U.S. Economy-Plunge, Stagnation & Turning Down Anew-John Williams
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
Economist John Williams says to forget about the so-called recovery. What’s coming next is recession or worse. Williams contends, “The fact that we saw a -2.9% contraction in the first quarter, in official reporting . . . you know the economy is in real bad shape. It’s continued to the second quarter, and that will gain recognition as all the data gets published.” Back in 2013, Williams predicted that it would be “game over” in 2014. What are the statistics showing him now? Williams says, “They are showing the economy continues to weaken, and it never recovered. A second quarter contraction here would most assuredly be recognized as a new recession, and I contend we never got out of the old recession. We had plunge, stagnation and, now, we are turning down anew.”
On recent news, the Federal Reserve ending the bond buying program in October. Williams says, “I expect the Fed will always be there to buy it. I looked at their announcement, and the October end is preconditioned on the economy continuing to show positive economic results as the Fed expects. That’s not going to happen. The easings (money printing) that we’ve seen by the Fed have been aimed at propping up the banks by providing liquidity for the banking system. It’s not stimulating the economy. Former Fed Chairman Bernanke admitted the Fed was at a point where there was very little they could do to stimulate the economy. The problem is keeping the banking system afloat. A weaker than expected economy, and we are looking at something that is much weaker than expected, means the banking system is going to be under further stress. It hasn’t recovered since the crisis of the panic of 2008. So, the Fed will want to continue to provide liquidity. The problem is that is not politically popular. So, they have been using the bad economy to bail out the banking system, and that is going to continue. I’ll be surprised if the ‘tapering’ actually comes to an end in October.”
So what happens when the second quarter economy comes in weaker than we are all being told? Williams paints a grim picture and says, “A weaker than expected economy means the budget deficit is going to be worse than expected. A weaker than expected economy will also tend to trigger selling pressure against the dollar. I am still looking for a massive decline in the U.S. dollar. A massive decline and a renewed recession can certainly be a trigger for that.”
Williams goes on to explain, “There are a number of reasons for a dollar crash to happen such as questions about Fed policy, long term solvency questions in the United States, political stability and the popularity rating of the President. When that’s low, the dollar usually comes under selling pressure. You put all these factors together and the rest of the world is waiting for the U.S. to get its act together, and it is clear now we are not going to do so. . . . The rest of the world is going to be in position to basically get out of the dollar, and once people start moving, you will have a flood of people start moving.” Please keep in mind, Williams says, there are more than $16 trillion liquid dollar assets held outside of the United States. If everybody starts dumping their dollars, Williams says, “That could trigger very high inflation here. You will see, for example, higher oil prices. You will also see mounting pressure, that is already there, to have the dollar removed as the world reserve currency, and that would accelerate domestic inflation. I am still looking for a near term hyperinflation; that is dependent on a very heavy decline in the U.S. dollar.”
How bad could things get on the inflation front? According to Williams, measured against gold, the dollar could become virtually worthless. Williams contends, “In a hyperinflation, which I am looking to evolve here, gold could be $100,000 per ounce or a million dollars per ounce. All that reflects is purchasing power of the dollar assets you put into gold represent the purchasing power if you kept your asset in dollars. Gold is a store of wealth. I am not looking at this to make profits. I am looking at this as a long term hedge against high inflation to maintain purchasing power for the terrible currency crisis ahead.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with John Williams, founder of Shadowstats.com.
(There is much more in the video interview.)
After the Interview:
There is free information for the public on Shadowstats.com. Williams also offers detailed reports for $175 per year, and $89 for a six month subscription. If you would like to subscribe to Shadowstats.com click here.

Greg nice interview. What else can you say? Stick a fork in it, we’re done. Take a look at this article.
And if you’re looking for a trigger, go no further than this.
The American people may be asleep, but the rest of the world clearly is not. Really how much more evidence do you need in order to see what’s getting ready to happen?
We have a straw man economy being propped up by a banking cabal. A straw man figure head for its president. And a pile of worthless paper for currency. Does anyone smell smoke? I do.
I understand that not everything should rise to the level of alarmism, but you are absolutely correct, the media and Fed are not fooling anyone with the everything is fine narrative. Here is Voltaire’s Candide in full for free
Too simplistic.
He missed the 56 and 73 wars. He makes a mistake of assuming all the arabs have the same interests. They don’t. The pan Arabic concept is a myth- with rifts between Arabic states and within the muslim religion (Sunni/Shia) .
It should be obvious that Egypt has separate goals than Palestinians. As do other Arab and Moslem nations.
Egypt is a long standing nation, Palestine as the narrator pointed out is not. Israel was not in control of Egyptian lands prior to 1967. They gained the Sinai (Egyptian) peninsula from Egypt after Egypt attacked Israel. Egypt got a good deal a took it. They lost and got a chance at a do over.
From the Palestine point of view, they lost before it started. Israelis were mandated land by the UN , land that Palestinians also lay claim to. True Jews, Christians and Moslems all lived there and could claim the land, but Israel was picked to the detriment of the Palestinians.
I don’t know much about the whole situation, but it seems when Iran is antagonistic against Israel its not on behalf of their “arab” brethren the Palestinians since Iranians are Persians not arabs.
smaulgld @
I think he simplified b cause of the attention span of the average moron american cant watch a long video, docum. unless there are two large boobs and a big naked butt in it. 🙂 guys like u and i love a 3 hr docum.
“If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
― Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
The feedback I’ve received is to be “ready” by mid July and expect a rapid decline in the paper price of metals. A couple months after this expect the physical bull market to begin.
What is the catalyst I have no idea but something big must be happening behind the curtains.
It is mid July. Are you saying were downto hours and minutes?
You said it brother. I am always skeptical of Pastors/Preists/ stockbrokers / conspiracy theorists who claim arcane, inside or special information from on high or from secret sources. Secrets are impossible to keep and the more sensative / explosive the secrets are OR the more people you add, the probability of a leak is exponential not linear. Add time to it and it becomes even harder if not impossible. You can keep secrets if you kill everyone who knows it but then, how do you have a vast NWO conspiracy with one person in on it?
Oh, sure…no doubt that a group of wannabe dictators at the UN have a wet dream of taking over the world but that is hardly a secret and they will get girl / boy friends they dont have to pay before that happens (which aint damn likely either)
Be sure to look at this oh merchant of beans, and peddler of kool-aid, 🙂
HERE IS AN ENGINEER using thermite to burn I-beams and bolts W/ interviews. must watch!
this shows govmt man lying, and firefighters telling about molten steel, and more. lol the case builds.
7 min vid.
Al , Dude, there are utube vids where people claim to be Jesus. Do you believe those? You never told me what kind of cow you were trading for my magic beans. It has to be an Angus or I’ll just keep them. I hear that if you plant them during a full moon, in a few days, the moon wont be full any more…its magic
All conspiracies are not just theories, however it is not just about a conspiracy, it is also about the national delusion of wishful thinking, what is happening with financial manipulation is a conspiracy but not a secret, it is out in the open but governments an central bankers do not care because they are a part of the manipulation, and people do not care because of normality/optimism bias, believing in the current economy because they want to. You can also keep secrets if people do not want to know the truth.
You are being disingenuous by deriding JW as a “Conspiracy Theorist”. What Williams does is to take today’s data and apply the statistical methods that the FedGov used to use, but switched away from in order to provide more optimistic results.
allen ols ????
I am shocked that you are allowed to post this conspiracy garbage here. 9/11 occured purely because radical Islam hates our freedoms. They desire to turn pour Utopian society of freedom and democracy into a nightmare wasteland. You are serving the means and the objectives of the terrorists. Woe be unto you sir !
g5 dude;
SO, u believe, the fed is criminal, the central banking is a ponzie, u believe obama is a lying, the nsa does spie on citizens, u believe in the eurasian trade zone, china gold backed yuan, u believe israel is right to retaliate, and a mine field should be on our southern border, u believe and know what the reserve currency means to the world, but 98% of us citizens have no clue, and u agree to that, BUT, u just cant agree 911 was a set up, BUT was done by a few arab terrorists, and OBL; but in fact embrace that cheney, bush, rumsfield, and clan knew nothing of what was going on. And the NSA which spies on everyone, and is corrupt, (snowden) was BLIND to all this. In fact your in the 98% of usa sheeple that believe terrorists did the
And u feel u drink the nice edschu german coffee, the octoberfest german beer, and fine cognac, when in fact u may want to check, u may have stumbled onto a koolaid jug, mistaking it for a stien of ger. beer.
I have been to october fest , drank educho coffee in the coffee bars w/chocholate and ate the fine dark ger. bread. I was at the bob dylan concert in ’78 in Nuremburg.
check your drink, it is full of kool aid.
Or, you can release a “secret” to the right nutballs and have it spread across the entire Alt-Media world lickety-split.
@NYcop on beat;
research ole buddy;
HERE IS AN ENGINEER using thermite to burn I-beams and bolts W/ interviews. must watch!
this shows govmt man lying, and firefighters telling about molten steel, and more. lol the case builds.
7 min vid.
1. JP4, or 5, or avgas, jet fuel, CANNOT BURN HOT ENOUGH , OR LOOOOONNNNNGGGG ENOUGH, TO MELT THICK I-BEAM STEEL. Notice the liquid melted steel running out of the top floors. Did u notice the bldg 7 just happened to fall straight down in its own footprint? I KNOW, the other 2 falling towers SCARED THE HELL out of bldg 7. 🙂
2. The SECONDARY FIRES, OR OFFICE FURNITURE, CANNOT GENERATE ENOUGH HEAT, -IE- TEMPERATURE TO MELT THE STEEL, yet alone the reinforcement steel in the concrete itself.
3. and the first hand testemonies of explosions in the lower floors heard by police, firefighters, and civilians.
ny cop; g5
No plane hit building 7, yet there is molten metal under bldg 7, so whats up my friend, watch below.
Nobody can explain how a huge building like “7” could fall straight down in free fall without it being hit. They say vibration–give me a break!
How can silver get any cheaper? Supplies are tight and the current selling (spot) is about $5 less than cost to produce. I’ve had people post that just dont understand hedges and futures. In light of American Barrick borrowing billions to close out all theirs, I think I do understand. Contrary to popular belief, you cant stay in business selling future contracts below production cost and survive in a zeroiinterest rate world. Its not a rational business model.
@Galaxy500 : I have no idea how the silver producers are surviving since most are producing well below costs.
Did you read this article on why gold / silver got monkey hammered this morning? http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-07-14/gold-silver-plunge-most-2-months
Even with the $1.37 billion dump this morning we can only bet that not 1 oz of real physical metal changed hands. It was nothing but paper contracts.
So do you really believe they can’t make it go lower?
Yes G5, can u figure out how, bldg 7 collapsed w/o damage from wttowers, but was supposed to fall by fire melting I-beams, wrapped in concrete steel. Hmmmnnnn seller of beans.
geo bush vid.
Yes, I know they are beating the snot out of gold and silver with naked shorts. Dow closed at 17055, silver down 48¢ @20.98. Gold down 28 @ 1308. With the turmoil it seems counterintuitive doesn’t it.
That’s why we have options, futures and ETFs. The market, actually all markets, can be and are easily be manipulated using these make believe instruments. Nary a change of possession ever has to take place. These days they even write paper on the make believe instruments and trade those as something real. What’s worse? They write paper on the paper on the make believe …. Well, you get the idea. Someday, someone will ask for the physical metal or the case of publicly traded stock the actual stock certificate and the whole financial world say … HUH? OOPS! Uh, would you believe my hard drive crashed!
thus the reason it will all fail, eventually
you cant keep borrowing without paying a price for it sometime in the future, that occurs in natural systems, too
No smoke. I was eating dinner in Northern Illinois at an oligarchs’ house one night, it was a corporate asset. His car was titled and insured in a corporate identity….
There are no free markets left. Even the poorest of the oligarchs form corporations, and trusts through their lawyers and stooges. Trillions have been moved offshore and repatriated through banks, controlled by the oligarchs. They own the businesses, they have citizenship in places like caymen islands, Israel, etc. The business owns the car they drive, the home they live in … these are who the jet-setters emulate.
Illegal aliens provide almost free labor- to build skyscrapers, pick fruits and veg., process meat and poultry, clean the hotels-motels with no benefits – contract labor with a “provider”. When you see the shadow flows of billing and labor, you know free market is fiction.
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” – FDR letter to Colonel Edward House, Nov. 21 1933
They own the system… they know who they are.
Dude, you dont have a corporation? I do and I bet Greg does too. Hardly makes one an oligarch.
watch geo bush LIE on camera, I dont get it dude, sure u havent been eating a bunch of the repub. bull shitte’. I am going to assume u did VOTE TWICE FOR THIS jackass, just like obama’ites voted TWICE FOR HIM. DUH
g 5
I saw Bush lie on camera a few times…Obama lies everytime. Dont complain if you dont vote. What happened, you.couldnt figure out how the lever worked? Dude I mean really, our forefathers fought and died for.the.right to vote.
G5; so u refuse to see the evidence of
2. The SECONDARY FIRES, OR OFFICE FURNITURE, CANNOT GENERATE ENOUGH HEAT, -IE- TEMPERATURE TO MELT THE STEEL, yet alone the reinforcement steel in the concrete itself.
3. the first hand tesemonies of explosions in the lower floors heard by police, firefighters, and civilians.
…and u claim to follow the alpha and omega, the epitome’ of humility, JESUS CHRIST, w/your arrogant, treatment of others to enhance your ego, SO U CAN BE RIGHT, ALL THE TIME. WE BOW TO YOUR GREATNESS!!!!!!
your pathetically, equivelent to the bastors/evangelists u claim to castigate.
There are two kinds of politicians: the one who knows from the start that he is bought/owned, and the one who thinks he’s his own man but learns after getting in that he is bought/owned. FDR’s admission is proof of this observation. Best always. PM
Paul, BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!
“This time is different. It is different, because the Federal Reserve’s Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) has starved investors of all sources of safe return, forcing them to accept risk at increasingly higher prices and progressively dismal long-term prospective returns. More importantly, this time is different because warning signs that appeared at every major pre-crash market peak have persisted and escalated, without resolution, far longer than they have done so historically. Reckless? Shortsighted? Probably. But like dot-com speculation, flipping over-priced houses, and getting a yield pickup by holding subprime mortgage debt on margin, reckless and shortsighted speculation always looks like enlightened investment genius until the hammer drops.” ~ John Hussman
allen ols
John Hussman has a free market, informed small investor outlook.
When I worked at a Stock brokers’ office – between 90 and 97 percent of sales, accounts, were to the “sell side”, mutual funds, etfs, bond funds, …
When I hired in: I had to declare only my direct or street name investments. The VP of the office wanted to know which fund
Navistar trucking, NAV, was?
I still think that most control goes to the sell side,
most of the annual meetings of the board of directors were
99 percent mutual fund managers, institutional -investors and the like. Institutional investment controls all HFT and almost all the volume on the majority of exchanges world-wide.
I spoke last to an oligarch, and he often traveled offshore to visit his 100s or even thousands of carefully setup trusts and corporations, O.B.O., no listing of his name or social security number can be linked to he or his family. I do not understand how his Panama companies can own so much of south Texas Real Estate and Businesses. His travels to the Virgin islands were on a leased jet …
Once in my young school days; I asked Dr. (PHd.) Garland
if he ever would go to any of his real estate holdings? He said he had “no direct interest or control” in the Garland building. Anything to do with their millions, “that was lost…”
I received an indirect message from a lawyer,
if you say anything about the syndicated Chicago oligarchs; you will be found in a dumpster upside-down or trash site unrecognizable.
John Wheeler the 3rd, could be alive today if he had got on his horse and rode off….
We have, multiple exect. orders from bush/obama, NDAA, Patriot Acts, Property comfiscation act, militarizing the police, soon martial law, 98 million unemployed, EBT cards gone wild, 1000’s going on S. Sec. monthly, 125 trillion unfunded liabilities/laur. Koltikof- flooding, wild fires, massive drought, world food annou. rising prices—Pope announces global eco. collapse, jamie diamond w/fake throat cancer from sucking off the fed res tit, neg. interest rates EU; rise of the MAO YUAN, china buying 1k tonnes of gold/month, 7 countries to be destabilized/Gen. Wesley Clark,(happening), china owns our ports, and 30% manhattan— cyprus-syria-ukraine combo; pink slips to active military, march of the latinoes to border, queer president/drag queen wife, and on top of that, pelosi- feinstine-boxer-hairy reed-schumer-bonner – mitch and MCaine bedfellows- 1.4 quad. deriv. casino, FEMA CAMPS, and …….wait for it……….. the TEA PARTY is going to solve the problems? HA!!!!
What else can these inept lawyer/politicians screw up next? GOD HAS LEFT THE BUILDING.
Its coming. Galaxy 500 doesn’t know the power of the “city”.
he may have a few cups of kool-aid himself, 🙂
Al, baby, I only.drink all natural facts, good.coffee, German beer and good cognac. I’ll leave the kiddie drinks to you
You’re correct my friend. I don’t…but then I don’t believe in the Force either. I have the count down clock ticking waiting for it to remind me to see if there is evidence that you have to pay up on our bet.
Here is something about July 15, and jamie diamond exit, stage left.
However, the real word has come from a New York based client with a friend who has worked for over 20 years at the South Manhattan HQ. The Dimon story is false cover for simply exiting gracefully, and even avoiding further scrutinty before the USCongress. He has no cancer, no throat problem, and no health problem. He is clearly feeling the heat. Look for him to seek treatment at a foreign location, possibly escaping both scrutiny and subpoenas. The event is strangely timed before July 15th, at which time the Silver Fix goes away. One might wonder also if the arrest of ex-President Sarkozy in Paris France has severely rattled Dimon. More exposures, arrests, and shocks of leaders are to come. See the Silver Doctors article (CLICK HERE).
SO, u believe, the fed is criminal, the central banking is a ponzie, u believe obama is a lying, the nsa does spie on citizens, u believe in the eurasian trade zone, china gold backed yuan, u believe israel is right to retaliate, and a mine field should be on our southern border, u believe and know what the reserve currency means to the world, but 98% of us citizens have no clue, and u agree to that, BUT, u just cant agree 911 was a set up, BUT was done by a few arab terrorists, and OBL; but in fact embrace that cheney, bush, rumsfield, and clan knew nothing of what was going on. And the NSA which spies on everyone, and is corrupt, (snowden) was BLIND to all this. In fact your in the 98% of usa sheeple that believe terrorists did the
And u feel u drink the nice edschu german coffee, the octoberfest german beer, and fine cognac, when in fact u may want to check, u may have stumbled onto a koolaid jug, mistaking it for a stien of ger. beer.
I have been to october fest , drank educho coffee in the coffee bars w/chocholate and ate the fine dark ger. bread. I was at the bob dylan concert in ’78 in Nuremburg.
check your drink, it is full of kool aid.
sure sounds like the Cloward–Piven strategy at work
overwhelm the system and it collapses
It still astounds me how the media is still touting a recovery (citing the stock market and part time job gains ), the Fed is talking about things being normal and needing MORE inflation, and the largest Portuguese bank default and 4th largest Bulgarian bank collapse are being dismissed.
Reminds me of the Dark Knight’s point of view in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKhEw7nD9C4
Now that’s funny. Good illustration.
I sent that quote off to the jackass, I stole from u, 🙂
Here size this up;
An Iranian official reported that the Islamic Republic and Qatar plan to establish a joint free economic zone, with the southern Iranian province of Bushehr and its adjacent provinces serving as the trade hub. The usual mention of Bushehr is with respect to their nuclear refinement facilities located there. Progress is in the open. Mohammad Hossein Barkhordar is a member of the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines & Agriculture. He confirmed broad agreements had been reached between Iran and Qatar regarding the trade zone. It is expected that expansion of foreign trade with neighboring and regional countries will boost the Iranian Economy. Next to come is a series of joint investments and an influx of foreign capital into the country. The new trend of cooperative ventures with Qatar should extend to other Gulf emirates. Iran is regarded an excellent supplier of food and construction material, required in Qatar for their many projects. One week earlier, high level ministers and attaches conducted positive talks on methods to boost bilateral ties between Tehran and Doha in the fields of economy and commerce. See the PressTV article (CLICK HERE). No more traces of sanctions appear, as normalized trade has begun in the region. Whenever commerce eclipses or supplants war footings, all parties win. Many are benefits from reduced USGovt role in the Gulf region.
We might as well laugh because crying probably won’t help a whole lot!
My take;
The Black Knight = the US economy
King Arthur = the BRICS economies
Sir Guy of Gisbourne
Robin Of Locksley
“The Emerging German-Russian Axis is where things are heading by default. With it we shall see the introduction of commodity backed currency being introduced and a global barter system being installed. The nightmare for the West is the unification of Russia and Germany. The two nations will enlist and bring along China. It is going to come for certain, since a natural process that cannot be stopped. There are some powerful decision makers and advisors on the core team that are going to see to it that the so-called Third World, especially Africa, will have all its foreign (IMF/IFC/WB) debt wiped out as a result of a fresh accounting that considers all the wealth that has been stolen from that continent in the past.” ~ Voice
King of the North?
Going back.to.watch.it.again.
What we dont have a recovery…I look.arounf here and I dont.see.a recovery. Just layoffs and business closing…maybe thats what the Democrat wordsmiths mean by recovery?
As Gomer would say, ‘Surprise! Surprise!’….
You mean after multi-trillions printed and numerous wars, we are in negative growth? Well we are in negative growth. Get ready for negative interest rates….can’t imagine why a welfare POTUS and a welfare Congress couldn’t manage our economy….we are going third world status simply because Americans don’t produce and don’t care anymore. Apathy will get us….to top it off, more unskilled and non-citizens heading your way with the expectations of easy jobs and assistance. Our Leader(s) need to write a book about How to Kill a Productive Nation in 8 short years….
True dat
Its not the productive high skilled workers sneaking across the border. Its the minimum wage workers. We have enough US citizens to cover all the minimum wages jobs times five.
Mexico, and Latin America has declared war on America and we are sitting around with our thumb up our xxxx ah, nose. We should declare a bounty on illegal aliens and put our citizens to work guarding the border. That would create jobs and solve the immigration problem. We should declare war on Mexico and the other countries invading us and bomb the shiite out of them…TODAY …NOW
What we need to ask is:
When will Mexico open their borders to illegal immigration? I am sure 30 million Americans wouldn’t mind crossing the borders….
Greg I thought this was interesting. I was told several months ago that an indicator of the coming collapse of the dollar would be the event on 7/15 and the silver price going up substantially. (check my post) Then I just saw this.
He may be off a few days on his 7/15 prediction with the Russian / NATO conflict, but I still see it playing out sometime in July triggering the collapse just like he said. I think the global players are getting in position. Its just a matter of whether or not they are ready to move forward. If we see another play like Belgium, then we’ll know that they’re not ready and have to stall some more. But if they are……
Thank you Jerry for posting updates with clarifications as you can provide and again thank you Greg for providing a forum where both guests and listeners can contribute to our ongoing education with background and updates. The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you
Mark in case you missed this post, it explains who’s really pulling the strings. There are no free markets. It’s an illusion.
I watched a longer version of this, about 5 yrs ago, possibly 2 hrs long, great video, and btw, be sure to watch andrew mcguires/sprott’s video, “the secret world of gold” fantastic.
And upon finishing watching this fascinating documentary, this is what appeared on ZeroHedge:
Gold Plunges Back Below $1300 As “Someone” Dumps $2.3 Billion In Futures
mark, jerry;
“All of these [high stakes] deals [by a long list of nations] are with the exclusion of US dollars. Each individual deal that is done is another chip away at the dollar. It is my expectation that we will hear any day now from the Saudi Arabians. They are the absolute trump card and should they announce any deal with any partner in any currency other than dollars, the day will have arrived. Should Saudi Arabia make an announcement of accepting another currency, the USDollar [index] will probably gap down 2-3 points initially and never again return to these current heights. No matter how it is spun by the press, Washington, or Wall Street, please know that life as we knew it will have changed. For us Americans, there will be no going back. In my opinion, our markets and banking system will not hold together more than two weeks after any such Saudi announcement and it could be much faster (as in the next day or even same day). This is not me crying wolf. The wolf is at the door and if you put the international pieces together, this is clear. Life inside of the United States and all over the world will change. Our standard of living will be crushed. What dollars you have left after the smoke clears will purchase far less than they do today. In my opinion it will take 10 to 20 years before our ship can possibly be righted, but never to the status that we have enjoyed so far during our lifetimes.” ~ Bill Holter (the last leg on the USDollar throne is the Saudis)
Both gold and silver have been trending up since beginning of June. Watch for the announcement that I’ve mentioned before regarding the BRICS Development Bank this week. This is the mid-July surprise! Thereafter, watch the developing countries of the world sign onto/pledge to this new entity. Watch the western economic numbers (unemployment, GDP, etc..) get worse, and watch inflation start to accelerate higher as the US$ gets weaker. And by end of summer, a rapid plunge, similar to 2008, will begin. Collapse by year-end!
Also, this news out of Mexico is VERY interesting:
Also, the geopolitical situation will start to change as the Russians finally put their Ruble where their mouth is, and finally take charge of the situation, especially since the Nazi government in Kiev has openly declared they will commit genocide in East Ukraine, and have been carrying out atrocities that the MSM has blacked out. Also, rockets recently being fired across the border injuring and killing Russians citizens.
Based on mining cost alone, silver is under true value. Tyler (zerohedge) comes up with some winners but he is also the guy that valued bitcoin at 10 troy oz of gold each. I do see silver as under value and agree with your position that of the PMs, silver will be the day to day coinage for us little guys.
One of my fav’s, John Williams, accurate, & concise; welcome sighting, sunday aft.
here is H. W. Bush, early 90’s, announcing THE BIG IDEA, THE NEW WORLD ORDER, 1 minute long.
The man whom I call “Mr. Numbers” is the best in the business. He tells it like it is, pulls no punches, and presents totally devoid of emotion or sentiment. On top of that, he is highly intelligent and is the embodiment of class. The phenomenon of dollar repatriation will be a highly stressful and chaotic event. The USA is bankrupt, plain and simple. In a debtor/creditor situation, the debtor can continue to function so long as the creditor enables him. The deal is totally dependent on the creditor’s determination. Picture the old gladiator days in the Roman coliseum, where the Emperor gives the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” sign. This goes on until those in charge say “no mas”. Best always. PM
Paul, Nice!!
u r correct sir!!!!!!!!!!!
I think trying to time these events has always been a mistake. It’ll happen when it’ll happen…
I agree, although I think it is happening. It is like a slow growing tumor. You feel a little worse every day, but just a bit, nothing to really get upset about until you don’t wake up.
My dad had colon cancer but ignored the symptoms until it was too late. I would rather be prepared and be thought a fool than be unprepared and standing in a food line behind hundreds of others. After the disastrous evacuation of Houston during Hurricane Ike, you should have seen the trash and mess left by thousands of people on the roads after the evacuation. Abandoned cars, thrown out items, cars driven off the roads. Cops preventing people from going in Walmart to shop, and people getting very angry about it. People shooting each other over a few drops of gas. Just think what would happen during a REAL upheaval. This was just a little category 2 storm in a local area. No power for days, food lines, lines for water, and people complaining about why the “gov” doesn’t help them. No thanks. As it was, I had to warn my brother-in-law that he had way too little food, and he had to drive way out of the area (over 200 miles) to find a grocery store that wasn’t cleaned out.
While most are looking for the so-called “start” date, and then wondering “how long” it will run/last, they are missing the fact that it is happening all around them. The “crash” we’re all looking for went down in the 2nd half of 2008, and anything else is repercussion and further playing out. We used to call it “cause and effect”. Best always. PM
There’s only so much money printing, so much manipulation , so much endless lying and stealing and B.S. and denial you can do. But eventually reality comes calling. That’s where we’re at reality. John Williams gets it. The U.S. economy is a dead corpse being kept alive with QE live support. When we lose reserve status ( and its coming) the feeding tube will be ripped out of our chest, and there will be nothing left but a last gasp of air, and website full of people wondering what the hell happened? That is when theoretical doublespeak will merge with the cold steel blade of fact. 🙂
You should highlight that the first quarter decline is a direct result of the Affordable Health Act. As predicted by many of your guests, AHA will devastate the economy and is only the begin of downward trend.
ThePowersThatBe will continue spin the numbers in order to obfuscate the tragic “mistakes” that had been made.
Winter is coming…
West Tejas 07/13/2014 •
West Tejas says……”The feedback I’ve received is to be “ready” by mid July and expect a rapid decline in the paper price of metals.”……….. (Jeff) I have little doubt we will see unbelievably high metal prices but also expect it to not go as expected or in a straight line………Tegas, can you elaborate on your “feedback” ?
@Jeff there’s no real feedback other than what was given. I wanted pass along this snippet because it aligns to the time frame given by Jerry even though the outcome is different for the short term. As the saying goes, If You Can’t Hold It Then You Don’t Own It.
Greg, love your site, have been reading for some time. We are all searching for the truth & you provide it without fail. Have been reading Jerry’s predictions & think he is correct. Something is up, you can just feel it. Obama has this country spinning out of control. Remember, Saul Alinsky ~ bottom up, top down, collapse the system.
Not sure if you ever read this site but I have stumbled across it. When I read the following article, I thought of you immediately. Please take a few minutes to read it &
judge for yourself. In the meantime, Thank You for everything you do for folks just wanting the truth & please be careful.
Greg, love your site, have been reading for some time. We are all searching for the truth & you provide it without fail. Have been reading Jerry’s predictions & think he is correct. Something is up, you can just feel it. Obama has this country spinning out of control. Remember, Saul Alinsky ~ bottom up, top down, collapse the system.
Not sure if you ever read this site but I have stumbled across it. When I read the following article, I thought of you immediately. Please take a few minutes to read it &
judge for yourself. In the meantime, Thank You for everything you do for folks just wanting the truth & please be careful.
URGENT!! REGIME GONE ROGUE – AMERICA IN THE BALANCE http://www.thenationalpatriot.com/2014/07/10/urgent-regime-gone-rogue-america-in-the-balance/ … via @TheNatPat
Ann Barnhardt, a comodity broker, did a long (2.5 hrs) but very complete presentation on “The Economy Is Going To Implode” on 2-NOV-2012.
She describes the problem and steps to prepare for what is coming. Has gone as far as going on a tax strike. Hope she still filed the correct way. Method will work in USA and Canada.
Would be nice to have her in a pod cast on USAWatchdog.
To Jerry,
You said this in a different thread in regards to your source’s July 15th feedback, “… telling the elite global players to get in position. They are also telling them, to begin buying large amounts of silver in preparation for the new exchange system.”
When I read this comment, I thought, these guys (and everybody else for that matter) had so much time to buy silver, prices have not shot back up since the 2013 downfall; so why buy large amounts of them now in mid-July when they could’ve bought at any other time? It didn’t make sense to me…until I read this comment from West Tejas: “…be “ready” by mid July and expect a rapid decline in the paper price of metals. A couple months after this expect the physical bull market to begin.”
What do you think about what West Tejas’ source is saying here? Thanks.
My source has modified his information recently from new updates from “The City of London Corporation”. It appears that they want to fleece everyone who rushes to safety to buy silver as the dollar starts to tank. Some event in mid July, will cause silver to moonshot in August creating a panic. The thought is that they are planning on using silver as an instrument for daily trade since most people can’t afford gold. After watching what Mexico is getting ready to do, (using silver to back the peso) I know longer think this is theory.
Just remember these people control the markets, and they contact my source to have him place assets for them for maximum return. That’s how he knows. There is no crystal ball. They just point events and people in the general direction that they want things to go. Like this…
I meant to post this information to you. I chuckle reading some of the post here because so many people just don’t get it. You do. There’s only so much money printing, so much manipulation , so much endless lying and stealing and B.S. and denial you can do. But eventually reality comes calling. That’s where we’re at reality. John Williams gets it. The U.S. economy is a dead corpse being kept alive with QE live support. When we lose reserve status ( and its coming) the feeding tube will be ripped out of our chest, and there will be nothing left but a last gasp of air, and website full of people wondering what the hell happened? That is when theoretical doublespeak will merge with the cold steel blade of fact.
I will steal this phrase, make it my own, and people will think i made it up, ALL BY MYSELF. 🙂
“That is when theoretical doublespeak will merge with the cold steel blade of fact.”
Can anyone please provide a link to that GDP inflation adjusted chart?
burger joe
Thanks. But I was looking for the one that Greg was holding in his hand showing the Real GDP figure.
Williams has been predicting imminent hyper-inflation for the past few years in a row …. you know what they say; a broken clock is right twice a day …. and I’m sure Williams will be proven right one of these decades.
Not true. He’s been saying for years that 2014 would be the beginning of hyperinflation and that it could start anytime with a dollar dump by foreigners.
Care to bet me on that?… here’s a link to one of his April 2008 report …
Here’s a snippet from his 2008 report;
“Hyperinflationary Depression Remains Likely As Early As 2010”
BTW – I agree with most of Williams’ reports, however, I think J.W. underestimates the ability of the FED and US Govt. to manipulate markets longer for much longer than he anticipates.
….hyp. infl. remains “likely” for 2010, he leaves door open for crazy fed. res.
@Flowers : I already covered this in a previous post. A lot of commentators such as Greg Hunter have interviewed John Williams over the past few years. John has ‘NEVER’ called by hyperinflation during a specific year however the interviewers will entice some facts out of John Williams then use that as Window Dressings for their articles so the masses will read. John Williams would make a statement such as, “hyperinflation could happen as soon as 2012 should a trigger event happen.” Then the commentators would make the title in large bold black letters: John Williams Predicts Hyperinflation in 2012.
So dig a little deeper and do more research before making those types of statements.
However, I will agree this is stuff of Nostradamus. If it was easily predictable then we would all be millionaires. So cut the guy a little slack as he’s one of the brightest out there!!
Its hard to base predictions on information the government is providing and the opaque desperate actions the Fed does. Williams adjusting his time frame based on new information doesnt mean hes wrong.
I.go back to quote you when you said…Never before in the history of the world have we been facing this degree of economic turmoil.
actually, flowers, IF MY MEMORY IS ATUNE; John, said it should start in 2016 and that around 2012 prediction, BUT, on gregs last or prev. interview or so, John told greg, he was readjusting it up to 2014 because of the insane Q. easing being done. Like Gerald Celente, said; “we forecast events thinking the banking system will do the proper things, only to find out, THEY come up with more criminal/fraud fin. tools, unthought of, only to boggle the mind,” paraphrased my edits for flow.
Williams is correct, he just has to adjust to changing events, a proper, position.
Like, JW, the jackass says, the collapse happened in 2008, THEY just keep adding life support, to stay in power, and suck more out of the system. “paraphrased for flow”
Yesterday marked six years to the day that I ¨awakened¨ (Sunday July 13th 2008). Since then I have taken all the precautions possible within reason, including: (1) Zero debt and clear title to all property owned, (2) The Three B´s, (3) Substantial physical precious metals holdings in various geographic locations, (4) Second residency & fully paid overseas real estate (I´ve actually relocated overseas).
Even with all this, listening to John Williams´ sobering words in response to Greg´s astute questions continues to cause anxiety. While I continue my montly purchase of physical PM´s and my stocking-up of ¨stuff¨, sometimes I worry that it may all be for nothing. I´m afraid that when these maniacs that run our world finaly lose control and conclude that all their efforts have failed, they will do as Gerald Celente often says ¨Take us to war¨.
Short of going completely off the grid and building a bunker, there´s probably little else that I could do… Yet if my personal situation and that of my family is worrisome, I truly feel sorry for the masses that continue their slumber – because if those of us that are prepared should feel uneasy, what does the future hold in store for the sheeple?
– Great Interview Greg, thank you so much for what you do!
You are right! You can prepare for what you are expecting to happen, but you can’t prepare for the unexpected! If/when the armmageddon scenario (US$ collpase, civil war, food shortages, water shortages, etc..) happens even those prepared will most likely not be mentally and spiritually prepared!
Can anyone offer suggestions for people in my financial situation who have little, to no money to invest in precious metals, but have all wealth tied up in pension/403b funds. I talked with my financial advisor, who , by the way has NO clue about any collapse
coming and she suggested I can move some of my investments into a commodity fund, but only a certain %. I have managed to build a good supply of emergency supplies, but worry about losing everything in my pension and 403.
Bill , you have to decide what is more important to you.
Having your money where it is or putting it into a storehouse for wealth.
It is a very personal and serious decision.
I was able to take a loan from my 401k. Once. I used it to buy silver and I have found a way to hold it in several secure locations. The loan terms were a no brainer for me.
I decided to pay it back in 3 years but it diminishes my contributions to the fund.
I simply did it to diversify.
I am long term in silver and do not count on it being a big win.
I simply diversified.
Even now I buy 5 to 10 oz when I can scrape disposable income together.
Just about every other month.
You would be surprised what you can scrape together once you give up something for another priority.
Can employees take loans from their 403(b) account?
Yes, a 403(b) plan may, but is not required to, allow loans. If permitted by the plan, employees may obtain a loan to the extent and in the manner allowed by the plan.
If any participant took a loan from the 403(b) plan and it doesn’t meet the loan rules, or if the participant doesn’t repay the loan, find out how to correct this mistake.
New Flash. EU’s Draghi’s LATEST STIMULUS TOOL may give $1 TRILLION to BANKS….
– targeted lending will provide nearly a trillion dollars of EASY credit
– Draghi says MORE LENDING IS KEY TO STIMULATE ECONOMY (EU is going to spend itself out of insolvency…hahahaha)
– credit plan to issue up to 4 year debt (wonder if the Germans have heard about this?)
Jerry, with this happening, I think it sticks a fork in the predictions we have a bet on but I will graciously wait until midnight July 15th Zulu time before I dance.a victory jig.
Citibank settles mortgage bond fraud issues with DOUBLE THE FINE JP MORGAN paid..!?!?! (Does anyone believe they were twice as evil as JPM)
7 billion…but fine print is only $4.5 billion in cash, 2.5 billion is in debt relief that I believe may be tricky to collect.
Citibank takes a 3.8 billion PRETAX charge but they beat estimated earnings per share of $1.05 by $0.20
Hamas TV / Palestine Media Watch teaches children there is no Israel. Who, with an IQ over 60 and with 3 functional neurons, believes you can negotiate peace with people who inculcate their children from birth to hate Jews and to dedicate their lives to killing them? Obama, being a 21st century man, believes you can reason with the hungry cannibals and talk them out of eating you. A 19th or 20th century man understands the cannibals are inherently evil, hunts them down and puts them to the sword…up to and including their dogs, cats and camels. The best a 21st century man like Obama can negotiate is to be eaten last and thats by sacrificing his citizens instead of himself. That is also inherently evil…and damn stupid.
At some point, the French are going to have to address the terrorist youths that surround their major cities. If they don’t, France will cease exist.
…..cease to exist???? come’on, cease to exist, whos chain u pulling now!!!! That forecast, is stupid!!!!!
So you dont believe everything you read on the internet! You.sure jad me fooled LOL
Guys, France no longer existing is not an altogether bad thing…just sayin’. Best always. PM
Thanks as always Greg, cold water in the face on a Monday morning……………and in the alternate reality, it’s pom-pons and fireworks on CNBC as the Dow rockets up 130 past 17000. And that’s what “they” see…
Another criminal cop being protected by his buddies while the honest working citizen gets the shaft…
What wasn’t mentioned is what lengths the US will go to preserve the petro dollar. Gerald Celente has repeatedly stated that we will go to war. I believe we have stirred the pot in the Middle East for this very purpose. In fact we have played the ends against the middle in that part of the world for the last 65 years. We will create so much instability in the world that we will maintain the dollar by default. There will be no alternative. Perhaps time to get Celente back for an update as things have been moving very guickly.
== Could Obama’s Legacy as a Failed President (Particularly His Handling of the Illegal Aliens’ Invasion) Be Summed up by the Following Tanka? ==
oh, that Murphy’s Law! —
my constant companion;
it leaves no surprise
whenever it deigns to strike:
“what can go wrong, will go wrong”
— Larry W. Bryant (14 Jul 14)
Has anyone else noticed the number of small businesses closing in your neighborhood in comparison to how many new bank branches are being built or opening in the same retail space? Hmmm….
Mark, we’re not supposed to notice THAT. Look at our lovely STOCK MARKET, our low interest rates! Meanwhile, the everyman is struggling just to procure necessities. And the so-called “consumer economy” goes POOF! Best always. PM
Great observation!! I was wondering myself this weekend, “Another bank branch?!” Who is borrowing all this money. Why do they keep this up? I can’t figure out this crazy scenario!!! Yes I have noticed…
John Williams interview on Greg Hunter, 14 July 2014
Good interview and food for thought.
For months I’ve been thinking about many of the alternate media interviews to which I have listened, trying to understand the consequences proposed in these presentations. I’ve tried to summarise my thoughts. The extremes are frightening. Bear with me as I ramble on somewhat.
There’s a number of scenarios to ponder. I’ve given them a title.
1. Hey, there’s nothing wrong! scenario: This thinking is sponsored by The Fed/US Govt and other central banks and governments. Essentially, we’ve low unemployment, low inflation, the economy and GDP are humming along, and everything is just peachy cream. So stop listening to the panic merchants. And give us your guns.
2. The Wall Street/City of London Ponzi scenario: Yes, there’s some trouble in the financial system but it’s not as bad as the tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists postulate. We have the solution, so just trust us to do the right thing by you. Maybe there will be some pain but it’s nothing you can’t handle. By the way, we’re ok.
3. Holy stuff, Batman! scenario: A sort of mild, to middle of the road, collapse – some/many banks will fail, there’ll be financial pain for all of us, but those financially prepared may be able to take advantage of the opportunities that will be presented. A number authors fall into this group. I could be wrong but my list includes John Williams, Mike Maloney, and maybe Jim Rickards. Things aren’t going to be like they were, but overall life is not going to be unbearable. Plus, you may be able to improve your lot if you are astute.
At ~ 15:30 min mark in the interview, Williams states that due to the coming inflation, gold could reach $100k per oz, and even $1 million per oz, with hyperinflation, if it occurs. He is not suggesting that profits should be taken at the time, rather that the value should be a long term hedge to maintain purchasing power. Essentially, holding gold [and silver] will be a hedge against a horrendous currency disaster, which Williams is expecting. Your assets are therefore preserved and will provide “the greatest investment opportunity anyone has ever seen, at that time”. Most others interviewed in the alternate media seem to agree that getting out of paper assets and into “real stuff” [as quoted by Rob Kirby, for example] is the way to go. Mike Maloney suggests the “wealth cycle” approach – get into the undervalued hard assets now [e.g. precious metals], then buy into other assets when PMs peak and the other assets have bottomed out. These comments suggest things aren’t terminal.
4. Mob Rule scenario: Major collapse of all financial systems, local, state and federal governments with the ensuing mob rule. I could be wrong again but my list includes Jim Willie [he suggests serious trouble at ATMs, service stations, and food outlets, as a minimum]; Gerald Celente [have “Guns, Gold and a Getaway plan”, or as he likes to say it, “GC’s 3Gs”].
5. Anarchy scenario: as for 4, but much, much more serious. Possibly civil war internally, and major international wars, and/or WW3? Weapons needed to protect property, oneself and loved ones; widespread death and starvation. One of Greg Mannarino’s interviews about six months ago on USAWatchdog was particularly dark, if you heard it. I really hope we don’t reach this level.
6. Mad Max scenario: self-explanatory. If you are not partial to Mel Gibson, then the equivalents are “Waterworld” or “The Postman”, I suppose. Survival of the fittest, I suspect. This would count me out, worse luck.
Here’s what is in store for us, possibly, after another repeat of 2008 which appears to be due anytime:
• Bail-ins to save insolvent banks, which has already happened in Cyprus. As I understand, there are new provisions for this in banking regulations throughout the world.
• The possibility of the expropriation of our pension and/or superannuation accounts.
• Negative interest rates already announced by ECB, with the unpleasant prospect of this to soon flow on to other central banks, and, inevitably to our bank accounts.
• Inflation, and possibly hyperinflation, that will eventually depreciate to worthless whatever savings our governments and the banksters don’t steal from us.
Now here’s my dilemma:
No one really explains how we are to survive after a systemic failure of the world’s financial systems. Most of the authors say this will happen, and to prepare yourself by getting out of paper assets and into real stuff. They rarely make other positive suggestions. What I can’t fathom is what is the point of maintaining your purchasing power [via PMs] if society is collapsing around you, you are starving to death since there’s no money, jobs or goods in the stores, and you’re trying to fight off the mobs looting your home?
I’ve done some reading and came across one article by an Argentinian who lived through their last crash about a dozen years ago. He mentioned those with PMs were better prepared as they could sell/barter for necessities. However, I have a feeling that the next dose of financial diarrhoea could turn into dysentery – it’s going to be far worse than ever experienced.
There’s only so much prepping one can do; I guess a backyard garden is better than no garden; and we are limited by how much PMs we can buy. I don’t own a gun. I’m a bit loath to kill another person. Sorry to sound so depressing.
Comments are welcome.
Kind regards, Keke
Thanks for the summary. All these scenarios can happen concurrently and / or consequentially, at the same or different geographies. They don’t seem mutually exclusive to me.
What I see as the common denominator for all these authors / scenarios is one will be better off if he’s prepared compared to if he’s not. There is no guarantee, a mob can kill and grab everything a person has and it can even be the government – mic – banking cartel. Yet this possibility shouldn’t prevent one from preparing and just “live the day”.
The big question is what to do. I guess again diversification is the answer. A combination of metals, long lasting food, guns and like minded peers. After all when TSHTF, what else can anyone do?
Thanks for your comments. I’ve done a reasonable amount of diversification. I pulled some cash out of my super fund and purchased PMs over the last six months, so that’s covered. However, one never knows if it’s enough PMs, and is there too much left in paper assets? I have an investment property but this may not work, since if the economy does go belly up, perhaps the tenant does too. I’ve got about three months supply of long lasting food, and a stash of cash. I worry about my nephews and niece, and their young families. Unfortunately, there’s no like-minded peers – everyone with whom I discuss the situation doesn’t want to know, or reckons I’m a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. I may as well be out there head butting concrete pillars. Anyway, I guess we’ll know, sooner or later. Thanks, mate.
keke, you are absolutely correct with the categories. Even though I have all the aforementioned preparations, I don’t think I can be adequately prepared for whatever is coming. Nobody says anything about nuclear situations. That scares me.
Prepare to meet your Maker, through repentance and trust in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus .
Greg – you are 100% correct the Fed cannot stop buying the bonds.
They cannot Raise interest rates.
There is nothing they can do except what I have stated.
They have to purchase all the outstanding US bonds and burn them.
That will give them the ability to raise interest rates.
As for giving away land to other countries – to do that they will need the Army to put down an uprising.
I don’t think it would go over well so scratch that.
Just maybe we might see them close military bases over seas.
Not by choice – when they can not pay the rent what choice do they have.
Why would Germany want them there?
Why would the UK or Spain or any of the Middle East countries want them?
Maybe we wore out our welcome.
France is not too happy with us nor is Germany or China or Russia or – the list just keeps getting bigger.
The debt keeps getting larger
The numbers look worse and the economy is at a stand still for the past seven years.
But hey the stock market looks great – hit new highs and Germany Won the World Cup! So sit back and have another beer – time for the All Star Game – Jeter is leading off. Now what can be more important than that?
Keke, don’t forget Salvation. It is obvious there is good and evil in the world and evil is taking hold by the day. Work you salvation out through Jesus Christ is step number one. Then learn to listen to God and He will direct you. The wise ones know this. You can listen to the naysayers who say Prayer does not work, where is God in all of this?, God or Satan does not exist, blah blah blah. Forming a relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ works and millions know this.
Tough to explain why the Bible has not been snuffed out by any king or government by now and how millions and millions of lives have been effected for the better. Also tough to explain why Christianity is the only religion targeted by the atheists, etc. Because it is truth and the powers of darkness know this. Work it out through Jesus my friend.
Miggy, thanks for replying
Thanks for your encouraging words. When I wrote the original comment, I purposely had no spiritual option, although I knew deep down that there may be comments on this. I was trying not to make this a theological discussion, although the two are intertwined. I haven’t forgotten Christ’s love and His promise. We are subject to two kingdoms, one spiritual, and one earthly. We belong to Christ’s kingdom but live in the earthly one, and there’s no escaping this. We need to be prepared for the earthly, as well as the spiritual. In the end, we need to make decisions regarding our lives so that we contribute to the common good. Basically, I was questioning the opinion that we should prepare for a financial opportunity while, at the same time, we are going to hell in a handcart (so to speak). I’m thinking the authors are lacking an aspect here.
my opinion is, it would look like nothing anyone has seen before and the worst will come out in all of us. i would stay fluid and active and grab the first boat out to a lonely island
Thanks geo, I’m thinking the same, but I really hope the worst doesn’t come out of me. I’m not sure about a lonely island near where I live, I think they are mostly barren rocks! Regards, Keke.
Cogent, sobering and informative interview.
Silver is still dirt cheap and it is never too late to buy.
Just buy 1 oz.
If you didn’t appreciate it after holding it I would be surprised.
I hope they can keep this charade going for another 30 years. I certainly don’t want to live in a post collapse world.
Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.
i am with you on that, the alternatives just suck every which way and we are not ready.
NcDirtDigger……aint that the God’s honest truth. I think if the truth be told, most of us would rather not go through the coming hell storm. But, then our kids would be left to deal with one hell of a bigger mess and I don’t think they are equipped to handle it if you ask me. No, it’s better we go through this now and get it over with. Every day it delays the outcome will become more and more dire.
Amen Oregon Patriot from a neighbor to your east. We are no longer concerned with preserving a government (much less an evil one) than preserving liberty for our children.
God will have the final word but we do not know when. And let’s not bet our Birkenstocks on the feel-good rapture taking giving us early boarding privileges.
God has ALREADY provided us many blessings and we aim to use them to protect our children to the best of our ability.
A lot of people are infuriated with this border problem. We have to solve this kaos problem before we do anything else regarding immigration reform. Obama, knows it’s a problem, the rest of us know it’s a problem, the kids and their gang bangers know and they’re going to have to be deported. The maimed steamed media and their lackeys just don’t seem to know what the heck is going on anymore. They have to somehow pull there heads back out of their backsides, where the sun shines, if you know what I mean, unlike USAWatchdog that keeps reflecting brightly that sunshine of a free people, which means we have a free press here. Thank you Greg Hunter!
The EX-IM bank is going to have a vote. The bank is nothing but corporate crony capitalism, corporate welfare and fraud,. Their officers have been bought off making loans and guaranties with gifts and money. This whole corrupt agency which is a government owned bank should be completely abolished and it’s officers tared and feathered and paraded before the people, bypassing our maimed steamed media. That’ll make a point with the people! This stupid bank doesn’t help jobs, it may help Boing but then it hurts Delta. Remember they help foreign competition, we are giving them money and guarantees to compete against our own companies. So Boing benefits but Delta does not, giving money away to Turkish oil refiners, that means Valero is going to be hurt, actually on balance that stupid bank is costing the United States jobs, even though it helps a handful of people, what is it, ten mega corporations get 60% of EX-IM money, where’s main streets money? Well main street doesn’t have big lobbies, this is something the maimed steamed media should step onto the plate and attack, instead of fussing over popular media types rear ends! The US. should be pro business, free market business. Corporate welfare queens and crony capitalist parasites are not for free market capitalism. That stupid bank give’s handouts to powerful lobbyists who contribute to political campaigns. The Chamber of Con_merce and the National Ass o! ciation of manufacturers have let down, the ones they owe their jobs to and have swore to protect, we the people not the sheeple! They should be ashamed of themselves and run out of the country! Do us a favor and set up shop in Russia or China and leave us alone and believe you me, you wont last long there my friends! Let me review some numbers, down through the years you know who’s gotten the monies from the XM-IM bank? How about this! 1o.4 billion to our friends in Saudi Arabia who promote terrorism around the world and who knocked off the world trade center, the biggest bank heist in history! 7.3 billion goes to China! We have to give money to China? They own us and Australia, (sorry mates, misery loves company). Wasn’t Bill Clinton, giving them our ballistic missile technology enough? Did they ever pay us for that? The technology to destroy us, no, besides paying off Bill’s buddies? 1.8 billion to Russia! If this keeps up, we’ll wish the Russka’s owned us instead of China! Then 2 billion to our good friends in communist Venezuela, who cant stand our guts, maybe we shouldn’t blame em,LOL! Who in the hades is running this ship of fools? Why do we have to give them help? I’ll tell you why, it goes back to our same maimed steamed media, they didn’t do their job and allowed all these crooks to keep steering this ship of fools around, because after we all wind up in steerage, were all going down with this ship including there sorry arse’s! Dont they realize this, don’t they care for their kids and grandkids? Or is it just party like its still just 1999 and we got the time? Take a look at the clock on the wall and the handwriting is on the wall! It’s over, nada, it’s to late and soon it’s going to be every man women and child for himself and herself! Put that in pipe and smoke it on the USS Pipedream as wee go to the bottom of the sea, in a beautiful, horrid, purple haze.
A lot of people are infuriated with this border problem. We have to solve this kaos problem before we do anything else regarding immigration reform. Obama, knows it’s a problem, the rest of us know it’s a problem, the kids and their gang bangers know and they’re going to have to be deported. The maimed steamed media and their lackeys just don’t seem to know what the heck is going on anymore. They have to somehow pull there heads back out of their backsides, where the sun shines, if you know what I mean, unlike USAWatchdog that keeps reflecting brightly that sunshine of a free people, which means we have a free press here. Thank you Greg Hunter!
The EX-IM bank is going to have a vote. The bank is nothing but corporate crony capitalism, corporate welfare and fraud,. Their officers have been bought off making loans and guaranties with gifts and money. This whole corrupt agency which is a government owned bank should be completely abolished and it’s officers tared and feathered and paraded before the people, bypassing our maimed steamed media. That’ll make a point with the people! This stupid bank doesn’t help jobs, it may help Boing but then it hurts Delta. Remember they help foreign competition, we are giving them money and guarantees to compete against our own companies. So Boing benefits but Delta does not, giving money away to Turkish oil refiners, that means Valero is going to be hurt, actually on balance that stupid bank is costing the United States jobs, even though it helps a handful of people, what is it, ten mega corporations get 60% of EX-IM money, where’s main streets money? Well main street doesn’t have big lobbies, this is something the maimed steamed media should step onto the plate and attack, instead of fussing over popular media types rear ends! The US. should be pro business, free market business. Corporate welfare queens and crony capitalist parasites are not for free market capitalism. That stupid bank give’s handouts to powerful lobbyists who contribute to political campaigns. The Chamber of Con_merce and the National Ass o! ciation of manufacturers have let down, the ones they owe their jobs to and have swore to protect, we the people not the sheeple! They should be ashamed of themselves and run out of the country! Do us a favor and set up shop in Russia or China and leave us alone and believe you me, you wont last long there my friends! Let me review some numbers, down through the years you know who’s gotten the monies from the XM-IM bank? How about this! 1o.4 billion to our friends in Saudi Arabia who promote terrorism around the world and who knocked off the world trade center, the biggest bank heist in history! 7.3 billion goes to China! We have to give money to China? They own us and Australia, (sorry mates, misery loves company). Wasn’t Bill Clinton, giving them our ballistic missile technology enough? Did they ever pay us for that? The technology to destroy us, no, besides paying off Bill’s buddies? 1.8 billion to Russia! If this keeps up, we’ll wish the Russka’s owned us instead of China! Then 2 billion to our good friends in communist Venezuela, who cant stand our guts, maybe we shouldn’t blame em,LOL! Who in the hades is running this ship of fools? Why do we have to give them help? I’ll tell you why, it goes back to our same maimed steamed media, they didn’t do their job and allowed all these crooks to keep steering this ship of fools around, because after we all wind up in steerage, were all going down with this ship including there sorry arse’s! Dont they realize this, don’t they care for their kids and grandkids? Or is it just party like its still just 1999 and we got the time? Take a look at the clock on the wall and the handwriting is on the wall! It’s over, nada, it’s to late and soon it’s going to be every man women and child for himself and herself! Put that in pipe and smoke it on the USS Pipedream as wee go to the bottom of the sea, in a beautiful, horrid, purple hazes.
That’s 10.4 billion dollars to our good friends in Saudi Arabia!
Get rid of the EX-IM bank, the end of corporate welfare and tell the American sheeple well take the money, 140 or 150 billion dollars and recycle that into across the board tax reduction, drop the corporate tax from 40 to 20%
Let small companies (s-corps) be eligible for that lower tax rate. that’s what we ought to do with that money not hand it out to a few big company’s, Boing, Caterpillar and the likes, nothing against them, they just don’t need taxpayer money and neither do these country’s like Venezuela, case closed.
Lets.scrap the.whole.seventy.thousand.pages of tax.code and rewrite.it to.a.one.page.document
Distractions, distractions, distractions.
It’s all about the long planned invasion of the USA by foreign forces under the IMF/UN/WB AGENDA 21 to overtake America, and all Americans. The well executed crash and bank failures are all happening on schedule. The lack of public spending will just speed up the collapse in October, if not before because of another contrived govt sponsored and supported false flag event. Prepare to feed your neighbors. Start now to organize community protection circling of your wagons.
Satan’s armies are on the march to kill off EVERY SINGLE MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD that believes in the God of Love and goodness WORLD WIDE! Color, race, religion, country, rank, position, job, grade, or life stature does not matter. They want to kill YOU ALL and then after, they the evil minions too will be slaughtered.
Their god money is the tool they will use to do that. Every unbelievable evil that harms or kills humans, or destroys any property any where in the world has this at its base for reasons why it is all happening. Most humans kow-tow to the satanic/luciferic god, money. That which they hold dear, will be their demise soon. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Moar and moar distractions will happen to cover up the crash and well planed martial law to kill off the last of America, as well as all her freedoms. The agenda is death to all, life to the rich and powerful nazi/zionist/banksters from hell in their underground cities for the next century. There below all the planned chaos to come, is the population elimination and world domination agendas by the rothyschild and rockofeller babylonian-elitist-asshat-dynasties of evil wickedness.
They plan to pit America’s military and police forces against the People so they will kill each other off, making it easier for the foreign forces and over paid mercenaries like the CIA created ISIS in Iraq to come in and kill them all off. Caesars age old divide and conquer methodology is well at work in the nation that is too stupid to do anything but continue to play the divide, and I’m better than you idiotics of disillusionment and illusion. Even now, their satanic paid-off-minion-terrorists are flooding over the US borders disguised as children in need. The invasion of foreign forces has already begun and chinese PLA have been discovered hiding in the crowds as kids. The diseases will spread and be another scary ramped fear-cause for the planned martial law lock down. Got your shot? No?? Get shot!!!
How farked up is this crazy situation that most Americans support in the name of, WTF? The big bankster politician-puppet’s god, money?? Here is the CIA created ISIS that is supported and funded by the American Tax Payer money, and controlled by the rothychoild attack dog puppet apartheid regime that fired bottle rocket missiles on itself to use as an excuse to commit war crimes in Gaza right now.
What kind of world is this that allows this blatant murder to happen, much less to continue unabated or cared about? And, who the hell needs a UN if they condone the merciless murdering to continue in Gaza? To bring it back to home, who needs a US border guard or national guard if they do not guard the borders from the foreign invasion that is happening RIGHT NOW? WTF???
Anyone that supports this evil regime, will rot in hell for it. THAT, is God’s promise and you can bet your sweet bippy all is known and all will pay the piper at the end of the trail when you are done here. There is NO ESCAPE from this Law no matter what anyone says, or thinks they believe. Every soul will meet the Scale of Justice. MA AT!
What is happening in Iraq, the Ukraine, and Gaza is going to happen to all the American people after the crash and lock down. This is what America will deserve after refusing to see God’s Light/Knowledge for so many decades. Stupid is what stupid does, and stupid will get what stupid deserves.
The only thing that will stop all this country killing insanity is for every single American to drop the self-built walls, pre-conditioned fears, and unite like never before against the beast that is planning on killing you, your families, and all your communities. Stop it now, or it will stop you ALL dead soon.
Listen to Dave Hodges on Sunday nights.
Mike Rivero in the day:
(Gosh darn sad that the only place the world can get real truthful TV news is from a communist Russian TV station)
(copy and resend this epistle to all your lists)
I cut some of your links. These links were not good information and some of it itotally unfounded and false. Please do not come here and Israel bash.
Great Job Mr. Hunter !!!! Praise God Jehovah !!!!! Israel is mother to all of us, Jews and Christians alike ! America was foiunded on the tenets of Judeo Christion ideals. As Americans, we need to stand up against the terrorists that hate our freedoms and fight for her ! God bless America !
Wow, Dude, you.preach a lot of hate for someone pretending to spread God’s word.
This is addressed to the “Heart” ..need to start doing that @ thing
Their customers pay their corporate tax,not them.Its purely a pass through cost
for them.Abolish all corporate taxes and subsidies.Don’t stop there,abolish
the illegal federal income tax as well.The 16th amendment never passed,
and gave NO power to levy a federal income tax in any case.
Where do you propose that govt get their funds for their real mission. National defense.and the.legal.system. I too believe income taxes are onerous and likely illegal but you have.to rend.unto.Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.
Cut the Corp tax rate to a sliding scale of 5 to 15%
Abolish income tax on personal income….you still.have.to pay.FICA….end.limits on FICA…If you have liquid assets.over two and a.half million, you dont.get medicare or social.security…if you.are an illegal alien you.dont get any federal or state assistant, even and.especially children…they are not our monkeys, its.not our circus…
Add a 3% national.sales.tax.that can not be.raised except.by a national.referendum.
@TheHeart. Like most liberals, you have.a heart but not a brain. You obviously let other.people.do your thinking for you. You absorb.their toxic crap and then regurgitate it as fact. The.problem you have.is that it aint fact. I WILL.EXPLAIN THIS ON A SIMPLETON LEVEL SO YOU HAVE A CHANCE.OF UNDERSTANDING
You call yourself “The Heart”, I think you.and your other antisemitism fruitloops are in reality Govt trolls seeking.to put toxic crap on Gregs site to discredit him and his mission at USA Watchdog.
The Heart…yeah, right,…change.it.to your a$$
…please.go back.to.OZ.and.see.if the wizard has a.spare.
For those of you who want to delve in deeper about information concerning the collapse of the dollar, and when its coming, I highly recommend 30 minutes of your time with this interview.
I wish I could tell you that the banking cabal is make believe and Hollywood , but it is quite real. My uncle (who is now deceased) was contracted with elements of the cabal when he was in special forces during WWII. Not much is known about what he actually did by the family, but I can tell you this, the man never worked, but yet never wanted for anything. He always had new cars and extravagant homes his entire life. And not by inheritance.
Greg, Philippe Reines would be a great interview, if you can catch him! This Guy’s from Hillary’s & John Kerry”s, Vicky’s la la Nu land!
~Go to 38:40~
Philippe I. Reines (born November 25, 1969) joined the State Department as a Senior Advisor to United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when she was sworn into office in January 2009, and he was later promoted to the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State.[1]
Reines is currently a Managing Director at Beacon Global Strategies LLC, which he founded with partners Michael Allen, Jeremy Bash, and Andrew Shapiro in 2013.[2][3]
In its December 2009 profile of Hillary Clinton, Vogue magazine described him as Clinton’s “Michael Clayton-esque image man and fixer.”[4] In March 2010, The Washington Post’s WhoRunsGov included him in its Power 25: Press series, and in July 2010, Politico included Reines in their 50 Politicos to Watch list, categorizing him as a “fixer.”
In 2009, Politico ran a scathing piece on March 24 blaming Reines for one of Clinton’s early gaffes as Secretary of State, misspelling the Russian translation of the word “Reset” on a gag button presented to Clinton’s Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov.[5]
Through January 2009, Reines served as Senior Advisor & Press Secretary for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.[6]
As the primary point of contact between Senator Clinton’s official office and the national press corps, Reines served as one of Senator Clinton’s primary spokesmen, and was responsible for many of her interviews and media appearances. In 2003, Reines helped orchestrate the media campaign and seven-month book tour that accompanied the release of Living History, Senator Clinton’s bestselling memoir of her time in the White House.[citation needed]
Previously, Reines served as Communications Director for U.S. Representative Jane Harman (D-CA)[citation needed]
Prior to his work on Capitol Hill, Reines was a member of the 2000 Gore-Lieberman presidential campaign’s rapid response operation.[citation needed] Reines remained involved in former Vice President Gore’s public activities after Gore left office in 2001.[citation needed] He served as Al Gore’s Teaching and Research Assistant for his “Covering National Affairs” course at the Columbia School of Journalism in the Spring of 2001.[citation needed] In December 2002 he contributed material for Gore’s appearance on Saturday Night Live.[citation needed]
After the 2000 Presidential election was decided, Reines returned to New York and spent a year as Deputy Communications Director for the New York City Council before joining Speaker Peter Vallone’s mayoral bid.[citation needed]
A New York City native, Reines earned his political science degree from Columbia University School of General Studies.[7]
During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, in addition to his role as a Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton, he served as a spokesman for Chelsea Clinton, traveling with her throughout the primaries.[8]
In September 2012, Reines vigorously took issue with CNN over its use of Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens’s diary, which CNN found at the site of an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi which killed the ambassador. CNN fired back by suggesting that the State Department was “attacking the messenger” because of “questions about why the State Department didn’t do more to protect Ambassador Stevens.”[9] Some media critics sided with CNN and questioned whether Reines’ real grievance was indeed with CNN’s disrespect for the privacy wishes of Stevens’ family; BuzzFeed published an email exchange between Reines and Michael Hastings where the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State told Hastings to “Fuck off.”[10] Reines also took issue with a reporter’s questions in December 2012, calling a Fox News correspondent’s question about his boss “absolutely asinine.”[11]
By The Reliable Source;
(Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post) Philippe Reines, the “Peter Pan of Hillaryland” and longtime spokesman for the secretary of state, is a “self-promoting” “loose cannon” who has nearly been fired many times but has managed to survive, writes our colleague Jason Horowitz, thanks to his knack for self-preservation and rabid loyalty to Clinton. (You may remember him for the gag gift of a “reset” button to the Russian foreign minister that went awry due to faulty translation.) Why read this long story? Because Philippe Reines is Washington: a “dysfunctional family of politicos, operatives, staffers, reporters, TV bookers, media types, government officials and frosted society scenester. And he bears some of their less appealing traits: an addiction to background dish, media recognition and proximity to power
~For slimy politicians~
” And Helots!”
Look at what the Federal Reserve has planned for US homeowners. What an asset grab. This journalist does a lot of exclusive reporting. She’s got the NY Fed doc here. EXPOSED Federal Reserve Doc: Go from paper homeowner instruments to electronic. Foreclosure fraud? What fraud?
Brian…I understand MERS and foreclosure gate. Read the article and don’t see a connection. How is going from paper to electronic ownership a problem (after the fact). Before the problem was created during the loan process and title was lost(in a sea of ambiguity). Now, an existing loan has full title. How does electronic means effect that ?
Its all about the.promissory note. Its a paper document and a legal document. The MERS is not a legally recognized system by any.of the States and the Clerk of Court will not assign any liens or foreclosures based on it…thats why the banks had to forge an ass load of promissory notes and have.them robosigned….its called fraud
Hard to both prepare for the worse (economic collapse) and also prepare for the best (large balance in 401k and retirement)!
Hi Greg, It’s finally happening .
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/emerging-nations-plan-own-world-bank-imf-191407424–finance.html…………….The New World Order is dead . Before you call me a conspiracy theorist read the second paragraph of this article . The scary thing is what will a world order ran by the BRICS nations look like ? The West did a pretty bad job running the planet but it’s better than two nuclear powered communist countries (China and Russia) Yikes .
Good job as usual
nothing can be worse than what the west has done to the world. you in the US obviously enjoyed prosperity and stuff, we people outside the west have not had a chance yet because of western policies, wars, corporations, ngos and what have you. Russia has forgiven African countries’ debt many years ago, Putin just wrote off 90% of Cuba’s debt and the rest is going to be invested in Cuba’s development. have you watched UNSC meetings? the US called Russians thieves, there’ve been other derogatory words thrown here and there, Russia always refers to the west as colleagues and friends. they treat peoples as equals and partners, and they don’t see themselves as exceptional nations. this already shows a lot of what BRICS leadership can be like. i would suggest that you should learn more about Chinese philosophy to understand their mentality and why they make certain decisions, and why their leadership will be much better than what your faschist government has to offer, but oh well they are just communists and that’s enough for you to judge them, why would you be interested in learning anything else about them? oh the level of American exceptional brainwashing.
You might as well.write off what you are not getting.paid anyway. Makes for good PR. What fine upstanding country.do you call home? IRAN? North Korea? Just curious
the place your country has destroyed. no matter what, i wish your people to be free, healthy, and happy. good bye.
You are the spin doctor. Now be a good dem and go back to college and do nothing….
i am a person who sees things differently. hard to deal with a differing opinion? i have an excellent education and i have been doing quite a lot of positive things for myself and my people in my life. thank you.
Been getting prepared for TEOTWAWKI for so long I forget what my world used to look like.
The WHO ruled against the US using a definition of govt owned entity that would make Bill.Clinton’s attempt to redefine “is” look.credible.
News flash…Iranian nuclear talks fail…anyone surprised? I mean we gave them billions and relaxed sanctions…Shows what a dream world the Obama administration lives in
7/15/ Event update.
Just in as of 12:30 CST can’t say for sure what is going on, but something is getting ready to go down.
Severe jamming of the US Global Command Freq 11175 now ongoing,
began within last few hours and continuing. Being heard by multiple ears
around conus, it is a strong buzzing signal composed of two peak signal.
Jamming like this only occurs in wartime and is an act of war. Hawk got to
listen to it as let him hear over phone. Wanted to let know just in case.
Again, heavy ongoing definite jamming occurring. Jesus is Lord. UPDATE: Now jamming US Global Command freq 13200 khz, so they are moving
jam according to propogational use to prevent useage of HF command
freqs. Earlier they began the jam by disruption of Skyking broadcast and
also aircraft to comsta traffic attempt. Something very serious going on.
Jesus is Lord. COLD WAR WARRIOR-9:06 PM –The jamming signal changes freq and sometimes ceases for a period of time.
No US transmissions soon after on the HF, and a little while ago the US was
checking its Emergency UHF frequencies that are also used to transmit
EAM in case of HF failure or unable to use. Bet the comsta folks etc are
scrambling now to get a grip on it all. Will keep ears on and watch for more
Could be wrong, but according to the RF guys on base those are not C&C freqs. I feel like as soon as I send this the TV is gonna show Russia and NATO forces going at it haha. But according to them that is fairly typical and can be caused by solar flares at any time.
Brics announce their new bank today. Could this be the July 15 event that is the beginning of the US dollar collapse?
Read the fine print, the.contributions level and time.frame. its an infrastructure and development bank, from what I read, not a.bail out organization. I’d love to close the.IMF, World Bank.and the Un. Why are.we paying.the bulk of all these organizations?.they do but steal.and cheat.us
I think its something else.
I just saw a.news flash.on TV…SKYNET.HAS.TAKEN OVER OUR NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND LAUNCHED…oh, wait…Sorry, false alarm. I was.watching.Terminator.
I.am.sitting.a.few.miles.from an.air.base nothing going on but.a little normal.flying.
Tick, tick, tick, tick Dude, the clock is running out. I am so looking forward to the 16th
I called a buddy at.Cherry Point and asked about any jamming. He called back after checking and not any.problems here in NC. Wish I’d been smart enough.to ask.about.the frequencies.
Keep up.the.reporting.but.so far.you’re looking like Orsen Wells and War of the Worlds.
I don’t have any first hand knowledge. I’m just going by what I’m being told.
Sorry, I really couldnt help myself. But dont worry…I am in a first.strike.area. You wont get to tell me you told me so hahaha
The date that Christine Lagarde give in one of here speech is this one. 20/07/2014
I think that the negotiations with Iran will fail and that the US will go to war with Iran. After the economy will collapse.
Ivan, Obama is anti Israel. He isnt going to war with Iran.
7/15/ Update. 6: PM CST
It appears the Russians were testing to see how fast we were on the draw when those jamming signals were sent out. Don’t fall asleep on this one though, it may not happen today. but something is for sure getting ready to go down in Ukraine.
Jerry , do you have any idea how they determined that this jamming was coming from the Russians? I’m not disagreeing with you and I don’t buy what the radio guys on base said. I think if this did in fact come from Russia then it’s pretty simple to understand that they are testing our defenses. No different than enemy aircraft skirting our airspace to test reaction time. However I think with Russia, this could get very real, very quick. Keep us updated!
Its ok, you dont.have.to disagree….I do enough for the.both of us.
And disregard, apparently it is fairly easy to determine where the jamming was coming from. Haha, not my career field. Proceed…
I love USA Watchdog and share it with my family and friends; keep up the great work. What did you think of Mr. Putin sitting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff at the World Cup Final, before the BRICS Summit? BRICS courting a new ally?
They are all going to be currency and business partners. Got gold? Got silver? Got land? Got Food? Got lead?
Greg, JM,
I for one do not look forward to a world that is becoming much like a high school dance. That being one where the new kids are the cool kids and we Americans and Brits etc. are the nerds standing in the corner picking our noses and feeling awkward.
Greg, whats the chance of a controlled and slow move out of the dollar. I hope not to be naive, however I do understand TPTB want to grab everything and anything but someone finally coming out and making since of our debt and the transition out of the reserve currency. In other words ( Due to our climate and situation a Govt speech ). A we must work together in this transition to be as painless for the citizens of our country ? Weeks, mos before a crisis and still somehow use the US dollar in a basket with a commodity backing. Or is there no chance in hell for something like that in happening, just a day of reckoning. Thanks, I somewhat know your answer.
Mike Soon Over,
Who want to be the last person off the Titanic? You knew that though. Thank you for the comment.
Back in early 2008, John Williams predicted the U.S. would experience hyperinflation by 2010. Williams’ predictions of hyperinflation predated this period. 2010 came and went without any signs of hyperinflation.
Then Williams updated his report calling for the same in 2011. Again 2011 came and went without any signs of hyperinflation. Now Williams states it will certainly come no later than 2014. Before posting a rebuttal, please read this report.
I would like to hear John’s comments regarding the 4 % GDP number. Probably due to manipulation and such? Or maybe his forecast is just plain off base? I am not sure why people are so unable to say ” Boy was I wrong”. I do it every day.