CV19 Bioweapon Shots are Democide on a Global Scale – Dr. Betsy Eads
By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)
There is no wonder why everyone is in the dark about the deaths and disabilities caused by the CV19 bioweapon vax. According to Dr. Michael Yeadon (who worked at Pfizer for 20 years bringing new drugs to market), more than five billion people around the world took the CV19 vax, at least 200 million were in the US alone. Try to do an internet search of negative effects from the CV19 vax, and one of the first things that pops up is from the CDC that says, “Most side effects are mild to moderate.” According to Dr. Betsy Eads, that is a total lie, and what Dr. Eads sees in the hospitals everyday tells the real story that is being covered up by just about everybody involved. Dr. Eads says, “There is a boom on procedures in the hospitals. These doctors are making big bucks. . . . They are doing procedures for things like cardiac catheterizations, fishing out blood clots, interventional radiology . . . for blood clots that go to the brain and cause strokes. You are talking about big procedures, long hospital stays, and you are talking about a lot of money being made, not just for the doctors and the hospitals, but for the whole system. It’s broken, and it’s all about money. It’s not about health and healing.”
The numbers of adverse events from the CV19 injections are vastly underreported, according to multiple studies. One study says, “Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” CV19 vax truth teller Steve Kirsch has just listed several of these studies on his Substack. Kirsch also listed a long list of facts that say “COVID vaccines are unsafe and that the medical community should not be trusted.”
Money manager and analyst Ed Dowd is out with new numbers of disabilities, now up to 4.8 million in the US alone. Also, cancers, especially in young people, are up about 10%. Add that to the death total from around the world, and that is a minimum of 15 million murdered since the CV19 shots were introduced, and you have a full-blown calamity with no sign of it abating. On top of that, there is no treatment happening for the vax injured, and no treatment is ever going to be given if the coverup continues of the CV19 bioweapon vax. Dr. Eads says, “Trump is going to use RICO (Racketeering) to expose the collusion between medical boards, journal articles and Big Pharma. That same collusion that fired multiple doctors (for warning about the CV19 shots) from their jobs and sanctioned them from medical boards in multiple states is going to be flipped with RICO violations. People are going to be arrested. . . . There are probably 15 million to 17 million dead in America from the CV19 vaccines–it’s just underreported. I stand behind what I said on one of the early shows I did with you that I believe at year five (since the CV19 shots started), we are going to be close to a billion people that are either permanently disabled or dead from these bioweapon shots.”
In closing, Dr. Eads says, “This is not only racketeering, but all of the 10 Nuremberg Codes have been violated. So, this is also Crimes Against Humanity. They can be brought up under RICO or under Nuremberg offences for Crimes Against Humanity. This story is huge. There have been more deaths than any war. . . . These are bioweapons. This is democide. This is murder. Look at all the polls that are out there of family members dying or being permanently disabled. It’s one out of three or four people. It’s incredible the amount of people that are now affected by these bioweapons.”
There is much more in the 1-hour and 6-minute interview.
Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 26-year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads, DO, exposing growing problems of the CV19 injections. Dr. Eads continues to highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 bioweapons for 1.4.25
After the Interview:
You can follow Dr. Elizabeth (Betsy) Eads on Twitter/X and Telegram.
Dr. Eads has a website called (Scroll down and see Dr. Eads’ CV19 vax injury protocol.)
Dr. Eads also recommends and the “I-RECOVER: post vaccine treatment.”
You can help Dr. Eads continue her mission to get the truth out about everything CV19 vax by donating here: Pay $Docbetsy55 on Cash App, or you can use Dr. Betsy’s Venmo account to donate.
(Please support the truth tellers!!)
You can support Dr. Betsy Eads by snail mail below:
124 N. Nova Road
Ormond Beach, FL 32174

I agree. This vaxx story is BIG.
I’m so fortunate that I had the knowledge passed down by my mother who was an anti-vaxx woman. I had NO VAXX whatsoever when I was a child. And I’ve never had one, yet I’ve traveled the world. I did what I had to do to disobey all of the vaxx laws and keep my blood pure and free from artificial and unnecessary medical injections.
I believe in immunology. Some of it actually works. But it has BIG RISKS. I believe more in healthy living, like Jack LaLanne taught. I’d much rather live an extremely healthy lifestyle than pop pills, get shots or have an operation.
Living the Jack LaLanne lifestyle has given me great health with no preexisting conditions. No cancer. No strokes. No cardiovascular problems. No disease. No pain. I wake up pain free except from sore muscles from physical exercise. My pulse rate is 55 per minute at rest and my blood pressure is 114 over 67. Thank you Jack LaLanne and thank you Dr. Jack Soltanoff.
I look around me and see so much unnecessary sickness, pain and suffering. All of the kids I grew with are now old, fat, sick and nearly dead. Two years ago I lost my childhood best friend. He drank too much, smoked too much and ate too much unhealthy crap…. I know people who are on five, six or more medications. All because they lived a very unhealthy life. Their condition was totally preventable.
God wants you to be healthy. God wants you to eat right. God wants you to get a good night’s sleep. God wants you to breath fresh, pure air. God wants you to exercise. God wants you to have the physical strength to do His Will. God wants us to eat, drink, sleep and respect our own body.
Everyone has to use their free will to make important decisions. And we shall all reap what we sow. And my wish is for people to sow good seeds of physical and spritual health and truly have a happy new year.
Dr. Eads recently saved my dad from pancreatic cancer- thank you again, Betsy.
I work in the medical field as well, and I would say the turbo cancers are much higher than 1o% increased. my colleagues and I are seeing it all over the place… many at my hospital are sick (except those who take ivermectin and nattokinase are better than they were), dead or have aggressive cancers.
Those who took money to mandate these infernal witches’ brews to their employees, staff, and patients were in effect professional assassins…. i.e.., they took money to kill people.
Let righteous justice be swift under DJT.
Thank you Greg and Dr. Betsy is a wonderful person…I was thinking of her a couple of weeks ago and glad to see you had her on the show. Also, I am glad to say Greg that you look to be 100% back to normal!!! Thank God.
To: A Friend: She saved your dad from pancreatic cancer…that is just incredible!!! I am so glad for your family!!!
On another note, I hope she is right about the RICO, violation of Nuremberg codes (Vermont is just insane) and all the justice that should be coming down and confronting all the evil does….I pray she is right….but, I will believe when it happens. These evil bastard and just that and so slippery.
Final note: I hope that Trump is inaugurated, others have expressed worry about these drones and frankly I am worried as well.
Also, I hope he does not allow himself to be seduced by the H-1B Visa scam artists and Johnny come lately to Trump support…I am talking about Elon the Musk-RAT and Vivek the carnival barker who never shuts up. I was skeptical about them, but now they have shown their true colors….will Trump allow himself to be fooled. Same goes for all the justice due the evil does re these phony vaccines.
I pray and I pray and I pray….
Thanks JQ❤️
Revelation 18:23
23 The light of a lamp shall not shine in you anymore, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your SORCERY all the nations were deceived.
Sorcery – derived from the Greek word φάρμακον (pharmakon, pharmakeus), meaning “a DRUG” or “a spell.”
USA – Babylon
Must watch USAW Community 😌😥
Died Suddenly! Family Friends Gone!
what a great interview. thank you!
Dr. Eads,
Bravo to you for having the Courage to Reveal (to the Entire World) what has been Inflicted Upon Humanity under the Demoncrats the last four(4) years!! More than Five(5) Billion People (out of the Eight Billion People in the World) “Were given the CV19 Kill Shot”!! And by Year Five (from the start of the CV19 shots) we are likely going to see” Close to One Billion People either 1) Permanently Disabled, or 2) DEAD IN THE GRAVE (at the hands of Totally Evil Eugenicist Puppets who “Purposely Administered these Bio-weapon ‘Kill Shots’ to 5/8ths of All the People in The WORLD”). For their “Evil Crimes Against Humanity” Every Demoncrat and RINO who helped push these Poison Deadly Shots upon the People of the World Must be “BROUGHT TO JUSTICE” Under Both the RICO Laws and Nuremberg Code!! Democide by both Demoncrats and RINO’s “Is Outright Murder” and “No Evil Criminal Who Took Part in Perpetrating These Unspeakable Crimes Upon The Human Race” should ever be allowed to be “Pardoned by Biden”!!!
On Trump’s Inauguration Day – Lets Remember that it is the “Peoples Duty” to “Enforce the Laws” (and Stop any FBI or CIA Terrorists – who may “Try to Create an Insurrection”)!! When our Constitution was written there was no FBI, no CIA and no Homeland Security … It was “Only the People” who had the Duty to Enforce Laws, Quell Terrorist Activities, and Put a Stop to any False Flag Operations!!
We will “put a stop” to them by firing them and slashing their budget and removing their pensions and federal health care. They know this, that is why all the false flags, so that people think islamists have nothing better to do than attack us right before the inauguration.
EVERY attack on US soil is probably a “don’t cut my budget” move. Because it’s not like we do not already have enough layers of security.
Thank you Dr Betsy Eads! I have followed your warnings from the beginning (and Dr Tenpenny, Dr Kory, Dr McCullouch, Dr Ryan Cole, Karen Kingston, and several others including people like Naomi Wolf & her team reviewing the Pfizer FDA docs, and several).
Everything you have said was true and we see the consequences to our families, friends, and others. I pray for you all as the truth warriors for God, May his Blessings and Protection, his strength and comfort hold you up every single day.
Just a heads up. You were on about Nickels. That’s absolutely stupid.
First anyone in the world can buy and sell Bitcoin. Only people in America can get Nickels.
Second. Nickels are only 25% Nickel. Meaning people would need to have their own smelting operation to extract the metal. Then would need to sell it discounted to a recycling center.
Everyone has a phone to trade crypto. No one has a smelter to separate or combine metals to make munitions.
It’s ridiculous. Stop spreading that nonsense.
Things are only worth what others are willing to pay.
The fact that Crypto is worth 1000’s per nickel tells you where people’s interests are.
Do you own a smelter and press that can turn nickels into bullets casings? If you do…Are you willing to pay 5 cents for a 10th of a penny of nickel and then put in all the work to create something else? And hope to find a buyer willing to buy your product at 100k dollars on the nickel.
It’s stupid. Learn Economics. Stop spreading your nonsense.
LIVE | Putin’s Surprise Attack On Trump, Loses Cool; ‘Why Can’t You…’ | Ukraine War
Times Of India Started streaming 13 hours ago
Russia’s UN envoy, Vassily Nebenzia, blasted the incoming US administration’s unclear stance on the Ukraine conflict, calling it a series of “vague signals.” He warned that Russia is seeking an end to the war, not a “freeze,” under conditions that respect its security. Nebenzia questioned whether US President-elect Donald Trump’s promises for swift peace were realistic and consistent with Russia’s interests. He also cautioned Ukraine’s President Zelensky, stating that prolonging the war would only worsen Ukraine’s position.
So has trump choked? No, he was choked by his own team! Yup, the team. Ukraine is in the position it’s in because of a team, the Biden team. If we had had a president instead of a team these last four years, there would never have been a team desiccation to put NATO, where the sun don’t shine. On Russia’s freakin border with ethnic Russians persecuted since Toria’s cookie coup! On whose orders? The neo-conmen or any mob, can not amount to any good, let alone any greatness. It takes a man, one man, a leader. Right now we have to many chiefs and not enough Native Americans, once called Indians.
What goes around, comes around and everybody is in for a world of hurt if this madness is not stopped. The Ukraine people, what’s left of them are going to be left to the wind, hung out to dry. Cause nobody wants to take responsibility for what needs to be done, yes the aftermath will be hell to pay, off the charts. But if the bigger man does it, ends it. The American people will know who that man is, not this wild bunch running or should I say ruining things now throughout NATO. Certainly only Trump can end this tragedies of tragedy. If he’s not man enough to be a man a father in this heartless position. Russia will have to finish the dastardly job, finishing off what’s left of the carcass of what was know as the Ukraine and nobody going to do anything about it’s further demise, if Trump doesn’t take the better part of Valor. That’s all there is to it. Unless Trump is man enough to end it, despite all the the losers, helots “a lot of heels” in Washington and what they throw at him. What a shame, the only ones with the balls in all this is Putin so and Trump. But Russia feels cornered, we all know how we the people feel.
You can’t argue with the Russian people, he’s there man. He’s been lied to and shit upon so long, may God have mercy on his and all souls involved in what Russia is going to have to do to end this senseless conflict. Unless our man does the right and honorable thing that will in the end bring blessings upon the whole world, true PEACE & SECURITY, freedom from want and war. Prosperity for Europe. That will be the capstone of American policy since, that other first senseless war of attrition, that will live in infamy, Vietnam! How did that end, we all know.
Where were the men? The American people have washed their hands of this disgrace. Now our fearless chicken hawk leaders want us to pay for the Bullitt coming right at us. WW3, 4 will be fought with sticks and stones, you can’t argue with Albert Einstein, chicken hawks, not a way to spend your nice cushy government retirement. Think about it. We the sheeple are and if you don’t like it, come a shoo tin, Langley!
The Deep State mob must go and law and order be brought back to Washington like it was brought west of the Pecos! By Goab’s!
Sometimes the better part of Valore is to admit defeat, for the sake of God, country and the innocent little children that will pay dearly. It’s Judgment Day — Where are the Men?
Blinken “The Real President?” Drops Truth Bomb; ‘Proves’ Putin’s Charge Is Spot-On | ‘Before War Started, U.S. Did…’WTF!?’
Times Of India Jan 5, 2025
Antony Blinken admitted the U.S. supplied weapons to Ukraine months before Russia’s invasion, fueling Russian claims of provocation. Moscow asserts this validates its security concerns, while the U.S. credits the aid for bolstering Ukraine’s defense.
Excellent returning guest, she is awesome thank you for having her on again Greg!
On the “Fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.”
That’s one of the most insidious aspects of the Bioweapon because It presents in many ways that seemingly has nothing to do with “a safe and effective vaccine” that destroys lives. Most injuries and deaths manifesting are not linked if ever where no connection is made until a thorough autopsy is conducted by those who know what to look for. From cancers to heart problems a general diagnosis is given without the causative diagnosis. Ingeniously evil.
Pray up folks.
“Fewer than 1% of Vaccine Adverse Events are Reported” by the bribed Main Stream Media!!! Journalists better begin to open their eyes to the fact that “They” have been a “Big Part of this Covid Crime Against Humanity” and “Will Soon Be Taken Down” (along with their Fake News). Little by little, as the truth emerges these Journalists will be sued and jailed. Yet, they blindly keep attacking RFK (as an Anti-vaxer) and they keep taking the Big Bribes from Pfizer (falsely thinking “Nothing” Will Ever Happen To Them)!!
Nothing is going to happen to them. Trump already said he likes to give 2nd and 3rd chances.
Doctor turned songwriter singer gets cancelled because her Song Is About Fauci and Genocide COVID-19:
I listened to the song and did Not Hear Any Medical Misinformation Requiring YouTube to Ban It!!!
“Sad little man – gonna trap you like a dog
Put your head in a net – while they eat you raw
Don’t ask why – just comply
Cause fear is the drug – that the doc prescribed”
So despite the Corona-virus never being mentioning by name, the video was still demonetized by YouTube – “For Containing Medical Misinformation”????
Below post found here :
JULY 23, 2024 AT 10:57 AM
Sharyl and Lisa—and Full Measure Team,
Forwarded Message :
“ The British scientist is well-known
for his acute criticism of the COVID-19
‘ supranational operation [ Hoax ! ], ‘
particularly the so-called vaccines
[ Experimental Gene Injections ! ] that
he charged are intended
‘ maim
deliberately. ‘ “
Above paragraph found here :
Did Jimmy Carter Warn Trump?
If you lead M r. President we will follow. We made you president, not the mob!
The Totally Evil Mob in Washington AC/DC (now giving pardons to their Criminal Buddies now locked in jail) definitely don’t want to see a Good and Righteous Mob outside their doors on Inauguration Day demanding the incarceration of other Criminals (like Fauci, Gates, etc, etc..)!! But waiting was a Good Strategy (for by locking up Fauci and Gates after the Evil Mob has been removed from power “Assures that These Criminals Won’t get a Presidential Pardon”)!!
However, by waiting they were able to launch “OPERATION CATASTROPHIC CONTAGION” (now being rolled out in China at this very moment)!! In about 7 days the Evil Globalists (lead by Bill Gates and other Eugenicists) will have all their spokespersons (On Every News Outlet in the US and Around the World) telling us about a “NEW” Human Phenomena Virus (HMPV) – “THAT THEY RELEASED To Create Hysteria in the Public’s Mind” and force the Public to take their “Next Kill Shot” (but this time around Totally Evil Bill Gates “IS COMING FOR OUR CHILDREN”)!! These Unbelievably Evil Satanic Demonic Eugenicists “WANT SO DESPERATELY TO KILL OUR CHILDREN” (by Attacking Their Lungs with their new HMPV Virus)!!! As a means to Force Compliance from the General Public to Accept “Their Mark Of The Beast ID, Their Social Credit Score, Their Cashless Society and Their Universal Basic Income”!!!
This isn’t happening Katy Bar. They have moved on to the next phase. Usher in AI with crypto and digital ID. They don’t need that. They need to promise people more money by signing onto crypto.
Imagine no income tax because of crypto, but you need a digital ID to use it and get the benefits? Everyone will sign on.
Bribe’n has just given George Soros – “The Outstanding Medal of Freedom Award” (for his exceptional work in funding the Prosecutors in many State Governments across America (who have gotten the number of homicides UP by an Outstanding 40%)!! Special Mention goes to the NY State “Soros-funded” Prosecutor for expanding upon Soros exceptional work to also include Attacking Demoncratic Political Enemies (like Trump, etc.)!!!
Here in the uk the government have allowed in 1.5 million migrant over the past two years and i have noticed my neighbours are changing from British to foreign. The British people are leaving in their coffins and more empty properties are appearing every month, then more foreigners appear to fill the properties. We are being replaced.
I now view all vaccines as poison. From what i have read they have never been safe and never been very effective.
Can you interview Dr Vernon Coleman? He is blocked from most sites.
Former BNP leader, Nick Griffin, suggests that the British (And indeed probably all Europeans) should prepare for Minority status in their own country and act accordingly (The disarmed native populations are now elderly and unable to fight armed and politically sanctioned military age invaders).
Acting accordingly means congregating european populations into areas and maintaining those areas as European sanctuaries / reservations. Use their own schools, farms, doctors, industries, media and trade / barter in PM’s and goods.
Lessons could be learned from Orania, the American indians, the Amish and ironically, the Jews.
Might be worth starting on that project sooner rather than later before there aren’t any “areas” left to withdraw too.
Orania :
Max Igan has said: “The way of Gaza will be the way of the world”. However, the genocide of whites (See “Farm Murders”) in South Africa has been ongoing for years, it provides a model of what the future for white people will look like, and so Americans / Europeans must consider: “The way of South Africa will be the way of the world”.
There’s not many European people left in the world, relatively speaking. Europeans need to worry more about themselves before concerning themselves with other wars occurring to other nations and people’s around the world. While Europeans worry about everyone else… nobody else is… indeed the clock is running down before there aren’t any Europeans left at all. As the people of Orania have come to realise: “There’s nobody coming to save you.”
What goes around comes around -“Now the White Men will be put on Reservation” (Just like America did to the Indians) and infected blankets with small pox will probably also be handed out to all the white men and women along with their m-RNA shots!!
that was all planned by the fake hebrews, once there done with whitey they will come for the rest of us.
Hi Greg,
Happy new year 🎊, I love your work, you are a wonderful man, my job over here in England, allows me to talk to many people, from all walks of life.
I have noticed that, very few MUSLIMS, have had the bio-weapon covid shots.
Something fishy??
Thanks again,
God bless
Wayne Evans
Thank you Greg for having her on again and keeping this out in the open for new comers to read as well as remind us old timers about it.
After I lost my son to the booster shot, I stopped my remaining family from getting any of the shots.
The Senior Living Place where my wife is in MC and I live in IL, they required the shots back then, but after I would not and would NOT let my wife have them, and then showed them the information you put out, they NO LONGER require anyone to take them.
So, just to let you know, YOU have been saving lives by having her on your website.
Blessings to you and Dr. Eads for all you are doing.
Thanks Don💕
tks for post betsy greg
Pfizer releases all its known side effects from their deadly injections posing as vaccines
This is downright disgraceful and huge condemnation of their activities which under normal course of events would see the death sentence passed onto everyone concerned or involved in the manufacture distribution and the lethal injecting of unsuspecting patients that have either died or have been dreadfully injured by these dirty drugs distributed by pfizer
And our dearly beloved friend Reiner Fuellmich is in jail for trying his best to expose this diabolical assault on mankind.
Thank you
love you sister eads yourself and other truth speaking doctors will blessed in the afterlife while fraudci and the luciferians will burn for eternity.Could you send info how to mix chlorine dioxide was it 1 drop each
Big Pharma will squash this story like they always do. The serfs always lose out to the elite. God laughs at everyone while the demons still rule the planet!
You don’t know what you are talking about. Read Matthew 28:18. This is from the mouth of Jesus. HE is in charge of ALL in Heaven and Earth.
I get what you mean. Revelation clearly says God is responsible for the Great Deception, and we learn from Romans that God removes His hand and allows us to lead ourselves into destruction. So yes, once that hand is gone the demons are free to reign over us, both on an individual basis as is seen throughout history and also on a national level, as also seen. And yes, the people are ruled by an elite that when the elite become corrupt and awful, that is when society collapses and another ruling elite take them over and enslave them. I don’t think God is laughing though, but Lucifer has dominion until the 7th Trumpet Harvest and Jesus takes over for 1000 years. That’s in the Bible also.
Brian L,
If you hang on to Christ Jesus, you will not be led to destruction!! Hang on to Jesus. HE is Real.
I agree with you Greg. However it is God that causes and allows all this terrible wretched destruction. God allows Satan dominion over us.
But yes, it’s because we as Mankind reject Him; so He lets us destroy ourselves.
Jeremiah 50 & 51 and Revelation is clear. Babylon is Babel. See:
It is ‘Mystery Babylon’ riding the beast from the people, or sea. Babylon was destroyed, but it’s the mystery schools, Free Masons and Kabbalists, bringing about the NWO and our destruction.
The secret societies are the Synagogue of Satan. They have chosen to unite the Great Work upon Earth, rather than just spiritually, the first estate.
Kabbalah is Babylonianism, and Free Masonry is Judaism for the Gentiles.
Chaldea is kesed or chested. That is the 4th Sephiroh on the Tree of Life.
Lack of knowledge has destroyed all of our people, and the others have chosen to be wise as serpents and tread as serpents rather than doves.
What did Trump learn from Jan 6? Perhaps he wants to give the Demoncrats “even more rope to hang themselves”?? – By allowing armed Police and FBI Traitors to once again fire into the Crowds “to rile them up” and “to once again” stage another Break-in into the Capital Building”???
These “safe and effective” shots killed my mother in law. She was a marathon runner, healthy as can be into her 70s, never sick. She took three shots, despite out best efforts to sway her. She trusted her doctors, who pushed that swill onto her and believed the media narrative. Her immune system began to betray her almost immediately. She suffered lung and cardiac issues from 2021 onward, and was placed into hospice in 2024.
We buried her the week before Christmas. She was murdered. She was a mother, grandmother, friend, and will be dearly missed.
F*** you fauci.
I’m so sorry for your loss 🙏 I also lost a family member to the bioweapon!
our hearts break for you my brother, evil has no bounds
Adverse events… ok. Virtually everyone I know in family and who I work with and see daily have been multi-vaxed and show no symptoms, no behavior change. No one dropped dead suddenly, or developed alzheimers or chronic fatigue, or is sick any more or less often than before COVID. So how do you explain why? Surely at least one person I know would have symptoms, but that is not the case.
You are a troll. That’s how I explain it. All the polls and all the data say otherwise.
Name-calling is not becoming to you or your mission, Mr. Hunter. Possibly, that I live in a perfect bubble of statistical outliers. But I have a lot of acquaintances and am looking for a valid explanation.
Are you sure they are not covering up problems? I live in a world of sources and data not just basing my reporting on seeing people in my immediate sphere. I get a lot of trolls here maybe you are not one of them.
Perhaps some but not all, and that is what I am trying to reconcile – that neither myself nor several I talked to who are open about having these discussions have any first-hand knowledge of anyone in our friends, co-workers, or family group who experienced any unexpected, serious, or chronic change in health post-vaccination (excluding colds and such). Others may be satisfied to read internet forums, youtube videos, and growing statistics which point to the vax causing health issues. My point is, at some point those sources and data referenced would intersect with someone I know.
So now you tell us your vaxed friends NOT “open about having these discussions”!!!! About post CV19 bioweapon vax adverse events. This says it all and makes my point perfectly. Your vaxed friends WILL/ARE going to have big problems.
Get them treatment before it’s too late.
there 3 different shots from what I understand 1)kill shots 2)very damaging and prolonged illness 3)placebo or saline.
Some people got saline shots. It was in the news. Some nurses even got charged. I know people in both camps, nothing and very very bad things. Everyone’s DNA is different. It also came out that different batches were stronger than others. Count yourself and others you know lucky. Playing guinea pig is never a good idea. I know people who almost had to amputate their injection arm, had seizures, went blind, chronic fatigue, heart problems, rare skin conditions, and on and on, and others who didn’t get a sniffle.
They wanted to check compliance, and of those that complied how many might live through the digital integration and what dosage. There is evidence everywhere. Even Justin Bieber and Bruce Willis admit horrors. The evidence is everywhere. Again, count your blessings. There are many dead looking down at us shaking their heads.
I have heard these arguments before and there is really little sourcing to back them up. This is medical synthetic biology unseen in the history of medicine. There may be a few lucky people but if you took two shots and a booster (as 217 million Americans did you are not “Fine.”
I am speaking of what I have experienced in real life. I am also drawing from Eugenics and the Huxley brothers who said they would use medicine to kill people off. That was in the 1930s and 1940s. Look up Julien Huxley and his brother Aldous. They were very open about it and even published pamphlets and books about it. This is not hidden.
First off Happy New Year Greg to you and your family.
Great interview with Dr Betsy Eads. Always love to listen to her
Where can I find the correct dosage when taking ivermectin?
Thak you.
Both Dr. Eads and Dr. Kory say a standard Ivermectin dose is 9mgs per 100 pounds. Human dose same per pound as horse dose.
I am looking at the 12mg capsule. For preventive and maintenance, can I take 2 capsules a week? Should I take with food or water?
Dr. Eads says the dose for Ivermectin is 9 mgs per 100 pounds. I am not a doctor but you can contact Dr. Eads here:
Here. Hope this helps.
We have had and used chlorine dioxide in our house for the last 15yrs. It is our go-to for what ever comes up. Even tooth aches, sniffles, inflammation etc.
I used CD/MMS three times a day for two weeks and all of my so-called, “Long COVID” symptoms were gone. Ivermectin didn’t do it nor did any of the other treatment that I use including NAC, natokinaise, EDTA, quercetin, zinc, vitamin C, etc.
Chlorine Dioxide truly is a miracle treatment for all things (like you mentioned) but has been demonized as laundry bleach and dangerous so doctors can’t recommend it with fear of losing their medical license. I use it regularly still along with other detox treatments.
Agreed. But, how do we get this as a priority for the American people?
I have Zero faith that Trump or RFK will do anything. they will do as they are told or they will be put to death.
We will be upside down before Jan 21 rolls around. thank you for the pupe dream thoughts
And you know this how? Source?? Your opinion is not a fact.
Greg, why don’t you take a look into Trump’s surgeon general pick, this explains a lot? I believe she is the DR who said the vaccines are a “gift from god” and much more. Really, this is who he picks?! We are all still waiting for his puplic statement on the bioweapon!
Yes, Jerry, but People Change and RFK Jr. at the NIH is really the key player here. You are just pissed off Democrat or troll. Right? You took the CV19 shots, Right?
RFK Jr is one of the appointments I am most excited about.
77 years old and never vaxed. NEVER! And never will be. I have read enough about how evil vaccinations are and slowly have watched that information becoming more and more available for people to learn from. The problem is the people; those who live like sheep rather than like men and women who learn and adjust their thinking to the reality around them. I have seen estimates that before this farce is over, a billion+ people will be dead from these so-called “vaccines.” But then, that is the message from the superrich who were behind the development of these “kill shots” and who have openly stated that there are too many people on this earth. It is also interesting that those super rich idiots do not vaccinate their own children. so buckle up cause there are very interesting times acoming, QUICKLY!!
Good Richard,
However in the USA
81 percent had at least one Covid shot. And they don’t want to talk about it if they haven’t had a bad result.
The guilty ones of pharma weapons, germ warfare,dna disrupters, including remdesivir, vents and hospitals that administered this death and destruction should be prosecuted and jailed. Or it continues.
Thanks Betsy for courage to stop this.
Excess Deaths – Modern medicine is all about money, not healing – CANCER has been routinely induced by VACCINES since 1960 THERE ARE NO ‘GOOD’ VACCINES! It was decided back in 1934 that that they would try to kill us with vaccines! Nasty info about the covid19 vax; Modern medicine is all about money, not healing The Story Behind Anthony Fauci is Much Worse Than You Thought – NOTE; there are NOW 69 MANDATED vaccines by age 18, none of which have been fully tested and approved under existing law. Plandemic Bombshell: Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes Biggest COVID Secret Yet CV19 Bioweapon/Vax an Extinction Level Event — covid vaccines are a depopulation weapon — The vaccine is the bioweapon
CV19 Vax is Death by Government – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny — The Unvaccinated Are The Healthiest People On The Planet — COVID jabs kill kids — Why are Big Pharma the richest and largest corporations to ever exist? By some accident, or, was it all planned out that way? Judge Orders Bill Gates To Stand Trial for ‘Murdering Millions’ via mRNA Jabs – — NOTE; “God-given rights” do not count in this Satan ruled system. Luke 4:5 So he (Satan) brought him (Jesus) up and showed him all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth in an instant of time. 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7 If you, therefore, do an act of worship before me, it will all be yours.
The Demoncrats back in 1934 during the Depression outlined their Evil Strategy on how they were going to “Kill Us”!! – 1) Using Vaccines, 2) World Wars, 3) Famines, and 4) Destruction of the Purchasing Power of our Money!!!
The Vaxxx is not new. It was tested in the late 80s during the Gulf War. Soldiers that returned from certain units developed some called “Gulf War Syndrome.” The VA researched of the so called illness and the info was stored at the Fed Building in OK City.
From 2001
“The illness known as Gulf war syndrome looks likely to have been caused by an illegal vaccine “booster” given by the Ministry of Defence to protect soldiers against biological weapons, according to the results of a new series of tests.”
That makes you wonder why was all Lock, Stock and Barrel, ready to go when the pandemic was created. News Flash, was already made, off the shelf stuff.
i think my source said 18 to 22 million dead worldwide. that was a while a year ago.. that’s three holocausts at least. they said it’s hard to distinguish who died because of it vs. who died with it and had other issues. still.. imagine it’s the equivalent of 3 holocausts from this Vax bioweapon. minimum. one bioweapon to treat another…
Dr Ears is the BEST. I sent this link to my sister-in-law because my brother needed an operation during COVID, and they wouldn’t touch him unless he was vaxxed. Now, his PSA is off the charts in spite of the removal of his prostate. He was using fenbendazole with good results, but the PSA just shot up after 6 months, so I’m thinking we are dealing with a turbocancer. I can’t believe how much trust they have in standard AMA medicine…sigh.
So sorry to hear this. Praying for your brother.
Why would you put in the word “kikes”. This is a derogatory word for the Jewish People. I know too many Jewish People who love the Lord and are patriotic. Get rid of your hate. We will pray for you. The Jewish People (most) do not rob, rape, attack people in public. Why not dislike (if you have to) the people who do those things.
I have deleted the Bob Freed comment.
LIVE World News | Russia Seizes Nadiya, Defends Against U.S. Missiles in Strategic Move | Putin Times Now World Started streaming 51 minutes ago
Russia has reportedly taken control of the village of Nadiya in the Luhansk region of eastern Ukraine while successfully intercepting eight U.S.-made ATACMS missiles, demonstrating the power of its air defense systems. Meanwhile, Russia continues to down multiple drones, as Ukrainian forces face intense clashes with significant casualties. The ongoing support of Western arms remains a key factor in escalating the conflict.
Biden (probably for a big bribe) and our Dumb Military (likely, also for a big bribe) allowed the firing of US ATACM Missiles at Russia. Moscow has just stated it has “Captured An Intact ATACM Guidance System”. So now Russia simply has to back-engineer the ATACM Guidance System allowing it to “identify any weak spots” and then use that information “to reconfigure their surface-to-air missile systems” (so as to more easily shoot down all the ATACM missiles the US fires at Russia). It also allows Russia to “fine-tune their electronic warfare systems” to better jam and turn these ATACM missiles off course!!
The NATO Neocon Globalists will now probably nominate Bribe’n for a Nobel Peace Prize (like they did for O’Bomber) for another “Jab Well Done” In Trying To Destroy and Bring Down the United States of America!!!
I wonder why this is not going away. It is apparent there are many end-of-civilization events taking place. We are in a war that humans may not win. This life we live is but a millisecond long in the face of eternity. Our history here is fraught with greed and war. There has been precious little accomplished to balance the scales with who we are fighting with for control of this planet and the extinction of humanity. Unfortunately, those who vie for control and power are mostly predatory in nature. This lust is used as a trap by evil and the rest of humanity is already experiencing how this plays out.
Humanity has long been writing this script without knowing the endgame. It is centered in the arrogance of non-accountability. We are all held accountable to ourselves and how our actions affect others.
It is clearly evident now where we are headed as humans. The corruption is beyond the beyond with nothing left to bring us together.
I will continue to keep my soul centered in God which is a misnomer for many. We are born into this universe and do not know the extent of it, me included. It does appear that we have no idea of where we are in relation to the cosmos which if it is true, there is no found boundary. There is no doubt for me that the smartest of the smart don’t know all either. I spent a year living in Oxford with a Yale biophysicist and his wife and yes, he was smart but even he did not have life mapped out with certainty. Everything we think puts us above all risk is an illusion.
Life is to open the book and read it line by line and carry out our own investigations and apply our results and find truth for ourselves and to do this without harming others.
I came to the truth that every vibration I put out into the universe comes back to me with identical energy on a parallel path. This expands my soul’s growth.
I am here in this life for growth, not greed. I have lived on many levels both rich and poor and those things are not what is important. Our coming to our Father
through seeking light vs. darkness and being able to define one from the other is vital.
I have belonged to this family here with our mentor Greg for many years. I have written many times, not all of it my best, but this is my best and I do believe if all of humanity were to ascend the path I have spoken of we would not be where we are. I am part and parcel of all of you, a single cell of humanity. I do not succeed every day to live my prayer, but I pray that I can. Our united path is to help each other by rising up ourselves to a level that will pull others too.
It is time.
Beautiful, beautiful post Susan.
Your sentence regarding vibrations placed into the universe coming back with identical energy on a parallel path is one of spiritual mastery.
You are my teacher.
My best wishes be with you for 2025 and beyond.
Ray, North Haven, Australia 🇦🇺 🦘 🐊
Namaste, Ray,
I send you all the very best, always.
It is actually very simple. If we do not see Nuremberg trials and / or military law to go after executives, politicians, and willful collaborators, it will be business as usual. And, everything we see during the next 4 years just another whitewash show run by the same people of exploit and torture us. I am convinced, the US is the center of all evil manufactured on this planet. The love of free wealth printing for some and debt for the rest is the root of all
Greg, please interview Dr. Bryan Ardis and Dr. Ed Group. They are doing deep research and have uncovered and documented multiple natural (not big pharma) solutions and have published amazing information. Dr. Ardis formed a group of four doctors called Healing for the AGES. They have done two annual conferences so far and also do monthly video updates disclosing the most current findings and documented test results proving their methods work. I highly urge everyone reading this to check them out.
LIVE | Putin Has The Last Laugh As Zelensky’s Gamble Leaves Europe Freezing | Gas Supply | Russia
Hindustan Times Started streaming 10 hours ago
Europe is facing a severe energy crisis as Russian gas supplies via Ukraine have come to a halt following the expiration of a five-year transit deal. The cessation of gas flow has plunged several European nations, particularly Moldova, into a state of emergency as temperatures drop and residents are left without heat or hot water. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s refusal to renew the contract has been framed as a necessary step for national security, but it has left families across Europe shivering in the cold.
Putin Attacks Key Ukraine Highway To War Base Pokrovsk: Russia’s Final Victory Push Before Trump? Hindustan Times Jan 4, 2025
Russia claims sweeping victories in Ukraine, capturing key settlements and crippling Kyiv’s defenses. With Pokrovsk highway nearly under full Russian control, Ukraine faces severe logistical challenges. Over 500 Ukrainian soldiers reportedly lost in 24 hours, marking one of the war’s deadliest days. As Trump prepares to take office, could this be Russia’s last big move?
World’s oldest person dies in Japan at 116 after crediting two food items for long life
Story by YURI KAGEYAMA • 8h •
Biden awards Presidential Medal of Freedom to Hillary Clinton, George Soros, 17 others Story by Joey Garrison, USA TODAY • 1h •
She attributed her longevity to eating Bananas and Yogurt (drizzled with honey) every day!! And yet, we “who are dying young” are constantly being told “not to eat desserts”???
Mark Levin: More Americans will die if we don’t acknowledge being in a war with Islamic terrorism
Fox News host Mark Levin asks what the Biden administration — the DOJ and FBI, in particular — are doing to counter the threat of radical Islamic terrorism on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’
Democrats ‘will hold GOP accountable’ for not ‘rejecting extremism’: Rep. DelBene
Though Republicans control both chambers of Congress, House Speaker Johnson faces the thinnest of majorities, which will only get thinner if some Republican members are confirmed for President-elect Trump’s Cabinet. Rep. Suzan DelBene, D-Wash., reacts to Johnson’s House Speaker victory and emphasizes Democrats’ willingness to be bipartisan in governing.
Hillary Clinton, Michael J. Fox, among Medal of Freedom recipients
President Joe Biden handed out the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 19 people including former first lady, senator and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, actor Michael J. Fox and basketball legend Magic Johnson.
General Discharge
The Medal Of Honor Explained
What is the Medal of Honor? Also referred to as the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Medal of Honor is the highest individual award available in the United States Military.
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Japan | From Economic Miracle to Fading Power
Once a global leader, Japan’s economy is now struggling to keep pace. Discover the historical, social, and economic factors behind its fading influence on the world stage.
The Korean Cold War – Part 1
HOW did Korea end up being TWO Koreas? After World War II, amidst the celebrations, the USA, the United Nations, and the Soviet Union didn’t know what to do with Korea, who they’d just freed from Japan’s occupying force. Unable to come to an agreement, they decided to split the country in two: one side (the south) would be, aided by the USA and the UN; the other side (the north) would be aided by the USSR. This… did not turn out well. Mistakes were made (on both sides), and, well, check out the video for the result…
Money Talks News
Social Security’s Fine Print: WEP and GPO Could Affect Your Retirement
Are you a teacher or government employee? Your pension could unexpectedly reduce your Social Security benefits due to WEP and GPO rules.
Fox Weather
Major winter storm slicing across America bringing heavy snow, crippling ice to millions
Tens of millions of people across the U.S. are getting slammed by a major winter storm that is bringing heavy snow and crippling ice to major cities leading to states of emergency in at least five states.
Major winter storm: As blizzards zero in on Midwest, 60M under snow, ice alert
ABC NewsABC News
Major winter storm: As blizzards zero in on Midwest, 60M under snow, ice alert
Britain wants to get close to Trump. Will Elon Musk stand in the way?
Suspect identified as US citizen in deadly New Orleans attack: Sources
ABC NewsABC News
Suspect made 2 trips to New Orleans before deadly New Year’s Day attack: FBI
Harry Carey,
Nations that go to Civil War and commit HARI-KARI (like Korea and Vietnam) usually wind up divided (i.e. North and South Korea, North and South Vietnam, etc.). So when the Demoncrats drive the US into Civil War in two weeks (as they try to keep Trump out of office ) the US will likely also “Divid” (just as Socrates is predicting)!! However we will probably not break up as North vs South, or East vs West, but likely as some combination of the two!!
A friend who had retired from the USDA and himself a farmer. He reported to me yesterday. Due to Covid and shots, he now has a respiratory problem. He has to used drugs to help him breathe. He is now giving up his farm leases and selling his equipment. A business, farming, he loves, he now has to stop due to covid.
I have a friend that we hunted together for forty years. He received a covid shot. He is now disabled. Anther person got the shot got blood clots, she is now disabled.
These are just the people in my world who are now disabled.
So sorry to hear about your friends but thanks for the reporting. Are these people being treated with Ivermectin or other drugs Dr. Betsy has suggested? They can help a lot.
Greg, wow new to this please eliminate.
“Eliminate” what?
That mess I posted! I got to figure out this cut and post business, sorry.
HOOO — RA !!
Lying media will not report a WIN.
BREAKING: The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania has ruled to authorize Amish farmer Amos Miller to continue operating in the state after the FDA tried to shut him using their bogus “food safety laws.”
Almost exactly one year ago, they raided his farm and put him through hell.
They desperately want to shut down independent local farmers like Amos because food independence is bad for tyrants.
Congratulations to @barnes_law for crushing the bureaucracy in court.
Food Independence is Bad for Tyrants – and so is Burning Wood to Heat Your Home Bad for Tyrants as it makes people Independent! New York State Gov Hochul has just banned gas stoves and heaters. So laws are being enacted by Governments “everywhere” to Turn The Common People “INTO CRIMINALS” (just like Biden and the rest of them crooks). They want the ultimate power to send us common people to jail for three(3) long years “just for heating our homes to keep our children warm”. And is soon to become a nightmare reality in Switzerland, where heating ones home above 19 C (66.2 F) will be considered “excessive” and “a Punishable Criminal Offense”. Then, once they get rid of all the Wood and Gas heaters they will make “Radiant Electric Heaters” Prohibited!!!
Shut up and eat the bugs , cows are bad for the environment.
Screwworm vs. cattle narrative enters the chat.
Control oil , you control nations , control food and you control people – H. Kissinger
Texas officials warning of ‘man-eater’ bug detected in livestock at southern Mexico border
P.S. I’m still waiting for the ” Killer Bees ” from southern Mexico they warned about when Jimmy Carter was President … LOL
Saturday Night Live Killer Bees skit – 1976
Smile 🙂 ignore their ‘fear’
Mark Levin: More Americans will die if we don’t acknowledge being in a war with Islamic terrorism
Fox News host Mark Levin asks what the Biden administration — the DOJ and FBI, in particular — are doing to counter the threat of radical Islamic terrorism on ‘Life, Liberty & Levin.’
Have 2 kids in my area in school Have lypnode cancer
PBS 2024 Election Night – Highlights – This Is Priceless
Clinton Jaws 1M views 4 days ago
Thank you for having Dr. Betsy Eads on again! She is wonderful and a blessing for humanity. FYI, there is a company called Frontier Pharmaceuticals that that has an online website that sells pre-formulated shelf stable chlorine dioxide products such as Snoot! nasal spray. I have not tried the products but I am going to order some soon. They probably cost more but there is no guesswork on the right concentrations. Mike Adams the Health Ranger also recommends a company called Safrax for chlorine dioxide tablets which eliminates all pathogens when used as a surface sanitizer.
The View LOSES Ratings as Hosts Mocked for Epic Mistakes in 2024: Will Whoopi and Sunny SURVIVE? WDW Pro 94,939 views 8 hours ago
Ukraine’s Exhausted Army Crumbles as West Considers Intervention
The New Atlas 52,381 views Jan 5, 2025
Update on the conflict in Ukraine for January 5, 2025…
Fredrick Smith, I have kept a detailed list of my friends and family members suspected injuries from the covid vaccines. The list is very long, and much worse than I ever imagined it would be, even with the warnings from lovely doctors such as Dr. Eads. The damage is still happening too, it is not slowing down. There have been deaths, cancer, severe blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, dementia, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, severe allergies, diabetes type 2, and lots of strange health issues. Some of the victims are in their early 20s. These are all new problems, and did not exist before the vaccines came out. Some of the people know it is due to the vaccine, but many are in denial.
LIVE: Shocking Report Jolts NATO! Can UK Defend Itself against Oreshnik? | World News | Russia Hindustan Times watching now Started streaming 6 hours ago
Is the UK becoming NATO’s Achilles’ heel? A shocking report reveals the UK’s air defense gaps, outdated navy, and dwindling army strength as Russia, China, and Iran develop advanced missiles that could target London in minutes. With NATO resources strained by the Ukraine war, Britain’s vulnerabilities are alarming allies. How will PM Keir Starmer respond to calls for increased defense spending?
LIVE | Putin Has The Last Laugh As Zelensky’s Gamble Leaves Europe Freezing Hindustan Times Started streaming 14 hours ago
Live, Europe is facing a severe energy crisis as Russian gas supplies via Ukraine have come to a halt following the expiration of a five-year transit deal. The cessation of gas flow has plunged several European nations, particularly Moldova, into a state of emergency as temperatures drop and residents are left without heat or hot water. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s refusal to renew the contract has been framed as a necessary step for national security, but it has left families across Europe shivering in the cold. Watch Europeon’s freezing they’re perspective bun’s off!
Dr Eads & Karen Kingston are my favorite guests you have. Excellent interview.
4,000 children down to twelve. I believe this, but is there documentation to present to unbelievers?
Why are we injecting infants with zero risk?
While everyone is distracted by Roe vs. Wade- the real fight should be preventing the vaccination of babies with the COVID vaccine. The Government is not trustworthy with the health of your children; don’t gamble with their future. Children have zero risk of dying of Sars-Cov-2.
45% of the FDA’s budget comes directly from the pharmaceutical industry through a program called “Fast Track.” They refuse to do vaccinated vs. unvaccinated studies for childhood vaccines. HR5546- National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act eliminated the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims! The Pfizer child trial 6 months to 5 years old was full of fraud. There were 4,526 children in the trial but 3,000 dropped out of the trial with no explanation? 2/3 of the group- that should make it null and void! 6 kids in the vaccine group got severe COVID vs. 1 kid in the placebo group- direct evidence that the vaccine is causing COVID! 1 kid was hospitalized with fever and seizure- he was vaccinated! Pfizer waited 3 weeks after the first shot and 34 kids in the vaccine group got COVID and 13 in the placebo group- thats a 30% increased chance of contracting COVID but they ignored that data and continued the study. Then there was an 8 week gap between the 2nd and 3rd dose where kids were getting more COVID in the vaccine arm- they ignored that data. They twisted the data. In the end they ignored 97% of the COVID in the vaccine arm of the vaccine group and only looked at a small amount of children. At the end of the trial they were comparing 3 children in the vaccine arm who had COVID vs. 7 in the placebo group- and they said this vaccine was effective- pure fraud. In the followup period of 6 weeks- 12 children had COVID twice and all but 1 child had 3 doses. You have to wonder what on earth they are thinking when the claim of reduction in COVID was only 4 children when there are 11 children who got COVID twice who had been vaccinated. There was no long term safety data. We have to ask how an ethics committee could have approved this trial in babies who are not at risk from COVID and now we have Pfizer presenting this study to the FDA in order to apply for an EUA. EUA is meant for a situation where there is a risk of serious injury or death. Children under 5 are not at serious risk of injury or death from COVID. In Pfizer’s own trial they had to twist the data because there was no serious risk of injury or death. They can’t claim they reduce transmission either per the WHO-so that claim is irrelevant. Regarding safety they followed the children for 6 weeks and unblinded them and vaccinated the placebo group so the safety control group was gone forever! The fact that the trial was allowed to continue was unbelievable. Parents should be demanding that the decision makers explain themselves! They the Government do not have your best interests at heart. It is more about Pharmaceutical entities; it’s about big pharma capturing the FDA and adding the COVID vaccines to the childhood vaccine schedule thus keeping their immunity shield!
Any parent out there at this point, you should know better. You are seeing injuries. The stories are everywhere. Do not give this Vaccine to a perfectly healthy child.
Dr. Elizabeth Eads
Dr. Eads
Because Children under 5 “are not at serious risk of injury or death from COVID “and many other viruses”, Bill Gates and the other Evil Demonic Globalists have now invented a “New” Bio-weapon “SEERS” that – “Specifically Targets Children’s Lungs”!! They call it “Operation Catastrophic Contagion” and they will be launching it Next Week to Destroy the Trump Presidency as Parents see their Precious Children Die (as Trump trys to prevent another lock-down)!!!
No they are not. No pandemic next week. Sorry to burst your bubble.
The ultimate crime is not the fact that many MD’s have no knowledge about alternatives to pharma’s mesmerizing teachings. Instead, the ultimate crime is that most allopathic practitioners, judges, and patients in the general public are willing to coverup and protect a medical mafia that suppresses the free expression of any ideas that might compete with pharma profits.
Begin bombing WHO and WEF immediately! Apparently the UN needs the same effect.
Now we know why so many fear and want to murder Trump.
Very Informative Interview! THANK you Greg!!
Let’s hope everything will happen peacefully in the next 2 WEEKS!
Looking so much forward to essential POSITIVE changes by people RF Kennedy Jr. who is the only one who knows most about the truth.
I also posted a good established ‘Persistent Spike Protein (PSP) Protocol’ by Dr. Thomas Levy at the very end of the post at:
Dr. Levy asked to spread his knowledge as somebody who practiced cardiology.
Thank you once again and looking towards better future for everybody!
I have been using CDS=Chlorine Dioxide Solution / MMS Master Medical Solution for Years. I bought Jim Humble’s book from
I make my own so I KNOW I am getting the real thing. I have NOT been sick since I have been using it. This book is my Healing BIBLE.
LIVE: Shocking Report Jolts NATO! Can UK Defend Itself against Oreshnik? | World News | Russia Hindustan Times Started streaming 8 hours ago
Is the UK becoming NATO’s Achilles’ heel? A shocking report reveals the UK’s air defense gaps, outdated navy, and dwindling army strength as Russia, China, and Iran develop advanced missiles that could target London in minutes. With NATO resources strained by the Ukraine war, Britain’s vulnerabilities are alarming allies. How will PM Keir Starmer respond to calls for increased defense spending?
It sure seems like there’s a lot of concern about the UK’s defense capabilities lately. NATO is urging the UK to increase its defense spending due to worries about it’s vulnerabilities to ballistic missile strikes1. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has committed to increasing defense spending to 2.5% of GDP, but there’s ongoing discussion about whether it might need to go much higher.
It’s definitely a critical issue, especially with the evolving threats from countries like Russia, China, Iran and our own deep creep state, false flag’s and all. Do you think the UK should prioritize increasing the defense budget?
What with this madness of nation against nation in these, if the last days. Mean for the future of mankind?
The concept of nation rising against nation is often linked to predictions about the “last days,” a term used in religious and eschatological contexts to describe a period of significant turmoil and transformation before a prophesied new era of peace and security. Here’s an exploration of this idea and its implications for humanity:
The Age of Conflict
Imagine a world where geopolitical tensions reach a boiling point. Nations, driven by competing interests, resources, and ideologies, find themselves locked in a cycle of conflict. The relentless pursuit of power and dominance leads to a series of skirmishes, proxy wars, and diplomatic standoffs. The global landscape becomes a patchwork of alliances and rivalries, with each nation vying for a position of strength.
Humanity’s Struggle
In this age of conflict, the toll on humanity is profound. Communities are torn apart, families are displaced, and the fear of uncertainty looms large. The ever-present threat of violence and instability forces people to adapt to new and harsher realities, poverty! Despite the chaos, a resilient spirit emerges among the populace. Acts of kindness, solidarity, and resistance become beacons of hope in the darkest times, a rising of the sheeple people? Goaded by lack of meaningful work because of bloodthirsty governments at war take up everything in our pocket books and the debt burdens to economic collapse and eventual poverty.
The Turning Point
As the conflicts escalate, a critical moment of reckoning arises. Leaders and citizens alike begin to realize that the path of destruction from accumulated technological knowledge used in warfare, mechanical, electronic, bio-weaponization and even weatherization offers no hope fore a sustainable future. The global community faces a choice: continue down the road of division and despair,oblivian or seek a new way forward, based on mutual understanding and cooperation.
The Dawn of Peace
In a surprising twist, a series of unlikely alliances and dialogues emerge. Nations that were once adversaries find common ground in their shared desire for peace. The realization that true peace and security, prosperity. Comes only from collaboration, working together, not conflict. Sparks a global movement! Of grassroots initiatives, driven by ordinary people, pushing for disarmament, environmental stewardship, and social justice.
A New Era
The transformation is gradual but profound. As the focus shifts from warfare to diplomacy, from competition to collaboration, humanity begins to heal. New technologies and innovations once for war are harnessed for the greater good, addressing pressing challenges like, pollution, poverty, natural healthcare, not just drugs and vaccines for lab created weaponized virus’s! aS Cultural exchanges and global partnerships flourish, fostering a sense of unity and interconnectiveness.
The Future of Mankind
In this reimagined future, mankind stands on the brink of a new era—a time defined not by conflict, but by the shared pursuit of a better world. The lessons learned from the age of conflict shape a collective commitment to peace and progress. The scars of the past serve as reminders of the resilience and strength of the human spirit.
While the idea of nations rising against nations paints a picture of turmoil and uncertainty, it also holds the potential for profound transformation. The journey through conflict can become a catalyst for change, leading humanity to a future where unity and cooperation reign supreme. The challenges of the last days, give way to the promise of a brighter, more harmonious world, even now…!
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted another pandemic tabletop exercise in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.
The same people behind Event 201, which took place almost three years ago to the day, just completed a desktop simulation for a new Enterovirus originating in Brazil.
The exercise, dubbed Catastrophic Contagion, simulated WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic that spreads from Brazil to the rest of the world.
In Israel almost all the people are now being forcibly given up to ten(10) shots per year for Covid and its derivative viral mutations!! Now we know that metabolically when “lab rats” (mice and rats) who are given these Covid shots “die in six months” (it means that the human “lab rats” will be dead in about five years)!! So what’s the use of a Greater Israel “if all the people will be Dead” (by Self-inflicted Covid Jab “Suicide” – rather then from an Iranian Nuke)??
Greg, nato has already crossed the line to nuclear exchange, do hope people going to Mar-a-Lago…get this message to DJT, and he can/does get competing opinions about Ukraine…being that the SES stay behind structure will still be filled with Biden-Obama crew. And by the way, just who ARE the Generals and Admirals in NATO/U.S. that have expertise in the type of warfare required to invade Russia, that have the industrial base, economics, and trained personnel as discussed herein. And even if NATO did/could, is that what is really wanted, and for what reason? Better Russia be politely asked to join NATO, as Russia once had a queen married to a French king, and certainly Catherine the Great, a Saxon as well. Better to build on history’s similarities than deconstruct on differences? =
ONE MIGHT WONDER WHY THERE SEEMS TO BE SUCH DISUNITY OF BETWEEN RUSSIAN AND GREEK ORTHODOX AND UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS AND THOSE OF ‘CATHOLIC -LATIN ROME CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS ? or…is there actually just a veil of religion hiding a political and more atheist views that are inflaming the situation.
Do you believe that the current world order, which you can see as being under the control of Satan, if you just open up your eyeballs and Bible! You’ll see will soon be ended by a direct intervention from the thing, president Joe Biden refereed to. Also known as Yahweh or Jehovah (God). This intervention will involve God’s only begotten, first born son, know as Jesus Christ even by the Muslim. He will soon be fully establishing his heavenly government over all earth, destroying existing human governments, and creating a cleansed society of true believers who will live forever.
Ever hear the phrase “beating swords into plowshares”? Comes from the Bible, specifically Isaiah 2:4, which says: “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”,into%20tools%20to%20benefit%20mankind.
This vision represents a time of peace and prosperity, where the tools of war are transformed into tools not for un-productive war, but productive work and for peaceful purposes. Did you know that this prophecy will be fulfilled under God’s Kingdom, where divine intervention will bring an end to all conflicts and establish a new world order based on righteousness and justice.
In this new world order, humanity will experience unprecedented peace and unity. The divisions and hostilities that have plagued mankind for centuries will be replaced by harmonious relationships and mutual respect. People will no longer live in fear of war or violence, and the resources that were once used for military purposes will be redirected towards improving the quality of life for everyone and that includes you who.
Jesus Christ, as the King of God’s Kingdom, will play a central role in bringing about this transformation. His reign will be characterized by wisdom, compassion, and justice. Under his leadership, the earth will be restored to its original purpose, a paradise-like condition, and all forms of suffering, including sickness, poverty, and death, will be eliminated. The Hope for Mankind
Yup, the hope not dope, of divine intervention and the establishment of a new world order offers a powerful message of hope and reassurance for all mankind. It reminds us that despite the challenges and turmoil we all face in this cold cruel world today, there is a brighter future ahead. This hope encourages individuals, like you and even me, to live in accordance with God’s principles, to cultivate love and kindness, and to look forward to the fulfillment of God’s promises.
The vision of a new world order, where swords are beaten into plowshares, reflects the profound hope for a future of peace, unity, and prosperity. You gotta believe that through divine intervention, this vision will become a reality, bringing an end to all forms of conflict, establishing a world where righteousness and justice prevail.-
Ancient Aliens: “Angels?” Baba Vanga (Season 12, Episode 10)
History 3,570,976 views Sep 27, 2018
Baba Vanga, a blind and uneducated peasant in Bulgaria, ” now NORTH Macedonia” was somehow able to predict many world events. Ancient astronaut theorists say invisible extraterrestrials supplied her with information in this clip from Season 12, Episode 10, “The Akashic Record”.
Some but please tell what you know.
Baba Vanga, born Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, was a Bulgarian mystic known for her alleged ability to predict future events. Some of her most notable predictions include the 9/11 attacks, Brexit, and Princess Diana’s death. Her predictions have fascinated many, though they are often met with skepticism and attributed to coincidence or post-event interpretation2.
For 2025, Baba Vanga predicted a catastrophic war in Europe that could devastate the continent and lead to a worldwide Armageddon. She also foresaw advancements in human communication, such as telepathy, and the possibility of alien encounters.
While her predictions are intriguing, it’s important to approach them with a critical mind. Do you find her predictions compelling, or do you think they’re more speculative?
I predict Jesus will come back and call bull crap on the bull crap!
Good for you Greg and I concur!
Baba Vanga is nonsense. There is no such thing as aliens from another planet. Get with the program girl. You really need to catch up.
LIVE: EU On the Brink! Ukraine Blocks Russian Gas Routes, Plunging Europe into Chaos | TN World Times Now World
Ray Mcgovern: Ukraine’s SHOCKING Loss! Mideast In CHAOS After DANGEROUS ESCALATION Moves By The West AEK Media 10 hours ago
The “Killing Of Children” is No Longer Confined to some “way off” Foreign Land “half way across the Globe” (i.e Syria, Gaza, Iraq, Ukraine, etc., etc.)!! Now “Operation Catastrophic Contagion” Evilly Designed by Eugenicist Globalists right here in US Bio-labs (with ou Taxpayer money) will be “KILLING AMERICAN CHILDREN” Right Here At Home “On American Soil”!!
The question Americans Need To Ask Themselves: “Is Nation Building “More Important Then The Lives Of A Million Children”??? A Half Million Children?? Or A Quarter Million Children!!! We Must Come To A Determination As To How Many Dead Children Are Acceptable To Achieve A Political End!! Let’s Work To At Least “Put An Upper Limit On Child Murder”!! Otherwise All Children Can Be Ordered To Be Killed “By Some Half Crazed Politician (Like When Herod Ordered The Killing Of “ALL BOYS” Under the Age of 2) just to get that one person “he considered a terrorist” (Jesus)!!!
The US Government puts “Spending Limits” on their Budget, but “When it Comes to the Killing of Children” – THERE IS NO UPPER LIMIT!!
Shouldn’t we “At Least” have our Representatives in Congress pass the same “Upper Limit for the Killing of Children” that we have for the US Federal Budget (Where Total Spending is Limited to $6.1 Trillion)!! This way politicians can more easily justify all this killing of children going on in the world (without having to explain the deaths to the moralists (who think that killing children is evil and fought to overturn Roe v.Wade)!!
Our American Politicians supporting Roe v. Wade (to save hundreds of thousands Baptist Black children from being killed) must be considered way more “Morally Important” then saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of those useless Moslem and Christian children being killed in War Zones!! To our US Politicians it seems “Only Black Lives (and Queers) Matter”!!
Russia’s Power Soars in Ukraine’s Darkest Hour | Poland Refuses MiGs, Abandons Zelensky | What Next? Hindustan Times Jan 5, 2025
Russia-Ukraine War | Russia Vs Ukraine | Poland Refuses MiGs | Putin News | Zelensky
Western support for Ukraine is facing a critical setback as Russian forces continue to assert dominance in the ongoing conflict. In a significant escalation, Russia has shot down a Ukrainian MiG-29 fighter jet and repelled multiple counterattacks, leaving Ukraine’s military capabilities severely weakened. The recent destruction of tanks and military vehicles highlights the effectiveness of Russian assaults, while Poland has announced it will cease supplying MiG aircraft to Ukraine until U.S.-made F-35s are delivered.
Douglas Macgregor: Russia Destroys NATO Brigade in Pokrovsk – Mass Desertion, Commander’s Death! WarZone Echo 290,239 views Jan 4, 2025
Discover the latest on the Ukrainian conflict as Colonel Douglas Macgregor delves into the NATO 155th Brigade’s catastrophic collapse in Pokrovsk. Witness how untrained troops, forced into service, faced Russia’s overwhelming firepower, leading to mass desertions and leadership chaos. Explore the deadly precision of Russia’s firepower in Kursk, transforming the battlefield into a “kill zone” for Ukrainian forces. Meanwhile, President Zelensky’s ill-timed PR gaffe raises questions about leadership as territorial losses mount. Join us for an in-depth analysis of the escalating crisis in Ukraine.
The meat grinder must be fed for Kiev to receive the dough, boy’s! You oldster’s too!
Supreme Court must Report amid Testimonial Trump Railroaded
Life, Liberty & Levin 1/5/25 [Sunday] | FOX BREAKING NEWS January 5, 2025
Karyne Otto 119,883 views 8 hours ago
Conflicted Merthane
Syria War Live: Big Setback For NATO? Turkey’s Bayraktar TB2 Shot Down by SDF | World News Hindustan Times Started streaming 5 hours ago
Syria War Live | Syria Live News | Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drone | SDF Attack
Tensions in Syria have escalated dramatically as the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) successfully shot down a Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drone near the Qaraqozak Bridge in northern Raqqa. This incident marks the third Turkish drone downed by the SDF within a month, highlighting a significant shift in the ongoing conflict between NATO allies. As both sides exchange blame for violating ceasefire agreements, the geopolitical landscape becomes increasingly complex. The SDF’s actions signal a bold stance against Turkey, raising concerns about a potential NATO conflict in the region.
Hello Greg.
Long time listener. Appreciate your show greatly. I wanted to share my song site with you because I have a song inspired by Margaret Mary Alice called GasLiT about the covid shot debacle. It is the third song on my album Dark Sun on my you tube site Music of JoStat.
Free to listen to.
Enjoy if you wish.
Russia ‘Crushes’ Elite Military Brigades, NATO Weapons; Zelensky Dials Allies For ‘Urgent Help’ Times Of India Started streaming on Jan 5, 2025
Russian forces are intensifying their assault across all Ukrainian frontlines, with 70,000 troops targeting Donetsk Oblast. Ukrainian brigades, including the 155th Mechanized and Leopard 2 units, face significant setbacks, including leadership issues, lost equipment, and troops going AWOL during preparations. Somebody could get hurt!
Brad, you left out?
Russia ‘Crushes’ Elite Military Brigades, NATO Weapons; Zelensky Dials Allies For ‘Urgent Help’
We can all pray that once in office, Trump will lead the charge to unravel the 2020 election scandal. Praying that the supreme court finally reviews all the facts and decides to overturn the election, making all Biden/Obama decisions null and void.
Trump will do nothing about voter fraud. Sorry. Ain’t happening.
After 2020 do you really think the last election just went off with no problems and he was confirmed with zero protest if he wasn’t the chosen shill?
Come on. You’re smarter than that. Trump is using Musk to usher in AI fro the government just like Milei in Argentina did. He also just made a multi billion dollar deal to set up data centers all across America to usher in this AI world with digital currency and digital ID.
Can no one see this? Mark my words.
I really enjoyed your podcast with Dr Eads. Question: what was the website you checked on during the interview with Dr. Eads? It was concerning Keevy. Thank you for your response.
Dr Betsy said to get this:
‘We Have a Plan’: Mexican President Says She Will Accept Trump’s Mass Deportations
Claudia Sheinbaum bends the knee after previously refusing to confirm whether Mexico would cooperate with Trump’s mass deportation agenda.
Historic Broadcast NOW LIVE: By Joining The Global Populist Uprising, Elon Musk Has Taken The Globalist NWO To The Brink Of TOTAL Defeat! Absolute Must-Watch/Share Edition Of The Alex Jones Show!
Posted 39 minutes ago
Alex Jones IS ON FIRE today!! Start your week informed with this LIVE broadcast loaded with intel globalists DO NOT want you to hear!
You have arrived at the tip of the spear in the information war! The transhumanist globalists have unleashed a war on every front you can imagine (and many you can’t) to assure humanity’s extinction! Watching & sharing this one-of-a-kind broadcast is VITAL for victory! Tune in!
Hi Greg. Outstanding interview. Not surprised Illinois has mask mandates (their governor could use a parachute canvas) but does anyone have a link for where it is currently called for in Indiana?
Thanks “1” !!
Read Dr. Bryan Ardis’s new book, “Moving Beyond the COVID-19 Lies”, especially Chapter 9. Then get him on your show to discuss some of the his researched and verified revelations documented in his book. You won’t be sorry for the effort.
Dr Ardis broke the news that the FDA knew in October of 2020 that the CV19 vaxx was dangerous and would kill people and create new diseases. He doesn’t get enough credit.
Will we ever truly know how many millions of innocent Americans were injured, maimed and killed by Trump’s “miracle vaccine”?
I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that Traitor Trump was rewarded with a 2nd term when he should’ve been hanged from a tree for his Covid Crimes against America…
Not trumps bioweapon! Pfizer lied to him about the DARPA bioweapon in the contract! Look at the contract on Karen Kingstons web site!
Greg, those in the ‘hinderlands’ ie flyover areas need to start shepherding one’s stock. Theft on the rise. Suggest surveillance cameras on the back roads…game cameras…and unusual timed movement of stock trucks and trailers. Might also consider heightened numbers of migrants that might be being used for illegal slaughter operations?
Secure Homestead Animals Before It’s Too Late
The newest POWERFUL trucks of the Russian Federation
Dasha Technic 30K views 2 weeks ago
This doesn’t look like your grand dad’s Russian cold war Soviet Union or for that matter a country in a life and death struggle? Happen to run into, see it before some neo-con’man or wife raises hell! Lol! Ya, go to hell, mam!
Ukraine Faces Ammo Shortages as Russia Relentlessly Targets Depots in 24 Hours | Times Now World Times Now World 64,089 views Premiered 8 hours ago
Russian forces unleashed an intense 24-hour offensive, targeting Ukrainian brigades, ammunition depots, and critical infrastructure, leaving Ukraine grappling with severe losses. Over 1,670 Ukrainian casualties were reported, with significant setbacks in Kharkiv, Donetsk, and Kurakhovo. Russia’s precision strikes destroyed over 70 major military assets, including advanced weaponry like “Leopard” tanks and “M777” howitzers, crippling Ukraine’s operational capabilities. The skies offered no refuge, as Russian air defenses downed 128 military assets, including HIMARS rockets and UAVs. Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sounded alarms about growing cooperation between Russia and North Korea, warning of a “two-way street” where Moscow supplies military aid and advanced space technology to Pyongyang while potentially reversing its policy on North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. The evolving alliance could further destabilize global security, intensifying concerns amid an already volatile geopolitical landscape.
@coyotedelanube8572 4 weeks ago
I especially like the way the middle-aged Asian man”IN ONE OF THE WINDOWS” says “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore.” He says it with such melancholy and conviction. He’s clearly a very dignified person who normally does not say such things. But the system has pushed him beyond the limits of decorum.
See Jeff Bezos in real life, seems like a nice guy despite being no.2. But they say, 2 tries harder, at least concerning rent-a-cars! Take that Muskrat! Don’t be offended Elon, I love Muskrat they play a large part here in the great lakes water shed, size of a small dog and wouldn’t hurt a flea!
Unless you try to eat one!
Breaking News!! Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just announced his resignation!! Globalist Henchmen Begin To Fall!! Let’s Get Fauci and Bill Gates Next!!
Trudeau “is Out” and Trump “is In” [As Congress Certifies Trump’s Victory on Jan 6th, 2025]!! BUT, in keeping with the Evil Demoncrats Goal “To Obstruct Everything” (from Appointments, to Domestic Energy, Health Policies and of-course Creating World War III) Bribe’n in his last days has now invoked the “Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act” (to prevent Trump from permitting new oil and natural gas leases). So now, Offshore Drilling in Federal Waters along the East and West coasts of the US, eastern Gulf of Mexico, and portions of the northern Bering Sea in Alaska – “ARE NOW FORBIDDEN”!!! This “political stunt” (Especially Suspending Leases in Alaska’s 1002 Area) by the Evil Demoncrats will Cost American Jobs, and will cause more difficulty for Trump, who has made “Energy Independence a Top Priority”!!
Greg, I tried to buy something at the wellness store with your link, and it kept failing so I couldn”t buy anything. Might want to check if you are being sabotaged.
I passed this along to The Wellness Company.
Thank you, Elinor.
Douglas Macgregor REVEALS: MASS DESERTION Among Ukraine Troops As Russia ANNIHILATES Nato Brigade AEK Media 25,098 views 11 hours ago
Nobody wants to be the last to lay down their life, the ultimate lose for absolutely nothing!
Kursk LIVE | Putin’s Men ‘Trap’ Ukrainian Troops, Hit Supply Route | Russia Seizes 2 Donetsk Towns Times Of India Started streaming 5 hours ago
Russian forces have claimed significant tactical gains in Ukraine, including the capture of Dachenskoye village in Donetsk. In a daily briefing, Moscow reported that Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses, with up to 265 killed in Kurakhove and 550 in Russia’s Battlegroup West in just 24 hours. Watch!:!:!:!:!:!
LIVE: Putin’s Hit Crushes Ukraine’s Military; Poland, Germany Pull Back as Russia Targets NATO Armor Hindustan Times Started streaming 3 hours ago
Ukraine faces a major setback as Germany, its second-largest backer, slashes military aid for 2025. Berlin’s budget cuts, fueled by economic and energy crises, signal growing war fatigue in Europe. As NATO’s unity cracks and Poland withdraws further jet support, Zelensky’s reliance on Western aid becomes precarious. Is this a turning point for Russia in the Ukraine war?
Terrorism’s Hidden Layers _ Peeling the Onion
=== John B. Wells – Caravan to Midnight
Started streaming 2 hours ago
LIVE | Putin Kicks Off Orthodox Christmas Celebrations; Attends Mass In Moscow | Watch Times Of India Started streaming 11 hours ago
Vladimir Putin has officially kicked off Orthodox Christmas celebrations by attending a mass in Moscow. The Russian president participated in the religious service, marking the occasion for the Russian Orthodox Church, which celebrates Christmas on January 7. Putin’s attendance highlights the importance of the holiday in Russia, a nation with a strong Orthodox Christian tradition. The event also underscores his public alignment with the Russian Orthodox faith and its role in Russian cultural and national identity.
Every one should watch Dr. David Martin–podcast-documentary-silenced-with-tommy-robinson-and-dr.-david-e.-martin.html
The P2 and P3 Freemasons control the catholic “church” pedophiles and the “Vatica” bank (vatica was the goddess of darkness).
This demonic group led by demon elon musk have a fake Trump and brutal luciferian Leo Zagami installed at Mar a Lago so don’t ever go there, Betsy Eads!
The legitimate Trump is still hunkered down in the NORAD Cheyenne Mountain with his family according to Benjamin Fulford at
We are witnessing a struggle between the good “white hats” and the evil deep state Khazarian (Ukraine) mafia that has been drinking baby human blood and consuming human baby adrenochrome obtained by torturing then murdering God’s beautiful children kept in cages worldwide for at least 4000 years. Source:
The Vatican and Free Masons have been at war for centuries. Your sources are bunk.
Greg, this is a very important interview that everyone needs to listen to. I just got around to listening to it this morning as I drink my coffee before work and I always appreciate what Dr. Eads has to say. I used to live in Vermont, for 30 years, and I am not surprised to hear that they passed legislation for children to be jabbed without parental consent. Vermont used to be very conservative and over the years it has become a communist state. It’s sad. Anyway, thank you for continuing to spread the truth abut the bio-weapon. You are saving lives.
Thanks Thora! I agree! You are saving lives to with your organic spice company with ultra-pure ingredients!!
Greg, IS AI really what ‘they’ say it is?
One more nail in the coffin…
Not really. BRICS is looking to use some form of gold to back thier network, or traditional securities and bonds. Trump is running around this by using crypto, but it leads to our enslavement so the rich can stay rich while we get more poor. Trump will defeat BRICS. These bankers aren’t going to let a bunch of mud hut monkeys destroy their cash cow. Not going to happen.
BREAKING: UN / Bill Gates Trying to Launch New Global Pandemic Using Virus HMPV !Under Operation Catastrophic Contagion/by Sean Miller January 7th, 2025 7:35 AM
It’s as if this new virus knows Trump’s RFK’Jr., Musk about to move in and Fraudci’s crew out!
Russia-Ukraine War: Over 100,000 Ukrainian Troops Charged With Desertion | WION Fineprint WION Jan 7, 2025
As winter sets in, Ukraine’s army faces new and difficult challenges on the battlefield. Harsh weather conditions and the need for adapted strategies are testing the resilience and preparedness of Ukrainian forces amid ongoing conflict.
Russian Su-57 has achieved elite status?
World Affairs 1,412 views Premiered Jan 5, 2025
The Su-57, also known by its NATO reporting name “Felon,” is Russia’s fifth-generation multi-role fighter jet, designed to compete with other advanced stealth aircraft, such as the F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.
Despite its cutting-edge features, the Su-57 is not without its challenges. Some analysts have raised concerns about its operational readiness and the availability of the aircraft in sufficient numbers, with production delays and budget constraints hampering the full-scale deployment of the jet.
Late Night TV Hosts DOUBLE DOWN on J6 Return: New Study Shows Audience Is DONE Listening! WDW Pro Jan 7, 2025 ✪ Members first on January 7, 2025
Late Night TV Hosts DOUBLE DOWN on J6 Return: New Study Shows Audience Is DONE Listening!
LIVE: Kurakhovo Falls: Russia Secures Major Donbass Stronghold | Times Now World LIVE Times Now World Started streaming 12 hours ago
In a significant development in the ongoing conflict, Russian forces have taken full control of Kurakhovo, a strategic city in south-western Donbass. The two-month offensive saw intense battles, with over 12,000 Ukrainian troops reportedly lost. The city’s capture disrupts Ukraine’s logistical network and paves the way for further Russian advances in the Donetsk region. With Kurakhovo’s industrial infrastructure heavily damaged, the fighting now shifts to new fronts in the embattled area.
Bill Maher CALMLY DESTROYS Woke Whoopi Goldberg and She’s SHOCKED!
Woke Blasters Jan 7, 2025
Bill Maher’s latest takedown on The View is sending shockwaves through woke Hollywood. This time, his target was none other than Whoopi Goldberg, who stepped into the spotlight armed with tired arguments and the usual woke playbook. But Maher, calm and collected as ever, didn’t just respond—he tore apart her claims with surgical precision, leaving Goldberg visibly stunned and the audience struggling to contain their reactions. In this video, we break down Maher’s masterclass in exposing hypocrisy. From Goldberg’s attempts to pivot the conversation to Maher’s brilliant rebuttals that left her arguments in shambles, this clash is a wake-up call for the woke mob. And if Sunny Hostin’s failed effort to take on Maher was any indication, Goldberg’s attempt only solidified how disconnected The View and woke Hollywood have become.
🇷🇺🚔RUSSIAN POLICE help AMERICANS on their path to Become RUSSIAN in MOSCOW!🏛️🇺🇸 EXPAT American Premiered 5 hours ago
Who moves to Russia and why? See the official ceremony in Moscow! Would you move to Russia? Would you even vacation in Russia? Is Russia a scary place?
A MASSIVE Cover-Up” Jordan Peterson On Tommy Robinson & Grooming Scandal
Piers Morgan Uncensored Jan 7, 2025 13 products
A decades-old scandal rooted in the north of England has, in the last few days, been pushed to the top of the western world’s newscycle; that being the grooming gangs of Rotherham. In this particular case, the perpetrators were largely Pakistani Muslim men while the victims were largely white underage girls. Worse still, it’s being reported that this case was ‘covered up’ due to fears that it could spark islamophobia. Author and psychologist Jordan Peterson speaks to Piers Morgan about how the UK came to find that ‘causing offence’ is a bigger problem than child abuse.
Piers then throws the debate over to his panel; consisting of political journalist Ava Santina, Uncensored contributor Esther Krakue, co-host of Steve Bannon’s War Room Natalie Winters and philosopher and writer Jack Symes.
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: PM Justin Trudeau DID NOT Resign & Does Not Plan To Leave Office, Warns Respected Canadian Journalist Ezra Levant
by January 7th, 2025
Days before his own Party was set to remove him by Parliament vote, Trudeau implemented emergency clause authorizing Governor General of the Commonwealth of Canada to dissolve Parliament, allowing Trudeau to rule by Executive Order and effectively making him a WEF-controlled dictator.
Larry Johnson: US Strategy COLLAPSED After This Move By Putin! Iran Is Gathering For SOMETHING BIG AEK Media hours ago
Movie Fer Democrat’s
The Cowboy and the Lady (1938)
I’ve been worried about the Banks …
I Probably should have worried about the Insurance companies selling Stock holdings to pay for the California expensive mansion bon fire.
Equil outcome in Cali as a new class of homeless is created overnight.
Seriously I prayed for these people when I heard how bad things are. Pray for these people. Remembering to store our treasures in heaven, where moth, thief, or fire do not destroy.
“Nobody’s ever seen anything like this!”
The Harold Trump Dance
Hi Greg,
At 26 mins you talk about medical staff going off sick. This is also happening in the UK.
“NHS hit by rising exodus of staff too sick to work as numbers of those retiring early on grounds of ill-health rises by 50 per cent in one year”.
Ed Dowd is being proved right, he said that vaxx harm is causing a huge jump in UK disability benefit claims (people giving up work to live on welfare) and how it will bankrupt the country.
Hi Greg,
Sort of off-topic but perhaps not – vaxx harm. Can the vaxx turn someone into a killer?
“Major Study Confirms Covid ‘Vaccines’ Change People’s Personalities, Emotions”.
In that article – “The researchers confirmed that the Covid injections are responsible for increasing global reports of major personality and behavioral changes in people in the last four years” – and – “The study found that these psychiatric changes resulted in spikes in mental health disorders”.
So, with that in mind, see this –
“Horrifying moment shop owner collapsed on street and almost died after nurse injected him with powerful paralysing drug in ‘motiveless’ attack”
In that article – “Harris’s 79-year-old father Kenneth told MailOnline of his shock about his son’s bizarre attack, saying: ‘Whatever has happened is out of order, it’s just not him”
and – “He never got in any fights when he was younger and was never in trouble”
and – “Whatever has happened is out of order, it’s just not him. I still can’t believe it”
and – “He has had some sort of a blip, a mental blip. Nobody has a bad word for him”.
So was this man’s personality changed by the vaxx?
I wonder if that is a question you might ask in a future interview with a medical expert on vaxx harm.
Hi Greg, about my most recent post on the issue of the vaxx changing people’s personality. I find that you have talked about it.
On 3rd May, 2024, in “NATO War, Biden Still 8%, CV19 Vax Crazy”, at 30 min 25 secs you said that, in 2021 or possibly early 2022, Dr. Bhakdi told us that the clot shots take over the brain and “they change the very essence of who you are. You can’t think, you can’t reason. You are not the same person.”