou really want everything exactly as you’d like there is only one way, you’ll have to become Ken the dictator.
You remind me of that stupid build back better B.S. you’re tearing down Our Best Hope for America’s future. Nowhere do you say what you’d replace him with.
Do You like giving support to evil deep state grifters ? Tearing down their true enemy ?
How about something positive ? Send some bucks to Karen and others fighting the Kill shots ? When that battle is won, you can say you helped to fix a problem and relish your victory. Of course it’s easier to rant and complain. And you do that so well.
The people who have created this party of death with lies and deception should be at the least be jailed but more fitting justice would be death. These companies need to be sued into oblivion as well to those who hav3 been harmed. Destroy the companies once they have been drained dry. Pure evil!
how do I get feedback to you regarding my experience with one of your advertisers? I get very few complaints but fire away.
Greg, One might see strong parallels, themes and memes today behind what Dr. Sheldon Wolin wrote about in his book =
TO MANY BELLS GO OFF, and one might see how the elite, and progressives and ‘establishment crew…have used or been played by others from behind this MASK of Inverted totalitarianism. From Marx and Engels, to Obamaites and his ‘fundamental transformation, or the current Harrisites..and her word salads of What can be, Unburdened by what has been. Is that but just another why of saying a ‘transformation from what are supposed to be, or have believed (a Republic), to a new more pure, unburdened Democracy, free of the constraints of say an electoral college, filibuster, and an added expansive activist Court and a totally controlled DOJ and FBI Stasi enforcement system using of course the old and more new tools of division of DEI, particular interests as he elaborates on, with the same old ones as religion, race, and class struggles of ‘victimhood’?
SHELDON WOLIN 6 YEARS AGO = Dr Sheldon Wolin on Totalitarian America, in Willits CA, 2003.
Goes into more depth in this INTERVIEW of 10 YEARS AGO =
They culminate in Wolin’s remarkable argument that the United States has invented a new political form, “inverted totalitarianism,“ in which economic rather than political power is dangerously dominant. In this expanded edition, the book that helped to define political theory in the late twentieth century should energize, enlighten, and provoke generations of scholars to come.
Good stuff man and thanks for posting it here. Bill Holter be the guest for this Saturday and he has big scry financial analysis and news.
Can’t wait!
Karen is a great asset!
Did you see that Biden is trying to extend the protection for the Killshot con?
The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) is a Global Terrorist Outfit
The World Holocaust Organization (WHO) is the health-tyranny-arm of the Unhinged Nations (UN) that falsely claims to “work to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable”. The reality is that the WHO is using fear tactics and the people’s health vulnerability in order to control them.
Many RAT’s (Republicans Against Trump) and the Demon’s (Dysfunctional Eugenicist Murdering Obstructionist Numbskulls) are leaving the sinking USS Titanic before it is Mortally Slashed (with a WWIII iceberg) assuming the new Captain “Trump” is not able to steer our Ship of State (SOS) to safety!! However, if Trump succeeds in getting us out of the World Holocaust Organization (WHO), out of the Unhinged Nations (UN) Club and out of the Nauseating Arrogant Treacherous Offender (NATO) Neocon Military Alliance in Europe we may still have a chance to Avoid Catastrophe (AC), rather then sinking into a Disastrous Cataclysm (DC) – which will be A Very Cold “DEEP STATE”!!!
Thanks Greg for letting Karen Kingston give the world more life-saving information.
There is the real possibility that a moderate engineered virus mutates into something much worse- especially with so many people taking designer pharmaceuticals- walking Petri dishes. It should become less lethal, but one that’s engineered could do anything. These people are playing with fire. The more educated these scientists and bureaucrat/ businessmen are, the dumber they are.
tks karen greg
What happens after Trump is gone?
Let’s enjoy him while he is here. Jesus is always with us.
MJ….first…terms limits as POTUS was changed by an Amendment. so it CAN/COULD be changed back with one, IF enough of Congress so decided, 75%.
THAT could only be if the situation was dire enough and he is successful enough and show he and those in his administration need more time to GET IT DONE + get the U.S. on a STRONG path back to economic and fiscal policy AND without a need to go to a WAR ECONOMY, as a means to do it.
HOPE people watch the link to Prof. Shelton Wolin as to ‘HOW THINGS WORK IN WASHINGTON D.C.
and consider this, as to who might have started the Trump NAZI meme when ‘they’ the stay behind unelected neo-cons ‘that are also’ neo-libs when they need to be, like LIZ CHENEY and support of her father Dick, and the others promoting the PNAC plan with those in ‘that’ leadership with ‘that’ agenda.
Notice this is the husband of Victoria Nuland…=
In February 2016, Kagan publicly left the Republican party (referring to himself as a “former Republican”), endorsing Democrat Hillary Clinton for president. He argued that the Republican Party’s “wild obstructionism” and an insistence that “government, institutions, political traditions, party leadership and even parties themselves” were things meant to be “overthrown, evaded, ignored, insulted, laughed at” set the stage for the rise of Donald Trump. Kagan called Trump a “Frankenstein monster” and compared him to Napoleon.[37] In May 2016, Kagan wrote an opinion piece in The Washington Post regarding Trump’s campaign entitled “This is how fascism comes to America”.[38] Kagan has said that “all Republican foreign policy professionals are anti-Trump.”[39] In September 2021, Kagan wrote a related opinion essay published in The Washington Post by the title “Our constitutional crisis is already here”.[40] He continued his criticism of Trump in November 2023 with another essay in The Washington Post entitled “A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.”[41]
In October of 2024, he resigned as editor-at-large from the Post due to its decision not to endorse a candidate in the 2024 United States presidential election between Trump and Kamala Harris. ….
AS is it they say, War is winning the hearts and minds?
but when ‘they’ can’t…and should have said to be honest is….WAR is when they CAN’T win the hearts and minds…they resort to using Force, along with the tools of division: Deception, Fear, and Guilt
I cut this because it was too long.
Greg…fine with me…kinda knew it…but caught up in a that thought string… Merry Christmas Greg!
There are others. Trump is not the only good man in America. Fear not. YHWH is with us.
That being said, He expects our actions and our efforts
Unlike men God is not biased and will hold every man or woman accountable .
All this back and forth about what is or who is right is clearly spoken in the Bible .
So people better start reading the Bible and doing what it tells us to do .
And realize that being delivered from sin we are to walk in righteousness doing
others the way we want to be done .
Time to grow up and quit the child-est name calling and such .
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
Wayne Hardin
i hadn’t picked up on the danger of consuming dairy products from cow-chickens.
we are rocketing towards the second coming and this time JESUS will not be returning as a baby. there is no way GOD is going to allow this destruction of his wonderful creation to continue.
Cow chickens? Do they sell those at Chic-fil-A?
Dr. Abdul Alim Mohammed explains how you get infected and become sick from inflammation with the spike proteins when you are around those who have been injected with the mRNA COVID injections.
That’s 2yrs old?
In this episode, Dr. Ardis reveals important and very relevant information on the real dangers of Covid-19 and the shots. He explains what nicotine receptors are and how venom shuts off nerve function like taste, smell, diaphragm contraction, hearing and brain function. There is a false belief that ACE2 receptors are the target. The target is actually nicotine receptors and the antidote is nicotine! You will learn how nicotine impacts specific cognitive impairments like dementia, alzheimer’s disease and even psychosis.
Thank You Greg and Ms. Kingston for your courage and forthrightness. I have only a few observations to add.
1. I have come to the conclusion that the agra industry and the pharma industry are working hand in hand to commoditise the general public.
In my opinion it is not just the vaccines and boosters which are leading to the demise of the health and sanity of many people. The foods supplied by the agra industry are poisoning us slowly giving rise to increases in diseases from diabetes and dementia, requiring medications and hospice care supplied by the pharma and medical industries. This in turn is putting pressure on the medical insurance industry where the insurance companies have to decide between either i) raising the price of contributions to receive insurance or ii) finding ways to avoid providing reimbursements for medical costs. In the case of the latter the contributions made by an insuree subsequently becomes an illegal tax or toll which only embellishes the lifestyles of the adimistartors of these companies.
2. Also in the case of the latter of the above two choices we have seen last week a casualty at the hands of a lone assassin. That a CEO of a medical insurance company should be shot down in the middle of the street should not be a natural consequence of the greed of executives and shareholders of this company. This in my opinion is a sign of regression in the mods of the american psyche. We are reverting to a mentallity of a people doing what is right in their own eyes rather than what is right in the eyes of God. The ten commandments being removed from courthouses, the loss of prayer in the classroom, the dehumanising of fellow human beings through social division, the “demonisation” of the Lord himself whereby good is called evil and evil is called good, is leading to a rapid decline in our spiritual health.
As a final thought, I hope when Trump and Kennedy meet with all these executives from pharma, medical and agra industries, as well as media moguls, that the two of them point out to these executives that with the way the public is being radicalised today, some of them may not make it to the next meeting. And it would be no joke for either Trump or Kennedy to point this out. It has been open season on Trump for the last year, and Kennedy knows the tragedy that the loss of a loved one brings when it comes at the hand of an armed lunatic. They should point out that may not be either Trump or Kennedy which reap the whirlwind from the seeds sown, but rather the executives sitting opposite him who have flightily sown those seeds. Making America Healthy Again should be a priority. It not only has medical benefits for the public, it has financial benefits as well as sanity benefits. The common man and common woman should not be treated as a domesticated animal to be milked, through the selling of cures, as a result of problems resulting from the food and vaccinations it is forced to consume.
Agenda #1 for these creeps is Depopulation.
Martin Armstrong said the same thing off-camera on my last interview with him.
Picture the return of smallpox; how simple that would be, and how un-protected most are.
Think my old school vax from the 60s is still good
Greg, news that is both sad and bad about what is now happening in Syria.
More specifics and closer to the truth of what is happening now in Syria?
Slaughter and Ethnic cleansing in both Gaza and Syria has ramped up! =
Max Blumenthal : Turkey Invades Syria.
More thugs and feral humans on the streets… just like the Democrats like it.
As President, Biden can pardon anyone he chooses, just like President Trump will.
Hundreds of deadly virus samples disappear from Australian laboratory –
This is all over the news wires. Newsweek , Daily Mail UK , etc.
We saw during Covid that Australia / NZ was always first and worst with ANTI-Freedom and control grid deprivation of rights. It was and still is the globalists ” testing ground . ” They want to disrupt Trumps incoming administration as cover for their crimes. If they can’t provoke Putin into WW lll , maybe they launch a new wave of bio- warfare ?
Just a few days ago , a curious warning / threat
Vaccine researcher Peter Hotez warns multiple viruses could strike America right after Trump takes office
Vaccine researcher Peter Hotez warned that several viral outbreaks could hit the U.S. right after President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, highlighting concerns over bird flu, new coronaviruses, and rising vaccine-preventable diseases. Hotez stressed the urgent need for a strong health team to address these potential threats.
Vaccine researcherPeter Hotez recently made a bold prediction, warning that a wave of deadly viruses could hit the Trump administration immediately after Inauguration Day. Speaking on MSNBC, Hotez discussed the potential health challenges awaiting the new administration, suggesting a looming viral onslaught as a key issue in their health agenda. – India Times
Damn, Greg
It’s hard not to hates these twits. They waste some much of our money. I would not urinate on these people if they were on fire
Au, Ag, Pb
Au, Ag, and much Cu clad Pb
Marie always a Joy reading your many comments.
People in all economic upheaval need a store of value and a manner to protect themselves
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…
And keep praying for Trump and our country
Greg, since my thought strings are taking be back a few years trying to connect from then to what is happening currently…am wondering if all interviewees and commentors here are aware of this report and subsequent book? that not only was the NWO concept hatched decades ago, 1956, but the de-industrialization and
de-dollarization of the USD, as well as the split of the banking system between the BIS Swift system and BRIC +.
And the role that the Russians and China and other nations leaders are playing was set out in that plan that far back.
All in a book, PROSPECT FOR AMERICA, of The Rockefeller Panel Report of 1956
Discussed in this video by John O Loughlin = “Rockefeller and the BRICS”
of particular note- @8:00, @ 33:00, @43:00
IS then the PNAC just an extension of this plan of the ‘PAY TO PLAY’ Globalist WEFers. using all these ‘endless wars’ to forge/hammer the world into a FABIAN socialist society. irrespective of all the death and destruction ‘they’ are causing along the way, including what can then be seen as crimes against humanity? Are those listed in that book the original ‘they’ we all are wondering who the ‘they’ deep state puppet masters ponder/ search/ wonder about? IS there a limit to the pardons one can give out? lets hope so!
Brezenski, H.W. Bush, Kissinger are gone…who’s left to ask?
Definitely a ‘fundamental transformation’? and seems the word salad, ” What can be, Unburdened by what has been’ fits as well ! One can see why they never wanted to elaborate on just what they were suggesting, since am sure one in their respective countries are fond of surrendering up their national sovereignty and borders.
Might also be a reason ‘they’ were so upset with a populous nationalist like DJT percolated up to MAGA. Rather thru a wrench in Hillary’s 30k pay to play emails? lol
Might need to also consider the pre-WW evolutions setting up BOTH sides of that conflict…in those meeting in the Cafes in Vienna as described by Wayne Jett before those and the depression back then…the set up even prior…the Fabian Society.
Then German Socialist NAZI and opposing Bolshevik Revolutions…which got the U.S. pulled in that resulted in so much, FDR , bank reform, WW’s taking down ‘imperial dynasties all around…thank you Hitler, Trosky, Lenin, Marx, then the rat-lining in and further ensuing that Freedom and Independence loving U.S. in endless ”’police actions”’ or as Russia now calls, ‘special operations’…while China eyes the south Asia and Taiwan. as the same ultra-right Zionist Christians and overZealous Zionist…who were part of the above…as now pound the tables to as McCain would say, BOMB BOMB BOMB IRAN. and now Ukraine also, while at such time the West is the most unready and unindustrialized and ‘dependent’ in how many ways of ‘assured’ mutual destruction, in overstretched military, low oil reserves, sever banking sovereigncy and a border leaking like a sieve. and this at a time so many Christians are now at risk, in how many places in Middle East, Ukraine- orthodox churches…Syria, earlier Iraq and being ‘looked in upon’ and listed by the Christopher Wray’s U.S. FBI? Rethinking that NVERTED TOTALARIANISM by Prof. Wolin link about yet?
Some military leadership which is only perceived worse now as a result of DEI WOKISM and forces vaxes to weaken the ‘hearts’ no pun intended as well as the minds!
I would be remiss not to mention … so people realize…as fast as time goes even here on Watchdog…. that BIT-COIN was first put out in the Rothschild magazine, THE ECONOMIST…JANUARY 1988
on my goodness Mr. Greg!
I saw Ms. Karen’s interview and felt hope, like real hope this jab crap will genuinely be either outright pulled immediately or on track to soon.
thank you Greg for bringing us these hopeful and informative interviews
the vaxcrap issue is #1 issue for so many in my circle, they dont like trump but felt his pick of RFK will clean up these lies and crimes, and voted trump for that reason alone.
Merry Christmas. I am shocked that there is a group of people that like Trump as a candidate less than Kamala as both have track records, Trump of a good economy and positive energy and Biden/ Ho Harris as worst economic , socianomic, and downright incompetent in my lifetime .
And this group only voted to better the country because of RFK. Well, I will take a convert where I can even if it isn’t based on reason but bear in mind these people fall away from reality and are disillusioned with much provocation.
I wish this group better health, wealth and of course salvation thru the Son of the One True God, YHWH.
This is too amazing for words,just listening to your wonderful guest spell out all the iingredients and conspiracy to commit mass murder were all dealt with here……So where are the cops in all this isn’t there even one listening to this and making plans to effect some arrests and where the DA’s who prosecute such evidence and what about those slothful judges who hardly know the law statutes……..ALL THERE ON A PLATE FOR JUSTICE WAITING TO BE SEEN AND DISPENSED….
Cheers Greg & Karen
This is too amazing for words,just listening to your wonderful guest spell out all the iingredients and conspiracy to commit mass murder were all dealt with here……So where are the cops in all this isn’t there even one listening to this and making plans to effect some arrests and where the DA’s who prosecute such evidence and what about those slothful judges who hardly know the law statutes……..ALL THERE ON A PLATE FOR JUSTICE WAITING TO BE SEEN AND DISPENSED….
Cheers Greg & Karen
The face of evil.
Lives ruined because a stripper with a rap sheet as I recalled over white guys without any criminal history because while guys bad…
But it’s ok, the cream rises to the top and this turd sank to the bottom. In jail for murder
Greg, You might find this interesting. It speaks of a military study on herd immunity during the early COVID period, hinting that the mass vax program was totally unnecessary.
Mitch McConnell Says Trump Win Puts Americans In A ‘Very Dangerous World’
Story by Sanjana Karanth • 9h •
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reportedly said that President-elect Donald Trump’s victory puts Americans in “a very, very dangerous world,” stressing that he plans to spend his final two years in the Senate pushing back against the growing Trump-fueled isolationism within the GOP.
Elaine Chao, Mitch McConnell’s wife, has faced scrutiny over her family’s business ties to China. Elaine Chao’s father, James S. C. Chao, founded the Foremost Group, a shipping company that has extensive business dealings in China2. During her tenure as the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao was accused of using her office to benefit her family’s business, including arranging meetings with Chinese officials and promoting her family’s company.
James S. C. Chao, Elaine’s father, has also been noted for his connections to China. He was born in China and later moved to the United States, where he established the Foremost Group. The company has been involved in various business activities with Chinese state-owned enterprises.
These ties have raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the influence of Chinese business interests on U.S. politics.
Do the country a favor Mitch and retire to your old Kentucky home before Trump gets through with you and Elaine and you both wind up in the poor house!
My Old Kentucky
The Queen at the Darby!
One More Time
Biden ‘screams and points his finger’ following ‘awkward’ gaffe
Sky News Australia 196,901 views Dec 12, 2024
Sky News host Gabriella Power pokes fun at President Joe Biden for “screaming and pointing his finger” after his teleprompter malfunctioned.
Donald Trump delivers ‘brutal’ message to Kamala Harris as he rings the NY stock exchange bell Sky News Australia Dec 12, 2024
President-elect Donald Trump has delivered a “harsh” message to Kamala Harris after her election loss.
Trump was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year on Thursday after his historic political comeback.
Donald Trump was asked about the mistakes the Vice President made during the election campaign.
“Taking the assignment. Number one, because you have to know what you’re good at” Trump told Time Magazine.
Trump said it was “an honour” to be selected as Time’s Person of the Year.
The mood has changed in America, Liz Peek says
Fox Business Dec 13, 2024
‘Kudlow’ panelists Liz Peek, Joe Lavorgna and Taylor Riggs discuss optimism following President-elect Donald Trump’s 2024 win.
Election 2024 – Why Trump Won | Victor Davis Hanson
John Anderson Media 3,832,811 views Nov 7, 2024 Direct – Full Length Interviews
Victor Davis Hanson joins John after President-elect Trump’s victory to explore why his direct style resonated with middle America. Hanson examines the economic and social factors driving Trump’s appeal, from rising inflation and border insecurity, to the sense of exclusion felt by many Americans. This interview highlights the stark divide between global elites and everyday citizens, examining how media and institutions underestimated public frustration.
Hanson argues that Trump’s policies address real concerns, fostering a lasting loyalty among voters. In addition to domestic dynamics, Hanson assesses Trump’s assertive approach to foreign policy, from NATO to trade relations, and its effect on global alliances.
Victor Davis Hanson is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is a nationally syndicated columnist and has written many books on ancient and modern warfare. His most recent books are The End of Everything: How Wars Descend into Annihilation and The Case for Trump: 2024 Edition.
I say the criminal organization operating out of DC will never admit having done anything wrong regarding Covid.
Proof positive that there were no need health wise to take these shots… well, besides making bank for Pfizer and the depopulation wet dream of the elites.
High percentage of people gained immunity without getting much more than exposure. And these evil bastards knew it and damaged our Military and We the People for a few bucks. Nuremberg Trails and piano wire please
Lloyd Austin should be in front of a firing squad. I’ll bet Defense Sec Austin gets a preemptive Biden pardon.
Greg, you are correct. This man injured and may be responsible for many deaths. The way VP Biden (never elected as President) is issuing illegal pardons, I expect he will pardon his entire government
Bastards are leaking this a little along. We both know it’s a Hell of a lot worse than we can even imagine.
There needs to be real world consequences for this great evil and those pushing these shots from the MFG, FDA, WHO and government leadership THAT SAW and hide the VARS data should be immediately investigated, tried in a court of law and when convicted, be publicly executed at dawn. Televised and Government regulation to prevent it being censored on social media
Otherwise, the next Demon run government is gonna do us worse
If you want to Make America Great Again,
Make America Healthy Again!
Did Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla ever hear of HIPPOCRATES, the so-called father of modern medicine?
Jesus healed the sick with anointing oil, which is food, and all five ingredients fight cancer and inflammation in accordance with the GREEK Hippocratic “Do No Harm” Oath. Myrrh oil also powerfully fights infections and dissolves blood clots! But, many so-called pharmaceuticals are non-biologically-derived and they contain residues from toxic FDA-approved solvents, such as toluene, hexane, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if A.I. helps to eliminate a lot of bad “medicine” from the pharmacopoeia that does harm, based on the data – if they keep it honest, which they clearly do not. I got one Moderna shot, and it significantly damaged my health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Emergency Use Authorization for BioNTech’s untested bioweapon was essentially deregulation that leads to death, like the sins of lying about poison and mass murder. Now, I trust my immune system more than the money-driven, hypocrite health care system, and I stick with herbs because they are biologically-derived, unlike pharmaceuticals made with questionable chemicals and processes. God doesn’t make junk! Yet, the gaslighting, turbocancer-causing mass poisoners blame human DNA as the root cause of disease, not their fucking poison!
Love your enemies.
Karen Kingston is one of the most couregous and intelligent women the world has
ever seen. She stands! She rocks! Just watching her over the whole Pandemic has inspired me, personally. Thank you Greg for being relentless in getting this critical information out.
I totally agreed with you about Karen Kingston. She has paid a high price for her analysis and data on the CV19 bioweapon vax, and now, the fraud of food destruction and new experimental dangerous shots coming for Bird Flu.
This is how the elites illegally punish people with the levers of power
The Democrat Party of our Grandparents died with JFK on November 22, 1963. On that date, the Communist Democrat RINO Party was born. Its leaders today are the Antichrist Obama and his Hillary. This Party is not the “Loyal Opposition”; it is the Enemy. Until more Americans accept this fact, our chances for Recovery are limited. We must set these Goals:
1. Educate Our Children
2. Activate 100% Deportation of ALL Open Border Criminal Illegal Aliens, not just the few. Reagan made this mistake!
3. Prosecute those “Democrats” who have killed or engaged in Treason
4. Pray for the Conversion of Pope Francis or Remove him
5. End the killing of our unborn children
6. Immediately grant pardons to Officer Derek Chauvin of Minnesota and all illegally-held Political Prisoners.
Plus Zuckerberg met and gave Trumps transition team a million dollars
Fun fact: the cv-19 was actually snake venom put into the water supply and nicotine actually kills it and the graphene stuff. There were some nursing home patients that all got the cv-19 and were hospitalized and couldn’t smoke and kept getting worse, so they let them smoke a few cigarettes and all were out of the hospital in a week or less.
Great Video by Ms Karen Kingston. This was prophesied, and is going to plan according by the WEF in Davos Switzerland.
Then you all wonder why many many people in Asia are still eating CATS !!!
The bio-weapon vaccines are also part of their plan to reduce the worlds population from 7 billion people down to a more manageable 3 billion people worldwide.
Greg! Best to get Clif High on for an EMERGENCY BROADCAST!!! Clif predicted this as far back as 2009 and more recently 2024 Joe Rogan/ Trump interview (Temporaral Markers). Ask Clif to talk about the melee 39 days after Rogan/Trump interview. Would expect you to do a very long interview as there is a lot to talk about. Experts are now saying they’re seeing stuff.
sieg heils mein führer! Sieg Heil!
sieg heils mein führer
This man’s crime. Burning Satan’s Bible aka the Coran.
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
You can’t really even say Nazi in Germany proper. East Germany basically took over German during unification also known as Angela Merkel
Merry Christmas to you and your your audience.
Glory be to this hallowed event of the birth of our Savior,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night
Merry Christ mas to you to my good friend. Thanks for all the comments all year long!!
It seems like every level of our government is corrupted. Look at the verbiage in the Towns information release concerning the discharge of a local paper mill…
“The Town has confirmed that due to a malfunction at the Mill there was a release of spent black liquor which resulted in precipitation of brown or tan colored snow. This is mostly in the areas of Town nearest to the Mill,” it posted.
Words matter… these propagandists use the word “liquor.” Who many besides a few in Greg’s audience understand this word doesn’t just mean a good stuff whisky and that it can mean something with really dank noxious compounds … that this word was used to total mislead the public of the nature and dangers associated with this “brown” alkaline substance pH 10. PH 10 you ask? Same as your common household bleach… nothing to be alarmed about, right? Especially if you happened to be outside during the discharge. Chlorine? Hmmm seem to recall that it can turn brown when in contact with water and organic compounds.
***Really should go back to college and finish up those Chemistry and Business degrees I am a few semesters short on. I have two non related but useful degrees but it would be nice to keep the ole mental cogs moving. I used to be a somewhat intelligent chap. Of all the things I have lost as I age, my mind is what I miss the most, LOL. But I am more interested if I go back in learning how to weld and program and work CNC equipment. If I go back that would be what I likely concentrate on… sorry for the tangent **
To put 10 in perspective, On the pH scale 0 is battery acid, 7 is neutral and 14 is drain cleaner. I don’t think this is as harmless as they are portraying. But don’t get me wrong. I don’t want this small town mill to be bankrupted due to a bunch of frivolous lawsuits like greedy scumsucking lawyers did to Union Carbide after an Indian Employee purposely cause the accident in Bhopal, India.
If no one was really impacted, and that is likely the case, then all they should pay is clean up and a small fine. These juries awarding outrageous amounts after “Alex Jones” company and “Trumping” individuals with outrageous torts needs to be stopped.
These are clearly frivolous and even libel and slanderous to the defendants which is ignored even while the parties involved clearly perjure themselves (e Jean Carrol)*** damn another tangent
So to recap, I don’t think this a a Palestine OH level disaster but it really gets my hackles up when the propagandists don’t tell us poor dumb citizens what is really happening
Russia-Ukraine War Live: Zelensky Faces Donald Trump’s Unforgiving Deadline
TIMES NOW Started streaming on Dec 13, 2024
US President-elect Donald Trump called for an immediate ceasefire and negotiations between Ukraine and Russia to end “the madness”. Trump has vowed to bring about a negotiated end to the conflict.
LIVE | Putin’s Offensive Escalates: Odessa Blackouts and U.S. F-16 Airfield Reportedly Under Fire
CLRCUT Started streaming on Dec 13, 2024 #ukraine #putin #live
Ukraine faces another devastating night as over 30 Russian missiles strike key targets, plunging Odessa into complete blackout. Reports suggest a potential hit on a U.S. F-16 airfield in Starokonstantinov, Western Ukraine. Explosions thundered across multiple regions, including Kiev, Kharkov, and Khmelnytsky, signaling a massive escalation. Watch the full breakdown of Russia’s strategic missile offensive and its impact on Ukraine’s infrastructure.
Dear Joe Hindend, Pepsodent Pardonpooper,
Since you’re goal is to destroy society and civilization altogether, and globalism, why not pardon everyone on the planet for any and all illegal actions that may or may not of occurred past, present, and future!!
Retrain everyone currently in law enforcement and the judiciary into heavily armed tax collectors and capture all the remaining wealth of the middle class that you failed to destroy.
There is no law unless it is administered 100% to all regardless.
If 3/4 of the population belongs behind bars, then so be it!
Ukraine War News Live: Zelensky Faces Donald Trump’s Unforgiving Deadline
Hindustan Times Started streaming 14 hours ago
Donald Trump pushes for an end to the Ukraine war, urging Zelensky and Macron to negotiate peace during Paris talks. With Zelensky seeking security guarantees and rejecting territorial concessions, Trump’s bold ultimatum demands a swift ceasefire. Meanwhile, Biden counters with $1 billion in military aid, and Putin sets tough conditions for peace. Is Ukraine at a crossroads between peace and survival?
Russia’s latest attack on Ukraine unleashes chaos as 93 missiles and 200 drones devastate power grids. Hypersonic Kinzhal missiles challenge Ukraine’s defenses, targeting energy infrastructure ahead of winter. Zelensky slams Putin’s ‘peace plan,’ calling it a “terror tactic.” Meanwhile, Trump urges a ceasefire, but peace talks remain elusive. Is this the prelude to a darker phase in the conflict?
Russia-Ukraine War LIVE: Kash Patel To Investigate Ukrainian Funding?
Hindustan Times Started streaming 16 minutes ago
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s FBI pick has raised concerns about aid sent to Ukraine. Kash Patel has called for an investigation into how Ukraine has utilized the funds. Patel made the call during a recent episode of the Kash’s Corner podcast. Watch for all the details.
So what are they trying to distract us from with this feldercarb?
YES for RFK Jr. for Commander of the HEALTH FORCE!
Elon and Vivek for Commanders in the WASTE FORCE!!
I pray this evil man, his crime family and corrupt co-conspirators in his cabinet and agencies are brought to justice. Tried for corruption and treason and for a coup… when found guilty, then a simple appointment with the gallows the next morning. They would be allowed to appeal after they are hanged.
Not a Diddy fan but everyone should get a trial.
And there are many accusations that are just make believe. Like the Duke Lacrosse lying murderous stripper and those woman below… gold diggers one and all
So good to see Karen looking so bright and healthy again after the persecutions and attempts on her life for speaking the truth on world genocide by big pharma and its cronies. She looks absolutely radiant. A testament to what truly GOOD health care can do for a person. You too Greg; so pleased to see your excellent recovery from the health scare you suffered. Great gratitude to Our Father who art in Heaven for it all. We are lucky to have the both of you still with us and bringing us the best information.
Here’s a cnspiracy theory for ya’all:
The reason the drones are not being shot down is cause they are there in the air, and at night, to spray aerosolised H5N1 as widespread as possible, at “bird flying level”, not at high altitude (where solar UV would sterilize it). They have to be there as long as possible, to spread the virus as widely as possible in the environment, to infect as many wild birds as possible, farm birds, even farm animals where, even if they aren’t actually infected they could be reasonable tested to have viral load. Best cover for this program is to sell it as UFOs.
I wouldn’t be surprised at anything the bastards do. They’ve proven it time and time again over the centuries all over the world. We just watched an exposee’ on the Luna Park (an amusement park built in the 1930’s) fire which happened in 1979 in Sydney Australia that killed 6 children and one adult. It turns out it was an arson hired by crime boss Abe Saffron that appears to have been covered up in cahoots with the “fixers’ of the police force all the way up to top barristers and the prime minister at the time, Neville Wran. Despite several eye witness testimonies of smelling kerosene while in the ride Ghost Train (where the fire began and exploded) all authorities insisted the very next day that it was an electrical failure and the site was immediately cleaned up and all evidence removed before any real investigation could be done. Anyone see similarities to the 911 towers collapse cleanup?…hmmm. 4 young teenage boys and 2 small boys and their father lost their lives, burned alive in the ride. The whole arson was covered up for 40+ years apparently because Saffron wanted the land and ordered it destroyed so he could obtain the lease for himself. Recently 2 young investigative reporters uncovered hundreds of hours of evidence in tapes and documents collected by one man and stored away which blew the story open and has exposed the truth of what really happened. One woman lost her husband and 2 small sons and 4 other families lost 4 excellent young men devistating their families and communities for the rest of their lives.. Evil bastards know know shame or remorse for their crimes and have no consciences. I sincerely hope those responsible for this, most of who are dead by now, are burning in the fires of hell that they inflicted on those 7 innocent people on June 9th, 1979. For any who may want to view this documentary- shocking story!
Most people don’t want to give Satan money that should go to God…
Hi Greg,
Will you ever have Cliff High back on your show.
My neighbors and I miss you having him on your show.